WSSltiSfiM TftggrsTn ftsr Tg-m THE'-ITTSBIJIIG DISPATCH JESD3T 'mTJART' 19;V 1892.- s ? ' "BOTTEE HE1, ANXIOUS. An Attempt Will Bo Made to Change the Green Glass Scale. EAILEOAD MEN DEXY FAVOBITISH. Meeting of the Pittslrarg Freight Committee on Thursday. THE OLD SCHEDULE WAS TOO SWEEPING The Pittsburg Freight Committee will meet on Tnursday to discuss the classifica tion of bottles. Some time ago bottles were advanced from third to second class in less than car loads. The local manufacturers of green bottles protested that the increase was a discrimination against them in favor of the bottle men in Eastern Ohio and "West Virginia. Trior to the meeting the glas committee will visit Pittsburg manu facturers. Onthe committee are Samuel "Woodside, of the Erie system; "W. L. Crnmlish, Pittburs and "Western, and 31er. Lawrence, Lake Shore; Orr, of-ilie Ft. "Wayne, and Mean", of the Panhandle. One of the ajents said yesterday: "The bottle classification was changed because it was impossible to distinguish between the varieties. The low rate was not only ap plied to green bottles, butto fancy cruettes for vinegar and oil, water bottles, etc., that really come under the head of tableware. I think the glass classification is fair, and equitable, but the manufacturers will be heard. Discrimination in Kates Denied. "The railroads are not opposed to the ship per, and it is our business to stay with the people who furnish us the traffic. Tbe cliansre was not made suddenly but after long deliberation, and there was no inten tion to take advantage ot the bottle manu facturers. The rates apply to every point in the territory of the Central Traffic Asso ciation c.i"-t of Chicago and East St. Louis. It is not true that glass men in Ohio and "West Virginia get better rates than the Fi(tbur;r maker. All have been treated alike in this matter. The local freight committee has no authority to act, but they can make a recommendation to the Central Traffic Association. "Manufacturers should not forget that the conditions re changing rapidly in this country. The man who holds the geograph ical position and is clover to the market than his competitors will always, hare tbe advantage. The Eastern iron manufactur ers can no longer compete in "Western mar kets and it is but natural that cotton fac tories located in the South are sure to knock out the cotton mills ol Xew England. Pittsburg's Market Is Heine Cat Up. 'The country is growing rapidly, and the industries are becoming scattered. The time is not far hence when the market will. tie limited, iney are beginning to make iron, glass and steel on an extensive scale in the West, and, of course, their home markets which are now supplied from Pitts burg will go to them." 11. E. Pasavant, Secretary of the Mahon ing and Sher.ango Iron Manufacturers As sociation at Youngstown, was in the city vesterday. He said that since the railroads had refuted to reduce the rates on pig iron between Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cleveland and the valley tbe furnacemen have had to be contented. No steps are being taken at present to follow up the railroad ques tion. Pig iron advanced 50 cents a ton, but Bessemer iron dropped back 25 cents last week. The market has not improved verv much and little is being done in the alleys. The slight in iue price of pig iron came at the wrong time, and is the main reason why the railroads declined to srant the reduc tion. The Mahoning and Shenango furnace men kickeu 3 great d?a!, but as usnal with out avail. There was little complaint from the Pittsburg manufacturers but they hoped tbe i alley people would be successful, as they would have scared in the cut. All lovers of delicacies use Angostura Bitters to secure a good digestion. TTShrj La Grippe. Ho healthy person need fear any danger ous consequences from an attack of la crippe if properly treated. It is much the snnie as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Hemain quictlv at home and take Chamberiaiu's Cough Kem edy as directed" for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is sure to iollou. Thi remedy alo counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumo nia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learc of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale by druggists.- TTSu A Ilnppy, Healthful Family Goe a wonderful way toward making a man proneroas in business. The way to have a happy, healthful fam ily is to see that nothing but pure food readies your table. This applies to crackers. Marvin's crackers are absolutely pure. They'll make your children fat and ro bust. They'll make your wife good natured. They'll make you less cranky. They'll jn a long way toward making your home happy and attractive. Your giocer keeps Marvin's crackers and bread. Don't take anv substitutes. New (Sheet Huilc. AtH. Kleber & Bra's, 3vTa .TO6 "Wood street, you will always find a cood selection of the latest soncs and ninno nieces, heirlpx an immense stock-of classical and popular' music hich they are selling at halt price. ! J1.150 a large assortment oi ou-cent and 51 iolios and instruction books for all instru ments in stock. Orders filled for all Euro pean and American publications. Special Kxcurnion to TTnshincton, D. C, Via l'i nnsi lranlH K. It., Thursday, January 21. Bound trip tickets. S10, good ten davs from date of sale. Spe cial train leaves Union station at 9 A. M., composed of Pullman parlor cars and hand some coaches. Tictets available on all trains that date, except Pennsylvania lim ited. Xou can now secure tickets, seats in parlor cars and berths in sleeping cars at 110 Fifth avenue. EXCLUSION TO WASITTNGTOK, D. C, Via the n. & O. K. I?. Thursday, January 28. Kate f 9 the round trip; tets good for ten davs. Trains leave B. O. atation at 8am, and 9:20 p. M. Through Pulliran parlor cars on the moping tram, and sleepers on the night train. Startlnc This Morning "We will give away every minute or in less time 012 overcoats for ?C; gu men's heaw chinchilla ulsters for?7; men's fine cassimere suits, v. ortli 14, for $7; men's English cor duroy pants, ail -hades, for Si Take advan tage ot this liberal offer. P. a 0. C.Pittsbnrg Combination Cloth ing Company, corner Grant and Diamond rtreets. Ladies Going Sontli In need of light-weight dresses in challie and India siik or traveling costumes will find some very nice things greatly reduced in rrice, preparatory to stock taking, at Parcels & Jones', 29 Fifth avenue. its Small price, big results. Piso's Cure forConsumption will stop vour congh and I on " quicKiy. juive it a trial. Your drug' gist. .25 cents." tus ONK-CenNa-Word will secure a situation nTU DISPATC'HS valnt co.umns . WANTS A PUBLIC MEETING. Mayor Gourley Says No Time la to Bo tost in Preparing for the World's Fair Ho Hns an Interview 'With a State Commis sioner. Mayor Qourley is anxious to call a public meeting to make arrangements forthe proper representation of Pittsburg's industries at the "World's Fair. He will issue the call if he finds the idea meets with general favor. This decision is the result of a talk he had yesterday morning with World's Fair Com missioner Biley. The latter urged strongly the necessity of prompt action in order to get good space for the Pittsburg exhibit. "In Philadelphia," said Commissioner Itiley, "a well organized movement is already on foot. Councils have taken action on the matter, and a public meeting has been called, at which the best plans for a fine exhibit will be discussed. Pittsburg has an elegant opportunity if something is , done in time. The building to be used for manufacturing exhibits covers 40 acres of ground. Taking out the space for passage ways, about 30 acres will be left. In this space the manufactures of the world are to be exhibited. If space is not secured early it will not"be had at all. Nobody will ques tion the fact that this city has material for a greater display than her sister in the east tern end of the State. Some public action is necessary at once or Pittsburg will not be creditably represented." Mayor Gourley is heartily in accord with the Commissioner. He said: "I am in favor of holding a public meeting to discuss this matter, and if I receive any assurance that the business men and manufacturers favor the plan I shall issue the call. Here is a chance which Pittsburg may not have again for many years. It is a chance to show to the world the vast resources of our city. Pittsburg can be second to none in the country in her exhibit if the ' people will take hold at once and make a con certed effort toward securing the proper space for her display. I earnestly hope the representative men of the city will devote some attention to the matter. The great thing is to get to work quickly. Nothing counts like being on time." .ii.agiai.iaic .aLcjiciuin, wiiu .ius in me Mayor's office at the time, said he was in favor of a public meeting at the earliest possible date, and felt confident that Pitts burg, as one of the chief manufacturing cen ters of the country, could eclipse her sister cities if proper effort were made. ONE-Cent-a-Word will secure a situation In THE DISPATCH'S want columns. FUKNITUltE AND CARPETS At 25 Per Cent BELOW ALL COMPETITION. "We will positively undersell any and all competition during the next 60 days. Per sons interested in the above lines will do us a favor by simply inspecting our goods and prices before making selections else where. Henrt Bkrger, 642 and 644 Liberty st, corner Sixth ay. d Ills Fame is Widespread. Kennedy's restaurant at Ho. 2 Sixth street is popular among shoppers and ladies generally who wish to eet a nice lunch while downtown. Kennedy's fame as a caterer is widespread, and there are no weddings of note or social gatherings that he is not called upon to serve. His name adds so much to affairs of this kind that it is the proper thing to secure his services. TTSSU Elections. Tne CHAniTEns Valley- gas Company, ) I'rrrsnrRO, Pa., Januiry 16, 1S92. ELECTION AOTICE-1HE ANNUAL MEET ING of the stockholders of this company will be held at the office or the companv. Garrison building, corner Wood St. and Third "av., Pitts burg, Pa., on THURSDAY, January 2S. 1802, at 2 o'Cock r. M.. for the election of a board of direc tors to serve lor the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as maycome be fore the meeting. F. J. TENLR, r-ec. Jal7-20 .Dividends. Tnr Bex Fran-kltx iNstrnAxcE Company7 or the Crrr op Allegheny, Pa.. AI LFGIICN V, January II, lSfK. ) T-VIVIDFND-THE DIKECTilUS OF Tills COM U PAXY have this day declared a dividend of THREE (3) TEK CENT, ,1 50 per share, pavablo on demand. WM. A. FORD. Jal5-34-D Secretary. i:usine9 Clinncp. rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORH EXIST--L. 1XU between m. A. Atkinson, Robert A. Atkinson and John A. Olihon. under the firm name or William A. Atkinson & Co.. -was dissolved bv mutual consent on the 15thdavof January. A. I). 1892. John A. Ohlson having sold his interest to the remaining partners. The business or the firm wilt be settled by the r emxlning partners. William A. Atkinson and Robert A. Atkinson, who will continue at the old place. No. 2914 Carson street, South6ldc, city. WILLIAM A. ATKINSON, ROBERT A. ATKINSON, JaI9-S3 JOHN A. OHLSON. Dissolution of Thompson Glass Co., Lim. Notice is herebv given that the partnership lim ited, known as Thoujp.on Glass Oomnanv, Lim., was hv resolution of a majority of the ftockholders in numberafldlntalue ol interc.t, at a stockhold er ' meetingheld Jantrary 14.1S92. dissolved. The un I d"rslgned have been elected by the members of tbe jKnOCiatlOn With full mm rtnnlniliinth. onTifnm j and distribute the net assets thereof under the di rection 01 me uourt or Common Pleas No. 2, of Allegheny county. 3. M. SCHAFER, JOHN SEIBERT. THOMAS MILLER. Jal6-2t-D Liquidating Trustees. IsntlCP. OFTICF OF CITT CONTROLLER, 1 McKf.efport. Pa., Decembers 1851. ( VTOTlcn TO HOLDERS OF McKEESPORT 1 Mater Bonds (Issue of 1881). Notice Is hereoy given that the Sinking Fund Commissioners of tlie Citv of McKeesport propose to purchase the following Water Bouds issued by the Borough of JIcKcesport,vlz: Nos. 1,2,3. 4. 5, 6. 7. S.9. 10. 11, 12, 13. 14 and 15 for J1.000 each; No. 41forS5C0. and No. 81 and 82 for J100 each in sixty days from this date, alter which time Interest on same will cease. U. B. IIERWICK. de25-27-TUF Secretary. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK. Until tlie reconstruction or our building, corner Wood and Diamond streets, -which we expect to oc cupy again bv March. JSOAove are temporarily lo cated at No. 7 Sixth arcnuc, comcrof Wood street. Depositors of One Dollar and upward received ana Interest paid thereon, commencing on the First and Fifteenth of each Month, and naTable scmi- annnallvontheflrstdavsofjanuarvand July. If not drawn the Interest Is alded to the nrinclpall 'prSlden ent. JO. ABEL, Vice President, A. K. NTrorAVN.Secrrtary. ii. w iijjvii, jTrasnrcr. GEO. W. GUTHRIE. Solicitor., Open daily from 8 x. M. to 4 V. M., and on Satur days from S JL. M. to b p. M. OC1-46-TTS OFFICE OF COUMT COMMISSIOXFKS, ) Pittsbct.g. Jan. is. 1892. J THE COUXTT COMMISSIONERS WILITHOLD appeals from the triennial assessment of 1892 for the several districts named, on the-day and date given below; MONDAY, Januarv 25, 18M. Forward township, Lect township. Pine township, McCandless towu ehln,Sonth Versailles township. TUESDAY. January 16, 1832. Edgewood bor ough, lirushton borough, Reltahoovcrborough, Millvale borough, three wards. WEDNESDAY, January 27. 1892. Clrartlers borongh, Mansfield borough, Oakmont borough. THURSDAY. January 28, 1892. First and Sec ond wards Sewickley borough: First, Second and Third wards Tareutum borongh. FRIDAY. January 23. 1892. Reynoldton bor ough. West Elizabeth borough, West Bellcvue borough, Verona borough, R.T MERCER, J. G. WEIR, D. J. BOYLE. County Commissioners. Attest: P. W. SIEBEET. Clerl Jal8-30 Local Notices. J. E. O'DONNELL, Attorney at Law, Ho. 553 G rant street. ESTATE OF JOHN ZIMMER. DECEA8ED Notice Is herebv given that letters testamen tarv on tbe estate of John Zlmmer, deceased, late or Pittsburg, have been granted tot he undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against tlie same will make them known! wlthoutuelay. TIIOMAM TtfCCAFFREY. Jal9-44-Tu Executor, 8509 JIutler street. A. M. BROWN, Attorney at Law. ATOTICE-APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO the Court of Common Pleas No. 3 of the county of Allegheny, on the 30TII DAY OF JAN U ARY. 1892. by G. G. Frarier. M. II. Henulng, R. B. Thompson. Wilson McLean, John S. Crawrord, Waller N. Haslett, James btewart and their as sociates, under the act or Assembly entitled: "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, lor the charter of an intended corporation, to be called tbe Second United Presbyterian Congregation of Wilklnsburg, the character and object of which Is the worship of Almighty God according to tbe faith, doctrines, discipline and usages of Ihe United Presbyterian Church of North America, at the borough of Wil klnsburg. Pa., and for these purposes to have and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. C. P. No, 3, February term, 1KI2. A. M. BROWN, solicitor for Applicants, dtr2D-3-Tn SfZHsplay advertisements one dollar per square or 'one insertion. Classified real estate advertisements on this page ten cents per line for each insertion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICK ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following hesdinirs willbeae crptctl nt tlie rate of ONE CENT PER WORD FOB EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds, SUCH AS SITUATIONS BOOMS, MALE HELP, HOARDING, FEMALE HELP, BOARDER. AGENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONALS T I1" BOOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smlthfield and Diamond Streets. ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WIIERE WANT. FOR SALE, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISESIENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION . Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers already bare accounts with Tire Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY, NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE 3821. FOR THE SOUTHSrDE. NO. 1412 CARSON STREET, TELEPHONE NO. G022. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE, 6121 PENN AV. rrrrsnuRG-ADDiTioNAL. THOMAS SicOAFFREY. STXO Butler street. F.MIL G, STUCKEY, S4th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL. F. II. EGGERS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS McHENRY. Western andlrwin avenues. PERRY M. QLEU1. Rebecca and Allegheny ays. WANTED, Blaln JlfllD, ASSISTANT drnsr clerk: must be temperate! Ger man preferred. Call at Kaercher's Pharmacy, 62 Federal, Allegheny. I)AKER A pood man. Inquire at West Penu Hospital, Twenty-eighth st. 1JARBER Good, sober man. Inquire at J. P. J.I Flaus, No. 612Maret st., McKeesport, Pa. BOY With some experience, to work in grocery store. Apply 1920 Carson St.. South'lde. BOY For wholesale furnishing goods, 60S Wood St., second floor. Apply at BOY to learn 1'orbes St. tne barber trade. Inquire 804 T)OOKKEEPER-By a leading wholesalo andre Xi tall Wood st. house; first-class position for man of practical experience and proper references. Address W. M., Dispatch office. ClANVASSERS salary to good men. J Wilson Mfg. Co.. No. 0 sixth st. Wheeler A "1ARKIAGE WOOD WORKER to go to Mounds j vllle, W.Ya.:stoadvlo!)toagooanian. Inquire McWhinney & Co, 927 Liberty st. COOK Good second 000k at once, restaurant. No. S Sixth av. Kleiner's TNRUG CLERK Q. A.: reference required: per-' J manent situation. Address Drugs, Dispatch office. MAN With push wanted In each city and town to Introduce ournew paste stove polish among housekeepers: no labor, no brush, dust, dirt or smell; pays 3 50 per day. Address with Marap. Champion Company, 44 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. Pa. Q' CAL1FIED assistant or registered pharmacist n. ,7. A. Koch A Co.', w ho sneaks German. Twelfth and Carson sis., Soulhside. T) EPRESENTATIVES wanted-Responsible per XV sous to represent a financial corporation in all cities and towns: liberal terms. The North American Finance Company, Minneapolis, Minn. T) OLL-TURNER-Onc first class man. ii P. O. Box 10O5. Apply to s ALESMAN-A popular New York City cigar house. Importing direct from Havani aud man ufacturing at Kcv West. Florida, and New York-, desires to secure tlif services of a first-class sales- man for the htate of Pennsylvania, excluding Phil adelphia, who Is tornake his headquarters In Pitts burg; only those who havo an established trade among the first-class wine rooms, restaurants. hotels, clubs and cigar dealers generally, and who are now representing a first-class house la the same line, need address Fine Cigars, P. O. Box 3,-32, New York City. WORKERS Wide awake workers everywhere for the greatest book on earth, "shepp's Photograph's of the World;" costing 1100,000; mammoth illustrated circulars and terms free: un paralleled success; Mr. Thomas L. Martin. Ccnter vllle, Tex., cleared t7H In nine davs: JHss Rose Adams. Wooster, Oi. $23 lu 40 minutes: Rev. J. Howard Madltoo, Lyons, N. Y.. 1101 in seven hours; a bonanza: magnificent outfit only ft; books on credit; Bible Publishing C frelsrht nald. Address tiooe Bible Publishing Co.. No. 705 Cbestnut st., Phlla. delphla. Pa., or Chicago, 111. T70UNG MAN for general office work and who X is wining to make lumsen generally useim; state are, give references and salary wanted, Ad: arcss, Dquare, .uispaicn omce. Apents Wnntea, t GENTS of either sex, throughout the United ii. States and Canada, to handle our celebrated corn and bunion cure; its application affords al most instant reller and every box is accompanied by a 95 guarantee, which amount we will forfeit in everv instance where our remedy fails to perfect a permanent cure; sample box 25c. six boxes l! we vlll pay good agents f3 per day to Introduce our goods Into their section: no postals. For terms and particulars address the manufacturers. 11, Shroder&Co.. 112-114 Fifth av., Chicago. 111. Men tion this paper. AGENTS On salary or commission lo handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughlv (n two seconds; no abrasion ot paper: M0 to too per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to (620 In six days: another (S2intwo hours: we orant one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. Fortenns and full particu lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis. (X10). A GENTS Everlasting Mineral Wicks givo a xV. light equal to gas, require no trimming and never burn out; they dou't make a black smoke to discolor the chimney; four samples by mail, 15c; sell at 10c each. Frank Schwartz. Wisconsin, writes: "I took 100 orders yestcrdav afternoon: they sell at sight." E. AW. O'Donnell, 2203 Christian St., Philadelphia, Fa. AGENTS Several general agents to travel and appoint local agents on our pnbllcattonsMuust have experience, ability and best references. R.H. Woodward A Co., Baltimore, Md. AGENT 13 to S7 daily: experience unnecessary. Putnam & Co.. Perfumers, West Wlnsted.Ct. Female Help Wanted. GIRL Thoroughly competent white girl for gen eral housework. Apply at once, Jlrs. Pnilo French, 658 South Ncgley av.. East End, city. (1 IRL for general housework. Apply at 224 North U av.. Allegheny. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged woman to keep house for a widower; no children. Address Housekeeper, Dispatch office. LADY For good position; fair salary to right party. Apply after 9 x. M. Tuesday, 42M Sixth St., roomo. LADIES Good sewers and others to learn dress making and cutting. Call or write Mme. Bona, 930 Penn av. "VTURSF Experienced nurse for children aged 3 J.a and 6 years; must do house work; wages 4 per week. 4816 Ellsworth av. STENOGRAPHER Lady stenographer and type D writer. 4816 Ellsworth av. Male and Female Help Wanted. riHAMBERMAIDS, cooks, nurses, dining room j girls, house girls, laundresses, German and colored girls, cooks for restaurants and boarding houses, chambermaid? and dishwashers ror hotels, mlddle-ared woman lor small famllv. white and ! colored waiters, farm bands, drivers. Mrs. E. Thompson, 603 Grant St. " HELP At once, 4 experienced dlnlngroom girls, woman cook. 130 per mouth: dishwashers, cleaning girls, girl to work In bake shop, hotel chambermaids, nurse girls, honsc girls, chamber maids, cooks, colored waitress and cook, Meehan'a Agency,- 845 Grant St. Telephone. 1)0. TTELP 1.000 coal miners: 200 railroad laborers: n 200 house girls: male and female cooks; drivers, bakers, butchers and clerks: no fee charged to females. Kej stone Agency, 610 G rant st. Situations "Wanted. POSITION A gentleman aged 40. with 25 years' exrterlence at books and thoroughlv conversant with office management and work in ail Its details, offers his services as manager for a large business; correspondence solicited. Address B. R., Dispatch office. POSITION Lumberman, thoroughly competent on road. In yard or office. Is open for an Im mediate engagement; first-class references fur nished. Address F. R., Dispatch office. POSmoN As salesman on road; eight years' experience In grocers' specialties: have trav eled In Ohio and Kentucky: references. Address Ohio and Kentucky. Dispatch office. "POSITION By middle aged lady In private X family to give music lessons; terms very rea sonable. Address M. J. M., Dispatch office. POSITION By stenographer owning typewriter; ' best of references. Address H.F.B., Dispatch office. SITUATION -By a man. French and young man, speaking Ger- .uigusn. as ciers: or at ai- most anything: good reference. Address Victor Folvllle,lls27. i a anesit., S. b. JATION By middle aged lady, as house reper, chambermaid or nurse in lamlly. Ad M. J. M. Dispatch office. SITUATION -A first-class bread and cake baker wants a steady Job, city or country. Henry Mocul, 207 Market at., city. C1TUATION By a young married man to take tiiarrcui a irm rgou reiereuces given, as- dress ( kx, aut I Wood st. SITUATION As mine boss; 12 years ' experience. Mine Boss, Dispatch office. Partner Wanted. -x a Tin" kT vn witLM mw ,. a . , ..l. Ilaxvj.. cjvnJuifi.iMju. utinia.nmc, wiin nis X services, in a good paying, legitimate busi ness. Address Interior, Dispatch office. WANTED. Instruction. Shorthand Institute, 41 Smlthfleld st. Boarders and Lodgers Wanted. BOARDERS and lodgers wanted: best meats in city 25c; rooms, 60c up. Hotel Wilson, 10 smlthfield st. OCCUPANTS for large, desirable front and side rooms, well furnished, with board; all eon venlences. 216 Shady av.. East End. Itoom, Wanted. WANTED Two connecting rooms, furnished, in a good location In tlie city, for gentleman and wife: good reference and permanent tenant. If e: gi Ad suited. Address Rooms, Dispatch office. WANTED Rooms; two or three neatly fur nished rooms for light housekeeping; no chil dren. Address 109 Dispatch office. . Bookkeeping Avuuanrs, Etcv, Wautod. A SMALL set cf books to keep partly at home and partly at otBco In evenings by a person or experience; best references. X. L., Dispatch of fice. AUDITING and swouutlhg I attend to any thing In the hue of Intricate accounting, auditing the books of corporations, manufactur ers, merchants, hotels and others. A. F. Sawlilu, 1ST Federal st., Allegneuy. Pa. BOOKKEEPING Penmanship or shorthand successfully taught by direct personal corre spondence : a rare opportunity to learn at leisure: scholarship 6, payable at completion of the course. Address, stating reference", Pittsburg Correspondence .Business college, l'ostomce dox 363. Business Opportunities Wanted. TTANTED A resident of Baltimore, well known V in Plttshurg and now in this citv, desires to confer with any parties who may wish to establish a urancn omce in .uammorc Auuress uusincst, Dispatch office. Fire Insurance Wanted. BENSWANGER ZAUN Fire insurance. Fourth av. T T. SCIIAFFNER. feal estate ai ill' ance placed atlowestratei; 72 Washington av., Thirty-first ward." MONONliAHELA INSURANCE CO.-John II. Clancy, Sec'y., W. A, Caldwell, Pres't: 08 Fourth av. Financial Tanten. BOND. stocks, mortgages and other securities. Ed Wittlsh, 410 Giant St.. Flttsburg. BY A. J. Pentecost, 413 Grant St., fl0,00O to S15, 0T0 in mortgage to exchange for city property ; small larms near the city to exchange for city property. LOANS on mortgages in large or small amounts carefully negotiated. W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. MONEY to loan at lowest rate oMntercst: loans granted promptly, no delay; have a large amount on hand at the present time; bring your deed with you, will guarantee prompt loan or no charge. J. E. McCrlckart, 140 Fifth av., elo T phone 1S76. MONEY to loan at lowest marketratesonbond and mortgage; no delay. ReedB. Coylo & Co., cor. Fourth av. and Grant st. MONEY to loan on mortgages: lowest Interest, no delay. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av. MORTGAGES Moncv to loan m sums to suit at 4,f , 5 and 6 per cent; Robert G. Bailey, 152 Fourth av. Telephone 1391. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver & Co., 92 Fourth av. TO LOAN ?20o, 000 on mortgages; S100 and up ward at 6 per cent: ssoo.000 at 4J6 per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms. 3. H. French. 11) Fonrth av. Miscellaneous ATantea. ALL who are opposed to convict labor to buy lied Seal Brooms. 3?0UR new pool tables . No. 90 Diamond st. complete for 500; cost. C GROCERS and dealers to bnv Boneless BoilPd X Hams, sausage, pork, sparerlbs, lard, all kinds smoked meat cheap. E. A. Relneman, 16 Pitts. Market. MERCHANTS to put In the following lines in a new department store: Shoes, millinery, gents' furnishing, hooks and clothing. For par ticulars address The Rookery, Dispatch office. PAINTING and plateglass glazing. 520 Grant St., Pittsburg. R. C, Miller, PATENTS U. S. and rorelgn; rccs pavable success. J.n.Stevenson.sollcltor. 100 Fifth iavable on av. pATENTS O, Levis (20 yearsl. Solicitor. 131 j. filth av, next Leader, Pittsburg; no delay. rpRTJNKS hanied tD and from East End ror 50c. JL Campbell & Davis, i: Seventh av. Telephone 278. WANTED Evervbodv to know that Pickering, the house furnisher, will sell (10 worth of goods on credit for (I down and 50c a week. Pick ering, rorperJTcnth and Penn av. WANTED Yon to order your rubber stamps, steel stamps, stencils, seal presses, etc., at Shearer & Co.'s, 49 Fifth av. T17 ANTED Desk room In ofllce by stenographer. Yy Address II. P. B.. Dispatch office. "ITEARERS of spectacles to buy the best ?1 steel 1 1 and f 00 gold spectacles and eye classes yet offered ofW. 1 Trieber, practical optician, at Schaefer's jewelry store, riO Fifth av. FOR SALE BIISCELLVNEOUS. Ilorsos. Vehicles. Live Stock For Sale. TTXAGONS and carts of all acscrlptions for sale; it new and second hand, Pittsburg Wagon Works, No. 336 Second ave. : telephone 1870. Machinery ami Metals For Sals. BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sires, from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest In the market: 48 boilers and engines In stor f. stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mou ted farm engiue, etc. ; steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 3(01, 21-23 Park way, J. S. x"oung, Allegheny. Pa. STEAM PUMPS, new and second-hand hollers, engines, injectors, electors, ?outh Rend wood ftulleys. Iron hubs, shafting and hangers, machln sts' brass founders and Iron-pipe utters. 63 Water street. Bliscellaneoas For Sale. LEASEHOLD of one of the best business stands In the city: three-story brick, 60 ft. front by 40 ft. deep, on iot 60 ft. by 100 ft., at present, as for the past 15 years, occupied by manufacturing es tablishment which needs more room. Address O. O,, Dispatch office. OCCULT and theosophlcal works for sale. II. Swlsshehh A Co., C12D Penn av., East End, Pittsburg. T ED BRICK In large or small quantities. Witt J.V mer Brick Co., Lim., U Federal sU, Alle yheny. Pa. . FOB SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. "vIIEAP A good SKSfft millinery business on J Penn av., near st. Address Box B. O Dispatch office, pONFECTIONERY 8TORE A good business vr piace: good reason Twelfth St., Soutbslde. place: good reason for silling. Inquire at 137 DRUG STORE A big paying corner drug store in Allegheny; will trade for real estate: owner wishes to retire. For particulars see John K. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal st. ROCERY An old established grocery store in a good location: everything clean an salable; fine opening: will be sold cheap for cash if sold soon: good reasons for selling. Address Grocery. Dispatch office. HOTEL Doing a good business; first-class bar trade: also irrory In connection. Address Central Hotel, Petersburg, Mahoning county, O. ONE-FOURTH Interest In a good manufacturing business: clothing and gents1 furnishing store; fine restaurant; grocery stores. 1293 to S1O.O0O; cigar store: bakery; milk depot; fish and oyster market: butcher shop: Jewelry store, at a bargain. Holmes ACQ.. 420Smlt1ifleldst. " SALOON A flrst-olass saloon in Ohio; special bargain if sold within seven days. For in formation inquire of WW Traut, 42 S. Diamond, Allegheny, Pa. S8Q Cf will buy new and second-hand furniture i)OtJJ store doing a good business; rent low; must sell on account of sickness. Addrets W., P. O. Box 71, Johnstown, Fa. Business Properties For Sate. TTOR SALE Storeroom and leasehold of one of X the best locations for business in the town of Oakdalc, now the center of oil operations, on the P., C. t St. L. R. R. For particulars address Guy ANesblt, Oakdale station, Allegheny Co., Pa. rpHE extensive Crescent Foundry plant on South X av.. fronting on railroad and river and near the Union bridge, Allegheny: two large buildings, each 60x150 feet, with engine and boiler, cranes, cupolas, patterns and complete equipment for car rying on an extensive foundry business: all to be sold atpubllc sale as an entirety on Thursdayafter noon, January 2i, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Fuller particulars from Jas. W. Drape ft Co., Agents and Auctioneers, 813 Wood st.. Pittsburg. FOR SALE IMPKOVED KEAX. ESTATE Allegheny Residences For Sale. ALLEGHENY RESIDENCE Corner property, nearly new, pressed brick; hard wood, elegant mantels and trimmings; complete conenleuccs aud details: one square removed from new electric line; location prominent and choice. Henry A. Breed, 516 Market st. FOR SALE SeniJ for new pr gheny real estate, John K tinted Ust of Alle- X1 wlng4Co., 107 Federal HOUSE Or will exchange for building lots: frame house, 6 rooms and halt; within half a square of the Allegheny Market House; price, SI, 000; possession at once, John K. Ewing A Co., 107 Feuerai st. KIBKPATRICK AV., brick residence or nine rooms and bathroom, slate roof, marble man tels, hardwood finish, gases sewered, range, hot and cold water, with lot 20x100 to a 25-foot alley: this property Is offered below Its value as owner is leaving city: price !5.5u0; terms to suit. A. Z. Byers & Co., 93 Federal at., Allegbeny. WESTERNAV. Near the parks, 2-storv brick of 9 rooms, with all modern conveniences; lot 46xlM feet; on account of ill-health owner com pelled to go South: Immediate possession: low price. Baxter, Thompson & Co.. 162 Fourth ay. f OK SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE f CItv Residences. CHATHAM ST.. near Wylte av. 1 flue three-story V K brick ; 13 rooms; all conveniences : can be read ily changed into an apartment house at small cost; lot 20x96 to asphaltum pared alley: room to build another house oiy alley: fine Investment: a roost desirable downtown property: will be sold cheap. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 182 Fourth ay. IHlllTA wellloeated lnRnventeentli ward. W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. Rfifi CAPII andtriOO a Tear will buy a new iTc'VJVJ two-storr iramc or seven rooms, slate mantels, bath, h. and c. water, w. c wired for electric light, cemented cellar; one square from electric cars. See Baxter, Thompson & Co., 163 Fourth av. East End Residences for Sale. I' ARGE brick house. In the center of lmprove J ments in the East End: lot 250x300 feet, cot- erea or large family hotel. Kl Fourth av. For particulars see Murry & Edtali. Uaauivajj residence uniy t.ow, jrame iiuiuc: 8 rooms and finished attic:, well finished throughout: lot 75x200 feet. & Edsall. Fidelity bulldtng. Particulars of Slurry f-nbmhnn Residence For Sale. SnADYSIDE-FIno residence property: conveni ent to P. R. It., cable and electric lines: price 15,000. See Murry and Edsall, 121 Fourth avenue. WILKIN8BURG New frame house often rooms aud attic; five rooms on first floor, five rooms on second floor, tile hearths, hard wood cabinet mantel, bath, w. c, hot and cold water, large rooms, sewered, city water: lot 52x120 to an alley: this is a commodious and excellent home; removal of owner cause of sale, eastern exposure, jrood lo cation. Hoffman & Baldridge, W llklnsbflrg, op poslte depot. Telephone. 7248. "T7"1LKIN8BURG Choice lots on sewered street ? with stone sidewalks; within live minutes of P. R. R. depot, and one square of electric line: surrounded with good improvement?, building line and restrictions; size, 50x122 to an alley SO feet wide. Hoffman Baldridge, Wllkinsburg, opposite depot. Telephone 7248. ffijir 300 Shadysidc; $50! cash, h-lanco 25 per tIDtJ) month; one square from Center av. cars and railroad station: new 8-rooin frame: immediate possession ; good neighborhood : lot 30x100: electric and gaslights; electric bells with annunciators, slate laundry tubs: verv lane cemented cellar: slate laundry tubs: large rooms, slldlni large rooms, sliding doors to hall, parlor and din- ing room; guarantee very finest material and work manshlp. M. F. Hippie A Co.. 98 Fourth av. FOR SALE LOTS Suburban Lots For Sale. SnERADKN-Very desirable building lot; will sell cheap fur cash. Address Owner, Dispatcli office. SUBURBAN LOTS at Chartlers-Fine building lots (300 to MOO. according to size and location, within sight or the Court House: rnartlers Is the most accessible of any suburb of Pittsburg, being reached by the P, & L. E. R. in 12 minutes, by Chartlcrs packets In 25 minutes and by electric cars, which are to take the place of the present horse car line next spring, in 25 ininute3; these tots front on lino of electric road. For further particu lars, T. H. Dickson, 96 Fourth av.. Room 33. WILMERDING Three (3) choice lots near Air Brake works: must be told at once. Murry & Edsall, Fidelity building. Farms For Salo. ORANGE LAND for sale or exchange fLOOO. 160 acres Lake, county, Florida, high, healthy rolling orange land; It. R. depot, small lake, fine building lots on it; flourishing town, school. Church, P. 0.,etc, across street. All surrounded closely by bearing orange groves. Address F, BrookvlUe, JPa, 1 A ACRES as garden, large orchard, house, etc., XJ laid out iu 40 lots: adjoins town: lots will sell if desired. $2,600; 192 acres, orchard, seven and four roomed houses, etc.. grand water, worth $3,000, will take $1,400. These are samples of GO bargains. Write S. M. James, B. & O. depot. ConnellsviUe. , Miscellaneous Lots For Sale. Tj'OR SALE If you want to make a small lnvest- j. meiitiuat is ansoiuieiv sale, write unas. jn. Siecia s sons. Muskegon. Michigan, and ther will man you ire stiuctloug. mall yon free, plats, maps and views, vtith fullln- FERSONAI PERSONAL Novelty PrintinKCo., 77 Diamond tt.; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest prices. PERSONAL Hotel Wilson. 10 Smlthfield St., Pittsburg. Try our celebrated 25c meals: rooms. 50c np. PERSONAL Credit, yes, credit on flue dress goods, silks, satins,wraps.etc.. at J. Dwj er's. Room 4, McCance block, 701 Smlthfield. "pEltSONAL Everybody to come aud get a silk X scarf at Aland's, lit Fifth av. ; free this week with .each purchase 01 Jacket or negligee shirt. an umbrella, cardigan PERSONAL Wall paper, from 5 cents up to finest grades. Vie furnish estimates for one room, house, or row of houses: make contracts lor completed work. Shldle's, 403 Smlthfield st. PEMSONAL-Dr. Griffith's grin corners la grippe, pneumonia' every time: Ta-va-xon Cough bvrup. Tonic and Pills never fail. Head quarters Third and Grant, Pittsburg, Pa. Estab lished 30 years. (Copyright.) PERSONAL Have you subscribed ror your magazines and periodicals for '92? If not, come and see us before doing so; ltwfli payyou; also, new and old books at reduced prices. Frank Bacon & Co., 301 Smlthfield st. Open every evening- TDERSON AL Lady eorrespondentis desired who, JL by birth and education must be qualified to be come a marriageable companion and be physically able to undertake a yachting trip around the world. Please state age when enclosing photo to "Fran calse," Dispatch office. PLRsONAIj When 1 was a small nov my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a great bigman, Dickson, the well known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood .t., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape. PERSONAL-A firm established in this city for several years desires an enterprising man, about 30 years of age, to represent them in Iroy, N. T., and Lansing, Mich., for 12 months, or per- manentlv: to the right man there is a profit of at least fM) per month: a small capital of S5C0 to J600 reautrecl:buslness will nrove satlsfactorv and will requireq; business will prove satisfactory and will bear closest Investigation: only those who can com- mand the reauired amount of ranltal and sire will ing to work need apply; we want one man for same business In Nashville, Tenn. Call or address, giv ing age and occupation. Rooms 45, 48 and 47 Eisner building. FOUND. FOUND-Hotel Wilson. 10 Smlthfield St. Meals 25c: try them: rooms. 50c up. 370UND A good cane, last Frldav. In postofflce, . Inquire at Room 11, No. 157 Fourth av. AUCTION SALE. BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. PUBLIC SALE Of the Extensive and Complete CRESCENT FOUNDRY, Situated on South avonuo below the Union Bridge, Allegheny, fronting on railroad and river, adjoining the gas works and the larce iron mills of Llndsuv & McCutcheon. To be sold on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Jan uary 28, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. There are two substantial iron-clad build ings about 66x150 feetench, including pattern and fitting shop together with the complete outfit, engine and boiler and other ma chinery, cranes, two cupolas core ovens, pat terns, flasks, and all the tools and appli ances on and around the promises. Every thing is in full running order; all the depart ments fully equipped for carrying on an ox tensive and profitable business. This is a rare opening for any one who desires to get into the foundry business, and as tbe n resent owner has determined to sell regardless of cost a chance is presented to make n favor able purchase. Satisfactory reasons for sell ing. I urther particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., - AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS, jan!7-107 313 Wood Street, Pittsburg. AUCTION SALE.- FURNITURE, CARPETS AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS. TUESDAY, January 19, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the Henry Auotion Company, 24 and 26 Ninth st. Fine chamber suites in oak and walnut; handsome parlor suites in tapestry, plush and hair oloth; watdrobes, bookcase, desks, extension tables, sideboards, chairs and rockers; lounges, folding beds, hall racks, dishes, toiletware, springs, mattresses and bedding; brussols and ingrain carpets, Icitohen furniture, stoves, cto. Also lot of coats and drvcoods. Sale positive. HENRY AUCTION COMPANY, Jal7-135 Auctioneers. Bl JAS. T. DRAPE & CO., EXCELLENT "PRESSED BRICK DWELLING With lot, at auction, No. 30 Taggart street, Second ward, Allegheny; on line of electric cars. A most excellent dwelling, almost new; eight coott rooms with bath, w. c, gas, vestibule, hall and dry cellar, etc., etc. Everything In prime order; will bo sold at publlo salo on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, at 2 o'clock r. v., on tlie premises. Title perfect Immediato possession. Further particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 313 Wood streot, Plttshurg. Jal648-D C. HWEINHAUS, AUCTIONEER, 532 SMITHFIELD 8T. Sales of merchandise at store and residences promptly attended to. Cash advances made on all consignments. JalS-18. J. O. FLOWER, X)enn.-bal Offioe, 437 JPJEJICT AVE. ja7-55-T TO LET. City Residences. fro LET-US a month, house of ten rooms, three J- acres or ground. Meridan St.. xn ward: also low rent after April I. W. A, Thirty-fifth . Uerron & Sons, CO Fourth av. Kast End Residences To Let. TO LET Dwelling, It rooms, situate on the cor ner of one of the most prominent avenues of the East End; suitable as a dwelling or for lodging rooms or offices for physicians: is fitted complete with all modern conveniences. Apply at 6002 Penn av. TO LET East End modern residence. 10 rooms, all modern conveniences of latest features: location choice and snrroundiugs unsurpassed: three-year lease only, Henry A. Breed, 516 Market street. LKT-Aprll 1, North Highland av., brick house, nine rooms and attic, laundry and stable: lot GOxlSO. W. D. Klug. 64 Fourth av. Allegheny Residences To Let. TO LET Allegheny av.. very desirable residence, nine rooms: all conveniences; location choice. Henry A. Breed; 516 Market st. TOLET-By.TohnK. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal St., several Allegheny houses at reduced rents, bend for printed list. riiO LEI' Arch St., Allegheny, a fine bouse, eight -L rooms; s 80 Fourth av. TO LET-Resldence No. 24S Federal St.. near the parts, Allegheny. A. J. Pentecost, 413 Grant rpo l,ET-Scc.Iohn K. Ewing A St.. for Allegbeny houses. & Co., 107 Federal Sabnrbnn Residences To Let. TO LET Two minutes from Quaker Vajley, brick house 14 rooms. hot and cold water, both gases: also, cnt:ig". four rooms and 2K acres ground; rent, jjco j 3 ear. Inquire C L. Reno, on ground. Hooins To Let. EOOJIS To one or two gentlemen, or gentleman and wife, room with alcove; private family; goon neignn"-nnoo, near raiiroaa aua ciecinc cars. excenr-niuoaru: every renucment ana corn Box 30, Wilklnsburg. fort. T OOSIS-Second and third floor 641 Smlthfield st. IAi Inquire Maltby's Oyster Depot. Offices and Desk Room To Let. a 10 LET In Ferguson block, the finest fireproof . ofllce building in the olty. located on Third av., Jftst below the new postofllee. having also Fourth av. entrauce: choice storerooms and offices. with all modern conveniences, high speed eleva tors, steam heat, electric light ana Janitor's serv ices free: rent lower than others are getting in old and Inconvenient buildings; possession about Jan nary l;rent free nntll April 1: send for Illustrated book. Black Balrd, No. 93 Fourth ay. Business Stands To Let. rpo LET Five line nimrware or business honses. X I rludii five stonVn hlirh. 2) ft. front hvOOft. dpim. In. Cludinpr steam heat, steam elevator, electric ilglit- lnij; line offices, -with lance XI reproof vnqlt, on (rant St. near Seventl . ew jnear Seventh av., adjoining the fine pulldJnjrof rot Ulndler Hardware Co. For terms and Lara, sea V. A. Ilerrm A Rons. No. Ml particulars. TP xuuuusy. . -- , -, . ,.- r -r- , . rpo LET Manufseturlngpropcrty, 144 feet front A.UII f 01IM1SU" ., -illlCKIiCIIJI . AW jcci ucru to flaved back street, with brick aud frame build ings on the Washington av. front, and large vacant ground in rear for storage; buildings will be placed In order to snlt tenant. Apply to Bcnl. F. Jen o..on tv asuington av., jviiegni nings, west xeun pieei work! forka,f reble av., Alle- gheny. rriO LET To live men-Space in a new depart--L incut store for the following lines: Shoes, mil linery, gents' furnishing, clothing, books. For particulars address The Rookery, Dispatch office. 110 LET Separate storerooms with railroad . track: all receiving, handling, shipping and delivering facilities; also ofllce room. Inquire of W. A. Hoeveler, Storage, Pike and Twelfth sU nttsburg. Fa. TO LET Space with power Cor. Penn and Third av.; three floors; 20. 000 feet space; abundant power: good light; splendid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fifth av. TO LET Desirable storeroom. Diamond at. In new Dispatch building: light and heat fur nished. Apply to Business Office The Dispatch, corner Smith uueiu ai l and Diamond sts. rpo LET Store and dwelling: new block, corner 1 Wyile and Sixth avs., near Court Bouse: all modern Improvements. E. Kelly, Jr., lfil Fifth avenue. TO LET Tne very desirable storeroom (with basement) No. 205 Smlthfield St.. Central Hotel building. Apply at Kaufmanns' store. TO LET Storerooms, rooms with power and sidetrack at 84 Irwin av.. Allegheny, by Chas. Wilcox, Room 3. Dispatch building. TO LET Fine basement on Fourth av. for barber, tailor or light business. Thompson & Co., 162 Fourth av. suitable Baxter, a'O LET Storeroom with cellar,320 Liberty street, 21x75 feet in the clear, extending through to Third avenue. Farms To Ler. TO LET Farm in Slialertownshlaon old Butler Pike. 8 miles from city, near P. AW. R. K.; 130 acres, good buildings and good state of cultiva tlon. Inquire 132 Ridge av., Allegheny. INSURANCE STATEMENTS, STATEMENT OF THE TEDTONIA IN SURANCE Company, of Allegheny, Pa., lor the year ending December 31, 1891: Cnpitul stock $125,000 00 Authorized to Increase to 2(X),C00 CO A8SET8. Bonds and mortgages, first Hens. ..$219,328 59 Interest due and accrued 3,533 02 Real estate 4,098 28 Bank stock 8,730 00 Premiums in course of collection.. 30,723 72 Cash in bank and office t,Wt 36 $251,082 97 LIABILITIES. Capital stock , 125,000 00 UnDaid losses. G,00U 00 Reinsurance resorve 50840 10 Not surplus, over all liabilities 63,242 87 $251,082 97 RECEIPTS. Premiums $97,424 57 Less reinsurance, returned premiums and rebates... 12,413 39 e5,011 18 Interest 13,476 14 93,437 33 DISBURSEMENTS. Fire loss of 1890 paid i 3,240 00 Fire loss of 1891 paid 52.444 32 55,6f4 32 Commissions 17,0413d salaries, taxes ana an otner ex penses Dividends Nos. 36 and 37. . . 8,837 86 10,000 00 $92,163 54 . 6,323 78 Receipts over expenditures., Jal9-43- EDUCATIONAL. XTEW RAPID PHONOGRAPHY AND 1M typewriting and comnleta business. course taught at Park Institute, 204 North ave., Allegheny. xteF term opens .Novem ber 9. Evening sessions. Catalogues and Journal to any address free. au20-TT8 LEVI LUDDEN. A. JI Principal, CURRY UNIVERSITY. SIXTH STREET. CTJF.RY Collegiate Department, The nest CURRY Normal School, The Beat. CURKY English Training School, The Best. CURRY Business College, The Beat. CUBRx" School of Shorthand, The Best CUKR Y Conservatory of Music, The Best CUBBY School of Elocution, The Best CUKRY Faculty and Discipline, The Best Call or r send lor catalogue. H. 21, ROWE, President. oc24-51 WINTER BESOBTS. Old Point Comfort, Va. Deservedly world-famed, this Immense and unique caravansary is situated a few yards from Fort Monroe, and lies along a beautiful sandy beach, washed by the waters of Ches apeake Bay and Hampton Roads. The won derful equable climate makes it an all-the-year-round Jfsort, unsurpassed in health and general attraction. It is the rendezvous lor prominent people from all sections, and un atmosphere or comfort, luxury and re finement pervades tho place Dress parade, artillery practice, guard mounts, etc.ln the fort. Send for pamphlet F. N. PIKE, Manager. del-43-Tren "TO RENT. OFFICES nt Hamilton Building. (Most desirable Office Building in the city.) Elegant Front Suite. Finest in City. One fully furnished office, 30x63 feet, sec ond floor, rear; elegant liglit; every con venience! Also, a few choice offices, with fireproof vaults, etc, etc.; single or in suites. Offices as low as $1S0,INCLUDING EVERY THING. Inquire at OFFICE, first floor, 91 and 93 Fifth ave., city. Jal9 24-tts Steel Stamps, :R-u."b"br Staxaaps, Seal Presses, Szc. W. A. Bunting, 20 Fifth Ave. Jal-TTS CHOICE PROPERTIES. I WOOD STREET, Warehouse now rented to good ten ants; price, $25,000. , FOURTH AVENUE, Near Market street, 40 feet front, for 30,000. Enhancement certain. WYLIE AVENUE, Near Washington street, 3-story brick dwelling with store roonu Price $10,000. FIFTH AVENUE, Corner Washington street, 2-story brick with store room. Also, 2-story brick dwelling on Washington street. Total price $15,000. SIXTH STREET, A fine business property rented to good tenants. Price J$6o,ooo. MONTGOMERY AVENUE, Near Federal street, and fronting on the North Park, Allegheny City; 3-story brick dwelling, ten rooms, etc. Price 11,000. SAMEL ff. BLACK & CO., 99 FOURTH AVENUE. jal7-201-TTSU STOCK FARM, 485 ACRES. One of the best farms for this purpose in Western Pennsylvania, having thoreort a larpe brick house containing eight rooms, nil large, with inrlosocl lawn of two acres, sloping from houie to public road, and the finest frame barn In the county, size 66x86; also TWO LARGE SHEEP BARNS. Every field on farm has a running spring of excellent water. Everything is in No.1 repair. TWO HOURS' RIDE FROM CITT. Inquire of J. H. COLEMAN &" CO., JaRVrrsu 6212 Penn av., E. E., Pittsburg. FOR SALE. Bids will be received until FEBRUARY 10, 1832, for the SEWER PIPE WORKS And mannfactured pipe on hand, of tha Penn'a. Man'fg., Mining & Supply Co., at TORONTO, OHIO. The company reserve tbe right to reject any and all bids. Address all communica tions to JOHN S. DAVISON.Treas., P. O. Box 7M, Pittslrarg, Pa. jal7-26-TTsu SHADYSIDE, - 50X245, $5,000. LIGGETT BROS:, 71 DIAMOXD ST. Jal7-12t TO LET. HO. 148 THIRD AYR, OPP. POSTOFHCS, A very desirable 3-story brick store and dwelling for a term of years. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. Jal7-13 OFFICES BUILDING 121 and 123 Fourth avenue, -AT- MODERATE RENTS. de23-J3-TT $9,250-0AKLAND, On very desirable residence avenue, sub stantial EIGUT-ROOM BRICK DWELLING. Hall, bath, gas, slate mantels, tile hearths, etc. Lot 48x120. Corner property. Easy term'. M. T. HIPPLE 4 CO.. Jal7-lll-TTsn 96 Fourth avenue. Two large four-story brick warehouses, front ing 43 feet on Wood st, CHAMBERS GLASS CO., Westinghouse Building, Cor.Per.n ay. and Ninth street Jal9-5 FOR BENT S. E. CORNER WOOD ST. AND SECOND AYE. OAKLAND. $6,800 Cheap. HANDSOME HOME Easy Paymente. Nine rooms, modern flxtmes down to gas lighting by electricity. Location the best For sale only on account of owner's removal. (70) W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jal4-29-ll,19,23,27 ") A corner office, 33x16 feet; two TO LET offices with vault connecting; IN 1 one large office on Smlthfield; BISSELLfalso several other stores and BLOCK, offices to rent Apply Boom 209, Bissel Blook. Jal7-66 Penn Av?., East End, Storeroom Toletforone orthree years. 20 by about 80 feet; location good. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. 1al4-67- TAILORING. Correct Winter Suitings and Overcoatings H. & C F. AHLERS, Merchant Tailors, 420 Smlthfield st. no2S-54-TTSsa N1TARIAN PUBLICATIONS FREE Address Miss Mary Lyman, 19 Oakland Square, Pittsburg. la!2-43 FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO. 121 AND 123 FOURTH AVENUE. G!o.xtx" Ixritcxcii. CAPITAL, ..... 91,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, f 135,000 Insures Titles to Real Estate For purchasers and lenders on mort gages. Acts as Executor, Receiver, Ad ministrator, Guardian, Assignee and Mortgage Trustee. Rents Boxes In Siipcrior Vault From 95 per annum upward. Receives Deposits and Loans Only on Mortgages and Approved Collaterals. JOHN B. JACKSON. Pres. JAMES J. DONNELL, Vice Pxci. C. B. MoVAY, Seo'y and Trea. deSQ4!-w t ' sSWi ' 'ifcAiiL M' MJJtfWJtiUrmftilMiiMa