YwfflSSIpLfv. r ff MtS5jy7gSWp5iSffl3FB5 Wi5M '7-rsa ws& S'F.F 3v 3SKJ-T.rHiV,VPU.'.JJ!!M ? -"9fr -7 1 i - y- w?rw7pm3l&r 1 W THE PITTSBUE&'1 .DISPATCH, FEBRUARY 1892. WfTV 1 THURSDAY.' CAST GIYE IT AWAY. A Conviction in Court on the Charge of Furnishing Liquor. FIRST CASE OF THE KIND HERE. Ix-Mavor Ljon Gets a Verdict Against the West Penn Railroad. IEGAL INTELLIGENCE BOILED D3WX A peculiar case was decided in Criminal Court j esterday. John Lonj was charged by Constable Connolly, of the 2inth ward, with selling liquor at his home on PiUe street. Iiong was convicted of "furnishing liquor." The decision was arrived at in ac cordance with the provision of the Brooks' law which prohibits a resident of the State from giving liquor free to guests in his own house on certain occasions and is the first case of the kind tried in the local courts. The section ol the law is Xo. 17, and re fers particularly to Sundays and election days, and civing liquid beverages to minors or persons of intemperate habits, or those under the influence of liquor at the time. The penalty prescribed is a fine of from f50 to 500, and impn-onment not less than -0 nor more than 90 davs. To-Dly's Trial List. Criiulral Court Commouwenltli vs all continued liquor cases James G. Wyman (4), B. T. Pearson (3), Jolin Trice. August Dan ner (2), E. J. Upuam, Silas Simpson, E. K. Cobuvn, Maccie Kivniond. ReOdy McCoy, Lviran Mclllnn, Dillie JIoMinn. Tlioni.is Bjers, George Campe. V. C Duncan. Walter Lantz, Jolin DetnpLev, Jnlins Denpkty. Kcbert Cas'ldy et al, J. T. Murray, Georso H. Gradv, Jamfc-. Stevenson, Ilarrv sindei-s, Pius W.ihlbei, Charles D. Little, Andv Yulcu. Common Picas Xo 1 Goldstrolim vs Sten nenPMmervt. Marshall-D.ckroserv Burns, et aL: Kins vs Pitt-burs Traction Compam ; Kessie s Citizens' Traction Conmanv; Iavis vs Davidson l:ro.: AtXins vs Ufilmvi, et al.; Goebel vs Frederick; Dicken vs Mcenan; HumtSoms Mcdin. e'. ui.: .Tacouson vs Hutchinson; Murnn vs City of Pittsburg; Binder vs City of Pittsburg; Bese vs City or Pittsburg. Common Pleas Xo. 2 Lucas vsBivsboou: McCrum, et al. s Jlclntj re, et al: Diclil vs Upperman, Iionsfellow, Aldcn & Harlow vs Dailnin-ton; Hadel vs Clclaud; Hill vs Stender; borough of McKeeport vs JIurpby et al. Common Picas Xo. 3 "NIason vs Citizens' Traction Company: Gilliam vs Citv of Alle gheny: Mercer vs Pittsburg Traction Com pany; Fisher s Boston Iron and Steel Com mny; Williams A Harper vs Wilbert & Bro ; Hamilton vs McCllntock & Co.: Householder rs Blaine Land ImprOTemont Compinj; Bennet & Stitcly vs MacLey; Kramer -xs Uenier. Ex-Major Lyon Get a Verdict. The case of ex-Mayor Robert J. Lyon against the West Penn Railroad was de cided yesterday with a i erdict wmen gives Mayor Lyon 51,100. This case jrrcwout of tbe accident near Freeport in which a'train loaded with old soldiers returning from a reunion at Butler, Pa., was wrecked. Mayor Lyon was among the injured, and brought suit to recover damages. Damages Caused by Blasting. The case of Mr. Margaretta Schwab against Evan Jones, the contractor, an action for damages for injury to property caused by blasting on Seville street, Hist End, is on trial before Judge "White. The question of damages was once referred to arbitrators, who gave the plaintiff $4 50. She appealed from the award and the case is now on trial. Galvin Mast Answer by Saturday. G. L. Galvin, the Manchester striker, was taken into court yesterday to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt of court in refusing to Tefrain from interfering in anv way with the oper ations of the road. He was given until Saturday to file an answer to the rule. The Judges Hold a Consultation. There was a secret meeting of the Judges yesterday afternoon, but the purpose of it could not be learned. Judge Kennedy said it was a private meeting for consultation and nothing ot public importance was con sidered. Briefs or the Court. At application for a charter for the Alle gheny Union was filed in Common Pleas So. 1 yesterday. Welkelxika. EorscauD yesterday brought suit for $5,000 damages against Henry Habit and wife lor blander. M. M. Dewet is on trial before Judge Ken nedv, charged with practicing medicine without being registered. A verdict was given for the defendant vesteitUy In the case of J. C Dickcn against F. Enter. This is a suit on a book account. Ij the caso of G. W. Smith against Patter son & Jones, an action on a contract, a ver dict was given yesterday for $M9 for tho plaintiff. A?, action to recover on notes, brought by the Safe Deposit Company, administrator of John Barton, atrainst Huckcnstein & Co., is on trial before Judge Stowc The caso of Samuel Mnsgrave against L. Kammerdale is on trial before Judo Slagle. Kammerdale was a tenant and the suit is ui ought to recover water rent which tho plaintiff claims he should have paid. TnEjury isoiit in the caso of 31. R. Lare against the Westmoreland Specialty Com panv, G. It. West and a H. West. The suit is to recov er $7,500 paid by Ln re in the West moreland Company, ho claims, at tho solici tation of the Messrs. West. G. W. West brought suit against William Walker and C. Eeinhartyestei-dayor$10,00J. He claims they slandered him. The parties to the suit are residents of feharpsburg, and the plaintiff alleges they accused him of being guilty of immorality. THAT S13 OVEKCOAT SALE Takes Place To-Day at the P. C C C. Everybody should bear in mind our great $13 men's overcoat sale takes place to-dav. Choose any overcoat, ulster or cape coat in our store to-day for only 513. Not one in the lot is worth less than 25; from that up to $40. Tailors charge foO to make such garments. All the fine overcoats, ulters and cape coats left from our late fire are offered in this sale at 513. Up to the pres ent time the cheap goods have been moving. "We find that what's left is all high-priced garments, such as few clothing stores carry. They are so elegantly made and of such fine materials Carpi me'ltons, English Berkeley kerseys, German chinchillas, the finest cheviots, imported thibets and French Moa tagnacs. many silk and satin-lined or cassi mere cloth-lined, at 513. Think of such fine goods selling at such a ridiculous low price. You have permission to go through our entire establishment and pick on anv over coat or ulster. "We do not lav aside a single garment, and none of the above goods, re member, were damaged by fire, smoke or water; all the slightly damaged goods can be found in onr basement bargain depart ment Tnis S13 sale takes place to-day. P. a G G, Pittsburg Combination Cloth ing Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets. Don't fail to come and see that magnifi cent 30-inch freize, the Egyptian Lotus de sign. One of the mow effective wall decor ations ever brought out John S. Roberts, 719 and 721 Liberty street, head of "Wood. Mlh SPECIAL TO LET LISTS Are Advertised To-Day in The Dispatch. These are choice lists from agencies in the city proper, the East End and Allegheny. For variety and attractiveness unexcelled. Uolraei' Brit Monongahela Pure Rye "Whisky was first introduced in this market in 3858. It has held its own as one of the leaders ever since. Always uniform in quality and purity. us ATTACKIHG THE INTEK-STATE IAW. Railroad Officials Telling How They Would Like to Have it Changed. "Washington-, D. a, Feb. a The Sen ate Committee on Inter-SUte Commerce "to-day heard arguments on the amendments proposed to be made lo the inter-State com merce law at the suggestion of the commis sion. A number of representatives of rail roads were present, including e-Senator Sewell and Mr. Gray, for the Pennsylvania Railroad srstcm, and Mr. McXaught, of the Northern Pacific Railway. & H. Gray, of Camden, X. J., representing directly the "West Jcrscv system co-operating with the Pennsylvania Railroad system, was the first perMii to address the committee. At the conclusion of Mr. Gray's argument Mr. Ra motid, a member of the National Board of Trade, presented the resolutions adopted bv that body last week, urging Congress to adopt legislation calculated to strengthen the inter-State commerce lw and the com-mi'-sion. James McXaught, solicitor for the North ern Pacific Itailroad. argued that the pend ing bill proposed an inlrlngement by the executive authority upon the proper func tions of the judicial branch. It went fur ther in the direction of centralization than eer he a Republican couhl venture to follow. It depmed a party of the right of a jury trial, aud limited the courts sunply to a review of the law without authority to review facts. He also feared that bv the re-enaetment of the section ot the existine act relative to foreign transportation of American traffic, the courts would be obliged to uphold the decision of the com mission in tavor ot the Cauadian Pacific Railroad. Hi3 company would like the same right ot rate making as the Canadian Pacific cnioved at competitive points. Mr. Knapp, one of the Inter-State Com merce Commissioners, addressed the com mittee briefly in ansner to some of the points made by the speakers, pointing out what he said were the lallacies, and telling of the experience of the commission in en deavoring to prosecute its inquiries and en force conclusions. There was never any dispute as to the facts in a case before the commission. Unless the commission's de cisions were given legal weight there would be no complaints made to it, because ag grieved parties would be discouraged by the inevitable suit in court to follow an order in their favor. The result would be that the commissioner would become merely a collector of rate sheets aud a compiler of statistics. FABKEBS AHD LAB0BEES WASHED. One or tho Officials of Their Combined Order Issues a Proclamation. Jacksox, Miss., Feb. & SpcciaL William S. McAllister, Chairman of the National Executive Committee of the Anti-Snb-Treasury Alliance, has made public the following communication from IT. S. Hall: Hcbbabd, Eamkhjii cororr, Mo . Februarv 1, 1S92. To the Members of the Farmers' and Laborers' Union of Missouri: Brothers Be on your guard, do not allow yourselves lo be committed, compro mised or entangled politically. The meeting to be held in St. Louis on the 22d ot this month, under the so-culled authority of ther "National Farmers,' Alliance" is lor that pole purpose Wo do not empower that body to dictate to us how we should v ote or to commit or bind bv recommendation or otherwise to any political party, and any at tempt to do so is without authority and violative of every principle of our order. I will communicate with jou further after wo see the result of that meeting. Tours fraternally, U. S. Hall. Territories Knocking at the Door. "Washington, D. C, Feb. 3. The House Committee on Territories listened for an hour this morning to an argument by Delegate Smith, of Arizona, in behalf of the admission of that Territory to the "Union as a State. Delegate Harvey, of Oklahoma, also addressed the committee briefly on his bill for the admission into the United States as one State of the Territory of Oklahoma and the Indian Territory. It is not quite as easy perhaps to make your own bread as it is to buy baker's bread, but there is very much greater satisfaction to your family if you will do it. You must have the best flour, however, if you wish the best results, and that flour is Minne haha, tt SPECIAL TO LET LISTS Are Advertised To-Day In The Dispatch. These are choice lists from agencies in the city proper, the East End and Allegheny. For vanetv and attractiveness unexcelled. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Dr. "W. D. Jessop, inventor of Jessop's Local Anaesthetic, will be at the office of Dr. J. E. Josephs, 800 Penn avenue, week commencing February 7. Dentists cordially invited to calk Special Bent Lists Advertised to-day. Home-hunters should read them. No better variety can be found than in The Dispatch To Let columns. Free to AH. A picture of yourself or family, framed in a handsome 10x12 frame, given away with photographs this week. Hendricks & Co., No. C8 Federal street, Allegheny. Good cabinets, 5k INSTALLMENT MORTGAGES. Money loaned on mortgages payable ot periods to suit the borrower. 1 FIDELITY TITLE'AND TRUST COMPANY, 121 and 123 Fourth Avenue. de3143-Th R1ID-WINTES THOUGHTS. Dnrinc out changeable winter months many parsons depend I irgolv upon good Pure btimulants lor their physical wants. Jos. FlomiiiK & Son, Dmjrtfists, sell a line of whiskies that jou can rely on and use con fidently U hen you want a puro stimulant FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Fleming's Old Export. Quarts, $L or six for $5; .Finch's Golden Wedding (very old). Quarts, $1.25. or sir for $S; Gibson's Best (line and old). Quarts $1 50. or six for $7.30; Famine's Private Stock, Quarts, V2 each. Sold OXLY (as Heie Quoted) by JOS. FLEMING &"SON, WHOLESALE & BETAIL DRUGGISTS, 412 Maikct St, Pittsburg, Pa. Mail Orders Solicited. ia30-TT8sn 11UT TOUU SPECTACLES rAT Tlie IfcelltitoX Oxtioica.n'. i.ycs examined Free- Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. BIAM0ND,icT. de29 ttsu OPTICIANS? Certainly, the Best in the City. No Charge for Examining the Eyes. Tnif U wniDDPM CJJ C:ii.n.i3 m Sv&9 ta0l ?CyQ vyxu, a, mummi, ire? ouulimeiu Ol. Jal-raJL CHOICE PROPERTIES. Houses Built to Sell Are Good Ones to Buy. You can be convinced of this fact if you will examine that stone front, g-roome'd brick dwelling on Boquet street, Oak land, which we offer for sale. It and six others were built at the same time, not by contract, but by day work It did not cost what it would have cost you to build one house. It is, therefore, a better house for less money. A better house because more salable, and more salable because built to meet the wants of purchasers. For this reason it is also very complete in all the details which go to make a perfect modern dwelling. You can think of few objections if you want a house at about its price $10, ooo. . BLACK &" BAIRD, 95 FOURTH AVE. fc4-53-4,7,10,14 40 ACRES ADJOINING THE Chambers Glass Works, KENSINGTON. The property is well suited for sub division and every lot would bo avail able for building purposes. This plan could be soldberoro August 1 with a profit of 100 per cent. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 FOURTH AVENUE. fet-47-Tbrsu WHY PAY RENT When You Can Buy a House and Have Ten .Years to ' Pay for It? We have FOUR 8-BOOJi:FBAME HOUSES, different plans, with all modern improve ments, reception hall, bathroom, inside w. c, hot and cold water throughout, large pan try, slate mantels, tile hearths, built sepa rate, houses set 20 feet back from street, porches front and rear, all sewered; lots each 50x90: price. $3,600 to $3,800 each. Also FOUE 5 BOOM FBAME HOUSES, dif ferent plans, all modern, ten feet space be tween houses, set back 20 feet fiom street; lots each 30x90, prices, $2,300 to $2,100 each. These houses weie all built by DAY WORK, and will stand inspection. They are on Greenfield av. and Lydia St.. 60-foot streets, n Ithin a few hundred ieet of Greenfield ar. entrance to Schenley Park, and aio sure to enhance in value, as 60 -more houses like them will bo built this year on same property. Electric cars will take you to tbe door. TERMS 20 per cent cash, balance in ten years in monthly payments. Possession given on or before April L Send for plan of- Greenfield av. lots. For sale on easy monthly payments. PETER SHIELDS, 533 Grant st. Branch office, corner Greenfield av. and Lydia St., Twenty-third ward. fel-50 GLASS WORKERS WHO INTEND LWING,AT KENSINGTON Should purchase a Lot and build a home now. Property can be bought at lower figures at present than if delayed. The different Glass Factories will soon be in operation. Free Railroad Tickets given there and return. Salesmen always on. the ground. , " ' THE BTJBEELIi IMPROVEMENT CO., Booms 30, 32 and 34 No. 98 Fourth Ave., CTttsDurg, OHCICE PBOPEBTIE5. 39,750. f A NEW BRICK HOUSE Of 13 rooms, bath, 2 w. cs., cabinet mantels, tile healths, combination chandeliers. PAVED STREET. LOT 40x156 TO ALT .EV. Close to electric cars. J. H. COLEMAK & CO., ja31-TT3n 6212 Penn av., E. E. FOR SALE. Bids will be received until FEBRUARY 10, 1892, for the SEWER PIPE WORKS And manufactured pipe on hand, of the Penn'a. ManTg , Mining & Supply Co., at TORONTO, OHIO. The company reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. Address all communica tions to JOHX fc. DAVISOX.Treas., P. O. Box 7Si, Tittsburs, Pa. Jal7-26-TTS3U PURCHASERS ror. RESIDENCE PROPERTIES, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, MANUFACTURING SITES, COAL LANDS, Call on or address DAVID SHAW & CO., Real Estate and financial Agents, n O20-82 Th 132 FOURTH AVE. rpnis IS A BARGAIN. $H,000. Alargedoublo lot, 1(3 feet frontage. On one lot a new brick house, with 11 rooms, re ception lull, bathroom, speaking tnbes,elec ti Ic bells and all modern conveniences: low stone fence, shade trees, shrubberv, flag stone walks, on wide asphaltum stroct.with in one block of two cable and ono cloctric line; best location in the East End. Both lots and houe for $14 000; one-third cash, balance to suit purchaser. (Adjoining lots sell at $s5 pel toot.) A. S. GRA1 & CO., Eisner Building. ret-S6 PARK PROPERTY. Wo can offer for a short time a corner propei ty in Allegheny on NORTH AVENUE. Two-storv bricK. 12 rooms, with all modern conveniences. Poscs9ion March L Low price. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., jaSM95-TTSu lB2Fourth av. TO INVESTORS. I have for sale $34,000 at !) total issna 6 per cent 30 years water bonds, jruaranteed by a city. A first-class Investment. WILLIAM A. HUDSON, Attorney at Law, Rooms, No. 100 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. no20 Than EAST END RESIDENCES. Do you wish to locate In the East End? Send for our list of EAST END RESIDENCES and BUSINESS PROPERTIES. VAN GORDER & LLOYD, Telephone 51SS. 6218 Penn Avenue. fe4-3t-Th3 $13,000. SHADYSIDE. Near cable nnd electric cars or P. E. It.; elegant new 10-room Queen Anne brick dwelling, handsome hardwood mantels, tile healths, modern plumbing, conbination chandeliers, laundry, sta. tubs. art. and nat. gas, plate glass, etc.; lot COxllO; a decided bargain. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 96 Fourth av. ja31-10S-TTSu $i8,ooo-EAST END. ' STONE RESIDENCE Ou most desirable residence street. Elegant new stone and pressed brick dwelling, II rooms and reception hall, bath, 2 w. cs., plate glass, hard-wood finish and mantels, tile hearths, nice laundry, hot and cold air regis ters, etc.; lot 50x140 to an alley. Small cash payment down, balance long tune. 11. F. HIPPLE & CO , ja31-105-TTSu 96 Fourth Avenue. ONLY $4,700. NEW HOUSE 9 ROOMS FOR SALE. EASY PAYMENTS. Fine Appearance, Modem Fixtures, Location Central and Desirable, Near Hilnnd av.. East End; a Good Chance to Buy a Good Home Almost Easy as Rent. (86) W. A. Herron & Sons, SO Fourth a v. ja29-63-29,fel,,6,10 83,000. BRICK HOUSE Six Booms, Paved Street, FOR SALE.' Near cable line, stone sidewalks, city sen er age; location good; 10 minutes' ride from Wood St.: easy pay ments. (C7-L). "VV. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth av. ja29-e6-29fol,4,8,I2 r A chance to buy a $4,300, HOWE ST., SHADYSIDE, FOR SALE. neat home on one of tho leading (paved) streets in E. E.: 6 rooms, modern flTt nres. (78.) AV. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth av. Ja27-44-27,2a,fel,t f Very handsome, 10 MOREWOOD AVE. NEW STONE HOUSE FOR SALE. rooms, reception nau, latest fixtures, fine location; Shadyside. (31) W. A. HERRON & SONS. BO Fourth avo. ja29-6t-20,fe4,8 -0 HAVE YOU TROUBLE Ji W. 1 in gottlng lenses to suit the v- ' eye, or Frames to fit the faco? Our system assures perfection in both. LITTLE, THE OPTICIAN, rio2S-50-TTS 511 Penn Avenue. -w ra. Ja31-41-SUKWT NEW ADVEKTJSE3ITNTS. W Pl, fmdeMark.)! Why Suffer from Rheumatism. Vou say that you have no faith in patent medicines. We don't ask for faith this is not a faith cure." It is as distinctly a genuine rem edy as though prescribed by your family physician. One Bottle Will Cure You. Some say that it only takes two or three doses. The ef fect from the start is mar velous. Call and see the let ters from those who have ' been immediately cured. . " ' RHEUMATICURA CO., ,, . ' . . 6'6 Penn Ave., Price, fooo per bottle PITTSBURG, PA, For sale by all druggists. Perfectly Harmless. Banners . Essence of Health. TTt OiTnllw &modiclno for toninc up snare- luiiuinc tue sys tem, uno oi too '"leatest blood purifiers known , unetcuimu jut the cure of Rheu matism, Coughs nnd Colds.Catai i h. Asthma, Throat Diseases, Torpid Liver, Di7Ziness and Sick Headache, Palpi tation of tho Heart, Cramps, Dysentery, Di arrhoea, Scrofula and diseases arising from imperfect aud depraved state of the blood. Piles, Costtveness. Nervousness, Affections or the Bladder and Kidneys. Ir properly taken we guarantee a cure. For sale by druggists, and The Danner Medicine Co. 242 Federal St., Allegheny. Price $1 00 per bottle; six bottles for $500. Wrlto lor Testimonials. CC29-49-TTS AMUSEMENTS. FOURTEENTH Annual Benefit OF PITTSBUR6 LODGE NO. II, B. P. 0.. ELKS, FHH 1FTEBMN, FEB. S; 1192, AT GRAND OPERA HOUSE Attractions From All Theaters. CURTAIN RISES 1:30, SHARP. Don't fail to be -with us. Tickets exchanged for reserved seats Thursday morning, Feb. 4, at 9 o'clock. fet-lH OIL PAINTINGS NOW ON VIEW AT GARNEQIE HALL Two hundred important pictures by eminent English, Dutch, French and American masters. The following artists are represented; GEORGE U. EOUGHTON, B. A., J. G. VIBERT, LOUIS MULLER, A. MAUVE, THOMAS FAED, E. A., L. MUNTHE, WILLIAM FUTH, R. A . WILLIAM M. CHASE, WILLIAM FROST, R. A., GEORGE JEAMMEI. Open day and eveninjr. fet-103 THEATRE This Week Matineci Wednesday and Saturdiv. MR. POTTER OF TEXAS. February8 Eivte Castletouiu "Tho Dazzler." fel-31 DUOUESNE. Pittsbnrg's Leading Theater, TO-NIGHT AGNES HUNTINGTON OPERA COMPANY IN PAUL JOKE'S. FRIDAY, SATURDAY EVENINGS AND "SATURDAY MATINEE, ' , PAUL .TONE?. Next week ROSINA YOKES. fe4 GKR,iUST 3D JW - TO-NIGHT. MATINEE SATURDAY. MARIE ( THE HUBERT AITPIJ FBOHMAN. I VVI I On, Prices, 15c. 25c, 60c, 75c Saturday Matinee, 25c, 50c, Reserved. Next week Thos W. Keeno in repertoire. fel THE ALVIN THEATER. CHARLES L. DAVIS, Owner and Manager. To-night, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, SOL SMITH RUSSELL, IN PEACEFUL VALLEY. Next week OLD HOMESTEAD. fel CO ART EXHIBITION-ADMISSION FREE. Pittsburg School of Design for Women, Penn Building, 70S Penn avenue. Tho ex hibition opens on Tuesday, February 2. and continues until Saturday, February 6, in clusive from 10 A. M. toSp. H. The spring term begins February 9. fe2-19 A. W. HENDERSON, Principal. HARRIS' THEATER Mrs. P. Harris, B. L. Britton, T. T. Dean, proprietors and managers. Every afternoon and evening, DANIEL BOONE. Week Feb. 8 "The Fast Mail." fe2-10-rrs TTAERY WILLIAMS' ACADEMIC To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, ' W15RERA FIELDS' frftM6tt4r..X. '&smrm&w MWTCMPKBftfl ?mw MiMM rTTxrzsrB r&!r Jiriiiy-i-ihi f-t- JJiy OWN VAUDEVILLE CO. Ja31-19 2EW ADVERTISEMENTS. KAUFMAN NS THREE GREAT GQMMEHGINGTHIS MORNING errors r H i. ftTV . & LADIES' IE SUES HlMfm- at $1. . -a x.mvvrar..... gola Kid Shoes, fine Curacoa Kid, Glove, Grain and Pebble Goat Shoes, which, according to qualities, were sold originally at $3.50, $2, $2.50 and $2. Of course, the sizes are incomplete, but if we haven't your size in one style, we surely have it in some other, and thus most any lady can get a correct fit. ASK FOR THE SI LADIES' SHOE COUNTER. SIGN SUSPENDED ABOVE IT. HERE'S MOTHER DANDY BARGAIN 360 PAIRS LADIES' FINEST FRENCH KID SHOES, PATENT LEATHER FOXED, MARKED $4l AT ' It's the same trouble broken sizes. We meet it by cutting the price squarely in two. These shoes come in Common Sense or Opera toe, plain or tipped, are silk-lined around the top, and, as stated above, are made of finest French Kid, with best patent leather foxing. Other dealers' price for this shoe is $$; our price is $4) on this special occasion it is onlv $2. (The old price marked (4) is yet to be seen on the sole.) -Come before Saturday night and get a pair at $2. MISSES' AND YOUTHS' SHOES. 9QC. REDUCED FROM Si. 75. 385 pairs Misses' and Youths' extra strong, solid and substantial school shoes, plain or solar tip, heeled, sizes 12 to 2. Reduced price 98c MEN'S HANAN'S BEST $2.75. Those broken sizes (mostly narrow widths) of Hanan's finest French Calf Hand-made Shoes, original price S6.49, will be closed out at $2. 75. Button only. " JOUR Si. 98 LINE OF MEN'S SHOES BEATS ANY $3 LINE OF OTHER HOUSES. We have this fact from people "who've been there" worn both kindst and now prefer our Si. 98 shoe. Try a pair. X75c for Men's Solid Leather Working Shoes. Just the thing for mill, mine, glass house or out-of-door labor. jsoo more pairs Men's Rubber Boots, at Si46- ONLY THREE MORE DAYS OF OUR FREE DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS. The end of this week means the end of your chance to get your purchase free of charge. KAUFMANNS Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street. ART DEPARTMENT. Silk Head Rests, trimmed, 25c. Jean Table Covers, embroidered, 98c. Pin Cushions, uncovered, 35c. Satin Covered Pin Cushions, 50c. Lace Cushion Tops, socjand 65c. Banner Rods, 15c and 19c. Stamped Linen Dresser Scarfs, 48c and 88c. Linen Splashers, fringed, 20 by 32 inches, 25c " Linen Splashers, fringed, 16 by 50 inches, 45c. ' , Linen Table Cloths, fringed, 42 by 42 inches, 98c Linen Doylies, fringed, 5c. Tinsel and Chenille Cord, 12c. Plush Ornaments, 1 2c per dozen. Linen Ramie Fringe, 20c a yard. Fancy Scrim, new patterns, 18c, 30c and 38c. Plain Scrim, 44 inches wide, 25c a yard. Tinsel, 2c a ball. Fancy Cotton Fringe, worth 12c, 6c a yard. a m m m n M at yML On VlfllUCXUU. MARKET ST. DIAMONDS AT A DISCOUNT. For this week only wo will offer a GENUINE DIAMOND EING or STUD, weight 1 fct., ot $55. These goods are absolutely perfect and white, and our own importation. Also a super-abundance of smaller and larger stones, ranging in weights from yi of a karat to 6 karats each, at pro portionately low prices. We extend a cordial invitation for you to call ana examine tnese goous. SMIT'S ril rfaWH,: 4 Cri VTG-Sj lai Ea!lWiiitiwltiiw 'JIM and BUILD UP THE WHOLE SYSTEM TO PERFECT HEALTH. , , t JSZZttSSi. Hoof land's PodoohvHin Pills n SHOE DAYS. li ENDING SATURDAY NIGHT. (One of the Main Features:) . Special Bargain Table This, without doubt, is the best and greatest chance yet offered in Ladies fine Shoes. They are broken sizes and odds and ends, and for this reason they go at Si. Among them are extra quality Glazed Don- NOTE THE JDST HALFTHE MARKED PRICE $2 $1.25 REDUCED FROM $2. 120 pairs Misses' fine Curacoa Kid and Pebble Goat Shoes (heel,ed) only in sizes 11, 12, 13 and 13. If we had all sizes you would have to pay $2. As it is, you can get a pair for $1.25. SHOES 504, 506 and 503 tet Cor. Liberty and Smithfield AND 311 Smithfield Street. , Ja31-Trssn PUHirlbLOOD CLEAB DHE COMPLEXION, BRIGHTEN THE ETES, SWEETEN THE BREATH.- . TONE THE STOMACH, KEGUIWITE THE MVEB AND BOWELS ,. . - r.--- - --::.. i. u .jsui'riwir . - " .. .! .. .j.i.!,.... 'n-i "Tifcn rfiTM iTi'ii - . ,.- i . ".