t'ls' v?- THE .PEETSBUHG DISPATCH, .MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15t 189a- -s Vr . TALMAGE'S CREED. Xot an Old One, Sot a Revised One, but Simple and Sufficient. Wlir -SINNERS ARE DRIVEN AWAT. TfceChurch Requires Them to Believe Al together Too Much. 'CS2IST SHOULD BE MET OX THE LEYEL f fTECXAL TELT.CEAM TO TlIE SISPATCIM Hkooklyn, Feb. 14. Dr. Talmage took as his text this morning Luke vi., 17: "And he came down with them and stood in the plain." Christ on the mountains is a frequent study. Wc have seen Him on the Mount of Olives, Mount of Beatitudes, Mount Moriah, Mount Calvary, Mount of Ascension, and it i glorious to tudy him on theso great nat ural elevations. But, how is it that never before v e have noticed Him on the plain? Amid the rocks, high upon the mountain, Christ had passed the night, but now. at cu.ilyaa.wn. He is cominsr down with some -pecial Inends. stepping from shelving to shelving, here and there a loosened stone Tolling down the steep sides ahead of Him until He gets in a level place, so that He can toe approached without climbing from all side. He is on the level. Mv test says. "He came doun with thorn and stood in the plain."' Now. that is what the world wants to-dav more than anything else a Christ on the level, easy to set at, no ascending, no descending, approachable trom all sides Chiist on the nl.iin. The question among nil consecrated peo ple to-day is what is the inattoi with the minister"-? Many of them are encased i-i lucking holes in the Bible and apologizing for this and apologizing for that. In an ace -when the w hole tendency is to pay too little reverence to the Bible, they are lighting gain-t l'.iblioiatry, or too much reverence for the Bible. They are building a fence on the Mrong side or tue road, not on the side wheie thepiecipiceisand off which multitude-, are tailing, but on the upper side of the toad, -o that people ill not lall nphill, of which there i no danger. Can't lie -re the Bible Too SIucli. Theie is no more danger of Bibliolatry, or too much reverence for the tcripture, than there i that astrology n ill take the place of ailronomv, or nlcheniv the place of chemis try, or thecanal boat the place of the limited ipve- rail train. What a theological farce 4t i ministers fighting against too much revet ence foi the sciiiuures; ministers making apologv tor thccriptuies; ministeis pretenulng to be tiiendsof the Bible. yet do ing the I'.i'ok more damage than all the blatant inlnicN on all the earth. Hie tioiible N oui theologians are up in iheuiu::ilaminaIiglitaboethecloudsabout things winch tliev do not understand. Come don n on the plain and stand beside Christ, fho ueci pleached a technicality or a alactici-m. What do you. O, Wise-Headed 3-cclei:i-t! know about the Decrees of 1,odr At lm c ire- a tig about your -ublapsar-jauiMUO'. uu supralap nanism? Wtiata-i)ec:acli' e tiave m our denomi nation to-da : eommittees trying to patch up an old creed made 200 01 SCO years ago, so that i win tit on the Mnetcentlt century. Whv (3u rot our millinery establishments take our o. fie garret- the coal-scuttle bon nrtR which urar gieat-grandmothers wore suultrj to fit them on the head ot the modern maidrii? You cannot fix up a 300 J ear old redsoasto fit nr time, l'rinccton will sow on a little piece and Union beminary m ill -e on a little piece, and Allegheny Scmiiunj and DanMlle culinary will sew on other piece-, and bv the time the creed is done it will be as ai legated as Jpseplfs coatot many coloi- Think of having to chauge an old eieed t make it clear that all inlanisdyiiis go to heaven! Glad Hi- ISalm s Ilse a Chance. I am so glad that thecommittees aTe going to let the babus in. ThatiK you. So many or them ate already in that all the hills of lioavcn look like a Minday scnool anniver KtTy. 2on, what is the use of fixing up a creed which left any doubt on that subject? 2vo man ever doubted that all infants dying so to heaven, unless he boa Herod or a Chailes Ointeau. I na-oppo-cdto overhauling the old creed at all, but, now that it has been lilted up and it unperlectlons set up in the sight of the world, 1 t-aj , o ci board w nil It and make a new en-ert. There are to-day in out denomi nation Ooo men w ho could make a betteronc. I could make a better one myself. As we ate noi in process of changing the ciecdaud no one Knonswhatwe are co llected in belie e, or ill two or tmee years lience be expected to believe, 1 could not wait and o 1 ha e made a creed ot my o n, ivhicli I intend to observe the rest of my li.c. I w tote it down in my memorandum ImotMinieMs months ago, and it reads as JOllOWS. Mi irci-d. "Tin- glorious Lord. To trust Him, love Him and hIh i li'in is all that Is rctjutri-d, to thai creed 1 Im itc all mankind. I. DeWitt Talmace." Tile lc.T-on Cluistianity has not made more rapid ail i ance is becau-e the people are risked to believe too many things. There are, I believe, to-day millionsof good Chnstians lio have neiVr joined the church and are notcounted among the Lord's ftiend, becau-e tne cannot believe all the things that rjievare required to believe. One-half tho tiling- a man is expected to believe in order tocnter the church and i each heaven have no more to do with Ins salvation than the question. How many volcanoes aro there in the moon? 'on-IsentiaIs to Salvation. 1 believe 10,000 things, but none of them have anything to do with my salvation, ex cept the-e two, I am a sinner and Christ came to save me. 1-there not some mode of getting out of the way these non-essentials, theso super fluities the-e divergencies, from the main issue Is there not some way of bringing the Church down out of the mountain of controversy aud conventionalism and to put it mi the plain where Chiist stands? Many oi rue cuurcui's me oniy religious emu liou-es, w here a tew people jro on Sunday mornina, a eiaging one person to a pew or one pei -on toa halt dozen pews, and leaving the minister at night to saeat through a sermon with here and there a lone traveler, unless, by & Sunday evening sacred concert, he can get out an jiuaieucc ot respectable size. The vast xnnioiuvof thocliuicli membership round the woild put fin th no direct effort for the salvation of men. Hid I say there would have to be a clrmge I correct thatand sav, there w ill lw a change. If there be 15,000,000 person-addea eery year to the world's population, then, there will be 30,000 000 addcl to tin- chm rh and 40,000,000and 50.000,000 jind ff" 00,),(mi H. will it be done? It will lio done w in n the church will meet Christ on the plain The lull change Mill have to come from the rising mim-trj . Wo now in the field are too set in our wajs. We are lumbered up with technicalities. We have too many con cordances and dietionaiies and encyclopedia- and systems or theology on our head to get don n on the ulain. Christ Hears the World's Troubles. Bv no science has the weight of this -world's tiouble been weighed. Sot, Christ standing on the level of our humanity stands in sympathy with every ttouble. There are so many aching heads; His ached imdcr the thorns. There are so many weary Jeet; His were worn with tho long journey up and down the land that received Him not. There are so uianv persecuted souls: tverj hour o. M life was under human outrage. The world had no better place to receive Him than a cattle jien. Sointeuselv , .... -..-.ic 11 Tliot- tlmi-n l. - ...... - all our race a grief or infirmity or exhaus tion or pans that did not touch Him onca and that does not touch Ui-n now. The lepers, the paralytics, tho imbecile, the niuiiiac, the courtesan, theiepen taut bri-and which one did He turn oil, which one did Ho not pity, which one did He not help" The iiniver.-al trouble or the woi Id is be jcavcmeut. One mi escape all the other troubles, but that no soul escapes. Out of that bitter cup everyone must take a urink. Christ on tho nlain. I care not from hat side you approach Him, j ou can touch Mini and get His helD. Is it mental depression on suffer? Itemember Him who said: "My oiid, mv God, w by hast Thou forsaken Me?'" Is it a struggle for bread? Eemember Him w ho ted the 5 000 with two minnow s and five biscuit, neither of the biscuit larger than your fist. Is it chronic ailment? Itemember the woman who for IS years w as bent almost double.and He lifted her lace until she could 100k into the blue sky. Sympathy for Uodilv Infirinilies. That Christ Is iu sympathy with all who have trouble with their eyes, and that is becoming an almost uni versal trouble through much read ing In rail cars, and the over-prcssuro of study in the schools whole childicnare ez. pacted to be philosophers at 10, hoys and ijiiitmii ,i.. --" -; - .v-.v. H.1-. jJut open in girls at 14 with spectacles, I say with all such trouble Christ is in sympathy, f That Christ is in sympathy with those who stammer, or have silenced cars, nrfico how promptlv He came to that mail rItH impedi ment or speech and gave him command of the tongue so that he could speat with ease, and, putting His fingers into the ears, re timed the tvmpat.um. Is there a lack of circulation in vour arm, think or Him who cured tho defective circulation and the in active muscles of a patient who had lost the use-or baud and arm bv saving, "Stretch forth thy hand!" Nothing is the matter with you, but you may appeal to a sympathetic Christ. And u you feel your-olf to be a great sinner, hear what He said to that repenting Magdalen, while with a scalding sarcasm Ho dasheu her hypocritical pursuers. And sec how he made an immortal llturg out of the publican's cry, ''God be mercirul to me n sinner," a prayer so short that the most overwhelmed offender can utter ir, and jet long enough to win cclestiil dominions. It was well put by a mail who had been converted and who re membered that in his dissolute days he found it hard to get occupation, because he co-ild not pre-ent a certificate for good char acter. In commending Christ to the peoplo he said, "Bless God, I have Jound out that Jesus will take a man without a character. Chrijt Not mfllrnlt ot Access. Chris on a level w i Jh suffering humanity. My text says: "He carae down with them and stood in the plain." Xo climbing up through attributes you cannot understand. So ascending to the heights of ucantirul rhetoric of prajer. Xo straining aftT eleva tions vou cannot reach. Xo hunting for a God tiiatvou cannot find. But going right sti-a'ght to him and Jookirtg into his face and takim, .lis hand and asking for hispatdon, his i-omfoit. his grace, his heaven. Christ on the level. When during the siege of Pehastopol an officer had commanded a private -oldier to stand on the wall exposed to the enemy, and receive the ammunition asitwc-handed up. while he, the officer, stood iu a place sheltered from the enemy s guns. General Gordon leaped upon the w-all to help, aud commanded tho officer to fol low him, and then closed with tho words, "Xeierordera man to do an thing that you are afraid to do vour-elf." Glory be to God, the Cantain ol bur salt ation has Himself gone through all tho exposures in which Ho command- us to bo, courageous. He has bren tin ough it all, and now offers his sym pathy in similar struggle. Oh Join Him on the plain As long as you stay up in tho mountain of vour pride you w ill get no help. That is the'reason so many never hnd the salvation of the gospel. They sit high up in the Mont Blanc ot their opin ionativeness and they have their opinion about God, and their opinion about the soul, and their opinion about eternity. Have you anv idea that j our opinion will have any ef lect upon the two tremendous fa"ts, that you aro a sinner, and that Christ is ready at your earnest prayei to save you? Opinions "Worthies? at Jndgment. Iii the final day of accounts how much will jouropiuion be wotth? Your opinion will not be of much importance before tho blast of the Archangel's trumpet. When the life of this planet shall bo threshed out with the flay of thunderbolts nobody will ask about yonr opinions Come down from the moun tain of opinionativcncss,andmeet Christ on the plain, where you must meet him or never meet him at all, except as j ou meet him on the judgment throne. Christ easy to get at! No armed sentinel to challenge you. No ruthless officer to scrutinize the'papers you present. Imme diate response. Immediate forgiveness. Im-modi-ite solace. Through what strugglepoo plemnstgoto get a pnrdon from wordly authorl'y: Bv what petition, by what hind drance. bv what nervous strain or anxiety, by what adroi'ness. A Count of Italw was condemned to be put to death at Milan. The Countqss, hearing of the sentence, hatencd to Vienna to seek his pardon. The deatli warrant was already on its way. The Conntess, arriving in Vienna in the night, hastened to the palace gates. Tho attendants forbade her entrance at all, and especially at night, but she oveicamo them with her entreatie", and the Empress wns wakened and the Countess pleaded be fore bet for the life of her husband, and then the Emperor was wakened to hear the same plea. Two rjiflicnltlps Overcome. Commutation of sentence wascranted.but how could she overtake the officer who had staited with the death warrant, and would she bo too late to save the life of her hus band? By four relays of horses, and stopping not a moment for food, she leached the city of Milan as her husband was on the way to the scaffold. .Inst in time to save him, and not a minute to spare, she came up. You see there were two difficulties in the way. The one was to net the pardon signed, and the other to bringit to the right placo in time Qlory he to God, we need go through no such exigency. Xo long road to travel. Xo pitiless beating at a palace gate. Pardon here. Pardon now. Pardon for the asking. Pardon forever. A Savior easy to get at. A Christ on the plain! HOME SECUBITIES. Local Speculation Keacbes Utgli Water 3Iark of the Tear. Business on 'Chango last week was the best of the year in poins of sales, hut full values io.e. sustained in onlj- a few cases. Loscs, however, -were not serious. They weie merely tho reactions which always attend quick bulges halts called when the pace is rapid, to give time for reflection and leorgauization to meet the new conditions. Final prices as compared with those of the previous Saturday show these results: Eipe aEC gained ; Philadelphia Gas, x Pleasant Vallev, 5; Electric, "Switch and Signal, ; Airbrake, 2: Underground Cable 2: Central Traction lo-t J4: Junction Railroad, lit Citi zens' and Pittsburg Traction and Luster closed the same. Final figures, with one or two exceptions, wore practically lower than the nest of tho week, due to the withdrawal of buying orders as partofa plan to force cone ssions. The position of the market is so strong on its merits, and money so plenti ful, that the bears have a very small handle to work, and the impression they have made cannot, it is believed, be more than tem porary. -mIc's SaliirdivwereaDI shares, as follows: 225 I'leisant .Vallev at 23 50 Manchester Traction at 59K, 100 Electric at 14;, 30 Switch aedSignalat 1'. 90at 1!. Alter call: 100 Electric at U& . Sales for the week were 8,049 shares of itock and $45,C00 honds,against 8,116 shales or stock and S3.00J bonds the previous week. Sales ot Pleasant Vallev reached 2,410 shares, and of Birmingham Traction 1 lOii. At the end ot the session the unlisted trac tions stood: Duquesne, 22 bid, offered nt 21; Birmingham, 22H Did, offered at 23: Man chester, 40 bid. With tho exception of Man chester, thce quotations aro lower than those of a weekago. Manchester improved aboiit$lashaic. Clearings Tell off about $1,000 000 from tho previous week, but weic $50o,O0J or so in ex cess of the same Jime last year. Bad weather was detrimental to many lines of activity, but resnlts, all things considered, were satisfactory It would bo folly to ex pect a boom at the close of the winter sea son and before spring opens. Merchants and manufacturers were a little more urgent for accommodations. The supply or funds wasamnle forall purposes. There was no chance in the interest rate, which ruled at C percent at bank and something less out side. The.Clearing House report summar izes results as follows: Saturday's exchanges , Saturday's balances , Weck'b "exchanges "Week's balances . ., , Prei ions week's exchanges...., Week's exchanges, 1S01 .$2,1.V!,110 14 , 474.21 0 51 . 12.787,782 81 . 2.360.HJ5 l 13.73i.4I3 15 . 12.210.1S1 53 The Coffee Markets. Xew YoRK,Feb. 13. Coffee Options opened steady unchanged to 5 points up; closing steady unchanged to 15 un: sales, 31,250 bass, including: February, 13.70c; March, 13.30 I3 35c: April, 13.00: Jlay, 12.93; Jilne, li75fi) 12.80: July, 12.7012.75c: September. 12.30 12.00c: October. 12.40c; spot liio dull and easy; Xo. 7, 14XMJc Baltimore, Feb. 13. Cofloo firm; Itio cargoes, rair, 17Jjc: No. 2, 15c. The Drygoods Mnrket. New Tore, Feb. 13. Theie was no new feature to the drygoods market. Popular goods keep well sold up and prices are steady. Print cloths are very strong and low grades are also firm. Bniness was quiet in woolen fabrics. The jobbing trade, w as lair, but not up to last year's, on account of tho light Southern patronage. Turpentine Markets. Savanxah Turpentine firm at 32;c. lto-in linn at $1 10I 15. Chirlestos Ttupentine steady at 31c. Ilosui firm: good strained at $1 05 bid. New Yojik Boslu dull ana steady: strained common to good. $1 fOJJl 35. Turpentine quiet and firm: 3Va635c blCK HEADACHE SICK HEADACHE SICK HEADACHE Carter's Little Liver PllU. 'Carter's Little Liver Pills. '-Carter's Little Liver PlUi. : Carter's Little Ltyer Pills. SICK 11EADACH dei-IO-XWTsii f TEE HOME FAEKETS. The Supply of Fresh Eggs Has Caught Up to Demand, and Prices ARE LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO. Cereals Quiet All Along the line, With Hay andliillfeed Lower. A SLIGHT ADVANCE IS PROVISIONS Office of TnE DtsrxTcn, .. PtTTsnuna, Saturday, February 13. Couhtry Produce (Jobbing prices) Tho supplylof fresh eggs has caught up to de mand, and markets aro 7c per dozen below the highest point reached a. week ago. All ohoice dairy products avo firmly held, and cheese is firm enough to advance in price. Poultry is only in fair supply, and markets havogaincdin strength and action the past week. "Tropical fruits continue quiet and slow. Tho movement of vegetables is still reported slow, with prices practically the same as they havo been this week or more past. Cabbage is a drag and potatoes are quiet. trrt.Es-SI 3C(!f 1 75 per barrel. Butter Crrami-rv Klein, srSlc: Ohio brands, 2S;S0c; common I'ii'uiitry butter, 17lSc: cholca country roll. Sac5c. - . ISEtxs Xrn Yir andMlcnigan pea. fl 90? r: marrowfat, s iv,7i2 2i: I.lmi licana, 442C 15; band picked medium, SI CV31 SO. Bees. wax Cliuice, :Kc9 lb; low grades, 2 iiir. HfCKwnxAT Flour Xew. I!f2c 7 lb. , CHKESF.-Olilo clinicc. WifftMc; New York cheese, laEliVc: Limhnrgcr, iaai3c: Wisconsin swri'er, full cream, 13'141ic: imported sweitzer, SKffMS'e. 1'inr.R-roiintrr cider. $3MjiSC0? barrel; tana rclined. S"i 001 60: crab rider, f? "'lias 00. CRAXiiEitiULS I'crbox, 2aWf2ol; per barrel, ; oojffs 03 , , Kocs-Strlctlv fresh nearby stock,!8!Kc;plcklcd epurs. n!23c per dor. Kf.atiiers Extra Hie geese, 575Sc: No. 1, 4S 50c V Ib:"inied lots, .-Sssluc. Diiied Fruits l'cacnes. Iialres, 5!ic: evapo rated apples, 8!9c: apricots, Wile: blackberries, ofMc: ra-pberrles. ISiaiS'ic: huckleberries, 7c; Cal ifornia poaches, 7,il7B9I-c. (Same-Wild turkrys, JI X2 00 each mallard dncks. $1 so per pair: teal ducks, SJ 70(33 00 per dozen: pheasants, f : 25 per pair: quail. I- 50 per In7cn: siiulrrcb, si O0i 23: rabbits, 20S1V- per pair: whole deer, 12I3e tR; saddles. lWJ.'Ooy lb Homsy Xcw crop, ulilte clover, in17c: Cali fornia honcv. 12(5I5c "ft lb Mai-lb SYrur-7.vaRV gallon. JI ai-le t-va vr-ioc ?! lb. I'OfLTKY Alive ClilcRens, 70a75r a pair, large; C0(ffi70c, medium; live turkeys, lOlffiUc'f lb: ducks. (imjijOc a pair: live geese, tl S5 a pair: dreved chickens. lZmWe lb: dressed turkeys, 1415cIb; dressd ducks, lyaicc ? lb. Potatoes Carload lots. iMiHOc, on track: from store. li5c a bushel: Southern sweets, fl 50311 73 a barrel; Jcrse vs. W 0033 23 Seeds Western reilenned medium clover. Job bli!KatfC25: mammoth at $8 40: timothy. $1.10 Tor prime and 1 55 for choice: blue grass. f2 C52 80: orchard fcras. 1 75: millet, si 00: German, 51 15;' Hungarian. $110; fine lawn, 25c "& lb; seed buck wheat, $1 40(31 50. Tallow country, 4c: city rendered, 5c. TroI'Jpal Fruits I.emniis. fancv,Meslna,S3 75 ISA 00; Floridi oranges. $2 Wi& 50 a box: bananas. $1 5U1 75 flrsts. ?I 00(31 25 good seconds, per bunch ; Malaga granes,3 OOfglO 00 a half barrel; pineapples, 20fa25c apiece. Vegetables Canhage. J3 00554 00 a hundred: yellow D.-uner onions. $2 25(5.: 50 barrel; toma toes. $3 (0($3 25 a crate; celery, 25f5:30c per doyen: turnips. s0c(a$i OOa barrel; new liermuda potatoes, $S no a barrel. Groceries. There are no new developments in this line since our last report. The movement is quiet and prices are unchanged. Coffee nnd canned goods are the strong factors of trade. Green- CorrEE-Fancv. ;i22c; choice Illo. 20 21J4C; prime. 19c; low grade Rio. 17.'sl8,fc: old Government Java. 36323c: Maraeaibo. Jl'J22lic; Mocha, 27);a28Hc; Santos. 21'12;!!c; Caracas, 22M jj.23'c:LaGu.ira. 2i(a2c. Koastkd (In papers) Standard brands, 19 3-20c: high grades, 22I3-20S25 13-2TC: old Government Java, bulk. 2SS30 3-20C; Maracalbo, Wii2X'ic; Santos. isj(a?3c: peaberrv. 25c: choice Itio, Wr: prime Klo,"l9 3-J0c; good liio, IS.'ic; ordinary, 16,4 17c. SIMCES (whole) Cloves. l312o: allspice, 10c; cassia. 8c: pepper, lie: nutmeg, 70S0e. Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test. 6c; Ohio. 120. 7c: headlight. 150 lest, Cc; water white. 7'(Se: globe. li14c: clalne. 13c: carna- dlne. llc;rmallne 14c; red oil, lOfSMc; purity, 14c: oleinc. 12c. Mixers' Oil NO. 1 winter, strained, 39IOc per gal.: summer. 3537c: lard oil, 5255c STRUr Com svrup, 2528e: choice sugar syrun, 3433ct prime sugar syrup, 30132c: strictly prime. (ffl-UC. S. O. Molasses Fancv new crop, cliolcc, 40llc; old crop, 3fl3Sc; X. O 4042c; syrup. 4l(onc, :-ODA-ni-carb. In kegs, 3(ffi3Vc: hi-carb. in Ms. diicz ni-carb, asnrrea packages, o?4taw:: sat soda. in Jvegs. i'c: no granuiaica,c. CANDLES-Star. full weight, 9c; stearine, per set. 8Vc; parafllne. 111312c. Kick Ileail Carolina, Ci(iVc: choice 5VpMc; Louisiana, 5faiVc, XTAKcii lrearL 4c; corn starch, 5.SMc; gloss starch. SHtS-'iVc. J"orfign"1"rcits I.aver raisins, $2 (0: London laiers. $225: Muscatels. $1 75; CallfbrniaMuscatels. $l'4"l 00: Valencl-i, bSUSe; Ondara Valencia, 7 7Kc; Sultana. 8013c: currants. 404c: Turtuy prunes. 4a.ic; French prunes. SfMRc: cocoanuts, V 100, $e0D: almond Lan.. lb, 20c: do Ivlc.i. 17c: do shellcil. 50c: walnuts. Nap., 13fflt4c: Sicily fil berts, lie: Smvrni figs, 12S13C: new dates, .VS-ic; Hraiil nuts, 7c: necans. 13I4c: citron, ?llb,21(ai:c: lemon peel. 10c ? lb; orange peel, 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced. e'sfSVic; apples, eianoratcd, fiw; jeaches, evaporated, pared, lft(Si20c: peaches, California, evaporated, nupared, 8ifc9;ic: cherries, pitted, 12c: cherries, unpitted, 6c: raspberries, evaporated, 1718c; blackberries, 44c: huckleberries, 7c. SLGARS Cubes, 4Sc: powdered, 4Vc; granulated, 4Jic; confectioners'. 4'c: soft white, 3-$fiHc: bel low, choice. 3Wo3Vc: yellow, good, 3,SJ5c: yil- low. lair. 3foi3we. Pickles Medinm, bbls (1,203), $1 25; medium, half Mils (M0). !2C5. " SALT Xo. 1 bbl, $1 20: No. I, extra, & bbl. $1 10: dairv, fi bhU $1 20: coarse crystal, fl bbl. $1 20: Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $.: 8J; Higglns' kunka. 16 14-!li paikets, $3 to. Caxxfo Goods stamlard peaches, SI 75(1 90; 2ds. $1 251 35 extra peaches. $2 0OfB2 10: nle peaches. frva'iOrt finest corn. $1 25(31 50; Hid. Co. corn. $1 0031 10: red cherric. $1 OoI 10; Lima beans. $1 35; soiked do. 65c; stringed do. 80l85c; marrowfat peas. $1 ooI 15; soaked neas. I5(fl70c: pineapples, $1 2C1 33: Bahama do. $2 00; damson plums, $1 00; greengages. $1 a5; egg plums, $1 00; California apricots. $1 852 00: California pears. $2 102 30: do greengages, $1 85; do egg plums, $1 81: extra white cherries, $2 7oi$2 85: raspberries, $1 151 25; strawberries. 95 ?1 10: gooseberirfes, $1 001 05; tomatoes. 9095c; saluion. .fb cans, $1 aai SO: blackberries, sue: succotash. 2-lb cans, soaked. 90c: do green. 2-lb enns. $1 25531 50; corn beef. 2-lb cans. $1 Krfft 170: 1-Ib cans, $1 20: baked beans $1 40(311 5"; lolttters, 10-1B cans, $1 25; mack ereL l-thcuiN Iwlled. $150: sanllnes, 'domestic. Us. $1 00(4 10: 4t, $150; sardines. Imported Jrfs, $11 5012 10: sardines. Imported, . $18 00; sar dines, mustard. $3 40: s-irriincs, spiced. $J 50. Fish Extra Xo. 1 bloat'T mackerel. $21 00 per bbl: extra Xo. ldo. mess, $20 00: Xo. 2 shore mack erel. $18 00; Xo. 2 larg? mackerel. $17 03; X 0.3 large mackerel, $15 5: X o. 3 small mackerel. $10 CO. Ilirrings-bpUt, $8 50: lake, $3 05 f, 100-lb bbl. "White fish, sn OO rl 100-lb half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 B half bbl. Finnan baddies, 10c V lb. Ice land halibut. 12c ? tb. Pickerel, half bbl. $4 00: quarter bbl. $1 CO. Holland herring, 75c. Walkolf herring, roc. Oatmeal $4 755 03. Grain, Flour and Feed. Saturday's sales on call at the Grain Ex change: 1 car If o. 2 ye. corn, 49c, B. & O.: 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, $12 00; P. A L. E.; 1 car No. 1 timothy bav. $12 25, P. L. E.; 1 car No. 2 timothy, $11 25: 1 car No. 2 white oats, 36c, 10 days. .Receipts as bulletined, 20 cars, jly Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railway 3 cars of oats. 2 of hay, 1 of bran, 5 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis 4 cars of corn, 4 of hay, 1 of feed. Receipts bulletined lor tho week ending Februaiy 12, 303 cars, against 308 cars the previous week. The cereal markets are quiet all along the line. Receipts are in excess of demand and mar kets favor thebuyer. Millleed and hay ate weak at a shade lower prices than have pre vailed of late. Following quotations arc for carload lots on track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices from store: Wheat Xo. 2 red. !)7?8c; No. 3 red. 9394c Corn Xo. 2 cllow ear, 48'43c; high mixed ear, 45;tfaHuc: mixed ear, 4(V4(vc: Xo. 2 yellow shell, XaHnc: high mixed klu-Ued, 4lir,c; mcd shelled. 4344c. Oats No. 1 oats. ss'ifS.Tc: Jo. 2 white, 3ft So'jc; extra Xo. 3 oats, 3533c; mixed oats' 31 SUsc HYE Xo. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 9192c;No. 1 Western. BOrtjaic Flour Jobuing prices Fancy spring palents. $" 15(55 40: fancy winter patents. $" IZtpj 2o; lancy straight winter, H755.0r; fancv .tr.ught spring, $ 1V6. 40: clear winter, $4 5034 75: stralgnt .XXXX hakers'. $I50I 75. Rye flour, $4 75(35 00. Aiillfeed No. 1 white middlings $17 uo18 00 per ton: No. 2 white middlings, 31tiu0nu0: brown middlings. $16 00O17 00: winter wheat bran, $17 00 17 50; chop feed. $17 0020 10. Hay Haled timothy, choice, $13 0013 25; No. 1. $12:5312 50: Xo. 2, $11 (0I1 S5 : clover hay. $11 50 ffiU no: loose from agon. $13 0015 00, according to quality; packing hav, $8 759 50. Straw Oats, $7 axSM 00; wteat, $6 00 50; rvc. $3 75g7 00. Trovislons. At the Saturday meeting of packers, hams, shoulders and sides wereadvanced and thd balance of the list will stand'for another week as it has been the pastrweek. Products lail totise to coirespond with the advance in hogs. Sugar cured hams, large Sugar cured hams, medium... .' Sugarcured hams, small.................. ugar cured California bams.... Sugar cured b. bacon fcug.ir cured skinned hams, large Sugjr cured skinned hams, medium Sugar cured shoulders Migar cured boneless shoulders Sugar cured skinned shoulders. Sugar cured bacon shoulders Sugar (fired dry-salt shoulders M,gar cured, beef, rounds bugar cured, beef, setts .. Sugarcured, beer, flats Bacon, clear sides, 501b , 9! 9 10 7 10).: 10,i 8 6'4 12 9 7 -a Bacon, clear bellies, 2fifts 8", Dry salt clear 6l1es.3C!tsave'g 6V Dry salt clear sides, 20Ibs aveg 1M Mess pork, heavy 13 00 Mess pork, family ,.,.... 13 00 I.anl, refined in tierces , 54 Lard, refined Iu. one-half bbls. 5'4 Lard, rcflueit lnro-lb tnbs S'f Lard, refined In 20-lb palls. 5V Lard, refined In 50-lb cans M Lard, refilled In 3-lb tin palls fi, Lard, refined In 5-lb tin pails 6' Lard, rellncd iu 10-lb tin palls Wi SATURDAY'S PRODUCE MARKETS CHICAGO The wheat market was rather strong most of the day; then was mostly bullish, and the buying was at times quite sharp, though largely professional. Tho anti-option hill was less of a factor in tho trading than it has been for several days past, for a timo the market maintained it self stubbornly. May selling fiom931e, and held for a considorablo timo at !Xc and Sic. Hog products opened firm in sympathy with wheat, and advanced slightly; then weakened some, and closed with slieht gains on pork and lard, but' with ribsunchanged. The leading 1'itnres ranged as follows, as cor rected by JohnM. Oakley A Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Chicago Hoard of Trade: Open- High- Low- CIos- Articles. ing. est. est.- lng. "Wheat, Xo. 2. Ftbruary $ 87"4 $ 873 $ 87H 875t Mav 91J, 91M 90U 91H Corn, Xo. 2. February 4M( 40S 40 40V March . 414 414 n 41S May 42H 42 Vih Kii Oats. Xo. 2. February 23J 29! 29 2) May 3I4 31J( 31 31 Mfss Pork. February. 11 72'$ 1175 1165 It 72'f May 12 02,k 12 05 1195' 12 02' Lard. February 0 50 6 55 .0 50 6 55 May 0C7!i 6 72M 6 6'H enH Short Bins. February 5 8 5 92$ 5 85 ' 5 87 May 6 05 6 124 6 05 6 ! Cash quotations wore as follows: Flour dull and steady; No. 2 spring wheat, 87Sc; No. 3 spiine wheat, 80-Xc: No. 2 rod, 9c: No. 2 corn, 4We: No. 2 onts,2!X329Kc: No. 2 white, f. o. b., Sl?i32Xc: Xo. 3 white, 313!32ic; No. 2 r3- f2c; No. 2 barley, 56(S!)Sc: No. 3, f. o. b., 4257c; No. 4, f. o. b., 3752e. No. 1 flaxseed, B5Jc; prime timothy seed, $1 231 29. Mess pork, per barrel, $8 60. Lard, per 100 ft. $S 55 C 57K. Short rib sides (loose) $5 87K; dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 0005 25 Sugars unchanged. On tho Produce Kschange to day the butter market was lower: fancy creamery, 2S29c; fino Western, 2G27c; ordinary, 226S5c; selected dairies, 232Gc; ordinary, 1821c. Eggs, 2223c. SKWIOKK- Flour HMdflrmlvand dull. Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Spot market higher and fairly active: No. 2 red, $1 04: K6H lower; $1 05K1 Ou'ji afloat: $1 051 W1, f. o. b.; No. 3 red. $1 0B1 02; ungraded red, 9Ic$10SX: No. 1 Northern, $1 09K1 K'A; No. 1 hard, $1 07K1 0S; options, No. 2 red, Februan-, $1 OfiiQl 0?5. clos ing at $1 04K; April, 1 03l 04i, closing at $1 04; Mav, $1 021 02, closing at $1 02i; June, $1 00(5!1 01, closing at$l 00; July, 0S99?c, closing at 98c. Rye stronger; more demand; Western. 94 96c, Barley quiet and steady: No. 2 Mil waukee, 7071c. Corn Spot irregular, clos ing weak and oniet: No. 2. 4152c in elevator, 50S50Kc afloat; ungraded mixed, 4S51c;, JNo. 3, 4849Xc; steamer mixed. 49Q)5UH!; ontions February, 49Jj;49Jic, closing at 49c; March, 49fe50c, closing at 49?c; April, 50c. closing at 50J4c; May, 4950iic, closing ut 49c; June, 48ic: July, 49c. Oats Spot stronger and quiet; options dull and unchanged to c up; firm; February, 361-ic: March, 35Jic; May, .17? .c closing at 37c: spot No. 2 white, 37i Sse: mixed Western, SSii&SSKc. white no, 3741Kc; No. 2 Chicago," 37e37;c. Hay steady; shipping, C5c, good to choice, 7590c. Hops quiet and easy; State, common to choice, 20253: Pacific coast, 1925c. Tnllow quiet: city ($2 CO for packings). 4 9-164c. Egs firmer; Western, 30e. Ilides inactiue and steadv; well salted Now Orleans se lected, 45!75 pounds, 6Sc: Texas selected, 50GD pounds. 68c. Pork'quiet and steady: mess, $9 7510 50; extra, prime, $10 00. ., Cut meats quiet and linn: pickoled bellies, 6c; do shoulders, 5e; do hams, 9c: middles dull; short clear, $6 75. Lard firmer and quiot; Western steam, $R & hid: options. February, $6 84; March, $G 856 87; May,$7 007 10c;JuIy, $7 17 bid. Butter quiet arid fairly steady; Western dairyt 1823c; do creamery, 2131c; do lactory, 623c; Elgin, 30K31c. .Cheese firm and moderately active; carts skims, 6 101JC. ISALTIwoTtE Wheat firmer: No. 2 rod. spot, $1 01Vil 0195; February, $1 0IVil 01J Maioh, $1 01K1 01: May, $1 01J1 02; steamer No. 2 led 97&397;c. Corn steadv; mixed snot, 4.4'Hc: rebruary and March, 49K49Jc; April, 49c asked: May, 4Bo asked; steamer, mixed, 47J?47Vic. Oats sieadr: No. 2 white, Western, 38J9c; iNo.'2 mixed,do, 3737o. Rye No. 2,-02J(S Hay easy; good to choice timothy, $14 00I4 50. Provisions steady. Butter steady; cream ery, fancy, 29.'S0r: do, fair to choice, 2628c; do imitation. 2l2Cc; fancy, 2J24c; good to choice, 20J22c; lolls, flue, 22c: do. fair to good. 1921c: stole packed, 15lSc Eggs active at 26e; receipts very light. PHILAbELPniA- Flour firm. Wheat firm and higher: No. 2' red, February, $1 02i 1 02: March and April, $1 031 03; May, $1 01j2l 02J. Corn Options a shade lower; So. 4, mixed, in grain depot," 46c; No. 3. in export, 44Jc: steamer, in export, 4647c; do, early March, 47c; No. 2 yellow, in grain depot, fixe: No. 2, mixed, iu export, elevator, 4949i4c: No. a. mixed. February, 49t9Vc; Maich, 4SJf49c; April, 4949Vc: May, 49 49c. Oats Cur lots quiet; Xo. 3 white, 37c; No. 2 white, 3c: Xo. 2 white, February, March, April and May, 3SZSc. Eggs firm and in good demand; Pennsylvania flrsts,28c. ST. I,OUl Flour not quotable higher but firm. Wheat No. 2 red, cash, 89K90c: May closed at 92'f c; July, 97c. Corn No. 2 mixed, cali, 31JJ: February, 37c: March, 37Xc asked: Mav. 3733c. Oats dull and loner; No. 2 cash, 50c; May, 31Jfo. Rye steadv; No. 2 cash, 80c. Barley quiet; ono car Washing ton sold at 63?. Butter steady; creamery, 2428c; dairy, 15g25c. Eggs quiet at 2020c. Provisions dull and unchanged. Pork, $11 75 for new, $7 50 for old. Lard, $6 606 75. CINCINNATI Flour in lairdemantl. Wheat firm: No. 2 red 94c. Corn easier: No. 2 mixed 41Mc. Oats steady; No. mixed 32V5)32Xc. Rye in good demand: No. 2, 8688c. Pork steady at $12. Lard nominal at $6 37K6 50. Bulk-meats in moderate demand, firm at $5 87K- Bacon steady at $7 CO. Butter easier: fancv elgin creamery 303lr: Ohio, 2627c; good to prime dairy roll, 16Q18. Eggs quiet. Cheese firm. MIL.W TJKEE Flour quiet. Wheat firm; May, 88c; No. 2 SDring, 88c; No. 1 Northern, 91c. Coinqiiiet:No.3,3339c. Oats steady: No. 2 white. 32c; No. 3 do. 31j)31Kc Barley active: No. 2. 54c: sample, 535Jc. Bve firm: No. 1, 81c. Pork May, $12 05. Lard May, $6 70. MINNEAPOLIS Wheat No., 1 Northern, February closing at 81c: May opening ut 8Cc; highest, 8626c: lowest. c'SKc, closing to-day at 86 bid; 011 track. No. 1 hard. 87c; No. 1 Northern, 8oc: No. 2 Northern, 82Slc. TOLEDO Wheat Arm nnd higher; No. 2, cash and February, 91c: May. 9bic. Corn dull; No. 2, cash, 41c; No. 3. 41c; a'o. 3 yel low. 4c Oats quiet; cash, 32c. Rye dull; cash, 8.1c. KANSAS CITY Wheat, corn and oats re ceived not a single bid. Butter firm: cream ery, 222Sc; store packed, 1318c. Eggs in fair demand and firm at 17c. THE WEEK 'IN OIL. Many Slumps and .Rallies Make Calcula tions Extremely Difficult. The market was erratic all through, at times selling down, and then unexDectedly turning tho other war. Saturday, "in spite of cold weather and Oil Citv shorts cover ing, it reacted to the highest point of the week, but subsequently fell back. Out siders talked oil and 'kept posted, bnt re fused to act. This attitude, in view of activity in other speculative commodities, is the strangest feature ot tho situation. OR at present prices involves vury little hazard. Fluctuations aio Shown in tho following table: Open- High- Low ing, est. est. co w m C) cow 69 60'it eo4 69M 591, ro;i oh 59 C0 597a 60 WH GO Close. Monday...! Tuesday AVedneidav..... Thursday Friday Saturday 60 Mi. . ih Wl 00 The week's clearances were about 100,000 barrels. Small increases neio noted in daily; averages .of runs and shipments. Refined' declined at London and was marked up nt Antwerp. Final quotations were: New Yoik, 6.40c; London, 5Jd; Antwerp, 16f. Tho outlook lor this week is involved in un certainty, owing to tho attitude of the Mc Donald field. The prospects for much bet ter prices is not enconntging. On. City. Feb. 12. National Transit Certifi cates opened at 60c: highest, 60Jc; lowest, COc; closed. COc. Sales, 55,000 barrels; clear ances, 82,000 barrels. Buadford, Feb. 12. National Transit-Cor-ttficates opened at (J0c; closed at 60c; highest, fiOJc: lowest, 60c New York, Fob. 13. Petroleum opened firm but after the first sales became dull, and remained so until the close. Pennsyl vania oil Mai ch options Opening, 60Jc; highest, 60J-JC; lowest, 69e; closinir, Wc. Lima oil No sales. Total sales, 15,000 bar rels. 1 he Metal Market Xrw York, Felj. IS. Piff Iron dull; Ameri can, $15 7317 73. Copper Arm; late, $10 7C 10 75. Leau quiet,uua wenk; domestic, fl Cu. Tin inactive und steady; Straits, $13 CO. . . L EVfiNING-UP DAY. THE CIVOSE OF A VERY EVENTFUL WEEK IN TV AM. STREET. Coal Stocks Expected to Settle Down to Their Normal Gait This Week Wheel int Continues Its Reactionary- Decline, but Afterward Recovers Sharply Sus quehanna's Boom. r New York, Feb. 13. The stock market to day was nothing more than the final even-ing-up of a very active and eventful week, and -while the local stocks still furnished rather more than their quota of transactions and the preponderance of Rcadingwas even greater than for theMast few1 days, the mar ket was steadier and the changes in every thing but a few stocks insignificant. The feeling now is that the Coal stocks will settle down to a basis where the dealings in them will bo much lighter than dnring the week now ending. The general market opened firm at small advances over last night's figures, as a rule, but Rending was down 1 pur cent, at58; Lackawanna, 114 at 159K. and Jersey Central, 3atl33K. The last two rallied sbarnly, but Reading was further forced off to ali. This ended tho decline, however, nnd it ral lied to 59, nnd after von' large transactions, closed steady. Jersey Central recovered its loss and closed unchringcd,hut Lackawanna, after ji full recovery, sagged away again and closed with a loss. Among the rost of the list, New England and Union Pacific developed marked strength, the latter under the influence of foreign buying: but New Englandflnally lost all of it3 'improvement. In tho iunctivo shares Iowa Central continued its rapid.riso on rumors of a dividend, hut closed at a material concession from its best figures. TliH"Susquehanna and Western stocks had a little boom, and the preferred rose 4 per cent; but outside of these stocks the rest of the matkot displayed no feature and fluct uated within narrow times throughout tho session. Tho marketTflnally closed active and flrtn generally at slight and irregulnr changes from last night's figures. Union Pacific, however, is up 1; Iowa Central pretoxred, Hi, and Susquehanna and Western pre ferred, 3 per cent. The loss inolhde Lack awanna and Reading export, t per cent. 'Hie following table shows the prices of active stocks on the X ew York Stock F.xchange jester dav. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by WHITjfkY Stepiiknson. oldest Pittsburg mem bers of the New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue. Clos ing bid. Open lug. High Low est. est. 34 'i 3Vi "ii" "ivi "w'h "m" "raw "iw( 1.17 m)i "ii"i "ivi 80S 791 "78X '77 "sii" "ski'h 48 48 "117" 'ii'iMf 7W 71 "37Ji "37" 'iei" 'issji 134 13J "is" "is" "fiji "72" "76" "75 H 33 33 "93J4 "92H "o "aoji "33 "32H 75H 741, 52 50 21X 201 17 18-4 24H 24 "59" "57M "lV "l6V 74j 743 "ii" "ibi 47X 464 " "ffl" 86 86X 37X 36K 78 J, 78 51 50 American Cotton Oil American Cotton Oil. nfd 34,'fi 34K 65 825f 92 aK si3 wi 137 24 i IKI 42M 79X 107 S 77'a 120"', Wt 48 113 1K 71J4 98 S!'4 31X 159 134J 17H 47J, 754 106K 21H 72 122 75H Am. Susrar lteltnlni? ('o Am.bugarRcnnlngCo.,pfd Atch., Top. AS. F S)!i Canadian I'aclflc Canada Southern Central of Xew Jersey Chesapeake ,t Ohio C. A u., 1st prd C. AO., 2d pM Chicago Gas Trust C, Bur. A Qulncy C, Mil. A St. Paul C, Mil. & St. Paul. prd... C, Rock I. AP C. St. P. M. AO C, St. P.M. AO., pfd.... C. A Northwestern C, C, C. A I C. C, C. A I. pfd Col. CoalA Iron Col. A Hoeklng Valley Deh, LackAWcstern Del. A Hudson Den. A liio Grande Hen. A Rio Grande, pfd... E.T.. Va. AOa Illinois Central . Lake Irle A West Lake Eric A West., pfd.... Lake Shore A M. S Louisville A Nashville Mobile A Ohio Missouri Pacific National Cordage Co NatlonalCordiigeCo., pfd. National Lead Trust. Xew York Central X. V., C. A St. L X. Y (:. A St. L. 1st pfd. X. N., C. A St. L., 2d pfd. N. Y., L. E. AW! N. Y., L. E. A W pfd... N. Y. AX. E N. Y., O. A W. North American Co Northern Pacific Northern Pacific, pfd Ohio A Mississippi Oregon Improvement Pacific Mall..-. Philadelphia A Reading... P., C, C. ASt. L P.. C. C. A St. L.. pfd.... Pullman Palace Car Richmond A W. P. T Richmond & W.P.l'pfd.. St. Paul A Duluth. ......... St. Paul. Minn. A Man.... Texas -Pacific Union Pacific ,. Wabash Wabaslr. pftl Western Union WheellngA L. E Wheeling A L. E.. pfd DIs. A Cattle Fd. Trust.... 59V 15V 42! 80 77S )'i 43 11' 71) l.W'i l.H 72 'i 75i 39X 62 93K 109' 20X 114'4 18X 74 40 32ii 74H 50H 21J 16H 2IH 69 i 21 H 27 37 58 20 65 185 Ki 74 44 112S It 4RH. 13 " 29',' S6" SAM T!H bOH 20 114 32'a 75J4 51 SIX" 17 UH 53 I'i'mJ 743$ "?& "29 H 36V soy. rhlladelphla Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks fur- nished uy i niiney x oiepnenson. Droners. jn o. 57 Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock jxenange, Bid. .....yH ....S'i .... Sii ....W'i ....24 'S ....69' ....53lJ ..1.32 Asked. M 29 3-16 i'A CO't C9"H 53,', 33 Pennsylvania Railroad... Reading Railroad Buffalo. X. Y. APhila... Lehigh Valley .' Northern Pa'clflc Northern Pacific pref...., Lehigh Navigation....... Philadelphia A Erie , Boston Stocks Closing Prices. Atch. A Topeka 38 Boston. A .Vlbauy... .201 do Maine 164 Chi. Bur. A Qulncv,107J4 Eastern R. R. 6s 113 FitchburgR. R 8."H( Flint APcrc, pfd.... 7.V-J Mass. Central 16 Mex. Central, com.. 19 X. Y. AX. England. 50? Old Colony lEi Wis. Central, com.. 18)$ Allouez M. C. (new) 1 Atlantis 8V Boston A Mon 2 Calumet A Hecla Franklin ..255 ... H ... 10 ... 24X ... .25 Kearsarge , Osceola Santa Fe ConDer... Tamarack 147 29X Aunlston Land Co. uoston Land Co. 6 West End Land Co. 10 Bell TeleDhone.. .209 Larason &fore Co... 15 W 50 14K 60i Cent. Mining....... X. E. T B. A II. Copper Thomson-IIuuston . The Mining Stock Quotations. New Yohk, Feb. 13. Alice, 120; Adams, 120; Aepen, 300; Best & Belcher, 270: Chollar, 160; Crown Point, 120: Consolidated California, 500; Deadwood, 2J0; Eureka, ISO: Gould nn d Currv, 160; Hale A Norcross, 200; Homestake, 1200; "Horn Silver, 360: Iron Silver, 140; Mexi can, 163: Ontario, 4100: Ophir, 2S0: Plymouth, 185; Savage, 120: Sierra Nevada, 145; Standard, 120; Small Hopes, 100; Union Consoli dated, 160. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Receipts and Shipments at East Liberty and AH Other Stock Yards. Office of The Dispatch, PrrrsrsuRO, Saturday, February 13. 5 Cattle Receipts, 1,302 Jiend; shipments, 1,071 head; market nothingdoingiall.through consignments; no cattle shipped to New York to-day IIoos Receipts, 3,000 head; shipments, 4,600 head; market fair: all grades, $3 206 35; 9 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; shipments, 1,200 head;Tnarket nothing doing to-dayj nothing on sale. , ' By Teiegrapli. Clilcaeo Cattle ReceiB,,40Oheads:ship ments. 500 heads: market steady; natives. $3 lugs 23; siocKers, ?i ioia u; cows, $1 73 2 85. Hoes Receipts, 13,000 head:shlpments, 2,000 heads: market steady; rough and com mon, $4 304 65; mixed and packers, $4 70 4 75: prune heavy and butchers' weights, $4 804 85: light, $4 404 73. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 heud: shipments, none; market steady at yesterday's quotations. Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 15S loads through, 2 sale: raavket steady. Hogs Re ceipts, 27 loads through, 13 sale; heavy grades. $5 25"i 30; packers and mediums, $5 20(ffl3 25. Sneep and lambs Receipts, 4 loads thiongh, 40 sale; steady for good gradfs; dull nnd lower for common: sheop extra lancy, $5 503 85; srood to choice, $5 10 5 40; fair to 'rood, $4 505 00; lambs, good to CS.ITA. $6 607 00: lair to good, $6 003 50. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 1.700 head; shipments, 1,300 head; market active and steady; dressed beef and shipping steers, $3 354 25; cows and heifers, $1 2oJ 25; stack ers and feeders, $2 903 60. Hogs Receipts, 8 900 head: shipments, 5.100 head; market 5c lower; all grades, $4 104 53; bulk, $4 354 55. Sheep Receipts. 3,200 head; shipments, KXl head; market steady. St. Lonl Cattle Receipts, 260 head: ship ments, 400 head; market steady; fair to good natives, $3 00S4 40; no Texas or Indlar.B on sale. Hogs Receipts, 4,030 head; shipments, 2 6 10: market steady: fair to choice heavy, $4 704 85; mixed and light, $4 254 80. Sheep None on sale; teccipts, 15 head; shipments. 1G3 head. Clnrlnnntl Hogs steady: common to light, I S0t 83: packing and butchers', U fia5 00. $3 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Missy she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, shegaTe them Castoria Receipts, 1,200 head: shipments, l,li' Cattle steady; receipts, 759 head; shipments, 200 head. Sheep strong;roceipts, 10 head: ship ments, 30 head. Lamb3 in good demand, firm; common to choice, $4 506 23 per 100 pounds, Omaha Cattle Receipts, 1,600 head: mar ket firm and dull; common to fancv steers, $2 755 25: Westerns, $2 733 50. Hogs Re ceipts, 4,100 head; market active and firm, about everything sold; light, $4 5004 dV4; heavy, $4,504 57K: mixed, $4 5?K4 57K Sheep Receluts, 900 head; market active; natives, $3 754 25; Westerns, $3 503 00. FEATURES OF TRADE. Choice Dairy Products Strong Provisions Fall to Keep race With Hoes in the Upward Drift. The sharp fluctuations in the egg trade were the most pronounced features of pro duce markets in the week past. A week ago there was a great scarcity of fresh eggs, not only hero but at all trade centers, and prices advanced to 35cper dozen in a Jobbing way Tlje high price-, however, held only foraday or two, nnd on liberal receipts from Tennessee markets have been drifting back to the oldlevel. Saturday morning job lots were sold at 23c per dozen. With the cold weather of the past day or two, and the approaching Lenten season to help, dealers aie strong iu the faith nnd hope that markets will rally the coming week, but there is little likelihood of such a boom and such prices as were obtained a week ago. In tropical fruit linos the week has been marked by quietness and a tendency to nlouorlovol of prices. Lemons, oranges nnd bananas were all a shade lower this week than last, with maikcts reported slnggish. In daily product lines tho situa tion Is practically the same as it was last Saturday. High giade stock is Arm, whilo common stuff is dull and heavy. Jobbers are confidently looking for an advance in cheese befoio another week rolls its ronnd. Vegetables have moved more ireelyof late, but not cnomrh so to stiffen price", which aro lower than they have been. for many years at this season of tho year. All along live stock lines tho week past has been characterized by active and strong markets, with a sharp advance in tlio prieo ot hogs." The advance has been from COc to 40c per cwt, and Philadelphias aro more than $1 50 per cwt ubovo the prices which prevniled in the early part of the winter. Sales of selected hogs were made at Liberty this week at $5 352 40 per cwt. in a wholesale way, whereas in the early part of the winter the same qualit3- wns sold as low as $3 73 per cwt. For some reason which our home packers do not attempt to explain, provisions fail to rise as hogs advance. Said a member of one of our leading packing firms to-day: "The pork nackor who has to pay present prices for hogs has littlo margin lor profits. Provisions fail to advance as hogs advance. Tho Jittle rise of 0,lc per 3b made to-day on hams, shoulders and sides should have been mado more than double this amount to correspond with the in creased price of hogs, atocks in tho hands of Pittsbnrw packers are by no means largo, and we will be toiced to replenish soon at a much more expensive rate than the cost of present stock. All signs point to higher priced provisions ut an early day." 'Wvveww "'WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." ! i' Not Drunk. i i 1 Just dizzy! There is a pres- sure on the brsin, oivin to J a clogging of the systca. 4 BEEGHAM'Si! , 1 e will remove the obstruction and permits ths vital func-i 5 tions a-f naturally. ThTeare SlcU rfeiidacho.ur.d all Billons nnd J K'ervonDJorder,arllnBfi'oinWeali , Stomach, Indigestion, Constipation ' and DUordered Uver. nt nil drupc-ists. Price 2B cents a box, New York Depot, 36s Canal St. 37 H& faWIWWWMWWWWWMW M (MmMw iFREEl cJOHN C. ?HAVNSS&- Boston MASS. Your druggist does not spread his plasters or gelatine-coat his pills. He knows that such work is better done in a factory. Some try to make an Emul sion of cod-liver oil : but they cannot make one like Scott's Emulsion they'll find it out some day. There is no secret in what it is made of: there is a knack in making it. That knack is Scott's Emulsion. There is a book on care ful living that you ought to read. Shall we.send it ? Free. Scott & Bowne, Chemists, 13a South 5th Avenue, New York. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion ot cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. Ji. 49 BROKERS TINAKCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson; 57 Fourth Avenue: ap3(V33 PEOPLE'S Capital. ' SA.VINGSBANK, 81 FOURTH AVKNUE. lanital. $300,000. Surplus and undivided prntltn.fUi.Kiu !. V. M0K.IJ-OTD. EDWARD E. DUFF. 4Prosidont. Sec. Troas. per cent Interest allowed ou titrm da posits. oe24-64-D ESTABLISHED 1SS. John M, Oakley & Co., , BANKER AND BROKERS. 45 SIXTH ST. Direct privato wire to Xew York and Clii caeo. Member Now YorK, Chicago and Pitts burs Exchanges. Only Pittsburg member Chicago Board of Trade. Local securities bought and sold for cash or carried on liberal margins. Investments made at our discretion and dividends paid quarterly. Interest paid on balance (since 1S83). Money to loan on call. Information books on alt markots mailed on application. fe7 DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE & BRAIN Treatment, a guarantee I specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Pits. Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the mo of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Do nreslon. Softening of the Brain resulting In In sanity decay and death. Premature Old Age, Loss of Power In tlther sex. Involuntary Losses and hncnnatorrlNea caused hy over-exertion or the brain self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. JI.03 a bo, or six for 15.00, by mall. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To ciire any case. With each order received for six boves wo will send tho purchaser our written euarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not cure. Guarantees issued only by E5IH. G sTUCKY. Druggist, sole Agent. Nos. 2WI and 1701 Penn avenue, corner Wyllft avenue and Fulton strew rittshnrg. Pa. Use Stu cky's Dlsrrhnj Jt Cramp Cure. 15 and 50 cts. Ja-lffi-coda TO WEAK MENH3 early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, eta, 1 will Bend a valuable trottise (sealed) containing rail particulars for homo dure, FKEI5 of charge. A splendid medical work: should be Teaa By evory man who lc n'rvous and debilitated. Address, Pro&V P. O. FOWLEB, MooAum, C'oaa UeM-D3awJc in hmt 'in Jr raV KAILTCOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SCirEDCLE IN ETTXCT DXCBMBrR 13. 1831. Trains will leave Dnlon Station, Plttsbnrff, 'as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN lilNE EASTWARD. Pennsylvania Limited of Pullman Yesttlmle Cart dally at 7:15 a. hi., arrivlntat HarrlsonrgatliM p.m.. Philadelphia at 4:5 p.m.. New Yorfc7:00 p.m., Baltimore 4:40 p. in., Washington 5:5 P-m- . Keystone Express dally atlra) a.m.. arriving at lfarrishure :la. m.. Philadelphia 11:25 a. m.. New York 2:00 p.m. Atlantic Express dally at 3:3) a.m.. arriving at Harrtshnre 10:30 a, m . Philadelphia 1:35 p.m.. New York 3:50 p. m.. Baltimore 1:15 p. m., Washington 2:3) p. m. Harrtshnrg Accommodation dally, except Sunday. 5:3 a. m.; arriving at Harrlsburg2:50p. m. Day Exnrcss diy at 8 a. m.. arriving at riarrlsbHrg .ISO p. m.. Philadelphia 8:59 p. m.. New York 9:35 p. m.. Baltimore 6:45 p. m., Wasli lnnton8:15p. m. Mail train Sunday onlr, 8:40 a. m arrives IJarris bure7:00p. m.. Philadelphia 10:55 p. m. Wail Kxpress dally at 1:00 p. m..arrlvlng at llarris I'tirsrloiSOp. m.. connecting at Harrlsburg with Philadelphia Express. FhllirtelptiU Express dallv at 4:30 p. m.. arriving atHarr!surgl:00H. in.. Philadelphia 4:35 a. m., and New York 7:10 a. m. Eastern Express at 7:15 p. m. dally, arrmntfllar risburg e:ffia. m.. Baltimore BiiO a.m., Wash ington 7:3) a. m.. Philadelphia. 5CS a. m. and New York s:00 a. m. Fast Line dallv. at8:10p. m.. arriving at Ilairls lmr(3:30 a."m., Philadelphia 6:C0 a. m.. New York 3:20 a. m Baltimore 0:3) a. m., "W'ashlnjr ton 7:90a. m. All through trains connect at .Terse v City with ' boats or "Ilrooklrn Annex," for Brooklyn. N. Y.. avoldinz double ferriaEC and Journey throngh New York City. Johnstown Accom.. except Sunday. 3:40 p. m. Oreensbure Accora.. 11:10 p. m. week-div. 10:30 p. m. Snndavs. CJrecusmirg Express 5:15 p. m.. rxcept Sunday. Dcrry Express 11:00 a. m.. ex cept bundav. Wall Accom."5:I5. C:00, 7:40. 8:33. 8:5P, 9:40. 10:30. JI:i0a. m.. 12:15. 1:0J; 1:3). 2:30. .1:40. 4:00. 4-J). 5:1 6:00, 0:45. 7:33, 9:0D, 10:2u. 11:30. p. m.. 12:lu nijclit, except Jlondav. bnnday. 8:40. 10:30 a. m.. 12:23, 1:00. 2:30, 4:30. 8:30. 7:30, S:30. 10:30 p. m. WilkinsbnrjT Accom. 5:2s. 6:00. 6:15. 6:45, 7:00, 7:23, 7:40. 8:10, 8:33. 8:50. 0:10. 10:80. llrtft 11:10 a, m.. 12:01, 12:15, 12:30.1:00.1:30, 1:30. 2:07, 2:30.3:15, 3:40, 4:00, 4:10. 4:25, 4:35, 4:50, 5:00, 5:15. 5:39. 5:43. 6:0tC 6:3). C:45. 7VJ0. 7:33, 8:.3. 9:00: 9:45. 10:20. I law. 11:20. and 11:10 night, except Mond iv. bur.day, 5:30. 8:40. 10:30, a. in.. 12:23. 1:0". 1:30. 2:30. 4:30, 5:?0, 7:20, 9:tt. 9i33, 10i P. in. Braddock Accom.. 53. 6:00, 6:13. 6:15, 7)0.7:23 7:40,8:00.8:10, 8:35, 8:30, 9:10. 10:3.1, il:TO. 11:10. a.m.12:01. 12:15. I2:?0, l:no, 1:20. 1:30, 2:00. 2:30 3:13. 3:40. 4:00. 4:10. 4 :25. 4:C0. 4 Z 4:30. 5:00, 5:15, 5:3(). 5:45. 6:00, 6:20, 6:45, 7:2V, 7:33. 8:23. 9:00. 9:4 10:2a 11:00. 11:30 p.m.. and 12:1C niEht, except ilondav. Sunday, 5:30, a-.OO, 8:40, 10:J0 a. in., 10:30p.'ia. SOUTH-WEST PENN RAILWAY. For TTntontown, 5:S and 8:35 a. m., 1:20 and 4:3 week da s. 3IONOXGAHPXA DIVISION' 12:23, l:(Xrl:30, 1:30. 4:30. 5:30. 7:20. 9:00, 9:39. OX A.1D AFTER MAY 23. 1891. For Monongahela City. West Brownsvll'e and Unlontown. 10:40 a. in. For Monongahcla City and West Brownsville, 7:T5 and 10:40 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. Onbiiudar, 8:5.i a. m. and 1:01 p. m. For Monongahcla City only. 1:01 and 5:50 p. m. week dars. Dravostturg accom., 6:00 a. m. and 3:20 p. rh. week days. West Elizabeth accom.. 8:35 a. m., 4:15, 6:30 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p"w!est penns-yi.vahia division. OJT AND AFTER NOVEMBIR 16, 1891. From FEUEKAL STItEET bTATlON. Allegheny City For sprlngdale. week-days. 6:20, 8:25, 8). 10:40, 11:50 a. in.. 2:23. 4:19, 5:00. 5:40, 6:10, 6:20. 8:10. 10:31) and 11:40 p. m. Sundays. 12:33 and 9:39 p. m. For Butler, week-days, 6:55, 8:30, 10:40 a. m., 3:15 and 6:10 p. m. For Frei'port, week-days, 6:55, 8:50, 10:40 a. m.. 3:15. 4iW. 5:40, 8:10. 10:30 and 11:40 p. m. Sundays, 12:35 and 9:30 p. m. For Apollo, wcck-ilays. 10:40 a. m., and 5:40 p. m. For Paulton and Blalrsvllle, week-days, 6:35 a. m., 3:13 and 10:30 p. in. jSjp-The Excelsior Baggage Express Company will call for and check Daggage from hotels and residences. Time cards and full Information can be obtained at the ticket offices No. 110 Firth ave nue, corner Fourth avenue and Try street, and Union station. CIIA&r E. PUGH. J. B. WOOD. General Manager. Oen'l Pasa'r Agent. From Pittsburgh Union Station. fBnnsylvanigljnBS. Trains Ran by Central Time. Nor tb west System-Fort Wayne Route Depart for Chicago, points intermediate and beyond; 1.30 a.m.f 7.10 a.m., 12.20 p.m., 1.00 p.m 8.4o p. m., JI1.30 p.m. Arrive from same points; 12.05 a.m.,l1.15 a.m 6.00 a.m., 6S5 ajn., 6.00p.m. 6 0 p.m. Depart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond: 7.10a.m. l'i20p.m.,1.00p.m.,jll0p.m. Arrivb from same points: J U5a.m., 6jXJAjn., 6.00p.m., GJy0p.m. Depart for Cleveland, points intermediate and beyond :, 6.10 a.m., 7J0 a.m., 12.45 p.ra 11 05 p.m. Arrive from same points ; 50 a.m., 12.15 p.m., 6.00 p.m., f7.0O p.m. Depart for New Castle, Erie, Yonngstown, Ashta bula, points intermediate and beyond: 17.C0 a.m., fl2.20 pjn. Arrive from same' points: 1.25 pJ- i9.00 p.m. Depart for New Castle, Jamestown, Youngstown and Niles, f3.45 p.m. Arrive from same points: ftUO a.m. Depart for Youngstown, lZ20"p.m. Arrive from Youngstown, 6.50 p.m. Son thw est System-Pun llnndle Route Depart for Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, points intermediate and beyond: 1.20 a.m., 7.00 a.m., 6V45 p.m., 11.15 p.m. Arrive from same points: Z20 a.m., 6.C0 a.m., 5Ji5 p.m. Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate andbejond: 0a.m 12.& p.m. Arrive from same points: 2.20 a.m.,3.03 p.m. Dfpakt for Washington, 6.15 a. m., SS5 a.m., J 1.55 p. m.tfS.30p.m.,f4.4jp.mvt40p.'m. Arrive rom Washington, 6'.55 a.m., f7.o0 a.m., -fSXO a.m., tl0.25a. m.,fJ 85 p.m. ,tfj.2rip.m. Depart for Wheeling, 7.00 a. m., -f!2.06 n'n t2.45 p. m., f6.10 p. m. Arrive from Wheeling, f2.20 a.m., fS.45 a. m., f3 05 p. m., J55 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Pullman Dining Cars run through. East and West, on principal trains of both Systems. Locai; Sleeping Cars running to Colnmbus, Cin cinnati, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago are ready for occupancy at Pittsburgh Union Station at p o'clock p. m. Time Tables of Through and Local Accommoda tion Trains of either system, not mentioned above, can be obtained at 110 Fifth Avenue and Union Station, Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices of the Penn sylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh. Daily. tEx. Sunday. :Ex. Saturday. Ei. Monday. JOSEPH WOOD, E. A, FORD, Gflaenl Manager. General Fissenger lent BALTIMORK AND OHIO RAILKOaD. tcliedule in effect December 3). 1811. Eastern time. For Washington. D. C, Baltimore. Philadelphia ami New York, '6:00 a, m. and 9:W p. m. For Cumberland. 6:50. 8:00 a. m.. I:10.9:20p. m. For ConnellsTllle. 6:W. 8:00 S:30 a.m.. $1:10, $4:15, $.:0Oand 3:3)p. m. For Unlontown. iBty). s-JSa. m 41:10. ?4:15 and 45:00 p. m. For Jit. Pleasant. M:j0 and tS:10a. m.. 41:15, 41:15 and 45:00 p.m. For Washington. l'a..7:M anU43v!0a.m '1:00, 44:15; 7:' and ll:.wp. m. For Wheeling, 7:0, 40:30 a. m., '4:00, 7:30and 111:55 p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis, "7i20 a. m., 7-J0 p. m. For Cincinnat', 11 :ii D. m. (Saturdav only.) For Columbus. 7ri!0a. m.. n;:10 and 1115 p. m. Tor Newark, 7:J) a. m., 7:30 and 111:55 p. m. For Chicago. "7: 3) a. m. and "7:: p. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore and Washington, 6: a. m.. '8:30 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, J :50 a. m., 'SiiOp. ro. From Wheeling. '80, 'lO:!; a.m., 44:15, '8:50 p.m. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing ton, Cincinnati and Chicago. lnlly. 41)ally except bundav. Sunday only. Ibatunfayonly. Dally except Saturday. The Plttsbnrg Transfer (k'mpany will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders lett at B. &. O. ticket ofllce. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, 037 and CXI Sinlth fleld street. J. T. ODF.LI,. CI1AS. O. SCTJLL. Ueneral .Manager. Uen. Pass. Agent. PITTSBURG AND LAKE SKIE RAILROAD Company: schedule In effect November IS. 1S91, Central time. P. L. E. R. R.-Depart-Por Cleveland, S:00 a. in., "1:W, 4:3), 8:45 p.m. For Cincinnati. :hIcago and St. Louis, lrt0, 'i-M n. m. For Buffalo. S:C0 a. m.. 4:3). 9:45 n. m. For Salamanca, 8:00n. m.. '1:10. :45 p. ni. Foi Youngstown and New Castle. 6:00, '8:00. 9 &i a. m.. '1:50. '4:3). -): p. m. For Beaver Falls, 6:00. 7:00. 8:00. SAJa. m., !i50330. 4-20. S:20. '9:45 p. m. For Clixrtlers. s;j::to. a:M, 6:00. 10:55. 7:00, 7:M, 7:50. 8:K. "OnO, 0:55. 111:45 p. m.. 12:10. 1:30. 1:55. 3:30. 3:45, 1J:M. '4:S, 5M0. 5:01, '8:00. 10:45, 100 p. in. A nittvit From Cleveland. 'Gi a. m., "12l30, 6:15, "7.3) iv. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago a 8t. Louis, arjo a. m.. i;:30, "7:30 p. m. From Buffalo. '(USO a. in., 12:30, 9ip..m. From tfahw aaauca, 6i3ii, 10:00 a. m., 7:30 p. m. From Youngstown and Newcastle, fi:30, 10:00 a. m., H:an, 5:15, "liSS. 9:30 p. m. From Bearer Falls, S.-20. -6:15. 7:20, '10:00 a. m.. 12:J0. 1:20. I-.li, 7:30, 9:30 p. in. P.. C. & Y. trains for Mansfield. 7:35 a. mn 12:10, 3:45 p. m. For Esplcn and Beechmonh 1:35 a. m 3:45 p. m. , P.. C & Y. trains from .Mansfield, 7i05. 1I:5 a. m., 3:35 p. in. From Beeclnnoi't. 7:05, Hi59 a. m. P., McK. & Y. It. R. Depart For New Haven, '8:20. 3 p. m. For West Newton. '8:20. "3:t0. 5:25 p. m. AnniVJt From New Haven, 9:00a. m., 'IMp. in. From West Newton. 6:15, 9:C0 a. m. "4:13 P. m. For McKcesport. Elizabeth. Monongahela City and Belle Vernon. 6:45. 11 05 a. m., '1:00 p. m. From IMIo Vernon, Monougahela Citv. Eliza beth and McKeesport, 7:40 a. m., 1:20, H:rSo.m. Dallv. ISundaj s only. City ticket office. e Smithfield st. TIITTSBURG AND WESTERN RAILWAY Trains (Ctl btan'd time) Leave. A1IIIC, Mai:, Butler. Clarion, Kane..... 6:40a m;ll:30am Akronancl Erie 7:30am 7:05pm Butler Accommodation 9:35ain 3:50pin Newcastle Accommodation.... 3:10pm, 9:00 am Chllago Express (daily) 20pm-i2:a pm Zellenopleand Fnxburg 4:25pm; 3:30am Butler Accommodation .,....,.. 5:45pm 7:00am FIrst-clats fire tn Chicag i. S10 5). aecoT I las CO. Pullman Buffet sleeping carl to Chicago dall - vEriPriiiiir I BA1I.KOAD3 ALLEGHENY VALLEY BAILBOAD-ON'l .and after Sundar. June 3. 1. trains will.' leave and arrive at Union station. Pittsburg, east ern standard time: Buffalo express leaves at 8:23 a.m., 8:45 p.m. (arriving at Buffalo at 5:45 p. in. and 7:3) a. m.):arrlTesat7:10a. in.. 6:25 p. m. OlL Clty aud Duliois express Leaves 8:20 a. si.. 10 p. m.: arrives l:po, b:25- 10:00 p.m. East Brady Leaves at 6:55 a. m. Klttannlng Leaves 9:05 a. m., 3:55. 5:3Jp. in. ; arrives 8:55. 10:00 a. m.. 5p. m. Braeburn Leives4Aj. 6:15 p. m.; arrlve33:0I a. m.. 7:40 p. m. Valley Camp Leaves 10:15 a. m.. 12:03. 2.-C5, Ut30 p. m. : arrives 0:40 a. m.. 12:30. Z:Sf 4:40 p.m. Ilulton Leaves 8:09. a0 p. m.. arrive 7:35. II :2) p.m. Fortv-third street Arrives 3:25. 8:20 p.m. Minday trains Buffalo express Leaves 8:20 a. m.. 8:45 p. m. : arrives 7:10 a. m.. 6:25 p. m. Einlenton Leaves 9:05 a. m.; arrives 9:15-p. m. Klttannlng Leaves 12:40 p. m. : arrives lOasp. m. Braeburn Leaves 9:50 p. m.: arrives 7:10 p. m. Pnllmau parlor buffet car on day trains and Pull man sleeping car on night trains between Pittsburg and Buffalo. Ticket offices. No. 110 Fifth avenue and Union flatlon. DAVID MTARGO, General Superintendent. JAMES P. ANDiESON. Gen eral Ticket Agent. MEDICAL. S14 rtji.v avj-;nI)E. finoiur.G, i-.. As old residents know and back flies of Pittsburg papers prove, is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in tha city,devoting special attention toall chronia SSSTi.N0 FEE UNTIL CURED spanible MrnirtllQ and mental dis porsoni 1'jL.n V UUO eases.physical de car, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi tion and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulnes", dizziness. slc-eple,ness, pimples, eruptions, impover ished blood, fiiilins powers, organic weak- ,ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting the person forbusiness.society and marriage, permanently, safely and privately icnureadnBL00D AND SKINS.1 eruptions, blotcl;es.faIling hair.bones.pains, glandnlar swellings, ulcerations of the tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated froml IDIM A DV Mdnev and the system. Unllx Ail I ibladder de rangements, weak back, gniv el. catarrhal discharges.mflammation and otherpainful symptoms receive searching treameut, prompt relicraitd veal cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long extensive experi ence insures scientilic and reliable treat ment on common sense principles. Consulta tion free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours, 9a. v. to 3 r. m. Sunday, 10 .3t. to 1 r. M. only. DIV WlUTTldt, 8H Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. jaMD-Dsuwk MANHOOD RESTORED. 1 "SANATIVO," tra J Wonderful Spanisn' Remedy, is sold with a Written Guarantee to core all Nervous Dis eases, such as Weak! Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Headache. Wakefulnes, Lost 31au-' hood. Nervousness, Las situde, all drains acd' loss of power of tfcs; Generative Organs la , either sex. caufed br Before & After Use. Photographed from life. orer-exertion, youthful indiscretions, or the excessivsi use of tobacco, opium, or stimulant1!, which ultimately', lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Put np In convenient form to carrv in the vest pocket. Price 1 a package, or 6 for $5. With every S order we give a. written guarantee to cure or refund the, moner.sentbymailtoany address. Circular fre in plain envelope, aiemion this paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office for TJ.S.A, 358 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN PITTSBURGH, PA, BY Jos. Fleming & Son, 410 Market St. Duquesne pharmacy, 518 Smithfield St. A. J. Kaerchcr. 59 Federal St., Allegheny Citjl UTTF WEAK MEN YOUB ATTENTION JS CAlLEDTOTnE iga gl bray's bpecmc IVledicina, I FYOUSU rEER ggS ous UeSilitv. VeaKuess of B01I itiojtcTixna. uniT'viHxand Mind. aDermatorrhea. anix Impotency. and all diseases that arise from over Indulgence and self-abuse, as Loss of Memory anil Tower. Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Agev and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early grare. write for ouff pamphlet. Address GRAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. T The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists atfl per package, or six packages for $5, or sent by mall SJffi ?Ja?WE GUARANTEE. onler a cure or money refundea. iI30n account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow "Wrapper, the only genuine. Sola ia, Pittsburg by S. b. HOLLAND, cor. Smithfield aa Liberty sis. l&a-n-Mwreosu oon conoB HOOP COMPOUND. A recent discovery hy an ottt physician. Successfully use4' mon.thlr by thousands of lad lea If the only perfectly safe andj reliable medicine discovered. Beware cf unprincipled drusr- gists who offer inferior xnenU clnes in place of this. Ast foe Cook's t uiiox Rot Compocxd. tate no substi tute, or Inclose Jl and 6 cents In postage in letter, and we will send, sealed, hy return raaiL Full sealed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles onlyi 2stainp3. Address POND LILY COMPANY. Xo. Z Fisher Block, Detroit. Mich. Sold in Pittsburg by Jos. Fleming & feox. 4U Market street. del7-ol-eodwlc LOST MANHOOD RESTORED SPANISH NEKVrNR The great Span4 lsh ltemedy. Is sold WITH A; U' K I T T E V GUARANTEE to cure all nerr4 ous diseases, such' as Weak Memorv BivonE AXD ATTKR ustso. Loss of Brain Powers) Watefnlnes., Lost Manhood. .Nightly Emissions,; Nervousness. Lassltnde.all drains and loss ofpowea of the (Jeneratlve Organs in either sex caused bi over-exertion, youthrul errors, or excessive use oC tobacco, opium or stimulants, fl per package by f lnalhfi forf. AVIth every $5 order we GIVE Aj WRITTEN-GUARANTEE TO CUKEorREFUND MONEY. Spanish Medicine Co., Madrid. SpalnJ and Detroit. Ilch. Por sale by JOS. FLEMING Sb bON. Plttsbnrg ge28-38-MTT3 Manhood Restored "XEICVESEEIJS.' the wonderful remeciy Is sold wits a vrrltln guarantee to cure al nervous diseases, suet ' as WeakMemory.Los: of Brain Power, Heaq Vn uizua, v a&tuuiue3 ' Lost Manhood, Nlshfc ba lr Emissions. Nervous mtoRz i.vD ii-rEa usrso. ness. Lassltnde. all drains ana loss 01 powf er of the Generative organs In either sex caused trg over exertion, youthful errors, or excessive use ol tobacco, opium or stimulants which soon lead to. Infirmity. Consumption and Insanity. Put np com venient to carry in vest pocket. $1 per package by mail; GforS3. With every S5 order we jrive a written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Adilrp. Jf- S.W" Cn 'hl-oe-o. Ilk For sale in Pittsburg by Jos. Fieminjj 4 Son, Drngsists, 410 and IU iiarlcot st. noti-50-jtw VIGOR OF MEN Easily, Qnlckly, Permanently RESTOCK! WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITT, ' and all the train of evils, tho resnlts of over work, sickness, worry, etc Full strength, development, and, tone guaranteed in a cases. Simple, natural methods. Immeai ate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Boot, explanations and proofs mailed (ealed) free. Address EKXE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Jel0-4S DDCTORS LAKE . SPECIALISTS in all cases nW quiring scientiflo und confi dential treatment. Dr. S. K' Lake, JI. R. C P. S., is the old est nnd most experienced spo- cialistin the city. Con3nlta tion free and strictly confl dential. Office honrs, 9 to 4 and 7 to 8F.X, Sundays, 2 to 4 p. M. Consult them person ally or write. Doctors Lakx; cor. Penn aw and'Fonrth St.. Pittsburg, Pa. jeS-DWk Thoroughly, Rapidly, Permanently Restored. If you are sn Arias from Nervousaess, Debility. Lost 04 Failing Tannood, Impotency, Stunted Development ol any ot me parts, weakness Ol way oa rninn, vvdeijj Errors ot Yoatn. or Later Excesses, DO NOT DESPAIR. nne is Hone for alL Yomz, HlMie k&. aii oil lau Tnocs i jds or the woust cisfs iuvr tiildhd to oca in LrsiTE nmions or iiohf tiikatbvst. . HOST Sd-ENTITICnd SUCCESSFUL -biVEi: KNOWTf Absolutely Unfailing Fador.ed by tlra leaJIns MedlcU Pr.ttrnllj. EIVE3TIOATE. Cook, rxpUiulkias, teitlma Aials ftnd endorsements mailed (Maledi FBKE. ths Ai;azL03 hzzizlz ciuiTur: CO.. Cizizs, 0 Ja7 C7-eod SunTerlng from Lost -Piiwer. ervna le klllli. Loat JIanheoi., Etc. We will semfynu a valuable book (sealed) free, of charge. contaWing fnll particulars for a speedy and! permanent enrj. Address: V .NATL1 .1IKD.CO-. ' S04 Olive btrc St. Louis, Mo. , 4UW-1M , DOCTOR WHITTIER jwg ikaSS ft sV3 ffW JBL25L 1 1 fiii W3 9 s MiLAs22i tiff npLeTBTii v f f