IS THE FTTTSBintG DISPATCH. FBmiY. JUNE 8 18921 HARD SAHES CALLED By Senator Stewart in His Remarks on the Silver Coinage Bill. 'HI SATS THEY ARE ALL BOBBERS. Tnrpie Bays Eeciprocitj's Neither Blaine Nor Harrison's Idea. OLDER THIS EITHER OF TUE GENTLEMEN VTASHnrOTOS', June 2. There was an tmusn&lly imall attendance of Senators present when to-day's morning business be gan. The silver bill Senators were almost all at their posts. Mr. Sherman was in his seat, and so was Mr. Allison, whose motion the Senate agreed to, to adjourn from to day till Monday next Notices were given by Mr. Vest, of his intention to address the Senate on Monday next, on the wool tariff bill, and Mr. Morgan, of his intention to speak on free coinage, or the silver bill, on Tuesday. The resolution offered yesterday bv Mr. Turpie, calling for the correspondence with Haiti, Colombia and Venezuela in regard to reciprocity, was taken up, and Mr. Turpie addressed tht Senate upon it. He said there had recently been a race for popular favor between two statesmen as to which of the twain was entitled to the honor of having devised the scheme of reciprocity. It had been found, however, that neither of those very prominent statesmen could lay the slightest claim to the invention or dis covery of that policy. Eeciprocity treaties dated back to 1703, when what was known as the Methucn treaty was entered into be tween Great Britain and Portugal, apply ing to only two products, the wools ot Eng land and the wines of Portugal. Other Old Reciprocity Treaties. Other recent reciprocity treaties had been that between France and England and that between the United States and Canada. But under the late so-called reciprocity treaties with South America, the Secretary of State had substituted his own power for that or Congress. "Wliosoever's taic3 he i emits, they are remitted; and wliosoever's taxes he retains, they are retained." The speaker drew an imaginary sketch of the tate ot Colombia (Inclining to take part In "Mi. Blaine's grand exhibition of shitting tableaux" and saying, "Excuse ns for de clining to aid in the performance; we do not wish to furnish either color, space or room for that exhibition, and wo especially de cline the part of acting either as supernu meraries or ushers at such indifferent enter tainment." He compaied the diplomacy or shreds and patches, the financial policy of scraps with the broad and liberal policy of tree trade with all nations offered by the Democratic party of the United States, and declared that the purpose of reciprocity was not cotnmeicial but wholly political. At the close ot Mr. Turpie's speech, the resolution was adopted. At S o'clock the bill to provide for the freo coinage or sold and silver was laid befoie tlie Senate, and 3Ir. Stewart resumed his argument in sup port or it. Surprised at Sherman's Course. He expressed his surprise at Mr. Sher man's statemont on Tuesday last, that he had been in lavor of the Bland-Allison bill. That eui prise was caused by his (Mr. Stew ait's) familiarity with the views expiessod by the Senator from Ohio on that subject while he was Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Sherman had criticised that hill in three elaborate reports and had urged its repeal, and yet he had told the Senate the other day that it was a good bill, and that ho ap proved it. It seemed to Mr. Stewart that Mr. Sher man's remaiks were very detective, or else that his prophesies and predictions were not very valuable. That Senator had told the Senate that free coinage of silver would bring the country to a silver standard, Just ; as he had jnredloted that the Bland sot would do. The present law, Mr. Stewart de clared, would do worse than that. The Ian of 1S90, which Mr. Sherman approved to day, but might not approve to-morrow, would Inevitably bring the country to a paper standard, or to the market valne standard or silver, because It waa going to be utterly Impossible to maintain gold pay ments under existing law. Mr. Ulggins asked Mr. Stewart If he pre ferred that the country should eome to a silver basis. The Present Policy Condemned. .Mr. Stewart I would prefer anything rather than have the people enslaved by at tempting to reduce the whole world to the narrow basis of gold. Thera li over $100,000,- 000 of silver in the Treasury, and the law makes silver coin a legal tender equally with gold. I would reverse the policy of the administration, which has reversed the law. There has not oeen for the last So years any gold obligation on the Government, and it is the duty of the Seoretary of tho Treas ury to ledeem the paper of the Government in that currency which Is most convenient. 1 say that the present policy under existing law will reduce us not only to a silver basis, but to the commercial urlce of silver, be cause it is impossible to maintain, on the present volume of gold, the existing credit labile of the world. In the course of his argument Mr. Stewart ridiculed Mr. Sherman's expression of sympathy for the working classes and for tho pensioners. "Sympathy!" he exclaimed. "There is not blood enough in all or the gold trust men for one mosquito." It would not do, he said, for those robbers (they were notnm else), to claim lor tneinseives an honesty. Honesty would be banished from tho world when the crime of 1873 was Justl Bed. How long the people wonld submit to such robbery he did not know, but while he lived he would continue to warn them. He had bean often told that he was throwing away his time in telling the truth, but he did not believe it. He believed that the country would have free coinage of silver, and would have it in the near future. A Recess Taken Till Monday. At the close of Mr. Stewart's speech the siU er bill went over without action. The xesolution reported from the Finance Committee for a committee of Ave Senators to inquire whether the law relatUe to National banks furnishes sufficient protec tion to depositors and other creditor?, and to investigate recent failures ot national banks, and any other violation of law or ir regularities was agreed to, and Messrs. Chandler, Uigglns, l'effer, Harris and Mc Fherson wei e appointed. The Senate then proceeded toexeoutlve business, and at 4 o'clock adjourned till Monday next. In the House this morning about one dozen leaves or absence were granted, chiefly to Republicans, the cause assigned being "im poitant business." The House went Into committee of the whole, Mr. Buchanan, of Virginia, In the chair, on the postofflce ap propriation bilL Mt. Blount, of Georgia offered an amendment reducing by !,349,000 the appi opriatiou for inland transportation by railroad routes, and authorizing the Postmaster General to readjust tne compen sation to be paid after July 1, 1893, for the transportation of mails on rail load routes by reducing the compensation to railroad companies for the transportation of mails 10 per cent lrom the rates based on the weight fixed and allowed by the act of June 17, 1878. Pending action the committee rose. The House then adjourned. PAID FOE HEE POSITION. A Toung Lady Who Gave 85 Per Cent of Her Salary for Inflaenes. TYASniKGTOX, June 2. Miss Ida Creagan, at present a clerk in the Census Bureau, stated belore the House Census Committee to day that she had first been appointed for three monthS. She bad received $50 a month. For the first two months she bad paid to Miss Conover, a relative of Chief Clerk Childs, 12 60 a month of her salary. She had done so because Miss Conover said that she would endeavor to have her retained. v ltness had Deen reappointed at the inj.ta.nce or Senator Manderson.and was not paylns any person any part of her Bal my now. So attempt had been made to get money from her since her reappointment. Miss Conover had retured the money to her afterwaid at the instance or Mr. J. Jolly Jones, Assistant Secretary Chandler's pri vate secretary and a personal friend of Miss Conover. George M. Miller and E. W. Koch, seetlon chiefs in the Census Offloo, made statoments lniebuttal or the charges or undue famil iarity with the women clerks In tbe offloe, mado against them yesterday, and denied the accusations in toto. They said they had always treated the women under them with respeot, and tbelr oonduct toward them had always been most exemplary. 7ABXSB8 OKI AH AH8WSB To tho Charge That the Government Fays Bom Distillers' Expanses. Wjlshixqtoit, Jnne J. Senator Cookrell hat received from Commissioner Mason, of the Internal Be venue Bureau, another letter supplementary to one reoeived some weeks ago, in which the Commissioner stated the true relations existing between the Government and the distillers of spirits in answer to certain arguments made by the advocates of the Farmers' Alliance sub Treasury scheme, based on the assumption that the Government pays all or the greater part of the cost of storing spirits awaiting consumption. Tbe Commissioner, in this last letter, states some additional facts bear ing on tbe subject, which are, In substance: First That it is not true that the Govern ment pays the salaries and fees of store keepers and gangers, but that, as a matter of fact, under the present law 3 per cent of the tax was Imposed to defray these ex penses, and that the revenue from this per centage of the tax is now sufficient to more than defray tbe entire cost of maintenance of the International Bevenue Bureau, in clusive of the salaries aud fees of tbe store keepers and gangers. Second The popular Impression that all spirits are warehoused for three years is er roneous, and, In fact, fully one-half of tbe production 1 s withdrawn and the tax paid within one calendar month after manufac ture. Third Spirits exported without payment of Internal revenue taxes are not privileged above manufacturers, as is generally sup posed, for all goods subjeet to Internal reve nue taxes are subjected to the same exemp tion when exported. Best or All To cleanse the system in a gentle ana truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and perfeot remedy, rupof Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only SO cents; the large sixe$L Try it and be pleased. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. An Extravagant Woman. A philosopher has remarkod that an Ig norant woman la an extravagant woman, beoauseshe does not understand how to use material to advantage. But a very Ignorant woman can be very economical in her baking if she use the Marshall Kennedy Milling Company's Camellia or Bayard Am ber flour, because the blending or the wheat and the whole process of milling these ele gant flours aie so carefully dme that the greater part of the ohances for good bread have been provided for before she begins baking, and because of their well-known reputation for making more bread per sack than any other flours. Camellia and Bayard Amber always stand for elegant bread; the former is our finest fancy patent brand; the latter is our elegant medium priced family baking flour. We Notify Ton All That to-day and to-mono ware the last two days of our great $10 men's suit sale. Posi tive ending, so don't delay, butcomeatonoe if you want to benefit by it. Remember, two days mere, that's all in whloli to buy a real fine suit or clothes worth $18 to $25 for $10. Don't blame us if you aie too late we notify you all there are two days left, to-day and Saturday, In whloh to benefit by It Come. , P. C. C. C., clothiers, Corner Grant and Diamond streets. Bargains In Point D'Irelande Laces. White, black, beige and two toned, nar row, medium, wide and deml-flounce, 15e to $5 00. It will pay well to examine this line. A. Q. CaitrESLL & Sons, 27 Fifth avenue. In greatest spring and summer beverage fs the Iron City "Brewing Company's lager beer. Walker's Family Soap WQl no rot and destroy your clothes, mwt Shall In site, great In results: De Witt's Little Early Blsers. Best pill for constipation best for sick headaohe and sour stomach. Lovely Thin Dresses Sor hot days, organdies, dotted Swiss, itlste and summer silks. Paoctls & Joins, Xi Fifth avenue. B0BXOH WAITSBS WOH'T SHAVE. The Hotel AnU-Uastache Order Declared a Total Failure. Boston, June 2. Special "The anti mustache order is failure," ttyi J. Beed "Whipple, after giving it a trial of several weeks at Young's Hotel and the Parker House. Hereafter the wearing of mustaches will be optional with the waiters at these hotels. When the request Aras made by Mr. Whipple that waiters should present themselves clean shaven there were four colored waiters who refused to accede to it These men were told that they would not be wanted, and they only are to be discharged to-morrow. Speaking on the matter to-day Mr. WTiipple said: "I have decided not to endeavor to have my waiters wear clean shaven faces any longer, but will allow them to follow their own inclinations. I made the request be cause I thought a clean-shaven waiter would be an improvement In my service, and would be appreciated by the public. I think the publio did like the change, but the colored waiters did not They thought I was abusing them. Tbe white men did not seem to mind it I still think the sys tem the onlv proper one for hotel service, and would like to enforce it, but I don't think it can be done in Boston." If your dealer does not keepKleln's Silver Age and Dnquesne ryes go to Max Klein, 62 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa., where you aie sure of the genuine. Complete cata logue mailed upon application. hwj FRIDAY AT OUR STORE. Poor Man's Day at the P. C. C. C. To-day. as usual, we benefit the poor by selling them whatever they need In the clothing line at cost nnd in many Instances for les than cost. Fridays we set aside for a good object, selling the poor people what they need for merely a trifle. Bead the prices : 230 men's daik mixed and light striped pants at only $ 73 240 men's thin summer coats 23 One lot of men's dark suits, sack style, all sizes, at 3 40 Eight lots ot men's caesimere suits, sack or cutaway style, daik or light pat terns, at 4 90 150 boys' light striped suits, sizes 4 to 14, at...t 88 Men's good straw hats 35 Please to remember these prices are for our Friday's poor man's sale only. If you want to benefit by tbem, cut this out and call to-day. P. C. C. C, Clothiers. Tbe Iron City Brewing Company uses nothing but the choicest qualities or malt and hops in the manufacture of Its favorite brands onager and Pilsner beer. This beer is guaranteed to be four months old, un adulterated and a most delicious beverage. Fifty thousand barrels of it on hand in the vaults of tbe Iron City Brewing Company. Purity, age and quality combined. Wear Tour Clothes Out. Clothes will wear .out with time and use; this cannot be avoided. By washing them with soap containing free alkali yon rot and destroy thera. Tlili can be avoided by using Walker's Family Soap. It contains no alkali: It is all soap. Ask your grocer for it. It costs no more than other soaps. xwr Grand Values in Summer Underwear For ladles and children, high aud low neck. long and short sleeves, white, black, pink, bine and brown, at 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75o, $1 00, $1 25, $1 GO, in cotton, lisle and silk. A. G. Campbell & Sons, 27 Fifth avenue. Exoursion to Minneapolis Via the Pittsburg and Western Railway. Tickets on sale Jnne 2, 3, 4 and 5. Return limit, June 25. Choice of routes west of Chi cago. Bate from Pittsburg, $20 50, Equal to the Emergency. We have a lovely assortment of thin, light dresses. Just the thing for these bot days. Pabcxls & Joirxs, 29 Fifth avenue. Db Witt's Little Early Blsers. No griping, no pain, no nausea: easy pill to take. Gbsat bargains in fine wall paper, this season's goods. Wm. H. Allxh, 617 Wood street, near Filth avenue. HEW ADTKRTUEMKNTS. AT 907 PENH AVENOB Is permanently located Munyon's Homoeo pathic Home Bemedy Company, Incor porated under the latqa of Pennsylvania to manufacture tbe best homcsopathlo special ties and dispense them, under the advice of eminent physicians, whom yon may consult absolutely free of charge any day of tbe week, and on the Sabbath from 2.30 to 5.30 r. K. The well known standing of the com pany and Its physicians In other cities of the Union is a guarantee of successful treat ment in all ourable cases, and tbe very mod erate prices charged for medicines only bring the valuable skilled services of these experienced physicians within reach of everybody. Tbelr facilities for thorough examinations ot patients are unsurpassed and being free, their diagnosis is not warped by any consideration and is, therefore, per. feet in all cases. While they treat all diseases human flesh la heir to. thnv virtu special attention to the analysis of urine in kidney and bladder complaint, and cure catarrh, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, liver, blood and skin affeotlons, dyspepsia, piles, stomaoh and bowel diseases, female com plaints, debility or men and aflections of j outh lrom whatever cause, by mild reme dies, easily taken, and no need to stop work, ir you cannot go to their offices, send for their book, "Guide to Health." It will cost you nothing and may save your life, ques tion blanks are also sent on application and medicines by mall, free of postage, to any part of the Union and Canada. Jel-23-xwT KIW ADTEBTISEMKXTS. Hog's Lard AND- Ice Water HAKE- Dyspepsia. USE Cottolene INSTEAD OF Lard, and not only will there be NO DYSPEPSIA.but dyspeptics can eat the Pies, Cakes, &c, made with it. COTTOLENE is HEALTHIER, and good Cooks say BETTER than Lard. MADE BY N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. CHICAGO. Pittsburgh Agent i F. 8ELLER8 ft CO. PATPNTQ o.D.ravis, rH I CH I O. ui Fifth ar. (next Leader), 20 years solicitor. Pltteburg, Pa. MWWWNW Laird's Shoes are the best and the most popular in Pittsburg. 1 FRIENDS -. HOW THEY LIKE THEN AGAIN: IF THETRE COMFORTABLE! IF THEY'RE FASHIONABLE! IF THETRE RELIABLE! IND ABOUT THE PRICE. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. 2,000 pairs Ladies' fine Dongola Kid Oxford Ties at 75c, 98c, $1 18 and $1 24. 2,400 pairs Ladies' fine Dongola Kid Button Boots at $1 25, 1 50, $1 75 and $2. 1,500 pairs Ladies' finest Dongola Button Boots at $2 50, $2 90, $3. SPECIAL FOR MEN: 1,200 pairs Gents' fine Calf Seam less Bals and Congress at $1 98, $2 18, $2 50 and $2 90. 1,050 pairs Gents' finest Calf, Kangaroo and fine Patent Leather Bals and Congress at $2 90 and $3 90. OTEW ADYEBTISEMEHT3. WHAT SAY roil! Are These Bargains on Are They Not? It would be a useless waste of words to comment upon any of the following bargains which are offered this week. Mere mention of the arti cles, with the prices at which we pro- Ppose selling .them, should make things decidedly lively in our Dress Trim ming Department. Read and decide if you cannot save money here: 200 gross fine White Pearl Buttons, 18 to 26 lines, at lOcperdoz.; worth fully 20c. 200 gross finest Cup-shape Pearl Buttons, 18 to 24 lines, at 12c per dot; worth fully 25c. These were imported before the McKinley bill became law, and sold to us by au overstocked importer. Fully 1,000 gross Jet, Crochet, Gilt, Steel, Silk, Mohair and fancy shaped Pearl Buttons for dress and cloak trimmintr. all new styles, at figures remarkably low. Nickel-plated Curling Irons at 25c very cheap. 15 styles of other Hair Curlers to choose from. All-Brictle Hair Brush at 25c: worth fully 50c. t The "Chic" Dress Lifter, used by all first- class dressmakers, and indispensable for the new trailing skirts, two styles, at 40c and 50c. SKIRT PROTECTORS Combination Dress Facings, rubber and velvet com bined. Every requisite for dreismak ing, and a full assortment of linings, .black aud colors; standard qualities only. JSpecial rates to dressmakers W.M.LAIRD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 433 and 435 WOOD STREET. mySl-TTS 406, 408, 410 MARKET STREET. f I -aWl llW p. tDTtO-XWF H BBBm ''MM m 9 HHlif I m sHKPliKi 9 B ssHnKKrai H sfl tLHHu!?' 2H fl JH AVAfIiK4 fl ssrB wBMaBHSw BBBBBBiBtyiPPKgpjiBBBl a BSSlfe8lll38lbMKE mWfm-i mA wJaf TTSAMBHBijwi m KyW&iiidi5Ji i JHL ifkw;JM5i&!r ' l B fflllfSgyjIpg tBliBiSBaPBi'i i fiBBBBBiSixlii rKBSSBBlBiv 'VBBBBBBBBBVBBBBb 3 ? pjflSgh-rflaBBBBBF"!?3 j TSBni"Mi" ,- f&flB5y?0BBrBBM9pr -;i , sBBtBBEpr'P'1'1'' i' -i iiBfl A RARE OPPORTUNITY to piuse FURN TURF m cost pbicei -w i;t .-.--i-rn-r.-.-r-.ti -. When we make this .assertion those of our customers who know our reputation for veracity need nothing but our word. To those who have never had dealings with us, we but ask their consideration for a' few minutes to convince them that every thing is just as represented. m e DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE ONLY! fr Thin MAHOGANX BOCK.EK TapM.try"eat Orietaal Price 818. ForSlS.OO. Terms Net Cash. NOTHING RESERVED! X "THE REASON:" We have too much stock, and must have room for our FALL GOODS. Following you have a partial list of our bargains: SIDEBOARDS. Chamber Suites. f MfeS$vTBBBBBBBB?SriWBs' IflMiVjHBBBBBSVBHKiliflV B BM. mBkt "SBnH"3yjjByjiv Ebv BBaBBVBBBYBBBBBBHBBBfBiftW 3BbBBBBBi W j 'MirlBa'ff IbT BW kMF-Z?Z:t BSriiilHTBTCiV j?BBBSHiVliBBBBpS TSsSSSSSSSSSS Price 18. VkhBjjjMfl -H From To i 6-Foot Oak Board - $.195 $150 1 5 -Foot Oak Board - - 140 105 1 6-Foot English Oak Board - 165 120 1 5 -Foot Antique Oak - 86 60 1 5 -Foot Antique Oak - iio 85. 1 4-Foot Antique Oak - 30 22 1 S -Foot Mahogany - - 120 93 1 Mahogany Suite 1 Maple Suite 1 Mahogany Suite 1 White Mahogany Suite 3 White Maple Suites 4 Antique Oak Suites 4 Antique Oak Suites From t 95 140 125 125 24 35 45 To $ 70 I05 98 98 17 27 36 THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY WE HAVE TO OFFER. M'ELVEEN FURNITURE C M ! LITE Xlae Polished OAK BOCKXK la Caa S I VphoUtered, S.7. ,'jS','i A 434 AND 436 SMITHFIELD STREET, . PITTSBURG, PA. ft E f OAK CXUXR,T7pholatered eat,S.0. i .jrouiaj t finish. jeHI v' . -', tik te &L Z-Z28S&2g3&Bi, afaSMPf-Sa