OT3B! -.-J3l?T-!' ysf" vp&s r$l r,JK ZSM-i" r$ fr 'T , THE. I?iTTSBXJEG .itfSPATGB; THURSDAY, JANUARY 14,. 1892. TDUXITDltE AND CARrETS At 25 Per Cent BELOW ALL COMPETITION. Ve w ill positively undersell any and all competition during the nest CO days. Per bons interested in the above lines will do lis a favor bv simply inspecting our goods and prices tefore makinsj selections else where. Hexky Bkrgee, 642 and C44 Liberty st, corner Sixth av. D EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, D. c. To-Dnv, January 14, VIA BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Hound trip tickets ?9, and yood for ten days. Trains leave B. & O. station at 8 A. M. "and 90 i. 3i. Parlor car on day train and sleeping cars on night train. ' I Ladies Gohip; South In need of licht-wciglit dresses in challie and India silk or traveling costumes will find some very nice things creatly reduced jn price, preparatory to stock taking, at Parcels & Jones', 2i)Fifih avenue. tts w I-nces Oar Own Importation. Complete lines of 1'ointe de Gene and Pointe de Venice laces the most beautiful jiatterns, in cream and ecru, it idths 1 to 14 indie?. Jos. Hokne& Co.'s Penn Aenue Stores. You can aCord to pay a little more for Minnehaha Hour than for cheaper grades. Il will cost you less in the end. It will make more bread, and the bread will be of better quality. EataiarTin's Bread. It is the best, the purest, the cheapest. Your grocer keeps it MEETINGS AND NOTICES. r.Iertiii2s- CO LOIBI V YIL COMPANY THE ANVHAI, ra-ctirgof the stockholders of the Columbia Oil Cainrflin. for the election or director and other business, will Ik-held on THURSDAY. Jan uarvu. lsi at 11 o'clock A. it., attlicoulti'of the ormpanv. No. 511 ilarka st. A. 1". JICGKFW, crreiarv. dc31-l WJ?SynZS& Oiatanv will be held at the cmnpanv'soRico U l-lTt-.i-urar. Pa., uii JANUATIV VJ. ISX V.r the annual -ltion of ofiicvrs jlp-1 ucli otLer business as marcumebciore tncincctmr. J. 51. JIVANS, fc-perMirr. riTTFEUKG. 1a . ler. X ISJJ. dc24-37-tb CTOCKHUi.l)Eltb, ilEETIMi- Tlie nunnal meetlnc of rite stncVboMcr! of the 'Jlononirahoia Xaipat:cn Ciinpanv 1111 be beldo'i TJIILAY, .Tanuary :, 1-Z)2." at C oViocIc P. M.. at the otlice of siM -cnipany. Co. 5Wooa Mret. PJttsburr. for tbe cl.crionof ofljccrbaud jnanapervol Eald companv nd o;!ierfcuslaess. 24-33-l W. BAKi:MKLL, Nrcretary. f-V-OTICEIXTOrKHOLDKUS-TIli: ANNUAL niprtinpof the stockhoMers of the tandard 'late Ola C'-orapiny for the purpose of clectinj: a IJnird or Director-- for th1 cubuln 3 ear will nc lieM at the eon-panr. office In I.utler. Pa., 011 TTESIJAY, January 12, IMC at 11 o'clock .. jr. titrned; K. J. HuWAlttJ. . Ja-V53-D T'OTICK-THE AXXIAL MEFTING OF Tlltl l'lttvhtirc. Alltghny and Alapcheter Pa tPCffer Hallway 0mpMn villl-p held at tl-e office tf the companr. at the corner oflttnver and Inland nrnuea.. AHephen CJtv, on. MONDAY, lannary Ih. 15C at ;:30oeloelw F. M.. for the puri-o-e ot lKjIdlnp the annual election for directors and for tlH1 transaction of uch oilier lm"ine-s ns mar come leutrc tlie ni"thi:. A. 31. NEUPKU, SecrLtanr. lali-fi-MTT ?lT7KlTirANNtTAl- MKimXG OF THE J ' PiU&burKl'nion Pas'Cnper Hallwray Company will W lield at the office of the company at the cor Jier of Ileax er and Island avs.. Allcphenv Citr, u3XOXl)Y. Irniian IN liri at 2 o'clock P.M., forlhepurjio-e of holdinptl.e annual election for directors and for the transaction of such other Impure a may coiae b-fore the mectlnp, J512-53-JITT A. M. XEEI'EK, 1-pci ecrctarr. STENGEI, Attorney at l.a. Zno. 553 Grant street. ITO' irr. t heueky given to Tnr Torric- IIOLnnir of the Mamifactnrcrs" Hank and To the puMu th-it. In pursuance of a resolution or lm1 isoam 01 uireciors 01 sain nans, passtnucio ler 18. issi, a general meeting or the t-aid stock tjolderN v. ill t hild at the banking house or said bank. "o. 1731) Carson strret. Pituhure, onTlT-s. HAY. thi Wli d.i of .lanuirj. A 1. IsOi at I ooek r M 10 vo'm Hror against the proposi tus to renew ard extend t'te charter, corjwrate r clttj. and rnmchisc or said hank ror a further n-ri .l ofStMear: and that, if a majority In in- "n.-s.ii me sain siocknouiersvoie in iaioroi all lironosition. application w ill be made to the eere-lara- or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a certificate or such renew jl and extension or the charter, corporate nght and rranchlscs of said tnk. tinder ami aceoniinr to the act or Assembly, appro cd the Utli darot Mav. A. D. is.51. EDU-AKD 1IOGAA, I'resident. 1). 1'Ji EKG. Cashier. oclS-13-Th Ilnsincss Clianses. I Have this day old oit my entire wholesale uotioi, busings to Messrs. A. .1. Fri day and AVlliiam F. Yolliner. who will continue the same oM &tand. o. 4 FKth av., under firm ffiame or Friday & Vollmer. WILLIAM MITCHELL. l'JTXSErr.c, January 11. 1S!C Jai;-37 7fc-sOLTTIOX-VflTlCE IS HEREIIY GIVEN X) thatthf parlnersiilneleting under tlie firm &MBe or Wingcrt .t MoTk is this dav disseh ed by tantnal consent. EdwardMocrkaluit a. avid sign in lUittidation. C. A WING HIT. EDW. MOLRK. TlTTSBrr.O. Janua-y 11, 13TC Jai;-Sl Dit'iilCBds. orncE or the Allemanxi v Pike Ix'cn isxe Co., N O. 52 W OO'J STHEET, PiTTr.rEG. Pi.. January 9. Ifi. -p.IVIDEND XO. S--T1IE DIRECTORS OF thi- rurapam Lave this dav dtadaia'd a divi dend or S' V. i PES CENT) PER sll ARE, parable n and aft. -JAN CAUY 11. lS9i jalO-K7-MF G W. HAMMER. Secretary Orni UF T IE Csjt INSCKANCK COVrANY, PiTf-i.! iig. !'.. Jacuan- i. lsi i rIVIIM t. 4--TUEl:(IAKIIOF DIRECT 1 '; ut this eo.upam iiavi'tliN d.av f'tTlared a Mln.-ailiuI ln idclld of KOUIt l'ER CENT Ifipcr t" ' v. paao!' tin and alter the 11th Inst. !T-JJ JO-:PH T. JOHNSTON. ;-cgrctary. orncE ) IITTtirnr;. AM.'GIICVV AND MANCHESTEE Ti; tion f umpam. Janran 1J. lqi ) 7 l I.H.MI-A grAlSTI'lif.Y DIVIDEND OF ! ' ONE AND ONl.-Ql'ARTEU PER CENT has t s d.: lua-n li--lartd out of the earnings or the , tuiiany. paabh Januara 2"i, l&r, on which date eckfc will lie uiatlt'd therefor. Books closed from January J to January 23, l&C, bothlnciiwiae. A. il. M'KI'KR. jai4-J-H.a,S tn.cretary. Notices. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK. I i lillherecrinstruetioao! our building, comer T, ood and Itiamond strrK'ta. avhich ae expect to oc cupv again la March, ikc, aic ar- temporarily lo cated iiiVo 7 Sixth avpiine. eorueroi Wood street. Depositors ot One Dollar and upward lcccived cue Interest paid thereon, commencing on the First ana Fifteenth or cich Mom'i. and payable seinl Minnally on the nrst la s ot Januara and July. If rot dra n the Interest is aU.liii to tlie principal. CUAS.MEYRAN, I'resident. JO. ABEL, Vice President. A. 1". NIEMAVN. Serretarv. JL W. "WILKF.R, Treasurer. GEO. W. GUTHRIE. Solicitor. Open 3aily from 1 a. m. to 1 r. M., and on Satnr tays from 9 a. m. to p. M. ocl-40-TTS XJnll "Notico. IJISTATi: OF JOHN" "WERXER. DECEASED J d KoUcc 1& hert-by pit eu tliat letters of adminis tration on the estate if Jonn crner, late of Jef reioii township, Alleplicnr countj. have been Is sued t the unilerslRneJ. All persons Indebted to tl said eMate are reinested to make iiavment vitlHiatdeiat, and persons having claims against aw taie are rro.ueteil to present the same. Mil.TitV UEUELU Admr., lu!uesne, Ta. IL I! Icrry Atiornej, 40l Grant tt Plrts ""rj. de3-lb-Th JOHN -. KOBII, SltT ttcirrev. St. Nlrliolas lluildinr. 3...,F",-r"' " """' ''rant st . 1'ittsbnre. 7i.ixi Tui:- NoTiciJ-rAirriia having .dLi'T" ""("'I'1 the etate of the late Sarah J.Ttlii-. lrreawi, or tne Tenth ward. Allephenj. Hill jileau- prent same for setllemejt lo lheunder-.ien.il, and tho.e Indebted lo said estate re rei,ueie,l in umVe pament thereof ltliut ,.1i'l?y.,A,V,,,F1:MAN 3lcK"KLVV, txeentor. So. 49orth Diamond st., Alughcny. dc31-30-Th JOHN H KLKK, 83 Diamond strectl Es rTATE F AUVH 11. ROHINSON. DE- liertbvsleji that Inters letamentarv on the es tateufSanh I.. 1! .Imwin. lateof the'rllv nrlItu- lnirp. in the f-ouutv .r Allecheny and Mate of I'emisTlvanla. .:. .- ased. hae been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re.iueM.-d to make Immediate paimcnt. an.ltli.v-e Iiatinp riaurt or demands azainstthe tame will make them known, without delav. to . , T. MA!!V 'INfeOX. r.xecutrlx. Jal--Tli i-ortletu street. I'ntsburp, I'a. i DMINI-THVTOR-s NOTICE-TAKE NOTICE JS,-Vl? iie w.".r a,.";1"'S'"'riIon mwn the estate f Willi an II. KlrkltatrlcL l,traA i s-i... deeejscd. Ivc '"n liicl by the lie pMerurAUc-fhein-couotv. IVniisylvjnia. to C. llobb. of I I'ittsburjr. Ia.:all tKrsuns indebted to said estate I niuinrcuii ..-. muc ana imom-liaTinc claims araln-t sai.l estate are ropiesfd to present the wise, prpperU probated, at theofflceofthe Admin istrator in M, N irhul-u Ut llulldinc. Na 170 Fourth av., I-ittsburg, IUximXo. C. W. ItOHli, ,, . Administrator. riTTSEVRC, December 15, 1801. delG-41-w IIOKEUT II. DOIGI.AS. Attorney aflTaw" 4I Grant street. TTSTATE OP .lOHX IOlGI.A. DECEASED. I j otlcels hereby (riven that letters testament ary .in the estate ot John Douglas haie been frnintcl to the nndcreigne.1. to whom all persons udebt.1.! to said estate arc reijnewted to make nn tuediate pavment. and thosc'liai lug claims against the same should make them ku.mn without delay. M. M. IOl;i.AS. s I.. V. 1UTCIIEV. L. J. MoJlAfcTKR. Kx.-cutors. Or ROBEI1T II. DOUGLAb, 4DS Grant et. JaU-M-W I tS"ZHrpJai advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified real estate .mKr., . w....-.-.,,-. ..y-. each irseriion, and none lal:en Jor less man thirt; ceiJs. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICK ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headlnjrs will be ac cented at the rate of OXE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance either a t main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements cf all Kinds, SUCH AS SITUATIONS M ILK urtr, TEMALK HELP, AGEXTS, ROOMS, HOARDING, BOARDERS MJCKLLANEOUS, rEKSONAI., TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOK SALES, lOSTAND rocxi). THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. KUSIXESS OFFICE. Cor.Sinithfie'dand Diamond Streets. ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE "WANT. FOR SALE. TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISKME.VTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. St. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements should lie prepaid un.'ets adver tisers already have accounts with TnE DiSPATCn. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE ma. FOR THE SftUTHSIDR. NO. 1112 CARSON STRT.ET. TELEPHONE NO. GC22. FOP. THE EAfcT END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 TENNAV. PnTSBUnG-ADDITIONAL. THO'IAS McrVAFFREY, 309 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITIONAL. F. II. TXtGERS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. ' TH'"-?TMcHI'.N"KY. Western and Irwin avenues. rERRY Jf. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny avs. VAXTED. Jain He23. B AEBOl-52 North Diamond, Allegheny. c- "Whteler & tVibon Ml. Co.. Ko. Cfclxth st. rA T?PKT TIVIIOLSTKRnK-FIrn class man tZr. ' ste?dv employment for pood nan. Inquire at COM. ROLTCTTORS-Only hustlers. . Water St., Room 10. Apply I'M MAX A ilrm established in this city ror several a pars desires an enterprising man about JM a-earsorage to represent them inllochcster. N. Y.. for 12 months or permanently: to the rlgnt man tl.crei3apr.)!itor at least rMOper month: a small cav.tal or 5TCO to "ri required: business 111 prove eafsractory and will bar closest Investigation; onlv those who can command the required capital and are willing to work n'ed apply: we wantone man Tor same business in Mci.phls.Tenn. Call r address ghing age and occupation. Rooms 45, 45 and 47 Eisner Jtullilng. AS An crcrg'tie man to take charge or n set or!onksandoScc;ho"irs9 A.M. to 3 r.JI.: salary ?75 per mouth. Address Bond, Lockbox 8-a.J-lty; r EN - To introdnce the patent Christy bread and Al -ake knifes. 5. K. Fdgirlon. General Ageut, orlJ0iLavennast.. EastEnd PH'MIfEK'! Tnofirst-clsss plumbers: must be thoroughly practical nun. Apply Immediately to Jas. A. C. Sword. succsMir to ll&rtrcan Hard ware and Supply Co., McKcesport. I"EGISTEUED drng clerk: rercrence required. Address Acctanilice, Dispatch office. "1) EPKESEVT X.TIVES wanted-Eesponslble per Xx son 1 1 represent a financial corporation In all cities nnd lwns: lileral terms. Tlie North American Finance Companr, 3IinneapolIs, Minn. CALEMAX to introduce patented noveltv to stationery trace. Boston Pen anil Tencil Co., Boston, .'lass. riXOL bllARPEVKK and granite cutter. X dress T. t. Wright. Brownsville. Pa. Ad- rrRAVELING SALESMEN" -To sell baking pow X der to the retail grocery trade: m n acquainted with different sections orthe country: a good side line. alo a good opportunity ror clerks or any live men who m ant to gpon the road: experience not ateolute!v necessary: we mean busincs: to the right men liberal contracts will be made and steady workgien: wepavnot less than 57.t month salary and expenses or 23 per cent commission. Address, with stjmp. F. S. Chemical Works, 840 and 8C Van Burcn st.. Chicago. III. ""ORKER Aflde awate workers everywhere ror the greatest book on earth. "Shepp's Photograph's or the World;" costing $lt0,0'l0; mammoth iPnetrated circulars and terms rree; un paralleled success: Mr. Thomas L. Martin. Ccnter-a-illc. Tex., cleared 71 In nine days: Mi&s Rose Adams. Woodier. Ou 23in 43 minutes: Rev. J. Howard Madison. Lyons. N. Y.. S101 in seven hours; a bonanza: magnificent outfit onlv fl; looks on credit: freicht paid. Address Globe Bible Publishing Co.. No. 705 Chestnut St.. Phila delphia, Pa., or Chicago. 111. "T'OITNG MAX ror grocery warehouse: German J r preferred: must hac good references. 350 Beaver av., Allegheny. Ajrcr.ts "Anntea. AGENTS On salary or commission to handle the new tiatent chemical Ink crastnc rencll; niv i;iaii;Li M'uuii; iiu.cii, v,i:i piuuuura CT&SC3 ' ink IhoroiiEblr in two tcconds; no ahraelon 01 i raner: 1X to 600 ncr cent rroflt: one a cent's sales amounted to tC20 In six Cays: another 5C21ntwo hours: we avant one energetic general agent ror ach fctate andTerritory. Vorterms and full partlcn lars. address The Monroe Eraser Mlg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. (Xli). VGENT or agents to represent a large financial corporation In Allegheny and adjoining coun ties. Address or apply until January 13 to Everett J. House. St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg. AGEXTS By a well established business: a rew cncipctlc"men to travel and appoint local agents: htcady salarr; position permanent. P. It. to.. iioxTJl. (.incianaii. u. AGEVT Men lo take orders; no delivering or collecting: no experience: steady "work: best terms: best specialties: sample free. Glen tiros., Koclistcr, . l GET5 Totnke big money selling ourcar riajreanu i2ctu heaters: no colls or la grippe with v arm feet. Specially Company, -CO femlth Celd si. ACTIVE voting man about 14 years of age to make htnuclf useful In restaurant, German preferred. Inquire 514 Wood Et., Pittsburg. AGENT $3 lo 7 dally; experience unnecessary Putiurn A Co., Perfumers. West WInstc-d.Ct, AGKNTFlhr"ageatsat j'avens'' Elite Gallery, Sic Market st. ; can make 125 per month. IVmale yplp TVnntPtt. C1IA3IBERMAID and to do washing and Ironing at the J. 3L GuskyOrphanage,Perry6vilIeav., Alleghenv; inquire of the matron Mrs. Travers, on the premises; take PerrjsviUe electric cars di rect to the place. (OnK-For general hnupework. good cook and liui-ires; small fa in 11 v, good place, big wagt 51 1t w-et, or more If deserving; none but a thoroughly competent girl seed applv. No. 3 Jllarchatid st., E. K. COOK G iod cook for prh ate family; good wages. Apply at Room 0, V7 Fourth av. COOKS And girls for general houscnork. ISO lUililiiSon st.. Allfgheny. Gllll. A half grown girl of good family, who can assist in lxiiucork and is neat and tlrty. can una a g.c.i home with an elderly ladv: no ohjeition to a girl from the countrv: Piotestant preferre!. AdJre-s, staling age and reference, Sir. E., P. O. Box "33, Pittsburg, Pa. Ci IUI. Thoroughly competent white girl for gen T cral housework. Applv at once. Mrs. Philo French, fts teouth Negley av.. East End, city GIUL immediately. Duqucsne Lanndry. Bose and Dinw iddle sts. pi 1RL for general housework. 133 Fourth ar. HOUSE GIRLS 200 house girls, cooks, maids. If. Third St., Allegheny. LADIES to do fancy work at their homes: we furnish material and pay by the piece. Call and see work, or addiess with stamp, J. M. Lemar & Co., 90 Fourth av., near Wood, LADIES AND GIRLS-Good sewers and others to learn dressmaking and cutting. Call or w rite Mmc. Bona, 930 Penn av. LADY Intelligent lady: profitable employment handling Derma Royale. 414 Smlthtleld st. ' "VTURSE An experienced nur- for a child li i months old: bestcit relcrence required. Ap- llv!.PW(l i,v &lierrliMv JHnlc ami Z'einulr Help Wanted. COOKS for families: wages ft to $0; chamber maids, dining room girls, laundresses, nurses, house girls; German and colored girls; kitchen, pantrv and chambermaids lor hotels; cooks and dishwashers for. restaurants and boarding houses; w alters, drivers, tarm hands. Mrs. E. Thompson, 60S Grant st. TT ELI' -At once. 4 experienced dining room girls. XI woman cook. S30 per month: dishwA. ashers. cleaning girls, girl to work In bake shop, hotel chambermaids, nurse girls, house girls, chamber maids, cooks, colored waitress and cook. Median's Agency, 545 Grant st. Telephone. 90. HELP l.rco oral miners; 200 railroad laborers; 200 house girls: male and female cooks; drivers, bakers, butchers and clerks: no fee charged to females. Keystone Agency, CIOGrantst. Instruction. C (UTTERS WANTED-Instrnctors In the Clcvc r land Cutting School have had large experience In all branches of tailoring, both in large cities and smaller towns, and are therefore in touch with the best interest of the trade everywhere. PUPILS To enter shorthand class, beginning Monday evening. January 25; tuition payable monthly; for particulars call or address Private Shorthand Institute, 415 Smithfleld st. yOUNG MEN to learn mechanical drawing ot JL the Actual Business College. "os. 5 and 7 Slxthav.; Professor Curry, who has been engaged by us. will have charge of this class; three mouths' instruction for ?:0; bookkeeping, penmanship, shoi thand and typewriting thoroughly taught; day and night school uow open. M. J. Conner, Presi dent; J. Jl. Phillips, Expert Accountant. IVriner H anted. PARIXER-Wilh from S3. 000 to $5.0f0 In a pay ing business now established: a good chance tor a business man ; investment secured. Address C. F., Dispatch office. WANTED. Situations TVunted. T)OSITIONI,ayonn)rlnilntnlrty.tnreeTeaof ' x age, ns clerk or salesman; nns no experience. but Is willing ana anxious lo mane nimseii pener allr useful: compensation no object. Address Lock Box 672. POSITION Bv a voung man as assistant book keeper, or office work -Hhere there will be ad vancement: best of reference. Address Assistant, Dispatch office. OsTtiON A small set of single or double entry books to keep at home In evenings bv an ex perienced person. Address X. L., Dispatch office. POSITION A reliable position on salary or in terest in established business. Address Doc tor, Times, Scraclon, Pa. POSITION bva flrst-class sober barber: best of reference "furnished. Address Box 99, Rcy noldsvllle. Pa. POSITION By experienced bookkeeper with good references; can write shorthand. V., Dispatch office. POSITION bv hand, gig sawyer, shaper hand and general machine hand. Address 31. II., Dis patch office. POSITION-Bv a practical bookkeeper with the best of references. Address F. S., Dispatch office. POSITION as managing housckieper by widow lady. Address 31. H., Dispatch office. POSITION byvoung man as assistant In office. Experienced, Dispatch office. SITUATION By a young married man to take charge or a farm; good rererences given. Ad dress G, 501 Wood St. QITUATION Chemist wants spuatlon In Iron and O steel works, or at ore mines. Address L. P. N., Dispatch office. SITUATION As office or errand bov: age 14; bright and good writer. Address Page, Dis patch office. Boarding "Wanted. BOARDING By ramlly or three two furnished rooms with "board; good neighborhood, on main line of street cars. Address lor one 'week, Windsor, Dispatch office. ROOM and board liv ontig man In private family, -n ltliln 15 minutes' walk from P. O. Address C. A. C, Dispatch office. Hoarders nntl Loiters "Wanted. TJOARDEUS and lodgers wanted: best meals in Jj city Sic; rooms. 50c up. Hotel Yrilson, 10 smlthfield st OCCUPAXTS ror two connecting furnished rooms on S. Highland av., E. E. Address IS. K., Dispatch ofllce. Permanent Gocsts "Wanted. I-iAST END HOTEL-Fenn av.. East End near j Denniston av.. under new management and thorouglily renovated: on line or electric cars; five minutes' walk from both cable toads and East Liberty station: this hotel, with its spacious or Cces. rarlors and rooms, large porches and beautl rnllawn. oITers special Inducements in rates to single gentlemen who desire a home other than a boarding house; transient guests also solicited. A. H. Wilson. Proprietor. Bookkeeping Accuants, Etc., "Wanted. AUDITING and accounting I attend to any thing In tho line r intricate accounting, auditing the books or corporations, manuractur ers, merchants, hotels and others. A. F. bawulU, 1S7 Federal St., Allegucny, Pa. Krai Estate "Wanted. "TT7"AITED To rent, with privilege orpurchas I f ing. modern hnck or stone house in best resi dence portion or bhadysidc or East End: only par ties having same and at a bargain need address Confidential, Cronlcle Telegraph ofllce. "TTTANTED To buy a cheap property. I T. U., Dispatch ofllce. Address Tiro Insurance "Wanted. BENSWAXGER & ZAUN Fire Insurance, CO Fourth av. ET. SCIIAFFN'ER. real estate agent. Insur- anee placed at lowest rates; 72 Washington av.. Thirty-first ward. ONONG AHELA INSURANCE CO. Tohn II. Claney, sec'y., W. A. Caldwell, Pres't; 93 Fourth ar. Tlnancial Wanten. BONDS, stocks, mortgages and other securities. Ed WIttlsh.410 Giant St., Pittsburc MONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortcape; no delay. KcedU. Coyle & Co.. cor. Fourth av. and Grant st. 4 MONEY to loan on mortgages: low est interest, no delay, lilack & Baird, 95 Fourth av. "rORTGAGES Monev to loan in sums to ultat lU. 4 V, 3 and 6 per cent. Robert G. .Bailey, 152 Fourth av. 1 clcphone 1331. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A Weaver Co., 92 Fourth av. TO LOAN 5203,000 on mortgages; 5100 and up ward ate per cent; SWJlOOO at 44 perl-enton residences or business propertr, vacant lots or J arms. tf. U. French. 125 Fourth" av. Mlsccllancoys W ant en. ALL who are opposed to convict labor to buy RetLSeal Brooms. COLLECTIONS Past due accounts collected at small cost by responsible person experienced 1 11 handling same; Al references. Collector, Bor 561, city. INGINEFRS, firemen and machinists to buy li Zwlcker's Practical Instructor: onlv one dol- ! cent Jit itiatt j-tn vuxotnr if mnnnw Tl i Tt- ior. Agent, SSoulli Fourteenth street, rjt'tsburg, i Ct KOCERS and dealers to bnv Honelcss Boiled J llams, sausaec, pork. sparerll. larU, all klmls smoVed meat cheap. E. A. IEeiucman, 10 l'itts. Market. " TVDIES AXD GEXTS-To pet tlielr dveln. lj cleaning and pressing done at tlie Acme "Steam Dye Works, 1C1I Tenu av.; finest work, lowest prices. PATENTS II. S. and roreifrn; fees pavablc on success. J.II.stevenson.soIIcItor. lOOFifthav. PATFNTb O. 11. Levis (M years). Solicitor. 131 Fifth ar., nextLeader. Pittsburg; no delay. T) OOMMATK For room in Allegheny, a rew JLV steporXorth av.: Catholic preTerred. Ad dress It. K., Dispatch office. rpRDXKs limieo: t and from East End for 50e. 1 Campbell A Davis, 12 Seventh av. Telephone TTrANTED-Evcrvbodv to know that Pickering. the liousc furnisher, will sell 510 worth of goods on credit for $1 down and 50c a weet. Pick ering, corner Tenth and Pcnu av. "T7"ANTED To make wrought rorglngs. lathe, if planer and lse work: also special machinery to build. Address Falrbalrn & u'.Nell,Ta5lorstown, Washington county. Pa. "VITANTED Second-hand hoisting engine to lmist about five tons 1C0 teet per minute. N. P. Hyndman. Vi Fifth av. Tel. 323. T7"ANTED Duvcrs for Shcflield carving knives and forks, 50c a pair, at l'oycr's. lOo bmlth field St. "rou to know jou can have new bands put 1 on your shirts. Dill, shirt maker. tJ7 Smith field st. rOB SAIJ MISCELLANEOUS. JMnsIc-al Instrmnent PIANO Magnificent upright piano; b'gljargaln: guarantee gicn; reliable make. .". Federal St., Allegheny. PIANO Upright piano, fine te Call No. 35 federal st.. Allegli :ieuy. rearrooni. Horses. Vehicles. I.ivo Stock Tor Sale. ClOACH or carriage team for sale; lfi hands high, 5 years old, dark chestnuts, good manes and tails; 'good gtle and action; well matched: well hroke, single and double. John McCaulcy, Oneida Mills, O. COWS A carload of No. 1 fresh milk cows on Thursday, January 14, and Trlday, January 15, atM. 3Iarx', 45 First St., Allegheny. HARNESS Blankets, saddles, covers. Grants', Fourth av. and Ferry st. ROOSTERS Single comb brown Leghorn roos ters Jl apiece. F. H. Cook, Be. er Pa. "Vr AGON'S and carts of all descriptions for sale; M new and second hand. Pittsburg Wagon Works, No. 3SG Second ave. ; telephone 1870. Machinery and Mela's l'or Sale. "DOH.ERS and engines, second-hand: all sires. X) from 4 to lOOh. p.: cheapest in the market: 4Sj boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted' farm engine, etc.; steam pumps, governor, pullevs and shafting. Telephone 3401, 23-25 Park way, J. S. Young. Allegheny, Pa, jMisc-llaneon For Sale. URPET TA CKS-lOc per dozen papers. Roycr's. j 105 Smithfiei.l et. CASH REGISTER and bar fixtures: secondhand. No. 90 Diamond st. CUTLERY Fine pocket and table cutlery, suit able ror holiday presents. Howard Roj er's, 105 Smithfleld st. DOG COLLARS-From 10c up: finest line In the city. Roycr's. 105 smithfleld st. "OCCULT and theosophical works for sale. H. ! v-7 sw issneim & uo., crj i-enn av., i:ast lind, Pittsburg. V T ED BRICK In large or small ouxutltles. Witt XX mer Brick Co.. Elm., 12 Federal st., Alle gheny, Pa. "Y7"ALL PAPER-For Friday and Saturday onlv; any 15-eent gold paper in our line of ne'w spring styles for 10 cents, bhldlc's, 403 Smlthtleld street. WATCH Solid gold watch, nearly new, good timekeeper, will sell reasonable. Address B. W., Dispatch office. Knn OOO red brick delivered f. o, b. cars. oUUj Pittsburg or Irwin, Pa. , Irwin Brick Company. Limited. Irwin. Pa. TOll SALE BUSINESS. Bulness Opportunities For Sale, DARBF.lt SHOP-Flrst class; good reason for selling. Address X. Wf, Dispatch office. BLACKSMITH SHOP and tools, or will sell tools and lease shop; near city; elegant opportunity. A. M. Tressel & Co.. Uu Fourth av. G1GAR STORE on good street In central part of city: larg trade: good clean stock of goods. Sloan & Co., 127 Fourth av. I1 '. .-. . ' . . j . -. ' ,,. ,- jji- j..mr . -v. i.ViSr' rl T aif itnti..,',. i,!, A-e. . nkfcTj..' .. j- -f,..t "'S--i.. r. .V., IO .. .V..liil!i "S. .(' i'.i ijrf.. . .. "TStt.. -.-... ... FOR SALE BUSINESS Business Opportunities. DRUG STORE-In a thriving manufacturing town on line or railroad: fine opening: busl- urea la u urvMKriuuB i-tiuuiMOIl aim rinvumiji n prime order. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. DRUG STORE-Good location: Invoices J1.7CO; very cheap. S. Dawes, administrator. Ad dress H. L. King, 437 Grant st. I?OR SALE Fine merchant tailoring and gents' fnraislilng, notion and wall paper: restau rant, grocery stores. 31fl to SIO.OOO: cigar store, bakery, milk depot; fish and oyster market, butcher shop, jewelry store, with large repair trade: goodjhotel. Holmes & Co., 420 Smlthiicld street. I?OR SALE I have a first-class hotel for sale with the finest bar in Ohio or Western Pennsyl vania attached. For terms apply at oucetoJ. A. Morrow, Jr.. East Liverpool. O. GROCERY An old established grocery store. rinlnff crniul hnslnpss. will lu snlil eliean for cash if sold soon: good reasons for selling. Ad - dress is. u., Dispatc.) omce. JEWELRY sUire In good location: rare oppor tunity : established 12 J ears. Address E. Ring, Despatch office. ONE-FOURTH Interest In a good manufacturing business; clothing and gents' furnMilng store: fine restaurant; grocery stores J200 to $10,050; cigar store: bakeries, milk der-ot; fish and o ster market; butcher shop: Jewelrv store, at a bargain. Holmes & Co., 420Smlthfieldst. PLUMBING SnOP, with long lease; one or the best in the city; cheap ir sold at once. L. B. 1. Dispatch office. PRESS ROOM And Job printing office; includes daily paper, two cj Under and two job presses, folder, 300 fonts type: own powr; ihree years' lease: machinery new; St.500will purchase: office paying: good reason for selling. Audress Bargain, Dispatch office. RETAIL SHOE srORE-Oash sales over J40.C01 per year, in live manufacturing cltv: popula tion now 35,000: about 75 miles rrom Pittsburg; good lease, well located: stock and fixtures will in voice about $G.O0O. all in prime condition; now pav ing well: business can be largely increased: splen did chance for one or two persons with moderate capital: sale positive. Address W. M. Laird, 433 and -iSS Wood St.. Pittsburg. "IJOUTE-A 20-year-old established route: good Iv paying Investment. For Information address P. O. Box 347, Homestead. STONE QUARRY-On Pennsylvania Railroad, ten miles frcm PittsDurg: quarn-opened: with railroad sidings: tust stone in Allegheny county: low price ror quick sale. Baxter, Thompson Jfc Co., 162 Fourth av. Easiness Properties Tor Sale. I70R SALE Valuable business properly lnclnd ' lng 4 storerooms and spacious Open House, in a prosperous manufacturing towii on line of railroad and river; will lie sold at a great bargain. Jas. W. Drape Jt Co., 313 Wood street, Pittsburg. I?OR SALE Storeroom and leasehold or one or . the best locations ror business in the town or Oakddle, now th center or oil operations, on tho P.. C. A St. L. t. It. For particulars address Guy & N'esblt, Oakdale station, Allegheny Co., Pa. I70U SALE Bminess property, center of Sonth . stde: suitable for erocery or bakery store, butcher shop or saloon; will bo sold at a decided bargain and oa easy terms. John Keller, 1702 Carson st. TXVESTUEXT PROPERTY-Wood st,-Ware-X house now rented to good tenants. Samuel W. jll.ick & Co.. 99 Fourth av. rOK SALE EUPKOVED KEAL ESTATE City Keaidences. AT A I?ARGATN"-Cornir M'ylle av. and Puff st., house of 12 rooms: lot 6O1I0O feet; easy terms. George Johnston. A Rent, 62 Fourth av. T70URTH AV-Xos. 184 and 186.. two brick dwell Jj Ings, lot 42xS feet; good location and will rapidly enhance In value; must be sold to close an estate. Henry A. "Weaver A Co. Wr "WASHINGTON"-?!, bnvs new house, 5 rooms. halL norcne. citv water, etc.. c'ose to electric road : a barsralu. Balteusncrcer A "Will iams 14$ Fourth'av. ON Second av Near Lloyd's mill, lotOxBS. with two brick dwellings front and, rear; well rented andpavsover7 percent: will sell cheap to settle an estate. Uenry A. Weaver & Co., 9 Fourth av. E;it End Kesidcncps Tor Sale. LATRGE brick honse. In the center or Improve ments in the East End: lotS"OxiOO:eet. cov ered bv large slnde trees: suitable location ror ratnllv hotel. For particulars see Marry A Edsall, 121 Fourth av. OAKLAND residence Only f7.5C0; frame houc: 8 rooms and finished attic; well finished throughout; lot 73x200 fed. Particulars of Slurry A Edall, Fidelity "building. QL 000 Two neat frame houses six rooms bath Dtc? and reception, on 11a um st , corner Wood worth ar.; lots S7xl00; pleasint situation: take Center ar. ir to Cypress; (4,0U) each. A. Leggate A Son, 1CS Fourth av- , Q A OOO Two new frame houses of 5 rooms and fjDrty finished attic each, on good street In East End: will rent for $400 per vear: thisn good Invest ment, bee Sloan A Co., 127 Fourth av. Ailojrlieny Keslaence Tor Sale. A LLEGIIEXV A neat brick dwelllngofg rooms, xi bath, gas and water, marble mantels, vesti bule, hall and cellar, etc. ; on line of electric cars. Allegheny: dwelling almost new and in prime order throughout: ran be bought for 54 750 on easy pay ments. or discount for pot cash; possession gives at once, Kvy s at ofllce of Jas. TV. Drape Co., Zli TVoodbt., Pittsburg. ALLEGHENY A verv neat dwelling, contigu ous to the parks, Allegheny, & room', includ i ng ? picious double parlors, bath, lavatory, laundrv. furnace, etc., etc.: and In prime order throughout: would exchange in part for property in tlie suburbs, the Eait End or TA'llklnsburg, Jas. TV. Drape & Co.t 313 Wood fit., TitUburg. ALLEGHENY Xorth av.-Fine residence and corner lot; 9 pleasant rooms, possessing all the modern conveniences and in excellent con dition throughout; mo-t dellghltul location, with a clear and unobstructed view of the parks. Jas. WVDrapei Co.3I3 Wood St.. Pittsburg. ALI.EGHENYltESlDENCE-Afa reduced flg ure, to close up the altalrs of an old CO. : good brick residence of 10 roomi with bath, w. c.. laun drv. etc.. etc.; all in prime condition, and line lot. HK1G0 feet to an alley. Jas. "W. Drape &, Co.. 313 "Wood st.. Pittsburg. IRWIN" AVENUE. Allegheny- Four small frame houses close to electric cars; will rent for $3 50 and can be bought for J4.500 ou moderate pay ments, or If sold separately price will be from ?1,230 to Jl,750 each; splendid chance to make a nice turn. Jas. W. Drape Co., 313 Wood street, Pittsburg. JACKSON ST.. Second ward Brick house of 7 rooms: vestibule, hall, kitchen, bathroom, marble mantels, sliding doors: all modern conveni ences, with lot 20x112; price, ttS,m. A. Z. Bj-ers & Co., 93 Federal st. MONTGOMERY AV.-Near Federal St., and fronting the North Park, Allegheny City, tlirce-story brielf dwelling ten rooms, etc.; price SU.OOO. Samuel W. Black & Co., 93 Fourth av. SHEFFIELD 6T Alleghenv-Two story and mansard, ten rooms, with all modern Improve ments; brick dwelling: fine residence and good lo cation. Samuel W. Black Co., 9J Fourth av. rpROY niLL New house five rooms, hall, porch; L in an excellent location: three minutes from electric cars; lot 25x92. Inquire 443 Liberty st. VALUABLE property corner Prehleav. and Han over St.. Alleghenv, lot 72x120 feet, having thereon several frame buildings. Geo. Johnston, Agent, R2 Fourth av., Pittsburg. QO 900 Good frame housed five Vooms, fine O-j att c vestibule, front porch, papered throughout; good cellar; lot 24120. on good street in Allegheny; terms easy. Sloan& Co., 127Fourth avenue. Suburban Residences For Sale. TYWELI.ING Good six-roomed frame dwelling; J I stable; wagonmaker and blacksmith shop: if acre of ground: excellent trade established; irood reasons tor selling. ('.. H. Stevenson, Agent, Cora opoll. Pa., P. & L. E. I 7IFTY (50) brick and frame houses in Shadyslde : and East Liberty, ot from $.1,500 to i.0X. Particulars of Murry & Edsall, Fidelity building, 121 Fourth av. TlflNISTER'S homestead of 60 acres, fenced, well ji.l watereu, convenient lo railroad station, Pittsburg, town and village, schools, academy. etc.; bottom land, never overflow s, large house of len rooms, uaiu, uuLuituumgs, irilll, etc.; will sun garaening, iruit. grain, aairv or stock low. Inquire ofEdWittish, 410'Grant St. ; price Fitts- nurg, ra. . SHADYSIDE Fine residence property; conveni ent to P. R. R., cable and electric lines; price 513,000. See Slurry and Edsall, 121 Fourth meuue. (JJJL OOb Banm street. Twnctleth ward, Shady tTDttj side siation. near Duquesnc Traction. 6 rooms, reception hall, 2 porches, both gases, nice linw: lot 45x100: tcrmsSl.OOOcaah. balance on time. .I.E. McCrlckart. 140 Filth ave. Tel. 1676. l"OK &AI.E LOTS City Lots. BEAUTIFUL building lot. corner Wvlle avenue and Duff street, elegant location for grocery store. Geo. Johnston. Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. CMIEAP. cheap, iheap, cheap On Wylle av., j corner Frances st.. 222x100 feet to an alley. George Johnston, Gl Fourth av. CORNER WYLIE AVEN UK and Frances street, 85x100 feet. Geo. Johnston, Ageut, 62 Fourth avenue. T.'OURTH AVENUE-Near Market st.-Forty feet X fiontforSW.OCO: enhancement certain. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth av. ON Chauncey st near Wylle ay.. Thirteenth ward, two nice .building lots. 20x95 feet each to 20-root alley. George Johnston, 62 Fourth av. H'O CAPITALISTS OR BUILDEP.S We have a X desirable lot on a promlnentdown street. 30x90; will lease for a term of years to anyone erecting a substantial building at a ralr rental. Henry" A. Weaver & Co.. 91 Fourth av. EBSTEK AV.. 800 teet, near Chauncey St. GeorgeJohnston. Agent, 62Fourthav. ffin fCH-?10 oa,n ani1 ':' PL'r month, good building u)J.-v lots ou line of electric road. "Jit. Wash iugton. Baltensperger i. Williams. 143 Fourth av. 'East End Lois J?or Sale. pRAIG ST. Between llayaril st. and Center vy av., very nne uuiiaing lot 50x142 alley. George Johnston, Agent, 61 Foi feet to an Fourth av. I70K hALE A low price, Ji'OO, line level lot. : 40x112ft. alley in rear St. Clair St., Baum Grove. (103) V. A. Herron t Sous, 60 Fourth av. Allegheny Lots ,For Sale. TREMONT ST. Near Pennsylvania av., Alle gheny, six beautirul bnlldlng lots, 21x105 feet each to an alley. Geo. Johustou, Agent, 62 Fourth ay., Pittsburg. TOR SALE LOTS. ! . Suburban Lots For Sato. TIGHT acres on line of A. VjR. R.. adjoining J' thenewaud enterprlslngtownorKenslngton: i - -" . . ..,. -- ;;", - , , bouglitcheap and on very eisy terms, tee Sloan Co., 127 Fourth av. WIL3IERDING-Three 3) choice lots near Air il Brake works; must bo sold at once. Slurry & Edsall, Fidelity building. LARGE LOTS for business and dwellings In the npw Tnannfartnrinrr town of Avonmore. on AVest Penn Railroad; a rapidly growing town and a good place to make a profitable investment. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. Jas. SUBURBAN LOTS at Chartlers Fine bnlldlng lots $3fK) lo MOD. according to size and location, within sight of tho Court House: Chartlers is the most accessible or any suburb of Pittsburg, being reached bv the P. & L. E. R. in 12 minutes, bv Chartlers packets In 25 minutes and by electric cars, which arc to take the place of the present horse car line next spring. In 2". minutes; these lots Irnnt on linn of eicctrle roadw For further ptrticu- lars, T. II. Dickson, 90 Fourth av.. Room 30, Farms For Sal. I?ARM A good rann, about 100 acres, near the ' city, onlv one mile rrom railroad station, churches, schools, etc., etc.: excellent dwelling, outbuildings, large orchard, water, etc.. etc.: one of the best rarms tn the county, and lor stock or dairy purposes lias no equal. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood st.. Pittsburg. I71ARM Nine acres, near Kensington. 31. E. . lUrrlsou, draughtsman. 131 Filth av., Pitts burg I ManuXacturins Mtes Vor s'e. SEVERAIi desirable manufacturing sites, river and railroad front. George Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth av. TO LET. Kast End Residences To Lot. TO LET-On WInchlddle ay., below- Tlbertv. frame house 9 rooms, bathroom, laundry. In qulrc cur. Wlneblddle and Cypres; st. Allegheny Residences To Let. ri'O LET Klrkpatrlck av., Allegheny, Second X ward ; two neat brick houses, six rooms, bath, hall, vestibule, etc.; Immediate possession. A Leggate & Son, 1C8 Fourth av. rro LET North nv.. faclnpjoarks. fine fwo-story X 11 mansard brick residence: ten rooms, hall. vestibule, front lawn, overy couienlcnce. See Klick a Haird. 1)5 Fourth av. TO LET Soc.Tohn K. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal st for Allegtcuy houses. ITooms; To X,et. ' ITHJRNIhllED F.OOMS-Jfo. 101 Avery St., Alle . gueny. Pa. I BURNISHED front room for housekeeping. 23 . Firth av. ROOMS Three nicely furnished room In Second ward. Allcghcur. near parka: will let singly or together: reterences exchanged. Address O, V.. Dispatch office. ROOMS Furnished and unfurnished, al Koom Renting Agency. 1301Iobinson st. xrYLIE AV. No. 201. furnished rooms by day. ti week or mouth; also boarding if desired, at Zalklnd House. Office and Besk Koom To Jt. TO LKT Ofllce rooms third floors, suitable for attorneys or rsal esf-ite business: light and heat furnished. Apply to Dispatch Business Office, corner r-iElthflc-ld nnd Diamon&sts. rpO IET Desk room hi our main ofiic. with use J of desk. etc. ; alsoa private room, newly fur nished, with desk, chairs, carpets, etc. C. H. Love, 3Fonrth av. Haziness Stands To Iipt. OXIMlAT.r store. Xo. 70S SmlihfMd st.;lmTno . dlatepo-'sesion: the most deslnble location In the city: suitable for any branch of busines. In quire on premises. t rpO LET OK FOK SALE-IIotel of 27 rooms In X Seventeenth ward, city: first-cms location for business: house was built for a hotel and 1b thor oupnlr adapted to the purpose and has just been remodeled and repaired throughout, making it as good as new; huse would be almost sure of a li cense and will be rented at ucb a price that It could be snb-let in tenements for more than the rent abkt-d If licence sliould be refused. Baxter, Thomp son t Co.. IGZ Fourth av. fPO LET Five fine new ware or business houses, X fivestories high. HO ft. iront by'JOI't. deep, in cluding steam heat, steun elevator, electric light ing; flue oflices. with Urge fireproof vault, on New Grant St.. near Seventh av.. adjoining the fine building of Blndlev Hardware Co. For term and p irtlculars, see VT. A. Herron & Sons, 2o. 80 Fourth av. TO LET Flrst-class established butcher shop, six-room dwelling and attic, bot'i gases,offiee. large Ice and slaughter house, boiler, engine, chop per, wagon shidSj. yards and stihlc suitable for wholesale business;" centrally located. Inquire at Stall Do. Diamond Market, Pittsburg. a'O LET Separate storerooms with railroad track: all receiving, handling, shipping and delivering facilities; also ofllce room. Inquire of "V. A. Hoevelcr, Storage, Pike and Twelfth sfc., Pittsburg. Pa. rpO LE Alirge building, three stortC3. with JL engine, boilers, shafting in first-class order, well suited for light manufacturing; well located in Allegheny; rent low. W. A. Herron & Sons, SO Fourth av. rPO LET Storeroom and basement, fronting on X Penu and Frankslown ay., at the East End. in the verv best part of the East End for any kind of mercantile business. C. II. Love, 93 Fourth av. -UJ n I L EL. TO LEI' Space with power Cor. Penn and Third av. : three floors: ai.CQf) feet space: abundant power; good light: splendid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola liros., 20 Fifth av. TVO LET Desirable storeroom. Diamond st. X new Dispatch building: light and heat fur nished. Apply to Business Ofiice The Dispatch, corner bmiiuueic. a ! and Diamond sts. a'O LET That desirable four-story building Ko. . 94 Fifth av., or would rent in floors to suit tenants: loiigletsecanbe had. Inquire of Pearl Laundrv, 2-1 Federal st., city. TO LI ami T Two three-story buildings. Nos. 942 'Al lv in .iv. : good location tor physician. uenttt. etc impure Vic. Weiss, 512 Penn av. fPO I.KT llie verj desirable storeroom (with J bi-en.-nt) No. 203 Smlthtleld St.. Central Hotel bui'diug. Apply at Kaufmauus' store. rro LET-Warehouse. 117 Water St.. running with immediate nosses- X through to First av. H. Love, S3 Fourth av. n 'O LET Storeroom with cellar. 320 Liberty street. JL 21x75 feet in the clear, extending through to Third avenue, i niO LET Stores-Good stores, X Smithfleld and Wood sts. Fourth av. well located, on C. II.. Love, 93 TO LET Bakery with house of eight rooms; good grocery stand. Holmes & Co., 420 Smlth llcid st. mo LET Good Wood street 4-storv brick build JL iug. well located. C. II. Love, 93 Fourth av. TO LET Hotel In this city, centrally located. II. Lo e, 93 Fourth av. , rpO LET-Store 540 Wood st. JL-lBlock. Apply 209 Blsscll lUBnufncturinjr Sites To Let. TO LET Manufacturing property, 144 feet front on Washington av., Allegheny: 130 feet dep to paved back stieet, with brick and frame. build ings on the Washington ay. front, and large vacant f:round in rear for storage: buildings will be placed n order to suit tenant. Apply to Benj. F. Jen nings, i est Penn Steel " orks, Preble ay Alle gheny. !VIIscelIanoas To I.etff. STABLE Very convenient: will hold threehorses and two w jgons. Call at 97 Seventh av. t I-ERSONAT. PERSONAL One carpenter's brace ana five good steel bits for 93c, at Rover's, 105 smithfleld st. PEUSOXAL Novelty Printing Co., 77 Diamond St. ; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest ptlccs. PERSONAL Gentlemen who have shirts to be I repaired call on Dill, shlrtmaker, 627 Smith fleld st. rERSONAL Hotel Wilson. 10 Smithfleld St.. Pittsburg. Try our celebrated 25c meals; rooms. 50c up. PEIISONAL-Thorp's New York school of dress cutting. 913 Penn av., has graduated 2,000 pupils as cutters. PEItSONAL B irgains in fine dress! goods. Jark ,eti, etc.. at J. Dwjer's; terms cash or credit. Room 4, MtCahcc block. 701 Smithfleld. PEi:?ONAJ,-ca-li pilrt lor. old goln and silver watches and 'ewelrv repaired: new work made loonier. Chris. Uauch. 541 smithfleld. PERSONAL Wall paper for. Friday and Satur day only: anv 15-cent gold paper In our line of new spring styles for 10 cents, shidle's, 403 Smith Held street. PERSONAL Everybody to come and get a silk scarf at Aland's, 181 Filth av.; free tills week with each purchase ot an umbrella, cardigan jacket or negligee shirt. PERSONAL Wall piper, from 5 cents up to finest grades. We furnish estimates for one room, house, or row of houses; make contracts for completed work. Shidle's, 403 smithfleld st. PERSONAL Have you subscribed tor your magazines and periodicals for '92? If not, cony and see "us before doing so; ltwlli pav you: also, new and old books at reduced prices. Frank Bacon & Co., 301 Sinltblield st. Open every even ing. PERSONAL Y hen 1 was a smai' bov my mother always repaired inv breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a great blgman, Diekson, tlie well known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood ot., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. Tel. 1533. " JTOUNU. ITiOUND-Hotel Wilson, 10 Smithfleld st. Meals : 25c;try them: rooms. 50c up. ! T70UND-Sterllng silver-plated knives and forks, I X tl5pcrdoz. Koyer's, 103 Smlthtleld st. I?OUND -Money saved by having your shirts re . paired by Dill, slilrt maker. 627 Mmlthlield St. T7"OUND Carpenters' tools: the very lowest . prices, and goods guaranteed, atItoer's, 105 SmittiUeld st. I?OUND-That J. J. Aland, 131 Fifth av., IsRlvIng : each purchaser of an umbrella, cardigan Jacket or negligee shirt a handsome silk scarf this week. LOST. LOST Breast pin On Monday night at the Duqucsne Theater or on eitern av. cars, a star-shape nearl breastDln. A reward of S3 will be pald If returned to 21 liartet st Alleghenv, L STEAMEESAKB EXCURSIONS. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO AND i'KOM all parts or Europe, drafts, money or ders, cable transfers and foreiirn coin at low estNcwYorlcr.Ues. MAX SCIIAMBEKG CO.. No. 637 Smithfleld St., Pittsburg, Ta. Es tablished In 1S0B. selO-Tra AMERICAN LINE. , m Sailinjr evei-y Wednesday from Philadelphia anil Livei-pool. Passenger accommodations , ana from Great Britain and Ireland, ior- jor an clashes unsurpaseti. in;Km- auu. i-w way. Sweden. DenmnrK, etc. INTERNATIONAL XAVIGATIOK" CO., General agents, ;:05 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Full information can be had or J. J. Mc COUMICK, Fourth avonne and Smithfleld street. LOUIS MOESER, 616' Smithfleld street. mh8-41-TT3 HirE STAR LINE- For Queenstown and Liverpool. Roval and United States .Mail steamers. Teutonic, Jan 23,10:30am Britannic, Jan. 27. 3 pm Majestic, Feb. 3. 10 am Adriatic. Feb. 10. 3 n m Teutonic. Feb. 17. 9 am Hrltannic, Feb 24,2:30 pm Majcstic.Mar.i 8:"t)ain Germanic, 3Iar. 9. 3 p m From White Star dock, loot or West Tenth st, New York. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates. ?S0 and upward. econd cabin 35 and $.0. Excur sion tickets on ravorable terms, steerage, from or to old country, 920. White Star drafts payable on demand in all the firlnclpal banks throughout Great Britain. Aprlv o JOHN J. MCCORMICK. 630 and 401 hinlthlleld St.. Pittsburg, or H. MAITLAND KERSEY. Gen eral Ageut. il Broadway, New York. Jal3-D CUNAKD USE-NEW YOltK AND I.1VEK POOIj VIA QDEEXSTOWX-Frota Pier 40 North Ulver. Fast express mall service. "Umbrla. Jan. 1G. 7 a. m. Bothnia, Feb. 10. 2 p. m. Gallia. Jaii.2Tl.):C0p. m.lUinhria,Feb.l3,S:30a.m. I'truria. Jan,'Ul.S:S0a.in.Scrla, Feb. 2". 11 a.m. Auranla. ieb. . lp. ln.lGallla. Feb. 2). 2 p. in. Cabin passage ?S0 and upward, according to lo cation; second cabin, $13. Steerage tickets to and rrom all parts of Europe at very low ratRs. For freight and nassage applv to the compinv's ofllce. 4 Bowling Green. New York. VEISNOV II. BROWN & CO.. General Ajrents, orCIIAKLF-S P. SMITH. Third av. and Wood St., Agent lor Pitts burg, Pa. aIl-D BOY AT, MAIL STEAMSHIPS. GLASGOW TO PHILADELPHIA, Via Derry and Galway. The moit direct route fiom Scotland and North nnd Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, $13. QTflTF) Service of I iMf f A.3IA3V Ivr-VE LI N E ) STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW, Via London every Fortnight. Jnn "'S. State of Nebraska. S a. 3t. CABIN, $11). Second clus, $25. Stoerasre, $19. Applv to J. J. McCOKMlCK, C39 Smithfleld street, Pittsburg. no25-S3-D Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamship Company. Fast Line ot Express Steamers. KewYork to Southampton (London), Bremen. SPB1NG SAILINGS. 1892. Elder. Havel, Ems. Lahn, baale. Spree, Elbe, Allcr, Trave, Eider. Ha el. Ems, Lahn, Saale. Pat.. Tnc3 Sit.. Tncs., Sat.. Tues., Vcd., Sat., Tues., Sat.. Tues., Sat.. Tues., Sat... April : April E Aorll f Elbe. Alter. Trave, Eider. Havel. Ems. I,ahn.k Wed.. Sat.. Tues., Sat., Tues., Sat., Tues., Sat., Tues., Wed.. Sat.. Tues., Sat.. Tues., Sat.. May 13 May 21 May 24 May 2J May 31 June 4 June 7 June 11 June 14 June 15 June H June 2L June 23 June 23 July 2 April 15 April 18 April 19 April Sj April 3 April 3i April SO May 3 Saale, spree, Elbe, Alter. May Trave, May 10 r.iaer, Havel, Em, May 1J May 17 Spree, Tues. Time, from New York to Sonthamnton. Ji navs, From Sou tnaniDton to Bremen. 24 or 30 hours. From Southampton to London, by Southwestern Kallway Co.. 2 hours. Trains every hour in the summer season. Kallwaycarrl.iges for London await pas sengers in Southampton Docks ou arrival of ex press steamers trom New York. These steam rs are well known forthclr speed, comfort and excellent culslue. MAX SWIAMBEUG & CO.. 7 Smithfleld St., LOUIS MOSEB. 613 SmitUfleM St.. .AgenU tor Pittsburg. 3,'ic23-50-D WINTER BESOEK, LA GRIPPE! It 19 a fact that THE GB.AY MINEUAIi WATER of Cambridge, Ta., is -wonderful in Its beneficial clTeets on "La Grippe" and its dreaded aftereffects. Many are now flock ing thither from tho cities where this disease is ruciiifr. HOTEL RIVERSIDE, in connection with the spring, has accommodation for three hundred guests, and is a delightful HOME for convalescents. Send for cataloguo to the proprietors, RIDER &. WITHEROP, Camhridselioro, Crawford Co., Pa. On the Erio Railroad. Ja8-0 HYGEIA HOTEL, Old Point Comrerf, Va. Deservedly world-famed, this immense and unique caravansary is situated a few yards from Fort Monroe, and lies filonjr a beautiful sanay beach, washed by the waters of Ches apeake Ray and Hampton Roads. The won derful equable climnte makes it an at'.-the-year-round resort, unsurpassed in health and general attraction. It is the rendezvous ior prominent peonle from all sections, and nn atmosphere of comfort, luxury and re finement pervades tho place. Dress parade, artillery practice, guard mounts, etc., in the fort. Send for pamphlet. F. N. PIKE, Manager. del-43-TTsu AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDDING, ETC., Friday, January 15, at 10 o'clock at the rooms of the Henry Auction Co., 21 and 16 Ninth st. Fine chamber suites in oak and walnut, wardiobes, chiffonier desks, chairs and rockers; handsome parlor suites upholstered in rugs, tapestries, plushes and hair cloth; book cases, lounges, sideboards, ext. tables, leather chairs, d'shes, silverware, bedding, pillows andbo'stcrs, spring and rnattresscx, velvet, brussels, and ingrain carpets; also lot of notions, coats and wall paper; sale positive. Terms caMi. HENRY AUCTION CO.. jul4".3 Auctioneers. C. H. WEINHAUS, AUCTIONEER. 532 SJIITHFIELD ST. Sales of merchandise at store and residences promptly attended to. Cash advances made on all consignments. jal3-13 TROPOSAtS. Office of Westeri Pes a. Exposition 5 Society, Room 514 Hamilton Buildixo, v January 13. 1SJ2. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at thi office uptoSATURDAY, January 33. proximo, for the restaurant privilege), Exposition, 1S32. Full informa tion will be furnished intending bidders on application to tho General Mnnager. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids if deemed advisable. J. II. JOHNSTON, Jal4-14 General Manager. INSTALLMENT MORTGAGES. Money loaned on mortgages payable at periods to suit the borrower. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST C0MPANYr 121 and 123 Fourth Avenue. de31-43-Th Stencil and Stamp Works. W. s3. Bunting, 20n'fih2qlMarI?etSt. jttl-TT3 8' J AVE YOUR HAIE-LASSAR'S RATION AL treatment will absolutely save what hair you nave, and, where possibility exists, cause new growth. This valuable recipe, with full instructions, sent lor $L Can be Sut np by any druggist. Address P. P. P. o., 12G South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Jal3 71-wrsu J. O. FLOWER, JDejOL-tsuL CD oe. S35? Ii3I-tM A.VJB5. Ja75-rrs M. MAY, SONS & CO. FINE DYEING AMD CLEANING. ,- 66 Sixth Avenue, JBhlO-'S.TUThs rittsburgi Pa. W'A Si . , CIJOICK peop jutxiias. STOCK FARM, 485 ACRES. One or tho best farms) for this pnrposo In "Western Pennsylvania, having thereon a larpe brick house containing eight rooms;, all large, with inclosed lawn of two acrei, slopinjr from house to public road, and tho finest framo barn in the county, size CGxSS; also TWO LARGE SHEEP BARNS. Every field on farm has a running sprin? or excellent water. Everything is in .So. 1 repair. TWO HOURS' RIDE FROM CITY. Inquire of J. H. COLEMAN & CO., JalO-TTSu C212 Penn av., E. E., Pittsbunj. PURCHASERS yon RESIDENCE PROPERTIES, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, MANUFACTURING SITES, COAL LANDS, CallKm or address DAVID SHAW & CO., Real Estate -and Financial Agents, no20-S2 Th 152 FOURTH AVE. FOR SALE IN EAST END. FINE RESIDENCES CHEAP. Ja6-7i6,9,H $C,700 $l,0CO down new brick 9 rooms: lot 40 feet front; location vrrv central. ( .) $71100 Ne?ley are. 10 rooms: location very accessible; lot 42 feet front. (7.) $6,000 Near Shady av-. and Alder st. 8 rooms; lot CO lcec front. ( .) $0(00 Edwin, near Alder St., 8 rooms; lot 50 feet front. (61.) VT. A. IIERRON & SONS, SO Fourth ave. $8,500 Buys a handsome briclc residenireof rootr.s on one of tho finest paved avenues iu East End. House sets back from street, with large grass plot and stone, walks. Tnis.prop erty worthy ofinspection. BAXTER, THOMPSOir&CO., 162 FOURTH AVE. 1al2-26TT $17,d00. Allegheny Investment. Locust street, well located: two sub stantial, 8 room brick dwellings; hall, bath, slate mantels, laundry, etc., on lot 44x180 feet, with two excellent stables and carriage houses on rear; rental, $1,400; a. bargain to a quick buyer. M. F. HIPPLE Q, CO., jalO-100-TTSU CG Fourth av. $9,250-0AKLAND, On very desirable residence avenue, sub stantial EIGHT-ROOSt BRICK DWELLING, Hall, bath, gas, slate mantels, tile hearths, etc. Lot -iSil'20. Corner property. Easy terms. M. F. HirPLE & CO.. jalO-39-TTSU 08 Fourth avenue. OFFICES FIDELITY BUILDING 121 and 123 Fourth ave"ie, -AT- ' MODERATE RENTS. de23-43-TT For Sale. No. 28 Sherman Ave. FRONTING THE most desirable part of the ALLEGHENY TARES. A line residence, 11 rooms at a low price (28). Sco W. A. HEREON & SONS, Ja5-7S-Th SO Fourth Ave. TO INVESTORS. I havo for sale $34,000 at 97Jf, total issue G per cent 30years water bonds, guaranteed by a city. A flrst-class investment. WILLIAM A. HUDSON, Attorney at Law, Room 5, No. 103 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. no2D-Thsu OAKLAND. $6,800 Cheap. HANDSOME HOME. Easy Payments. Xine rooms, modern fixtures down to pas lishtinpby electricity. Location the best. For sale only on account of ' owner's removal. (70) vr. A. IIEKEOX & SONS, 60 Fourth ave. jall-S0-l,19,23,27 Perm Ave., East End, Storeroom Q To let for one or throe years. 0 by about 0 feet; location Rood. T. A. IIEUROX & SON'S, 80 Fourth avennn. jall-C7-14,lG,10,23 Very Cheap, Only R3G0. Modern House 8 rooms, bath, pantry, laundry, late fixtures. Location sood, in East Entl. (63). ' v.A.nj:niioxa soxs, 80 Fourth avenuo. jal4-65 U,1S,! C6.30 TO LET FOUETn AV. OFFICES. Opposite the PostoHlco. Largo ouico ouiimns. Send for I it. W. A. III-HKO?- & SON'S, SO Fourth avenue. JalS-9"Mrs " Residenco for sile U $15,000. I rooms, modern fixtures, I larse lot fronting the CEDAR AV., r Pnrlc. (20) See V. A. I HEKRO.N & SO.VS. SO ALLEOnEX Y. J Fourth av. ja9-lH-TT3 UllliCATUISXt- ATE1V RAPID I'HON'OGRAI'HY AND -L typewriting and complete business course tanlit at Park Institute. 01 Xorth ave., Allegheny. Now tenn opens Novem ber 9. Evening sessions. Catalogues and journal to anv address free. auSO-TTS LEVI HIDDEN. A. M., Principal. "MAlSlN'SlHORTflANJsCflOOiT" Tills Intitntlon. rterotcl exclnslrclr to Instruc tion in shorthand ami typewriting. Is nowlnltit eighth year. The conductor has had an experience ot 35 year ai ofilfiil 8tenoRnp!ier for omrtj and lepifelative bodies. Fifty typewriters arc for the use of students. Three floors arc devoted en tirely to the use of the schuol. Theinslrnrtlon is tlioronsh and practical. Sessions are held div snn evening. For full particnlara nnd 'catalogue call on or address A. 31. 3IAUTIN, 412 Wood stree:. JaM-3-;-Ths CURRY SIXTH STKKET. CURKY ColUz'ntc ncpartment, The nest. CURRY Normal School, The llest. CUItKY Enfrlisli Training School, Tho IJest. CURRY liusiness College, The IJest. CURKX School of Shorthand, Tlie Best CURRi' Conservatory or Mu3ic, The Best CURRY School of Elocution. Tho Best. CURRY Faculty and Discipline, TlieBest Call or send lor catalogue. IL il. HOWE, President. OC24-31 UNITARIAN PUBLICATIONS FR E"E Address Miss Mary Lyman, 19 Oakland Square, Pittsburc;. ial2-42 KAlLROAD piTTSIlUKG AND WESTKKN RAILWA.Y Stan'd time). I Leave, i Arrive. Trains (Ct'l Stan'd time). Mall. Butler, Clarion Kane. 6:10 am 71 am 0:35 a m 3:10 pm 2:00 pm 4:25 pm 5:45 nm 11:30 am 75 pin Akron and trie Butler Accommodation New Castle Accommodation. Chicago Express (dally)...., Zelleuoplc and Foxburg...., TTfjirz i J:wam t 12:1.5 p m 5:30 a m uuiierAccominouauou. iwain First-class faro to Cli catro.sio 0. Mpiinilj'l.i. P(0. Pullman biulet sleeping cars Chicago daily. i7 " J.?., . KAXLBOAD3. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD."! SCUEDCI.E IXEiTXCTDECEJIBEnaith, 1391. Trains will leave Union Station, Pittsburg as follows: (Eastern Standard Time) 3IAIN LINK EATW tKD. Pennsylvania Limited of Pnllm.in Vestibule "ar OailvatT:15a.m.. arriving at IlarrWmrg at l:5 p.m., Philadelphia at 4:4 p. m.. New-York 7:09 p. in., Baltimore 4:M p. m.. Washington".:- p.m. Jvcvtone "Cypress dally at 1 CO a. m.. arriving at Harrisbnrg 8:25 a.m., Philadelphia llriia. m.. CW York 2:m n. m Atlantic Express daily at 3:30 a. m., arriving at Harrfshurflr 10:30 n. "m. Vhll.lftelnhf.l l!2n. m- New York 3&) p. m.. Baltimore 1:15 p. m.. Wash- incrton ?;5l:i. m ' Harrisbnrg Accommodation dally, except Sundayt 5:2".a. in., arriving atl!arrisburg3:50.p. m. , :l. jj. upns oauv at a:wi a. m.. arnvn as'. llrjTi-bnrg 30 p m.. Philadelphia CiKJ p m.. .,ew iwrKyw-.p. m.. iaiumoret,:up.m..vasc' iPgton8:15n. m. . Hail train unday only. S:40a. m.. arrives Harrla- " btirgTSXJ p. m.. Philadelphia 10: p. mw 4 Jlail express dally at 1:C0 p. m.. arriving at Har- .J rishurg 10:10 p. m.. connecting at Harrlsburg'wB wlih Philadelphia Express. va a. iju.iieiima rtpress uaii j at liup. m.. amilDS, At. iiurrisL'iirg i:ui a. m., x uuaueipnia 4 a. m. auu .ww i orK j:ioa. m. S1 Eastern Express at 7:15 p.m. dally, arriving HiMH rlsburg I::3 a. m.. Baltimore S:30 a. m.. Wash-eTB ington 7:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 3:3 a. m. and4 "Vttir VafIi- 9-m in fc Fast Line daily, a't 8:"l0p. m arriving at HarrH-"" York 3-JSO a. m.. Baltimore C3) a. in.. Washing mil iiOJil. in. All tlirougn trains connect at Jersey Cltv with boats of "Brooklyn Annex." for Brooklyn. N.Y... avoiding double ferriage and journey througH'" iipir i one uny. Johnstown Accom.. except Sunday. 3:41 p. m. Urtensburg Accom.. 11:30 n. m. weefc-dav3 10:30 p. m. Sundays. Greensburg Hxpress 5:15 p. ra.."". i.ilil.'UIKI.ja A,,J UAJHUJ Xl.tA, -UJ. &.k j ccpt Sunday. Wall Accom. 5:25. 6:00. 7:4". S:fi. 3:50. 0:40. 10:30. 11:00a. m.. i::15, 1:00. 1:3). 2:30. 3:10. 4:t), 4)0. 5:15. 6:C0. 6:45. 7:35. 9:00. lc:3J. 11:0) p. m.. lU night, excipt londav. Sunday. 9:40. 10:30 a. m 12:25, 1:00, 2SP, 4:30. 5:30. 7rJ0, 9:30. 10:33 P. m. A Ilkinsbnrg Accom. 5:23. 6rf. 6:15. 6:45. 7:00. 7:25,, 7:40.8:10. A. 8:50. 9:40. 10:30.11:03. 11:10 a. m 12:01, 12:15. 12:30, 1:00, 1:20, 1:30. 2:0", Hi). 3:13. shi, 4). 4:io, 4K5. 4, 4iW; i:w;.-:l-,. oso, 5:-13, B:00. 6:20. 6:41. 70, 7:35,8:25. 9:C0;9:. 10:20. 11:00. 11:30. ar.cl 12:10 night, except Moudar. uiinav. s:v. s:io, iv-.m a. m.. izjj. i:w, mjt. -:m'. ii.Tj, auu, iijj. v.w. vim. ic:oup. m. Braildock Accom.. S:C5. CK. 6:15. 6:45. 7:00. 7:25. r:23.' 1 7:10.8:00.8:10. 8:35. 8:50. 0:. 10:30. 11:00, 11:U ,W a. m.. rzJl. l:l.. xzai, l:w, l:'JU. lai. 2:oo, z:it c, ,.ts t. rt m.ti ,.,rt j.rt-. ,..i ,. ,.-, 7..v, e.,r - 1 .,... .,', -i;,v, ,,', t.i. i;.u, ,.,, .jw. u.uv. .J,,. JSfln. 5:45. 6:10. G:a. 6:45. 7:20. 7UH. 8:25. 9:00, 9:45. j a',.-i-, ji:us, ii:.i p. in.. auiii:iu nigiiL. ecepb Slnndav, SumUy. 5:30, t:00, 3:10, 10:30 a. m., 10:3) p. in. SOCTH-tVnsT I'ESS KAI1AYAT. " Fot TIniontown 5:25 and 8:35 a. m., 1:20 and 4:21 wcet days, 3IOXOXGnET.A nrvTHON". 12:23,1:00.1:30. 2-,)V4:30. 5:30. 70. 9:00. 9:C30. OX AJtt AFTER ilAYSStll. 1VJ1. For aionongabela City. West Brownsville." and "Unlontown 10:4(1 a. in. For Munongahela Citv and West Brownsville 7:35 and 10:40 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. On Suiidiv. 8:55 a. in. and 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City only. 1:01 and 5:- p. m. week-days. Dravo-burg accom.. eiO'la. m. and 3:20 p. m. week-days. West Elizabeth accom., 8:35 a. m 4:15, 6:30 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m. WEST rENXSYI.YAIA DIVISIOX. Or- ro aitee Novejisei: 16th, 1331. From FEDERAL STREET STATION". Allegheny City For S-pringdale. week-days, 6:20. 8:25. 8:30.10:10, 11:50 a.m.. 2:25, 4:19, 5":fO. 5:40. 6:10. B:20, 8:10, 10:randll:40p. m. sumHys. 12:35 and 9:30 p.m. For Butler, week-days. 6:55. 8:50, I0:4U a. m.. 3:15" and 6:10 p. m. For Freeport, week-diys. 6A5, SiW, 10: a. m., 3:15. 4:19. 5: W. 8:10, 10:30 and 11:10 p. m. Sundays." 12:35 and 9.30 p.m. For Apollo, week-days. 10:40a.m.. and5:40p. m. For Paulton and Blairsville, week-days, 6:55 a. m.. 3:15 and 10:3) p.m. XTa-The ExceNlor Baggage Express Company wiil call for and check baggage from hotels aut residences. Time cards and full Information can be obtained at the ticket offices Xo 110 Flrta.ave- nuc. corner Fourth avenue and Try street, and Union station. CII AS. E. 1' UGH. J. R. WOOD. ' Oeneral Manager. G'n'IPass'r Agent. JFrom Pittsburgh Union Station. ennsylvgnia Lines: Trains Sun by Contral Time. ?friUiTCrtt?4ystcui Fort Y:iync ltonto Depart for Chicago, points intermediate and beyond: L30a.m.t7.10 a.m., 1Z3) p.m., 1.00 p.m., S.45 p. m.f J11.33 p.m. Akkive from same points : 12AS a.m.,lfl,15 aa..6XUa.in.,6L35 aa U.00p.ta. fi.50p.rn. Depart for Toledo, points intermediate andteyondi 7J0a.m.,li:j0pun.,lXUp.m.,tllOpjn. Akkiys from same points: 1.15a.m.t tiJ15ajn., 'COOpja.,. 6JJ0p m. Depart for CleTelocd, points intermediate and beyond: jjA) a.m., ''tUv a.m., -J.l2.4a pjo, vii.iop.nz, arrive irom arac poinu; 'uuxa.m. -hM D.m- C.iX) o.m.. iT.OO i.m. Depart for New Ca-tle, Erie, Youngstown, Ashta bula, points intcrmedwre and beyond; 17.20 a.m.v fJ-liJ pun. Akrue from same poin: fl5 pjn.. fJ.W p.m. Depart for New Ca3tle, Jamestowa, Votmgstova and Niles, -6.-io p.m. Akkivk irom sace pomu r9.10 a.m. Depart for Voursstown, liS0 pjn. ARRrvKfron. . Youngstown CJJ p.m. otitliwct ystem-lAn HnndleKonto Depart for Columbos. Oncinnati, Indianapolis, SC Louis, points intermediate and Lcyond; l.i2? i.nu 7.tX) a.m., S.45 pu, 11.15 pja. Arkitb froic Sam . points : Z2o a.m., Q.w a.m., bjao p.m. Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermedial andbeond: 1JZ0 n.ra., Ji(5p.m. Ark.T2 ip jh tame points: J20 a m.,f3.ttj pun. Depart for Washagton, ffi.I5 a. m., -SJ3$ a.za fl.55p. m..fX)p.m ,f4.l5p.m.,f iJOp.m. Arriti, trom Washington, f(jL3 a.m., fTJM) a.m., fgJ50 a.ia.t fI0.2ja. m.ifl.yp m.,i0.2.p.m. Depakt for Wheelm, fTJOO a. m f!2 03 n'n., f2.-15 p. m., fC.10 p. m. Arrive from Wheeling, 2J20 ajn., fS.J.5 a. m., 3 05 p. m., 55 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Pullman Dinixo Cass run throush, Kast and We.t, cd principal traicj of both Systems. " Time Tables of Through and Local Accommoda tion Trains of eithersystemnot mentioned abore, cam be obtained at IUI i-ittn Arenue and Union btatioov Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket oSces of the Peso gjlvania Lines West of Pituburgh. DilT. 1Ex.Saudar- JEx. Saturday. Ti. Monda. JOSEPH AVOOD, E. A. FORD, T)AI.TIMOnE AND OHIO ItAlLROAD. iiclirilule in effect December a). 1331. Eaaiera lime. For 'Vahlnzton. D. C. Baltimore. Philadelphia and x Vew York, 3.C0 a. m. and' i 3:3) p. in. For Cumberland. "B:!, a-ro , m i-i?i wi.'nrt , Vnt. nnnplla-rlllo 1.n1' :0O. 5Sii)a.m.. 1UC, U:13. , For LTniontown. JSlod. 8:W. W;-3a. m., ililO. I:isr- ami anp. m. For JIt.ricasantL 30antl 3:00 a. m.. jlslT, 51:13 anrl t:00 p. m. For Wahiii;tmi. Fa.. 7:3 and i3 a; ra.. l:0O. iUW 7:30 and 111:. p. m. Fur WhecUnff, 7:2J, :J0 a. in., 'lK. "7: and 111: vji). m. For Cincinnati and St. Louts, 7:2) 3. m.. V":3 p. in. ForCincinnatl. llp. m. fSatunlav only). Fur rolumlius. 7:3)a. m.. V:30 and 111:.", p. m. ForXewarV, 7 :31a. in.. 7-"V ind 11V p. m. ForCliicajro. 7:J0n. m. and 7:3i) p. m. 'trains arrive from New York. 1'lillaUeiphla.Bal tlmoreand Washlnptn. 8:20 a. ml 8:30 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati anil Chicago. SJO. a. in.. s:Jp. m. From Wlieclint, 'Sii?, 10 :40 a.m., 1:I. SAID. in. l'arlorandslteplnicarsto Baltimore. Washing ton, (Mncinn-itlaud Chicago. fM l)allr. Uallr except fenndar. 'Sunday only. ilM ISaturdiy only. OailyeicpptaaturdaT. "m The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for -iM atid clieclc bara;?c trom hotels and residences r h upon orJcrs left at II. & O- ticket oSce, corner vj film avenue auu vnoou sircci, or -Aft ana um bmltiitlclrt street. J. T. ODELIi. C1IAS. O. SCULL. General 31anacr. (jen. Pass. Aent. PITTSr.URO AND LAKE jCI'.IE RAILROAD ' Compaitr; schedule in effect Novemlter 1J,, ISM. Ccntraltlmc. P. Jfc I,. K. R. R. Depart For Cleveland. 3:00 a. m., lo, 4:21, 9:p. m. For Ciiflnnatl. Chicago and at. Louis, 1:50. "9:4J p. m. For Buffalo. 8:W a. m.. 4:2). 9:43 p. m. , For salamanca, 3AT0a. m.. "1:10. J:)5 p. In. Fof , ounistown and New Castle. 6:00. 8 SO. SdiVi m.. "10. '::, "J:a p. pi. For Reaver Falls 6:00.,. :lv, -n:w. svja. m., -i:, d:. -iar. o:ju. tf: p. In. For Cliartb-rs. '.i-JB. S:3. 0:00. .C:. 7:00. 7:"i", "70, S:i". 3:I0, 9:V, 11:45 p. m.. 12:10. l:V. i. :i:m. j:i, -,ivjj. -t:Zt, o:iu, iVM. -3 .to. v:u. i 103) p.m. I Ar.uiVE From Cleveland. "fitW a. m.. 120, :lo, "7 30 p- m. From Cincinnati, Chicago A ht. I.oul- i;ao a. in.. 12:30. ?:" D. m. From ' j Itutfalo, S:70a. m., 12:30, 9ao p.. m. Front Sala-,. TT,ini..i. .i:ai lO:0O a, m. 7,'n ti :10 n. m. From "i oungstmwi and Newcastle, i:iO. 10:00 a. m'1 J:fl.', o:i., 'tin. a:JO p. in. From Beaver Falls.5 ;.. '12:3a, 1S3. CS14,; tM 6:l, 7:3 -ij:o a 7:3U. 9:11 n. in. 1'.. C Y. trains for If .msiltld. 7:35 a. m. ' ' 12:10. :4 p. m. For Espleu and Eeeclnnont.- ;:. a. in., S:l p. m. I'.. V. & Y. trains from Mansfield. 708. 11 . .. m.. 3Ulp.m. From Ilcecliuiort 7:u5, 1133 a. m. P., McK. A Y. I'.. K. I)ei-ai:t For New Haven. S:i0. 3 p. m. For West Newtoj. SiSO,' "3a"0. 5:25 p. in, , AKKIVE From New Haven. S:00 a.m.. '1TS p. . m. From West N'ewton, 6:13, 'JiCO a. m. '4:14 . p. m. For McKeesnort Elizabeth, fononzahela CltT. and Cello Vernon. 6:4., 11 OS a. m.. :C0 p. m. . From Belle Vernon. Monongahela City, K117& ' bi'tli and MeKccsport, 7:40a. m., 1:20, 5.C5p. la. llallr. isunda) only. Ot j- ticket otlice. CJ0 Smltlifield st. T.rmnEST VALLEY lATLROAD-OW A. and after Sunday. June 2S. lot. trains wl't leave and arrive at union station, nttsburg. east em standard time: Buffalo express leave at 3:ja a, m.. 8:45 p. ni. (arriving at Buffalo at 5:45 p. m, . and7:20a.m.):arrlvesat7:10a.m..S:25p.in. Oil -Cityaud DuBoH express Leaves 8:20a, m.. liSop. . m.: arrives 1:00. 0:25. 10:00p.m. East Brady Leaves at o a.m. jvitunmng weaves v:iaa, in., .i:55,5:30p.TO.:arrivrs8iJ, 10:00a.m.. SS p. jr.. Braeburn Leaves 4 A 6:15 p. m. ; arrive S:ai a.m., 7:40 p. m. Valley Camp-Leaves 10:11 a. m.. 12-05. 2:25. 11:20 p. m.: arrives 6:40 a. m 12:20, 2:1$ .X.p. i". Huiton Leaves 8:00, 9:50. pm.tarrlves. 7:M. 11:20 p. m. Forty-third street Arrives 3:15, 8:20 p. m Sunday trains Buffalo express Leave .. :20a,ni., 8:45 p. m.: arrives 7:10 a. ra., 6:23 p-m. Klttannlng Leaves 12: p. m.; arnrea W.W p. m. jiraebui-ii i.eaTes 9v) p. m.; arrlTes 7:10 p. w:"-t iracuuni iica vj p. ni.; amres :iw p. nr; l'ullman parlor buffet ctr on day trains and ull- man sleeping car on night trains between Pltuourg and Buffalo. Tlclet offices. No. 110 Fifth avenlia and Union station. DAVID MTIARfio tf:npra Superintendent JAiIE3 F, AJiDKIiiUiU iiif (KSiT'iittAzens. .ranfe? iiL-t 1 I .a-i