r-snri&T NO ".-I'm3 Vt i TTKseTy J".- '-". T W -.., . Vi THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH' TUESDAY; . JANM&Y '.26- 18921 V - SF MV.KTDtGS AND NOTICES. ' ' i- - i Meeting. VTOTICE-THK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 stockholders of the Granite Riwnng Company will be held at the olHce or the company. Thirty, third St.. near Liberty nv.. Pittsburg. Pa., on TUESDAY EVENlNi.. Frtrnarv 2. IS32. at 7 o'clock. C. W. HEI.MOLD. Secretarv. Pirr&BCRG. FA.. JanuaryiG, 1SK. Ja23-2S -70TICE MEMBERs"nFPO;T 151. G."a. I!.. 1 are requested to meet at their hall In In 1 uniform TO-BAY at 1 o'clock to nttrnd the funei al of our late comrade, John bhuWennan. Company C. Ilftb Regiment, l'eniwlunli Heavr Artillerj. Hi orUtrof Comnianoer, D. A. JONES. ' 1 T. McORAl II. Adjutant. Ja25-i llusincs Clianze. D issoLunox of rAirrxERSiiir- Xotlee U lierrliv iriven to the nuMie thlt theco- f-artnershin heretofore cxitinc between .Tohn Mc .ean aud John C Hiegins, under the firm name of the Homestead Drilling Company, doing mil nesRlnHoinestead. Pa., was l!snlvcdoll.T.nllary . lssr; Iit nutual consent All persons knowing themselves Indebted, or hiving claim against stM Ann. -will make Immediate settlement Willi Join Mclean. who will continue the 4inines- at the same stand, rslgned) JOHN McI.F.AN. J C IIIGGIN. Homestead. Pa.. Jan. 33. igg jar-a Elections. Office or -run Pittsburr Ivsuraxce Co.. 1 SCO Wood street, corner Fourth aenue, 1'iTTvBriKJ. Jan. 22. 1KC 5 CLECTION-THE ANMTAL ELECTION FOK Xj director tJ'1 be held at the office "T the com pany, on TUESDAY. Fehnisxv 2. ISM. bciw cen the hour of 11 a. m. and 12 M. Jar-iS-D IllLLIS McKOWN. iccretarv. TnE CnArTtEn V.lley Gas Comi'axy PrrTsr.t-Jtrt. I'ji.. JannarrlS. IfiSf I Elfction xoncE-iirn axxuai. inirr IXGol'the stockholders of this enmpm will be held at the ofee of the comnanv. drri-n.i building, corner Wood st. and Third av.. rltt burg. Pa.. on THURSDAY. January 2?. 153i at 2 o'cocir. M.. for the election cf a board of direc tors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business amaveomlie forethemectlug. F. J. TEXi.Ii, . jal7-2i Divirleno's. The Bev Fravklix I. rur vnte Com paw ) Or THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY. 1A.. AM.mlIF.NY. Januarv 11. IS);. S DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF Tills MW PAXY have this lav declared ndiudeni! of THKEE (3) TEK CEXT, 1 SO per thare, ps ah'e on demand. WM. A. FOliB. JaJ5-S4-i sccretarv. Political. IlEADQrARTERS ALLFCIIENY COtTSTY REPUBLICAN EVECCTIVE COMMITTEE. llTTsBCRH. Januarv, S. lSJi pOLlTICAL NOTICE. To the members of the Allegheny County Repub lican Executive Committee. A meeting of the Committee will be held at Com Jaon Council Chamber. Municipal Hail, nttstiurg. on Saturday, January ZO. 1892. at 2 o1cloek r. M.. to take actios relative to fixing the time for holding primary elections and conventions forthe ensuing year In pursuance to rules YI ana VII. By order of JOHN GRIPP. Chairman. Attest: SCOTT MILLER, Secretary. ja25-S6-TTS Notices. PAKE XOTICE- All persons arc warned not to pav monev to John A. Wagner for the Woman's Illustrated "Weekly. He is no lontir connected with this paper. JOHN if. CLARK. Ja26-S3 Publisher. OFFICE OF CITY COXTROM.EE. JIcKeespokt. Pa., PecemberH. 1891. ( VTOTICE TO HOLDERS OF SIcKEESPORT JL Water Bonds (issue of 1SS1). X'otlce Is hereby given that the Sinking Fund Commissioners of the City or SIcKeesport propose to purchase the following Water Bouds Issued by the Borough ofMcKeesportiii: Nos. 1,2.3, 4. i 6, J. 8.9, 10. 11, 12, 13, Hand 15 for fl.OOO each; No. flfor850a.and Nos. 81 and 82 for flOO each inslxtv lays from this date, after which time interest on same will cease. U. B. HERW1CK. de25-2T-TnF becretarj. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK. Until the reconstruction of our building, corner Wood and Diamond streets, -which we expect to oc cupy again bv March. 1892, w e are temporarily lo cated at No. 7 Sixth avenue, comer of Wood street. Depositors of One Dollar and upward received ano interest paid thereon, commencing on the First and Fifteenth of each Month, and payable semi annually on the first days of January and July. If tot drawn the interest ii added to tlie principal. CUAS. MEYRAN, President. JO. ABEL, Vice President, A. F, NTEMAVX. Secretary. H. W. WTLKEU. Treasurer. GEO. W. GUTHRIE, Solicitor. Open daily from 0 A. SI. to 4 r. m.. and on Satttr ys from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. oc1-46-tts Office of Couxrr Coxmissioxeks. PITTSBURG. Jan. 23. 1892. The Counrr Commissioners will bold appeals from the trieimial assessment of 1892 for the sev eral districts named on the day and date given be low: Monday. February L 1S92 Franklin. Fawn,IIar Qar, Alleppo and East Deer townships. Tuesday. February 2, 1892-Lower St. Clair, Kll buck, Wilklns, Ross and Bethel townships. Wednesday, Febrrarv 3. 18M First, Second and Third wards of Braddock borough. Thursday. February 4 Snowden, Sterrctt, Rich land and Lincoln townships. Friday. February 5. JS92 Knoxvllle, Bcllevue, Shsrpsburg and Coraopolis boroughs. R.E. MF.RCEE. J. G. WKIU. D. J. BOYLE. County Commissioners. Attest: P. W. EIEBERT, Clerk. Ja26-SS Lesal Kotlces. J. E. O'DONNELL, Attorney at Law, No. SS3 Grant street. INSTATE OF JOHN ZIMMER, DECEASED j Notice Is hereby given that letters testamen arv on the estate of John Ziinmer, deceased, late 3f Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned. y whom all persons Indebted to eald estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those ia vtng claims or demands agaiust the same will sake them known without delay. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. ja!9-44-Tn Executor. &XO Uutler treet. PERSONAL. PEESONAL Ask for Dusenberry's pies; first-class groceries and restaurants. at all PERSONAL Derma, Royale face bleach and skin tonic 414 Smlthfleld. Agents wanted. PERSON AL Novelty Printing Co.. 77 Diamond St.; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest Mlces. PERSOXAL Hotel Wilson. 10 Smlthfleld st,. Pittsburg. Try onr celebrated 25c meals: ooins. 50c op. PERSOXAL Credit, yes. credit on fine dress goods, silks. satlns,wraps.etc at J. Dwscr's, 2oom 4, McCance block. 701 Mnlthhcld. PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silver watches and jewelry repaired: new work made order. Chris. Hauch, 541 Smlthfleld. PERSON" ALG ent8' furnishing goods, slightly damaged by water rrom the Leader fire, at ne-half their value. J. J. Aland, 131 Fifth av. PERSONAL Wall paper, from 5 cents up to finest grades. M e furnish estimates Tor one oom, house, or row of houses: make contracts lor Hjinpleted work, bhldle's, 403 bmithfleld st. PEESONAL W. F Hamnett Co.. the leading real estate and tire Insurance firm of Wllklns inrg, take general iharga of property: collect ients: attend to paying taxes, etc; try us; we ire reliable. Money loaned on mortgage! PERSONAL Have you subscribed tor your magazines and periodicals for '92? If not, me and see us before doing so: itwlli pavyon: Uso, new and old books at reduced prices. Frank Bacon 4 Co., 301 Smlthfleld st. Open every even-ng- PERSON AL- u hen 1 was a small bov mv mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but nnce I got to be a great blgman. Dickson, the weli rnown tailor. 65 Fifth av.. cor. Wood .t,. second ioor. lias been tuhstlteted. n ho now does all my .leaning, pressing and mn atlng In great shape. rouND. F: UND-Hotcl Wilson. 10 fcmithiield st. Meals 25c: try them: rooms, 5oc up. 70UND Suits and pants to order at 30 per cent C discount, to clear out the stock. J. J. Alaud, 31 Fifth av. EESOKT HOTELS. Atlantic City. THE SEASIDE, ATLANTIC CITY, HAS been thoroughly renovated and Is now ipen. Everyconvenienceand improvement jas been added, mating It complete In all lespects. Elevator, sua parlor, hot sea-water lattis, and nicely warmed thion.rtioiit. :H.S. EVANS.- ja23-35-D THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY. Directlv on the Beach. Opens January SO. 1892. Ja25-3lD q ROBERTS A SONS. Old Point Comfort. .HYGEIA HOTEL, Old Point Comfort, Va. DeserYOdly-world-ramed, this Immense and mlque caTavansary Is fcltuated a rew yards i-om Fort Monroe. and lies alons a ueaiititnl ndy "oeacli, -washed by the waters of Ches ipeake Bay and Hampton Roads. The won lerful equable climate makes it an aU-the-rear-round report. unsurp:u-sed (n health ind general attraction. It is the rendezvous Br prominent people lrom all sections, and sn atmosphere ot comlort, luxury and re inement pervades the place. Dress parade, artillery practice, guard counts, etc-.in tbe fort, fend for pamphlet. F.. N. PIKE. Manager. deM3-Trsu rDisplay aavertisemaits one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified real estate advertisements on this page ten cents per line for each insertion, and none taken for less than thirtp cents. T'XTIL FrHTHEll XCTICK ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the followlne headings will ueac cepled at the rate of ONE CEXT PER WORD FOH EACH IXSF.P.T10X when paid for In ad- a ance cither at main or branch osiccj. IFanredjldterrtsfmetiAto alt Kinds, SUCH AS SITHATIOX's MALT! HELP. rKKLEHELr, -oi:xts. KtlOH, llOAKDIXG. ITOARDEK. MICELI.AXEOtTq, rEKSONAI.S TO tET HOOMS. 3iisci:r.tA-Eous tor sales, lost a-d Forxn. THE .PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BfSIXESS OFFICE. Cor. SmilhfieM anil IJlamond Street. ALWAYS OPF.V KRAXfU OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WIIF.RF. WANT, FOR SAI.F, TO LET. AXB OTHER TRANSIENT ADVF.nTISliMEiTS WILL BE DECEIVED UPTU9P M. FOR IXSEBTION. Advertisements shonld be prepaid nn'ess adver tisers alrea-iv have accounts with The DtSFATcn. FOK ALLFGHEXY. XO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TEr.r.Piioxn.-JKi FOH THE SOUTHblDF, XO. 1412 CARSON STREET. TEI.EPIIOXEX'O. 6022. FOR THE EAiT EXD. J. W. WALLACE. 6121 TENX AV. pittsuckg AnnmoxAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3W) Butler street. EMIL G. STTCKEY. S4th street and Penn avenae. ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL. F. H. KGCERS&SOX. Ohio and Chestnnt streets. THOM A McIILXRY.Westernand Irwin avenues. PERRY M. GLEIJI. Rebecca and Allegheny ars. TVAJ.TED. Slale HelD. "p ARBEE-Good steady barber at S76 Liberty St. BOYSto drlte coal wagon. Apply Coal Float, Monongahela river, between Grant and Sinlllifle'.d sts.. T o'e'ock Tuesday morning. I TOY about 15 years of age to work In wholesale ' 1 jewelry house: mnst have references. Call at 607 Libertyt. i TJOY Strong bov with some experience In baking. I -L Inquire Snyder's Bakery. 31u Washington. I -tAXVASSr.RS Salarv to pood men. j Wilson Mfg. Co.. Xo. 6 sixth st. Wheeler & CHEMIST One having experience in blastfur nace work preferred. Address C G.. Dis patch office, stating experience and salary ex pected. COLLECTOR For the Installment bnsluess. also v one solicitor to work on a specialty. Address BoxlOOO, Braddock, Pa, "SYAN A respectable. tntelllcrent man. for out- iA door employ rinnr pmnlovnient? must sneak German and English, and furnish satisfactory security. Apply to Charles Kerstine. Room 1, Central Telephone building, corner Sandusky andSouthDlamond sts.. Allegheny. METAL pattern maker at Swissvale works. The Union Switch and Signal Company. OFFICE BOY by an iron and steel manufactur ing company. Address in own handwriting, and give residenre; age and references. Prompt ness. P O. Boi 1127. SALESMAN Experienced, for an old estab lished house. t sell crackers and biscuit in Western Pennsylvania aud Eastern Ohio; one hav ing an established trade preferred. Address Crackers. Dispatch office. O ALE-MAN Having acquaintance with foundry k trade of Pittsburg and vicinity, tosellplglron: state age, reference and terms expected. Address Pig Iron. Dispatch office. SALESMAN A reliable real estate salesma" and solicitor. W. E. Hatnnctt A Co., Wllklns burg. Pa, SALESMAN For city and vicinity; none but first-class need apply. F. B. DHL 627 Smith field st. "WAITER-At once. t son st. Jesse S. Moore, 1109 Car- "VOUXG MEX At once 2 young men to learn J. telegraph operating. Call this evening be tweeu 7 and 0 o'clock at 21 Fedcralst., Allegheny, third floor. "TOUNG men under 21 1 loin amateur Orchestra. 1 Address Orchestra. Dispatch office. A cents Wanted. AGENTS On salarv or commission to handle the new patent chemical ink erasing pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughly In two seconds; no abrasion or paper: 200 to SflO prr centpront: one agent's sales amounted lo JB20 In six days: another :Kin two houra: we want one energetic general agent for eaehttateandTerritory. Fortermsandfullpartlcn. lara. address The Monroe Erasor Mlg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. (X10). AGENTS Bliizard horse Ice creeper: sharpen your horse at home: saves money and wait ing at the smith': any one can put them on or off or put in new calks; for single sets send shoe out lines and S3 00: 1 pay express: extra calks, 20 cents per set of 16; worth more than cost for emergen cies: blr money for agents: circulars free. S. W. Sent. Merlden, Conn., sole manufacturer. AGENT A thoroughly capable and efficient agent for the Educational Provident Com pany, of Minneapolis. Minn., for this cltv and vicinity: to such a Ycrv liberal contract w ill be given with valuable territory: anDlv to the under signed, secretary of the company, at the Central Hotel, bringing reierences; none omcrs wiu oc con sidered. J. Merritt. AGENTS and street men for the quickest selling and slickest novelty trick ever known : you can fo'tl them all, have lots of fun and make big rauney ; sample, with terms to agents, by malL 15 cents. Western Novelty Company, 358 Dearborn St., Chi cago. AGENTS to make big monev selling onr carriage and wagon stoves: f2 50 to $5 00: costs3ceuts per day to fire them, (specialty Co., 420 Smlthfleld street. AGEXTS For the Family .Medicine Chest: a household necessity; It sells everywhere. Ad dress Lock Box 241. Greensburg Pa. AGENTS Bonanza for live men: send stamp to Dr. Griffith. Third and Grant, nttsburg. Secure territory Immediately. AGK.NT (3 to !7 dally: experience unnecessary. Putnam & Co.. Perfumers. West Winsted.Ct. Male and Female Help Wanted. CHAMBERMAID, cooks, nurses, dining room girls, house eirls, laendresses, German aud colored girls, cooks for restaurants and boarding houses, chambermaids and dishwashers for hotels, middle-aged woman lor small family, white and colored waiter, farm hands, drivers, Mrs. E. Thompson, 608 Grant St. HELP At once, women to clean offices, woman cook JO per week, 4 dining room girls, dish washers, pantry girls, second cook, chambermaid and waitress for same family. 60 cooks, 20 cham bermaids. 200 houscgirls. fi colored: highest wages paid here. Meehan's Agency. 545 Graut st. TeLOT. OTfl COALMIXERS. 50.1 laborers. 5 waiters. 10 iOU female cooks, male cooks, dishwasher 2 butchers, teamsters. Keystone Agency. 1 Sitnalions "Wanted. POSITION A gentleman of large experience In business, an expert accountant, desires a posi tion of trnst and responsibility: first-class refer ences. Address F., Dispatch office. POSITION As welghmaster and shipping clerk, and also telegraph operator; two yeare with Union Steel 'Works. Chicago. Address Steel. Dis patch ofilce POsmON In an office as bookkeeper, collector or general office work, by a middle-aged man of business experience. Address H. W.. Dispatch office. POSmoN By experienced shipper in some wholesale Iron manufacturer's concern. Ad dress H. H., Dispatch office. POSITION Bv experienced young man (speak, lng German and English) as bartender. Ad dress G. S., Dispatch ofllce. POSITION By steady young man as porter, coachman or on small farm; best references. Address G. J Dispatch office. POSITION By bookkeeper after February L fa miliar with voucher system. Address Ac countant. Dispatch ofllce. POSITION Bv a young lady as clerk: can speak English and German., Address K., 1412 Car- POSmON Stenographer with Al references and experience. Typewriter. Dispatch ofllce. SITUATION By experienced young man steno grapher, with knowledge of bookkeeping and telegraphy: references turmshed. Address Steady, Liispatcn omce. SITUATION for March J: druggist of 15 years' experience; moderate salary and best of refer ence. Address Valerian, No. 2S1 Arch St., Alle gheny, Pa. SITUATION Bv a young man of high references, as bookkeeper or nther office work, lor the afternoons. N. O. P.. Dispatch office. SITUATION As stenographer and typewriter by a young Iadv willing to work and experienced. Address T. G.. "Dispatch ofllce. SITUATION Bv an experienced tinner; good reference can be given. Address Tinner, 38 Third av.. Pittsburg. Pa. RrrUATIOX By tea and coffee canvasser: retail experiences; salary and commission, E. H., Dispatch office. SITUATION A Inside watchman or in ware house: best of references. Address P. B Dis patch office. CITUATIOX O shade man. by n experienced drapery and Address D, S.. Dispatch office. Hoarders and Lodeers Wanted, BOARDERS and lodgers wanted: best meals In city 25e; roums, 50c up. Hotel Wilson. 10 fctnlthfleld st. Heal Estate Wanted. WT ANTED-To rent, a house of 12orraore rooms VV In Oakland, bhadyslde or Konp, Address Leba, Dispatch office. WANTED To buy, a modem honse on monthly payments. Address E., Dispatch office. 1VANTEI. Female Help Wanted. ' GIRL Good lrl for general housework. Cal office, Wyllc ar. GIRL for general housework. i Congress st, city. LADY A cood salarv pnarantced to anyLidy who will do writing; for me at home. Address In own handwriting, with addressed an 1 stamped envelope. 3IIs l.tlnal.. Sraythe. South Bend, lud. Proprietor of the famous Gloria Water. "T7"A'NTKD A Iadv who has experience In nnok V keeping and 'is accomplished In innsic to make her home In a famllv without children : mu6t be perfectly -willing to assist wl th light housework. Inquire for particulars at 6-U Llbarty st. Instruction. BOOKKEEPIXG, penmanship and shorthand successfully taught bvjnall: scholarship for either course. Pittsburg Correspondence Business College, PostofSce Box 333. TADIES To take private lessons In shorthand J and typewriting: special Inducements: terms verveav. Call at or address Institute of Teleg raphy, 21 Federal St., Allegheny. LADIES, girls, good sewes and others to learn dressmaking and cutting. Call or write 930 Penn av. PUPIL9-A Spanish conversation class meeting two evenings a week will take In a few more members, ladles or gentlemen: absolutely no home studv; course begins first part of February. Ad dress, at once. I'. O. Box 14, Allegheny, Pa. Unslnes Opportunities TYanteo. WAXTED A man of some business experience that Is actually seeking a business invest ment: one that can command about (20.000 and Is willing to assist in the management of the busi ness, an Inducement -will be offered for the pur chase of an Interest In one of the best manufactur ing concerns In the United States: has no competi tion whatever: saea or product practically unlim ited: both domestlcand foreign; pronta are abun dantly satisfactory: the -works have now a business capacity upward of Jl. 000.000 annually: the above capital is not required In one payment if the pur chaser Is found to lie satisfactory; onr request Is that parties seeking Information will call In person, as we desire to deal with gentlemen of honor and good business- standing. For full particulars call on b. L. McColloch, 19U Robinson su, Allegheny, Pa. w TED A firm established In this cltv for jverai years desires an entemrlsine man. nbout 30 years of age, to represent them In Troy, js. l., ana iansing, JUicn., ions monins, orper manciitlv: to the right man there Is a profit of at leastt200perrnonth:asmall capital of 300 to 500 Tequlrea: business will prove satisfactory and will bear closest Investigation: only those who can com- t manu lite renuirea amount oi caniiai anu are wm- j jnr to work need apply: we want one man for same i imslness In Nashville. Tenn. Call or address, giv- lng age and occupation, Rooms 45, 46 and 47 Eisner ouiiaing. WANTED A firm who manufacture material used bv irpn works, desire the services of a young man as salesman, only those who have S4.O0O orS5,oOO readv money to Invest In business need reply. P. O. Box 747, city. Tlookkeepinij Accounts, Etc., Wanted. AUDITTXG end accounting I attend to any thing In the hue of Intricate accounting, andlting the bonks of corporations, manufactur ers, merchants, hoteU and others. A. F. SawhlU, 1S7 Federal St., AUegneuy. Pa. Partner Wanted. PARTNER An energetic young man willing to invest IL TOO In a legitimate, good-paying busi ness: advertiser has same amount Invested. For particulars address B. L., Dispatch office. ' Fire Insurance Wanted. BENSWANGEU ZAHN Fire Insurance, Fourth av. E. T. BCHAFFXER, real estate agent. Insur ance placed al lowest rates; 72 Washington Thlrty-flrst ward. MONONGAHELA 1NSURAXCE CO. John H. Claney, sec'y.. W. A. Caldwell. Pres't: OS Fourth av. Financial Wanten. BONDS, stocks, mortgages ant! other securities. EdWittlsh, 410 Giant St., Pittsburg. IOANS on mortgages In large or small amounts J carefully negotiated. W . A. Hcrron & Sons, SO Fourth av. MONEY to loan at lowest rate oflnterest; loans granted promptly, no delay: have a large amouut on hand at the present time: bring your deed with you, will guarantee prompt loan or no charge. .I.E. McCrickart. llCTFlfth av., ele'T phone 1676. MONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortgage; no delay. ReedB. Coylc & Co., cor. Fourth av. and Grant st. MONEY to loan on mortgages: lowest Interest, no delay. Black & Baird. 95 Fourth av. MORTGAGES Monev to loan in sums to suit at 44, 5 and 6 per cent. Robert G. Bailey. 152 Fourth av. Telephone ISM. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny comity prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver & Co., 92 Fourth av. TO LOAN 5200,000 on mortgages: 5100 and up ward etc per cent; tson. 000 at 4k percenton residences or business property, vacant lots or farms, b. H. Frenclu 125 Fonrth av. Miscellaneous Wanted. PAINTING and plateglass glazing. R. C. Miller. S2S Grant St., Pittsburg. PATENTS U. S. and foreign: fees pavable on success. J.H.Stevenson. solicitor. 100 Fifth av. PATENTS O. D. Levis (2n years). Solicitor. 131 Fifth av.. nextLeader, Pittsburg: no delay. SHIRrs repaired; new bands put on. maker, 627 Smlthfleld st. DIU, shtrt- rpRUNKta buil f ana from East End for 50c 1 Campbell Si Davis, 12 Seventh av. Telephone 276. WANTED-500 Allegheny houses to rent Onr facilities for obtaining the best rents for Alleghen properties are unsurpassed: the Inquiry has never been greater; If you have a house to rent It will pav you to see A. Z. Byers & Co., S3 Federal St., Allegheny. WANTED Everybody to know that Pickering, the honse furnisher, will sell (10 worth of goods on credit for SI down and 50c a week. Pick ering, corner Tenth and Penn av. WANTED To lease or rent, a house suitable for a bakery, either with or without an oven, in some good country town. Address J. M., Dis patch office, ".IfANTED Ofllce on Penn av. between Sixth t and Ninth sts., ground floor: or in with den. list or pussician. office. Address Optician, Dispatch "TTANTED Stocks of merchandise, for which we will pay cash 40 to60ner cent on the dol- lat. Address Lock Box 151, Geneva. O. TTANTED You to order your rubber stamps. vf steel stamps, stencils, seal presses, etc., at Sheafer Jt Co.'s, 49 Fifth av. WEARERS or spectacles to bnv the.best SI steel and S3 00 gold spectacles and eye glasses yet offered of W. J. Trleber. practical optician, at Schaefer's Jewelry store. 150 Fifth av. FOK. SALE MISCXXLANEOCS. Horses. Tehicles. livo Stock For Sale. HOKSE Cheap for want of use, one good work horse, 8 years, warranted sound; also verv handsome driving and saddle horse. Apply 215 First av., above Graut st. WAGON:- and carts of all oescrlptions for sale: new and second hand. Pittsburg Wagon Works, No. 3SS Second ave. : telephone 1870. WAGONS All sizes and styles in stock, manu factured bv H. Lange & Co., 147 to 154 Water et. Telephone, 1790. Machinery and Metals For Sale. BOILERS and engines, second-hand: all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p.: cheapest In the market: 46 boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc; ElGnm pumps, gutcraur, vwV uiu BiiniiiiiK. and Telephone 3UI, zs-zt rare way, Allegheny. Pa. J. B. Young. DTEAM PUMPS, new and second-hand boilers. O engines. Injectors, ejectors. South Bend wood finlleys. Iron hubs, shafting and hangers, machln sts' brass founders and iron-pipe fitters, 68 Water street. Coal For Sale. COAL Best Youghloghcnv gas coal, anthracite coal and Connellsvllle crushed coke: weight positively guaranteed. Iron City Coal Co., Ltd., float below Sixth st. bridge, Pittsburg side. Pnone 005. Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Second-hand pianos; one 7-octave square piano for S125. one TK-octave square piano for 160. one 7H-octave upright piano for SU15. one 7K-octave upright piano for $200. includ ing stool and cover; above instruments are In good condition, both as to tone and finish; we will sell the same on terms to suit the purchaser; Intending buvers, who want a piano at a moderate outlay, will secure a bargain by giving us an early call. A. A. Zweldlngerrs Piano and Orgsn Parlors, sec and floor of onr building. 533 Smlthfleld St., city. Sliscrflaneons For Sale. OJKEEFE'S O. X. Shoe Blacking. Try It. grocers, druggists, 6hoe dealers. ryKEEFE'S o. K. Shoe Blacking. J groeers, druggists, shoe dealers. Try It. At TED I m BRICK In large or small ouantlties. Witt- XV. mer Brick Co.. Lim 12 Federal 8U, Alle- gheny. Pa. "I r 000 old brick. Comer JlcKeo place and JLUU) Forbes street. Oakland. FOK SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities For Sale. BAKERY In live town east or city! cheap if sold soon. Address Good Trade, Dispatch office. BARBER SHOP and bathroom having a good trade: will sell at a bargain. O. C. Marterer, No, 220 Arch st., Allegheny. BARBER SHOP First-class reason tor selling. Address X. W Dispatch office. " BLACKSMITH SHOP-On P. K. K,. In good town: wl sell tools aloqe or tools and building; price very low to quick buver, A. M. Tressel A Co.. Ml Federal st. COAL FLOAT Best stand In the two cities, on James H. Sheppard, 631 Smlthfleld st. Call FIR SALE Corner grocery East End: doing nice business; lease WOO per year; excellent open ing for live man. Kelly & Rogers, 626 Penn av. FR8ALE A good paying milk route, horse, wagon, harness, cans, bottles, etc. : good rea sons for selling. Address J, B. , Dispatch office. FOK SALE-BCSINKSS. Business Opportunities. 17011 SALE-Excenent drugstore: city. 12.000. i' Address Unifj, 5 Thompson place-East Liver pool. (GENERAL STORE for sale; stock estimated at J ?iK): terms cash: good reasons for selling. VT, J. A., Dispatch office. lOOD will and evi erythlng pertaining' to' the b'ulton's Son & Co.. SI First J business of A. F avepue. GROCERY STORE Established 14 years: doing good business: good reasons for selling: will be sold cheap If soli soon ; good opening to right party. Address B. 5, Dispatch office. GROCERY STORE-331 Western av., Allegheny; " doing good business: stock about 11,200; ow ncr leaving city. Call immediately. JEWELRY STORE Established 12 years: good location: good run rep-ilrlng. Address E, Ring. Dispatch office. ' LIVERY BUSINES- One of the best stands In the city: will exchange for real estate: gro cery stores. .JOT to $8,000: tin rooting business; conntrv stores: shoe stores; cigar and notion store, fan. Perclval 4 Gaston, 433 Grant st. LUNCH counter and frnlt stand In town of 12,050 population, east of cltv; cheap If sold soon. Address Lunch. Dispatch office. ONE-FOURTH Interest in a good manufacturing business: clothing and gents' furnishing store; fine restaurant; grocery stores. J200 to $10,000f cigar store; bakery; milk depot; fish and ovster market: butcher shop: Jewelry store, at a bargain. Holmes & Co.. 420 bmithfleld st. PAINT STORE On Ohio st. :good stock ormlxed paints, colors ground lnoil. brushes, etc. etc.; shelving, counters, safe: ".everything complete: cheap u, quick buyer, A. M. Tressel & Co., 141 Federal st. STORE-Clothlng and gents' furnishing 6tore In a good manufacturing town near "he city: long established and doing a largo paying business; reasonable icrms to good pany. Holmes & Co., CO Smlthfleld st. . fij" 550 A good bakery and confectionery: one OLj soda fountain, counter and show cases, boiler and engine, ice cream machinery: good trade: established 12 years: good reasons for sell ing: purchaser can Fecure lease for five years on building. Waldron & McDowell, 271 Beaver av. and 53 Ohio st, Allegheny. Business lroterttes For Sals. POR SALK. OR TO LET-Possesslon given Itn . mediately, the Nevln Paint Works. Western ave.. Allegheny: a splendid manufacturing site, or an elegant location torflats;lot and buildings 132x 125 feet: for particulars see Jos. P. Rankin Co., real estate brokers. 154 Fonrth ave. HOTEL for sale A first-class hotel with bar at tached; doing an excellent business. Address G. W. Meredith & Co., East Liverpool, O. 1'ANNEHILL ST., near Wylle av.. three-story . business honse of storeroom and ten dwelling rooms: lot 24x90 feet. (e-a2). I3tck Jt Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av. WYLIE AVE., near Washington St., 3-story brick dwelling, storeroom and all -modern conveniences; good locality for business or would rent welt as an investment: price reasonable to quick buyer. Samuel W. Black Co., 99 Fourth avenue. FOK SALE IMPKOVEp KKAL ESTATE City Kesluencei. E LUFF St.. Pittsburg, nearlncllne andtietween Maee and Chestnut sts,, a very fine and sub stantial 2-story brick house of 8 rooms, bath and drying room, cemented cellar, both gases hot aud cold water, heater In celiac large lot. fine view. -pure air and a very desirable home: street and aneypaveaana sewerea: to a quicit ouver wno wants to be within nine minutes' walk of tho Court House and ten minutes of the Soutlicide. this Is a rare chance. J. B. Larkln Co., 152 Fifth av. C1HATIIAM ST., near Wylie av.; fle three-story brick; 13rooms; all conveniences: can be read ily changed into an apartment house at small cost: Iot20x96to asphaltum paved alley: room to build another house on alley: tine Investment: a most desirable downtown property; will be sold cheap. Baxter. Thompson 4 Co.. 162 Fourth av. PHYSICIAN'S RESlDENCE-Butler St., Law rencevlHe, an elegant three-story pressed brlckdwelllng: ten rooms, bath, h. and c. water, w. c. laundry, etc. : carriage house on rear of lot: M cash, balance easy, as owner Is verv anxlousto sell; moving to California. Samuel w Black & Co., 89 Fourth av. TOWNSrND ST. Brick house of eight rooms: lot 24x110 to an alley: renting for$S0permonth; price only $4,800. J. E. Glass. WHAT, city asssessments? Why, I will sell im proved or unimproved lots or property on Carson street away below their valuation. Call soon or address 2227 Carsou St., Sonthslde, city. East End Kesldences For Sale. Tmp, SALE Very cheap, $1,3C0; $1,000 down, J remainder on easy pajmeuts. a modern house, tine appearance, 8 rooms, late fixtures, lot 3 feet front on a good residence street, E. E. (63.) W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth ave. 1EAR Penn av. and Rebecca St.. new two-story J.s frame bouse or five rooms, hall, dry cellar: property Is high and dry: only $2, -MO: now rented at $18 per month. Dennlston, F.lderkln & Co., Llm., 6232 Penn av., E. E. Tel. 5327. Hi I 000 New frame houseor eight rooms, on an dD'Xj asphalt paved street, within one square of electric ears and two squares Penn av. cable: has two porches, cemented cellar. Inside shutters, slid ing doors, slate maitels. range, bath Complete with porcelain tub, both gases, wired for electric light, etc.: this property Is situated In a very nice neighborhood and Is well finished and conveniently arranged throughout; this is a bargain. See Baker & Co.. 6227 Penn av.. E. E. fl 4 700 A handsome frame dwelling of nine TT; large rooms, on an excellent East End ave nue handy to two traction Hues: has all modern conveniences and is nicely papered and beautifully finished throughout: terms to snlt purchaser. See Baker 4 Co., C227 Penn av., E. E. (103) ( 300 Handsome frame of nine rooms and re 'IDO ccptlonhall In a first-class neighborhood: handy to North Highland av.; has all modern im provements and is complete in every particular; lot 40x120. Baker & Co.. 6227 Penn av E. E. CJQ SOO-Elyslan St.. two-storv frame of Jive 0. rooms, cemented ceiiar; large lot, 26x109 feet to alley. Dennlston, Eldcrklu 4 Co., Llm.. 6232rennav., E. E. Tel. 5S27. Allegheny Residences For Pale. M'CLINTOCK AV., Allegheny Elegant new u room residence. Queen Anne style, reception hall, every modern convenience: lot 123.5x137. for $15, 000. or with lot 60x137 for $11,000; a fine bargain. M. F. Hippie & Co., 96 Tourth av. "VTORTH AVE. residence at a great s-crlfice. For 1 particulars see John K. Ewing 4 Co.. 107 Fed eral st. Send for monthly list of Allegheny real estate. PERRYSVILLE AV. New frame house of seven rooms, reception hall, bathroom. Inside w. e.. slatemantels. front porch, nice yard, with lot 40s: 168 feet: this Is one of the finest residence properties on theav. ; price $6,300: terms to suit. A. Z. Bycrs & Co.. 93 Federal St.. Allegheny. "I H 000 We have ror a limited time a very 3X I 5 handsome 2-storv brick mausard house of 10 rooms and bath on North av. ; It has hot and cold water, both gases, stationary wash stands, ecdar closets, slate mantels, tile hearths and all modern conveniences; the location on Park is a delightful one and the price much lower than that clS"s or property; owner going East and mnst sell. J. B. Larkin Co.. 152 Fifth av. 000 North av. persons looking for iwrfc 'Zi's properly should call rn u: we have a. first-clas3 2-story brick house or 14 rooms, both gases, cedar closet, hot and cold water, front and side entrance, capacious porch and modern Im provements, with very large lot. 1, B. Larkln 4 Co. Pnourban Kesldences For Sale. EDGEWOOD-Ncw frame nousc of 11 rooms, reception hail, laundry, stationary tubs, dry cellar, electric light, bathroom, with large enameled tub, w. c washstand: back and front stalrwav: uat. gas: city water: tile hearths: large pantrv with drawers and bins; slate mantels and slate roof: only five minutes from station : lot 72r 192; price $3,530. Hoffman 4 Baldrldge, Wlikins burg. Pa., opposite depot; telephone No. 7243. JMLMOBE ST.. Belleflcld, between Fifth av. and ; Forbes St., one minute from either car line, two new frame houses of eight rooms each, bathrooms, laundries. Inside w. r., not and cold water, china closets, both gases: good cellars and well sewered: front and back porches: houses well built, with all modern conveniences: can be bonght at a bargain either separate or together. (d-21S). Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth av. WILKINSBUBG 7-room frame dwelling, large reception hall, finished attic, bathroom com plete, natural ras, electric wire, perfectly sew ered: price t 900 ror a short time; this 1$ a grand bargain. W. E. Hamnett & a.. Wllklnsbnrg, Pa. KNOXVILLE. . TT NOXVTLLE-Ta Ik about ehcan nrnnprtUsf AV Held this; can't be duplicated for cheanness. and best bargain. In the entire borough of Knox-J '1.IC. UW, -Ali. IU bUUIkV 3U, (WIN, flUUM 6 rooms, fine cellar, basement, natural gas, water In kitchen and second floor; arranged for two families, if desired: separate entrances; posses sion If sold soon, April 1: tltla perfect. Terms easy; will show the property to anr person calling or addressing Z2Z7 Carson street, Sonthslde, city. . FOE SALE LpTo. East End Lots For Sale. ARABELLA ST.. near O'Hara St.. two lots, each 20x100 to an allcv: price only (850 each: terms very easy. J. E. Glass, ljj Fifth av. ' i r , ' Suburban Lots For Sale. SUBURBAN LOTS at Chartlers Fine bnllding lots 300 to SCOO. according to size and location, within sight of the Court House: Chartlers Is the most accessible of any suburb of Pittsburg, being reached bv the P. & L. E. K. In 12 minutes, .by Chartlers packets In 25 minutes and by electrle cars, which are to take the place of the present horse car line next spring, in 25 minutes; these lots front on line of electric road. For further particu lars. T. H. Dickson, S3 Fourth av.. Room 39. Farms For Sale. FARM of 210 acres: Is a fine manufacturing site: situate on both river and railroad, within 50 miles of Pittsburg: underlaid with the Freeport vein of coat: must be sold before February 1, 1892, For particulars address John L. Gans, Connells vllle. Pa. T'ARM Beautiful garden farm, 15 acres; excel lent soli, soft water at door; cottage house. 3 rooms, stable, etc.: close to railroad station: eight miles from Union station; convenient to East Lib erty; a decided bargain. Kelly i. Rogers,62l6 Penn avenne. TO LET, Suburban Kesldences To Let, TO LET f5 a month: cottages pr three to five rooms at Wlldwood station,. Allegheny Val ley Railroad, nine miles from Union station. A, Leggate & Son., 109 Fourth ay. TO LIST. Cltv Resiliences, rpo LET Large houses down town, GrantnearSlxtnaV,, 11 rooms, modern fixtures, (55 per month. Fonrth av., opposite the Postofflce. 13 rooms, be sides 2 large offices on the first floor, with stable Is rear. No. 03 Third av., 9 rooms, late fixtures, in first class order, ICO per month. No. 174 Second av.. near Grantst., 9 rooms, mod ern fixtures, (86 67 per month. cr.a for list. W. A. Herron it Sons. No. 80 Fourth av. rpo LET Dwellings, stores and offices: uponre X quest we will mall you onr rent list regularly nntll April L free of charge; write your namo plainly and give full residence address street and number. Black A Balrd, 93 Fourth av. mA T VY -- n. v-.-i near Magee, brick 6 ner month: pos X house of six rooms: rent 126 per month: I "v i..ci. .o. a vicsrav bl. in session April 1. J. E. Glass, 133 Fifth av. Eas End Kesldences To Let. TU LET North Oakland Square Overlooking, and but a ifew hundred feet distant from most beautiful part of Schenley Park;, three story, eight-roomed house, with all conveniences, porch, hay window, etc. front lawn on asphalt, 'and sewered street; but fifteen minutes from town bv electric road. $40 per month. Apply to Black & Balrd, 93 Fonrth avenue. TO LET Near the Schenley Park entrance, on Mawhlnney street (which is paved) near Forbes, new honse of eight rooms; all modern fix tures: location very desirable: possession can be h ad at once I f desired: 8S0 per month: rentreduced toAprllL W", A. Hcrron ASons, No. 80 Fonrth avenue. TO LET Dwlllng, 11 rooms, situate on the cor ner or one or the most prominent avennes or lbs East End: suitable as a dwelling or for lodging rooms or offices for physicians: Is fitted complete with all modern conveniences. Apply at 6002 Penn av, rpO LET-603 Filth av.: fine three-story pressed X brick residence: front porch, large front lawn; 5 minutes from new Court House on Fifth av. cable cars: possession at once; rent $40 per month. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av. rpo LET-J20 per month, half price, to April at jl Qiiaaysine; neat new nousc. nve rooms, auic. Inside shutters, etc. newly papered; Gross, near Liberty av. ; send for list. 80 Fourth av. W. A. Herron & Sons, rpo LET New house of nine rooms. wrtli all mod JL ern conveniences, situate on corner of Wallace- and Terrace sts., Oakland: lot 56rl00: rent $45 per month; possession April 1. J. E. Glass, 138 Fifth ar. rpOLET Forbes st.. Oakland.house 14 roomsjirge X grounds fronting Fifth av. as well; modern fixtures: very desirable for a boarding house, -bend for list. W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. rpo LKT April 1. North Highland nv.. brick jl nouse. nine rooms and attic, laundry and stable; lot 60x180. W. D. King. 64 Fourth av. Allegheny Kesldences To Let.. rpo LET Stockton av.. Allegheny Fine large X house: 12 rooms, modern conveniences: send for list. W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth av. TO LET By John K. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal St., several Allegheny houses at reduced rents. Send for printed list. 1 rpo LET Allegheny houses call or send forllst. X A. D.Wilson, 55 Federal St. Ueghcny. Hooins To Let. ROOMS Zalkind's House. 201 Wyl'e av: hand somely fnrnlshed rooms, svlth use of bath; by day, week or month; with or without board. EOOM Iaic, plea&ant front room: flrst-c.a location: possession FeDruaiy 1. Inquire Ho. 8 Isabella St.. Allegheny. n OOMS-Fumished rooms, with kitchen. Xis 41 Logan it.. iear "Wylle. T O LET Furnished flat with bath. etc. 8 Wylle avenue. Offices and Desk Room To Let. a so LET In Ferguson block, the finest Are proof . ofllce bnllding In the city, located on Third av.. Just below the new postofllce, having also Fourth av. entrance: choice storerooms and offices, with all modern conveniences, high speed eleva tors, steam heat, electric light and Janitor's serv ices Tree; rent lower than others arc getting In old and Inconvenient buildings; possession at once; rent free until April 1: send for illustrated hook. Black 4 Baird. No. 95 Fourth av. TO LET Dwellings, stores and offices: upon re quest we will mail you our rent list regularly until April 1, fret- of charge; write your name plainly and give full residence address street and number. Black & Balrd, S3 Fourth av. rpo LET On flrsf floor, nice ofllce, with heat and X Janitor service; only $400 per year. : on Fourth ave,, between Wood and smlthfleld sts. ; senif for list. See W. A. Herron 4 Sons. 80 Fourth av. n0 LET Offices and desk room. The Pittsburg 1 National Bank of Commerce. Sixth av. and "Wood, has a few first-class offices to rent from April 1. r.LET Fonrth av., two corner offices, suitable for real estate or lawyer's offices. Baxter, Thompson 4 Co., 162 Fourth av. Business Stands To Let. TO LET OU FOR SALE Hotel of 27 rooms in Seventeenth ward, city: first-class location for business: honse was built for a hotel and is thor oughly adapted to the purpose and has jnst been remodeled and repaired throughout,, making it as good as new; houc would be almost sure ot a li cense and will be rented at sneb a price that It could be sub-let In tenements for more than .the rent asked If license shonld be refused. Baxter, Thomp son A Co.. 162 Fourth av. ' TO LET In the Mercantile block, adjoining the fine bnllding of the Bindley Hardware Com pany, on New Grant St.. near Seventh av.. five new ware or business houses, slv. stories high, 20 feet front, 95 feet deep, alley in rear: steam heat, steam elevator, electric lighting: finr offices with large fire-proof vault: rent v cry reisouable. For Terms and particulars sec W. A. Ilerrun 4 Sons, 30 Fourth av. rpo LET Manufacturing property, 144 feet front i jl on Washington av.. Allegheny: lai ieet deep to paved back street, with.bricfc and frame build ings on the Washington av. front, and large vacant ground in rear for storage: buildings will be placed In order to suit tenant.! Anplv to BenJ. F. Jen nings, West Penn Steel Works, Preble av Alle gheny. rpo LET Dwellings, stores and ofllces: upon re X quesj; we will mall you our rent list regularly until April 1, free of charge: write your name plainly and give full residence address street and number. Black & Balrd, 93 Fourth av. TO LET Four large warehouses on New Grant St., neir Seventh av. : six stories, 20xl5.with private offices, vaults, steam heat, steam elevator: with or without power: rent lov: possession March 1. Black 4 Balrd, 95 Fonrth av. TO LET Store and cellar: 35 per month; fine new building: plafe-giass front. Penn. near Twelfth St., (possession cart be had to April 1. 1S92. at $25 per month). Send for list. AV. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fonrth av. rpo LET That large fine storeroom and base X reent. KOhlostrect, near Market House: part of basement fitted up for barber shop, restaurant or store. Inquire II. Jl. Schmltt, 4S 3. Diamond street, Allegheny. TO LET Separate storerooms with railroad track: all receiving, handling, shipping And delivering facilities; also office room. Inquire of V,'. A. Hoeveler, Storage, Pike and Twelfth sts., Pittsburg, Pa. TO LET Sale, or exchange ror good Pittsburg propertv. eooddalrv or garden farm. TO acres. 30 miles from Pittsburg, near railroad and Monontra hela river. Apply 41 Meyrau avenue, Oakland, after 7 p.m. TO LET Space with power Cor. Penn and Third av.: three floors: 20.000 feet space: abundant power: good light: splendid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 0 Fifth av. TO LET Desirable storeroom. Diamond t. in new Dispatch bnllding: light and heat fnr nlshed. Apply to Business Office The Dispatch, corner Smlthfleld and Diamond sts. TO LET Fine location for real estate or Insur ance office: entire bnllding, on Fourth av.. op posite postofllce: only 12.000 per year, bee TV. A, Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. mo LET Wood st. between Diamond and Firth X av., three-story business honse; fine store- room: building In good repair. See Black Balrd. 95 Fourth av. TO LET Storeroom and cemented cellar In new block: Write and Sixth avs. : all modern Im provements. E. Kelly, Jr., 161 Fifth av. TO LET Tn very desirable storeroom (with basement) No. 205 Smlthfleld St.. Central hoici uunaing. Apply at jvaurmanns' store. TO LET Storeroom with cellar, 320 Liberty St., ;iic75 feet In the clear, extending through to Third av. Farms To Let. r LET Farm IS acres on Brownsville road, Baldwin township. Hi miles from Southsidc, Pittsburg: one minute's walk from electric cars; suitable for gardener or dairyman; good lare honse and stable. Bemmelrock Bros., 1720 Car son st. Miscellaneous To Lets. TO LET You know that we tune, repair and re pollsh pianos and organs In a first-class man ner and at reasonable cbarces; we will call on parties wanting anything doue in above line and five estimates. Address A. A. Zweldlnger, 533 mlthfield St., cltv. rpo LET-Seeond and third floors 611 Smlthfleld X St. Inquire Maltby's Oyster Depot. TO RENT. OFFICES IN Hamilton Building. (Most desirable Offlco Building In the city.) Elegant Front Suite. Finest in City, Ons fully fnrnlshed ofllce, 30x65 feet, sec ond floor, rear; elegant light; every con venience. Also, a few choice offices, with fireproof vaults, etc., etc.; single or In suites. Offices as low as S150.INCLUDING EVERY THING. Inquire at OFFICE, first floor, 91 and 03 Fifth ave., city. jal3-24rrs TTNlTARtAN PUBLICATIONS FREE U Address Miss Mary Lyman, 19 Oakland Square, Pittsburg. 1a 12-43 AUCTION SALE. BRUCE & SHIELDS, Attorneys. Fifth avenue and Grant street. ORPHANS' "COURT SALE. ON PENN AVE -AND- Large Stable Property in the Rear, On Northeasterly Corner of Penn Avenue and Barker's Alley, Fourth Ward, Pittsburg. In re estate of Benjamin Trimble.deceascd, at No. 136 of November term, 1891, or the Or phans' Court of Allegheny county. By virtue of an order of the said Orphans' Court at said number and term, the under signed as trnsteo and administrator, d. b. n. c. t. a., of the estate of said Benjamin Trim ble, win expose the following; property at PUBLIC SALE On the premises, Nos. 623 and 625 Penn ave nue, Pittsburg, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1892, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. That certain real estate situate in the Fourth ward of the said city of Pittsburg, consisting of two lots or pieces of ground, as follows: First On tho northeasterly cornerof Penn avenue and Barker's alley: frontlnc forty (40) feet on Penn avenue, and running back northwardly along; said alley, preserving the same width, one hundred and twenty (120) feet to an alley ten (10) feet wide. Second On the eastwardly side of Bark er's alley, at the distance of one hundred and thirty (130) feet from Penn avenue, thenco extending northwardly one hundred and sixty (160) feet, thence eastwardlv, par allel with Penn avenue, fifty-three (53) feet three (3) inches, thenco southwardly one hundred, and sixty (160) feet to an alley ten (10) feet wide, thence westwardlv along said alley fiftv-three (53) feet three (3) inches to Baker's alley. On which thero is erected a large four storied brick hotel building forty (40) fcot front by one hundred ana twenty (120) feet in derttli nnd n large stable and cow market. TERMS OF SALE To be 5 per cent of tho amount of the bid when the property is knocked down; one-third cash on delivery of deed, (the 5 per cent paid down being part tueieof) and the balance In' two equal an nual payments, with interest at 6 per cent per annum from date of confirmation or sale, evidenced by common bond, secured by mortgajio on the premises, with CO-clay scl fa. insurance and attornev's commission clauses, OK ALL CASH, AT THE OPTION OF THE PURCHASER. JAMES P. QUINN, Trnstee and Administrator, d. b. n. c t. a. Office Fifth avenue and Grant street, third floor over drug store. Jal0-90-10,16.22,23,:4-26-27-28 J. A. LANGFITT, Attorney at law, Xo. 110 Diamond street, Pittsburg, Pa. ASSIGNEE'S SALE IN RE. VOL. ASSIGN MENT of Rankin Manufacturing Com pany. In the Court of Common Pleas No. 1, of Allegheny county. No. 561 June term, 1811. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of court made nt above numbor and term, tho undersigned, assignee of said com pany, will sell at public Mile on the premi ses, in tho Sixth ward of Alleeheny City, Thursdav. February IS; 1892, at 10 o'clock a. r the following real estate, known as the Knox street coal yard and bounded and described as follows, viz: All those four (4) contiguous lots of ground upon which Is a two-story brick and frame house beginning on the east sidH of Hill street, at corner of lot number 153, in plan hereinafter mentioned, running easterly along lot number 153, ono hundred and one (101) feet to pointy or lino of Pittsburg. Ft Wayne and Chicago Railway, thence along said railway line southeasterly twenty ciaht (23) feet more or less to a ten (10) foot alley, thence alons line of said alley south erly fifty-eight (53) feet two (2) inches to Une of lot number 14S in said plan, thence along said lot westerly one hundred and twenty (120) feet to Hill street, thence along Hill street northerly eighty (80) leet to placo of beeinning. Being lots numbered 119, 150, island 152 in plan of lots by Assignee Zachariah Gillespie, recorded in Plan Book vol.5, page 223, in the Recorder's offlco In Allegheny county. Also lot in samo ward, beginning at a point formed by lnterrection of line of afore said railway and the easterly line of a ten (10) foot alloy aforesaid, thence along said nlley line southerly forty-eight (48) feet eight (8) inches mora or less to a point at which tho dividing line between said lots 143 and 119 would, if protracted, intersect said nlley line, thence easterly by a lino parallel with said dividing line forty-eieht (43) feet more or less to line of said railway, thence northwesterly along said railway line sixty eight (68) feot cloven (11) inches more or less tolineof said ten (10) foot alley at place of beginning. Being :i triangular piece or gronn a com prising parts of lots numbered 140, 141 and 142 in plan aforesaid. All of said property bclnc tlio some conveyed to said Rankin Manufacturing Company by Robert Wilson and wife by deed dated February 10,1390, nnd recorded as aforesaid in Deed Book vol. 6S3, page 381, and the same which the said Rankin JIannfacturins Company by deed of assignment dated April 9, 1891, recoi ded as aforesaid In Deed Book vol. 772, pago 90, con veyed to A. E. McCune, Assignee. Said described property will be sold sub ject to the mortgace of the Standard Build- msr ana loiiii Association oi .Aiiegncny uity. Terms, $100 cash on day of sale, Dnlance on dolivervofdeed. A.E. McCUNE, jaJ3-38-TU Assignee. AUCTION SALE-FURNITURE, CAR PETS, piano, notions, TUESDAY, Jan uary 26, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms oi tne uenry .auction ix.( - ana zo Ninth street. Fine chamber suites in oak and walnut, wardrobes, chiffoniers, desks, bookcasos, couches, chairs and rockers, fine. Steinway pianoforte, parlor snltes uphols tered in tapestry, rugs, plush and haircloth, fancy chairs and tables, pictures, clocks and ornaments, sideboards, ext. tables, leather chair, springs, mattresses, pillows and bol sters, etc.; big lot of elegant carpet?, both new and second-hand, lace curtains, dishes, kitchen furniture, lot of wall paper mid border, notions and drygoo'ls. Sale positive. HENRY AUCTION CO.. ja2i-133 Auctioneers. C. H.- WEINHAUS, AUCTIONEER, 532 SMITI1FIELD ST. Sales of merchandise at store and residences promptly attended to. Cash advances made on all consignments. ja!3-13 EDUCATIONAL. w EW RAPID PHONOGRAPHY AND tvnfiwritlntr and comnlete business course taucht at Park Institute, 204 North ave., Allegheny. New. term opens Novem ber 9. Evening sessions. Catalogues and Journal to any address free. au20-rrs LEVI LTJDDEN. A, M.. PrlnoipaL CONNER & BEST, XSea.1 Estate Asents, No. 6 and 7 Sixth avenue, corner Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. (Actual Busi ness College Building.) Tbe most competent and reliable real es tate agents in the cltv. Satisfaction guar anteed. Properties placed in onr hands to be bonght, sold, rented or otherwise dis posed of will receive onr undivided atten tion until a satisfactory disposition of them is made. We solicit the patronage of the public generally. Jal7-160-irwsu Steel Stamps, IRis-Tober Sta.-m.ps, Seal Presses, Ssc. W. A. Bunting, 20 Fifth Ave. Jal-TTS smnsro us Your Name 'and Address AltD HAVB LIST OF HOUSES AND STORES MAItED YOU. D. EEHEN & SOfJ, 4113 PENN AV., 516 MARKET ST. We make the renting of houses a special feature., Penn ay. ofllce open, till 9 r.-x. Ja22-58-WTSU CHOICE PROPERTIES. STOCK FARM, 485 ACRES. One of the best farms for this purpose In Western Pennsylvania, having thereon a large brick house containing eight roums. all large, with inclosed lawn of two acre's, sloping from house to public road, and t!i finest frame barn In the county, sire 6Cx: also TWO LARGE SHEEP BARNS. Every field on farm has a running 9prin:r of excellent water. Everything is in No. 1 repair. TWO HOURS' RIDE FROM CITY. Inquire of ' J. H. COLEMAN & CO., jalOrrsu 6212 Penn av., E. E., Pittshurs. FOR SALE. ' Bids will be received until FEBRUARY 15. 1892. forthe SEWER PIPE WORKS And manufactured pipe on hand, of the Penn'a. ManTg., Mining & Supply Co., at TORONTO, OHIO. The company reserve the right to reiect any and all bids. Address all communica tions to JOHNS. DAVISON.Treas.. P.O. Box 734 Pittsburg. Pa. - Jal7-2i5-TTSSu 155 IMS St, AlleEtaj. Three-story brick dwelling, 12 rooms, bath, ranae, laundry', side entrance. Elegant lo cation. Want to sell this quick. Go and examine the premises outside and ifyo.i mean business call for card or admission. A. D. WILSON, Exclusive Agent. ja26-56-TTS 55 Federal bt., Allegheny. 'OFFICES BUILDING 121 and 123 Fourth avcue, -AT- MODERATE RENTS. de23-43-TT $4,800. $500 Cash. Balance 25 Per Month, New eight-room dwelling, hall, vestibule, slate mantels, tile hearths, inside shutters, complete electric work, bath, laundry, h. and c. water, art. and nnt. gas; lot 32x103: ono square from Duquesne line: complete in every detail. M. F. UIPrLE & CO., ja24-100-Tnsn SO Fourth av. $11,500 SHADYSIDE, Near P. R. R. station, cable and electrla lines; fine new Queen Anne dwelling, 11 rooms and reception hall (parlor, library dining-room and kitchen on first floor), hardwood mantels, tile hearths, heater, lanndry, inside shntters, w. c, electrla wired, etc.; lot 50x140: a bargain at cost. M. F. H1PPLE & CO., Ja2U01-TuThsu 96 Fonrth av. ALLEGHENY CITY. Corner property, facing the parks, with 3 story brick of 12 rooms; all possible conven iences; possession April 1; low price fot quick sale. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., IK FOURT1I AVE. ja24-17I-TTSu Very Cheap, Only $4,300. ' Modern House 8 rooms, bath, pantry laundry, late fixtures. Location good, iu East End. (S3). W.A.HERKON& SONS. 80 Fourth avonue. jalJ-65 14,13,22,26,30 A new and desirable resi dence on Meyran avenue; 8 rooms, latest fixtures: a desirable borne. (82.) W. A. HER RON & SONS. 80 Fourth ar. Jal3-67-13,18,22,2B OAKLAND. t $7,700. FOR SALE. A corner ofllce, 33x16 feet; two offices with vault connecting TO LET IN EISSELL BLOCK. 1 ono large ofllce on Smlthfleld; offices to rent. Apply Room 209, Bissel Block. Jal7-8 FAYETTE STREET LOTS For sale. Finest bnllding lots in the mar ket. SeeA.D. WILSON, 55 Federal street, Allegheny. Ja2C-55-rra STEAiHTtS AND KXCUSION3. TEAMSU1P TICKETS TO AND FROM all parts of Europe, drafts, money or ders, cable transfers and foreien coin at low est New York rates. MAX SCHAMBEUG CO., No. 527 Smithflold St., Pittsburg, Pa. Es tablished in 18W. selOrra AMERICAN LINE. Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia nnd Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for all classes nnourpassed. Tickets sobl to ana from Great Britain and Ireland. Nor way, Sweden, Denmark, etc. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO.. General agents, 205 Walnnt St., Philadelphia. Full information can be had of J. J. MC CORMICK, C30 Smithfleld street. LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smlthfleld street. mh8-4-TTs CUNARD LINE-NEW YORK AND L1VEK POOL VIA QUEENSTOW.N-Frora Pier 43 .n orin ruver. j ast express man ccrvicu. Etrnrla. Jan. 30,50 a.m, Anranla, Feb. (i, 1 d. m, TJmhrla. Fcb.lS,5:30a.m, Serria. Feb. 20, 11 a. m, Etrnrla. Feb. 27. 5 a. m. Aurania, Mch. 5, II a. m. Umbrla, Mch. 12. 5 a. in. Serrla. Mch. 19. 9 a. m. Extra steamers Bothnia, Wed., Feb. 10, P-P- liauia, nea.. reo. n. Cabln pawaso, JM anil upward, according to lo cation: second cabin, l. Steerage tickets lo aud from all parts of Europe at verv low rates. . For freight anil passage apply to the comoinv's office. 4 Bowline Ureen. New York. VF.KNON II. BROWN ft CO.. General Agents, or CHARLES P. SMITH. Third av. and WuoJ it.. Agent for Pitts burg, Pa. Ja23-D WHITE STAR LINE For Queenstown and Liverpool. Royal and United States Mall steamers. Britannic, Jan. 27, 3 pm I Brttanntc,Feb 34,5:30pm Majestic, Feb. 3. 10 am iMaJestlc.Mar.2. 8:10 am Adriatic, Feb. 10. 3 p m j Germanic, Mar. 9. 3 p m Teutonic. Feb. 17, 9 am Teutonic, Mar. 16. 8 m From White Star dock, foot of West Tenth st. New York. Second caoin on these steamers. Saloon rates, t0 and upward. Second cabin 35 and $40. Excur sion tickets on favorable terms, bteerage, from or to old country, $20. White Star drafts payable on demand In all the principal banks throughout Great Britain. Apply to JOHN J. MCCOR51ICK. KO Smlthfleld street. Pittsburg, or H. MAITLAND KERSEY. Gen eral Agent. 29 Broadway, N ew York. Ja20-D ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. GLASGOW TO PHILADELPHIA. Via Derry and Galway. Tho molt direct route from Scotland and North and Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, 313. ?T4TF) Service of I IMC ALLAX LESE LINE j STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. Via London every Fortnight. .Tan 29. State of Nebraska, S A. M. CABIN, $40. Second class $25. Steerage. Sli Apply to J. J. McCORMICK, 033 Smithfleld Btreet, Pittsburg. no25J3-D Norddeutseher Lloyd Steamship Company. Fast Line of Express Steamers New York to bonthampton (London), Bremen. SPRING SAILINGS. 1392. Ems, Havel, Saale, Lahn, Elder. "Spree, Sat.. Tnes., Sat.. Tues,, April IlEIbe. Wed., May Is Atiril Alter, oat., aiay zi April 9 Aorll 12 April 16 Trave. lues.. Mav 24 tsu.. Havel, Saale. Lahn, fclder. Sat.. May 28 SKI,, Tnes., May Jl Tues., April 19 Wed., April a) uat.. Tues., rfune 4 June 7 June II tlDB. Aller, April 23 sst.. Trave, Tues., Ems, hat., Havel, Tues., Aprils April 30 May 3 May 7 May 10 Mar 14 May 17 UbT- Tues., June 14 Wed., June 15 Aller. bat June IS Saale, Lahn, Elder. Sat.. Trave. Tnes, Jnne 21 June 25 Tues., tat.. Tues., una. HareL Sat. Tnes.. June 23 Sat., July 1 Spree, saale. Time from New Yore to Southampton, "4 days. From Southampton to Bremen. 24 or 30hour. From Southampton to London, by Southwestern Railway Co.. 2j hours. Trains every hour In tho summer season. Railway carriages for London await passengers in Southampton Docks on arrivtl of express steamers from New York. These itramers are welt known for their speed, comfort and excellent culs'ne. MAX SCHAMBKRO ACO.. 527 SmlthSeld St.. LOUIS MOSEK. SUSmlthneld St.. J. F. ERNY. Cashier German Savings and Dep, Brnk. Ajtents for Pittsburg- nxan . j -few urit s'4,a