Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 29, 1892, Page 16, Image 16

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JIanj Events Announced for the Na
tional Holiday To-llorrow.
'Cricket Teams Open the Season With Four
Iicellent Elevens.
Thousands ot ardent, enthnsiastfo ad
mirers of athletic sport are fervently ask
ing the weather clerk to withdraw the
clouds to-morrow, just to let a little sun
shine brighten up the holiday, to which
thej have been looking forward so expec
tantly. All over the country, during the
"merry month of May," there has been a
ceaseless grumble at the weather which has
at no time been propitious. Events have
been set for particular dates only to be post
poned "on account of the weather" when
the hour of consummation approached.
As a last resort Decoration Day was se
lected for an opening all along the line, in
tbe hope that by that time the rain clouds
micht be exhausted. "When on Friday they
read that the storm center, bad moved away
from the vicinity of the lake, their conr
npe, which had begun to sink a; low as their
hopes rose, and irom every side comes re
newed announcements of events to take
place to-morro.
There is no doubt about it; if tbe weather
is at all good, to-morrow will be literally a
field day all over the country, and particu
larly in Pittsburg and vicinity.
In addition to the regular proprammes of
cricket game, association field days, ball
games and wheel runs, there will be all sorts
of private amusements in the open
air. Business men will seize the op
portunity to run into the country on
their wheels, tennis games will be plaved
on many grounds and all sorts of outings
will occur among the inhabitant irom the
list End to the West End. One of the
principal events of the day will be the field
day games and contests of the East End
Gymnastic Club. Then there will be an
excellent cricket match at Brushton station,
County Leacue ball games, the Superior
Athletic Association will have a field day,
and other events that will furnish amuse
ment enough for one short day, will come
off rain or shine.
Two Good Games Down on the Programme
for Decoration Day.
Like all other outdoor sports cricket has
been greatly hadicapped by the weather
this month. Little or no practice has been
indulged in and as a result tbe two-days'
game in the Inter-City Leagne competition
w hich was scheduled for Monday and Tues
dav between the All-Pittsburg and All-Detroit
teams has been postponed. At the re
quest ot the Detroit players, who state they
have not been able to take a bit in their
band this season, the game has ben post
postponed till June 13 and 14. Under the
circumstances the arrangement is a wise
one as it uould be unfair to both teams to
play off such an important contest when
none of tbe players could be seen in their
true form.
The local players will not be idle on Mon
day, however, as what should an interest
ing game has been arranged to take place at
Brushton, between the Homewood Cricket
Club and the Wilkinsburp. Athletic Club.
Both clubs are strong and some excellent
cricket will no doubt be displayed. The
game will commenee at noon and continue
until 6. The Duquesne electric cars pass
within half a block of the ground, and all
lovers of the game are cordially invited to
attend. The Homewood team will be as
follows: "Walter Scott (captain), J. L.
Schwartz, F. If. Schwartz. Frank Carnegie,
A. S. Valentine Hazen Brown, Douglass
Buchanan, Charles Beers, Walter Uewhall,
H. Keller, M. Preston, G. Bachelor and J.
Blewitt The Wilkinsburg team will be se
lected from the following plavers: George
Macpherson (captain), H. Penn, J. F.
Horn, a V. Childs, D. McBrier. "W. B.
Hambly, A. Peterson, A. Banister. W.
Downing, T. Bissell, J. Henderson, F.
Gamble, A. W. Arundel, E. Kindersley
and W. Gilette.
To-morrow is the opening day of the
Cricket Leagne, and the first game will be
between the Glenshaw and the East Liver
pool team. Both teams are in good condi
tion, though tbere has been comparatively
little opportunity for practice. Some good
playing may be expected, however. The
Glenshaw team is composed as follows:
G. Sprav, captain; Norman Broadbent, G.
Broadbcnt. J. Parry, F. Nash, F. McKay,
S. Jones,f). Jones," T. Alpin, T. Lloyd and
J. Connoley, with J. Baker and N." Jones
The Official Frocrnmme for the Spring
Meeting Finally Arranged.
At the meeting ot the Athletic Clnb of
the Schulykill Navy Mr. J. B. McKennan
will attempt to break the American record
in hop, step and jump. The A. C S. N.
has offered him a record medal if he ac
complishes the feat, and with good weather
he has every chance of doing so, as be ls.in
excellent condition, and the grounds are
well adapted for jumping. McKenuan has
been training at the Y. M. C. A. grounds at
Harrisburg, where he is engaged on sp ecial
At the regular semi-monthly meeting of
the Membership Committee the following
named persons were elected:
Bakewell Phillips, J. & Speer, J. T.
Capel, John M. Javcox, S. Victor King, C
L. Cooper, William H. Donnell, F. K. Fit
ler, Theo. A. &otheral, William M. Faber,
Jr., J. Alston Moorhead, William Mur
dock, J. A. Wakefield, William M. Orr,
Charles H. Bredin, Donnell Thompson,
Frank P. Brown, W. H. Wilson, Baird At
wood, Frederick Byers, E. M. Byers, Jr.,
Samuel T. Echols and G. F. Greenwood.
J. E. Wakefield, formerly a member of
the Union Athletic Club, of Schenectady,
N. V., but now practicing law in Pittsburg,
is one of the new member.
The Athletic Committee, E. V. Panl,
Chairman; J. B. McKennan, G. M. Laugh
ltn, Jr., W. D. Brereton and D. W. War
den, held a meeting last week and decided
upon tne lollowing events lor tne spring
games to be given on July 2:
One hundred yards run, 220 yards run,
440 yards run, 1 mile run, 120 yards hurdle
(high), 220 yards hurdle (low), running
high jump, running broad jump, running
hop, step and jump; pole vault lor height,
2-mile bicycle race, 1-mile bicycle race,
i-mile bircle race (novice), putting 16
pound shot, throning lC-pound hammer;
all handicaps with tbe exception of the
yi-mile novice bicycle.
At the last meeting of the Executive
Committee the Athletic Committee was
given the entire charge of the spring meet
ing, with fall power to make all arrange
ments. They propose to make it the big-
. ....... .i j. i.- i i r
C3h 1UCCIIU WJIlb 11113 C T W UCCU glVCU 1R
Western Pennsylvania.
The association has been admitted to the
United States National Lawn Tennis Asso
Wheelmen Expect to Be Entertained Boy
ally at Scrantoa Next Month.
Mr. J. B. McGowan, of the Keystone Bi
cycle Club, has great expectations concern
ing the State meet, and if all that is pre
dicted comes to pass his anticipations will
be more than fulfilled. He has received
assurances from the Scrantonltes that the
visitors will be rovally entertained and
that the entire tow'n will take a band in
making things pleasant. Imong other
things that have come to hand concerning
the meet is the following letter, which may
be taken as an indication of what is to be
A wheelman who knows says the ride
through the Wyoming valley over the fa
mous cinder path trom So ran ton to WiIKe3
barie durlne the State meet, June 20 to 23 at
Scranton, will be a trip never to be foigot
en, and worth going thousands of miles to
enjoy. Leaving Scranton, the first nine
miles is somewhat hilly, though the roads
are good, and some may kip that part of
the trip by taking the train to Plttton.
From Scranton. after four miles of good
road, the wheelmen of MInooka will hold
up the run long enough to oil up. Throe
miles more, then the Duryea men will be
doing the same thing, by the stranger
"taklnir him in." At Pfttston tho Anthra
cite Wheel Club will entertain with a supper
on the river lawn. Just think of the charm
ing ladles of West Flttston, and the lawn
sloping to the river. The next nine miles,
level as a floor, is over the spot made fa
mous by the Wyoming massacre. When
Kingston Is In sight me thinks we will see a
wooden wheel ot ye olden time, of Tandem
Star, etc., that will stretch clear acros the
road, and the old veteran wheelman, S. B.
Vaughn, with his "Say, boys, tho older mJll
baa not started up yet, but wait a minute, I
nill pilot you acros the river into Wilkes
barre." Then the West End wheelmen- will
show us the town, with its asphalt streets,
beautiful river front and snbstantiai wealth.
All will be sure of returning home lond in
their praise or the honitaIlty of the Lacka
wanna and Wyoming Valleys.
Among the 60 prizes offered at Scranton
will be a Sterling upright grand piano,
worth f650, made In Derby, Conn., as well
as five high grade bicycles.
forenoon, runs in all directions -and inspec
tion of the Capitol, Washington Monument,
National Museum, Government departments
and Zoological Park: 2 r. x., races; 8 v. v.,
grand run to the Washington Scbuetzen
Park, Brightwood avenue, where a monster
smoker will be held.
The Eagle Gnn C lab's Shoot.
The Eagle Gun Club's third annual Dec
oration Day shoot will start to-morrow
morning at 9 o'clock at the grounds of the
club on Marshall avenue, Allegheny. There
will be six grand prize matches and four
prizes in each match. All the prizes have
been donated, so that the entrance fees have
been made small. Many of them are quite
valuable and none of them are so small that
they will not be prized, by the winners.
After the prizes have been shot off, sweep
stakes will furnish amusement for tbe bal
ance of the day.
Western Pennsylvania. During the season
they would like to hear from all clubs hav
ing open dates on their home grounds, fol
lowing are the officers and membeisofthe
new club: Business Manager and Treas
urer, N. T. Wesei; Field Manager, M. B.
Doutbett; Secretary, Herman Lleboldi Cap
tain, Abner O'Brien; players, AonerO'Brlen,
Herman Lrlbold, Frank Jones. Frank John
ston, Lester Johnston, A. L. Donaldson, M.
B. Douthett, Frank Stauffer, Perry McCon
nell, George Shaw.
Great Sport Anticipated by the Besldenta of
That Pleasant Subarb.
The fourth annual field meeting, of the
Superior Athletic Association ia set for to
morrow at Superior. A very interesting
programme of events has been arranged by
the committee, consisting of Messrs. Aimee
Jamieson, H. O. Cameron, Lily Wicker
sham, John Follansbee and H. W. Pearson.
The first occurrence of the day will be a
game of ball at 10 A. M. between the Su
perior Athletics and the Highwoods, both
of the Suburban League. The clubs in this
league are the Craftons, Hobokens, Homes,
tbe Superior Athletics and the Highwoods.
The two latter clubs are composed of mem
bers ot the Superior .Athletic Association,
which has a membership of over 60 and is
rapidly growing.
Commencing at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
a programme ot 15 events will take place.
This includes a hurdle race, one mile walk,
100 yard dash, Wato race, running high
jump, 220 yard dash, putting the shot, hop,
skip and jump, throwing the ball, three
legged race, high kick, one mile run, and a
tug of war. There is a full list of entries and
every invitation that has been issued will
be accepted so that the day will be a bright
one in the history of Superior. The officers
of the association are Allan C. Kerr, Presi
dent; Thomas J. Kecnan, Jr., Vice Presi
dent; George L. Pearson, Secretary; James
T. Wachob, Treasurer, who with Messrs. H.
O. Cameron, H. W. Pearson and B, B. Lea
constitute the Executive Committee.
The annual open tournament of the New
York Tennis Club will take place to
morrow. Several new grounds have t)een put into
shape at the East End this spring, but so far
the weather hag prevented their use.
Siwicklet tennis players anticipated a
pleasurable May, but up to the present time
they have not been able to use the grounds.
The Pittsburg Tennis Club officers are
busy with the plans for their new club
house, wbioh will be constituted imme
diately. Several sets of singles and doubles will be
played to-morrow upon the new grounds
belonging to tbe Misses Abel on North High
land avenue.
Ladies' day, last Tuesday, at tho East End
Gymnastic Club grounds was partially clear
and several sets weie played. A number of
contests are on the list for the near future.
Miss Maut SrsEit, Miss Davidson. Miss
Mary Guffy, Mrs. Henry Sproul and Mrs. D.
R. Morrison have been appointed on the
Committee of Reception of the Pittsburg
Tennis Club.
Tbe championship for singles for Western
Pennsylvania will take place Julv 17 at the
Craig street grounds, this city. Tho cup is
now neld by Charley Buck, of Altoona, bnt
it is expected that it will come back to Pitts
burg. Lawn tennis promises to be a popular
sport at Superior this season. Arrangements
are under way among the members of the
Superior Athletio Association to institute a
tournament. It is expected that enough
entries will be secured by tbe middle of this
week to give assurance of a big struggle
across the net.
The National Meet at Washington.
The official programme for the National
Wheelmen's meet at Washington, D. G, is
out in outline as follows:
Monday morning, runs to Cabin John's
Bridge, Soldiers' Home, Arlington, and
around the citv; 2 r. v., meeting of conven
tion; 8 F. x., serenade by the bicycle band
and all wheelmen to the officers of the L. A.
W. and the Congressional Bicycle Clnb.
Tuesday, 6 a. jc, run to Bladensburz: 10 A. M.,
grand parade, to be reviewed Dy the Presi
dent of the United States; 2 r. il, opening of
the races; 6 30 p.m., excursion to Maishall
Hall, on the Potomac, passing Mount Vernon
and Alexandria. Wednesday morning and
The Riverside Grays will mee,t the City
Blues, at Ross' Grove, on Decoration Day,
for $100 prize.
The Buckenbergers defeated tho River-,
side Grays Friday by a score of 7 to 1. The
feature of the came was the battery work of
Miltenberger and Sacher, of the Bucken
bergers. That game between the nines from the
Hotel McNulty and Hotel Smith, or Wilkins
bnrg, to-morrow, is still the talk of that pop
ulous suburb. Everybody in the neighbor
hood intends to be there.
The Fayette City Club, which last year
gained a record of 13 victories in H games
with some of the best clubs in Western
Pennsylvania, will open its season with a
stronger club than that of last year, to-morrow,
by two games with the Independents,
of Pittsburg. The battery for the Fayettes
will be Mallcry and Patterson.
The Shadyslde Academy ball team has
been having phenomenal success. So far
they have not lost a single game with the
other clubs of the School League. Prof.
Morrison is playing a great game at first
base, and Cain's twirls puzzle even the best
of the batsmen. Morgan in the field never
misses the sphere when it comes within his
range. Altogether tbe Shadysides are put
ting up a great game.
The Weser and Markham baseball clnbs
of Butler, Pa., have been consolidated, and
after June 1 they will be known as the But
ler Baseball Club. They will have fine new
uniforms, and will be in good shape for the
season, taking several trips throughout
Notes of the Wheelmen.
Out of 1,500 wheelmen in this vicinity only
about 200 nre members of the National
League. This Is a small proportion and
should bo doubled inside of the next ten
L. H. Allertoit, Jr., President of the Key
stone Bicycle Club, starts this week on a
three months' trip to Enrope. He will take
his wheel along and expects to see all there
is worth seeing.
The Keystone Bicycle Club members start
this morning for a two days' run to New
Castle ana return. They will dine to-day at
New Briahton ana will comeback to-morrow
via the Perrysville plank load.
CApTAiif C. Petticord, who was arranging
to make the run from here to Buffalo, says
the ti ip is off. The i oads are so bad that un
less the weather turns suddenlv good suoh a
trip is not to be considered within the next
few days.
A number of the Allegheny cyclers will
make the rnn to Beaver and back, starting
early this morning. The association wheel
men have no set programme for to-morrow,
but most of them will go on separate Jaunts
it the weather permits.
Georqh A. Banker, of this city, who runs
under colors with the Manhattan Athletio
Club, will ride a tandem wheel with the
German champion, Carl Hess, at the meet
ing in New York. Mr. Banker has now a
23-pound Moffat racer, enameled in blue, on
which he expects to make extraordinary
Messrs. Arthur L. Banker, J. Lytle, B.
Lytle and R. Eckles, of the Duquesne Bi
cycle Club, made the run to Butler and re
turn last Sunday on pneumatic machines.
Notwithstanding tho fact that the roads
were bad and mushy, good time was made
and not a tiie was punctured. Tho same
four gentlemen will be in the relay race to
morrow to Wheeling.
Fridat night Messrs. C. A Verner, Jonas
McClintock, Phllo Franco and George Dill
worth started for a ride through the Shenan
doah Valley. They took the train to Cum
berland, where they mounted their wheels
and lode through Martinsburg, nagerstown,
and will take dinner at Gettysburg to-day.
Then they will ride to Washington and on
Tuesday they will attend a wheelmen's
meeting at Baltimore), returning the latter
pare oi tiie weeic.
Thirteen weie In the rnn led by Captain
Culberson, of the Cast End Gymnastic As
sociation, on Friday night. It was expected
that the run would be postponed, but the
cleaning of tho weathor induced a number
of wheelmen to turn ont, and the party,
headed bv Captain Culberson on a tandem
with Mrs. Proctor, ot Oil City, rode as far in
as Oakland and over most of the paved
streets in the East End. Besides Mrs. Proc
tor the following ladles were in the party:
Mrs. Stauff, Miss Wells, Miss Fawcett and
Miss Hubbard. The next regular run of the
association will take place on Thursday
evening, starting at 7:15 o'clock.
THE HEAR TY response
to all our advertisements
proves that the PEOPLE
are with us, and that they
appreciate good VALUE
PEOPLE, after looking
through our stock, can't im
agine hew they ever paid such
high prices for goods at other
YOU SEE IT? Then at
tend our RE M N ANT
this week. Havitig done the
Carpet trade of the season we
have made thousands of Rem
nants, which we will offer this
week at prices that WILL
Flfett Flint
Pity the Sorrows of a Poor Old Man
Or woman bowed with the infirmities of age,
and more particularly lumbago. But more
practical, more friendly than pity is this
sound pieco or advice to such pel song, as well
to all delicate people nndconvaleocents: Try
n course of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, the
finest sustaining tonic which people of de
clining years and the feeble generally can
adopt. Kidney and rheumatic troubles and
lumbago, which are peculiarly Incident to
age, are counteracted by this superb cor
rective, which also lemoves Indigestion, ma
larial complaints, biliousness, ia grippe.
Italian Awkisos, perfectly fast colors, at
Mamaux& Son's, 539 Penn avenue. Thau
Great bargains In fine wall paper, this
season's goods. Wir. H. Allen,
617 Wood street, near Fifth avenue.
Hyacinth Awnino3 at Mamaux & Son's
S3 Penn avenue. Tel. 1972. Tbsu
that we do just what we advertise.
We are closing out the remnant
stock of Odd Suits and pieces all
over the stfore.
$40 go at $35,
7 Suits in French Gobelin Tap
estry worth 50 go at $4(h
4 Suits Fine Walnut Frame,
hand-carved, covering hair cloth,
worth 75, go at $65,
63 Odd Suits, no two alike, in
every known covering and frame;
prices from 30 up. You will
save $10 on any one of them.
too many goods, BECAUSE WE
MAKE THE PRICE so low that
each and every customer can buy.
SIDEBOARDS that are adver
tised at 40 we sell at $30. Did
you ever see our line?
50 different designs from 25
up, and wc will save you $10 on
any one.
Extension Tables, $5, $6, $S,
$10. A clean 20 per cent saved
every time.
Dresser Suits worth $4o,now $30.
100 Suits, Sanare Glass Dresser and
Cheval; 53 to 510 saved you on any suit.
We Guarantee Lower Prices and Easier Terms Than You Can Secure in the City Cash or Credit.
Bootse kills roaches, bedbugs, etc., with- I
outperadventuroofadouDt. Scents. I
till jsrooisr
to - :m:o:r,:ro"w
to - :m:o:r,:r,o"W".
If you have deferred making the necessary preparations for the services to
morrow, we shall be open until noon to accommodate you and the general
public. You can obtain at a moment's notice G. A. R. Suits, Hats, Gloves,
The total trade for the whole market must be less than is usual for the
season of the year on account of the extremely backward season.
otjtrS ha.s iisrc:R:ELA.s:E:D,
And the reason is not far to find. We are showing an assortment of
Which has no counterpart in the city and at prices that are not matched
by any other house. Our
10 gq$i2
Lines are actually cheaper than suits advertised by other houses at these
prices as matchless bargains which they have reduced from heaven
knows how much.
A collection of
Light in weight and light in color. Scores of handsome designs from the
foreign and domestic mills cut into the most shapely and elegant garments
a gentleman ever placed upon his back.
There's the history of our shoe success, and it has been
a grand one, a success of profit to us and of benefit to the
general public.
Will be 100 pairs of Men's fine Calf, Bals and Congress,
tipped and plain, sizes io to 1 1, widths A to C, at
Memorial Day is once again upon us, and to-morrow the sun will look down upon a scene to be witnessed no
where else on this broad earth. From every city, town, village and hamlet in this country there will go forth a
procession to the various cities of the dead where sleep the heroes who fell in battle. . : : : : : : :
An assortment of them which comprises every
quality and grade of Madras, Zephyr Cloth, Chev
iot, etc, from 75c to $2.50. A special line of En
glish cheviot shirts.made with yoke and coll'ar,band
felled seams throughout, regular $1 goods, at 49c.
Notwithstanding the weather, we are selling them.
When the sun comes out in force, as it will in a day
or so, we'll sell more.
Our stock is of mammoth proportions, and we
can supply your need in this line from 24c to $2 .49.
2,400 Ladies' White Lawn Waists, box pleat,
Norfolk style, best finish, with shoulder band and
belt, worth 50c, at
29 Cents.
2, 000 Ladies' and Misses' Waists, of Pti.ale,
Lawn, Calico, etc, in plain black, with ruffling,
polka dot, stripes and different patterns, usual
price 98c, will go at
49 Cents.
Waists in Surah, India and Japanese Silk, with ruching around collar and
cuffs, and Jabeau, in black, blue, cardinal and stripes, latest styles, with full
sleeves and finely finished, as good as any $5 waist in the city, for only
A special line of Ladies' Changeable Silk Waists, beautiful shades and
elegant styles that fit perfectly, regular value fully $6.50, at
xozx Mibiiiw m iiiw wimw w " " w " " m m "
1 L3Mkji-JL3mmejjhii L3l II W . II II OLIHHEJl J
You can use positive language when you have a positively good thing
.to talk about.
That is the way we feel when we mention our Boys' Clothing stock. We
Know it to oe tne largest, finest and
most handsome assortment in the city.
It contains clothing for every age
and size of boy and styles for each
which are exclusive with us in many
When we come -to the prices it is
probably the strongest point in the
whole stock; it's a wonder tus, as
it will be to you, how so much real
value and genuine art can be com
pressed into the little money asked
for many a little outfit
1 I F I
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