Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 14, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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    ail, i il.iUnw TT WIlBHPi ilp . 'ir'TTTln i f"T"TTll''1'wM--t:-
rsss - IWTt-V
ancnsGs and notices.
to attend the meeting on TUESDAV
"ENLXG. Fehrunrv Ifi. 7:30 r. u,. at 41
fth enm. Business of Importance.
Jy order ol the union.
w. M. srrLKER.
el4-14 Rccorolug Secretary.
.. O I.. No. 75 to meet at hall, 125 SanSnrtTrt.,
k-eheny. In full regalia, at o'clock, FhBRU
SV 14. to attend the funeral of onr late brother.
fl Kirkriatrlel. To leave Upperman's under
lngetabllslment. Thirty-firth and Butler sts..
ttsburg. at 2:33 o'clock. All sister lodges are
rueslly Invited. fel3-101
On Wends.
imDnsD-THE ninrcTORS of the
' Unltrd states las Co. hive this dvr declared
-ii-amiual dividend of FOUR TKE CENT
percent) on the preferred capital stock, parable
irch I. 192. Transfer loos will be closed Feb
tryiaror ten days. Dividend checks will be
tiled by the treasurer.
12-3 Secretary.
Citizens' Candidate Tor Common Conndl,
T eatleth Ward,-
Section February 16. IS92.
Citizens Candidate for Alderman,
Twentieth Ward,
Peettcn February 1C. 1S32. Ja31-4-Sn
CltUcns Candidate for Select Council,
Twentieth Ward.
Section February 16. 1892. JaSl-SO-sn
Fourteenth Ward Taxpayers,
Tr.rE3srTio3sr i
t you are In earnest and desire a reduction of
ard an Tionc-t administration of city atlairs,
io tbepvli&and vote for
School Directors,
"SJJiam Holmes, Henry P. Rosenfelter
George Leiser.
these grntle-ien are all opposed to the present
trap! Administration and pledged to do all in
fr power '.t- the reduction of taxes aud to have
taoots of the departments audited. fcl4-233
Legal "Notices.
hereby git en that Mr. K. Solomon Is no
jgcT tn im eraplov. and theretore hasnoau
otitr to transact anj business In mv name.
"fMua-AKr 1. IROi. fel3-55
EESON L If J. T. K will address J. M. B. he
wil liearf important news.
EKSONAL Atk for Uiiscnberrv's pies;
nrnt-rlass groceries and restaurants
.ERSONAI Novrltv Printing Co.. 77 Diamond
t. ; all kinds ol printing; best work at lowest
OT50N AL PTini RotsIp Skin Bleach and
TonK; price $1. 414 siithileld. Lady agents
iKRSONAL How to pliv the guitar without
noses or teacher. Address Pror. Murdock.
sxela&d, C
sliEwlNAL Falleri's new studio, second floor,
laSTOarFoutt.; handsomest in the two cities;
4osand crayons.
PVNAL Entire fixtun-s of mo storerooms,
eonatcrs khclUnf, cases desk, etc.; quitting
Alness. 3Wylioa.
EK'viNAL Credit, es. credit on fine dress
too, silks salinsrap etc. at J. Dwyer's.
win 4. McCapct- Mock. 701 smitlilleld.
KSON AL fash paid for old gold and sliver
watches and Jewrlrr repaired: new work made
o-tfer. Chris. Haurh, Hi ainithflcld.
EPSONAI Gents' fnmishing goods, slightly
damaged bv ater Irom the Leader fire, at
e-Ualf their alue. J. J. Aland, 131 Fifth av.
ESsONAL FIrst-clas plumbing at lowest
prtes; estimates r-ompt!y lurnihed. Franc
Cullen, 123 Frankslown av. : telephone 5416.
iETISONAIj M ill Hunt's California Catarrh
Cnrecnre catarrh9 Ak the S.000 Uf-lng it in
cltr; zll druggists sell It. P. M. Huut, 204
itthllek si.
EESONAL Electro gold-'IIvcr plating done on
all kinds or Jewclr-. medals etc. In sterling,
nan. 14 and lv-k plating. H. J. Huhn. SO Fourth
.. 1'itttburg. Pa.
lEBSONAL For Friday, Saturday. 101 dozen
men's fine stlST hats, latest stlcs, 31 4S; re
eed from J2 75. Schoenfcld'e Alteration sale, 193,
Ohio St., Allegheny.
ERSONAL Marry If you want a husband or
wife in anv station of life send stamp for m
ropvorour matrimonial paper. Mr. and Mrs.
akc, 'Chicago. III.
EKSONAL Your destiny foretold, with pen
ptctu-e of rutnre husbind or wife according
afttroicirv. Send date of birth and 20ccnus to L.,
x 117. Kansas City. Mo.
ERSONAL-rreposterous Celebrated P. D.
corsets ""c: Warner". Ball's Foy's, War
n's L . C". p. at half price; good corsets, 17c
Ht ale. Bee Hive, 2S Wvllc av.
ERSVXAL "W all paper, rrom 5 cents up to
finest grade e tumlsh estimates for one
Hi. house, or row of house-: make contract lor
mpieEed work. Slildle's. 433 Smithfield St.
EBSOJ.AL-'UrtukleR. will) almond nut cream
yu can positUelv rub them awav; sealed par
nlars two rents. Mai E. Murray. 1039 Wash
gton boulei ard, Chicago. El. Agents wanted.
.EBSONAL RlCicnlous Children's cloth
Jackets, "Zc ladles' 50: wool stockings, Sc:
ocfcs, 7c woo1 hwls, 5c: blankets. 39c Quit
te. Susy Eve HH e, 5o Wylle a ., one square from
tat House.
ERSONAL "N . E. Hamnett A Co.. the leading
real relate and tire insurance firm of Wilklns
T. take general chirge or property; collect
'-ts.; attend to paying taxes, etc; try us; we
e reliable Monev loaned on mortgage.
EBSON" AL To all whom It may concern that
Ware's Umbrella Factory are still covering
-' 'rflas with their cclebratM gloria at $1 25 for IS
-- mouce: repairing cone anc u'nnreuas covered
i.i" von wait, G. Ware, 24 Sixth, opp Bijou
lERMJV W.-vtop coughing' J1.O00 reward for a
case 01 tnroat or lung trouble, last Ftagr6 cx
ptest ' ici cannot be relieved by a proper use
Ir X. stone's Bronchial afcrs; 25c a box at
sgpsts. For sample send 10c to stone Med. Co..
tea go. 111.
EBSONAL MARRY Do you want to cor
respond for pleasure or marriage? Want a
1c r hutnd rich or poor? If so, get my
tmtnoih matrimonial paper, containing nearly
advertisements. Mailed tree. Gunnel's Monthly,
iledo, Ohio. '
iEBMEsAL All Journevmen painters In Pitts
bare and Alleglxny who are not connected with
ej. P. P. Association and wish to retain their
T.ral benefit.,, can do so by presenting their
cards to any local nn'on represented In the
dnsers District ounclL B. or P. and D. of A.,
lore March 1, 1S92. By order of the District
JERSON AL-Thorp's New York School of Dress
making, established 1E84. graduated 2.000 pu
is : Penn av. ; the largest 6chool outside of
-w lork: tills is the onlv plsce In Pittsburg
vrr ladles can learn the w hole entire art ofFrencE
tung. mklng.draplng.deslgnlng, tucking. finish
g and putting In whalebones In the French stvle)
"' wrappers evening dresses, tea gowns with
igleanddonb'eunder-arm gores. French darts
atcnlng stripe and plaids In all kinds or waists,
und skirts. Hall boo fklrts. Belle skirts, collars.
US and 50 different styles In sleeves
lEUSONAL-Triumplied at last-For 2S vears I
was afflicted with deafness caused by fever I
vc Jhiu treated bj the most celebrated specialists
the da".; have used lr. Uarmoor's patent ear
urns. Peck's cushioned ear drums. Dr Wales'
und dlc Dr. Blod-rctt's mlcro-audiphone also
mudo-atidiphone. Frank Wortze's celebrated
arrhal remedy for icatness; I have tried the
mate of Calllornla, Arizona and New Mexico
I to no effect At last, almost penniless and
-art sick. I resolved to try to cure myself- arter
ntlw of patient toll and disappointment I am re-a-il.d
All those sufl'ring from the greatest of
. atnicnons deafness--iioud write at once for
r- jiar. M. Warner. Fiiuklinville, Catt, county,
ti RSONAL New patents Issued February 9
letK; list rrom 0. 1. Lei Is. Ill Filth av.. next
ader, Pittsburg. Pa.: United States and all
ruga patents procured: Frederick H. Addis
l.ow, Central India, pulley block; Samuel Barrett
ighlev. England, belt shifting apparatus: John
Boloe, Allegheny, assignor of one-third to A,
Jareckl. Eric and E. A. Weart, Pittsburg, pro
tor ror car platform: John L. DuBoIse, Doyles-
n. Pa,, inkstaud; John H. Egler, Knoxvllle,
carpet stretcher; Ernst Fehr, Lucerne,
llz. Hand. liquid cooler; John R. Flctrher. Day-
". O.. windlass: Frank A. Fox, San Francisco,
.... car coupling: Karl Keefer, Worms. Germany,
rewriting machine: Joseph B. Mowry. Maus
I ., O.. brick machine: llhelm O. "cnuman.
ip-ic, Gerin any, water gauge; George W.Upton,
siren, ., fishing fly; Emma JvWeller, Water
iry. Oonn , seam iron; James W. Ross, Youtigs
wn, O.. door bell; Hirry W. Hill, Cleveland, o.,
clion cluti h.
Sealed proposals will be received up to
ion of Iridav. February 26 1852, at the
ro. Treasurer's Office, No 2M Butler street,
tna. Pa., tor the election or a complete
enm and electric lighting plant. Plans
id specifications can be teen at the above
ace. Councils reserve the right to reject
it or all bids. Committee,
felS4 - J. K. McKEE.
tSDisplay aavertUemcnu one dollar per
trjuare for one insertion, dattifled Ted estate
adi ertuemenii on thu page ten centt per line for
each rruerfton, mid none laien for lea tlian
thirty cents.
Classified under the following heading will be ac
cepted at the rate of
FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad
, Tance cither at main or branch offices.
Wanted Adverittements of oJlExndt,
male help,
female help,
Cor. SmlthQeld unit Diamond Streets,
Advertisements should be prepaid nnless adver
tisers already have accounts with TrrE DISPATCH.
rENNjLV. '
rrrTsBtiRG ADDrnovAL.
THOMAS McTA FFREY. 350") Butler street.
EMIL C STUCKEY. S4th street and Penn avenue.
T. H. ROGER'S A SON. Ohio and Clicstnut streets.
THOIA- McIIENRY. Western and Irwin avenues.
rERRYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny avs.
Male HpIj.
ACCOUNTANT An expert for a limited time to
Investigate the books of a compinv going
back over a period of four years: must be thor
ough, able to ferret out any Irregularity In ac
counts, must be prepared to commence work at
once and go about 75 miles from Pittsburg: stata
salary expected. Address President, Dispatch
office. Pittsburg.
APPRENTICE In a drugstore, between the age
of 16 and 3) years, with not less than one
vear's experience: must soeakand write German;
a German preferred. Address Wlneblddle Phar
macy. S100 Penn av.. E. F. '
T)OY With about one year's experience as work-
w lug jeweler,
at 100 Fifth av Room 8. third
BRASS WORKERS Members or Local Brother
hood No. 4 to attend a special meeting 1 eb
ruarySO, 1892. at hall. No,. 19 Federal St., Alle
gheny. By order of President.
C1AKE B AKLR-Second-hand cke baker. Imme
J dlateU. M. A. Uitchens. No. 917 Walnut st..
MeKeesport, Pa.
CIA NVASSERS alarv to good men. Wheeler 4
Wilson Mfg. Co.. No. 6 sixth st.
j Wood St., Monday, at 9 a. .
HUSTLERS For greatest seller out.
Manufacturing Company. Hulton. Pa.
LAWYER We want the services or a good,
reputab'e lawyer, who Is reasonable in his
charges. Address A. L Dispatch office.
MEN Two neat young men for nlee Indoor
work. Apply Room 13. Hotel Wilson, 10
SALESMAN A good specialty salesman, an en
ergetic, hard worker; a splendid opportunity;
goods arc first-class and sell on merit: no applica
tions considered unless accompanied by references
and stating what line sold aud average monthly
sales. Address G. S. P., Dispatch office.
SALESMEN to sell by samnlconr money order
system to retail merchants; ?200 a month In it
for live salesmen: experience not nccessirr. Ad
dress Merchants' Money Order Company, Clncln
natl. O.
SALESMAN-To tell the "Little Giant" Burglar
Proof Door Fastener; carried In vest pocket;
send ten 2-cent stamps for sample. National Man
ufacturing Co., 316 Francis ft., St. Joseph, Mo ,U.
S. A.
OALESMAN WANTLD bMarv and cxnene
O Irom start: permanent business; good opening
r right party Brown Bros,
Co., Nurserymen,
Rochester, N. Y.
SALESMAN for the wood and willow ware trade.
Address Brushes, Dispatch office.
SOLICITOR on Gebhle's high-class standard
O works: none but first class man need apply.
Gebbie & Co., Schmidt bnlldtng.
T'OOLMAKERS First-class toolmakers and
metal patternmakers: toolmakers to work on
screw, maciune ana arm press tools anu nxiures;
press tools for flanking and forming tin and brass:
patternmakers ror lirht and very accurate brass
patterns: applicants please state age, experience,
wages wanted, present employment or where last
emDloved. and on how short notice thev could
come to Erie. Address Metric Metal Co.. Erie Pa,
TRAVELING SALESMEN-To sell baking pow
der to the retail grocery trade: men acquainted
with different sections or the country; a good side
line, also good opportunity ror clerks or any live
men who want to go on the road: experience not
absolutely necessary: we mean business: to the
light men liberal contracts w 111 be made and steady
work given: we pay not less than 575 a month
salary and expenses or 20 per cent commission.
Address with stamp, U. S. Chemical Works, 840
and 842 Van Burcn St.. Chicago, 111.
cery, drvgoods and general stores: worth flOO
per month above expenses to good man. Allison,
177 Monroe st., Chicago.
A cents Wanteu.
AGENTS On salary or commission to handle th
new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil: the
greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases Ink
thoroughlv in two seconds; no abrasion or paper;
200 to 500 per cent, profit; one agent's sales
amounted to J520 In six days; another 132 Jn two
hours: we want one energetic general agent for
each state and Territory. For terms and full par
ticulars, address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La
Crosse. Wis. (X10)
AGF.STS-112 to 115 a day to agents selling our
Perfection shoe (recently patented), also the
Taylor Adjustable shoe, direct to the consumer;
profit from 73 cents to 12 25 a pair: no competition;
every lady a poseinle customer this spring; secure
your territory at once. Address, with 2c stamp.
Consolidated Adjustable bhoe Company, Lynn,
A GENTS Everlasting Mineral Wicks give a
XX. light equal to gas; require no trimming and
never burn out; they don't make a Mack smoke to
discolor tno chlmnev: four samples by malt, 15c:
sell at 10c each. Trank Schwartz. Wisconsin,
writes: "I took 109 orders resterdsv afternoon:
they sell at sight." E. t W. O'Donnell. 22C3
Christian St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
AGENTS Our next rresident-Send 13 cents for
sample Komical Karicature; anv candidate's
lace can be made; 40,000 sold in Chicago, threw
weeks: territory open ror live men, Chenncourft
Co.. 207 Loomls St.. Chicago.
AGENT!? Successful and expert building and
loan agents of responsibility and good habits
can secure favorable contract as to compensation
and territory by addressing Homestead, Box 2670,
New York.
AGtNTS Male and female wanted everywhere:
lightning seller; absolutely new; exclusive
territory; no talking: profits immense and success
a certainty. Abbott Mfg. Co., Springfield. Ohio.
AGENTS We offer solicitors. painters and paper
hangers preferred, big money, without any
expense to them. Bv our new plan manv are mak
ing 13 a day. P. O. Box 316, CindnnatL'Ohlo.
A GENTS Everywhere; hustlers' bonanza: per
J manent; send stamp. Dr. Griffith, Third and
Grant, Pittsburg.
dozen, Allegheny.
-To buy Monroe Ink eraser, at 11 per
Address il. Polnnfort, 293 North ar..
AGENT 13to 17 dally; experience unnecessary.
Putnam ft Co.. Perfumers, West Wlnsted, CU
AGENTS to sell life of FItzslmmons Tor a quarter;
book form. Mooar ft H1U, 401 Smithfield st,
Male and Female Help Wanted.
MEN AND WOMEN Wide awake; to sell our
Indispensable household necessity; 15 to 110 a
day sure: agents have made 150 a day. Penn Manu
factnring Company. Hulton. Pa.
"ITTANTED-50 coal miners. 100 railroad laborers.
V I'D girls for general housework. 5 first-class
female cooks, 5 chambermaids,
No. 610 Grant st.
a.cj, sbvue .agency.
Wanted Partner.
PARTNER WANTED-16,000 to 110. OKI will buy a
a Interest In a new enterprise; 50 per cent
annual profits absolute; strictest investigation
aked. Address Wm. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga.
PARTNER Clever young bnslness man with
capital as treasurer ror musical comedyt mag
nificent printing: season '92 and '93; responsible
parties address popular Star, Dispatch office.
PARTNER Live young man to take half Inter
est In nmltjil business about to start: capital
required 11,(03. Address R. L. B., Dispatch office-
Easiness Opportunities IVantea.
"T7 ANTED A purchaser for an old-established
M retail grocer': best location In Allegheny
City; reason ror selling, advanced age 01 pro
prietor. Address B. T.. Dispatch office
"ITANTED-Immedlatcly. a wideawake man
' wlthiLOW cash: 1100 salary and expenses:
ample security for money; a rare chance
av, n., iitpaicu uiiicc,
Financial Wantea.
MONEY TO LOAN We have money to loan a
lowest current Interest on city and suburban
Sropcrtj ; also on Improved farms In Allegheny,
eaver. Fa-ctte Washington and Westmoreland
counties; also on marketable stock and bonds.
Black ft Balrd, 95 Fourth av.
MONEY to loan at lowest rates on Improved city
. and suburban property, M. F. Hippie ft Co.,
s Fourth av.
MORTGAGES Money to loan in sums to suit at
ii, 5 and 0 per cent. Robert G. Bailey, 152
Fourth av. 1 elephone 1391.
Fire Insurance Wanted.
J5 Fl
SWANKPR AV 5T.ATTV Pirn InEnfltnej-
Fourth ar. ,
Female Help Wanted.
TOOK Good" cook; references required. 113
J Craig street, Pittsburg.
COOK: lourth "house, Craig, between Fifth and
DRESsMAKERS-fn experienced. Boom 9, 13
Sandusky St.. Allegheny.
FEMALE COOK-At Southslde Hospital, 79
Twenty-second street.
GERMAN cooks, girls for homework. Employ
ment Ofice, 130 Robinson St.. Allegheny.
GIRL A young Protestart girl to cook: prefer to
teach rather than engage a professional cook;
rood wares.
Call or address No. 330 Wlneblddle
av.. East End.
riIRL Neat. dv
girl for light housework, to
;ful in dressmaking eslabllsh-
VT make herself use
ment: white or colored.
Eoom 9, 13 Sandusky St.,
GIRL German or American girl for general
housework In family or three. Call at 719
Sheridan av.. East End.
fi IRL For general housework.
283 Forbes St.
INTELLIGENT LADY Not too young, to tak e
orders: (10 week. Orders, Dispatch office.
LADY ASSISTANT-From Pittsburg br Alle
gheny, to take position of trust and willing to
make short trips In the Beaver Valley: must be well
rdncated and refined : 10 per week with advance
ment and allowance toward expenses If quick to
learn. Apply personaliv after 10 Monday to H.
Weeden, McCance Building, Seventh av.
IADTES to do fancy work at their homes: w
i furnish material and pay by the piece. Call
and see work, or address with stamp, J SI. Lemar
& o.. w r ourin av.. near i ooa.
LADIES Three ladles of good address for lucra
tive employment, 414 Smlthfield.
LADY BILL CLERK Must be rapid and good
writer: must also be stenographer and type
writer; permanent position to light party; state
salary. Address D., Dispatch office.
LAUNDRESS Must be a good washer and lroner
and o chamber work: Protestant preferred.
Call or address No. 330 Wlneblddle av.. East End.
OPER 4TORS (Glrls)
11W Penn av.
For Singer machines. I
SALESLADY and learners. Si Wylle av.
Situations Wanted.
POSITION By a merchant of 20 years' expert,
ence In wholesale grocery line: 11 years of
which time In tea. coffee and spice business as pro
prietor; could fill position of buyer or manager.
Al reference. Address T. b, C, Dispatch office.
POSITION Electrician, age 25, open for engage
ment; Central station, tramway or construc
tion work: has good references in electrical and
mechanical engineering, and has had charge of
central station. Address L., Dispatch office.
"POSITION By practical and experienced book-
.jl. kccjjci, a icn oiiMM bis ui uuuu iu nc-cy;
small sets that would not require their rull time
each day preferable. Address Orson. Dispatch
office, city.
OSriION or trust or clerical work byladvji
years of age ; can give best of city references.
Address for two days Miss M. A. Hess, New
Brighton, Pa.
POSITION Photographer as operator and re
toucher: first-class: wants steadv work In or
near city. Address Operator. Dispatch office.
POSITION as cashier or In office, by young lady;
four years' experience as cashier: best refer
ences. Aaaress experience. Lispaicn omce.
POSITION Wanted by a young man as clerk In a
drugstore, having two years' experience.
Address Druggists, Dispatch office.
"POSITION In church quirtet. a
X soloist possessing fine lolce; good
Address Contralto, Dispatch office.
POSITION As director of church choir by ex
perienced conductor; best references. Address
Director, Dispatch office.
POSITION by young lady as typewriter and
stenographer; references. Address C. L. A.,
Dispatch office.
POSITION By a druggist: best of references;
qualified to fill any position. Address Kino,
Dispatch office.
POSITION As custom cutter or assistant: sober.
Industrious. F. B., S27 Main St., Wheeling,
W. Va.
POSITION At plumbing: have had two years'
experience; reference. Address B. 5. Dispatch
POSITION bv n experienced bookkeeper with
the best of references. W. F., Dispatch office.
POSITION As managing housekeeper by widow
lady. Address H, Dispatch office.
POSITION As saleslady: East End preferred.
Address M., Dispatch office.
SITUATION by apprentice In adrugstore; had
two gears' experience and taken one winter
course In College of Pharmacy. Address H.2 O.,
Dispatch office.
SITUATION As tenor In church choir by good
reader and soloist. Address Tenor, Dis
patch office. ,
WORK Of any kind by youngman; good writer;
accurate at figures. Address Anything, Dis
patch office.
Rooms Wanted.
"TTTANTED-Three furnished rooms with flrst
1 1 class board for three adults: convenient loca
tion: will pay good price for suitable accommoda
tions. Address Advertiser. Dispatch office.
"ITANTED Room large, elegantly furnished
t front room: both gases use of batn; Ave
minutes' walk from postoulce: suitable for one or
two gentlemen. 87 Seventh av.
TTTANTED Furnished front and small connect
H lng bedroom for married couple: no house
keeping; no children; best references. Address
M. A. P.. Dispatch office.'
WANTED Rooms by brother and sister; three
or four unfurnished rooms in East End with
private family. Address Brother, Dispatch office.
Boarders and Lodeers Wanted.
BOARDERS Two gentlemen boarders In small
private family in Oaklaud: terms 115 per
munui. Auurcss seieci, xJispaicnomce,
BOARDERS Good board and room: use of elec
tric light, bath, etc.; f6. C3C3 Penn ar.
MEALERS accommodated; 2t meals, (3 50: 6, 11.
143 Third av., opposite Postoffice.
EALERS First-class meals, 16c. 176 Third av.
OCCUPANTS-For nicely furnished rooms, suit
able for lodging or light housekeeping, on line
of Duquesne Traction cars: large grounds; 5820
Ellsworth av., near O'Harast., E. E.
OCCUPANTS for nicely furnished room second
story front: also one back room, 8 Isabella
St., three doors from Federal.
OCCUPANTS for furnished, room with board
facing parks: terms moderate. Address K.
Z Dispatch office.
OCCUPANTS For furnished room with board.
49 Washington St., Allegheny.
ROOMERS Two gentlemen for newly furnished
and papered front room, gas and fire. Mrs.
J. J. WhalejjfS Congress St., city.
iV .
Anchor Hotel. Liberty,
V cor. Fourth: lodging per night,
per week, fl 25. l 75. ti. 13.
c, joe, ouc;
WANTED-Occupants ror furnished room with
board. No. 10 Sherman av., Allegheny.
' Instruction.
A FEW YOUNG MEN and young ladles right
away, to get a three months' Instruction In
shorthand and typewriting ror HO; at the Actual
Bnslness College, 5 and 7 blxth av.; day and night
HOME STUDY Bookkeeping, penmanship or
shorthand thoroughly taught by mall; scholar
snip 15: trtaj lesson 50 cents. Pittsburg Corre
spondence Business College, Postoffice Box 369.
INSTRUCTOR wanted to give general Instruction
one night a week: will receive sealed proposals.
Address Jas. Flaherty, Sec'y St. Luke's Gymna
sium, Mansfield Valley, Pa.
LADIES wishing a thorough edncatlon In artlstla
dressmaking and cutting by the Garnlers tailor
system. Madam Stewart, 718 Duquesne way, cor
ner Eighth st.
LADIES taught dressmaking and Cutting; ho
chart, scales or machines; Boua's true mer
chant tailor system. Call or write, 930 Penn av.
PRIVATE LESSONS In German and French.
Berlitz method, by Geoige Hoeppher, 65
estinghouse bldg.
PUPILS Tor German classes; a quick, practical
method for business and professional people;
ho English spoken in class; best rererences, Call
oraddress Fiank Bacon ft Co., 301 Smithfield st.
SPANISH language taught; conversation class
forming; write 410 Penn av.
Musical Instruments Wanted.
WANTED Musical instruments Want to buy
good "A" clarionet. Address, stall lg
lowest price, licjoe. Dispatch office.
TJtr ANTED To sell an Everett upright piano;
11 nearly new. Address J. N. B., cor. Wood
land aud Shady avs.. Allegheny.
Miscellaneous Wantea.
ALL to know t make photograplis at yonr'hemes.
Address R. A. Burke, 364 River ar., E. E.
BICYCLE To buy a good second-hand bicycle;
must be in good -condition; will pay cash. Ad
drss J. M. B., Dispatch office.
X fish and fixtures, an endless variety of cages,
prepared lood ror mocking birds and seeds for all
birds: fine dogs. Esplch's bird store M0 Smith
field St.
CAMERA Second-hand view camera; must be
cheap. .Address Camera, Dispatch office.
HAULING ror one-horsa wagon, every after
noon; terms low. Address T. L Dispatch
PAINTING and plateglass glazing. B, C Miller,
526 Grtnt St., Pittsburg.
PATENT8-0. D. Levis (20 vears). Solicitor, 131
Fifth av., next Leader, Plllsohrg: no delay.
STOVES RfcPAIRED-PltUhurg Stove Ecpalr
Company, 281 mftiiav.
STORE-Would like to rent p.rt or store on Fifth
av between Smithfield and Market sts., with
one window and 15-foot space for optical goods.
Address U. L. B., Dispatch office.
rpEASI-WIth hauling. Call at 601 Liberty M.
rpBUNKS hauled to and from East End fof60e
V.UIVVVU 1SAYJS, uiscvvuiusr Acicswunv
Mlscellaneoas Wanted.
WANTED All persons to attend the anctlon
IT sale now going on at C S. Hauser's, 631
Smith field tt: fine watches, diamonds. Jewelry, sil
verware; Rogers Bras.' knives, forks and spoons:
hronte and clocks at your own prices.
WANTED To exchange for nrst-class stock of
drygoods worth J50. 000 to J100.000 gilt edge
real estate In Ohio and stocks with one-third or
one-fourth cash as to slzs or stock. Address Lock
Box 42, Mlllersburg, O.
WANTED A saddle horse, sound, young, good
stvle and full of life: good speed and an easr
mover; ahorse that is safe driver preferred; will
pav no fancy price. Address Saddle Horse,; Dis
patch office.
WANTED-Buyers, for three days. Friday, 'Sat
urday and Monday, COO children's snort
Santa; easilmere suits, (1 4''. rednced from 3 SO.
choenfeld's Alteration Sale, 193, 200 Ohio St., Al
legheny. WANTED-Evervbodv to know that Pickering,
the house furnisher, will sell (10 worth of
goods on credit for $1 down and 50c a week, Pick
ering, corner Tenth and Penn av.
"T7"ANTED-Second-hand single sleigh; must io
it strongly built ana cheap. Address Sleigh,'
Dispatch office.
WANTED-Everybod v to attend the great alter
ation sale 193. 00 Ohio st.
WEARERS of spectacles to buy the best 1 steel
and (1 00 gold spectacles and eve clashes yet
offered ofW. i- Trleber. practical optician, at
bchaefer's Jewelry store. 150 Fifth av.
Coal For Sale.
COAL Best Youghlogheny gas coal, anthracite
coal and Connellsvllle crushed coke; weight
Sosltlvelv guaranteed. Iron City Coal Co., Ltd.,
oat below Sixth st, bridge, Pittsburg side. I'uone
SOW. v
COAL Anthracite and bituminous coal ana
crushed coke for domestic purpoes; general
hauling, Latimer, Myers & Co., Fourth and Try
ts. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts.
Machinery and Metals For Sale.
MACHINERY One Champion mold sander In
perfect order, never In use: one Karnell press,
latest patent, never used; one orClark's'large size
auger machines (used one month): one lot of pal
lets (about 6.0CO) 10x29x1: one 12-foot wet pan In
good order; four new clay cars, with drop bottom ;
one lot Iron pallets; will be sold separately or as a
whole at a sacrifice. Booth & Fllnn.
sisting of one lx-horse power boiler and en
gine, blocks, pulls ys. track, scales and other nec
essary tools; no further use Is the reason for sell
ing. Call on or address T, J. Brandon, Homer
City, Fa.
Horses Vehicles, Live Stock For Sale.
CHICKENS-Standard black Monarcas. brown
and white Leghorns, barred Plymouth Rocks,
13 eggs for 91 25; orders received for Immediate de
livery or until June 30. 18-J2. Torrence Poultry
Farm, Fetterman I'ostofflcfc, Allegheny county.Pa.
MARE A brown mare. 6 years old; perfectly
sound: 13. SH hands high: thoroughly broken;
fearless of steam: will stand without tying: perfect
road mare; will guarantee to be 2:49: is highly
bred: Is sired by Dible, Doble by Alrexlon, first
dam Altlno, he by Richmond; will sell at a sacri
fice price. Call and see her, 149 Forbes St., Pitts
burg. "ITT AGON 1 fine truck wagon, almost new, can
I vas cover, pole and shafts; everything com
plete; capacity 5.000 lbs,; can be seen at Brown.
Knmmer & Ahlers' Wagon and Carriage Works,
4000 Forbes av., near Schenley Park entrance.
coach-top spring wagons, one open spring
wagon, three horses, three sets single and one set
double harness. 504 Liberty st,
WAGONS and carts of all acscrlptlons ror sale;
new and second hand. Pittsburg Wagon
Works, No. 333 Second ave. ; telephone 1370.
TXT" AGON'S All sizes and styles In stock, mann
1 V factured bv II. Lange & Co., 147 to 154 Water
st. Telephone, 1790.
TIT AGONS 1 llghtand 1 hcavvl-horse wagon at
I Wangler's wagon shop,87Tlilrd St., Allegheny.
TXTAG ONS 3 double Wagons at Allegheny Trans
li fcr Co., 91 North av., Allegheny.
Mlacellaneoua For Sale.
CASH REGISTER-Sare roll top des; letter file.
No. 58 Diamond st.
DRESSES Handsome tailor-made, 15; a fit guar
anteed. 930 Penn av.
DRUGGIST'S showcase, and one outside case:
will sell cheap. Inquire 149 Wylle av., city.
FOR SALE At auction, a fine line of gents' and
ladles' gold watches, diamonds, best makes of
silverware, bronzes and Jewelry. 631 Smithfield
st. ; sales every day 10 a. 21., 2 and 7 P. 21.
FORSALE-5.00casslmcre knee pants, 29e re
duced from 50: and 75c Schocnfcld's Altera
tion Sale, 193, 200 Ohio St., Allegheny.
POR SALE Dr. James' StiUlnglne and Barsa
parllla for impure blood.
LARGE hallrack. two largo bookcases
Fourth st.
TOOLS Full 6et tinners' tools cheap. Address
P. O. Box 176. Braddock; Pa.
Business Opportunities.
B'OWLING ALLEY and equipments.
1000 Carson St., S. S.
Apply at
BUSINES3 CHANCE For sale or lease, monu
mental, marble and stone works of A. E.
Windsor, deceased. In Allegheny: to a practical
man this Is a chance to get an established business,
paying a good profit. M. F. Hippie ft Co., 93
Fourtn av.
IS, COO General store at Leechburg, Pa,
13,000 General store at Verona, Pa.
S3, 000 General store at Derry, Pa.
11,000 . Interest In general store In country.
17,000-FurnlshIng and variety. Wylle av., city.
Hoo-Grocery store In Allegheny. Pa.
11,800 Grocery, tob. and cigar, on Penn av.
15,000 Grocery on Federal St., Allegheny.
1500 Grocery store on Fnlton St.
4,000 Grocery on Hamilton ay.
12.000 Grocery and feed store Apollo. Pa.
11,500-Drugstorc, Pittsburg, Pa.
1,000 Drugstore In country town.
11,000 Bakery in country town.
17,000-Hotel In Ohio town.
$6,000 Hardware store In country town,
11.000-CIgar store, Pittsburg, Pa.
1500 Queensware and glassware In city.
11,000 Jewelry store. Belle Vernon, Pa.
!2, 800 Jewelry store, Allegheny, Pa.
1. OX) Tea store In the city.
2,500 Shoo store in the city.
15.000 Book store In country town.
1750 Boarding house In Allegheny.
W00 Tin shop In city.
WOO .lob printing office In country.
1700 Weekly newspaper in country.
H50 Meat market, Apollo, Pa.
WOO Meat market, Leechburg, Pa.
i 2,500 Sand bank. New Castle, Pa.
1,000-BrIck business in the city.
10,000-Stock in paring brick plant.
110,000 Ore mining business.
15.000 Fire clsy and limestone, Apollo, Pa,
15,0 s Livery business, Uniontown, Pa.
11,200 Livery business, Coraopolts.
15.000-Llvery business, Allegheny.
14. WO Coal business, Bolivar. Pa,"
11,500-Pool and billiard. Apollo, Pa,
11,500 A partnership Interest.
At Chambers' Business Agency, 102 Fourth av
Room G. "
"tfGAR, notion And candy store; a profitable
V j stand, established Tor IS years; one of the best
locations on the hill, and will pay for Itself In a
short time: present owner going into otherbusl
ness; a positive bargain; price J400 cash; ah ex
traordinary opportunity ror a young man; Inves
tlgate this. Address Hawthorn, Dispatch office.
CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream and cigar stand;
good location; fine trade; good opportunity lor
right party. Address . M. Holt, No. 2 N.High
land av., E. E.
COPYRIGHT and 500 books; valnable trade pub
lication. Address H. H. Bingham, 609 Liberty
DRUG STORE With large established trade;
elegant corner room near Court House In this
f rowing city; nice fresh stock: invoice S3, ooo; mak
ngfnoueyt rare opening. Address C. H. Folsom.
Lima, O.
DRUGSTORE-Good location; invoices fl.TOOi
very cheap. S. Dawes, administrator. Ad
dress U. L. King, 437 Urantst.
FOR SALE Manufacturing business that will
show large profits: goods staple: a party with
18,000 can make money fast: fine restaurant, livery
stable. Jewelry store, bakerv, milk depot, fish and
oyster market, novelty stores, photograph gal
lery. In good town. Holmes ft Co.. 420 Smithfield
12.000. drrrnds And notion store.
l,twi, grocery store, stock and fixtures.
11,650, bakery on Beaver av.
2,000, boot and shoe store, Beaver av.
N o. 171 Beaver ar.
GENERAL STORE-In one of the best towns In
Western Pennsylvania; large established
trade; stock about 13,600: splendid onenlhg to make
money. For particulars address X. Y. General
btore Dispatch office.
GROCERY-Queensware and lamp business;
strictly first-class; established 12 years; best
location in me most prosperous ciiy in eastern
Ohio; 1U health caute for selling. Box 747, Alliance
HARDWARE STORE-Flrst-class-Ihone orthe
best towns In Western Pennsylvania; splen
did chance tor lire man. Address Hardware Dis
patch office Pittsburg. Pa.
PAYING MILLINERY and notion store; smal
stock at present: cash buyers need only apply.
M. B Dispatch, office v "
POOL and billiard room; five tables; big bargain.
Billie Dlspath Office.
PRESS BOUTE-Chtan, if Sold this week. Apply
to Manager of Circulation, Press office.
T ESTAURANf-Cehtral loeatlonl good buH
XX ness. f45u; barbershop, four chairs, good trade;
bakerv at a bargain; tin roofing business: grocery
tores fsoo to 18.000; iountry stores, cigar stores,
paper route. PerclVal ft Gaston, 439 Grant St.
DHOE STORE Centrally located: InvotcA ahont
O 13,000: ro.ro opportunity; must be sold. Ad-
SMALL LIQUOR STORE-Have In stock all the
leading brands of Pennsylvania ryes; amount
of stock aboutll.100: will sell tor less than cost;
(vuu IMBUUI Kivcu iur Bluing: una til tne oesi pay-
ng stands la the town. Cull on or address, James
. ADootie, usfe. lUEcarawasst,, teuton, o.
STORES of every class In city and country towns;
business chances of every description; pariner
Ihlps, bonds and tuhrtgages and stocks at Chambers'
Business Agency, 102 Fourth ar, room 6,
Business Opportunities For Sale.
STORE Fine clothing and gents' furnishing
store in good town near the city; easy terms.
Holmes A Co.. 4Smlthfleld tU
rjr SHARES stock, In blocks to suit purchaser,
1 O In a paving brick works; the coming street
pavement; enough orders already booked to run
plant for three months; works now In successful
operation: stock will pav large dividend; to parties
seeking a safe and profitable Investment a rare
chance, as owner will sell below cost to realize
Eromptly; best of reasons ror selling. Forparticu
irs call or address William Beckett. 941 Liberty st.
Easiness Properties For Sale.
ANDERSON HOUSE-21 room. 121 and 123
Koblsonst., East Liverpool. Ohio.
FOR SALE-80 feet on Market St.. Pittsburg.
Geo. Johnston, Agent, 02 Fourth av.
HOUSE Good opportunity for a baker: frame
house. 6 rooms, hall. Urge hakeroom and
storeroom, large oven. Ice cooler, shelving, coun
ter; eveiything fitted up for and occupied as
bakery: the oulv one In the neighborhood; lot 75x
100: W.SOD. $500 casn, bal, 125 per month. A. Goed
del, 109 Collins av.
Manufacturing Sltei Tor Sale.
FOR SALE Valuable and desirable manu factur
Ing sites at Glen Cairn, above Kensington, on
Allegheny Valley Railroad: about one mile of
railroad and river front: all level and above high
watermark. Geo. Johnston, Agent. Oi Fourth av.
FOR SALE Several well-located manufacturing
sites: railroad and river front. Geo. Johns
ton, 62 Fourth av.
MANUFACTURING SITE-In lower Allegheny:
river rrontage of 123 leet, extending back 175
feet: P. &W. crosses the property: good lrame
house of 7 rooms, ana surrounded with shade and
fruit trees; paved and seweTed street with both
gases on one side, and graded and sewcredstrcet on
other side; this property can be bought at a posltlvo
bargain and en xasy terms, Deuniston, Llderkln
Jt Co.. Ltd.. 623Venn av., E. E. Teh 5327.
City Residences.
BRICK house, seven rooms, finished attic, good
cellar, lot 20x128; situated No. 258 Bedford av.,
head of Penn Incline. Inquire within.
CENTER AV. A bargain ; vou cin buy at a verv
low figure and on easy terms, that substantial
dwelling of ten rooms, known as No. 113 Center
av. For particulars and permit to examine prem
lses. see W. C. Stewart, 137 Fourth av. '
COL WELL ST.. Pittsburg Two brick dwellings,
six rooms each, on lot 20x90 reel, water, artifi
cial and natural gas; bouses In perfect repair, built
about five years: rent forS45a month: wilt be sold
at a bargain to cash buyer. Inquire of JohnM.
Welsh. 530 Smithfield st.
J-VEVILLIERS SIREET-Hear Wylle av., two
XJ story brick dwelling, six rooms, hall, etc.;
first-class, condition: sewered, etc. Samuel W.
Black A Co., 99 Fourth av.
11.000 Frame house. 3 rooms, Howard av.
11,450 Cottage house. 5 rooms. Wade st.
II. 450 Frame house, 3 rooms. Indnstry St.
11,650 Frame house. 4 rooms, Umax st.
11.700 rrame house, 4 rooms. McLaln av.
12,000 New frame house. 4 rooms. McLaln av.
12, 000-CottAge house, 4 rooms, Excelsior St.
Terms very easy. Call or address E.T. Schaffner,
No. 72 Washington av., Thirty-first ward, S. S.
TXJR SALE 16,000 will buy three houses on a cor
JL ncrlotln sixth ward, renting for 1720 per an
num. John K. Ewlng Co., 107 Federal St.
IOB SALe: Very desirable Ross st. property, 3-
JC story brick, 10 rooms. Geo, Johnston, 62
Fourth ay,
T?OR SALE Valuable Penn st. property. Geo.
Johnston, C2 Fourth av.
WEBSTER AV Eleventh ward, city-Nice two
story and mansard brick dwelling of 9 rooms,
hath, hall, etc.: also two-story brick dwelling of 6
rooms and attic on rear: lot 21x127. to alley; in
very nice location; evervthlng In first-class order;
will be sold ror a reasonable price If taken soon.
Samuel W. Black ft Co., 99 Fourth av.
ti7 00O2 new frame houses of 3 rooms each,
Ol? double frame, stone cellar under the house;
corner Iot25xl20: level La Belle; rent 132 per year
and will rent 14S0 after April 1, paying 15 per cent
ou Investment; near the proposed electrlo line: 3
minutes' walk from Esplen st. ;tne property carries
20 percent. Venter ft Co., No. 610 Grant tt.
000 No. 270 Main st., Seventeenth ward.
j iotjaxiiox37 tcct, wun an elegant ones
ililnir of lull, vestibule, ten rooms, attic and
bath; all modern conveniences; terms to suit:
owner going South Is the reason for selling, Scb
Thos. McCaffrey. 3509 Butler st.
QJ"1 e) 000 Penn av., cltv, an elegant two-story
tDXZf and mansard brick d .felling: nine rooms,
bath, hot and cold water, w. c. laundry, cemented
cellar; all well sewered: lot 47x100 to alley; terms
easy. Samnel W. Black ft Co., 99 Fourth av.
SO AM A cash, balance to suit purchaser, will
ZijUUU buy that substantial bnck dwelling,
located at D6 Marlon St. ; has eight rooms, bath, and
is In best of repair. AV. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth
QJI flfifi-TerrasllOOO cash,
tj)rjUvU convenient for vol
balance when It is
von tonavtf- will hnv
those two houses situated on Forty-fourth St., cor
ner of Plumer. W. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth av.
C A BOO Vickrov St.. Sixth ward. Pltuhnrf
tDts two-story six r. brick dwelling, hall, with a
fine lot; terms easy.
Samuel W. BLick 4. Co., 99
Fourth av.
East End Residences For Sale.
JJDWIN ST.. East End New "modern frame
j house. 9 rooms, bath, h. and c. water, laun
dry, range, etc., having all conveniences ofa first
class dwelling; lot 25x120; 15.500. A. Goeddel, 109
Collins av.
FOR SALE-t!6,000Forbes av.. a beautiful
Queen Anno brick residence property; large
fine lotSOxiCW feet, stable and carriage house: house
nasgiargeweungnten rooms, reception nauwitn
fireplace large biy window in dining room, good
fiantry, range, bath, etc; a very complete dwell
ng; tno choicest location on Forbes av., closo to
Schenley Park. (A-193) Black ft Balrd, No. 95
Fourth av.
FOR SALE 13.500 Walnut St., near South
Hlland av., Ejst End; 8 rooms, fine appear
ance: modern fixtures, besides storngo room and
bath room, laundrv; location very desirable and
accessible. (97) W. A. Uerron ft Sons, 80 Fourth
270SSALE On Niagara 6t Oakland, a veryde
. sirable frame house of six rooms and bathroom;
all modern Improvements, large lot, good location,
low price and easy terms: come and see us; this Is a
bargain. Geo. Johnston ft Co., Agents, 62 Fourth
37OR SALE Frame housa of four rooms on But
. lcr St., near Highland av.. East End: lot 21 1
110 feet; a bargain. Geo, Johnston ft Co., Agents,
62 Fourth av.
FORSALE-ll,850-Arabella street neir Negley
avenue a frame house of 5 rooms: lot 20x100
feet to an alley, (a-24.) Black ft Balrd. No. 95
Fourth av.
IJiURNISHED or Unfurnished. Mrs. Nollnd's resi
dence on Liberty av. near Center; a bargain;
possession at any time; easy terms. Inquire of
Mrs. Nolind, 5190 Liberty av.
HOUSE On CO-foot street; paved, sewered and
paid for; new two-story rramo house of 9
rooms vestibule, hall, bath, both gases, clectnc
lights aud bells with combination chandeliers: fur
nace and laundry In cellar, with register In all the
rooitis: hard wood cabinet mantels In parlor and
dining rooms: slldlng,doors. large pantry: will bo
papered all through; lot 30x100 feel; situates min
utes from P. R. It. station, and convenient to two
street car lines; this is a complete home, and will bo
sold at a decided bargain and on easr terms to a
Erompt purchaser. Deuniston, Elderklu ft Co..
td., G232 I'cnu nv E. E. Tel. 5327.
HOUSE Eight rooms and bathroom, front and
back porch; lot 100x100: No. 733 Copelaud
St.. Twentieth ward, cltv, Tor -S7.0C0, or will sell
25, 40 or 50 feet front by 100 deep; street and side
walk paved. Inquire on premises, or Davis'
Trunk Store. Fifth av. and Smithfield st
HOUSES Tiro largo complete frame houses. 8
rooms and attic each t halls In center of houses;
porches, bay windows, baths; electric road passes
door; street sewered and paved: lot, 137x190; as
sessed at 112,000: will take 19, COO if sold at ouce. W.
Llnhart, 81 Fourth av.
ONLY 110. 000-An elegant newtirick house In the
East End, ou asphalt street. Surroundings un
surpassed, 11 large rooms and reception hall, but
ler's pantry and all the latest Improvements, close
to electric cars and convenient to both cable roads;
lot 40x150 feet to an alley: thero is 110 better prop
erty in the city at the price; terms to suit. Kelly ft
Rogers, 621S Penn av.
POSITIVE BARGAINS Ten-room Collins av.
residence fl.500. pajs 9 percent; Craig St., 12
room residence. 110.000. pays 7 per cent; Thirteenth
ward residence, property pars 10 per cent, prlco
19,000; suburban acreage at about lot prices, B..
P. O. BOX7C5. '
IT.-, J KA An a.b., ,
3)x4:OUU substantial, attractive and corn-
will buy a new
Plete dwellluf. contalnlnsr 12 larsre rooms. Mali
laundrv, cement cellar, etc. ; is elegantly finished
throughout; lot 50x150 feet; has eastern exposure;
neighborhood one of the best la the East End. W.
C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth av.
QCT 700-WIll buy a nice East End residence of
WU eight rooms, bath with lavatory, vestibule,
wide hall. Inside shutters, natural gas, wired for
electric light, handsomely papered; this property
situate near south Hlland and Ellsworth avenues,
and three minutes rrom cable or electric lines. See
agents. Baxter, Thompson ft Co.. 162 Fourths, v.
OOO-Nlce six-room house, East End, eloSo
s to station, cltv water, srooa cellar, lront
aua rear porcnes, wino nan, gooa surroundings,
beautiful lot. Mll5o. Kelly ft Rogers, 6216 Penn av.
Cfi9 800-Wlth this you Can buy a two-nory
Oil) frame residence or seven rooms and attic on
Homewood av one square from station; lot 24x
100 leet. Baxter, Thompson ft Co., 162 Fourth av.
1 n OOO will buy one of those handsome
IPX is brick dwellings on Center av. and Craig
st. ; all complete and or the most modern kind.
Howard Brown, 151 Fourth ay.
K OOO Atwobd. Oaklaha: seven r. rrame
IDJ. dwelling, porch, bath; tine lot: stable on rear
or lot; this Is a bargain, Samuel W , Black ft Co.,
99 Fourth av.
Allegheny Residences For Sale,
C(r 000-Webster tt., Hear West Park. All'
tEtJj gheny, two-story brick dwelling, four
looms, bath. and outside kitchen; side entrance
etc. ; lot 20x120 to Winter sCt thlsproperty is cheap
auiuci n . hiikk e s;u.i till r ourin ar.
ffijl 300 Irwin av., near Charles st., Allegheny,
4DJ-5 new frame house or lour rooms, hall, vesti
bule: city wateri 13WcASh, balance In three years,
bee McDowell ft Roberts, 53 Ohio st. and 78 Beaver
av.i Allegheny. Open to 9 f. at. ,
dhrtr 800 Arch St., near Erie st,, Allegheny,
4) I j brick dwelling or six rooms and laundry,
hall; two gases; severed; lot 20x110 td paved alley j
a bargain. See McDowell ft ItoDCrU, 5 Ohio kt.
and 78 Beaver av Allegheny.
29 200-In Eleventh ward, Allegheny, 5 rooms,
mZjj rrult, shade and well water; lot 80x120.
lolAes ft Co., 43) Smithfield.
Allegheny Besldencea For Sale.
A LLEGHENY Ten per cent Investment; asub--fl.
slantlal seven-room brick dwelling in the
First ward : must be sold before April 1. See M. F.
Hippie & Co., 96 Fourth av.
12,850. No. 38 Sedgwick St.. brick dwelling, six
rooms, water and both gases, lot 17x82, rent fa
per month; good Investment.
fl,8O0. 318 California av two frame dwellings, four
rooms in front house, four rooms and kitchen In
rear house, lot 21x101: 12 per cent Investment.
fl.850. 23 Knox st.. Sixth ward, frame dwelling.
six rooms and attic, side entrance, rentlM per
month : 14 per cent Investment.
fl.600. 81 Stewart st.. Firth ward, frame dwoJllng.
four rooms and attic, back porch, water In the
kitchen; 10 per cent Investment.
No. 271 Beaver ar.
12.800. 318 California av., two frame dwellings four
rooms tn front house, four rooms and kitchen In
rear house, lot21xIC0; 12 per cent Investment.
11.850, 23 Knox st . Slxth-Vard. frame dwelling,
fix .rooms and attic, side entrance, rent IJOper
month; 12 per cent investment.
fl.600, 31 Stewart st. Fifth ward, frame welllng,
four rooms and attic, back porch, water In the
kitchen; 10 per cent Investment.
No. 271 Beaver av.
Ct 300. If sold at once, new7-room frame house
tlDttj on good av.. Observatory nilU Allegheny,
6 minutes to two car lines; large double parlors,
reception hall. bath, laundry, hot air heater. Just
fapered. porches, etc.; a chance to sell two good
ots aud still have enougn ground: owner must
raise money. Address Owner. Dispatch office.
QA 300-Locust st.. Allegheny, brick dwelling
sflJtj of six rooms, bath, range, laundry and two
attics; sets back: stable In rear: two grape arbors;
shade treesi lot 25x148. See McDowell A Roberta,.
63 Ohio it. and 78 Beaver av. Open to 9 p. JI.
Suburban Besldencea For Sale.
FOR SALE At Wllklnsburg; some beautiful
homes: great bargains: pleasant location: easy
terms. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
I?OR SALF, At Brnshton; several very nice cozy
homes at low prices and easy terms. Geo.
Johnston, Agent. 62 Fourth av.
City Lota.
FOR SALE On Webster av., between Channcey
and Duff sts.. nine well located lots; awiy
down at bed rock prices; great bargains. George
Jdbnston ft Co., Agents, 62 Fourth av.
FOR SALE Four lovely lots on Channcey at.,
near Wylle av. ; very cheap. If you purchase at
once. George Johnston ft Co., Agents, 62 Fourth
FOR SALE-307 building lots fronting on Wylle,
Webster. Bedford and Center avs,. Thirteenth
ward. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
T?OR SALE 183 nice lots fronting on Francis,
J? Channcey, Duff. Ridge and Flora sts., Thir
teenth ward. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
I70R SALE Great clearance sale of Thirteenth
Z ward lots; Immense sacrifice; easy terms.
Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
FOR SALE On Wylle, near Francis, 100x100 ft.
to alley: low. verv low price: easy terms.
Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
T70R iALE-15 00 cash down will secure a beantl
X ful lot on Webster av. Geo. Johnston. C2
Fourth av.
FOR SALE 110 cash will secure a dandy lot on
Wylle avenue. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
East End Lots For Sale.
LOT A fine lot on Howe st.. close to Shady lane;
can sell 40 or 100 feet ir done soon; we regard
It as a good purchase. Kelly ft Rogers, 6216 Penn
av E. E.
Allegheny Lots For Sale.
FOR SALE 81 00 cash will secure one of our very
desirable building lots. Germantown Park,
Reserve township. Allegheny, near East st. Geo.
Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
OR SALE-200 lots at 1125 each. East St.. AUe
gheny, near Reserve township schoolhonse.
Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av.
CCA f30. 150. 150 cash down will secure you one
wJ J 01 me cast si. lots, iapsieyspian.
Johnston, Agt, 62 Fourth av.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
FOR SALE Lot", lots. lots, lots, lots, lots; 11B0,
1175, 1200, $225 and 1300 each, adjoining Stemplo
lots. Reserve township. Allegheny, near school
house. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth ar.
I?OR SALE Six one-aere lots at Ingram; prlro
. per each acre lot, f30O. Geo. Johnston, 62
Fourth av.
(1 REAT bargains In lots In Reserve twp., near
X East st.. Allegheny, about 10 minutes from
electric street car line. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth
"TITEST BELLEVUE For salo or trade "lots
1 1 valued at 1450 each, for city property of
1Z0M value; Will give time on extra value of lots.
Venter ft Co,, 610 Grant st.
Farms For Sate.
I7ARM Contains two veins of coal, salt rock and
: other valuable minerals: oil found neir: lo
cated near Greensburg. Address Samuel P. Ruff,
Weaver's Old Stand, Westmoreland co.. Pa.
370R SALE Valuable farm at public sale Feb.
: ruary 27. 1332: the farm of Thomas Hawkins,
deceased, at Berlin Center, Mahoning county. O.,
and facing public square ol a flourishing village;
comrortable house bank. barn, two sheep barns,
running water, good orchard: Is in fine state of
cultivation; second to none for grazing and grain
producing. A. B. Shilling, Agent, Alliance, Starke
CO., O.
I?On SALE On Neville Island. 15 acres
house and barn: 15 minutes' walk from b
Address 1007, Pittsburg P. O.
Y1RGINIA FARMS for sale;- mild climate and
cheap homes; good lands; with Improvements,
from f to f20 per acre; send for our circular. Pyle ft
DcHaven, Petersburg, Va.
Real Estate. p
17LORIDA nOMES-Now Is your chance to bur a
JC lot at South Lake Weir. The most beantlful
spot in Florida. This rare clfanco 1 s offered lor
the next 30 aays. Land within ten minutes' walk
ortwo rallroadst overlooks beautiful Lake Weir,
the Coney Island of Florida; good bunting and
fishing: the healthiest place In the South, sur
rounded by orange groves: lot 25x100; send 110 by
mall or express and we will send deed; title per
fect, ho. i.ace weir Lana ana improvement Co.,
So. Lake Weir, Fla. '
FOR SALE ?S00 12 acres, one-hair mllo from
town: good log house: some fruit trees. Ad
dress Box N.. Connellsvllle. Pa.
Cltv Residences.
TO LET Dwellings, stotes and offices; upon re
quest we will mall you our rent list regularly
until April l,.frce ofi charge; write your name
plainly ahd give rull residence address street and
number. Black ft Balrd, 95 Fourth av.
TO LET Six-room houses on Washington av,.
Twenty-seventh ward, lis per month. Inquire
16 Market St.. Room No. 22.
TO LET On Soho st., near Center ar.. a house
ot 7 rooms and finished attic. Inquire at 425
Fifth av.
rpo LET No. 137 Second av.. near Smithfield st
Jl 7 rooms. George Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth
East End Residences To Let.
162 Fourth avenue.
235 S. Highland av.. two-story brick, ten rooms, ah
conveniences; 133 34.
No. 6 tfvlng place, near Ellsworth av., two-story
brick, ten rooms, every modern convenience: 155.
93 Sheffield st Allegheny, two-story mansard brick,
eight rooms, all conveniences: JW.
154 Center av.. near Dinwiddle St.. two-story man
sard brick, nine rooms, all conveniences: 141 67.
Herron av., cottage houso or eight rooms, center
hall, all conveniences, lot 60x100; 123.
Rlppeyst,. near St. Clair, new brick dwelling of
ten rooms, all conveniences, front porch elegantly
finished; W5.
161 Sheffield st Allegheny, two-story brick dwell
ing, ten rooms, all conveniences: 41 67.
183 Chartlers St., Allegheny, two-story brick dwell
ing, tearooms, all conveniences: SSO.
Brllcfonte, near Walnnt St., Queen Anno frame of
8 rooms, all conveniences;.
119 aleadow st., brick mansard house 9 rooms, all
conveniences; 130.
TO LET A modern house of 12 rooms, range,
bath and laundry, cement cellar and cement
walk6 around the house: about an acre or ground:
all kinds or rrult and shado trees; rent cheap to
good tenant: located near main entrance to Scnen-
eyPirk. Twehty-thlrd ward,
Peter Shields, S33
Grant st.
TO LET Boqnet street, a new ana handsomely
finished two-story and mansard pressed brick
house, Boqnet street, adjoining Oakland square;
0 rooms and all modern conveniences and fixtures;
rooms large and commodious: rent 150 permonth.
Apply to Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue.
TO LET' Newly furnished house often rooms, all
modern conveniences. Boulevard place. East
End: beahtirul location; convenient to two lines or
street cars and Penna. R. R. Oh as. U. Splane
Firth and Wylle avs.
rpo LET East nd ahd Wllklnsburg houses;
JL printed list corrected weekly; mailed free on
application. Dennlston, Eldcrkln & Co., Liw
623J Penn av., E. E. Tel. 5327.
rpo LET No,
18 Tannehlll st.. 4 rooms: rood
X yard.
Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fonrth av.
TO LET No. 5508 Walnnt tt.. East End frame
bouse, 10 rooms: all modern Improvements.
Gto. Johnston, 62 Fourth ar,
Allegheny Heslaences To Let.
TO tiET Modern press brick dwelling.
Nine rooms ana all modern Improvements.
Ill Sherman ar., Allegheny!
27 Arch st Allegheny.
29 Arch.st., Allegheny.
Eight-room dn clUngs.
406 Ferry st Pittsburg.
Five rooms and attic.
Inquire Robt. Knox, Jr., 17 Sherman av., Alle
gheny. j
TO LET-Allegheny Houscs40 fine pressed brick
houss, wltn stone trimmings; seven rooms,
hall, vestibule with tile floors, batn, range, hot and
cold water. Inside ahd ouUlde w. c Inside shut
ters, wardrobes, closets, nice Cemented Cellars,
with hot-air furnaces, both gases and water, all
papered throughout, hardwood finish: these houses
are modern and complete In every respect) posses
ion April 1. A. Z. uyers ft Co., 93 Federal it.,
Allegheny. .
TO LET Allegheny homts. See John K JCwln'f
ft Co., 107 Federal st. Send for prlntc JBU
f Allegheny Keslaencea To Let.
TO LET No. 19 Monterey it., near North t., 10
rooms, all modern improvements; none but
first-class tenants need apply. George Johnston.
Agent, 62 Fourth av.
TO LET Allegheny houses; send for to let list,
changed dally: office open until 9:30 p. si. ; see
Monday and Thursday's Dispatch. A. Z. Eyers ft
Co., S3 Federal st.
TO LET Allegheny residences; lists upon appli
cation; corrected weekly in Mondays' and
Thursday's Dispatch,
A. D.Wilson, 5J Federal st..
TO LET-Dwelllng-No. 12 Greenwood st Alle
gheny, three-story pressed brick dwelling of 11
large rooms, bath, etc. C. H. Love. 93 Fourth av.
rpo LET No. 315 Chartlers atreet, Allegheny. 5
J rooms. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourtn av.
TO LET Thrce-atorv brick house 11 rooms,
lshed attic; moderate Improvements,
quire 257 Federal St.. Allegheny.
Hazslwood Residences To Let.
TO LET On Haielwoodav.. near Sylvan. house of
eight rooms with laundry, cllv water, both
gases and bathroom: fine situation. ample
grounds, fruit trees, grapes, shrubbery, etc.: rent
moderate; possession Immediately. 11. Burgwln,
105j Fourth av.
Rooms To Let.
I?LAT Three and four-room flats, newlv papered,
halls carpeted and cleaned ; 11 and 116 month
ly: no children: also five rooms at 119. Inquire 113
Colwell above Vine.
OAKLAND Furnished room for single gentle
man; nice room: good location. 3813 Forbes
ROOMS To couple: half of 12-room house; sepa
rate kitchens, dining room, etc.: natural gas.
large yard, fruit and shade trees, on Ft. Wayne
R. R., near city, convenient to station: rent rea
sonable: reference required. For particulars ad
dress Suburbs, Dispatch office.
ROOMS Three second-story rooms and attlo
fronting on park, also one first-fioor room
suitable for doctor's office. Inquire 194 Federal
St., Allegheny.
ROOM Large, elegantly furnished front room;
suitable lor one or two gentlemen; every con
venience; Ave minutes from postoffice.
No. Iff
Kieuifl av,
ROOM-One nicely
room ; 19 a month
furnished second-fioor front
onth. 97 Webster St.. Allegheny.
"I) OOM Pleasant room with board; use of elec
JA. trie light, bath, etc., IS. 6362 Penn av.
T OOMS Furnished rooms for housekeeping with
XX bath. 62 Watson st.
ROOMSNlcely furnished;
room. 822 Penn ar.
both gases; bath-
T) OOMS (2) connected, on second floor; fur
JAi nlshed. 24 Fourth st.
ROOM Nicely furnished front room.
' avenue. ,
176 Third
Offices and DesK Room To Let.
rpo LET Offices In the absolutely fireproof bnlld
JL lng of the Pittsburg limes, located onlhlrdand
Fourtn avs., near the new postoffice; the most desir
able offices in the city; all modern conveniences,
fireproof vaults, day and ntgbt elevator service
water, steam heat, electric light and the services of
careful Janitors; possession guaranteed April 1.
For terms, etc., apply to W. H. Self, Times office.
No. 102 Fifth av.
TO LET Dwellings, stores and offices: upon re
quest wu will mall you our rent list regularly
until April I. fret, of charge? write your name
plainly and give full residence address street and
number. Black ft Balrd, 95 Fourth ar.
TO LET Three offices In the Marine National
Bank building, corner Smithfield st. and
Third av.. opposite postoffice: heat. Ughtandjani
tor service included. Apply at the bank.
a'O LET The Pittsbnrg National Bankif Com
. merce. Sixth av. and Wood, has a ferr-slrat-class
offices to rent Irom April 1.
TO LLT-Offlces in Klath building. 6229 Penn av:
E. E. ; very-center or business in E. E. C. H.
Love, No. 93 Fourth avenne.
TO LET Desirable office. 430 Penn av., occupied
by Dr. Wood. Inquire at dwelling.
Business Stands To Let.
TO LET In Ferguson block, the finest Are proof
office building In the city, located on Third
av.. Just below the new postoffice, having also
Fonrth av. entrance: choice storerooms and offices,
with all modern conveniences, high speed eleva
tors, steam heat, electric light ana Janitor's serv
ices free; rent lower than others are getting In old
and Inconvenient buildings; possession at once;
rent free until April 1: send for Illustrated book.
Black ft Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av.
TO LET 1613 Carson St.. three-story brick store
and dwelling. wltb counters and shelving; ex
cellent business stand for term of years; will sell
stock of drygoods. notions and show 'cases at in
ventory : owner wishing to retire; immediate pos
session if desired. Inqulro of H. G. Nullmeyer, on
rpo LET Water St., near Smithfield. goodware
X house, now occupied by Chess. Cook ft To.,
with wide frontage extending through to First
ar.; will rent one or two floors, one year or five
year lease; location verv desirable. Apply "to
Hunt ft Clapp, Room 59, 95 Fifth ar.
ri'0 LET Three story brick store and dwelling,
J. No. 6208 Penn avenne. opposite mouthof
Frankstown ave., the best business location in East
Liberty, occupied at present as shoe store. Rent
1300 per year. Inquire of Jas. P. Qulnn, Cor.'
Fifth avenue and Grant St.
TO LET Dwellings, stores and offices: upon re
quest we will mall you our rent list regularly
until April 1. free of charge: write your name
plainly and give full residence address street and
number. Black ft Balrd, 95 Fourth av.
TO LET Separate storeroomi with railroad
track: all receiving, handling, shipping and
delivering facilities; also office room. Inquire of
W. A. Hoeveler, Storage Pike and Twelfth sts.,
Pittsburg. Pa.
TO LET Space with power Cor. Penn and Third
ar.; three floors: 20.000 feet space; abundant
power; good light; splendid location: every con
venience. Apply Nicola Bros.. 20 Fifth ar.
TO LET Desirable storeroom. Dlamend st. In
new Dispatch building: light and heat fur
nished. Apply to Business Office The Dispatch,
corner Smithfield and Diamond sts.
TO LET 152 Third av., opposite postoffice; first
floor and cellar; desirable storeroom and third
floor and attic. Inquire of J, S. Murray, Legal
Journal office, 409 Grant st.
TO LET Floors In Mercantile block. New Grant
St., with steam elevator and heat, power If re
quired: street entrance: rent reasonable. Inquire
W. L. Kann, 206Wood St.
TO LET-Four-story-brlck bnildlng. 139 Second
av., two doors from Smithfield St.; will lease
for fire years. Apply at first floor office of Kauf
mannr' store.
mn V. RI'IL-Qlnramnn. A,
ror grocery business: corner
ng and established trade:
store with paying and established trade
locality. Address Grocer, Dispatch
TO LET A very desirable third floor at 24 Sixth
t.. ror manuracturlug or private nse; both
gases, water and w. c. ; rent low to permanent ten
ant. rpo LET xo. 22 Penn st,, 12 rooms and large
jl storeroom; win
lease to desirable tenant for
term of years.
Geo. Johnston, Ag... 62 Fourth ar.
TO LET Large and very desirable storeroom and
cemented cellar: No. 38 Wylle av. ; all modern
Improvements. E. Kelly. Jr., 161 Firth av.
TO LET Three-story building. .No. 944 Penn
av: good location ror physician or dentist. In
quire Victor Weiss, 510 Penn ar.
TOLET-Halforpartofstore21 Blxth st. with
show window: reasonable rent to good ten
ant. Inquire on premises.
M'O LET Second floor of 4117 Butler street; good
X location for dentist or doctor. Inquire or C,
M. Johns, 23 Firth ar.
r LET Storeroom and four rooms In rear of
store. Inquire at 412 Fifth ar.. private en
trance. a'O LET The three-story business building No.
501 Fifth av. Geo. Johnston, Agt., 62 Fourth
TO LET New storeroom and offices, 172 and 174
Third ar. C. H. Love No, 13 Jfourth avenue.
TO LET No. 330 Second av. ; 7 nomt and store
room. Geo. Johnston. Agt.. 62 Fonrth av.
TO LET Floors, second, third and fourth floors,
957 Liberty st. Inquire at above address.
TO LET No. 8 Grant St., 8 roomsand storeroom.
George Johnston, No. 62 Fourth ar.
TO LET Storeroom In Moll building, cor. Park
and Frankstown av.. East End.
mo LET Hair or storeroom
102 Fifth. Inquire
X Donneli ft Frlsb. 129 JVth ar.
Mlscellaneoas To Lets,
rpo LET Stabling for six horses and wagons.
Apply to est. H. Wood. No. 208 Wood it.
TO LET-CItyand snburhan houses. Apply
F. Sehade, 315 Wood St., corner Fourth av.
"10 LET Brick stable and bnggy shed rear of
L 2x Fourth st.
LOST-Between Fifth ar. and Smithfield and
1 Duquesne Theater, large diamond stud. Finder
will be liberally rewarded by returning to 978 Lib
erty st. ,
LOST A lady's gold watch (Elgin) on Thursday
evening at Mechanics' reception. Audito
rium, Pennav.,orBrUshton;arelioofaeadrrlend
a reward equal to value to finder. J. Rhodes Mil
ler, 411 Smithfield St.
LOST On Wednesdav, 10th Inst., between Wll
klnsburg and Klttannlng. a pocketbook, con
taining money and papers or value to owner only;
supposed to have been lost on P. K. It. or A. V. K.
R. train. Will finder please communicate with P.
O. Box 166, Wllklnsburg?
TTOUND-Sulis and pants to order at 30 per cent
X1 discount, to clear out the stock. J. J. Aland,
131 Fifth av.
I have for sale JM.ouo at 97V, total issue
6 per cent SO years water bonds, guaranteed
by a city. A first-class Investment.
Attorney at Law, Room s, No. 100 Diamond
it., Pittsburg, pa. no23-Thaa
For Sale
At Auction.
R.R. Switch
with Penna,
R. R.
and all
Owlnjr to largely Increased
business and their re
moval to Allegheny,
will offer their old site, corner
of Fifteenth and Liberty, at
public auction on February 17,
at 2 o'clock p. jl, en the prem
ises. The Property has &
frontage of 162 feet6inches on
Liberty street, nnd 100 feet on
Fifteenth, and abuts on Sprins
alley, giving an exposure or
paved and sewered frontage
of 425 feet anil connecting by
for a large
Easiness of
Any Kind.
overhead Dridge ana railroad
switch with main tracks of
Pennsylvania. Railroad.
The facilities for a large
business of any kind and for
receiving or shipping mer
chandise are most excellent
and much superior to any
other property In this city.
The large frontage on Liberty
and Fifteenth streets and
Spring aller gives unexcelled
loading and unloading advan
tages and all the lUrht and air
necessary to the proper con
duct of manufacturing.
The buddings are of the
most substantial character
andean readily be changed or
adapted to the wants of pur
chaser. IT IS THE BEST
in this city, nnd is the only
opportunity in a life time.
For farther particulars call
on or address
February 17,
and Open
of any
Business or
Site in
Flttsbu rg.
' 132 FIFTH AVE.
0, B. SMITIISO X. Auctioneer
at Pittsburg, Pa. Be it enacted by the
Senate and House ot Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress as
sembled, that the Secretary of War be, and
hereby is, authorized and directed to sell
and convey to the purchaser or purchasers
all the right, title and interest of the United
States in and to all that certain parcel of
ground, belonging to the United States, sit
uate in the city of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
at the northwest corner of Penn avenue and
Garrison alley, in the Fourth ward of said
city, fronting one hundred feet on west slda
of Penn avenue and extending northwardly
along the west line of Garrison alley, pre
serving the same width, to low-water line of
the Allegheny river.subj ect.however.to such
public easemen ts as exist thereon and there
over. Depot Quartermaster's office, Wash
ington, D. G.Febrnary C, ISOi Under the
provisions of the above quoted act of Con
gress, approved May 21, 1S90, and by direc
tion of the Secretary of War, I will o'ffer for
sale at public auction at the stock: Exchange
building, IIS Fourth avenue, in the city of
Pittsburg. Pa, on FRIDAY, the Hth day or
March, 1893. at 11 o'clock: a. 11., for cash, the
property described in said act, together
with such Improvements thereon as belong
to the United States, subject to the condi
tions set forth in said act, and subject also
to the, terms and conditions named in the
prlnte'd circular of this date, copies of whloh.
will be furnished on application to the un
dersigned or to the Acting Assistant Quar
termaster at Allegheny Arsenal, where also
a plat of the ground can be seen. The right
is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to ac
cept any bid or bids subject to the condi
tions prescribed In tho circular reforred to.
A deposit of $13,000 on acconntof the pur
chase will be required at the time of sale,
and an adjournment of ono hour will be
taken to enable the highest bidder to com
ply with this requirement, in default of
which, at the expiration of the timo speci
fied, the sale will bo declared void, and the
property will then and thero be reoffered
lorsale. Payment of the remainder of the
purchase money mnst be made upon deliv
ery of duly executed deed or deeds for the
property purchased, or the property may be
resold, without further notice, ac the risk:
and cost of the defaulting purchaser. Tho
cost of all conveyancing will be borne by
tho purchaser. GEORGE H. WEEE3, Dep
uty Quartermaster General, U. S. A. JOHN
D. BAILEY, Auctioneer, Boom So. 9, Ex
change Building, Pittsbnrg, Pa. 1C5-27
ON SATURDAY FEB. 27, 1892,
The neat pressed brick front residence of d
rooms, hall, vestibule, attic, cellar, porch,
Inside shutters, grained, sewered, etc, with,
lot 20x30 ft. to an alley. Terms About one
third cash on delivery of deed. For further
information see
feH-iq-li,21,yr UVZ Penn avenue.
Tuesday, February IS, at 10 o'clock; at the)
rooms, 21 and 2C Ninth street.
The furaisbment of a finoresldencenoved
to the rooms for sale. Fine mahogany cham
ber suite, cost $22j; plush parlor suite, ma
hogany cabinet, folding bed, walnut side
board and extension table, two oak chamber
suites, wardrobes, refrigerator, chairs and,
rockers. Also new chamber furniture, par
lor suites, sideboards, bookcases, desks, etc.
Big lot of new and second hand carpets for
rooms, halls and stairs. Curtains, toilet
ware, bedding, dishes and glassware, oil
cloth, springs and mattresses, kitchen and
laundry furniture Salo positive. Owner
leaving the city.
HENRY AUCTION CO., Anctioneerx
Sales of merchandise at store and residences
promptly attended to. Cash advances mad
on all consignments. a!3-13
8 Per Cent City Mortgages.
We can take care of a few more good ac
counts and net you 8 percent on city mort
gages and city and county warrants Witt)
perfect safety. Our business is limited and
conservative, and we take only such as we
can personally attend to. For particular
fe5-9S-su Tacoma, Wash.
Ths Electrical Construction & Maintenance Co.
Electrical Engineers and Contractors.
General Electrical Supplies always on hand.
Electric Light and Bell Wiring.
dclJ-sn TeL 1774. Pittsburg, Pa.
We want a thorough-going business man,
25 to 40 years of age, to assist in establishing
a branch-bouse business in Minneapolis: on
for Nashville. Tenn.: a salary of S70 to SSO
per month guaranteed to the right man; &
capital or $00 required on part of applicant
must be a fair correspondent; full of bust
ness; business will bear closest investiga
tion. Call or address, giving age and ocuu
pation. Booms 15, IS and 17, Eisner Building-fel-S8
Is one of the most desirable avenues In th
East End, asphalt street, flagstone walks
with grass plots and all dwellings back
uniform distance. We can olTer for sale
till March 1, a new two-story brick, 12 rooms
complete, with lot 40x140 for $3,500. Can yoa
duplicate thU T If not, see
162 Fourth Avenue.
Additional Real Estate Adver
tisements on Tenth Page.
Advertisements Too Late to
Classify Appear on Sixth Page.
.ri . JX&lL &UUU ,
rl.TA- -L-.J.tJr..
. k .