xm?zrttmzw r -. 1$, v--y- fP"ti THE . PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THURSDAY, v JANUARY H, 1892. 7, HEAVY EM OF CATTLE Quality of Beeves Offerc-i at East Liberty Beltnvthe Average. PMCESARE LOWEROS ALL GRADES Sheep and JVinc Join in the Downward U-uvemcnt, and ill LITE STOCK FJXDS A LOWER LETEfj Office or The DrsrATCH, ? riTTsnunc Wednesday, January 13. There were, all told, about 103 carloads of cattle on sale this week at the East Lib erty yards against 93 loads last week. The offerings this week were 25 percent more than our ira-le calls for at this season of the year. Quali'y of beeves on sale was con siderably below late average. "Weather proved adverse to trade, and with the large run buyers, who were not numerous, suc ceeded in bainin-j concessions on last week's prices all the waylroni 15c to 25c per cut. There wrre no sales of cattle this week in carlosd lots above 51 75 per cwt,' whereas last week there were sales at S3 05 "per cut. At the reduced prices a goodly number failed to find barer, and a number of caiload were sent East in first hands. According to lasterund-icosthe cattle sent on went lurther to faro worse than they T.mim uivo aonc Here. Fresh cows were in light supply and quality of offetiugs wni low. The rang or mil Lets was ns it Mas a week ago, $-25 00 to $4 03 per head. Veal calves were scarcn and lusher. The top pi ice was 7c per lb. There 1 arc been close to 53 carloads of sheep and lairbs. on the m.irket this week, nndpiices ranged from 10? to 25c per en below list ui-ek'v range. Choice grades suffered least irom t!-p decline, but even this grade, which hsbeen firm andactive ail tho winter, wa a l-p c! j lower. Hogs Top price on Monday jiM 33, and top price this morning was S4 40. a-iti mg a decline of 15c per cwt from the on-.niugof the w eek's markets. A. Stock Firm's ltiew. Following is rbc report of the transactions Tor tho week at East Liberty stock yards by William Holmes A. Co.: tV report 100 loads cattle on sale Monday, fifty loads being from t'ldcago and 50 loads of country cattle wliie'i wrc mo-.tiv lrotn Olilo and Indiana". Tiit-iiualitj was luiii-h lielowtlic average of the f-; two weeks. The attendant of bujrs va- ipli. and thl Vitli bad r port from Hie Eastern luarkets pf aim dull opt ning at 15e to :5c de cline frum lat wk. and closed 3oc lu4ie loner Than la-t wet k'selose. with a number of loads un told. No jirimt W ere ottered. We quote jrood l.!) to 1.400 at S4 40toM 7V: (rood. l.lOit.. rutMlat t3 M to $4 10. MO to 1.0LC at f3 S to S3 To: cows and balls KS3" Mocker, six) to s-u. K 25 to f2 DO; fresh cow s and springer- 20 to 40 jier head. Keceipts of hops tvere lib'-tnl on Monday and pree.itiad ai Lat week" close, since Jlonilay ri-eeipishac tieen light, hnt ou aceount of soft, ra'm neither the market hi been dull at 5c to 10c Inner than MouIa. We quote select top., at $140 S '5 (rood mixed. Jl 33 to $4 40; pood Yorkers. T-4 to J4 4 ); cra-non Yorkers and pips, 54 10 to tl -fe.: toue'js ., itot14 HO. lit ceipi o bn pinii lambs have been heavy and trade du'i atahoi. :etlv prices on pood to prime Flock and 1.x to-"U ioneron eommon. e ijuotc R)t i UOwctllirs at S3 SJ to 40: eOtoOOatH 63 to tt S3; 70 to il it fi K to ?4 111; cu!! S2 00 to J2 50; Choi'-" lambs. $ JTi to Si 50; fcood, fc3J to Sj 00; common, 54 25 to $t 75: i eil cah es, Cc toTc. Se.ni f the Salei, Reported. . - K. llclpi-. S. Co:-Cattle-11, Iba. ft S5; 7 lienrt. s,l-ilbs f4O0; 7 calves. 950 lbs. 7c : 7ialcs, uifc 7e. :lop 7j head. 11.7T0 lbs $4 :5; so head, l.:-o!b . S4 50 Kl bead, 11,33.1 lbs, S4 4t: 73 head, la,' lbs. 44 -t): HO head. 12.340 tits, 4 45. hlleen 1S3 1b ad. lHu lbs. SiN':4M bead. 3.920 P.N JO 15: 107 l.i ail. 4nu -. 2.; lit liead, fc,40 lbs S 00; SO In ad, 7,() fc-. J 5 75. .'"in l-ikil A.o.: faille 3S head, oO.fllO lbs. W 75: 22 luad. 20,4-VIIos M; 12h.aJ. lo,6)ll)s Ja4U;Sliead. ii J)lb. (4 75: 15 bead. iO.2s0 , J0: 1, In jd. J.500 lbs. J4 50: 9 head, 10,090 lbs. ?4 111. llu 1 lo ad. 7..VVI lbN : 78 head, 16.W0 fcs.S4 50: ."Ohead, 10.000 lb fl Si; 70 head. 12,310 lbs. 4 40. sheei 104 heart, n.ZX) lb. J4 75; (6 head, .Jibs -5--'3; 52 head. 4.290 lbs. fl 25; 75 head. 4,,inNS) Huff. Hazel wood Imliofl": Cattle 19 head, 16. 14fcs. J3o5. 20 head. 22. J20 lbs. fz 5J: 18 head, 22. 2,111t)Sf4 05: 7 heller. 0,470 lbs. J3 tO: 3 calves, 01l.sCc Hop-,50 head. 10.76JlbN 1 50:70111311, 14 trj ns f4 40; 8j bead. 117-0 lbs, S4 4-5; 110 bead. 22.7M lbs SI 4-. leep- 132 head. 9.T50 lb-. $5 00: Miiieait 5.4iolbr-. Si 5u:l(ri bead. e. 710 lbs 5u; 142 trad. 7.S30 lbN f4 9u; 52 head, 4,210 lbc, SJ 15; 291 ll id. 27.GS0 Hi-. 0 licnckn. Llnkbom .t Co: Cattle 15 head 17.530 Wis 54 10: II luad. 10.440 Ilia. S3 40: 20 bead. 21K11 lb3, S3 90:18 htaiLSiSsj lbs 5125: 12 bead. 11510 lbs 5175:sheid. 10. UK) lbs (420.20 head, 2l.4801bs 5?-7". Iloca :iu bead. 20,720 lbs. Jl 55: 82 head, 23.3-W lb-, SI 50: 112 head. IS. 950 lbs. S4 35; 7 head. ll.Vlb. t4 50. 71 bead, 15.2-jOlbs, 54 37'. bheep " K.VM. 7.540 lbs. 54 80; 93 head, 8.75J ibl, fl 65:32 heal. 2. OJj lbs 5.5 00 31ail. hunlen .t Xewburn: Cattle 24 head. .SI,. fl 12S: 15 head. 19.370 lbs S3 5: 24 head. U Ml .'i.. 53 50. Jfliead. I5.4X) lbs, JJ 50; 19 bead. 1..2i .- ?2 70:4 i!ie. 550 lbs 7c. Hops 15.440 It-. S . : vilaad, 13.fi201bs. Jl 45; 144 hed, 2j!t90 lbs. 5 ri. 74 head, 11310 lb-, 54 ; 111 bead. 22.510 lbs Jl 5j. fclieip-94 head. 0,420 lbs. 55 90; 5.1 head, ' 4.jJ0H.-. J5 .5: 2W b'-ad. 12.5101b-. 5-1 03; IIS bead, K."7u lb-, js 50; 80 HtaJ. 7,500 lbs. $4 bO; 118 head, 9, 0 lb. Jl 75. Krum. DyerAto.: Cattle 20 head. 23,3-0 lbs. Mir; .0 head, 24 C2;'lb. 51 00: 11 head. l4,6Mlbs, SI ; 12 head, 12,370 lb-. (S 35: 19 head. 18.280 lbs. S. J ; lOhea.L 13.310 lLs. 54 So; SOcalles. 2.C201b. ?-75: 3 cahe-. 370 lbs. 7c. Ho?- 71 head, 13,720 lbs SI5I1; Talu.iJ. 10.830 lb-. 51 30; tSlliad. 13,910 lb-. 4 35. 220 head. 22.9:0 lb-. 54 -0 Sheep-104 herd. 8.580 lbs. 51. 50; 111 head; 10,730 lbs. S5 50: 121 head, 8.210 lbs 54 5J; 371 head, 3L730 lb-, $5 80. --, l-i8rn Bro.'s and lladdcn : Cattle 7 bead 5.33U lb- 54 25: 5 head. 1.770 Hit. $4 75; 17 bead, 23.330 3b 5 70: 8 ln-ifi r-. 9.C70 lb-. 53 80; 5 cow s, 5o b 53 J;0cal-. 630 III-7C Hop 15 head, 5.710!li-. si j i. i. li. it r. i ii,. ci -ji - i.u. hicmii? .. . . .....k, ... . .-, v. "". i .-". ouoiiis, Jl i. -luip 5t bead. 4.SU0 lbs ? 25; 2t luad. 21.!7 lbs, 55 25: N5 bca.l, 6,01 lbs, Ji M; 45 head 4.27J lb., fo 2i. 93 head, 6,890 lbs, S3 (.0; s head. 5.4 Oil- 55 5 J W ! ia:u Holmes .V. Co.: Cattlc-20 head, SJ.7S0 lb-. cl 4 -. lb head. 20.040 lbs 54 03; JO head. 11 57o lite. i;3 80: hia.J. 5 leulbs S3 S5; 8 head. 7.200 lb S3 2a. 6 oo s h.2'i lbs J2 JO. 7 calves, 750 lbs. 54 23! ICjHe-. ihili$, 4fa 75 Hops 110 head. 15.070 lbs. l: 17., mad. 2'..l401bs 54 40; 141 Iliad. 27.770 lbs it; 72 bead i3.54( lb-, J4 5J. Sheen 114 head. 8.750 ibs lo23: iJB bead. 8.240 lbs 55 .51; 6S head, 7.9J) .0-. So 15; 65 head, 5,770 lbs, !5 25; 44 head, 4,610 lbs, J oo. Isj Tlelegraph. Xm York Uecves Keceipts, 5,031 head, including C9 e.-'s, :or -sale; market very dull but a shade ejs.er: nari e steei, 3 504 70 ball and cow., 51 K3 40; Crossed beet stcadv at 7'.iJe per ,ioui.d: shipments to da,24 ho. - uim TOO quxrtcra 01 heel; to morrow, lSiCheH'Vt saiiii 25necp. Calves Iteceipto, 51 head; market tin.-: veiK $5 00 9 50 per 100 pound: gnissjr-, $1 503 Z. fchcei Keceipts, 3,270 heat!; market steady jor siu-eji; lambs, tc perpounaiow en sheep, 53 OO4M t5 t.er 10J pounds: l.imln. HI 0017 fid- eire-sod muttoii &tead at 810c per pound:. ,iirj iu 1.IIOU3 ncak 111 VQllc: JlOtTS tte- ccipts, liTSo head. ccn:r;iie-J direct; nomi nally stead., at 3 SOgl 3j pe-r 100 pounds. Chiego Gittle Keceipts, 21,000 head; fihipments. 2,000 ncad; jirime steers steady; common steer and cows 15g20e loner; mar 3.ctc u-tn weak; natives, K! 705 40; stnek eis. ti .'0a3 25: cows and hciicis, Jl 252 75. Hogs Receipts, 43,000 head; shipment 13,1 WW head: i.iarki-i air. ve and irregular: mixed and packet, 51 I0g4 10: prime heavv and buteheis- we jrutt., 54 154 35; light, 54 004 10 li'gs W !Wg3 !I3 Sheep Keccijits, 0,000 head: t-Iilpmeuts, 3,0j0 head: nniket aciixe and piid ; nam e ewes, J3 80QI 25: mixed. $4 50 S .i estcru wetucr, ? ,oUo 43; iamba, si2TNs8 75. 11 11 i!o Cattle Keceipts, 70 loads tbroutrh, 12 sale: market stead. Ilo ItecHijits 17 loads through. 100 fale; maikct s ow anil lower; bcavv gindfs, $1 soffl 33: packers anil medium, $1 30g4 35. s,hecp and lambs Ko- extra, 53 CO, common to lalr do. S3 O0K8 2 M.Loui Cattle-KeceiDts, 2,300head:ship. Ilients, 2W iead: market steady: Ian to choice native-53 256193: fed Texans. $3 003 60. IIogsLeeeipts, .I20J head; shipments, 1,200 head; 111.11 ket opened lower and closed blc.idj : tan to rancv heavy. J4 00g4 15; mixed, ordinary to cood, $3 304 00; light, fair to best, S3 sog J 10 Sheep Keceipts, 900 head; bhipineiits, one: p,ari,et strong; fair to de sirable muttons, 54 oog5 50. ICiis-iK tl'i-Cattle-ltccelpts, 3 500 head; shipments, 2,tO0 head: steers and cows steadv: t-iocken and teeders stronrr, steers o l?j 2o cows, $I -,S3 M. itockers an J leedcrs 5- 00S . Ho'S Receipts, 1G,G00 head: Miipiiients, 3 400he:id: mat ket active, 6c higher: all grade. $3 62J4 07U- bnlt S3 . S04 00. -dieep-Kereiptst6 lti" bead! shipments, none: market strong. Cinclnnat IIol's m good demand and higher: common and light. $3 754 23; pack ing and butchers, 54 10l 35; ieceipt. C 700 head: shipments. 3,190 head Cattle steady and uncounted; leeetpts, 325 uead- shitv incnts, 240 head. Sheep easier, receipts 940 head; shipments, none. Lambs in 11 -liter demand and easier; common to choice S4 00 gt U0 per 100 pounds. ' TI19 Drycoods Market. Xew Yokk. Jan. li-Thero was more busi ness 111 the di-ygoods maiket to-day throu"h thepiesence of numerous buyers There wasa relative degree of animation althouh this did not develop any special activity Transactions woie malnlv for moderate iatcels,Jint thei-e was coiisiderahle Inon'lry lorlarger lots, particularly 01 plain cottons puces wre steady. iTlie Metal Markets New Tonic, Jan. 13. Pig iron quiet; AmerI-1 vu.., w i..(ih . viiifCA 111111; jaKe. Jan n.irv, llUjc. J-ead quiet: domestic. 25 I3JL Iiq quiet; Straits, $19 t5. BULLS BRACING UP. The Weakness or a Fortnight in 'Wheat Gives riace to Strength The Market Invaded by Crowd Attracted by the tow Prices Weak Again. CHICAGO The feeling of weakness which prevailed in wheat Monday and Tues day zave place to one of strength to-day. The loss of lo of yesterday was entirely re covered. The strength was largely due to n local bull sentiment. Public cables quoted prices lower, but private one said tho feel ing la the markets abroad was better. But the most bullMi factor came later In the dav In the decrease or nearly 1,000,000 bushels in the avallab'e inpply reported by Brail strccCs. Of this rtecreiise, bow ever, onlj' 13S, OT0 huheW were on the Atlantic slope, the lVclficroait showinsr a d-i-n'ie of 1417,000. The steady drop or 8c to 10c during tho Inst week or so hns brought a good many buvrrs into the trinket. May slaited at n8?tC90;1ic ac-ii'it 90Jcit the close vnstenlat ; solel np to 91J,r: otf to fllc and hack to 91JJC berore noon. Dunne t.ic int liourthero was a period ot weikness caused hv free selling to realize profits'at the advance, and shorts haviii!.' aliendv vtiett well covered, there wns little demand. SIa went off at 00;c, rallied to 91sbC, on iatca.id more encouraging cables, and i lo-ed stcidv at SllSc. Corn wn strong and hizberdiiringmo'tof the xesslen, larelj in svmvathv with the Improved feeling in wlic.it. Trado wasmoro m-ive. Late -n the day, when whent turned weak, corn followed, closing a medium figures and about Jc better than ycstei d ij's close. , , Oats followed wheat and corn, and closed iKc higher. lloprodncls higher. Trees' were lower for the best irrades. There was a sti.irp de mand for products early and a further ad vance. Later this was sad-fled and prices settled back, tho close showing a small appreciation in values Thelc-dlrg fntuies ranged 19 follows, as cr rertisl In John M. Oailp A Co.. 45 blxth street. memliers oftbe Chicago Uoaid ot Tr.ioe: ... . Open- Hicli-I liw- Clos- ARTICLrs. j'u, cat e6t, ng. VlIFAT, No. 2. Jiuuarv. 855. 86'i J Wi.l 861. .Mav .." !, ilh W MJa CliKX. Xo. 2. .laimarv. 2'H "Su 2SH 38i Ffbruarr 3!l 3-S 39 391, ZU. ...'. 41 4I 41 41'A OATS. 0. 2. .Tanuarv. 29'4 3V tS4 Z'i JIjv 31 3! 31 31)s Jlt-S I'ORK. Januarv II 35 II .55 11 35 II 43 Mav 11 C7(j 11 &5 11 G7'i 1173 I, A uri. Janttarr. 6 20 l 27' 620 6 25 Mav 6 50 6 60 6 50 0 57H SHORT I1ICS. January 5 ("O 5 65 5 65 5 00 M.H 5 00 5 95' 5 875 50 Cash quotations ire as follows; Flour easy, hur not qnolahlv lower. Xa 2 spring wheat.SOKc: N"o..prt"- wheat. KOlgRSlctSo. 2red. S8c: o. 2 com. Ssir: Xo. 2 outs, 19'fe: .1. 2 wni;c, sra:uy,' -so s wntte. 31c: Xo. 2 rve. SSVfc: Xo. 2 barter, fide: : So. 3. I. o. b 434?59e; Xo. 4, f. o. h., 33.Yic: X'o. 1 f.axReed,ic; pnme liihothv secd,l 2rl 25. Mess pork, per bbl., $3 25. lilt d. per 100 lbs, $5 25?ij 2"i. Shoit ribs sides (loose), $3 55S? 5 03: drx .salted shoulders (hoxed). S4 50 4 Cl(; short clear sides (hoxed). $5 001 Oo. Whisky, alstillers finished goods, per gal., $1 18. fcnars unebange'l. On the ProcWee KxchRnee to-dav the bnt- tr market was firm- fnncr creamery. 28 2")e; fino Wnsterti, 2f(?27c; ordinary, 20jK!3c; selected chiiries, 2325c; ordinary, 1520c. Lgss, 2324c. XHW lor.K- Flour quiet and hea5-y. Cornrceil quiet and steadj-. Wheat Spot -market hither with options dull; Xo. 2 ted, $1 OlJgl 02 in store and elevator: $1 0-;l 03 afloat; $1 0!1 04 f. o. b.: Xo. 3 red, 91' $100; uneraoed led, !13Je$l OGVi': ." 1 Xortliern.fi Wyi: Sk 1 hard. $1 0bjil 07ft X'o. 2 Northern, oSJjffi'Oe. Options Xo. 2nd. January, closing at$l 01': Feiirnarv. SI 01J & K, closing at $1 02j8'; Mnrcli.'fl 02H 1 034, closing at $1 031X; April, $1 Oidil 03V, Closing at $1 03J: May, $1 0I)1 03, closinc at $1 02JK: June. $1 C0tl 01U, closins at $1 oi;: July, SUKSKc, closinrr a Mic Kes:eadrahd quiui; West ern, 97?h9c Barley dull. Corn Snot market irre.ui.ie ilo-ing stroncer; lair business; Xo 2 56510 in elerator, 525ic afloat; S-JjS'U' I. .!'.: ungraded mixed, 3553c; Xo. 2 wliito 53c; X'o. 3, 4647c: steamer mixed, 50K51Vie: options, Jannarv. 50-Xf51c, closing at 31c; Februiry, 50Jj;(S51c: .Mai en, "OViS'iOKc. closing at 50ic: Apt'il. 50J50iic, closine at 50Je: May, 49JiWc. clos ing at 49'ic Oats Spot market steadier; fairly actic: options flrni"r and unlet; Jnnnnrv, 36;iCc: Febmory, 337fc; May, 7r,$T,c, clo'sing at 37Jj;c: stit Xo. 2 n hire, 3S-5i039Wc; mixed Western, C63Sc: white do. 39 13c; X o.2 Chicago, STJC Hay firm. Hops firm and active. Tallow steadr. Epgs quiet and weak Western, 242lfc." TorK quiet. Middles slrons and firm. Cut meats strouir. Lard higher, moderate demand: Western steam closed at 56 C7J city, $6 670! i 70; options, Jannnrv, 50 04: Fehrnary, $5 67; March. V, 751 77: May, J6 S76S3, ciosmg at 56 8S6 90. Butter in moderate demand; Western dalr. 1823c: do, creamery, 21T32c: do, lactorx,1422c: Elgin, 31K3:c Clii-eo lairly active and firm: part skims, .".10c. rniLADniPHI Flour weak. Wheat Xo. 2 red In export elevator, 9Sc: X'o. 2 red, January. Vtveylr; Febrnii-y. 90?i$i oo'i Jlarch. $1 01Ji(jl 01?: April. "$1 02.'1 03W. Corn Xo. 4, mixed, on tiack. 43Jjc: 'Xo. 3 In export elevator, 4524.V4c: steamer in do, 4S'ic; X'o. 2 ellow in e.o, 5tc: Xo 2 high mixed and yellow in crain deoot, 53c; X'o. 2 In ex port elevator, 5050i.fc; Xo. 2 mixed, Janu ary. .V)S50ic; February, March and April, 49r450e, Oats Car lots advanced i5'c witha hetterde'iiaiidtXo. 3 white, 31c; do clipped 39jc: Xo. 2 w lute, 40'c: do choice, 40Jfc: Xo' 2 white. Jin-iir.:ai3'Jc: Februarj. Match and April, 3$jS!!9.'. Butter Fancy goods scarce and lirm; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 31jC2c. Eggs dull and w eak; reunsyl vania firsts. 24c. B.iI-.:o;:X M'heit firmer: Xo. 2 red spot nd JAiiuary, $1 u0Kt OOJi; Fehixnrv. $1 011 Ol'i; March, SI 02" Mij, 51 031 VSV; steau.er Xo. 2 red "TgJTic Com firmer; mixea spot. teuruarv Mav. 50gjC! uiisqui ni.ii kicaarj 0.2 white 5'siern. 3.k3ic; Xo. 2 mixed Western, 37c asked. Ke quiet; Xo. 2. gjgoCe. Hnr firm and higher; good to cooiee timothy, $13 C0Q14 50. Provisions active, arm and unchanged. Butter active and steady. Eggs steady at NEW OKtnANP Sugar quiet, but steady: open kettle, prime to strictly prime. S13-162?c;fulh fair, 2Jc; fair tocoodfair. .lAfA 3 9-lhc; off uo. 'Aid31cz seconds, oa -cr.-aTi- Mola-ses steidj; onen kettle, prime, 2.c; i-iTto good fair 2325c: centrifusal, good prime, 13lRc; tair to prime, 10Q13C; com inon to good common. C9;. common, CQ9; i.-t i.-h.s.vi 1 rioiK esy. Wheat In fair mi 6c. roririirmar JU25. I.ird in good le m.iiuliit JG 15. Bulk meats film at $3 61 Bacon linn at ?7 00. Butter firm. Egzs stronger at 2 Jc Cheese finu w 1th moderate demand. KAXSVS CITY Wheat, lower; Xo. 2 cash Tiiic bid. Corn lower; Xo. 2 cash 3334c bid, 3tc asked: Janmry. 33c bid, 337'o asked Oats hijher; Xo 2cish,iS)3 Did, 2SUc asked January, 23c bid. 20J4C asked- M-iv .tnra 31c Ejes unchanged. MIXKK' OM--Wheat-Na 1 Northern, January, 8IKc; voterday,S3e: May.opening t6)c; highest. r.JJc; lowest tOJfc; elosii" STUc; yesreida,eiJ4c;oi track, Xo. l hard bGkr; Xo. 1 Xortkein, SSc; Xo. 2 Northern Sd(f82c ' lULtiJO-iiiieat dull and bieher; No -cash and Jnnuurv, nojjc; Mav, 96c, Corn dull and steady; No. 2 cash. 42c; No 3 40c Oats quiet; cash, 3Jc Bye quiet; cash", 83XC' Tnrpentino Market. SAyAXKAH Turpentine firm at 31c Bosin firm at $1 151 20. CiiAnLiSTO Tui-pentine steady at 30Vc Kosin firm; good strained, $1 15. New York Kosin steady and quiet. Tur pentine dull and easy at 3333Jc Wilmi.gtot Spirits or turpentine steady at 30c Kosin firm: strained. $1 15; rood strained, $1 20. Tar steady at $1 33. Crude turpentine steidr: hard. SI Xh viiin dip and virgin, $1 90. The Coffee Markets. Baltimore, Jan. 13. Coffee steady; Rio car goes firm, 17c; X'o. 7, i3c. X'ew Yoi:k. Jan. 13. Coffee options opened barely steady at 5 points up to 15 points drrn-n: closed barely stcidy at 1023down: sales 17500 bas, including January, 12.600 12.75c: February. 12.05i2.23c: March, 11.85j! 12.00c: May, H.G0lI.7Sc: June. ILCOc; July, 11.55c; September, lL50ll.55c: spot Klo more active and steady; Xo. 7, ISJjJc A Shabby Little Gain-, Generally foiled by legal measures ere It has attained any degree of success, and that is the palming off of fiery local bitters and trashy tonics ns akin to or identical with Hnstetters Stomach Bitters. The aenulne bears a vignette ot St. George and the dra gon with a minute note of hand, with direc tions for use on a bronze label. Hostetter's Stoumch Bitters eradicates dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney and rheumatic troubles, malaria ajid la grippe. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothljig Syrup the best remedy Jor their children. A HINT TO BUILDERS. Great Scarcity of Houses in All the Surrounding Towns. AN OLD CITIZEN LOOKS BACKWARD. Manchester Traction Comes Forward as a Leader of tbe Stock Market. OFFICE JND STREET NRW8 AND GOSSIP It is worth noting that the growth of Pittsburg is not at the expense of the sur rounding towns. All are prospering to gether. In "VVilkinsburs, lor instance, a real estate agent reports applications for between 20 or 30 dwellings which he is un able to meet. Houses cannot be had there for love or money. Braddock is in about the same position. Homestead is unable to house all tho people desiring to take up their resideuce there. Sharpsburg is no better offi,This, with all the building of the last Sew year, sho5vs remarkable accessions to the population of the surrounding dis tricts, and should convince capitalists that they can put their money to no better or more profitable use than in erecting homes lor the people, such as persons of moderate means can afford to bur or rent. Ttackrrard ard Ahead. Itccollectioni of old citizens, no matter what direction they take, are always inter esting. A gentleman still prominent in business, whose knowledge of Pittsburg covers a period of GO years or more, 6aid yesterday: "When I look around I can scarcely realize the change that'the'eity has undergone since nij boyhood. Then vacant spaces were numerous, and neople grew vegetables on ground tliats now worth 53,000 a foot front. Ground was literally 'dirt cheap.' My grandfather sold a lot on fifth avenue lor a few hundred dollars that is now worth a fortune. Nearly all the places of note CO or .60 years ago have disappeared. Fields where cattle browsed and linen was laid out on the grass to dry are now closely packed with houses. Mag nificent buildings, fine conceptions in ma sonry have taken the places ol many oi tne origfnal structures. The city has been pushed out into what was then a wilderness full of game. Business has kept pace with this expansion. Pittsburg has achieved greatness in a single lifetime What new marvels are awaiting us it is, impossible to conjecture. All signs and influences point to continued prosperity and growth." DusIncFS News and Gossip. It begins to look as if this will be a Trac tion year. Banks and insurance companies have trimmed their craft for another year's sail ing. May it be less stormy than the last. The Citizens' Traction people are about to adopt a system o( incandescent lightine the patent of an Allegheny man on all their cars. Experiments just concluded were highly satisfactory- Car No. 119 is already equipped with" this light. The talk of extensive improvements in the Fifth ward next spring indicates that back ward districts aiy about to join the pro cession and march to the music of progress. It is reported that R. B. Conrsin will this year erept a $ifl,uoo notei in Jiciveesport. An electric lisht, heat and power company has been incorporated at Xew ville, Pa. W. G. Stewart is tho principal uromoter. It is understood tho price paid for the Penn Cotton Mill machinery and fixtures was very close to $40,000. A business block to cost $125,000 will be erected at Hazelton the coming season. It will be the finest in tho plico. II. M. Gillelind has sold to Nancy Gtlle land 25 acres In Ohio township for $7 550. Newly-chosen directors of the First Na tional Bank of sewicklcy are: K. J. Murray, Charles McKnight, Frank Spmple, John Reno. ,T. W. Ariotr. C. G. Woods, K. J. Stoncv, Jr., Joseph W. Craig, Ezra P. Young, John McElwain and JX. S. Anderson. Only one permit was Issued by the build ing Inspector 3-esterday to Henry Meintz forabrick two story store and dwellincon Penn avenue. Twelfth, -ward, to cost $3,335. Ar 1 11c last can vesiiruay 154 was 01a lor 100 Duqnesne. Birmingham was offered at 1S. A fritltle-s attempt was made to get a bhi lor Ben Franklin Insurance. Very little was said about the passing of the dividend by the AllCKheny Heating com pany. It was not a surprise. Pittsburg Junction Railroad stock moved up a peg or two yesterday. Movements in Realty. It Is rumored that 60 acres, a little more or less, a few mjlcs above the city, plotted last year, will soon pass in to other hands. There Is a good story In this which may be told later on. Black & Batrd sold for John M. Buck and Ida J. Leaf the property corner of Brushton avenue and Grazier street. Brushton, hiving a Ironlaceof 100 feet bv a depth of 130 leet to a 20-foot alley, for $3,3C0. S. J. Fleming sold for Ira M. Burchfield to Colfax School Board of Twenty-second w ard, two lots In North Homestead plan, Twenty second waid, for $1,2C0: also for Marv F. Moore to Mr. S. W. Black, lot 50x161 on Thomas street. Boulevard Place, Twenty first ward, for $4,5C0. Sloan & Co. sold a farm of 60 acres In West moreland county for T.F.Stewart to S. D. Mai ron, for $3,500; also a tann of 90 acres in Wavne county. O.. for J. F. McCroryto F.M. Andrews, ior$6 500. A. Z. Byers & Co. sold for John Young to Z. E. Bates, lot Xo. 82, in tho Northside Lund Association Plan, Limited, borough of West Bcllevne, Pittsburg, Ft. Wivne and Chicago Railway, 35x105 feet, for $450. Charles Somers sold for Mrs. Marv K. Grace to William Speitli a lot fronting 25 feet on Catharine avoune, West End, and extending back 95 feet to an alley, for $500. SLOW AND EASY. Bankers Looking Forward to the Employ ment of Idle Fands. The demand for'money from commercial and manufacturing sources continues quite moderate, but It is Increasing, and by the time the spring trade is fairly on will no doubt come up to expectations. Such is the indication, and unless the unexpected shall happen there is no reasonable doubt of actual employment for the bulk of the finances now lying Idle. The movement at the city banks yesterday was rather slow and featureless. The weather was the bearish ractor. The dis count rate was steady at 6 per cent, ontside capitalists being the only ones to shade. Good real estate collateral was In demand. A cashier said home money n as so plentiful as to deter the shipment of Eastern funds here, and they wero being sent West and South lor investment. Bank clearings were $2,520,794 05 and balances $527,224 22. At New York yesterday money on call was easv, rnncing from 2f to 3 per cent; last loan at2K; closed offeied at 2 Prime mercan tile paper 4J6 Sterlimr exchanee quiet and steady at $4 83J lor GO-day bills and $4 SS'i for demand. Closlng.IJond Quotations. U.S. 4srcB 116 do. 4. coop 116 do. 4Hreg 100 do. 4scoup raclflCOJOf 'SB 109 Louisiana btauip. 4s SO1 MlsouriGs Tenu. new set 6s...1054 do. do. 5s.... 1(po do. do. 3s.... C9 Canada So. 2ds 102 Cen. Pacific lsts 105K Den. & K. G. 1st.. .116.S do. do. 4s 7SJi Den.AIt. K.Wsstlsts Krle2ds 1074 M. K. iT. Gen. 6s.. bUh Asked. M. K. A T. Gen. 5s.. 82 Mutual Union 6s 105V X. J. C. Int. Cert...im,H Xorlhcm Pac. lsts..H5 do. do. 2ds...m Northwestern cons.,137)t do. debentures 5 105 Oregon & Trans 6s... st. L. I. M. Gen.5s 86 St.I...tsanF.Gen.M.I07 St. Paul Consols I25W St. P.. C. & P. sts113 Tex. P.L.G.Tr.Kcts Si'i Tex. P.H.U.Tr.Krts 31 Union Pac. lsts 106 Ucst Shore I02u; K. U. West 77 Rank Clearings. Chicago Money 6 per cent. Bank clear ings, $15,781,430. New York exchange, 4050c premium. New York Bank clearings, $148,224,786; bal ances, $5,976 C70. Bosto Bank clearings, $17,613,037; bal ances, $1,468,289. Money, 2 per cent. Ex. change on Xew Yorkl5c discount per $1,000. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,828,289; balances, $1,751,773. Money. 4 per rent. Baltimori Bank clearings.ji2,7i0,603; bal ances, $314,535. Rate, 6 per cent. Memphis Xew York exchange selling at par. Cleannss, $405,673: balances. $158,077. New Oiileaks Clearings, $1,604,871. New York exchange selling at $1 per $1,000 pre mium. St. Lodis Clearln-'S $3,946,531; balances, $650,452. Money. G7 per cent. Exchange on X'ew York, 90c ptetnlum. Wool Market. St. Locis Wool Receipts, 1,100 pounds; shipments, 00,400 pounds; movements ffelr at steady rates. HOME SECURITIES. MANCHESTER TRACTION AND PHIL A DELfHIA GAS MOVE OP. The Former Makes a Jump of Three Dol lars a Share Outsiders Still Hungry" the latter It Looks Like a Traction Year. The stock market was active and strong yesterday. Bulls took it In charge and had things pretty much their own way. Orders were plentiful. Manchester Traction was the feature. At the last call Mustin, having orders for it, ! shied his caster Into the ring and scooped in 400 shares nt 40-an advance of $3 a share over the best bid of tho previous day. The cause of this jump was due mainly to ex pectations that at the meeting on the 18th the company will make ono of the best statements It has ever promulgated. Large and steadily Increasing earnings were also an Important factor In forcing the advance. Philadelphia Gas was again interestirg. Outside orders were plentilul, and It fold up to 15, closing strong nt that figure, and with the demand unsatisfied. A sale was reported in New York at 15. Central Traction and Pleasant Valley were fraction ally hlfihor. Luster continued' Its upward movements on rosy reports by President Gamble. The rest of the list was steadj to strong, with no important changes for bct ,ter or worse. Judge Birrett's action in NewYotk was the subject of some talk. Ho granted an in junction in the suit or Mr.'Frnnk against tho Edison Electric L'sht Company, re straining that company lrom paying a pie fcrred dividend of 80 per cent In collateral trust bonds. Judge Barrett bases his de cision on the ground that it is unlawful lor n corporation to lsue bonds In order to raise money to declare a dividend. Sales at the first call wero 10 shares of Switch and Signal at 10, 20 Pleasant Valley at 22 120 Philadelphia. Gas at 14. 10 at 14, 270 at 15, -.OOntlSJ. Second call, 10 Philadel phia Gas nt 13, 60 at 1. 50 of which was b. o. 10. Third call, 400 Manchester traction at 40, 10 Central Traction af VM, 150 Phila delphia Gas at 1. Between calls, 100 1'hll ndoiphla Gas at 15. Bids and asking prices at each call are given In the following table: I IRST SECOVD TIItHD F.rCIIANGE CALL. CALL. CALL. stocks. n a a A B A P.I'.B.lM.El. 310 330 .... Oer. Nat Bank 325 Liberty Xat. B.. lOJ,1! 1C5 Citlzms' Ins 29 .... 29 .... Western Ins 40 40 Char. V.G. Co.. otf .... 6'f 8' 0! 8M Ma:iuf. Gas Co 24 254 P. N. G. A P. Co .... 0 Pllllldnlpliia Co. I4 14S 15 15lj I5,' ISVf WliifUngUatCo .... -0' .... 20, .... 20'i Central Traction 221 21 22V... 21 21 Citizens' Tr't'n.' CO CI CO 02 brt 61" PltWliirgTrac... 41 .... 43 .... 43 .... Pleaint Valley. 22Ja ' 22.4 Allegheny Vjl'.cv 12 Chanters It. It..'. 60 , P..Y. &A 24 41 Pitts. Jnn. R. It. 2bV 31 26Jf.... Pitts.. M i. Kv. 50 52! X. Y. 4C.G. C. 47 .... 47 51 I.aXorliMln. Co 25 SO I.usterMlr.lns-.o 10"i 12 11J4... UK 12S Westlngh'e K'ec. 15 M'helaW. Co... I 27 .... 27 ,... Union S. & S. Co 10s 10$ .... I0S II t. U. Cable Cn..... - 1 CO .... Ex.-Dlv. A HEAVV BLOW. TO SHARES. THE INCREASE OF $25,000,000 IN STOCK OF THE SUGAR TRUST. Otherwise Tendency of the Market Is Up ward Northern I-acitlc Preferred and tho Industrials Inherently Weak A Partial Recovery. New Yoak, Jan. 13. The event of the day in financial circles was tho announce ment of a further Issue of $25,000,000 new stock of the Sugar Refineries Company. The stock market responded to this intelligence bv a material decline all around. The mai ket, on the whole, displayed a very satisfac tory tomper, and except when pressure for a fnll was exerted, tho tendendv was stead ily to rise. Northern Pacific preferred wns subjected to picssure fiom the opening, and further weakness in the Industrials helped to restrain tho upward tendency. Thocloso was heavy after a partial rally in the final trading, tne market being active and near the lowest figures. Tho losses 0 note weie oily three: Sugar, 1; Chicago Gas, 1, and Northern Pacific proterred, 1. The total sales of stocks to-day were 43s.- 483 shares, includine: Atchison, 23 430: Chi caso Gas. 34.-20S: Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 4 480: Erie, 4,715; Kansas and Texas 3 550: Louisvinn nnu jNasuvwe, iz.'juo; Mis souri Pacific, 5 395; Northwestern. 17,308; Noithern Pacific preferred, 33.150: New En gland, 13,1CS; Beading, 14 700; Jtichmond and West Point, 27 6J7: St. Paul. 13,880: St. Paul and Omaha, 4,220; Union Pacific, 26,262 Railroad bonds were more active to-day, and on the whole displayed a much better tone, but the strength and the activity were In a huge measure due to the transactions In the Kansas and Texas seconds, which fur nished 920,000 out of the total day's business of 3,641,000, and rose V per cent to 52. Tho stimulus to the securities of the load wns given by the statement that 2 per cent would probably bo declared on the seconds. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the X ew York btock Kxchange yester day. Corrected dallv for The DisrATeir bj AVhitxev Stephenson-, oldest rttlbburgmem bersofthe Xew York stock Exchange, 37 Fourth avenue. Open tug. High est. Low est. Clos ing bid. American Cotton Oil American Cotton OH. pfd. Am. Su?ar lteOnlne Co... 35-,'i 3.5H 35 a 6i'( 83V 914, 4';j 94 6o- 113 31 26V 60)4 41' 753 108 81K 1!2V 93 47 110' 117 141 73,S' 33 30V U0'4 Mi, "85 ",r, 82' 44 '' 83X Am, sugar Befhitnc Co.. pfd irj Atcii.. lop. & a. r Canadian racl.flc. Canadian Southern Central of Xew Jersey.... Central Pacific , Chesapeake and Ohio C. &)., 1st pfd C AO., 2d pfd Chicago Ga Trust C, Bur. A Qulncy C, Mil. & at. Paul C. Mil. & St. Taul, pfd.... 444. 43V !Ws; 04l-i 94 til mx "iis' 114U 28V 595 40 775 109 32 26'j, 60 'i 41H 77' lfO'd 82' 1232 "48'i UO 117V "745 1C8 123 ' 123-1- -e;., ltocK 1. & i' C, St. IMLiO C, bt. 1: 51. AO. pfd C. A Xorthwetern C. & Nortli'vetcrn, pfd... C. C C. A I CoL Coal A Iron Col. A Hocktnc Valley Del., Lck A West Del. AJtudsnn Den. A Rio Grande Den. A Klo Grande, pfd... E. T Va. A Ga E. T.. Va. A Ga., 2d pfd.. Illinois Central Lake FrleA West Lake F.rie A West., pid... LakcShoreAM. S Louisville A Nashville Mobile A Ohio Missouri Pacific 'National Cord-iRO Co National Cordage Co., pfd. XatlonalLead Trust Xew York Central X'. Y., C. A St. 1. X'. Y., C. A St. L.. 1st pfd. N. Y., C. Ast. L. 2d pfd... X.Y., L. E. AW N. Y., L. K. A W., pfd.... N. Y. AX. E X.Y.. O. AW XorlolkA Western Norfolk A Wel rn. pfd.... North AlnerieHn Co..: .... Northern Pacltlc, Northern Pacific pfd Orejron Improvement Pacltlc Mall Peo., Dec AKa-uis Philadelphia A Headlne... P., C, C. ASt.L P., C C. A St.l... pfd Pullman Pal-lee Car Richmond A W.P.T Richmond A AV.l'.T.,pfd.. St. Paul A Diiluth St. PaillA Dulutli. pfd St Paul. Minn. AMan Texas Piclilc 1 Union Pacific Wabash Wabvsh.pfd Western Union WheeliuRAL. E Wheeling A L. K.. pfd Dis. A Cattle Fd Trust XatlonalLead Co Xatloual Lead Co., pfd Si4 43 UO 47H ion no's 73H 37,'5 31 lWJs 74 39 31 SI 31 141-,' 12BV 17H "Wi 1414 126 140! 125Ji 125V ItSH 45V SM 'l08V 22V 71 ia;4 81 38 fi.1V 97. 102 V 19V 1I5X IS 108V 23 7IH 12JS 23'li 81. "64 82 80V or 7,4 98V !H3 1025, 20M '20 97V 102 im 20X IU2 20 115U 20S 80 si" 73 J1'4 783 42 32V 72 , 50'i 204 16 MH K.a 13', 67 Ti 27 SSV MM 41 2M 64V 187 18M 7lV MH 104 5' 32'; 72 'i T4Vt 61?, sow 13 ' 20-4 20 10J, 21 17ii 2IS i9 17M 2IH rax 17 231 67 SO I 22 417S "hvi 187H 2IK 4034 16)4 7u'i 47 UK '" 137', 17' 71, 47 Uo .KM 14'j 32 84K !8H 78'4 C1V 35 "4 12V 4'J6 M'i 84' 38H 78 Ziii 84 n4 i:u 4& 14 31Vf 834 37 77V 60 3.5'l via a ; 'zvi 83, ss 77V GOV 2 625, Philadelphia Stocks. Closlns: nuotatlons of Phlladelnlda Rtoct fur. nUhed by Whitney Jfc Stephenson, brokers. Xo. 37 Fourth avenue. members of the New York Stock Exebauge: Bid. Asked. ,.56V 56K .20 9-16 20 9-16 ,. 8's 9 ,.50!i 504 .674 675j iO'A Pennsylvania Railroad Heading Railroad Buffalo. N. Y. .tl'hlla Lehigh Valley Northern Pacific , Northern Pacific, prer Lehigh Navigation , Electric Stocks. Boston, dan 13. Special The latest elec tric stock quotations to-day were: Bid E. E. C. Co. nref. Asked. ?5 H?H a 00 26 50 12 62K 13 25 Thomson-Houston Electric Co..., Thomson-Houston, pref..... , Ft. Wayne Electric Co tVestlngliousc EIectrlcCo....... Detroit Electric Works ..)0 75 .. 26 37K . 12.50 .. 12 75 .. 8 73 Milling StockHjuotations. New York, Jan. 13. Alice; 135; Aspen, 300: Adams Consolidated, 170; Crown Point, 105; Consolidated California and Virginia, 365;' Aieaawood T., 200: Xirreknr Consolidated, joo; Homestakc, '1,100; Horn Silver, 373; Iron Silver, 140; Mexicin, 150: Ontario, 400j Ophlr, 250; Plymouth, 165: Savase, 140; Sierra Ne vnda, 170: Standard, 120: Union Consolidated, 0; Yellow Jacket, 100; Best and Belcher, 200. Itoston Stocks Closing Prices. Atchl. A Ton A3H Atlantic 12! Boston i-JIont K)i Calumet &llccla....261 Franklin 16 Kcarsarge I2'4 Osceola 30 Santa Fe Copper.... 25 Tamarack 161 Anuiston Land Co .. 23 Boston Land Co S" West End Land Co. IS Hell Telephone .."....207 Water Power........ "i i;o3ion a- AiDany... .irai Boston & Maine 102 Old., Bur.A Quincy.lOi Eastern K. It. 6s 120 Jftchhurg R. K 84if K.a.St J.&U.BI.7S.12TS Little Hock ,t Ft. S.. 91 Mass. Central 17 Mex. Cen. com 22 X. Y. JLX. E 491,' ld Coloar 168K Rutland common.... 3'3 Wis. Central, coin.. 23 1 Als. Central pref. 45H AUoncz Mln., new.. lh Central Mln.Co 10'( II. Jtli. Copper W,i Thomson-Houston., at Itar Silver Quotations. New York. Jan.13. Special Bar silver in London.423d ner ounce. X'ew York dealers' Tjrice for silver flpeper ounce. 100 BARRELS AN HOUR. PATTERSON & JONES' NO. 0 KELSO AN OLD TIME GUSI1EB. IS The Forest Oil Company Gets a Dry Hole on the J. M. Glenn rarin Two Gordon Sanders Brought in Yesterday Tho Production Takes a .Turnr. Late last evening Patterson & Jones' No. 5, on the Kelso farm in southwest McCurtly, reached the fifth sand and started off at 100 barrels an hour. It does not develop any new territory as there are other good wells drilled on this property. The production advanced yesterday frbia 28,600 to 29,500 barrels. One well completed yesterday was not a success as an oil producer. It belongs to the Forest Oil Company, and is their No. 2 on the' John McDonald-Glenn farm. Tho sand tonnd in the well was of an excellent quality, but It had evidently been drained. When the drill entered the fifth sand, the oil, which bad been standing In the well lrom the Gordon sand, disappeared, and is supposed to have eono by a subterranean passasre to some other company's tanks. Operators in this field declare that a big producer such as the Matthews, Baldwin or Elliott will open immense passages through the sand. The rush of 2.1s to the well from tho sur rounding lock forces holes through it. As a consequence tho first well secured a grip which others do not seem to be able to break. Mny Re Finished To-Day. The Forest Oil Company's X'o. 2, on the K. W. Glenn, Is on top of the fifth sand. It Is located about 4T.0 feet from the same com pany's Xo. 1 on the Etta Glenn farm. The Foiest's N,o. 6, on the Hen on farm, is in the fouith sand and is making about 33 biriels a day fiom the Gotdon. Their "hurry up" well en the Sam'Sturgeon farm, north of Oakdale, is down 2,000 feet. Four weekq aeo tho rie timbers were not on the ground. This is without doubt the quickest drilling which has been dono in the field. The 5vell was started after tho Agnes Kemp farm well carao in and as the lease only held for 34 days longer the com pany was anxious to complete a well in that time and avoid forfeiting the farm. The Oakdale Oil Company's X'o. 3 Baldwin is through the Gordon sand. All of the wells on the Wallace farm, with tho excep tion of X'o. 1, have stopped flo5ving. Tills company's X'os. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, should all be finished up within the next ten days. The Martins Ferry Oil Company's well on the Mrs. Carr lot, near tho coal tlpplo In tho eastern part of McDonald borough, Is In the Gordon and made 150 parrels during the first ten hours after teaching that lock. The Galvln Oil Company expects to get the Gor don sand tc-day on the Matthews lot. The People's Gas Company's Xo. 117, on the Mil ler farm, should hav e been In the Gordon lait evening. The same company's X'o. 1 Wallace, locited 400 feet east of the Dougherty lot at Laurel Hill, is down 40) feet. "They are building a rig for No. 2. The Northfleld Oil Company's well on tho SnutcrsaDd Patterson lot Is In and making 300 ban els a day. Tho Devonian OU Company Is still fishinc In the sand in its second hole on the J. M. Kobb fann. They succeeded in spearing past tho tools, but could not get them out. The Devonian is still fishing at its No. It on the Joe Kobb farm. Their Xo. 4 Elliott is making 50 barrels a day from tho Gordon sand, but will be drilled to the fifth. Dry Hole at Turkeyfoor. Tcrketpoot A dry hole has Just been completed on tho Freshwater farm by Mur ray & Watson. It was tho only well drilling 'In thofl?ld. SisTERSViLLE At Captain Grace's well on the Eoseberry Colvln larm, north of de velopments, a third pay was struck last evening and showing for a well. It was shut down for tankage. Tills well has been reported dry heretofore. It is one of the most important in tho field. . Ganges of the Wells. The gauges of thaw oils In the McDonald field yesterday which aro making 20 barrels an hour and over were as follows: Guffey, Jennings & Co.'s No. 1 Mathews, 30; X'o. 3, Matthews 50; Nos. 2 and 4 Herron, 70; No. J, Mathews heirs, 70; Oakdale Oil Com pany's Nos. 1 and 2 Baldwin, 35; Nos. 1 and 2 Wallace, 53; Forest Oil Company's No. 4 Her ron, 23: Patterson & Jones' No. 3 Kelso, 30; Kelso X'o. G, -25: Devonian Oil Company's Nos. land 2 Boyce, 65: Woodland Oil Company's Xo. 1 Gamble, 20; X'o. 4 Gamble, 20: Morgan heirs' No. 2, Oakdale Oil Company, 35; S. Sturgeon. 1 and -2 GutTey, Galey & Murnhy, 65; Boynl Gin Company's No. 2 M. Bobb, 35. Production of the fielcf based on the forego inir, 29 500 b-irrels. The Southwest Pennsyl vaniaPiiie Line runs from McDonald Tues day were 30 60S 20 barrels; ontside of McDon ald 11970. National Transit runs, 37,134.97, shipments, 57,348 82. Macksburg runs. 1,161.83. Buckeye runs, 34,312 S2; shipments. 5,031 18. Eureka runs, 8.905 24. Southern Pipe Lino shipments, 12,297.05 barrels. Stock in the field, 70,000 bands. Yesterday's Market Features. Trading was light and tho price on a lower level. The febrnary option started and reached high-water mark at 63. The lowest and close was GS. A broker accounted for the decline by saying tho Standard was about filled np. There was no change in refined. Daily averace runs, 83,450; dally average shipments, 63,819; clearances, 72,000 barrels. Oil CiTT.January 13. XationalTransit cer tificates openedjat 63'fc. highest. G3Wr: low est, 62"!j;c; closed at C3c: i-ales, 69,000 barrels: clearances, 443,000 bairels; shipments, 80,178 barrels: runs, 103,191 barrels. BnADFORD,Jnn. 13 National Transit certifi cates opened at C3aC; closed at 63c; hieh est, 63c; lowest, 62Xc; Clearances, 294,000 barrels. New York, Jan. 13. Petroleum opened steady.and after Qeclinin-r c on small sales became dull and lemnined so until the close. Pennsylvania ioil, spot, openincr, 63c: high est, 63c; lowest, C2Jc; closingat C25c: Februarj- option, openlns. I3e: highest, 63c: low est, 63c: olosinrr, C3e. Lima oil, no sales; total sales, 21,000 barrels. Coughs and Hoarskvfss The Irritation whlcn Induces couching Immediately relieved by use of Brown's Bronchial Troches." Sold onlyia boxes. GRAND LXCUESION TO THE SOUTH. vyy:acanga, Ala., the Place Where the Fenn Cotton Mills TYllt Bo Located. Excursion train leaves B. & O. depot for Chattanooga, Birmingham and Sylacau ga, Tuesday morning, January 19, at 7:20. Very low; rates, tickets good for 40 days. Fuller information from,V. W. Acheson at office of J. "W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood street; A. H. Wilson, E. E. Hotel; Dr. H. IC Beatty,- 73 Fremont street. Alleeheny; J. C Jamison, Frankstown avenue, E. E.; J. A. Shannon, i)0 Fourth avenue, orB. & O. Office, corner Filth avenue and Wood street. N. B It is important to secure tickets and sleepers on or before Saturday, the lGth. The Pennsylvania Railroad's First Special Excursion To Washington1, D. C, is fixed for January 21. Bate ?9, good ten days, from Pittsburg, andproportionate low rates from principal stations East. Special train, composed of Pullman parlor cars and handsome coaches, will leave on that day from TJnion station at 9 A. M. Tickets valid on all trains, ex cept "Pennsylvania Limited." Sleeping cars on night trains. Stop-over in Balti more within limit will be allowed.! One Lot Real Scotch htripe Clicviots In stylish colorings, 52 inches wide, down to 75 cents a yard, cost tho importer more! than twice as much. This is the dress goods department that raves its customers money. Jos. Horne& Co., 609-621 Penn avenue. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh will surely cure catarrh and cold in, the head. .Handy, pleasant. All druggists. 50ents. The WEATHER AND TRADE. The Unseasonable Softness Is Handi capping Bnsiness Here. CHOICE DAIRT PRODUCTS FIRM. receipts of Grain and Hay Large and the JTarkets Still Slow. SUGAR WEAKER AND COFFEE STEADY Office of Tnx DisrATCH. ? FiTTSnuno, Wedxksdat, January 13. C, Country Produce Jobbing Prices "Weather continues adverseto trade- in this line. At all events the movement is slow, and prices, which have been down to hard pan for weeks past, are practically un changed. Poultry is scarce and firm, and the same is true of fancy butter. Supply of Tilgin creamery butter of high grade is not equal to demand, bat common and low grades are very dull. As to country but ter, it is hard to sell at any price. J"srs arc slow stock, and out; quotations are being shaded for job lots. Fruits and vegetables are quiet at the same prices as havei pre vailed since tlie year opened. Appi.fs $1 .50512 CO pernarrei. ' Bt'TTER-Crevraerv Elgin. 32nc: Ohio brands. 2831c: com-non country butter, lC17c: choice cotinlrv roll. IscS22e. Beavs New York and tllchlKan pea. l 90(312 (X) marrowfat. 82 152 25: Lima beans, 4l'ie"i?! tt, hand picked medium, tt 'WSZ 00. Beeswax Choice, a35e- 53 lb; low grades, 22 25c. Buckwheat Flock New. 2"2'i ? 16. Cheese Dido choice. lUSUSc: Xew York cheese, 1l,HVc: Llinbnrger. 12,'j13tjC: Wiscon sin S-veit7er. full cream, I3l4c; Imported Swelt zer. 26r)2s'$c. Cidek (.ountrv cider. !3 5e3 00 g barrel: sand reined. $5 COffiS 50: crab elder. S7 50SM CO. UUAXDERaics Per oox, 82C0H2 50; per barrel, 57 CXK5S 00. r,Gus btrlctlv fresh nearby stock, H(225c; cold storage egfts. luainc. FFATiiEKS-l.xtrallve Reese. 57585: No. 1. 4S 50c ? lh; mlxril lob. 39i3l0c. Dihed Fr.crrs -Peaches haljf, 6Hc: evapor ated apple. 8(89e: apricot. 910c: blackberries fiffiBVr: raspbi rrles ITiW-'c; dried grapes, 4,'i 4Vc; liuckleberrle, 7'ij-. GAME-Wlld tuners, it 30;2 00 each: millard ducks, fl 00 perpitr: teal dECk3.$273Ml3 00 per dozen: pheaanls. Sl25p-rpair: nuall, $2 50 per dozen: squirrels, 1 OOSh 51: rabbits, ,oa5flc ner pair: whole deer, Ili2c ? lb: saddle. 16SI8C ? lb. Honey New rrup white clover, lGlTc;.CaI fo ho ner. 1215e ? lb. AtAPLF. Syrcp 75ffii kv "t gallon. Maple Suoar 10c ? tb. roULTitv Alive Chickens, 65'SrOc a r.alr, large: 50S60C, medium; live turkeva, IJ33r3 fbtdncks, fji;70c! a pair; dressed chickens. 1516c p lb; dressed turkeys, lGtSc"f!b; dressed ducks ;lG17c ?lb. POTATOES Carload lots. 3540c on track: from store, 4045ca bunliel: Southern sweets, fl 501 73 a barrel. Jerseys, 13 Oras 25. SErDS Western recleaned medlam clover job bing at 5 20: mammoth at $5 5; timothy. (1 45 for prime, and 1 30 for choice; blue eras. $2 63(312 80; orchard eras. SI 75 : millet, 1 00; German, SI 15: Hungarian. SI 10: fine lawn, 23c " lb; teed buck wheat. 1 401 50. Tallow f ountrv, 4c: city renaered. 5c. Tropical Fruits Lemons. $1 00(5)1 .50: Florida orances, $2 5X5;27;5a rox: banana-, Jl 75Si2 CO nr&ts, Jl 2V?1 SOgoodsceoivkiperbunrh: Malai-agrane. S5 5O5)'0 i0 a half barrel; new layer flgs, 14316c per lb. Vegetables Cabbagp. S3 on4 00 a hundred; vellow Dinver onions, 2 25(2 V) 1 hirrel; toma toes. 32 00 p-r bnshn!; ce'erv, 25J3)c per dozen; turnips, 90c3l 00 a barrel. Groceries. Contrary to general expectations, sugar has weakened since onr last leport and prospects are for a drop in prices. One job ber reports a decline of c per pound, but others leport this ns promntuie. Coffeeiare steady nt quotations. The movement of groceries is reported slow. GREEN COFFEE Finer. 2122c; choice, Hlo. 20r"f Mc: prime, lSctlow gride Rio. n'sfSHS'c- old Government Java. 272l)c: Alaraealbo. 2r$(a2'4c: Mocha. 27S28'-c: Santo. :iV322c; Caracas, 22' Sl'ic: La Chirrs. 2llsS22J5'c. Bo'asted (in p-lpers) Staiid-ird brand, 19c: hlarh prndes. 22'i?25Jie; old Government J iva. bulk, 29 30c:M.n-cilbo. 21ffi23t;c: i-antos. lS'T23-ic; p a berrv. 25c: choice Rio. lflo: prime Klo. Wc; good Kio.'lSSc; orclinarj-. 165l7ie. Spices (whole) Cloves. 11314c: allspice, I0e; cas.la. 8c: pepper, lie; nutmejt. 700r. Petrolfum (Jobber' prices) 110 test. 6Ve; Ohio. 120. Via: hcidllght. 150. 7&c: water wnite. 9(a9'c; globe. l!14'5c:elalne. 15c: carnadlue. lie; royaliue-, 14c; red oil, lv):Hc; puritv, 14c: olelne. 14c. JlIVEr.s OIL Xo. 1 winter, strained, 424ic per gal.: summer. AV737c;laril oil, i59c. Syrup Corn sCrup, aviWOc: cholee sugar svrup, SfCSac; prime sugar syrup, 3032c; strictly prime, 2830c. X. O. Mohssfs Fancy new crop, 40&42: choice, 041c;old crop, 3()3Sc:N. O. syrup, 41 50c. Soda BI-carD. in kejts, S'iiSSSH': bl-carb, in , ll , U1-V.I1U, UHlflWM JIWMSC , lfU.. O, WUdt In kegs. lVc: do granulated, ic. C4NDLES Star, full weight, 9c; stcarine, per set. SSc: parafiliic. H12c. Rice Head Carolina, 6V6!5C: choice, 5"46c; Louisiana 5!45,Se. STARCH Pearl, 4c; corn starch. 6S"c; gloss starch. 07e. Foreiox Fruits Laver raisins. (2 00: London layers. 2 25-Muscatels. $175; California Maseatels. ft 601 75; Valencia. 77'6c: Ondara Valencia. SO fi'ac; bultma. 1015c: ciirrants, 4,(a.5c: Turkey prunes, efflOc: French prunes. Mjfiiic: Salonlea prunes, in i-10 picKajces. wc: cocoaniios, v iuu.vuo; almonds. Lan.. 5 lb. 20c: do Ivica. 17c: do shelled. 50c: walnut. Nap., lSHc; Slcllv IllberU, 13c; Smyrna figs, 130114c; new dates. 6S6c: Urazllnuts. 7c: pecans. I5d7c: citron. " lb, 2324c; lemon peel, I2c lb; onngepeel, 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced. SHISSHc; apples, evaporated, n.'M!: peaches, evaporated, pared, 20ca21e; peaches, California, evaporated, tinparcd, 13316c: cherries, pitted. 1.5c: cherries, uiipltfd. 8n: raspl crrles, evaporated, 1819c. blackberries, b'i 7c: huckleberries, 8c. sugars Cubes, 4I5C: powdered. 4?aC: -tranulated. 4Hc; confectioners'. 4ii:-.soft white. 4K4!tc: yel low, eholre. 34c; ) ellow, good,334c; yellow, fair. SVEaXc. Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), Jl 75; medium, hall bb's (COO). !2 85. S-alt-Xo. I. e" bbl, SI 20; Xo. l.extn . bbl.n 10: dairy. "P bbl. S120: coarse crystal, p bbl. si 23; IliEKinj'Eureka.thu sacks, $280: lliglus'Eareka, IS 14-!b p ickets. J300. Casxed Goons Standard peaches. St 75(31 90: 2ds. ?1 251 35; extra peaches. J2 002 10; ilc peaches. &V590I-: finest corn. 12Sfi)150: Hfd. Co. corn, 850(341 00: red cherries, si 00(5)1 10: f.lma beans, tl 10: soaked dn.35c; strlnared do. (i.5f?ii7uc; marrowfat peas. $1 00(1 15: soaked pea. C5C$7Cc: pineapples, it 201 30; Bahama do, 2 00: damson Blums, SI OP; green-caKCs. ?1 25: ear-- plums, 51 00; allfornia apricots, $1 75(i$l 90: California pears, 2 1C2 25; do greengages, f I 85; do eg? plums, 81 85: extra white cherrie. 52 75; raspberries, St 05!?B1 10; strawberries, 95cSt 10; gooseberries. U ooai 05; tomatoes, 8e.15c; salmon. 1-th cans, Jl SOSOl 8C: blackberries, 80c; succotash. 2-tbcans, soaked, HOc; do green. 2-lb cans, 81 2501 50: corn beef, 2-tbcans. SI 655" 67: 1-lb cans. Jf 20; baked Deaus. 71 401 &5:iioter3. iu-;ucan&, si 1: macz erel, 1-jb cans, boiled. 51 50:-eardInes. domestic. Ms, $! 831 00; Hi. t3 50: sardines. Imported, Ms, Jll 5(J12 60; sardines, imported. 4s, SI8 CO; sar dines, mustard. ?5 30; sardines, spiced. S3 .50. FISH Extra Xo. 1 bloater mackcret S24 00 per bbl: ev tra Xo. 1 do me, 20 CO: Xo. 2 shore mack erel, $18 CO; No. 2 large mackerel, SIS 30: JSo. 3 large mackerel. ?Z4 00: No. 3 small mackerel. 510 00. Herrings-Split $6 50: Hee. fi 05 9 100-lti bbl. White fish, ft 73 V, !0O-lb half hbl. L ikn tront. J5 50 a half bbl. Finnan baddies. 10c ?" lb. Ice land halibut. I2c r lb. Pickerel, half bbl. $4 CO quarter bbl. St 60. Holland herring, 75c. Walkoff herring, 93c. Oatmeal 51 903 00. Grain. Flour and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain Exchange to-day: 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, $12,5days,Baltimore and Ohio; 2 cars No. 2 white oats, -Siyic, 10 days. Receipts, as bulletined, 29 cart, 01 which 21 cars were by Plttstrarg, I't. Wayne and Chicago Railway, as follows: 3 cars of oats, 4of hay, lof middlings, 2 of bran, 5 of flour, 6 of barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis: 1 car of middlings, lof corn. By Pittshnrg and Lake Erie: 1 car of oats, 1 of middlings, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg and Western: 3 cars of oats. The situation in cereal lines Is in troncral favorable to the bnver. Receipts aro large and demand is li'.-ht. Hnv has declined from tho highest point reached a few days ago. Tho advanco brought plenty of stuff to the front. It seems to bo Impossible to bull grain and hay mar kets for any length of time, owing to tiro abundance in the land. Following quotations are for carload lots on track. Dealers charge an advance flu thee prices from store: i"i HEAT No. 2 red, CO-31 OT; No. 3 red. 93 00c. CORK 3fo. 2 yellow ear, .Wuillci high mixed ear, 49'a50c: mixed ear, 4747Sc:No. 2 yellow, shelled 4o4o'ae: high m(ved shelled. ,44K4."ic; mixed shelled, 4"44c:iiew No. 2 yellow shelled, 41W-E!c: high mixed do. -toaioy. iTATS-No. 1-oatf. Zili(r$Ze; So. 2 white. 37 (&.lSc; extra No. 3 oats, i637ic; mljedoats.31Vg 23c. RE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 9530c; No. 1 Western, Oyailac. Bakley C3 iJToc. Flouii Jobbing prices Fancy sprinz patents. Si5. 50: fancy winter patent. tV StO'iSO: fancy straight whiter, SoOiSi: fancv strati-ht spring. tS2iS."-': clear white--. H635 00: straight XXXX bikers'. (1 75S CO. Rye Hour. ? 0a.i .5. Jlatran)-No. 1 white middlings. ?2tco2 M "j ton: No. 2 white middling. JI9 60.J) U0: brown middlings, SI7 o0IS 00: winter wheat bran, Is CO 18 JO; elii"ip feed, r.l 00025 00. IIAY-Haled tlraothv. tlioice. $13 3V13 75: No. 1, 12 li(12 73: No. 2, 10 75lt CO: clover hay, II 50 1 : loose irom lYnjcou. $in iajwio V7. ueturuiug fnniiHlllv; Tifirtlnrrhar. A sMSH 1 0. bTiEAW-dat-s, ?7 007 50; -wheat, $5 50C 00; $5 lX)(a,G 23. rre. Provisions. Sugar cured hams, large ....-. hugar cured ha,us,-.iiiedluin bugarcured hams, small j.. sugar cured California hams bugarcuredb. bcon buf-ar cured skinned hams, large...., Sugar cured skinned haras, medium. Surar cured shoulders Sugar eured boueless shoulders,, . 7V 6V : r!" 9 : M : i 1200 12 CO fjk TI 5V 6 6'i THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor nays it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kldne8. and Is a pleasant laxative. This drink 13 made from herbs, and 13 prepared for use as easily as tea. I: Is called All druggists sell It at SOc. and $1 00 per package Buy one to-day. Lone'a Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy, this is necessary. de23-C4-TWThs A UUNDRY SOAP, PURE AND SAH1TARY. BEST 70S Gensr! Household Use CURES DYSPEPSIA. CUKES DYSPEPSIA. CUKES DYSPEPSIA. Having suffered from Dys pepsia for thipe years, I de cided to try JiunDocic Blood Bittehs, and after using ono bottle found myself so mnch better that I was enconraged to use another: after takin-r this, I find, myself so fully re stored that I do not need any more medicine, feeling truly grateful to B. B. B. Mns. G. C. White, Taberg, Oneida Co., X. T. DIGESTION. Jal-TTSSn dr: E. C. WEST'S Treitinent. a guarantee-'l specific for llyterli. Dizziness, ConvuUlotts. Fits, ervtiut Neuralgia, Headache, XervAus Irostatlon caueU bv the use of alcohol or tohacLo. "VakefIne-s. Mental De pression, bofteiitng of the Brain resulting in In banltr, decar and rtoath, Premature UM Age. Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and SDermatorrhrea rinsed hr orer-excrtlon of the b"ln. sclf-abue or over-indulgence. Kach box contains one nonth's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six lor J5 00, by mall. VTE GUARANTEE SIX BOXE5 To enre any case. With ench order received for six boxes we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not cure. Guaranties Ksued only hv EMU ff. hTUCKY, Druggist, s-nlc Agent. Nos.2t0l and 1701 Penn avenue, corner "Wyli avenue and Fulton street. Pittsburg. Pa. Uc Mucky's Dlarrhaa & Cramp Care. 25 and 50 cts. JaI-!-eod SSof Rapndly, Thoroughly, Perfectly Cured by the milt Scientific and 8ucoessraI Methods of Treat mens ever known or perfected. Cannes fall unlets tbe cue i DeTond Lamao ltd. lmproTment Been from tbe start. Sufferers :rtra Nervonsnesa. Debility. Weak or Unde veloped Or-cans. Impotency. Errors of Youth. Lzcesea, Worry Jlu, Uiorougaly, pennanently cored, by tnl treatment. Don't brood orer your condition nor glre up in despair. Let Us show Ton what Wedlcal bcieoce and Houorablt Treatmtni can do. Send for Oar Aew Book with explanations, endorse menu and rererenccs. The Angelas Mm Instilute Co. CANTON, O. Ja757 UCfl I TLSfawarrantedtoRs. riUftLm I n new youtiifnlcolor and Ufa to 0R1Y Hair. Use onlT IS. HAYS" HAIH HEAITH. Most rat-Iartory llaircrower. hue London Sooply Co., W3 B'diray, Is Y Hair book f red HITS' klLL lUUKS. Et CIKE InUni, Cubu, Jt.ltfc Jm. Sold by JOS. I'-LUMINU i iO.N and drug gists. UlJ-i-l-jl-MThEOSU VTe eend the marrelons Frenrh ;MEI Kemedv CALTHDR fr- nt..t . 9 lesal ffuaranteo that Caltuos will 3 I RTOI nSncbftrires A Eml-Ion, 9 "-r 'M-& tUUL sfHrmntorrIir-a. arleocele : and nCSTOUE Lot Vlor. use tt and pay if satisfied Addre?,VON MOHL CO- SoIe imfrirtn AftnU, CbicimaaU, Chto. Ue23-37-TT3 A BOOK ""OF MIL! inn rarer QME TRSkTMEHTi VVlin MtUlUAL. tLiSTHICITT Tor all CTElOKia, OEGANI0 tmj NERVOTS DXSEASE3 In both sexes. But ooalttlll ToaredtfHahAir aaa THEPnRUCHEMICA!.CO.,ft!llWABI,WIS DQ imnCTflH'C Trpntmnt for th cure H. IBl If 1 H 1 U 1 1 D oftotMHnIioo-?,Impo- nee, Laek of Developinenf, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, irmlsslon-.Varicocele, ote., without stomach medicines. No failures or relapse. Cores anrp(l. KAT.'CD TREATISE FREE. MAKSTON CO., 10 Park Place, New Tort. octl-TTSWk WEAK MEN Suffering from Lo Power. .Nervnna Ue- bllllr. Lo.t llaaliand. Etc. We will send you a valuable booje (sealed) free of charare. containing fullnartlrnlars fnr.t imwlranfi permanent e-irre. Address: NAalATEC altxi.co.. 304 OUtc btreet, St. Louis, Mo. . aeiO-133 PILES. I INSTANT 1JELIES-. Final onre In 10 days, and never returns. No Tiunre. no salve, no HtinniKiinn buffercrs will learn ofa simple remedy Free by addressing TUTTLE & CO., 78 Nassau St,, N. Y. City. de29-39Tj Sugar cured skinned shonlders Sugar cured bacon sboolders suear cured drv-talt shoulders.... Sugar cured d. "beef, rounds Su-tarcuredd. beef, setts.. ,. Sugarcnredd. beef, flats Bacon, clear sides, 30 lbi Bacon, clear bellies, 20 lbs Dry salt clear sides, 30 lbs ave'g.... Dry salt clear sides, 201bs ave'g.... Mess pork, heavy Mess pork, family Lard, refined lu tierces , Lard, refined in one-half bbls , Lard, refined la 60-10 tubs.T Lard, refined In 20-lb pans Lard, refined In 50-lb canst. I.arrt, refined In 3-10 tin palls Lard, refined In 5-lb tin pall. , Lard, refined la 10-lb tin palls , AT Hx V Tri 1 ri 1 Vmi hi i if rT i W2gr--gtra-rg T 1 !9 fSrlljStSri' t ? i "-v -. ' zrZiri &:t. f a s y; vsssssa mus. t u tw-uiiua, t . ;. -, "ia.ft ;.v. uvisawatsii TtnTrciTTET tttk t?vt?. - i ::::: 1$ &z 2&7&wffiM&!& sweeten the breath, - J jS fe3fP3aMf?SS TONE THE STOMACH, T- KSAiba4jfe; REGULATE THE LITER AND BOWEI M in ana buiauj vx. iuc vjtiiJix. disijh ru rxJiri.ui uiiAiiTH - and BUILD UP THE WHOLE SYSTEM TO PERFECT HEALTH".- Ztr?c2iKL Hoofland's Podophi.il in -Pills & As a Pleasant and II A i i S r I l ti" fii 9 IJr.OKKKS FINANCIAL. . Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. apSO-39 nrnni nc savings bank, rtuTLt 3 81 FOUP.Tn AVENUE. Capital, $300,000. Surplus, $51,670 29. D. McK. LLOYD. EDWARD E. DUFF. 4 President. Asst. Sec Tress, per cent interest allowed on time da posits. oc24-6t-l FAHNESTOCK & CO., 2 Wall Street, New York, Supply selected investment bonds for cash or In exchange for marketable securities. Execute commission orders for Investorm' nt the Stock Exchange or in the open mar ket. Furnish information respecting bonds'. Ja"-41-TTa John M. Oakley & Co.,; BANKERS AXD BP.OKERS. Stock, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum. ' Private wlro to New York and Chlcagau " 43 SIXTH ST., rittsburg. R1NKERS Snfflfr!ni?1n fnlnf .hrint tinrl nnna -fi-r-n-rt TiUTTVlT- ENNEs.SorDIPyOMAXlAcanbo a rely, mafely and speedily cared by the wonderful new speclflo CHLORIOGOLD ! No matter whether the person li a moderate or periodical'' drinker or a total wreck." CIELO JCIOGOLD destroy alt appetite or cravlntt for alcoholic stimulants without hann or In convenience, and assures the patient new life and happiness. Belnir taateleia It can tie given by a friend In tea, coffee, lemonade, beer, liquors, or food without the patient; . knowledge, or It can be taken br the patient In the fame liquids, with a truarantee of absolute success and a ritdleal eare In either c-ie. Hundredi of cures have been made with CUXORIOGOLD In Illinois alona. Price within reach of all. only S3. CIIXOKIOGOLD can be had ofoiirasenli or lent postpaid by us. Pamphlets furnished free. All correspondence confidential. MAIICID'HEMICAI,CO., Sola Proprietors for tbe U. b SB Dearborn at-, Chicago- FOR SALE IN PITTSBURGH, PA.. BY Jos. Fleming 4 Son, 410 Market St. Duquesne Pharmacy, 518 Smithfield St. A. J. Kaerchcr, 53 Federal St,, Allegheny City. , . del-17-TT3 MEDICAL. ' - WHITTIER 814 PEN" aVENCE, riTTSBUKG, PA. JVt old residcntt know and back flies of rit.8bnrg paper prove. Is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician In tha city, devotinsrspee-ialattention toallchronlu oenarre-N0 FEE UNTIL CURED sponsible MCDnilQ anrt mental dls pcrsons 1 1 L.n V UUO eases, physical dfH cay-ncrvons debility, lack of energy, ambi tion and hone. Impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfnlness dizziness, lceplencs, pimplct, ernption Impover ished blood, failing powers, organic weak nc!. dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, nnllttlng the person for bnniness'oclety and marnace, permanently. iafely anil privately fiii.BLOOD AND SKINTS ernptions, blotches, fullinglmlr.bonespalns glandular swellings, ulcerations ot tha tongne, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, ara cored forlife, and blood Dol-ons thoroughly eradicated from IDIM A DV kidney and the system. Uill INrtil I jhladdec de ran-iements weak hjck, gravel, catarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other painfnl fcymptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttlcr's life-long, extensive expert, enco Insures scientlflcandreliable treatment on common sense principles. Consultation free- -Patient at a distance as carofnllv treated as If here. Office hours. 9 a. ir. to i p. 31. Sunday, 10 a. 31. to 1 p. it. only. DR. WHITTIEK.'SH Penn avenue, rittburg.Pa. JaS-fD-nsnwk: LOSTMANHOOD RESTORED &1MNISM NEEVINE. The jrrcat Span ish Kcmedr. Is sold WITH A HRI T T E N OUAKANTEE to cure all nerv ousdlseases.snch as Weak Memory beforj: and ArTER USUfO. Low orilraln 1-owers Wakefulness Lost Manhood. Mshtly Kmlsslons. NervonnessLasilliidcall drains and loss of power or the fieneratlro Organs In either sex caused br over-exertion, youthful errors, or excessive use of tobacco, opinm or stlmnlant. 1 per packacre by mall:K forSS. With eTry li order we CIVE A. WMTTEXGUARANTKF. TOCUKKO--REFTJ.VD MONET, pairlih Medicine Co.. Mdrtd,'!palh. and Detroit, .Mich. For sale by JOS. FLEMING SON. nttsbnrg. ceS-K-MTTS IK'S COTTON BOOT COMPOUND. A recent disroverv by an old phrslclan. Succewfullr nsed monthlrhTlhousandsofladi?8. Istheonlr perfectly safe rtiwt reliable meolcinc iliscovere!. Itewarc cf unprincipled drux gists who offer Inferior medi cines In place of this. Ast for rvi-n'R ,.v RoTroMPOCND. take no substi tute, or Inclose M and 6 cents In postage In letter, and wc will snl. sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulirs In plain envelope, to ladles only, -stamps. Address POND MIA GQ3IPANY.. No. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Mlcb Sold In mtsburg by Jos. FLZiilNG & Sov, -H3 Market street. del7-51-odwt DR. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, A remedy used for many year- by an old. physician with grcnt success. It Is a per lectly safe and reliable remedy and Is suc cessfully nsed a a monthly corrective by thousands of ladle-. Ilewaro of imltatlo-ts. Ask for Dr. Mott's Pennyroyal Femaje Pills and take no other, or enclose Jl and we will mall you a box securely sealed la -plain pa per. Price Jl per box, six for 13. DR. MOTT'S CUEM. CO., Cleveland, O. Sold at wholesale and retail by Jos. Fleming & Son. Pittsbnrg, Pa. deJl-ns DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all easei re- 3 Hiring scientific und confl cntial treatment. Dr. 8. K. Lake, M. U. C. P. S.. l the old est und most experienceilspe ciallstin tbe city. Consulta tion frcn and strictly confi dential. Office hours, 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p.m. Coninlt them person nllv. or write. Doctobs Lake, cor. Tenn av. and Fourth St., Pittshnrg, Pa. JcS-72-DWk VIGOR OF MEN JEnIly, Quickly, Permanently "RESTORED. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY. nncTiill the train of evils, tho results of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, development, and tone cuaranteed in all cases. Simple, natural methods. Immedi ate Improvement seen. Failure impossible." 2 000 references. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (scaled) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO, BUFFALO. N. T. 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