r Issued by the National Silver Com mittee to Its Friends. UBGEKT DEMAND FOE ATTENTION. Each Congressional District Jsked to Bend Two Delegates TO THE COXTEXTION IX WASHINGTON "VTasiiixgtox, April 23. The national Silver Committee to-day issued the follow ing call: The Xational Silver Committee, appointed by the First Xatioaal Silver Convention held at St. Louis, Xovember. 1SS3, believing that the exisency has arisen which calls for earnest deliberation and united action on the part of the friends of bi-metallism throughout the United States hereby calls a convention to be known as the second National Silver Con vention, to be held at Washington, D. C, May 16 and 27, 1892, one of the objects Dein? to organize a national bi-metallie associa tion or league for the better promotion of the cause ot free bi-metallic coining in the United fctates. This action is impelled by the manifest de termination on the part of the sold combina tion to surpress the silver passage for at least another decade, and, it possible, by transmitting existing debts into gold obllza tions. and otherwise to fasten foiever the single gold standard upon the people of the United States, and thus to perpetuate the subtle svstem of robbery that has been car ried on for the past 20 years by means of a money standard that is constantly increas ing in value. Increase of the Money Standard. His understanding must be defective who does not know that the demonetization of silver increased the money standard of the United States and of the world, and his con science must be seared who would attempt to Justify it. But this increase still goes on, and will go on, as gold grows scarce and dear, until the bi metallic standard, established 100 vears ago bv Washington, Hamilton and Jefferson, is restored, and gold relieved of the strain ot being the only money of final redemption for other forms of money and of credit. As the money standard is raised prices fall and debts are increased. The one is coun terpart of the other, and the w hole is the work of the legislation. The wit of man would not devise a. scheme better calculated to enrich one class at the expense ot another than by the device or an increasing money standard, and under the oDcration ot thl device, since 1873, hun dreds of millions of dollars annually of the wealth created by one class have been 'stealthily appropiiated by another. For 20 vears this has been going on, and vet a Congress pledged to the people to rem rdv the vrong hesitates and pauses as if hvpnotized by the wand of gold. The people want no '70-cent dotlars," neither w ill they forever tolerate, under the hypocritical pretense of "honest money," r "dollar that has grown to be a hnndred-and-fifty-cent-dollar, and is still growing at an augmented rate. There may be those who are tired of the silver question, but the consequences of gold monometallismaretoo threatening to permit the cause of silver to be smothered, and to abandon it is togive over to nltimate slavery the toilers ot the land. A Qaestion That Will Isot Down. Xo, the silver question will not down. It is an issue parumonnt to all others. Al though it is necessarily a political question, in the sense that the remedy must be by political action, the question of free bi metallic coinage is not a partisan question, and the convention is not called for any particular nurpoe, out to urge on an parties the justice and the necessity of action on a question so vital to tbo public welfare. The gold tnonometallistsare united, active nnd watchful, as recent events have shown. They have unlimited means at their com mand; they control the metropolitan press; tbev intimidate political leaders, dominate conventions, and dictate platforms and can didates. But the people will not be en slaved, nor will they submit forever to the jobbery of an Increasing gold standard. The Silver Committee, in this crisis, calls upon the people everywhere to come for ward and send delegates to this convention. The call is extended to all who earnestly favor the immediate restoration of tree bi metallio coinage in the United States, and each Congressional district is requested to send two delegates, and each State and Ter ritory to send two additional delegates at large. An Invitation Alott Sweeping. Farmers' Alliance organizations. State Granges, Patrons of Husbandry, Knights of Labor, and all other industrial organizations favorable to the tree coinage of silver are also invited to send one delegate for each local organization. A cordial Invitation is also extended to all citizens who, by pen or otherwise, have been advocates of bimetallism. Members of Con gress and of the Legislatures of the several States, who favor the lestoration of the bi metallic standard and the coinage of silver on the same terms as gold, are especially invited to attend and particiDate in the proceedings of the convention. By order of the National Silver Com- mittee. A. J. Wakner, Chairman. Lee Crasimli, Secretary. WASnrxGTOX, D. C, April 23. NEW APYBBTISKnnCNTSL STEAMERS A2CD EXCURSIONS. AKE YOU GOING ABROAD' A SERIES OF personally conducted parties will leaTe New York April SO, May IS. Julv6 and 29. all traveling expenses Included, flrst-class. Norway, Sweden ana Busta lour leaves June 9. on Aurusta Vic toria, bend for programmes. K. M. JENKINS, 257 Broadway. X. Y. apl4-52 NeverKnowntoFail. RteuMmsw 60UT&'UlJiRA60 Tarrant's Extract of Cubebs and Copaiba the best remedy for all (llseases of the urinary organs, its portaoiei form, rreeaom iroin taste and speedyaction (frequently curing in three or four days and always in less time tnan any other preparation), make "Tarrant's Ex tract" the most desir able remedy ever man ufactured. All genuine has red strip aoross face of label, with signature of Tarrant & Co., New York, upon it. Price, SL "Sold by all druggists. oc25-103-su Jjjtv f vv nra w jtStzpB wf The Electrical Construction & Maintenance Co. Electrical Engineers and Contractors. General Electrical Supplies always on band. INCANDESCENT LAMFS, ALL VOLT AGES, AT LOWEST PRICES. Electric Light and Bell Wiring. 125 FIFTH AVENUE, del3-su Tel. 1771. Pittsburg, Pa. PnTSBtrao, PA, April IB, 189X McKinnie & Chessman Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Gextlemex My wife.was taken with a se vere attack of Rheumatism about March 25, 1892, and the doctor in attendance said it was caused by prostration as a dras of the La Grippe which she had about the Christmas Holidays. On March 30, not being satisfied with the way the medicine she was takinz from the doctor was acting, she seeming to grow worse and not being able to walk without great pain, I asked Mr. Alex. Martin, Secre tary of the Allegheny Salt Companyat Etna, Pa., to procure lor me a bottle of Kheuma cura (he being acquainted with your Mr. Chessman). I gave her the first dose at 6 p. v. March 0, the second dose nt midnight.the third dose at 6 A. M. March 31, and when I went home at 0 r. v. the same day. Just 24 hours from the time she began to use Klioa- maenra, she was walking about the room and said she had not the slightest pain. You aro at liberty to uso this letter when and where you see fit. and have the thanks of myself and wife besides. I am respect fully yours, ROBERT E. RENO. We, tho undersigned officers and members of the Pittsburg Salt Company, of which Mr. Beno is Secretary, desire to state that we have every reason to believe that the above facts are true and correct, or he wonld not have made such a statement J. M. COURT NEY. JOHN A. BECEAXEX. MARTIN, W. a TAYLOR. Price, $3 per bottle. For sale by all druggists. M'KINNIE & GHESSMAN MTGCO., 610 Penn aye., Pittsburg, Pa. ap2t-TTRn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BABY CARRIAGES. Two More Carloads Just Received. SEW ADVERTISEMENT. (T ftf" for this full size reed Jjifli. tJu body, strongly made Baby Carriage, upholstered through out with fine cretonne, hardwood gearing and steel wheels; regular price $7.50. TAILORING. Correct Winter Suitings and Orercoatlaji H. & C i AHLERS, Merchant Tailors. MSmithfleld st no25-4S-TTSj fiMk& ii WKS JgPa m f Hffin PllSiisil mryfKTrurrawM v rp. mmzmmA hSf KssKrf x?s&b FREE TO BOYS and GIRLS under iS years of age. BICYCLE 'ffir FREE to any boy or rirt. S-Y0ff HEED HOI 'iX CHS CEHT. If you want one FOK NOTH UNO-cut this advertisement I out and send to US vriU send you fuU particulars by re turn mail. YOU CET IT FREE on very easy condi tions. WARRANTED equal to bicycles sold everywhere at from $45 to $50, jfuu isau-iiear- liig large enough for any boy or girl ofiS. ffiee:rtt:7's erglrl's Herds Bide. Write to-dar for full particulars. AircnA.Curtii&Co. 170 Wert VaBsreaBi CUmj:, Lis. sa vj 389 BROKEN WATCHES flT Pft for a pretty, gracefully 3iOU designed rattan body Baby Carriage, upholstered through out with silk-figured gopds and para sol to match; hardwood gearing; steel wheels; regular price 11. CIO CO frtbis very latest shape, laUU handsome rattan Body Baby Carriage, upholstered through out with fine plush, satin parasol, hardwood gearing, steel wheels; reg ular price 18. But Few Men succeed in doing everything . they attempt equally well Fewer men succeed in doing , more than one thing well. This is essentially an age of Specialists. We are Specialists in the Tailoring line. We make Suits to order for the man who has $20 to $50 to spend. We make Trousers to order for the man who has $5 to $12 to spend. Pleased to receive your order for either. Over 3,000 patterns to select from. For the man of quiet taste as well as the other extreme. $16.50 for a bewitchingly beau tiful rattan Baby Car riage 01 very graceful design, up holstered throughout with fine silk plush, satin parasol heavily lined, hand-shaved spoke wheels; regular price 25. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Thl la the season vrhea JJie waala In Housefnrnlihinjib j greatest. It Is now you havo to spend most money. It Is now the 'time when the welchtoronrlowprtces counts that tho sturdy superiority of our values tells. n u u ,, ( 1 Jajw Pl KAUFMANNS' Fifth Ave. and SmithfieldSt. ap24-l P apll-2 Were repaired at Arons' "Watch Hospital" last week. Our two competent and accom plished Lady Watchmakers and engravers, the Misses Rosa and fronts Hardman, are the first and only ones in the United States. They have their diplomas as skilled workwomen. Wo fix watches as fol lows: Watches Cleaned - - 50 cents 3Iain Springs - - - 50 cents Kew Jewels - - - - 50 cents Cose Springs - 50 cents All work warranted. B. E5. AROKS, Jeweler, Sole proprietor of Voltaic Diamonds, 65 Fifth avenue. Send for Illustrated catalogue. ap24-iiwsu BOOKS WANTED. Executors and others haying Jarge or small lots of books for sale, are Informed that we are paying the highest cash figures. Address, F. P. HARPER, 17 East Sixteenth st, New York. ap2i-169-TUSU ap21 HERBERT WALKER, EYE MAKER. 65 NINTH STREET. ap3-su ROBERT BRUCE WALLACE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN, 624 PEWN AVENUE, Custom Clothing Only. 400 SMITHFIELD STREET. ap24-170 Our far seeing and reading glasses com bined are the most satisfactory ever worn. Indispensable for homo, office, public enter tainments and shopping. ap21-Trsu WiS&fctf de20-3i-sul 1 k W S" &1 lL2. fell 0.D.LEVIS SOLICITOR L 131 5TH.AVE. HEXrtEAPER.PITTSBUHSH.8lj LAOIES, PLEASE REMEMBER! WM. GRABOWSKY, Tha Practical Hatter and Farrier, 707 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. This is the season for new bonnets and hats. Have you a bonnet that needs bleaching ? Have you a hat that needs a new shape ? Have you a dilapidated feather to renovate ? Have you any particular shape in view you would like to have ? Are the children's hats of old style? Do you want your work done in the latest style by competent work men, on the shortest,notice and low est prices? Then Call at 707 Penn Ave. ap2t sHflHsSKlsSBsB A. good KEFKIGEKJLTOK bought now will pay for Itself over and over by what 14 saves before the summer Is OTer, and oa onr EAST PATMEXTS plan you -will not miss the small amounts. Call orsendfbr circular all about the GTJKXH3T PATENT nAXSWOOS EETKIOEKATOKS. The largest line of the daintiest BABY CARRIAGES ever shown In this city. Made especially strong and adapted for constant use. Give yonr Baby fresh air. .Fall lines ofthe best selllne CAJtFETS INOKAJXS, TATJESTKIES and BODX BKUSSEI.S, choice MATTINGS, BUGS, I-ACE CTKTA1SH, CASH OK CREDIT Terms Always to Suit CASH OR CREDIT BUY TOTJIJ SPECTALCE8.AT Tfa. RelAei.tX Oiptioi. yes Examined free. VJBsP' ItsSw CESSr Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. MAM0ND,-sTx de29-TTsn COMPLETE IIOUSEFURXISIIEK, CORNER TENTH ST. AND PENN AVE. M LEADING MEN'S OUTFIT Hut Tailoriii in If we excel in ready made clothing we do even more so in the garments we make to order in our Custom Department. As we have frequently stated, we do not pretend to. com pete with the Cheap John tailors and dingy little tailoring shops, whose bungling work cannot even compare with our ordinary ready-made goods. We produce FIRST-CLASS GARMENTS ONLY. Our stock of Imported Woolens is the finest and largest shown in Pittsburg; -we use none but the best trimmings and employ only expert cutters and tailors. In spite of these facts we make suits or trousers to measure for about 25 per cent less than other first-class tail ors. We don't, as you see, depend on merchant tailoring alone it is but one of the many depart ments which go to make up our business then, we buy our cloths in large quantities, direct from the European weavers, and in so doing we get them at least 15 per cent less than the other tailors who buy them in small quantities for the New York im porters. Gentlemen, if you want first-class clothing at reas onable prices, leave your measure here. Give us a trial at any rate. We know it will make a per manent customer of you. gW ' b5 - HI BUSINESS SUITS. For business and knock-about the Sack still retains its old-time popularity. The present season, however, varies the monotony by having been productive of many novel styles and materials. In our seemingly inexhaustible assortment von will find anything yonr taste may suggest or purse require. Single-Breasted Sack Suits, Straight Cut Sack Suits, Double-Breasted Sack Suits, Cutaway Sack Suits. These four styles we show in Cassimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds, Homespuns, Twills, Bannockburns, ThiBets, Serges, Flannels, eta The following solid colors and shades, all of which and more are displayed by us, will be extensively worn this spring: Light and dark tan.brown, bark, wood, snufl, light and dark grey," navy blue, black, etc. Scotch Mixtures, 'in Oxford, light and dark brown and steel crey, are also classed among fashionable spring woolens. Then come the ever-popular "small and large broken, interwoven, subdued and distinct plaids and checks, nairow stripes and silk mixtures. No other house in this city can even begin to equal our stock, and, if we beat other dealers in assortment, we beat them still worse in that important particular THE PEICE. "While we absolutely guarantee a sure saving of 25 per cent on any suit you may buy, patrons frequently save as much as 33 and even 50 per cent. Xow, then, it you would combine style, elegance and economy, buy your new Spring Suit from us. H-A-H. We sell more Hats than any three local dealers combined. Why ? Sim ply because we invariably .show the latest correct styles ahead of any other hatter,, and name prices which cannot be met any where. Thus, for instance, we will offer to-morrow, Monday, at. $1.00 100 dozen Men's Fine Spring Derbys, and 50 dozen Men's Tourist Shape Soft Hats, Of same quality as those for, which other dealers ask $2 and 2.50. And our Youman and Dunlap shape Derbys at 3, sold by exclusive, deal ers at 5, are another proof of the impossibility of others to compete with us. THE M TO DERBY 1 For which we are sole agents in Pittsburg, and which is universally ac knowledged to be the finest Hat made in the land, sells at only $4, while The Nas cimento Silk Hat, also the finest made, is sold by us for only $j. Inferior grades are sold elsewhere at $8. NOBBY 0 COTS Cold type -cannot convey an idea of the excellence of our En glish Top Coats at S15, $18, $20 and $ 25. These high art gar ments are the production of a swell London maker and were im ported by ourselves. They are made of West of England cloths. Clay Worsteds, Undressed Wor steds, Scotch Mixtures, Clay. Di agonals and Meltons. The trim mings, too, are the best, and the fit and finish are faultless. In cheaper grades we show at 12, $10 and $S first-class American Cheviot, Worsted, Melton and Cassimere garments cut in full or semi-box styles, of durable make and perfect fitting. One thing is sure: You can't go wrong by buying your Spring Overcoat at our store. S-H-0-E-S. Each year our Shoe De partment, (especially our Men's Shoe Department) shows up with increased sales. Various causes bring about these satisfactory re suits. We name a few: First We-don't handle the so-called leatherette (imitation leather) shoes,, but sell only the solid, honest leather article. Second We constantly carry all different widths and sizes of each kind of shoe we handle, and are thus able to always fit you correctly. Third We keep the only complete stock of footwear in the city, embracing everything worth having. Fourth Buying and selling on a larger scale than any other local con cern, we can and do name the lowest prices. Here are two fair exam ples: 50 cases Men's choice American Tannery Calf Shoes, in lace and congress styles, rock sole leather, smooth innersoles, solid leather counters, will be sold at Only $1.98. The same shoes cannot be bought elsewhere below $3. Next: 24 cases Men's genuine Welt Shoes, celebrated Satin Oil Calf Uppers, lace or congress styles, plain or tipped toes, will be sold at Only $2.50. Other stores sell the same identical goods for $4 per pair. FURNISHINGS E -AXD d FM FINE DRESS SUITS. For dress the Cutaway Freck is the prime favorite. We show this style in countless patterns, designs, colors and shades rich black and blue, solid light and dark colors and mixtures, small and large plaids, checks, etc The materials are: Clay Worsteds, Undressed Worsteds, Homespuns, Cassimeres, Clay Diagonals, Scotch Cheviots, Herringbones, Serges, Crepes, French Piques, Worsted Vicunas, Thibets, Twills, Bannockburns. "We show a handsome line of Cutaway Frock Suits at S8, a finer line at $10 and a truly excellent line at $12, but, if we were asked to show the grandest values in our store, we unhesitatingly would point with pride to our Matchless $15 Line, Embracing about 300 different styles of imported and choicest domestic manufacture all made and trimmed to perfection and fitting without a flaw. AVc guarantee these suits equal to anything shown elsewhere at 522, and tbey certainly are superior in every way to tlje" so-called "cheap" merchant tailor work produced in this town at $25 or $30. Fine dressers are invited to inspect this as well as our still finer styles (at $18, $20, $22 and $25).and have ocular proof ot the tact that we can serve-them better than any other concern. Our stock is now at its best, and those who make their selections during the next two weeks will have an unbroken assortment to choose from. This department is a veri table bonanza to anybody in need of Shirts, Under wear, Hosiery, Neckwear, and the many other things and knick-knacks that go to complete a gentleman's wardrobe. Our perfect fitting White Dress Shirts at $i (Quaker City or Manhattan brand) are the wonder of the trade, and are worn by the most par ticular gentlemen of the city. Of Outing and Neg lige Shirts we have pro vided for this season the largest and best selected stock ever brought to Pitts burg. The celebrated Eagle Brand Cheviot Out ing onirts at only 85c. Other dealers ask Si. 25 for the same identical goods. MAMMOTH is our stock of Spring Underwear, embracing, as it does, all the best Imported and Domestic makes. Such eminent manufacturers as M. Manchauffee & Co., Conradi, Friedman & Co. and the Glastenbury Mills have seen fit to appoint us sole agents for the sale of their celebrated goods in this territory. NECKWEAR is the great hobby of our wide awake furnishing goods buyer, and the result favors you. Our 50c Ascots, Four-in-Hands, Puffs and Tecks are simply without a parallel for style and quality. FIFTH AVENUE m SMITHFIELD ST. FIFTH AVENUE AND, SMITHFIELD ST. KAUFMANNS' GRAND DEPOT. KAUFMANNS' -JLt