Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 18, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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Signs of the Times That Point to a
Continuance of Dullness
Manufacturers After Eig Contracts
Future Delivery
KewXobk, March 17. SperiaZ. The
Iron Aye to-morrow will review the metal
markets as follows:
The most conspicuous feature of the trans
notions during the past week has been the
further development of a tendency to sell
crude material for a delivery during the
whole of the year at low prices. It is a con
fession on Jhe part of some makers, and
notably of the largest of them, that thev do
not hope for any Improvement for 1892.
Many leading authorities in the iron trade
do not o quite so far, but there are few who
have the courage to predict any improvo
ment helore mid-summer. ,
Reports from the Mahoning and Shenango
Valleys are growing a little more definite as
to the blowing out of lurnaces, and trom the
Lehigh and Schuylkill Valleys comes a simi
lar story. But the aggregate capacity thus
involved i not yet great, ana is at least
partiallv offset by the blowinsr-in of their
new Southern furnaces, Florence, Clarks
vllle aud Dora being named. Philadelphia
reports a sale of 12,000 tons of Alabama
, foundry iron, at a low figure, for delivery
during the wnole of 1S92, and Cincinnati
records a sale of 8,000 tons, the details or the
transaction being shrouded in a veil of sus
picious secrecy. In Chicago. $3, Birmlng
ham.has been declined for a 10 000-ton block,
which would indicate that all Southern
sellers are not willing to go to the lengths of
some of the companies. .
Southern Fusion Falls llirongh.
The fusion-of the three Birmingham com
panies has fallen thiough, and the outcome
of the negotiations is that the Debardeleben
Company are absoibed bv the Tennessee
Company. From different markets come le
ports of moderate activity in charcoal Iron.
Bessemer in Pittsburg has settled down to
$14 50. Pittsburg reports two large transac
tion, in billets, one lot of 10,000 tons sold by
a Wheeling mill for delivery during the
balance ot the year nt $23 25, and a further
sale of 9,000 tons, deliver" "P to June, at
$22 75. In the other markets little has been
Rails have been more active. Western
mills have taken the greater part of 15,000
tons for the Baltimore and Ohio 23,000 tons
for the Southern Pacific, and upward of 15.
0C0 tons for the Pacific Coast- Some interest
is shown tn the results of bids on a small
order for Lake Superior. The New York re
port gives the details of an Interesting trans
action in foreign rails, which shows that the
English market is getting perilously near
the lowest figures on record there.
In manufactured iron and steel there has
been little news. Chicago notes a little more
activity in bars and plates, ana Philadelphia
reports a large transaction in sheets, but on
the w hole there is little evidence of improv
ing markets. On the contrary, facts crop
up at times which indicate that values are
still receding under exceptional circum
stances. TVe may note a sale in Philadel
phia recently of foreign Bessemer oie as low
as fijf c per unit.
Copper is having, a little boomlet of its
own on the strength of the understanding
among producers. Mines which last year
produced 228 000,000 pounds are going tore
strict their 1893 product to 150,000,000 pounds.
The other metals are dull.
Tbe Foreign Markets Reviewed.
The foreign markets are reviewed by
cable from London as follows :
Prices for pis Iron warrants, while Irregu
lar, have averaged somewhat higher, with
business in Scotch at lis, Cleveland at
36s 7d and hematite at 46s 3d. The trans
actions in Scotch have been moderate, but
dealings in Cleveland and hematite larger
than for some time past. The incentive to
freer trading was the opinion that the coal
strise and cessation of work by 109,000 col
liers, with forced suspension of operations
at many large iron works, pending develop
ments, "will, lead to still hurher price?.
Stocks in Connal's stores have decreased
bomewhat, the latest returns giving 490,000
tons Scotch, and 153 OC0 tons Cleveland.
Copper has been active and stiong, with
an advance in prices of about 2 during the
week. Better demand from consumers has
helped t tie mat ket. but the chief incentive
wa renewed report" of restriction of output
In America and of Emopcan producers hav
ing been approached by American pro
ducers with a view to join" action. Eeports
of a cave-in at the main shaft of the Ana
conda mine also had a marked influence
upon prices.
Pig tin has been almost neglected. About
the usual business ith consumers has taken
place, but speculative interest appears to
have been centered upon copper almost ex
clusively. Demand for tin plate has been
slightly better, with the call chiefly for
cokes lor Russia and 'Frisco. Charcoals and
ternes are still unusually slow for the season.
Dragging Oilier Cereals and Hog Products
Down With It The Opening Quite Cheer
ful on Crop-KUlIug 'IteportST-Tue Snoir
Storm. Does the Eest.
CHICAGO. A man got action for his
money in the wheat pits to-day. Traders
were more ready than usual of late to move
quickly on whatever newsflrst came to hand,
and wheat took a big tnmble, breaking 2c.,
corn and oats each lc, and pork 35c Thero
was no end to the Duying nnd selling, and a
deluge or long stuff flooded all them on
In w heat at the start, decided strength
and higher pi-Ices ruled, but this .was soon
changed, and the feeling became as weak as
it had been strong, and early bulls were
quickly put to rout. The weather situation
was the bull factor during the morning, but
the early cables were also rather encourag
ing. Livornool bains Quoted liKd higher.
Crop killing dispatches camo pouring in
from nearly nil sections of the winter wheat
belt, with the weather still said to be threat
ening further damage. On this there was a
general rush to cover.
The offerings, however, were light, and
the result was a very strong market for a
short time after the opening, May selling nt
from S6o to 86Vc. The business was largely
professional and mostly local. The strength
oi the market soon increased tue selling,
which came frsni the longs chiefly, who had
taken it on theTate break and were disposed
to realize profits. Late cables also came in
neafc and lower, while a generous snowfall
was reported in a good deal of the winter
wheat country, which was expected.to pro
tect much of the wheat. Under these con
ditions the market qnickly took the down
grade. Holders scrambled over each other
in the efforts to unload, and short sellers
showed increased activity. Down went the
nrice steadilv until a loss of J5e was
reached. May. having touched 85Kc. leaded
some, and at 12 o'clock was about S5c. The
price once more began to- tumble. The
weakness during the last hour amounted to
demoralization, and there was a drop to 2c
below the early prices. May went down
steadily to 84Jc, reacted some and closed
weak at S4c.
Corn show ed a cood deal of strength early,
influenced largely by the firmness in wheat,
but later in the day all tbe gain was lost,
beinz again influenced by the drop in wheat
and hog products. May sold earlv at 39c:
oroice grauuaiiy to 39;c, anu at 12 o ciock
was 3SJc. The market eakened during the
last hour, followins wheat. May going off to
3Sc and closed at 3SJe.
Oats quiet but flrin early, but soon weak
ened and remained so to the end.
Hog products weak and lower on the big
receipts of hogs and a decline of 10c in
prices. May pork sold early at $10 52; broke
to $10 20. During tho last hour there was
mother slump. May declining to $10 12, but
reacted near the- close and closed at 10 20,
a loss of 35c compared with yesterday. Lard
is 5c low er and 12c.
The leading futures range as follows, as cor
recied by John M. Oakley & Co., 45 Sixth street,
members of the Chicago Board of Trade:
Complaint of Stagnation in the Local
Mortgage Business.
Higher Prices Slated for Eouthside and
West End Eeal Estate.
Tlie Metal Markets.
New York, March 17. Pig iron steady and
dull; American. $15 75 17 75. Copner firm;
lake, $1100. Lead quiet; domestic, $4 22. Tin
steady and dull; Straits, $19 65 19 70.
Receipts, Shipments and Prices at
Liberty and Other Yards.
Office op the Dispatch. )
PiTTfcBCKG, Thursday, March 17. 1
Cattle Receipts, 1,356 head; shipments,
1251 held; market slow at unchanged prices;
no cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 2,600 head; shipments, 2.600
head; market Arm; all grades, $5 105 30: 5
car hogs shipped to New York to-dav.
Sheep Receipts, 1400 head; shipments, 800
head: market dull and a shade off from yes
terday's prices.
By Telegraph.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 13,000 head; ship
ments, 6,000; market steadv: prime steers,
$4 60t 85: good to choice. $S 804 50; others.
$S S0Q3 75; stockers, $1 OOgS 10; cows, $1 75
S 25. Hogs Receipts, 33,500 head: shipments,
12,000 head: market steady to lower: pack
ers and mixed, $4 254 60; rough, $3 754 15:
prime heavy an-' butchers weights, $4 60
4 63i light, $4 704 90. Sheep Receipts, 6.U00
head: shipments, 2,500 head; market higher:
ewes, $4 M)5 25; Westerns. $5 255 55: year
lings, $4 85; lambs, $6 00G 82.
w York Beeves Receipts, 424 head,
all for export; no trade; feeling firm; dressed
beer steady at 68c per pound; shipments
to-day, 570 head and 20 sheep. Calves Re
ceipts, 765 head; market stead v; veals, $5 00
8 SO per 100 pomids. Sheep Receipts, 3,000
head: sheen firm; lambs a shade easier;
sheep. $5 506 87 per 100 pounds; lambs, $7 00
7 50; dressed mutton firm at 9g10c per
pound; dressed lambs steady at 9llc. Hogs
Receipts, 1,545 heart, consigned duect: nomi
nally steady at $4 905 50 per 100 pounds.
Buflalo Cattle Reccints. 101 loads
through, 5 sale; market quiet and steady. " ' "y
Hogs Receipts, 51 loads through. CO sale: Hir
market slow and 10c to 15c lower; heavy if'e- seen
grace, w wjj iu; pacsers ana mediums,
$5 055 10. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 6
loads throngh. 45 sale: baiely steady tor
sheep; 10c lower for lambs; sheep, extra
fancy. $6 006 25: jroort to choice, $5 655 90;
fair to sood, $5 405 50; lambs, srond to extra,
$6 907 00; lair to good, $G 40G 75.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 1,920 head: ship
ments, 200 head: maiket slow on natives,
steadv on others; fair to good native steers,
$3 004 40: fair to good Indian and Texas
steers, $2 403 50. Hogs Receipts, c,C70 head;
shipments, 5,331 head; maiket loner, but
active: fair to prime heavv, lG04 80; mixed,
ordinary to aood, $4'104 70,' light, fair to
best, $4 604 75. Sueep Receipts, 500 head:
shipments, 100 head: market steadv; fair to
desirable muttons, $1 0D0 00.
Kansas city Cattle Recelnts, 1,300 head!
shipments, 2,200 head: market steady; steers,
$3 303 60: cows. $1 503 55; stockers and
leeders, $2 253 55. Hogs Receipts, 5,700
head: shipments, 2,800 head; market steadv
nnd 5c higher; closed weak; all grades, $4 20
4 60: bulk, $4 S04 60. Sheep Receipts, 1100
head: shipments, 700 head; market un
changed. Omaha Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; mar
ket strong to 10c higliei; common to fancy
steers $2 755 00: Westerns, $2 753 00. Hois
Receipts, 3,900 head: market weak: light,
$4 454 57; heavy. 4 354 SX Sheep Re
ceiriis, 422 hrad; demand good; market
strong: natives, $4 234 50; Westerns. $4 00
t 25; common, $2 50S 75. Lambs, ft 256 00.
Cincinnati Hogs easier; common and
light $3 604 80: packing and butchers',
4 5034 95: ieceipts,3,X)head:shlnments, 350
head.' Cattle firm at 2 254 40: receipts,
3S3 head: shipments, 150 head. Sheep strong
nt $4 006 5J; receipts, 120 head; shipments,
none. Lambs in good demand and higher;
common to choice, 5 0087 00 per 100 lbs.
Wheat, No. 2.
March t 84 t MM 8 SIX t 82U
Mav MM S6Jf Sili . 844
CORjf, So. 2.
March 381)S 38 STS 37M
Mav 393j 3114 SiH 3S'
June 39 3D 37 S77s
Oats. No. 2. -
March 2SH 2SS ITS 27J4
May 29J 29 -J8M 28J4
Mess 1'okk.
March 10 35 10 S! 9 97'4 IOCS
May 10 50 10 524 10 12)$ 10 20
Lard. .
March 6 3 6 274 6 20 6 Zli
Mav 6 30 6 32)1 6 25 6'27,S
Shoet Ribs.
March 5 62)4 5 62X 5 40 5 52K
May 5 67.H 5 67 8 50 5 57)j
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
depressed and nominal; Xo. 2 sprinsr wheat,
82ic; Xo. 3 spring wheat nominal; Xo. 2 red,
8TJJc; Xo. 2corn, 37c: Xo. 2 oats, 27K27c:
Xo 2 white, 31W31c; Xo. 3 white,
2931Kc: No. 2 rve. 81ic: Xo. 2 barlev,
5c; Xo.3, f. a b.. 4853c; Xo. 4. f. o. b 404Sc;
Xo. 1 flaxseed, 9797Jc; prime tlmothv seed,
$1 211 28. Mess pork, per barrel, $10 03.
Lard, per 100 ft-, $6 256 27K- Short rib sides
(loose), $5 50,35 52V; dry ealted shoulders
(boxed), $4 755 50; siiort clear sides (boxed),
$6 10. Whisky, distillers' finished goods, per
gal., $1 13. Snzars unchanged.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the but
ter market was steady and unchanged.
Eggs, 13o.
XEW TOKK Flour dull and heaw: low
extra, $3 003 65; fair to fancy, $3 754 60;
Minneanolis clear. S3 90f?4 60: tmtents. $4 33S)
5 15; winter wheat, low glades, $3 003 65;
patents, $4 3565 10: straights, $4 204 75; rye
mixtures, $3 904 50. Cornmeal auiet. Wheat
Spot market lower, fair bnsiness and clos
ing easy; Xo 2 red. 98"1)K; store and
elevator, $1 01Jfl 03JJ afloat. $1 0OJl 03g
free on board: Xo. 3 led, 9495c: unara-'ed
red. 92JJc$l 0. Xo. 1 Northern. 99W
c$l 02i; Xo. 1 hard, $1 011 03;
Xo. 2 Xorthern, 94c; options, Xo. '2
red, March. SSc$l 00, closing at 93c;
April. 9SS99c, closintr at 98c:
Mav, 96 l-1698Kc closing. 96Kc: June, 94
9GVc, closing 4c: July, 94WD6J5. closing
94c; August, S294Jgc, closing at 92c. Rye
dull and lower at 93c. Barley quiet. Corn
Spot market lower and more active; Xo. 2,
4647c in elevator, 4748c afloat: ungraded
mixed, 464SKc; Xo. 3, 46Jc: steamer mixed.
4Sffi47c; options, March, 46Jc; April. 46Ji
47Kc. closina at i6e: May, 4647c, closing
at 46: Jnne, 45S46c. closing at 45Xc:
Julv, 4546c, clo-ing at 46c: August, 46K
4S?c. Oats Spot market lairly active and
lower; options more active, weaker, March
closine S4VJc; April. S4K34jic. closing 34X c;
Mav 3435c, clong at 34c; June. 34c; July,
33K?34Vi, closing at 33Jc; snot Xo. 2 white,
36k37c: mixed Western, 3436c: white dc,
36(i4'Jc. Hav quiet and firm: snipping 75 tons:
good to choice, S5:$l CO. Hops quiet and
steadv. Tallow strong. Estrs in fair demand
and closed firm; Western, 14Uc. Pork quiet
and steadyt Cut meats stead r: middles dull
and easy; short clear, $S 50. Lard lowev and
dull; Western steam. $6 57: options. March,
SB 62. closine at $6 50: Mav. $6-62. closing Wt
$6 53 bid: July, $6 7C6 73. closing at $3 69
asked. Butter firm for best and in good de
mand; Western dairy, 1822c; do creamery,
2029c: do factory, 1521c: Elirins, 29c
Cheese quiet and easy; part skims, 6I0c.
PHlLADrLPHl Flour wealc Wheat
Xo. 2 led advanced ljc and later futures
improved Jo; prices reacted Kc from the
best rates of the day, closing weak: Xo. 2 red
March and first half of April, $1 00U1 01:
Xo. 2 red March, $1 00S1 00: April, $i OOJ
1 C0: May, 965i975jc: June, 95J495Jc.
Corn options wea k and lower; Xo. 4 mixed,
in grain depot. 46c: Xo. 4 high mixed, in
depot, 47c; lo. 3. in export elevator, 43c;
steamer, in do, 45c: Xo. 2. in do, 4546c:
Xo. 2 mixed. March, 4646Jc: April, 46
46Kc: May,45K46c; June. 45Vi45c Oats
ruled steady lor carlots: futures neglected
and nominal: Xo. 3 white, 35c; Xo. 2 white,
36c: do clipped, 3737Hc: Xo. 2 white
March, 36 36Kc: April; 36K37c: 'May, S6
37c; June, 36JJ37c, E2sr" dull and weak;
Pennsylvania nrsts, 1414e.
BAI.TIVOKK Wheat easy; Xo. 2 red,
spot, $1 001 00: March and April. $1 00J
asked: May, M'gSTc; Jnne, D697c;
steamer, Xo. 2 reu 97Jo asked. Corn weak;
mixed spot and Maich, 46J46Jc: April,
16KS48C: J". 46K46Uc: June, 4c nsked;
steamer, mixed. 4545&e. Oats dull and
easy; Xo. 2-white Western, S!Jc asked; Xo. 2
mixed do. 3435c. Hav firmer:, good to
choice timothy. $14 0015 50. Provisions
dull and quiet. Butter steady. Eggs steady
at 14c.
ST. LOUIS Flour dnll and nnchanaed.
Wheat Xo. 2 red rash, 8SJc: May closed
nt 87Kc; July, 82c Com Xo. 2 cash,
35c; Maicli,34c:Mny, 35J3")JJc. Oats un
changed at 29c: May closed Jic lower at
2SJic -Rye dull at 84c. Bailey dull; Minne
sota sold at 5558c. Butter steady and un
changed. Egas in better demand at 12e.
Provisions dull and lower. Pork, $10 50
10 75. Lard, $6 05.
XEW ORLES Sugar strong: open ket
tle, fully fair, 3c; good fair, SJc: KOod
to Jair, 2S41MC. uentriinffais
low clarificiLiJic: prime do.3 13-16
3jc; seconds, 2Ji3Jc. Molasses Open
Kettle nominal; ceutruuzais nrm; strictly
prime, 19c: good prime, 1517c: lair toiirime,
1013c; common to good common, 69c.
CINCINNATI Flour quiet. Wheat easier:
Xo. 2 red, 31c Corn firm; Xo. 2 mixed, 42
42tc. Oats steadv; Xo. 2 mixed, 41K42c.
Ryu quiet at 31M32c; Xo. 2, ST;. Fork-diiU.
Lard weak. Bulkmeats neglected at $5 62J.
Bacon easier at $6 62J. Butter quiet. Egs
firmer at ll12c Cneeso in lairdemand.
MILWAUKKE-Flour dull. Wheat lower;
Mav, 82JS2Jc: Xo. 2 snring, 85c: Xo. 1
Xorthern, 88c. Corn quie't, Xo. 3, 37c Oats
steady; Xo. 2 white. 31kc: Xo. 3 white, SOJiCc.
Barley steadv: Xo. 2. 54c; sample, 39Jd0c.
Rye firm: Xo. 1, 83c Provisions quiet.
rork,$I0 50. Lard, $6 32.
KANSAS CITT Wheat dull, closing flat;
Xo. 2 hard, 72c; Xo. 2 red, Sic. Corn was
wanted and it sold at yesterday's prices,
closing however verv weak: Xo. 2 mixed, 34c;
Xo. 2 white. 3435c. Oats steady; Xo. 2
mixed, C828Kc; .No. 2 white, 2S29c Eggs
firmer at lOKc
MINNirAi OLIS Wheat Close for Xo. 1
Xorthern, March, 73c; May opening at 82Jc;
highest, 82c: lowest, 80c: closing at 80c;
July, opening 84c; highest, 64c; lowest,
82c; closing at 82c; on track, Xo. 1 hard,
S2Uc:Xo. 1 Xorthern, Sl4c; Xo. 2 Xorthern,
76 79c
i OLEDO Wheat active and lower, Xo. 2
casn ana iuarcn, aio; juay, Jjc: jniy, ec:
Ammst. 8734c. Corn dnll and easier: Xo. S
cash, 40Kc; Xo. 3, ZSyfc: Xo. 4, 37Uc; May,
The mortgage market is unusually quiet
A Fourth avenue specialist' said yesterday:
"With an abundance of cheap money busi
ness jn this line ought to be active, but the
contrary is the fact. There is comparatively
little doing. There is plenty of local capi
tal on the market at 6 .per cent in small
sums, and in large amounts, say $25,000
and upwards at 5 and State tax, but people
do not seem to want it. They are evidently
economizing. I look for a radical improve
ment when the weather settles, and the
building season opens about the middle of
Prices Will Go Up.
Although still confined to the paper stage
progress is reported in tho rapid transit
projects for the Southside and West End,
and there is a strong impression that some
of them will go through this year. Nowhere
else is improved transportation more
needed. It will give easy access to those
districts and open to settlement several
thousand acres of land admirably adapted
to residence purposes. Southside and West
End property is lower than in any other
parts of the city, but the introduction of
cable and electric cars will stiffen values in
short order. Already an advancing ten
dency is apparent, and it will go on until
prices are on an equality with those on this
side of the river. Home-seekers should
take this matter into consideration.
Tbo Capper Combine.
The latest information at hand concern
ing the new combination of the copper pro
ducers is to the effect that the agreement
has been perfected; that all the American
companies have assented to it, and that all
that is now needed is to get certain foreign
properties in. The allotment of annual
production as finally decided upon is said
to be as follows: Anaconda, 75,000,000
pounds; Calumet and Hecla, 60,000,000;
Qnincy, 12,000,000; Parrott, 14,000,000, and
the Clark-Bigelow properties the Tama
rack, Osceola, Kearsarge, Montana, Butte
and Boston and others, 65,000,000, making
an aggregate ol 225,000,000. These figures
represent a considerable increase over last
year s total production.
High Prices In Chicago.
Pittsburg realty is increasing in value
year by year, bat it has not reached a point
that can justly be called exoessive. It is,
as frequently pointed out, cheaper than in
any other city in the country. For in
stance, property at Chicago Heights has ad
vanced from 260 to 5450 an acre within a
year, and other tracts, especially such as
have good transportation facilities, are also
steadily rising in price. So is property
along the route of the proposed drainage
canal. Inquiries in this respect come not
only from local capitalists but from the out
side. At the same time, owners of central
property with old style improvements are
demanding prices almost as high as those
quoted for property fully developed by
modern buildings.
Big Grain Shipments,
Eeports from the Northwest state t,hat
there are 2,000 cars of wheat already loaded
and standing on sidetracks waiting for the
rbads to find tune to transport them to
Eastern markets. Taking 30 cars as an
average train load, this would make a little
over 36 trains, and more grain is being
brought to the tracks as fast as cars can be
found in which to load it, so that there does
not appear to,be much reason that the roads
in that territory will not be kept busy for a
considerable time to come.
Basinets Xews nnd Gossip.
A new plan or lots in the Greenfield ave
nue district will soon be in the market.
Contracts have been let for material for
Senator Flinn's 65 houses in his Greenfield
avenue plan.
Western railroads are doing a prosperous
business. The bulk of the freight is grain,
but a great deal of merchandise is also being
Frederick Grelner has sold to the Miller's
Run Coal Company, Limited. 433 acres of coal
land in South Favette townshin lor $31,500.
The tractions are now the special features
of the stock market. That they will sell
higher is the prevailing opinion.
Among the incidents of the day was an
offer ol $50 for the privilege of calling 100
shares of Philadelphia Gas at 19 during
April. It was offered at 19. On People's
Pipeage $25 was offered to call 100 shares at
13 next month.
Xo change was made yesterday in the
Bank of England rate ot discount.
The fli st sale of Electric preferred was
made yesterday. It went at 40.
It is reported that a 53.CO0 share pool has
been formed to put Western Union to 93.
movements In Realty. .
It Is about settled that there will be no ho
tel at the corner of Liberty and Sixth
streets. Tho Xew York gentleman who was
working the scheme has given It up and
gone home.
W. E. Hamnett & Co. sold a lot on Trenton
avenue, Wilkinsburg, for $1,500.
The Burrell Improvement Company report
the following sale of lots at Kensington:
Robert J. Cunningham, Manorville, Pa., lot
31, block 15. Tor $722 50; James Carson, Alle
gheny, lot 26, block 15, for $637 50; George B.
Miller, Mansfield, Pa., lot 75, lor $325
cash: Alphonse Ricaille, Tarentum, Pa., lot
27, block 19, for $600 cash; Stephen Horn,
Xatrona, Pa., lot 67, block , lor $488 75;
Thomas Egan, Pittsburg, lot 167, block 6, lor
$340; Leonardo Bordanaro and Joseph Bord
unaro, Tarentum.lot 71, block 4. for $990 cash;
Anthony Dnhl, Pittsburg, lot 81, block 13, for
$637 50; Salvatore Catemzaro, McKeesport,
paitof lot 59 and lot 58, block 4, lor $1,012;
Jacob Miller, Kensington, lot 60, block 17, lor
$656 25: John D. Hall, Parnassus, lot-Xo. L
block 1, for 552 50.
J. H. Coleman sold for F. H. Spen a two
story and attic frame dwelling, with all iin
pi ovements, lor $2,400 cssh.
Peter Shields sold lot Xo. 211, 30x90 feet,
located on Xantasket street, tn the Green
field avenue plan, Twenty-third ward, for
Liggett Bros, sold lot 50x130 on Atlantic
avenue, T entieth ward, lor $3,125. Sold for
W. H. Granger. Tho purchaser will im
prove the property at once with a handsome
9K, 20 Luster at 10i 10 Central at 23,75 Bir
mingham at 27, 10 Switch and Signal atl6K.
At the close of the afternoon session, 27fi
was bid lor 500 Birmingham. 27& for 60 and
28 for 10, 25 for Duquesne, offered at 25J, and
39 lor Aiancnester. united states Glass,
common, was offered at 67K: 101 was bid lor
Birmingham bonds. Goods were offered
sparingly on the advance. Bids and offers
in detail follow:
Farmers' D. N'.B 600 ....
FlrstX. Bk.Pltts 183 .... 1S3
F. T. AT. Co..,. IS)
IronC. N. Bk S3
JIasonlcBank.... 65
M. AM.Xat.Bk. 60)4
Mon. Xat. Bank. 135
P. X. Bk. Com.. 285 2:3 ....
Armenia In 77
Birmingham Ins 52
West, Ins. Co 42 .... 42 .... 42
Char. V. G. Co. 9 9)4 9 94 9 94
P. X. G. &P. Co UU IVi ll'i IIS 115 Hi)
Philadelphia Co. 1S) 18)4 13) IS 18)4 18
Wheel. Gas Co 20 20)j
Ft. P. In. P. Co ro .... 20
Cen. Traction.... 27)4 2$ .... 2SJ .... 2S)4
Cltliens' Trac... 63 63)4 63 61
Pitta. Trac 5i4 S3 55 ....
Pleasant Valley. IS 25,4 25 25)4 25 25)4
Second Avenue 51
Pitts. J. B.K.CO 30 .... 30
N.Y.Ji CG.C.Co 50 51 60 51 50 51
Hand St. Bridge 45
Luster Mill. Co.. 10)4 10)4 10)4 KH 10 104
Westlngh'e Elec 16M 17 16).... " 16,....
U. S. Jk S. Co.... 17 17)4 IB 17 16 17
Wet. A. B.- Co. loo's 110.U 109 11054 109JI 110)4
S. U. Cable Co., 71)4 7b
Lehigh Navigation
Philadelphia JfcErle 3034
Mining Stock Quotations.
New YoRK,March 17. Best & Belcher, 215;
Caledonia, 105; Consolidated- California and
Virginia. 475; Deadwood. 190; Eureka, 195;
Gould & Curry, 140: Hale & Xnrcross,
135; Homestafee, 1325: Horn Silver, 355; Mexi
can, 190; Ontario, 4250; Ophir, 285: Plymouth,
175: Savage, 335; Sierra Nevada. 1C5; Standard,
145; Union Consolidated, 150; Yellow Jacket,
That Stock Goes Down, While Sngar Shoots
Upward Other Changes Immaterial
Considerable . ctlvlty In the Grangers,
Especially Union Pacific Railroad
Bonds Quiet,
Xew York, March 17. As was to be ex
pected, the l eorganization plan of the Rich
mond and Wost Point caused some disap
pointment In Wall street to some interests,
and the lealization by such patties was
taken advantage of in the early trading to
day to depress both the stocks and the trust
bonds. Tho concessions made in these se
curities were very material, but the rest of
the market, while giving no evidence of
special import, refused to follow the lead of
Richmond and West Point, tind displayed
throughout most of the day a decidedly firm
to strong temper. To this end the bull ma
nipulation ot Sugar contributed something,
but the buying of the Grangers was the
feature of the dealings, and St. Paul, Atchi
son and Burlington worked up a fair volume
of business at advancing prices and gave
character to the whole list.
Buying of Western Union and Northern
Pacific pretcried was also noticeable, and
the market displayed a temper which It has
not shown for some days, though the Dusi
neas, as a whole, lost little of the professional
character, and tho volume remained small,
while in most stocks the fluctuations were
still of the hand-to-mouth older, and the
business done nas strictly on a parity with
it. The advance in Sugar, however, was the
special movement of the day, and with the
circulation of rumors ot the new combina
tion there was considerable buying for tho
short account, which has been Irigntened nt
the persistent stiength of the stock. Outside
of the Grangers, however, there was little
animation or force to the upwaid move
ment, and the changes in quotations w ere
generally of the smallest proportions.
The opening or the market was made nt
small gains over the close of last night's
figures, as a rule. The sudden drop of 3 per
cent in Richmond and West Point preferred
was the first change, ith the loss oflj in
the common stocks. On the other hand,
Sugar was specially strong, and during the
day its price was advanced 3 per cent, drag
ging all the sluggish ones with it, and the
whole list appreciated slightly during the
forenoon. Tue buying ot tne Grangers,
Western Union and Xorthern Pacific pre
ferred became noticeable after that, and the
feneiiil list responded -more freely to this
uiprovemunt, tuough fluctuations were still
kept within tne Usual narrow limits. Rich
mond and West Point preferred recovered
its early loss, but the common stock only
partially, whilo the bonds lully recovered
(heir losses.
The late dealings, however, were marked
by severe pressure to sell lrom bear sources,
and In the last hour prices melted away
mure rapidly than they had advanced,
and most ot the gains were neutralized,
while in many cases fractions in addi
tion were lost. Richmond and West
Point went down to still lower figures, and
the Coalers sympathized. The maiket.flnal
ly closed generally, quiet but, heavy, at but
slight changes fioin the opening prices.
While Sugar is up 2, Richmond and West
Point is down 1, but there were, no other
material changes among the active shaies.
Railroad bonds w el e again quiet lor the
general list, but the Richmond and West
Point 5s were especially active and showed
during the day wide and violent fluctua
tions, and, selling down fiom 69 to 67, ral
lied to 69, but closed at 67 n ith u loss ot
percent. They furnished $680,000 out of a
total day's business ot $1,946,000. The Read
ing issues were not so prominent as usual of
late, and no other marked movement was
seen in the list, the usual slight changes
marking the dealings.
The total sales of stocks to-day were 244,
901 shaies, including Atchison, 20,149; Erie,
5,800: Xorthwestern, 6,500; Xorthern Pacific
nreferred, 6 900: Xew England, 3,445; Read
ing. 46425: Richmond and West Point, 29.0S0;
St. Paul, 26,950; Western Union, 7,537.
The loliowliig table shows the prices of active
Ftocts'on the New York Stock Exchange vester
dav. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & STEPHES60X, oldest Pittsburg members of
the New York block Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue.
Bar Silver Quotations.
New York, March 17. Bar silver in Lon
don, llit!L per oz.; New York dealers price
for silver, 9lc per oz.
Choice-Creamery Butter in Scant
Supply, but Prices Go Down.
Abundance of Money Favorable to the Ex
pansion of Bnsiness.
The week proceeds with an easy monev
market. The amount of paper marketed
yesterday was very moderate, but most of
the banks did a good business in routine
lines. The rate was about steadv at 6 per
cent. Bank clearings were $2,239,947 53 nnd
balances $410,970 74.
A bank officer said: "Thero is no danger
of any thingapproaching a stringency before
next fall. The surplus is so large that it
win, unaer tne most ravoraoie conuitions,
take some time to reduce it to tbe legal limit.
The abundance of money should and must
stimulate enterprise. I look for good re
sults this year."
At New York yesterday money on call was
easy at 1 to 2 per cent; last loan at 2: closed
offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper,
46 per cent. Sterling exchange quiet tmt
steady at $4 85J for 60-day bUls and $4 87
for demand.
Closing Bond Qnotatlons.
IJ. S. 4i reir
U. S. 4s coup..
U.-S. 4)4sre$V
u. a. 9;$s coup
Pacific 63 Of '95 109
Louisiana stamp. 4s 35)4
Missouri 6s
Teun. new set. 6s. ...106
Tenn. new set. 5s 58
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 69)4
Canada So. 2tU 100
Cen. Pacific lsts.....107
Den. & K. G. lsts ...117
Den. AR. G.4s 81)J
Den. & K. G.West 4s
Erio2ds 107)4
M..K. &T. Gen.Cs.. 834,
Bid. t Asked.
M..K. &T. Gen. 5s. 50
Slutual Union 6s. ...108
N. J. C. Int. Certt. ..112
Xorthern Pac. lsts..H7H
Northern Pae. 2ds ..115!j
Northwestern .cons.. 137
Northw'n d'brs 5s .117
Urezon & Trans. 6s..
St. L. & I. 3I.Gfll.59 81!
bt.L. A 8.F.Geif.M.108!
St. Paul Consols 13S
bt.P..C.&P. lsts.. ..117)$
Tex.P.L.G.Tr.Rcts. 84
Tex.P.R.G.Tr.Rcts. 3.1
union Fac. lsts 103
West Shore VaX
R. G. West. 79
Harness Leather in Improved Demand, and
Markets Steadier.
Banlc Clearing.
Chicago Money 45 per cent and easy.
Bank clearings. $16,17-',OO0. New York Ex
change, 6070c discount.
Jew Obleass Clearings, $1,927,333.
St. Louis Bank clearings $3,770,748; bal
ances, $394,793. Monev 67 per cent. Ex
change on Sew York, 25c premium.
New York Bank clearings, $114,007,049; bal
ances. $5,530,492.
Bostox Bulk clearings, $15,890,1S7; bal
ances, $1,569,943. Monev 2 per cent. Ex
change on New York 1520c discount.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,166,936;
balances, $1,694,292. Money 3 per cent.
Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,539,309; bal
ances, $215,036. Rate 6 per cent.
Memphis Clearings, $665,745; balances, $438,
078. New York Exchange selling at par.
:i7V)t;; U Ul v, CIVaKil
August, 87Jc Corn dnll and easier; No. 2
casn, c; no. 3, iMC: ro. ,
40c. Oats quiet; cash, 32e. lte quiet;
cash, 5Jc
DULU'IH Wheat No. 1 hard cash, 82c;
March. 81Kc: May, 85c; No. 1 Northern
cash, 80!cf March, 80c; May, 83Kc; No. 2
Northern, cash, 74c; No. 8, 63c: rejected, 5Sc;
on track, No. 1 hard, 83c; No. 1 Northern,
Philadelphia Gas Finds Support and Re
covers Lost Ground The Unlisted Trac
tions Make a Fresh Display or Strength
Pipeage and Switch Held Down.
The early calls were uneventful. There
was only one sale at the first. The second
did better, a number of buying orders com
ing out, causing a firmer tone and to some
extent arresting the downward movement
which was so conspicuous the previous day.
Pull prices, however, weie not held In all
The afternoon session was the most Inter
esting of all. The bulls rallied around sev
eral of the specialties and forced up prices.
Philadelphia Gas recovered most . of its lost
pionnd, closing strong at the best price of
the day. Reports of an augmented supplv
of luel and receipt of Eastern buying orders
were the causes of tho bnlge.
The tractions were the leaders in activity.
In fact, nearly all the trading was in them.
.Birmingham, Duquesne and Manchester
were stronger and the rest about steady,
Pittsburg alone showing a decline. Switch
and Signal and Pipeage were tractlonally
lower. Farmers' Deposit National Bank
was bid up to 600. There was no movement
worthy of note in the rest of the list.
Sales at first call, 95 Birmingham at 2;
before call, 100 Birmingham at 28.
Second call, 5 Manchester at 39 25 at 39.
10 Birmingham at 28. 55 Duquesne at 25, 4
Pleasant Valley at 25, 5 V. S. Glass, common,
At 63, $2,000 Birmingham bonds at 101, 4 Elec
tric, preferred, at 40.
Thud rail, 100 Citizens' Traction at 63U, 20
PleasanF Valley at 25, 20 Philadelphia at 18
120 at 18, 35 Duquesne at 25. 25 Chartlers at
Am. Cotton Oil...-
Am. Cotton Oil. pfd
Am. Sucar Hefinln? Co.
Ara.Sngu- Bell nlngOo.. pfd
Atcu., Top. K s. t
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern
Central of Xew Jersey...
Central Pacific.. ., ,
Chesapeake and Ohio
C. JtO. 1st pld ,
C. &0.2'ptii
Chicago Gas Trust ,
C, Bur. & (Julncy
C. Jill &St. Paul
C, Mil. i-St. Paul, pfd...,
C, Rock I. & P
C-, St. P. M. &O
C, St. P. M. &0.. pfd
C. A Northwestern
C, C.,0. &I
L, C, C. &1 pfd
Col. foal & Iron
Col. & Hocking Valley....
Del.. Lacki-West
Del. & Hud&on
Denver &Klo Grande
Den. & Klo tiraude, pfd...
i-.. l., vi,flia
X. T., Va. & Ga., 1st pfd..
K. T.. Va. & Ga., 2d pfd..
Illinois Central
Lake Eric i Western
Lake Erie Western, pfd.
LatcShiiri- & M. S
Louisville & Nashville
Michigan Ventral
Mobile & Ohio
Missouri Pacific
National Cordage Co
National Cordage Co.. pfd.
National Lead Trust
New York Central
N Y., C. & St. L
N. Y.. C. ft St. 1... 2d pfd.
N. Y.. L. K. W
N. Y., L, E. & W., pfd....
X.T.1X. E
N. Y.. O. &W
Norfolk & Western
Norfolk & Western, pfd...
North American Co
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific, pfd
Ohio & Mississippi
Pacific Mail
Peo., Dec. &'Eans
Philadelphia Heading....
P., C, :. &St. L
P.. C, C. & St. I... pfd....
Pullman Palace Car
Richmond & W. P. T
Richmond &W. P. T.. prd
St. Paul Duluth
St. Paul, illun. &Man ...
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
Wabash, pfd
Western Union
Wheeling & L. E
Wheeling L. E.. pfd ...
DU. & Cattle Fil. Trust...
National Lead Co
National Lead Co.. pfd...
88 h
41 Hi
19 If,
ing bid.
139 H
lOh s
1B S
The Wool Markets.
St. Louis Wool Receipts, 5,000 pounds:
shipments, 121,000 pounds: There i3 some de
mand tor choice Missouri and Illinois wool
at 6263c, but Texas and Territory stock is
dead dull and other grades are lifeless.
Boston The wool market has been quieter
and the sales of the week are smaller
amounting to 2,656,000 pounds, or all kinds.
Prices have not materially changed, but the
tone on fleeces i weak. A large lot of It
sold nt 27c for X and 28c for X3- These are
outside figures except for fancy. Michigan
X sells at 2526c; No. 1. washed combing
wools are dull at 3638c. Ohio fine
delaine ruled easy with sales at 32
33c; Michigan, 3031c; unwashed one
quarter blood wools are in good demand at
2426c: territory wools are In eood demand
and steady at 53c for clean and fine; 6553c
forfineraodium, and 5053c medium; Texas,
California and Oregon wools are without im
portant features and sell In a small way at
the old prices. In pulled wools there has
been a -good steady trade; supers, S040c;
extras, mostly 2230r. Australian wools are
in good request with sales of 430,000 pounds
at 3242c as to quality; carpet wools hayo
been quiet.
The Coffee Markets.
New York, March 17. Coffee options
opened barely steady and unchanged to 15
points down, closed steady and unchanged
to 15 down; sales. 14,750 bags, including
March, 13.65cI3.75c: April. 13.2513.30o; May,
12.7512.85o: June, 12.6512.70c: July, 12.45c;
August,12.33c; September, 12.2512.S0c: Octo
ber. 12.20c; November, 12.15; December, 12.6
12.10c. SpotEio dull and steady. No. 7, 14Je.
Baltimore, March 17. Coffee steadv; Kio
cargoes, fair, 17Kc; No. 7, 14Jc.
The Drygoods market.
New York, March 17. The drygoods'mar
ket developed no decidedly new feature.
Tbe market remains unchanged, though
there is some trading in goods difficult to
sell. As to the larger phase of the market,
it could hardly be in better position, the
goods being sold up and prices firm.
OFyira: of The Dispatch,
P;tt3bcbo, THrnsDAY, March 17.
Countky Peoduce (Jobbing Prices)
Oar prices on creamery butter are reduced
lc per pound, in accordance with the action
of the Elgin Board at Monday's sales. Mar
kets here are very bare of choice butter.
Eggs are in fair supply and barely steady at
quotations. Supply of new maple syrup is
in excess of demand and markets are quiet.
Sales are reported a shade below our quota
tions. Tropical fruits are firm, and Florida
oranges particularly so. Choice stock brings
outside prices as fast as it comes to the
front. egetables and apples aro quietly
moving along in tho same old ruts. '
Aprr.Es $1 7a2 50 per barrel.
Dcttek Creamery Elfrlu. 3132c: Ohiobrand3,
2S29c; common country butter. 1718c: choice
countrv roll. 232ic.
Beans Sew York and Michigan pea. $1 85(31 90;
marrowfat, 82 IVS2C1: Lima beans, 3&ic ? to:
hand picked medium, ?1 801 90.
Beeswax Choice, 30&32c t lb; low grades, V2
BrCKWIIEAT Flour New, VAtnpXcV, lb.
CHEESE Ohio choice. lUsvaiic: New York
cheese, 1212'4'c; Llmburger, UnKc: Wisconsin
stveltrer. full cream, 134"li)C:lmporte'lsvveltzer.
Cider Countrv elder. $3 553 00 ner harrel; sand
refined. SO 00f?fi 50: crab cider. $7 50523 CO.
CrxBEEBIES Per box, 81 2X311 M; per barrel,
Eggs strlctlv fresh, MXlSc.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5753c; No. I, 43
50c lb: mixed loK 3940e.
Dried Fruits Peaches, halves, Sc: evapo
rated apples, 73c: apricots. 9llc; blackberries.
fkSySc; raspnerrle. ISCqHS.Sc; huckleberries, 7c; Cal
ifornia peaches. 79c.
HOXET New cron. white clover. 16S117C: Cali
fornia honey. 12l5clb.
Maple Syrup New. 75ffi)S9c ! gallon.
SlAPLE SUGAR 78c ? lb.
UNioir Sets Yellow Erie. $6 00S 50; Jer se.
$3 50S 00.
Poultry A Hvp-Chlckens,0Tc(33l 00 a pair; live
turfcej s, 13f315)c ) lb: ducks. 80S5c a pair: live
esese, ,l COjal 10 a pair; dressed chickens. L'(316c
?) lb: dressed turkeys, llg)17 3 lb: dressed ducks,
1516c ?S lb.
Potatoes Carload lots, on track. 3540c; rrom
store. 4C45e a bushel; Jersevs, 82 753 (.0.
Seeds Western recleaued medium clover. Job
bing at JS 25; mammoth at S3 40; tlmnthr. SI 55 for
prime and-Sl 60 for choice: blue grass. S2 &j SO;
orchard grass. SI 73: millet, si 00: German. 81 13:
Hungarian. SI 10; fine lawn, 25c 9 lb; seed back
wheat. SI 40(3! 50.
Tallow rountrr. 4c: citv rendered. 5c.
Tropical PRUITS-Lemons. fancv. 3Iessina.S3 00
(33 50: Florida oranges. $.! 003 30 a box: Meslnas.
?2 753 00: banams. 81 75a2 10 firsts. 1 251 50
good seconds, per bunch: Persian dates, 4,ioc per
pound: layer figs. 121513c per porni.1.
VEGETABLE--Caboage. $l CO5 CO a hundred;
yellow Danver onions, 82 2-V2 50 a barrel; toma
toes, II 50(35 00 a box; celery, 2330e per dozen;
turnips, OOcfflSl 00 a barrel: Bermuda potatoes.
SS 507 50 a barrel: spinach. S2 002 50 a barrel;
half, 51 251 50; new beets, 7o90c a dozen.
last report, and lightweights aro barely
steady. Calf and sheepskins are coming la
moi-e freely or late, but demand is active for
all thUjt are received.
Following are prices paid by dealers and
tanners for stock delivered here:
No. 1 green salted steers, 60 lbs and over. 740
No. 1 green salted cows, all weijrhts 4?4
No. 1 green salted hides. -10 to to lbs 4'4
No. 1 green salted hides, 25 to 40 lbs 454
No. 1 green salted bulls 4
No. 1 greer. salted calfskins 7
No. 1 green sailed veal kips.. 5
No. 1 green salted runner klns 4
Sheepskins 25759
Tallow, prime 4
Reduction for No. 2 stock, 1 cents per lb
on steers and light hides; I cent on bulls and
2 cents on calfskins.
In Leather Lines.
There is a better movement in harness
leather this week than last, and, though
prices are unchanged, a more hopeful feel
ing prevails among the tanners of Allegheny.
Thero is little stock ahead, and onco tho
spring movement is under foil headway, de
mand is likely to exceed supply. Belting
leather is In lair demand, and prices are
Polio wing are tho prices of harnes leather
as established by the Allegheny tanners:
No. 1 trace, 38c per It; II trace, 36o per 16;
No. 1 extra heavy, 100 lbs and over, 35c per
fi; B extra heavy. 30o per ft; No. 2 extra
heavy, 2Sc per B; No. 1 heavy, 130 to 160 fts,
31c per ft; B heavy, 29c per ft; No. 2 heavy,
27c per ft: black line, 23c per ft; No. 1 oak col
lar leather, 10Jc; B oak collar leather, 9c.
Oak belting batts. nrime quality. jbc
X overweights. 20 lbs and. up 2So
A overweights, 20 lbs and up 2se
B overweights, 20 lbs and up no
C overweights. 201b3andup o
Middle weights, 18 to 193S ibs.lc less than above.
SICKEADACHE-Carter', Little Liver Pnis.
-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
-Carter's Little Liver Plllj.
-Carter's Little Liver PilU.
Tnrpentine Markets.
New York Kosin steady and quiet.
pen tine null anu nominal at 3i3c.
Savans ah Turpentine firm, at 33c. Bosln
firm at $135140.
Charleston Turpentine steady at 33o.
Bosln firm; good strained, $1 25.
29S 29
8) fcU'4
33l :::
75H 75)6
4fiX 41
32 32
82)4 82)4
Boston Stocks Closing Prices.
A Private Investment by Which the Cres
cent City May Benefit.
New Orleans, March 17. 5peda?.
The City Council of New Orleans has
finally adopted the Waring drainage system,
and it will be put into operation at once
not by tho city itself, but' by a private com
pany. New Orleans fs the only city in
America without sewerage, haying nothing
but open gutters, the sewerage being re
moved with difficulty in carts and dumped
in the river. Xhe matter has been inves
tigated time and again, and all the city en
gineers have reported that the character of
the soil, the very small fall of the land, and
the fact that the city is below the level ot
the river would prevent the adoption of
any practical plan of drainage. The idea of
instituting such has been practically aban
doned for years.
A lew days ago a private company ap
peared before the Council and offered to
undertake the work of sewering New Or
leans by the Waring system. The company
is to go to all the expense of it, and to be
allowed to charge the householders for
making connections vrtth their houses. The
Council granted the company the privilege
it asked, and it will begin -work at once.
The AVaring sewerage system is the same as
that in force in Memphis and a number of
other Southern cities," where it has given
satisfaction. To put it into operation will
call for a large expenditure of money, but
the company which has undertaken the job
thinks it will be able to make a good return
on the investment from the annual fees it is
allowed to charge lor disposing of the sew
age from each house.
The movement in this line is fairly active,
with no change in the price list since the ad
vance in sugar noted in the beginning of the
week- At the advance markets are firm.
Margins to the Jobber are very close.
Greex Coffee Fancy, 23323c; choice Eio.
21)224'c: prime. 20c: low-grade Klo. lS19c: old
Government Java, 2729c; Maracaiho. 2122?ac;
Mocha. 2829c: Santos. 2122)4c; Caracas, 23K
24KC; La (iuayra, 21)422)4'.
ROASTED (in papers) standard brands, 19.63c;
high grades. a.4026.,ic; old Government Java,
hulk, 31433c; Maracalbo, 2224c: Santos. Wi
2."c; peaberrv. 26c; choice Klo, 21'4'c; prime Kio,
20,4c: good Klo. 1914c: ordinary. 1718c.
SPICES (whole) Cloves. 10ffil2e: allspice. 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, lie: nutmeg. 70s0c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prleesj nu test. Cc:
Ohio, 120. 7Kc: headllarht, lE0d test, 6)ic; water
white. 78c: globe. 1414Mc; elalne. 13c; carna
dlne, lie: rovallne, 14c; red oil, 10,tllc; purity,
14c: olelne, 12c.
Miners' OIL No. 1 winter strained. 3940c per
gal. : summer. 35f37c; lard. 5255.
Syrup Corn syrup, Z3.!8c: i-holce sugar syrup,
34613SC; prime sugar syrup, 3032c; strictly prime.
S. O. MOLASSES-Pancv new crop. 4012c;
choice, 4041c; old crop, 3G38c; N. u. syrup, 44
SODA Bl-carb. In kegs. 3W(33Vc: hl-carb. in Hs,
514c: bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda.
In kegs, l?4c: do granulated. 2c".
Can-dles Star, full weight, 0c; stearlne, per
set. 814c:parafflne, ll12e.
iticE iieaa Carolina, 64(0)040; cnoice. &4G)4c;
Louisiana. 5514 c.
Starch Pearl, 4c; corn starch, 5Ji'6J4c;gloss
starch. 5K64c.
Foreign Fruit Layer raisins. 2 00: London
layers. 82 25: Muscatels. SI 75; California Muscatels.
SI 40(31 60; Valencla,-5J46c; Ondara Valencia. 6)j
(37c:sultana. 813c: currants. SKOlHc: Turkey
prnnes. 45ic:French prunes.S9)4c:cocoanuts.
100. K 00: almonds. Lan.. $ lb, LOc: do Ivlca.l7c:
do shelled, 50c: walnuts. Nap.. 1314c: Sicily fil
berts, lie: Smvrna flirs. 133 13e: new dates, ivaokc:
Brazil nuts, 7c: pecans,1314c: citron, 3 lb,2122c;
lemon peel, 10c lb: orange peel, 12c.
Sugars Cubes, 4Hc: powdered, 4T6e: granulated.
44c; confectioners. 4sc: softwhlte,4)&i34)4c: yel
low, choice. 34c; yellow, good, 3JJc; yel
low, fair. SJjiasiic
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 K; medium,
half bbls (600). 12 65.
Salt 1N0. 1 hbl, $1 20: No. 1 extra. bbl.tl 10:
dairy, 1 bbl, SI 20: coarse crystal, bbL SI 20; Hig
gins' Eureka. 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higglns' Eureka,
16 14-lb packets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. SI 751 90;
2nds. $1 20(31 40; extra peaches. S2 0032 10: pie
peaches, 85fi90c; finest corn. SI 2&ai 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 1 00(511 10: red cherries, SI 0001 10; Lima
beans, ?1 3d; soaked do. 85c; stringed do, SOkS-Ic:
marrowfat peas. 90024 1 10; soaked peas. K373c;
ptneapples. SI ?01 30: Bahama do. 1)2 00; damson
plums. SI CO; jtreeu gages, 1 83; egg plums. 1 00;
California apricots, fl 852 00: California pears,
S2 10(32 30; do green gages, SI 85; do egg plums,
SI 85: extra white cherries. S2 7332 85: raspberries,
SI 1-1(31 25; strawberries. 95c$$l 10; gooseberries,
$1 OOqH 05; tomatoes. 923S5C: salmon, 1-Ib cans.
1 asi ou; uiacnuerries, sue; saccocasn. a-id cans,
soaked. 90c: do, green, 2-lb cans, SI 25(31 50: corn
beer, 2-lb cans. SI 65l 70: 1-lb cans, SI 20; baked
beans, SI 4C1 3j: lobsters. 1-th cans. S3 25: mack
erel, 1-fb cans, boiled. $1 50: sardines, domestic.
54s. S4 034 10: Hs. $3 50: sardines. Imported. )4s.
$1 oOJSl 00: sardines. Imported, f. SIS 00; sardines,
mustard, S3 40: sardines, spiced. S3 50.
FISH Extra No.l bloater mackerel. S24 per bbl..;
extra So. 1 do mess, SCO: No. 2 shore mackerel, $13:
No. 2 large mackerel. 17: No. 3 large mackerel.
SIS 90: No. 3 small mackerel. ?10. Herrings Split,
S3 50: lake. S3 05 per 100-lb bbl. White fish. 88 OOper
100-lb half bbl. Lake trout, S5 50 per half bbl. Fin
nan haddles. lOcperfb. Iceland halibut. 12cperlb:
Pickerel, half bbf.. U 00: quarter hbl.. ?1 60. Hol
land nerring, 70c. n aixon Herring, uuc.
OATMEAL J4 735 00.
John M. Oakley & Co.,
Direct private wire toNewTork nnd Chi
cago. Member New YbrK, Chicago and Pitts
burg Exchanges.
Local securities bought and sold for cash,
or carried on liberal margins.
Investments made at our discretion and,
dividends paid quarterly.
Interest paid on balance (since 1SS3).
Money to loan on call.
Information books on all markets mailed
on application. f e7
nrnnirc savings bank,
rLUrLL u si fourth avenue.
Capital, $300,000. Surplus and undivided,
profits, $111,830 .!L .
4Piesident. Sec Treas.
per cent interest allowed on time da
posits. OC24-64-D
Whitney be Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
As old residents know and back flies ot
Pittsburg papers provo, is the oldest estab.
lisbed and most prominent physician Jn tho
clty.devoting specialattentinn to all chronic
.Dl nnn AMiI CIIMdlseasas
1ULUUU niiLJ OfXIli stages.
MCDni IC an'l mental dls
ll L.IJ V UUO eases.physicai de
cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi
tion and hope, impaired memory, disordered
sight, sen distrust, nasuimness, dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, impover
ished olood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
unfitting the person for business.socletv and
marriage, permanently, safely and privately
curea l
in all!
eruptions, blotches.fallinc hair-bones-nainq.
glandular swellings, ulcerations of tba
tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, nra
cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated froml IDIM A DV kidney ana
the system. Unl IN All I .bladder de
rangements, weak back, grav el, catarrhal
discharges, inflammation and other painful
symptoms receive searching treamenH
urompt relief and real cures.
Dr. whittier'a life-long extensive experi
ence Insures scientific and reliable treat,
ment on common sense principles. Consulta
tion fiee. Patients at a distance as carefully
treated as If here. Office hours, 9 A. jr. to
p.m. Sunday, 10 a. sr. to 1 p. it. only. DR.
AVHITTIEK, 81tPenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
DR. E. C.
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria,
Dizziness. Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Nenralgla.
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the usa
of alcohol or tobacco, 1Vakefulne33. Mental Do
presslon. Softening of the Brain resulting In in
sanity, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Loss
of Power In either ser. Involuntary Losses and
Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the
brain, self-abuse or orer-indulgence. Each box
contains one month's treatment. J1.0O a bos. or
six for JS.0O, by mall.
To cure any case. With each order received fof
six boxes we will send tho purchaser our written
guarantee to refund the money ir the treatment
does not cure. Guarantees Issued only by EMU.
G. STOCKY. Druggist. Sole Agent. Nos. 2401 and
1701 Penn avenue, corner Wylle avenue and Fulton
street, Pittsburg. Pa., Use Stu cky's Diarrho? 3j
Cramp Cure. 25 and 50 cts. ja-132-eod.a
Atch. JtTopeka 40
Bostou & Alban v 20ti
do Slalnel 168
;ni. iiur. x (jiuucy .ius
r iLtuuuiK Jl. 1.
Flint & Pe re M.
, 23
do nra.... 82
Little Kock & Ft. S.. 944
mass, uentrai 10
Hex. Central, com .. 19
N. Y. & N. England. 49)t
do 7s 120)t
Old Colony 172 w
Wis. Central, coin... lMjfi
AUouez SI. C.(new), 1j
Atlantic 11
Boston & Mont ra
Calumet & Hecla ...258
Franklin ny
Kearsarge 13'
Osceola tajj
Saute Fe Copper 37M
Tamarack 162
Boston Land Co. ... .
San Diego Land Co. 18M
Wes. End Land Co. 1
Bell Telephone.. ..,.201
Lamson Stores 1814
Water Power 338
Cent. Mining 124
N. E. T 51
13. Jt B. Copper lsx
- Philadelphia Stocks.
' Closine qnotatlons of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Afked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 54? 65
Heading Railroad 23H 28 11-10
Bufralo. N. Y. Phlla si, u
Lehigh Valley 56 57
Northern Pacific 23 24
Northern Pacific, pref. 67Jf 67X
He Holds on to a Precarlons Perch for
Eighteen Miles.
Ckawfoedsville, Ind., March 17.
Special.' It was an awful ride that James
Galbjraitb had on a Monou lreigiit train
this afternoon. Galbraith is a mail carrier
at Linden, 18 miles north of Crawfordsville.
This afternoon he got the mail from a north
hound train and started for the postoffice by
climbing between two cars of freight that
were standing on the switch. While in the
act of climbing through the train started
and his legs' were crushed between the draw
bars. ,
There was no brake for him to seize, so in
terrible agony he pluckily held on lor the
awful ride.bf 18 miles, -his legs being
crushed to a jelly as the cars bumped and
thundered along the lough roadbed. It
seems almost miraculous, but the gritty
man did not (ainttill the train stopped hi
Crawfordsville. He was at once discov
ered, and taken from his place of fearful
torture. .He can hardly recover
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she' was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Mi3s, sho clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castori
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Sales on call at the Grain Exchange wore
the largest for any one day this month, the
total being II carloads, as follows: 9 cars of
No. 2 white oats, freo in elevator; 2 cars of
sack bran, $1S, spot. Receipts, as bulletined,
23 car's. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chi
caao Railway i cars of hay, 1 of flour. By
Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis A cars of
corn, 3 of bran, 2 of hay, 3 of oats. By Balti
more and Ohio 1 car ot hay. By Pittsburg
and Western 1 car of corn, I of wheat, 1 of
hay, 1 of flour. There are no new develop
ments in cereal lines since our report. Oats
and millfeed are easy, and ear corn is firm.
Hay Is steady at prices emoted. Wheat and
flour are quiet.
Following quotations are for carload lots on
track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices
lrom store:
Wheat No. 2 red, 9S09c; No, 3 red. 94c
COHN No. 2 yellow ear, 48rnl4SJic: high mixed
ear. 4G(S40Kc: mixed ear. 4545,"ic;No. 2vellow
shelled, 440Mc: high mixed shelled, 4545$c;
mixed shelled, 4i5&44,se.
Oats No.l oak, 3b33)c: No. 2 white. 35K
Sfio: extra No. 3 oats, 3o33c; mixed oats, 31
KYE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 92r3c; No.
1 Western. 8a80c.
Flock Jobbing prices Fancy spring patents.
S3 255 50: fancy winter patents. 8525j5)5 50: fancy
straight w inter. 85 COta., 25: fanev straight spring.
Sj I55 40; clearwlnter, 84 755 00: stralEhtSXXX
bakers'. H 504 S3, ltye flour. S4 7535 00.
JIilliteld No. 1 white middlings. 819 COIO FO
per ton: No. 2 white middlings, J17 5013 CO: brown
middlings. S13 50I7 00: whiter wheat bran, ?17 sea
17 75: chop feed. fl5 C031S 00.
II AY Baled tlmothv. choice. S14 0O314 50: No. 1.
tl3 75H 00; No. 2. ?i M(312 50: clorer hay, 912 50$
12 75: loose lrom wagon, $14 001S 00, according to
quality: packing hav, 83 50S 7-j.
STRAW Oats, 7 OH; 50; wheat. JC 00SS 50; rye,
$7 (J07 a.
rio visions.
Sugar cured hams, large
Sugar cured hams, medium
Susrar cured hams, small
Sugar cured California hams
bug ir cured b. bicon ,
Sngar cured skluued liams, large....,
Sugar cured skinned hams, medium..
Sugar cured shoulders ,
Sugar cured boneless shoulders ...,'..,
Sugar cured skluned shoulders,
Sugar cured bacon shoulders
Sugar cured dry-salt shonlders
Sugar cured beef, rounds
Sugar cured beef, setts
Sugar cured beef, flats
Bacon, clear sides. CO lbs
Bacon, clear bellies, 2ufbs
Dry salt clear sides, 30 lbs ave'g
ury sail ciear siaes. jc ids are g.
Thoroughly, Rapidly, Permanently Restored.
If yon it, suffering from Nervousness. Debility. lost at
Failing Manhood, Impotency , Stunted Development ol
any ot the parts. Weakness of Body and Iliad. Worry
Errors ot youth or Later xcesses,
Here Is Hops lor all. Tow, HMe Aed ail OH Hsa,
exclcsitk niTiions or iiojik TnxATm.Tr.
Absolutely Unfailing. Kudoried by tba leading Uedleal
Fraternity. INVESTIGATE. Book, explanations, UaUaw.
alaj and endorsements mailed (sealed, FREE.
ZES AH0ELC3 3IZ3ISAL RS7IXU72 CO.. Cicies, 0i
SPECIALISTS In all cases rf
5 uiring scientific nnd conlV
cntial treatment. Dr. S. K.
Lake, SI. R. C. P. 8., Is the old
est and most experienced spe
cialist in the city, consults1
tion free and strictly confly
dentlal. Office hours, 9 to 4 and 7 to St. jr.;
Sundays, 2 to 1 p.m. Consult them person
ally, or write. Doctors Lake, cor. Penn aY
and Fourth at.. Pittilmrg. Pa. Je3-72-DirlE ,
Easily. Quietly, Permanently KESTOKEIV
and all the train of evils, the results of over
work, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength.
development, and tone guaranteed in all
cases. Simple, natural methods. Immeut.
ate improvement seen. Failure impossible.
2,000 references. Book, explanations and,
proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address
30 fS NlI
i Mm IssSfoiv-i-M
10 r f maiinti
74 r-f
r; VS. sj
Jlesspork, heavy 13 CO
Messoork. famllv..
Lard, refined In tierce.
Iard, refined in one-liairbbls..
Lard, refined In S0-lt tubs
Lard, refined In 20-Ib palls
Lard, refined, InSO-lb tin cans.
Lard, refined, ln.3-!a tin palls..
Lard, refined, in5-lttln pails .
Lara, rellned, in IB-lb tin palls..
13 00
. 6!(j
Bides and Calfskins.
Steer hides aro a shade weaker than at our
A recent discovery by an OVt
phvslclan. Successfully used
monthlr by thonsandsof ladles.
Istheonlv perfectly safe and
reliable medicine discovered.
Reware cf unnrlnclDletl tlrnr-
gists wTio offer inferior meril
rlneslnnlaceof this. Ask for
-nrnr' eflrpnw TIOT COKPOCSD. take no substi
tute, or Inclose tl and cents In postage In letter,
and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Fall
sealed particulars In Plain envelope, to ladles only,
"stamps. Address POND LILYf OMPANY.
y Xo. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Jllch.
Sold in Pittsburg by Jos. Flsjiixo & Sox. (U
Market street. del7-51-eodwk
SnSdrHig Ada
the effects ot
Touthful errors
early decay, wasting weakness, -lost manhood, eta,
I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing
full particulars tor home cure, FREE of charge.
A splendid medical work: should be readbyevjry
man who lr. nervous and debilitated. Address,
Profc F- C. FOITIEB, Hoodo, Cojj.