BALANCING THEBOOKS An Occupation Many Merchants Are Kot Very Well Pleased With. FEW SHOW UP AS THEY SHOULD. The Gains of a Tear Too Small to CoTer the Unusual Losses. F03IE NEW TEAR CUSTOMS AND CHANGES errriM. tflfgium to the dispwcii i Xrw Your, Jan. 3. T7nder the heading, "Balancing the Books," Matthew Marshall writes a follows for to-morrow 's Awn: The first dav of January lias so Ions and so cenerallv l en uea by ciTiliyed nations n- tlie point of demrturo for beginning the year, that few people crer think ot mqulr ii z into tbe origin of its snpreniacj. Pro yeil, a rear bems the period of time occu pied l 'he eirth in ninkin? a single re olu tion nound tliesun one dav is as good as another from which to commenco it. If these he am choice, it would be in favor of the Mimmer solstice in June, when tlio sun is the I lzlicst in the licit ens at noon and the dav the longest, or the winter solstice in P-ccmber, v. hen the Min is lowest at noon and the Hj the shortest. Then, too, thcro aie the cqniroset. in March and in Septem ber, u hen the d.ij s and the nights are of eouil length All thc-e four dv ha e necn uca bv ui fesent nitions in olden times as New Year- dis but as in main other cases, circnm stinccs hare brought auout divergences from the practice. The Hebrews still ad hcrcp'ett closely to the autumn equinox, anil the C hi ltnn ecclesiastical jeir is legn laird more or less b that of the spring Our cus'om of commencing the year with Janmrvlwns introdnceil lv Julius u ar, w ho adopted It because it happ-ned to be ihodit ol the new moon which -it the time, follow td neit aftei the old ltoman Xew 1 eai - ot the w inter solstice Seen Different w lcar'n D.-iys. nbscquentlv the reckoning of the years gradually fell into new confusion, partly fiom imperfect calculations, Eiore fiom the independe it lawb -sness of rulers "o that the jcir for centime began on ecn ditlerent das in differen' hu riwan countries, and even mpntsof coun-tne-. and it is cTtremclv difficult for an un skilled person to determine prensclv in vlnt en .iccoi-ding to our ( ilcndar any historical it cut ill the middle a,jcs hap p 'lied rnnllv. in 172 Pope Gregon "VIII. used h! .mtliorit nt tlie head ot the ltoman Llinreli to traightcn things out, but his new ri-'o-med cilindai wa-nor adopted bj Piot t mt Germ inv unul 1700 noi b Cleat until 1712 Oddlv enough, the lefoim, ii vnlvm:i- it did the dropping of 11 ilajs fo that, for example vrhat would have been thi. 3 1 of the month was reckoned the Hth w isc-vticmelv unpopular, and it took all of tl e (.-uioii- I old Cliestw field's tact and-per iniene to carry it t uongh the Iliiti-li 1'arliiinenr, w hile a mob hooted him m the meets cmng out "Give us back the 11 dav vou li.ive robbedkus of Russia has lint even vet adopted the now v stem, and d-t - nor keep ic Year's Day until the 1.2th of this month The Day to llalance the Hooks. U't, however it came about, our piesent YuA Di is firinlv established, not onlv lot historical and legal puipo-es, but aNo .n the woild of finance and trade as the Us l il dav foi fiinnning lip the results of the piM ve ws business, andforthe balancing ol btoksp-epiritorv to a fieh-tut I pre-s-iiui th n all or mv icadirs who keep books luu bv this time got them written up and rc-idv for taking a trial oalance, ifnot for ni ikirg out a balance sheet. The exceptions will be either due to the complexity or tho accounts or whatismoie common, to the m ce-sitv of de'ectin some error w hich spoils the sMumetrv of tho trial balance, and piofoundlv vexes the -oul of the book keeper I well remember how, m my clerking dav s, an elusive doll ir, or even a single fugitive cent, would give me hours upon houis of w oi k in hunting for it. and w hen I found it bow I was enraged vvitli mvselffoi not hav jng t'iscovciid it immediately. It is wonder ful, too, how tn error of.i single fluio will mike itsell in a long account, as the pois in tie featheibed were felt bv the I'nnct through three other feather beds on top ot them, and proved her to be a real I'rnicrss 1 nave had so n anv expel lences o' tins s0it that I can entirtlv .vmpitluze with the ste.idv old bookkeeper who went o i a ni ce for the lirt time in his life be cause bis tual balance came out right as he fiist made it. without reqniiiug anv coriec timis The sensation must hat o been as ex hilarating as it was novel. July .is the J-ircal pw Year. It ulroad companies in this State are re quited to begin their 11mm' J ear, as the United s-tates Gov eminent does on the first of Julv, so th i tills ev il dav for then book k"epei dois not come vet, and perhaps, pmicmv tune, some n cicautPc boast smav li i" e adopted tho custom ot balancing their books on other Javs than the first of Janii arvjust a ivt m leisesarenow made to run tin n the first of Februaij instead of the time-ho ioed first of Mat ol our forefather-5-oitun itelv lor the bookkeeper his tribu 1 ition-, begin and end with his figures 1 hether tlie b ilance to a new account is on tlie one s do or the other is all the same to Inn. It is enough that it is theiiht a let for m iking both columils equ il Tolns emp)ovi it isa diffeient thins. Hp i con conic d with quite another result than nieie svmu etr, and I fancv tltat this jear. m a g'cat nnnv instances, the result is fir fiom sitisfaetoiv JIv business friends in this citv tel! me that in point or piofits, 1SII has been the woi st vcir thev have had for a louztnuc. It is not that thev have lost so nuieli, but thev have gamed so little that w hat losses they have suffered nave made an enormous comparative hole in then profits and left them little to carrv foi ward. The recov erj which shonld n.Uurullv have followed the crash of ! has delaj ed its nr nvnl, and we are only lustnow beginning to feel it. Tlie Advantage of Keeping Books. Disagreeable as it is to face the nnple isant facts .vhich the balancing of books brings to view, the experience cannot and ought not to be avoided. I even recommend to tn5r fi lends who are not in the business to keep a stt of books bv double entrv for their piiv ite affairs, and to balance tlicmonce a jeai, the mie as merchants and banters. Anv one who 1ms licad enough to deserve and own property at all, is able to do this w ,th very little instruction. The advantage oi keeping a set ot books is that a man bv it 1 as liis n flairs alwajs under his observation bs a w noie, ami Knows exactly where lie fitards financially. He sees Ins income and bis expenditures side bj side, and is warned in time ir his expenditure is outiunninglns income so, too, bv keeping a separate account for investment he can tell its value, and whether it is worth retaining or w hether it si onid be disposed of. Even so little of an account as a cash book is better than none. loitc advised a vonng ladv of rav ac qu.i ntanee when she married and went to h um beeping, to put down in a book everv thin - sic snent and what she spent it for. Pl did not do it v cry accuratelv, and often, I feai, foiled a balance by an entivof "siin cucs lint -he oon after acknowledged to nie th it but for keeping the account, imper ft cth a- ho did it, she would have sus pecied hci servants or stealing money fi-om b" P"isc soqmcklvdid ltmeltaway. and soelimtolt aasit to remember w hat it had pone lor without referring to the wittcn lecord '" Men Always nt Sea. What is thus important for a wife is still Jnoie important for her husband. Without some kind ol account of her receipts and her expenses he i- alwav s nt sea In regard to his true financial condition. Our old Dntch ancestois nstd to saj of a man when he failed in business that he had not kept eoirect books, it being their conv iction th U no man could fail who saw clcarlv what he was doing. s.onle merli lt Is true have the faculty of c.irrving their affairs in their beads, and of keeping them before their intellectual vision without the aid or books but thev are few m number. An illiterate person who cannot road and write dispenses with books from necessitv. and a-enius may do it from choice, b it ordinary men had better avail themselves ot n thnin. in memory at their command Those or my readers who have stru-Ied ajong with me thus farm my dis-ertation aic piobably expecting me to w ind up with tlieii5iial hackneyed moral of the opplica. tioa ot bookkeeping and conduct, and to speak or the balance that will be struck foi each one or usatthediy of judgment be tweenom good and our evil deed-, but I shall di-.ippoint tiieru. 1 belli ve that snotl and evil are incommensurable that is, that thcieisno such coininnnitj of nature bc tnei'ii them that a given quantity of the one can be set off against a given qunntitv or the other, nny aioic thau sound can he bal anced against color, and swectnoss against 1 ght. A Mohammedan Idea of Records. The idea that a l ocora is kept in heaven of a man's conduct, Ins sins being entered on one page and his virtues and his benevolent actions on tho page opposite, originated, I believe, with Mohammed, and Is unworthy ot an intelligent Clui'tian. My idea is, that tho balance which tells in fav or or a man's character is tho preponderance of his good over his evil inclin itions, and that this pre ponderance is not determined by tho num ber of his sins and of his merits If I may v enture to offer advice on so se rious a subject, and one apparently so far removed liom that of finance, it is not to tiust to the expectation that even a single sin will be nullified bv hundreds of good, deeds The sin mar result from a predomi nant disposition, whereas the opposite acts mnv be onlv factitious and hypocritical. Habit, it is vi ell said, is second nature, and it is a balance of good habits that wo ought to aim at, and not mciely a balance of good deeds. EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, ALT, FCIXY RKPKESEMED IN THE SUNDAY DISPATCn. A Comp'ete Compendium of All Iiocal and Tenr Town News Interesting Events Fven in Tar Awiy Africa ralthrully E corded Happenings Everywhere. The Sunday issue of TnK Disr-ATCitis both local and cosmopolitan. It not onlv gives all the now s of Pittsburg andvicinitj, but evervllnng ot general interest that happens in other regions is fiithfully recorded. The following were the chief news features yes terday. Local. Nitro-glvcerinc blew two men to atoms at .How Grove . Each of the Dcmociatie factions won a victory at tJie County Com niitteo meeting .The Americas Club elected officers .The Finance Committee of Councils approved the market house lease . . Hi John Douglas, of Sewicklcy, died A joint committee of Councils discuss gas, coal and lam t oil ..A. F. Keating sued Joocph Ixmghrey for nearly $20,000 ...The Allehenj IJeform Association isafter Chief Mmphy with a shaistick Ixical M'elsh societies are preparing for tl o World's Fair James II Scott, of tho State Lunacy Com mission, is for .in asylum for the criminal in sane The mov cment for a clubhouse nt Sewicklevis levived Augnst McICav sued his brother Wi'liam and wire for $15 300 dam ages for conspiracy. General, Mierm in's foices won the first senatorial skirmish in the Obio Legislature... Dr. Graves got a first degree verdict .. Perkins, the new Ivans is Senator, stated his views Velencal bmglar in Xew Jersey has been robbing manv chinch buildings" to enrich his own .. Oklahoma Tcrritorv is swept by prairie fires A Xew Jersey priest stopped a dance Brief of Anaiclnsts Fielden and Schwab was filed in the United States Court ISov d got unofficial information that the United States Supreme Court will declaro him legal Governor of Nebraska W. W. Vanderbitt, a cousin of the late Cornelius, is dead - Henry C. Turner, Jr , of Xew York, tried to lob a man, but finding no booty, threw his victim into th river S'ls Adam vVuchter, of Allentown, who has been unable to eat solid food s.nco the spung of 100, is still alive. .. The ex Citv Marshal of lama, O , is accused in a civil suit of robbing an express office ten yeais ao liraddock is infested by footpads The robber of Humane Agent O'Brien was brought to Johnstown. ...The fatal poisoning of a Youngstown woman will be investigated A Uniontown man claims title to a vast and valuable tract near l'aikersburg. ..Hiram F. Sutton, of Frank lln, attempted suicide. ...Many travelers weie buried by snowslldes in the far West . Pcnnsv Ivania voters must deposit a ballot the size of a newspaper page next Novem ber . The v.mencus (Dena.) Club, of Phila delphia, is in bad financial shape The crew of the Baltimore will soon tell their story Garza's men were scatte.ed on tho Bio Grande. ...Three diamonds were found in tho craw of a Christmas tnikey A Xewburg man died of hydro phobia after being treated by Pasteur's method.. Neil and Bob Sims were located and may be ljnched A man and alittle gn 1 aie walking from Manitoba to Connecti cut Connecticut is reveling in a phenom enal cidei season Train robber Sly was doublj identified Four firemen were killed in a 600,000 fire at Nashville Thieves at Willi imsburg, O , lellout and ex posed a sensational crime. ..A Belgian J count is now a pnvato in the united States Aunj. Foreign. I.scaped prisoners from the Mai di told their story of captivity A case similar to th it of the Archbishop of Aix is tioubling the Ficneh Government ...Two Mexicans cine each other to death m the sight of thousands llussii is prepaung exhibits for the World's Fair ...The Chilean mquiry mto the Baltimore incident results in four veidicts . MinisterSinith dcliveied Ameri can relief to Kussia....lellow feveris still raging in Santos ...The Dublin castle explo sion was found to be Iroin a bomb.... France is lit lplcss against the 7ollverein... The re pot ts of Get man 's offer to mediate in the Chilean affair were denied Plots against hei husband frightened the Czarina into a low fever A rebellion lias broken out in Morocco. . Tories are making capital out of the Dublin Cnstle explosion. ...Chamberlain will be the Unionist leader in the House of Commons France is on the eve of con cluding a convention with tho United States Commendable. AH claims not consistent with the high character of Svrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the Cilifornia Fig Syrup Coni panj. It acts gently on the mdnejs, liver and bowels, cleansinir the system effectually, but it is not a cure all and makes no pre tensions that every bottle will not substan tiate. January Sale of Corsets and Waists. All the best makes C. P. C P. Son nette, Dr "Warner's, Thompson's, Ball's, H. & S. and tennis waists for ladies and children. Lowest prices always. A. G Campbfli-&Sons, 25and27Fifthav. Cannot be Excelled purer or stronger baking powder than the Royal it is im possible to make. It is absolutely pure and health ful, and composed of the best ingre dients, and of highest strength and character. "Dr. Davidson, "Dr. Fiske, "Dr. McQuesten, "Dr. I.ETOURNEX, 2ii Fuiuisco B'd n Health R C FCBXITCKE AT H.4I.F PRICE At Henry Bcrger's, Liberty, Near Sixth Aienue. In every department of our mammoth es tablishment we have patterns that will not be reproduced. The space they occupy on our display floors is entirely too expensive to pay us lor holding them. "We must have roomtor our spring designs when ready. Contemplating buyers will find us in a per fectly reckless mood in our anxiety to dis poseof these goods during the next 60 days. 642 and 641 Liberty Stbeet, near Sixth avenue. n.AK. Two lots 27-inch India silks to-day at 50c and 75c. bhort work this will be. Boggs & Buhl. DIED. AXDEK.SON On Saturday evening, Janu ary 2, lti2. at 5 45 o'clock, Sampson Anderson, In the mtli j ear of his age. Funetal from the residence of his son Thomas W. Anderson, 16 Esplanade street, Allegheny, Tuesdw aftekaoon, at 2 o'clock, Interment private 3 BASETT On Saturday, January 2. 1892, at II a. ., MAnv Ja;.e, beloved wife of Joseph Bassett, aged 28 years. Funeral services at the residence of her husband, ?o 5208 Kev stone avenue, Eight eenth vi ard, on Mopav, Janu iry 4, nt 2 r. sr. Fiiends of tho lamily arc respectfully in vited to attend. 2 BECK Saturday. Januarv 2, 1892, at S 20 a. m , ItAcntL, w ifo of William Beck, in her 51th yeni. Funeral services at the family residence, cornel Pi ide and Bluff streets, Moj.DAY.Jan niry 4, at 11 a. sr. Inteiment pnvate at a later hour. 2 BLEIEL-On Saturday. January 2, 1892, at S 30 a. m , Mi s Catiiakie A Bi fiei, w idow of the late Nicholas Blcielandmother-in law of Charles Ott, aged 76 jeais and8 daj s Fnnern! will tnlp Yilnrn frnm her latC resi dence, 1710 Josephine street, Pittsburgh Southside, on Mojdvt, January . I812. ntv a it, to pioceed to St. Michael's Church. Friends or the tamily are iepectfully in vited to attend. Bit AD DOCK On Friday, January 1. 1S92, at residence Gerritt street. East End, Pitts burg, W. I, Bkaddock. in his 32d y ear. Interment private on Mojday at 10 a. r No flowers. - DOXOVAN On Saturday. January 2, I8T2, at 10 a. M , John i Donovvn, in his 31st year. Funeral services on Moxdvt mocsivo at 9 o'clock.,at St. Malachi's Chmch, West Carson street, where high mass will be celebrated From theie the remains will be conducted to the B & O. R. K. depot to take the 10 30 A. -r. train for McKeesport for interment. Fricnd3 or the family are respectfully in vited to attend 2 DOUGLAS On Satnrdav morning, Jan naiy 2, IS92, at o 30 o'clock, John Douglas, D. D , aged 67 j ears Funeral services will be held nt the resi dence of Mis. S C. Kitchio, Sewicklcy, Pa , on Mondvy MOBM.a, Jinnary 4, at 10 30 o'clock- and also nt the chapel of H. Samson, Sixth avenue, on the afternoon of the same daj at2o'clock. Interment private. Pleae omit flowers. 2 DOUGLAS In this city, on Saturday, Jan uai y 2, 1S92, at 2 35 r if , Kichard B , son of Emma and Kobert Douglas, aged 3 months and 6 da s. Funeral services at parents' residence, Xo. 12 West Carson street, Southside, on Mot DAT, January 4, 1S92. nt 1 r. m. Interment private. 2 GIPXER On Sunday morning, January 3, 1S92 at C 30 o'clock. Jenmf C, only daughter or Jennio L. and F. M. Gipner, m the 15th jeirorhcrao. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 23 Eighth street, Tuesday aon-si'so, at 10 o'clock. Friends of the lamilyare invited Interment private. 2 LOGAN-On Fiiday morning, January, 1S2, at 9 30 o'clock, Samuil Loqat, in hia 74th year, late of Sew lckley township. Alle gheny county. Funeral on Mondvy nt 2 o'clock, from the residenco of his brother, Bartley Logan, 210 Chartiers street, Allegheny Citv. Friends of the family aie respectfully invited to at tend. MACK On Saturday, January 2, 1892, at 12 noon, Christy a, w ife of Thomas Mack, nged 23 years. Funeral from her husband's residence, South Main street, Sharpsburg, on Monday at 2 p. M. Fiiends of the family aio respect fully invited to attend. MUKRAY U Mansfield Valley, Pa . on January 2, 1892, at 3 p. if , Job?, Muhkay. m his 50th ye ii Funeral Monday, January 4, 1S92, at 9 A. M. McKAIX On Saturday, Janunrv2, 1892, at Ir.M, James McKain, Sr , in his 75th j ear. Funeral services at residence of his daugh ter, Mrs Mary E McCaddon, Xo 40 Bertha street, Mt. Washington, on Mondai, Jan nary 4, 1892, at 1 30 r. jr. Friends of the favtnlj respectfully invited to attend. 2 CIIEMP.BEU On Sunday, January 3, 1892, at 4 10 r m , Fpancisca Schevirbeb, aged bOjeais, 2 months and 13 daj?. Funeial from her late lesidence. Mans field, Pa , on 9 30 p. m. Friends of the family are resnectfully inv ited to at tend 2 SCHORI1 In Allegheny, Sunday, Jannaiy 3, 1892, at 1-20 p. si , Jou" C. Schorii, aged 40 v ears, 10 mouths and 8 dav s Funeral TutsDAV, Januarys, 1S92, from Xo. 161 Juniata stiect Allegheny. Members of Mozait Lodee Xo. 971 and I. O. O. F. Teutonia Lodge Xo 57, A. P. A. Carolina Lodge, Be becca Lodge I. O. O F are invited to attend, as w ell as sistei lodges. 2 SCHWAItTZ feuddenly, Sunday morning, January 3 1892, at the residence or her brothel in Germantown, Pa, Kate, the daughter or the late H. P. Schwartz. Notice ot funeral hereafter. SPROULL At Parnassus, Pa., on Janu ary 3 1892, at 12 25 a. m , Wiixiavi J. Spboull, aged 53 j ears. Funeral services will bo hold In the United Presbyterian Church on Tuesdvy aftfr joox, Januarv 5, at 2 30 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend. WAGXER On Fndny, January 1, 1S92, Pfter Wacver, in the 63d year of his age, ut his residence in Sharpsburg. WEYGAXD On Saturday, January 2. 1E92. at 6 30 A. M . Johj B Weioavd, aged 83 j ears 9 months 16 day: WIEDERICH On Saturday, January 2, 1692, at 1 20 o'clock a. at , Mary Ada, beloved wile of Henry Wiederich. Funeral from her husband's residence, Wilkins avenue, near Fifth avenue, on Mon day, January 4, 1892, at 10 30 a. it. Friends of the family are lespectfully invited to at tend. 2 ZIMMERMAN-On Sundiv evening, Janu arv 3, 1S92, at 6 o'clock, Mvrtha J, wile of J. S. Zimmerman. Funeral from her late residence, Xo 359 Webster avenue, on Tuesdvy, Januarys, at 1 30 r. ii. Interment private at a late hour. AJSTIIOXT SISYEK. (Successor to Moyer, Arnold & Co , Lim,) UKDERTAKElt AND EMBALMER. OlJlco and residence, 1131 Penn avenue. Telephone connection. mvl3-34-nwrsu PALMS AND FERNS 4 can al w a bo liad nt A. M. & J. B. MURDOCH, SlOSmithflcld Btreet.. Tel. 429 jn4 itvr FLOWERS! FLOWERS! Our stock is superb Dec orations, Designs or Em . blcms have prompt atten tion. Telephone 239 JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH. 80S SJ1ITHFIELD ST. jat-Mwr El'EESEXTEl) IN P1T1SBUKO IN ISO! A6SET3 ... S9.071.C96 33. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L, JONES, Hi Fourth avenue. Jj 19-101-n ROW OPEN The Pittsburg Wall Paper Co Leading Decorators, 821 Penn avenne. Opposite Vr estinghouse Offlco Bnilding. de)6-72MiVF D. L. ABER. D. D. S., Makes a specialty or the treatment, bleich ing, filling and crowning of the natural teeth, and guarantees satisfaction. Prices more reasonable than elsewhere. Office 210 Smithfleia st, Pittsburg. del6 73 itws A PREVENTATIVE AND CURE FOR Chronic Catarrh, La Grippe, Etc. The SodenMineral Pastilles shouldbeused by all persons predisposod to colds and catarihs. They are a most effective pre ventative if used at this season of the year. They will euro the most obstinate cough and cold. They aie recommended by the entire medical fraternity. The -genuino im ported must have the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co.," New York, Sole Agents foi tho United States, around each box. Beware of Counterfeits. C- A. VERNER. If any shoe was ever worthy of a high place in history it is our WEAR WELL SHOE for children. It won't take you long to find out its worth if you but try one pair. The first thing you will discover is that it's thoroughly easy; then you'll realize they not only look well but wear well. We are keeping up our standard of excellence, but lowering the price. We call them WEAR-WELLS. C. A. VERNER, Fifth Ave. and Market de2S-MWF JUST THINK, CARPET BUYERS! This is the season when Car pet Sales are slowest. Our prices NOW are less than same quality will bring later. We're selling many goods next to cost The reason for making such unusual inducements is that we are determined to keep our full force in Carpet Department employed, if possible. All our holiday novelties be low cost to close them out Alor, Scbonaelmyer & Co., 8 and 70 OHIO ST., Allegheny, Pa. tk'31-MThs OUR SALES ON MEN'S Double Texture WATERPROOF COATS Kvc been unprece dented. Another lot inthisweek in black, navy blue and all the fashionable checks. Umbrella Covering Bulletin. We will re-cover your Umbrella in one day at the following prices: Xo. 2 Gloria 75c Best German Gloria. . $1.50 Best Silk and Linen.. 2.25 SUtin De Chine 2.00 Bc&t American .Silk... $3.50 We manufacture everything in Um brellas we sell on the premises and retail them at manufacturers' prices. PAULSON BROS., 441 Wood Street. riTTSBURG. de2S-Mwp VINCENT & SCOTT, 6023 Penn Ave., have the finest display of Holiday Goods ever shown in the East End. FANCY ROCKERS, ONYX TABLES, : EASELS, : LAMP STANDS, BLACKING CASES, Etc. "vxisrciEnsrT & SCOTT, CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY, 6023 PENN AVENUE. EAST END. de2 ni . Corner dc!5 Fifth Ave. . C-l " Cork Sole S(ioes. J Villi 'v IIP 1 G. BENNETT I CO., Wood St. and IS THAT HANDSOME DOES. FOB VERY UTILE MONEY We are now selling as hand some a Suit or Overcoat as ever you looked at. We have taken stock and .have made some slashing reduc tions in fine, seasonable cloth ing. The open winter com pels us to make reductions in "Overcoats, and we have marked them down. You'd be surprised to see our line of Overcoats at $10, $12 and $15. A month ago these Overcoats would have cost you Ys more money. In cleaning up our TAILORING DEPMTMEIT We find a great many custom-made Suits Suits that we made to order for cus tomers and were not taken for one reason or another. These Suits will be sold regardless of the deposit paid on them. If we can fit you in one of these you will secure a bar gain. Come as early as pos sible, as these kind of Suits are generally picked out first Great bargains await you in every department Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 954 and 956 LIBERTY STREET. Star Comer. ji3 21 mwpsu A FAMILY CONSULTATION Being held after reading the LARGE DIS PLAY ADVERTISEMENT of HORSTE & WARD on Xew Year's Day, announcing their great January Muslin Undergarment Sale. As well as the GENERAL CLEARANCE SALE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS of THE bTORE, resulted in the unanimous de cision that the ladv of the house would pro ceed to the establishment and buv all the UNDERGARMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE SPRING A'ND SUMMER WEAR. In regard to purchasing A NEW FUR CAPE AND SEAL JACKET, the con clusion 'reached is that this is the store to go to, as it is certainlv better to go to a house that has first-class goods and the .BEST SELECTION of first-class furs, made in the early part of the season, than to purchase from" houses that go into the market at the end of the season, and clean out Job Lot", the. same being the odds and ends of the Fur 3Ianufacturers' Stocks, which everyone who knows anj thing about furs, to be very poor, the defects ot which the average buyer might not notice, but wnen ine garment comes to he worn will not have the staying qualities. HORNE & WARD advertise reductions in first-class Furs and always do just as they advertise. A mistake cannot be made in going to the house of HORNE & WARD For a Fur Cape or Seal Jacket. Jal-D BftlfiSfo mpGW?Q$wsA FWmFREE JOHN C. HAYN0a(?; if Boston MASS. del 93$ Ij m ivts 4 mSTATl B. & B FTTIRS. We have made many large trans actions in various kinds of merchan dise, but none of such magnitude as our last week's FUR PURCHASE. We bought all their entire stock GENUINE ALASKA SEAL and MINK SABLE MANTLES for CAPES, 24 and 30 inches long. The maker of these fine fur garments is not only one of the largest and best, but the wholesale furrier who stands at the head of the list in America. We also bought 3 large lots of ALASKA SEAL JACKETS And 2 large lots of genuine Mink Sable Shoulder Capes, Fine Fur Astrakhan Capes, White Thibet Evening Capes, 24 and 30 inches long. Fur-lined Theater Wraps, all of them fine goods from this cele brated manufacturer. And making such a .large and important transac tion after Christmas, you can rest assured it was at a great sacrifice or we would not have had the nerve to have taken such an enormous quan tity of Fine Furs on top of a very large stock of our own. The people now have the greatest opportunity to secure the greatest bargains in New Fine Furs they ever had in their life time. . Alaska Seal Jackets,' 34 and 36-inch bust, 25-inch length, $100. Their equal not on sale in America. Alaska Seal Jackets, 27 inch, 125. Alaska Seal Jackets, 27 inch, 175. The above Seal Jackets speak for themselves when seen. The quantities are large, all sizes, 34 to 44 bust, and are $50 to S75 each less than like prime goods are or can be sold except under like circumstances, which don't exist, as we bought all of the lots of these fine goods. THREE LOTS Genuine Mink Sable Man tles or Capes, 24 inches deep, legitimate values, and on a small profit basis at that. Are worth $75, 85 and Sioo, to be sold at $55, S65 and S75. Two lots genuine Mink Sable Man tles or Capes, 30 inches long,legitimate value 125 and $150, to be sold at 285 and $100". Two large lots Genuine Mink Sable Capes, regular lengths, 25 and $35- One lot Astrakhan Fur Capes, high shoulders, fitted fronts, $12 50 values, at $5 each. i One lot Astrakhan Fur Capes, the kind we've sold all season at 18, now pa 50. One lot White Thibet Fur Capes, 24 and 30 inches long, 34, $6 and 38 bust, 40 ones at $1$; $50 ones at 20. If you don't think we made a great fur purchase come and see. Two lots fine Alaska Seal and Persian Lamb Combination Capes, 35 and $40. A FEW Cloth Theater Wraps, Fur-lined throughout, 40 ones "at 20; $50 ones at 25; 100 ones at $5- All the above and many other fine furs came in this one great purchase. All our previous stock of furs has been gone over and prices revised to correspond with above, and it will be a Fur Sale well worth investiga tion, and will pay you to come from almost any distance. Space prevents detail mention of Muffs, Fur Cravattes, Children's Sets, Etc. BOGGS & BUHL, ALLEGHENY. Jai PULLING The next few days will find us actively engaged in cleaning house after the holiday rush. Buyers at our store at all times secure an honest value for their money; just about now they will get a great deal more. You don't need to be good judges to see and appreciate the special values now obtainable in every department in the house. IN MEN'S CLOTHING. An unusually large trade this season has compelled us to carry an unusually large stock and this, in turn, has given us an unusually large quantity of broken sizes both m suits and overcoats. It follows that unusual prices will have to be made to close them out They have been. wnar. your uunars win I IN UNDERWEAR Odds and ends $1.49 quality closing Broken lots of children s shirts and pantalettes, and 34c qualities now go for 9c. IN NECKWEAR. Our whole line of fine silk teck scarfs, sold at 74c '4 and 99c, are yours this Another lot; comprising 39c, 49c and 63c qualities, will go at 24c. IN GLOVES. A lot of fine Dress Kid Gloves, fur top, wool lined, sold at $1.24 and $1.49, closing out at 99c Odds and ends in Cashmere Jersey Gloves, 63 c and 69c grades now 49a LN MENS HATS. Odds and ends in sizes of Men's Stiff Hats of the $1.69 and $1.49 grade have been reduced to $1.24. Great reduction in Children's Hats and Caps. Our 74c line of Children's Cloth Hats are now marked 49a IN HANDKERCHIEFS. A regular snap in Gents' Fine Linen, in plain white or fancy border, slightly soiled, 24c and 19c qualities, now 10c. IN SHOES. In Shoes for both Ladies and Gents we are offering some remarkable bargains. The goods are as perfect as any ever made, but the sizes are broken and they must go. The "early bird" will apply here with great force. You'll be very much mistaken if you judge of the quality by the prices named. We mean business. Investigation costs you nothing, but time and will result in the saving of many dollars. 0 GUSKY'S 300 TO 400 MARKET STREET. B. & B. SELLING OUT, Not to quit business, but to empty the shelves, and it will be commenced to-day with a vigor that will produce pro digious results. 50-inch Broadcloth Plaids that were S225; new this sea son; they didn't sell as we thought they would. They'll go to-day lively at Si Large lot of 50 to 54-inch in dividual Dress Patterns; were $1.50 to S3 a yard; all now $1. a yard. 100 pieces All-wool Colored Cashmeres; all good shades; many ultra shades, 46 inches wide, 50c. The 75c and $1 qualities will be picked out first. Another 100 pieces assorted All-wool Imported Cashmeres, Olives, Bronzes, Plums, Dark Old Rose and other odd shades. None worth less than 50c. The 60c to 65c ones will go first, of course. All 38 inches wide, at The shelves full of high-class Dress Goods, Plaids, etc., that to-day are 50c well, comment is unnecessary the people will decide it and, then, other lots at 25c, that will demonstrate that we're in earnest. Long Center Tables, with all the "Odds and Ends" of La dies' fine, medium and fine Muslin Underwear and Em broideries closed out at prices that will settle the history about them. Our. hew fine 1892 Muslin Underwear on sale;- it's superb, and the low prices affixed make it of much more than usual in terest. 1 BOGGS BUHL, ALLEGHENY, PA. - PATENTS. rr O.D.LEVIS SOLICITOR. I3I.5TH.AVE. NEXT-LEADER PITTS: PRICES. Come in and keep posted as to 1 uuy. in Men's Underwear, $1.24 and out at 99a 4C- j week at 49c. QSj') I , r V Nearly 2,000 stvlesofsroods. We're not going to 'let any impedi ment stand in the way of get- Tl E. ting- your trade. We'll prove Ourselves worthy of it by the finest qualities and best workmanship. The bugbear of getting cloth- ing made to your measure is t the steep prices. The bill you have to pay takes awav the pleasure you get out of the goods. ,.j The new force at our store t which is brought to bear on the finest tailoring in the city is the low prices. An you interested? Of course you are. - .1 WMAMAKBR & BROW, 39 SIXTH ST. Hotel Anderson Block. 4 de31 Lactol CURES Conglis. Colds, In creases tbe Flesb, restores tba Strength and prepares tne sys tem to resist colds. Price per bottle, 75 cents. Beef, Iron and Wine, tbe popular nutritive tonic. Price, full pint bottles, 45 cents. A. r. SAWHILL, Druggist, de21-50-D 187 Federal stree t, Allegheny, Pa. " GREAT REDUCTIONS 1891 MUST MAKE ROOM For I892. Hence we will1" sell our holiday ' stock of Fancy Baskets of all kinds, Tables, Chairs, Stools, Screens, ; etc., at a reduction ' of ONE -THIRD and, in MANY cases, of ONE-HALF the original j price. h Come and get an early choice for a I New Year's remembrance. . SHOMAN BROTHERS, 426 Wood St., Cor. Diamond. de277 MtttO. ABTIST AXD PHOTOGRAPHER 16 SIXTH. STBEET. raTitnafa . t jt .... . . , t iT",u"";pe."ie-i'P" 1 ID n 3 I -- auvvuvu. UVi, KBO-JMlWraB A ikJftTtiuSa-i - 'ssk?, ' ?mzzm?KZ3mmm