Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 30, 1892, Image 1

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WfiV--- vesjr-tjjfj-.l-yw ' f
'JMlets to March 14 4,629
Last Year i 3,660
Increase .!. 1,969
Beit Previous Iwrf Wek- Gnln, 1,778.
Adlcts to March 14 4,629
Last Year. 8,660
Increase 1,969
Best Previons Two 'Weeks' Gain, 1,778.
Me ppfanrjg
Agreed to by the Senate
After Two Hours of
Quiet Discussion.
Not a Voice Raised Against Salis
bury's Proposition, Which
English Must Be tie Language Used,-and
Four Months to Decide.
Fall List of Those Who Voted for the
Batificatlon of the New Treaty
Both of Pennsylvania's Senators Go
on Record Action of the Cabinet
Opinions of the English Press Nearly
All Alike Salisbury's "Cap Deco
rated With a Big .feather Common
ers Cheer Lowther's Eemarks Po
litical Considerations Still Alleged
on the Part of the President.
Washington, March 29. Two hours
spent in executive session by the Senate,
this afternoon, sufficed to complete the con
Eideration of the Bering Sea arbitration
treaty, and it -was ratified by a unanimous
vote at the conclusion of the discussion.
The debate itself was -without incident
Mr. Sherman, -who had the treaty in charge,
presented two amendments which it was be
lieved to be desirable to incorporate in the
document, and they were agreed to. One of
them provides that the argument and pro
ceedings before the arbitrators shall be in
the English language. This amendment
was suggested to Sir Julian Pauncefcte a
day or two ago. He said that it appeared to
be proper, but he should like to secure the
formal assent of Lord Salisbury to it. This
assent came in the form of a cablegram
which was this morning shown to the Presi
dent by the British Minister, and was at
once sent to Senator Sherman, who caused
the necessary amendment to be incorpor
ated in the treaty.
Four Months Alfowed the Arbitrators.
Exactly the same procedure was followed
in the case of the second amendment, -which
ihanges article 11 of the treaty so as to re
quire the arbitrators to make their decision,
if possible, -within four months instead of
three from the close of the arguments of
counsel. This change -was believed to be
desirable in view pf the magnitude of the
subject 'and the enormous volume of testi
mony to be considered by the arbitrators.
The opposition to the ratification -which had
been very much -weakened yesterday com
pletely disappeared as the result of Mr.
Sherman's explanation to-day, and when the
question was taken directly on the resolu
tion of ratification there -were no nays,
nhile the yeas numbered 72, an unusually
large vote in the Senate.
The Senate ordered the detailed vote, as
well as all of the correspondence in the case
to be made public. The latter has already
been published in the newspapers.
The List of Those Who Ratified.
The Senators -who voted for the ratifica
tion of the treaty -were:
Messrs. Allen, Allison, Barbour, Bate,
Berry, Blackburn, Butler, Call, Cameron,
Carey, Carlisle, Chandler, Cockrell, Coke,
Cullom, Daniel, Dawes, Dixon, Dolpb, Du
bois, Felton, Frye, Galllnger, George,
Gibson (Louisianna), Gibson (Mary
land), Gordon. Gorman, Gray, Hale,
Hansbrongh, Hawley, HIggins, Hiscock,
Hoar, Kenna, Kyle, McMillan, Mo
rnerson, Mitchell, Morgan, Paddock, Pal
mer, Pasco, Peffer, Perkins, Petttgrew.FIatt,
Toner, Proctor, Pugh, Quay, Ransom, San
ders, Sawjer, Sherman, Slioup, Squire,
Stewart, Stockbridge, Teller, Tnrpie, Vance,
Vest. Vilas, Voorhees, Walthall, "Warren,
"Washburn, White. Wilson and Wolcott
After the result had been announced the
usual resolution notifying the President of
the Senate's action -was passed, and con
sideration of the treaty -was complete.
There was an air of relief about the Sena
tors as they emerged from the chamber,
where they have been sitting behind closed
doors for 60 many hours during the past
two weeks. All of them -were glad the
troublesome treaty had been disposed of at
last. Senator Cullom admitted that he had
originally felt it should not be ratified, as it
Looked Like a Surrender
of our legitimate rights, but upon reflec
tion he had concluded it was the best that
could be done at this time, and he believed
that its ratification marked a distinct ad
vance in civilization. Such disputes as
these, he said, would not very many years
ago have caused nations to fly at each oth
er's throats and cost many lives. He saw
no reason why, if we had a just claim, we
should fear to submit it to the decision of
arbitrators. He also believed that the
effect of the ratification of this treaty would
be larger than was commonly supposed, for
he thought it would lead to a final settle
ment of the long-standing difficulties which
have arisen from the conflicting claims of
United States and Canadian fishermen on
the Atlantic coast
There was a full attendance of mem
bers at the regular meeting of the
Cabinet to-day.-devoted
The session was mainly
the consideration of
of the response to be
the character
made to Lord Salisbury's latest propositions
for a suspension of pelagic sealing in Bering
Sea pending arbitration proceedings. It is
understood that the President's reply will
be transmitted to Sir Julian to-morrow or
the next day.
BIr Charles Tapper Agrees "Willi Salisbury
on One Important Point.
Toronto, One., March "29. A special
cable dispatch to the Globe says: "The in
terest of the British public in the Bering
Sea question, which was slightly kindled
last week, has been materially increased by
the publication of to-day's dispatches be
tween the two Governments, to which the
press generally gives much attention.
Broadly speaking, Lord Salisbury's
attitude is strongly, supported, irre
spective ot party, sir unaries xupper
to-day in an interview amrms
that I
Lord Salisbury recognizes tbat ranch more
than the killing of a few seals Is involved,
lor the admission of the United States
claim vonld imply also the admission of
the United States' right to exercise Juris
diction over any open sea they may choose
to select, even the Atlantic Ocean. Great
Britain cannot do this without forfeiting
her position.
"Sir Charles Tapper is confident that the
present situation will result satisfactorily
for British and Canadian interests, in view
of the soundness of Lord Salisbury's posi
tion and the almost unanimous support he
has received in the press, and, above ail, in
view of the fact that everyone knows that
the United States' attitude is due to the
nearness of the Presidental election."
They Consider the lteso.lt a Bis Feather
In Salisbury's Cap Commoners Cheer
a Speech of Sir. Lowther Late Opinions
ot English Editors.
London, March 29. Although the For
eign Office does not confirm the statement,
it is reported from a high source that Lord
Salisbury to-day received a cable dispatch
from Sir Julian Pouncefote, the British
Minister at Washington, announcing that
the United States had agreed to the pro
posal concerning the Bering Sea matter con
tained in Lord Salisbury's dispatch of
March 26. Color was given to the report
by the fact that it was announced this morn
ing that Mr. Alexander Stavely Hill (Con
servative), member for the Kingswinford
division of Staffordshire, who is in the Gov
ernment's secrets, was to ask a question in
regard to the situation of the Bering Sea
negotiations which would draw from the
Government what it desires to make public
When, however, the House met at 2 o'clock
this afternoon, Mr. Hill did not ask the
The result of the negotiations is taken
here to be'a pronounced triumph for English
diplomacy. The charges that the position
of the United States was entirely due to
political considerations are renewed with
added arguments. The St James Gazette
voices these criticisms this afternoon, say
ing President Harrison thinks he has done
enough for election purposes, and having
ridden his high horse he will now descend
with dignity and affability.
Something; That Is Irritating.
"There is something unspeakably irritat
ing," the Gazette adds, "in the Yankee
blarney about the President being gratified
with the present attitude of the British
Government The attitude of Great Britain
was only made difficult by untenable de
mands, as the course of events would have
been much more summary on our part if it
had not been that a serious quarrel between
Great Britain and the United States is be
yond contemplation for such a cause."
In the House of Commons to-day, Mr.
Edward Gourley (Liberal), member for
Sunderland, asked whether the Govern-,
ment, before refusing the request of the
United States for a renewal of the modus
Vivendi, had under consideration the dis
patch of Sir Baden Powell, the British
Commissioner, stating that a renewal of the
prohibition against indiscriminate sealing,
and limiting the catch to 7.SO0 vearlv, would
be early, and if so whv the policy thus in
dicated had not been followed.
Conditions Considered Necessary.
Mr. James W. Lowther, Parliamentary
Secretary of the Foreign Office, replied
that it was incorrect to say that the Govern
ment had. refused to consent to a renewal of
the modus vivendL Sir Baden Tmn hA
Eaid that in his opinion the taking nf a.
year's limited crop could not injuire the
seal herd, but that the renewal of last
year's prohibition and the 7,500 limit would
be beneficial, althouch -unnecessarv. Tlmt
"policy, Mr. Lowther declared, was being
followed, subject to the conditions consid
ered necessary by the home Government in
the interests of British subjects engaged in
the sealing industry. Mr. Lowther's state
ment was greeted with cheers.
The Chronicle says: "We are glad to ob
serve a change for the better in the attitude
of the Washington Government toward
Great-Britain as a result of the President's
del oting a whole morning to the consider
ation of the difficulty. It is to he regretted
that he had not mastered the details of the
British case before drafting his last manda
tory dispatch. Perhaps the change of tone
is due to the fact that he was assisted in his
studies by .Messrs. Blaine, Sherman and
For Bering Sea to Be Allowed From
Canada by the British.
Ottawa, Ont., March 29. Special
Mr. Earle, member of Parliament, received
a telegram from British Columbia to-day,
stating that the Collector of Customs at
Victoria had been instructed to permit no
more sealing vessels to clear for
Bering Sea, as has been the
usual custom with sealers leaving
for those waters in past seasons. Mr.Earle,
who is largely interested in the sealing in
dustry, says that the vessels starting out
now, although they do not run np to Ber
ing sea until late in May, take out their
clearance for their ultimate destination to
save returning to port He says with refer
ence to the proposal that the owners of the
Canadian sealing fleet shall give security to
indemnify the United States if the result of
the arbitration is adverse to their cause, that
he thinks it unreasonable that they should
consent to such a suggestion when they
have no voice in the arbitration.
Acting Minister of Custom Bowell gives
confirmation to the report that no further
clearances will be issued to sealing vessels
leaving British Columbia for Bering Sea,
and states that if they go into those waters
they do so on their own responsibility. This
is a new phase of the Bering Sea question,
and is the cause of considerable speculation
as to what sudden turn in the negotiationshas
led to the promulgation of this new feature
of the Government policy. From what can
be learned in official circles, the new order
has been issued at the instance of the
British Government
The British Man-of-War Warsplte Sighted.
Monterey, Cal., March 29. The
steamer Bonita, from California, was forced
to put into this port to-day, her machinery
becoming disabled by a terrific storm at
sea. Off Point Sui the Bonita sighted what
is supposed to be the British warship War
spite, bound for Esquimalt from Santa Bar
bara. The Warspite was living signals, but
owing to liazy weather they could not be
The Cavalry to Drive People From Lands
to Be Opened for Settlement.
Chicago, March 29. Colonel J. F.
Wade, of the Fifth Cavalry, was to-day as
signed to take charge of the work of clear
ing off intruders on the Arapoe and Chey
enne reservations, which are to be opened
for settlement between April land 10.
Colonel Wade commanded the military
operations during the settlement of Okla
homa Territory. He began his new task to
day with a force which is believed at Gen
eral Miles' headquarters here to be ample.
Pilgrim s Bound tor the Cherokee Land.
Denison, Tex., March 29. An exodus
to the Cherokee Strip and Oklahoma from
this city has been begun, and by to-morrow
200 citizens will be bound thither in wagons
and on foot They are all of the better
class, clerks, men of character and standing
and some professional men. Ihey go to
tnife flrirftntncA nf the annrnachinfr onenin?
of new lands.
Deeming, the Eain Hill
Butcher, a Cmel, Calcu
lating Murderer.
And His Awful Plans Carefully Laid
Long Before He
Clews That Lead the Australian Police to
Believe That He
Liverpool, March 29. Dr. Hutchinson,
one of the medical men who conduoted the
post mortem examination of the bodies of
Mrs. Deeming and her four children, which
were found burled under the floor at Din
ham Villa, Bain Hill, has told to a repre
sentative of the Associated Press the
method followed by the murderer. He said
that the crime disoloses a calculating
wickedness, and cool, heartless savagery
that is almost beyond belief. The work of
murder was that of an expert. Only in one
case was the stroke that caused death more
than sufficient for that purpose. Each
stroke severed a vital organ, and no more
might have been accomplished by a surgeon
or butcher who knew his business well.
The children, whose well-nourished con
dition and well-ordered clothing showed
the good and careful treatment of their
mother, had partaken of their evening
meal. The mother, too, had eaten her sup
per. The Mother Saorlflced First.
The mother was first called from the
room in whioh she was with the children
into the room where the murderer awaited
her. This is shown from the position of the
wound that killed her, and the fact that one
of her shoes was off and the other partly un
laced. It fnrther appears that as she
stooped to untie her shoe she was attacked
from behind and died almost without a
Then the children were called one by one
to meet their death. Bertha, the eldest,
had her thumbs tied behind her back with a
linen bandage two inches wide. A similar
bandage was wound twice around her head
so as to cover her mouth and keep her from
crying. A pillow case was then placed over
her head and the murderer strangled her.
The hands ot the second girl were also tied
behind her back, but in the case of the other
children this precaution was not thought
One other significant and sinister fact is
that, although the throats of four out of the
five victims were cut, on none of the bodies
or clothing was there a trace of blood, which
leaves a dreadful inferencejregarding fhe
deliberate ami calm carefulness1" witlf which
the slaughter was committed. The names
and ages of the children were: Bertha, 9
years; Marie', 7 years; Lilla, 5 years, and
Sydney, 18 month's.
Deliberation of the Murderer.
The very terms of the lease upon which
Deeming hired Dinham villa give proof of
hideously cold-blooded premeditation of the
butchery. Bead in the light of later reve
lations, the document, which was drawn up
and written by Deeming himself, shows that
when he took the house the atrocities had
been planned, and that he became the ten
ant of the vilia for the nurpose of carrying
them into eflect and ridding himself of the
wife and children who stood in the way of
his marriage to Miss Mather, whose "un
fortunate attachment for this accomplished
murderer, thief and forger resulted in her
murder at Melbourne.
Benjamin Young, who Was engaged by
Deeming to level the cement in the kitchen
floor covering the five bodies, says: "Deem
ing engaged me to do some work for him on
August 1. I am a plasterer's laborer. I
mixed the cement for him and he laid it
He said it was exercise for him, and he
wanted a bit of work. He was doing it, he
told me, for an old gentleman who had
taken the place, and he was commissioned
to put the floors and everything in order
because the old gentleman had some valu
able carpets, and the cracks between the
flags cut them. When I went into the
house the passages and kitchen were flagged
over. When he engaged me he asked: 'Do
you understand mixing cement?' I said:
'Yes.' He said: I will pay you well."
By his direction I mixed it very good, but
when we had laid over about half the
kitchen floor he told me I must use more
sand, as we were getting through too much
cement, and the old gentleman might
grumble at the cost l used more sand and
mixed the cement poorer. We finished
both floors, and then he asked me to 'skim
and level' it for him nicely."
Be Is a Criminal Comedian.
The versatility of this unequaled crimi
nal is shown in another instance his Bev
erley and Hull adventures, in which he
passed by the name of Lawson. It was in
Beverley that he married Miss Matheson in
1690, and deserted her a fortnight later.
He lodged at the residence of the mother of
Miss Matheson, and married the girl shortly
after he took up his sojourn there. It was
at this time that he committed the fraud on
Bevnoldson & Son, jewelers, of Hull.
The circumstances attending the fraud
were bo exceptional that the Foreign Office
took steps to obtain Deeming's retention
at Montevideo, until an English officer
arrived there and took him into custody.
Under his alias of Lawson, Deeming
called at the shop of Messrs. Beynoldson
on February 16, 1890, and conceived an af
fection for two particular rings and a brace
let, which were very costly articles. After
negotiating, Lawson decided to purchase
them, and demanded a month's credit; but
the firm declined to part with them without
a reference or on certain other conditions.
Now came the striking facts of the case.
On the 16th of February, the would-be pur
chaser wrote a letter to the station master
at Southampton and requested him to take
care of certain boxes which would be called
for on the 14th of March following. His
letter was signed "Deeming," but he added
a postscript to which he appended the in
itials "H. L." k
Expert In Business and Butchering.
On March 16 he went to Messrs. Beynold
son's shop. It was Saturday, and about
2:30 in the afternoon, when the banks were
closed. After some talk about the rings al
ready mentioned, he said he would' buy
them. The price of the rings was 120,
and for this amount he presented a check
payable on the Yorkshire Banking Com
pany. The prisoner did not conclude with
the act of giving the check, but said to Mr.
Beynoldson: "You will not get this cashed
this afternoon, but yon will get it on Mon
day morning."
On Monday morning Mr. Beynoldson
presented the check, but it was returned to
him marked "account closed," and he did
not get sixpence. On the Saturday after
noon immediately after buying the two
rings Lawson entered into negotiations
about the purchase of the diamond bracelet,
and told Mr. Beynoldson that he would buy
it, but he said: "I cannot give you a check
tor this to-day, but i wui give you a cnecc
post dated March 18, because at that time I
shall have a remittance to the Yorkshire
Banking Company and, therefore, I will
give a check dated that date." Whereupon
Mr. Bevnoldson Darted with the bracelet.
nrice 165. in return for a check drawn by
Lawson on the Yorkshire Banking Com
pany. This second check was equally use
less, and Messrs. Kevnoldson at once gave
information to the police.
A Villain Without a Rival.
In the meantime Lawson had flown, hav
ing taken passage from Southampton to
Buenos Ayres. The Foreign Office was
communicated with and ordered Lawson's
detention at Montevideo. On July 8 the
detective of the Hull police sailed and ar
rived at the South American port on August
6. The officer and prisoner immediately re
turned to England. At the ensuing ses
sions Lawson was committed for nine
months' imprisonment. Taken altogether it
is believed that no country has ever pro
duced such a consummate, utterly unprinci
pled and wholly conscienceless villain as
this man, who killed women and children
with as little compunction as an ordinary
man would kill, a snake.
A Melbourne cable says: In the event of
a verdict being rendered against Deeming
for the murder of Emily Williams, the pris
oner will be committed for trial directly to
the Supreme Court without beihg first
brought before the city court
Deeming is guarded night and day aboard
the Ballerat by seven watchers. It has
been discovered that the appearance of his
shaving off his mustache is due io his
plucking the hair out by the roots in order
to baffle identification. A detective accom
panying Deeming hints that he possesses
links in the chain of evidence showing that
Deeming committed some of the murders
attributed to Jack the Bipper. The date of
the murder of Miss Mather is fixed through
evidence testifying to hearing noise3 in
Deeming's house by neighbors, as though
some one was working with brick and mor
Faro Canadian Whisky Brought Over the
Border In a Very Slick Way Other Arti
cles Sneaked In About as Cleverly Cus
tom Officials on Guard.
Lockpoet, N. Y., March 29. Special
One of the most novel ways ot smuggling
lately devised comes in a special from Ma
lone, N. Y. The article smuggled is
whisky, pure Canadian whisky, and that by
the quart bottle, by as neat and clever a de
vice as ever deceived the sly and crafty
Custom House official. This particular
officer was none other than Collector Dus
tin, at Rouse's Point, and he tells the story
The other day a Canadian came over to
Bonse's Point with a boatload 'of butter
packed in ordinary large crocks and tubs.
The officers confiscated the product and put
it up at auction. A peculiar thing happened.
The Canadian bid it in at a fairly low
figure, and then spirited it away to
Plattsburg and sold it Some of Collector
Dustin's officers followed and discovered
that each one of- those jars contained two
gallons of pure Canadian rye whisky put
up in quart bottles. Inasmuch as there is
52 20 duty per gallon on whisky it is ap-
fiarent that the Canadian had been doing a
and office business for some time in this
novel manner of taking over the whisky.
No doubt there ia a large amount of
whisky smuggled in from Canada in this
small way. Collector Dustin says smug
gling is assuming"' alarming proportions.
Many hoYses have been brought 'Over,-as
well as quantities of butter, cheese and
poultry, but the men are generally cap
tured and the stuff confiscated. The Col
lector thought there were hundreds of
pounds of opium being held under cover on
the other side, waiting an opportunity to
be smuggled in.
Sad Bomance or a Nephew of Senator
Quay Wedded to Miss Beach Seven
Hours Before Ber Death Her Fortune
Left to the Bereaved Bridegroom.
Pomona, Cal., March 29 Special.
Among the tourists who came from the East
to spend the winter in Southern California,
last .November were Miss Mollie Beach and
her parents, from Chicago. They were
wealthy and settled in this vicinity in hope
of finding relief for Mollie's rapidly ad
vancing pulmonary consumption. They
were joined by George E. Quay, nephew of
Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, and who
had been the accepted lover of Miss Beach.
For weeks everything that could be done
for the invalid was tried, but she grew more
feeble. In February she went to Ari
zona, accompanied by . parents and
lover. There the disease was not
checked, and she continued to
grow worse. She was told two days ago
that death was near at hand, and then, per
suaded by her lover, she consented to mar
riase. Her trunks, containing the trousseau
that was prepared last year, when she was
well and looked forward to ahappy married
life, were opened. The invalid insisted
upon being dressed in a wedding sown as
she lay upon her bed, and thus robed she
was united to Quay by a preacher who was
hastily summoned.
When" the ceremony was over the bride
was put to bed, and seven hours later she
died with a smile upon her face. Her age
was 21. The bodv was taken to Pasadena
from Arizona, embalmed, and will be sent
back to Chicaeo by her husband. The
bridal gown will be her burial robe, at her
special request Her inheritance ot $7,500
was bequeathed to her husband before the
Under the Guise of Religion He Carried
on an Inlqnltous Business.
Detroit, Mich., March 29. The ex
amination ot "Prince" Michael, his "spir
itual wife," Eliza Court, and a number
of his followers, who were arrested yes
terday, reveals a horrible state of affairs.
The result of the preliminary examination
is simply astounding. It shows that in the
midst of a respectable oommunity has been
harbored, under the guiso of religion, a
most infamous nest of iniquity. .
This morning a large crowd gathered
about the Municipal building, it having
been rumored that "Prince" Michael was to
be arraigned in the police court The streets
about the building were packed with men,
who repeated the stories of Michael's
crime, and many a threat of lynching
was heard. The crowd, however, was disap
pointed, as the authorities decided not to
arraign the long-haired prisoner this morn
ing. Bernice Bechelwas brought to the pot
lice court by Prosecutor Springer to make
complaint against the "Prince.
The Serious Charge Under Which a
Minerva Jeweler Is Resting.
Alliance, O., March 29. Special.
The village of Minerva, a few miles south
of here, is in a state of great excitement
over the recent arrest of William E. Bus
sell for an assault on Miss Lucinda Loutzen
heiser. Bussell is a leading jeweler, and
np to this time has been received in the best
society, while the lady in question is a
leading belle and a prominent member of
the "Methodist Episcopal Church. It is
stated that he had been paying the girl con
siderable attention lor some time past, and
she alleges that a short .time ago he boldly
assaulted her. '
Hill's Court of Appeals Judge on the
Investigation Back.
To the Eight of the Legislature to Hold
the Examination.
Albany, N. Y., March 29. The investi
gation of Judge Isaac Maynard, of the Court
of Appeals, charged by the New York Bar
Association with unlawful tampering with
the election returns of Dutchess county
(after which he was raised to the bench),
was begun to-day by the joint Judiciary
Committees of the Senate and Assembly.
J. W. Eidgeway, of Brooklyn, who was
Senator Hill's traveling companion on his
recent Southern trip, and Hugh Beilly, of
Albany, were chosen as counsel to the com
mittee. Then np rose General Husted, the
Eepublicun leader in the Assembly. Said
"In order to make the record complete I
wish to state that this joint investigating
committee has no authority in law."
"In other words," shot back Mr. Canter,
l..;.. nf fJi "Democrats in the Senate,
"General Husted wishes to notify the wit
nesses they need not appear."
General Husted answered that he wished
to make the fact a matter of record.
Senator Canter said it came with bad
grace from General Husted to make this ob
jection. General Husted replied, with heat, that
Senator Canter's remarks were impertinent.
Selection of the Prosecutors.
The President of the New York Bar As
sociation, Wheeler H. Peckham, was first
called. He had appointed the committee of
.. :x: l.?..l. inwMtt.ot.il .Tiinr.0
ine association wmwu iu.o..s-- ",raX
Maynard and denounced him. He described
the meetings which resulted in the ordering
of the committee. Mr. Peckham had placed
John M. Bowers on the committee, and he
had resigned. He had chosen men for their
conservatism and high standing at the bar.
-He'Tiad chosen Mr. Bowers for the ad
ditional reason that Be thought that Mr.
Bowers might give an explanation of Judge
Maynard's action.
"Why did you do that?" asked Mr. Can
ter. "Because he is known to be a member of
Tammany Hall, and a strong party man, who
would be likely to Know any defense that
could be made."
'.'Do you think Judge Maynard guilty
now?" asked Mr. Canter.
"I drf, very much so," wa3 Mr. Peckham's
"On what do you base that conclusion?"
"On copies of documents in the case," re
plied Mr. Peckham.
"Is that all?" pursued Mr. Canter.
Yes or, rather, I ought to say, I have
read Judge Maynard's letter of explana
tion," replied Mr. Peckham, and the audi
ence smiled. He knew that most of the
committees of the association which he
appointed were Democrats, but they were
not party men. They were not practical
working politicians, but were high-minded
men devoted to Democratic principles.
An Attempt to Show Animus.
Counsel then attempted to show that
Messrs. Carter and Parsons, of the Bar As
sociation Committee, had been opposed by
Judge Mavnard in the litigation which was
instituted" by the State against the Sugar
Trust, and that they had won the case
against him. Of this Mr. Peckham knew
nothing. Even if these things were so, he
thoughfCarter and Parsons would be per
fectly proper persons to appoint on the
committee. Mr. Peckham did not know
Mr. Bobinson had ever been investigated.
He was a man in good business and social
Mr. Peckham again declared he thought
the investigating committee impartial and
in eyery way fitted to decide the questions
involved. Mr. Beilly then asked Mr. Peck
ham's own opinion of the actions of Mr.
Mr. Peckham thought that Mr. Maynard
violated the law in taking returns from the
Comptroller's office, in agreeing with State
canvassers to send back the returns, and in
allowing the Mylod certificate to be can
vassed without a protest He thought that
the breach of law struck at the root of our
form of government by denying the people
their chosen representative, and that it was
the most serious crime that could have been
committed. The return had been forwarded
to the place where it belonged, and when
Mr. Maynard took it he was guilty of a
crime. He said that so far as he knew
Judge Maynard had hitherto led a blameless
Mr. Peckham's Brother Drawn In.
Mr. Eidgeway asked Mr. Peckham whether
his brother, who is a Judge of the Court ot
Appeals, had not recommended the ap-
E ointment of Judge Maynard, and whether
e thought his brother would recommend
an unfit man.
Mr. Peckham replied that he had heard
that a portion of the court had recom
mended him. As for this act of Judge May
nard his brother did not approve it
There was some further discussion of
legal points. Mr. Peckham added that he
had no feeling whatsoever against Judge
Maynard. When the investigation began
he would have been glad to see him exon
erated, and he had hoped that he would be.
The committee here adjourned until to
morrow afternoon at 3:30 o clock.
Congressman Caminettl Wants Congress to
Order an Investigation.
San Fkancisco, March 29 Special
Congressman Caminetti, of California, will
probably present in a few days in the
House a petition of the San Francisco
Mining Stock Association, asking Congress
to investigate the United States Mint at
Carson, Nevada. The petition declares that
the mint is a depository of bullion stolen
from stockholders of the Conistock mines by
a ring of mill owners which controls and
dictates the federal appointments of
Nevada, including officers of the Carson
mint; that the office of Chief Clerk and
Acting Superintendent of the mint was also
tVio muhipr nf the Bullion and Exchantre
Bank of Carson; and tbat the mint and the j
wjsizar ' nut k?? & w .-.
ls&Kx YM reOa t&foL jwl&fk It
aM. aw 4 xim3mjr4k.!M m ,
n NfM iua xr wi&m wwx.
bank are worked together in harmony to
cover the thieving of the milling.
The petition also calls attention to the
fact that in Fox's suit it was provided that
Evan Williams, President of the Bullion
and Exchange Bank, frequently visited the
mint after dark, "to deposit bullion belong
ing to stockholders of the Comstockmines."
The petition ends with a detailed list of the
bars of bullion on the record of the mint,
and a similar record of the mining stock
association for three years. The great dif
ference? -en the two are given as an
additio' Sfa, "rthe inquiry.
I ".f.i7
Worn?? Jo
;.. ?
.... j
To Be Allowed Canaa, C lortiv
Significant Address of a j. date for
the Ontario Legislature Anxicui to Be
One of Us.
TOEONTO, Ont., March 29. Special
The citizens of Toronto are to have an
opportunity shortly to vote for or against
the annexation of Canada to the United
States. Ernest Albert Macdonald, who was
a candidate for the Toronto mayorality last
January, to-day announced himself as a
candidate to represent Toronto in the On
tario Legislature, for which an election will
shortly be held to fill a vacancy caused by
the death of a member. In his address
issued to the electors he says the present
situation of Canada is desperate and that
the only way out is political union with the
United States, and he advocates political
union on the following grounds:
First The assumption by the Union of aU
public debts, dominion, provincial and
Second The deepening and widening of
the St Lawrence, Welland and other canals,
so as to admit any or all ocean vessels to alt
the principal lake ports, and the construc
tion of the Lake Huron and Ontario ship
canal with a like object.
Third The admission and recognition of
each province as a soveieign state of the
In his address he says :
"We have a country that is the grandest
natural heritage on the face of the earth, but
she has been restricted and impoverished
by a mistaken policy, bv an attempt on tbe
part of some to make Canada a part of En
lope, wbeu she was intended to form a part
of America. Annexation wonld mean a per
petual treaty of peace and free and unre
stricted trade with 70,000,000 of our own peo
ple, in consequence of which millions of
dollars would flow into our coqntry and the
investor would have no cause to fear a
change of trade relations that would destroy
or confiscate his means, and oar mineral ro-
t-stmrees -would be developed on such a scale,,
as wouiu unnp prosperity tatne wnoio coaa
Lehman Bros. Klngshacksr, Wholesale
Clothing Dealers, Scorched The Blaze
Confined to the Top Floor of the Build
ing Loss Mainly by Water.
About 2 o'clock: this morning Officer
Moffat, while patroling his beat, discovered
the building at Sixth and Liberty
streets on fire. An alarm was turned
in from box IT. The department arrived
promptly and succeeded in confining the
flames to the top floor.
The building is occupied by Lehman Bros.
& Kingsbacker, manufacturers and job
bers in men's and boy's clothing. The
fire is supposed to have orig
inated from an overheated stove in the
sewing room on the top floor. The damage
to the building will amount to about $1,500.
No one could be found connected with the
establishment to give an estimate of the loss
or any account of the stock. There will be
considerable damage by water to the stock
in the lower floors.
Owing to the nature of the fire, Assistant
Chief Steele sent in three twos calling ont
two more districts. At this writing, 3:30
A. M., the fire is under control.
Boston Board of Trade Men Urge the Crea
tion of a Commerce .Department.
BOSTON, March 29. Members of the Ex
ecutive Council of the Massachusetts State
Board ot Trade held a special meeting this
afternoon. A. W. Strauso, for the Paint f
and Oil Club of New England presented
resolutions to the following effect which
which were adopted:
That It is highly important that a new de
partment, to be known as the 'Department
of Commerce and Trade," should be estab
lished by the Congress of the United States,
and that a new Cabinet office be created, the
Secretary of which will be its representa
tive, and to whom all matters affecting com
merce and trade shall be referred. Be
solved, That in the interest of Administra
tion economy all Cabinet officers shall be
entitled to seats in the National Hnnse of
Bepresentatives without voting power.
Two Clerks Luxuriate on the Proceeds of
Their Dishonesty.
CniCAGO, ILL., March 29. Eobert E.
Whittaker and Charles Herbert Smith, the
two clerks who were reported to have em
bezzled ?60,00p from Lamson Bros. & Co.,
with which to plunge in the wheat pit, were
arrested to-day.
They had just returned to Chicago and
had started to luxuriate in magnificent
apartments which they rented on Michi
gan avenue. The reason for their seeming
confidence that they were not in danger in
returning to Chicago is a mystery.
The Seal Snarl Declared Oil ,
Batcher Deeming's Awful Crime,
Judge Maynard Under Fire. 1
Meyers Assails Harrity 1
The Llcensn List Delayed....-
Allegheny's Last Sensation "
A Plttsbnrg Victim or" Lieutenant Black.. 3
Editorial and Miscellaneous 4
Gossip of the National Capital 4
Chats With Observant Travelers S
That Sidewalk Ordinance O
Hopes of the silver Men 7
The State's World's Fair Building. 7
btate Political Conventions 7
Isews of the Sporting World 8
Tile Nearby Town Budget , 8
What Came Over by Cable . 8
The Business Men's Column D
Yesterday's Congressional I'roceedingv.10
The Oil Scout's Field Report 10
AU the Market Quotations. 11
Miscellany 1?
Postmaster Meyers, of Harris
burg, on the Bun for
Harrity's Scalp.
He Issues a Warwhoop That Will
Awaken All the Echoes.
To Allay the Troubled Spirits fn Bivai
Democratic Camps.
Habbisbubg, March 29. Postmaster
and Democratic Division Chairman Meyers
to-night issued the following address to the
Democrats of Pennsylvania:
Tbe factional strife now going on within
the Democratic organization in this State is
to be deplored, but the conflict is Irrepressi
ble and cannot be stayed until the causes
which have produced it shall nave been re
moved. Tbe chief cause In the over-weening am
bition of one man to control tbe organiza
tion of the party, to dictate nomination In
fact, to make the party In the State bis per
sonal chattel. His aim is to play tbe same
role In the Democratic organization that
Senator Quay has been enacting in the Ee
publican party. He regards himself as tbo
Democratic boss, and he will not tolerate
any opposition to his autocratic way.
On the 20th of January last the State
Democratic Committee assembled in Harris
bnrgfor tbe purpose of electing a chairman
and other officers. The would-be boss slated
J. Marshall Wright as bis candidate for the
chairmanship. He would listen to no sug
gestion o f any other name for that position.
He issued his ukase for "Wright, and any
Democrat wbo dared to disobey it was
marked for bis vengeance. Every member
of the S tat o Committee, who voted against
his candidate, and every Democrat of any
prominence who opposed the election of
Wright has been proscribed by the self-constituted
political autocrat.
Harrity's Means of Revenge.
In every county in the State in which Dem
ocrats wbo committed the sin of exercising
their Independence in the choice of a State
Chairman have become candidates for dele
gates to the State or National Convention,
this relf-appointed boss has set np a vindic
tive and malignant opposition. He has not
scrupled to resort to the most disreputablo
means in wreaking his revenge. It does not
matter to him that Democrats who opposed
the election of Wright were In all other re
spects friendly to the State administration,
of which he regards himself as facile prln
ceps. It makes no difference to him that
those whom ho is seeking to persecute have
supported him in his determination to make
Wright Chairman of the State Committee.
He demands perfect obedience, truckling
subserviency, slavish submission to bis will.
Such has been my own experience of bis
pettyfyrannj-, and others have had a simi
lar experience.
Mr. Meyers states that about February 25,
Charles J. Swan, money-order clerk in the
postoffice, was approached by James Hagan,
messenger in the Insurance Department,
with the proposition that if he would sup
port Mayor Fritchey for delegate to the
Democratic .National Convention he (Swan)
would be appointed to a clerkship in the
office of th Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Hagan said that he had been sent by Secre
tary Harrity, and that he spoke by his
authority. Mr. Meyers wrote to Secretary
Harrity and Commissioner Luper about
Hagan's proposition, and received very
little satisfaction. He makes public the
correspondence for these two reasons:
Reason for Mr. Meyers' Attack.
First To afibrd Governor Pattison an op
portunity to illustrate the sincerity of his
professions when he declares that "Heads
of departments have no legal or moral right
to treat tbe offices under tbem as a personal
appendage to be used in rewarding political
friends and adherents to the detriment of
the pnulic service.
Second To give the Democracy of the
State somo insight into the methods em
ployed by the aspirant toaDemocratic boss
ship, which be had created for himself in his
own vanity and conceits The Governor
must require his Secretary of the Common
wealth to purge himself of the Hagan in
famy or demand his resignation. As for
Hagan, if the Governor permits bim to con
tinue in office, it will be proof positive that
the proponent of bribes in the form of offices
in the gift of the Governor is regarded as an
indispensable "appendage" to the present
State administration.
A Crank Murders a Woman Because She
Kept Hlra Under a Spell.
Cleveland, O., March 29. Frank B.
Draeger arrived lromFt Wayne last night,
and at noon to-day called on Mrs. H. O.
Fitch, on Jennings avenue, and after shaking
hands with her, deliberately fired four bul
lets into her bodv. The woman will die.
She is related to Draeger by marriage.
The murderer says she has hypnotized
him during the post five years, and he came
here for tbe express purpose of relieving
himself from the spell she has exercised
over him. He is in the custody of the
police. Information from Ft. Wayne, Ind.,
the home ot Draeger, is that he ha3 acted
peculiarly for some time, and is probably
insane. He insists that Mrs. Fitch, who is
distantly related to him, hypnotized him,
and gives that as the all-sufficient reason for
his murderous attempt Mrs. Fitch has a
bare chance to live.
A Little Girl's Blood Found on a Bootjarlc
Leads to an Investigation.
Bonneteebe, Mo., March 29. To-day
what was. supposed to have been an accident
is shown to have been a murder. A few
days ago the little daughter of William
Boyington, living 12 miles east of here, was
reported bv its step-mother to have fallen
into the fire and been burned to death.
A day or two ago Boyington having occa
sion to use his bootjack, hunted it np, and
found on it large clots of blood. He then
taxed his wife with the murder of his child,
whereupon she broke down and virtually
confessed. The body will be exhumed to
morrow and a careful examination made.
If murder is shown there is danger of the
woman being lynched.
Nothing Official From Venezuela.
New Yoek, March 29. Senor Eoma
Paez, the Consul General lor.Venezuela, re
ceived advices last night from Minister of
Foreign Affairs Urbariago, dated March 18,
the date on which the reported disturbances
in Venezuela are said to have occurred.
The dispatches contained no allusions to
any trouble,, and were only of a commercial