Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 28, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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It Puts to Shame Preachers Who
Allow Their Hearers to Sleep.
The Moral Gnats Ton Strain Out and the
Camels Ion Shallow.
Brooklyn, March 27. Dr. Talmage
created a stir in the Brooklyn Tabernacle
this morning by making the following an
nouncement: I am linppy to say that as a church, after
the exhausting work or bnildtnir three im
mense ohurches, two or thein having been
destroyed by fire a burden never before put
uron the back of any congregation we an;
no financially In smooth waters. Arrange
ments have been made by which our pecu
niary difficulties are fully adjusted. Our
income exceeds our ont-io. and this church
will be yours and your children's hereafter.
When I came to Krooklyn I came to a small
church with a bis indebtedness. We now
worship In this, the largest Protestant
church in America, and financially, as a
consrcgatlon, wo are worth overana ncyond
all indebtedness, considerably more than
$150,000. 1 ask you to ribe, and led by cornet
and orsan, tojoln in sinjrin-,
Fratse God from whom all blessings flow.
The sermon this morning was an on
slaught on formalism in religion, and the
text -was: "Ye blind guides, who strain at
a gnat and swallow a camel. "
Wisdom Condensed In Proverbs.
A proverb is oompact wisdom, knowledge
in chunks, a library In a sentence, the elec
tricity or manv clouds discharged in one
bolt, a river put through a mill race. When
Christ quotes the proverb of the text, ho
means to set lorth the ludiorous behavior of
thoc who make a great bluster about small
si'is and have no appreciation of sreat ones
In my text u sumll insect anda large quad
ruDed are bronsht into comparison a gnat
tu'd a caniel. You have in museum or on
the desert seen tiio latter, a sreat awkward.
sprawling creature, with back two stories
hih, and stomaeli having a collection of
reservoirs for desert travel, an animal for
bidden to the Hebrews as food, and in manv
literatures entitled "the ship or the desert."
The gnat -piten of in the text is in the grub
form. Ir is born in pool or pond, alter a few
w eeks becomes a chrj salis and then after-a
few "li:ys becomes the irnat as we recognize
it. But the insect spoken of in the text is in
its very smallest shape, and it yet inhabits
the water for ray text is a misprint and
ousrht to read 'strain out a mint."
My text shows you the prince of incon
sis'encios. A man after loi g observation
has formed the suspicion that in a cup of
water lie is about to drink, tbers is a grub or
ihr-rrundpareut of a smac. He goes and gets
a sieve or strainer. Hr takes the water and
pours it through the s'.eve in the broad light,
llesavs. "1 wocld rather do anything al
most than drink this water until this larva
be extirpated."
TlioText taeUIy Exp'ainnd.
This water is brought under inquisition.
The experiment is successful. The wntcr
rushes through the sieve and leaves against
the side of the sieve the grub or gnat. Then
the man carefully removes the insect and
dnnksthe water in placidity. But going
out one day, a'ld hungry, he devours a "ship
of the desert," the camel, which the Jews
w ere forbidden to eat. The gastronomer has
nocbmpunctionsof conscience. He suffers
from no indigestion. He puts the lower jaw
under the camel's forefoot, and his upper
Jaw over the hump of the camel's back, and
gives one swallow and the dromedary disap
rears foiever. He strained out a gnat, he
swallowed a camel.
While Christ's audience were yet smiling
at theappositenessand -.lit of his illustra
tiontor smile they did iu church, unless
they were too stupid to understand the
hvp'eibole Christ practicallv said to them.
"That is you " I'unctilious about small
tliinjr-; reckless about affairs of great mag
nitude. No subject ever withered under a
surgeon's knife more bitterly than did the
I'hanees under Christ's scalpel of truth.
As an anatomist will take a human body to
piece- and put them under a microscope for
examination, so Christ finds His way to the
heart of the dead Pharisee and cuts it out
and puts it under the glass of inspection for
all Generations to examine. Those Phari
sees thought that Christ would flatter them
and compliment them, and how they must
have w tithed under the red-hot words as He
Faid: "Ye fcols, ye wtiited sepulchres, ye
blind guides which strain out a gnat aud
swallow a camel."
"Worse to Meep Than Smile in Church.
There arc in our day a great manv snats
strained out and a preat many camels swal
lowed, and it is the object of this sermon to
sketch a few persons who are extensively
engaged in that business
First, I remark, that all those ministers of
the Gospel are photographed in the txt who
are very scrupulous about the conventional
ities oJ i elision; but put no particular stress
upon mattarsot vast importance. Church ser
vices ought to lw grave and solemn. There
is no room for f rivolitv in religious convoca
tion. But there are illustrations, and there
nro liyper'.olcs like that of Christ iu the text
that "will irradiate with smiles anyintelli
geiii auditory.
T.ie u are men like those blind guides of
tho text who advocate only those things in
religious rervico which dra v." the comers of
tho mouth down, and denounce all those
things w hich liavo a tendency to draw the
corners or the mouth up, and those men will
co to installations and to presbyteries and
to coherences and to associations, thoir
pockets lull ot line sieves to strain out the
gnat-, while in their own churolies at home
every Sunday there are CO people sound
asleep. They make their churches a great
dormitory and their somniferous sermons
aiea cradle, and the drawled-out hymns a
liuiabv, while some wakeful soul in a pew
w ith her Ian keeps the flics off unconscious
per-ons approximate. Now, I say it is worse
to sleep in church than to smile in church,
for the latter implies at least attention.
w hile the lormer implies the indifference of
the hearers and the stupidity of the speaker.
o Use for lu!l PreachPrs.
In old age or fiom physical infirmity, or
fmm long watching with the sick, drowsi
ness will sometimes overpower one; but
w hen a ministerof the Gospel looks off upon
an audience and finds healthy and intel
ligent people struggling with drow siness, it
is time for him to give out the doxology or
pronounce the benediction. Tho great fault
ot church services to-day is not too much
vivacity, but too much somnolence. The
one is an irritatmg gnat that may be easily
Ftrained out; the otner is a great, sprawling
nun sleepy-eved camel on tho dry desert.
In all our Sabbath schools, in all our Bible
clasesin all our pulpits we need tobiichten
up our religious me-sase with such Christ
like vivacity as we find in the text.
I take do n from my library the biog
aphies of ministers and writers of past
aires, inspired aud uninspired, who have
done the most to bring souls to Jesus Christ,
and I find that without a single exception
tl.ev consecrated their wit and their humor
to Christ.
Oh, how particular a great many people
are about tiio infinitesimals while thev are
quite reckless about tho magnitudes. J
u hat did Christ saji xi;u no not excoriate
the people in his time who were so cai etui
to wash their hands befoie a meal but did
not wash thoir hearts? It is a bad thing to
have unclean hands; it is a worse thiug to
have an unclean heart. How many people
there are in our time who are very anxious
that alter their death they shall be buried
with their feet toward the Eist, and not at
all anxious that during their whole file they
should face in the light direction.
Rig -.ins and Little Ones.
Again: My subject photographs all thoso
who are abhorent or small sins while they
are reckless m regard to magnificent thefts.
You will find many a merchant who, while
he is so careful that he would not take a
yard of cloth or a spool or cotton from the
counter without payiuir lor it, and w ho if a
b-mk cashier should make a mistake and
send in a roll of bills $5 too much would
dispatch a messenger in hot haste to return
the surplus, yet who will go into a stock
cempanv in which after awhile he gets con
trol or the stock, and then waters the stock
mid make $100,000 appear like S-MO.OOO. Ho
onlv stole $100 000 by the operation. Many
or the men ot fortune made their -wealth In
that way.
Prisons ror sins Insectile in size, but
palaces for crimes dromedarian. Xo mercy
lor sins animalcule in proportion, but great
leniency for mastodon iniquity.
It is time that we learn in America that
sin is not excusable in proportion as it de
clares large dividends and has outriders in
equipage. To steal a dollar is a gnat; to
steafmany thousands or dollars is a camel.
Ti,nT- ta -manv 11 fruit dealer who would not
consent to steal a basket of peaches from a I
seighboi's stall, but who would not scruple J
to dpprons tiio fruit tnnrfevti and n long an I
pnu reinoralipy wo 1'itvo heard erorvtsummor
tho peaoa Crop uf MurjltUld is it failure, and
liy the tiinn tile crop iwn Jnthu wUropro
ncntnttQii jnnkpun dlff&icnco of millions of
Oglliir-. A man who would not utonl ono
pouch bu-fcat stoats SQ,0J0 poach baskets.
Tho Tendency to Cry Kotrn Good Men.
I know In our tlma tho tondency Is to
ohnrgo religious frauds upon good men.
They say, "Oh, what n class of fronds you
have In tho Church of God In-tUU day," and
whoa an older of a church, or a deacon, or a
minister of tho Gaspol, or a Huperlntendent
of a Sabbath KChool turns out a defaulter,
what display heads thero uro in many of the
newspapers. Great prltnortypc. Five-line
pica. "Another Saint Absconded," "Clerical
fcconndrollsin," "RelUflon at n Discount,"
"Shumo on the Churches;" while there are
1 000 scoundrels outsldo tho Church to where
there 19 one inside the church, and the mis
behavior of those who never see the Inside
of a church is so great It Is enough to tempt
a man to become a Qhilstian to get out of
their company. But In all circles, religious
and irreligious, the tendency is to excuse sin
in proportion as it Is mammoth.
Described in the text are all those who are
particular never to break the law of gram
mar, and who want all their language an
elegant specimen of syntax, straining out
all the inaccuracies or "speech with a fine
sieve of literary criticism, while through
their conversation go slander and Innuendo
andnrofanity and falsehood larger than a
w hole caravan of camels, when they might
better fracture every law of the language
and shock their intellectual taste, and bet
ter let cverv verb seek in vain for its noml
nativo, andevery noun for its government,
and every preposition lose its way in the
sentence, and adjectives and participles
and pronouns get into a grand riot worthy
of the Fourth ward on election day, than to
commit a moral inaccuracy.
The Mote and the Beam.
Such persons are also described In the text
who are very tnuoh alarmed about the small
faults of others, and have no alarm about
their own great transgressions. There are
in every community and In every church,
watch-dogs who foel called upon to keep
their eyes on others and growl. Tboyare
full of suspicions. They wonder If that man
Is not dishonest, if that man Is not unclean,
if there is not something wrong about the
other man. They are always the first to hear
of auvthlng wrong. Vultures are always
the first to smell carrion. They are sell
appointed detectives.
r 1 lay this down as a rule withontany excep
tion, thai those people who have the most
faults themselves are most merciless in their
watching or others. From scalp of head to
sole of too: they are full of jealousies and
hypercriticisms. They spend their life in
hunting tor muskrats and mud turtles in
stead ot hunting tor Rocky Mountain eagles,
always for something mean instead of some
thing grand. They look at their neighbors'
lmpertections through a microscope and
their o n imperlections through a telescope
un-ide down. Twentv faults or their own
do not hurt them half so much as one fault
of somebody else.
But lest any might think they escape tho
scrutiny of the text, I have to tell you that
we all come tinder the divine satlro Yben
we make the questions of time more piom
iucnt than the questions of eternity.
Overrating ths Present's Importunes.
Come now, let us all go into tho con
fessionaL Are not all tomptcd to make tho
question, where shall I live now: greater
than the question, where shall I llvo
forever: How shall I get more dollars here:
greater than the question, how shall I lay
up ti ensures in heaven: the question, how
shall I pay my debts to man: greater than j
iue quesnuu, now suuii j. iiieet my uuugu
tions to G-od: the question, how shall I gain
tho world: greater than tho question, what
if I lose my -oul: the question, why did God
let sin come into the woild: greater than
the question, how shall I get it extirpated
fiom my nature? tho question, what shall I
do with the 20 or 40 or 70 years ot my sub
lunar existence?gi eater than the question,
what shall I do with the millions of cycles
of my post-terrestrial existence:
What an ado about things here. What poor
preparation lor a gi eat eternity. As though
a minnow were larger than a behemoth, as
though a swallow took wider circuit thau an
albatross,as though' a nettle were taller tbun
a Lebanon cedar, as though a guut were
greater than a camel, as though a minute
were longer than a century, as though time
were higher, deeper, broader than eternity.
So the text which flashed with lightning of
wit as Christ uttered it, is followed by the
crashing thunders of awtul catastrophe to
those who make the questions ot time
greater than the questions or the future, tho
oncoming, over-shadoning future O Eter
nity! Eternity! Eternitv.
Features of the Past Week's Business on
The stock market was more notable for
strength during the past week than Tor
activity, albeittransactions made a very re
spectable aggregate. Indisposition of hold
ers to offer the goods most wanted was one
of the features. Byassumin; this attitude,
they demonstrated satisfaction with the
Closing prices compared with those of
the previous Saturday, show gains
almost without oxcoptlon ifi the active list.
Tarmers' Deposit National Bank advanced
S50 a share, reaching the highest point in its
career. Pipeago improved , Philadelphia
Gas, 1; Wheeling, 1 Luster. Electric, 1
Switch and Signal, Airbrake, 2, and
Underground Cable. i on a dividend and
active demand for the stock. Central Trac
tion was held 2J higher. Henry M. Long
kept Pleasant Valley about steady. The
only stocks that tell back were Charticrs
Gas, i, and Citizens' Traction, .
Sales Saturday were b80 shares and $1,000
bond, as follow: Thitty Switch and Signal
at 17, 100 Electric assented at 1SJ4, 100 at IS,
15 Manchester Traction at Z9, 300 Birming
ham Traction at 27K. 1 at 11. JO at 27, 40
Luster at lOj;. 10 Airbrake at 112, 23 Electtio,
old, at ISJf, $1,000 Birmingham bond at 101.
Sales for the week were 4,763 shares, $15,000
bonds and $670 Electric scrip. Tho leaders
in activitv were Birmingham Traction and
Pleisant Valley.
While there were no radical denartures in
the local monetary situation during the
week, improvement In tho demand was
noted by nearly all of the banks. This re
lieved the pressure of idle funds to some
extent, but lett unemployed capital still un
comfortably plentiful. Regular lines were
satislactory. There was no oliange in the
rate, which ruled at 6 per cent. There was
very little shading. The Clearing House re
port for the day and week follows:
Saturday's exchanges ,
Saturday's hat-inces ,
Week's cxcliauges...... i......
"Week's balances
Previous week's exchanges..
Previous wet's balances
Five days 1S31
Exchanges. 2892 to date
Exchanges same time 1831
2.031.192 18
410.SB7 4S
. 14.OS0.2II 48
, 2,702.887 OS
i 13.430.7a3 63
2.5M.W3 32
. 11.14S.399 SO
171. 35V, 353 bS
A Big Drop and Quick Recovery on Outside
The market was interesting and trading
the latter part of the week the best of the
year. The features were a slump to the
lowest point since last August. This
brought in some outside buyers, and there
was a sharp and quick rally. The close yes
terday was firm at the highest point ofthe
day. Fluctuations are shown in the follow
ing table:
Open- nigh- Low
ing, est. est.
S7 67 57
57 57S 55
55 55 53
52V SI 52"
H4 55 54M
5SS 5535 55 1
"Wednesday ....
These figures show a drop of cents from
Monday's opening, but a recovery of nearly
4 cents Irom the lowest point touohed dur
ing the week. Runs and shipments in
creased a little, but ran a close race. Re
fined declined at Bremen to 6.05f, atXew
York to 6.20c, and at Antwerp to 14f. Lon
don was unchanged at 5V.
Oil Crrr, Starch 2S. National Transit cer
tificates opened, 55VJc: highest, 56c; lowest,
55Jc: closed. 55Kc Sales, 36,000 barrels: clear
ances, 703,000 barrels; shipments, none; runs,
Bradford, March 26 National Transit cer
tificates opened at .fc; closed at 55c; high
est, 50c; lowest, BJJc Clearances, 86,000
Xew York, March 26. Petroleum opened
firm and alter moving up c, reacted c and
closed steady. Peunsvlvauia oil, spot, open
ing at 55c; highest, 55)c; lowest, 55c; closing,
55c; April options, opening, 55Jic; highest,
56c; lowest, 55c; closing, 55c Lima oil, no
sales; total sales, 8,000 barrels.
The Metal Mark As.
Nfw Yoek. Pig iron, quiet; American,
$14 75$16 25. Copper, inactive; Lake $12 10
asked. Lead, dull; domestic. $4 25 asked.
Tin' strong; Straits, $19 8019 95.
SICK HEADACHEcter, uttiei,lTer Pills.
SICK HEADACHE.,,.,, Llttle LlTer Pills.
SICK HEADACHECarter,, Llttle UTer Pllli.
SICK HEADACHEcter'sLJtae Liver P11U.
Fresh Garden Products From the Far
South in Large Supply
Smoked Meats Are Eelatively Much Lower
Tnan Green Meats.
Office of the Dispatch, )
Pittseceg, Saturday, March 28. (
In lines of general produce the week past
has developed few features worthy of note.
Fresh garden stuff from the Gulf of Mexico
begins to come in freely, and last season's
products are forced out. The first Florida
strawberries of the season are to the front
in the past week. New cabbage, asparagus
and egg plant from the samo source are also
offered in tho past few days. Cabbage and
onions have been sharply advanced in price
since the week opened. Potatoes are In lib
eral supplyand markets are slowat thesame
old prices as have prevailed since the year
In lines of tropical fruit the movement has
been steadily upward ror the week past.
Choice stock is scarce and higher. All the
week there has been a scarcity of high
grade butter in this market; and while the
advance has been slight, demand is more
than equal to supply. The cold weather of
the first half of the week stimulated prices
in the egg market, and eggs were sold above
15c per dozen. Recent weather has been
milder, and prices have drifted back to
where they were last Saturday.
Green and Smoked Meats.
Hog products are relatively lower in price
than hogs, and it is only a question of a
short time when there must be an advanco
in price of bams, shoulders and breakfast
bacon. S'ince the beginning of March green
meats could not bo bought and smoked at a
profit, and only such packers as are well up
at prices which prevailed in the early part
of the year can now sell at a profit.
Green hams were sold in Chicago yester
day at EJc to 8c ner pound, and green
shoulders at 5c to 5c. At these prices it
would be impossible to sell smoked products
here at a profit.
The influences at work adverse to trade in
provision lines are bad weather, roads and
the abstinence from meats Incident to the
Lenten season. March Is uniformly the dull
month in this line, aud there is little fear
among our packers but that their goods will
be wanted later on at much better prices.
Hldss and Calfskins.
Heavy steer hides uro weak and slow at
the doellno noted a week as;o. ButTs are
fairly steatly. Calfskins uro In good demand
and Arm, notwithstanding tho Increase In
receipts. Sheepskins are steady with an up
ward tendonoy. The Increase or wool on
tho sheepskins offered of late has resulted
In higher prices.
Following are prices paid by dealers and
.tanners for stock delivered hero:
Xo. 1 green salted steers, 00 lbs and over.
N'o. 1 green Baited cows, all weights ,
No. I gretn salted hides, 40 to 60 lbs ,
Xo. 1 (troen Baited hides, 25 to 40 lbs ,
Xo. 1 green salted balls
Xo. 1 green salted calfskins
Xo. 1 green salted veal kips
Xo. 1 preen salted runner kips
sheepskins, fresh slaughtered
Tallow, prime ,
Reduction for Xo. 2 stock, 1 cents per lb
on steers and light hides; lcent on bulls and
2 cents on calfskins.
The Boot and Shoo Outlook.
Tho Boston Herald has this to say of the
situation In lines of footwear:
"Tharo are a good many buyers of boots
and shoes in Boston at present, the number
having increased of late. It is plain that
theyaro here for goods,nd that they are
placing orders. The conditions or trade all
over the country, already pointed out, are
rather better on the whole, and it begins to
look as though the volume of boots and
shoes made this season would be larger than
was feared earlier in the season. It is true
that the dull condition of the South in re
gard to trade has not improved much, but
o'her-parts of the 'country have begun to
sftowsome improvement.
""The demand is excellent for special feat
ures in boots and shoes, and the leaders in
this class of trade are havinr all of the busi
ness they can attend to. The features are
strong and pronounced and of a nature that
pleases the public, and the jobbers are con
vinced that tbn goods must be had. The
special makes have really more to do with
the leather and the quality of it than with
the stvle of the goods, and this Is a feature
that is bound to be a taking one with the
public. Anvthing that tends to insure the
qnalltvorthc lonthoro which boots and
shoes are constructed is sure to bo popular
with the wearers of tho good."
Receipts, Shipments and Prices at East Lib
erty and Other Stock Tarda.
Office of The Dispatch,
Pittsecrg, Satchdat, March 26. (
Cattie Receipts, 1.003 head; shipments, 819
head: market nothing doing, all through
consignments; 16 cars cattle shipped to Sew
York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 2,950 head; shipments,
3,200 head: market fail- all grades, $5 0?
5 1 3: 11 cars hogs shipped to Xew York to
day. "HEEr Receipts. 400 head; shipments,
1.000 head; market slow at unchanged
By Telegraph,
Chioairn Cattle Receipts, 1,500 head: ship
ments, ,I00 head: market weak to lower;
best beeves, $4 60JS4 H3- good to obnlen. $3 80
&l 40: others. S3 ViSSi 60: TexnnR. $3 SaJ53 65;
stackers, $2 005)3 50: cows, $1 533 23. Hots
Receipts, 15 000 head; shipments, 10,000
head: market, strong to higher: roneh and
common. $4 10?4 33; packers and shipDers.
$1 40f?4 75: "rime heavy aid butchers'
weights, $4 70SI4 75: light. $4 854 8 Sheep
Reoeipts. 900 head: stitnmento, 800 head;
market steadv: ewn. 84 500)4 60; Wpst-oms.
6 108 15; wethers, $5 906 25; lambs, $6 00
6 80.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 700 head: ship
ments, 400 head: mnrket strong; fair to good
native steers, $2 804 0: fair to good Indlnn
and Texns steers, $2 40 S 60. Hogs Re
ceipts, 2,400 head: shipments. 3 300 head: mar
ket a shade higher: fair to prime heaw. it 6
S bu; mixea. oroinarv to sooo, S4 ip4 70:
light, fair to best. $4 C04 75. Sheep Re
ceipts, 200 head: shinments, none: mirket
steady: fair to desfrable muttons, $4 006 25.
Kansas CUv Cattle Receipts. 3,300 head;
shinments. 1,900; steers about stesdv: cows
nnrt feeders quiet; steers, $3 00414 25: rows,
$1 6"3 15: stockera and feeders7$2 933 40.
nogs Recplpt. 8 300 head: shipments. 4 000
head: market 5c htgbpr: all Tndea, $3 80
4.60: bulk. $4 404 50. Sheep Receints, 3.400
head: shipments, 300 head; market vn
changed. Cincinnati Hogs in fair demand and
steadv: common and light, $3 504 80; pack
ing and batchers' ?4 50JB4 93; receiots,' 2,260
head- shipments, 1,850 head. Cattle easy at
$2 004 25: receipts. 90 head; shipments, 1C0
head. Sheep firm at $4 0003 23: receipts, lfO
bead; shipments, none. Lambs scarce nnl
firm: common to choice, $5 007 00 per 100
Omaba Cattle Receipts, 5.000 head: mar
ket demoralized under the influence of the
weather and 0($20o lower: common to fancy
steers, $2 75!4 75; Westerns, $2 753 50. Hogs
Receipts, 5,700 head: market weak to So
lower and slow; light. $4 45: heavy, $4 404 43:
mixed, $4 404 45. Sheep Rece'ipts, rbnc;
maiket firm: natives. $4 234 40; Westerns,
$4 55; common, $2 503 73: lambs, $4 256 CO.
BufT'lo Cattle Receipts, through 97;
sales. 2; steady and firm. Hogs Receipts,
blank; steady and strong: vorkers, $5 10
5 17J; good mediums, $5 005 15: corn fed,
good, $5 005 15. Sheep and lambs Receipts,
eight loads through, IS sale; strong and Arm;
good light lambs higher.
The Coflee Markets;
Xew York. March 26. Coffee options
opened steady.unchanged to 30 points down;
closed steady 1015 points down: sales, 17,500
bags, Including March, 13 6513.80e: April,
13.850: May, 13.C013 05c; July, 12.6512.70c;
September, 12.3512.40c; December, 12.30c
Spot Rio quiet and steady; Xo. 7, 14514Jc
Baltimore, March 26. Coffee steady; Eio
cargoes, fair, 17Kc; Xo. 7, 14c.
Turpentine Markets.
WiLJfTKGTOS Spirits of turpentine dull
at 34a Rosin firm; strained, $1 15; good
stralned,$l 20. Tar steady at $1 20. Crude
turpentine steady; hard, $1 00; yellow dip,
$1 90; virgin, $1 90.
Savajthah Turpentine firm at 34. rtosin
flrmat$145l 50.
I CHAKLEflTOtr Turpentine steady at 32c
Eosln firm; good strained, $1 20.
.Jl 001 23
CHICAGO A 2-cent tumble in wheat was
part of the entertainment on the Board of
Trade. Corn, too, was full of interest,
and Jumped up a full ya. In wheat opening
trades were at about lo decline, and the
slide froin there down was almost without
check. There was a reaction from fOJo to
80JJc, followed by another decline to 80c
sellers, but upon an attempt to corner 100,000
bushels of short wheat, accompanied by a
similar break for freedom on 25,000 bushels
at the last-named price without an imme
diate response from sellers, the crowd ran
the price up to Slc After touching 810
it again sold Off and closed ot 80Jc.
The coin shorts are getting very nervous
over rumors that strong parties are working
to force a squeeze of the May shorts. While
other markets are heavv, corn has moved
up trom around 3Sc to better than 40c for
Mav. May started around 39c, with sales
at SOJge, possiblv 393c; dronned on the enrlv
selling to 39'39Kc: sold 39?ic to 39c, and
then up to 40Jc betore 1 o'clock; getting an
other life alter 1 to 40c, and closed 40tc.
The leading futures ranged as follows, as corrected
by John M. Oakley & Co.. 45 Bixtli street, members
of the Chicago 15o.trd of Trade:
AKTTCTTTS "P"" Hlh LW- C.'9"
ARTICLES. jn(, est- C6t jnR-
Wheat, Xo. 2.
March 80 80 5 78V ? 79H
Slav slS ' sov son
July K 8 81)4 81!
CORN', XO. 2
Marcti 3S'$ 3T ?i XI
Mav $ 405$ 39 4ji4
Julie SS& 33 33ii 335,
Oats, Xo. 2.
May 285, ZH 58'i 3
June 23 28 28 28a
March '..'. 10 OW 10 15 10 02 10 10
May 10 15 10 27)4 10 15 10 22,'i
March 6 17'i 6 20 6 17K CM
Mav 8 22 6 25 6 22i 6 25
Short Ribs.
March 5 52)i 5 57 5 52 5 57)4
May 5 S7 5 Slji 5 57)S 5 62)6
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dull and weak; No.2 spring heat.79c: No.3
spring wheat, 75c: Xo. 2 red, 8B4Xc. No.
2 corn, S9c "o. 2 oats. 28)c: Xo. a
white, 2S5c; Xo. 3 wbite,2729c. Xo. 2 rye.
78c Xo. 2 barley, 52c: Xo. 3, f. o. b., 425Sc;
Ko.4, f.o.b.,3348c. Xo.l flaxseed, 97Kc Prime
timothy seed, $1 251 29. Mess pork, perbbl,
$10 12M10 15. Lara, per 100 lbs, $6 206 22.
Short ribs sides (loose), $5 57K5 6S. Diy
salted shoulders (boxed), $4 505 00. Short
clear sides (boxed), $6 10 Whisky, distillers'
finished goods, per gal., $1 13. Sugars un
changed. On the Produce Exchange to-dav the but
ter market was firm on choice stock; quota
tions unchanged. Egfc'3, 1212c.
XK w YOKK Flour dull mid weak. Corn
meal Rtoadv mid iiulot. Wheat Spot dull
and lowor: Xo. i rod. OSWItye. wtore and
elevator; ufK85W)M,o, ncoaw 37Wfi uo?6. "
b.: Xo. 3 red, IKUCgiKto! tinemduit
reu, :
Dl ui;
SI 01; Xo. 1 Xai'theni, V$iVlpi No. 1 hard.
?fio! xo, a Mortnorn, Wljau; options n. 2
rod Mureh. lBXKe. closing at BlJic
April, !.B3Ka. pIobIujc at ODjfo: May, !H
03Jio,olosfnir ut flic; Juno, 9J9!Jia,olosin..'
UOXo.July, Hl81Ki oloslna 91c; Ausust.OOK
rasic, closing at 80c; Sojitember. 9C890c,
closing at 90c: December, 939to, oloslmr at
3c. Uyo dull and weak; Western, S891o.
Barley nominal. Cora Spots strong and
lair business; Xo. 2, 47e in elevator; 48
49o afloat: ungraded mixed, 4649Vio; Xo. 3,
7c; steamer mixed, 47Jal8J;c: options
April, 48c, dosing ut 43c; May, 4og4o?ic,
closing at 40JJc; June, 43o, closing at 45Jc;
July, 45c, closing at 45c. Oats Spots
firmer and moderate business; op
tions dull and easier; April, 34c;
May, S4J34Vc, closing at 340:
June, 34c; mc, Xo. 2, white, 8SJ37c; mixed
Western, 34g30c: white do, 364Uo. Hay firm:
shiDping, 75c; good to cholca, 83c41 00. Hops
dull and steady; Pacific coast, lB24$4o. Tal
low dull and about steady; oity ($2 00 tor
pkgs.), 4o. Eggs quiet and weak; Western,
iSjijc. Pone in moderate demand and stead ;
ola mess, $9 5010 00; new mess, $11 OOigll 50;
extra prime, $il 50. Cut meats quiet and
Arm; pickled bellies, (Mo; do shoulders, 5c;
do hams, e9Jc. Middles quiet: short clear,
$6 40. Lard firmer and quiet: Western steam
closed at J6 .wGJO 55: options, "March, $3 63;
May, $6546 55; Julv. $5 65, Butter quiet; West
ern daily, new, 1822c: do creamery, 20
29c; do tactory, J5j22c; Elgins, 29c.
Cueese quiet and steady; part skims, 810C.
BALTIMORE Wheat easy; Xo. 2 red, spot
and the month, 9S5i93Ke: Anril 97o asked:
May. 93S83Ke; June, S2K(g92Tc; steamer
No. 2 red, 9Jc asked. Com tendy: mixed,
spot. 4646Kc; the month, -loK6; April,
4big46jic; May, 46c asked: steamer, mixed
44;44e. Oats dull; Xo. 2 white. Western,
3CSoJ.Cc; Xo. 2 mixed. Western, 34c.
Rye quiet and steady; Xo. 2, 9090c. ll.iv
steady: good to choice timothy, $14 t)015 50.
Butter Receipts light; creamery fancy. 30c:
fair to choice, 2729c; do imitation. 24.'0c;
ladlo fancy, 24c; good to choice,- 162c; rolls,
lino, 22c: do. lair to good, 2022c; store
packed, 15lSc. Eggs weak at 12c.
PHILADELPHIA Flour weak. Wheat
weak:Xo. 2 red, March. 9697c: April, 96
97c; May, 94J94S:Jc; June, aV2c. Coi n
Options firm: carlots dull; uugraued and
steamer Xo. 2 mixed, In elevator, March,
46-46c; April, 4546e; May, 46K46c;
June. 45V)45c. Oats firm; Xo. 3 wnive. .J4
S4?ic; uo clipped, 38c; Xo.2 white, Sfyic:
ao, on track, 37c: do clipped, !7c: Xo. 2
white, March. SL3&ic: April, 686c;
May. i6J3GKc: J uue, 36ji!36c. Eggs d ml;
Pennsylvania firsts, 14c.
CIXOINNATI Flour easy. Wheat strong;
Xo.2 red, 9192a. Corn in good demand
and stronger:" X'o. 2 mixed, 4040c. Oats
firm: Xo. 2 mixed. 30303c. Rye rirm; Xo.
2. SUgSOc. Pork nominal at $10 25. Lard
quiet: current make, $6 05. Bulk meats
neglected at $3 65. Bucon firm at $6 75,
Uutter steady, -t-ggs nominal at llllc.
Cheese firm.
NRW OBLBANS Sugar Open kettle
quiet; fully fair to prime, 3 5-16c; good com
mon to good fair, 2J3e: centrifugals firm;
prime to choice yeuow clarified, 3 13-163Kc;
off do, 33Xc; seconds, 23 7-16c. Mo
lasses firm"; centrifugals, strictly primo. 19c;
good prime, 1517c; lair to prime, 1013c;
common to good common, 69c.
ST. LOOI- Flour unchanged. Wheat Xo.
2 red, cash, HieAc; May closed at 84c;
July, 80c; August, b'c. Coin Xo. 2 cam,
3514c; May closed at 36c. Oats Cash lower
at 28c; May higher, closing at 29Jc. Rye dull
at 81c, asked. Provisions duU and only a
small jobbing trade done at previous prices.
Pork, $10 3710 50. Lard, $6 O06 05.
MILWAUKEE Flour quiet. Wheat firm;
May, 79Jc; Xo. 2 spring, 82c: Xo. 1 Northern,
84c. Corn quiet; Xo. 3, 3737c. Oats steady;
No. 2 white, 3031c; No. 3 do, 28i429c. Bar
ley neglected; Xo. 2, 53c: sample, 4059c.
Rye steady; X'o. I, in store, 82c. Provisions
quiet. Pork, $10 15. Lard, $6 22.
MINNEAPOLIS Wheat Xo. 1 Northern
March, closing, 76)ic; May, opening, 77c;
highest, 77c; lowest, 76yec:
ciosmg, vbc;
July openn.g, 79?gc: higuest, 79c, selli
lowest. 7Sc; closing, 73c. On track N
hard. 78c: Xo. 1 Northern, 77c; Xo. 2 Noi
ern, 7274c
DuMJTH-Wheat Xo. 1 hard cash, 7Sc;
Maich, 73J4C; May, 813rc; X'o. 1 Northern,
cash. 73c: ..uarcli, 77c: Mnv, 80c; Xo. 2 North
ern, 71c: No. 3 Northern, b5c; rejected, 57c;
on track. No. 1 hard, 89c; Xo. 1 Northern,
TOLEDO Wheat Xo. 2 cash and May,
8Sic; June, S7o; July, 85c; August, 84Jc.
Corn dull and steady; Xo. 2 cash. 39c; Xo. 3,
38c; May, 40c. Oats quiet; cash, 30c. Rye
dull; cash, 83c.
K4NSAS CITY Wheat, coin and oats
were extremely dull and weak; X'o. 2 yellow
corn sold at 33c. Batter aud eggs firm, un
changed. Wool Markets.
St. Louis Wool Eeceipts, none; ship
ments, 450,000 pounds. There is some demand
lor coarse bright wool at 1419c for Texas
and territory, and 1j20c for Northern, but
other grades are neglected.
Aud If He Is Found to Be Sane He Mast
Bo Tried Again.
Buffalo, March 27. Special. E. M.
Field arrived here from New York
this morning, to be confined in the
Buffalo State Insane Asylum, in ac
cordance with the order of Judge
Van Brunt, He was at once taken to the
asvlum, where, he was received by Dr. An
drews and placed in one of the quiet cells.
No attempt was made to examine him lor
symptoms of insanity.
Judge Van Brunt has instructed Dr. An
drews to watch Field's case carefully, and
if he recovers to return him in custody to
New York to stand trial. Dr. Andrews
will make a careful study of Field, and
when he has arrived at a decision he will
make it known.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Cactori
Eggs in Bountiful Supply and Prices
Tend to a Lower Level.
The Cereal Situation Still Eemains
Favor of the Bnjer.
Office of The Dispatch,
Pittsecrg, Satukdat, March 28.
CotJSTnvPnoDCcz, Jobbing prices Receipts
of eggs have exceeded demand the past day
or two, under the influence of improved
weather, and prices are reduced, as our
quotations will disclose. Sales were report
ed to-day at 13e and a few more mild days
will, no doubt, bring prices down to 12c per
The butter8ituatIonisunchanged. Supply
of choice creamery is not up to demand.
Country butter is used at home, and
very little is offered in our markets. Pota
toes are dull, while cabbage and onions are
active with an upward tendency to prices.
Tropical truits ot choice grade are still firm,
with a promise of higher prices ror Florida
APFLES-Sl 752 50 per barrel.
Butter Creamery Elgin. 3132c; Ohio brands.
2829c: common country butter, 1718c; choice
country roll, 25S28C
Beans New York and Michigan pea, 1 851 90;
marrowfat, f2 152 25: Lima beans, 33Jc per lb;
hand picked medium, tl 801 90.
BEESWAX-Ckoice, 3C32per ft; low grades, 22
Buckwheat Flour New, 2X(3-2$c per ft.
Cheese Ohio choice, ll)$l2c: Jew York
cheese, 1212) c; Ltmburger. 1313)ic: Wisconsin
swelizer, full cream, MK14jjc; Imported sweltzer,
Cideb Country cider, $3 005 50 per barrel;
sand refined, $3 507 00; crab cider, $7 508 00.
Cbanberries Per box, SI 251 50; per barrel,
5 0C9 00.
KOGS Strictly fresh, 13(314c.
Feathers -Extra live geese, 5758c; X'o, 1, 48
50c ft: mixed lots. 2535j.
Dried Fruits Peaches, halves, 5c: evapo
rated apples, 7Sc: aorieots. 9llc; blackberries,
5sc; raspberries. 1818!$c; huckleberries, 7c; Cal
liornia peaches, 79.c.
Honey New crop," white clover, 17lSc; Cali
fornia lionei. 1216c ft lb.
Maple Syrup New 70330 ? gallon.
Maple Sugar 7Sc Jl 16.
Onion SEis-YeTiow Erie, 6O0S6 5O; Jersey,
$5 50w 00.
POULTRY Alive Chickens. SOerasi CO ner natr:
live turkeys, 1316tc ) ft; ducks, 8085c a pair,
live geese, II O0jl 10 a pair: dressea chickens, I4
iec $ft; dressea turkeys, 1820c $16; dressed
ducks, ie17c V lb.
Potatoes Carload lots, on track. 30r35c: from
store, 4o45c a basbel: Jerseys, 2 753 00; Jersey
sweets, S3 5032 75 per barrel.
Seeds Western rec'.eaued medium clover. Job
bing at 97 75; mammotb. f7 90; Umothv. 91 55 for
prime and (1 80 for choice: blue grass, '82 652 80;
orchard grass SI 75: millet. Si 15: German, (1 20;
Hungarian. 81 10; flue lawn, 25c per lb; seed buck
wheat, Jl 401 50.
Tallow Country, 4c: city rendered, 4o.
Tboficai. FRUrrs-Lemons fancv Mestlna. 3 CO
133 75: Florida oranges. 83 0C3 75 n'bo.t ; Mrsetnas,
(2 753 CO; bananas, 81 7&S2 0J; firsts, 91 glftl 60!
Perslau dates. 4)5c per pound; layer lies 12140
per pound: Malaga grapes. 912 C013 CO for faiiev.
Vegetables Cabbage, new Florida, 91 60S 75
a crate: old. 93 C03 Co a barrel; Havana onions,
92 753 CO a crate: yellow Danver.92 252 60 a bar
re : kale, 91 50ai 75 a barrel: aew Florida tomatoes,
75cSI 00 a box: celery. 250c per dozen; turnips.
91 OOwal 25 a barrel; Havana potatoes, 95 C0fl W a
barrel; spinach. 92 5C300 a barrel; new beets, UX&
75c a dozen.
Sugars nro vary Arm nt tho advanco al
ready noted. Coffees and eamiod goods nro
steady. Tho Improvement hi weathor tho
past day or two has norvcd tu bring moro
buyers to thb front, but prloo of staples re
mains as for weoSss puBt.
Greek Coffee Fancy, 223C3a: choice Itlo, 51
2Uic; prime. 20c; low grade ltlo. IBSIIW: old
Uovernment Java, 273)c: Maracalbo, 21()22r:
Mocha. 28029c: Suntoa. 2U4(322Jc; Caracas, 23 "5
24c: I.a Guayra 21)22$c.
Boasted (In papers) standard brands. 10.05c;
high grades. "J.40XHc: old Government Java,
bulk, 3i;33c; Maracalbo, 2234c: Santos, 13 W
25c; peaberry. 26'c: choice Bio, 2lMc: prime HIo,
20c; good Klo. lc: ordinarv. J718c.
spices (whole) Cloves, lC12c: allspice, 10c;
cas-la, 8c: pepper, lie; nutmeg, 7CS0c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' nrlces) 110 test, 6c; Ohio,
121. 7Jc: headlight. 150 test. 6)jc: water white.
7,"8c: globe. 14ai4ic: elMne, 13c; carnadlne, lie;
rovjilne, 14c; red oil, 10llc; purity, 14e: oleiue,
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 3940c per
gal. : summer, 3537c: lard. 53&55C.
YKUP Corn syrup. 2528c; clioice sugar svrup,
345&.c; prime sugar syrup, 3032c; strictly prime,
X. O. MO'.asses Fancy new crop, 4T42c:
choice, 4041c; old crop, 3338c; X'. O. syrup, 4t
SOD Bt-carb. In kegs. 3Vffl31(c: bl-carb. in Hs.
5c; bl-carb. assorted packages, 52c; sal soda;
in kegs, 13t'c: do granulated. 2c.
Candles Mar. full weight, 9c; stearine, per
set. 8J(c; parafflne. ll12c,
Kict Head Carolina, 6,,Cftc; choice, 536!c;
Louisiana, MW'-ic
Starch Pearl, 4c: corn starch, 55(5c; gloss
starch, 68Vc
Foreign Fruit Layer raisins, 92 00: London
lavers. 12 25: Muscatels. 91 75: California Musca
tels. 91 40! 60; Valencia. Ii3(asc: Ondara Valen
cia. tbtHSilc: Sultana. 8I3c: currants. 33fffi-)!c;
Turkey prunes, 4H5Mc: French prunes, &3Hc;
cocoa nuts. 9 100. to CO: almonds. Lan.. ?. lb, 20c:
do Ivlco, 17e; (In shelled, 50o; walnuts. Nap.. 13
14c: Slcilv Alberts, lie: Smyrna figs, 321Jc; new
dates. a5c: Brazil nuts, 7c; pecans. 13i14c: cit
ron. ? lb, 2i22c; lemon peel, 10c $ ft; orange
peeL 12c.
Sugars Cubes,4igc: powdered,4;5c: granulated,
4; confectioners', 4)c: soft hite, 4J3454c: vel
low. choice. .TfifcHc: yellow, good. 3(33Sic: vel-
low. fair. 3$itZ3ie.
Picklfs Medium, bbls (1.200), 94 25; medium,
half bills (600), 92 65.
salt No. lbbl, 9120; Xo. lextra. 1)1)1,91 10:
dairy, "ft bbl. 91 20; coarse crystal, ?l bbl.91 2J; IIIs
glns' Eureka. 4-bu sacks, 92 80; Higgms' Eureka,
16 14-ft packets, 93 CO.
Canned oods Standard peaches, Jl 73t 90;
2nds. 91 301 40f extra peaone, 92 C0S2 10: plo
peaches. 8590c: finest corn, 91 25S1 50; Ilfd. Co.
corn, 91 00l 10; red cherries, 91 ool 10: Lima
beans, 91 35; soaked do. S5c; stringed do, 80aS)c:
marrowfat pea. 90c110; toaked peas. 6075c;
pineapples. 91 201 30; Bahama do, 92 CO: damson
plums, 91 "0; green gages. 91 85; egg plums, 91 CO;
California apricots, 91 852 00; California pears,
82 I02 30: do green gages, 91 85: do egg plums,
91 85: extra white cherries. 92 752 85: raspberries,
II 15(31 25; strawberries. 95c91 10; gooseberries,
SI OJSl 05; tomatoes. 9095c; salmon. 1-ft cans,
1'301 80: blackberries, 80c; snecotash. 2-lb cans,
soaked, 00c: do, green, 2-ft cans, 91 251 50: corn
beef, 2-lb cans, (1 G5l 70; 1-lb cans. 81 20; baked
beans, 91 401 55: lobsters, 1-ft cans, 92 25; mack
erel. 1-ft cans, boiled, 91 50; sardines, domestic,
Ms. 94 0O?4 10: H. 93 50: sardines. Imported, Ub,
l 505)1 60: sardines. Imported. Hi. 93 CO; sardines,
mustard, 93 40; sardines, spiced, 3 50.
FISH Cxtra No. 1 bloater macsterei, $24 03 per
bbl; extra Xo. 1 dO mess, 920 00; Xo. 2 shore mack
trat 919 BO; No. 2 large mackerel, 818 00; Xo. 3
large mackerel. I0 CO: Xn, 3 small mackerel, 910 00;
Herrln?s-Spllt, 91 50; lake, 93 73 per 100-rb bbl.
White fish, 97 50 per 103-tt) half bbl. Lake trout,
?i1 60 per half bbl. Finnan haddlas. 10c per ft. Ice
and halibut, 12c per lb. Pickerel, half bbl.. $4 00:
quarter bbl, 91 00. Holland herring. 75c Walkoff
herring. Doc.
OATSIEAL 94 75o 00.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
The only sale on Saturday's call at the
Grain Exchange was a carload of Xo. 1 oats
36c spot. Receipts as bulletined 21 cars.
By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Bail
way 3 cars of oats, 1 of corn, lor barley, 10
or hav, 3 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati
&. St. Louis I car of bran. 1 or oats. 1 of mid
dlings. Receipts for the weekending March
23, 321 cars, against 273 ears for the week pre
vious. Hay had the lead this week and
wheat last week. Betwean March 18 and
March 28 thero were 12S carloads ot hay re
ceived by the different railroads centering
The cereal situation continues as it has
been all the week, favorable to buyers. Hay
is weak for the reason that receipts are far
in excess of demand the past few days.
Following quotations are for carload lots on
track. Dealers charge an advance on these Drices
from store:
Wheat Xo. 2 red. 9715e. Xo. 3 red, 93Mc.
Coax Xo.2jellow ear.443'c; high mixedear,
4747c: mixedear. 445sc:Xo.2 vellow shelled.
4Ht4c; hih n.Ixed shelled, 44Hc; mixed
shelled, 4343V;c
Oats No. 1 oats, 36K37c: No. 2 white, 33
ac; extra Xo. 3 oat&, d334c; mixed oats, 32
ItYE Xo. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 9293c; Xo.
rWestern, 8990e.
Flour -Jobbing prices Fancy spring patents.
$5 C05 25: fancy winter patents, 9" Wo 2o; fancy
stralgnt winter, 9 504 7o; fancy straight spring.
l 755 00: clear winter, 94 L54 50: straight XXXX
bakers'. 94 5'J4 75. Kyc flour. 91 50l 75.
Millfeed Ho. 1 white middlings, 919 0019 50
per ton: No. 2 white middlings, 917 5iil 00; brown
middlings, S10 50(317 00: winter wheat bran, 917 00
17 50; chop reea. 915 0C1S 00.
Hay Baled timothv. choice. 913 5014 CO; No.
1, 912 75!3 25: No. 2, 912 0W312 25: clover hav.
912 5012 75; loose from wagon, 914 0016 CO, ac
cording to qualitv; packing hav, 93 C08 25.
STRAW Oats, 9? 007 60; wheat, 96 000 50; rye,
57 007 23.
At the regular Saturday meeting of our
city packers, last week's prices were re
affirmed and will so stand for the week to
Sugar cured hams, large ,
Sugar cured hams, medium ,
frug.tr cured hams, small
Sugar cured CaUfornla hams
Sugar cured b. bacon ,
sugar cured skinned hams, large
Sugar cured skinned hams, medium..
Sugar cured shoulders
Sugar cared boneless shoulders
Sugar cured skinned shoulders
Sugar cured baron shoulders
Sugar cured dry-salt shoulders
Sugar cured beef, rounds
Sugar cared beef, sets
Sugar cured beef, flats ;
Bacon, dear aides, SO lbs
8" I penna:
Uacon, clear bellies, 20 lbs 8
Dry talt clear sides, 30 lbs average 7
Dry sail clear sides, HJlbsaverags 7K
Mess pork, heavy 13 00
Mcsspork. family 13 00
Lard, refined, in tierces 54
Lard, refined, inone-balf bbls 6m
Lard, refined, in60-lb tubs 5
Lard, refined. In20-lbpal!s 6
Lard, refined. In 50-lb tin cans 5
Lard, refined. In 3-lb tin palls
Lard, refined. In 5-lb tin palls 695
Lard, refined, lulO-lb tin palls Wi
Slight Early Gains Soon Wiped Oat An
Unexpectedly Good Bank Statement
Falls to Save the Blarket Beading
Strongly Supported Eailroad Bonds
New Yor.K, March 28. Tho stock market
to-day was quiet for tho general list, but
specially active for a few shares, as usual of
late. While the early dealings presented a
comparatively firm front, the advances of
note were all In a few stocks, and the later
dealings were marked by severe pressure
to sell, which not only wiped ont the
the few early advances, but, in the weaker
shares, caused material losses, which an un
expectedly favorable bank statement was
powerless to check.
The opening was generally at material
concessions from last night's figures. North
ern Pacific preferred being down per cent
nnd while Beading showed undoubted evi
dence of support and New England, North
ern Pacific preferred and a few others show
a tendency to advance, the rest of 'the mar
ket, under the lead of the Bichmond and
West Point securities, developed a drooping'
temper, tticnmonu ana w est -oinc aroppea
away from 12 to 11, and the preferred from
63 to 60i. The Industrials Joined in the
general downward movement. Distillers',
after selling up to 5 dropped back to 49,
and Sugar from 10( tell to 97&, carrying the
entire list with them.
Prices rallied slightly on the covering of
shorts toward the close, but there was no
change in temper, and the market finally
c'osed unsettled and generally weak at or
near the lowest prices of the day. The ma
larial concessions were Bichmond and West
Point, preferred, 4: Sugar, and North
ern Pacific, preferred, 1 per cent.
The total sales of stocks to-day were 1S3,
561 shares, including: Atchison. 2,525; Chi
cago Gas, 2,775; Lake Shore, 2,300: Louisville
and Xashville, 2,500; Northern Pacific pre
ferred. 17,175: New England, 7,430; Beading,
70,060; Richmond and West Point, 12,555; 8U
Paul, 5.450. .
Railroad bonds were comparatively active
but presented the same unsettled and ir
regular temper as usual of late. The total
transactions were $1,0(1.000, of which the
Bichmond and West Point 5s contributed
9319,000 and the Beading 3s $105,000. These
bonds were weak, and Bichmond and West
Point 5s lost 2Jg at 60)& while New York and
Northern 2ds rose 2 to 03.
The Finish in Stocks.
The rollowing table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Wnrr
NKT A STEPHENSOn, oldest Pittsburg members of
the New York Stock Exchange. 57 Fourth avenue.
Open High Low lng
ing. est. est. bid.
Am. Coltun Oil 35j 33 36 Xt
Am. Cotton Oil. nfd 704;
Am.SugarHetlnlngCo.... ook loi' 07) 08
Am.8ugjirBeflnlngCo..pfd 8SS 3 88 as
Atcb.. Top. A 14. F ZSH S3 37 3!
Canadian Pacific 8SM
Canada southern eV4 61M 01 1
Central of New Jersey 140 14014 140 IWH
Chesapeake aud Ohio 21M im 24 24H
C. AO.,lstpfd 00
C. AO., 2d ptd 42
Chicago Gas Trust 7ih 76J 75Ji 76J
C, Bur. & Qulncy 107 lU7Js 1084 10054
C, Mil. St. Paul 77,'i 77 7H 78
C M. i St. Paul. pfd.... 124 124 I234 123,H
C. P.oek I. i P. 88 88$ 874 ?
C. St. P. M.&O 43h , 4H)i 48'4
C. St. P. M. & O., pfd 114
O. & Northwestern 120 120 1197$ 120
C C. C. A I 70( 70'4 701 70'4
Coi. Coal & Iron 35' 35 3iH 35
CoU & Hockinsr Valley 29 2335 23t( 29i
Del.. Lack & West 159 1W 153J 153?3
Del. A Hudson 142 Hlii 142 141
Don. & Klo Grande 1S,'S
Den. A Klo Grande, ptd... 52 52,'i 523 526
K. T V, AGs 6 57,
Illinois Central 105
Lake Erie A Western 25 25M 23 25
Luke Erie A Western, pfd 71
Lake Shore A M. S 133H 133'4 132 132
Louisville A Nashville 74 71!S 73 72
MoblleAOhlO 39 39)1 39 39)4
Missouri Pacific t!!M 1H 60S
National Cordaga Co 9S S9 98)4 984
Xatloual Cordage Co., pfd. 107)4 108)4 107 107
Xow York Central 1151-, 115X 115 1UX
X. Y.. C. ASt. 1 1854
X.Y., C. A St. L. 1st pref. 73
X. Y. C. A. St. L. 2d pref. 40
X. Y L. E. AW 32 32 SIS 31J
X. Y., L. E. A W.. pfd... 74 74 "74 74
N. Y. AX. E 50 504 49 41
X. Y.. O. AW 191j' 191, 195$ W-i
XorfolK A Western, pfd 49
North American C" . .... 11 14H, 14fc 14H
Northern PaclOc. fov 2IH 221$ 2I 21j
Xorthern Pacific, i. ". 60S 4
Oregon Improvement 23
Pacific Mall 35)4 SH 35)4 35
Peo.. Dec. A Evans Mi
Philadelphia Beading... 5 58V 57M 57M
P., C, C. A St. L -zy, ZVi , 25
P., C. C. ASt. L. prd 1
Pullman Palace Car 192W 192! 192 192
P.lchmond A W. P. T 12 12)4 11 11
Bichmond A W. P. T. pfd. 65 65 C0 60
St. Paul A Daluth 425 42,' 42 41
St. Paul A Dnl nth, pfd 103
St. Paul. Minn. A Man 113
TeiaB Pacific 20
Union Pacific 45 M 4h 45K
Wabish Wi
Wabash, pfd 28? 281( 23S 28
Western Union 81 S7S S7'i 'i
Wheeling A L. E 33H 31fc 33s 33)5
Wheeling A L. E. pfd 75)j 76) 75 741,
Dls. A Cattle Fd. Trust.... 4!)1! r.0'4 40 49)4
National Leid Co 31)4 3U4 SIM 31
National Lead Co., pfd 81,4
Phlladelpliia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished bv Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex
chanee. Bid.
Pennsylvania Railroad... 546
Bea-ihig Railroad 2SK
Buffalo. X. X. APhlla 84
Lehigh Valley 57
Northern Pacific 2144
Xorthern Pacific, prof. 60
Lehigh Navigation 51
Philadelphia A Erie 304
Dllnlnp; Stock Quotation?.
New York, March 26. Aspen, 150; Best &
Beleher. 225; Caledonia B. II., 105: Chollar, 100;
Consolidated California and Virginia, 4s5;
Deadwood, 200: Eureka Consolidated, 200;
Gould & Cnrrv, 140; Hale & Norcross. HO;
Homestalrc, 1300: Horn Silver, 330; Mexioan,
180: Ontario, 4100; Ophir, 290; Plvmonth, 150
Pot09l, 120; Savnje, 140: Sierra Nevada, 160
Standard, 140: Union Consolidated, 140; Tel
low Jacket, 100.
Boston Stocks Closing Prloes.
Atcli. & Topeka..... dSH
Boston & Albauj-....2Ca.W
Boston & Mslne 170
Chi.. Bar. A Qnlncy.107
FltchburgK. B 87
Flint APere SI 27
FlIntAPereM. pfd. S5
Mass. Central IS
Mex. Central com... 18
N.Y. &S. Knit 49
N. Y. &X. Eng. 78.12k;
Old Colony 172K
Rutland common ... . 4
Rutland pfd 68
Wis. Cen. common 17
Wis. Cen. pfd 40
Allouez M. C. (new) VA
Atlantic 11
Boston & Mont 42K
Calumet & Hecla...
Santa Fa Conner
. I4tf
. 124
. 311i
. 40
. 25
Annlston Land Co. .
Boston Land Co
San Diego Land Co.
West End Land Co.. 10!
Lamson Stores
Water Power
Cent. Mining
N. E. T
B. & B. Conner
.Thomson-Houston .
The Best Tonie
known, furnishing sustenance to both brain
and body.
His Life Greatly Prolonged.
There is no doubt that the life of
the great poet was greatly prolonged
by drinking the waters ofthe Sprudel
Spring. In our day we have the
Sprudel Spring brought to us in the
form of Salt, which Is obtained by
evaporation from the waters of Carls
bad. The Natural Carlsbad .Sprudel Salt
(powder form) is in no sense a mere
purgative, "but is an alterative and
eliminative remedy which dissolves
tenacious bile, allays irritation and
removes obstructions by aiding na
ture. It acts soothingly and without
pain, and is, therefore, far superior
than pills, purgatives and other rem
edies. The genuine has the signa
CO., Sole Agents, New York, on
every bottle. m
Suffering Irom Iocs
tw. T.Mt ll.nk4.
Etc. We -will seed yon a valuable book (sealed) t-
of charge. contalidnkf.llparUenUnl'oraspeodysnu
D-rmaaefitcnr.. Ajdresss SAN stATECJUUJ. co
re street, bujjoqu, ao -?r
John M. Oakley & Co.,
Direct private wire to New York and Chi
cago. Member New York, Chicago and Pitts
burg Exchanges.
Local securities bought and sold for cash
or carried on liberal margins.
Investments made at our discretion and
dividends paid quarterly.
Interest paid on balance (since 1335).
Money to loan on call.
Information books on all markets mailed
on application. Ie7
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue;
Capital, $300,000.
Surplus and undivided
proms, JU1.MI .iu
f per cent interest allowed on time de
posit. OC24-61-P
Trains will leave Union Station, Pittsburg;
aa follows (Eastern Standard Time):
Pennsylvania Limited of PnOman Vestibule Can
daily at 7:I5-a. m.. arriving at HarrlabnrcstliSS
p. m.. Philadelphia at 4:45 p. m.. New York 7:00
p.m., Baltimore 4 p. m., Washington 5:53
p. m.
Keystone Express daily at Ira) s-m.. arriving at
Harrlftrarc 8:23 a. nu, Philadelphia 11:2 a.m.,
K VorkStOO n. m.
Atlantic Express dally at 3:30 a. m.. arriving xt
Harrtsburr 10J0 a. m., Philadelphia 1:25 p.m..
New York 3:50 p. m., Baltimore HIS p. m.,
Washington 2:20 p. ro.
Harnsbort: Accommodation dally, except Sunday.
Sr2S a. m., arriving at Harrlsbarjc 20 p. m.
Day Kxpreas daily at 8:0) a, xo.. arrtvlDs; at
Harrlsburjr 3:20 p. m.. Philadelphia 4:50 p. m..
New York!:35 p. m., Baltimore S: IS p. m., Wash
ington 8:15 p. m.
Mall train Bun day only. 8:40 a. m.. arrives Harris
bunt 7.-00 p. ro., Philadelphia I0:5S p. m.
Mall Krpress daily at IrtO p. m..arrlTlna; at Harrls-iMi.-g
10:3) p. m.. eonnecung at Harrisburg with
Philadelphia Express.
Philadelphia Express dally at 4:30 p. m xrrlvlnj;
atirarrtsburjclKOa. m.. Philadelphia 45 a. m
and New York 7:10 a. m.
Eastern Express at 7:15 p. m. dally, arriving Har
rlsburg 2:25 a. m.. Baltimore 6c3 a. m., Wash
ington 7:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 3S5 a. m. and
New York 8:00 a. m.
Fast Line dally, at 8:10 p. n arriving at Harris
bare 1:30 a. m., Philadelphia 6:30 a. m.. New
York 3:20 a. m.. Baltimore Ml m.. Wasnlng
ton70a.m. AH through trains connect at Jersey City with
boats of Brooklyn Annex," for Brooklyn. N. Y..
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through
New York City.
Johnstown Accom., except Sunday. 3:40 p. m.
GreensbnrarAreom.. 11:30 p. m. weet-davs. 130
p. m. Sundays. Greensuorg Express 3:15 p. m..
except Sunday. Derry Express llaXJ a. m.. ex
cept Sundav.
Wall Accom. 5:3. em, 7:4a S'JS. SOB, 9:40. lOSD.
H:C0a.m.. 11:15. 1:00. 1:20. 2:30. 3:40. 4:03, 4:.i0.
S:15, mo. 6:. 7:35, 9:03. 10:2u. liaa. p. m.. 12:10
night, except Monday. Sunday. 8:40. 10:80 a.
m.. 12:25, 1.-00. 2:30. 4-0. 1:39. 70, 930. 1030
Wflklnsburj; Aocom. 5:25. C:00. 0:15. 6:45. 710. 7:25.
7:411. 8:10, 8:35. 8:50. 9:4a 100, 11:00. U:1D 3, RC.
12ah, 12:15, 12:30. la liB. J30.2.-00. 2:30.3:15.
3:40, 4:00, 4U0. 4:23. 435. 4J. 50. 5:15. 6:10,
5:45, 69ga, :20. 6:45. 7:. 7:35. S2Z. 0:00; 9:45.
Mao, 11:00, 11:3a and 11:10 night, except Mondav.
Sunday, 5:30. 8:40. 10:30, a. ro.. 12:25. 1M), 1-JO,
2 JO. 4 JO, 5:30, 7:20. O.tO, 90, 10 JO p. m.
Braddock Accom.. 523. 6:00. 6:15. 6:15, 7.-O0. 7:25
7:40, 8:0a 8:ia 8SS. S:50. 9:40. 10:30, ll:M. 11:10.
. m.. 12M, 12:15. 12:30. inn, 1:2a. 1:30. 2MB, 2:30
8:15, 3:10. 4:0a 4:10. 4 :25. 4:30, A :J0. SrfXl, :18,
5:30, 5:45. 610. 60, 6:45. 7:21), 7:35. 8:25. 9:00. 9:45.
10:2a 11:00. 11:30 p. m.. and 12:1C night, except
Monday. Sunday, 5:30, 8:00, 8:40, 10:50 a. in.,
10:30 p. m.
For Unlontown, 5:25 and 8:35 a. m.. 1:20 and 4:25
week davs.
12:25, 1:00. 1:3a 2). 4:30, 5:30. 7:20. 9:0a 9d.
OH AND AFTER M AT 25. 1891.
For Monongahela City. West Brownsville and
Unloitown. 10:40 a. m. For 3Ionongabela City
and West Brownsville, 7:33 and 10:40 a. m. and
4:50 p. in. On Sunday. 1& a. m. and 1:01 p. m.
For Monongaliela City only. 1:01 and 5:50 p. m.
week days. Dravosburg accom., 6:00 a. m. and
3:20 p. m. week davs. west Elizabeth accom..
8:35 a. m., 4:15, 6:30 "and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40
For Springdale. week-dav. C:20. 8:25. 83a 10:40.
11:50 a- m., 2:25. 4:19, 5:fA 5:40, 6:10. 6:20. 3:ia
100 and 11:40 p. m. Sundays. 12:35 and 9:30
For- Butler, week-days. 6:55, 8:M), 10:40 a.
P. m.
and 6:10 p. m.
For Fieeport. week-days. 6:55. 8:50. 10:40 a. m..
3:15. 4:19. 5:40, 8:10, 10:30 and 11:40 p. m. Sundays.
12:35 and 9:30 p. m.
For Apollo, week-days. 10:40 a. m.. and 5:40 p. m.
ForPanltonand rtlalrsville. week-days, 6:55a.m.,
3:15 and 10:30 p.m.
3"The Excelsior Baggage Express Company
will call for and check baggage from hotels ana
residences Time cards ana full Information can
be obtained at the ticket offices No. 110 Fifth ave
nue corner Fourth avenue and Try street, ssd
"c'HAffi'UGir. J. n. wood.
General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agrnb
? From Pittsburgh Union Station.
.trains Ban by Central Time.
SonUiweat System-Pan HaudlelEonte
Depart for Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St.
Louis, points intermediate and beyond : 1.20 a.m.,
7.00 a m., 8.45 p.m,, 1 J.15 p.m. Afrivs from same
points: 20a.m.,CCOa.m.,5-p.m.
Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate
andb-)ond: l-0a.m.t fl2.05p.ni. Akkivh irom
same points: 2-20 a.m., 3.05 pm.
DsrART for Washington, -fti.15 a. m., fS.35 a.m.,
ttl.5op. mM-f3.30p.m.,f4.45p.m.,f450p.m. Ahkive
from Washington, fO.55 a.m., fTXO a.m., -fS.50 a.m.,
flOS a.m.,2.&5p.m.,Tf;.25p.m.
Depart for Wheeling, 7.00 a. m., 12 tt5 n'n.,
f2.45 p. m., -p3.10 p. m. Arkitb from Wheeling,
fS.-J5 a. m., f3 C5 p. m. -355 p. m.
Xor fli west System Fort WnjneKon.o
Depart for Chicago, points intermediate and beyond:
1 -CO a.roM 7.10 a.m., I2.20 p.m., I.(X) p.m., S..5
p. m., J11.S0 p.m. Arrive from same point-, u 12.05
a.m.,H1.15 a-m.. b.00 a.m., 6E5 ajn 6 00p.m.,
Depart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond;
7.10 a.m.120p.m., ! .00p.m., JllO p.m. Arrivk
from same points: flljoam., 6J35an., '6.00p.m.,
60 p.m.
Depart for Clerelacd, points intermediate and
beyond: ftUO a.m., 7J0 a.m., fl2..5 p.m.,
li.0Gp.m, Arrive from same points: 5-dQa.ra,
Z15 p.m., 6.00 p.m., t7.00 1 m.
Depart for Martins Ferry, Bridgeport and Bellaire'
J6.10 a.m., f J 2.45 p.m., f4.10 p.m. Arrive from sami
points : -J9.00 a-m., J2.1E p.m., f 7.00 p.m.
Depart for New Castle, Ene, Youngstown, Ashta
bula, points intermediate and beyond: -f7-20 a.m.,
tl&20 p.m. Akkive from same points: jl.25 p.m.,
fO.00 p.m.
Depart for New Castle, Jamestown, Youngstown
and Niles, 3.45 p.m. Arrive from same points :
Depart for Youngstown, 1Z20 p.m. Arrive from
x oungstown, o ut) pn.
Pullman Sleepii.u Cars and Pullman Dining
Cars run through. East and West, on principal trains
of both Systems.
Local Sleeping Cars ronnmr to Columbus, Cin
cinnati, Indianapolis, Qereland, Toledo and Chicago
are ready for occupancy at Pittsburgh Union Station
at 9 o'clock p. m.
Time Tables of Through and Local Accommoda
tion Trains of either system, not mentioned above, can
be obtained at U0 Fifth Avenue and Union Station,
Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket, offices of the Penn
sylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh.
Daily. tEr. Sunday. JEx. Saturday. TJEx. Mondaj.
Gttftral mnajr. General Passrajr ajent
-prrrsBUKG akd lake ekie eailkoad
J rorapany; schedule In effect November 15.
1891, Central time. P. Jt L. K. R. R. Depart
For Clcvf land. S:0Oa. m.. -1:50, 4u, tio p. m.
For Cincinnati. C'hlcazo and St. Louis, -j;5o, 0:4-3
p. m. For Buffalo, 8:00 a. m.. :&. 9:45 p. ni.
For Salamanca. 8K a. m.. 1:50. 9:5p. m. For
Younpstown and New Castle. 8:00. S:00, 9t5J .1.
m.. "liW. '4:3). 0:45p. m. For Bearer Falls. 6 :00.
7:00. flrfX). 9:55 a, m.. ld0, 3f!0, "4:20. 5:20, 9:4.p.
m. For Cliartlers. "3:30. 5:35. 0:00. -6:55, 7:00.
7:i. 7i50. 8:55. 9:10. 9:55. -11:13 p. m., 12:10. UO,
1:55. 3:30, 3:45, 14:3), 4S5, 5:10, 5:30. 3:00. ',9:43,
10:30 p.m.
ABBIVE From Cleveland, "6:30 a. m.. 12:3i
6:15, TO p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago and
Ft. Louis. '6:30 a. m.. 1J:38. T:30p. in. From
Buffalo, 11:30 a. m., 12:30. 9:30 n. m. From S-U-manca.
0:30, "10:00 a. m.. "7:33 p. m. From
Yonn-stown and New Castle, "6:30. I0:0O t m.,
"12:30. 5:1 -;:30. 90 p. m. From Beaver Falls.
5:20. "8:15, 7:20, "10:00a. m i::30. 1:20. 5:15, 7:30,
9:30 p. m.
P., C. Jfc Y. trains for MansBeld. 75 a. m..
12:10, 3:45 p. m. For Esplcn and Beechmont, 15
a. m.. 3:45 p. m. ...
P. C. & Y. trains from Mansfield. 7:0o. 11:39 a.
m., 3:35 p. m. From Beechmont, 7:05, 11:59 a. m.
P.. McK. 4 Y. E.K. DEPART For New Haven,
8:20. 3.00 p. m. For West Newton, '3:20. "3:09,
5:25 p. m.
AnmVE From New Haven, "9:00 a. m.. "4:05 p.
m. From West Newton, 6:15, "9:00 a. m., "1:05
p. m.
For McKeesport. Elizabeth. Mononscahela City
and Belle Vernon. "6:45. 11:05 a. m.. "40 P. m.
From Belle Vernon. Monongahela Cltv. Eliza
beth and McKeesport, "7:40 a. m.. 1:20. "5:05 p. m.
Dallv. -Sundays only.
City ticket office. 639 Smlthfleld st.
X Trains (C'tl btan'd Ume).
Mall, Butler. Clarion, Kane.,
Akron and Eric .
Butler Accommodation
lnew Castle Accommodation,
Chlcajro Express (dally)
Zelienoplf- and Foxbur
6:40 a in
7:30 am
9:35 am
3:10 pm
7:05 pm
3:50 pm
9:00 am
2:00 n m '12:0.1 nm
4:25pm 5:30 am
1 Duuer Accommou-uuu 1 wi ;wm ,,. ' 4m TMrmns Labi, cot. Penn ai
First-class fare to Chlea). $10 50. Second-f Us JJn2JJ!S?1 i"5irSrr-raleiWlirt
go,. FTXlltaan Buffet letplnj eari to CWwgo BaUyXlsa-'CW e3PP
nutler Accommoaanon
tchedule In elfejt December 23, U9L Eastern
Tnr Wiulilnrton. D. C
Baltimore. Philadelphia and
New York. a:C0 a. m. and
2:20 p.m.
for i;umoer:anu. o:o
"3:C0a. m.. tl:10. 3:2p. m.
For ConnsllsvlUe. '00.
3:00 53:30 a.m.. JltlO. M:15
S:C0 aud 9rtB p. m.
For Umontown. WSa
81-41.53:30 a. m.. tl:10, M:1J
andfe:00p. m.
For lit. Pleasant. HSlSO
and SrCOa. m.. 21.13, thlSand J5:00 p. m.
For Washington. Pa..7:20 andtO-SOa.m,. '4:00,
J4H5;7:30aniIlllii5p. m.
For Wheeling, 7rtO, J930 a. m.. 4i00, "7:30 and
111:55 p.m.
For Cincinnati and St. Louis, "7:2C a. m., 1713
For Cincinnati, 11:55 c. m. (Saturrtav onlv.)
For Columbus. 7:20a. m.. 7:3) and 111:55 D. m
For Newark. 7ra a. m.. V-TO and 111:53 p. m.
For Chicago. 7tf0 a. m. and "7si n. m.
Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia. BaU
timore and Washington. "Bo a. m. 3:30 p. m.
From Columbus. Cincinnati and Chictyo. 3:50a,
m.. SiSOp. m. From Wheeling, "dtfo. JC:43 a.m
24:1s. 'a-jSp. m.
Parlor and sleeping ears to Baltimore. Washing'
ton, Cincinnati and Chicago.
Dally. JDally except Snndav. JSnuday only.
ISaturday only. HDally except Satnrdav.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residences
upon ordera left at B. A O. ticket ofacc. corner
Fifth avenae and Wood street, 6J7 and HSJ Smith
field street.
General Manner. Gen. Pa33. Agent.
and after Sunday. Marcti 20, ltfli trains wllL
leave and arrive at Union station. Plttsburs, cast-,
em standard time: Bntfalo express leaves at3:29
a. m.. 8:50 p. m. (arriving at Bnualo at 5:45 p. m.
and 70a. m.): arrives at 7:10 a. m..6:Sp.3L Ott
City and DuBots espress lyeaves 8:29 a. o.. i:M p.,
m.: arrives lam 8-23. 10:'0 p. in. Em!raun-
Leaves 4:00 p. m.; arrives lOaTO a.m. EastBrsdy-
Leaves at 5:50 a. ro. Klttacnlng Leaves 93fi a.,
xn.. 50 p. xo-: arrives 8:6a. m 53p. m. Brae
lrarn Leaves 5:03. 8:15 p. ni.: arrives 3:05 a. m..
7:40p.m. Valley CaniD Leaves 10:15 a.m.. 12:05.
i:liaop.m.:arrlvesC:ai)a.rn..l2). 2:15. -A
p. m. Hulton Leaves 80. 930p.m.: irrlves7:.
11:20 p. m. 2:uuday trains BuHafo express Leaves
803. m.. SdO p. m.: arrives 7:IO a.m.. fifS p.xo.
Emlenton Leaves 95 a. m.; arrives 9:15 p. m.
KJrtanning Leaves 12:40 p. m.; arrives 10:13 p. m.
Braebam Leaves 0-JO p. m. : arrives 7:10 p. m.
Pullman parlor butTet car on day trains and Pali
man sleeping caron night trains between Pittsbnr
and Buffalo. Ticket otCces. Xo 110 Fifth avenua
and Union station. DAVID M'CAKGO. General
Superintendent. JAMES. P- AXDEES'JX. Gen
ernl Passenger Agent.
As old residents know and lack; 2Ie ot
Pittsburg; tapers prove, is tho oldest estab
listicd and niot prominent physician in the
city,devotin:r special attcntirn tonll chronic
sponsible RJCpAnFIQ and mental dte
persons !iL.n V UUo eases physical de
cay, nervous debilitv, lack of euenry. ambi
tion and hope, impaired memory, disordered
sight, self distrust, Uasbfulnes", dizzines?,
sleeplessness, pimples. Tuptioas. impover
ished blood, failing powers, organic wcat-nes-.
dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
nnflttinsr the person for business.ociety and
marrlETC, pcrmanentl v, fafelrand privately
eruptions. blotches.fninn3 hair.bonoNOains,
glandular swellings, ulcerations of th3
ton-iie, month, thrcnt, ulcers, old sores, nra
cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated fromCjVI A t?V hidncv ami
the system. UfWHrtll I jbladder de
rangements, weak back, sravel. catarrhal
disciiarges, inflamma.tion aud other painful
symptoms receive searching treament;
Drompt relieraud real cure.
Dr. whittier'ii life-Ions extensive czparl
ence Insnres scientific and reliable treat
uient on common secss; principles. Consults
tion free. Patients at xt distance ns oaref uUr
treated as If here. Of3ca bonrs, 9 J., jr. to 4
p.m. Sunday, 10a.m. to 1 . a. only. In.
TyHITTIEK, 814 Penn avenue, Pittburs. P.w
amhood ReiQire&
the wont-erf al remedy
13 sold witu a written
ffuamnff to care alt
nervous diseases, rnc.3
as V.'catiiiemorT.Lcsa
of Dram Power. Ilea
Pyx acne, AvaKCioiness
ujzLh& lTEmi?ion3,I,.er7cn-
BZT02E jjn afteh. iTSiKG. ne3. LajsUade. all
drains and Io3 ol por
er of the Gcneratlre orcans In citlier sex caused by
OTer exertion, yoaiUfalerrors, or eicessl7e cso ot
tobacco, opium or stlmolaots ivhicti zon lead to
InQrmn.Connimtionnr.d Insanity. Put up cta
veaieat to carry ir. vest pooket. 31 jror -pzzzirn T
mail ; C for 15. With vcry K order we uii vrtt7i
jucrantf? to czrf crrr Fund the Toy,,. ijrrcla-rirsc.
-, -.- .. -".
For sale In li.cS5ijaxs l7 Jo?. Fleming A
on, JDraidts, 110 mid 412 -Lmrket st.
turc tfltrtc nw-rsMcn:
Gray's Specific Medicins
if-vrtj i oi irrn from
,3 ii" ywu zjrrcri --.
vTrvbiaivrivei. iif n.cr
BHTW3e. JKxaTja--111 2"u. rpern.-orrnea, a&a
Impotency, and all dl-3ies tliat arise from o.-er
Indulgence and self-V'-nae. as !ossif Memory anf4
Pnnrpr T)mnp of Viion. rren.aUrr Old Atfa.
and many other dbcaea that lead to Inaanliy or
Cons.-:7.ptIon and an tsirly srave. write for oar
AlressGKAYStEDICXN'E CO., Buffalo. N. T,
The Specific MrUiclne is sold by alldrnIdU at$X
per p-ickage. orsii pacfcajri f-r$. or sn-t hr mail
on receipt ofraoney.p (5UP RANTED
and with every rJ C.VJ -"ff.f J-.g-J! l
onler a rnre or mom v refutidco.
JE9-Oii arsonnt of eonnterfelts we ha-e adopted
the Yellow Wranner. the only irsnnlse. Sold lu
Pittsbunr by t5. ti- JUOI.X.AI.D, cur. biulthteld and
Pittsburc by S. ti,
Lilbertr sts.
A recent iliscovrr br an o:t
phviU'Iaii. irc--,!;fj,lr .i;etl
ir.o.ithl lirllionsandsof ladles
Istheonlr erfe. t.r af? ami
rt liable nieuieini- li'-iiTereiU
IleT-an t.f tinprlnpJplcd tlrn?
(ricffi who o!7er inferior mvdU
rtnM In nlarc of this. AsK f.lf
rnftic'a r'nTTnr rTm Compound. Viiii n1) suhitl-
tute. or inclos-?! and r rents in pwsir In tetter
and we -vill ppnd. seiled. hr ntuni mi.!, frail
sealed partlenlirs In phin envplope. tolidlMonly.
rstamns. Address PDNI IAU ;OUFA.
No. 3 Fisher Hloek. Uetmlt. Mich.
Sold in Pittsburg by JOi. Fleaiini; & !-ov. US
Alartet street. iIe!7-01-eodwlc
Treatmeol. a suariiitet-1 sprWiic lor llyst-rli.
Dizziness. Convnlsioni. Fits, ervon,, Xnnlja.
Headache. Nervous Prostratio.i caused by tho ns
of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De
pression. Softening of the Brain resulting in in
6anitv. decay and death. Prematura Old Age. Loss
of Power in either set, involuntary Losses and
Snprmafnrrhrpn .iiised bv orer-exertlon of th3
bnln. self-abuse or over-lnduIence. Each bo-c
contains one month's treatment. J1.0O a box. of
sis for 15.00. by mall.
To cure any case. With each order rrreived fo
Blxlwxeswewill send the purchaser our written
guarantee to refund the money If the treftmpnt
does not cure. Guarantees issued only by RMU
G. STUCKY. DrusRist. Sole Ajtent. Nos. 2401 and
1701 Penn avenue, corner Wyllc avenne and Faltoa
street. Pittsburg. Pa. Use btu cky's .Marrow Si
Cramp Care. Sandau cla. ja-lS2-od
The -reat Span
lsli Kcmedy. M
sold WITH T
irm t t e v
to cure all nerv
ous diseases, such
as Weak Memor
REFORr. An iFrmirsiSR. T.n.sof Brain Power
Wakefulness, Lost ManhooL Nightly Emisslonj.
Nervonsness.Lassltiide.aIl drains and loss of power
nf lh n,r.ti.i flrvna It, .1 tli.i a.T Mllwil 1.
f ovcr-excrtlou. youtliful errors, or excessive use of
looacco. opinm or stimulants. 31 per pacsaire uy
mall:B forS. With evtry S5 order we GIVE A.'
MONEY. Spanish Medicine Co.. Madrid. Spain.,
and Detroit. licb. For3ale by JOS. FLEMING
SOX. Pittsburg. oe23-26-iiTT8 ,
ElsIIy, Qn'cMy, Permanently KESTOKSTV
and all the train of evils, tho results of over
work, sickness, worry, etc Fall stren-th,;
development, and tone jniaranteed in alt
cases. Simple, natural methods. ImmeaK
ate Improvement seen. Failure impossible.)
2,000 referetices. Boot, explanations and
proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address
SPECIALISTS In all cases reJ
niiiriUfT scientiflo mG. contV
ilential treatment. Dr. S. K.'.
Lake, M. IS. C. P. S- is tho old
est nd most experienced spe-
clalistin the cfty. ConsnltaJ
tlnn fl-ee and strictly conflJ
denttal. Office hotrrs, 9 to 4 ana iwor. it.;,'
Sunday., 2 to r.n. Consult them person-t
,XfUViUiU Hi . vw... . .uua
vsXi W& JiUJkQ&yjJ'nlA
fS&M 2
DR. E. C.
RtKVb & DhAIri
st.-E -V-iX !. ftf-i
-a sdzms
'A Sh-' V.-WU, - ,.t'J. &Jl. -A
' - "' i.Mtt-AA
u Si&Wrf . uw