THE PrrTSBURG DISPATCH, THUESDAT. JUNE 9. 1802. . 11 JVE STOCK EEYIEW. eceipts of Cattle at the Dome lards Bejond Demand, and URKETS ARE SLOW AT A DECLINE, rime Meaty IieeTes Xo lonjjcr Eeadj Sale in nttsunrg. Find OGS iRE LOWER AND SHEEr STEADY Office of 1 Ht Dispatch. Pittsbcko, WzdmsdaY, June 8. ( There hav? been, all told, about 63 car )ads of cattle on the market at East Lib rtv this week, against l2 loads last week, 'nalitv was a fair sverage. There were lore primes on sale than usual, but at the lme time there was a larger quantity of iw-gradc stock on sale than usual. Buyers ere present in les th.m the average force, nd prices were lully 1320c per cwt lower ins wfefcthan last on all grades excepting ight, tidy butcher beeves, wliich were bout steady at lat week's price1!. There were no vales reported above S4 CO, nd yet there was a load of l,G0O-lb beeves rom Indiana on tale, well up to prime. he same would have sold a year go at 56 75 ith little trouble. Fresh ows were in fair supply and ranged in rice irom 527 50 to 540 00 per heart. 'aUes were in light supply and 50e er cwt lower than last week. The top of he market was 55 25 and only a few fancy fere sold at this ngnre. There have been on sale up to this time bout 45 loads ol sheep and 55 loads ot hogs, food sheep are steady at last week's prices nd common grades are dull and lower, logs are fullv 20c per cwt below closing rices ol last 'week. Markets were sluggish his uiorniug, with 54 b5 as top price. A I-lie Stock linn's Kevieiv. Following is report of the week's transac ions b Holmes, llruus & Co. "We report C5 loads ot cattle on sale this reek, sixty-two loads were on sale Mon laj, 4 J ot Inch were from Chicago and 20 oad- from Ohio and Indiana. The general iterate quality was about the same as last vcek The attendance of buyers was Hunt uid demand was not equal to tne supply, s Inch made a very dull market at 30 to 15 ents decline Irom prires of Monday of last veek on all but handy light grades. These vcre about stead v. Hcay cattle were ilniost entirely neglected, and to eflect sales n sucli grade prices hid to be lowered ielow the lnwet prices ot the past year. 0nles theie is a better export demandsoon t will be almost impossible to find biners orheaw cattle. We quote prime 1,400 to 1.500 lbs tccrs 54 40&4 00; good 1,200 to 1.300 lbs, f4 30& 40; good 1,000 to 1,100 !bs, 54 oofe- 20. rouch and mixed lots. 990 to 1.200 11N 53 ."iO- 75; lat cows and bulls, 52 50(S 25. thin cows and bulls, 51 50 2 25, lresh cows and springers. 520 00 45 00 per head. Receipts of hogs on Monday were about 10 loads. Tne demand was light and mar Vet dull at strong 15c below the closing prices ol last week. Since Monday receipts continue fair au.l market almost lileless and but little doing except on desirable Trades, which are slow at shade lower than Monrfav. Commoi to good Yorkers and mixed 'grades are left lvtng in the yard sleeping undisturbed, while the salesmen re out looking lor bmers, which means low prices and" unsatisfactory sales when raade. The receipts of sheep on Monday were 25 cars. This, with an improeddemand,stim ulated biners to higher prices, which gate the market a strong tone, and all desirable crades were c higher than last week, while common grades ha'.e been dull at a fliade hisrhir prices. Since Monday receipts of sneep continue libenl, and prices 10c to 15C higher on prime grades, while common and medium close slow at Mondiv's prices. We ad lse all to ;-o sjou on common sheep. Ile ceipts ot calxes hacbeen liglit all week, .ml, as the demand has been light, Mon day's prices wer 25e to50e lower than last week. Since Monday the market has been weak at 40c to 50c below last week's close. as Since La,t Keport. Followins are "omo of the puncipil sales slmw Inn drl't of niai lantrty Bros. & Hndrtcri Hors 33 hex-', 7 CO H J:5U heart. D.S7I) lbs (4 HO. sheep ill heail, " 30 Mis. (4 65: 101 limit. C 783 Iba. SI Ol: III. head. J SO Ih. t5 CO; 1 14 head 8 74 lhs. S4 SO: "0 head. 47ulb. .. 40: 21 liiad. SAIllis. S CM. aulmes. Brlggs i o : Cattle-19 head, 14 170 tv 1 Kililicad. riWIbs. f3tJ- 30 head 4S.I40 V $4 5" IS head. l,.i9Jlb. 3): 12 lresh cobs. M3 head. 9ciHf-, i4i0 lbs. $5 10. lino 2 -d 4 2POIls S3 Vi: 52 0.110 His. n 7s. li -p-l'il Dead. laSUOtb. S4 10 fil luad. S.SS0 lbs. i W taeaiL 6 10) lbs. Si 70. o'J head, 4,710 lbs, 1 '0(.hi1, Ju,7t0lbs, f.j70, lirum. Dyer A o.- ( altv 71 head, 1 9 710 lhs. 1 ". II head. IP.fft" bs, S3 oO: If. heart. 1G.000 lbs. 13 't 2-1 head, 25 ISO lbs. 4 5. IS head, 2I.CU Ib. $ ' JUhead. 2.j.llbs. S4 1j. 24 luad. 24.690 lbs. !!)- l-'caUes, l.SM lbs S3 2". : beau e 1.270 lbs. t -. Ios-87 head. li.TSO lh, ( 10; 60 h ad x).. II 10 I45hial. jLifWIIh. f I P0; 6t head li iO lbs SI "i-,.Clhead II "00 lhs. 5 01: 60 head. UiuVltn j Ol -'K-ep-lSO head. 11490 lhs. 51 S3; 1 Head. :4.G7llb. S.S2';.: lis head, 3,t20 lbs. 1 C5; ll.l head. ".0401In. Si 7. Julin A. Co Cattle v heid. 18.S91 lhs f4 25 ix heal 7.(10 lbs J4 ml; 19 fioo lhs. fl SO; 1 tTlit held. S.XI lbs $4 31 20 head. 24.4J0 lhs. I 16; nine frh cows. 17 50 per head; 13 lresh ev-v J27 0 per head: 24 calves. 3 440 Ib tJ 23. IIo-s 103 head, 1 ft60 lbs. SI 90 151 liead. 24.2ftl 1 is. 4 (S 9 head 8. 1C0 lbs. jj so. Mieep is; head. 4..210 lbs '. 50: 137 head, 14 270 lbs. $3 4. 12.. nead. ll.SIU lbs E 2: 1S3 head. 15 740 lhs. $, 20. 34'. I ead. 41 30 lb-. So 00. 310 nead, 26,310 Ibv I So. 1-7 luad. lo.J701bs. fl 60; 21s head. 16.210 J4 70. llnS". Ilazelnood&Imhoff: CattIe-23 hea 1, 23.410 lbs S3 73. li bea I, 16.640 lbs. $4 00: 19 head, 21 SV) lh. Si 1-. 17 head. 2:091 lbs J4 u: 16 head 19.710 lbs u 20. 16 head. 23.139 lb.. 4 40.20 lieid. 25. 411 lbs 4 33: 03 calveo. fi.610 lbs. So 2.1 57cahes. (i.00 lhs S. J. Hogs 77 head. 12.260 lbs 4 65. 33 luad. ! 470 Ids J4 "0 9j In ad, 14 $ lbs. 4 3. -.beep 4t liead. 2.H0 lbs J l JJ hi 31. 2 4S0 lhs, (. 13i lientl. 111. OK libs SI7J hu luad. 4.S1O lbs $4 40. V head. XS lbs S-i 73 '17 lnaj 10. 40) lbs So oO; 79 liea.l. 7.19J Ihv 40 92 lienil. 7 Sltl lbs. , 40. MeCau. KowImi .1 orixTii: tanle J2 head. H LlIbs S3 12 head. II 039 lbs. S3 33: -J) head. 24 ITOIbs. SI 2"i 5 head i 0S0 lbs, 3 60; 11 ealre MMbi. SaOi 3Seales. 3.331 lbs. S3 25 31 eaUes. 4 2illis So 23 Hup- lllhiai, 2I.S50 lbs. S4 10: i7 Ik ail. 10 170 lbs. $4 , 44 head. 7, Ml lbs: S4 G: 109 heaU 20 140 lbs. 4 li- 121 head. U.3.0 lbs S4 9-i s-lieep lfio hi ad. 10 0 lbs. 3 30. 77 hi ad, fi,Os0 lbs S5 i. 91 luad, 7.49J lb . S4 75. 101 head, a.170 lbs. 4 fOl Keneker. l.inl.horii A. Co. Cattle: 21 liead. 21. 420 lb-. S4I0. 13caies. 1.790 lbs t; a,, n r.lllis Kin lbs. 54 75 l!os 11 hi-ad, jj.2ui lbs, $4 9.j, 105 1 head Is I .Whs. S4 0. 121 head 16 (.30 lbs SI si:7S I ln'iid '3 lus SI 63 tbiip 22) h-ad, lS.lolbs 4 SO. Mlhial 7.tiCftlhs .5 227 head. 1S.70 lbs. ' S3 011 4 hm:. 2. 61 lbs, 7o; 66 head. 5 260 lbs 1. on 40 In ad 3.(170 lbs. $4 50: W head, 4.670 lbs, ft VI. 257 III ad. .6J1 lbs J4 70. s. It IlertjTt -V : attle 19 head. 2". 3.10 lhs, SI 00; 19 lin.l. :i : lbs 3 '6. 19 head 22 TOO lbs. SI 23 In ail AW) 111. SI 30. 31 talles. 5 071 lhs, f. 4': Hiealni 2.1W) lbs. fl 2i:23 lalies. 2.660 1b. 5 23 Hops 32 mad. 5,7i0Ibs S3 00; .33 head-8. 470 lbs S4b0.i.i luad. 12.441 lbs 4 !!. 128 head. 20.030 Hst4i0. 109 head 14 610 lhs, 81 Si. s,hcppj;7 liead. !0 J30 Hi jl 25: 12 head. 15 50 lbs. S3 5: M In at, 4.7 W lbs, 5 7i. I3S head. 11,270 lbs, S3 23; 146 ljLiC, 12,0-') lbs. So 3i. I!y Telegraplu -t. I.onis Cattle lieceJuts, 3.0D0 head; sliiiiments. 2 too heau; maiket .teady at jeserdaj's rle line; lair 10 trood native steer-. $3 10g4 40 lex is; and Indian steers, $2 49g3 35 . .um-is $ 0 J 80. Hogs Ito cei ts, 7,") head: -hiinnens, 2CXW lirirt: inaiketji higher; auto bestheav, $4 50 4 70. mixed, iiiilmarj 10 aood, $4 104 Oj: light, !an ti. prime, i4 50QIG. Sheep Re ceipts 3.M head: shiiuient, 4,00(1 head, market hteadj , lair to good liati, e muttons. $4 SOgi 10- Clileago Cattle Receipts. 16 000 head; Sliipm nts, 5000 Lead; piime native steels stedj: Tes.uis and other gnules lower; best hteer-, J4 2o4 ;o. otheis. js 50Q4 15 Tcxans, S3 tt4 211 sheen Receipts, a,000 head; tthil ineiits;, ,5uoin.ud; mutton hee stead; lauibsau'l itner gi-adLs lower, llos Re ceipts, 26,000 head. shmnieiit, 8,(Xh head; and ofelOi. hlghen mixed and packers, J4 70J 6J in mic lieaiy and butchers5 teiuts, $4 ti3JO0, light, $4 G3S4 So. Kansas t ,t. Cattle Receipts, 2,200 head; shipments. 1 3&0 nead. the mai kci. was steaa : dressed beel ami shipping steers. $.! 40IS4 15; loxansainl Indians, $3 55, cows. $2 15ffi3 G5 stockeisimd leedcr-, $ 752 ao. Hos Re ceipts 9500 hcid. "liniments, 11,900 head; the mat ket w as acti e and 15c higher: all grades S3 5S4 1-0, oulk, $4 504 75 Sheep-Receipt". 71W head, shipments i,s0u bead; the market unchanged, mutton-, 54 00 rwl..rK l'ec es-Receipts, j.819 head, in cluding J2c.nsfoi sale Marketactive; native ste,i-s. 54 004T4 &" per luo lbs. J5U, and c's, $1" (WrroO 00; Uies-ed beef steady Pi 7jC. "s lpm. nts todi.,517 beeves and b,,.i j laiteis o' beel: to-nmnow. OOO beeves. t,al3e Receipts, 5,101 heiu: market firm; veals $! 5CS5 75 per ICO lbs; mixed calves. !4 t05 00. buttermilk calves, 53 OC4 00. itiiiiini i Ho,s strong: common and ILjht, $4 COgl 70, packing and butchers, $4 50 i 80. recetots, 4,470'liead: shipments, 1,190 lienil. CHtils steady at $2 254 25; reoeipts, 1,230 head: nliipments, J30 hcid. Sheep firm at $3 505 50. receipts, 4JJO head; shipments, 3.200 head. Limbs Arm; common to choice spimg, H 007 25 per 100 pounds. CEREALS UNSETTLED. Wheat Nervous, Closine Lower Cable News Conflicting Corn Trading Spasmodic, the Teath-r Distnrlilnc Talnos-Oats and Provisions Fol oxr the Leaders Closely. CHIC X GO Wheat was unsettled and nervous to-day and closed with a loss of most of yestei day's gain. The opening was at about j esterday's final figures toatrlflo higher, due to .rains and storms last night and to firmer cables, but soon declined IKo onrepoits of a heavy bank failure In Lon don and rumors of a failure In Paris. A rally of lc followed unfavorable forelsn crop news, which is said to have caused the advance at Liverpool. The result of con flicting dlspitches was a neivous maiket for the lest or the day, with the close show inira loss of ljc compared with that of yes teidiy. Trading in corn was: spasmodic and the feeling unsettled, witn fiequent changes in prices, tlio weather and the nervousness In wheat being tlie conti oiling influences. At tlio opening longs sold freely, and thougU til start w as at a slight ndvanco theurices soon worked down iilc. A rally of c lollowed. but the gam was afterwaid lost nnd thA r.lnsn showed a loss of Wi6tMc Oats followed wheat and corn and show a lossof'Jc , . riovisicms were largely influenced by grains and closed somewhat lower. The leadtnc futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley i Co.. 45 Sixth street, roemoersoi me micaitu noaruui aiauc Open- Hlich- Low- Clo- AitTICLrfe. lng. est. est. '"It- 7jEiT-.?: test irst u, v Jul, 87H S7H 85S 85V Aupust ... S73. 87'a 8ot tB June?:..:-.::: sr, 52-4 si 5? Jnh SIS Si' 49H 43X Mplember 50'. 50H 4SH Oats. Xo. 2 June..... 33j 33H, 32 327t July ' 331, S3sj 32V. 32 Anpist 32S 32i 315, 31 .MhsS l'OI'.K Jul, 10 BO 10 57 10 37); 10 40 September 10 72 10 72S 10 52j 10 55 LAI.D. JllU 6 40 6 41 6 37S 6 371; September 6 55 C 57,S 6 52S 6 52'i t-HORT Kins Jul 6 32)i 6 35 6 27f 6 27S September I 6 -Hji 6 42): 6 35 t 35 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Dealers ask an advance of 10JOc over last week: business lestncted. Xo.2smine wheat, S55"i3Jc; Xo Ssprmgwheat, SOJeSOc: Xo. 2 leu, fcTJic. Xo 2 coin, 51iCc. Xo 2oat,327 33c: Xo. 2 white. 363&Jc: Xo. 3 white, 35) 3bs. Xo 2 r e, 81c Xo. J bai lev, 60e; Xo 3, 1, o I), 3Jc: Xo. 4, f.o. b., 3C. Xo. 1 Ilaisecd, $i 03: prime timothy seed. $1 29 1 34 Mess pork, per barrel. 10 37JJ10 40. Laid, per 100 pounds. $6 S56 37. Snort rib tides (loose), SS 27Jb 30:Urj- salted shoul ders (boxed), S5 255 Si- shoit clear sides (bo-ced). $b C56 82K- Whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gallon, $1 15. Sugars un changed. On the Produce Exchange, to-day, the but ter maiket remained unchanged. Eggs, H15c XEW YORK Flour active, closing irreg ular! Coinmeal Aim and quiet. Wheat Spot unsettled, lotvoi and quiet, closing w eak: Xo 2 red. 99Vic$l 00 afloat: 98Kc l COJI T. o. b.; Xo. Sied.SKc; uniraded led, 3lc$l 00K: Xo. 1 Xortheru. 92Ji93ie; Xo. 1 huid, S5e9J5io; Xo. 2 Northern, tCJic: Xo. i Culcago, 2 Milwaukee, 91c; Xo. t6Uc: option weak; Xo. 2 9l92Hc, closing at 9-'Kc; 93c, closing at 92?c: An: chsinz at9Jc:SeDtembei.9S! 91c: Xo. 3 spring, led.' June. July, 92K Sfi9t5.c. ;? MC, CloS- ing at 93ic Kve strong. Corn" pot lower; free sellei, weak- andx acti e: Xo. 2, 6SJ;59c, in elevatoi-: 3960c afloat; ununtded mixed, 561c: options June, 5859c, closing at ac: Jul, 55K58c, closing at 50c; August. j5g57jt, closing af 65c: Sep tember, S.ISJoJic, closing at 55c. Oats .Spots higher, dull and scarce; op tions lower and quiet; June, 37 SSc: July. 37JsJ$?3S!4c. closing at 37Jc; August, 37Jiji37?i, closing .it Siic; Xo. 2 hpor white, 4415io; mixed Western, SCJaQS-yjc; white uo, 4218c. Hay easy and quiet. Hops steady and quiet. 1 allow stead and aulet. Eggs stead) and in moderate demand: Western, poor to piime, legible. Cutmeats quiet and firm. Jliddles quiet. Lard quiet nnd steady; Western steam c!ocd at $6 62: options. July $6 C3, August, $071; September, $6 79 6 W, cloKin.' at $6 78 Uuttcr in good demand nnd lirm; El,-in, ISc. Cheese in moderate demand and easier; pal t skims, 36c. lIIII.DriFIIIA Flour quiet. Wheat Xo. 2 red, 93c: Xo. 2 led. June, 92J93c Com Options, Xo. 3, in export elevator, 53c; Ftcamer, In do, atc: Xo. 2jellow, elevator, 57c; Xo. 2, in expoit elevator, 55c; Xo. 2 mixed, June and Jnlv. 5557Jic; August and September, 55C5Ka Oats Cailots higher; lutures, Xiu 6 mixed. 39c; Xo. 3 white, 41J.: Xo, 2 white, 424ic. Butter lirm and in fair demand; "Pennsylvania jii nit, extra, 18J0c Egssflrm and in good demand; Penn lv.inia firsts, 10c HALTlMlinE Wheat firm; Xo. 2 led, spot and Jnne, 92Ji93c. Corn stiong: mixed spot, 5CJc bid. Oats quiet, but very Hi m; Xo. 2 white Western, 40illc; Xo 2 mixed do, S9Jg40c. Eye dull; Xo. 2, S3c. llav eiv hrm at $14 0015 00. Provisions steady. Butter fit m; creamery, fancy, 1718c; lair to choice, 1617c. Lggs steady at 16c. vr. IOITISFlour unchanged. Whe-it Cash. SGJic: June closed 86c; July, e5c; August, SlJilc; December, 87c. Corn Cash closed 4Gc; .lulv, 4614c; September. 46c Oats Ion en cish, 3.'"c; J uly closed at 32c; Sep tcmbei,31c. Kje, 7sc bid. Butter and eggs unchanged. Tiovisions; film. Pork JoD bing, $11 25. Laid, $6 156 20. KAXSAS CITT Wheat steady; Xo. 2 hard, "-XJC: Ko- - rcd M82c- Corn about s.ti-nlj; Xo. 2 mixed, 4314c; X'o. 2 white, 4S49?. Oats baielv iea.iv: So. 2 mixed, 32Su2Kc; Xo. 2 white. 3333c CINCIXXATI Butter steady. Eggs heavy at 12uic Cheese easy. Testerday's Oil Markets. Oil City and Xew York Exchanges met and adjourned, the former immediately and the latter at noon, leaving nothing for Pitts burg. There w ere no sales here and the only bid w as 54 c Xew Vokk, June 8. In compliance with request Irom the Oil City oil bioWen, a con ference this moining decided to discontinue trading until business is resumed in Oil City. There was, therefore, no oil market to-dav. Turpentine Markets. Saya-sttah Turpentine firm at l.esin film at $1 iOg'l 15. CnAnixsTov Tui pontine steady at 27c licsin lirm: goou strameu, sue Xew York Rosin Steady and quiet; steamed, common to good, $1 301 3S. Tur pentine quiet, firmer, 2930c Wiiii:aTo: Spirits of turpentine firm , at26Jc. Itesin steady; strained. 90c; good 1 strained, 95c. Tat steady at $133. Ciude turpentine steady; hard, $1 00, jellow dip, $1 8J; a irgin, $1 80. a he Ciflee STarkrts. Xew Tonic, June 8 Coffee option opened steadv; closed liaiely steadx: sales, 19,5j0 lus, "including June. 12 2513 35c; July, J2.15 dU-iOc; Augusc,1ilCl2.15c: September, 12 10 312.13c: October. lilOc: December, 12.10 J2.15c: March, 12.10c spot Rio easy and quiet: Xo. 7, 13613c Baltimoek, June S. Coffee firm. The Metal -Markets. XewYouk, June 8. Pig iron in mod erate demand. Copper dull. Lead quiet. Tin firm. A PITTSBURG GIRL ENTANGLED Tltli Six Oilier Temale Stndents In a Moravian Seminary 'cundal. BrmiLEUEM. June 8. A sensation has been created by relations regarding matters in the Moravian Seminary lor young ladies. It is the oldest school for girls in America, hav'ng been established in 1750. The pupils have for several years been engaged in clandestine correspondence with the students ot Lehigh University. Seven have been advised by the Principal, Key. J. Blickensdorer, that they would not be allowed to graduate. They are cnarged only with hating carried notes and sent telegrams for other girls. Nine other members of the graduating class have held an indignation meeting and intend leaving school before graduating day and prevent the commencement exer cises. The girls on the other hand make charges against the principals. The Seminary authorities have taken the matter in band and an investigation will be made. Of the girls who will not be allowed to graduate, four are from here, one from Pittsbunr. one from Chicasro and one from San Antonio, Tex. POINTERS IN REALTY. Court Records Throw Light., on - a Smithfield Street Transaction. A BIG BOOST FOR FIFTH AVENUE. A New Town to b Called Minerva Laid Off in Washington County, THE WILKIXSBDRG R. TVS WILL BDILD It appears from the court records that Mrs. Penny has sold her interest in the properties Nos. 604 and 606 Smithfield street to Willis F. McCook, Esq., for $47,499. The other interests were pur chased a year or more ago by the the Mellon Bros. Whether Mr. McCook acted tor them or himself is not known. TVill Bnlld a Church. The Keformed Presbyterians of Wilkins burg have decided to tear doirti the old church building, corner of South and Cen ter streets, aud rebuild en the same site this year. This will obliterate one of the landmarks of the borough. There has been a church on this ground for nearly 100 years. The present structure was erected in 1815, the year of the great fire in Pittsburg. The new edifice will be large and handsome. The increase in the value of their land, which they have subdivided, and some of whiqh they have sold, justifies the under taking. A Boost for Fifth Avenue. Yesterday's Dispatch was full of impor tant and stirring news, but probably the most interesting item in it, when considered from a local point of view, was the story of the purchase of an entire block of property on Fifth avenue with a view to the erection of an office building to cost 500.000 or more. This substantial method of showing confi dence in the luture of the city cannot Jail to strengthen the business position along the entire line. The property in question came within a small fraction of passing into the possession of a hotel svndicate about two years ago. One of the owners objected f o the terms, and this caused negotiations to be broken off At an earlier period it was under consideration bv one of the large in surance companies. The sale was confirmed, yesterday by one of the late owners. The improvement of this propertv as indicated together with that of the Park property ad joining, on which, according to report, a 12 story building will be erected, will give the Court House district a forward impetus, and pel haps disturb the Uip Van Winkleism which has for an indefinite period held sway on Grant street. Anothnr Town on Paper. It is reported that a companv composed of Messrs. Lucius Marchand, L. S: Miller, L. T. Clavbaugh, J. W. Alles and Mrs. E. X. Lllley have purchased 70 acres of the bottom "land just below Marchandville, Washington county, and will lay it off into a town, and that good inducements will be offered for manufacturers to locate. The proposed name for the new town is Minerva. The town of California, in the same county, is experiencing qnite a building boom. Contractors have many houses under way and are completing on an average one a dy. Testerday's Building Permits Sixteen permits were issued yesterdav for 16 improvements, all estimated' to cost $90, 383. The largest are: Mrs. H. E. Wain right, brick dwelling, on Penn avenue, Twenty-sacond ward, 524,000; X. Seibert, double residence, on Fairmount avenue, Nineteenth ward, 56,500; John Bissel, brick and stone dwelling, on Frankstown avenue. Twenty-first ward, 56,500; Edeburn & Cooper, brick office, on Grant street, Sec ond ward, 57,000; W. Baucrstaith, brick dwelling, on Kebecca street, Twentieth ward, 58,000; J. P. McCrea, brick dwetMng, on Center atenue, Twentieth ward, 58,000. Special Features" of Trade. Work Is progressing favorably on the Vandergiift office building, corner of Wood and Water streets. It will be one of the largest in the city. A side entrance is being made to the build ing on the northwest corner of Wood street and Font th avenue. A Mate hank has been organized at Me dina, O , w ith a capital ot $50,000. The consideration foi the property on Cliartiers street, Allegheny, sold bv A. J. Pentecost and leported 3 eaterdav, was $8, V5. not il,3X) as printed. At the last stock call yesterday 109 was bid foi Citizens' Traction 5s. Manchester bonds were wanted at 105 Standard Plate Glass Companv stock was otTered on 'Change yesterday at 50. vt'est inghouse Electric new at 30 and Electric scrip at 90. TheComntrolIerof Cuirenevhas declared a first dividend ot 50 per cent in fa or or the creditors of the Lima National Bank.or Lima, O . on all claims proved, amounting to $108. 151 86. Kixter. Thompson & Co. say the only diffi culty in the realty market is the firmness of owners, lliey ate using their persuasive pow ers on some of them. Two thousand dollais a foot front for propi ty on central Fifth avenue is consid ei ed quite moderate. It is safe to say there will be no other sale between Smithfield and Grant stieets at that figure. Additional Points In Realty. Among transfers rccoided this week, not previously noted, are these: S. N. Prather et ux to Edwai d S. JIcLa in, lot 21x100, North avenue, Allegheny, $17,500; Cath. Schanzen bach to Giace Bedenbaeh, tract in ltoss township, 2acies, $12,000. John IC Ewing A Co. sold for B. A. Elliott to 11. A. Uippenger two lotn, 24x120 each, on Magnolui street. Tenth waid, Allegheny, near Pcrrysvillo avonue and Charles street, being Xoi. 27 and 23 in Elliott's p'an, for $1,200 cash. Black & Baird sold to Maggie Gavin lot 317 in tho Alta Land company plan on l3u quesne Heights for $90 cash: to J. V. High town. J91 101 $90, and to Mis. C. A. Berry lots So. S86 and 387 tor $120 A. J. Peniccost sold to tho Safe Deposit aud Tiut Company of Pittsbuig, lots Nos. 53, !l 55. 50 and o7 to Ilai vev Henderson for $1,300 Ho also sold lot So. 86fcou .Vjlie uvcniio to B. H. Waujrlitsr. A.Z.Bveis & Co. sold two moio lots to James O'Killey 101 the Kidnoview Land Compinv. being !os. 2 and 3 In their plan. Eleventh ward, Allegheny City, having a ironUge of 50 teet on Fleming avenue and extending thiough 120 Ieettou20 loot alley, lor $1,300 Moiris & Aisbitt sold for tiio estate of Adam Jacobs, deceased, lot No. 32 in Oak land Place to Win. Sutlev toi S1.000: also sold for A. H. Clulds lot No. 11 in Oak land Place addition to John F. Armitage for $1,000. ChailesSomers & Co sold another lot for Jlessis. Habei-man &. bchaub, In their Gruco Paik plan of lots, Chartieis township,, being No. 10, flouting 25 leet on Lorenz nvenuo by 90 feet in even width to nn nllej ; Josepu &tuinbilllgpurelusqr; puce, $6J0. II. A. Hen on & Sons sold pioperty corner Frank! own and station sticot. East End; lot 50x65 lect, wine line nen hnsiness block, lorapnco approximating $32,000; the pur chaser, a non-resident, bought it lot an in vestment. Tne Bun til ImpioVamcnt Company ropoit the following sale of lotp at Kensington: Lacien Clivwsen, lot 529, block 21. $fiC0; Mrs. Henrietta George, lot 79, block 1J, $oJ5; Win. Ashton, lot 610, block 24, $1 01,2 50. Ulailes Mvcltou, lot 652, bloxk 19 $977 50. Lewis C, Vo3tbroolc, lots 268, 5h9, 270, B. 20 $3,075: Lu cien Claw son and ni. A. Griffith, lot 231, block 26, 5852 50: John Vorhoff, lot 267, blues 2b. $1,105; Wm. A. Griffith, lot 850, block 23, $600. HOME SECURITIES. TRADING SLOW, WITH A WEAK FEEL ING AT THE FINISH. Outside Interests Claim a Large Sbare of the Interest of Investors No Special Price Changes, but Declines in the Majority Luster News. Trading was light at all of the stock calls yesteraay. Tho bulk of the business was done at the second. First prices weieabout steady as compared with the Previous day, but in the afternoon a weak feeling pie- A-ailed, and last quotations were in most cases the lowest of the day. Slock making gain's for the day were Pleasant Valley, Switch and Airbrake. Those closing down were Plpeage, Philadelphia Gas, Central Traction and Laster. None of tne changes possessed the least significance. Outside news was more attractive than In side interest nothing more. Insiders In Luster, who have slated the stock for an advance, reported that the chlorinatlon plant is completed and in oper ation, as are also tho four mills. The com pany are well pleased with the new manage ment and feel assured of good results In tho early future. There is now in sight $2,500 worth of tailings, which are expected to net $36,008. ' There was only ono salo at the flrst call 10 snares of Pittsburg Junction Railroad at 31. The second call was a little better. Sales were 20 shares of Pleasant Valley at2tj. $2,000 Blimlngham Traction bonds at 10.& and 50 Buquesne Traction stock at 27. After call 100 shares of Philadelphia Gas changed hands at 18J. The third call was almost a failure. Thirtv shares of Manchester Trac tion went ut 43. Final bids lor tho day on the unlisted Trac tions were: Manchester, 43 bid,- none of feied; Dnqnesne, 26Ji bid, none offered; Bir mingham, 26 bid, offered 27. Bids and of fers at each call follow: TIRST SECOXD TUIUD KXCHXVOE CALL. CALL. CALL. STOCKS. U. A. B. A. B. A Alle'nv Nit. Bfc. K".... 65V.... 65tf .... FxcirgeN. Bk MX ... Fourth Mit. Bk. IK.... 1KH Ker. Ilk. ofP ... 31 LlbtTtr Nat. Bk. IKI.... 105'i Mechanics' N. II. 103 .... HO Mon'elaltat Bk. 135 .... 1S5 Third hat. Bunk .... 131 .... 131 Union Nat. Bunk 475 Enterprise Sav.. 68 j. .... Citizens1 Insor... 27V I7W.... People's Insur... 20 AVe6tem Ins.. Co .... 40 40 Chartitrs V. Uns 11M 12, .... IS .... 12 P. N.G. .tP.Co life 12 11 .... 11 .... Philadelphia Co. Wi M)i lS'A 1W 13 18'A Wheeling Gas Co .... 3) .... It's Fisher l.ll Co.... hlM 61 52K 01 52! 61 Central Trac 314 29 as 2) 28 29 Citizens' Trac... rOi 63 tVi 63 621; 63 Phg. Tne Co... 57H 58S 57S 681, 573 SSS Pleasant Valley. 21H 24$ 24 ZiH 24.... becond Acnue. 10 50 .... Chanters Ry 61,'t 66 Pbg. Y. & Ash.. 41 rbg. & Castle S 8 f l't. Junction lty. 31 Pbg.Wh. IKt. 50 51M 50 SIM N.Y.AC.G.C C. 50 Mi 5J 51 La Not 11 Mln Co. 20 25 20 30 LnsterMlnlngCo 9 .... Hi 9 .... 8fJ Westlnif. Elec... 17H ! .... Mon. Water Co.. 30 U. S..tS. Co 17X IS 17H.... 17H.... U. S.&S. Co.,pfd 30 .... 30 .... Westlnsr. A. B.C 120 13 1M 121; 120H 122 Stand. U. C. Co. It 74 71 74 73 74 V. S. G.Co .corn 63 V. b. G. Co.. pid 112 115 STAGNATION IN STOCKS. BULL LEADEKsniFNECESSARY TO AD VANCE THE PRICES. A Resumption of Hie Gold Export Move ment An Upward Spurt If JJortb Ameri can and Northern Pacific Preferred Late In the Day. New Youk, June 8. The stock market showed no change In its general character to-day- There was a resumption of the out ward movement of gold, but the amount was not sufficient to haveanyinfluence upon the course of prices, especially in view of the unusually strong position of the banks. The croppiospccts were discussed and the re poi ts ai e taking on a more favorable temper, though the bears still legard the Grangers as the most vulnerable point in the market. To-day both St. Paul and Burlington were remarkable during most of the session for the stubbornness of their reslstence tojires sure, and the mateilal losses , eie generally outside of that gi oup of stocks. The claim of the bears, however, that prices cannot go up without leadership on the part of the bulls, was fully exemplified in the stagnation in prices seen when the selling piessure was lifted, and the covering demand satisfied. It is evident, also, that the coming Presi dental campaign is beginning to have its usual influence to restrict speculative opera tion". Late in the day there was a sharp upward spuit, in North American and Not them Pacific preferred, which was based on buy ing by the insiders and a rumor that the Vandeibilts had been puichasers or North Ameiican and weie about concluding a traffic agreement by which much freight would he dlveited from the Union Pacific to the Noithern P.iciflc. While the minor lacked confirmation both Northern Pacific piefened and N01 th American rose about 1 percenteacli, and the entire list followed with alacrity, notwithstanding tho an nouncement ot a heavy banking failuie in London. The market closed active and firm to strong, generally nt slight gains for the dav. The trading leached 219,935 listed nnd 6,352 unlisted. Tho total sales of stocks to-day were 25S, 2f7 shaie, including: Atchison, 4,910; Dcla naie. Lackawanna and Western, 5,300; Erie, 11,612; Louisville and Nashville, 14,520, Mi souri P.iciflc, 8,200; Noith American, 10,525; Not them Pacific, prefened, 15.270, Reading, 25,100, St. Paul, 27,373- St. Paul and Omaha, 3,020; Union Pacific, 6,210; Western Union, 4,883. Railroad bonds weie quiet, and displayed somo irregularity on tho usual slight fluctua tions. Tho trading icaohod $1,307,000. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange rester dnjr. Corrected dillv for Tun Dispatch by Whit EYbTEPHENS0. oldest Pittsburg members of the New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Clos ing bid. Low est. Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil. pfd Am. fruirar Refllllnir Co. 33 V 39X 77 SSH 9S 33)4 88 58), 1.7 33K Z!4 61 43 78V 98H 781, lii'4 Vh S4 121 ii 111 14 96 32!i 37H 155H 1334 16 48 49 102 23V 74M 132! 7i 107 iVi 98 9S'S 33' "57 V 13 X Am.Sugar BeHnliiz Co. pfd Atcli.. Top. ocs. 1 Cnnadian Pacific Canada southern Centr.ll or N fir Jersey Central l'aclBc Chesapeake .indohlo C. & o. 1st pfd (.'. & O. 2d pfd Chiogo Gas Trust C, Bur. & Ouincv C, Mil. AM. Paul C., Alii. A St. Paul, pfd.... C, Rock I. A P.....". C, St. P., M. JfcO C. st. P.. M. iO., pfd... C. A Northwestern C, C. ('. & 1 C C. C 4. I., pfd Col. Coal & Iron Col. 4 Hocking Del , Lack. i. Western Del. A Hudson nemer.t Rio Grande 61 78H 97 M 77, 123M 75 ny 115.5b m 32M 37 l."MH 136S Den. A Rio Grande, pfd... Distillers' A C. K. Trust... E. T.. Va. A Ga E. T.. Va. A Ga., 2d pfd.. 43 'i Illinois Central Lane KricA WeU... 102V niS 72,'i 102 23', 75 112!, 72 1KW 23 74 S 111!4 71 L.ake Erie A st, prcf. .. Lake snore a. m. s Louisville A Nashville Mlcliigin Central , Mobile A Ohio Missouri Pacific, National Cordanc Co... HH 55 S4H 114V 110S 11VS 115S 11 1114: 36 90 1I2V 13 70 35!; 26 V, 63 33 I8J4 II 44V ISS 19" 53V 20 2AH 17 5SV 22 62 Ki 8T 44 43V 106 113 9 39'i 10 23); 9m 71 ma 58 94 National CordageCo., pfd Ii: iNaiioni ijuin 1 o National Lead Co., pfd... New York Central, N. Y.. C. A St. L N. Y., C. A st. L., 2d pfd N. Y., '. A St. I... 1st pfd N. Y., L. E. AW .. N.Y., L. E. AW., pfd... N. Y. AX. E N.Y.. O. AW 3V 36 90V 112' lli'i 3o54 no 112! 111K 1CH is 2oK nfi! 3?! Wi 2h'fi 61 31 18)4 Norfolk A Western N orlolk A estern. pid. .. North American Co Northern Pitlnc Northern Pacific, pfd.... Oregon Improvement PaclBr Mdll l'eo.. Dec. AEins Philadelphia A Reading... Pbg. Cin. ' hlcao A St. I. P.. C. C. A St. 1.. pid .... Pulhniu Palace Car Richmond A W. P. T. tr.. Rlciim'd A V.lT..ptd tr. St. Paul A Dulutli St. Paul A Dulllth. prd M. Paul. Mln. A Man...... 'lexasl'arlDc Union raclllc W abash . . ..I Wabash, prd "Western Union "Wheeling. L. E Wheeling & L. K., pfd.... Hiltlmoro A Ohio Westlnh'e E A M. Co. As'd cstluh'c E AM Co. lstpr Ex. div. UH 19V H 14'4 19V 52,'i JIM 54 '4 17X as?; SS'A n 8V 4SV 48 V I 4SV 1134, "33'5 :o' 23'j 93 30'i 73 97 113 "39 10lj :3',4 9 It 305, 74 97 H 113 'isH 10 22V 13H 30, 73 97 Philadelphia stock. Closing quotations of Philadelphia ftocks fur nished by V hltney & Stephinson. hrokirs No. 5. i ourth avenue, members of New York block Ex change: Bid. ...29 ... 7X ...53 ... 3' ...10 ...u Asked. 551, 29 7-16 8 3K' 20! PennsTlvanla It.illioad . Reading Kailroid Buffalo, ?.. Y. iPhlla.. Lehigh Valley' Lehigh NaUgatlon Philadelphia A Eric Northern Pacific, com . Northern Pacific, pref . isale. Boston Stocks CloKlng Prices. Atch. ATopeka 31 Calumet Hecla....208 Boston Albany.. ,.2us Franklin 14V Boston Maine 17s 4 Kearsarge 12K CliL.Bur. & Qulncy, MH Osceola 314 Fltchburg K. K DIM bantaFe Copper.... UH Flint A ftmJI 21 Tamarack 184 Mass. Central 16 Boston Land Co. ... :M ilex, ucn., com ion san.uiego L.and Co. is Tl.l.Jcr. rng do West Km (I Land Co.. 11 . Y. A. J. ling. 78. .lis Hell Telephone 202 Larasou store S 20 uia oiony inva Rutland pfd 72 Wis. Central com.... 15,4 Allouez M in. (new). 1C0 Atlantic 10 Boston Mont 42.H Centennial Mln. Co.. OX fl. K. xel Tel M Butte A B Cop ... . 12K fbomson-HoUbtonEl 63H Mining Stock Qnotatlons Nxw York, June 8. Best 4 .Belcher 195, Open High lng. est. XSH 40 VH 77V 18, 9D Is, 99M J3 33H "5714 "mh 1364 137J "22U "kh 61J4 614 79 79 98 9iH 71H 785 123 S 1231, 76 7fM 43M 4SM "iis'ii 'iisii 644 Mf "33" "si" 37'i z;k 155H lMJi 1J7 137 "H" "a" Consolidated California & Virginia 390. Deadwood 210,' Eureka Consolidated 150, Gould & Curry 100, Hale & Norcross HO, Homestake 1350 Horn Silver 330, Mexican 150, Opliir 240, Savage 200, Sierra -Nevada 100, Standard 135. Boston Electrio Stocks. Boston, Junes. SpfdaWi The latest elec trio stock quotations were: Bid. Asked. Thomson-Houston Electric Co eili 65V Thomson-Houston Electric Co . prcf.. 28'i 29 T.-U. E. Co. Tr. securities, series D.. 754 T. E. E. W. Co 10 Ft. W. E. Co 12i 12V Ft. W. E. Co. Tr.sccurltles 7 7H W. E. Co S 29V W. E. Co . pfd 47 47 Detroit E. Co 7J 7J Edison E. 111. Co 115 Bar Silver Quotations. New Yokk, June 8. Special.) Bar silver in. lAjnuou u niguer, at tiyia, Tier ounce, .new iurK ueaiers price higher, at 91c per ounce. lor silver c THE MONEY MAKKEX. Matters Reported Easy and Comfortable All Along the Line. Local monetary conditions and move ments yesterday were substantially gtho same as a week or a month ago. The. de mand for loans n as perhaps a little broader, showing that improvement, although slow, is maintained. Clearings lonoted a largo aggiegate of business. A Cashier lemarked: "Trade is excellent for a Presidental year. All the changes that occur aiofor the bet ter. Nothing is going backwaid. The fall movement should be heavy." There was no change in rotes. Operations nt the Clearing House fort up: Exchanges, $2,366,140 79: bal ances, $470,258 19. There was some demand for exchange at about par. At New York yesterday money on call was easy at 1I percent; last Iban, 1; closed offered at prime mercantile paper, 2?i5." Steiling exchange quiet but firm at $4 8J for 60-day bills, and $4 88 foi- demand. . Closing Bond Qnotatlons. U.S. 4s reg 116)4 do 4s coup I17J4 do 2s 100 Pacific Gs of '95 106 Louisiana stamp. 4s. 911 Tenn. new set 6s. ...100 Ttnn, newset5s 100 Tenn. new setSs 73)4 Canada So. 2ds 102 Central Par lsts 108V Den. Alt. G. lsti, .ins; Den. A R. G. 4s 82 Erie 2ds 105 M.K. A T. gen 6s.... 79X M.K. AT. Ken 5s.... J7J, Bid. Mutual Union 6s.. ..107V N. J. C. lntcert Ill Northern Pac lsts. ..US! Northern Pac2ds ..112)4 Vorthwestern con. .137 Northwest'n deb 5s. 106'; St L. Al.I.gen5s. 84'4 St L.AS.F. gen m'.lOJ St. Panl consols 131 St.P. C. A Pac lsts..U9K T.P.L G.T. Rets. .. 79 T.P.R G.T. Rets. .. 23 Union Pacific lsts..,100 West Shore 105H R. G. W 82 Bank Clearings. Chicago Money easy at Bank clearings, $16,812,453. ner cent. New York ex- change, 250 premium. St. Louis Bank clearings, $4,143,372; bal ances $611,020. Money quiet, 46 per cent. New York exchange, 75c premium. New Yobk Bant clearings, $109,426,163; "ba- aiices, 9,-t.02j. a vl uoston uinK clearings,; nai ances, $1,046,549: money, 2 per cent. Ex change on New York, 10 to 12i cents dis count. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12 717,905; balances, $2,233,739. Money, 2 per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,329,789; bal ances, $302,397. Money, 6 per cent. goAe but box forgotten. A Well-Known Shoe Dealer In Financial Difficulties Has Disappeared. Gossip is rife among the residents of Law renceville over the strange absence of George Gregory, formerly a well-known shoe dealer at 4413 Butler street, who about two months ago mysteriously disappeared. The store of Mr. Gregory has been closed for some time, and upon the door of the establishment is a Sheriff's sign which an nounces that on Friday morning, in order to justify certain claims held by Joseph Fuhrer,Sr., wholesale liquor dealer, against the proprietor, the stock, fixtures and house hold eSects will be disposed of at public sale. Mr. Fuhrer is the absentee's father-in-law, and, according to his statement, the rumor ot Mr. Gregory being in financial difficulties is correct." "When asked about his son-in-laws disappearance he said: "Shortly before Mr. Gregory went away it was alleged that he was deeply iu debt aud that some of his creditors were then in the city prepared to enter suits against him for the amounts due. During the past year'or so I have indorsed his note for various sums aggregating $5,000, all of which I had to meet, and, wishing to protect myself, I ob tained judgment for the full amount." It is stated that Mr. Gregory's possessions will not yield over this 55,000. and in this case if there are any other creditors they -n ill secure little it any of the money due them. DIED IN .THE BATH. Mrs. Harriet C. Magnus suddenly Stricken by Heart Disease. Mrs. Harriet C Magnus, the ,young wife of Louis A. Magnus, ot 64 Eace street, Alle gheny, was found dead in her bath room when her husband returned home from his work at 6 o'clock last evening. Mrs. Mag nus had been in her usual health when her husband left home at the noon hour, but she had not been strong for some years. "When Mr. Magnus went home last evening he found no supper prepared, an unusual occurrence, and calling for his wife got uo response. Searching the rooms he found the bathroom door locked, and together with George Gill, a boarder at the house, they broKe open the door and lound Airs. Magnus dead, kneeling on one knee in the bathtub, halt filled with water, and her head dropped forward resting on the edge of the tub. She became ill nnd exhausted while bathing and died instantlv, as evi denced by her position in the water. Dr. McQuery was sent for, but she had been dead some hours, and the doctor said her death had been caused by heart failure. Mrs. Magnus was 33 years old. They had but one child, ot 3 years, who was crawling about the floor alone when the husband re turned from his work. The Coroner will hold an inquest into the case to-day. Gored to Death by a Ball. New Castle, Pa., June 8. Spirted. James Mammill, of North Beaver town ship, while crossing a field this morning was attacked by a large savage bull. He was carrying salt endeavoring to catch the animal, when the bull suddenly attacked him and before assistance arrived, it had gored its victim to death. Mr. Hammil was 70 years of age and one of the early settlers ot the township. Ocean Stermshlp Arrivals. Steamer. Where From. Destination. Itiiaella New York, . Scllly. ..bouthamnton. Havel. New York, Xeir York Liverpool. Lmi British Princess .Lremerhaven. .I'hiliilelnliU. Elbe BrLimii ..New York. ,.New York. ..New York. Vccndam Itottcrdam .. We&ternland Antwerp How about the prudence of allowing a cough to run on, rasping the pulmonary and bronchial oigans, when that approved and specdvremedy, Dr. P. Jayne's Expectorant, can be obtained Irom any apothecary. Greatly Admired. Tho 15,000 people who visited Kensington on Monday were loud in their piaises of the beauty and location of the new city. .Many took adiautage ot theopnoitunityandinudo purchases of lots. Sales me going on daily. An immediate investment means that the amount will soon double. Go and see Ken sington. Tickets fm lushed lrec at office, No. 791ouith ayenue, Pittsbiug. Pa. BEAT ESTATE S 4 VINGi BANK, 1131, 401 Smlthflald Street, Cor. Foarth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $757000. Deposits of $1 ana upward leceivedand interest allowed at 1 per cent. tts Faith, nope and Busine, the greatest of which is Bugine, to kill roaches, bedbugs, etc 25 cents at all dcaleis. Pzrteot action nnd pertect health result, from the use of De W iti's Little Early Kisers. A perlect little $111. Very small; very sure Angostura Bitters are the best remedy for removing indigestion. Mrs. rasLow's Soothing Syrup for olill dteu teething pioduces natural, quiet sleop, THE HOME MARKETS. Dairy Products Plenty, and Drift of Prices Is Downward. STRAWBERRIES WEAK AND LOWER. Corn and Cats on the Advance, and Other Cereals Are Quiet. LUMBER SLOW AT FORMER PRICES Omcc or The Dispatch, PiTTSBUBO. Wednesday, June 8. 5 Country Produce Jobbing Prices The receipts ot strawberries were not so heavy to-day as yesterday, nor was quality of offerings quite so good. The wearier of late has had the eflect of lowering quality of berries. Old potatoes are weak and lower, and new potatoes are in liberal supply and quiet. Choice gradls of creamery butter are steady, and all under choice are dull and heavy, with prices nominal. Country but ter continues to be a drug, and sells for whatever the buyer Is willing to give. A fair article of butter has sold as low as 10c per pound of late. Ohio cheese is dull and lower. Shippers of cheese claim that onrs has been one of the worst markets In the country for a week or two past. Oranges and lemons are active and firm, andbananas are weak. TICTTEK-Creamerv EIIn. 19!20c: Ohio brands. lH!7c; common country batter, 1012c; choice country roll. Iai5c. Beaks -New York and Michigan pea. $1 751 85: marrowfat, t2 132 '25: lima beans, SX3Mc per lb: hand-picked medium, fl 701 73. Beeswax Choice, 33C334C pr lb; low grades, 22 25c. CIIEESE-Ncw Ohio cheese, iHISiSHc; New York ciirese, 10r310)jc: llmburger. 13I3e: Wisconsin sweitzer, full cream, lSStc: Imported sweltzer, 2626Hc Cideb Country elder. i C05 50 per barrel; sand refined, fa 50(37 00; crab cider. (7 5C3 00 Eggs Strictly fresh. 17c; goose eggs, 2025c per dozen; duck Suits, 18:0c. rEATiiERS Extra live geese, 57o8c; No. 1. 48 50c per lb: mixed lots. 253oc. Dried FeUits Peaches, halves. SKc; evanc ratcd .ipplcs. 77Mc; apricots, 9llc: blacuberrles. SiGC; raspberries. 1818ic; Iiucxleberries, 7c; California pcachrs. 79c. Honey Newcrop white clover, 1617c; Cali fornia honey. 1215c ? lb. Maple Syrup 651570c gallon. MAPLE SUGAR-58C ? lb. Poultry Alive Chickens. 90ctl f0 per pair; spring chickens. 6.va75c per pair: live turkeys. 139 13C ? 16: ducks. 6j75c a pair: Utp geese, 90cl 00 a pair: dre cd chickens. lolGc V lb: drpssed tur keys. 1618c$ lb: dressed anck, ivainc? lb. Potatoes Carload lots, on track, 50Go5c: from store, G0ft5c a bushel. ItAspmcRniES 20c a box. Seeds Western recleaned medium clover. Job bing at 3 7") : mammoth, 37 83: timothy. SI 70 for prime, and fl 7 for choice: blue grass. $2 65ji2 80; orchard grass (1 50: millet, (1 11: German, ji 30; Hungarian. II 10; fine l.lrrn, 25c $ lb; seed buck wheat, 1 4001 50. Strawberries $2 502 75 a crate; 712c per box. Tallow Country, 4c: city rendered. 4"$c. TROPICAL FnciTS Leuioni. fancy Messina. 3 50 4 00: Messlnnand California oranges, (4 on4 50 per dox: bauanas, (1 5(Va2 CO firsts, ft 25t 50 sec onds: Persian dates, 45c per pound; layer figs, laailc per pound; pineapples. Iui2c apiece. Vegetables Cabbage. 31 ool 25 a barrel crate. S2 ZYgiZ 30 a 2-barrel crate: grren onions, 25c a dozen: yellow Danver. f 1 75 2 00 a barrel: new Bermuda onions. 12 50 a bov; new Florida tomatocF, 2 503 00 a bushel crate; Bermuda potatoes, $6 01 a barrel: southern potatoes, t3 5034 DO per birrel: splnarh, ! 00l 55 a barrel; new beets. 4045c a dozen: asparagus 40c a bunch: radishes, 25tc per dozen: new peas, fl 75 a half barrel; green beans, 1 502 75; cucumbers, 75S0c per dozen; rhubarb, 20c a dozen. Groceries. Sugars are so Arm that it is only a question of a day or two when there must be an ad vance. The cheapest soft white sugar can not now be laid down here at less than 4Jc. Canned corn of good grades is well cleaned up, and markets are firm. Gbeejt Coffee Fancy, 21 if22ic: choice Rio, 202lc: prime, 1819c: low grade. 1617c; old Gov ernment Java. 2!Ya3lc: Maracaibo. 2122"c: Mocha, 2829c:bantos. 202,ic; Caracas, 2l25cf La Guayra. ZK($ic. Roasted (In paper) Standard brcnds, 19.15e; higher grades. 22(3126c; old Government Java, bulk. 3133c:Maracalho, 22ffl24c: Santos 192Sc: peaberry, 26c; choice Rio. "Hc; prime Rio, 20Jc; good Iilo, injjc: ordimry, 1718e. Spices (whole) Clovts, fc12c: allspice, 10c; cassia. 8c: pepper. 12c: nutmeg. 7OS803. Petroleum (Jobbers' prlccs)-ll test. 6c; Ohio. 150. 7c: headlight. 150 test, fitfc: water white. 78c; globe. IVSiWic: elalne, 13c: carnadine. lie; royalloe, 14c; red oil, 10llc; purity, 14c; olelne, 21c Mir.ERS Oil No. l winter, strained, 3940c per gallon: summer. lo37c: lard, 5?-ic, bYRUP Corn syrun 2427e: choice sugar syrup, 3453-ffic; prime sugar Syrup, 3332c; strictly prime. 2Sa30c. N. O. MOLASSSS-Fancr new crop. 4042c; choice. 40ilc; old crop, 3C33c; N. O. syrup, 41 50c Soda Bl-carb, In kegs, Yi3Hc: bl-carb, lnKs, 53fc: bi-carb, assorted packages. 526c; sal soda, in krgs. IKe; do granulated. 2c. C'AXDLES Star, full weight. 9c; stearlne, per set, Sc: paralHne. Ili2c. Rice Head Carolina, CK6c: choice. 5K;c; Louisiana. 55Mc. Staech Pearl, 3c; corn starch. 56Kc; gloss starch. 5M6c. Foreiov Fruit Layer raisins. ?2 00; London livers. (225: Muscatels ?I 73: California MuscaloH. 91 4031 01): Valencia, 33c; Ondara Valencia. 6! 7c: snllani. 813c: currants. 3;4(3.l!'c: Turkey prunes. 4K5Ht: French prunes. slc; rocoa nuls, ? loo. (vl 00 almonds. Lan., lb, 20c: do Ivlca. 17c: do shelled. 50c; walnuts. Nip.. 1311c: sieiiy ameris lie; smrna ngs. uiauc; new dales. !-i)u: Brazil nuts, be: ncans, 1314c: citron. lb, 21.2c: lemon peek 10c lb: organe peek 12c. ScoAiis Cubes, oc: powderel. 5c: grinulated, 4Hc; lonfectloners'. Uic; soft white, 4'AdiWc; yel low, rholce. i'i'iHiic: yellow, good, 34c; yel low, fair. .3.. Pickles Jledlum. bbli (1.203), l 00; medium, half bills (6CO). S2 50 Salt No. 1 perbbl. $1 20; No. 1 extra, per half bbl; 31 10; dalrv. per bbl. si 20: coarse crystal, per bbl, ?l 20; Higgins Eureka. 4-hu sacks, fl 30: Iliz gins' Eureki, Id 14-Rt packets. t-S 00. Canned Goons-btiudard peaches. $1 751 90; 2ds, (1 3'3l 43: extra peaches. 2 O02 10; pie peaches. 85ia90c: fineit com. $1 25011 M; Hfd. Co. corn. II 001 10: red cherries, 31 OCVai 10: lima beans, $1 3i: soaked do. 83c: stringed do, SOSSSc: marrowfat peas. rol 10: soiked peas, 6075c: pineapples. (1 20l 3i: Bahama do, fz TO: dam'on piums. ii IX): green gages, st 86; egg plums, II 00; California apricots, Jl 752 00: California pears, 1 9".2 10: do green gages, SI S3: do egg plums, tl 83: extra white che-nes. ?2 652 85; raspberrlei, fl 15431 25: strawherrles. 15cs 1 10; goo6eherries, tl 00(1 05: tomatoes. 9095c: salmon, 1-Ib cane, 1 302)160: blaekhcrrles. 70c; snecntash. 2-lb cans, soaked, 90c: do green. 2-m cans. SI 2jl f0; corn beef. 3-lb cans. 41 651 70; 1-Ib cans. Jl X: baked beans, fl Wa)l 55: lobsters, 1-lbcans. 2 25: mack erel, I-tb cans, boiled, f I 60; sardines, domestic, H 3 9u4 00; Hs, 38 25; sardines. Imported. U, I53)1 60; sardine. Imported. H. ?3 00; sardines, mustard. 3315: sardines, spiced. S3 13. Fisu-Extn No. 1 bloatr rmckerel, (24 00 per bbl: extn No. 1 do mess. 920CO; No. 2 shore mack erel, aiuou: ?. -i large macKcrei, sis 01: Jio. 3 large inickercl, 31650: No. 3 small mackerel. 110 00. Herring-Split. f3 50: lake. 13 23 per I0i-Ib bbl. hlte fish. J7 50 per 100-lb iialr bbl. Lake trour, 8060 per hair bbl. Finnan baddies, loo per to. Ice land halibut, 12: per lb. Pickerel, naif bbls. 4 00; quarter bbls. 3160. Holland herring, 75c. Walkoff herring. 83c. OATMEAL-5-1 704 75. Grain, Flour nnil Feed. There was but one snle on Wednesday's call at the Giain Exchange, uamelv, a car No. 2 yellow shell corn, 53e. Receipts, as bullotinod,.2Jcais. By Pittsburg, Ft.Wayuo and Chicago Hallway 3 cars of oats, 6 of hay, 4 or flour. By Plttsbuig, Cincinnati and St. Louis 2 cars or oats, 2 of hay, 2 of wheat. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie 1 car of hay, 1 of flour. 1 of malt. Bv Pittsburg and West em 1 car of wheat. Corn and oats are ad vancod, as our quotations will disclose. Millfecd and liny aio weak and lower. Wheat and Honr are steady. Our mlllors re port thnt thei o is no margin in flour at pres ent price of wheat. Following arc prices tor carload lots on track. Dealers cliarguan advance from store: Wiilat No. 1 red, 9JMc; No. 2red, !C92c: jxu. o reu, octtiJC Coax No. 1 yellow ear, V4.Si.wc; high mixed ear. 5l"i(ai4c: mlxid eir. 5a?5i;u: No. "2 yellow shelled, 53(ff34c: high mixed shelled, 52o3;; mixed sllelleJ, 51S5--. OATS-No. 1 oat. 4-4.!;c: No. 2 -n hlte. 42 f2He: extra No. 3 oats, 41U:c: mixed oats, 40 io';c. ItYE No. I Pennsvlvanla and Ohio, 8.'i')6e: No. 'Western. 83(ffi84c. ' ' iLoun Jobbing pi ices Fancy spring patents. $4 S55 10 lancv winter patent; 4 85W. 10; rincy btraiglit winter, 34 54 7a; fanc straight spring. SI 0OC314 7i;cliar winter. 14 2i4 U; straight XXXX bakers'. M s4 50: rje flour. . 7"3 CO. JIILLFtFD .No. 1 white middling $15 50(316 00 per ton: ito. 2 white middlings. SISui(m)I50; brown middling. 314 SO 3 00; wjuter wheat brau, 14 50 5 10. 1IA1 -Baled timothy, choice. 313 1x31150; No. 1. 3 2 7V311 00; No. 2, 3 1 00 1 1 50; loose irom wagon, (14 UUglia CO. Heeordliig to qiiality; prairie hay, i3(inj.; packing Ii ii, ?i7o9 00. Stka i oats, S7.la750; wheat, SS50g8 75; rve, 17 7oJ Oj. Provltlons. Sugar cured hims. large Sugar cured hams, medium Sugar cured hams, small Sugar euredCaliturula hams Sugarcured b. bacun Sugar cured shoulders hugar cured boneies shoulders.... Sugar cured skinned shoulders Sugar cured bacon shoulders -Uicar cured dr -salt shoulders Sugar cured beef, rounds bugar cured beef, sets , 9ugar cured beer, flats Ilaeon, tlear sides, 30 ibs Bacon, clear sides. 20 Ibs 10 11 1IM s 8J4 .); lz 9 urr salt clear bides, 3U ids average., Mess pork, heavy.... MessDork. lamllv... . 13 50 . 13 5.1 Mess pork, lamll; Lara, rcnued. In tierces jnru, renuen, in uerces., Lard, refined, In one-half barrels '& Lard, refined, inoo-jb tubs. Lard, refined, la S0-1B pttlf , , 5. Lumber. Trade In this line shows no Improvement over last week. Well-seasoned lumber is in short supply, but thero seems to be no dif ficulty In meeting all demands. Prospective strikes among ironworkers have of late had a depressing; effect on trade. White Pine perM. TJppera 154. IK and 2 Inches ?I7 03 Selects 1H. Ik and 2 Inches 42 50 Fine Conn 1M. 1H and 2 Inches 37 00 Shop No. 1 IU. IK and 2 Inches 3100 Shop No. 2 1M. Vi and 2 Inches 23 50 No. I stocks US. 10 and 12 inches 22 50 No. 2 stocks 1x3, 10 and 12 Inches 18 50 No. 3 stocks 1x8. 10 and 12 Inches 15 30 Flooring and drop siding No. 1 28 00 Flooring No. 2 20 00 Flooring No. 3 13 50 LongLeafTcllow Pine 4-4x7s flooring first and second class 22 00 4-4xS standard IS 50 H ceiling 14 00 H celling 13 50 Ji ctlllng 17 50 Surface boards 1 Inch, first and second class.. 24 CO Surface plank 1'4, IU and second class H 00 Shingles 18 Inch XXXX thick white pine. 3 73 13 Inch XX or C B 2 50 Hard woods Hemlock 10 0O Oak 20 00 AValnnt. firsts and seconds 401360 Walnut clear 80 00 Car plank 20 00 Pit rails 13 00 . TBI-STATE BREVITIES. Georoe Mano was killed near Massllon, Ohio, esterday by a passenger train. The Homestead new water works were tested yesterday and found satisfactory. William Lee committed suicide at Easton yesterday by jumping into the Lehigh ri, er. Mrs. Solomon Haoax was killed at Lock haven yesterday by being thrown from a buggy. Isaac Staiues, of Pittsburg, was arrested at Canton, O., yesterday while endeavoring to pass a $20 counterfeit bill. Steubksville and vicinity and the rail roads entering the city were heavy sufferers from a rainstorm Tuesday evening. A wind storm in West Virginia Tuesday night blew down fonr hou?e and unroofed many buildings in Huntington and Cabell. T:Ho:r. Eoward T. MoNELLis.whcl was running for a second term In the Legislature from Johnstown, resigned his canaiaacy yester day. Richard Fitch, at Ellsworth, O.. near Toungstown, was killed by lightning Tues day night while at home reading a news paper. G. W. Mellott's house at Jeannette was struck and badly damaged by lightning Tneday night. Mrs. Mellott was hurled to the floor and stunned. Lewis Schmidt hai been returned for keep ing a wholesale liquor honse without a license at Beaver Falls. He claims that he slmplv keeps beer In cold storage for people who order it from Pittsburg. NAircr Chambers, a young lady living at Barboursvllle, W. Va., was sitting on a log nlone on tho bank of Wind river Tuesday, when the log turned with her. and she was thrown into the river and drowned. The Philadelphia Press Company has filed answer in the suit of the State to recover the rebate of 49 per cent alleged to have been paid by the Press to Bardsiey and others. The answer is a general denial of all the al legations. Controller Morrow and City Attorney Moreland, of Flttoburg, have filed In the Prothonotary's office at Harrisburg an ap peal from the settlement with the Auditor General and State Treasurer for tax on loans for the year 1891, the amount being $16,721 91. Eiecutio8 to the amount of several thou sand dollais were entered yesterday against Martin Gnswiler.of Mechanlcsburg,a leading Democratic politician of the Cumberland Valley. He vi as Internal Revenue Collector under President Cleveland. Other execu tions will follow. Mrs. M. Kavey, a widow living hi one in South Nlles, O , was awakened early yester day morning by four masked men. They se cured $8, then choked and beat her in a ter rible manner to make herdisclose the hiding place of moie. They tore up the bed. car pets and furniture, but found nothlns fur ther. Tbey left her in a dying condition. BRIGHT'S KIDNEY DISEASE. Painful, retarded, scanty urination, gravel, catarrh of bladder, sand and unhealthy de posits In urine, fiothy, thick, turbid nrine filled with mucus nnd brick dust, too fre quent discharge at night, pain in region ot kidneys, slow and difficult discliar.-n in old people, bloody urine, cured bv our Kid ney remedies. Hundreds have been made happy by them. Examiratinn of mine free of charge to those taking treatment. Doc tor on duty from 9 -a. m. to 9r. sr. dnlly. Consultations free for ail diseases. If ou can't come, send for book, "Guide to Health." It will cost you nothing and may save vour life. Question blanks on application. Med icine by mall postpaid. Coirespondence confidential. Munyon's Homoeopathic H. Remedy Co., Parlors and Private Offices 907 Penn av. Je7-55-TTs EVERY TWO AND A HALF MINUTES. The blood makes a circuit of the body every 2 minutes, delivering nutriment and taking back waste matter to be filtered one by the llverand kidneys and removed from the body through the bowels and the urin ary seci etlon. Any stoppage or obstruction of this process nny produce various forms of dhease, such a Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, Headache. Debility and bad blood with its multiplied evils (bolls, blotches, plmplei, sores, eruptions, nbceses nnd the like). When such obstructions exist as evidenced by the presence of complaints similar to those jnt mentioned, the best medicine to use is Burdock Blood Bitter.-., which unlocks the si-cietlons, removing all impure and effete matterthrongh the proper channels. By testoring healthy action of tho stomach, liver, kidneys and bonds, II. B. B. removes all impurities of tho blood from a common pimple to the worst sciofu ous sore. my30-TTSsu DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cues re quiring scientific and confi dential treatment. Dr. S. K. Lake. M. It. C. P. S.. is the old est -nd most experienced spe cialist in the city. Consulta tion free and strictly confi dential. Office hours, 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 r. c; Sundays, 2 to 4 p.m. Consult them person ally, or wiite. Doctors Lake, cor. Penn an and Fourth t.. f ttlmrj. Pa. Je3-72-wk VIGOR OF MEN Easily, Qnlckty, rerm-inrntly KESTORKD, WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITT. nnd all the train of evils, tho results of over work, sickness, worry, etc Full strength, development, nnd tone guaranteed in all cases. Simple, natural methods. Immedi ate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2.000 referenced. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (veiled) free. -Address EKIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO. N. T. Iel0-4f VTb tend the marrplnn TrmnrU I ;MEi Itemed t CALTHO.S fro, nmi a I it'Kai guarantee mat jalthos will j Tbe- . yiw nUehorxes Jc FmUuton I ' CURE T4MTHitorrhM- urimwln I I .. "wrrstfrwrv w i I i uuHuiiuuiiiivtt iifon Use it and pay if satisfied. AUnM5,V0N MOHL CO.. fiofo American IgemU, OnrinnaLl, Okfa. DR. MARST0NjS7obt,eenoT Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood. Impotence, Lack of levelo?mcEit Uldney and Bliuldcr Disorders, JVIcht SweuU, Varicocele and all diseases brought on by imprudence or neglect. Without Stomach Medicine. Has never failed In ten years. Illustrative Treatise freo. aent oealeti. Address, '"" --HE0Y CO,19PakPuce.KewToiuc.H.Y, jal9-o3-TTSWlC OR. MOTT'S PENNYFi.OYALP!LLS, A remedy used for many years by an old physician with great success. It Is a per lectly safe and reliable remedy nnd is una ceftsfmly used as a monthly corrective by thousands of ladles. Beware of Imitations. Ask for Dr. Mott's Pennyroyal Female Pills and take no other, or enolose $1 and we will mall you a box securely sealed In plain pi per. Price f 1 per box. six for $3. DK. MOTT'S CHEM. CO., Cleveland, O. old a wholesale and retail by Jos. Fleming k Son, Flttaborg, Pa. dalKni Lard, refined, in 60-B tin cans Lard, refined. In 3-lb tin palls Lard, refined. In 5-tb tin palls Lard, refined, in 10-lb tin palls ts NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4i -n 111 - M "CAN I ASSIST YOU. MADAM V This is an evcry-day occurrence; she la taken with that "all-gone" or faint feel ing, while calling or shopping. The cause of this feeling is some derangement, weakness, or irregularity incident'to her sex. It matters littlo from what cause it may arise ; Instaat leliof may always be found by using LYDIAE.PINKHAM'Scv.rp?u It is tho only Positive Cure and Legitimate Eemedy for thoso peculiar weaknesses and ailments of our bost female population. Every Druggist sells it as a standard ar ticle, or sent by mail, in form of Pills or Lozenges, on receipt of SI 00. For the cure of Kidney Complaints, either sex, the Compound has no rival. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers letters of Inquiry. i,nc!ose stamp for reply. 0 end (wo2-cent stamnt lor Mrs. Plnkhjm' beautiful 88-paqa Illustrated book, entitled "UUlUfc IU HbALIn M1U LllUUtllt-- It contains a volume ol valuablo Inloraailtn. It has saved lines, and may save jours LjcJIa E. Plnkham Med. Co., Lynn. Mass. ESTABLISHED 18b7. CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY A SPECIALITY DANIEL M'CAFFREY. Hay, Grain and Commission, 23S AND 240 FIFTH AVENUE. PITTSBURG, PA. Consignments of and orders for eraia solicited. mvI7-4S.n BROKERS FINANCIAL. ESTABLISHED 1SS4. John M. Oakley & Co., BANKERS AND BROKEIti 4CSIXTH ST. Dlrect private wire to New York and Cit. caeo. Siember New York, Chicago and Plttj- bunr Exchanses. Local securities bomrhtund sold for casa or carried on liberal marsins. Investments made at our dlscrotloa anl dividends paid quarterly. Interest paid on balanoe (sines 1S33J. Honey to loan on call Information books on all markets mailed on application. Ie7 Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. np3(K5S 31ED1CAU DOCTOR WHITTIER Fll PENN ATENIIE. HITT'jBUKG. P.t. As old residents know and hack diet n: PittBburjr papers prove, is the oldast estab Hshed and most prominent physician in th cltv.devotini; specialattentinn to all chronts r-rtNO FEE UNTIL CURED pon-iblo MCDni IQ lnl mental dls-per-iin lJ Ln V UUO eases, pliystoil do cav, nervous debility, lac'coi euetvr. ambi tion and hope, impalre t mernorv, disordered slant, self Mistrust, bashfnlnes. dizlnes. sleeplesness, pimplex. eruptions, impovsr ished Wood. Inilin-r powers, orsame wealv nes, dyspoosia. constipation, consumption, unfitting the person forousiness,,'ciety and marriase. permanently, alelyand pnvatelr ,curead..8L00n AND SKIN?.1' eruptions, blotches. fallln r hair.bone.!alns. irlandu'ar swfllinrs. ulceration ot the tontrne, mouth, throit, ulcers, old snres, ar cured for life, and blood poisons thoronshlv eradicated lroml IDIM A DV kldnev ami the system. Unl IN n H T , bladder de ranemonts. iro-ik bao'r. trravol. catarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching troamerU, prompt relle 'nnd real cures. Dr. whittler's Ufe-lonx extensive experi ence Insnres sclentlflo and roliable treit menton common sense principles. Consulta tion fK's. Patients at a distance .is oarefully treated as I r here. Ofiloe hours, - w. to t r. a. Sunday, ioa. x. to t r. x. only. D8 WHITTIER. ail Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa "WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE, Ihu Great inz.ish KemUy. Promptly anci rxirmannt Ijrcurts .ill form of nerT ons neakiies. emissions, epcrmaturrhea, lmpotrncj and all elite is or abuse or excesses. iSeen prescribed over33jears In thousind livable and botifst medicine knuwn. Axk drutra'lsts for he offers sntnp worthless medicine In place of this, leave his dfshoncftt store, inclose price In letter, and we will send br return mall Price, one pack ajte. $1: six, V. One will please, six will cure. Pamphlet In plain sealed envelope, 2 stamps. Ad dress TIlhW.JOUt'HFM.CAL CO.. 131 Wood ward avenue. Detroit. Mich bold In Pittsburg by Jos. Fleming A son . 412 Market street. del7-Sl-eodwfc CURB A cure for Piles. Fxt'rnal. Internal. Uiind. Bleed. In anil Itchlne. Chronic. Ittcent or HerrdltrT. Tills remeilj- has positively never been known to fall, tl a lmx. 6 lor $.. hy mail. A jrnarantee sire n with six boxes, when purchased at one time, lo re fund the to If not cured, issned by F.MII G. STOCKY. Drniirlst. tVholetier and Retail Ajront. Nos. 1401 and 1701 Penn are., corner Wylle are. and Fulton t.. Pllt-biirir, Pa. Use Stueky. Dlarrbcea Cramp Core. 2 anil SO els. Jal-&-eol LOST MANHOOD RESTORED spniu NKKVINE. The creat Span ish Kemedv, Is sold WITH A V It I T T F. V GUARANTEE toenre all nerr onsdl5ease.4uca as ,i caK uemorr BErorie avd AFTER csiio. Loss of Ilriln Powers vlcfnlncss. Lost Manhood. .NlRl'tly EinlsslonJ. Ncrvouness. Lasltiide.alldrilns and loss or power or the Generative Organs In cither sex caused by over-exertion, yonthfnl errors, or excessive use or tobacco, opium or stlrrnlants. ?1 per package br mall-S for". With eTnr S3 on!r we GIVE A AltITTRVGUAItJr.TEK TOCCREorREFIIMJ JIO.NKY. Spanish Medicine Co. Madrlif. 'naln. anu lieiroit. alien. son. Pittsbunr. For sale b JOS. FI.E3IISU a ce2i-2S-MTTS OR. SiNBES'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magrnetic Suspensory Latest PatenUt liest Improvements! Win enro without medicine all Weakness resulting rrom over-taxation or brain, nerve forces, ex cesses or indiscretion, as exhaustion. ne.rron j de bility, sleeplessne, lanjrnor. rheumatism, kid ney. liver and bladder complaints, lame back, lum bago, sciatica. (ceneralH-health. etc. This Elec tric Beit contains wonderful Improvements over all others, and jrlves a current that Is Instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit $3,000. and will cure alio he above diseases or no pay. Thousands har. been cured hr ihi marvelous Invention after all ' other remedies failed, and we give hnndreds oC testimonials In this and ererv other State Our Powerful UtPROVEI ELECTRIC! SU3 PESORY. the rreatest boon ever offered, wealc men. FREE with ALL BELTS. Health and vieor ouj strength GUA KANTEED In so to 90 davs. SeaJ for Illustrated pamphlet, mailed, sealed, fire. Addnsa, BAJfDEX EtKCXniO OO XII1B i'o. IU Brovlwiy, Kw Ywfei 4 i';Mmftmmnf,mk&fii . .i