asafcaaaai if- &- ! r .M' TfiE PrTTSBtmCT DISPXTOH," ' TUESDAY,"'1 JANTTAUT'' 19, 1892. CLAIM OF A WIDOW That Judge Botkin Was in the Plot to Assassinate Her Husband. DEE CHAEGES BEI5G BACKED UP Ey Secretary Kiffhtmire, of the Citizens' Alliance, Who Is B THE COMBINATION AGAIXST BOTKIN rCPKCIAI, TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 TorEKA, Kax.. Jan. 18. The fight to force the resignation of Theodore Botkin, a Judge of the Thirty-second Judicial dis trict, brought to light to-day an alleged conspiracy which includes six counties in Southwestern Kansas. The charges are made in letters to the Governor, and the killing of Sheriff Dunn is traced directly from the murder of Colonel Sam "Wood by James Brencan, June 27 last. In a letter to the Governor, Mrs. "Wood, widow of the man killed by Brennan, charges that Botkin was one of the chief in stigators of the murder of her husband and is a? guiltv and ai responsible for it as Brennan. Following this charge is an open letter from "V. A. Eightmire, National Secretary of the Citizens' Alliance, in which he gives the names of men whom he de clares were in the plot with Botkin to kill Wood. A New Combine .Against Botkin. Mrs. "Wood and Bightmirs are evidently acting together. Botkin and his two attor neys and J. H. Pitier, attorney for James Brennan, are in the city and were in consul tation all day. The action of the Attorney General in authorizing Brennan 's discharge has inaugurated this new fight on Botkin. In her letter to the Governor Mrs. "Wood says: "I know the names of the men who con spired to kill my husband, and I know more about their secret consultation for the per fection of their plans than I have told. All tliis can be produced in evidence when men can go into court and tell what thev know without fear of assassination instead of,as now, telling it in secret and enjoining secrecv. I am not planning or expecting to kill Botkin. If he and all his fellow mur derers were killed, it conld not restore my husband, whose presence and tender care made all the joyand comfort of life for me. Botkin has my permission to live ont all the years of self-condemnation and fear which nature can give him." Secretary Kightmire's Charcei. Secretary Bightmire, in his open letter, claims that he can prove that the proprie tor of a boarding-house in Ulysses Grant county saw "William O'Connor, County At torney of Stevens county, J. H. Pitzer and James Brennan. who afterward shot "Wood, attempt to break into a room in which "Wood was sleeping, three weeks before he was shot. Bightmire claims that Botkin was in town the same dav and stated to a jriend that "Wood must die before he left town." The nizht following the murder at Hugo ton, Riehtmire alleges that Judge Botkin TEDTH STRANGERTHAN FICTION. A True Story from North Carolina. Some one has said that "the true and the false speak the same language." But there can be no doubt that this speaks frith the true ring to it Letter from Mrs. J. M. Hollemanproprietress of "Hotel Holleman," Apex, !? C. " My son Harvey had scrofula from the time he was three years old until ha was seven. "We had the best doctors that the country afforded, yet he was given up to die, several times. Some one recommended 'Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. After taking five bottles he was well enough to get about, and has mended so fast that he is now enjoying good health." Find a remedy for scrofula something that purifies the blood, as well as claims to. That, if it's taken in time, will cure Consumption, which is only lung-scrofula. Dr. Pierce has found it It's his "Golden Medical Discovery." As a strength-restorer, blood-cleanser, and flesh-builder, nothing like it is known to medical science. For Scrofula, Bronchial, Throat, and Lung affoctions,"Weak Lungs, Severe Coughs, and kindred ailments, it's the only remedy so sure that it can bo guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or euro, in every case, you have your money back. THE FED THE LAST TWO WEEKS OF OUR GREAT JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE. Last; but not least in the quality. and quantity of bargains we offer you. Many goods are RE-REDUCED for the last two weeks of sale. '1 ' ' HERB ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS PROM (A PEW DEPARTMENTS THAT SHOULD INTEREST YOU: CLOAK DEPARTMENT. An Average Reduction of 25 FEE, OE35TT ON ALL Wraps, Jackets and Suits For Ladies, Misses and Children. . This reduction holds good on all our gar ments up to $25. The finer qualities are till more reduced. Here are the reduc tions on 1 OUR PARIS IMPORTATIONS or Fine Wraps and Jackets. $28.00 Quality at $18.00. $37.50 Quality at $25.00. $50.00 Quality at $35.00. $70.00 Quality at $50.00. $125.00 Quality at $85.00. $150.00 Quality at $100.00. These prices are oa all imported gar- iucuis. iuuc are excepted. -Loie inese prices on FUR CAPES. E5 Black Coney Capes at $2.90. $15 Astrachan Capes at $5.00. $20 Astrachan Capes at $7.50. $30 Persian Capes at $12.50. $60 Mink Capes at 30.00. These items are only suggestive of th e hundreds of bargains to be found in this department DURING JANUARY SALE. CARPETS; CURTAINS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS At prices that should induce all economical housewives to look ahead a couple of months and buy now for house moving and spring-cleaning time. CAMPBELL &T DICK, - 8t; 83, 85, 87 AND 89 FIFTH AVENUE. and his friends held a drunken carousal, and that SheriffDunn, who was killed in Seward county, took a prominent part Mrs. "Wood and Bightmire claim they can prove that Dunn said at this time that there were two men in Springfield and one in Liberal who would be killed next In an interview to-night Judge Botkin savs that Mrs. "Wood's letter and Eight mfre's charges were simply made for the fmrpose of prejudicing the public against lira. ' Fabst Blue Ribbon Beer. Parties wishing to get the Blue Bibbon should not be deceived by dealers who are handling cheaper and inferior grades. None genuine without the blue ribbon. Pabst Brkwiko Co. DOH'T NEGLECT A MEOTlYfi VISION. 1 mm Yes ! Yes ! Poor fellow wearing out what little eye sight he has left, when he could just at well save it by calling at our office and having a pair of eye glasses fitted to his eyes at a small cost. OUR CELEBRATED . Best $1.00 Spectacle on Earth s very popular, and deserves especial at .jnlion. l"hey can not be bought anywhere except )HESSMAN OPTICAL CO., 4a Federal Street, Atlechfuy, Pa. JalO-sn httotn &?? THIS WEEK. 500 Gold Filled-Case Elgin Watches, for Ladies and Gents, $10 50, $11 50. $12 5a 1,000 Bovs' and Girls' Stein-Winding Watches at $3 68. M0 Solid Silver Watches, $1 9S. 350 American Railroad Watches at $1 19. Every watch warranted. BERNARD E. AR0NS, JEWELER, SOLE OWNER VOLTAIC DIAMONDS, 65 Fifth Aieuue. ja!7 AMUSEMENTS. HARRIS' THEATER Mrs. P. Harris, B. L. Bntton, T. T. Dean, proprietors and luanagers. Every afternoon and evening, OXE OF THE FINEST. Week Jan. 25 "last In New York. Jal9-2-rrs D MILLINERY. ALL TRIMMED HATS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. If Twas $3.00, It Goes at $1.25 If 'Twas $30.00, It Goes at $12.50. This redaction is on each and all of our trimmed hats, without exception. PLAIN PELT HATS. We have divided our entire stock ot plain felt hats INTO TWO LOTS. The 65c, 75c and $1.00 Quality Go at 23c. The $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25 Quality Go at 35c. This is a chance that everyone should take advantage of Aigrettes, Feathers, Ostrich Plumes, At HALF PRICE AND LESS. Fancy Birds, Flowers. Etc., Etc., DURING JANUARY SALE. If I' I lr iNswf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE ONLY WAY to permanently cure Rheu matism, is by elimanating it from the blood, being a blood disorder outward ap plication has but little ef fect upon the disease, (and then only temporary). " Rheumaticura " is the only known remedy that will absolutely cure Rheu matism speedily. One bot tle is usually all that is re quired to effect a cure. Call at office and see the testimonials on file. RHEUMATICURA CO., 616 Penn Ave., Price, faoo per bottle. PITTSBURG, PA. tor sale by all druggists, jal9-TT8sa OPTICIANS? Certainly, the Best in the City. No Charge for Examining the Eyes. W E. STIEREN, 544 Smithfield St. Jal-TTS AMUSEMENTS. TTIIS WEEK. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. FLORENCE BINDLEY'S BEAUTIFUL PLAT THE PAY TRAIN. Prices, 15, 25, 50, 73c. Wednesdayand Satur day matinees 25, 53c Beserved. FOR NEXT WEEK. TAR AND TARTAR. Sale of Seats Begins This Morning Jal9-70 ThTopTnTn(Ightoliishuo cessful Opera will ho its 300th pertormance. Ono of the Fa mous TAR AND TARTAR Sou venir Spoons will be slven to each lady attending this per formance. THEATRE This week. Matinees Wednesday and Sat urday, JOSEPH ARTHUR'S new produc tion of THE .STILL ALARM. Jan. 25 Tony Farrell in "My Colleen." Jal8-5 D UQUESNE jfittsDurg'B .Leading xneater. TO-NIGHT, N N N N N N I I I 1 I I POPULAR O O O O O O B B B B B B MATINEE E E E E E WEDNESDAY. Next week The Meinenger Company. jal9-82 ALVIN THEATER. CHAULES L. DAVIS, Ow ner and Manager. LAUGH TO-NIGHT. SURE CURE FOR THE BLUES! The successful comedy, from the Garden Theater, New York, "DR. BILL." in three acts. Presented by an excellent company, with the original properties and scenery. Next week Richard Golden, in "Old Jed Pronty.,' JalS-26 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEM1 To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdav. HYDE'S BIG VAUDEVILLE CO., From Hyde & Behman's Theater, Brooklyn. N.Y. jal7-6D R.,5? lft,6NTf( TPtftf . flJ M.JBjfaf'jr wJWlM STORE, Dress Goods Bargains. Iff PIiAIN COLORS. 50c All-Wool Cashmeres at 37c. 6O0 All-Woolh Cashmeres at 48c. 85c All-Wool Henriettas at 68c. $1.00 All-Wool Henriettas at 75c. IN PLIIDS. 50c Black and White Plaids at 29c. 50c All-Wool Cheviots at.37Jc. 75c Black and White Plaids at 39c 85c French Wool Plaids at 68c. Iff XOVELTIES. $1.00 French Novelties at 75c. $1.50 Camel's Hair Novelties at $1.00. $2.25 Finest Imported Novelties, $1.25. IN BLACKS. $W6 All-Wool Henriettas at 87c. $1.25 All-Wool Henriettas at $LO0. These are but a few items of each kind, but they give you some idea of the reduc tions in thiq department. SILKS. All aur silks have shared in the general pruning of prices. Here are a few reduc tions on INDIA SILKS. 65c Quality at 48c. 870 Quality at 68c. $1.00 Quality at 79c. These prices are only DURING JANUARY SALE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OUT IK THE COLD You'll need a good, warm Overcoat and an extra heavy Suit. 'Tis better to put your monev In suoh than In the hands of doctors and druggists. THEV take our medicine, why shouldn't YOUt HERE'S OUR PRESCRIPTION: 1 extra heavy Merchant Tailor-made Ulster, made up lor $35 ,.13 00 1 very fine Kersey Overcoat, made up for $10 ,.-..-.... U 00 1 very fine Chinchilla Overcoat, satin lined, made up for $45 .$H 50 1 extra heavy and -well-made Suit, made up for $30. $12 50 1 pair extra heavy. weight Pantaloons, made up for $12 -. $3 75 To he taken and worn Immediately after you pay tor same. OUR SIG., MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, 516 Smithfield St. Specialists for Men. Opposite City Hall. j17-Tusu S WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DRUGGISTS, 412 Market St., Cor. Diamond, Will sell you the oldest, the best, the most popular and reliable and satisfactory WHISKIES! For medicinal and family .use now sold in the city of Pittsburg. You get the proper goods when you ask for any of the follow ing brands: Fleming's Old Exports, new style, Quarts, $1; six for ?5. Finch's Ten-Year-Old Golden "Weddinsr, Quarts, $ 1 25, or six for 5(5. Gibson's, very old and fine, Quarts, 51 50, or six for 57 50. Fleming's Private Stock, Quarts, 52 each. Fleming & Son aim to treat customers as they wish to be treated themselves, regard ing the quality of their goods and the ship ment of the same to all points when ordered. Address all orders to JOS. FLEMING & SON, 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. jalt-TTsao BUY YOUR SPECTACLES AT Tfae reelia.tle. Optioiarx. Eyes Examined Free. Artificial .Eyes Inserted. j. diamond; OPTICIAN, . BB1ATHST. do29-TTSu Cfo J. T. LITTLE, 511 PENN AVENUE. Correcting defective vision a specialty, pectacles and Eye Glasses furnished. no26-50-TTB CANCER tiiu TUMORS cured. Ko knire. ami for testimon ial. O.H.McMlcbaeL M.D.. ejKiagara st. Buffalo, N. Y. tulil3-71-TTSSuwk EMBROIDERIES. 4, 5 AND 6 INCHES WIDE At 10c a Yard. This is the cheapest line of embroideries we have ever offered." Bought a big lot. and I bought them cheap. In the ordinary way i wouiu cost you zoc 10 x3 Your Choice at 10c. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. A special purchase of 500 dozen HAND SOMELY EMBEOIDEEED GARMENTS which we offer during our January sale at these low prices: 30c Quality at 21c. 35c Quality at 23c. 45c Quality at 31c 50c Quality at 37c. 55c Quality at 39c " 60c Quality at 42c 75c Quality at 50c Perfectly clean and new poods. All sizes and shapes. These prices are only DURING JANUARY SALE. . M 4 KAUPMANNS' FREE DISTRIBUTION QF MERCHANDISE! .This most liberal enterprise commenced yesterday and a purchase was given away every five minutes from 9 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock in the evening. While all could not, as a matter of course, get their goods without pay, the absolute impartiality and fairness of the distribution was universally recognized and com mended. It is so clear, plain and straight that everybody must understand and appreciate it. Whose ever pur chase money is first to reach the cashier after every lapse of 5 minutes (each such lapse being indicated by the automatic ringing of a bell) will be immediately handed back the amount paid. The Following 108 Patrons Got Their Ms Free Yeslerflayr A. K. Geiselbart, "Ward Hotel, Johns town, Pa. S. E. "Walker, "Walker's Mill, Pa. Mrs. E. Epstein, 4 Hazel St., city. Nicholas Di Bello, Coalport, Pa. Miss It. E. Hamilton, Butler si exten sion city. H. F. Carrol, Turtle Creek, Pa. C. C. Shearer, Glenwood, Pa. Jos. Bittner, Crafton, Pa. S. A. Cosgrave, 4006 Forbes st , Dr. "W. C. Cook, Oneida st, Duquesne Height?. Mrs. M. Moore, Forty-fifth st, above Davidson. Mrs. L. Harttgan, 25 Chatham st, Mrs. C. Tenerity, Beck's Bun, S. S. Mrs. G. IVise, Bjver Hill, Lawrence are., "W. E. Harry F. Seidel, 251.Forbes st. Miss S. Osborne, 142 Bidwell si, Alle gheny. Mrs. A. Voight, Southern ave., Mt. Washington. Thos. Wilson, Thirtieth and Smallman streets. Mrs. Mary Meyers, "West Liberty Bora, Fetterman P. O., Pa. Mrs. Geo. Moss, Idlewood, Pa. Austin Grallaway,- "West Newton, Pa, Mrs. W. F. Lewis, Market st, Leech burg, Pa. Mrs. E. J. Morgan, 22 Bigelow st., Twenty-third ward. Fred Marr, ofli Penn ave. Mrs. T. J. Orr, 136 Mayflower st., E. E. Mrs. D. J. Dwyer, 15 Canal st., Sharon, Pa. J. B. Pottmeyer, 3431 Dennis st. Mrs. H. H. Marcy, Meyran ave., Oak land. Mrs. T. J. Orr, 136 Mayflower st.,.E. E. A. F. Gibson, 1606 Jacobs st, "Wheel ing, W. Va. Edwin Greenawalt, 712 Fifth ave. Mrs. Geo. Moss, Idjewood, Pa. Mrs. M. "Wonbaus, Emsworth, Pa. E. D. Holmes, "Western Union Tele graph office, city. Mrs. M. 'Wonhaus,'Emsworfh) Pa. Mrs. J. B. Hanna, 1 Hamilton Place, Allegheny! THE PURCHASES HEGEIVEfl- GRATIS BY THE ABOVE PEOPLE Consist of all different kinds of goods we keep Men's Or Boys' Suits, Overcoats or Pantaloons, Ladies' or Misses' iioaKS ana wraps, xsoots ana onoes, xiats, xsonnecs, rurnisnmg uuuus, jjmucr acts, uiasswarc, naicncn uiensus, etc. The distribution will be continued throughout this week, and 108 MORE PEOPLE WILL GET THEIR GOODS FREE TO-DAY. THEIR NAMES AND RESIDENCES WILL BE PUBLISHED IN TO-MORROW'S PAPERS. Will yours be among them? Try it. You can't lose anything by it. If you don't get your goods free alto gether, you will surely get them for about one-half or one-third actual value, for, in spite of this free distribution, our startlingly big reductions are still in force. KAUFMANNS LACE CURTAINS. Too Many Fine Ones. We find we have too large a stock of fine imported lace curtains. As a consequence j down gb the prices on ALL IMPORTED CURTAINS. SWISS TAMBOURS, BRUSSELS NET, , IRISH POINTES, Etc This Is How They Go: $80 Quality at $60. $60 Quality at $45. $45 Quality at $33. $30 Quality at $23. $20 Quality at $15. $15 Quality at $12. $10 Quality at $8. These are all our own importations. Pat terns are all exclusive, all unique. SPECIAL PRICES Chenille Portieres DURING JANUARY SALE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrs. Lizzie Rapper, Leechbnrg, Pa. Mrs. M. Page, 4827 Penn ave. Mrs. E. A. Conner. J. C. Heyman, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. E. L. Guthman, 620 Station it., E.E. Mrs. M. "Wonhaus, Emsworth, Pa. Miss Eose Bernading, Brownsville road, Pa. Miss Maggie Stratton, 2606 Edwards alley, S. 8. Mrs. John Tarn, Bellevue, Pa. "Wni. Earl, Stewart's station, "West moreland co., Pa. C. B. Miller, 50 Southern ave., Mt. "Washington. Mrs. E. Barber, Hays station, Pa. Ber. L.. B. Jones, Kittanning,Ta. Mrs. Kate ' Sipe, 714 Lytle at., Glen- wocd, Pa. Mrs. Andrew Baker, "Woodvllle ave., Mt. "Washington. Mrs. John Calhoun, 146 Biver ave., Allegheny. , Mrs. J. "W. Cook, Laurel station, Pa. Mrs. J. Q. Small, 89 Herron ave., city. B B. Allsbouse, Derry station, Pa. Edward Gender, Jacob's Creek, Pa. Charles Piper, 426 Smithfield st. H. Moore, 3" Tunnel st. Mrs. NedMcGuire, Derry station, Pa. Miss Nettie Krieg, 116 Twelfth st, a 8. J. B. Cribbs, Tarentum, Pa. Mrs. Ned McGuire, Deny station, Pa. Mrs. Margaret Whalen, 40 Bluff st George Scott, 24 Fiftieth st Miss Lizzie Munson, Second ave., Glen wood, Pa. f A. Taggart, Jr., 199JJ "Washington ave., Allegheny. George Eby, 307 Third ave. Mrs. J. A. Twitchell, 148 Charles st, Allegheny. Mrs. J. D. Bell, 520 Duquesne way. Mrs. C. Starz, 13 Eureka st, Allentown, Pa. James McElwavn, Sewickley, Pa. Mrs. J. A. Twitchell, 148J Charles st, Allegheny. Frank Tegethoflj 28 Lowrie st, Troy Hill, Allegheny. Mrs. "William Perry, 104 Allen ave., Allentown, S. 8." 9 FIFTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST, 1 Linens and Bedding. Damask Table-Linens. t 50-incS 30c Quality at 25c. 56-inch 50c Quality at 370. -62-inch 60c Quality at 50c. 66-inch 65c Quality at 55c. 68-inch 87c Quality at 75c 72-inch $1.25 Quality at $1.00. TOWELS. 12c Linen Towels at 10c. 15c Linen Towels at 12c. 20c Linen Towels at 15c. 25c Linen Towels at 20c. We are selling our extra fine 50c linen towels at 35c during this montH. BLANKET BARGAINS. All our blankets have been cut in price, from the cotton blanket at 75c to the fine California blankets at f30. All have been reduced. BED SPREADS. 75c Marseilles Patterns at 68c. 87$c Marseilles Patterns at 75c. $1.25 MarseillesYatterns at $1.00. Linen and Muslin Sheetings At reduced prices DURING JANUARY SALE. " "T Mrs. Kate Sipe, 714 Lytle st, Glen wood. Mrs. James "Wise, McKee's Bocks, Pa. Hugh McKissick, 228 Marion ave., Oak land. Lou "Weber, 58 Vickroy it E. J. Custer, 364 Biver ave., E. EL O. E. Butler, 153 Franklin st, Alle gheny. Mrs. N.Hawk, 79 Taggart st, Alle gheny. Miss Emma Saalbach, 494 Forbes st Miss Mary "Walsh, 680 Carson st,"W.EL Mrs. Kate Skinmore, Greensburg, Huff station, Pa. Miss Ella Burns, 318 "Wylle ave. Mrs. E. Yuille, 5154 Carnegie ave.,Law renceville. John O'Donnell, 723 Second ave. Mrs. H. Lewis, 53 Twenty-fifth it, S.S. Miss Maggie GriiSth, Mansfield Valley, Pa. Mrs. M. E. Lucas, 83 Bebecca st, Alle gheny. Albert "Wahliscb, 951 Penn ave. "W. B. Smith, Kammerer P. O., Wy land station, Pa. A. "W. Gracey, Lowry st, Hazel wood, Twenty-third ward. ' Mrs. Bella Hooton, 1723 Penn ave, Mrs. J. A. Todd, Tltusville, Pa. Charles Smith, Eleventh st, Sharps burg. Nick Shonborn, 342 Forty-second it, Lawrenceville. Miss Sadie Cochran, Hope Church, Al legheny county, Pa. Mrs. Laura D. Lyttle, Flnleyrlll "" "Washington county, Pa. Thomas Conley, McKee's Bocks, Pa.' F. M. McKelvey, Beltzhoover borough, Allegheny county, Pa. J. A. Hull, 315 Atwood st, Oakland. Mrs. Edw. "White, 388 "Wylie ave. Mrs. Frank Day, Fillmore it, Belle field, Pa. George M. Bay, 17 First st, Sharpsburg; Bert Goebel, 38 Gallagher st, Allegheny. Miss Josie Sommerville, $44 Penn ave. H. "Wlngar, Prospect st, Mt, "Washington. ram. SHOE DEPARTMENT. . ALL $5 SHOES AT $4. Darin? this sale you have your choitse-of any $5 shoe in our stock for $4. Pebble Button Shoes, $1.50 Beduced to $1.18. All sixes and widths, heels and spring heel All Broken Lines We have assorted and placed on sale at $1.58 A PAIR. . They were $2.50 and $3.00. All sizes in them; If not In one kind, then in another. You can be fitted. BOYS' CLOTHING. Suits and Overcoats Of good material, make and style. Ton know what our bovs clothin? is. These art some ideas of how they are going: $3.00 Beduced to $2.00. $4.50 Beduced to$3.00. $7.50 Beduced to $5.00. All other qualities In proportion. Theae prices are only DURING JANUARY SALE.