THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, FRIDAY, MARCH 25 1892. WALKING FOR A CAKE. Eight Dnsky Couple s Promenade Be fore an Admiring Audience. BELLES AND BEAtJX Iff FULL DRESS Finioned Bojs Contest in an Exciting Pie latin? Match. MAD BECAUSE HIS GJKL DIDN'T WAIT VWV ft The cake tralk at the Anditorinm last sight attracted a cosmopolitan crowd that filled the place com pletely. Hid away in the galleries were little . parties tf high society ladies, while crowding about on the lower floor were men of high and low degree and women of uncertain character. A brass band hidden somewhere in the crowd supplied great volumes of loud musio and the colored walkers, with heads erect and their breasts swellinc out with hope and pride, marched about, to the admira tion and the delight .of the enthusiastic spectators. Edward Ross and Lucy Roberts were awarded first prire. John Jennings was awarded a gold cane and his partner, Jlollie Hilton, was given a toilet sst Clarence Bell and Laura Jones were awarded the third prize, $5 each. Eight couples took part in the contest James Wright and Ida Miller, a saddle colored belle and beaux, led the march. Full Dress and Diamonds. The men were in full dress. Diamonds ' sparkled in their expansive and immacu late shirt fronts. The colored belles were CALLED Ut THZ POTJCZ To Settle a Stormy Difference Over a Ieap Tear Party. The Saint Paul's A. M. E. congregation, of the Southside, had a lively meeting last night, and the police Were finally called in to qnell the impending riot. The congrega tion had assembled to arrange for a leap year party. It was suggested to rent a hall in which to hold the party. Mrs. Fenn opposed holding the party in a public halL She Said under such circumstances the brothers add sisters would dance and she wis opposed to dancing. Mrs. Leflridge, who was advocat ing a public hall for the party, indignantly claimed that she was a true Christian and did not dance. "If the shoe fits put it on," Mrs. Penn shouted. "The shoe don't fit Me, for I get religion everr winter," Mrs. Leflridge replied. Wild confusion followed, and the Chairman finally sent for the police. When quiet was restored the meeting adjourned Without fix ing a date or a place for the leap year party. A Good Tonic Is absolutely necessary after attaoklof lbs Grip, Diphtheria, Pneumonia, or any other prostrating disease. Hood's Sarssparilla possesses Just the elements of strength for the body, and vitality and richness for the Dlooa which bring back robust health, ana literally put yon on your rent again. Two Battles With the Grip. Mr. Jacob Knapp, a well-known market man and dealer in meats, lard, hides, etc, In Tipton, Iowa, says: "1 have had tne grip for two winters, and this last winter I was so badly off 1 could not eat and could not rest because of coughing. I took medicine from physleians here but did not get any re lief. Having heard of Hood's Sarsaparllla I took it and it helped me so much loonld soon attend to my business. I have taken S bottles now and feel strong and well, and have a splendid appetite. Before taking HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA I wanted to tit down or lie down all the time, but now I feel as strong as ever." AMTJSRMKNTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT. O'DOWD'S NEIGHBORS. Mark Murphy, Sam J. Byan, Lottie Gilson and Company. , Prices JEk 25, 4,78a. Mat. Saturday. S3, 500 reserved. JfETT ADVEKHSEHEXTS. hood's rnxs are the best family catbar tlo and liver mediolne. Harmless, reliable B.&B. Special display new silks to-day. 3New Glaces. New Taffetas, New satin de chenes, eta All novelties fl to $5 a yard. Booos & BrHL. WE ARE OFFERING THH BEST Bisque op Beef herbs and aromatics for torpid liver and'dyspepSia; 60c and $L LOW PRESSURE PEOPLE. f ' TTalktng Past the Judges' 8and. elaborately dressed, and as they swayed gracefully back and forth through the ranpy hall the band and the enthusiasm of the spectators joined in making the night hid eous. Charles Davis, Captap Fullwood, Will iam Wright and several) other well-known gentlemen acted as judges, and so well pleaded were they with the skillful per formance that they were entirely nnable to determine which couple had won the first prize until the gorgeous procession had passed and repassed them and the contest had narrowed down to a question of en durance. , When the prizes were awarded an out burst of applause fairly shook the building. Friends oi the winning couple and many who had never before seen them gathered about to extend congratulations for fully five minutes. A Bewildering Uproar Prevailed and while those who received only honor able mention Instead of a prize of more intrinsic worth left the hall well burdened With disjpst, the winners carried away with them satisfaction enough to run a colored camp meeting. Before the walk started the huge audi ence was entertained for an hour or more by a pie-eating match between six boys. The hands of the boys are tied be hind their backs, the pies are then placed upside down upon the seats of chairs and the boys, upon their knees, ate the pies. The match was not only novel, but it was decidedly amusing. The boy consuming his pie first was awarded $1. Hurry Schwab, manager of the Buquesne, then presented the prizes to the several winners. Samuel Gilson. colored, created finite a disturbance on Wylie sivenue, near Arthur street, last night Gilson had made ar rangements to take hii girl to the "cake walk," and when he called to take her he wis informed by the lady of the bouse that she had gone with another colored gentle man. He was arrested. HADE HIS SUICIDE SUKE. A Despondent Farmer Fattens Ills Dead In a Trench tVlth a Fork. Wilmington, Deu, March 24. A pecu liar case of suicide is reported from Port Deposit, Md. John Everett, a retired farmer, was found this morning drowned in a pump trough with his neck fastened down bv a two-pronged hayfork, the tines of which had been forced into the wood of the trough. Everett suffered from a cataract and was tortured by fears of approaching blindness. He was 69 years old and leaves an estate valued at $60,000. It May Be a Go Tills Time. There is some talk that the contracts for the erection of the AVest End Electric Street Railway will be let within the next few days. A number of the directors of this company have been absent from the city, and it is said the contracts till be let immediately upon iheir return, which is expected daily. The dispute be tween the company and the Point Bridge Company his not yet been settled, but the traction company is not allowing this matter to retard preparations for the erection oi the road. The residents on the property immediately west ot the south end of the Point bridge have been no tified to vacate hy April 1, and work will be commenced on the power hous'e at once. Empire Designs. Just received direct from Paris, a grand collection of ".Nouvfantes d Paris" for Easter, jn empire and other choice designs, comprising brooches, hair ornaments, fan chatelaines, lace and hat pins, jewel caskets boubonieres, etc. Do not tail to see them. Jos. Hoene & Co.s Penn Avenue Stores. The sweetest bread and most strengthen ing is made from Minnehaha flour. MP Bemovali. Changes of address will be found to-day on the third page, under the above heading. The most wholesome bread, as well as the most delicious and the'prettiest, made from Minnehaha flour. up A MOST UNFORTUNATE CONDITION OF UFE. tlTTLE tESS TfiAK A UvTXQ DEATH. The Caase of Many People's Misery Ex plained. Volumes nave been written abont the reasons for so many men and women breaking- down. Usu ally it baa been assigned to high pressure living, hysteria and other forms of nervous attletten, which are the result of mighty ambition, of the great desire for social esteem, and In short the overtaxing of the nervous system of which every body who lives In the larger cities hat teen many examples. It hat remained, however, to be shown, that these troubles are not necessarily earned by high pressure, but by low pressure, not by a high strain, but by no strain, not by Intense climate but by low climate. Many persons seem .to be surly and sullen, to have a spirit of dull and sad resignation, to be al most apparently walking in their sleep, as if they simply existed. The majority of such cases are confined to women. They make faithful wives and mothers, doing their household duties with the pa tience and resignation of the beasti of the field. Kothlng can excite, nothing amnse, but few things Interest them. A careful study of conditions, sur roundings, symptoms, and manner of living, have disclosed to an eminent physician that these Un fortunate persons are not the victims of vicious, ullen or miserable natures, but the victims of a disease as clearly defined as any other disease, a disease of despondency, of bearing down sensa tions, of blues, of lack of all interest in life, of all enjoyment, of all happiness. It is a collapse of life-life without life. It Is a most unfortunate, a most miserable condition. Men and women who are In this state need, must have, help. They must be aided to an Interest In life, a desire for happiness. This cannot be ac complished, simply by willing to have It come; there must be some help, tome assistance. Will power cannot accomplish It, bnt it mutt be tome thing new, some late and remarkable discovery, something that furnishes stimulating food, life to the brain, which makes life worth living. Buch a discovery it to be found in Flint's Celery Com pound. It has taken thousand! of women who were depressed, despondent, tired of life, and made them healthy, happy and Joyous. It ha! taken overworked and broken down men from whom all buoyancy bad departed, and made them bright, aetlre, vigorous. It has done this In thousands of cases; It will do it in every case where the Instruc tions accompanying It are carefully followed. Here is what a few who have been rescued tay: "Some time ago I was troubled with heart diffi culty and indigestion, and was all rub. doWn, I began taking Palne's Celery Compound and can say that It has wrought wonders for me. I heartily recommend It to all sufferers." Tour, etc., CBAS. D. wabbxit. Wltllston, Va. "I suffered terribly from nervousness and kidney trouble, had no appetite, and felt weak and tired all the time. Palne's Celery Compound hat made me so well that I am cleaning my bouse (a very large one) without help. I am very grateful to the Compound, for it ti2M given me good health, sound Sleep, a fresh complexion and the absence of doctor's bills." Very respectfully yours. Obacz THtsTta TTaTSOir. "For years my mother suffered with nervous troubles. She could not sleep Well, her appetite was poor, and the grew weak, thin and melancholy. Fbysieiant did not relieve ber, and nothing helped her until the began to use Palne't Celery Com pound. That made her ttrong, strengthened her nerves, and did her a world ot good.' G. H. Bikes, Orbitonia, Fa. Life, Is real; life is earnest. 'J American people have no excuse for dying of dry rot. Arouse the energies, awaken the ambition, rely upon tome grand assistance like the great Compound above named, and you win be surprised to tee bow much happiness you will secure. MOQUETTE CARPETS NOW AT $1.25. All new goods. We can show the finest line of Carpets, Wall Paper, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Rugs, Etc., Etc., And at the lowest prices of any house in he two cities. Don't buy before you look at cJur goods and get our prices. NEXT WEEK, E. W. VARNEYS, JRS Sublime ProSuotion, THE VENDETTA! Introducing the actor of the day, W. A. WHITECAR, Assisted by suitable players. Marvelous Meohflnical and Scenlo Effects! Terrlflo Collision at Mid-ocean by two of the largest and grandest steamships ever produced upon a stage! Novelty after novelty! PAIGES WILL REMAIN US USUAL. ' mh2-125 TO THE POLE! Pittsburg's Leading Theater. DUQUESNE. THE FASHIONABLE EVEST. STKOBEIKA. BXAC& ABT. HERRMANN, "THE GKEAT." SLAVE GIRL. LEGERDEMAIN. .TUEDAT. mh25-180 ONLY MATIWKE SA1 Next Week "Hoss and Hoss." DUgjTJESNE. iiS&V. Commencing M0NDAYMARCH 28. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. "THE KINGS OF TVS," REED AND COIvlVIBR. And their Ail-Star Company In the funniest of all Farelal Entertainments, HOSS AJVJ3 HOSS. Everything; now. Everything original. "A LAUGH IN EVERT LINE?" Seats now on sale. mhSMSl GEO. W. Siltt, 136 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. Uf W itsssssssssssssT tssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV jnSfXfm This week. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. John t. kellt, in UAL March 28 The Devil's Auction, mhil-n THE ALTIN THEATER CH AS. I. DAVIS. .. .Owner and Manager. Farewell Appearanoe or MKB. SARAH BERNHARDT, nnder theDlreetlonorHenry E. Abbey and Maurice Grau. Repertoire! To-night, CAMILLE; Friday Evening, Sat urday Matinee and Saturday evening. CLEOPATRA. Prices, W, S3 M, W ana tl MX Admission, fl; gallery, fiOo. jnarcn xs uo w on iiopper in " w ang." irihM OLD CITY HALL' Walter Emerson Concert Company, THIS (Friday) EVENING, at 8 o'clook, in Young Men's Christian Association Course. Membership' ticket admits owner and lady. Admission SO cents to those not mem bers. mb23-S3 ALVIN EXTRA I NEXT WEEK DEWOLF HOPPER PRESENTING "WANG."' Seat sale opens Thursday. mhSMOS DIAMOND GOING LIKE WILD FIRE Our new Cloth Jackets are going-like wildfire. They please because they are tailor-made, fit well, new designs. Mo old look about them, and prices are away down. Elegant Jacket from - $5 TO $9 And Imported Jackets- $15 TO $30 Leaders in Cloth Garments, COR. WOOD STREET UNO FIFTH HE. HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-NiKht and Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and 8 tarda v. H. W. WILLIAMS OWN SPECIALTY CO. Frank Bush, Acme 4, Jnleene's Electric Organ, and 20 first-class stars. mhiO-188 mh24 THE MERCANTILE AGENCY E. O. Dun & Co,, Westinghouse Building, corner Penn Ave. and Ninth St., Pittsburp, Pa. This establishment supplies all necessary Information as to the standing, responsibil ity, etc., of business men throughout North America. It is the oldest and by far the most complete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Bank ing and Mercantile interests and the General Promotion and Protection of Trade. Debts Collected and Legal Business at tended to throughout the North American Continent. yai ' A' - EVERYBODY TUMBLES To the fact that my prices for watch le pair ing are the lowest ever known in history. WATCHES GLEANED, 60 Cents. MAINSPRINGS, 60 Cents. CASESPBINGS, 50 Cents. NEW JEWELS, 50 Cents, And all other work In proportion. OUR LADY WATCHMAKER and engraver, Miss Rosa Hardman, Is the only one In the United states. Bring your watch and let her fix It. I will continue to sell finest Nickel, Bronze and Steel Frame Eyeglasses and SPECS FOR 50 CENTS. Finest pebble lenses, generally sold from SI BO to 2 60. EYES EXAMINED FKEE OF CflABGE. BERNARD E. ARONS, Jeweler, 65 FIFTH AVENUE. mh20-itWFsn P Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing, Cares Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Removes and Prevents Dandruff. AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP. Best for General Household Use. mhl0-101iwk SILK DEPARTMENT, Our stock is right up to date in the matter of latest styles. We are alwavs in the front rank, displaying all the choicest styles and latest novelties as fast as they appear. SEE Figured India Silks, latest colorings, at 37&o per yard. Figured India Silks, handsome styles, onU Mo per yard. Figured India Silks, beautiful designs, at 75c per yard. Changeable Glace Silks, In neat figures, at $1 per yard. See all the newthinzs in Fi?und Rlllra innlmllnnr riinii'ol,l Snw,1to ninniiuii.. Figures and Real Jan, ranging irom $1 to $1 63 per j aid. ' See our Donblo Varp Surah Silks in black and colors, at 50c per yard, real value, 75c. We Guarantee Profit and Pleasure to Every Customer. rnOFIT, because our prices will piove a positive saving to the Duyer. PLEASURE, because our goods cannot fall to please in quality and style. DOUGLAS & MACKIE, 151, 153 AND 155 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY. mbSI , Jfrnvsu GRAY r FMEI HAH IESTS1EB to youthful color tad besutty bf SI. HATS' HAH HEALTH, . snores dandruff and se&lp humors. Does not atain akin or linen Brst. aafest, most cleanly dressing. Drurrlita Me. SUIS'aULLCOBSSJlbranuWarta,l.a.XlarihRuM boldby JOd.TrL.tAUi A SONS, and ttra KUti. lDjr-SS-W-Wf j NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. We want you to see the made to measure $25 Suitings. We want you to see the made to measure $30 Dress Worsteds. We want you to see the made to measure $35 Crepes and Diagonals. Popular prices tell the story, bright, active, prompt, business; selling three suits where formerly sold one prices are right; cloth satisfactory. If you will examine our Ready to put on Spring Overcoats you'll be pleased with quality and fit with 30 to 50 per cent in pocket. WANAMAKER & BROWN, . Hotel Anderson Blopk. , 39 SIXTH STREET. BY HERBERT D. WARD, Is the title of a strange, but possible, continued story of Arctic exploration by means of an Air Ship, which will appear in the Sunday issue of THE DISPATCH, BEGINNING APRIL 3. IT WILL BE THE LITERARY SENSATION OF THE YEAR. J in r " " " ' 11 I. The story opens in Pullman sleeper, -where meet by st ranee chance a Chicago capitalist, a voung real estate enthusiast (who contemplates a Polar Hotel for summer boarders,) a young scientist, a gay Boston technology student, a survivor of the Greely Arctio Expedition, and the inventor who has solved the great aeronautic problem ot to-day. The inventor betrays his secret discoveries and a compact is made for an aerial expedition to the North Pole, the capitalist agreeing to furnish the money. The incidents of the second chapter occur after a lapse of time, during which the "Aeropole" has been constructed add everything made readv for the dangerous voyage. The air-ship is described; it is made of aluminium and propelled bv electricity, stored according to a wonderful method dis covered by the inventor. Then follows in rapid suecessidn a series of absorbing and thrilling episodes: the attempt of a rival inventor io interfere with the start by an injunction; keeping back the constables bv,a rampart of electric wires, hastily constructed; the hurried Start at last; first sensations of flying through the air; the view of Lake Michigan irom above; the discovery that the supply of matches has been forgotten in their haste: raoing with wild geese at 170 miles ad hour; the awfulness of air-sickness a new disease; the Inventor faints awayj narrow escape from being dashed to death on a monntain peak; dropping food to a starring sailor in the Arctic seas; the pUWCr giVCS VUt 1UI BUUIO Uil&iiUtTU 1CMUU, IUO UCtlV XW miKS l.UU. HUG .1. V.G, kUCJUUIUQJ VI MIC DClgCQUb OUU bUC fcUbUrj MiB XUIB r8BCIiel at last; the great flat plain at the north ehd of the earth; the death of the tutor; the air-ship starts again; the sergeant rescued; the home ward journey. A STRIKINGLY IMAGINATIVE ROMANCE, Based upon the results of the experiments of Prof. S. P. Langley in aerial navigation and a world of scientific facts. It Will Be Beautifully Illustrated. The author, Herbert D. Ward, is world famous for his "The New Senior at Andover,' "Come Forth," "A Lost City," eta ' PUBUGATION BEGINS SUNDAY. sPBIL 3. T 1 AT ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICES TO-MORROW. This Fine All-Wool Worsted Cutaway Suit $10 ACTUAL VALUE $15 300 of these Cutaway Frock Suite, in rood blue and black Woratods.aa well as a variety of medium and light-colored All-wool Cheviots and Cassl meres. They are fully worth $15, and will be sold at this price next month. To-morrow, however.ln order to open the spring' season with a boom, we will sell 300 (no more) of them at 810. To make sure of getting one, CUT THIS OUT AND SHOW IT TO THE SALESMAN. This Nobby All-Woof Cheviot Business Suit $10 ACTUAL VALUE $15 Business men, bookkeepers, clerks In fact, everybody who wants a nice business suit for spring at one-third off the regular price, should see the above fashionable and durable Scotch Cheviot Sack Suits for $10. They come In solid colors or patterns light, me dium or dark. Only 350 of them will be Bold to-morrow at $10. To make sure of getting one, OUT THIS OUT AND SHOW IT TO THE SALESMAN. weft rfflL ill ITS H If' Ufa 'U'mJ H tlllliKftiHili n il :(J imull This Fine All-Wool Stylish Spring Overcoat $10 ACTUAL VALUE $15 During the next two months a spring overcoat will be a necessity, but pay ing a high price for one Is NOT a ne cessity. Come In to-morrow and take advantage of our special spring open ing offer of 225 fashionable spring overcoats, cut in latest English box and semi-box styles, in all different light, medium and dark colors, worth $15, at only $10. To make sure of getting one, CUT THIS OUT AND SHOW IT TO THE SALESMAN. See Our New $1.50 Line of Men's Spring Pants, Worth $3. KAUFM ANNS' FIFTH "AVENUE AND SMITHFIELD STREET. mh2