THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH. THURSDAY, JUNE 9 1892. ONE CENT A DAY. "ovol reature for fhe Culled rresby- trrl.n Decennial Thankofferlntr. A- special meetim; of the Allegheny Pres rterial Society was held yesterday in the ourth TJ. p. Church, Montgomery avenue, hear reports from the General Convention 5ld at Philadelphia on May 10 and 12. Miss Jennie B. AVallace read a paper on e church extension worfc. She said that e Women's General Mission Society has en up the work of erecting parsonages by vingaid in the form of long-time loans. It "r has 54,200 loaned to the church at Col ado Springs, and 52,000 to the church at iii'llay, O. Miss M. Allen read a paper on the work the May convention, describing the irious leature! of the programme. The uort made of the Ireedman's mission work as treated by Miss Blanche Calhoun, who id stress on the attention that is paid to dustrial training in the schools lor edu ting the negro. Mrs. H. C Campbell spoke about the gen ial work of the convention, Miss Mary M. hompon discussed the prospects of future oik awLMrs. B. F. Litch read a number extracts from the reports on the work in ldia and Egvpt. Mrs. J. J. Porter urged that each woman esent indorse bv her deeds the resolu ons adopted by the convention, viz.: That .ch member endeavor, early in the year, secure an additional member, and that ich member add to her decennial thak tering 1 cent a day. If this is done bv eryoneo! the present 20,712 members, to y nothinr of the new members, an ofter g ol 575,000 more than uual will celebrate e tenth anniversary of the society. A request was made for materials to be ken by Miss Harriet Conner to her sew C shool in Egypt, as it is hard to obtain ipplies for the children to work on. IF you have failed to rent jour rooms 'ter direr or four wee Its' advertising elae lierr, cive 1 HE DI-FATCM a cent-a-word llet. it lias seenred tenants for miny ad rtUers. Showing On Apul 21, 3Ir. Caroline Keltz, of Ken ngton, puiched Irom the Burrell Iin oveiuent Company, lot Xo. 2L in block 5, tuatedon Ninth stieet, In the new cityot eiisimrton, lor which she paid $1,600 cash, te sold tue same lot on May 17 (less than ie month) for $2,200 cash. Similar cases ale equentlj occuirin:? in this property. More money can be made, and made Ir. a irtertime, in putting jour savings In lots Kensington than in any investment you n make. Come to our office. No. 79 Fourth 'enue, and set flee railtoad tickets. Dres Goods Bargains. India silk. Surah silk, French challls, En-i-h broche, llediord cords, chevrons, diag mis, seizes, plaid and summer novelties id special prices to close, at U. J. Lyncli's, S-H0 ilarket street. 75c, Formerly SI 50. 2 Xos. men's line French balbriggan shirts d draw crs. A. G. Campbell & Sons, 27 Firth avenue. 3ILET1NGS AND NOTICES. .Notices. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TnATCERTIFI- CA1E or deposit No 2119 for $1,600. Issued av7. ISO. by T Mellon A Sons tn James Slierlln :urwje known as Mterelllu). lias been .. sin a all jersons are warned not to negotiate or vance raoncj on the same HENRY A. DAVIS, Executor of James Shevcrin. TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, T otlce Is herebj given that the time for receiving Is for construction of Shakespeare School House, . entletli ward Pittsburg, has bton extended m June 10, lS9i to WEDNESDAY. June 15, A at 2 o'clock p. si. T. D. EVANS. Architect. S.OI'.. Secy, of Libert) school Board. I.ocal Notlre. FTTCns TFSTAMENTARY ON THE ESTATE . 'f Iald V. Bell having been granted to the in. r'lgncd. all persons Indebted to the estate are qarstAl to make payment, and those bating ns lo present them to FRANCE'S M. BELL. 6341 Marchand St., r ' er attorner. A. JVI IMBltIK; 100 Diamond st. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., 121 ana 125 Fourth avenue. 'STATE OF LOUISA BEARD. DECEASED tlce is hereby given that letters of admln--atlon on the estate of Louisa Beard have been anted to the unders'gned, to whom all persons dented to said estate aic requested to make imme ate pavment. and those having claims agatnst e e aine should make known without delay, I IDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO.. Administrator. 1VID Q. EWING. Attorney. PROPOSALS. OCR HOT AIR HEATING FURNACES named Bids will be received until ONUAY. June 20, 3 o'clock p. jr., for the n.din o four hot air heating furnaces in ant (Thiid ward) sub-district school ;ube. Grant Ft. O. S. McIIWAlNE. Secretarv. Citv 'lieasurer's office. rrrrSBUKO, June S, 1S32, FLAGSTONE SIDEWALK WANTED Bid will be received until MONDAY, me 20, at 3 o'clock p. m.. for the laving of .jstone sidewalk in front of Grant snb srrtct school house, on Grant st. and ap oaches to buildlnjr. O. S. McILWAINE, Secretary, Cit Tieasurers office. 1'rrrsBCP.G, June 8, liSK. TTENTION, LONTRAt TORS UNTIL 7 V. r N. TUESDAY. June S3, 1892, bids will teceived for grading, paving mid cutbing lurth av. Railroad av. and Third St. In the iroujrh of Chartiers, in accordance with ans and specifications to be seen at office Engineers McDonald and Chalmers, 811 nn building, and at office of A. XV. Mc iIIph, J. P.. Chaitiejs borough; paving, trifled firebrick: cut bingsandstone; pa vins i rj Y'i.. rurbing per lineal foot; bond in mo $10 000 to accompany each bid. Conn 1 reserves pon or to reject anvand all bids. JOHN KXMl'F. 'Cri. St, Com. AUCTION "5ALE. AUCTION SALE. The furnihment of a residence, carpets, rniture, bedding, etc., FRIDAY, June 10, 10 o'clock, at the looms ot tne Henrv notion Co., 24 and 26 Ninth st. The entire inishment of a fine residencemovedtothe ore for sale. Elegant caipets for rooms, ills and stairs, chamber suites In oak, wal tt and mahogany, mirror door wardrobe, nkcase, desks, sideboards, ext, tables, iairs and rockers, line parlor suites uphol ered in brocatelle tapestry and rugs, bles, mattresses, springs and bedding, tclit'n and laundry curtains and cornice, lo positive, owner leaving the city. ENltY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. HARLE3 DAVIS. AUCTIONEER-ELEGANT household furniture made by crube. Elliot 4 yie Vogel 4 Co.. of N ew York. Costly Imported ic-a-brac, elegant parlor suits In silk brocatelle, '1 llton rugs, 7i octave Cabinet Grand up rht piano; also several fine diamond rings, suit It for a lady. Dreden and French vases, costly em maiiul cabinets, pier mirrors and rablnets, nih br tuic. raie aud costly oil paintings lm rted from lenna, onvx pedestals, tables, Irish iut laee curtains, bedroom suits In oak and wal t. to 1 sold bv order of the oi uer, THCRsDAi MORNING. JUNES. commencing at 10.30. rain or shine. 1NTAINFDIN IHEELEOVNT RESIDENCE. jwjuiiitLioi , 1,-ott. JJ1LM Jt.1.1. ALLEGHENY, er 4in lots, valued at 118,100. moquette and body useels carH ie. This sale embraces over 400 , orthe most valuable collection of fine furniture at w e have offered Tor sale lhi6 season. We have ,-n Instructed to sell without limit or reserve tne tire household furniture. The whole Is new. e Incite the elite trade of the city to this sale. ,use ipen at 8:3 morning of sale, i&ire cherry cabinet, cherry mantel and piers, itch gilt reception chairs, rockers, odd chairs. gs. fine clocks and figures, onjx stands and les. piano, lamp, candelabra, elegant reception on lurnlture, rugs, parlor suits, paintings, ses, also library lurnlture, book case, chairs. u-h bedroom suits in walnut and oak, hair ttresses, pillows, bolsters, springs, comforters, oak hall hatstand. DiU'ng room contains slve extension table. Oak chairs sideboard, China cloeti, dinner sets. Tea sets, arlsbad plates Tet?.ate:esets, sets In satin case, t ull line r silverware. Quadruple plate, etc. "MONEY WANTEDT" He vant loans for three clients as fol : One mortgHge 8700. one mortgage "00, and one mortgage $3,000, on property tue city of Biaddock, worth three times e amounts named; 6 per cent, payable mi-annually; thiee years' time. HUDSON & M'CUE, Attornej s at Law 100 Diamond street, Pittsburg. X" cNAUGUEK CO.. " t ONTKACTORS FOR iving sidewalks, roadways, y.irds, mills, ..bles and cellar floors with cement, stone, IckjConcrete and Tjte brick. Cntbstone rnishedandset. ISx'ederal St., Allegheny ty. Fa, G KirDisplau advertisement! one dollar per souarefor one insertion. Classified real estate advertisements on this page ten cents per line forQ each insertion, and none taken for less than thirt cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under tlie following headings will be ac cepted at t!ie rite of OXE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance rjther at main or branch office?. Wateia JLdxerlisemcnts of allKinds. SUCH A3 SITUATIONS HALF. HELP, FrsHEE HELP, AGENT. ROOMS, BOARDING, BOARDER'S, MISCKLUNEOUS, FERONAt, TO LET ROOM'S, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AXD FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Suiilhtl'Id Rti'l Diamond Streets. ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS, WHERE WANT. FOR SALE, TO LET. ANP OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertlements should be prepaid unless adver tisers alreadr have account! with The Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 107 FEDERAL &T.. TELEPHONE SKI. FOR THE SOUTH!inF, NO. I2 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 60S. FOR THE EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 611 TENN AV. PITTSnURR-ADDITlONAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. S5C0 Butler street EMIL G. STUOKEY. Slth street and Penn avenue. ALI.TOHENY ADDITIONAL. F. H. EGGERS Jt SO n. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMA SICHENRT, Western and Irwin avenues. W ANTED. 31 ale Hula. B ATiBER A good barber; good wages. Louis Bolster. 77 Lowry St., troy jiui, Auegneny. BARBER Immediattly. beccast.. Alleghen. E.J. Williams 83 Ke- EARHEK Good barber immediately. Johnson. 58 Ninth it. Thos. II. T ARBER-Must be a good man. SET Penn av. TJARBEK at George Kramer's, S30 Fifth av. "OARBER at 173 Juniata sL, Allegheny. BOILER MAKERS wanted-We offer highest wages, steady work to thoroughly competent boiler makers: men w orking CO days steady will be allowed railroad fare and expenses to Chicago, not to exceed f 25. Fraser A. Chalmers, Fulton and Union sts.. Chicago. TOY Between 16 and 18 years of age, one with J.J some experience, at zincs' snoe store, ae Smithllcld st. B OY Colored bov for house; wages small with board. No. I0Z I ourtn av.. room e. BOY Bright, active bov about 14 years of age. R. S. Davis Co., H6 Fifth av. BOY with experience In barber trade, son st., Allegheny. BOY 1 lth experience to learn barber trade. 618 Fifth av. p; JOY To run errands. 50 Resaca St.. Allegheny. BUN DLERS and shearmen for hoop mills. Apply at Lindsay A McCutcheon's, 88 Rebecca sU, Allegheny. BUSINESS MAN One who Is not afraid to assist with general work in a large retail furniture house: must be strlcllv sober and he the onner of his on n home. Inquire at 642 and 644 Liberty st. (iLERK Experienced grocery clerk: roust speak J German; reference required. Address D. J.J., Dispatch office. COACHMAN Mut understand the care of horses, carriages and cow: reference required. Apply Penn and Homewood as.. E. E. CWACHMAN A first-class coachman accustomed ) to city driving, aud with best of references. Lock box 143. COACHMAN understanding care of cows: refer ences required Hill Burgwin, 180 Fourth av. CORRESPONDENT stenographer Young man t with experience: must be capable and correct at figures: none other need apply. A.ddress Corre spondent. Dispatch office. CUTTER for merchant tailoring establishment. Address Merchant, Dispatch office. ENGINEER-Applv at 6lde entrance 114 Arch St.. Alleghenv, between 9 and 10 A. X., and 7 and 8 P. M to-day. HOHsE-iHOEB First-class fireman: waa-cs !4 per day aud steady work, 67 West Diamond St., Allegheny. "IAN with push wanted In ea:n city, town and itl hamlet to Introduce the fastest selling house hold article on record: over a million sold In Philadelphia; will pay comoetentperson t4 per day. Address with stamp W. H. Williamson, 44 North Fourth street. Philadelphia. Pa. "TAN A live, active man, with some pluck and J.VI push to represent us in your locality: we have something entirely new that goes, and unless you can make 87s to 250 per month we don't need you; no peddling; better write to-day. Address Manu lacturers, Rox330S. Boston, Mass. MAN In each city and town to represent us and appoint agents: men make money every where selling our goods; samples free: send stamp lor terms. General Supply Co., 102 Fourth av.a Pittsburg. Pa. MEN Active men to represent a responsible business house: one for each of the following towns: Homestead. Braddock. McKeesport. Jean nette. Greensburg and Latrobe; bl. money to right man; no experience necessary and can be at home every nlgbu Address II. H. C. Dispatch office. MEN wanted-Honest, energetic men to solicit orders for nursery stock; expenses and salary to men who can lea c home and work steadv; also commission to local agents; write for terms and territory. Address It. G. Chase 4 Co., 1130 S. Penn St., Philadelphia. Pa. MEN A few men of good address and appear ance to represent us; none but first-class and those willing lo work need apply: a grand oppor tunity for students dnring Tacation. Apply E. Gately 4 Co.. 25 and 27 Federal St.. Allegheny. MEN To canvass Pittsburg and Allegheny; best seller In the market; parties w'th satisfactory reference w 111 be furnished outfit. 1U2 Fourth av.. Room 6. TJAINTERS 4 good house painters Annlv to John Nciser, Seward St., 35th ward, Pitts- burg, SALESMAN On salary or commission, to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion ot paper: 200 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to fG20 In six das. another J32 In two hours: wewant one energetic general agentfor each state and Territory. For terms and particu lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company, X 10, La Crosse, Wis. SALESMEN Salary or commission, to handle greatest novelty patented: exclusive territory: sells at sight: particulars free; sample 50c Unity D. C. Co., Dept. O. Unity Bldg.. Chicago. rPRAYELING salesmen to sell baking powder: to X the right men liberal salary and com. coutracts will be made: experience not necessary: If you an swer anv ad. In this column answer this one. U. S. Chemical V orks, 840-846 Van Buren, Chicago. WfAlTER Experienced waiter for lunch i counter: none but first-class man need apply. and 57 Diamond st. Agents. AGENTS The most popular works of the season : Life of James G. Blaine, finely gotten up, a rapid seller: History ot the Supreme Court of United States, universally sanctioned by the bar. Shepard.SO BakeweU building. AGENTS Sample sashlock (Pat. 1892) free by mall for 2c stamp; immense: unrivaled; only good one ever Invented: beats weights: sales un paralleled; 112 a day. BrohardACo., Phttada., Pa. AGENTS Most wonderful advertising scheme ever known; patented; every merchant buys; Inclose sump. Arcn Mlg. Co., Racine. Wis. remale Help Wanted. APPRENTICES Good sewers: others to learn dressmaking and cutting. (30 Penn av. (lOOKS 100 cooks, chambermaids, nurses, house J girls. Mrs. Kate 1 odd's Employment Office. 2S Sedgwick st.. Allegheny. CIOOK First-class cook; small family: good J wages: reference required. Apply Tena and Homewood avs., E. E. COOK and chambermaid; ramlly of two. Apply J "H.-" care of Alderman Skeily. McKeesport. GIRL Good German girl for general housework; small family of tour; newliousc witn all mod ern Improvements; reference required. Mrs. Geo. W. Clarke, No. 123 South Ncgley av. GIRL A good down-stairs girl for cooking and laundry for small family: good wages paid. Apply!!! Sheffield at,. Allegheny. ""i IRL for general housework rjrlTate fsmttv. n s wasning or ironing; North at.. Allegheny. references required. ' 257 GIRL A nice, tidynurse girl Tor chlld3vears old good home and good wages. Apply '114 shei ficld St.. Allegheny. C IBLS-Slx experienced dining room girls for T country hotel; girls for housework. 130 Robinson st. ITIL About 14. to take care of a babv it m t- ,7 win av., Alleghenv City. C IRL for general housework. 37 Anderson St.. 7 Allegheny QALESLADIES-A few ladles or reflnementand O fluent talkers to handle one ofithe finest art and most wonderful selling works ever published: none but those desirous oriuaklnghlg money need apply. Ca'l on or address E. Gately 4 Co., 25 Federal st Allegheny. Pa. SKIRT and walstraakera. 204 Federal st. Alle gheny. -TOUNG LADY-To clerk in grocery store; one X with some experience preferred. Address L. Y., Dispatch office. WANTED. Main and Female Help Wanted. HELP-S nunc. 21aundreuet.eook and waltreu fur tame family, chambermaids, cooki. din lug room girls. 200 housexirlf. German and col ored glrli, gardener for private famllv. one who understands noweri and green house, farm hands, white and colored waiters. Thompson's, 60$ Grant St. HELP Man and wire for same family; 50 rarm Hand, ccok. wallers, colored man to work about house, hotel conks, dUhwashers. chamber maids, waitresses, pantry girls, family cooks. nurora, a House girls, ICO for Hotels, summer resorts, colored girls. Jieeban'a, Hi Grant tt. Tel. 90. IADlEh or young ineu to take light, pleasant 1 work at their own hornet; 1 tj t3 per day can be quietly made: work sent by mall; no canvass ing. For particulars address at once. Globe Mfg. Co.. box 5C31. Boston. Mass. Established 1880. LADIES and gentlemen wanting high grade and skilled positions call or address, with stamp, II. C. Foreman Busicess Agency, 25 Federal st., Allegheny. Situations Wanted. J EMPLOYMENT Young man: good education: J willing to start low. Address H, Dispatch office. OCCUPATION as bookkeeper, collector or any position of trust: good references, etc. Ad dress G. P., Dispatch office. POSH ION In office by young man of good stand ing: best of references: willing to work hard. Address T. S. W.. 5S3 Liberty St.. Pittsburg. POSITION bv school teacher as lady's compan ion or nurse: ngp 3 years. Address Laura D. May, 21 EastPltttbuigst., Greensburg, Pa. POsiTlON-riy young man of 17, light outside work or position In office; A No. 1 reference. Address R. J.. Dlspalchoffice. Bnslness Opnonnnttes Wantet. T7"ANTED-K0toJ.,i0buysa safe and reliable i t ousinecs neeoeu in every city; win pay irom IOO to SJW per month net profit: exclusive territory given and complete outfit furnished; send for Illus trated hook. A. T. Thompson A Co., 13 Treinont Row, Bolon. Mass. Boarders and Lodsers (Vanted. BOARDERS Summer boarding for ladies or gen tlemen; good spring water; near the A. V. R. It. station; n rite for particulars. Martha McClure, Paucoast. Jclf. Co., Pa. BOARDERS Few small children taken to board in country nlace near citv: care and kindness shown; nice play ground. AddressS. M., Dispatch office. BOARUERS-One hall front, 1 large front room reasonable, with board; reference given and required. 129thst. BOARDERS Transient trade accommodated: tt per day, single meals 25 cents. 9 Saudusky, Allegheny. BOARDERS and roomers: bath, conveniences; private family, 217 Emerson st , East End. BOARDERS, roomers: also table boarders: bath, conveniences. 69 Taylor av.. Allegheny. BOARDERS, roomers, lodgers and taDle board. 64 Arch St., Allegheny. OTEL GILSON-I32G-I32S l'cnn av two squares Union station, rooms and boarding. SI day up. LODGERS Anchor Hotel, Liberty, corner Fourth; lodging per night, 21c, 35c, 50c; week, 1 25. fl 75. J2, V. OCCUPANTS for two rooms in first-class house with or without board. 6H2Fennav., East End. SUMMER boarders at Hotel WilUanis, Ohio Pyle, Pa.; rates reasonable. Boardlnc Wanted. "tTTANTED Room, with board, for Jgentleman It and wife: good accommodation and pleasant location desired, between Belle ue and Edgeworth, near station: state advantages and terms. Address G. b.. Dispatch office. Instruction. LADIES and gentlemen to attend the old reliable and strictly first-class Institution. For a limited time you can get three, months' Instruction In practical bookkeeping, penmanship, commer cial calculations, etc., lor 115. or three months' in struction In shorthand and typewriting combined for (10; begin now and prepare for tail positions; we never tall in getting situations for ail compe tent students; day and night school open the entire vear: bookkeeping taught by actual business prac tice: established 12 years; write for pictorial cata logue. Actual Business College. No. S Sixth av., corner Wood st. M. J. Conner, President, J. M. Phillips, Dean of Faculty. PUPILS A No. 1 lady music teacher desires a few pupils. Address Musical, Dispatch, office. Permanent Guests Wanted. PERMANENT guests wanted at East End Hotel. Peon st E. E.: this hotel has been recently opened undernew management: the home has been thoroughly renovated: table first-class; rates rea sonable; a most desirable home during the coming hot summer; good stabling for saddle horses and only 15 minutes from park. A. H. Wilson, pro prietor. Bookkeeping Accounts. Etc. Wanted. ACCOUNTS and books adjusted; books posted for parties not keeping bookkeeper: specialty, partnership and disputed accouuts. Accountant, Lock Box 133, Pittsburg. Real Estate Wanted. " WANTED Real estate to sell, money to loan property to rent and rents to collect. J. H. Chambers 4 Co., 1C8 Fourth av. TVanted Partner. PARTNER For office business: young manpre ferred. Address F. B.. Dispatch office. Fire Insurance ffntect. BENSWANGER ZAHN-Flre insurance, CO Fourth afr Financial Tt antert. FINANCIAL Loans of 8500. Sl.fOC to Si, 000 and up to 820.000 on mortgageson Allegheny county Improved property quickly placed at very small est cost to borrower. Send your application to me and I will save you money on mortgages. S. J, Fleming, 400 Wood St., cor. Fourth av. I FINANCIAL A non-resident owning an inter " est worth 830,000 In Pgh. real estate desires to borrow So, COO for term of years at 6 per cent: the es tate Is undivided and very valuable; the security is at least six times the value of the loan. Address Cash, Dispatch office 3Y to loan. In sums or 1500. 1 1.000. 82.000. 000 and upward, at lowest rates, onrnort Cbarles bomers 4 Co., 181 Fourth av. gages. MONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortgage; no delay. lieedB. Coyle 4 Co., cor. Fourth av. and Grant st. " I ONEY to loan at lowest market rates and wlth Itl out delay. C. . Fundenberg 4 Co., No. 77 Fourth av. MONEY to loan on mortgages: lowest Interest, no delay. Black 4 Balrd. 95 Fourth av. MONEY to lean on short notice, 4 Co.. 107 Federal st. John K. Ewlng MORTGAGES on citv or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rate. Henry A. Weaver 4 Co., 92 Fourth av. ri'O LOAN 8200,000 on mortgages: 1100 and up J. ward at 6 per cent: 8500,000 at AH per cent on residences or business property, vacant farms, b. H. French. 125 Fourth av. lots or WANTED Mortgages on Improved city or Alle gheny county property. JlcCune 4 Coulter. 88 Fourth av. WANTEO Bonds, stocks, mortgages and other securities. Ed Wlttlsh, 134 Filth av., Pitts burg, Pa. SHsceUaneous Wanted. PAINTING and plateglass glaring. It. C. Miller. (26 Grant St., Pittsburg. PATENTS U. S. and foreign: fees payable on success. J. II. Stevenson, solicitor. 100 Fifth av; PATENTS O. D; Levis vears). Solicitor. 131 Fifth av.. next Leader. Pittsburg: no delay. SALESLADIES and others to come to our new coffee and cocoa room. Buffet Lunch, 313 Smlthfleld su TRUNKS hauled to and Irom hast End for 50c. Campbell 4 Davis, 12 Seventh av. Telephone 276. WANTED everyone wno wants the finest and cheapest wall paper in America to send for samples: sent free to any address. G. G. O'Brien, Paint and Wall Paper Store. 292 Filth av. WANTED One secona hand 10-ineh engine; give 'price and where can be seen. P. Rleseck. Madlsou and River avs.. Allegheny, Pa. ANTEll-norses to pasture; will call for them; good reference given. Address John XV. Bel orth Star. Pa. WANTED-Good driving horse; gait 2:50 or bet ter, and city broke; and must be sound. Call or address 943 Liberty st. WANTED-Second-hand hearse: must be In good repair. Address at once C. V. L Dispatch office. WEARERS or spectacles to buy the best $1 steel and S3 00 gold specueles and eye classes yet offered orW. U Trleber. practical optician, at Schaefer's lewelry store. 150 Fifth av. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals For Sale. BOILERS and engines, second-hand: all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest in the market: t) boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta able, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.; steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 3401. U-25Park way. J. S Young. Alle gheny. Pa. "CHJR SALE Cheap Second-hand single Webb J? perfecting Bullock press, capacity 8,000 to 9,000 8-page papers per hour. Address Press, box 182. Pittsburg, Pa. SAW TABLE One second-hand saw table for stereotype or electrotype purposes, will be sold cheap; also about 20 printers' stands. Apply at the Dispatch business office, cor. Smlthfleld and Diamond sts. SHEARS Two pair scrap shears, engine, boiler and drop. CallatJno. S. Graff 4 Co., Ltd., Duquesueway, between Second and 'third sts. STEAM POMPS, new and second-hand boilers, engines. Injectors, ejectors, Sou'h Bend wood pulleja. Iron hubs, shafting and hangers, machin ists' brass founders and iron-pipe fitters. 09 Water street. ntcjcles, Tricycles, Eta, For Sale TjICYCLES 8140 blcvcles for 8100: 8115 bicycles iSj for 870; other grades in proportion: agents wantca; lists tree. A. v. urumpi., uayton, Ohio, r . TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles. Lire Stoelc For Sale. BAROUCHE Beautiful baroucbet first-class condition. Inquire 334 Oakland av. BUQGIES Lot of- line Dexter buggies, at the Dexter Spring Works, Verona, Jfa,, for sale at cost. Samuel Lewis, Receiver. CIA BHIOLET An extension top. cut under, cabrlo J let with brake, nearly new. in fine condition, can be seen at Fletcher Smith's, cor. Arch st. and Park way. Allegheny HORSES Cheap for want or nsc: 1 pair bay geldings, weight, .2, 900: 1 pair black geldings, weight about 3. MO: these horses are sound and good workers. For further Information write C. St., Dispatch office. HORSEBay gelding, good road horse, sound and gentle. 15 hands: bred from son of Mambrinn King: never traiued. but can show 2:15 pacing. Write to Box 18. Bulger, Fa., for partic ulars. , HORSE Black horse, S. good size, trotting bred, speedy, splendid road or business horse; if developed will surelv trot fast: not afraid of cars; price low. Room 711, Penn building. HORSE One black horse, 6 jxars old. 10 hands high, weight 1.22) lbs. ; n good styled carriage or famllv horse: does not scare at steam cars. In quire F.'P. Burk. Frceport, Pa. HORSE The late Dr. McQuIston's saddle and driving horse, cheap. Call at 1720 Carson st. MARE-A line bred sorrel mare. 6 years old. 15X hands high, -ound and kind, in single or double harness: very stylish and a good traveler. Can be seen at rear 229 Arch St. Allegheny. WAG ONh and carts of all descriptions for sale; new and second hand. Pittsburg Wagon Works. No. 336 Second ave.; telephone 1S70. Rubbar Stamps For Saie. f"iETyonrrubbcrstamps. steel stamps, stencils. T seal presses, brass checks, etc. from 8heaircr A Co., 49 Filth av.. Duff's College building. Miscellaneous For Sale. T ARGAINS for this week. Coffee mills Brass bird rare .... 24 .. . 1 00 .... 49 .... 48 .... 10 .... 24 .... 1 25 .... 175 .... 25 .... 150 .... 10 Large fancy colored hammocks I?rnentjn ?!t.ln httnHnvr old Barlow pocketkulves Carpenters' levels Ice cream freezers, from Two-gallon water coolers, first quality Folding curling irons, something new Toilet hairclipper Locks and twoke)s LAWN MOWJEBS. Now is the time to use them : the Buckeye mower is considered the best mower on the market: it Is first-class In every respect, aud I will guarantee it to do the work that anv maculue on the market will do, or I will take the mower back. Brico. 30-lnch lawn mower (3 75 12-lnch lawn mower. 4 50 14-lncb lawn mower 5 00 16-lnch lawn mower. 5 50 HOWARD ROYER. 105 Smlthfleld st. CORDAGE Twine, hemp paexmg. Co.. 89 Water st. Fiocker 4 I?OR SALE Limited number of printers' stands, : als a lot of second-hand printers' casen; also a saw table: price very low If soli at once. Address Printer, box 182. Pittsburg. Pa, FOR SALE Ladies' light lunch; clean, quick, cheap; uewlv fitted: lc cream, coffee and cocoa room. Buffet Lunch, 313 tmltuneld st. SOMETHING worthy of your attention: we have Just received another Invoice of SCO pairs of men's fine : shoes which we lnteud to sell at tt 29; this is the best lot we have ever received, and are fully worth $2 50; we do not offer you gold dollars for 50 cents, but will sell you the best line of 6hoes in the matket at a price worthy of your attention: we have left 127 pairs of those fine dongola shoes fur the ladles, which we are eloslng rut at 91 20; this shoe sells everywhere at l. Public Shoe House. 56 Federal St.. Allegheny. FOR SALE BUSINESS. BnMness Opportunities For Sale. BARBER SHOP Five-chair, on good street, doing fine business; established 17cars: sick ness cause lor selling. Holmes 4 Co., 420 Smith field st. IOR SALE Established and profitable business . in a prominent localltv, Pittsburg: hats and men's furnishings: a splendid opportunity for one or two young men: good reasons for selling. Ad dress Hatter, Dispatch office. GLASS PLANT 10 pot furnace and neallng furnace with large warehouse and decorating room: R. R. siding and In the very beat of shin- Ing facilities; will be sold on easy terms. M. F. pple4Co.. 93 4thav. LIVERY BUSINESS-Wo have a good, large, well arranged. licensed hotel to offer, com bined with or separate from a profitable livery and undertaking business. Including real estate and furnishment, entire equipment, situated in alive, advancing Penn'a Railroad town east of Pittsburg, at a very moderate price: It is unquestionably a f:ood thing for anyone inclined to engage in that inc. (4-102-443) Charles Somcrs 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenue. NEW shoe room : splendid location, finely fitted up, all fixtures complete, choice show win dows, with large bevel French plate, mirrors: rent 8450 per year: long lease; a paving business assured from the start: capital required. II. COO to 82,000. For particulars see W. M. Laird, 433 Wood st. T ESTAURANT A well-established restaurant; Xt one or the best locations in Alleghenv. on a busy thoroughfare: full equipment, everything in fine running order and making money; a good opening. Jas. XV. Drape 4 Co., 313 Wood st., Pittsburg. C ALOON First-class saloon and restaurant, fur O nlshed in first-class style, ill ready to do busi ness. In 4-story brick bulldlug; can be made Into European Hotel, if necessary, at small expense; any parties desiring such a place would readily buy it after seeing it: first-class location, opposite the Weddell House. 127 and 129 Bank st , Cleveland. O. Apply to Hannan 4 Frawley, 1S5 and 187 Bank si., Cleveland, O. STEAM LAUNDRY-Ccntrally located: machin ery almost new; particulars from.M. F. Hippie 4 Co.. 96 4th av. WHOLESALE tinware factory, established 35 years, only 8350 cash. Holmes 4 Co., 420 Smlthfieldst. FORSALE LOTS. East End Lots For Sale. TX)R BALE At public sale on premises on -T Wedne day, June 15, 18S2, at 2 p. M.. 4 con tiguous lots, each 25x140 feet on Penn av, distant 125 feet from Brush ton av.. Twenty-first ward, Pittsburg: as a whole or in lots; reasonable terms of sale. Morton Hunter, Trustee. 87 Diamond st. LOTS -A small payment and f 10 per month will buy good lots in the Park View plan of Iots;wo have but four of these lots left and will close them out at a bargain. S. E. Fool 4 Co., 6116 Fenn av E E. LOT-Only 8950 for a beautiful building lot hav ing a frontage of 20 feet, a depth of 109 feet and a rear width of 87 feet, on a good street, right In f e heart of East End. See Baker 4 Co. , 6227 Penn av.. E. E. CBQ 000 Very desirable and centrally located 3DOj corner lot, 40x120 feet: quick sale desirable on account ot owner's removal, ron 4 Sons, 80 Fourth av. (126) XV. A. Her- OrtFeeton shady side of Penn av.. E. E at a jj price that will bear investigation: cali and see its. S. E. Pool 4 Co., 6116 Penn av., . E. Hazelwood Lota For Sale. HAZELWOOD AV.-An elegant corner lot, irregular shape, equal to 52x120 feet, within a few minutes' walk of Hazelwood station, Baltimore 4 Ohio Railway, and Second avenue electric cars; will sell cheap lor cash, to quick buyer. John E. McCrickart, 59 Fourth av. ; telephone 1676. TWENTY-THIRD WABD-Level lots, near Sec ond avenue electric cars and B. 4 O. R. R. station: 825 down, $10 per month; streets graded and macadamized: sidewalks laid: city water; houses built to suit purchaser on monthly payments. George C Burgwin, Attorney at Law. 150 Fourth avenue. Allegheny Xot For Sale. ALLEGHENY LOTS Lots Tenth ward, Euclid av., lot 50x175: electric car line: here is a ehance right In the city. M. F. Hippie 4 Co., 96 Fourth av. LOTS! LOTS 10th ward. Allegheny, on Perrys vllle electric car line ; city water and sewerage; here is a chance to get a cheap home. M. F. Hippie 4 Co.. 96 4th av. LOTS In Grove Square plan.-Perrysvllleav.;10 to 850 cash, balance f 1 to 85 per week, without interest. ' Call on Holmes 4 Co.. 420 Smlthfleld St.. for plans. Suburban Lots For Sale. EDGEWOOD-Lot 85x136, located near depot; this is a bargain. Sbarra 4 Stevens, 3005 Penn avenue. w ALLS STATION. Penn'a B. K.-We have some elesrant lota to offer at sharnlv reduced prices to quick purchasers In the Walls Improve ment Co. 's plan, an Important Industrial, rapidly Improving and most promising point. Call for de tails. (4-100-434) Charles Somers 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenue. 000 Aspinwall, electric car line and West P. R. R.: one of the choicest lots In this beautl- ul place; 60x100. M. F. Hippie 4 Co., 96 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Allegheny Residences For Sale. FEDERAL ST. EXT., near Linden av. A fine, new Queen Anne frame house of 12 rooms, re ception hall, double parlors, slate mantels, bath room, range, inside and outside w. c; modern and complete in every respect: lot 37x16,' feet, to a street; price 87,500. A. Z. Byers 4 Co.. 93 Federal street. HOUSE-No. 856 California av.. Allegheny ; mod ern. well-built house of ten rooms; w. c. and bath, china closet, butler's pantry and laundry: both gases; lot 0xl55: electric ears pass the door. For further information Inquire on premises. WEBSTER ST.. a few doors from parks and North av. Brick house of 7 rooms, halL ves tibule. Inside shutters, slate and tile hearths; all In good condition throughout: price 85,700; on good terms. A. Z. Byers 4 Co., 93 Federal st. WESTERN AV., Allegheny, near Irwin av., good modern brick house of 8 rooms and stable, lot 36x18): will sell at a bargain to quick buyer. Liggett Bros. , 71 Diamond st. SS5,1 000 Allegheny, Second ward; S-room brick . nouse: an conveniences: Doth Eases. M. F. Hippie 4 Co., 96 Fourth av. ffl"I 200-Alleglieny S-room frame dwelling on vpxt Taggatt st.: gas and water; investment. M. F. nipple 4 Co.. 9a 4th av. Haseiwood Residences For Sale. figl 500 will bny a very neat 4-room house within VP L one square or Second av, electrlo cars and two squares of Haselwood station; lot 20x100; terms SM0 cash, balance 110 month. 1. J, Edwards Co., 1884 Second av., Haielwood, FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. "VTEAR Stanton av.. Lawrencevlll. on monthly 11 payments, new bouse: 6 rooms, hah, porches, eto. B. J. Williams, in 4th av. (1Q 700 No. 4 Lombard St., Just off from Dln uDOj fiddle and Reed sts.; 2 story and mansard brick dwelling of six good rooms; finished attic, bath, range, hot water, laundry, natural gas and cellar, tile vestibule, hall, cathedral glass front door; frescoed ceilings; lot 22x107; nice side en trance, shade trees and flower garden, beautiful view: own,er will sell at above low figure for a few days, rather than rent. (E270.) Black & Balrd. M Fourth av. E A 200 Locust st,. between Magee and Steven tUJTbj son, 6th ward, brick house of 7 rooms, bath, both gases, water on two floors, etc. (HI) See W. A. Herron & Sons. East End Residences For Sale. A LOVELY new house, cabinet mantels up and down stairs, chandeliers, laundry, stationary tubs, beautifully papered, all improvements, for only8.0JO no more, no less; must be-seen tobe'ap preclated; come. Geo. S. Beckwllh, 611! Fenn a v., E.E. (B.552.) IDMOND ST. Two six-room frame houses, and J one nine-room frame house on rear or lot facing Cedar st. ; this Is a 7 to 8 per cent Invest ment. Sliarra & Stevens, 3005 Penn av. 1JlORSALE-!2,80O-A neat new house S tooms; . centrally located; easy of access; Osceola, near Liberty av.. E. E.; 30n to 5'0 down, re mainder in monthly Installments If desired. (40 E). W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av HOUSE. H100-A handsome new frame house of 8 rooms, on an excellent street wlthlnin one minute of electric cars: has front and back porches, good cellar, sliding doors, inside shut ters, slate mantels, range, bath complete, etc., and is very nicely finished and conveniently ar ranged throughout; terms (500 down and monthly payments. See Baker i, Co.. 6227 Penn av., E. E. IN 21st ward, cottage house 4 rooms, good cellar, city water, only $1,500: also new house. 6 rooms, large lot, etc.. only 12.600: also a beauty, with every modern Improvement, only $3,800. Geo. N. Beckwith, 6112 Penn av. OAKLAND We have, on a nicely paved and sewered street, a 9-room Queen Anne brick dwelling, complete in every respect, that we can sell for less than cost: possession at once, as the owner Is compelled to move; lot 35x100. M. !'. Hippie 4 Co.. 96 Fourth av. OAKLAND Corner or two prominent streets, 12-room hrlcK. with all the modern convenien ces; lot SOxlOO: will be sold at a bargain. M. F. Hippie 4 Co.. 96 Fourth av. QHJ7 CflA East End A fine, new 10-room iDl jtJUU Queen Anne brick, one square from electric and near cab'e: 25 minutes Irom Court House; about Cm yards from East Liberty P. O. ; corner lot 44x100 to alley; a few hundred cash and balance on terms dictated bv purchaser, or spot cash would be considered ; beauttl ul location ; level, and well drained: house back 20 feet from street among shade and fruit trees; size of bouse, exclu sive of wide, roomy verandas, 23x40: reception room, oak throughout, 12x12; parlor and dining room, 14x18 each; other rooms In keeping; elabor ate bathroom: hard wood and tile mantels with beveled French plate mirrors throughout; French plate front windows and door: tile vestibule and hearths; both gases; perfect iaundry; servants' annunciator; he iter: particularly well arranged kitchen with Improved range; papering of most tasty selection; wide sliding doors; guarantee given by responsible owner as to material and careful, skilled workmanship; there are to-day In Pittsburg thousands of people pacing rents for less desirable dwellings that would 'meet the payment of both Srinclpal and interest on this charming home o'm F. Sweeny, 63 Fourth av. QQ 800 A complete frame house of 6 rooms and UDO) finished attic on a 63-foot street, handy to P. R. R. and street cars: has two porches, good cellar, laundry, bath complete, sliding doors, hard wood mantels, tile hearths and facings, etc.. and is well finished and conveniently arranged throughout: terms easy, bee Bak;r 4 Co., 6J27 Penn av., E. E. 300 Oakland 800 feet from 6th av., new 10-room brick residence, containing all latest modern Improvements bath, laundry, etc.; location unsurpassed: Iot32xl90 teet: fine lawn and shade trees. XV. M. Pollock. 150 Fourth av. M 300 Citizens' electric car line; new 7 room 5 dwelling, one of the coziest houses In this beautiful town: all modern conveniences. M. F. Hippie 4 Co. , 96 4tn av. Ol 750 On Citizens' electric car line; 5-room WXj lrame dwelling; lot 24x100: bargain; must be sold. M. F. Hippie 4 Co., 98 4th av. Suburban Residences For Sale. IN Wilklnsburg. cheap; S3 500 will buy a new 6-roomed house, all In good condition: nice yard, fruit and shade trees: lot44xl22 feet. (II. 555.) Geo. N. Beckwith, 6112 Penn av,, or South st. and P. R. K Wilklnsburg. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE and large lot, with shade and frntt trees and shrubbery, near the city, on line of railroad : 8 good rooms, small room, porches, hall, cellar, pure water: over half an aero of ground: spacious lawn In front: a particularly pleasant place, cool and delightful In the warmest weath -r. Jas. W. Drape 4 Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. (JJ'T OOO Aspinwall, West Penn R. R., Citizens' D i 5 car line, new 8 room brick dwelling, all modern conveniences; large grounds; city water: one of the handsome residences in this beautiful place. M. F. Hippie 4 Co.. 96 Fourth - BANK STATEMENTS. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TnE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK OF PITTS BURG, of Allegrteny county, Pennsylvania, at the close ot business. May S1,J832: KESOUKCES." Cash on hand 9 5,904 34 Checks and other cash items 125 69 Due from banks and bankers.... 373.306 37 Loans and discounts 692.817 22 Investment secuiities L231.12J 78 Ileal estate, futnituie and fixt ures 92,703 89 OTeidrafts, 23 26 Current expenses and taxes paid. 2,310 22 Miscellaneous assets 2,513 55 $2,C0,86i 33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 300,000 00 Surplus fuid 61.670 29 Undivided profits 84,053 97 Deposits subject to check 49,070 91 Deposit', special 1,814,377 74 Cashier's checks outstanding..... 6,010 00 Due to banks and bankers 112.519 41 Dividends unpaid 4,160 00 $2,420,862 32 A report in detail of above securities has been made to C. H. Krumbhaar, Superin tendent of Banking, State of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny, ss.: I. Edward E. Dutr. treasurer of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDWARD E. DUFF, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of June, 1892. KOBT. C. MOORE, Xotary Public. Correct Attest: D. McICLLOiD, F. P. DAY, A E. W. PAINTEK, Directors. EEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ARSENAL BANK, of Pittsburg, Pa., cor ner of Butler and Fotty-third streets, Pitts burg, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, May 31, 1392: BESOUBCES. Cash on hand $ 22,685 97 Checks and other cashitems 4,202 33 Dne from banks and bankots 50,810 24 Loans and discounts 312,521 77 Investment securities 2,550 00 Beat estate, furniture and fix tures 87,419 12 Overdrafts 26 46 Current expenses and taxes paid. ... 3,370 27 $433,586 21 LIABILITIES. Capital stock rjaid in $ 55.000 00 Surplus fund.T 27,000 00 Undivided profits 9,771 82 Deposits subject to oheek 206,871 64 Deposits, special 133.9S9 63 Cashiet's checks outstanding 938 97 Dividends unpaid 14 00 $433,586 21 A report in detail of above securities has been made to C. H. Krumbhaar, Superin tendent of Banking. State of Pennsylvania, County of Alle gheny, ss: I, W. S. Williams, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and bellof. XV. S. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Subscribed and awoin to belore me, this 7th day of June, 1892. LUCIUS O. FBAZIEB. Correct Attest: Notary Public. C. F. KLOPFEB, ) H.E. WAIN WRIGHT, J Directors. F. J. ALBEECHT, J INSTALLMENT MORTGAGES. Money loaned, on mortgages payable at periods to suit the borrower. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, 121 and 123 Fourth Avenue. dc30-Th PATFNTQ O.D. LEVIS (next Leader.) TM I Cill I O. 131 Fifth av.. Plttabnnr. Pa. 131 Fifth av., Pittsburg, Pa, SO years solicitor. TTITAKIAN PUBLICATIONS FRU U, Address Miss Mary Lyman, It OaJrlsjsd Square, Plttsbar TO LET. City Residences. TO LET Low rent, small houses and flats; loca tion very central: Fenn. near 13th st.. t rooms, 112 50: also 8 large rooms, front. 19: also 6 rooms. 120 per mo. t also otners; send for list. W. A. Herron A Boss. 80 Fourth av. TO LET Jane, near 28th st., Southslde. house 7 . rooms, 124 per mo., and 3 large rooms on first or 4 rooms on second story. 113 per mo. ; keys at 2817 Jane St. W. A. Herron Sons. 80 Fourth av. a'O LET House No. 427 Liberty st.. city: It . rooms. Inqnire at A. V. D. Watterson's, Anchor Bank Building, jrlfthav., city. TO LET Fnmlshed house of 9 rooms and bath; can take possession any time; rent very low. 247 Dinwiddle st. Bazelwood Residences To Let. TO LET On Harelwood av., near Sylvan, house of eight rooms with laundry, city water, both gases and bath room; fine situation, ample grounds, fruit trees, grapes, shrubbery, etc. : rent moderate: possession immediately. Apply H. Burgwin. 150 Fourth av. Alletrheny Residences To Let. mo T.F.T Desirable 9-room brick dwelling. 125 1 Locust St.. Allegheny: exposed nlt'mhing in bathroom; suble In rear: rent free till September 1. Apply to Morris liaufmann. Fifth av. aud Bmltliueld St. TO LET Desirable residence of. It rooms. No. 126 Locust St., Allegheny, with stable in rear: Immediate possession: free rent till September 1. Inqnire of Morris Kaufmaim, Fifth av. aud Smith field st. TO LET-See John K. Ewlng 4 Co., 107 Federa St., for Allegheny houses. Suburban Residences To Let. TO LET 4-room house In Bellefield, on Neville st., near Forbes st. ; rent 13 per month. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth av. OfSces and Desk I'nom To Lee D ESK ROOM-No. 108 Fourth av., 1st floor front. Black 4 Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av. rro LET Desk room with use of desk. etc.. on 1 first floor In rear part of our office. 2io. 93 Fosrth av. : good light, etc. : rent 5 per month and nnward: best location in the citv. , H. Love, 93 Fourth av. Business Stands To Let. TO LET Cor. Fifth av.sand Grant St., Opposite the Court House. Large storeroom; rent low; Also on 2d story, same building. 2 front, fine, large, connecting rooms. See W. A. Herron 4 Sons, SO Fonrth av. TO LET-Space with power, cor. Penn and Third avs.: three floors: 20.000 feet space: abundant power: good light: splendid location; every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fltth av. m 'O LET Four-story brick building. X av.. two doors from Smlthfleld St.: will lease for five years, Apply at first floor office of Kauf manns ' store. rpo LET Good storeroom, suitable for shoe store. JL meat market or lunch room: rent reasonable. Inquire 4107 Butler at., Lawrencevllle.. rpo"LETStoreroonT 8Vylle av. Rooms To Let. DINWIDDIE ST., 245 Furnished rooms: a de sirable front room ; also middle room on sec ond floor; every convenience. EAST DIAMOND ST., 43. Allegheny-Unfurnished double parlors: second floor. FIFTH AV., 614 Ten minutes' walk from post office, elegant furnished or unfurnished rooms, with or without board. FORBES ST., 433 Nice furnished room; bath, conveniences: rent 810. I FOUNTAIN ST.. 64. city-Furnished rooms to ; let, with or without board. TULTON ST., 145-Furnlshed rooms for house JL? keeping; no children. HIGHLAND AV.. N., 501, East End-Nice fur nished room, f 12. L ACOCK ST. Furnished rooms, all modern con veniences. Apply to Moyle's, 165 Lacock. st,, Allegheny. MARGARETTA ST.. 5914.-East-End-Newly fur nished room; all conveniences; couvenlentto board and cars. MONTGOMERY AV.. 47. Allegheny, facing parks Occupauts for large front room; pri vate family. ' IsOOM Well furnished front room, with board, j terms moderate. 23 Union av.. Allegheny. SANDUSKY ST.. 261. Alleghenj-Nlcely fur nished room; private family: reasonable. WEBSTER ST , 1C9. Allegheny-Furnished front; rent S3; suitable for two. WESTERN AV.. 383. Allegheny Private family will rent one hall room 86, also one f10, with or without board; bath, conveniences. "ITYLIEAV., 8-Furnlshed rooms for house YV keeping. Z See additional adlets under Wanted Boarders and Lodgers. TQQ Rural av., E. E.. fine rooms; moderate JUOi7 rent; bath and electric light: one minute fiomDuquesnellne. . PERSONAL. PERSONAL Ta-va-zon Remedies cures every body. Griffith's Pharmacy, Third and Grant, Pittsburg. TERSONAL Credit, yea. credit on fine dress goods, silks, satins, wraps, etc., at J. Dwyer's, Doom 4, .McCance block, 70kSmlthfleid. PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silver watches and Jewelry repaired: new work matin to order. Chris liauch. 541 Smlthfleld. PERSONAL The latest designs In spring goods for suits- and trousers at J. J. Aland's. 131 Fifth av. Your inspection Invited, Prices reason able. PERSONAL A lady middle aged or over to Join physician as partner; must have small ready cash ; sure extraordinary paying Investment; fine chance to travel (one matrimonially Inclined pre ferred); this is reliable. Col. Chas, Wainsworth. Allegheny, Pa. PERSON AL When I was a small Doy my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a great big man, Dickson, the well-known tailor, 65 Fifth av.. cor. Wood st.. second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape. Tel. I&8. FOUIjII. FOUND-Ladles taking their lunch at the Buffet, 813 Smlthfleld St.; Just the place for a bite to eat. FOUND That you can't do a better thing than call at once and select a spring suit at J. J. Aland's. 131 Fifth av. Prices from 82) up. LOST. LOST Irish setter. 7 months old. blaze on breast, white on tips of toes: liberal reward for In formation leading to his recovery, G. C Flower, 437 Penn av. LOST Lady's gold hunting ease watch and chain, with gold dollar attached: monogram -1I;" suitable reward If finder will return to Room No. 88. Bakewell building. CHOICE PROPERTIES. MAYFIELD. Perrysville avenue Half mile from Western University. Five hundred yards to Tenth Ward School. Title guaranteed. Patent from State issued 1799. Only one deed transfer since. Large lots, plenty of fruit and big trees. Take Perry sviile avenue car on Smlthfleld street And you will get there in 20 minute. Prices very low. Terms to suit you. - JOHN K. EWINO k CO., 107 Federal st. and on the Ground. BEECHWOOD PARK, Fronting on Shady, Beechwood, Hastings, Denniston and Linden avenues in the beau tiful East End. Convenient to cable and electric cars. Streets are 50, 63 and 83 feet wide. All lots 50x150 and 50x160 to 20 foot al leys, and level as dancing platforms. Tou would be surprised to know our prices and terms. Whether you buy or not we are al ways ready to show you these lots. Further particulars by seeing C. L. STRAUB & SONS, Corner Third and Wood st. $3,500 Will secure for you one of the best houses in the East End. It has three rooms and re ception hall on the first floor and seven (7) good rooms above, bathroom, laundry, good cellar, finished in hard wood, porch, large lot 55x110 feet; good neigborhood. The price or this property is only $10,500; $3,500 cash and balance on long time. MUBRT 4 EDSALL. Fidelity Building. 121 Fourth avenue. PENN AVENUE, Near Homewood avenue, two-story Jbnck dwelling of 12 rooms: hardwood mantels and tile hearths; handsomely papered. Lot 50x178, with carriage bouse. ' Immediate possession, BAXTER, THOMPSON Si CO., v 181 fourth avenue. CHOICE PROPERTIES. GEANDYIEf PLACE Plan of lots ONLY 18 MILES FROM PITTSBURG, on the P. R.. R. The best plan of lots on the market. Prices $75 to $200. $5 DOWN and $2 PER MONTH. The lots are all LEVEL. TO every TENTH PURCHASER a lot will be given FREE. These lots adjoin the LARGEST PLATE GLASS WORKS IN THE STATE. ' NO TAXES! NO INTEREST! Send for plans and particulars to C. T. BEECKMAN, 1136 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. THOSE LOTS IN THE GLEN MAWR PARK PLAN, Beautifully situated on the Pittsburg Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, only 10 miles from the city and adjoining the delightful suburb of Sewickley: 13 trains dally. These lots aio elegantly located, having a flue view of the Ohio river, good natural drainage, water unequalccLnaturalgas, streets graded, boardwalks on all the streets. Lots are level; size 30x110 and 50x180. Price $200 per lot; $10 cash, balance 5 per month: 1J2 lots already sold to good parties. A number of nice houses will be erected this year. These lots are very desirable for a home, and at the same time a grand investment at present prices. For plans and particulars see REED B. COYLE & CO,, COR. FOURTH AV. AND GRANT ST. E DGE"WOO 3D I 19 ACRES, Five minutes' walk from railroad station. 4,500 feet frontage. A BARGAIN. J. H, COLEMAN & CO,, 6212 PEXX AVEXUE. INVESTMENTS In vacant and improved properties worthy of the attention of shrewd IXVESTORS. If yon are wanting a permanent home, we are prepared to suit yon. Conveyances ready to show properties. MOORE-&aKELLY, Tel. 5450. 6208 Pen n ar., E. E. TRAINLOADS - OP - INVESTMENT SEEKERS ARE VISITING KENSINGTON . DAILY. If You Have Not Seen The New City GO TO-DAY. Thousands have doubled their money by buying lots in the new city. JOU CM DO THE SAME Salesmen always on the ground. Free railroad tickets furnished at office of NO. 79 FOURTH AVE., PITTSBURG, PA. CflOICE PROPERTIES. SCHENLBY P1BK LOTS. In the New Greenfield Ave. District. V TWENTY-THIRD WABD. WE NOW nAVE 73 HOUSES IX C6TJKSB OF ERECTION OX THIS PLAX. 10 OF THEM HAVE BEEX SOLD AXD ARE XOW OCCUPIKD. THE PRICED OF THE HOUSES RANGE FROM $1,800 TO t,0M. TOU HAVE TEX TEARS TO PAY IT. SAME AS REXT. An electric railroad run through this property; a bridge costing $31,000 connects it with Schenley Park. The lots are level. Ic has city water and a splendid natural drain age. If you are looking for a home or have a few dollars to invest it will pay to examine this property, as you can double your money in a short time, because lots within a few minutes' walk of this property are selling for more than double we are asking. THE PRICES OF THESE LOTS RANGE FROM $400 TO $600 EACH. THE TERMS ARE 5 PER CENT DOWN, BALANCE $5 PER MOXTH. Xora We have sold 100 of these lots since January 1. If you wish to purchase a lot don't wait, because the price will be raised soon. TAKE SECOXD AVENUE ELECTRIC CARS, GREENFIELD AVENUE BRANCH NOW IX OPERATION; FARE 5 CENTS FROM CITY. PETER SHIELDS, 533 GRANT STREET. Branch office on property, corner Green field avenue and Lydia street. ten (T TT M Jdixy a Home With the avext You J: ay The United Security Life Insurance and Trust Company, of Philadelphia. CAPITAL, $l,u00,(0. Will assist you to buy or build a home ot your own selection TAKE DEED IX YOUR OWX NAME. On monthly payments.averaglng cost of rent, and at tne same time insure vour life to protect the loan SO THAT IX THE EVEXT OF YOUR DEATH AFTER THE FIRST MOXTHLY INSTALLMENT IS PAID THE MORTGAGE IS RE TURNED TO TOUK HEIRS. SATIS FIED AND .CANCELED. Monthly contracts for 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. All applicants must be of good char acter, insurable and the property located in Pittsburg, Allegheny or immediate vicinity. OVER $4,000,000 NOW INVESTED. MORRIS & FLEMING, Insurance Agts., 82 Tonrth mTcnne. CHOICE OFFICES For rent in the NEW GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Wood and Diamond streets. Well lighted, most centrally located, all the most modern conveniences and latest Improvements. Inquire at . GERMANIA SAVINGS BANE COR. WOOD AXD DIAMOXD STS. IlWfiili , j i i I Vfi.S. K4 llRsHsH