m!jM ASKING FOR JIERCY For Four Persons Convicted of Volun tary Manslaughter IN THE LEGRAXD KILLING CASE. Bookkeeper Jf. E. Leech Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement. POI.XGS OF A DAT AMONG THE JDDGES The jury in the Legrand murder case re turned a verdict shortly after 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon after having been out about 21 hours. It found the four defend ants guilty of voluntary manslaughter, and recommended them to the mercy of the Court The prisoners, Celestcr Sherlier. Edward Legrand, Michael Sherlier and Amand lolise, who had been brought into court to hear the verdict, were remanded to Jail to await sentence. Yesterday morning the jury camo into court and had read to them the tetimony given by Dr. C'llleiimi, who assisted at the partial postmortem ciaiuiuation,aud that of Dr. McGinn, who had been called as an ex pert. They then returned and reached a conclusion In the attcrnoon. The grand jury yesterday returned a true bill against tho four prisoners and Baptist Sherlier, who has not yet been arrested for riot The alleged riot was the fight in whicn Legrand was hurt. In the second indict ment for riot the Sherliersaro indicted un der the name of Laribee, which, it is stated, is theii correct name. Other Cases in Criminal Court. In the Criminal Court yesterday Nicholas E. Leech pleaded guilty to embezzlement. Tho information was made Dy P. C. Rowlen, the East End commission stocc dealer. Leech had been a trusted bookkeeper for yoars, but finally went away, and his ac counts were found to be short. He was located in Buffalo and brought back, and the charge made against him. He made no de fence. Fred Heil. the ex-aetective, F. Heck, F. Huffnagle, Joseph Rohm, August Fink and Charles IL Link, all wholesale liquor dealers, yesterday pleaded nolo contendere to charges of selling liquor without license. The charge againt them was selling in quan tities of less than 12 pints, as prohibited by the amendment of W' to the wholesale act of 1SS7. No que:ii.ii was raised in thee cae as to the amendment or 1S9 1 covering dealers who. had received their licenses be fore the amendment waspas.-ed. They will De sentenced aturaav. William Beattie was convicted of assault and batterv on Thomas Jarrett at Arm strong's cork factorv, oh Twenty-eighth street, November 2L Jarrett was foieman, and discharged Beattie, and tho assault re bulled. Admitted Ills Guilt. , A'.fred Mountain pleaded gnilty to the larceny of an overcoat from John rasps December 24, at Elizabeth. Ho was sent thiee months to the workhoue. John Hobman was convicted of attempted burglary fortrying to break into tho house orF. TecctholT, No. 23 Lowry street, Alle gheny, December 31. Mary Connors, tried Tuesday for the lar ceny 6f $5, was found guilty. Thomas Jones was tried for keeping a feiocious dog, alleged to have bitten iho child or Hannah Tate In Charticrs borough. He was found not guilty but ordered to pay the costs. John Mcllail, of Etna Borough, was ac quitted of selling liquor without license. Al Meyer was convicted of assault on in formation of Dattie McGrover. Ella Merriman was acquitted of tho lar cencyoftwo ducks from J. H. Brannonat Glenfleld. Minnie Knenpcr is on trial for perjury. She is accused by Mary Murray of having testified falsely in a civil suit, in the Com mon Fleas Coiirt, in which the verdict was against Mrs. Murray. To-Daj's Trial Lists. Common Tleas No. 1 Lennox vs Hunter; Craft vs Hilderbrand; Williams vs Evans & Co.: Gallagher vs Philadelphia Company; McDonough vs O'Donnell, administrator: Pittsbury, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway Company vs Peet ct al; Cody vs Pittsburg J Traction Company: Sehocnmann vs Schap- eria: Hogg vi Irving: Schwerd vs Ohio Con necting Railway Company; La-.igfit vs Pitts- i burg and Lake Erie Railroad Company. Common Plea No. 2 CaniDbell et al vs I Wilson cr al; Crow vs Stezing: .Stapleton vs Btirecvs; Rudolph vs Kenneyet al; Whulen v Shaw; Merritt vs Sheffler Hridge Com pany. Common Pleas No. 3 McKinney vs Bar clay: Reed Jt Co. vs Lippencott; Boyle vs Browarsky: McCullough vs McAleese: Mar tin vs Drewe.-: Eckcrt vs Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Railway Company; Jones vs. Supert, Joues, et nlvs same. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Thonia-s Bell tips Robert Ricliardon,George Seath (2), John Stegman (2), Mary Steg luan, James Powers, David McKay, John Vance, Thorns Colett, Thomas Strong Samuel A. Nekbitt, Jacob BUsel (2), William Collins. John Slattery (2), Thomas Gannon, alias Hairy Davis (10). Returns of the Grand Jury. The grand jury yesterday returned true bills against Robert Richardson and George Scott for burglary. The men are charged with the robbery of tho bouse of John Haz lett, of Oakland. The other true bills re turned were: Baptlsto Lar'nee, Celeste Laribce, Michael Laribee, Edward Leprand, Amand Delist, riot; John BonKh, James Clark, John Fay. Mary Ilickey, John Far merie, Augustine Larifcre, MasKin Raymond, John Robinson, Samuel Ahratns. L.Beura, seHiiis liquor without license: John Steg man.John Fay.Marj- Hifkcy.John Farmerie, MnRie Raymond, L. Benar, boiling liquor on Sundav: Antonio Abraza. Jacob lieicil, STious charge: Thomas Dosums lareenv; II. 11. Hart, R. C. Sell. Philip Schultz. assault anil bat' cry; Andrew Stevenson, Ed. Wen dell, aggravated assault and battery; A. Jevkell, malicious mischief: J. D. Lupher, fai-e pr-t..:ses, embezzlement, mlsde ; anoi- :. W. Power. James Henderson, J. W. Mic'mcl. conspiracy; John Malone, Teler Spec.man, offense against morality. To I'se tho Old Court Property. The County Commissioners yesterday pre sented in court a petition which was referred to the prand jury and favorably acted upon. It sets forth that the Commissioners have in contemplation the erection on the southwest corner of Georges alley and Old avenue (the location of the old Criminal Court building), a building to be ued as a power houe, where the boilers, engines, pumps and electric ma chinery necessary to light, heat and venti late the Court Hout-e and jail are to be con tained: nlho for a storage room. The next fctep will be to have plans for the new struc ture prepared aud advertise for bids. Claim of a Long-Lost Daughter. The distribution of the estate or the late Mrs. Ann Sheehan was before the Orphans Court yesterday for audit. Mrs. Sheehan was the widow of Tliomas Sheehan. Mrs. Sheehan supported the claim of Jnlia Mary Mitchell, who claimed to be Sheehan's long lost daughter and in her will gave her such ! of her estate a she had received from , Thomas Sheehan's estate. It amounted to about SflOOandconsiderable real estate. The alleged lost heiress. Miss Mitchell, is now Mrs. Parker. Notes From the Courts. Jcpoe EwiNO was compelled yesterday morniiifr to adjourn court and return homo on account of illness. A divohck was granted yesterday in the case of Christina Xcely against D. X. Xeely. Ill treatment and neglect were the allega tions. A vekdict for the defendant was given in the suit of Stephen Miller and wife azainst Hooth & Flinn for damages for the deatii of their son, killed by a cap blowing off a pipe. Thk suit of Joseph IIu;hcy against the Pittsburg Natural Gas Company for dam aees for injury to a larm caused by laying a pipe line through it is on trial before 'Judco Collier. The following executions were issued yes terday: S. Mathers vs Jdseph Diamond, $525; It. Mathers vs Joseph Diamond, $1,050 and im-. John Sliouo vs D. F. Jackson, $229 IS, illO 20 and US Oi The various reports on the assessments for sewers on College street, Fortieth and llatler street" and Atlantic avenue were filed. They were confirmed nisi to become absolute in 20 days unless exceptions are filed. Is the suit of Alex. II. Foster against his stepmother, Margaret Foster, a verdict was given for $200 for the plaintiff. Mrs. Foster was left a life interest in a farm which re- verts to the plaintiff. He sued her for dam ages, alleging that she let it go to ruin. John Packard and wife entered suit against Louis and Anna Hazelbart for $8,000 damages. The plaintiffs rented a house on Mt. Oliver from tho defendants. The stairs were in bad condition, it is alleged, and Mrs. Hazelbart, on July 9, 1S91. fell through them and was severely injured. Pleurisy pains, and all asthmatic and bronchial affections .are soon relieved by that certain remedy" lor coughs and colds, Dr. I). Jay ne's Espeetorant Best Values In All-Wool French Cashmeres, Because every yard is made of fine wool, is not thin or "sleazy; because the dye is the best in the world; because the color ings are the most desirable; we are still selling these fine French cashmeres at 50c a yard, and in. the wider widths the ?1 quality at Cj cents. Jos. Horse & Co., 609-621 Penn avenue. Don't Hake. It doesn't pay. Marvin's bread is just as cheap, just as pure, just as healthful as any you can make yourself. Ask your grocer for it. If vour grocer does not keep Minnehaha flour.'and will not get it for you, write to Arbtickles & Co., and they will tell you the grocer nearest you who does keep it. Short Time Only. Tour picture free and handsomely framed given awav witn every aozen. vaoineis cl by Hendricks & Co., So. 68 Federal street, Allegheny. WORKS WHILE YOU SLEEP. cures pain where others fail Worth taking trouble to get SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. From Pittsburgh To San Francisco 2823 Miles Without Change Of Cars ! On Tuesday, January 19th, at 7:10 a. m., Cen tral Time, 8:10 a. m., Eastern Time, a Special Pullman Sleeping Car, in charge of competent attendants, will leave Pittsburgh Union Sta tion and run through on Fastest Trains to San Francisco, California, over the Pennsyl vania, Northwestern, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Lines, via Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne and Ogden. Due at San Francisco, Saturday, January 23d, 11:45 a. m. First Class Tickets reading over above named Lines to any point in California, be yond or via Sacramento, will be accepted in this car upon payment of regular Sleeping Car rates. Meals en route In Dining Cars. For reservations and further particulars, address promptly or call upon Samuel Moodt, Dis trict Passenger Agent, Pennsylvania Lines, 1127 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. jal2-51 Danners GEJiUINE . Essence of Health. sftg . - ''& jv pure luuuiy -Am odicino lor toning up ana re butlding the sys tem. One of the greatest blood purmcrs Known Unexcelled for the cure of Rheu matism, Coughs and Colds.Catarrh Asthma, Throat Diseases, Torpid Liver, Dizziness and Sick Headache, Palpi tation of tho Heart, Cramps, Dysentery, Di arrhoBa, Scrofula and diseases arising from Imperfect and depraved state of the blood. Piles, Costiveness, Xervousness, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. Ir properjy taken we guaranteo a cure. For sale by druggists, aud The Danner Medicine-Co.,, 242 Federal st, Allegheny. Price $1 00 per bottle; six bottles for $500. j Write lor Testimonials. OC29-43-TTS DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden bpecific It is manufactured as a powilcr, which can h rlTfnlnaKlassofbcer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It Is tbsolutelv harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the pahttnt Is a moderate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every Instance a per fect cure has followed. 11 never falls. The system once Impregnated with the Specific it becomes an tter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. If -page boot of particulars free. To be had of A. J. KANKIN'. Sixth and Penn av.. Pittsburg. Trade supplied by GEO. A. KELLY CO. Alle (hear agents, C HOLDEN & CO., 63 Federal st. JJ-2-S0-TT8 BAre jAlMmpa JOHN C.5sllHAYNESS(oH 2 Boston a Mass. - Oe-2938 FAMiyAR in Millions of Mouths as any Household Word." The Tines, London, Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." "Much favored by her Majesty." World, London. "The best beverage." 'Truth, London. "Cosmopolitan." British Medical Journal. "Cheap as well as good." "The demand for it is great and increasing." The Times, London. W00B'sll If Penetrating p PIASTERS WE Tn. . mrwf fSjm.- :SMWMrJ-.iv3 mwra HVjHl 5jK3$ rat m ?i THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. EMBROIDERIES -AT- It's the attention of the ladies that we claim to-day. Only the gentler sex can appreciate the values we offer in the articles enumerated below. Now to the point: We have just opened one of the largest and choicest lines of Embroideries, direct from the manufacturer, that it has ever been our pleasure to place on display. From the most dainty little baby edging up to the finest skiFting, prices will astonish you. These goods are the regular Hamburgs, fine Nainsook, Cambric, Swiss, ec One lot in an endless variety of patterns, at 5c, 7c, 8c and 10c; better and wider, i2jc and 15c. Thegoods have no equal in style and width. As for the 20c and 25c goods they excel anything ever seen before for quality and patterns. Next on the list are our 18, 24 and 27-inch Flouncings, for children's dresses, in solid embroidery and hem stitched, front 38c .to $1.25 per yard. Just see them. Our 45-inch Skirtings from 65c to $2 are certainly the best values ever seen in this market. In all-overs to match, you will find a better assort ment and at lower prices than else where. T L The variety of these fine hand made goods is so large that we can neither spare time nor space to enumerate them. We have the finest little edges as well as the heavier width goods, in prices from 3c to 30c. Medici Laces from 6c to 75c per yard. Oriental and Fancy Trimming Laces in endless variety. Inspect our immense line of new Lace Curtains just opened. Whether you need a set of Curtains just now, or don't expect to use them until after "moving day," it will pay you handsomely to buy them while the variety is so great and prices are at low-water mark. pRemember, in our Cloak De partment we offer the most remarka ble bargains in 1 Fur Capes, Fur Trimmed Jackets, Plush Jackets, Cape Newmarkets, etc. After pricing Win ter Garments in other stores, come right here and be convinced that our fisrures are the lowest. J 510-518 MARKET ST. jal2-TT3 The Most Effective Tonic in LA GRIPPE "is DUCRO'S ALIMENTARY ELIXIR. This preparation strikes at the seat of the evil by restoring quickly and effectually the' nutritive functions of the debilitated system. Hold by All Drasglsts. E. FOUGERA & CO., Agents for V. S., 26, 28 and 30 North William t., N. T. Ja2 4i-TfcB CANCER and TDMOKS cured. No knife. Send for teatlmon- 5.1UIS. vr;ci.3iujiicuaei, .31. J., -oMO-71-TTSSUWk AUUS2CSIENTS. ThEATRC Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. CHAS. T. ELLIS. The Sweetest Songs tver iieara In Pittsburgh Jan. 18-"Tho Still Alarm." 1al2 THE ALVIK THEATER CHARLES L. Davis, Owner and Slanajrer. To-night, I .u..bu4j wmuaiiiiuaj tu.iuccn. xne romiiar uomeaian. HENRY E. AM) COMfANV, In the new comedy. THE SOLICITOR. Next week "Dr. Bill." Jal2 . D U Q U ES N E. Leadtag Theater. TO-NIGHT MR. AND MRS. KENDAL, "IN IMPULSE." Friday. "Scrap of Paper;" Saturday matinee, "Still Waters Run Deep:" Saturday evening (farewell performance), "Tho Ironmaster." Next week NIOBE. ja!4-8t rzrc?. a Tj-noPEHA HOUSE One week. Matinee Saturday. TM QU W6' MATJfi. Saturday Mght only, PAOLA. Prices, 23c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1 50. Wednesday matinee, 25c, 500.75c. $1. TriE .T.C. DUFF OPERA CO. Next week. Florence Bindley, "Tho Pay Train." j an HEARS "-""jW J-li-'-ti-l-v Traveler, C TIMES AND NEW." P.Sandford Orator, Humorist, First M. P. Church, Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa,, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25. Admission 50 cents. Tickets at J s- Hamilton's, 01-93 Fifth ave. .tickets at j j M.Hoflman's,537SuilthfleId8t. jaH-2S-Thssu HARRIS' THEATER Mrs. P. Harris, E. L. Britton, T. F. Dean, proprietors and managers. Every afternoon and evening. JAMES II. WALLICK, in "THE MOUNTAIN KING." Week January 18 "One of tho Finest." Jalt-TTS TTAREY WILLIAMS' ACADEMi TO-NIGHT. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE IRWIN BROS.' ' Comedy and 8peoIalry Company. Jal046 INTERESTING PRE! HaiM tdS' sSi I Under the B Managements of Charles I Frohman.S vPITTSBUBG: ;imXJHjjIXmmS$J4AT-: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR DON'T WHAT YOU POSSESS? Tatlor-Made Overcoat or a Suit? If you havo the piico yon need long no longer, for you will find thom in ample variety on outs counters for less than half of the original prices they were made up to order for. C1ft Tft COfi ,v buy any Overcoat in J5IU IU J5ZU our house that was origin. any maue up iu oraer? for $25 to $65. (Pin Tfl frntz Will buy an: buy any' Suit in our vDIU IU $.0 house that was originally madg up to order for $25 to $55. . to kh Tn t w'1 buy any Palr of $31 I U J)U Trousers in our house that was originally made up to order for $8 to $15. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Take elevator for Overcoat Department. Opposite City Hall. jaio A FEW DOSES OF RHEUMATICURA WILI MAKE YOU FEEL MKE A NEW MAN. That old Rheumatism r that has been troub ling you for years past will entirely disappear after you have taken a few doses of the medi cine. RHEUMATICURA CO., Si6 Penn Ave., Price, s3-oo per bottle. PITTSBURO, PA- For sale by all druggists. jal2-TTSSU This week I Gold Plated will sell 1,000 Solid Rolled CHAINS AT $1.75. Mv own make. Generally sold at $3 75 to $5. "Warranted five years. Every chain has the above guarantee attached and also a swivel, Same as this, with myname stamped in each one. The swivels are leather lluod and non magnetic. BERNARD E. AR0NS, JEWELER, SOLE OWNER VQLTAIG DIAMONDS. G5 Fifth Avenue. jaio BUY YOUR SPECTACLES AT Tli. Xiel.iei.t3X Optioian. Eyes Examined Free. Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. DIAM0ND,ot. de29-TTSu OPTICIANS? Certainly, the Best in the City. No Charge for Examining the Eyes. WM. E. STIBRBN, 544 Smithfield St. jal-TT3 Now is tne Dest season tor planting and Sruning trees, laying oufof lawns and tak. lg chaise of workgenerally; also draining. Herman Helm LANDSCAPE GARDENER, ELLSWORTH AV., Sluxdysido. Pittsburg. mhO-nis Koelilefs InstallraentHouse, dj m9 Sixth St. 2d Hoof, I t MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTMG.ON CREDIT, (Beady-Made & to Oipdep. ) Ladies' Cloaks & Jackets Watches & Jewelry, ON INSTALLMENTS. P AT Cash Prices-Without Security J weekjy or monthly payments. Business I iwuow-wn Buiuuj cuuiiuenuau UDeni ujbs imut 11 r. Aip m-B-JJS! W p&'Tn (Trade Mark.) m V 52 a tfps 'XJS?5 yvKjy a9 U StjIltO JTJST SEE OTJK; PRICES. WE HAVE NO COMPETITION AT THESE FIGURES. 57 Ladies' lightweight Cloth Jackets that we have been selling at $5, $6, $7 and $8, 75 Ladies' lightweight Cloth Jackets that we have been selling at $7, $8, $9, $10, $12, and 15, 105 hisses' Newmarkets in heavy-weight cloths that 'we have been selling at $7, $8, $10, $12 and $15, 86 Ladies' heavy Newmarkets that we have been selling at $j, $9, $10, $12 and $15, 108 Ladies' heavy Cloth Jackets that we have been selling at $8.oo, $10.00 and $12, 147 Ladies' heavy Cloth Jackets that we have been selling at $8, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25, 27 Cravenette Newmarkets with mili tary capes, absolutely waterproof;' everybody's price, $16.50, 45 Plush Jackets that we have been re tailing at $10.00, $15.00, '$20.00 and $25.00, 84 Children's 4-year-old Newmarkets that we have been selling at $5 (others equally cheap), 100 Astrakhan, Belgian, Lynx, Rock and Marten and French Seal Fur Capes that have been gautW S G or M 4 M -a.'t- DOUGLAS 4 MACKIE'S Friuay anfl Saturday, Jan. 1 5 anfl 1 6. Our Remnant Sale, including "Odds and Ends" in all Departments, will be one of the most successful Bargain Sales ever offered. Before taking our annual inventory we'll make Friday and Saturday of this week special days for our many customers, and we feel confident that the goods offered, which are marked at such sacrificing prices in every Department, cannot fail to give great satisfaction to all who may avail the opportunity of these sales. Our trade is increasing so rapidly that these sales are days of re joicing to every customer. Don't miss these Remnant Sales this week. Come and obtain a bargain which will be superior to any we haveever had. Pta Mi lie Prices Ttiey Will Tell Tlelr On Story. Bemnants of double-width Dress Goods at 5o and 8c per vard. Bemnants of 36-inch Cloth Plaids at 18c per yard. Kemnants of All-Wool Colored Cash meres and Albatross at 25o per yard, slightly soiled. Bemnants of Colored Surah Silks at 19c per yard. One lot of Colored, Black and White Striped Surah Silks at 29c per yard; worth double. One lot of Dress Silks, rich colors, at 35c per yard; actual value 75c One lot of Colored Gros Grain Dress Silks at 50c per yard; usualprice 51. One lot of Oolored Silk Begence, fine quality, at 72o per yard; retailed at Si 50. One lot of Colored Moire Silks, 24 inches wide, at 68c per yard; valued at $1 25. Large quantity of short lengths in Black and Colored Silk-warp Henriettas at 58c; worth ?1 per yard. Choice remnants of Dress Trimmings at 12c and 25c per yard; usually sold from 50c to $1 50. One lot Ladies' Wrappers to be closed out at 50c each; worth SI. Odd sizes in Ladies' Newmarkets al fl, fl 50, 82 50, 13 and,55; were 56 to ?15. " - - - . Odd sizes in Ladies' Jackets at SI, $2 50, ?4 and 15; actual value from ?5 to 15. Odd sizes in Ladies' Flush Jackets at 14 each; sold elsewhere at $10. Children's Walking Coats at 51, 52 and $3; usual prices 82 50 to 15. Misses' Plush-trimmed Kewmarkets, sizes 12-1G, at 51 each; worth ?6. Ladies' Black Jerseys, odd sizes, at 25c each; .were 75e to 51 25. Odd sizes in Misses' and Children's Gos samer Cloaks at'38c; never sold less than 51 25. Don't forget our rousing Remnant Sales on Friday and Saturday of this week at G 151, 153 and 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. Jall0-ir t.jd mv V1 i vV fffflwi'itwffT IMIPft4HBWPPBT2S3SiMl8Kv3SKSu , 79Pi -'"-T" w )? y& 5T PrHGBHW - maq, - riixm zjhbb&x&jvS&wl - ' - ' ; '. ..- " &. JJJIIM WB. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T 'Vtfc" Jf NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW OURS Nowvy NOWVi 504, 506 and 508 ST. JaU TIE French Seal Muffs at 51 38; were 52 50 each. Electric Seal Muffs at 52; regularly sold at 53 50. Wool Seal Capes at 510; actual value 516 50. French Coney Capes at 54 38; worth 57 50. Ladjes All-Wool Seamless Black Hose at 17c a pair. Men's Jersey Shirts at 50c; were ?1 each. 200 pieces Cream Pointed Lace at oe, 8c and 10c; were 37c, 50o and 75c per yard. All-Wool White Country Blankets at 52 75 a pair; worth $4. AJl-Wool Scarlet and Black, also Black and White Barred Country Blankets at 52 95 a pair. Men's Camel's Hair Shirts at 45c each; were 75c. Ope lot of extra fine Silk Umbrellas at 54; actual value 58. Bemnant 4-4 Unbleached Sheeting only ,3J.c a yard. Bemnants 18-inch AlltLinen Crash at 3Jc and 4c a yard. Bemnants All-Wool Country Barred Flannels at 15c a yard. Bemnants All-Linen Table Damask at 12o a yard. Bemnants of Ginghams only 3J a yard. Extra large All-Linen Towels at 19c each. Hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs only ljc each. The celebrated "One Dollar" Eighime Uulaundered Shirt at 39o each, sizes 13, 14, Vi4, 17 and 18. ' U JLiUU ::i(lll MM S din nn SO ,n mi s 5:11:1. mi H III) so w(Oii n Ou (014 MARKET AS & MACKIE'S, fNEW ADTEBTISEMENTS. KAUFMANNS lii:; Firaimf i; SPECIAL SALE 5 k to3f dm ,J lill C . T" MM P,,JU pockets. They 111 t K'P -IINi feillil CLOSING OUT SALE OF UNDERWEAR. IC For your choice from a lot Camel's Hair and Scarlet Undershirts and Drawers; regular prices, 1.75 and $2. 0 lP For a lot of Way Bros.' celebrated Worsted Ribbed Underwear, fcU with silk front; regular price, 2.25. AND ft r a heavy Winter underwear; sola Heretofore 0 at 98c and $1.25. P A For full regular-made Underwear, in natural wool and brown .uu shades; worth about double. A 19c for fine Medicated Scarlet Wool; regular made; worth 35c. 39c for finest Cashmere Half Hose, double heel and sole; worth 60c. 19c for heavy weight Black Cotton double soles; worth 30c. ioc for All-Wool Blue-mixed Half CLEARANCE SALE OF GLOVES. 50 39 C For Men's Genuine Scotch Wool Gloves; British make; worth $1. C For Men's fine English Jersey Gloves, black, brown or blue; worth 6;c. $1 For Fowne's celebrated English Dress Gloves, including Caven dish Tan; worth $2. ANOTHER DRIVE IN SILK SCARFS. )CC 500 more dozen of those regular 50c and 75c fine Silk Puffs, OC J) Tecks and Four-in-Hands, in no end of pretty designs. j See sample display in window. MilL J L. nOL I LUA I 0 and dark shades, single and double-breasted, suitable for House or Office wear; former prices, fl Q $4, $4.50 and $5; will go at : 40 KAUFMANNS' WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN??EMEH THE BEST S H O E IN THE WORLD FOR THE HONEY? It Is a seamles3 shoo, with no tacts or was tcreaa to hurt the feet; made or. the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because ire make more shoes of thts (Trade than any other manufacturer. It cqual3 hand sewed siloes costing from $4.00 to $3.00. C(S OOCenuiuo Hand-sewed, the finest calf . shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals French Imported shoes which cost from $3J) to $12J. QIA 00 llnml-Spwed Welt Hhoe, frno calf. iP. stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to 39.00. fijo SO Police Shoe; Farmers. Railroad Men WW! and Letter Carriers all wearthem; flnecalf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three sole3. exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. CO "O fine cnlf; no better shoe ever offered at Dtf. this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for com fort and serrice. CO '25 and S2.00 Warkingraan's shoes 0bi are very strong and durable. Those who nave given them a trial will wear no other mate. Dnvcl 8-J.00 and 81.75 school shoes are DUJ9 wornbytheboyseverywhere: theyseu on their merits, as tho increasing sales show. B OrlSoe S3.00 Unnd-sewcd shoe. , besS lUdUlCS Dongola.verystylish;eiual3ifrcncn Imported shoes costlngfromSJJX) to $6Ji. . Ladies' 2.50, 8J.0O nml SI .75 she for Hisses are the best fine Dongola. stylish and durable. Caution. See that W. L. Douglas name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe err take no sunsTiTUTj.jej Insist on local advertised dealers supplying yon. XV. Jj. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass. soiaby I). Carter.71 Firth avenue: J. N. Fn.hrlii-r.aBFiitii avenue; H. J. & G. 31. Laup, -B01. Butler trcet. Pittsburg. Henrv itoser. No. 101 Federal treet; E. (i. HiTllman, JJii. 72 Kcbecca street. Allegaeny. ja3-til-TTS . ail' ' KfclTE PHOTO PARLORS, 516 Jlurliet St. Cabinets $1 pfr dozen. Pnstel and Crnvon a specialty. No stairs to climb; use the elevator. Ue23-TT3 cfe J. T. LITTLE, 511 PENN AVENUE. fyn-,.. fiar.tivn vision a snecialtv. pectacles and Eye Glasses furnished. noaJ-50-TT3 OIL WELL SUPPLIK. J.W. M'FARLAND, 96 FOURTH AV. - - - PITTSBURG, PA. BROKER IN OIL PROPERTIES. ' ja7-M-TT3 I tMs0 fM 5? r3--jip . '-tri- . n Ll AT iiDil:; Beiarti Worth Every Cent of 75c. They are made of good quality Langdon Muslin, cut full length, handsomely embroid ered, and have fancily-trimmed cuffs and. lifts, 75c. come in fine French Pique, with open front and back, .sizes 14 to 17, and fit like custom-made shirts. Their regular price, $1.50. of about 50 dozen fine Natural Wool, Half Hose, high spljced heels and Hose; worth 25c. 98 C For vour choice from our former 1.50, 1.75 and $2 Men's Cashmere-lined Kid Gloves, Willi $1.50 with furtop or plain. For Fisk, Clark K: Flagg's celebrated Suede or un dressed Gloves, newest shades; worth 52 25. C For a lot of fine English Cape Gloves, self-stitched back, newest shades; worth $1 50. 98 oil wkix sTJpjetraa. ITv. tayloS " OIX ."WEIIv SUPPLIES. The Celebrated ALLISON TUBING AND CASING ALWAYS IN" STOCK. Rooms 33 and 3B Fidelity building:. Phone 71)7. de34-33-TT3 HAYS & TKEES, Contractors We make a specialty of buUdlnjj SATUfiAL m USES ill ITER MAINS. Boom 410 Hamilton Building-. PITTSBURG, PA. CorrMPondence solicited. Telephone, SL mvJZ-iS-Tn on. Mi SUPPLY CO., 91 and 92 Water Street, PITTSBUEG, PA. nc-iSS-rrs-aoea STANDARD OIL CO., PITTSBURG, PA. t BRANCH OFFICES: Standard Oil Co., Wheelins, W. Va, Standard Oil Co., Cumberland, JltL, Standard Oil Co., Altoona, Pa. Capital City Oil Co., Harrisbarg, Pa. We mannfactnro for homo trade the finest grades of lnbricating and illuminating oils. Our facilities uro such that our statement that wo fnrni3h all oils standard for quality everywhere cannot he disputed. OUR REFINED OIL LIST: Water White, 150. Prime White, 130. Standard White, 110. Ohio Lesal Test. Ohio Water White Legal Tost Carnadlne (red), 150 Test. " Olite, 150 Test. OUR NAPHTHA LIST: Deodorized Naphtha for varnish makers, painters and printers. Gas Naphtha for gas companies. Deodorized Stovo Fluid for vapor stova burners. Fluid, 7i gravity, for street lamps, burn ers and torches. Gasoline, S6, 88 and 90 jrravlty for gas ma chines. OUR LUBRICATING OIL LIST Includes the finest brands of Cylinder", Knino and Machinery Oila. Spindle, Dynamo, 300 Mineral Seal. Neutral Oils, Jliners' Oil". Wool Stocks. Parnfflne Oil. Fnrnfllne Wax. Snmmerand Cold Test Black Oils. SUrnal and Car Oils. Mica Axle Grease, Railroad and Mill Greato and Arctic Cup Grease Where it is more convenient, vou may order from our Branch Ofilces, from which points deliveries will ho made. VW STANDARD OIL COMPANY? Cor. Dun.uesne Way and Eighth Street, 1 J&S-m o PITTSBURG. PA. W" t l Wi ih L"t&.Jy .