Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 29, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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jf ""vr "RnF"TVJ;F2
Speaker Crisp Virtually Killa
Free Coinage With
One Fell Blow.
when the
recess, moving
Eeed's Successor Refuses to Eeturn
& Cloture Rule, Unless
Too Many Members Anxious to-EMritthe
Bcrkau or The Oistatob, I
WABHrKOTon. D. C March IS. (
It is not often that two great and Texlng
subjects are laid to rest in a day as matters
of exciting news, but that seems to be the
case with the silver bill and the Bering
tempest The silver bill is almost certainly
a thing of the past.
I cannot agree with a somewhat general
expression of opinion here, that the free
coinage members of the House are greatly
incensed at Speaker Crisp lor the somer
sault performed by him this morning on the
silver question, and that they are fairly
crushed by the feeling that the bill is desd
beyond resurrection. It is not to be doubted
that most of the silver men are glad of the
opportunity to drop a thing which had
begun to burn them, and that Mr. Bland
himself is not inconsolable. He knows that
the country knows that he has valiantly
done what "he can for the passage, of his bill,
and that if he is stopped from further pro
ceedings it will be from necessity.
Crisp's Action a Complete Surprise.
The Speaker's action, however, was a
complete surprise. The silver men had no
suspicion that such a movement was con
templated. Mr. Bland knew nothing of it
until he came to the Capitol at noon to-day.
He assured me late last evening that a rule
making a special order and providing
against any dilatory motions, either on rule
or bill, would be reported to-day or, at the
latest, to-morrow.
It was a graceful act on the part of Mr.
Crisp to keep his friends in the dark in this
manner, and the only excuse for him is that
he had not fullv made up his mind until a
Tery late hour iast nieht. 'Let this be as it
may, this announced determination to refuse
to vote in the Committee on Rules for a
special order, unless a petition, asking for an
order, with the cloture included, were
brought to him signed by a majority of the
Democrats of the House, has put a quietus
on the Bland bilL An attempt was made
by some of the silver men to secure signa
tures to such a petition, but at tfie outset
they met with so much discouragement that
they soon abandoned the canvass.
Not Many Sony to Dodge the Matter.
Every free coinage member who favors
postponement, every half-hearted member
who desires to dodge, every one who is dis
couraged with the unexpectedly close vote
on the motion to table the bill last week,
rejoices at the opportunity afforded by the
action of Speaker Crisp to let eo of the
troublesome question. Many of the
stanchest free coinage men of two weeks
ago have been frightened by the members
and violence of the opposition to the bill,
and they hail with delight the chance of
being forced, as it were, to abandon it.
Speaker Crisp himself explains his new
attitude by saying that U was evident the
silver men bad over-estimated, their
strength, and it was only fair to the party
in the House that no cloture rule or special
order should be made unless it were de
manded by a majority of the party.
It is just possible the silver men may
stiffen their spinal columns and yet make
an attempt to secure the necessary signa
tures. Gossip runs somewhat that way
among the most active ones this evening.
As for Mr. Bland and his lieutenant, Mr.
Pierce, they flatly declare they will do
Not Icdnj After Petition Signers.
To make their position consistent thev
censure the Speaker, but they do not feel
called upon to run around, foolscap in hand,
begging signatures to a petition praying the
Speaker to do what would have been simply
a logical sequence of the proceedings of
last week, and which was practically agreed
upon before Mr. Atland made his motion to
adjourn in the small hours of Friday morn
ing, last week.
Had not Mr. Bland felt that he had a
positive assurance that a rule would be re
ported fixing a time for a vote on the bill he
would have endeavored to keep his bill be
fore the House, and the filibustering and
the legislative session of last Thursday
might still be a present fact This is the
one fact on which the Speaker is open to
criticism, that he has really acted in bad
faith toward the silver men. As I have
said, however, it is probable that most
of that element, and possiblr Mr. Blond
himself, in his inmost heart, heaved a sigh
of relief when the Speaker's attitude was
announced to-day. Assuredly, even with
better success than they have had, the silver
men might be said to be disastrously routed,
ro far have they fallen short of their claims.
Mills and Springer, who declaimed strongly
against injecting the silver question into
the campaign, have had their judgment
vindicated. Harter is happy. The Massa
chusetts Mugwump kindergarten is acrlow
with shining faces.
Only a Campaign Folicy, After AIL
Of course it was campaign policy, and
not financial or enconomical policy, that
has really accomplished the defeat of the
bill. In another j ear, with the same Dem
ocratic majority in the House, the bill
would have been passed by anywhere from
50 to 100 votes. It is even now possibly
only postponed until after the elections.
The fight will be carried into the Na
tional Convention and the agitation kept
up, and one of the least improbabilities of
the early days ot the short session is the
passage of the Bland bill. The silver men
have failed, however, in the grand purpose
for which they labored. They desired to
pass this bill by a good majority, commit
the party as far as possible to free silver,
and thus force a free Bilver plank into the
party platform. Their failure to pass the
bill will leave the way clear for the No
tional Convention to take a very conserva
tive view of the silver question.
bill and. motions pertaining to It,
opponents of the Dill commenced
lntr by movimr to talrs n recai
adjournments, and calling the roll. It Is
well understood that motions of this kind
can ? made without limit and no bill can
possibly pass as long as these motion are
kept up. These motions, or filibustering
tactics, were kept up until atter 1J o'clock on
the last day for the consideration of the bill.
The friends of the bill wore
determined to continue In session so as
to prevent a lapse of the Legislative day.
Crisp's Advice First Requested.
Mysolf, Mr. Pleroe, of Tennessee, and other
members of the House went to the Speaker
Mr. Crisp, and asked his advice about the
matter whetner be thought that filibuster
ing had proceeded long enough to satisfy
the Houseland the country that the Commit
tee on Rules would be warranted In report
ing a rule by which all filibustering motions
would be prevented and brine the House to
a direct vote upon the bill. He assured my
self, Mr. Plerce.of Tennessee, Mr. Stone, of
jxeniuoKy, ana a numueror omers, uwtne
thought filibustering had gone on long
enough to demonstrate the fact, and that tho
Committee on Rules would report a rule to
bring the bill to a vote.
I mar add that I moved that the House ad
journ on Thursday night at the Instance ot
vuo opearer, ana wun nis empnano state
ment that he would report a rule catting off
filibustering motions and bring the bill to a
The next day being Friday, I went into
the Speaker's room and met Judge Crisp.
He then advised the introduction of a rule
to De voted on to-day (Monday), prevent
ing all filibustering motions and compet
ing a vote upon the bill. He sat down and
wiote out tho rule himself. I Introduced It
at his request and suggestion, and had it re
ferred to his committee, with the distinct
understanding that the rule would be re
ported to-day. I never heard anything about
his wanting a petition of a majority of the
Democrats until this morning, when we
ought to hove been voting upon the order
itself. Then the Speaker said he would not
report the rule unless a majority of the
Democrats petitioned tor It.
Not a Hint About a Petition.
He said nothing abont a petition on Thurs
day night, before the House adjdurned. Had
he Intimated then that he wanted a petition,
we would have gone to work and got the
members of tho party voting for the bill,
which was a majority of them, to have signed
a petition, no doubt, but no Intimation of
that sort was given by the Speaker. We
considered that the roll call of the House,
showing, as It aid, a large majority of the
Democratic party In favor of the MIL a suf
ficient warrant for him to act according to
the wishes of the Democratic party, as
shown upon the record. About the time or
the meeting of the House this morning I
went Into his committee room, and for the
first time learned that he had changed his
A telegram appeared In a New York paper
this morning, stating that Its correspondent
had information from the highest authority
that Speaker CrisD would exact a petition
before acting upon this rule. That was the
first intimation that I had of anything of
-uH w.u.t. auo ojjoajier iuu given a
number of the free coinage members of the
Democratic party to understand that he
proposed to have a vote either to-day or to
morrow upon this rule. We had telegraphed
forabsentees. We had made every exertion to
have our men in the House and to have
them present. When we found the attitude
of the Speaker had changed It created con
fusion and consternation among the free
coinage advocates. They felt they had been
deceived and disappointed by the action of
the Speaker. He had given them no chance
to get a petition. Of course they regarded It
that he had made pledges and promises, as
Indicated In the Xew Yoik paper's dispatch
to our opponents pledges and promises
that be did not advise the friends of free
coinage he had made.
The consequence Is, that at a oritlcal
moment they saw the Speaker had deserted
them, and many members, especially those
who were personally the lollowers of Mr.
Crisp, are now refusing to sign any petition.
While petitions are being circulated it is
very uncertain whether, under the circum
stances, a majority can be got for that
the silver bill, it will be because the vote
on the motion to table -indicates to tbe
majority of the Democrats that the bill
cannot pass, and therefore they will not
request the Committee on Bales to bring a
report cutting off filibustering.
Speaker Crisp defined the situation to be
imply this: 'If a majority of the Demo
crats in the House desire the Committee on
Bales to make a report which will enable
tbe House to come to a direct vote on tbe
silver vote, and if they signify that desire,
the committee will make a report. If they
do not so signify, the committee will under
stand that the majority do -not desire it,
and the responsibility will rest with the
majority of the Democrats of the House
and not with the Committee on Bules.
As to Mr. Bland's references to the
Speaker's opposition to silver, or his dupli
city, the Speaker said he had nothing to say
excent to recall that bv his castincr vote he
had himself prevented the bill from being
tabled, and to state that as a Representative
from Georgia, he favors and will vote 'for
the free coinage of silver.
Crisp Will Barely Vote for Free Silver.
To show that he was in favor of the free
coinage of silver, the Speaker recalled the
fact that he bad appointed a committee
which favored tbe measure, and had .ap
pointed Mr. Bland at the head of that com
mittee, notwithstanding Mr. Bland had
been a very active opponent of Mr. Crisp
in the Speakership contest Although
in lavor of free coinage, the
Speaker stated that as Speaker of the
House he would endeavor to execute the
will of the majority of the Democrats
therein, respecting reports from the Com
mittee on Bules, and no criticism by Mr.
Bland or effort by Mr. Bland to shift tbe re
sponsibility would deter him from pursuing
this coarse.
Execution of the Seventh Victim of
the Electrical Chair.
He Stagers Throujjh the Religious Rites
and Then Faints.
Cheers and Hisses Mingled, bat Parse
Strings Were Loosened Dr. McGlynn's
Followers and the Parnellltes the Chief
Causes of tbe Disorder.
New York, March 28. The first public
meeting in this city of the Irish Federation
of America, the new organization which is
designed to supplant the Irish National
League, was held to-night and was marked
by disorder, inspired by the Pamellites,
who were present in large numbers; and the
police, to preserve anything like order, had
to forcibly eject from Cooper Union at least
20 men and women.
The first rupture occurred when Dr. Mc
Olynn, the foe of Archbishop Corrigan, en
tered. A protest hod been circulated by
the Mculynnites against the Arch
bishop having anything to do with
the Federation, and they got up
and cheered the Doctor. When
the Archbishop appeared on the platform
hisses were mingled with the cries. Some
one asked for cheers for Parnell. and this
caused another outburst, which was quelled
by the police ejecting the disturbers.
Dr. Emmet then explained that the
National Federation of America was
formed to forward home rule for Ireland
an object held by every Irishman outside of
the influence ot the Tory party. He said
"Tta .ritt.nna id it, fn
The Speaker Accused of Duplicity.
The fact that the Speaker himself has
changed his attitude toward the measure
and has deceived tho friends or the bill by
his action has caused a great many free
coinage people to weaken in their position,
and I see attbis time but very little hope of
getting a majority of the members on a peti
tion asking that tho rule be reported. Of
course the Speaker has great weight and
power, and since he has shown a disposition
to let the bill lie on the table, members who
have confidence in him will go with hlm.and
this will leave us with the bill having not
only the anti-free coinage men its opponents
but also the Speaker opposed to it and those
who personally follow him.
What mav be the outcome of it I cannot
say. Wo can count a sufficient number of
members who have been voting against con
sideration of the bill, who state emphatically
that they will vote for the bill if It ever
comes up on Its passage, to give It from 10 to
SO majority.
Speaker Crisp was shown Mr. Bland's
statement this evening, and said he was sur
prised that Mr. Bland should have so far
forgotten himself and the true situation an
to endeavor to mislead the public by such
a statement. In justifying his positlon.Mr.
Cpsp said that when the rules were being
considered he had in caucus pledged his
party that no rule should be reported pro
inciting filibustering or putting off dila
tory motions except at the request of a ma
jority of the Democratic members of Con
gress. A majority of the Democrats re
quested that a time be fixed for the consid
eration of the free coinage bill, but making
no reference therein to any change of the
Tbe Free Coinage Leader Accuses tho
Speaker ml Duplicity A Complete Sur
prise to tbe Blandltes The Speaker's
Own Defense of His Rating.
"Washington, March 2& Mr. Bland
this afternoon made tbe following author
ized statement to the Associated Press with
reference to the silver bill:
When the rule was first reported, setting
apart three days for the consideration or
the silver Dill, I insisted that the rule should
be a continuing order, to be considered from
dav to day until disposed or, knowing that
three days could be filibustered- out and no
action had upon the bilL When I made
this suggestion to Speaker Crisp he rather
tartly replied that I ought to trust the Com
mittee on Rules in that matter; that lr the
thrpe days were filibustered out without
disposing or the bill, the Committee on
Rules would report a rule preventing all
filibustering motions and compelling a vote
upon the bill.
The debate on the bill ran Antil'S o'clock
or the third1' day. I moved tho 'previous
question: several vote were taken uyon tho
Recollections of the Speaker.
The Speaker said that as well as he recol
lected, Mr. Bland did want to Incorporate
some limitation of the right of the House to
filibuster or wanted a continuing order, but
the committee determined that until the
necessity for such a rule was demonstrated
they would not report it. The bill wa3
taken up and debated for three days, and
finally saved from the table by the casting
vote of the Speaker. Mr. Cr.sp said this
tie vote was a great surprise to all parties,
because when the original order was made
it was generally understood that the ma
jority in iavor of free coinage wos 30 to 40.
A majority of the Democrats voted against
tabling the bill, and thereby demonstrated
that they favored its passage.
Speaker Crisp said that he assumed that
these gentlemen so voting were in favor of
a rule which would bring the House to a
direct vote on the bill and prevent filibuster
ing, and so believing, he said to Mr. Bland
that be had no doubt the committee would
report a rule. He also said to Mr. Bland
that in this judgment there hadvbeen suf
ficient filibustering to demonstrate the im
possibility of the passage of the bill without
a rule to bring the House to a direct vote.
Inland's Backers Desert Him Rapidly.
The Speaker also drew the resolution In
troduced by Sir. Bland, still believing that
those gentlemen who voted against tabling
the bill were in favor of forcing a direct
vote upon the measure. But after that time,
friends of the silver bill, as decided friends
asMr.Bland.said theSpeaker.had come to him
and said they did not desire thei- vote
against tabling the bill to be construed into
a request that a rule prohibiting filibuster
ing should be reported; that while' they
favored the free coinage of silver, and
wanted to vote for it, they opposed any rule
in a Democratic House which would cut off
tbe right to filibuster.
The Speaker said that upon this state
ment he made some inquiry among other
friends of the bill, and found quite a num
ber who did not desire the committee to re
port any rule to bring the House to a direct
vote. Whereupon, he thought, in pur
suance of his statement in the caucus and
in pursuance of the idea upon which he has
acted, that he was the servant and not tbe
master of the House; and thatit was his duty
to consult the wishes of a majority ot his
party in the House.
The Sneaker then said to Mr. Bland and
other friends that he did not feel that, in
justice to himself, or to the party, he could
favor a rule or report a rule which would
force a vote upon the silver bill, unless a
majority of the Democrats in the House ex
pressed a desire that he shonld do so. To
this, the Speaker said, Mr. Bland replied
that he would not get up any petition,
seeming to think that whether a majority
wanted it or not the Committee on Bules
should report such a rule.
The Speaker's Coarse Upheld.
Mr. Piece and others, the Speaker said,
had expressed approval of the course of the
Speaker, and had said that they would get
up a petition showing the wishes of the
Democrats in the premises. The Speaker
has not seen Mr. Bland since, and does not
know the status of the petition,- but he
thinks that if no direct vote is had upon
'Its existence is in lull co-opera
tion with the National Federa
tion of Ireland, and the funds
raised through its influence in this country
will be transmitted to the committee of the
National Irish party and used for no other
purpose than to defray the expenses lor the
coming election of Parliament. A full
measure of home rule cannot be regarded
unless a full delegation be sent to Parlia
ment. Prolonged hisses.
Chas. A. Dana was present and spoke.
He admonished that it was only by harmony
among themselves that the Irish could hope
to gain home rule in the near future. They
should fight their enemies, not each other.
Professor John P. Brophy, of St.
Louis college, the next speaker, was
saying that the crisis in Irish
history had now come. How could
Ireland be now best served? At this point
Mrs. Margaret Moore, a well-known Irish
woman, who has been in Kilmainham jail,
cried out: "You can serve Ireland by fol
lowing Parnell."
This created the wildest excitement. The
Pamellites, who resented the ejection of
several disorderly persons during Dr. Em
met's introductory speech, cheered them
selves hoarse.
Alter another outbreak, and the eject
ment of several persons, order was once
more restored. Between $3,000 and (1,000
were subscribed. After the passage of ap
propriate resolutions the gathering dispersed.
New Tobk, March 28. For the first
time since the law for the killing of mur
derers by electricity and the transforming
of physicians and men of science into publio
executioners was passed the six cells for the
condemned in Sing Sing prison are all va
cant. Warden Brown, with the assistance
of Dr. Irvine, of tbe prison, and Dr. Ab
bott, of 49 West Fifty-seventh street, got
rid of Jeremiah Cotto, the last of the con
demned in his care.
. Cotto was an arrant coward. He was the
least interesting of the seven men who have
been killed by electricity in the prison.
He had stimulants enough in him, however,
to prevent making a scene in the death
chamber. He was led like a sheep to the
slaughter. Cotto killed his sweetheart's
husband in "Brooklyn last July. He sneaked
up behind his victim and did him to death.
There were five shocks of the electric cur
rent before the physicians were convinced
that he was dead, although, as in all the
killings at Sing Sing prison, unconscious
ness was said to be instantaneous with the
first shock.
Cotto Unconscious When Rilled.
Cotto's condition was such when he was
put in the death chair that had he been
permitted to remain there five minntes he
might have mistaken the salt water drip
ping on his lace from the electrodes lor the
death current and died of fright It ia
not certain that he was conscious at the
time the current was applied.
The man's last night on earth was spent
alone. Sunday afternoon his brother,
Dominick Cotto, and his cousin, Alexander
Pandolf, came from Brooklyn to see him.
One of the objects was to settle the question
of who should have the f54 in money which
was taken from the condemned man when
he was arrested. The money is in the hands
nf the, Rrnofclvn nolice. and the relatives
were anxious to get it. Cotto decided that,
his brother should have It
When ik came to a aUestion of disposing
of the murderer's body, neither the brother
nor the cousin wanted to take care of it and
see that it was buried. They left, promis
ing to come again. The brother did come
again, but it was after the execution was
over, and he went right away.
Preparations by the Priests.
Some of the witnesses arrived Sunday
night and accepted the warden's hospitality,
but the greater number arrived on the early
morning trains. The priests, Father De
Santis and Father Milo, had been in the
town two or three days preparing the
wretched man to die. At 9 o clock the doc
tors and the electrical experts went down
into the execution room and tested the
machinery. They spent an hour doing that
Cotto, in the meantime, was drinking whis
ky and praying. His approaching end had
taken away his appetite for breakfast The
experts were through at 10 o'clock.
The warden sent out word to the guard at
the prison entrance that none should be
permitted to enter the prison until the exe-.
cution was over. Half an hour was used in
transacting office business, and then the
warden led the way out through" the prison
and into the death chamber. Two rows of
stools had been placed there. Nearly all of
the witnesses had buttonhole bouquets, pro
vided bv the warden. Electrician Davis
brought in a board, on which there were 20
incandescent lamps. He laid it across the
chair and fastened the wires that had been
ficiaL The body was very warm. When
Dr, Abbott lifted one of the eyelids and
placed his finger on the ball of the eye he
found it hot Ten minutes after the body
had been placed on the table the tempera
ture of the body was 116. This was ascer
tained by means of an old-fashioned ther
mometer. The total time of the application of the
current was 69 seconds, divided as fol
lows: First contact, 10:4550, ofl 10:432;
second contact, 10:45:35, ofl 10:45:47;
third contact, 10:46:05, off 10:46:17; fourth
contact, iu:u:3, on 10:48:03; filth contact,
10:49:15, off at 10:49:30. The mean voltage
was 1,600. The highest voltaire was 1.684.
The amperage was 7 throughout
There was some talk occasioned bv the
absence of Dr. McDonald and Dr. Ward
from the execution. It was said that they
had become tired of being public execu
tioners. The crime for which Cotto was executed
was the murder of Louis Frankelosa. He
loved Mrs. Frankelosa. He stabbed his
victim 12 times. Mrs. Frankelosa told the
police that Cotto had done the deed, and her
testimony convicted him. The woman has
been confined in Raymond street jail since
th murder. It is possible that she will be
released now.
Continued From Flru Fage.
Strong Evidence on Which Another BoodUr
Was Indicted.
Chicago, March 28. Sterling Bailey,
President of the Snead Heating and Venti
lating Company, swore to-day before the
grand jury that $500 in the way of grease
had been demanded from him by M. B.
Herely, a member of the Chicago
Board of Education, as a prelim
inary to the Snead Company getting
any contracts. Herely was declared to
have visited Bailey's oflice a number
of times on the errand. The actions of
Chief Engineer Thomas J. Waters, of the
Chicago public school system, were also
subjected to investigation. To Bailey's evi
dence additional testimony was given to-day
by Otis Jones, who swore to paying to
Herely through third parties over f2,000
for contracts.
Just before adjournment for the day the
grand jury voted to indict Herely, " who,
besides being a member of the Board of
Education, is an ex-member of the State
Senate. The indictment will not be re
turned into court until to-morrow.
and he was constantly in the stalls of the
theater when E. J. Lonnen was singing
there. He bad freely expressed his inten
tion of bringing a libel action for 2,000
against Alderman Manton for saying that
the Egan-Daly case had not been conducted
upon air and just lines; but since the dis
closures concerning Black's character have
come to light nothing has been heard of the
action. Indeed, nothing has been heard of
Black himself.
In Birmingham official circles the utmost
reticence is preserved regarding the whole
business. It is of course to the interest of
all concerned to prevent a Government
inquiry, such as is contemplated by the
Irish members, into Black's career.
Awful Disgrace to the City.
The Dispatch representative, who
interviewed some half dozen of the heads of
the police, could extract bnt little from
them. "If an inquiry is granted," said one,
"it will kill the chief." "It is a Black day
for Birmingham." said another. "An awful
disgrace to the city," murmured another, I
wniie a superintendent ot Jfoiice, a Dig,
burly Irishman, when questioned as to the
details of the Black case, said: "My only
reply is hum, ah hum."
Yet, despite the reticence at headquarters,
which has increased since the appearance of
Bedmond's question, the whole of the mem
bers of the Birmingham police force are
perfectly aware ot the facts of the case, and
speak of them in tremulous tones, since the
prospect of an official inquiry has come into
view. It will be a terrible exposure, is the
general opinion expressed by men who
thoroughly know the situation. At any
rate, there is this all-important fact, that
when Detective SnperintendentVan Helden
was promoted to the position Vacated by
Black he said'to the chief constable that if
he was to be in charge of the department it
would have to be conducted on honest lines,
to which the chief replied, 'It is quite time
they were introduced."
A flne.two-storyandmansardbrlckdwentng'
Cemented cellar, laundry, two porchts, good
fruit trees.
LOT 40x165,
On line of electric cars and only-15 minutes
from postofflce.
$1,000 CASH,
Balance easy to suit purchaser.
mhS7-116-TuwsTl 99 Fourth avenue.
They Are Denied Justice and the Privilege
or Eating Raw Beef Entrails.
Chicago, March 2a Captain V. D. Mc
Oillicuddy. formerly the Indian agent at
Pine Bidge, called at army headquarters to
day and gave it as his opinion that trouble
might be expected at the Bosebnd and
other agencies. The Indians have been
aroused to a high state of excitement by the
recent killing of an Indian out of the juris
diction of the Government The Indians de
manded vengeance, and Whipple, the mur
derer, was arrested, but the authorities
claimed nothing could be done with him, as
the killing occurred outside of the jurisdic
tion of the United States. The Indians
could not see the logic ot this, and are now
muttering and making threats. The red
skins are still indulging in the ghost dance.
Another complaint made by the Indians
is that they are not allowed to eat part of
the cattle which tbe Government gives
them. Fresh entrails, and raw at that, are
considered a luxury, bnt the eating of these
delicacies has been stopped by the Interior
Department, it being contended that this
food t nds to arouse the savage natures of
the Indians. The red men have taken this
greatly to heart, and some of them have re
lnsed to take their rations because the beef
was not served a la entraiL
The Oldest Kentucklan Is Dead.
Louisvn.LE, March 2& William Ken
nedy, aged 106, died at his home near
Marion last night He was born near
where he died, and wasprobably the oldest
native Kentuckian. He served through
the War of 1812, and was drawing a pension
for that service. He was married four
times and his descendants number 150,
nearly all living near him.
17 Sheffield st, Allegheny.
827 Western av., Allegheny, 8 room house.
Just put In nice order; $30 a month.
Farm at Coal Creek of abont MO acres,
nice farm house; 1300 a year.
Form at West liberty of about 80 acres-,
$200 a year.
Farm at S wlssvale of about 30 aores; $200 a
Store and dwelling, ill Beaver av., Alle
gheny, with stable on rear of lot; $25 month
71 Steuben st, West End, city, frame house.
7 rooms.
268 Franklin st, Allegheny, 8 room brick
house; nice location and very reasonable.
For Information concerning tho above)
properties apply to
121 and 123 Fourth av., Pittsburg.
Dr. Sherwood to Succeed Ely.
Philadelphia, March 2a Dr. Sidney
Sherwood, instructor in finance in the
Wharton School of Finance and Economy,
University of Pennsylvania, has been called
to the Chair of PoliticarEconomy in the Johns
Hopkins University at Baltimore, made
vacant by the resignation of Prof. Richard
I. Ely.
A Bank Cashier's Demise.
"Wilmington, Del., March 2a John
Peoples, cashier of the Central National
Bank, died suddenly to night of paralysis
of the heart, aged 62 years. He leaves a
widow and five children.
to-nieht. Mr. McClelland offered the fol.
detached from the electrodes to two little i lowing resolution:
eoDuer ioints. In a few minutes steps were
heard, and then the sound of voices saying
the service for the condemned.
Tho Grand Jury Investlcatlon of the
1'arkhurst Charses.
NEW Yoek, March -2a i7. The
grand jury resumed to-day its inquiry based
upon the Bev. Dr. Parkhurst's testimony
that his detectives had obtained proof ot the
existence of nearly 250 saloons run in viola
tion of the excise law, and that 40 disorderly
houses flourished in the best residence
quarters of this city. Police Commissioners
Martin and McClave, MacLean and
Sheehan entered the ante-room of the izrand
jury just before 11 o'clock. Commissioner
Martin said that the Commissioners had
not been subpoenaed, but that they had come
voluntarily, being desirous of aiding the
grand jury in any possible way in
their investigation. Soon afterward, Police
Captain Eyan, McCullagh and McLaughlin,
in full uniform, joined the Commissioners.
With Captain Byan were two officers at
tached to tbe Mercer street police station,
Detectives O'Connell and Zcrkeh Com
missioner Martin testified for sometime be
fore the grand, jury, and then the grand
jury called the Jpolice captains and the two
detectives in turn.
While the police officers were closeted
with the grand jury Dr. Parkhurst hurried
into the ante-room with a smiling face and
a great bundle of papers. After the police
officers had testified the grand jury invited
Dr. Parkhurst to enter the inner room, and
he talked to them for nearly half an hour.
Then tho investigation was adjourned for
me aay.
Not So Bad After AH. .
E. V. Wood, of McKee's Bocks, Alle
gheny county, Pa., in speaking to a travel
ing man. of Chamberlain's medicines, saidt
"I recommend them above all others. I have
used them myself and know them to be re
liable. I always guarantee them to my cus
tomers and have never had a bottle re
turned.! Mr. Wood had hardly finished
speaking when a little girl came in the store
with an empty bottle. It was labeled
"Chamberlain's Pain Balm." The traveler
was interested, as there was certainly a bot
tle coming back, but waited to hear what
the little girl said. It was as follows:
"Mamma wants another bottle of that medi
cine; sho says it is the best medicine for
rheumatism she ever used." 50-cent bottles
for sale by druggists. ttssu
Children's Day.
Bring the children to Hendricks &Co.'s
photograph gallery to-morrow. Don't miss
this chance. Cabinets, $L 68 Federal
street, Allegheny. ttssu
Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, equal to
the $ 1 25 quality; only 98 cents.
Fleishman & Co..
. 504, 506 and 508 Market street
Is open every day except Sunday nntll 9 P.
M. Advertisements will be received.up to
that honr for Insertion the next morning; at
regular rates.
The Murderer a Rank Coward.
Cotto came in first, held on either side
from behind by keepers. His knees were
shaking. His whole body trembled. His
eyes were staring. He got his last glimpse
of snnlight through an open window. He
was dressed in a new suit of black, and
wore a new pair of prison-made shoes. The
right leg of his trousers was split up to
above the knee. After him came the
priests. One spoke in Latin, the other re
peated the responses the murderer was to
make in Italian, and Cotto responded,
"Jesus, have mercy on, me;, Jesus, have
mercy on me," as well as his chattering
teeth would permit
When the keepers pushed him back into
the chair he came down with some force
and continued shaking and shivering. There
had been one improvement in the chair
since McElvaine was killed. Stationary
leathe'r enfis bad been fastened to it for the
feet and ankles. It took abont a minute
and a half to adjust the electrodes and
buckle the retaining straps. Each moment
the responses of the condemned man became
fainter, until they died out altogether.
There was a suspicion of a moan from under
the leather mask. The body appeared to be
limp. The straps held it in place. If the
man was not unconscious, he was so nearly
so that he did not understand anything.
Beginning ot tbe Inevitable End.
The priests knelt on the rubber matting,
one reading tbe service and the other re
sponding. The crucifix, which was strung
by a necklace about the wrist of Cotto,
slipped down, but did not fall off. Dr. Ab
bott, the official timekeeper, stood, watch
in hand, watching the switchboard. Expert
Hammer stood watching the meters on the
board. Expert Davis had hold of the
The Warden stepped back from the chair
with the guards and nodded to Davis. The
lever came down, the murderer's body
jumped two inches. There was a sound of
air escaping from his lips. The leather
mask slipped, leaving half the face exposed.
The flesh began to turn purple. The War
den signaled! The current was turned off
The body fell back. Another signal, and
the body leaped upward again. There was
another sound of escaping air. The purple
in the face deepened. There was a little
strip of yellow under the electrode on the
forehead, and a round spot of yellow near
the right temple.
The current was turned off a second time
and then on again. The body fell back, and
was jerked up again as- far as the straps
would let it go. Steam came from the
Alive After Four Applications.
A third time the current was turned off,
and the body hardly had time to settle
down when it was turned on for the fourth
time. The face was nearly black by this
time. When the current was turned off the
head fell over to one side.
ur. irvine stepped up qnicKiy with a
stethescope, placed it to the heart and
listened. "Hie heart still beats," he said.
Dr. Abbott listened. He heard it, too. The
doctors stepped back. One of the priests
threw handfuls of holy water on the oumle
The current was 'turned on a fifth time,
and remained on for 15 seconds. Animal
life was extinct then, the doctors said.
Each doctor stepped up in turn and listened.
The heart was stilled. The clothing was
torn open and the instrument was applied
to the Dared skin.
There was no sign of life. The straps
were then unfastened and the body was
taken out of the chair and placed on a table.
It was found that the shirt band was so
tight that if he had been alive the blood
couldn't have circulated. It had to be cut
loose. It had cut into the flesh of the neck
and made a discolored ring around it
Plesh Blistered In Several Places.
Around the spots where the electrodes
had been the flesh was blistered. At the
request of the doctors Expert Hammer ex
plained tbat the burns were only super-
the New Xork Legislature, Where
Cleveland Movement Is Squelched.
Albany, N. Y., March 2a During the
order of third reading of bills in, the Senate
192x530 FEET.
Suitable For
In Twelfth Wara, Pittsburg, with sidintri
from Allegheny Valley and Junction Bail
roads, and fronting on river. PLANS AMD
"Eesolved, If the Assembly concur, that
the Legislature of the State of New York
approves the action of New York's Bepre
sentatives in Congress in opposing the
progress of the bill for the free coinage of
silver iir the United States, independent of
other nations, and the said Bepresentatives
are respectfully requested to nse all honor
able means at their command to prevent the
passage of the bill."
"Not in order," said the Lieutenant Gov
ernor. "I trust the resolution will be adopted,"
put in the Republican leader, Mr. Erwin.
"It comes irom the leader of the Cleve
land Democracy in the Senate. I trust it
will pass," said Mr. Coggeshell, a strong
"Did anybody object?" asked Mr. Mc
Carren, Democrat, of Brooklyn.
"i object," cried Mr. uantor, the lieuten
ant of Senator Hill and leader of the Demo
cratic majority, and the resolution was laid
aside. The same resolution was. also choked
in the Assembly.
3 Onto 6-StOff ffrtoiK,
On New Grant St., near Union station, Sev
enth ove. and Liberty St.,
And adjoining the new Rindley Hardware
Company and C. D. and P. Telephone Ex
change buildings, each floor 20x95, with pri
vate office, vault, elevator; steam heat fur-
mb2-09 85 FOURTH AYE,
A new frame bouse of seven rooms, bath,
hot and cold water, inside w. c, papered,
both gases, electric light, cemented, and, la
fact, a complete house.
6212 PENN AVENUE, E. E. -
Meyran Avenue.
Two-story and mansard brick dwell
in?, 9 rooms, fine laundry and cellar;
front and rear porches, front yard,
side entrance. All conveniences.
Good lot to alley.
Samuel W. Black & Co.,
mh27-118 99 FOURTH ATE.
For rent In the
Wood and Diamond streets.
'Well lighted, most centrally looated, all
the most modern conveniences and latest
Possession positively given April 1, 1891.
Inquire at
Of a two-story Queen Anne brick of 11 rooms:
first floor finished In hard wood; both gases,
electric light; with combination fixtures; a
complete home, situate in the East End, on
Call for permit to see this.
A Dakota Divorce Declared Void.
New York, March 2a William O. Bol
ton of the Bolton Drug Company of Brook
lyn, got tired of his wife and went to Da
kota, obtained a divorce and married again.
His wife sued him for divorce, which was
granted to-day by the Supreme Court.
Judge Pratt declared the Dakota divorce to
be worthless, which would render the sec
ond marriage bigamous. Bolton did not
defend the suit.
Room on third floor 22x30 feet; entrance
from Wood street; use of elevator, with or
without power; three years' lease: $33 per
month, w. c. natural and artificial gas avail
able on floor. Inquire on premises of
Corner Second avenue and Wood street!
To Let, 951 Liberty St
Fine business house.
Four stories, 20x110 ft., alley in rear.
Hydraulic elevator.
One of the best locations on Liberty st.
80 Fourth a venue.
$i5,ooo-East End.
On the finest asphalt paved and sewered
residence streets in the East End. Substan
tial large 9-room dwelling (parlor, library,
dining room and kitchen on first floor), wide
hall, bath, etc.; also very large finished attic,
suitable for three or four rooms.
LOT 105x225 FEET.
Only 3 minutes' walk from rapid transit
lines. Terms, $3,000 or $4,000 cash; balance
long time.
mb27-137-TT3u 83 fourth avenue.
1 w
ti kjs
Clasps the figure closely,
but yields to every movement
the Ball's corset. There's
a perfect fit and perfect free
dom. Coils of tiny wire springs
in the sides give you bofh.
It's the corset for comfort.
But, if it doesn't suit you, after
wearing it for two or three
weeks, bring it back and gel
your money.
Should examine our perfect
fitting and beautiful fresh stock
of Spring Jackets and Ladies'
Waists. Don't think of pur
chasing before seeing us and
hearing the special low prices.
We have all the successful
styles and guarantee you the
Published Daily.
35 Fourth avenue.
New six-room and finished attic frame
dwelling; only three minutes' walk to sta
tion; fine elevation; good lot; easy terms.
mh27-119-Tuwsu 99 Fourth avenue.
On 60-foot street, one square from electric
cars; almost level; very well located; prop
erty in Fame neighborhood retailing at SA3 to
$90 per foot. Very easy terms. .
mh27-157-Trsn 98 Fourth avenue.
Choice Offices For Rent
In the fireproof
Fireproof vaults and every convenience.
Call at office,
91 and 93 Fifth av., City. mh23-n
138 and 140 Federal Street
$5,000, ALLEGHENY,
Substantial two-story brick dwelling, hall,
bath (with very fine plumbing), gas, water,
eta, with lot 20x110 feet. A great bargain.
mb27-157-TT8u 96 Fourth avenue.
120x120, on the corner of two paved streets,
near Fifth and Shady avenues, at a price
much below value. An opportunity for cash
71 DIAMOKD ST. mh27-183
56 Sixth ave, Plttsbur?, Pa.
Telephone 2063. , mhl8-86-TTS
U Address Miss Mary Lyman, 19 Oakland
Square, flttsburz. Ja-1242