Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 21, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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F-fv' p " -" ,w jjrssy-rs
v jk:j' '"-yjin
21, 1892. 4 x ' ; a 1
; . . -r
it-Dtsplay aarerttsements one dollar per
vjtiare for one insertion. Classified real eitate
adicrtisementsonthis page ten cents per line for
each insertion, and none taken for less tian
Ihirtp cents.
Uaislflod under the followinjr headings will be ac
cepts! at the rate of
FOE EACTI INbEHTlON when paid for In ad
vance cither at main or branch offices.
V'anted Advertisements of all Kinds,
situations, rooms,
Mali: help, boardino,
female help, boarders,
agents, miscellaneous,
personals, to let rooms,
misclllaneout for saj.es, lost and
Cor. Smithfield nnd Diamond Streets.
Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have accounts with Tin Dispatch.
rrrrsBrnG ADDmovAT.
THOMAS Jlrr FFREY. X09 Butler street.
EMIL U. STUCKEY. I-tth street and Penn avenne.
F. n. ERGERS&SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets.
TH OM AK McII ENRY. Western and Irwin avenues.
TEHKYM. GLEIH. Rebecca and Allegheny avs.
Male Ilela.
AYOCNG MAN. eiperienced: inside tin work,
able to use machines. Address D. G., Dis
patch office.
EOY ne good bell bov, 14 to 16 yeare old, at
3: Diamond so,., city.
BOV- T.i learn the barber trade. Apply at 1366
tecond av. - '" Jr. . '
ClARPFT rPHOLSTERF.R-A good man at once:
' steadv position for reliable man; apply in per
son with reference. Miller, EcUey ft Co.. Llin.,
McKeesport. Pa.
pOAfliM KN Must be strictly sober, competent
v and willing to make himself useful about the
hous". Applv with reference at No. 129 Flret av.
-pUll fi CLERK Registered: good salary. Ad
1 f lres I'rugN Dispatch office.
7 TELPER First helper for night duty on open
i 1 hearth furnace making steel castings; must
lw competent to take full charge of furnace at
i ,ght. Address, stating experience and wages ex
pected. Furnace, Dltpatcll office.
- TAN With push wanted In each city and town
..tl to introduce the fastest selling household ar
ticle on record: over a million sold: will nav com-
Jif'tent persdii t per dav.
I. V Ilium-oil, 41 N.' I
Address wixn stamp. .
-on. 41 N. Fourth St.. Philadelphia.
MAN of good address, who can give bond and
referi-nee. for outdoor position. Apply to F.
.M Lenimnn. from 8 to f A. M. Monday, at room 2,
12S5andnsk st.. Allegheny.
OFFICE ROY-Mustbe bright and able to operatu
ticwrlUT. one ith knowledge cf shorthand
t referred Address in own handwriting, stating
age and experience, H. M. O., Dispatch office.
"1 1 AVER A good, brick pavenone who thorough
I Iv understands bed making. Apply between 9
and 10 v M.. Houston Bros., Ihlrty-second and P.
l: R. city.
C AI.ESMEN (Ide llne)-For 'O'Keefe's O. K.
r -hoe Blacking: good commissions. Dr. O'Keefe
& Co.. Qj Penn av.
COI.iriTOK Leading Philadelphia house want
flrtt-elass solicitor. None bnt first-class man
need address P. H , Dispatch oDce.
pplv to B.
O w are- H per day of nine hours.
jianrauan, uamoiic university, near wasningion,
fTEWELING salesmen to 6cll baking powder to
1 the retail grocery trade; men acquainted with
1ifT rent sections of the country: a good sideline:
also good opportunity forclerks or any llvemen
hoi nt to go on tb'e road: experience not abso
iutelv necessary; we mean business; to the right
men liberal contracts will be made and steady work
given, wepav not less than $75 month salary and
ftpenses or 2 per cent commission. Address,
nlili stamp, l S. Chemical Works, 840 and SU
Van Buren st , Chicago. 111.
"Ol"XO MAN With experience In wall paper
J store; state ife and terms. Address Fifty,
Dispatch office.
VOi'MJ MEN" to learn telegraphy. Smart's
J. Business College. 12 Federal u, Allegheny.
Agents Wanteu.
GENT On salarv orcommlsslon to handle th
new patent chemical ink erasing pencil: the
greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases Ink
thoroughlv In two seconds: no abrasion of paper;
KO to 510 per cent, profit; one agent's sales
amounted to $520 in six days: another $K In two
hours: ie want one energetic general agent for
taeh Mate and Tcrritorv For terms and full par
ticulars, address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La
trosse. wis. (X10)
AGEVT-5I5 to?2 weekly to sell The Grea
Leaders of a Great People;" great Irish Home
Rule adocats:a standard volume; size 7x10:900
pjes: illustrated: outfit now ready; experience
unnecessary. Installment Publishers. Box 15S5,
New Yoik
GENT- tosell our "Artistic Guide to Chicago
an-1 the World's Fair:" superbly illustrated.
4f.page:priceoulvSI 50: order outfit. S0c lmme-
!.atelv territory going rapidly. P. J. Fleming ft
Co.. 135 Fifth av.
OEN 153 tot; dally; experience unnecessary.
rutnamftCo., Perfumers, West Winsted,Ct.
4 OtNT- salary to good men. Wlieeler ft W1I
J son Mfg. Co.. No. 6. Sixth St.
Frmalei Help Wanted.
rOK (female) for private family; best wages for
a first-class cook Call at Chronicle Telegraph
Building, fifth floor
HANDS to make shirts and ladles' waists: 702
lVnnav. Oppcnhelmer 4 Hannach.
7 ADIES to do fancy work at their homes: we fUr
I . nish material and pay by the piece. Call and
see wo-k, or address with stamp, J. M. Lemar ft
o . : Fourth av.. near Wood.
1 ADIES to supply families with our homeopathic
a medicines, steady work; can make $10 to $15
pei wttk. Dr. O'Keefe ft Co., 1230 Penn av.
t ADY In order department; $10 a week.
dress D O.. Dispatch office.
l ALl-l. ADIES Fifteen experienced cloak sales
O ladies at Kaulmanns'.
SALEM. A DIEs Two experienced glovo sales
ladies at Kaufmanns'.
C Al rI. ADIES Ten experienced millinery sales-
Indie, at Kaufmanns'.
TOMAN K)OKfor summer hotcltbest wages
t fur first-class cook. Address P. O. Box bi,
rewlrkle. Pa.
Male and Temale Help Wanted.
ARDEN'FR's, farmers, married farmers, driv
er., v filers. ltOc-irls-dlnlner room eflrL cham-
Kevstot-e Agency. 610 Grant st.
V.I-P At once: carriage driver. 40 farm hands,
fl gardeners, colored boys, hotel cooks, dlsh
aner&. chambermaids, 60 cooks, dining room
1 laundress, housekeeper, sewing girls, colored
jjlris. Median's agency, 545 Grant st. ; tel. 90.
"ly ANTED Cooks, chambermaid, laundresses,
1 dining room girls, nurses. 200 house girls,
German and colored girls, kitchen, nantry and
chambermaids for hotels, cooks and dishwashers
for r staurants and boarding houses; drivers, farm
hands, gardeners, white and colored waiters. Mrs.
- Thompson, Cfw Grant st.
Boarders and Lodgers Wanted.
rj.ENTI.EMEN BOARDERS-At East End Hotel.
T Penn av . E. E ; Oils hotel has been recently
opened cudernew management; the house has been
' lurocghri renovated: table first-class: rates rca
s liable, a. II. A llson. proprietor. P. S. A few
stra good rooms jet left for married couples.
0( Cl'PANTS-For furnished front room with
Itiard. No. 10 Sherman av., Allegheny.
Ol CVPANTS For furnished room, with board.
31 Micrman av.. Allegheny.
"rANlEn-Lodgers. Anchor Hotel. Liberty.
1 cor. Fojrth; lodging per night. 25c, 35c. 50c;
lr week. $1 23. $1 75. $i $3.
Room Wanted.
lURNISHEl) ROOMS -In Allegheny, neat
J pAiks, with use of piano. Address P. E. M..
Dispatch office, 107 Federal st., Allegheny.
"IJOOM-Bj aladv. nicely furnished, wlthboard
J I Ing and laundry. In private family; ten min
utes walk from Postofflce; reference. Answer G.,
Diepatch office.
I OOM Comfortable room, wits good board. In
I I Law rencevlllc, by single gentleman. T. Y.
.. Dispatch office.
TN-TRUCTION At once, ladles and gentlemen
t. tike either Graham or Pitman systems of
fchorthaud. individual Instruction, dity and even
ing: tuition $1 50 !er month: typewriting free;
write fur catalogue. Address Milclds' Private
bliorthnnd Institute. 315 Smlthfield st., opposite
new poatciffice; Miss Josle U. Welch, Instructress,
Fire Insurance Wanted.
-pEVSWANGER ft ZAHN-Fire insurance,
X Fourth av.
real estate agent. Iusur-
u anceplacea at lowest rates
av.. Tlilrtv-first ward.
72 asuington
Financial Wanten.
BONDS, slocks, mortgages and securities.
Wittlsh, 134 Fifth av.. Rooms 30 and 3L
MONEY to loan on mortgage: no delay; lowes
interest. Howard Brown, 151 Fourth ar.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop
erty at lowest rates, Henry A.' Wearer ft
Co., KFourtli ar.
I .
Situations Wanted.
EMPLOYMENT of any kind by yonng man;
good writer and accurate at figures. Address
Anything. Dispatch office.
POSITION Steadyyonng raannot arrald of work
desires position as assistant shipping clerk
with chance of promotion; 33 per week. Address
E. M., Dispatch office.
POSITION As driver by a middle-aged married
man: understands gardening and cows; refer
ences good. Address Drl cr. Dispatch offlce.
POSITION To do evening work at books by
young man: eight years' practical experi
ence. Address K. It., Dispatch office.
POSITION A clothing talesman, who speaks
German, w 1th best of reference, desires posi
tion. Address S. C Dispatch office.
SITUATION-As clerk, bv a young lady,
dress R. G., Dispatch office.
Bnsincss Opportuntles Wanted.
WANTED a gentleman or lady with from $500 to
f2,C00 to Invest in a company's stock that
will pay them from 56 per cent to 100 per cent per
annum sure. Address K. X.. Dispatch office.
Miscellaneonn Wanted.
ATTENTION For all kinds of carpenter work,
see Brain t Truston: shop rear or 410 Smith
fleld su, Pittsburg.
PAINTING and plateglass glazing.
36 Grant St.. Pittsburg.
U. C. Miller.
PATENTS-O. D. Levis (3) rears). Solicitor, 1S1
Fifth av.. next Leader, Pittsburg: no delay.
STOVES REPAIRED-Fittssjurg Stove Repair
Company, 181 fifth av.
TO LOAN J3M.O0O on mortgages: tlOO and up
ward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at U4 per cent on
residences or business property, vacant lots or
farms, fc. II. French, 125 Fourth av.
TRUNKS hauled to and rrom East End for 50c
Campbell ft Davis. 12 Seventh av. Telephone
TYPEWRITER-(Second-hand) Remington No.
;; state uumber and lowest cash price. Ad
dress Remington, Dispatch office.
USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' 3IagJc
Roach Powder: contains no poison: roaches
banished bv contract; satisfaction given or no pay.
Prepared by Geo. W. Jones. 222 Federal St., Alle
ghenv. Pa. Sold by all first-class druggists.
"ITfANTED Everj one who wants the finest and
tl cheapest wall paper in America to send for
samples; sent free to any address. G. G. O'Brien,
Paint and Wall Paper btore. 292 Fifth av.
WfANTED Every housekeeper to have thetr
ft carpets lifted, cleaned and relald by the
Electric Carpet Cleaning Works, Ninth st. and
Duquesne way.
yirANTED Real estate to sell, money to loan,
i! property to rent and rents to collect. J. H.
Chambers ft Co., 102 Fourth av.. Room 6.
T 7"ANTED To take lessons on banjo and learn
1 1 song and dance. Address F. S.
Coal For Sale.
COAL Anthracite and bituminous coal ana
c-ushed coke for domestic purposes: general
hauling. Latimer. Myers ft Co., Fourth and Try
ats. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts.
Horses. Vehicles. Livo Stock For Sale.
T.ELIYERY wagons Delivery wagons all stvles;
XJ our own mate. Wm. Beckcrt, 340 to 344 Ohio
St., Allegheny. Telephone. 3420.
FOR SALE $300 cash will purchase without ex
ception the safest, most gentle, reliable Ken
tucky bred fast trotting and family horse In this
city; sold only on account of my recently meeting
with a sad misfortune: weighs about 1.000 pounds:
long, full mane and tall: 7 years old; he was sired
by Red Wilkes, he bv George Wilkes, the great
sire of trotters; dam Kate lAadsworth; my horse
has no public records, as I would never allow any
horse I ever owned to race: he was raised at Lex
ington. Ky.. and the day I paid $1,175 for him. a
Uttte oyer one year ago. he trotted a trial In 2:23S
and another trial In ZiZtH. drlvcn-by Mr. Simpson,
or that place: he is absolutely sale for ladies to
drive around depots or anv place in the city, for he
isnoiairaia 01 locomotives or eieTaieu cars; an
excellent saddle horse; wllleilow responsible party
trial to test him in every w ay, as he is In every way
as represented and described: he is a prompt,
natural roadster of ten miles per hour, and I will
guarantee him sound, kind and gentle In every
way. and to trot full mile in 1:30 or no sale: he
must be seen and rid den after to be appreciated ; will
only sell him to private, responsible party that will
guarantee him good home and treatment, for he Is
a perfect pet; also at great sacrifice nearly new
Brewster sidebai top bnggv. single and double har
ness, robes, etc. all nearly new; sell separate if
desired: rare chance for bargains. For full infor
mation see my groom at my private stable, 137
West Seventeenth St., between Sixth and Seventh
avs.. New York City.
FOR SALE Nice bay driving gelding trotter,
speedy: 6 years old. gentle and sound. John
R. Bradshaw, New Brighton, Pa.
Machinery and Metals For Sale.
BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes,
from 4 to 1O0 h. p. : cheapest in the market: 46
boilers and engines In stock, stationary and norta-
able. upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.;
steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.
Telephone 3401, 23-25 Park way. J. S Young. Alle
gheny. Pa.
BRYANT and Acme automatic engines and boil
ers, hot water and steam heating exhaust
fans and ventilating fly fans, water and electrlo
motors, dynamos and electric lighting: general
machinists, engineers and contractors; stationary
engines and boilers. Tompkins ft Ulrich, 316 Lib
erty St., Pittsburg. Pa.
T ENGINES Genuine Acme automatic r&fety en
.j glnes and non-explosive boilers, from one
half to five horse powers, for natural gas or carbon
oil as fuel: latest Improved ventilating fans and
water motors, sold by J. Prager, sole agent, at No.
4 Fifth av. Send for catalogue and Information.
ENGINES and boilers of every description; brick
yard supplies: contractors, and rolling mill ma
chinery. Thomas Cariln's ons. Lacock and San
dusky sts.. Allegheny.
GRINDSTONES In all sizes, for all kinds of
grinding; Craiglelth, New Castle. Nova Scotia
and other grits; iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Kirby, 133 First
STEAM PUMPS, new and second-hand boilers,
engines, injectors, ejectors. South Bend wood
fmlleys, iron hubs, shafting and hangers, machln
ets' brass founders and Iron-pipe fitters. CS Water
Miscellaneous For Sale.
CASH REGISTER Only used six months, and
second-hand show cases. 58 Diamond st.
J Co.. 89 Water st.
hemp packing. Flockerft
X?INE walnut sideboard.
Inquire Sand 27 Fed-
era! St.. city.
FOR SALE cheap, one counter, shelving: nice,
convenient prescription counter: nice case of
drawers, solution scales and drug mill; will sell
very cheap. No. 3 Herron av.
FOR SALE lc per roll wall paper. Thompson
Bros.. 109 Federal St., Allegheny.
HAIR 6j oz. chestnut brown hair 35 Inches
long. Address Lock Box 31. Monongahela
Business Opportunities For Sale.
CONFECTIONERY store; a good business place;
will sell ata low figure to a quick buyer. In
quire at 137 Tw elf Ih st., Southslde.
DRUG STORE with full stock and doing a good
business In a prosperous manufacturing
town on line of R. R. Jas. W. Drape ft Co.. 313
Wood St., Pittsburg.
FOR SALE A rare business chance; a large
general country store doing a thriving and
prosperous trade in a growing manulacturing town :
no competition to speak of; 6tock will invoice $5,000
or $6,000: will rent or sell building; an opportunity
for one or two smart young men who have money
and mean business; best of reasons for selling;
trade last year $45,000. Address R. 0 Dispatch
GROCERY STORE The finest location In the
cltv lor a large cash business; handy to all the
streetcar lines leaving the city and passing the
R. It. depots: all kinds of business chances. Holmes
ft Co., 420 Smlthfield st.
MARBLE butter stands; two of the best located
In Allegheny Market, cheap. Call 147 Fourth
ay., Pittsburg, second floor.
VTOVELTY STORE for sale, located in Altoona,
1 Pa.; established 10 years: no better location
in the city; stock Is now reduced: splendid chance
for one or two live men; owner has made money.
For particulars inquire of Scott Brothers, 441 Mar
ket St.. Pittsburg.
SHOE STORE A long and well-established shoe
store on one of the leading thoroughfares or the
city.- with good custom trade; small capital needed;
death of own"r reason ror selling; storeroom can
be rented fron. lhe widow. Inquire of Geo. Herb,
No. 4504 Liberty ay.
20O buys an established Insurance and real
estate business: aDoul oxi risks on hnnVs
nice list of properties and rental collections: good
sure Income: can be increased: price includes
books, safe, desks, city atlas seven vols., type
writer, etc. Address E. C. NarusnL, Dispatch
East End Lots For Sale.
BEN VENUE A flne lot, 50x69 feet, near the
new bridge: great bargain. Jas. W. Drape
ft Co.. 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
1T"OE SALE Lots on Collins ay.. $1,250; terms to
. suit; Denniston. Elderkln ft Co., Ldt., 6232
Penn av. Telephone 5327.
Hazelwood Lots For Sale.
HAZELWOOD AV. An elegant corner lot.
Irregular shape, equal to 52x120 feet, within a
few minutes' walk of Hazelwood station, Baltimore
ft Ohio Railway, and Second avenue electric cars;
will sell cheap for cash,-to quick buyer. John E.
McCrickart, 140 Fifth ay.: telephone 1678.
Allegheny Lots For Sale.
LOT On west side of Buena Vista st., 250 feet
from North av., lot 20x1 10 to an alley: bargain
to a quick buyer. John K. Ewlng ft Co., 107 Fed
eral st.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
WriLKlNSBDRG-lon' per cent Investment: a
T posltlre bargain in six acres, near the Wil-
klnsburr electric road; to secure this yon must aet
prumpuj, PCC Jll.il, JUOWlCy B. SOB, JZJ JtOUrri
City Residences.
HOUSES-SItuate Nos. 86. 83. 90, 92 and 91 Forty
fifth st.. Lawrencevllle: why pay rentr Great
bargains for tills month: flOO cash anatl9permontb
will buy a fine five-room and finished attic brick
dwelling now renting at 117 per month; price $2,800:
$50 cash and $13 per month will buy a new four-room
brick dwelling now renting at 111 per month: price
1.500; houses situate on Forty-fifth st,. Lawrence
Tllle; street paved and sewered; good paved yards;
good cellars; sewer connections; title insured by
Fidelity Title and Trust Co. Morris & Fleming,
103 Fourth av.
r l'LIE AV., corner property, few squares from
T court house: two buildings rented for 800
per year: good business location; must be sold: bar
gain. Baxter, Thompson ft Co., 162 Fourth av.
OQ FEET on Penn av. by 100 feet to Main St..
iiij ti lth two-story brick of eleven rooms: this
Eroperty Is well adapted for business stand and can
e remodeled at a slight expense: we have low
price for quick sale. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 162
Fourth av.
QA 300 Townsend St.. three-story brick
tlDttj house, 11 rooms, cellar, hall, vestibule,
slate mantels, bath and other conveniences; also
frame house on alley; lot 25x100; very cheap prop
erty. Isaac M. Pcnnock, 147 Fourth av.
Cf 000 A paying Investment; a verv complete
IDOj new house, nine rooms, renting 'for 45 per
mo.; will net over 7 per cent: well located in East
End (87). TSee W. A. Herron ft Sons. 80 Fourth av.
CJ" OOO Pacific av.. fine brick bouse of ten
U)XJLj rooms; four rooms on first and second
floors; modern fixtures: lot 50x170 reet. (91 E.)
See Jv. A. Herron ft Sons, .No. 80 Fourth av.
ffij A 800 A good brick honse of nine rooms on
35ttj Center, near Fulton st. : one of the best resi
dence locations In the center of the city. (50) bee
W. A. Herron ft Sons, Fourth ar
Ql 300 each Centrally located building lots.
vuxj suiiai reet, on vine St., near Finn av.
terms easy. (108 C.) See W.
No. 80 Fourth a v.
A. Herron ft Sons,
East End Residences For Sale.
RAIG ST. Well-built, hardwood finished, hand
V some house, with reception hall, linrary.chlna
closets, electric bells and lights, stain glass win
dows, bathrooms, complete sanitary fittings, all
latest improvements; must bO'Sold: apply at once
for a bargain. L M. Pennock, 147 Fourth av.
I7AST END We can give immediate possession
i of a two-story brick of nine rooms, on one of
the finest paved avenues in East End; neighbor
hood unexcelled: house sets back from street with
grass plot and flagstone sid 'walks; low price for
quick sale. Baxter. Thompson ft Co.. 162 Fourth
I7AST END-A nice brick dwelling In the East
j End. contiguous to cable cars; eight rooms,
with bath, natural gas. and other modern appli
ances; price only $5,250; immediate possession.
Jas. W. Drape ft Co.. 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
17LEGANT East End residence and large corner
j lot. 150x250 feet: one of the best locations In
that section of the city; situate In the midst of fine
fulatlal residences and occupying a 'Slight eleva
lon, affording perfect drainage and a pure atmos
phere; the residence is modern in all its appoint
ments; rooms all large and luxurious and finished
throughout with artistic taste. See Jas, W. Drape
ft Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
FOR SALE $L COO cash, balance easy payments,
modern brick and frame dwelling of 8 rooms,
halL vestibule, open staircase, bath, inside w. c.
Inside window shutters, laundry and cemented
cellar, both gases with complete fixtures, 2
Sorches, a complete house, near electric and P.
:. R. lines. See Denniston. Elderkln ft Co., Ltd.,
6232 Penn av., E. E. Tel. 5327.
F1RSALE $4,500 Frankstownav., brick house
of 6 rooms,' hall, etc., good cellar: this proper
ty Is well located for business purposes. See Den
niston, Elderkln ft Co., Ltd., 6232 Penn av. Tele
phone 5327.
QJJfT AAdown, possession at once If desired,
qDUUls 6 rooms, bath, range; lot 27x133 feet,
alley In rear; near Fifth av. ; on one of the best
paved residence streets In the East End; price only
$4,S00. (78) See W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80 Fourth ay.
CJ A 300 $500 down, remainder on very easy pay
tK)tt) ments: two nouses; lot 50x93 ft. to an ay. ;
renting for $32 per mo.: Aiken av.
snauysiae; pos-
session can be had April 1, 1S92, If desired (84e)
A. iierron d; sons, &u a ourtn av.
OOO down At Oakland One of the best resl-
1 aence locations in the city: tine brick house
nine rooms, price, $7,250; only 15 minutes' ride
from P. O. (S3 e.) w. A. Herron ft Sens, 80
Fourth av.
Hazelwood Residences For Sale.
QQ 830 Brick house 6 rooms, laundry. Inside w.
J)Zfj c, both gases, on Gloster st, ; lot 21x103 ft.
(to Kansas st.). Hazelwood: possession can be had
April 1. 1833. (69e). W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80
Fourth av.
Allegheny Residences For Sale.
ALLEGHENY A fine large residence In Alle
gheny of 14 spacious rooms and replete
throughout with all the modern appliances and in
prime order throughout; excellent location, con
tiguous to the parks, market, etc., etc.; would ex
change In part for small suburban property. Jas,
W. Drape ft Co., 313 Wood St., PltteTmrg, Pa.
POR SALE-$9.000 On Sheridan av.. brick house
of 8 rooms, modern In every particular, large
lot: terms to suit. See Denniston. Elderkln ft Co.,
Ltd., 6232 Penn av., E. E. Telephone &127.
1VTO. 37 Beach st.. Allegheny, fine two-story and
1 mansard brick dwelling. 14 rooms, saloon
parlor, bath and w. c, laundry, furnace In cellar,
all conveniences, side entrance; lot 30x100: at re
duced price and on easy terms. John Ramsey, 90
Fourth av. rj;
ON the park. No. 11 Cedar t Allegheny City;
lot ZlxlU feet: good brick dwelling, stable and
carriage house on rear of lot, slate roofs; house of
11 rooms: permanent marble wash stands; hot and
cold water; modern Improvements: in good order;
Jirlce reasonable; terms to suit purchaser, with
mmedlate possession. C, W. Kobb, No. 170 Fourth
av.. Pittsburg.
One 6-room brick house, two lots. Orchard Place,
One 7-room brick house, one lot, paved street,
Two 5-room brick houses, lots S7xl00 each,
One 7-room frame house, one lot, pared street.
One 5-room frame house, one lot. pived street.
Ones-room brick house, two lots, paved street.
$3,250. ,
One 5-room brick house, one lot, payed street,
Five 5-room frame houses, paved street, each
Twelve 7-room brick honses, paved streets, each
Seven 4-room brick houses, very pretty. $2,700.
Eight 4-room brick cottages, one lot, each $1,700.
Any of the above lovely homes in this greatly
favored city of beautiful homes will be sold on
terms to suit buyers.
BUILDING LOTS 200 of the most beautiful build
ing lots to be found In the county are offered at
prices much less than property haying similarly
attractive features can be had for. The P. ft B.
Traction will have their new electric railway in
operation through the center of the borough by
May 1 next. This will give a wonderful impetus
to values, and those who secure any of the
above properties or a lot will be fortunate.
TO LET A number of 3, 4, 5 and 7-room nouses
at moderate rents to good paying tenants. None
. otners need apply.
Take any of the Southslde street cars.
85 Knox avenue. Knoxvllle .
City -Residences,
rpo LET
Ann st., 2 rooms, $11.
33 Crescent St., 2 rooms, $3.
116 Colweli St., 3 rooms, $14 50.
33 Clark st.. 6-room house, $25.
Colweli St., 3 first floor rooms,
Wylle av., 4 rooms, $2$.
291 Webster ar., 6-room house, $19.
841 Wylle av.. new 8-room house. $27.
203 Frauds St., 4-room house, $12 50.
Thirtieth St., 6-room house, $22.
3 Dinwiddle St., 3 rooms, $11.
Wylle av., 4-room house, $12 50.
C02 Webster ar., new 7-room bouse.
403 Forbes st., elegant 10-room honse.
Center ar., 3 rooms, $11.
63 Locust St., Srooms, $14.
230 Emerson St., East End, fine 9-room house.
Also others; call for printed list, free.
DIXON ft CO., 112 Fourth ar.
TO LET Dwellings centrally located.
No. 69 Crawford St., seven rooms; $24 per
19 Elm, near Fifth av., seven rooms; $26.
161 Elm St., six rooms: $20 per month
100 Cliff st., four rooms; $13 50 per month,
30Bluffst six rooms: $25.
Call or send for list rree.
W. A. Herron ft Seas, 80 Fourth ar.
TO LET Near Fifth ar., only a -short walk from
P. O., good dwellings:
161 Elm, 6 rooms, $20 per month. - .
147 Elm? new brick, 7 rooms; $26.
16 Scott St.. 6 rooms, yard in front; $23 per month.
Send for list free. W. A. Herron ft Sons, SO
Fourth ar.
rpo LET-$20 per month-Just completed.
Brick houses (Terr neat) 5 rooms, inside w. j.
Good houses for the money.
Willow St., Lawrencevllle.
Send for list free.
W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80 Fourth ar.
TOJfc A ,are residence on Webster a v., above
Thlrty-thirdsr.; nine rooms,' two large halls,
three rooms In finished attic; stable and carriage
house: over two acres of ground, with fruit trees,
shrubbery and garden plot. Inquire of W. B.
McLean. Thirty-third St., near Webster.
TO LETj-Small houses, centrally located: No. 16
Scott St., 7 rooms, $23; also No. 330 Bedford ar.,
Srooms, $16; also No. 60 Thirteenth St., 4 rooms,
$13; also No. 203 Plymouth St., c rooms. $15 per
month ; call or send for list. W. A.'Herron ft Sons.
No. 80 Fourth ar.
I'O LET-$37 50 per month Very desirable and
centrally located; Just completed brick house;
eight rooms, late fixtures; OverhllL near Center
av. cars: a few minutes' ride from postofflce. a See
W. A. Herron ft Sons. 80 Fonrth av.
rpo LEf Two new houses. 454 and 45S Webster
.1- av.; one witn nau ana-one witnout; rent, $25
and $30 per month; honses hare eight rooms, both
lbcs, pantries, launuriea, jubi
quire of Reed B. Coyleft Co.
TO LET Center av., near Dinwiddle st, flne
three-story brick, nine rooms; all conven
iences: moderate rent. Baxter. .Thompson ft Co..
162 Fourth ar.
TO LET Third ar.. flne 2-story brick, 14 rooms,
all conveniences; good location for roomers.
Baxter. Thompson ft Co., 162 Fourth ar.
TO LET A flne eight-room honse. No. 29 Third
st,, below Perfi ar. Inquire at H Fourth, st.
City Residences.
TO LET 125 per month; a six-room brick
house. No. slVIckroy St., two doors from
Magee st. J. E. Glass. 133 Fifth av.
TO LET Plttsburgdwelllngs; call for list or see
Monday's and Thursday's Dispatch. Baxter,
Thompson ft Co., 162 Fourth av,
rpo LET Residences in Pittsburg and vicinity (
J. send for printed list or see Monday's Dispatch,
D. Behen ft Son. 4112 Penn av.
TO LET Five and seven-room houses pleasantly
situated. Alfred Marland, Slanwlx st., Mt.
TO LET House No. 429 Liberty St.; rent, J300.
Inquire of A. V. D. Watterson, 144 Fifth
av., city.
East End Residences To Let.
rfO LET East End ; desirable dwellings.
L Modern fixtures; location good. ,
Beatty. nearStanton av.. Just completed, seven
rooms: 40 per month.
Lang av.. eight rooms in good order; large yard,
orchard: $31 per month.
Penn ar,, opposite the East End Hotel, ten
rooms: $40.
5618 Broad St., ten rooms; $35.
533 Murtland av., ten rooms; $33.
Call or send for list free.
W. A. Herron ft Sons. 80 Fourth av.
TO LET Brand new nine-room honse; neighbor
hood good, paved street, both gases, bath,
kitchen finished In hard wood, china closet, elec
tric bells and calls from bedrooms, etc., eta ; a
complete home; $36 month; possession at once.
Inquire 617 Klrkpatrlck St.. or J. Alex. Hardy,
Hardy ft Hayes. Jewelers, 529 Smlthfield St.
TO LET Boquet street, a new and handsomely
finished two-story and mansard pressed brick
house. Boauet street, adlotnlnsr Oakland sauare:
J) rooms ana all modern conveniences and fixtures;
rooms large and commodious; rent $50 per month.
Apply to Black ft Balrd. 95 Fourth avenue.
TO LET-EastEnd-Only$4l67per month; new
brick house, fine appearance, eight rooms,
late fixtures: location very desirable: $22: 31a
whlnney st. (which Is paved), commanding a fine
view or the Schenley Park. See Y. A. Herron ft
Sons, 80 Fourth av.
TO LET Modern brick house, 130, 8 rooms: late
fixtures; only short distance from Union depot
and P. ()., 143 Bedford av. : location desirable. W.
A. Herron ft Sons, 80 Fourth avenue.
rpo LET $22 per month, Ea6t End, neat new
A house, nve rooms, oath, range: location good,
Bond, near North Highland.
Sec W. A. Herron ft
Sons, 80 Fourth av.
rpo LET No. 230 Emerson st., desirable frame
-a. nonsc 01 eignt rooms
every convenience: In
first-class condition.
Davles ft Van G order, 6212
Penn av., E. E.
TO LET East End residences. Send for printed
list or see Monday's and Thurday's Dispatch.
Denniston, Elderkln ft Co,,
Ltd., 6232 Penn av
.bast -nu.
TO LET On Grant St., near Fourth av.. store
room with three dwelling rooms. $35 per
See W. A. Herron ft Sons, No. SO Fourth
TO LET Two new six-room brick honses on Ann
St.; $20 month. (Inquire Jos. Shllllday, 506
nun av., or xuos. uacxcit, S3 ourtn av.
rpo LET Terrace st. . Oakland, new house of 9
X rooms and all modern conveniences, with lot
&6X10O feet. J. E. Glass. 133 Fifth av.
TO LET House, seven rooms. $15 50. J. W.
Lowry, Rldgo St.. near Thirty-third, Pitts
burg. Hazelwood Residences To Let.
TO LET On Hazelwood av., near Sylvan, house
of eight rooms with laundry, city water, both
gases and bath room; fine situation, ample
grounds, fruit trees, grapes, shrubbery, etc. ; rent
moderate; possession immediately. Apply H.
Burgwin, 150 Fourth av.
TO LEf $35 per month; very aeslrame residence,
nine rooms, modern fixtures: near steam and
eleetrlccars;oneof the best residence-locations at
Hazelwood: send for list. W. A. Herron ft Sons,
80 Fourth av.
TO LET Hazelwood residence: fine location:
very accessible: nine rooms, modern fixtures;
rent low $33 per month. See W. A. Herron ft
Sons, SO Fourth ar.
Allegheny Residences To Let.
No. 62 Lincoln ar., 10 rooms.
No. 55 Lincoln av., 9 rooms.
No. C Cabinet St., 9 rooms.
No. 291 Federal St., S rooms.
No. 85 Fayette St., 9 rooms.
No. 178 Franklin St., 8 rooms.
No. 107 Bldwell St., 8 rooms.
No. 186 Arch St.. 9 rooms.
No. 96 Page St., 9 rooms.
No. 53 Washington St., 12 rooms.
No. 165 Arch St., 9 rooms.
The above houses have all the modern conveni
ences, bend for complete list (free).
107 Federal st.
rpo LEJV$25 per month
None better In Allegheny for the rent.
New brick houses (Inst nomnletedl. 7 rooms.
Very complete modern fixtures.
Manhattan st. ; location very accessible.
Send for list.
W. A, Herron ft Sons. 80 Fonrth ar.
rpo LETr-In Alleehenr.
No. 245 Chartlers St.,
X frame house containing 7 rooms and bath,
good hall, both gas and water, laundry, large yard,
first-class neighborhood. Inquire of Geo. R.
BothweU, No. 104 Franklin St., Allegheny.
TO LET Desirable three-story press brick dwell
ing, nine rooms, bath, laundry. No. 16 Sher
man ar., Allegheny, with all modern Improve
ments. Including heater in ball. Robert Knox, Jr.,
17 Sherman av., Allegheny City.
TO LET At a reduced rent, only $300 per year,
a very desirable and modern bouse of 11 rooms,
fronting Alleghenyparks, In one of the best loca
tions, see W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80 Fourth ave.
TO LET At a low rent, only $45 per month, a
very desirable house of 10 rooms on Sheffield,
near Bldwell St., Allegheny. See W. A. Herron ft
Sons, 80 Fourth av.
loveliest part
ll of the pars:, Allegheny; modern house
lot 25x120 reet.
field st.
Bailey, Farrell ft Co.
TO LET Allegheny residences; send for printed
list or see Monday's and Thursday's Dispatch.
Geo. W. Roberts, Jr., ft Co., 53 Ohio st., Alle
gheny. O LET Allegheny residences: see list lnMon-
day's ana Thursday's Dispatch. Geo. S.
Cotton ft Co., Federal and Lacock sts., Allegheny,
TO LET Allegheny residences: lists upon appli
cation: corrected weekly In Monday's Dis
patch. A. D. Wilson, 55 Federal st.. Allegheny.
TO LET At a low rent, a modern brick house,
ted rooms, 163 Sheffield, near Bldwell Bt.. Alle
gheny. W. A. Herron ft Sons. 80 Fourth ar.
rpo LET Nice fire-room
dwelling Federal st.
X extension
Inquire of J, 11. McKee, 703 Penn
ar.. Room 611.
TO LET John K. Ewlng ft Co.'s office, 107 Fed
eral st. (headquarters for Allegheny houses);
send for list.
TO LET At reduced rents. 100 Allegheny honses;
send for list. John K. Ewlng ft Co., 107 Fed
eral st.
Suburban Residences To Let.
TO LET Cheap Good houses.
5 rooms, $12; Chartlers, on line of streetcars
tearing foot of Fifth ar.
Also house seven rooms, bath, city water, large
lot; near the Station, Sewlckloy, P., Ft. W. ft C.
i.. 1..: siuper mo.
Send for list tree.
W. A. Herron ft Sons, SO Fourth av.
TO LET Six room brick dwelling In O'Hara town
ship, with 12acres land, large orchard, goo4
spring and sprlnghouse; water in the house; barn
and other outbuildings; one mile from Sharpsburg
on Klttanning road. Inquire of S. A, McPherson at
Greenwood cemetery, or Jas. G. Weir, at County
Commissioners' office.
Business Stands To Let.
TO LET A fine lire-proof room on first floor of
new Dispatch building. Diamond street,
suited admirably for offlce or storeroom: posses
sion can be given at once: one of the best loca
tions in the city for Insurance or banking, real
estate or other such business. Apply to Business
Manager The Dispatch,
TO LET Business property 110 Fourth av., two
fine first-floor offices, best location for real es
tate or insurance offlce : 385 Fifth ay., storeroom and
seven dwelling rooms; 96 Center ave,, storeroom
and second floor; 497 Forbes St.. new storeroom and
seven rooms; see our printed list. Dixon ft Co.,
112 Fourth av.
TO LET Well located for tin and hardware
store (now occupied for that purpose) on Sec
ond a v., Hazelwood: good business location: rent
of store and dwelling only $500 per year; will rent
store separately If desired. See w. A. Herron ft
Sons, No. 80 Fourth ar.
a0 LET Dwellings, stores and offices; upon re
. quest we will mall you nur rent list regularly
until April 1, free of cha ge; write vour name
plainly and glre full residence address street and
number. Black ft Balrd. 95 Fonrth ar.
rpo LET Store besides dwelling of eight rooms,
X shelving and counters included, now occupied
as an old established grocery: location good. 616
Fifth ave.; rent only $50 per month. W. A. Her
ron ft Sons, 80 Fourth ave.
TO LET No. 439 Grant St., near Fifth av.. oppo
site the Court House, rood large storeroom
and cellar; rent very reasonable: suitable for bus
iness or offices. See W. A. Herron Sons, 80
Fourth av.
fPO LET Storeroom First-class storeroom, with
-L or without dwelling, on Sutler St., Lawrence'
vllle district
a No. 1 ODenlnsr for drvfiroods nnd no-
See M. P. Howiey Jt Son, 127" Fourth av.
fPO LET Desirable ttoreroom,
Diamond .t. In
JL new DIspatcn building:
Ilffht and heat fur
nished. AnDlT to Business Offlce The DiSDatch.
corner Smlthfield and Diamond sts.
TO LET Large store room; No. 71 Ohio st 20r90
feet; near Allegheny Market House; rent low.
Inquire of H, M. Schmltt, No. 43 South Diamond
st.. Allegheny.
TO LET Four-story brlcfc building, 139 Second
av.. two doors from Smithfield st.-; will lease
for live years,
Apply at first floor offlce of Kauf
mannz- store.
TO LET No. 213 Grant St., brick dwelling, eight
rooms and storeroom; good business location.
Beed B. Coyle Jt Co., corner Fonrth av. and Grant
TO LET Storeroom and dwelling. No. 948 Liber-,
tyst., two doors above Smlthfield at. Apply
toA.M. Speer, 630 Penn av.
r LET No. M Fifth av., half of store and base
ment; also desk room. Inquire of Pearl
Laundry. J
Business Stands To Let.
TO LET Basement and desk room at 102 Fifth
av. DonneU ft Frlsh. 123 Fifth av.
TO LET Fine large storeroom; new plate glass
-front. Inquire 1920 Carson st.
Rooms To Let-
NICE, newly furnished room in private family.
East End, near steam and electric cars; refer-
encea exchanged.
Address K. 14. P., Dispatch
PARLOR A large double parlor, suitable for a
doctor's or dentist's office; possession given
at once. Apply between 12 and 1 o'clock at 233
Fifth av..
'., Pittsburg, Pa.
ROOMS Two well-lighted rooms, second floor;
suitable for offices; central location. 636 Penn
EOOM A nicely furnished front room ; suited for
two or four gentlemen; both gases, bath and
hoarding first-class. No. 10 Klrkpatrlck St.
TD OOMS Two furnished rooms, second and third
JLl floors front. No, 12 Anderson St., Allegheny.
"POOH Newly furnished room. No. 12 West
XV Pearl st Allegheny.
TO LET Two elegant modern flats, four and five
rooms with baths and cellar rooms; elegantly
finished and with every possible convenience: rent
$25 and $30; five minutes from Court House. Henry,
A. Davis, 414 Grant St.
Offices and Desk: Room To Let.
OFFICES Fine offices on second floor, on Water
St.. $3 per month; now vacant. Address P.
O. Box 962.
aV) LET In Ferguson block, the finest Are Jiroo
. office building In the city, located on Third
av Just below the newlpostoflce, having also
Fourth av. entrance: choice storerooms and offices,
with all modern conveniences, high speed eleva
tors, steam heat, electric light and Janitor's serv
ices free; rent lower than others are getting In old
and Inconvenient buildings; possession at once;
rent free until April 1: send for illustrated book.
Black Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av.
rpo LET Offices. Very cheap. ,
96 Fourth av Dallmeyer block. $14 50 per month.
Including elevator, heat and Janitor service.
Grant, near Fifth av., opp. the Court House, two
rooms, first floor, $10 permonth; also front rooms,
second floor, $10.
97 Fourth av., $10 per month. Including elevator,
heat and Janitor service.
Send for free list. W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80
Fourth av.
a'O LET Offices in building No. 99 Fourth av. :
large office on first floor, size 14x35 feet, with
private office 13x13, also on second floor front; two
offices, one 16x2 and the other 10x18; plate glass
irum, large nan, gas, etc. Diacs: dc Daira.
TO LET Dwellings, stores and offices; upon re
quest we will mall you our rent list regularly
until April 1, freo of charge; write your name
plainly and give full residence address street and
number. Black ft Balrd, 95 Fourth ay.
TO LET $12 per month ; location prominent ; well
lighted office.
Or well suited for any light business.
Federal, corner Isabella St., Allegheny.
W, A. Herron ft Sons, 80 Fourth ar.
TO LET $17 per month; a large frontroom. suit
able for office or business room, size 23x25!j:
location very central; Blair building, No.l2Federal
St., Allegheny; send for list, ftee. W. A. Herron
ft Sons, 80 Fourth av.
rpo LET Desk room in front office on second'
-a. noor uermania lfanlc building, inquire of
Schenck ft Mulert, 413 Wood st.
Miscellaneous To Lets.
TO LET Dwellings, stores and offices: upon re
quest we will mall you our rent list regularly
until April 1, free of charge; write your name
plainly and give full residence address street and
number. Black ft Balrd. 95 Fourth ay.
Telephone 1823.
Third ar., 3-story brick. 14 rooms, all con
veniences, good location for roomers $33 33
Second av.. 2-story dwelling, 6 rooms, water,
gases, cellar, yard 60 00
Center av., 2-story mansard brick dwelling, 9
rooms, gases, etc ; front and rear yards 41 67
Vlckroy st.. 2-story mansard brick, 8 rooms,
hall, vestibule, bath, etc 30 00
Lombard at.. 2-story mansard dwelling, S
rooms, gases, etc 25 00
Reed si., 2-story mansard brick dwelling, 6
rooms, hall, vestibule, both gases, waters... 28 00
Trent St., near Wylle, 2-story mansard brick.
7 rooms each, bath, w. c, gases, cellar and
yard 22 00
TN ooster st., near Wylle, new 2-story man
sard brick, 7 rooms each, bath, w. c, gases,
cellar and yard , 22 00
Mabonav., near Center av., 2-story brick, 6
rooms, laundry, gases, etc 22 00
Fifth av., first floor flat. 3 rooms, gases,
water, pantries, w. c 18 00
Fifth av.. third floor flat. 4 rooms, alcove
room, bath, w. c, gases 23 00
Fifth av., flat Srooms, gases ..-. 15 00
Wylle ar., third floor, flat 3 rooms and attic. 25 00
Craig it., 2-story and attic Queen Anne, 10
rooms reception hall, all conveniences 60 09
Irving place, fine 2-story and attic brick. 10
( r.oom;, reception hall. bath., w. c. gase3.
water, lawn 55 00
Ben Venue, Marlepoe av., 2-story Queen
Anno frame, reception hall. 11 rooms, bath,
waters, electric light, gases, laundry, heater,
etc 50 00
Pacific av., new 2-story brick, 8 rooms, bath
gases, electric light, slate mantels, front
porch 45 00
RIppeyst., 2-story brick, 7 rooms, all conveni
ences 36 CO
College ar.. new frame, 7 rooms, bath, w. c,
waters, hall, pantry, etc $0 00
5914 Center ar., frame, 6 rooms, bath, gases,
w. c, etc r. 30 00
Center ar., frame, 6 rooms, bath, both gases,
hall, laundry, w. c. ; stable on rear of lot.... 30 00
Jackson St., 2-story mansard brick, with
storeroom, 7 dwelling rooms 50 00
55 Federal St., Allegheny.
254 Allegheny ar. : rent $50.
114 Liberty St., Allegheny; rent $550.
178 North ar., brick house, 8 room.5 ; rent $700.
43 Rcsaca St.. brick house, 7 rooms: rent $37 50.
107 Page St., brick house, 8 rooms: rent $36 50.
56 Sheffield st., brick house, 6 rooms: rent $25.
78 Preble ar new brick house; rent $22.
32 Locust St., brick bouse, 7 rooms; rent $30.
3 Fulton St., brick house; rent$)Q0.
89 Ridge ar brick house, 8 rooms; rent $30.
83 Ridge ar., brick house, 8 rooms; rent $400.
15S Irwin ar., brick house; rent $450.
80 Page St., brick house, 7 rooms; rent $23.
176 Rebecca St., brick house, 9 rooms; rent$30.
85 Bidge ar., brick house, 8 rooms: rent $30.
80 Preble ar.. new brick house, 7 rooms; rent $22,
Chartlers st., fine brick house; rent $30.
213 Chartlers st., brick house, 9 rooms; rent $45.
59 Fremont St., flne brick house, 9 rooms; rent $50.
Orchard St.. frame house. 8 rooms ; rent $26.
Island and Preble avs., frame house, 5 rooms; rent
81 Fayette St., brick house, 8 rooms; rent $500.
Woodland ar.. brick house, 9 rooms: rent $27.
Stowe township, frame house, 5 rooms; rent $11,
Hazelwood, frame house, Srooms; rent $50.
127 Bearer ar., storeroom ; rent only $22.
83 Craig St., storeroom; rent $15.
41 Federal st., suitable for office; rent $23.
415 Penn ar., Pittsburg, brick stable; rent $450,
Decatur St., stable and carriage house; rent $13,
Laurel alley, rear 126 Bearer ar. ; rent $3.
417 Penn av., Pittsburg, (rear) brick bakery with
ovens; dwelling on second floor; $50 per month.
139 Sheffield St.. brick house, 12 rooms; rent$S50.
83 Fayette St., brick bouse, 8 rooms; rent $10 67.
78 Preble ar., new brick house. 7 rooms; rent $22.
22 Bearer ar., brick house, 6 rooms; rent $20.
on ungnton road, frame house, 6 rooms; rent $18,
166 McClure ar., brick house, 5 rooms; rent $15 60,
i Cor, Fourth avenue and Grant street,
No. 105 Colweli St., near Vine, first floor flat of four
rooms, with two attic rooms; use of bath, etc.
No. 4S4 Webster av., brick seven rooms; modern:
No. 456 Webster ar., brick seven rooms, hall ana
vestibule; all conveniences; ISO.
No. 126 Trent St., brick of seven rooms, bath, etc;
No. 213 Grant st., eight rooms and storeroom; good
business location; SS5.
Shetland av., near Park, brick, clghf rooms, bath,
h. and c. water; every convenience; $35.
Marlepoe av., Ben Venue, 10 rooms; all conven
iences; 950.
Marlepoe a v., Ben Venue, ten rooms; modern; 53.
No. 41 Klrkpatrlck av Second ward, brick.
five rooms: f IS.
Liberty st., brick, eight rooms; modern: 45 S3.
Taylor av., ntar Monterey, lot, 20x90 feet; will
lease for long term of years; 112 50.
St. Nicholas building, cor. Fourtn av. and Grant
St., nice light offices, only S250 per year; light.
heat and Janitor's services included.
No. 134 Fifth av., offices, 150 to tax) per year.
rpo let
no. 17 Franklin St.. Pittsburg, brick of 8 rooms,
bath ana all conveniences; rent, 835 per montn.
No. J3 Corry St., brick of 7 rooms, (30 per month. .
SewlcMey, house of 10 rooms; every convenience:
large lot.
Newly furnished lodge room. No. 19 Federal st.:
8100 per year for every week; 855 per year for
every other week.
Desk room in 64 Federal St.; best location in Alle
gheny. GEO. S. COTTON A CO..
Federal and Lacock sts.
No. 10 Greenwood st., Allegheny, 10-room brick
house; ail conveniences; low rent to good tenant..
No. iliollast.. Second wrd,'6 rooms', 816.
CITY. " t,
Five-room home, Natchez at., Mt.'Wasb.;iS.
No. Linton at,, city, 8-room brick; (19.
No. 95 Fourth ar.
The amount of rent affixed to dwelling proper
ties is the price per month ; that of business prop
erties Is the yearly amount.
1733 Cliff St.. near Cassatt St., two-story and man
sard brick dwelling of rooms, bathroom, range,
both gases, etc. $30. S (fC02)
212 Center ar..1wo-storr and mansard brick dwell
ing of seven rooms, bathroom, w. c, both gases,
etc $25. S Will repair. (f38)
$1203 Penn av two-story brick dwelling of 10
rooms, bathroom, range, artificial gases, side
entrance; nice front yard. $50 5(f583)
1 607 Fifth ar., two-story and mansarcTbrlck dwell
ing ofSrooms, bathroom, w.c.range, both gases,'
front porch : nice lawn. $40 5 (1631)
$257 Dinwiddle St.. fine two-story and mansard
stone front dwelling of nine rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, and all modern conveniences.
$15 5 (f3S7)
1 4 Plymouth St., Duquesne Heights, two-story and
mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, etc. $22 5 (f577)
$ Sweetbrlar St., near Grandview a v., Duquesne
Heights, S two-story frame dwellings of 5 rooms.
bathroom, w. c. range, natural gas, etc. $16 5
JohnMooney, owner. (f 276
t 47 Montgomery av.. three-story bnck dwelling of
12 rooms, bathroom, range, both gases, etc. $60 S
$ 1S3 Fayette St.. three-story brick dwelling of 12
rooms, bathroom, w. c, range, bath gases, etc,
1 $50 41 J (f 338
t 87 Sheffield St., near Manhattan St.. two-story
and attic brick dwelling of 8 rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, etc. $35 (f5!8
1 17 Union av., near Park war, three-story brick
dwelling of 12 rooms, bathroom, w. c, range,
both gases, etc. $110 (f 619
t 128 Washington ar., near Chartlers St., two
story and attic brick dwelling of 9 rooms, bath
room, both gases, etc. $33 (f447
$3G Fremont St.. near Jackson St.. a two-story and
mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, etc. ; $37 50J. (f366
162 Fayette St., cor. Frazier, two-story and man
sard brick dwelling of 11 rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, water, etc. ; $i0. (f433
$111 Fayette St., two-story and mansard brick
dwelling of 9 rooms, bathroom, range. Doth
gases, etc. ; house In good repalrt$45 835. (f59i
222 Allegheny ar., near North ar.. two-story and
mansard brick dwelling of 10 rooms. Dathroom,
range, both gases, laundry, etc.; $755. (fi74
154 Palo Alto St., near North ar., two-story and
attic brick dwelling of 10 rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, marble mantels, etc. ; $15 83.
223 Ridge ar.. near Allegheny ar.. three-story and
mansjra oriCK dwelling or 15 rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, front porch, etc.; $125; choice
location. (f29l
$ Warren St., near Parkrlew avenue, two-story
andatticlrame dwelling of 7 rooms, bathroom,
range, natural gas. marble mantels, etc.: l,f
acres or ground with fruit trees, etc. $30. (f 233
175 Ridge av., three-story dwelling or 8 rooms,
hall. vetibule. bath room, w, c. range, hot and
cold water, both gases, marble mantels, porches,
etc.: finished laundry with good light, large
lot; $39 16$ B (e432
$ 176 Sheffield st., nearBidwclL aline three-story
Drlck dwelling of 11 nice rooms, bath room.
range, both gases, slate mantels, front and back
porches, etc. ; good stable on premises; $79 165
with stable; $70 83 without stable. (f293
$4 Potter St.. East End. two-story and attic frame
dwelling of 6 rooms, bathroom, range, etc. ; $30.
1 5213 Fifth ay.. Jack building, 3 rear rooms on
nrst, second and third floors; good location; $18S
$429 O'Hara St., cor. Araoella, East End, two
story frame dwelling of 8 good rooms, bathroom,
range, both gases, etc. ; $40. (f 323
$ 361 Edwin St.. near Highland ay.. East End, two
story and attic brick dwelling of seven rooms,
natural gas, front yard. $25. $ (f630
$622 Ward st., Oakland, two-story and mansard
brick dwelling or eight rooms, bathroom, range,
both gases, etc.; good location. $33 33.$ (fW
t Woodworth St.. nearBaum. East End, two-slory
frame dwelling of six rooms, bathroom, range,
both gases, etc.; Mr. Chalfant, owner. $27. 5
t 8430 Center ar.. near Aiken ar.. East End, two
story and mansard frame dwelling of 11 rooms,
bathroom, range, both gases, etc. $62 50. (f351
33 Niagara St., near Craft ar., Oakland, two-story
brick dwelling of nine rooms, bathroom, w. c.,
range, both gases, front porch, front lawn. $55.
t Cor. Atwood and Boqnst sts., Oakland, two
story brick dwelling of six rooms, natural gas,
large grounds. $30 with stable; $25 without
stable. (f6l7
1 6 Highland Place. North Hlrhland ay.. East
End, two-story and mansard brick dwelling of
eight rooms, bathroom, w. c, range, both gases,
etc. $46. (1631
North Oakland square, Oakland, third house on
the right-hand side going down, three-storr
brick dwelling of 8 rooms, bathroom, w. c, alt
conveniences; $40. (f322
O'Hara St., tour doors from Howe St., East End,
two-story and mansard brick and stone dwelling
of 8 rooms, bathroom, ringe, both gases, front
porch, etc.; $45. (f435
$ Boqnet St., near Witmot, two-story and mansard
brick dwelling of 12 rooms, bathroom, range,
both gases, water, etc.: $65 60. Captain W. (J.
Wllmot. owner. Nice location. (f265
Boquet St., above Oakland square, two-story and
mansard brick dwelling of 9 rooms." bathroom,'
w. 0.. range, both gases, etc.; $5U. E, M.
O'Neill, owner. Good location. (f423
Corner Fifth ar. and Nerille St., Bellefleld, flne
brick dwelling, of 15 fine spacious rooms, hail,
bathroom, hot and cold water, both gases, good
cellar, laundry; nice large front and side yards:
$133 31. (f59S
50 McPherson St.. near Fifth ar.,Boulerard riace.
East End, two-story and mansard brick dwelling
of 12 rooms, bathroom, range, both gases, slate
mantels, lavatory In hall, reception hall Is fin
ished In hardwood; $33 33. ( 1343
79 Thomas st., near Fifth ar., Boulerard Place,
East End, two-story and mansard stone dwelling
of 12 rooms, bathroom, range, both gases, electric
light, flne mantels, pretty hearths, front porch;
nice lawn; good location; only two minutes' walk
from electric line; $91 66. (f 569
Ingram. P., C. ft St. L. R. R., twenty minutes'
walk from station, three-story frame dwelling or
20 rooms, bathroom, w. c, range, water, marble
mantels; fruit trees. Ice house, etc.; $50 $ "John
Mackln. owner. (f 615
1611 Penn ar., near Sixteenth st, good store room:
ai. j (r423
76 Third ar., near Market St., a flne storeroom. 2d
x60; nicely finished prirate office; $720. (f594
116 Second ave.. a three-story business house,
with private office, elevator, etc, $1,200. (f6l2)
113 Smlthfield st., three-tory business house, fine
large 6tore room, elevator, etc. $1,600. (f431)
137 First ave., near Wood st,. four-story ware
house, good cellar, floors about 25 feetlront
by Mono feet deep. $1,000. (f525)
662 Fifth ave. near Seneca St., three-story brick
building of store room and 10 dwelling rooms,
bath room, range, both gases, etc. $720. S( 239
115 Smlthfield St., corner Second, three-story
business house, flne large store- room, elevator,
etc. $3,500. Will rent the adjoining building for
$3,000. (H32) '
Kuhn Law Building, 96 Diamond st., offices on
third floor. (f316) Nos. 3, 4. 5. 9. 10.11 and 12, $100
each. Water and Janitor services iree.
Verner Building, corner Fifth av. and Market st.,
light and heat tree, nice elevator, etc.
S offices on fifth floor each $200
1 office on fourth floor (f396) 200
Eisner building. Fifth ar. and Wood St., choice
offices, elerator and all modern conrenlences.
The grandest business location In the city.
Telephone building, 123 Sandusky street, corner
South Diamond, Allegheny, choice offices: heat,
light and Janitor's services free of charee. 1144:
...v. bcwuu uuua ic uji ax:
No. 6, second
floor (e 418) JIM.
Excelsior building, corner Grant street and Sixth
avenue, cheapest and best offices In the city: only
one square from Court House; all rront rooms;
steam neat. Janitor's service and use or elevator
free of charge. Plans can be seen at this offlce.
New Schmertz building, corner Water and Market
sts., choice office rooms wltii. vaults, steam heat,
elevator and Janitor's services free; ask to see
Ferguson block. Third av between Wood and
Smithfield sts. ; also flne entrance at 101 Fourth
av., elegant large office rooms with every modern
convenience: J250 to 1400 per year; call or send for
Illustrated book (of the "Ferguson") showing
floor plans, etc., with full particulars, (e 669.)
Penn building, Penn av near Seventh St.. offices,
single or In suite: this elegant new elght-story
building has two Crane elevators, heat. Janitor's
services, light, etc., free of charge: floor plans
can be seen at this offlce; rent exceptionally low.
Corner Fourth st. and Duquesne way, yard, small
stable: 800. (f 637
t Eagle Power Building, corner Anderson and
Boblnson sts., Allegheny, all the north end of
second story, 25xt3; power furnished ; (475. .
Third St. and Penn, av., space 25x30 to COxlOO on
first, second and third floors: will partition to
suit tenant: will furnish power; call at this office
for further particulars.
I'.cal Estate and Insurance Agents, No, 53 Ohio
btreet, Allegheny, Pa.
1 Winter st., frame. 5 rooms mg
40 Taggartst.; frame, 6 rooms 15
8 Chartlers St., frame. 4 rooms, with gas 2!
2 Harlan av.. franie.'5 rooms u
90 Western av.. brick, 9 room. 5 so
llj liidweu, DricE, 0 rooms
bmllhland av., frame, 3 rooms 9
4d center av., irame. 2 rooms ana attic 8
36 Manhattan St., frame 7 rooms aj
96 and 98 Franklin, 2 bricks. Srooms each CoO
i.amoni St., irame, a rooms ana attic 17
109 Klrkpatrlck av., brick, Srooms 40
Shady a v., frame, 4rooms 14
42Sarahst., 5 rooms jo
31 Locust St., 7 rooms 35
SO Alpine av., 6 rooms and hall 21
42 Sarah St., Jrooms 89 00
42 Sarah St., 2 rooms 700
Overhlllst., 2 tooms, 2d floor 8 0!
Gang av 3 an 14 rooms each floor, 89 50 and
810 50 per mcAtb,
47 Charles st..j rooms, 1st floor 10 00
1 Arch st. extension, 3 rooms, 1st floor. 12 00
332 Ohio st.-, i rooms, 3d floor, water and gas. ..13 CO
No. 19Snycersl., 4 rooms 14 00
101 Warren3 rooms, vard
, 9 60
1 8 00
12 CO
15 00
....... 9 00
18 Gang av, Mt. Troy, 3 rooms
38 Martin St., 2 rooms
72 Carroll st., 3 rooms ,
176 Sandusky st., 2 rooms, 2d floor....
67 Carroll St.. 2 rooms.,
5 Garrison st.. both gases.. .7.
77 Erie St., hath, water
31 Fremont, water, both gases
Ill Arch St., front, both gases
313 Pennsylvania av
59 Stewart It.. J
.110 00
.. 12 00
. 10 00
. 15 00
.12 CO
4112 Penn ar. Offlte open erenlngs.
$35 New brick, 9 rooms and all Improvements,
Webster av,
$26 Pressed brick. 6 rooms. 140 Edmund.
$23 Frame, 7 rooms, etc., Wlneblddle ay.
$22 60 Brick, 6 rooms, cellar, 332 Ella st.
$8 New frame, three rooms, Monroe and Ridge,
$16 75 Frame, four rooms, Boquet St.
$30-34 Lowrr St.. Allegheny, brick, store and 7
rooms, cellar and water.
$25 Hatfield St., brick, 8 rooms.
$45 Frame, 12 rooms, all lmprorements, rery Urge
gronnds, Matilda st.
$9 3 rooms, rear 5102 Butler st.
$13 CO-Storeroom, Forty-fifth and Penn.
$9 503 rooms, first floor. Dauphin St.
$13 50-Frame. 5 rooms, Winebiddle ar.
$16 Frame, 6 rooms, Dauphin st.
$20 Frame, 6 rooms. Cypress st.
$13 Frame, 6 rooms, rear Taylor St.
$15 Frame, 5 rooms, etc., Homewood.
$103 rooms, Jones ar.
$03 rooms. Forty-fourth st.
$148 rooms, flne. Liberty ar.
$42 Store. 5 rooms, cemented cellar and stable.
Forty-fourth and Penn.
$35 Store and 8 rooms, 4033 Penn.
The fnrnisument of an East End resi
dence. Furniture, carpets,houschold goods,
etc., etc., TUESDAY MORNING, March-22,
at 10 o'clock, at the residence. No. 317 Euclid
avenue. East End. Fine chamber suites in
oak and walnnt, wardrobes, bureaus, bed
steads, washstands, parlor suite, tables,
chairs and rockers, mahogany music cabi
net, mahogany desk, mantel cabinet,marble
top tables, extension table, chairs, dishes
and glassware, curtains, brusscls carpet on
rooms, halls and stairs, pictures, clocks and
ornaments, kitchen and laundrv furniture.
Sale positive. House open after 8 o'clock on
mornlne of sale.
HENEY AUCTION; CO., Auctioneers.
Furniture, Carpets, Piano, Etc.,
At 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the IIENBY
AUCTION CO., 21 and 26 Ninth St.
Chamber suites ih oak and wa!nut,one line
walnut suite costing $275;wardrobes, chiffon
ier desks, bookcases, lounges chairs and
rockers, flne parlor snites, upholstered in
tapestry, brocatelle and plush; sideboards,
extension tables, leather chairs, fancy
tables, piano forte, photograph camera, fold
ing beds, springs and mattresses: bedding,
brussels and velvet carpet, rugs, kitchen
and laundrv furniture; stoves, etc. Goods
now on exhibition.
IIENBY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers.
Furniture, carpets, rugs, etc., WEDNES
DAY, March 23,at 10 o'clock, the fnniishraent
of 11 rooms, 90 Diamond st.,cor. Cherry alley,
city, third floor.
ber suites in oak and walnut; 2 parlor snites,
tables,chairs and rocker; wardrobes,bureaus,
wasbstand, bedsteads, hair mattresses, pil
lows and bolster bedding, eta; brusscls and
ingrain carpets on rooms and hall; rugs, coal
vases, flrelrons, stoves, tables, lounses,
kitchen furniture, etc. Sale positive; house
open after 8 o'clock morning of sale.
mh20-155 Anctioneers.
furniture, carpets, upright piano,
THUBSD AY MOENING, March 24, 10 o'clock,
at the residence, No. 75 Arch St., Allegheny,
the entire fnrnlshment, embracing band
some parlor furniture, in mahogany and
ebony; fine mahogany mantel cabinet, ma
hogany table, Chickering upright piano, al
most new, cost $650: screens, pictures, clocks
and ornaments, flne chamber suite with
marble tops and French- mirror; curtains
and poles, wardrobes, couches, chairs and
rockers, hair mattresses, springs and bed
ding, walnut sideboard, extension table,
leather chairs, dishes, etc.; large hall rack,
bookcase, Axminster and body brussels
carpets on rooms, .halls and stairs; rugs, etc;
kitchen and laundry furniture, range, etc.
Sale positive. House open after 8 o'clock
morning of sale.
mh20-156-iiwThsu Auctioneers. ,
Fine Furniture, Carpets, Upright Piano, Etc
The entire funishment, embracing flne
mahogany parlor suite, easy chair, rocker,
tables, mantel mirror.elegant upright piano,
cost $600, good as new; mahogany music cab
inet, brass tables and fenders, oak and
mahogany chamber suites, hair mattresses,
pillows and bedding, oak sideboard and ex
tension table, leather chairs, walnut book
case, dinner service, silverware, glassware,
curtains and poles, brussels and ingrain car
pets, fur rugs, hall rack, pictures and orna
ment clocks, etc., kitchen and laundry fur
niture. Sale positive. House open after 8
o'clock morning of sale.
HENEY AUCTION CO.. Anctioneers.
Executors' Public Sale
Household Furniture,
At No. 6100 Alder St., East End, TUESDAY
MORNING, March 22, at 10 o'clock.
There is a silk plush parlor set. large wal
nut extension table, china closet, what-not,
steel engravings, marble top tables, hat
rack, mahogany and walnut chamber sets,
sofas, card tables, rockers, bed clothes and
bedding, mattresses and springs, dining
room and kitchen utensils, clocks: fine lino
of body brussels carpets, single panel
barouche in good condition, Glesenkamp
make; positive sale.
Executors bt the last will of Wm. H. Smith,
Agents and Auctioneers
mhl9-53-r 813 Wood St., Pittsburg.
Offlce room S3 Eisner Building, Fifth avenue
and Wood street. Sales of furniture
end household goods at residences
a specialty. Terms reasonable.
1.000 more houses must be built.
500 are n0WP occupied, and when all the manufactories are work
ing the additional population will require 1,500 houses.
There is a large and paying business for those who engage in
the following lines or occupations in this new city:
No better location can be selected for those who are interested ia
building than in this new manufacturing and residence city.
There will be constant work for mechanics and large demand
for all material used in the construction of buildings.
Visit Kensington and be convinced of the outlook. " Free rail
road tickets given there and return.
Salesmen always on the ground.
For further information apply at office of
The Biirrell Improvement Co.,
Rooms 30, 32 and 34, 98 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
REMOVAL The Burrell Improvement Co., ope
ating the KENSINGTON properties, will remove tr
offices on April 1 to 79 Fourth avenue, Hostetter build
in-room lately occupied by the-Fort Pitt-National "
?ig?tSii PFil.Wggalwfiiffifffifr MEfpjgjjiy
John Wagner, decoased. By virtue ofi
an order of the Orphans Court of AUezhenyl
county, at No. 113, February- term, 1S91, I
"will expose at public sale on the premises,!
on MONDAY, April 11, 1892, at 3 o'clock p. ic.1
a lot of gronncl In the Seventeenth ward of.
the city of Plttarjurg; fronting 40 feet on,";
Penn avenue, and extending back of even'
width 95 feet, more or less, to Garden alley.)
Having thereon erected tnree three-storlerX
Drlck buildings, each containing Ave rooms
and a storeroomnumbers respectively 1103,
4105 and 4107 Penn avenue, and in thereat,
two two-storied brick dwelling of fourj
rooms, attic and hall each, all In good con1
dition with gas and water pipes in each.
Terms of sale, $200 down, one-half or bal
ance on confirmation of sale and delivery
of deed, and the balance in one and two
years with interest from .the date of con
firmation, to be secured by bond and mort
gage (with 30 days sci. fa. clause) on the
premises, or all cash at the option of the pux.
.-W.I1-UU1.I J iLU.IJ. r
Administrator, w
171 Thirty-sixth street, Pittsburg.
Lazear & Orr. Attomcvs.
400 Grant street.
At auction in the large residence,
432 Penn avenue, Pittsburg,
Consisting in part of fine parlor furniture. ,
upholstered m plush; easy chairs, rockers
library tabic, extension table, dining room!
and bed room chairs; wardrobes, chamber"!
furniture, Deciding; ball rack, curtains, por-J
tiers, chinaware, etc., etc.; large quantity oP,
body brussels and tapestry carpets, all in,,'
excellent order. House open at 8 o'clock
morning of sale. Terms cash.
JAS. W. DBAPE & CO.. Anctioneers,
mhlO-43-D 313 Wood street.
At No. 203 Shady ave., East End, on Thurs
day morning, llarch 24, at 10 o'clock. 1
There is Tarlor and Bedroom Furniture,
Queensware, lioqnetteand Brussels Carpets,!
Bed Clothes and Bedding, Dining Boom and?
Kitchen Utensils, etc., etc. Positive sale.
Agent3 and Auctioneers, 313 Wood St. ,
mhl947-D Pittsburg.
At tho residence of E.Stocker & Co., Hazel-i
woodand Greenfield avs.. below the entrance)
of Cavalry Cemetery, WEDNESDAY, March
23, 1892, at 10 o'clock, a. x., 17 cows (a number
of flne family cows included), bull, 3 good "
horses, harness, farm tools, machinery, f
wagons, and other articles too numerous to
mention. No postponement on account o
weather. J. A. McKELVEY. Auctioneer.
Terms will be made known day of sale. I
mh20-lS6 j
Central Hotel.
Thursday, March 24, at 10 o'clock A. 3Cr,
part of tho fnrnishment of Central Hotel,"
corner Smithfield st. and Third av., consist'
ing of 50 bedroom sets, furniture, bureaus,",
washstands, etc. Sale positive. No re-J
mh22-S Auctioneers. .
Express Line, on TUESDAY, March 22,-
at 10 o'clock a. jr., on the premises, rear No.!
13 Sampson street, near Arch street, SecondJ
ward, Allegheny, comprising 5 good horses
9 wagons, 4 buggies, 40 sets double and slngla
express harness, buggy harness and bridles,?
saddles, piano lifters and numerous articles!
belonging to the business. For particular" .
call on or address JOHN K. EWING & CO.
Agents, 107 Federal street.
A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer.
One parlor suite, one piano, carpets,
one reception room suite, three bedroom
suites, four mattresses and bed sprlngs.beds '
and bedding, dining rooms suites, kitchen!
furniture and utensils, china and glassware: ,
To be sold at auction MAECH 22, 10 A. 3f, as
343 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg.
mh21-4 C.n. WEINIIAUS. Auctioneer.
We offer on the best part o7Penn avenue
near Ninth street, a good dwelling bouse and;
lot for less than
This is the cheapest and most de3irabls.
property in the Penn avenue district. Pres-:
ent rental pays nearly 5 per cent on price!
Boom on third floor 22x90 feet; entrance ,
from Wood street; use of elevator, with or.
without power; three years' lease: $33 per
month, w. c, natural and artificial gas avail-
able on floor. Inquire on premises of
Corner Second avenue and Wood street.
Low rents to first-class tenant. Apply;
Boom 209 Bissell Block. mhl9-5 .ij
Who will live at