WmM il Tf rw OT-S,- K"' "V i - r- . fjF !;' -. "y THE ' PITTSBTJKG DISPATCH. MONDAY,- JANUARY 25, i89a RELIGM FOR TO-BAY. Sunday a Miserable Failure if It Lasts Only for the 24 Hours. CAXT A BAD FORM OF HYPOCRISY. The Petty Annoyances of Everyday life Should Be Utilized. LI THANKFUL TpKOUGH ALL THE TEAIt rSPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCIt. Hkooklvjt, X. Y:, Jan. 24. Talmage's t ermon this morning was on the application of religion to the affairs of daily JKfe. His text was taken from L Corinthians, x., 31: "Whether, therefore, ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ve do, do all to the glory of God." " , When the apostle, in this text, sets forth tlie- idea that so common an action as tho taking of food and drink is to be conducted t. theploryof God. lie proclaims the im-j-ortance of religion in the ordinary affairs of our life. In .ill sses of the world there lias been a t-! lency to set apart certain days, places, . ill occa-ions for worship, and to think "'io;e were the chief realms in which reli? iiin wa to act. Now, holy days and holy p'rr lmvo their importance. They glvo ..jipa'iruty tor especial performance of C!':stitn duty, and for regaling of the rc licos appetite; but they cannot take tho p"iee of continuous exercise of faith and grayer. In other words, a man cannot be so i.wc'i of a Christian on Sunday that he can r.ffurd to be a worldling all tho rest of the werk. Though a man may seem to be voyaging heavenward durins the holy Sabbath day, if, during the following six days of the wrek. he is going toward the world, and toward the flesh, aud toward, the devil, he nil: i.cver ride up into the peaceful harbor of 1 raven. Yon cannot cat so much at the Mblu i &aqi:et that you can afford rcli glouao;lr.piico the other six days. V "rroji? r"iy ftiion Wauled. 1 -.roposo, tills morning, to plead for a reli gi-n for t.d.iy. In the first p'jiee we want lobrHg tho religion of Christ intoourcon verxition. i'c 0'i!rlit everyday to be talk ing religion. If there is anything glad nlmut it, anything beautiful about it, anv tliing important about it, we ought to bo coitSmiously discussing it. I have noticed that men, jut in prof option as their Chris tian experience is Miallmr, talk about lune ral, ai.il gruveyards. and tombstones and dear-.lieds. Tiie real, gfnr.ine Christian n.pn talks chiefly about his life, and the gi?t eternity beyond, and not m) much ah :- tho insignificant pas between these t o 'cadences. Ami f t lin' 'cvr circles there are where 1-e iniiiio.i of.Iesus Clirist is welcome. Go mio a circle, even ofChristian people, hero thev :iip full ofjov and liilaritr. and talk about Chrit or heaven, and everything is immediately silenced. Mv !i iends ''erelig'on of Jsus Christ is o.i-.ething to talk about witn a slad heart. It i bnnhfpr tnan the waters; it 'imore cheerful than the sunshine, P.j not 70 a-oun5 srronnirir about your relicion, when you ouuht to be singing it or talking it in c.ppr:ul ton.- of voice. Howoifen is it that we find nipii who-e lives are utterly incon-M-tent. who attempt to talk rel'gin". and alwavsmakea failure of it! Mv friend", we mutt live re'isinn. or we cannot talk it. Cant the Wnrst Form of Ilypocrinv. If a man i cranky, and cross, and uncon genial, and h'w-d in :11s dealings, and then begins to t.ilkal.out Christand liesven every body is lemlled by it: jet I have heard sneh men say, in whining toner, ''Wc are uiiser n'dc stniier;" "The Lord bless you;'' "The Lord have nivicy on you;' their conversa tion inN-itarded with such cxpres-ions, wh'cli 111. a-, unfair. but canting; aud cant in ; :s the wurst form of h vpocrisy. Acaiu I remark: we must Urine the rc lisrion of Christ into c.r employments. O.i," yo-i s.iy. "-that is very well if n man ha'nd'es large sums or money, or if ! lias an extensive trallic: but in my t resd-and needle store, in m" trimming c:alilishnicnt, in tho hnmb.'e s-ork in life tnat I am called to, tho sphere i too small for the action of such stand heavenly iiriiiPiple- V"io told you no? Do you not novrth.it God watches the f Jed leaf on the oroiv's -.nr-acu as certainly as he does tiif path of a blazinr sun? "iVlicn you have a-;, hm-10 do J. life, however humble it v.niy seDm to Us', Cod is always there tohcip jo'idoi. A rclisr.ou hat is not zood in one. place is nit worth anything in anotherplace. The man wno has only a. day's wages' in ln jvwket asc-ruiiniy need" the guidaucc of relurion, as lie wl.o rattle, tl.e l.evsofa bmu, and could abscond with $100,000 hard dollars. The Publicly Ilevont "S'oi the Beit Theiearr t''osc prominent in the churches w ho frccin to be, on public occasions, very I'cviral, wl-.odo not put the principles of Christ's rrli;I.in into practice. They are the most iiii-xnrablp of creditor-. They aro the most;r.i!:p.n2oi -tcaiers. They are known as fruam-rs in tho street. They fleece cverj' ne thej can catcli. A co-nit u..--c!iant comes In to buy spring or l.ill ooi'.sand he gets into the s'-ire 01 one of ihcse proresscd Christian :i"ii who sinve. :rallv no grace in their h-arl.s, and he is cnmnlctcly swindled. lie is -o overcome that ho cunnot cet out of ton n during the week Ho stays in town over s,um;aj girt- mro s-ouie church to get C;iris:i in coiim lation, when, what is his amazement to llud that the very man who h. tide :.in fie hxh bo v in the church is the o."- w.o rel;v-d him of his money! But u.i;r tni'ui: t'ledtaeon lias his hl.ick coat i now. II" looks solemn, and goes home tAik'.ngab-mt 'he blessed -eriiion." I: the wheat in the churches should be pat ino a iKiptK-i. the fii-st turn of the crank would make the chall fly, I tell you. Some of these men are gi.-Ht "-ticklers lor gospel lirenching. They sav: "lou stand there in bands and -urplice sn-d t,on 11, Hnd tirrach preach like an angel, and we will stand out her.- and attend to bu-ine.ss. Don't mix things. Don't get business and religion in the siiine bucket. You attend to your nutt- lersmiu we win ;uicnu to ours.' Xliev tlo 1101 know lhn( God sees every cheat they ha e practiced in the last six years. Leaving Tlirlr Iteliginn in Their Pcxv. These inconsistent Christian men will sit on the sabbath night in the ho'ise of God singing, at the close of the service, "Ilock of Ages Cleft for Me," and then, trriec the benediction is ptonounccd, shut the pew door and sa,as they go out: "Gooaby, IJe ligion, 111 be hack next Sunday." I think that the church of Goaandthe 5-abbath are only an armory where we are to get weapons, but the battlefield is on Mondaj. Tne-dav, AVednesdav, Thiirsday. Friday, and Saturday. "St. Alartin's," and 'I-ciiox,"" and "Old IIundred"donot amount to anything unless thev be sungall the week. A sermon is useless unless we can lake it. with u-behind the plow and the counter. The SHl.liath day is worthless ir it last only it hours. Do not think t !.at any work God gives vou to do in the wor.d is on too small a scale for on to do. The whole universe is not ashamed to take care of one little flower. Uh! when I see the great heuvens bending themselves to what seems insigni Jicanl ministration, when I rind out tnat God does not forget any blossom of the i-pringor any snow-flake of the winter, I come to the conclusion that we can af ford to attend 10 t..- .ninuto thine in urn and thai '1 ' .:o e ought to do well, since the. 1 - - much perfcction'in the con stiuctio.. ui a t.idcr's eye as in the confor mation of flaming galaxies. Keligion Not Alone lor Ilmrrgenciei. Again, we need to bring the religion of Christ into our commonest trials. For severe losses, for bereavement, for trouble that shocks like an earthquake and that blasts like a storm, we piescribo religious consolation; but, business man, for tho small annoyances ol last weci", how much ot the grace or God did you apply! Oh!" oucsy. "these ttials are too small for such application." Jly brother, they an shaping your character, they are sour ing our temper, theyaie wearing out your patience, and they are making jou less and less a man. God has your soul under process of de popnient,aiid it is the little annoyances and vexations of lire that are chiseling out our immortal nature. I wonder why some gieat prot idence does not come. and with one stroke prepai e you tor heaven. Ah, no. God say that is not the way. And so ho keeps on by strokes or little annovances, little sot rows, little vexations until at last y.iu ih.ill be a glad tpcctacie for angels and Kir men. You say,"Since I lost my child, since 1 lost mv propel ty, I have been a different man." I.ut you do not recognize the architecture of little annoyances that aro hewing, digging, cutting, shaping, splitting and Intel-Joining j our moral qualities, llats may sink a ship. One lucifer match may send destruction through a block of storehouses Utilize Well livery Annoyance. Now, be careful to let none of those an noyances go-Hjirough your soul unarraigned. Compel them to administer to your spiritual wealth. Tho scratch of a sixpenny may sometimes produce lockjaw, and the clip of a most infinitesimal annoyance maydamago you forever. Do not let "any annoyance or perplexity come across your soul without its making you better. 7-r Onr national Government docs not think it belittling to put a tnx on pins, and a tax on buckles, and a tax on shoes. The indi vidual taxes d not amount to much, but m the aggregate to millions and millions or dollars. And I wonld havo you, O Christian man, put a high tariff on every annoyance and vexation that comes through yortr souu This might not amount to much, in single cases, bnt in the aggregate it wonld be a great revenue or spiritual strength and satisfaction. Tho only way to get prepared for the great troubles of life is to conquer these smalltroubles. And I hdve to tell vou. oh Christian men, if you cannot apply the principlesor Christ s religion on a small scale, you will never be able to apply them on a large scale. If you cannot successfully contend against these small sorrows that come down single handed, i hat will yon do when the greater disasters of life come down with thundering anilleiy, rolling ovei your soulT . Again, we must bring tho religion or Christ into our commonest blessing. VThen the autumn comes. Governors make proclama tions, wc assemble in churches and we are very thankful. Gratltnde In riace Every Day. Bnt every day ought to be a thanksgiving day. TVe do not recognize tne common mer cies of life. "We have to see a blind man led by his dog before we begin to bethink our selves or what a grand thing it is to have eyesight. We are so stupid that nothing but the misrortunes of others can rouse us up to our blessings. I do not know but that, among its other in stincts, the brute may have an instinct by which it recognizes the Divine hand that feeds it. I do not know but that God is, through it, holding communication with what we call "irrational creation." The cow that stands under the willow by the water-eniirse- pheuinrr its end. looks verV thank ful: and who can tell how muchahird means by its song! 'Yet who thanks God for the water that gushes up In the well, and that foams in tho cascade, and that laughs over the rocks, aud that pnttetsin the showers, and that claps Its hands in the sea! Who thanks God for the air, the fountain or life, the bridge or sunbeams, tho path ft sound, tho great fan on a hot summer's dy? Who thanks God lor this wonderful physical organism this sweep of the vision this chime of harmony struck into the ear this soft tread of a myr iad delights over tho nervous tissue this rolling of the crimson tide through artery audiein thts drumming of the heart on our march to immortality! We take all these things as a matter or course. Sopposo Common Rlcsslngs Are "Witlield. But suppose God should withdraw these common blessings! Your body wonld be an inquisition or torture, tho cloud would re fuse rain, every green thing would crumple tip, and the earth would crack open under your feet. The air would cease its healthful circulation, pestilence "would swoop, and every house would become a place of skulls. Streams would first swim with vermin, and then ory up: and thir't, and hnnscr, and angulsh'aiid despair would lift their scepters. Oh, compare sueh a U'e at t'lar with the life you live this morning with your families about jou! Take this practical veliKlon I have recom mended into your e very-day lire. Make every day a tabhath, and every meal a sac rament, and every room vou enter a holy of holies. We all have ork to do; let 11s he willing to do it. Wc all have sorrow to bear; let lis cheerfully bearthein. We all havo battles to fight; let us conragcously flght then:. If you want to die right you must iire riht. "Negligence and indolence will win tbe niss of everlasting scorn, w hile tiithf-il"es will gather its garlands, and wave its scepter, and sit upon it throne, lcnz aftr thi Mrth has put on ashes, and ctc-nal 2ps have begun their march. Every one in his own place. So our every step in life shall lie a triumphal march, and th" humblest footstool on which we are called to sit will he a conqueror s throne. A NEWSY SATURDAY. ATX ITS IArrENINC.-; TtECOKDED TN THE sTJNDAT J1ISPATC1I. The Whole Civil!rd VTor'd Covered In the yixny Columns of Tustrrflay's Itig rnper AH the News Jrom the Two Cities and Nearby Towns. The Sunday newspaper is a necessity to. the niai who would keep abreast of tho time'. As proof of this met, note tho fol- owing items or intelligence which would have betn lost to the mere week-any reader: T.ora.!. Mobs lined lower Allegheny streets along the Manchester car tracks. ..The inhabit ants or the proiiosed new borough or Elliott oppose the cutting down of its territory Postmaster McKean explained why the pos tal returns for the last quarter are meagre Carnpgie, Phipn& Co. asked the Amal gamated Association to adu.t ih-ir scale... Candidates for officers of the new borongh of Ben Avon were nominated.. . .A Fifth ayp mip file compelled lodgers to flee Officer C'reliitn cut his thioat... The Chamber of Commerce Committee on the World's Fair nipt County Engineer Dn vis reported in lavor of better roads. ...Gor,;e E. Ward toid how a woman was compelled to join the Koieshans... .James Kinney wa9 shot dead in a shooting gallery Protests are still pouring in against the new assessments. General. The ut'ieatnm revived war talk Hu mored tiatChile"3 apology is on the way Cyrus W. Field was not expected to live Ealmaceda's fjirewell letter as published The CharlToi lockup burned up with a prisoner . .A bill amiinst gambling was in troduced in the Virginia Legislature A lynching, a train lohbcry, a murder, one bandit shot dead and the other wounded and raptured, all in one scries of Western hcnsatior.s The Depnitir.cnt of Agricul ture is ex perimenting with t obacco microbes The Union Theological Seminary won the Kriggs fight against the Presbyterian General Assembly The .."Ctna Insurance Company sued in connection with theab- dnctlon of 3l2rshall The first of the Monterey's big guns arrives at San Fran cisco A Long Island bank is srettinz even with an express company by making all its payments in silver dollars Law and Order people are wagimt a bitter war against the Guttenbnrg race track A crank on coffins visited Beaver Falls. ...Chief Murphy, of Columbus, will resien....The derensesor New York in case or war were described.... A big lead commission firm failed. ...Mayor 3Iosby, of Cincinnati, is for Blaine Chi cago is preparing for the Democrat Conven tion.... Con tract laborers aro biought into Pennsylvania in droves A Philadelphia burglar was drowned while fleeing from Justice Federal finances were discussed at a meeting or Congressmen.... Columbus is the paradise or gamblers. Torrlgn. Chile received the Washington ultimatum A Gladstonlan was elected to succeed Lord Ilartiugton in Parliament.. ..Ilerr Hiquel may resign The crusade against immorality in Berlin has begun The Kaisec will change the plan of corporal pun Uhment....A store or Anarchist arms were found iu Cadiz, Spain. ...Russian authorities are closine Polish Catholic churches Premier Eudinl, of Italy, will follow n liberal policy The international electrical exhibition. ...Starving peasants fleeing fiom Russia froze on the ay... .The Gland Dako Cons iintine is dying.. ..Mine presidents were jailed in JIexlco....An,English charity society has been learning Canadian immigra tion secrets The grip is to he thoroughly studied in England President Peixotto was made a dictator.. ..Rome was shaken by an earthquake. roR nitioossEss Use Horsford'g Acid Phosphate. Dr. W. B. Gillies, Winnipeg, Manitoba, says: "I have used it in a typical case of in digestion with biliousness, and found it to be, without exception, the best thing I ever used in such caes.'' bICK HEA.lfc.CHKCllrter,5 r,ttle Liver Pills. frlCK UEADACHECarter,s LUUe Llver rllu. SICK HEADACHECarter,, utUellver rilli. SICK Hl'ADACHKCarter,g Lut)e Uver mt ' de4-4o-xwrsu FEATURES OF TRADE. The Week's-Volume of Business Fails to Show Improvement - IN LINES OF GENERAL PRODUCE. Some Signs of Keviva! in the Grocery and ProYision Trade. BOSTON TIKW OP FOOTWEAK TEADE Opmce op The Dispatch, ) riTTSBURO, Satuedav, January 23. The situation in trade lines Is 'essentially as it was a week ago. In lines or country produce there have been no changes worthy of noto since the year 1892 entered upon its career. Last January when fruits and vege-I uiujes were selling at auouc tne same price per bushel as thoy now sell by the barrel, trade was more active than it is at present, Commission men. with entire unanimity. ' . 7: . . - report ims as one 01 tne Slowest uaniiurys on record. It was hoped and expected that the cold wave which arrived in tho early part of the week would prove helpful to trade, but so far the results from this source have proved very meagre. The fresh egg market has eaincd in strength, and prices are a shade better than nt the beginning of the week. Fjncv Elgin creamery and select grades of Now York cheese are reported Arm, but the expectation ora rise, cherished by dealers a week ago, has been doomed to disappointment. Our Jobbers are woll stocked np with cheese and ir they were not, they would find it difficult to lay in supplies at present prices and will the goods nt a profit. Tropical fruits havo proved heavy stock to our dealers for tho week past, and bananas are specially dull, demand having fallen off very much since the arrival of the cold wave. Groceries and Provisions. The movement in both lines has shown improvement the past few days. From the first to the middle of the month groceries moved very slowly, but a better day has'evi dently dawned arid all signs point to a heavy trade during the balance of tho month. The only changes worthy of note are the advance in sugar of ic per lb and the steady upward movement of canned tomatoes and corn. Open kettle New Orleans molasses is re ported very firm at sources of supply. T110 yield is not above half what it was last sea son, and yet 'prices are now a shade lower than they were a year ago. Perk packers report a fair demand for their products, and, as will bo seen by refer ence to our home market column, mess pork and shoulders are advanced in price. Hides and Leather. The market for green hides is still quiet and dull, with prices practically unchanged. Receipts of calrsRins are now very light, and the few that come to the front are promptly taken nt a shade better prices than prevailed a week ago. Sales were made last weekatj.c loflrer than would be accepted at this time. Sivoepskin pelts are moving freely, and dealers find no difficulty in disposing of all they can obtain. Harness leather for some cause, which our tanners do not attpmpt to ?ive, has hardly been as active as it was two weeks osro. Collar and belting leather are in rood demand and products move out as fast as they are ready lor maruets. In, Footwear I.Incs. Here is what the Boston Herald has to say as. to the situation in that great shoe center: "The feature in the boot and shoe trade is a bigger movement, but at easier prices. It will be remembered that it was mentioned lust week that a large number of salesmen with samples were out from tho boot trade, and that a desperate attempt wouldbemado to obtiln Virders. Suoh was the trae state of the case, and the 01 dors have been obtained, but the Business has been done at lower prices. Orderb have been taken for boots at all the way from $1 to $2 per case Xm split and kip boots below the ficures that weie obtained for like goods a year ago. It is claimed in the trado that some houses have taken orders for boots t from 10 per cent to 12 per cent in price below the fig ures obtained last year. Those houses that have not taken such orders claim that it is not possible to make the goods at such prices with any profits whatever. But, on the sther hand, it must be remembered that some grades or leather are lower than ayear ago, though the item of labor is costing fully ns much as a year ago, and prominent houses claim that labor is "even higher. Beltknife splits are selling for fully 6 per cent less money than a year ago, while union splits in the best grades are worth fully as much as a year ago. ome grades of kip leather are selling at from 7 to 8 per cent lower prices than a year ago, and about the ame is true of wax leather. Unt, in spite or tho fact of somewhat lower leather, many of the boot and shoe manufac turing trade are a good deal disturbed over the fact of lower prices. They feel that the competition can scarcely be met, and yet, if one is in the trade, it must be met. UTS STOCK MAEKEIS. Receipts, Shipments And Prices at Enst Liberty ana All Other Turds. Office of The Dispatch, Pittsburg, Saturday, January 23. Cattle-Receipts, 9S7 head; shipments, C30 hcad;markct all" through shipments: nothing doing; 1 car cattle shipped to Ifcw York to-day. Hogs Receipts, 4,430fhead: shipments, 5.000 he?d: market firm; best heavy Yorkers and medium dull on light grades; best heavy Yorkere and medium weights, H 65t 73; light gradei, $4 40f?l 45: 21 cars hogs were shinped to ow Yorkto-day. Sheen Receipts, TOO head: shipments, 700 head; market slow and unchanged. By Telegraph, Chicago Cfttlle Receipts, 1.500head; slalp moius. 5,0"0 head; market slow but steady; to-dav"- hi! a, natives. $3 104 C.1; stackers, $2 003 25: cows, $1 10(32 50. Hogs Recipts, 17,o:xhcad; shipments, 10,000 head; market active and higher: rough, $4 15 4 25; mixed and Backers. ?4 304 40: prime heaw and br.tchers weishts, 4 454 CO: light, $4 25 4 40. Sheep Receipts, 30,000 hefid; ship ments, none; market steady; ewe, $3 Mt8 4 10; mixed. $4 504 85; wethers, 4 0G W; Westerns, $5 105 60; lambs, $5 12J6 40. Buffjlo Cattle Receipts,19 loads through, 4 sale: market steady and Arm. Hogs Re ceipts, 69 loads throngh, 35 sale; market steadv and firm at following prices: Heavy grades $4 634 70; packers and mediums, $4 654 70. sheep and lambs Receipts, 1 loadsth rough, 49 sale, inclndlngSO load hold over; market very slow and lower: sheep, extra fancy, $3 005 25: good to choice, $4 70 i 90: fair to good, $4 004 50. Lambs, good to oxtra native, $6 OOgb 25; fair to good do, $5 C5)5 SO. St. Lonl Cattle Receipts, 300 head; ship ments, CJ0 head; market steady at the de cline; fair to good native steers, $3 004 50; Texan and Indian steers, $2 403 60. Ilogs Receipts, 22,700 head; shipments, 2.000 head; market higher, fair to prime heavy. $4 20 4 45; mixed, ordinary to good, $3 S04 30; light, fair to best. $4 0O4 35. Sheep Re ceipt', 200 head; shipment, none: market steady: fair to choice muttons, $3 505 50. Kansas. City Cattle Receipts, 3.000 head; shipments, 1,300 heaa: steers steadv to strong at $3 005 00; cows steadv at $"1 50 3 50; stockers and feeders, $2 0(l3 60. Hogs Receipts 10,700 head; shipments, 3.200 head; market opened 5Q10c higher, closed easy; all grades, J3 40Ji;4 30; balk, ?4 055 20. Sheep Receipts, 500 head: shipments, none; market steady and unchanged. Cincinnati Hogs steadv; common and liebr, $3 i5t 30; packers arid butchers, $4 15 4 20; receipts, 2,200 head; shipments, 2,600 head. Cattle steady; receipts, 130 head; ship ments, 160 head, Lambs in good demand, strong; common to choice, (4 256 25 per 100 pounds. Tnrpentlne Markets. Xew York Rosin dull but steady; strained, common to good. $1 35l 40; turpentine steady, 34J4Q35C. Wil-hisgton Spirits or turpentine dnll at 31"c; rosin firm: strained, $1 10: good strained, $1 15; tarflrm nt $1 50; crude turpen tino steady; hard, $100; yellow dip, 190; virgin, 1 9J. Savakxah Turpentine Arm at 35J4c; rosin, 31 C5l 10. Chablestox Turpentine steady at 31c; rosin firm; good strained, $1 03. The Coffee Markets. Szw Yore, Jan. 23. Coffee options opened steady to 5 points up closed steady and un changed to 15 points np; sales, 14,250 bazs, including January, '12.90c; February, 12.45 12.50c: March, 12.2012.30c: May, 11.80lL85c; September, lL70c; spot Rio quiet and firm; Ko. 7, 13J6c Baltimore, Jan. 23. Coffee steady; Rio cargoes, fair, 17c: So. 7, UJI3ic. The Metal Markets. New York, Jan. 23. Pig iron moderately active: American, $15 7517 75. Copper duii and weak: lake, luUc. Lead quiet and easy: domestic, $1 15. Tin dull and weak; Straits, $19 72. SATURDAY'S PRODUCE MARKETS CHICAGO Wheat was higher to-day. The opening was o up, and. then o was gained. There was a recession to yesterday's price at one time, but tho market again arose and closed with an.advanco of c There were a number of bullish items 'of early news. The chief one was the statement that the German Reichstag had voted to reduce the duty on wheat until April L This was sub sequently denied, and assisted in the snbse quent depression. The report that Minister Egan had been recalled from Chile was also a bull Is n feature. The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John 31. Oaklcv Co.. Sixth street, members of the Chicago Board of Trade:. Clos ing. ARTICLES. Wheat, No. s January .Hay , Cobx. NO 2. Januarr , FeDruary Slay Oats. No. 2. January Slay 31ess POBK. January I S7 en ."(7.M 33 40 23V 3o; II 62) 11 92,'i- 6 40 670 5 70 5 79H .May.. m. Lakd: Ts""l?3r,r I -aiav.. fcHORT Kins. January 3Iay Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged. No. 2 sprine. wheat, 87c: No. 3 spring wheat, S2iS)82Jc: No. 2 red, S9U(?90c: No. 2 corn, iTKc: No. 3 oats, 2SJ"J29c: No. 2 white, V.ii2l4c; No. 3 white, 29Kc: No. 2 rye, Sle; No. 2 barley, 60c: No. 3, r. o. b.. 45b0e; No. 4, f. o. b., 38Mc; No. I flaxseed, !XSc; prime timothy seed, $1 2."QI CU. Mess pork. per bbl.$S40. Lard, per l'u lbs. Jfi 42M C 45. Short ribs slil-s (loose), $5 705 75. Shoulders (boxed). St fi!Xt 73. Short clear sides (boxed). $." itig-G"!.-;. Whisky, dis tillers' finished goods, 1er gal, $1 16. Sugars unchanged. On tho Produce Exchange to-day the but termarketwas easier: r-nevcrcamery. 28K 29Kc: fine Western. 2fiK2"'e:"ordinary, 2024c; selected dairies, 2i28c; ordinary, 2023c. Eggs, 2324c. NEW TORE Flour dull and unchanged. Cornmeal dull; yellow Western, $2 903 25. Wheat Snot market irregular and quiet; No. 2 red. $1 O&im KM; store and afloat, $1 0K(S)1 M; afloat, $1 Wl 05?. f. o. .: No. 3 red, !K)09i.'e; nnended iel, 9GKcl WK; No. 1 Northern". W 04'41 0(i; No. 1 h.aid, $1 tCKl 07J No. 2 Northern, 93Jif?99c. Options No. 2 red. January, closing at S! C-2!: February, $1 02fp CJJ4", closing at SI 02?J: Mai eh. $1 03W1 17. closingat $1 K; April, $1 lavl of, closing at $1 03H; June, $1 (ilj3; July, 9J99c. clos ing nt snjte, dull an'! lower; Western M,VC: sales good: state at 9Sharley dull;No. 2, Milwaukee 7172c. Spot market irregu lar, dull, closing steady: No 2, 40c elevator: 505I.Sc afloat: ungraded mix-jd, 3G52c: No. 2 -nhlfp, 52c: No 4, 4(!46c: -teamer mixed, 4S049J.JC. Options Janu-trv, 49iic; eloslnc, 49Sc; February, 49(aiD"e; closing. 49,-1'c;March,49ia49,e;eosing,49t.j;c;May,48'-S 4S?ic: cltisinir. ,48; jc: J my. 4c. oats spot mar- ket dull weak: options dull: January. 3.0ic. February, 36c: May, i36c; spot J.O. 2 white. SSJic; mixed western, 37Mc: white do 3342Kc: Xo. 2 Chicago, 36-- lt v quiet: shipping" 3570c; good to choice, 75 $1 00: Hops moderate demand, firm; state common to choice, 202Sc: Pacific, 2027c; tallow steaey. Kggs easy and steady: Wo-t-ern, 2424c; hides quiet and steady; wet salted New Orleans selected. 4.ri75c pounds GgSc; Texas selected, 5000 pounds 68c: pork quiet and steady; mess, $9 7510 75: extra prime, $9 50. Cut meats firm: pickled ueines, oc ma; uo snouiaers, V4ta:oc oia; uo hami, 8J,f8Jic; middles quiet: short clear. $6 33: laid Ijigher. finn.qulet, Western steam closed, $fi 75: options, January, $fl 7.!: Feb niarv. $6 73; March.JS 82; closing, $6 81; May, $B 960 98: closing. $6 97. Butter quiet and firm; Western dairy, 18!f?23e; do creamery, 2132c; do factory, 15!(Kc; Elgin, 32c. Cheese fairly active nnu firm; part skims, 5KlCc. ST. LOCI-? Flour Demand good, market stronir, but prii nnchanced. Wheat No. 2 red, cash. 9iS9e; May, fl2H33Jc, clos ing at SiJsC ni.ked: Julv. Sfc. closing at KJVfp. Corn No. 2, cash,36"'f3i.!c: Jannarv, 3G!f)37cf closing at 36?e asked; February, 3.36"e, closing at 36c bid: March, 3CVic, closing at 36ic asked; Miy, 3737Jic, closing Ml 37"cbii!. Oats quiet at 29"c: May. 30?: .".!c, closing at 30c. Ryo quiet: No. 2, S28:k'. Ilirley active and steady: Minnesola, 51fi! I- lc; dnll and unchanged. Butter quiet and unchanged. Eggs lower at 20c. Provisions firm, but quiet. Pork Old. $9 00Q9 50; new, 11 00ll .-.0. Lard, ?6 156 20. rnir.AnEI.rHXA. Flonr, quiet, but teddv. Wheat, firm; No. 2 red, Jannarv, 99K'$1 00T Februarv. $1 C0?l 00 March, $1 01M1 02; Apiil, $1 031 03f. Corn, irreg ular; No. 4 yellow in gram depot, 45c; No. 3 high mixed and yellow, on track. 49e: No. 3, In export elevator, 44c; steamer No. 2 yellow in craln depot. 50c: stenmer in export eleva tor, 4Scj No. 2 mixed January, Februnry,. juarcn and .prii, 4;;;tsc. uats, quiet out steadv: No. 2 white. 40Jc; No. 2 white Janu arv. 39?39iiCc: February, March and April. 3?J439c. srgs. steadv withvlight offerings; Pennsylvania firsts, 242ic. 7tALTlMOItC Wheat steadv: No. 2 red, spot -ind the. month, $1 01il OlU: February, $1 01XQ1 02; March, Si 02fc May, 1 03J4I 04: steamer. No. 2 red, 93Jc Corn stendv: mixed spot. 4l4,p;c: the month. 49g49ie: Febrn ary, 4SVC48Kc; -March. 4?4Je: Anril, 49ic: May, 43;e: steamer mixed, 4ii.Q46;! Oars easy; No. 2 white Western, 39c; Jfo. 2 mixed, 37c Rye steadv: No. 2, 93c. Har steadv; good'to choico' timothy, $13 ."iD!." 10 Pio visions firm, active and unchanged. Batter firm and unchanged. Tggs firm at 23c "SKW OBLI"AN Sngar actlvennd strong; open kettle, strictly prime, 3 l-16r: prime, 3c; good fair to fully fair, 213-162e: ffood common to fair, 2 9-16c; common, 2Jfi)2Kc: cntrifugals. prime yellow clarified, 3 9-1'j 3c; off do, 3'43Ke; seconds, 2G5ic Mo lassesOpen kettlu good offering; ferment ing. 15B20c; centrifugal, strictly prime. We; good piiine, 1517c; fair to prime, 1013c; common to good common, 69e. cfNCINNATI Flour nominal. Wheat steady: No. 2 red, 95c. Corn easier ana lower; No. 2 mixed, 42J4C. Oats weaker; No.2mixed, 34c. Rye quiet; No. 2, 87. Pork quiet at $1150. Liidflrmat$G25. Bulk ments flrni at $5 G3 75. Bacon steadv nt $5 87K- But ter strong; choice daily 1820c. Eggs firm at 21c. Cheese firm. TOLEDO Wheat dull and firmer; Xo. 2 cash nnd January, 92c; May, 9GJc. Com active and steady: No. 2 cash and Jannarv, 40c; No. 3. 93fc; yellow, 40o. Oits dull arid steadv: No. 2 cash and May, 32iC Ryo dull; cash, 85c to arrive. jWILTTAUKEKFlour easy and wheat quiet; May, 8S!c; No. 2 spring, on track, cash. S6c: No. 1 Northern. 91e. Corn easier. Oats quiet; No. 3 white, 303lc. Barley easy: No. 2, 55c Rye easy; No. L 80c. Pro visions quiet. DDLCTIT Wheat No. 1 hard, cash, 86Vc: January, SGc; May, 915c; No. 1 Northern, cash. S5Xc; January, 85Jic; May, 90J$c: No. 2 Northern, cash, 80c: rejected, 61c; on track. No. 1 hard, 87c; No. 1 Northern, 8bc KANSAS CITY Wheat higher; No. 2, cash. 79c bid. Corn strong nnd higher; No. 2, cash, 3314c bid, 33Jic asked; January, 33c bid. Outs weak and lower; No. 2. cash, 28c bid. Butter and eggs unchanged. MINNEAPOLIS Wheat January closing at 8!5c; May opening at 8Sc; highest, 88c; lowest, 87c closing at 87e: on track. No. 1 hard. 87c; No. 1 Northern, 86c; No. 2 North ern, 82S4c. THE WEEK IN OIL. Prices SIoiw Abont One Cent on Figures From McDonald. The market was dull and fairly steady throughout. The weakness at the begin ning of the week was due to increased pro duction or the McDonald field. Subsequent reports showing a decline had a bullish ef fect, Floctuitions are shown in the follow, ing table: Open- nigh- Low ing, est. est. J fS 88 $ 87'S 82 32S 1 Sii illH !', 29 . 23 28V 3ft SOJb 30H 11 57 H It BZH It 52S 11 S7J 11 92,S 11 tVi ena 6 40 6 35 6 6 6 70 6 5 S 67K S 72! 5 CTK I SK 600 595 Open- Hlsrh- Low ing, ebt, est. CXH KH Kii 62M 62 62X 02 62 CJ 61'.i ta 62 S2i 62', 6' 62Ji 63 C1 Close. Monday. Tuesday Wednesday.. Thursday...., Friday Saturday 621 62 62 '4 62),' It will be noticed that the close Saturday was the same as the opening on Monday. The hl'.'hest point touched vtas63und the lowest 62. Clearances were about 40,000 bar rels. Brokers still hold to the opinion that McDonald had seen its best days and were confident of higher prices before long. Average runs increased over 3,000 barrels and shipments nearly 5,000. Refined was marked don n at London and uo at Bremen. Closing quotations: New York, 6.45cVLon don, 0 7-16d; Antwerp, 16J. New York, Jan. 23. Petroleum was at a standstill all day, opening .steady and re maining unchanged until the close, -which was dnll and featureless. Pennsylvania oil, spot, no sales: February options, sales at 63c; Lima oil, no sales; total 'sales, 15.000 barrels. Oil Citt, Jan. 22. National Transit cer tificates opened at 62c: highest, 63c; loir-est,-62c; closed at62c; sales, 32,000 barrels; clearances, 15,000 barrels. Br.ADFOED.Jan. 22. National Transit certifi cate.' opened at62c; closed nt62Kc: high est. 63c; lowest, 62c; clearances, 51,000 bar rels. Wool Markets. St. Locis Wool Receipts, 27,I pounds; shipments, 28,400 pounds; market quiet, steady and unchanged. TH5 HOME MARKETS. Dairy Products of High Grade and Fresh Es:gs Beported Firmer. DRESSED CHiCKENS ARE SCARCE. Cereal ReceiptsjShow little Change This A'dek Prom Last. MESS PORK AND SHOULDERS HIGHER Office of The DisrATcn." J PiTTSBrjno," Saturday, January 23. ' CoijXTiiY Produce Jobbing Pi ices There is little doing in this department of trade, and hence little to. report. Commission merchants repeat the same old story of quiet trade since the beginning of the year. Vegetables of all k(nds are" particularly slow. The cold wave lias had a stimnlating effect on the egg market, and strictly fresh in single cases find ready sale at 23c per dozen. Dairy products or fancy grade are steady, and common grades are weak at nominnlprlces. Supply of turkeys is large and prices havo slightly weakened within a day or two. Dressed chickens are in short supply and firm. Apples-'! Mrtl 75 ner oarrei. r.UTTEit-C'reaiuery Klgln, "CiJ.'Hc: Ohio brands, 26.'0c: common country batter. l."5!0c; choice country roll. 18.,a20c. BF.ANS-New York and Michigan pea. ?1 90ffi2 CO; mrarowfat. S3 152 25; Lima beans, 4lc fS lb: hand picked meduim, t 9CgB CO. " BKESWAX-Choice, 30332c "P lb: low grades, 22 25c. Buckwheat Flour New. 2J42Hc "S lb- CIIKESK-Ohlo choice, llllc: New York cheese, lUsftllc; Llnibnrger.l2;p13c; Wisconsin swcltzer, lull cream, 13'M4c; imported sweltzer, 2S28e. CIDER Country elder. 3 505 CO " barrel; sand refined, a oci 50: crab elder. S7 S08 00. CRAsnERwis Per box, fi 002 50; per barrel, S7 008 00. 1'GtiS Strictly fresh nearby stock, 2425c; cold storag-egg-s, 18l9o. FEATHECS-Kxtrallve geese, 5758c: No.'l, 48 50c "P lb: mtvedlots. 25400. D11IED FitciTS Peaphes, halves, 5h!c: evapo rated apples. Slc; apr cots tffi-llc; blackberries, SfjWe: raspberries, 18ai8Hc; huckleberries, 7c; California peaches. 7hCf9,c, tufkc'ys. f 50r"j2 00 'eicti: mallard UAME-ll lill IIoxet New emn -white clover. lCl"c: Cali fornia honey, 1215e f lb. Maple SYHUP-75WfOc"0 gallon. Mapii:Scgi!-1m:B lb. Poultry Alt e Chickens, BoffiTOe ajiiir, large; 50S6O.-. medium; live turkeys, 113.- "plb; ilncts. G0i70e a pair; dressprt chickens, 14'31 oc lb: dn-ed turkeys, liec lb; dressed ducis, l"16c "pl'i- Potatofs Carload lots. .Vc$40c on track; from store. 4VS.'i0c a buhel; Southern sweets, fl 50l 75 a lnrr"l:'.IcrsevR. SI 00-1 25. Seeds Western rccleaned medium clover Job bins at S Si; mammoth at ?5 53; timothv. Jl 1 for prime and (I 50 for clinic": blue grass. $2Co2 80; orchard grass. SI 75: millet, it 00: German. ,1 H; Hune-arian. 1 10; fine lawn. 25c p lb; seed buck wheat. SI 4tXl 60. Tallow Coiintrr; 4c: city rendered, 5c. Tropical Fruits Lemons. SI cost SO: Florida oranires. S2 25250a ltox:bananas. 51 501 75 firsts. $1 Wail 2-good seconds, perbunch;Malaga grapes. S3 5010 COa hall barrel; new fayer figs, H16c"i lb. Vegetables Cabbage. S3 001 00 a hundred; yellow Dinver onions, $2 252 .TO a barrel: toma toes. Si Oil per busnel; celerv, 2530c per dozen; turnips, 90c$l 00 a barrel. Groceries. The" firmness of sugar noted for some days past has resulted in a riso of a per 5 on granulated, confectioners and soft white. Prices are now about where they wero at the beginning of the. year. Coflee of high grade is very firm at quotations. Greek COFrcr. Fancy. 2!2c : choice Rio. 2i" 2n,c; prime. li.Sc; low grade Rio. 17'f!Si4e: old Uoverument Java. 2729c; Mawalbo. ilH2'';c: Mocha. 27JaS"-8c: Pantos. 2i:22.!jc; Caracas, 22 tWc; LaGuayrn. 2l'22ic. KOASrFD (in papers) Standard brnnd. lPc:high grades, 22t25c: old Government Java.bnlk, 23 3fc: JIaracilbo. 2113V!c: Santos. 13''a21'c; pea berrv. 25c; choice Rio. 19'te: prime Rio, 13c; good Rio. 18'c; ordinary, I6WC17'4c. briCES (whole) Cloves. l3i!S14e; allspice, 10c; cissli. 8e: pepper. lle;nutme(r, T'-SeO. Petroleum (Jobb-rs' prices) 110 test, 6Ve; )hio. 12i), 7Jic: hpadllght. kfl". 7Jic; water white, DfaDJc: glube. 1414'ic: elalno. 15c; carnadlne. lie; royalinc. 14c: red oii.'lu;llc; purity, lie; olelne. He. Mixers' Oil Vo. 1 winter, stralnd, 42S5Hcper cal.: summer, .v51.Trc: larl oil, 5"iVic. f SYRUP Corn svrnp. 2630c: choice sugar syrup, MtOSHe; prime sugar svrup, 3032c; strictly prime, 2Sfnc. N. O. MOHSSF.S Fancv new crop. 40lc: choice, 4041c; old crop. 3G3Sc: N. O. syrup, 41 50c. Sopa Bl-earb, in kegs. Z'ttSaVc: bl-earb. In Ks, Sr;bi-carb, assorted packages, 5T6c; &al soda. In kpua, IVc; do granulated. 2c. Caniii.es Star, full jrelght, Oc; stcarlnc, per set, 8ia-:iMirftlie.-lil2c.-. KirEr-Head Cirollna, 6H5c; choice, 5ic: Louisiana. .iVIiiM'ie. Starch Pcarlw 4c; corn starch, 66'c: gloss sisrch, iffiTc. FmiEiRX FRUIT' Layer raisins. $2 00: London liyers, 2 25: Muscate's. tl75;Callfornia JInscatel". SI 401 60: Valencia, 5ifc: Onuar.i Valencia, 7 7'4c: Sultana. 8ll.fc: currants, 4-Sm-c; Turkey prunes. 4sie: i'rfnch prunes, 30j.)l-,cz cocoanuts, ? 10a. f 00: aftnomls Lan. j lb. 20c: do Ivh-a.,17c; do8lU'lled, .Vs.; walnuts. Nap.r 136bl4c: sicllv. fll berts, lie; Smvraa figs, 2(!6l3c: ne.v dates, "yiWic; llrazll nufs. 7c: pecans: 13l4c: citron, Q lb, 21 :2c: Icmoupcel, ljclb: orange pei-I. 12c. DhlEli FRU'TS Apylea slUed, Cjaas'ic; apples, "vaporatcl. 7"We: peac'.ics. evaporated, pared, 2013210; pcsirliais Callfiirniai cvaporitcd, nn pared, 8'ib3-ic: 1 hrr.cs. pitted, lie: cherries, nupltled, 6c: i-isplrrl.s iponted, 17fSc; blackberries, 44'c- huckleberries. 7c. StGARS Cubes, 4c: powdered. 4Vc; granulated, 4": confectioner.' 4'ac: solt white. 4(4'ic: vet- low, choice, 3Kf33f c; yellow, good. 3H35ic: yel low, fair. 3'zHiS,i:. . PtCKLES-ilertium, bbls ll,a), fl 50; medium, half bbls (dOO), fi 75. Salt-No. 1. 4 bbl. $1 20: No. 1, extra. " bbl, 1 10; dairy, "i bbl. 1 20: coarse crvstaU lb bbl, $1 20: Hljcglus' Eureka. 4 liu sacks, ft 80; Illgglns' Kureka. In 14-tb packets. 81 00. Caxneii Coods Staniarrt peached. ?! 731 00; 2ds, 81 2T)! 35; e-tra peaches. J2 O02 10; plo peaches. ss!X)c: finest corn. SI 25 I 5tiJIfd. Co. corn. 93c! 05: red cherries, fl 0I1 10: Llmi beans, si :ii: soaked do. 85c; stringed do. 70(5:7St : irarrowfrtpeas, $1 1 11; soaked peas, 6.:70e: pineapples. 81 20I 30: Bahama do. 52 CO: dann-ou plums, SI CO: greeugaKes, 81 25; eggs plums. SI 03; California apricots, ?l 751 00; alifurnla pears, ?2 l(Vu.2 30; do greengages, 1 85: iio egg plums, $1 8-i: extra white cherries, ?2 7.V32 85; raspberries, $1 ivat 25: strawberries, flvgtl 10; gooseberries, ?t ccrffil 05: tomatoes.. STpfftlSc; nalmon, 1-Ib cans, l 3Cl 80: blackberries, tflc: succotash. 2-lbcans, soaked, one: do preen, 2-lb cans, 81 25(1 50; corn beef. 2-lb cans, $1 iStril 70; 1-lh c?ns. il :0; bilked heans. 81 401 55; lobsters, 10 lb cin, Jt 25; mack erel. I-lb cans, boiled; ?1 50; sardines, domestic. Us. f3 854 00:Ks, f.150: sardines, imported, Js, II 5P12 CO; sardines. Imported, Js, $18 00; sar dines, mustard. 93 30; sardines, spiced. 83 50. FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 824 CO ner bbl : extra No. 1 do mess. J20 CO; No. 2 shore mack erel, 118 00: No. 2 lare mackerel. $17 00; No. 3 large mackerel. 815 5CJNo. 3 small mackerel, J10 00. Herrlngs-SpllL 86 60: lake, 83 05 100-lb bbl. White Hh. Sfl 00 100-lb half bbl. Lake trout. $5 50thslfbbl. Finnan baddies, 10c f lb. Ice land halibut, 12c lb. Pickerel, half bbl. 84 03: quarter bbl. Jl 60. Holland herring, 75c. Walkoff herring, 90c. OATMEAL-84 755 00. v News of the Grain Exchange. The Saturday call at the Grain Exchange yielded no results. Buyers and sellers wero too far apart in their views of values to come together, iteceipts as bulletined, 27 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne nnd Chicago Rail way 2-cars of ear corn, 3 of oats, 1 of mid dlings, 4 of hay, 2 of fio'ir, 2 of bran. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and 3t. Louis 1 car of bay, 1 of oats 2 of corn, 2 of bran. By Balti more and Ohio 1 car of corn. 3 of hinr iitr Pittsburg and Lake Erie 1 car or haVyiof oats. By Pittsburg and Western 1 car ot wheat. Receipts for the weekending Januaiy 22, 224 cars against 227 cars, for the previous week, . Ilay leads this week with a total of 53 cars, and wheat is a good second,wlth a total or 53 cars. Following quotations are for carload lots on track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices from store. WHEAT No. 2 red, 9S99c; No. 3 red, 3I Cop.v No. 2 yellow ear. 5051c; hleh mixed ear. 49S50c: mixed ear. 4G46c: N 0. 2 vellow, shelled, 46W47e, high mixed shelled, 454Cy; mixed shelled. 4'S41c. OATS-No. 1 oats, 3S3SV(c: No. 2 white. 31 (3138c: extra No. 3 oats. 361i37c; mixed oats. 31 34c. llvE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 9391c: No. 1 Western. 92i3c. Habley 6875c Flouk Jobbing prices Fancy sprint? patents. 85 251315 50: Taney winter patents. 85 2V3o 50: fancv Millfeed No. 1 wliltB middllnes. S20 ooffi'i m dTl tgi ton: No. 2 white middlings, 318 0il9 00: brown middlings. 816 5017 0: winter wheat bran, S17 50 18 00; chop feed. 821 000123 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. S13 50(g)13 75: No. 1. f t2 5n13 uo; No. 2. til 012 00: clover, hay, (11 50 12 2i: loose from wagon. 813 00TS1I5 00, according to quality; packing hav, 89 009 25. Stbaw Oats, 87 oo7 50; wheat, 83 506 00: rye. 6 008 25. ' ' ' Provisions. At the Saturday meeting of Pittsburg pork packers mess and family pork were advanced $1 00 per barrel. Sugar cured shoulders and clear and dry salt sides and bellies, were ad vanced ip per lb, as will appear from onr quotations: Sugar cured hams, larec Sugar cured haras, liiedlnm Sugar cured hams, small , hugar cured California hams , Sugar cured b. bacon , Sugar cared skinned hams, large Sugar cured skinned hams, medium., Surar cured shoulders .. Of .. ' 9' ?, 7 .. .9s, .. 10! 10 .. ' 6S .. 8 I Sugar cured boneless shoulders 1 fcugar cured tektnned shoulders 7K hugar cured bacon shoulders 6X Sugar cured drv-salt shoulders &4 Sugar cured d. beef, rouuds 32 Sngar cured d. beef, setts .'. 9 Pugar cared d. beer, flats 7 Bacon, clear siiios soliu "- Bacon, clear bellies, 20 lbs " Dry salt clear sides, 31 lbs, ave'g Dry salt clear sides, 2 lbs ave'g "X Mess pork, heavy 13 00 Mens pork, family 13 00 J.irct, refined In tierces '5' Lard, refined in one-half bbls.. 1 5 lard. refined In GO-Ib tabs....... 54 Lard, refined In ;o-lb palls 34 I.ard, refined In 50-lb cans 7...... r,l5 Lard, refined in 3-lb tin pails e5" Lard, refined In 5-lb tin palls "' Lard, refined In 10-Ib tin pails Ki A STRONG BANK STATEMENT IS THE LEADING ITEM OF INTEREST ON WALL STBEET. Banks In a Better Condition Than In Any Previous Year Except 1885 Shares Bather Reactionary Until the Statement 'Is Published No Marked Changes. .New York, Jan. 23. The stock market to day presented few features of special inter est. The most that can bo said was that in spite of persistent attacks by the local bear ish element, prices were well held and few changes of importance are seen. 'The most striking development of the day was the continued'heavygiitns .shown by the bank statement tS.OCO.OOO in cash and $11,000,000 in deposits and it is nnaucstioned that the banks arc now in a stronger position than in any of the previous years at the tame season, excepting possibly 1885. The opening ot the market was irregular at sllzht changes from last night's figures, but the bears attacked the list immediately, paying special attention to Northern Pacific preferred, though Omaha reversed its move ment of yesterday. On the other hand, a few material advauces were made in some of the specialties, Distillers' rising rapidly and Manhattan 1 per cent. The pressure was abated after the first half hour, and there were only here and there a few rallies until the publication of the bank statement, when covering operations assumed large propor tions and most of the list wre bronght up bevond the opening. in this movement New England, Omaha and the Industrials were specially Dromi nent, but in railroad stocks the late dealings showed again a reactionary tendency. The market finally closed active and firm, gen rrallv at insigrdflcani changes for the daj Distillers is up 2 per cent, but no other marked changes occurred. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected daily for THE DISPATCH by VHITN-ET & STEPIIEXSOX, oldest Plttsburjt mem bers of the New York stock Exchange. 57 Fourth avenue. Clso lng bid. Open High Low nig. est. est American f!otton Oil... 35 Mil 83K 82X 421, 013 S5 BJij 33V 67H 8i. J2 41 M!i CO HiX M'i 20 62K 43Ji 7B 10SX 80 122!f 9IK 431, lit 1I7 American Cotton Oil. pfd.. Am. Sugar Renntr.g Co.... Am.Sug irleflniugCo.,prd Atch.. Top. &3. F m 35i 821 91.' VZ 42 01 4lJi 01!, Canadian I'aclttc Canada Southern Central ofNew Jersey Central Pacific Chesapeake & Ohio C. &0., 1st pfd C. & O.. 2d pfd Chicago Gas Trust C, Bnr. &iuincy V., Mil. &St. Paul C, Mil. &it. Paul. pfd.. C, Rock I. &P C, St. P.M. 0 C, St. P. M. & O.. prd.... C. ,t Northwestern C. & Nortliwebtern. prd..., ('.. C, C. & I Col. Coal& Iron Col. &.IIocklr.'Val Del., Lack. '.Vest Del. & Hudson Den. .t RloGnnde Den. & Klo (Jrnde, prd... K. T..Va. .t'Ja -Illinois Central Lake Erie & "(Vest , Lake Erie & West., prd..., -Lake Shore & M. M , Lonlsvll'e Nashville Michigan Central Mobile Ohio Missouri Pacific National Cordasre Co National Cordage Co., prd. National Leadu'rust , Ncv York Central f. Y.. C. &-. L.. N. V.. C. &St. L.. -1st pfd, 2W 63 43-, 76 lOHti !M 122 8l 48h 112 H7H 144 71,' 2BV 63in 2S B2V 43 76', IDS'. 4.iy 73 " van 80'i rj'n 122) i in;. 4!4 112'i! 47i II 117, I44k 1!7! 144 Ut!i- 7: 7134 7la 37K Vli im 124 17J4 ol soyi . 'if ll'4 UV 124 ll 124, i:i 23 74 221,' 74 122 73-si 12l M2I lMJi 1MJ4 37 62Vf 971J HOUi O) 114i 20 TD.'i 41 3ii; 72Vi fVi 19 141. 50 15V J3V. (i6!4 22 27 37 20 ij 405,' -2;i 64'j 186 13f 73 45', 1(3 113 12 47', 13JS 'S.I 8- 3 5S! !G( 82-a 77; 76J 6: eii 97 noi 20 1MJ,' 62 97,U HOM 10O4 20 H4J, l'4"i N. Y., O..A St. 1... 2d pfd. 4. 42 41 js. x., j. r.. t-c y N. Y.. L. E. S, Vi'., prd... N. Y.&N. E N. Y.. O. i. W" Norfolk & Western Norfolk Western, pfd.. North American Co Northern Pacific Northern Pacific, pfd OI1I0& Mississippi Oregon Improvement Pacific Mail Peo., Dec. Evans Philadelphia .t Heading.. P.. C, (..:... Ti . P.. C. C. &St. L. pfd... Pullman Palace Car Richmond & W. P. T Richmond A W.P.T.,pM. St. Panl& Duluth , St. Paul & Duluth. nrd.... m ni Si!, 7J' 41", .:, 72S 50f 19: 19 15 IS 15", 23i; 23"J 235, 67J, MX 37-i SJH 40S ... 21 65 'l5V 45H 'ii" 47 40i 1 65 2S'J 15 j 46"; 71 ' 45'4 St. Paul. Minn. i)Un.... Texas i'scific Union Pacific Wabash , Waoash, pfd Western Union .4.., Wheeling & L. E Wheeling & L. E.. pfd Ills. & Cattle Fd Trust National Lead Co National Lead Co., pfd.... TEx-Dlv. , 13 12( 47J4 S2'i .17 !4 78' 66)i 3.','-. 82-4 47,'j '30 2V 3S' 31 78V 7SS 5j4 :i7 8J 56 i! 3i J Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations or .Philadelphia stocks rur- nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue, members of the New Tork Stock Exchange: Bid. Aske-t. Pennsylvania Railroad MS 55! Reaiing Railroad 3H 207-16 Jiutfaio. N. Y., & Phlla djj l Lehigh Va ley COS B0?, Northern Pacific 3H 24 Northern Pacific pref. 66)4 66,'i Boston Stocks Closlnc Prlcss. AtchlJfcTop 42 Boston .t Alt)anv....:on Boston ft Maine IWij Chi.. Bur. & QuincyloSH PltchhurgR. IS : 83S Fl!nt& P. M.. pTd. K2 Mass. Central llVi Icx. (Vn. com 21Ji N. Y. & N. F.nglaiid l', Calumet A Ilccla. Franklin Kears.irge (hiceola Santa Fe Conner. 33 KM 11 Tamarack ... ..iv Anmston Land Co... 23 Boston Land Co 6l WestKndLandCo.. Wi a. i.si. 1.11c 's.i:Pal Bell Telephone 2C Old Colony. iro.S Rutland common.... -1 Wis. Central com.... Wi Wis. Centralpfd .... 4t AllonczMlu.Co.(new) V,i Atlantic 10 Boston ,1 Mont. ..:... 33 l.amfcoii9iore...... Ji Water Tower 4."i Centennial Mid 10 New K. T. T. 50 B. iB, Copper I4 Thomson-Houston.. 514 Mining Stock Quotations. New Yor.ir, Jan. 23. Alice, 135: Aspen, 100; Best and Belcher. 275: Cliollar, 125; Crown Point, 120; Con. Cal. 470; Deadwood, 1113; Eureka Con. 140; Gould and Curry. 150; Hale and Xoicrosr, 175; Hoinestake, 12.75: Mcxicj.ll, 205; Ontario, 4300; Ophir, 325; Plvmouth, 170; ftivage. 155: Sierra- Nevada, 170: Standard, 110; Union Consolidated, 163; Yellow Jaket, 110. ' HOME SECUE1TIES. A Bulge on 'Change and Brokers Corre spondingly Happy. There was quite a burst of activity in local stocks during the week, sales being the largest for a. long time. Birmingham nnd Duauesne Tractions. Philadelphia Gas and Switch and Signal wore the most in teresting features. Final prices as compared with those of the previous Saturday show these changes: Philadelphia Gas improved ; Central Traction, ; Citizens' Traction, J Junction Railroad, 1; New York and Cleveland Gas Coal, IK; Switch nnd Signal. 3. Wheeling Gas lost ground. Birmingham and Man chester bonds were offered down a trifle. Sales on call yesterd.iy were 100 shares of Switch and Signal at 14, 50 at 5, lOnt 15J. 35 Birmingham Traction at 20, 10 nt20J, 107 at 20 100 Central Traction at 24 Total sales lor tho day were 427 shares; for the wfcek, 5,887, and $3,000 bonds. Philadelphia led with 2,292, followed br Birmingham Traction with 1,767. Business at the city banks the past week fWBA&SAABOt isrriitr " NOTICE J Complying with general re quest, BEECHAAI'S PILLS will in future for the United States, be covered with a I WuicKiy JsoiuDie, ; Pleasant Coating, j; completely disguising the ; taste of the Pill without in any ;!way impairing its efficacy. I Price as tents a Box. 1 New York Depot 365 Canal Street. wwwwwwiwwwwwcwwi was the best of the year, and almost equal to the highest -point reached in 1801, ex changes being upward of $i500,CO0 in ex cess of the same week or that year. Trade in all other lines wa satismctory. The Clearing House statement shows these results: Saturday's exchanges Saturday's batanccs Week's exchanges Week's balances Previous neck' exchanges.. Week's exchanges 1H Week's balances 1891 ,. 2,562.418 19 .. 410,818 64 ,. 16.212.352 i . 2.6."7.54i 75 . l.85i3312T ,. i3.aoi.iii 45 ,. 1,775.860 "0 Ihe Dispatch Complimented. Black &Baird sold Saturday morning for Ilarsy F. Davis to Moses Ilimmelrlch, or Market and Diamond streets, the property No. 160 Fayette street. Allegheny, lot 24x124 feet, for $6,500. Messrs. Black & Baird re ceived this property ror sale on Tnesday. advertised it ns a "quick seller" In Wednes day's Dispatch, and closed thesalo as above. The purchaser will remove the present house (a small bricK) and begin the erection at once of a ten-room stone-front dwelling for his own use. This property was sold to Mr. Davis just two years ago.by the samo firm. A SMUGGLER'S BODGE. fie Secures the Arrest of American Inspect ors on a Conspiracy Charge. rttipsxitEAi Jan. 24. United States Customs Inspector E. A. Twohey, Special Treasury Agent J. Converse Smith and "W. Sorrensky were arrested last night at the instance of J. J. Jlilloy, a merchant tailor, on the charge of conspiracy. They ap peared in the police court to-day and were remanded till Monday. The affair appears in the light of a dodge on, the part of Mil loy, who has already been arrested for smuggling goods. "Slilloy is supposed to be on the ocean at present, and a story goes that he is to be arrested on his arrival at New York or any other United States port at which the vessel he is on touches. The Treasury Department has had sus picion that a large quantity of clothing was annually being smuggled into the United States.' This clothing came principally from Montreal. Attempts have been made at different times to secure evidence against the guilty parties, but the officers invari ably met "with failure. Still they perse vered in their efiorts and Milloy's arret was to be one of the results. It is said one of the points which will be raised' bv the prosecution is the right of the United Slates Treasury Department officials to act as de tectives in Canada. STEEL SUPERINTENDENT WANTED IN CHICAGO. An established manufacturing company of Chicago is now adding to its plant a general steel casting department and wants the services as General Superintendent of that department of a man who has had extensive experience in the different processes of making steel and a thorough knowledge of all the details pertaining to the manufact ure of steel enstings for general use. We want an "all round'' executive man. Address GROVE. Hoom 60, Adam Ex press building, Chicago. ja24-129 We pay the printer to give you good advice about health and to lead you to careful living. Our reason is that Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is so often a part of careful living. If you would go to your doctor whenever you need his advice, we might save our money. He knows what you need. Let us send you a book on careful living; free. x Scott St Bowne, Chemists, 133 South 5th Avenue, New York. Yourdruggtstlceeps Scott's Emulsion oi cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. $1. 37 JAPANESB CURE A cure tor Plies. Kxteraal, Internal, lllinil. Bleed ing and Itching. Chronic. Keecnt or Hereditary. This remctlv has rKMtlvelr never been known to f'lll. $1 a hf.v. 6 lor $. bv mall. A guarantee given with six fc"xe. when purchased at one time, to re fund the If not cured. Isned bv EMU. (f. TCCKY. Ilrumrlst. fVholoalc and Rettii Agent. No. '.401 and 1701 Penn avc.. corner 'Vvllc are. and Tclton St.. ritt.biirg. Pa." Use MnckyS Diarrhoea ACrainp Cure. SandoOcts. jal-sl-eod A LAUNDRY SOAP, PURE AND SANITARY; BEST FOB General Household Use-. UROKEKS FINANCIAX. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth" Avenue: np333 nrnoicp savings baxk, rtUrLtj v SI FOURTH AVESUE. Uipital. $.100,000. Surtihifi, $51,570 S3. I). McK. LLOYD. EDW'AUD E. DUFF. 4 President. Asst. Soc. Treas. per cent Interest allowed on time ds rioslts. ocil-Gl-D John M. Oakley & Co., BANKERS AND UnOKEUS. Stock, Bonds, Grain, Pclrolenm. Private wlro to Xew York and Chicago. 43 SIXTH ST., 1'lttsburg. Sufferinfr from Zcl l'owrr. .Nerroni De- billlr. I.t llinhnnH . Ele. We will send j on r. valuable book (sealed) free or charge, containing nillpartlcnlarsrors'peedr and permanent enre. Address: XA. MATEO JlEU. CO., iM OUT Street, St. Louis, Mo. (130-133 1 nHrMs . DBEVK FOR STRENGTH, NOURISHMENT AND REFRESHMENT. "Mode from Prime Lean TBeer, by ARMOUR & CO.. Chicago. MEDICAID ITTIER S14 PEN .yYETSCI, P1TTSBUKG, PA. As old residents know and back flies of nttsburg paper prove, is the oldest estab lished nnd most prominent physician in tho citv. devotin2special attention toallehronla &e3rcN0 FEE UNTIL CURED sponsible MCDnilQ antl mental dis r.crsons 11 Qn V UUO eases. physical de cav, nervous debility, luck of energy, ambi tion and hone, impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfnlncsw, dizziness, sleeplessness, f.mples, eruptions, impover ished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting the person for business.socioty and marriage, -permanently, safely and privately hToiiBLOOD AND SKIN8K eruptions, blotches, falling halr,bones.pain glnndular swellings, ulcerations of tha tongno, mouth, throat, ulcer?, oid sores, ara cured forlifr, and blood DOisoris thoroughly eradicated fro in I IDIM A DV kidney and the system. U II I IN rt tl T jbladder de rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painrnl symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief nnd real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experi ence insures scicntiflcandreliable treatment on common sene principles. Consultation free. Patients at a ilistance as cirerullT treated as if here. Ofllce hour. 9 A.M. to p.m. Smidiy, 10 a. ir.- to 1 r.sr. only. DR. tr II ITTIER, SU Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. iaS-49-pnwk MANHOOD RESTORED. I "SANAT1VO," tba 1 woTiaerrui ofianiHi Reraedy. is sold with a I Written Cuarantea to cure an jseiroua ins- eases, such as ueac Memory, Loss of Brain Power. Headache, IVakefulnes. Lost Man hood. jSerronshess, Las situde, all drains ad loss or power of tto GenenUiTe Oreans in either sex. caused by Before & After Use. Photographed from life. nw.r-.T.ptlrtn. nnthfnl Inrliwrptinnt GT the CXCeSSlTS , use of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately leaaio innnnur, wrasumpuon ana inauui. u. u in conrenlent form to carry f o the vest pocket. Price SI a package, or 6 for S5. With every ?3 order we (pre a written guarantee to cure or refund tho money, cent by mail to any address. Circular fres in plain envelope, mention this paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL CO.. Branch Office for IT. a. A. 353 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN PITTSBURGH, PA.. BY Tos. Fleming & Son, 410 Market St. Duquesne Pharmacy, 518 Smithfield St. A. J. Kaercher. 59 federal St., Allegheny City. MW WEAK MEN 18 CALLED TO TH E tub. m.. erT -aot-'SB BEMiirs S uray s bpecific lYledicina JF-Y-O.U-SUFF.ER g'g uiia lcbtiiiT. V eakness of Bddr reranoi iiTUT-sM-aiici 5MiiU. bDcrmatorrhea. ad Impvtcnc7. and all ilUcasej that arise from OTer Indulgence and self-Atm-. as Loss of Memory and 1'ower. Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Ag, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early grare, write for our pamphlet. 1 The Snectfic Medicine is sold bv all dmrirlsts atSl i per package, or six packages for$- or beat by mall , S:frcw0WE.GUARAN.T.EE. rdr a cure or money refund ra, i JSOn account of counterfeits we have adopted ti.e lcllow rapjcr. the only Pennine. 501a in IMttsbarr by b. b. UOLI-A.ND, cor. Smithfield and Liberty ais. )t-91-MWFeo3a WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE The Grrnt Knslish KeinpUj. P?vnint!-raniIrwrrn-infinfc ly cures ail forms of nerr ,oas ireakncss. emissions. 'spermatorrhea, lmpotency and all effects of abase or excesses. Been prescribed orerK years In ttiousaiids ofca-es;ls the only rella- ,hlc and honest "medicine known. Ask drnczlsts ror Borore ana Alter, wood's i-iiosfhodi.n:: u he offcrj some worthies' medicine In place of thl. Iearehls dishonest store, inclose price In letter, and we will tend br return mall. I'rire, one pack ajrp, $1: six. ". One will please, six will cure. Pamphlet in nUIn sealed eiiTelope, 2 stamps. Ad dress ; T1IK VOOl CHEMICAL CO.. 1TI Wood ward ireiiue. Detroit Mich. Sld in nttsburg by JOS. Fleming & sox, 4i: Market street. dct7-5l-eotwk Manhood Restored1. 3iEKVi:SEEDS, the wonderful remedy. Is sold witti a written guarantee to cure all nervous diseases, snetj as Weak Memorr.Loss of Brain Power. Heao ache. Wakefulness Lott Manhood. IVighu lyEralsions.Nervou-w nes-f. Lassitude, all drain- and loss of now HErORE AXD AtTZR USLQ. er of the Generative orprans in cither sex caused by orer exertion. youthtulerrors, or excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants which soon lead to Infirmity. Consumption and Insanity. Pntnp con venient to carry In vest pocket, 81 per package by mail; fiforjo. vlihevery$5orderwejriveat&ritffn Guarantor to cure or refund the money. Circular Tree Ad'trp- Xrv Het '- 4'hl"teo. III For sale in Pittshnrg by Jos. FIcminz & Son, Drugbts 410 and 412 3iarket nt. not-50-3iWT LOST MANHOOD RESTORED NKKVINE, The ercat Span, lsh Krini-rtr. U irfM vrnfi a B'Rl TTF.S GUAR ANTES to cure all nerr onlieas,5nch as Weak Memory before and AT-nrc csixc, Lom or Itralii Vonert 'A'akerulno, F.ost Manhood. .Mglitlr Kmlslon. N'crrousnes. l.isltnle.all drains anrl jss or power or the ("F-.eratlvp Orjraiw In either sex caused br over-exertion, roiithral errors, or exeesalrc use w'f tobacco, oplnmor xtlmulftnts. 91 perpackarbr mallM! forS.1. Willi eerv 5 orrler ire BIVE A W7;lTTEN-GUAlrANT.ETOCUKEorRKFUND .MONEY. Span Mi Medicine Co.Madrl.l. (.naln. and Urtrolt. Mich. Jr'oraIeb JOS. FI.ESIING A fcON'. rittsbnrjr. ce2J-3J-MTTS VIGOR OF MEN Eaully. QnicklT, Permanently KESTOKED. WEAKNESS. NEKVOTJb.VESS, DUBIUTT. nnd nil the train or evils, tlie reanlts or over work, slcfenes, worry, etc. Fnll strength, development, and tone znaranteed In all cases. 6irnp!e, natural methods. Immedl ate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 rcrerences. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) Tree. Address EICLE 31JEl)ICAI.CO 1STJFFAI.O. N. T. JfllO-46 DOCTORS LAKE Sl'ECIALlSTS in ail cases re quiring scientific una confi dential treatment. Dr. S. K. Lake, JL K. C. P. S., U tlie old est nnd most experiencedspo clalistin tlie city. Consulta tion free and strictly confl- rtpntfoi nfflccliours. 9 to4 and 7 to 8r.x: SnndaJ,2 to-J r.5f. Consult them person ally or write. Docrons Lake, cor. Penn av. anil Fourth t., Pittsburg Pa. je3.T2-DWk WEllSSMEN Rapidly, Thoroughly, Perfectly Cured ty the tnost Sdnttao and Successfal Methods of Treat mens ever known or perfected. Cannot rail vales i cms i DeTOD'l bamn alt. .ImprnTrmfQt tn frm th stars Snflercrs'trom Ifervousneas. Debllltx Weak or Und veloped Chvans, Zm potency. -Errors of Youth. Ezoesse Worry lc thoroujhly, perxnanentl enred by this treatment. Don't brood oTeryoBrtwndltionoorglTe np In despair. Lt b sboir Toa sbst ileJIcal Seienc and Honorablf Treat men! can doi Ko4 for Onr Xt Book with explanations, endorse ments and references. The Angelos Medics! Institute Co. CANTON, O. JaM7-eo(T SmTertag from the effects ot' Youthful enwa early decoy, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc 1 will send araluable treatise (waled) catatnlng foil particulars for home cure, FREB of coarse. A. splendid medical work, ahould bo reaa by crsry man wtio 1- niraii and debilitated. Arldlta. Proi- F- C. h'OXriiEOi Soodni, Cobb. dol-li-wmyk ytf" ' M" If -if H iSBL 4S&9 3 ffiASKSJ! BKSc?iia52iSSKJ IJlCLig 4 I r .-' - --t"5& J&'tf$-iiMmg&aii2&& Z4b--?:,rJk$mi 2&re-r3t&taL& mm nm pgi -t wRs&ivMiitSSiSiSiaeOmtjmSSmlmsii !'l !SidSJiimf9'i:'mK.