MSBSSBSi "wsrwi ;m ?r'nviwFa85p: VB8j" JMljH It?' V t -. t J-- ----7 . . . 10 THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1892. BswiW33BWGfBvQcvnv ijiuimi i iiMW7rjTMMaTirnMBrjrjT RUGGWiSCOPICIKD. Many Citizens' Traction Men Figure in the Criminal Court TWO COXDUCTOES WERE OK TRIAL. Owners of Oil Territory Are Kicking on the Assessments. TESTEEDAT IX THE COUNTY COURTS 'in Criminal Court yesterday employes f the Citizens' Traction Company figured extensively among the defendants. J. E. Rugs, Superintendant of the Citizens' Com pany, pleaded no defense to a charge of maintaining a nuisance. The nuisance coni plained of consisted of keeping horses stand, ing on Penn avenue opposite the power house and interfering with travel on the street The horses were used in hauling cars over the vault where cars change cables. Ir. Eueg was sentenced to pay the costs in the case and abate the nuisance within 90 days. H. H. Hart, a conductor on the Cnizens Traction Company's line, was tried lor as sault and battery on William Kobmson. Hart threw Robinson from his car and broke the latter's leg. Hart maintained that Robinson was drunk and disorderly and he had to eject him. Robinson fell when he put him off and hisleg wasbroken. Hart was acquitted. R. a Sell, another conductor on ths Citizens' Traction Company's line, was tried for assult and battery on Dennis O'Connor. Sell had ejected O'Connor from the car more forcibly, it was claimed, than was necessary. Sell was found guilty and fined W and CEdward Wendell was tried foracgravated assault and batterv on Police Captain James S. Bell, of Allegheny. On Christinas a fisht occurred in a billiard hall on Beaver avenue. Wendell was arrested by Captain Bell for participating in "l,.""!, it was al leged, while he wa making the arrest, Vendell assaulted him. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty and placed I the costs on the prosecutor, Captain Bell. The Court, however, set aside that portion of the ver dict imposing the costs on Captain Bell, stating that in instituting the proceedinss hehadbeenactinsin the discharge of his duty as a police officer. . "Werner was tried on a charge ol aid inc and abetting a dog fight in McCandless township August 23. The information was made bv Agent O'Brien, of the Humane Society: John Robb, a millman ot Mc Candless township, a witness jn the case, re- a ..- c-nmo mipctfnns nut to llim. j t a -du.k nf nntP rnmmittea tlllB XO BDQUUgBlwiw . ; - ii ail for contempt ol coun- nouu uau y.. his willingness to testify. He was then or- dered into couri, vucic o,...--.. swered all questions pnt to him. He was then allowed to go, Werner was found not guilty, . . , tt Lorenz Martini and Andrew Honey schuck, who pleaded guilty to assault and battery, were each sentenced 60 days to the workhonse. . . , Sebana Steel, a teamster, is on trial on a charge of the larceny of some oil well sup plies from M. J. Feely. BLASTED HEE AFFECTIONS. Bad Tale or John Ljtle.Hls Domestic and Their Love. The suit of Miss Mary Rupert against John Lytle is on trial before Judge Slowe. The case is an action for damages for alleged breach of promise of marriage. The parties reside in the Eleventh ward, and Lytle is a clerk in the City Assessor's office. The plaintiff is represented by Attorney Briel and Messrs. Moore and McGirr appear for the defendant. Miss Rupert's story is that for a year and a half she was engaged as a domestic in the house of Lytle's father. While there Lytle, the defendant, she says, promised to marry her, and under that promise succeeded in betraying her. He afterward refused to keep his promise. Miss Rupert, the plaintiff, is a good looking voun? woman and was accompanied in court by a bright little child of three or iour vears. She was the onlv witness on the stand yesterday and detailed her story. An agreement releasing Lytle from his en gagement to her and signed bv the plaintifl was put in e-iiJence. Miss Rupert, how ever, testified that Lytle had induced her to sign the paper while in an ice cream saloon, and when she signed it she did not know its contents. He would not let her iao it nnd she surmoced it was a note or some such instrument. The case is still on trial FIGHTING FOE HIS SAIAEY. Jacob Needy Enters Suit Against His Late Partner's Kcirs. Jacob Xeedy yesterday filed a bill in equity against Mary Smith, G. F. Smith, Jr., and Louis L. Smith, executors of Georse F. Smith, deceased. The plaintiff states that he and Smith entered into part nership in 1878 in the business of buying and selling live stock. Smith furnished the money and Xeedythe experience, etc. They were to share equally, and Seedy received 52,r00 a year for his services. The money was deposited in the name of G. F. Smith. Upon the death of Smith, on January 10, 1891, the firm owned $18,000 worth of prop erty in Allegheny, had accountsdue amount ing" to 515,000 and debts amounting to 4,000. Ifeedy had drawn some money from the profits, "but had never taken his salary. Smith's executors now have pos session, it is stated, and refuse to recognize Needy as a member of the firm. They have retained all the money, etc., and also issued execution against Needy for 5,000 on a note held against him by Smith. Xeedy now asks for an accounting, the ap pointment of a receiver and that the execu tion be stayed until there is a settlement Owners of OH Lands Are Kicking. The County Commissioners, acting as the Board of Revision, yesterday heard appeals from the assessments made in Forward, Leet, McCandless, Pine and South "Ver saiUes townships. There was but a small number of appeals and none were of much moment. In McCandless township there were eight appeals and all were from the assessment on oil well derricks, boilers, en pinesj etc Acting on the advice of County Solicitor Geyer the oil well apparatus had been assessed to the owners of the land. The appcahfare by them, and they insist on the oil well property beini; assessed to the lessees of the land" and the real owners of the property. The board haS referred the subject to the County Solicitor and will act on his advice. From the other townships there were but a few scattering appeals. In most of these districts the board has al lowed the assessments made bv the asses sors to stand, as they we're considered a fair assessment. To-day appeals will he heard from Edgewood, Beltzhooyer, Brushton and Millvale boroughs. Bonds That Bind Too Tljntly. A. W. Duff yesterday filed the divorce suit of Elizabeth J. Delaunay, by her next friend, Marie Duchesne, against Jules Dj launay. They were married October 17, 1874, and separated in April, l&'JL It is charged that Delaunay was unfaithful, and Belle Lamont and May Howard are named as co-respondents. In consequence Mrs. Delaunay wants a divorce from bed and board with alimony. To-Days Trial List. Common Picas No. 1 Gallagher vs Phila delphia Company: Keynof&s vs Cridge; Me Creery vs Kevere Coke Company; Clark vs Liddell; Moore vs Liddell; llundorf & Co. vs Goff'et al; Kent vs N. P. Reed A Co. (2); Maxwell vs McKeescort Passensrer Railroad J Company: McDonougU vs O'Donnelli admin istrator; Aiurrav vs ciryoi rittsourg: lien dervscity or Pittsburg; Beso vs city of Pittsburg. Common Pleas No. 2 Flinnvs Waupliter etal; Gilbert vs SlcKcespoit boroush; Wat son s &ame: Luderick v Versailles town ship: Pier, receiver, v Manning: Noble vs How ley & Son; Seheffceus vs Hockbein: Kreiter A Co. vs. Phtllis; Mairs & Co. vs Howard: Hayden vs Kohler; East Trenton Pottery Couinauy ys Elemzlnz. Common Pleas No. 3 Dougherty vs Miller; Stillnaenn vs Kazan; Gnndlacli etal vs Eschesche: Morton vs Hartley A Marshall; Louelirey vsPost Printing and Publishing Company; Gcimenlinrdt vs Ltndei; Fislicr Foundry and Macbino Company vs Boston Iron and Steel Company. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Henry Deuiren (2), Andrew Stevenson, Mike Maloy, D. W. W lie, Charles D. Little. Silas Simp con, John Robinson (2), August Danner (2), John McCarthy, Frank Hamilton, alias Ho--ack, David Miller, Abe Lenson, Cbarles Lovendoskle, William Depky, Burble Crow, Louis Bopp, E. W. Powers, James Hender son, Jobn McMichael, Augusta Lareber, William E. Smith. Minor Court Whisperings. A divokce was granted yesterday In the case of Jennie E. O'Connor against Michael O'Connor. Desertion w as the allegation. Ix the snit or H. E. Douglass and wlfa ag?inst James 3Inckle, an action for rent, a verdict was given yesterday for $251 for the plaintiff-. William Watsox yesterday issued an exe cution asainst A. A. Shoemaker for $542 25. Isac J. Shoemaker also issued an execution aiainst tbe same person for $742 30. The s-nit of William Craig against Geoixe P. Ivatz, for damaies for alleged slander, is on trial bctoro.Tudse Ewtne. Craig alleges Ivatz made remarks reflecting on Craig's honesty, etc. I:.-the case of David Donaldson against Jacob Kelly for dimages for alleged slander in saying tbat Donaldsoji set fire to a house, a verdict was civen yesterday for $300 for the plaintiff. It -n as the fourth trial of the chsc. George H. Metes and K. S. McGeagU yes terday filed a petition in court asking that the ordinance passed November 30, 1891, for the opening of Iowa street from Her ron avenue to the property of S. Ewart, be quabhed. Ix the suits of Frank Hemmings and his daughter Elenora, against Bellovue borough for damages for injuries to the daughter caused bv a fall on a boardwalk, verdicts, weie given yesterday for $187 30 for the father and $1,000 for the daughter. Is the suit of Thomas S. Bigelow against the Pittsburg and Dnqnesne Traction Com panies to have the consolidation of the two companies, or lease, set aside as illegal, the plaintiff yesterday issued a rule on the de fendants to pleadj answer or demur within 33 dajs or1 judgment would bo taken In de lault. FELL IN THE HOLE THEMSELVES. A Business Meeting Held in the Sharon Church on Sunday. There was a quiet sensation in the Sharon Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The pas tor, Rev. Mr. Mercer, preached an eloquent sermon on the duty of supporting foreign missions. He reminded his hearers that the giver of all good had abundantly blesseuthe labor of the husbandman and that it was as little as he conld do to come to the front with the Lord's tithe of the gross receipts. The sermon was well re ceived, but at its close the pastor called attention to the defective condition by the heating apparatus of the church and the necessity that prompt attention be given to a remedy. He further said he would be one of 25 to give 512 to have new heaters put in and that in case of fire under their present condition the insurance on the church would be invalid. The suggestion was well received and the congregation at once resolved itself into a business meeting to consider ways and means to remedy the situation. All weftt veil until one member arose and said there was no need to discuss business matters on Sunday. He continued by stating that no action tsken at that time vronld tend to pre vent fire and that the trustees of the church ha 1 plenary power to act in the premises without special authority conferred on Sun day. About this time it seemed to dawn on the congregation that the objecting member was gently rubbing them up for incon sistency, considering the protest they had entered against oil well pumping on Sun day, and an adjournment was promptly taken, the objector emphasizing his protest by the declaration that from past experi ence the trustees had no reason to suppose that the congregation would not endorse any proper action they might take. JUSTICE PUT HIM TO SLEEP. Couldn't Carry His Clothes and a Jag So He Discarded the Former. A man apparently GO years of age and al most helplessly intoxicated, walked into the Ross street entrance to the Court House yesterday afternoon and created consider able excitement by partly disrobing and lying down lor a sleep. He first made an attempt to openthedoor of the elevator shalt, and failing in this he took off his overcoat and coat and vest Throwing them on the floor he sat down upon them and took off his shoes, then laid down for a sleep. Special Officer Hartigan appeared and after considerable trouble compelled him to dress and get out. About 50 people witnessed his actions. A Big Regular Army. The mightiest host of this sort is the army of invalids whoso bowels, livers an4 stom achs have been regulated by 'Hostctter's Stomach Eitters. A regular habit of body is' brought about through using the Bitters.not by violently" agitating and griping the in testines, but by reinforcing their energy and causing ft flow of the bile into its proper channel. Malaria, la grippe, dyspepsia and a tendency to inactivity of the kidneys, are conquered by the Bitters. A Good Letter. Persons troubled with colds or the grip will find some pointers in the following let ter from a prominent Pennsylvania drug gist: Braddock, Pa., Oct 26, 189L, Messrs. Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, la. Gentlemen You will please ship me soon as possible one gross Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Out of the 60 dozen you have shipped me in the last two" years I have only one dozen and a half left I think from the sales to date this fall that our sales this winter will be greater than ever. It gives me pleasure to say that out of the whole amount that I have sold and guaranteed I have not had one customer say that it did not give all the relief claimed for it Yours truly, ttsu At Magginl EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, . C, Tia the R. & O. E. R., Thursday, January 28. Rate 50 the round trip. Tickets good for ten days. Trains leave B. & O. station at 8 A. M.'and 9:20 r. si. Through Pullman parlor cars on the morning train and sleepers, on the night train. Kkatjse's Headache Capsules, un like many remedies, are perfectly harmless, thev contain no injurious substance, and will stop any kind of a headache, will pre vent headaches caused by over indulgence in food or drink late at night. Price 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. wfsu Dresses. This week we will offer some rare bar gains in ladies' drts-es. Paucels & Jones, twf 29 Fifth avenue. IlKAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIM. 01 Smithficld Street, Cor. Tonrth Avenue. Capitol, 5100,000. Surplus, 575,000. Deposits of 51 and upward received and interest allow ed at 4 per cent us Short Time Only. Your picture free and handsomely framed given away with every dozen. Cab'inets 51 by Hendricks & Co., No. 68 Federal street, Allegheny. OUTPUT GOING DOWN. No Big Wells Completed toKeep the , ' Production Up. . GAS STRUCK ON THE MILLER FARM. The Ewinj TCel!, in Northeast ITcCurdy, Tilled With Oil. THE KORTH PENN TO BE W&S0LTE& The production of the McDonald field dropped to 30,500 barrels yesterday, and as there were no, wells of any consequence brought in. 'it is probable that it will be lower for to-day. The stock in the field is also down to 67,000 barrels. Guffey & Queen's No. 2 on the Wctmore farm, was making 90 barrels an hour strong yesterday.. Until Saturday it had averaged between 3,"300 and 3,500 barrels of oil a day. Guffey, Murphy & Galey'a No. 2, on the A. "Wettengel farm, back of Noblestown, reached the fifth sand yesterday morning and will make about a 100-barrcl a day well from the Gordon and the fifth. Their No. 3 on this farm should be in the fifth sand this afternoon. Guffey & Queen's No. 1 on the Samuel "Wetmore farm is in the Gordon sand and has a good showing of gas. The Forest Oil Company's No. 8 on the Hcrron farm, jnst west of Noblestown, was 20 feet in the fifth sand yesterday after noon, and had made one six-inch flow. The same company's No. 1 Sam Sturgeon or "hurry-up," northeast of Oakdale is in the sand and m3kine about 240 barrels a day. They have finished a rig for No. 2 on tbe'-Agnes Kemp farm, also for No. 2 James Walker, and are rigging up at the Jane MoVey No. 1, Jane McGill No. 4 and No. 5 John McD. Glenn. The 'Walker Well Is OIT. Galey Bros.' No. 1, on the "Walker farm, southwest 1,000 feet from Guffey & Queen's No. 2 "Wetmore, had averaged 22 barrels an hour for the 38 hours ending yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. This well came in Saturday, and for the first few hours made 40 barrels an hour. , The "Wheeling Gas Company has shot its well on the Coox lot, near the railroad sta tion at McDonald, in the fifth sand. It has not been cleaned out, and an estiraateof its improvement cannot be made. They in tend to shoot it in the Gordon this week. The same company is fishing for the tools at i,ow leet in its jso. loorueau, aim ul xiu. 3 Moorhead they are fishing for a bailer at 1,300 feet. Their well on the John George farm near Primrose, is down 1,500 feet. The Roval Gas Companv's No. 2 on the Moore farm at Venice is down 1,200 feet Their No. 2 on the Barnett farm, located one mile south of the Moore, is drilling at 900 feet The same company's No. 2 on the 3'atterson farm, located 2,000 feet south of the Moore, is through the Gordon and fourth sands, with a very light showing of oil in each. They are each being drilled to the fifth sand. The Northfield Oil Company, which is the producing end of the Royal Gas Com pany, has abandoned its No. 2 on the Saut ers & Patterson property, ith the tools stuck in the hole at 1,700 feet They are moving the rig and are putting down a new hole. Strong Gasser on the Sillier. McConnell & Co. have struck a strong pressure of gas in the 50-foot at their well on the Dr. Miller farm, a mile south of Laurel Hill. They have been unable to drill owing to the gas. The Illinois Oil Company shot its well on the blacksmith lot back of McDonald sta tion and it responded with a nice flow. The People's Gas Company has slightly im proved its No. 129, on the Miller farm, by shooting. Kennedy, Thompson & Co.'s well, on the Elmira lot, is down and good for 80 barrels a dav. Greenlee & Forst's Nos. 4 and 5, on the Miller property, are each down 900 feet Kemp & Co.'s No. 3 "Wade, is making 100 barrels a day. The well on the school house reserve property is in the Gordon sand. Westhead & Co. are drilling on top of the fifth sand on the McFarland property. Todd & Co. have commenced to rig up at the Elliott trestle. The Banner Oil Company expects to reach the Gordon sand to-day at its' No. 1, on the Elliott farm, west of developments. The Real Estate Oil Company's No. 1, on the Real Rstate property in McCurdy, should be in the filth to-day. They have started to spud in No. 2. "W. P. Rend's No. 1. on the J. D. Seuters farm, a mile south of the "W. B. Moorhead No. 1, is being spudded in. Gnckert & Steele's No. 1 on the Burchi nal lot at "Willow Grove is through the fifth, and good for 50 or 60 barrels a day. It will probably be put down to the fifth. Patterson & Jones' No. 3 Shaffer in south west McCurdy is in and making about 12 barrels an hour. Robison & Stewart's No. 1, on the Mc- 'Cloy farm, in northeast McCurdy, may be unueu ueeper iulu me canu 10-aay, as me tank which they are building at the well is almost completed. This well is eight feet in the sand. Rohison's well, on the Ewing farm, 500 feet to the west, which was .a strong gasser just on top of the sand and was shut down, has filled up with oil. Will Absorb the North Fenn. The North Penn Oil Company, which has been under the management "of Mr. Ed wards, with headquarters at "Warren, Pa., for several years, is soon to be merged into the Union and the Midland Oil Companies. The deal is to be consummated about Feb ruary 1. A large block of territory and manv producing wells are owned by the North Penn, and this will be about evenly divided between the Union and the Midland. Mr. McKinney, of the Midland, who lives in Titusville, will have charge of the property in the vicinity of "Warren, Pa. Thirty-Five Barrels an Hour. Xate last evening information was re ceived in Pittsburg to the effect that Ken nedy, Fitzgibbons & Bolts' No. 6, on the Moore farm, located in southwest McCurdy, had reach the fifth sand and was making 35 barrels an hour. The Moore farm is just west of the Leonard Shaffer and south of the "Wright farm. The well brought in yes terday does not open up any great extent of new territory. The Hourly Gauges. Guffey, Jennings & Co. No. 3 Matthews, 35; No. 2 Herron, SO; No. 2 Matthews heirs, 25; Oakdale Oil ComDany's Nos. 2 and 3 Bald win, 85; No', l and 2 Wallace, 35; Kelso No. 5, Patterson & Co., 20; Kelso No. 3, 40; Devonian Oil Company's 1 and 2 Boyce, 05; Morgan heirs' No. 2, Oakdale Oil Company, 35; Sam Sturgeon 1 and 2, Guffey, Galey & Murphy, 35; Forst & Greenlee's Nos. 5 and 6 Gamble," 25; Koyal Gas Companv's No. 2 M. Robb, 30; Guffey, Qneen & Co. s Nos. 1 and 2 Wetmore. 1U0; Giley Bros.' No. I Walkei , 25. Estimated production, 30,500; stock in field, 67,000. Runs for Friday. National Transit Company runs, 31,067: shipments, 65,-tOO: Macksburg Pipe Line Com pany runs, 190; Buckeye Pipe Line Company runs, 32,125; shipments, 19,905; Eureka Pipe Line Company runs, 6,21b; shipments, 2,410; Southern Pipe Line Company, shipments, 15,355; Southw estorn Pennsylvania Pipe Line runs Irom McDonald for Saturday. 31 137 otitide of McDonald, 1,631; runs for Friday 32,815. " YeUcrdny's Market IVatnres. There were no new developments, and trading was light. The close was c below the opening. February option started at 6iJic, which was high watermark, declined and closed at 62Jc. Beflned at Antwerp was maiked down to 1GM. Dailyavera"e runs, 89.090: daily average shipments. 71,590. Oil City, Jan. 25 National Transit ceiti flcates opened at 62c; highest, 62c; lowest, 62;ic; closed, Cic; tales, 15.C0O baneis: clear ances, oj,ooo barrels; shipments, US.S81 bar rel: runs. 337 816 barrels. Bradford, Jan. 25. National Transit certi ficates opened at ti2c: closed, 62i.c: highest, 6Mc: low est, 6254c; clearances, 42,000 barrels. jcw York, Jan. 25-Petrolenm opened weak on a small liquidating sale, but alter innnlnir fhnrA trot nn flnntnnhnna .., .i.A price remained unchanged until the close, V j J3- j. i - v . . !, r, il'X'K- Sfc"- " . , I JT-Ar which was dnll and featureless.Fennsylvanla oil, spot, sales atr 6ic; February option, salei nt 620; Lima oil, no sales: total sales, 20,000 barrels. TORN BY INTERNAL STRIFE. Kicking rresbyterians "Will Not Bear a New Altur at Sharon Want to Increase Teachers' Salaries Han- the Political Complexion of the Township Was Spoiled. "When discord gets foothold in a rural community the baleful effects are more lasting than in cities, where the shifting scenery prevents morbidity. The church trouble at Sharon, Moon township, has ap parently been entirely healed, and the dis senters, Messrs. S. A. Dally and Daniel "Weigle, are reported to have concluded they can sing the one hundred and nine teenth psalm with their cousins German at the Mt Gilead U. P. Church, and the de sign of splitting off and setting up anew Presbyterian altar at Sharon has been abandoned, and neither Jansenism, Eras tianism nor even latitudinarianism are now giving any trouble, but there is an other conflict m progress very silently and of which many of-the people in the town ship are anxious to know more than crops out at present An active member of the community savs that thereis considerable dissatisfaction in some portions of the township on account of the wages of school teachers being lower than in Robinson township. They tear that the Moon schools will retrograde" if better salaries are not paid. Robinson township pavs 560 a month. He also states that the Straightout political movement last fall has unsettled the complexion ot political parties somewhat and made it difficult to form the springy battle on old lines. Uncle Sam Meauor profited by' the dissention in the Republican party and exerted himself with others to the point of securing a new elec tion district at Stoops' Ferry, and this has disturbed the equilibrum of Republicanism in the vicinity of the village of Carnot and politicians of that faith do not know how to counteract the eflect of the secession with out knowing where Philip Steenson will be found in the future. To those of the regular faith it seemed as though the fountains of the great deep had broken up when Mr. Stevenson sounded his bugle for Judge Fet terman, but they think it too ranch to ex pect that he will remain a Republican, or even a Republican, Straightout when he has a chance for anchorage" in a Straightout Democratic organization as well. Then, as some people have been taking soundings regarding feeling on the subject of making a borough out of Sharon, this has also caused nervousness. Some think the establishment of a borough means confisca tion by taxation. "While it is not at all likely that the advocates of borough govern ment will win for a time, unless the oil and gas excitement be maintained, yet there is enough in the suggestion to make conserva tives shiver and thus, though the dagger of Ehud and the sword of Gideon are sheathed and Sunday oil pumping stopped, sweet water, salubrious air and a panoramic view of three counties cannot close the gates of this Eden against the serpent who would lure the citizens of the ancient hamlet from the paths of pleasantness and peace. A WOBLD'S PAIS SCHEME. A Company Organized to Furnish Infor mation to Visitors. ' Major C. I. Wickersham, of Chicago, is in the city. He was a former Pittsburger and is well-known here. The Major is interested with several Chicago men in a scheme to furnish visitors to the "World's Fair with information. A company has been organized to secure rooms for people in advance at any of the hotels and board ing houses in any part of the city. Two exchanges have been established, one down town and the other on the fair grounds, where he patrons of the company can rest and entertain their friends. A small sum will be charged for the company's work. The Major is also interested in the Barre Sliding Railway Company, which will be operated in the midway plaisance. It will be a great novelty and will attract lots of attention. "The World's Fair will be a success," continued the Major. "I was amused at Steele Mackay, the dramatic writer. About a year ago when I asked him what he thought of the fair, he was afraid it wouldn't be a go. The Chicago people are full of bluster, and wouldn't accomplish what they promised. Now Mackay is a visitor at my home, and he grows ecstatic every time he speaks of the exposition. He is greatly pleased with the six styles of architecture displayed in the buildings." Cancer Cured. The Hutchison Cancer Hospital, Sewick ley, Pa., still continue to successfully treat all kinds of cancer by the method as adopted by the late Dr. John Hutchison, of Alle gheny, Pa. The hospital has been filled to its utmost capacity, and the cases cured have been a wonder, even to the medical profession. A few of the cases recently discharged from the hospital cured are those of James S. Carothers, "West Newton, Pa., cancer of the face; Mrs. T. A. Ballou, Louisville, O., cancer of the breast; Mr. Joseph Rider, Fallowfield, Pi, cancer of the face; R. L. McGowan, New Brighton, Pa., cancer of the face, and C. S. Young, Cookport, Pa., cancer of the lip. The cancers are all removed without the use of the knife. The cure is comparative ly painless, and when at all possible, cure is guaranteed. For further information, ad dress The Hutchison Cancer Hospital, Se wickley, Pa. TuWThsu Fire at the P. C. C. C. Yesterday at about 10 a. m. a blaze was seen in the corner show window of the P. C C. G, (Pittsburg Combination Clothing Company,) corner Grant and Diamond streets. The fire department responded quickly to an alarm sent in from box 26, but not before considerable damage was done to the large clothing stock by smoke and water. One of the firm said that the. loss would be ad justed very speedily and that they would give the public the benefit of the largest fire sale of clothing on record. 100,000 worth of ready made clothing, consisting of men's suits and overcoats and pantaloons, and boys' and chiidrens' suits very slightly damaged by smoke must be sold a't once. Not a single garment will be re served. To the Saloon and Private Trade. As the season is now at hand for ale and porter, the Straub Brewing Company take pleasure in announcing to the saloon and private trade that they are prepared to fill all orders promptly. "We also claim that our celebrated brands of "Pilsener" and "Munich" lager beer cannot be excelled by any brewers of the States. We guarantee our beer to be four and one-half months old and all our goods are made of the very best quality of hops and malt Ask the saloon trade for it or telephone No. 5038. The Steatjb Brewing Co. Corner Main street and Liberty avenue. TTS His Fame 1m Widespread. Kennedy's restaurant at No. 2 Sixth street is popular among shoppers and ladies generally who wish to get a nice lunch while downtown. Kennedy's lame as a caterer is widespread, and there are no weddings of note or social gatherings that he is not called upon to serve. His name adds so much to affairs of this kind that it is the proper thing to secure his services. TTSSU A Valuable Penn Avenue Property Is offered for sale, by order of the Orphans' Court A full description appears on third page of to-day's Dispatch, and will be found of especial interest from its ex- cellent location. James P. Quinn is ad- mimstrator and trustee. jaie.22,23,24,26,27,28 ,HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WORKS WHILE YOU SLEEP. cures pain where others Worth taking trouble to ge4 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. fVe Can't do it but are willing to pay for learning low to make as good an article as Wolff's Ache Blacking of cheap 'material sothat a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c Our. price is 20c. The retailer says the public will not pay it We say the public will, because they will always pay j fair price for a good article. To show both the trade and the public that wo want to give them the best for the least money, we will pay For above information ; this offer is open until January 1st, 1893. WOLFF & BA2STDOI.FH, Philadelphia. Plk-Ron is tho name of a paint which does work that no other paint can do. JVeu wood palntea with it looks like the natural wood when It is stained and varnished. PAINTERS lm BOILOEBS will find it profitable to investigate. All paint stores sen it. A LAUNDRY SOAP, PURE AND SANITARY. BEST POS Genera! Household Ussa OIL "WEIX SUPPLIES. J.W. M'FARLAND, 96 FOUKTH AT. - - - PITTSBURG, PA ' BROKER IN OIL PROPERTIES. ja7-51rrs M. V. TAYLOR, Tho Celebrated ALLISON TUBING AND CASING ALWAYS IN STOCK. Rooms 35 and 36 Fidelity bnildins. Phono 707. de24-33-TT3 HAYS & iREhS, Contractors We make a specialty of building HATURAL GAS LINES JlfJO WATER MIS. Boom 410 Hamilton Building, PITTSBURG, PA. Correspondence solicited. Telephone, 51. mv2346-TTS OIL WELL JUfflT CO., 91 and 92 Water Street, EITTSBUEG, PA, noS-a-Tra-Bota STANDARD OIL CO., PITTSBURG, PA. BEAXCH OFFICES: Standard Oil Co., Wheeling, "W. Va, StandaidOilCo., Cumberland, M(L, Standard Oil Co., Altoona, Pa. Capital City Oil Co., Harrlsburs, Pa. "We manufacture for homo trade the finest grades of lubricating and illuminating oils. Our facilities are such that our statement that we furnish all oils standard for Quality evcrywheie cannot be disputed. OUR REFINED OIL LIST: Water White, 15S. Prime White, 130. standard White, 110. Ohio Losal Test. Ohio Water White Legal Test Cainadlne (red), ISO Test. Olite, 150 Test. t OUR NAPHTHA LIST: Deodorized Naphtha for varnish maters, pain tela and printers. Gas Naphtha for gas companies. Deodorized Stove Flnid for vapor stove burners. Fluid, 74 gravity, for street lamps, burn ers and torches. Gasoline, 66, 88 and 00 gravity for gas ma chines. OUR LUBRICATING OIL LIST Includes the finest brands of Cylinder, Engine and Machinery Oils. Spindle, Dynamo, 300 Mineral Seal. Neutral Oils, Miuers' Oils Wool Stocks, rirafllne Oil, Parafflne Wax. Summer and Co'd Test Black Oils. Signal and Car Oils. Mica Axle Grease, Railroad and 21111 Grease und Arctic Cup Grease. Where it is more convenient, you may order from our Branch Offices, from which points deliveries will he made. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, Cor. Duquesne Way and Eighth Street, ja3-M5.p PITTSBURG. PA jf W00D5S II Penetrating W PLflSTIR 5J Reward AMffiluiv F.A1LKOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in ejtkct December a, lsai. Trains will leavo Union Station, PitUbors', as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN LINE EASHVAKD. Pennsylvania Limited of Pullman Vestibule Cars dally at 7:15 a. m., arriving at Harrlsbargatl:55 D. m. . Philadelphia at 4: p. m.. New York 7:00 p.m., Baltimore 4:40 p. m., Washington 55 Keystone Express daily at 1:3) a.m., arriving at Ilarrlsbnrg 8:25a. m Philadelphia 11:25 a.m.. New York 2:00 p.m. ., Atlantic Express dally atS:Sr-a.m.. arriving at Harrlsburg 10:30 a. m ., Philadelphia 1:25 p.m.. New York 3:50 p. m Baltimore 1:15 p. m.. "Washington 2:20 p. m. Harrlsburc Accommodation dally, except Sunday, 5:55 a. m.. arriving at Harrisburjc 2:50 p. m. Day Exnress daily at 8:00 a. m.. arriving at jlarrisburg 3:20 p. m.J Philadelphia 6:50 p. m New York 9:35 p. m., Baltimore 6:45 p. m., Wash injtton 8:15 p.m. Mall train Sunday only, 8:40 a. m arrives Harris burg7rfp. m.. Philadelphia 10.53 p. m. Mall Express dally at 1:00 p. marriving at Harris burg 10:30 p. m.. connecting at Harrisburg with Philadelphia Kxpress. Philadelphia Express dally at 4:30 p. m.. arriving at Ilirrlsburg 1:00 a. m., Philadelphia 4:25 a. m., and New York 7:10 a. m. Eastern Express at 7:15 p. m. dairy, arriving Har risburg 2:25a.m., Baltimore 6:J0 a.m., Wash ington 7:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 5:25 a. m. and New York 8:00 a.m. Fast TJne daily. at8:10p. m.. arriving at Harris burg 3:30 a. m., Philadelphia BO a. m.. New Yorkn.30a. m., Baltimore 6:20 a. in., "Washing ton 7:30a. m. All through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "Brooklyn Annex, " for Brooklyn, s. Y.. avoiding double ferriage and Journey through New York City. Johnstown Accom.. except Sunday. 3:40 p. m. Grcensburg Accom.. 11:30 p. ro. week-davs. 10:30 p. m. Sundays. GreensDurg Express 5:15 p. in., except Suuday. Derry Express 11:00 a. m., ex cept Sunday. "Wan Accom. 5:25. 6.00. 7:40. 8.35. 8:t0, 9:40. lOai, H:f0a.m., 12:15. 1:00, 1:50. 2:30, SMO. 4.O0, 4:. ST15. 6:00, 6:45. 7:35, 9aX. 10:20. 11:30. p. m.. 12:10 night, except Mondav. bmday. 8:10. 10.30 a. m., 12:25, 1:00, 2:30, 4:30, 5:30, 7:20, 9:3), 10:30 n. m. WilWnsburg Accom. 5:25. 6:00. 6:15, 6:45. 7:0(1. 7:25. 7:W, 8:10, 8:35. 8:50, 9:40. 10.30. 11:00. 11:10 a. m.. 12:01, 12:15, 12:30. 1:00, 1:29, J:50, 2M, 2-30. 3:15, 3:10, 4:00. 4:10. 4:25, 4:3 4:SO, 5:00. 5:15. 5:11, 5:45. 6:00. 6:20. 6:45, 7:J. 7:35, B.Z, 9.W: 9:45. 10:20. 31:00. 11:30. and 11 :10 night, except Monday, bunday. 5.30. 8:40. 10:30, a. in.. 12:25. 1:00. 1:30, 2:30. 4:30. 5:30. 7:20. 90. 9:30- 10:30 r. in. .Braddock Accom.. 5:25, 6:00, 6:15. 6:45, 7:00.7:25 7:40,8:01,8:10. 8:35, 8:50, 9:40. 10:3). j 1:00. 11:10. a. in.. 12:01. 12:15. 12j', 1:00. 1:20. 1:50, 2:00. 2:30 3:15, 3:40. 4:00, 1:10, 4 :25. 4:30, 3k 4:50. 5:00. 5:15, o:3o. 5:45. 6:00, C:29, 6:45, 7:20, 7:35. 8:23. D:C0. 9:45. 31:2", 11:00. 11:30 p.m.. and 12:1C night, except -Monday. Sunday, 5:30, 8.00, a:40, 1!):J0 a. m., "10:30 p. m. SODTH-WEST PENN KAIX.WAY. For IJnlontown. 5:25 and 8:35 a. m 1:20 and 4:25 week days. aiONONGAHEX V DIVISION 12:25, 1:00. 1:30. 2:30. 4:30. 5:30. 7:20. 9:00, 9:30. Tor Mononghela City. West Brownville an" Unlontown. 10:40 a. m. For MononganeU Cltv and West Biownsvllle, 7:15 and 10: a. ni. and 4:50 p. m. On bunday, 8:55 a. m. and 1:03 p. m. For Monongahela City only., 1:01 and 5:50 p. m. weekdays. Dravosburg accom.. 6:00 a. m. and 3:20 p. in. week days. West Elizabeth accom.. e:i a. m., 4:15, b:M and 11:35 p. m. bunday. 9:40 p.m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ON JcD AFTER NOVEMBER 16. 1S9I. Prom FEDEP.AL STKEKT &TA'110N. Allegheny For Springdale. vieek-days. 6:20. 8:25. 850. 10:40. 11:50 a. m.. 2:25. 4:19, 5:00. 5:40, 6:10. 6:20. 8:10. 10:30 and 11:40 p. m. Sundijs, 12:35 and 9:33 p. m. Tot Butler, week-days, 6:55, 8:50, 10:40 a. m., 3:15 and 6:10 p.m. Por Freeport. week-days, 6.55. 8.50, 10:40 a. m.. 3:15. 4:19. 5:40, 8:10, 10.30 and 11:40 p. m. Sundays. i?-sr and 9:30 n. m. For Apollo, week-days. 10:40 a. ni and 5:40 p. m. For Panlton and BlalrsvlUe, week-days, 6:55 a. m., 3:15 and 10:30 p.m. .JSf-The Excelsior Baggage Exnress Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences. Time cards ann full Information can be obtained at the ticket oSces No. 110 Firth ave nue corner Fourth ayeuae and Try street, and USHArE.0rUGH. J. B. WOOD. General Manager. uen'i rassr Agent. From Pittsburgh Union Station. ennsylvania Lines. Trains Ban by Central Time. NormwestSystem I'ort Wayne Koute DxrAJtT ibr Chicago, points intermediate and beyond: L30ajn.,7.10 a.m., V22Q p.m., 1.00 p.m., 8. p. ra., Ill .SO p.m. Arrive from same points : 12.05 a.m.,fl.l5 a.m., 6.00 ajn., 6.35 ajn., 6.00p.m., 6.50p.m. Depart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond: 7.10a.m.,IZ20p.m.,1.00p.m.,jn.20p.m. Arrive from same points: fl, 6.35ajn., 6.00p.m., 6.50 p.m. DzrAXT for Cleveland, points Intermediate and beyond: ftUO a.m., 7J0 a.m., fl2.45 pjn., 11.05 p.m. Arrive from same points: 650a.m., f2.15 p.m, 6.C0 p.m., t7.00 p.m. Depart for New Castle, Ene, Youngstown, Asbta. bula, points intermediate and beyond: -f7J30 a.m , fl2.20 pan. Arrive from same points: flIo p.m., tfl.00 p m. Depart for New Castle, Jamestown, Youngstown and Niles, 3.45 p m. Arrive from same points : ffl.lOa.m. Depart for Youngstown, 1Z510 pja. Arrive from Youngstown 6 50 p.m. Southwest Sy&tem-Pan Jlandleltonto Depart for Columbos, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, points intermediate and beyond: 1.20, 7.00a.m.,8.4jp.m.,11.15pjn. Arrxvs frota sam points: Z20a.m.,6.00a.m.,5.55p.m. Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermedin and beyond: lJMa.m., fl2.0op.rn. Arrive fram tame points: "iS.0 a.m., fj.05 pjn. Depart for Washington, fS 13 a. m., fS.35 a. m., fl.55p. m.,t3.S0p.m.,t4.45p.m.,t4J0p.m. Arrivi liom Washington, f6.55 a.m., 7.50 a.m., f8J)0 a.m., fl0.25a. m., tU.iop.m.,b.a5p.m. Depart for Wheeling, 7.00 a. m., 12 05 n'n., 2.46 p. m., 6.10 p. m. Arrive from Wheeling, 2.20 a.m., 8.15 a. m., 3 05 p. m , 5.55 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Pullmam Dixinq Cars run through, East and West, oa pnncipaj trains of both Systems. Tiuk Tables of Through and Local Accommoda tion Trains of either system, not mentioned above, can be obtained at 110 ritth Avenue and Union Station, Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices of the Penn sylvania Lanes West of Pittsburgh. Daily. Ex.Suuda7. Ex. Saturday. ?Ex. Monday. JOSEPH "WOOD, , E. A. FORD, Gestnl Sirsv. Gsscral Passgngsr IrraC BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Schedule In effect December 20. 1S91. Eastern tune. For Washington. D. C. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, 3.00 a. m. and 9:20 p. m. ror i;umDeriann. "6:53. '3:00. a. m., $l:10.3:20D.m. For Connellsvllle. Srsn 3:00. $3:3) a.m., $1:10, W:15, ;o:uu ana -3:;o p.. j or umontown, ?s:50. 8:no. $3:30a. m., ttilO. $1:13 and y. CO p. m. rorllt.Pleasant. tSOanil 3-00 a. ra.. $1:15. $1:15 snd $.00 n. m. 'or Washington, Pa.. 7:20and $9:30 a. in., '4:00, $4-45. "7:30 andlll:53 p. m. For Wlieellng, 7:Ju, $3:30 a. ro 4:05, 7:30 and 13 1 -.55 p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7:20 a. m.. V& p. in. For Cincinnati, 11:55 p. m. 'Saturday onty). For Columbus. 7:20a. m.. V.30 and Ul:.Vp. m. For Newark, 7:20a. ra., "7 rw and 111:53 p. m. I or Chicago, 7:I0a. m. and 7:10 p. m. Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia, Bal timore and Washington, 6:20 a. rn.. 3:fl0 p. m. Prom Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, 3:50. a. m., '3:50 p. rr. From Wheelinr, S:60, 10:45 a.m., $1:15. iSOn. m. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing ton, Cincinnati and Chicago. Dally. $Dally except dnndav. ,Snnday only. (Saturday only. Dally except Saturday. 'fhe Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check bagirage from hotels and residences upon orders left at K. & O. ticket office, corner Ilfth avenue and Wood street, or 401 and UJ fcmlthfield street. . J. T. ODELL. CIIAS. O. SCULL. General Manager. Gen. Pass. Ageat. PITTSBURG AND LAKE 2CKIE BAII.KOAB Company: schedule In effsct November 10, 1891. Central time. P. & L. K, K. K--DParir For Cleveland ,'8:00 a. m.,lo, 4:W. !?:i'i1I5: For Ci-T-lnii itl. Chicago and ht. Louis, l!. 3; r. m. For BulT-ilo. f:C0 a. m.. 4:3). 9:4.p.m. ForSalamanca. '8:00a. ro.. "l:'-0. ":P-mi Youngstown ami New Castle. COO, '8:00. 9.J'. rn.. 1:50. 4:20, "9:n. m. For Bearer ialls. 6:co, 1:00. 8:00. S:55a. m.. !. ZOO. 4-a. v-'JrE-m. For Chartlers. 1:J0. h:3i, 6:00. Wa 7:00, 7:33, -7:50, 8:53. 1:10, 9:35, lll:p. ?:1 - 1:35. 3:30, 3:43, 14:3). '4:3, 5U0, 5:3). S:0O. 19.4a, ArsS'lTO-From Cleveland. . m.. ""rtO, 6:15, 7.30 p.m. From Cincinnati. Chicago 4 8t. Louis. 6:J0 a.m.. '12:30, 7:S0p.ra. From Buffalo. 1i:?0 a. m.. i::30, 9:30 P..m. From Sala Banca, C:3J, '10:00 a. m.. 7: P-,? J Sm Youngstown and Newcastle. '8:30, '10:00 a-m.. 12:30,8:15, 7:30, 9.30 p.m. From Beaver Falls, .-.l. tins; 7:3), '10:00 a. m., 'KiSO, 1:3). -il Pm C. i Y. trains for Mansneld. J:3 a. nu, 12:10, 3:45 p. rn. Jbor Esplen and Beecbmont, ItVS a. in., 3:45 p. m. P.. C. &Y. trains from MansBeld, 7i0j. 11:53 a. m.. 3:35 p.m. From Beecbmont 7:to, llsJa.m. HaTen, '3:20, 3 p. m. For Nest cwton. '3:30, "Ara VX'Frum New Haven. -90 x. m., , '4.-05 p. m. From West Newton. 6:1j, 9:C0 a. m. '4: PFof McKecsport, Elizabeth, Monongahela City and Belle Vernon, S:K, 11 05 a. rn., 4.J0 p. ra. From Belle Vernon, Mononhela City. Eliza bdth and McKeesport, 7:40a. m., 1:20, 5XSp.m. Dallv. Sundays only. City ticket office. 639 Smlthfleld st. AT T vrn FNT VA LLEY ilATLROAD OS and after Snndav. Jane 3. 1891. trains will leave andarrtve a TUnibu station. Pittsburg, east era standarf time: Buffalo express leaves at 8:21 and 7.J3) ... 4) : arrives at 7:W a. m :s p. m. Oil a ? Silver TToobprmV East-BridVi ? .. m. Klttaanlnir-Leaves :0. Leaves at 6:55 m., 3:53, 5:30 p. m. :arrlves8:55. lorooa. m., :o P- 101). 713. 11:20 p. iTnrtv.thlrd street Arrives 3:2c Sunday trains Buffalo express Leaves ,.ie. . rrlv710 . m. I:S n. in. '.mS'tn !Un.m.: arrives 7:10 a.m.. 8:25 p.m. Emlenton Leaves 5:05 a. m.; arrives 9:15 p. m. Klttannlnc-Leaves 12:40 p. ra. : rrl 10:15 p. m-Braebuni-Leaves 9:50 p. m.J arrives 7:10 jV m. Pullman parlor buffet car on day trains and .Pull man sleeplnr car on night trains between Plttsonrc and Buffalo. Ticket offices. No. 130 Fifth avenu? and Union station. DAVID M'CABOO. GtnerK Cuperintendcnt. JAMES P. ANDEESOtt. Hji' ralisietAcent (I!l 55SJ5tAk AftSSSjafF-A SKSiia!isS' .1 i.K tf.ln wi .BrTlv S.OS xn. urxeonrni.e,r'". w,iw " ".,. a m tmo n m. VaUey Camp-Leave 10:35 a. m.. 12'-06."2-25. fl':S0p. m.: Jrlves:40 a. m.. 12:30, 2:35 i vrL iii&,.TVavess:oa. 9a0. Dm.: arrives ".J RAILROADS. piTTSBUKG AND WESTiRN BAILWAY- -i. arains iw isuu'uumaj. Mall. Eutler, Clarion, Kane Akron and Krle llutler Acccnimodatlon Leave. Arrive 8:40 am 11:30 an 7:30 a m 7rQ5 p n 9:35 a m 3:50 p n 3:10pm 9.0) an 2:00pm 12:05 pp 4:25pm 5:30 air 5:15pm 7:00 atr New Castle Accommodation .mcago Express (dally)... Zellenople and Foiburg... II ittlir Accommodation..... i 1'it-cUss fare to Cble.iro.510 So. 5coU-eU. 'i "i n '"'fTi-S ' n.'i rars tr C- ? Vi MEDICAI. 814 pinn avjsnce; PITTSBUKG, PA. Ai old residents know and hack flies nt I'ittsburg paper prove, is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in tha city, devoting special attention toallchronio proer3re-N0 FEE UNTIL CURED oponsihle MCDVnilO antl mental dis pnrsons H L n V U (JO eases, physical ile. cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi tion and hone, impaired memory, disordered sight, seir distrust, baslifnlness, dizziness. leeplcsness. p'mpies, ernption impover ished blood, failing powers, organic ve3k nesi, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting tho person lor buiness,soBlety and marriage, permanently, safely and privately ff-SiBLOOD AND SKINffiES ernptions, blotches, falling bair.bones.pnlm, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tho tongue, mouth, thi oat, ulcers, old sores, ara cured forlife, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated froml IDIM A DV kidney and the systom. UnlPittn I iblacldor de rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and real cures. Dr. WUittier's life-Ion, extensive esperl ence insures scientiflcandreliaole treatment on common senso principles. Consul tatirri fice. Patients at a distance as carefully troated as if here- Office hours, 3 a. ;t. to i r. x. Sunday, 10 a. jr. to 1 p. jr. onlv. DR, "WHITTIER, sii Penn avenue, ritt-bhrg. Pa. jaS-40-DSuwlc DR. E. C. WEST'S Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hystsrli. Dizziness. ComuL-ions, Fits, Nervous Nennlgli. Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the nss of alcohol or tolncco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression. Softening of the Brain resulting in in banlty. decay and death. Premature Old Age. Loss of Power In either sex. Involuntary I.osjes and bDormatorrbrea caused by over-exertion of tho" brain, self-abnse or over-lndalgenre. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box. or six for J5.00, by mall. "WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order rtceired for six boxes we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not cure. Guarantees issued oulyb KM II, G. TUCKY, Druggist. Sole Agent. Nos. 2401 and 1701 Penn avenue, corner Wyllo avenue and r niton treet. Pittsburg. Pa. Use Stncky's Diarrhea Cramp Cure. 25 and 50 cts. jjl-32-eod LOST MANHOOD RESTORED SPANISH NERVINE. The great Span ish Kemedv. i sold WITH A W K I ITKX GUARANTEE toenre all nerv- ousulsease3,siich asWeakilcmorr BEFr.nF. asd Arnsn csisg. Loss of Brain Powcrj "U akefulness. Lost Manhood. Nightly Emissions. 3Jervoujnes.Lissltude.a!l drilns ard loss of poircr of the Grrerarire Organs in either sex caused by ovcr-cxcrtico. youthful errors, or excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants. 51 perpackazebv mall:S forfo. Wljh every S5 order we GIVE A WRI-TTCN GUARANTEE TO CUK E or KEFUN D MOVEY. Spanish Medicine Co.. Madrid, paln. r.d Detroit. Ilch. For sale b JOS. FLEMING biS. Pi:t-hur,r. rfSS-ai-JiTr- Thoroughly, Rapidly, Permanently Restored. If Ton are wtTerinj from Zfervousriess, Debility. Lost or rolling Manhood, Impotency, Stunted Development ol any of th? parts. Weakness of Body and Hind, Worry Errors ol Youth, or Later Excesses, DO NOT DESPAIR. llsre is Hops fir all. Yoimz, Millie Aged an J oil Sen, tuous tns or tiif ttorst cases iute yiild;:.. to ocb E-ULCSJTK 3UTHODS l)V 110 HE TIWATJIEVT. MOST SCIENTIFIC and SUCCESSFUL EVEt KKOWW Absolutely TJnftulmg. Endorsed by the leading Helical Traternltj. HTVTE3TIOATE. Book, explanations, testimo nial and endorsements mailed (ncaledj FKSE. izz AxazLcs ite2i:al zsxiTuri: ca., ctzt, c. ja7 57-eotI QQK'S GDTTDN ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery bjr an old physician. Successfully used monthly by tbousandsof ladles. T tli. onlv nerfectlf Rafe and reliable meoiclnc discovered. Beware cl" unprincipled drn?: glatswbo offer inferior medi cines In rjlare of this. Asc for Cook's ootids Rot Compound, take no substi tute, or inclose siinae cents in postage in letter, and we will Bend, sealed, by return malL Full scaled particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only. Istamps. Address POND MM COMPANY. No. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Mich. Sold in Plttsbarjt by Jos. I'lehing ,t sot. -ill Market street. del7-51-eodwk DR. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, A remedy rued for many years by an old physician with great success. It is a per fectly safe and reliable remedy and is sne cesslnlly used a a monthly corrective by tbousandsof ladies. Beware of imitations. Ask for Dr. Mott's Pennyroyal Female Pills and take no other, or enclose $1 and we will mail you a bor securely sealed in plain pa per. Price $1 per bor, six for $5. DE. MOTT'S CHEM. CO., Cleveland, O. Sold at wholeaIe and retail by Jos. Fleming & Son. Pittsburs. Pa. de31-Trs VIGOR OF MEN Easily. Qnicfely, Permanfiilly KESTOKHD. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY", and all the tram or evils, tho results of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Fnll strenzth, development, and tone guaranteed in all cases. Simple, natural methods. Immedi ate improvement seen, failure impossible. 2 000 references. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address E1UE MEDICAL CO, BUFFAI.O, N. T. JellMS DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all casus re quiring scientific und confi dential treatment. Dr. S. K. Lake, 1I.B.CF. S., Is tbo old est and most experienced spe cialist In tbe city. Consulta tion free and strictly confi dential. Office hours, 9 to 4 ana 7 to r. x.; Sundays, 2 to 4 r.M- Consult them person ally or write. Doctoks Laks; cor. Penn av. anil 'Fourth St., Pittsburg, Pa. Je3-72-DWk: EaSarisg frost the effects ot vonthfnr mtM early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc 1 will sena avaiuaoie treatise iseaiaqi cataimng full particulars for home cure, FREE of charge. A splendid medical work; should be read by every maa who l n'rvom and debilitated. Address, Vtoi. 27. . FO WliEU, BXoodus, Conn? del-W-DSuwk ft Stf BSCBLS Syflerintr from 1m& rSU BtSElfS MllTvTlU.eHuhaod. Eir. We will send you a valuable book (sealed) free of charge, containing full particulars fora speed) and permanent cure. Address: S AS! MATEO ilLD. CO.. 304 011v Street, St. Lords, Mo. dci0-ia ABOOKFCRTHrtJllMnM FUZE ME TREAMENT, WITH MEDICAL ELECTKICIII Torall CTTRfiTCTrL iron AKIO aa3 KZKV0U3 DISEASES in both sexes. Eur ao Blt till tm Nut tht. hnAk. Iddma VHE. Pt.RU CHEMICAL CO., HRHAB1U, WIS Wo send the marvelous French f Kemedy CALTHOS Tire, and a i lesal guarantee that CaLTHOS will t STOP DlMhaixe i EmlAlon, I CURB SjnnatorThi-.. Varicocele ana juai uiib ims icor. 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