ms&g?Mmm ri. 'vS ?3 BfSfTTf srytf3f&r jswt?: ps ST r-I !ff . : "ST V 19 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, PEBRUAUT 7, ' 1892. jjgBKSeeBKSBSoaJj i f -Y III ' &MSk 1 3 Contributions for this department should reach Tnr Dispatch office by noon Saturday. These columns are open to nil secret organ izations, but news, and news only. Trill be printed. Space Is too valuable to be given up to the discipline of delinquent members, notices of meetings, praise of individual lod(re, advertisement of orders or mere personal puffs. o. u. a. at. Keep your eve on Clarion County, as the prospects are lirignt for a new lodge there toon. The number of certificates Issued last ir.nn th was 1S2. Better work Is promised for February. Dr. Truitt, the Denuty who is workinc In West Virginia, Lodge No. 11 about ready to be instituted. Tittsbur; Decree or Honor No. 20 will pay a visit to Industry Degree ot Honor No. 25, Tnetdav evening next. Grand Eecordnr JIcNair addressed an au dience a few miles out or town Thursday evening last. Look out for another new lodge. Center Avenue Lodge No. 124 added S3 new members to her roll last month, and Is FtillFtuvinsliaid to be the Danner lodge or Allegheny county. General Cuter No. 1!S. of Allegheny Citr, don't pay much but is quietly adding now members and piopoes the banner lodge hall be on tlicNorthsldc The attention of deputies is called to the fact that the flrt quarter's wort done by the Committee on Extension of the order will close February 29 and they are re quested to ha e their reports in not later than JIaicli 10. Industry Dearee of Honor No. 25, of Altc jrhenv City, v. ill meet regularly lor the first time Tuesday evening in the hall of In dustry Lodsre No. 25 Members or sister lodges and their families cordially in vited. It is conducted by the ladies. A conlerenceof I'ast Masters and Master Workn'en will be held in Union Veteran Le ion Hall, Sr-tuiday evening next, to be tuldreod bv I'ast Grand Master Workman William H. James, or Philadelphia, and l'ast Gram! Mastor AVorkman William E. ford, o. this city. Thomas A. Armstrong Council No. 291 was disappointed m not receiving tho promised viit from the delegation from Beaver Falls hiiu New Biighton Councils. Tne members found there were no trains on Saturday " nights goiwg back, but all the Council" about the tuo cities were well represented. No. 2M lias accented an invitation to act as es cort to the Chief Marshal of the O. tl. A- M. Sinidc in the East End on Washington's irtbday. Improved Order or Heptasopht. Organizer S. I. 0tnond has been recruit ing nr Altoona Conclave No. 132. He reports oterCU new members in a week. feharpsbuRr Conclave will hold an open meeting to-morrow night for mombers and their ladies. A banquet will be served. Allegheny county has not obtained its pro portionate'inciea'e the past six months. Tile deputies w ill be asked to explain. Brother Gilleland, tho Archon or Monon gahela Conclave 2o. K9, promises to mate it Interesting for the members of his conclave this term. Supreme Provost M. G. Cohen has called a special meeting of the deputies or Allegheny county tor Flifiay night in the hall of the 1'ittsbur.T Conclave. The members of McKeesport Conclave are now liviiisr on light diet In anticipation of the barnuet to le served to them by J. K. Mooiehead Conclave. It is probably not commonly known that G'rmanin Conclave, of Baltimore, Md., con ducts Its bnines In the German language. Is there not an opening for such a conclave here? Most or tho semi-annual returns are now 5n tho handswt the Supreme Archon. Some of them have been returned as much as six tines lor correction. From the present out look all future reports will be abso-utely con ect. fraternal Legion. At the social meeting of Camp No. 67 Thursday evening Comrade Louisa Barker," vlio was m.irr!ed to Mr. J. Murray, of Colo rado, was nihde the lecipient ol a token 3rom the comrades of the camp m the shape cl an elegant black mantel clock. The follo-ving officers of Carl Helnzen Camp N. 67, were installed recently by Deputy 1! Ilevmann: Commander, August Wolf: Senior Vice Commander, 1 Flasgs; Junior Vice Commander, A. Nibbs: Adjutant mid E. O , William A. Schilling; Treasurer, William jlusiieubcim: Orator, William Fink; Guide, C. Snnntag; Warden. William Scheid; Sentry, H. Strecker; Past Commander, H. C. ScLieiel. The following officers of Thomas Paine Camp No. G7 w ere installed at the last meet ing: Com., W. F Schade: S. V. a. W. H. W. Sat age: J. V. C. J. Thresher; Adjutant, H. llonven Esi. Oir, J. O. Juerzens: Treas., G. C. schade: Orator, J. A. Deegan: Guide, Charles Kautmaii; Warden, W. J. Rerkard; i-ntry, J. McGraw;!'. Com., H. J. Heitman; Deptily. 1 nomas Grundy; Trustees, Ph. Biuibach, L. Kaulmau, J. Turesher. The Golden Chain. In one of Thiladelohia's swell lodges the ofheers appear in lull dress and a banquet is held at the close or each meeting. At the institution or a lodge of the order In Philadelphia its charter list was composed or 20 Baptist minister-, and one blacksmith. TI.e growth of the older In the South Is very rapid. The Past Commanders of Pennsylvania met In the hall of Pittsburg Lodge No. 92, Wednesday, January27, and elected A. S. Smith, ol Allegheny Lodge No. 4fi, State Commander and representative) of Pennsyl vania to the supreme Lodze, w hich meets in jl.iinmore, leliiu.iry 10. T.J. Cunningham, or rhiladclpli.a, wa elected alternate dele gate. Georjo n . Chambers, or Pittsburg Jxidge, r.d other members of the city took pleasuieiu showing the Philadelphia dele gates the wonders of the Smoky City. A spread at tLc Duquesne closed the events of the dav. Daughters of Liberty. The Visiting Committee of Star or Liberty Council will visit Lucy Webb Hayes Conncil Tuesday eveninx and on the following Mon day Keystone No. 2 at Homewood. Brother G. t Jeffrey and Sisters Laura B. Dawson and Dora Scott, of No. CD, with Sla ters Maggie Strong and Alico Smith, bf Key stone, were visitois at No. C7 Friday evening. .Star or Liberty Council No. 67 expects to have its degree staff m working trim bv March L A bcautiiul and costly Bible anil two very flue silk flags were presented to the council Friday eyening bv Sisters LIda Gross :ind Ella Milliken. A handsomely 11 nishedchestwasalsopresentedby Brothers G. G. Ebberts and Horace Alentzer. The Good Templars. Press Onward Lodge No. H held Its elec tion last week with the lollowing result: C. T., J. Wat-on Fleming; V. T Lizzie ' ' Grimes: 1L S , Ld God; F. s., Lottie Weaver; , . A. is.. Lizzie Haucy; C., Margaret Haney; AL, ChailesO. Getty: Deputy Marshal, May Con way; G., Lottie M. 1 eaver; fa., W. Ferris. The new officers for West Manchester .Lodge No. 1371 are: Chief Templar. R. Ster euson; Vice Templar, Maggie Stedeford; Treasurer, C. W . liobmson; Chaplain, Will iam G. Hohmann; Secretary, H. C. MeGaw; Financial Secretary, Edward Spamer; Mar shal, J. Miensch: Guard, Mrs. Hagamann Sentinel, Walter fctewart. Jr. O. U. A. 2L John Grey Council No. 249 held one of Its old-:iuio stag" parties Tuesdav ovenine January 20, with over 150 people in attend ance. Harry A. Helsler and National Secretary Edward S. Deemer, will visit Benjamin Franklin Council No. 318, Tuesday evening, February 9. Glenfleld Council gave an entertainment at Glenfleld Thursday night. On the pro pramme vcre the Misses May and Helen McCrca,or Allegheny. Miss ilanley. or Se. wieklev. and others. It was a rreat iccr.n- . A. warrant has been granted for thenewl ,Council at Wrights vllle. Pa. It will be in- V jffflfflt fciiiiag " " " " ,""-T"ii" fr ' . -.--v---r J -.-.,,.-..-, mi a in ! -in.- r ----- i , ... - - i -.,- . - tf"'.l,T 3I-t-'li'l-- --, yhr.Wi- i ffmmmBimitmtoi night. It will be one of the largost council s ever organized. The roanv friends of Chief Marshal Will lam T. Kerr will be glad to know that he Is recoveriiiK Ironi his leccnt illness. Frank M. Williams, the efficient adjutant General chosen by Chief Marshal Koir, is carrying out all the plans outlined by the Chief Mar shal in an able manner. The Pennsylvania llatlroad has made the customary low rates from points i.Iong the Southwest Branch for tho Washington Birthday parade. The rate from Unlontown Is one tare Tor tho round trip. It has also made reduced rates for tho demonstrations at McKeesport and Johnstown. The parade in Pittsburg this year 1 the last ofa three years' circuit established In 1S9X Large delegations will be present from Meadville, Erie and Mercer, Pa., and Cleve land, O. Every member or the order should turn out on Washington's Birthday and give a decided Indorsement to the Stone Im migration bill. Braddock Council No. 299. Jr. O. V. A. M., or Braddock, celebrated its third anniver sary by a fine entertainment and feitivoH, given in Leigh ton's Hall at that place, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenlna. The affair was tho finest or Its nature ever given In that place, and was a social as wrll as financial success. Fully 1,600 persons listened to the programme. Order of Solon. Snprsme Manager Ganse Is at Washington booming Solon. Supreme Chaplain W. K. Coovert has re turned from a business trip to New York. Moltte Lodtro of Allegheny, Instituted in January, has 16 initiations on file for next meeting. Oakland Lodge No. 112 held an Interesting meeting Tuesday evenlmr. Supreme Presi dent Ball and Supreme Treasurer Godfrey were the orators or the evening. Refresh ments were served alter close of tho session. Select Knights of America. Pride of the West Legion No. 4. or Alle gheny City, lately instituted, will meet at No. 19 Federal street, on the Northslde, on the second and fourth Tuesday evening or every month. Past Grand Commander Alfred S. Smith leaves to-morrow night for Washington, D. C, io attend tho Merchant Tailors' National Convention. From there he will visit friends at HarrNburg.and from the latter place goes to Baltimore, Md., where he will attend the supreme session of the Order of tho Golden Chain, representing Allegheny county In that body. B inner Legion No. 2, at Toungstown, O., sends the following items of interest: Lieu tenant Commander J. H. Glecter is passing around the. cigars, and Is very happy. -Tho monthly social was held last Tuesday even ing, and was very enjoyable. Phil Sprague has been very sick, but has recovered suf ficiently to be among tho boys again. A masquerade Is on the tapis, and will be hold by Ralph Riddle and Phil Sprague, Febru ary 17. i. o. o. r. Next Thursday night Pittsburg Encamp ment No. 2 will meet in Its hail, No. 99 Firth avenue, on which occasion the degree staff will conrer the golden rule and royal purple degrees on several candid itos from Pitts bury Encampment and Montlflore Encamp ment No. 207. Several prominent members of the order are expected to be present. Tho degree staff will use its own parapher nalia. Invitations have been Issued by Sharps burg Lodge No. 752, L O. O. F., lor its twenty-first anniversary celebration in its hall, No. 1016 Main street, Sharpsburg, Satur day evening, February 13. The exercises will consist of speaking and singing, ad dresses being made by Prot. P. A. Shanor, of McKeesport; Hon. A. G. Williams, or Butler; W. P. Potter, or Sharpsburg, and W. S. Bailey, or Allegheny. L S. orL Washington Council No. 60 is moving right along, adding new members every meetin g A musical and literary entertainment followed the regular programmo of Decora tion Council No. i. Deputy Grand President T. R. Huff and G. V P. George Murphy, visited Eureka Council Friday evenine of last week. Reci tatiotU and singing were the features. This Council together with several other Councils will visit Bloomfield Council at its hall, 4505 Fifth avenue, Friday evening, February 12. General Lodgn Notes. Monument Castle No. 15, A. O. K. of M. C, has arranged to give a royal reception to the isltors on Mystic Chain Day, Tuesday, Feb ruary 9. America Castle No. S3. A. O. K. or the M. C, held its first annual anniversary Thursday evening, February 4, 1S92, at Patterson Hall, ' Lawrenceville. Central Lodge 42, Order Sons or St. George, at its last meeting had a discussion1 on Im portant business, which was not settled, and the lodge decided to lay It over until next meeting, Monday evening, February S, at 88 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ELKINS TEUE TO HIS CHIEF, Though He Finds a Paucity or Harrison Sentimrnt In New York. Sew York, Feb. 6. Special Hon. Stephen B. Elkins, Secretary of "War, had the busiest kind of a day to-day. Before his breakfast hour at the Fifth Avenue Hotel there were people waiting to see him. They all believed he was in town as the rep resentative of the Harrison administration. The Secretary told a reporter something of his talks with ex-Senator Piatt. "We talked about the weather," said the Secre tary," and about railroads and about President Harrison. Many newspaper men have called upon me asking me to ex plain the article in a morning paper of to day declaring Mr. P.latt to be unalterably opposed to the renomination of Harrison. I declined to reply to their inquiries." Some of the Secretary's callers told him plainly that the President was unpopular with the majority in his party in U"ew York State. He replied that he had heard that such was the case, but in all his conversations he was loyal to his chief. He was here to listen to statements and to ascertain the facts, and not to express his own opinions. Colonel George Bliss and others have flatly announced that with Blaine theBepublicans can carry New York State, and that with Harrison there would be a Waterloo. All this and much more was dinged into the ears of Secretary Elk ins. . B00HB33 TO IKVADE THX STEIP. They Bane Their Action on the Thcory-Thnt It Never Was Indian Land. Guthbie, O. T., Feb. C Boomers ar riving from Stillwater and vicinity say that would-be Strip settlers, believing that Sec retary Noble will jjpt approve certain clauses in the Strip sale treaty, thus pre venting the formal opening ot the Strip this spring, have determined to move up on the land at once. Judges Green and Gray, of the Territorial Supreme Court, have both held that the Cherokets have had no title to the Slrip except one of easement for pur poses of passing, aud that right, they assert, has been forfeited bv non-usage. In view of this the boomers claim that by moving upon the Strip they will not vio late the "sooner" law, inasmuch as the title to the land has always been in the Govern ment, while the law referred to is with re gard only to land purchased from Indians. The boomers now say that within ten days there will be on the Strip 25,000 persons putting up dag-outs and preparing the ground for spring planting. A Cruiser Christened Marblchoad. Boston, Feb. C. A letter received to-day from Congressman Andrew at "Washington says that the United States cruiser No. 11 will hereafter be known as the Marblehead, havinjr been named after the Massachusetts town of the same name. Kw Pork Kills Two Fersons. Lancaster, Feb. 6. Stella Keese, aged 12 years, died here this afternoon from trichinosis, contracted by eating raw pork. This is the second death in the Keese family from the disease. BICK HEADACHEClrter,iLtttlel(tTtrFmj SICK HEADACHECarter.,Ljt0aI(jTjm SICK nEADACHECllrter.i Llttle Llrer pm,. BICK HJSAIACHECarter,iTjtt,tLlTerPmt I d4-40-TWTI TRADE OF THE WEEK. A -Steady Upward Movement 5oted Thronghout the Countrjt IMPORTANT EVENTS IN REALTY. A Lifeij Whirl in Business and Talnes on the Local Stock Exchange. OFFICE AND STREET NnWS AND GOSSIP The past week witnessed further im provement in the trade situation both gen erally and locally. Reports from nearly all the great business centers bear out this position. It was the best week of the year. Confidence was more pronounced and or-ers on a more liberal scale. Locally there were a number of "strong features. Bank clear ings fell below those of the previous week, but were larger than last year. There was a more general demand for funds, showing an upward tendency of trade. Trading on the Stock Exchange was the heaviest since the break in TVestinghouse Electrio nearly a year ago, and prices for nearly all of tho active stocks were marked up. Keal estate, while characterized by no special activity, presented a strong front, backed by a sub stantial inquiry which means business. Re sults of the week show that trade is gradu ally enlarging. The plethor of money is opening up many new avenues of activity. Another Cherry Alley Dent. Cherry allev mysteries are being picked up at a lively rate. Black & Baird closed the sale of another one of them yesterday, being No. 968 Liberty street, running through to Cherry, for 524,500 spot cash. The purchaser is Mr. Stanislaus Zock, the AVood street caterer, who recently bought the Young property on Smithfield street. Immediately alter the transfer the prop erty was leased to EA. Potzer for three years at an annual rental of 81.80O. Con templated improvements in that quarter, heretofore mentioned, are said to be macing good progress. Taken at His Word. Ex-Delinquent Tar Collector Thomas Phelps has, in a rather unusual way, just disposed of a tract of about 30 acres in the Squirrel Hill district. He had put it into the hands of Ira M. JSurchfield for sale. After the assessment of about $60,000 had been made the agent took an appeal, and to back np his contention that the valuation was too high, with the approval of his prin cipal, ofiered it for $35,000. An investor, getting wind of the 'offer, hunted up the agent, and on being informed that $35,000 would buy the property, he closed the deal at once, paying over 5500 on the spot to bind the bargain. It is understood the pur chaser is "William E. Howley, the railroad contractor. All who have spoken of the deal consider it a good investment. One or the Finest. The character of the building to take the place of Colonade row, on Federal 'street, Allegheny, according to reliable informa tion, has been settled at last. It was stated some time ago that it would be a hotel, but 'it appears that this idea was never enter tained by tne owner, .air. juarun. iuo pressing need for more business stands on that thoroughfare determined his action in the matter. He will erect a business block, conforming the front elevation to that of the Boyle build in e adjoining. It will be modern in all respects, and will be one of the largest and handsomest on the North side. Keal Estate Men Moving. The real estate men of the country have, for noma time been formulating a plan to place this important interest on a national basis. To further this end a national con vention will be held in Nashville, Tenn., on the 17th, "18th and 19th of the present month. It is expected that papers will be read from snch' national re pute as Edward Atkinson and others, and from eminent jurists on a number ot ques tions of vital interest to land owners and agents. A very energetic local committee has the matter in hand, and it is a safe pre diction that it will be one of the largest conventions of its class ever held, and that it will be truly representative of American landed proprietors and capitalists. Large delegations will be in attendance from all the principal cities. Big Figures at Forced Sale. The Schmertz property, on Fifth avenue, near Book aliey, lot 23.8x240 in depth, sold at Sheriff's sale yesterday, brought $145,000, or ?6,000 a foot front, the best price ever realized in the city, loot frontage alone con sidered. But if the great depth of the lot be taken into consideration it will not ap pear so steep, being about on a level with that paid for the Tradesmen's National Bank or for the Newell property. The fact ot a forced sale at these figures shows that city realty occupies stnong position. It Is worthy of remark that the consideration is more than the assessment. Business News and Gossip. Stock and real estate brokers were In good spirits at the windup of the week. It was stated yesterday by Mr. Qulnn, the executor, that the Trimble property sold for $15,000 more than the assessment for 1692. J. W. Mclntyre has sold to M. A. Boss six lots in Coraopolis, Dillon plan, for $4,025. Thirty-two permits were issued duiing the week for the erection of the same number of buildings, aggregating $60 235. Curb quotations, yesterday afternoon were: Central Traction offered at SJ30, Birmingham at 23, Duquesne and Switch and Signal held closely to board figures. For Pittsburg Traction 60f was bid for 100 shares. Two of the Cherry alley mysteries have been sold and another is cooking. It is evi dent the syndicate which gobbled it so vo raciously made a mistake. The speculative feeling is strong on distil lers, and the tip is quite general that it is go ing up, and will probably be a strong fea ture. McKeesport is to havo a $75,000 hotel. Giouud lor it will be broken in a short time. Movements In Kealtr. J. B. Larkln & Co. sold for John Ballantlne to Dr. John Kirker house No. 100 Arch street, Allegheny, being a two-story and mansard brick, containing ten rooms, with lot 25x120 feet, for $15,000. Baxter, Thompson & Co. sold to Mr. C. H. Gray a residence property In Wllklnsburg, on Pitt street, near Kelly, a two-story frame of eight rooms, lot 31x100 feet, for 4,600 cash. John K. Ewing A Co. sold for J. Walter Hay to Martin Boschert a vacant lot, 20 feet frojit on the New Brighton road and extend ing back 120 feet, being 71 feet wtdo In rear, and being lot No. 8 in the Keswick Placeplan, Eleventh ward, Allegheny. Consideration private. Kelly & Rogers sold for P. Shusler to J. McKce, a brick house on Frankstown ave nue, lot 20x100 feet, Jor J5.000; also sold for Wctllng to Horst, two los on Kelly street, for $1,050: also sold ror Bechett to Cain, a lot on Harvai d street, 22x100 fret, for $1,100; also sold for G. C. Lewis to Knadel, a lot on Bleed's Hill, 24x100 feet, for $500: also sold for James McKee to Jewell and Guthrie, a Bmall frame house, lot 30xlS7, on Bural ave nue, for $3,500; also "old lor Jas: Smith to Horst, two lots on Kelly street, for $1,250; also sold for J. Murray Clark to Y. Malinu, a lot on Penn avenue, 25xH5 feet, for $5,000 cash; also sold for J. B. Crooks to Hoist, a lot on Kelly street, 50 reet, for $1,250; also sold to Mr. Vosbaugn, a lot 22x99 leet, lor $800; also sold lor Stewart to Build, a lot on Staunton avenue, 60 feet, for $6,000; also sold li e lots, 20x100 feet, near the Intersection of Black and Kobecca streets, on a 40-foot street, for $2,150; also sold for S. Kelly to Price, a house on Euclid avenue, lot 30x120 feet, for $o 000. Tho Burrell Improvement Company re ports the following sale or lots at Kensing ton: Mrs. Annie Hart. Pittsbunr, lot north half of 00, block 8. lor $573; P. J. McLaughlin, rittsburg, lost 55, block 3, for $630, cash; Joseph Chrlstaforo, Pittsburg, lot 5, blocks, lor $6S0; Mrs. Annie Haft, Plrtsburg, lot south hair of 45, block 8, for $375: E. W. Por ter, Pittsburg, lot IS and 14, block 17, for $1,23700; Gulsseppl Camnata, Pitts burg, lot 140, block 7, for $375 cash; Pnnxiano and Prospero Indizo, Pitts burg, lot 8 block 11, for $633 75; GnissepplandFonzo Indizo, Pittsburg, lot 15, block 10. for $608 75; John Paskevltcb and Joseph Wyjclechowski, Kensington, lot 21, block 8, for $680; Amos B. Sohantz-Duquesne, lot 6, block 8, for $630; William H. George, Brick Churah. Armstronff oountv. 10 ft of j tMCOuaniMinunw, umint pwn I .. . ...- -.-a-.. "- T ' !' ju .. I . - j v t . - ...., V . . t -.... t .-toit2B- .J ' ,K,- . . , - ., .. Andrew Handsox. Mutual, lot 83, blocks, for $J25 60: Georgo Kalians, Mutual, one-hair of lots 2 and S3, for $325 80: James Molmar, Mu tual, lot 84, block S, for $225 SO; Mary A. Mc Hugh, Allegheny, lot 19, block 9. for J6S0. M. F. Hippie & Co. sold to Mrs. Cells, Schoeller, for a price approximating $7,000, a two-story frame, eight roomed dwelling, with lot 41x120 leet, on the north side of Al der street, Twentieth Ward. W.A.Cole sold for I. Hi. Aaron to a well known contractpr, lots Nos. 41. 42, 43, 44. 45 and 46 In Allequippa Place plan fo"r $2,700. The purchaser will build six houses imme diately, f I10ME SECURITIES. A BDST WEEK BROUGHT TO .A CON CLUSION WITH A SNAP. Transactions on 'Change Assumed Metro politan Proportions Some Big Jumps and Nearly All the Improyement Held Unlisted Tractions and Switch and Sig nal SHU Booming. The boom In local stocks received a strong fprv.ard impulse during the week. Business was not only active, but It covered a com paratively wide ranee of interests. Almost everything In the active llstwas mareed up, and in nearly every case tho advance was held to the last. Closing prices of the active stocks as com pared with those of the previous Saturday show these changes: Membership stock Sd vanced $15, Airbrake, 2; Underground Cable, 1: Central Traction, 2; Pittsburg Traction, i; New Yotk and Cleveland Gas Coal, i; Switch and Signal, 1. Philadelphia Gas broke during the week, but rallied and fin ished the same as the close a week ago. Luster lost ground in the unlisted depart ment. Birmingham and Duquesne were In teresting features, each of" them materially improving its position. Duquesue stock was notably scarce, and Birmingham was offered very sparingly at the last moment. At the close of the call Duquesne was wanted at 22K. offered at 24: Birmingham at 23&. of rer:dat23, and Manchester ar83, ouered at 39. These prices are all higher than a week ago. After call 19J was bid Tor Switch and Signal, and 14J4 lor 'Philadelphia Gas on account, or under the new rule. For new Electric common 24 was bid. Sales yesterday were 1,146 shares as fol lows: 10 Luster at 9JJ, 30 Switch and Signal at 19, 45 at 18, 55 at Is, 33 Central Traction at 29, 85 at iBpt, 275 Birmingham at 23, .00 Philadelphia Gas at 14,.10-at 14U, 300 Pleas-ant Valley at 23J, 10 Central Traction, s. o. SO, at 29i, 50 Underground Cable at 67, 25 Man ohesterat39. Attercall75 Blrmmgnam at 23, 21 Citizens' Traction at 66, 20 Switch and Signal at 1914. Sales for tho week were 8,116 shares, of which Birmingham Traction furnished 4,501. Other principal contributors to the total wore Philadelphia Company, Central and Duquesne Traction. At the close of tho call those who, several months ago. nredicted a bulse in the Tractions were happ" over the fulfillment of.thetr uronhecv. Thoy are ex pected to continue their npard movement this week. Bids and offers were: ZXCnANQB STOCK. Bid. Asked. Plttrtmnt Pet. Block nd Metal Ex.. ..$405 $430 bake: stocks. Bid. Asked. ClOienl' National Bank... 66)4 Freehold 81 German National Bint 825 Keystone Bank or Pittsburg SO .... 2U.TUBAL OAS STOCKS. Bid. Aiked. People's Natural Gas and P. Co 7H Philadelphia Co 14 U'A Wheeling Gas Co 18K 20 rABSENOIB BAIL WAT STOCKS. Bid. Ashed. Central Traction 23)i I93 Citizens' Traction 60 61W Plttabm-gTracHon E0 toy PleasantTalley. 22X 22)4 EATLEOAD STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Vaner 15 20 Pittsburg Junction K. R. Co 2SX Pitts., Va. Charleston R. R. Co 45 ... COAL STOCKS. , - Bid. Ashed. N. T. A C. Gas Coal Co CO M witma stocks. Bid. Asked. Hidalgo Mining Co 6 Lnncr Mining Co X 8.S XLECTRIC LIGHT STOCKS. ' Bid. Afked. WeitlnehOTHe IS 13 KlBCILLAh-ZOtJS STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Union Switch and Signal Co J63 1S Union Switch and Signal Co. pref... . S8H 40 Westinghouse Airbrake Co 100 .... Standard Underground Cable Co 63 66Ji EXCITEMENT IN COALERS. PRESIDENTS OF THREE BIG COM PANIES IN CONFERENCE, Reading Leads In Activity and Jersey Central In the Advance Tin Even Tenor and Strength of the General Share Market Is Not Affected. New York, Feb. 6 It was known to-day thatthcpiesidents of the Jersey Central, Heading and Lehigh Valley were In confer ence, and this fact, with the addition that a large order to buy Reading bad been placed in Philadelphia, a large portion of whioh. was executed here and which was believed to be buying for control, made the coal stocks the one feature of the stock market to-day, and their enormous transactions and extremely rapid rise overshadowed the entire market without giving any of the strength manifested by them to the rest of the list. The general market opened strong but quiet, and after slight gains In sympathy with the Coalers, realizations and consider able short selling by bears who believe that the pace In the Coalers is altogether too fast, caused a full leactiou, and the final changes in thegeneral list are all for small fractions and general losses. The trading in Reading was something un precedented. Lackawanna was also ex tremely active, but its trat.sactlons were far behind those of Reading. All the Coal ers, however, were unusually active and strong, and Jersey Central took the lead in thenpwaid movement, rising from 121 to to 12oJi and losing only a fraction from its best prices. Lackawanna rose from 14S to 152, while Delaware and Hudson and Read ing were more moderate. Distillers' at one time showed a gain of 1 per cent over last night's price, but failea to hold It, nnd tho other Industrials were quiet and without feature. Among the rail load stocks Atchison and Louisville were inclined to weakness, but while with Erie and Western Union they weie more active their fluctuations wero unimportant. The rest ot" the market was absolutely feature less, and, while after tho first spurt prices settled down slowly, the final rally closed the market firm, with great activity at in significant changes for the day in most stocks. Jersey Central, however, is up hY, 2er cent; Lackawanna, &i; Reading, 2 ana iclaware and Hudson, VA. The total sales of stocks to-day were 356 670 shares, including Atchison, 17,053; Chicago Gas, 4,175; D. L. & W., 53,380; Delaware and Hudson, 7.B20;Erie. 9,250; Louisville and Nash- viuc, ,wu, nui,u ikciu, j,iuu: joit uorsey Central, 10,260; Reading, 129,030; Northern Pacific pref., 2,520; St. Paul, i,200; Union Pacific, 5,745. Railroad bonds retrained their firm temper to-day, and the Reading issues, as was natural, occupied the first place in tho mar ket, both lor nctivity and strength. Out of a total-of 2,681,000, the first rurnished 464,000; the seconds, 600,000: the thirds, 455,000, and tho fours, 185,0jO, while the only other active Issue was Atcljison incomes, 210,000. Forecast for This Week. John M. Oakley & Co. received the follow ing: "Wall street -dearly loves a mystery, and It is willing to pay for it. The coal stocks have been booming in a most sensa tional way, and many-directors or tho com panies whoso shares have been rising aro as much ip tho dark regarding the cause as the smallest trader who reads the news bulle tins. Somebody knows and somebody is doiug it, nnd as the pleasures of anticipation aie greater than tho of participation It is fair to assume tnat as long as the scheme Is hazy the uncertainty will put prices higher than they will lematn after tho facts Deconie public propel ty. "The razzle-dazzle In the coalers sent bears In a lot of other things to cover but they got their stocks .without any advance of consequence. The Atchison and Missouri Paciflcs.tocks were very weak as was also Union Pacific, the latter partly on fears ofa strike among the employes. The market next week will probauly feel the adverse effects from tho sauecze In the coalers as such rapid movement Is over. The bank statement was the first for a number of weeks, showing a loss in its reserves. It showed a loss or two and a half millions." Bear Argnmonts Unsound. Henry Clews & Co. say: "The bears ad vance as their chief argument against an upward movement In prices that, the world over, affairs are in a reactionary condition, which, they say, Vs attended with com mercial depression whioh is incompatible with a bull market for securities. There la a semblanoe of troth In this, but nothlnf more. The' reasoning would be ouad IX ttradepreMlaat vfcla Hretef was the consequence of panlo andltsnsual attendant widespread bankruptcy. It is true that the Baring suspension nnd its sur rounding circumstances wero a sharp shock to business in all prtsor the world; but there was nothing like the contraction or credit nnd the losses, lrom failures that usually attend the great periodic panics. It was a shock, but llttle more; and its effect has been pilncipally to oeato conservatism, to check reallv unsound enterprise nnd to eliminate wild'specnlatlon at a tew diseased spots in South America, rather than to produce a general violent disorganization trade and finance." The following tablp shows the prices 01 active tocks on the New York Stock Exchange veiter dav. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whitmet A stephenso oldest Pittsburg mem bers of the New York stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Open High Lo- C'PZ lng. eat. est. b'f American Cotton OH 1 3H American Cotton Oil. pfd " Am. Sugar Kefinlne Co $ A1u.Eug.1r R'nnljgr'o.pfJ Atch.. Toouka a. F..:... 33 S3 331 rs Cauadlin 1'aclnc ' Canada Southern 60VJ Centrjlof Ncn Jersey..... 121 1XH 121 lffl. Central Pacific &H Chesapeake .'. Ohio 24'i 25H :4S 25 C. An.. 1st pfd ! C. .to.. 2d prd 41 Chlrago Trust TH TiH 74X6 7oH C. I!ur. & Quiiicv 107S IMH llH 1W4i C Mil. A bt. l'aul -i 7H 79H Wi C. Mil. 4 St. Paul pref.... 125J( 125' 125! KM C. Rockl .t P...... 91H ai'( 91M 8i"4 C, St. 1". M. ft 0 43 49Ji 4Ss SS C. it. 1'. M. iO. pref I C. A Northwestern 117H 117J 117M 117H C. & Northwestern, prd 144 CCC 1 71 714 71M TIM Col. Coal & Iron . ZSK S7 S0 S3M Col. 4. Hocklne Yal 1 1 SIM 81K Si)i 8l Del.: Lack. JtVest 143, 152 1484 I51V Del. A Hudson 128 12951 13 VSH Denver &Hlo G U IS IS 17W Den. iKIo Grande prer... 49 4925 45 43 E. T.. Ya. A Ga 7 7H 7 73 Illinois Central WH Late Erie A West 22 Lake Eric AM est pref..... 72,' 72X 72 72H Lake shore A M. S 120 121 122 1225t Louisville A Nashville.... UH 74 73H 74 Mobile Ohio 87 Missouri Pacific 621 6276 62 62 National Cordage Co P8 0GU 95H 96 National Cordage Co., pfd. lllJS 1I1JS 110H 100 New York Central 1UH .115 114H 114!$ N. Y. 0. &bt.l 19J4 19X 19 19 N. Y. C. AM. L. 1st pref. 75 N. Y. C. A St. L. 2d pref. n'-i N, Y.. L. E. 4W... S0H 81 SOK 3CK N. Y., L. E. AW., DM.... IVi 72K 71 HH N. Y. N. C 47H 4;, 47 r.H N. Y.. O. A W 19H 19H wk h Norfolk ft Western MX Norfolk & Western, pfd 50 North American Co IC4 K7i 1SH KH Northern Pacific 233, Northern I'aclfic. pfd 674 Oregon Improvement 2o2f Pacific Mali S1H & Zl'.i 37 Pco.. Dec. A Evans S)H PhlladelnhlaAiReadlng.... 43M 48 43' 45j 1 .. C, C ft bt. L. ......... ...... ...... . 2G P., C C. A St. L.. pfd b5 Pulman Palace Car. I8S Richmond A V. P. T 1451 14 14H UH KIchmond A W. P. T. pfd 7IK St. Paul ft Duluth 45 45K 45H 4ok fat. Paul A Duluth. pfd ....' 10.1 fat. Paul. Minn. AMin..... 113K TexasPaclflc ll Union Pacific 4iiJ KM 45H 45JJ' Wabash 134 13H lay 13 Wabash, nrd 30' so',4 30 SH western Union S7H S7M 87 S7H JVheelhlgAL. E 37 Z: 37 37 Wheeling A L. K., pfd 777a 7S 777j 7SM DIs. A Cattle Pd. Trust.... 50)j 6Q7i 40j 49j Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Phlladclphli stocks fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson. Brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue, members of tho New York Stock Exchange: JIM. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad 551. KH Reading Railroad HJ1 22J. Buffalo, N. Y. APhlla 8 Lehigh Valley 55 53 Northern Pacific 26i 2S Northern Pacific, preferred C7i 67 Lehigh Navigation. 49Ji 50 Boston Stocks Closing Prices. Atch. A Topeka SS3f .Boston Albany.. ..201 do Maine 182 Chi. Bur. & Qulncy.103 Eastern R. Rf6s 122M FltchburgR. R 85 Flint APcreM 25 Mass. Central 16 Mex. Central, com.. 20 Boston & Mon Calumet A Hecla... Franklin Kearsarge , Osceola , Santa Fe Copper.., , 32,H ,255 . UK . 10S? . sm . k .152 , 23 6I? , lfijj .218 . 8 , 50 , 14 . CSJi lamaracK Annlston l,and Co. Boston Land Co.... West End Land Co Dell Telephone Oent. Mining N. E. T , B. AC. Copper , 'ihomson-Uouston . N. Y. & N. England. 47H UU 43 lU'A Old Colony 1B8,'4 Wis. Central, com.. 1SW; Allouez M. C. (new) 1 " Atlantis 9 Mining Stock Quotations. New Yorm, Feb. a Alice, 120; Aspen, 800; Host & Belcher, 310; Chollar, 120; Crown Toint, 130: Consolidated California and Vir ginia, 6B7; Deadwood, 195: Gould & Currv, 16.5; Halo & Norcross, 190: Homostake, 125; Horn Silver, S50: Iron Silver, 125: Mexican, 200: Ontario, 4200: Ophir, 320; Plymouth, 190; Savase, 133: Sierra Nevada, 155: Union Con solidated, 150; Yellow Jacket, 100. " Bar Silver Quotations. New Yoke, Feb. 0.Sptciat.J-Ba.T silver In London 41 ll-16d per ounce; New York deal ers' price for silver, 00c per ounce. HABTJ CASH. Decrease la the Reserve Attracts No At tention in New York. Local monetary matters wore quiet during the week. With an abundant supply of runus, tne demand ror loans and discounts was below tho desires of bankers, but results wero so good they could find no cause for complaint. The Clearing House report fol lows: Saturday's exchanges J 2,070.526 73 Saturday's bilances 433,5.12 63 Week's exchanges 13.735,41.1 15 Week's balances 2,655,527 SB Previous week's exchanges 15,318,710 53 Week's exchanges 1S31 15.131,678 70 The New York bank statement showed a considerable decrease in tho reserve, but with millions of money seeking investment it excited no attention. The figures show the following chances from the previous? week: Eesorve, decrease, $2,579,475; loans, in crease, 7,070,900; specie, decrease, $1,200,400; legal tenders, increase, $S6,G00; depo&it", in crease, $3,862,700: circulation, increase. $43,800. Amount above legal requirement, $33,432 015. At New York yesterday money on call was easy, with no loans: closed offered at 2 tier cent. Prime mercantile paper, 35c. Sterling exchange quiet, but steauy at $4 85 for 60-day bills and f4 87 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. T7. 8. 4s res; HS MutaalUmon6s.... 103)i N. J. C. Int. Cert...lllH Northern Pac Ists.llOS do. do. 21s. 114 Northwestern onus.. a do. debentures .5.-lfKtv do, 4s coup 113; no. -s reg juj Pacific 6s of '95 109 Louisiana starap.4s.. SO Missouri 6s Tenn. new set 6s.. ..106 do. do. 5s... 1C0 do. do. 3s.... ma Cinada So. 2ds 102W Cen, Pacificists lor.Ji Den. AR. G.'lsts... li do, dp. 43.... SO)i Den.AR.Q.Wcstlsts Erie 2ds lC8Jf M. K. AT. Gen. 6s.. SI M. K. AT. Uen. 5s.. 501 Oreeon A Trans 6 -t.L. AI.SI.Gen.6s. 8-5 St.L. M.I06 fat. Paul Conols 123 fat. P. C. & P. lsts..H6M Tex. PjL.G.Tr.Rcts SI Tex.P.R. G.Tr.Rcts 29 Union Pacific lsts...l07S West Shore 103, ib. ur. n est ,3 Bank Clearings. . CmcAoo Money easy at CgS per cent: New York exchange, 6c discount to par: bank clearings, $15,272,562; for the week, $99,679,637. St. Louis Clearings to-day, $4,021,111; bal ances, $463 551; money, 78 per cent; ex change on New York, 60c Diemium. Forthls week: Clearings, $23,622,580; balances, $3,1C9, 547. For the Ust week: Clearings, $21,227, !)52; balances, $3,456,052. For the correspond ing week last vean Clearings, $22,052,731; balances, $2,336,908. Memphis New York exchange, selling at par. Clearings, $571,220; balances, $235,637. New Okleahs Clearings, $9,172,140. t New Yoek Bank clearings, $140,509,931; bal ances, $7,236,47L For tho week clearings. $313,713,243; balances, $41,286,816. Boston Bank clearings. $16,687,693; bal ances. $1,691,820. money, 22W per cent: for the week, clearings, $103,645,031; balances, $12 447,150; for tho corresponding weeklait year, clearings, $95,324,850: balances, $9,002, 501. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $11,177,463; balances, $1,649,762; clearings for the week, $79,526,310; balances, $11,277,103; money, 3J per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,870,366; bal ances, $350,972; rate, 6 per cent. A SPURT AND A DROP. The News Factory Set to Going on the Bull Side In the Wheat Fit, Making Nerv ous Market, Which End in Collapse Corn Sympathetic. CHICAGO Wheat was extremely nervous to-day, and though It averaged higher much higher at times It closed a shade under yesterday's last figures. The news was generally bullish, though some items calculated to affect buyers both for and against higher prices wore declared to bo in accurato or untrnc, and there were sus picions that tho news factory was in opera tion. The market was in such a norvous condition that it responded rapidly to such Influences. Thero Is understood to be a large short lntci est and the steady upward turn for the past few days has created some alarm. There was more disposition on the part of the shorts to cover, and even some of the most stalwart bears wero proceeding with mors oautlon. At tna atari Chora was ftfo4l0 bttow ltrsjtHr lf mfl from yesterday and this was reinforced by the bull news. At the start prices were c above yes terday's close, but the advance led to manv realizing sales by the lortunate longs, and nnder these offerings theie vas a quick drop. When this pressure was off, bow ever, the market showed its buoyancy by a speedy reaction, Dut later weakened and lost the tain. May opened at S292Kc. against 91c ut tho close vesterday, sold off toDlc, auvanced to 9340, broke to Olc, rallied to 01o, fluctuated several times within the established range, broke to 91Jc again, hut closed firm at Wfi. Corn was more subject to the Influence of wheat to-day than it has been for some time. It opened excited and higher at 43cagain6 42Jo at the cloc yesterdav, sold off to Ha, ad anced to 43e, broke during the last hour and closed al 42J.c. The trade was broader and confidence was more general. Not only were the belated shorts coming in, but in vestment buying was on tho Increase. Oats moro active and strong. Early in the session hog products were rather moro active and firm. In svmpathy largely with the buoyant teelingin the other pits, bnt weakened some later and closed at blight advance. t The 'eadlng fntures ranged as follows, as cor rupted by John M. Oaklcv f. Co.. 45 sixth street, members ofthe Chicago Hoard of Tmde: Open- High- Low lug, est. est. J MH I mUi S7H 92H 934 91o 42 42 40 42Y 42 414 43 Kit "H 29'-! 2954 29 31K 32 81,S 11 7S 11 7714 11 BZSi 12 00 12 ma 11 90 6 45 6 45 6 42Js 6 67H 6 70 5 65. 5 50 E85 575 6 05 6 10 6 00 Ar.TICI.ES. log. Wheat, No. 2. February Mav...... CoitK. No. 2. February March Mav OATS. NO. 2. February Mav Mess Pons. February Mav Laud. February May...... fahORT Rms. February May...... I 7 14 403 4154 :H 29 SIX 1175 1197X 6 45 67f B82K B CM Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm. So. 2 spring whent, 87c: No. 8 spring wheat. 81S3c; No. 2 red, 91c; No. 2 corn, 40c; No. 2 oats, 29c: No. n 9540ac: prime timothy seed.Sl 251 30. Mess pork, per bbl, $S 50. Lard, per 100 lb. $6 45 Short ribs sides (loose), $5 82X5 83: dry salted shoulders (boved) $4 625t 75; short clear sides (boxed), $5 036 10. Wliiskv, distillers' finished goods, per gal, $1 14. Sustars unchanged. On the Produce Exchange to-day the but ter market was easier: fancy creamery, 23 29c; fine Western, 2527c; ordinary, 21 24c; selected dairies, HiilCc; ordinary, 20Q 23c. Eggs, 2728c. THE W2EK IN OIL. Good Trading, bnt the Figures Assume a Lower Level. The past week was one of the best for months In the way of business, but the price underwent a radical decline, the finish yes terday being nearly 4, cents below the open ing on Monday." The bearish Influences were fresh developments at McDonald and the unloading ot long oil by the Oil City crowd. .Fluctuations aro shown In the fol; lowiug table: ,??"-iH',h-lLr-lcio,e. Monday. , Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday Friday... Saturday S3H Kt, 61 '4 60M 5334 f3) 63 61 H eon 60X e3'4 61 61 C0K S0H Clearances for the week were 555,000 bar rels. The highest point touched was 6i and the lowest 59-Jf. There were slight In creases In runs and shipments. Kenned closed as fellows: New. York, 6.40c; London, 5 7-16 1; Antwerp, 16t. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Beeelpts, Shipments and Prices at Zast Liberty and All Other Yards. Office of The Dispatch, I PirrsmrRQ, Saturday, February 6. Cattle Beeelpts, 693 head: shipments, 625 head: market nothing doing; all through consignments; 8 cars cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Beeelpts, 2,700 head; shipments, 3,000 head; market slow, prices ranging at $4 65 6 00; 3 cars ofhogs shipped to New York to dnv. Sheep Receipts, 1,100 head; shipments, 600 head; market slow; prices unchanged. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Growing wheat in Kansas Is 0. K. Nine of a crew of a lost Greek steamer are missing. The Argentine Minister of Finance has resUned in disgust. . Republican legislators In Iowa will stand by tho prohibition law. Two American pickpockets have been sentenced at Monte Carlo. The grin Is beginning to abate In India na and Illinois, but is still very bad. Russian officers have been ordered to In spect rood sent to the famine sufferers. Patrick McArdle, suspected of robbing postofflcesns his rezular business, has been arrested at Kansas City. The Western Farm and Mortgage Company, of Denver, has collapsed, and arrests are expected. Tho company has been doing business or $10,000,000, principally on other people's money. The dismissal of Carvalho, er-MInister of Finance of Portugal, was caused by his action in advancing. to the Bdyal Railway 13,000,000 francs on his own responsibility, and without the knowledgeofhts colleagues. Great alarm Is felt and trouble expected at the nnproachlng elections in Argentlnia. A German paper advocates the substitution of l5'nch law, owinrf to the Impotence or the authorities and their utter inability to main tain order. Edwin Walker, tho famous attornoy of Chicago, was assaulted by footpads on Michigan avenue at 7 o'clock Friday even'ng, when tho street was crowded with people. A citizen pursued and captured one of the culprits, who narrowly escaped lynching. Jmes Donovan.orSt. Paul, held Tor trial Jorburslary In the residence or a priest John Wilson, a Chicago tramp printer, con; vlcted for burglary, and Chester Bell, a boy under sentenco for burglary, broke out of the county Jail at Eau Claire, Wis.. Friday evening, and took to the woods. Ofllcers are In pursuit. Three years ago Rudolph Kofi", with $2 000 in his riossession left Atlanta for Russia, he was not again heard from until Friday, when ho returned. Ho says that as soon as he arrived in Russia, he was arrested because his name wes on tho list of those who bad given information to Georgo Kennan as to the atrocities of Siberia. He was tried and sentenced to a term of eight years. William Slavonski, living near Miohigan Clty.lnd., was visited by masked men early Friday morning and beaten into insensibil ity. Slavenskl is 75 years old and is eccen tric in his habits, living in an old shanty after tho manner ofa hermit. He was known to possess considerably money, but even after torturing tho old man his assailants were unablo to secure any of his hoard. The scoundrels oven tried to fire the house, bat were frightened away. TOTAL ABSTINENCE NEWS. Tits next meeting of the union will be held at the Cathedral Fobruary 23 at 8 r. x. A iTOMBxit of successful rallies are reported and all societies are urged to arrange a rally soon. TnE bulletin refers to the present active condition or tho union and attributes the nctivity to the energy displayed by young men and urging still further effort. A UA3UAL of Total Abstinence has beeq issued by the National Union. The best minds of the organization have been busy with this work lor the past two years. Fathxb Lambiso regrets so many Catholics are still in the liquor business, notwith standing the recommendation of the Coun cilor Baltimore to all such persons to seek other channels or trade. TnxFebruary bulletin of thePittsburg Dio cesan Union reported tho addition or two new societies St. Bridget's Women ot Pittsburg, and St. Joseph of Scottdale, with four others organizing. An lncreae of 25 new societies Is shown by tho National Union since August one of them composed of colored Catholics. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!. When she was Oknd,she cried for Castoria. YThen the became Miss, she clung to Castor!. Tfhen she had Children, the eave them Castoria ( GREAT GORDON WELL. The Faraday Well at Willow Grove Doin? 18 Barrels an Hour. ANOTHER BIG WESTERN WELL. 1 Benner Oil Company's Morgan 'Elliott Matin? 1,000 Barrels. DEVELOPMENTS IX BUTLEK C0U.NTT The week which has just ended has been a remarkable one in the history of the lie Donald oil field. New pools have been opened, new wells drilled and the field in general widened from two to three miles be yond its former width. The field has taken a new lease of life, and promises to hold the fort for many a day to come. Operators all through it are hopeful of striking big wells, and there are few who predict its speedy downfall. The town of McDonald is quieter now than It has been for months, but Noblestown and Oakdale have captuied the boom, and in thea two villages energy is now a crmmon habit. McDonald may re vive again In the spring if the wells to the southwest prove to be any goodand. Judg ing from the results at Greenlee & Forst's No. 2 Gladden, this will be the case. Within the last ten days the bur Sam Wet moro, the Mark Robb and tho Fife wells have come in on the west, and are the cen ters or great activity. On the east, Brown, Robinson & Co.'s well on the McMurray nnd Aiken & Co.'s two wells at Willow Grove have caused at least ascoreorrigx to be built on the eastern, side or the field. It looks moro as thongh the central part of the pool woufrt be prac tically neglected and efforts made to do velop the sides. Gordon Well at Willow Grove. The greatest feature cf the field yesterday was Stafford, Clark, Wilson & Phillips' well, on the Faraday lot at Willow Grove. It reached tho Gordon sand Friday afternoon and started to flow immediately. From 1 o'clock Friday night till 8 o'clock yesterday murning it put out 400 barrels. . They are onlv in the sand three bits and yesterday afternoon it was making6K inches In the bottom of a 250-barrel tank, or IS bar rels an hour. This well Is located southwest of the Wil low Grove station about 300 feet, and the same distance from Aiken & Co.'s No. 2 on the Patterson lot. It is the bigaest Gordon sand well which has been strnck with the exception of Greenlee & Forst's No. 2 on the Gladden farm and the latter Is at least two and a hair miles southwest or the Faraday well. It U the largest well south or the rail road at Willow Grove by long odds, and already operators are nezotlatlns with con tractors to drill wells still south and east of the Faraday lot well. S.S. Wilson, who is associated with W. L. Mellon In a big block property, said that tho well would no doubt do better when drilled deeper In tho Gordon. The Willow Grove Oil Company's well on the ManKedlck. southeast or Willow Grove, was not drilled deeper into the Gordon yes terday, as the boiler had not been repaired. It was flowing occasionally. The owners expect to be ready to start up Monday morning. Another Western Well. Another well that elicited much comment Is tho Benner Oil Company's No. 1 on the Morgan Elliott farm. It is located west of developments in the lower part of tb: field, and ns It was reported yesterday to be flowing at the rate of 1,000 barrels a day, it occasioned much surprise among the western operators. Friday night It struck the pay at about seven feet In the sand and made almost two tanks of oil be fore morning. It Is located 2,500 reet Just east or north from the Devonian OH Com pany's No. 4 Elliott, which Is making 40 bar rels an hour and 2,000 reet wet or a 45 degree line running through the Elliott No. 4. The Devonian Oil Company's No. 5 Elliott, lo cated midway between their No. 4 and the uenner uii company's wen, is in tne uoraon sand. The BShner Oil Company has 90 acres In this lease, and intends to put several other wells as soon as possible. The Devonian Oil Company will also start three wells this week in the vicinity or the Benner well. The latter venture was purely a wildcat, and it extends the pool at this point at least three-fourths of a mile nearer to the setting sun. Values have in creased in consequence and farmers are de manding exorbitant prices for leases of their property. Butler County Developments. BunacE All the Interest, oleaglnously speaking, in Butler county, Is centered In Penn township, near Brownsdale. The well was drilled to-day, but owing to the ada mantine character of the sand the drill only advanced about one foot, making In all a depth in the sand of Ave feet. The weU gases quite freely.which is considered favor able, and It Is thought by to-morrow tlje hard cap will have been passed and the character or the well known. There are three other wells drilling beside the above well in different directions. One of these, the Fanners' Oil Company No. 1 on the Mar cus farm, should be In the latter part of next week. The Hazlett & Co. wildcat venture, near Whitestown, Is pumplngplenty of saltwater and as near as can b9 estimated. Is making 10 or 12 barrels of OIL In the Harmony field, Guckert A Steele No. 2, Shetver- farm, is In the 100-foot and fishing for a string of tools. Cunningham & Co.'r No. 2, Sheiver farm, has lost a bailer in the hole. Patterson & Co.'s No'. 1, Bradford farm. Is still drilling, but looks to be no crood. Brown & Co.'s No. 2, on the Hollerman, ex pect to reach the sand to-morrow. Sutton & Co. are building a rig for their No. 2, on the Hemphill. Lockwood & Co. aro building No. J rig on me jiaycr larm. Guckcrt & Steele havo a rig up for No. 2, and are building No. 3 on tho Schell farm. Lockwood & Co. are spudding at No. 3, Peflerfarm. Golden & Co. are still cleaning out at No. 2. Campbell & Westcrman shot their No. 3 Frederick, bnt It did not respond. Brown, Aldlnger & Co. havo sold their M. Holleiman f.irm lease, containing one com pleted and two drilling wells, to Bottman Bros. & Watson, of New York City. Consid eration private. Production and Runs. The hourly gauges yesterday were as fol lows: Jennlnis, Gnfiev Jt Co.'s No. 3 Mat thews, 35; Herron No. 2, 20; Herron No. 4, 65; Gnffey & Queen's Nos. 1 and 2 Wetmore, 75; No. 1 Samuel Wetmore, 125; Patterson & Jones' No. 3 Kelso, 20; Devonian Oil Com pany's Nos. 1 and 2 Boyce, 75; Oakdale Oil Companv's No. 2 Morgan heirs, SO: Nos. 2 and 3 Baldwin, 70: Nos. 1 and 2 Wallace, 45; Brown Bros. Robinson's No. 1 McMurray, 25; Greenlee & Forst's No. 2 Gladden. 20; pro duction, 31,500; stock in the field, 04,500. The runs of the Southwest Pennsvlvanla Pine Line Company rrom McDonald Wednes day wera 33,402; outside or McDonald, 12,013. National Transit runs were So,75l; ship ments, 23,249. Buckeye runs, 33,201; ship ments, 48,195. Macksburg rnns, 895; ship ments, 2,042. Southern Pipe Line shipments, 14,223. Now York Transit Company ship ments, 30,852 barrels. Bradford, Feb. 6. National Transit certifi cates opened at 69Kc; closed at 60Jc; hlgh est. 6"4c: lowest. Wc; clearances, none. BROKERS FINANCIAL. Whitney cc Stephenson; 57 Fourth Avenue. ap30-3 FAHNESTOGK & CO., 2 Wall Street, New York, Snpply selected Investment bonds for cash or In exchanse'for marketable securities. Execute commission orders for investors at the Stock Exchange or in the open mar ket. Furnish Information respecting bonds. Ja7-41-TTSU ESTABLISHED 1SS4. John M. Oakley & Co., BANKERS AND BUOKEB3. 45 SIXTH ST. Direct private wire to New York and Chi cago. Member New Yore, Chicago and Pitts bunt Exchanges. Only Pittsburg member Chicago Board of Trade. Local securities bought and told for cash or carried on liberal marpins. Investments made at our discretion and dividends paid quarterly. Interest paid on balance (sine 1S33). Money to loan on call. iaformaWon book oa all markaea mailed layylHttJ . J IT TO Those intending to locate, a most desir able site PEBB, In newly laid out town, near Plttsbnrj. Asa SHIPPING POINT Un'nrpassod, transportation by competing railroads and water. Freight Rates SAM3E Pittsburg.- EVERY ADVANTAGE TO OFFER. For full particulars address ENTERPRISE, fe7151 DISPATCH OFFICE. Catalog. JlrfittfS jfi ??3 .irt'JH P -rd? WAvufcjcf.ia&y ?- iv,wi., V.U3 Uostck-: J" ""VS-, fA53. Never Known to Fail. Tarrant's Extract of Cubebs and Copaiba the besfnrmedy lor all dlseasesVf the urinary organs. Its portable form, freedom from taste and speedy action (frequently curing in three or four days and alwaysin less time than, any other preparation), make "Tarrant's Ex tract" tho most desir able remedy ever man- nractured. All genuine has red strip across laceoriaDei, witn signatnre oi xarrantf Co., New York, upon it. Price, SL Sold by all drngzists. oc25-103-su MEDICAL. Sit VENN AVENUE, PITT5EUKG, PA. As old residents know and hack flies of Pittsburg papers prove. Is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in the citv,devotimr special attention toall chronio fcVe-NO FEE UNTIL CURED sponsible ippniQ and mental dia pers ons IiLD V UUu eases, physical de cay, nervous debility, lack or energy, ambi tion and hope, impaired memory, dlordered sight, self distrust, basbfu!ne, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, impover ished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting the person for business, society and marriage, permanentlv. aiely and privately icnnreadnBL00D AND SKINSSST eruptions, blotclie, falling hair,boues,pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of the tongne, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for lire, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from I IDIM A DV kidnev and the system. UnmAn T ibladder de rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other painfnl symptoms receive searching treament, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttler's lire-long extensive experi ence insures scientific and reliable treat ment on common sense principles. Consulta tion free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours, 9 a. jr. to 3 r. st. Sunday, 10A.X. to 1 r. jr. only. DR. WHrrziEK, 811 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, Ja3-49-Dsnwk QQK'S G0TT08 HOOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an oia physician. Successfully nsea monthly by thousandsof ladles. Is ft- only perfectly safe ana reliable medicine discovered. Beware cf unprincipled drug gists who offer inferior meal', ernes in nlaee or this- Ase for rvmit'K i.ii-i iiiv rot Compound, take no abtl- tnte, or Inclose ?! and s cents in postags In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Fall sealed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only. 2 stamps. Address POND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Mich. Sold In Plttstmrz bv Jos. Flxxtko 1c Sox. 412 ,Market street. del7-31-eodwk VIGOR OF MEN Easily. Quickly, Permanently KESTORETx WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, and all the train of evils, tho results of over work, sickness, worry, etc Full strsngth, development. and tone guaranteed In all cases. Simple, natural methods. ImmecV ate improvement seen. Failure Impossible. 2 000 references. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFITALO. N. T. JelO-4S Thoroughly, Rapidly, Permanently Restored. If Ton ara anterior from Nervousness. DebUtr. Lost el failing Mmilioocla lapotency. Stunted rje-rslopmept ct any ot the parts. Weakness of Hodyand Jind.Wori7 lirroraox xouw or .Later fuzecssea, DO NOT DESPAIR. TluTj Is Hops ftr all Toiez, Hi&Ue Azei ail oil En. inOCSlXDS OrTtlF WORST C1SESHATKTIIID30 TO OtB rxucs-VK aiTiions or unm TBiixaiTT. , HOST SCIENTIFIC and BTCCESSnJT. EVEK KNOWN Absolutely Unraumz. FDdor.e-1 bj- tKe leading Uedlea rrMOTlt. raVXSllQATE. Boot, e-tiIaaaUoai,testua. uials and cadorsemeii.a Qaile 1 (-'a'cdl FBEZ. SEE AST3ZLCS HQISAL CTSSITTC: CS.. Cilia, 0. Ja7-57-eod DR. E. C. WEST'S Treatment a gn-irsnteert specific for Hystcrls, I)llnes3. Coniulslons. Fits. ervoa Neuralgia. Hca'laclie. Nervous Prostration caused by tlieuM of alcohol or toliicco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression. Softening of the Brain resulting in in isnitv. ilecay and death. Premature Old Ae-e. Lost of rbwer In cither sex, In7oluntaryLosses and SDermatorrhiea caused by over-exertion of th bnin. self-abase or over-Indaljrsnee. Each bos contains one month's treatment. S1.00 a box. or six for 3.00, by mall WE GUARANTEE SEC EOXE3 To enre any case. With each order received for six botes we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money If the tretrant does not cure. Guarantees Issued only by EMIL O. tTUCKY. DraitjrUt, bole ARtnt Nos. 2401 and 1701 l'enn avenue, corner Wylle avenue and Fulton strcft. Pitt3burjt. l'a. Use Sta eiy's Dltrrboj A Cramp Cure. 2i and JO cts. Ja-iai-eoda WEAK MEN 'TOOTS ATTENTloa It CALT.m TO TZS . OMAT rciOUSH BXXX2T, line mr run ,, Ks uray sbpecmc Medians """ -- . A-AV-I IFYOU SUFFER ii.Z 6BP& ous bebffitvTV cunas of Bodf wn-fram. .ft. tm arid Atlnd. Rennatorrliea. aaa Impotency. and all diseases that arise from over Indulgence and self-abuse, as Loss of Memory and Power. Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Ars. and many other diseases that lead to Insanity of Consumption and an early crave, writ for oui P!ldre5sGBAY MEDICINE CO., Bnifalo. N. T, The Specific Medicine Is sold by all drujrxlsts attl per package, or six packages for S5, or Bent by mall S.fFn5r?'SWE.GUABA.W31EE. order a cure or money refuncea. ,03-On account of counterfeits we nave aooote the Yellow Wrapper, the only ecnulne. Sold la Pittsburg by S.S. HOLLAND, cor. femlthfleld and Liberty iu. la3-91-MWFeosa VTehava a poltlve cere for the effects of selfbca Ewllixcesses,Eniission.,KervoilsDebulty,LocsofSeicl Power, Impotency Ac So srrett Is our faith In our apoolflj we will send one full mnnfh's ntodlcluo aaaniui ralunHslnforroatloi, FltEK. Ad-Jrej C. M. Co., H3S JJroadTtny. rSOTrYork. mvll-243n WIMilisS rrom In rvw De- 11 llaafcMlJ- ma i .- -- ---x--r -----,T,v-- Ete. WO Will Send you a vaiaaDic ix-oa, laeaicu; iivo of chanre. contalnlnr full partlcuhrs for a fPeedyand permanent enre. Address: H . UATEC. J1LO.CO.. Sw01Iv street, St. Louli.llo. . deSVlH ScCsxtaff finat the effects ot early decay, wasting weakness tost manaoott, etcu. w h - - - - jruuuuui cr-vn 1 w 'Ul send a vfuuuuits vviutv, v- auuuna; I particulars for horns cure, FKEB ot cturge. -.lnrffct nudleal worlci should bs read trr evsrv toll A aaa wBo is axrvont ana cumulated. Adores, rrs. V. C fOWUU, ), CauS m- WGRfRfiiTsl wl .5i"W55Jtffia B ' DOCTOR WHITTIER m1M?