THE PITTSBURG ' 'DISPATCH. MONDAY' EEBRUART .8,. 189a" v. r L t & I BECENTCOHBINATMS Most Weighty factors in the Finan cial World, According to the VIEWS OF MATTHEW MARSHALL. Eailroads Shelved for Awhile lj tha Indnstrial Combines. THE FATE OF THE SIIAIJiEE COXCEKXS rf rrci m. teltgtiam to tiis dispatch.! Xew York, Feb. 7. Under the caption, "Xew Industrial Combinations," Matthew Marshall writes for to-aiorrow's Sun as fol lows: The most important feature of the week's news, except perhaps to individuals who have made or lost money by the fluctuations of the stock market, has been. the announce ment of a number of new aggregations of capital invested- in industrial enterprises. Following cloeiy upon the occ of the stockholders of the Amer ican U!jar licfincis' Company to ?2o,000,000 to its old $51,000,000 sharo issue, the two great electric Mipply com p.inics the Edison, or this city, and Jhe Thomson-Houston, or Boston have agreed ton consolidation; several or the largest lithographing concerns in the country have formed a business combination; the cotton prcssers and the rice cleaners of New Or leans have joined forces, and the National Cordage Company reports that it has re cently taken in, or is about to take in, the icinaining manutactmers or cordage, bag ging and tv ino in the United States which have hitherto hold aloof from it. Special attention has been called to the Distillers'jind Cattle Feeders' Trust by trans actions of' its officers in its stock, which are not favorably icwed bythose who have lost money by them; a bis anthracite coal com bination "is talked about, and Chicago Gas Trui certificates, though not so prominent in the public eye as they were a lortnlht or so ago, aio Mill tolerably conspicuous. Railroads Shelved for Awhile. Allogetiiei, the affairs of these enterprises 1-ave, for the moment, taken precedence of those of railroads.and their uiei its asmoney makiug ins trnmentalities are more actively discussed. It would "seeru that, since in the case oi railroad, aggregation earliest began, it bad also earliest ended. The force unaer lin it is indeid,as uowerlulas it ever was, but it llnus little leit upon i hich to exeit lt bf If. All the ti.iall companies that could be merged m gtea'er ones have long -ince suc cumbed 10 their late, lea vin" the field to a Jew mants. each able to maintain itself against it brethren, but none big enonsli to wallow them The industrial companies :tiiii) m the midst ot the piocc'-s, and with tl.em it has vet some time to continue. To icpcat what I have often said upon pre v ious occasions, tlil formation ot companies itn bis capitals and the absorption ol them by -uiallcr ones excites no alarm in my iiiind. It is not the quantity of money in a concern that makes it lormidaUe, but the dcriee ol intellectual ability that directs its :tt!airs and great ability in business is as tt.ieaany other gieat mental oiphysIcal endowment. Them is a natural limit of gioAthto ngsiegatc capital, xesulting Irom tne natural limitations ot the humaiimind. Mu-t men cannot carry on entciprises of moicthana ceitaui magnitude, just as they i auuot lilt metre than a certain i eight. The attraction ol gravitation, the stiencth of bone and muscle, ami nutritive jiower of lottd combine to fix the bodily size and strength ot the Hum. m race at what itis, and only a clungc ill Uiom? constituent forces ill allovr a c.sange iu the dominant type. 'odern At!ati(ages for "Work. Steam and eleetucity, it is true, enable men to accomplish much moie woik in finance, trade and uianuiactuiing than they tould a ccuturv ago, just as in aj?es of m hicli geologists tell u, hen a different at-mo-nhuie and difTeieut food supplies ex isted on this earth, plants and animals grew to an unoniiou- izo compared to that w hich Itifj attain in oui day. The lact to which I i.ave alrrady :iuerted, that railroad com bination h.i pivtty neaily come to an end, lvsult Irom t'ns" law ol natuie, aud it will lint tail to vindicate itself in tile ci.e of enteiprises. The original impetus which tlioj ieecie lioui their founders will eventn.illj expend itself, and then, like olLer corporation-., they will settle down into jo triii ol earning fortheir ofli wr.and making moderate dividends. 12 is iioi without rejsou that the pro muicrv 01 these industrial conibina- tious solicit froui the public contributions of t-apitai on the grtiuiid that the larger the bnsiness thev Co, the le.swill be the ratio ot expeftses tocio-s' pitilits. This, as a gen eral truth, nobody cm dispute. It has been illu-tra.ed over and over again in counnei clal history, and many an immense fortune lTniam- to w ltness to it. Still, agsinst this advvntige must be offset the tendency of all concerns not managed exclusively for the bem-ilt of the manageiif to avoid taking lik. and to adhoie to stereotyped prece cents. This ownuiKlly bungs "their divi dends down toan amount lar less than that earned by pnvato persons in the same line, and to a pumt jut enough above the rate of inteiet on borrowed money to compensate lor the additional lisk at ending them. This has been the experience of investors in 30.1U stocks, and it will be that of those who buy the industuaK Tito One Thing Sow Lacking. For the present, however. Investments in industrial companies are yieldfng hand some returns and are tempting purchases. All that is lacking to recommend them to cautious people is the absence of trust worthy knowledge of the company's affairs and ot coulidcnce in those who conduct them. When I flist mentioned them four j eats ago, I said that they were fair gam bles for those w ho could afford to lose tho money they put into them, if that should be their luck. Experience has demonstrated that my estimate was, on the whole, correct, and while some ot the stocks which were then coming on the market have turned" out badly, cither fiom mismanagement or from dishonesty, the majority have done well and can be sold at a considerable profit. As to tho opportunities which the indns tual stocks allord for unfair stock exchange operations, which is charged against this class of investments as a peculiar defect, nothing could bo less well lounded. Those w ho condemn Sugar Kcfinenes, Lead Trust. Distillers and Cattle Feeders' Trust and Cottonseed Oil Trust stocks as mere gam bling counters manipulated by sharpers for the purpo-e of preying upon the public, lm.stbetery inexperienced In the wavsof Wall stieei, or else must willfully misrepre sent the iacts. The Vanderbilts' Skillful Work. From tho commencement or railroad build ing shares in railroad companies have been dealt in speculatively, and a man need not be as old as I am to remember Fisk and Gould's operations in the old Erie Kali road stock against Daniel Drew and Commodore Vandcibilt, and the Commodore's own alter nate cornering and letting out of New Yoik Centra! slock until it suited his pin pose to iruke it a conservative investment. His rou, V llliam II, has plaj ed a like game with postern Union Telegraph stock, and the t-tiect was so often deceived with rumors ot the company's approaching "cutting of the melon"' tnat when it linally came most of the speculators in the stock weie caught on tho w rong side of the market. When on the other hand, the same. William II. Vandcibilt m ltTfl, ostentatiously parted w ith KO.WHWJ ot New York Central Hailroad vtock at 120, in order, as ho said, that tho public might he permitted to sharo in the JtroTits ot the road, almost tiverybodv be ieved him, :-nd eagerly boucht the stock all the way Irom 120 to 13V. Then came the building of tne West Shore toad, and its ac quisition, auc-a costly war or rates, uy ins rew loik Central, with the result that the Central stock Tell below ;i0. I inighs go on in this way indefinitely, dt-aviir.; illustrations notoiily from railroad Ftock-, but xrom thoe of mining companies, tietr-ilcum couiyanics, coal compauies and gas companies, uut I think I have men tioned enough to prove that industrial stocks are not dangeious abobe all others. Itusiness Dull at Present lverywhere. General business, my friends tell me, Is very Ualljust now in this country, and what Ireadinthc foreisn newspapers gives mo the impression it is equally dull there. This being so, tho surplus of production over con sumption, or of profits over expenses avail able lor now Investment, is necessarily pi e nicted, and this accounts for the pievailing low rate of interest on money, nnd for tho compiratively slack demand for nr-.v securities. Sooner or later, however, this aspect of things must change, and then the problem ot investing money will como to the front and demand u solution. Hail roads have their best days, banks and trust companies afford but a limited opportunity lor new capital, while the Acid of industry is us vnst as are the ciomen ts of nature and the ingenuity of man. Great Britain has culti vuted it formally year, and her capitalists nave dotted tne globe with the various tin tertakings in it, making for the last few ye tin extensive acquisitions in this country. Our capitalists are not Interior Iu boldness and In enterprise to tlielr British coneins, nnd the reason that they hare not hitherto follox ed their example has been that they have found abundant employment in de veloping our own neutral resources by Building railroads. If Iain correct in jndfr inc that we must now look around us for new forms of investment, it seems only reasonable that industrial undertakings should take with capitalists both small and Kreat, the placo heretofore occupied Dy rail roads, and should, like railroads, employ largo aggregations of capital. MES. .BLAISE, JE.'S, D1V0HCE. It Comes to Trial at Dtadwood, South Dakota, To-Day. Sioux Talls, Feb. 7. Mrs. frames G. Blaine, Jr., went to jSew York in secret and so she departed. That was because she wished to escape the dclectives who, sh ii convinced, are constantly on her track. She arrived in her Sioux Falls home Thurs day morning, having left 2few York Satur day morning. To-day she left Sioux Falls for Dead wood, & Dak., to attend her suit lor divorce. The trial is set for Monday. Mrs. Blaine went to New York about Xovcmher 1 last. She was in the New York Hotel for nearly six weelft before anyone except the memners of her family and her most intimate lriends knew that she was in town. She came to attend the taking of testimony lor the suit. As nearly all the witnesses live in New York, it was agreed by the attorneys of both sides that it would be wiser to take the testimony there than to make the witnesses take the long journey to Deadwood. By consent, Daniel Xord, of Xo. 120 Broadway, was made referee. The testi mony was taken behind closed doors. There lor the first time in many months husband and wife met each other. Young Mr. Blaine was very polite. He always opened and closed the door lor his wife when he had an opportunity, but she never noticed him. Crane's Manager In Xuclc New York, Feb. 7. 5piaZ. Joseph Brooks, William H. Crane's manager, re ceived news to-day that an nncle who died recently in the AYe'st had left Kim $2o,000. Mr. Heard Voluntarily Tells His Thirty Tears' Experience In the Use or Dr. D. Jayno's Kxpectorant. Yellow Ceeek, Ga., Dec. 1, 189L Dr. D. Jatnc Son: Gextlemex I write to tell yon I have sold Doctor D. Jayne's Family Medicines lor the last thirty years, and during this time I have seen cures effected by your Ex pectorant that seemed miraculous. I have iised your Expectorant and Sanative Pills in my house for thirty years, and would not do without them at any price. Truly, your friend, Jorrx A. HliviiD. To get the genuine Expectorant, buy of your neighbor-druggist. mwf T ha last of the Series Of the special excursions to "Washington, D, C, via the Pennsylvania Railroad, Feb. 11 and 2o, at the extremely low rate of f 9 for the round trip, from Pittsburg and propor tionate low rates east, with limit of 10 days, allowing of stop over privilege in Baltimore iu cither direction within limit. Special train of Pullman parlor cars andEastlake coaches will leave Union station on above dates at 9 A. at. Tickets available on even ing trains, with sleeping cars through to Baltimore and Washington. Mr line of hand printed wall decorations has never been equaled in the city. Come and see them. John: S. Roberts, 719 and 7-1 Liberty street, head of Wood. mtii To Let Lists Advertised in To-Day'g Dispatch. No more convenieut arrangement for the benefit of persons seeking a new location can be devised than the regular publication in The Dispatch of such excellent "and varied lists of houses and rooms for rent in both cities. ODB SPECIAL SLE OF IXDIA SILKS Goes Bight on Tills Week. There are also some extraordinary big bargains in black silks which you ought to see to-day. Jos. Hobxk& Cc.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. Come and see the new imitation watered silkpapers Special attention is called to pattern No. 2,918, cyclamen design. John S. Roberts, 719 and 721 Liberty street, head of Wood. SITh Mondays and Thursdays are special rent days. ConsultThe Dispatch's to let columns on those days belore deciding on your new location. Winter and Summer Hosiery Below CoJt. "We intend making this the greatest bar gain hosiery sale on record. You will not have another opportunity like this for many months. A. G. Campbell & Sons, 23 and 27 Fifth a v. Select Tour Future Home From some of those houses described in the varied and extensive lists advertised this morning in The Dispatch's To Let columns. If you have an unsightly hearth, come and get some washable English tile paper and make it look like a genuine tile hearth. John S. Roberts, 719 and 721 Liberty street, head of "Wood. MTh PEPI ZAMPA, slSsi The divine diva, says: "During a spell of hoarseness, luted the Soden Mineral i Pastilles, and I am '' tilngoH -i tntr 4 lint- they have reliovcd meat once. I would not so on the stage without having them with me." ThC'een- 4,7.utne" must have the 2t) signature of "Eisner e juenaeison uo.," sole Agents, New York, around each M 'bo.C OIL TTELL SUPPLIES. STANDARD OIL CO., PITTSBURG, PA. BEANCH OFFICES: Standard Oil Co., Wheeling, W. Va, Standard Oil Co., Cumberland, MO, Standard Oil Co., Altoona, Pa. Capital City Oil Co., Harrfsbure, Pa. We mannfacture for home trade the flnrst crudes of lubricating and illuminating oils. Our facilities are euch that our statement that we furnish all oils standard for quality everywhere cannot be disputed. OUR REFINED OIL LIST: Water White, ISO. Prime White, 150. Stnndard White, Ha Ohio Legal Test. Ohio Water White Legal Tost Carnadlnc (red), 150 Tost. Oilte, lKrTcst. OUR NAPHTHA LIST: Deodorized Naphtha for Tarnish maters, painters and printers.- Gas Naphtha for pas companies. Deodorized Stovo Fluid for vapor stOTO burners. Fluid, 7 gravity, for street lamps, burn ers and torches. Gasoline, 68, 83 and 90 "ravity for gas ma chines. OUR LUBRICATING OIL LIST Includes the finest brands or Cylinder, Knglne and Machinery Oils. fiplndie. Dynamo, 300 Mineral Seal. Iseutral Oils, Miners' OIK Wool Stooks. Pai-.ifflne Oil, Parafflne Wax. Summer and Co!d Test Black Oils. Signal and Car Oils. Mica Axle Greao, Railroad and Mill Grease and Arctic Cup Grouse. Whero It is more convenient, vou may order from our Branch Offices, iron! which points deliveries will be made. STANDARD 0JL COMPANY, , Cor. Duqucsuc Way and ElcUtli Street, JaS-IlM) PITTSBURG, PA flfiBswssa wm$ S3afSBsVl Jjii 'ur As BH0THEE AND SISTER BEIBOTHED. By Mere Accident They Discovered Their Relationship Ilefore Marriage. Hurox, S. D., Feb. 6. In 18S2 a young man, H. AV. "Williams, came to this city from Illinois. He remained until the. fol lowing spring, when he went farther wes,t, accumulated some money and went to Chi cago, where he is now engaged in the leather businest. "Williams' parents lived near Springfield, III. The father was killed at j Corinth. The mother hao just given birth to a girl baby. The shock broke her down, and she and the babe went to San Francisco to live with a Mrs. Todd, a half sister, leav ing yoifng "Williams in tho care of a family which eventually adopted him. Mrs. "Will iams died and the girl became known as Helen "Williams Todd. Intimate friends of Mrs. Todd removed from San Francisco to Chicago, and during the winter of 18S8 she and Miss Helen vis ited them. At a reception "Williams and Miss Todd met The acquaintance rapidly ripened and there were frequent exchanges of letters. This was kept up for two years, when Miss Todd went to Chicago to live with friends on Drexel boulevard,hcr foster mother having died. The friendship be tween "Williams and Miss Helen blossomed into an engagement and the date of the wed ding was set. A few days before the event was to take place Miss Todd was looking over a package of old papers left by her foster mother. These letters gave a faint clew to her brother, and she turned them over to her betrothed and asked his assis tance. An old-fashioned photograph found with her letters matched the one of his mother in his possession, and further inves tigation showed that the two were brother and sister. The Molt Pleasant Way Of preventing tho grip, colds, headaches and feveis is to use the liquid laxative lem cdy. Syrup of Figs, whenever the system needs a gentle, yet effective cleansing. To be benefited one must set the true lemedy manufactmedby the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all druggists in 50c and $1 bottles. Special Bent Advertisements To-Day. Home-seekers can certainly find in them the houses they require. THE DREADED "GRIPPE." RELIEF AND CURE. A BENSON'S FLASTETt placed over the Chest and another one between the Shoulders insures not only immediate relief, bat quick est cure for those Muscular Pains that accompany tha Grippe; all Rheumatic Pains, Sass away like magic. Wear lg BENSON'S Plasters pre vents the Grippe during a contagion. It is the only true medicinal porous plaster. It is not a nostrum in any sense. Indorsed ov over 5.00O Physi cians and Druggists. Jont allow Commercial Drujfcists to palm off cheap substi tutions, uet me genuine BENSON'S and you Trill not bo disappointed. Je4-35-siwF Jos. Home & Go's Penn Avenue Stores.- AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN SALE OF CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' BLACK SILK STOCKINGS . (With neat colored silk embroidery) AT 50 CENTS PER PAIR. Regular $ 1.25 quality. On Bargain Counter, Center of the Store, This Morning. These stockings afe all choice new goods, in all sizes, from 4 to 85. At 50c a pair they are the biggest bargain ever offered in fine, first-class goods of this character Black Silk with neat, Colored Silk Embroidery. Don't miss this tiargain sale this morning 1.25 quality STOCKINGS AT 50 CENTS. Jos. Home & Co., 607-621 PENN AVE. reS-50 Ik-Mi DOUGLAS & MACKIE. Thriitv housewives will save money this week bv visitinjr our LINEN DEPART MENT. "We have just received an entirely new stock of GERMAN, SCOTCH AND IRISH TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS of the latest designs, which in quality and price are unequaled. OUR STOCK IS LARGE AND CAN ONLY ENUMERATE A FEW. G0-inch Cream Table Linen at 40e, usually sold at COc per yard. G2-inch German Bleached Damask, 45c, worth 65 per yard. 68-inch Double Bleached Damask, 75c, worth ?1 per yard. 100 dozen Bleached Napkins, were sold at $1.75, now $1.25 per dozen. 100 dozen Open "Work Damask'Towels at 25c each, worth 3714c. 100 pieces Lawn "White Goods in Stripes yard. 2 bales Scotch Barnsley Crasli at 8e, worth DOUGLAS & MACKIE, 151, 153 and 155 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. feS-MWP j:lywa."X"s to the ifirozestt WITH STYLES AND LOW PRICES. No matter what article you may need for your house, come and inspect our stock; it is so eitensive, and so varied. You can't help finding just what you want "We've styles that catch the eve, and the prices are sure to please. See line of Heavy Chenille Portieres, double dado and heavy fringe top and bottom, a handsome line of colors, at $6.00 per pair. Send or call for illustrated catalogue of the GhTTiisriLsr OLiDiiLsra- bed. KEECH CASH 923, 925, 827 PENN AVE.. - - NEAE NINTH STREET. OPEN SATURDAY EVEN'INGS. , FOR BKAIN FAG IIo Horsford'g A cid Phosphate. Dr. W. II. Fisher, Lo Sueur, Jlinn., says: "I find it vciy sei viccahle in nervous debility, sexual weakness, brain fag, excessive use of tobacco, as a drink in fevers, and in some urinary troubles. It is a grand good remedy iu all cases whore I have used it." Special Bent Advertisements To-Day. Home-seekers can certainly find in them the houses they require. Prevent the Grip Dr. Cyrus Ed son, of the Xew York Board of Health, says that to prevent the Grip, you should avoid exposure in inclement weather and keep yonr strength up; your blood in good condition, and your digestive organs in regular action. The tonic and alterative effects of Hood's Sarsaparilia so happily. meet the last turee conuitlons, that with the protection given by this medicine you need not fear the Grip. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Is an inexpensive medicine and n single bottle may savo you many dollars injoctora' bills and much suffering. A-Firm "Grip" "One year ago I was taken down sick with the Qrip,' and my whole system seemed completely run down. I eonld not sleep or eat. A friend of mine advised mo to try Hood's Sarsaparilia. " So 1 did. I used four bottles and In two months I was a well man. I think so much of . " HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA That I keep it on hand all the time." Cur tis Gowdt, City Bill Foster, Shelbyville, 111. Hood' Pills cure Liver Ills. I ' l I ril'J noI'TSnV-O-' M t A KISS IS SWEET, BUT VQLTAIG DIAMONDS ME SWEETEH. Have you seen them? Can they be de tected? Ain't they beautiful? Can any other jeweler in the U. S. sell them? No! they cannot. They are covered byletteis patent. Every stone wan-anted by special guarantee. Set in rings, pins, studs, ear rops, pendants, brooches, etc., from J to 5 karats. Loose Stones Mounted in any Style of JoWelry. RR ) U J I I U1JJJXI 65 FIFTH AVE. Ie7-Jtwrsu EXTRA. IN OUR BUSY WASH DRESS GOODS DEPAHTMENT. More .new things for spring wear coming in every day have you seen them? New Sateen Stripe Sateens. New Printed Dotted Swisses. New Mousselines. New French Satines. New Plain and Fancy Bedfords. New Brochet Ginghams. New Zephyr Ginghams. New Cotton Surahs. Crepons. New Crepes. And to-day 100 pieces all new Emtii Onii taw Choicest styles, at 23c A YARD. Make your selections early. JOS. HORNE I CO., 607-621 Penn Avenue. fe8-25 and Plaids, were loo and 20c, now 12 per 10a CREDIT feS-jcwv TfEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SONS'. - IF YOU AHE TAKING STEPS To provide yourself with clothing, we can make bet ter terms than we were ever able to offer. jf" is the improbable that oc casionally comes to pass. month ago nothing seemed less likely than that we should be selling a home made Overcoat for $10, ' but that is just what we are doing, and, to tell the truth, the figure is not much more of a surprise to you than it is to us. T is worth your while to bear in mind that we keep every garment in repair free of charge for one year. YOU are interested in good home-made Clothing. If not; you should be. A saving of 25 per cent on Hats ought to be an item to you. THE newest furnishings ought to catch your cus tom, especially at our pop ular prices. See us before going elsewhere. 954 and 956 LIBERTY STREET. TAILORS, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND FURNISHERS, 1e7-SS-Mwrsu AMHsHSlTENTS. DUQUESNE. SINBAD BACK AGAIN NEXT MONDAY FOR 12 NIGHTS. FlttstmrR's Leading Theater. BEGINS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11.1 NOTE Seats sold two weeks In advance. Orders by mall promptly attended to. DUQUESNE. Pittsburg's Leading Theater. To-night ROSINA VOKES, supported by Felix Morris and her London Comedy Co, Mon., Tues., C "In Honor Bound." Wed. and I "My Milliners Bill." Sat. nights. ( "A Pantomime Rehearsal." Thure.and ("The Rose." (New.) Fri. nights and "Barbara." (New.) Sat. matinee. ( "My Lordin Llvery."(New.) Next week Slnbad. fe8-47 MR. THOMAS W. -KEBlsrE- Monday RICD.ELIEU. Tuesday RICHARD III. Wednesday-LOUIS XI. Thursday OTHELLO. Friday-HAMLET. Saturday RICHARD III. Saturday Mat. MERCHANT OF VENICE. Prices 23c, 50c, 75o. $1. Special I THE I Reserved Matinee Seat, Wednesday. WITCH. 2oc,50c. Next Week Annlo Wardo Tiffany. e7-S3-D THEATRE This Week Matineei Wednesday and Saturday. KATE CASTLETON, in THE OA.'Z.XTSiVS.. Feb. 15. 'The Bottom of the Sea." feS-1 THE ALVIN THEATER. CUAKLES L. DAVIS, Owner and Manager. TO-NIGHT Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. DENMAN THOMPSON'S Celebrated Plav, THE DLD-HOMESTEAD"! Scenery New. Company Same as ' Last Season. Feb. 15. MEN AND WOMEN. feS-46 A.u DITORIU M TWO NIGHTS ONLY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. FEB. 8 AND 9. Appearance of the Indesoiibablu Phenomenon, A1V:CXE; EVA 1?1AY, Of London, in a scientific seanen on SPIRITUALISM. Materialization in full gaslight. fe0-ll-MTU3 POPULAR LECTUKE ItEV. FREDER ICK EVANS, D. D., Philadelphia, will lectin o In the Fourth Avenue HaptKt Church, Tuesday, February 9. Subject, "Queer People." Dr. Evans is probablV the best-known Welslfman In the States. Don't fall to hear him. fej 64-jip w ARRT WILLIAMS' ACADEMY - To-nisrht. Matinee Tuesday, Thursday and Saurdnv. THE KENTZ-8ANTLEY NOVELTY AND BURLESQUE COMPANY". feS--D dKH I SALE I OF 1 SEATS yWia -u-jy VssJ' S3'S i' ' I KAUF1IS' GREAT SPECIAL For Three Days Only! v' To-Day, To-Morrow and Wednesday. 500 MEN'S DRESS SUITS, WORTH $16, $18 and $20. GENTLEMEN, the last and best chance of the season to buy a fine SUIT or OVERCOAT at a big saving of money will be during the next three days. Having still too many fine qualities we turned in and select ed from our stock a round thousand of Imported Suits and Overcoats, and will place them on sale to-morrow morning at JUST 10. If it is considered that this offer embraces some of our best garments goods which but recently have been reduced to 16, S18 and' J20 its full significance will be comprehended. Gentlemen, never did a io bill buy as fine a Suit or Overcoat as it will at this sale. You may not need any clothing at present, but now is the chance to buy at your own price. There are many "spring weights" among these 10 garments which next month will be sold for 15,. and more. Take the hint and buy now. , AUPMA KA1LKOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule ix effect December 3), 1891. Trains will leave Union Station, l'ittsbnrs, as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN LINK EASTWARD. Pennsylvania Limited of Pnllman Vestlbnle Cars daily at 7:15 as m.. arriving at Ilarrltburfratl:55 p.m., Philadelphia at 4:4 p. m.. New Torfe7:00 p. m Baltimore 4:40 p. m., Washington 5:53 p.m. Keystone Express dally at 1:10 a.m., arrtvlnc at llarrlslmrjt 8:25 a.m., Philadelphia 11:25 a.m., New York 2:00 p. m. Atlantic Express dally at. 1:30 a.m., arriving at Harrisburs; 10:TO a.m., Philadelphia 1:S p.m.. New York 3:50 p. m., Baltimore 1:15 p. m., Washington 2:3) p. m. Ilarrlsburg Accommodation dally, except Sunday. 5:23 a. m arriving at Harrisburjc 2:50 p. m. Day Einrets dally at 8:tt a. m.. arriving at riarrisburg 3:20 p. m.. Philadelphia 6.50 p. m Npw York 9:35 p. m Baltimore 6:45 p. m., Wash ington 8:15 p. m. Mall train Sunday onlv. S:40a. m.. arrives Harris burg 7:00 p. m.. Philadelphia 10:5.5 p. m. Mall Etpress dally at 1:00 p. m.. arriving at Harris 1'iirg 10-30 p.m.. connecting at Harrfiburg with Philadelphia Kxpreis. Philadelphia Express daily at 4:30 p. m., arriving at Ilarrlsburg 1 :0O a. m Philadelphia 4:25 a. m., and New York 7:10 a.m. Eastern Express at 7:15 p. m. daily, arriving Ilar rlsburg 2:25 a. m.. Baltimore 6:i0 a. m., Wash ington 7:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 5:25 a. m. and Isew York 8:00 a.m. Tast Line dally. atS:10p. m., arriving at Harrls hurg.:30 a. m., Philadelphia 6:50 a. m.. .New York 9:30 a. m., Baltimore 6:20 a. m., Washing ton 7:30a. m. All through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "BrooVIyn Annex, " for Brooklyn, N. Y.. avoiding double ferriage and Journey through New York City. Johnstown Accom., except Sunday. 3:40 p. m. GrcensburgAccom., 11:30 p. in. week-days, 10:30 p. m. Sundays. Greensburg Express 5:15 p.m., except Suuday. Derry Express 11:00 a. m., ex cept Sunday. Wall Acrom. 5:25. 6:0J. 7:40. 8:35. 8:50, 9:40. 10:3a, Jl:roa.m.. 12:15. 1:00, 1:3). 2:30. 3:40, 4:00, 4:50, 5:15. 6:00. 6:45. 7:35. 9:00, loto, 11:30. p. m.. 12:10 night, except Monday. Sunday. 8:40. 10:30 a. m., 12:25, 1.-00, 2:30. 4:30, 5:30, 7:20, 9:10, 10:30 p. m. Wilklnsbnrg Accom. 5:S. 6:00. 0:15, 6:45, 7:00. 7:25. 7:40, 8:10, 8:35. 8:50. 1:40, 10:30, 11:00. 11:10 a. m.. 12:01, 12:15, 12:30,1:00,1:20, 1:30,2:00, 2:30,3:15, 8:40, 4.-O0, 4:10. 4:23, 4:35, 4:50, 5:00, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45. 6:00. 6:20. 0:45. 7:3). 7:35, 8:25, 9:00; 9:45, 10:20, 11:00, 11:30. and 11:10 night, except iioniuy. Sunday, 5:30. 8:40. 10.30, a. m., 12:25, 1:00, 1:30, 2:30. 4:30, 5:30, 7:20, 9:00, 9:30, 10:30 p. m. Braddock Accom.. 5:25, 6:00, 6:15. 8:45, 7:00. 7:25 7:40, 8:00. 8:10, 8:35, 8:50, 9:40, 10:30, .11:00. 11:10. a. m.. 12:01. 12115, 12:30,1:00.1:20, 1:30,2:00.2:30 3:15, 3:40. 4:00, 4:10, 4 :25. 4:30, 4:35, 4:50, 5:00, 5:15, 5:30. 5:. 6:00. 6:20, 6:45, 7:2U, 7:35, 8:25. 9:00. !):45, iP:20, 11:00. 11:30 p.m.. and 12:10 night, except Jftonday. Sunday, 5:30, 8:00, 8:40, 10:J0 a. in., 10:30 p. m. SOUTH-WEST PENN BAIX.WAT. For Uniontown, 5:15 and 8:35 a. m., 1:20 and 4:25 week days. MONONGAHELA DIVISION 12:25, 1:00. 1:30, 2:30. 4:30. 6:30. 7:20, 9:00, 9:30. On axd aftee Mat 25. 1891. For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and Uniontown. 10:40 a. m. For Monongahela City and West Brownsville, 7:f5 and 10:4O a. m. and 4:50 p. m. On Sunday, 8:55 a. m. and 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City only, 1:01 and 5:50 p. m. week days. Dravos6urg accom., 6:00 a. m. and 3:20 p. m. week da s. West Elizabeth accom.. 8:33 a. m., 4:15, 6:30 "and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p.m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. OlT AKJVAFTEB NOVESinEK 18. 1891. From FEDERAL STKEEr STATION, Allegheny City For Sprlngdale. week-days, 6:20, 8:25, 8:50. 10:40, 11:50 a: in.. 2:25, 4:19, 5:00. 3:40, 6:10. 0:20. 8:10. 10.30 and 11:40 p. m. Sundays. 12:35 and 9:33 For Bntler, week-days, 6:53, 8:50, 10:40 a. m., 3M and 6:10 p. in. For Freeport. week-days. 6:55. 8:50. 10:40 a. m 3:15. :w, 5:40, 8:10, 10:30 and ll.:40 p. m. Sundays, 12:35 and 0:30 p. in. T?nr Armlln wcekxlavs. 10:40 a. m.. and 5:40 D. m. For Panllon and Blalrsville, week-days. 6:55 a. in., 3:15 and 10:30 p.m. g-The Excelsior Baggage Express Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences. Time cards ana fuU Information can be obtained at the ticket offices No. J 10 Urth ave nue, corner Fourth avenue and Try street, and Union station. . CIIAS. E. PUGH, J. B. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Schedule In effect December 30, 1S81. Eastern For Washington. D. C. Baltimore, PhlladelDhla and New York, 8:00 a, m. and 0:20 p. m. Kor Cumberland. 8:50, S:00. a. m., tl:10.9:Mn.m. For ConnelljTlllc. 'Siiu. S:00. tS:30a.m., $1:10. t4:13 4.J.W auu -v.jj p. m. For Unlontoirn, tt:W. 8:00. M:T0 a. lo., 11,10. ;i:U and $3:00 n. in. ForSIt-PIe-isant M'.nfliinrl H:0Oa. m., 1:1. Jl:15 tnrt t5:0O p. m. For Washington. Pc. 7:ao and fc:30 a. m.. MiOO. ): f. 7:30 and III as j). ra. For Whf ellJt, T.-i), :30 a. m., 4:03, Vi30 aad lll&ip. In. For Clneiuuatl and St. Louis, TiM a. m.. 17:3) p.m. For Cincinnati, 11:33 p. m. (Saturday onlv). ForColunnu. V:31 a.. in 17:30 and IlliVip. m. ForNeivirl., "7:30 a. id., 7:3;ahd ll:M p. ni. ror uiueaKO, 7:'J)a. in. and "7:TJ p. : irainsarrive irom .new vorK, i'iiuaueipnia,! iimoreanu uasnuifnon. -u:aj a. m., "8:30 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chlcayo. "3:50. a. in.. S:30 p. o. From Wlieellnj, '8:50, 10M a.ra., ;4.I5. "3tVJ n. m. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing ton, Cincinnati and Chicago. Daily. IDnily except Sunday. SSunday only. ISatunlay only. TO.ilIv except baturdav... , The Plttsliurjr Transfer Companv will call for nnd check bageac from hotels aiid sl(lences upon orjers left at It. A O. tlctit ?lee, corner Filth avpuiie and Wood street, and U ciniinneiii sircei. J.T. ODi:i.L. (feneral M imirer. CIIAS. O. SCULL, lien. Pa3s. Agent. niTTSIiriJIi AND WESTERS RAILWAt I Trains (Ct'istau'd time) Lcae. Arrive .Mill. Butler. ( larion, Kane... I ki on and Krip........ 6:40 am 7:) a in 9:35 a m 3:lo pin 2:00 pm 4:5 p ni 5:43 p m 11:30 am 7:15 p m 3f30 p in 9:01a in 12:C3 p in 5:30 a m flintier Acccmmoaatton .m:w ijasiie Arcommouaiion... i hlcigo Express (dally) Zeii'Mionle and Fovblirg , iuiiT,vi-runin'iuaiion... 7:oo a -n rii,t-rli-.s !aiv to Chloipo.lJ 50. Stcoiwl-'ttis TTNFERSlENTED GP.APE J01CE: Adeliciohs'beveraip with nil the medic inal properties of the (trace, absolutely free or ntcohol. In quart bottles. GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., Sixth av. ja8-Jiw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 10 FIFTH AVENUE AND SMITHFIELD STREET. RAILROADS f From Pittsburgh Union Station. ennsylvania Lines. Trains Bun by Central Time. northwest System Fort Wayne IConte Dffart for Chicago, points intermediate and beyend: 1.30a.m.,7.10 a-., 1220 p.m., 1.C0 p.m 8.45 p. m., 111.30 p.m. Arrive from same points : 12.05 a.m., 11.15 a.m., .00 a.m., 035 ajn., 6 00 p.m., 6.50 p.m. Dipart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond: 7.10 a.m.,12J p.m.,1.00p.m., J11.20 p.m. Arriv from same points: f 1 J5 a.m., Q25 ajn., 6.00pja., 60 p.m. Depart for Cleveland, points intermediate and beyond: -pS.10 a.m., 7J0 a.m., -fl2.45 pJn 11.05 p.m. Arrive from same points: 'iJOa.ia., 2.15 p.m., 6.00 p.m., f7.00 p.m. Depart for New Castle, Eiie, Youngstown, Ashta bula, points intermediate and beyond: 47.20 a.m.. 1 1V2J20 pjn. Arrive from same points: fl.25 p.m.. tv.uu p.m. Depart for New Castle, Jamestown, Youngstown and NQes, f3.45 p.m. Arrive from same points: p3.10a.rn. Depart for Youngstown, 12.20 p.m. Arrive from Youngstown, 6 50 p.m. Southwest System-Pan JIandlcRonte Depart for Columbus, Cincinnad, Indianapolis, St. Louis, points intermediate and beyond: 1.20 a.m., 7.00 a.m., S.45 p.m., 11.15 p.m. Arrive from same points: 2J0a.m.,6.COa.m.,5.55p.m. Defart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate andbejond: 'U0 a.m., jlZlo p.m. Arrive from same points: 220 a.m., f3.05 pjn. Depakt for Washington, fB.15 a. m., -fS.35 a. m., J1.65p. m.tt3.30p.m.,f4.45p.m.,tl.50p.m. Arrive rom Washington. 46.55 a.m.. f7.50 a.m..i8.50a.m.. fl0.25a. m.,t2.S5p.m.,t.25p.m. Depart for Wheeling, t7.C0 a. m.. f!2 05 n'n., 42.45 p. m., f6.10 p. m. Arrive from Wheehng, f2 20 a.m., 18.45 a. m., f3 05 p. m., 45.55 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Pullman Dining Cars run through, East and West, on principal trains of both Systems. Local Sleeping Cars running to Columbus; Cin cinnati, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago are ready for occupancy at Pittsburgh Union Station at q o'clock p. m. Time Tables of Through and Local Accommoda tion Trains of either system, cot mentioned above, can be obtained at 110 Huh Avenue and Union Station, Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices of the Penn sylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh. Dallj. tEx, Sunday. JEx. Saturday. MEx. Monda?. JOSEPH WOOD, E. A. FOKD, Gtiipril MMfr. Peuml fassregtr Igent PrrrsBURc; an; lake sihk railroa3 Company! scliciiule in effrct Novcmtier 1J, 1891. Central time. P. & L. K. R. R. Depart For Cleveland, 8:00 a. m., 'ln, 4:2), 9:45 p.m. For Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis. l:.v, "9:41 p. m. For Buffalo. 8:C0 a. m.. 4:3). OiU p. m. For Salamanca. '8:00 a. m.. 1:30, 9:4S p. m. Fo Youngstown ami New Castle, CMS. frCO. 9:55 a. m.. '1:50. 4:20, "Oittp. m. -For Beaver Falls, 6:00, 7:00. 8:00. 05 a. m., 1:50. 3O0. '4-S0. 5:10. 9:4.1 p. m. For Chartlers. W:30, .5:35, 6:00, ;6:55. 7:00, 7:S, "7:50, 8:53. 9:10, 9A5,.lll:45p. m., 12:10. 1:30, 1:55. 3:30. 3:43. s,4:20. 4:25, 5U0, 5:2), '3:00, 19:43, 10:30 p. m. Anr.IVE From Cleveland. 8i30 a. m., '12:39, B:15, 7.30 p.m. From Cincinnati, Clrtcago & 6t. Louis. G:ju a. m.. ':). '7:30 p. m. From Buffalo, :?0 a. m., 12:30, 9:30 p.. m. From tala Banca, Ci30, "10:00 a. m., :30 p. m. From Yonngstown and New Castle, 6:30, '10:00 a. in., 1230, S:15, '7:30, 9:30 p. ni. Prom Beaier Falls, .'J0. 6:13, 7:20, 10:00 . m.. '12:30, 1:20., 7130, 9:30 p. m. P., C. i Y. trains for Mansfleld, 7:33 a. r., 120, .8:45 p. m. For Esplen and Beeclimont, 7:33 a. m., 3:43 p. m. P.. C. Y. trains from Mansfield, 7(05. 11:59 a, m., 3:S p. m. From BcechmSut. 7:05. 1I39 a. m. r-., aiciv. & l. u. K 1JKPART for new Haven, '3:20, 3 p. m. For West Newton. '8:20, "3:C0, 5:23 p. m. Annivi From New Haven. 9:00 a. m., "1.03 p. m. From West Newton, 6:13, "9:00 a. m. '4:CS P, m. For McKeesport, Elizabeth. Monongahela City and Belle Vernon, '6:45, 11 05 x. in.. 4 A0 p. m. From Belle Vernon, Monongahela Citr. Eliza beth and McKeesport, 7:10a. ra., 1:20, SXS p. m. Dallv. ISundarsonly. Citr ticket ofllce. (OTSmltlifieldst. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD --OV and after Sunday. June 23. ISM. traiuswlll leave and arrive at Union station. Plttslrarjr. east ern standard time: Buffalo evpress leaves at S: J) a.m., 8:45 p.m. (arriving at Buffalo at 5:4 p. m. and 7:20 a. in.): arrives at7:10 a. m.. 6:23 p. in. Oil City and Dullois express LcavesSJ) a. in.. 1:20 p. m.: arrives 1:C0, 023. 10;0O p. m. EastBrarty Leaves at 0:53 a. ni. Klttannlng Leaves 9:0, a. in., 3:55. 5:3(1 p. m.: arrives 8:53. 10:00a. in.. op. m. Braeburn Leaves 4;53. 0:15 p. m.: arrives S:0i a. m.. 7:40 p. m. Valley Camn Leaves 10:I.a. m.. 12:05,2:15. 11:30 p. m.t arrives fl:40a. m.. 12:30. 2:li 4-41 n. m. Muiton Leaves 8.00. 9:50 p. m.. arrives 7:T. 11:20 p.m. Fortv-thlnl trect-Arrlves3:25. 20 p. ni. I'ortv-tnirn ireci-Amitn:i. a. Sunday trains Buffalo express Leaves n.. 8:43 p. m.: arrives 7:10 a. in.. 0:lp. m. on Leaves 9:05 a. m.; arrives 9:1o p. in. arjjp. m S:20a. m Tmlnnlnn i.imvn Klttinntnz Leaves 12:10 p. ni. : arrives 10:15 p. m llracburn-Leaves 9:50 p. m.: arrives ,:iu p. in. Pnllman parlor buffet car on day trains and lull man sleeping car on night trains between . dtsburg and Buffalo. Ticket omcesNo. 110 1 Fifth venue and Union station. DAVID M' CARGO -General Superintendent. JAMES P. ADERSO. Gen eral Ticket Agent. ABTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER 16 SIXTH STREET. Cabinets, $2 to $i per docci.; petltes, $1 r dozen. Telephone 1711. anrf-73-nwrau DR. E. W. DEAN, DISEASES OP THE Ears,Nose,Throat and Chest Exclusively. Office hours 9 a. v. to I p. ic 93 l Penn ave.,Pittsburg, Pa nol 1-53-Mi HAIR! UC TUtsVarranted to He ll tnL I ri new jouthful color and Ufo to 0RAT Hair. U onlv IR. HAYS' HAJRHMl Sec. London Snwply t Kiis-KiixcoaKs. B 'ALTH. Most ratislaciorrHairffrower. tsSlta B'dwav. X.Y. Balrbnok fnui IUTS' KILL C0BKS. Bm1 CCSX In bni, Bsaloaa, aolei, Ju. Sold by JOS. FLEMING SONS and drug. ' .rf - mm 500 . MEN'S- OVERCOATS WORTH $16, $18 and $20. STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. StUNABD LINE NEW TOKK AND L1VEIN j l'OuL VIA QUEENSTOWN-From Pier J North IMvcr. Fast express mail errke. Umbria,Feb. 13, Mch. 12, 5a. m. Servia. Feb. 20. Jl a. ni.lervia, Meh. IS, a a. ri. Etrnrla, Feb. 27, 5 a. m.lEtrnrla. M-h. 2S. 1 p. m. Aurania, 3Ich.5, 11a. in.Auranla. Apr.2.:Ta.m. ExtraSteamersgothnla: Bothnia. Wed.. Feb. 10.2 p m. eu.. 3icn. v - p. nr. Cabin-passage. Swand upward, accordln to lo cation: second cabin. $35. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of EnroiK! at very low rates. For freight anil passage applv to th compinv's office. 4 Howling Green. New York. VEICMN II. BISOWN .'. CO.. General Agnt or rilAKLI I' SMITH. Third av. and Wood St., Agent for I'ltt burg. Pa. fel-D AX,IrfA2 IIXB EOYAL MAIL STEA3ISHIP3. GLASGOW TO PHILADELPHIA. Via Derry and Galway. The mot tlirecs ronto from Scotland and North, and Middhi of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, SU STATE? LINE J Service of STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW, Via London every Fortnight. 18th Fell.. Stato of Calnornia, 1 r. m. CABIN. $40. Second cla", S23. Steerasre, ?VJL Apply to J. J. McCOitMICli, 639 Smithfieia street, Pittsburg. no25-33-D WHITE STAR LINE For Oueentown and Liverpool. Royal aud United States Mali Meamrrs. Adriatic. Feb. 10. SpmiGermanic. Mar. 9. 3 pm Teutonic, Feb. 17. 9ami"Tt'titonIf. Mar. 10. dim Britannic. Fcb.Zt,2d0pin.llrltannic. 3lar.2!,l:Wpn Jlsjestlc. Mar. 2. 3:303-ni'3IaJe3li-.Mar.3i. ;:tnm From White Star dock, foot o." West Tenth St.. New York. Second cihln on the e steamers. Saloon rales. ?50 ana upward, tecoud cabin. ?33 and aw. Excur sion tickets on favorable terms, tteerase. from or to old country. SCO. White Stardralts payable on demand in all the principal banks throughout Great llritaln. Applr to JOHN .J MCCORMICK. CO anil 1I Smltharlil St.. Pittsburg, or II. MA1TL.VNU KEKar.Y. Cen tral Agent. 29 Broadway. New York. ja2i-D "anchor line. Steamers Leave New York Every Saturday For Glugow via Londonderry. Hates for Saloon Passage ffi and upward, accord ing to accommodation and location of room. Second Cabin. ?25. steerage, l. MEDIftJUCANEAN SERVICE: NEW YORK TO GIBRALTAR AD NAPLES. Cabin passage. J'-O to $100. Passengers booked at through rates to or from any city In Great Britain or on the Continent. Drafts on London Sold at Lowest Itute. Book of informatibn, tours aad sailing lists fur nished on application to Agents. HENDERSON BKOniEItS. 7 Bowling Green. N. Y.. or J. J. McCOUMICK.KBand-tOl smlthnrld st. A. D. SCORER & SON. 415 bmlilinelit St.. Pitts burg: F. M. SliilPLE, 110 Federal St.. Allegheny. nolS-11-MWP Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamship Company. Fast Line of Express steamers New York to Southampton (London), Bremen. rioonj , 1892. Bt'-KLaU SA1L.1.AUS, Ems. HaveL haale, Lahn. Fat.. Tues.. Sat., Tues., hat., Tues., Wed., at Tues.. tat.. Tues., Sat.. Tues., Sat., Tues., April 5.1 Elbe. April 5 Aller. April 9Trave. April 12 Ems.. April IS Havel. April 19 baalc. April 20' Lahn. April 23jfcider. April 2b Nircc, Weil.. S3t., Tues.. Sat.. Tues.. Sat.. Tues;. Sat.. Tues.. Wed.. Sat.. Tues., Sac. Tncs., Sat.. Mav 1 May 21 Mav 21 Mav 23 May 31 June 4 June " June U June It June 15 June H Jnn 21 June 25 June 23 Julv 1 F.lder, Spree, Elbe. Aller. Trave, Ems. HavcL Saale, Lahn, Elder, Spree, April 30 une. Slav 3 Aller. May 3Iay May Slay 7lTrave. lOlEms, 11 (Havel, 17Saale. Time from New Yoric to Southampton. 7U days. From Southampton to Bremen, 24 or 30liour. 'From Southampton to London, by Southwestern Railway Co., 21 hours. Trains eVerv hour in the summer season. Railway carriages for London await passengers in Southampton Docks on arrival of express teamers from New York. These steamers are well known for their speed, comfort and exrellent cuis'ne. MAX SCIIAMBKUG&CO., 527 tmlthfield t.. LOUIS MOSEK. ClSSmithBeld St.. J.F.l.BXY CaslilerGerman Savings aud Dcp. B?nk. Agents lor Putsburg. x3n FflAhbp'Q TncffllTmoTif Tfnnsfl iXWUiVl UJUIUtUlilllUUlAiUUUWj ga 4 "5F Sixth St.2dnoop.S 1 i MEN'S & BOYS' .CLOTHM m CBEDIT, (Ready-Made & to Order. ) Ladies7 Cloaks & Jackets ; Watches & Jewelry, ON INSTALLMENTS.! AT I Cash Prlces-Without Security! TERMS: Ons-tUrd of he amrant purchased! meat be paid down! the balance in small i weekly or monthly parm6ct- Business j traruactca stnctiy eonEacnuai. wpeni aaiiy, irom s a. M. ttu l P. in- Cator- cays until n P.M. e - JWiTf -,.-&.'JJjZ- vkJk&mLj m mmaamas- '-'K lrjrsSrf-, toMMmmtiL yrmm&k&Mb&gmmms,$m aj. t r , "j" . . H J i a. a ,!' . .i ?sr .. .t . j. i 1-r a, j ,", it c i -d a..