tsa&aM . 'JP'r vbjw.. ;tttv If ja.y c jew". S fffWTfr i THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH SATURDAY, - JANUARY ' 1892. aaaBwsaHgrVsaga! THE FIRST DAY OF '92 Quietly Celebrated in rittsbunr, the Newsboys' Dinner Being the MAIN FEATUEE OP THE OCCASION. i'earlv S00 Enthusiastic Urchins Enjoy a Substantial Banquet A EECEPTIOX FOR K1ILWAI E11PLOIES Kcw Tear's Day stopped off in Pittsburg yesterday. It was a greea Xcw Year, bat by no means frcsb, for it is the same one that has been visiting on. this earth at stated intervals for about G.000 years within the certain knowledge of mankind and for aeons of time before that. However, with out worrying overmuch about the number of the anniversary it was celebrated quietly ith egg-nog and torn and jerry, but even these spirit raisers failed to create much enthusiasm. The onlr thing that kept pare with the eter nal grind of time was the grinding of teeth at the newsboys' thirty-third annual dinner given by the Leader at Old City Hall. Long before the time fixed for the dinner "the gang" to the number of about 800 met at the Xewsboys' Home on Old avenue. As they assembled the glad shouts of joy rent the air for square. They were shouts of anticipation, which were changed to realiza tion an bon? later when the pie was reached. The Band Could Not Be Heard. The Second Brigade band wasn't "in it" with the bovs. The band marched ahead of the lads but it was little use for it to make any attempt at playing. Tne little army of coming men were in charge of Thomas B. AVeinans, "William Lang and John Gribben, during the march to the hall. The boys proceeded to Grant street, toFilth avenue", to Market street and the main en trance of the liall. Captain AV. "V. Full wood, who has acted as master of ceremon ies at 10 of these annual dinners, met the little fellows at the door. Many of them have been at previous dinners and they greeted him with three cheers and a "tiger." The seven large tables extending the full length of the hall v ere soon surrounded by a hungrv crowd. Just 777 plates had been laid, and not a dozen places remained va cant. Previous to the arrival of the boys the stage, gallery, and such other space as could be secured for standing room, was taken up by spectators. Among them were a number of prominent citirens and quite a number of well-known charitable ladies, whose presence was oue to their interest in the w clfare of the boys. Ifc-.ther More Orderly Than Usual. When the waiters began to serve dinner the "racket" commenced. The band tried to play "Annie Laurie," but the boys ob jected. They cheered, the spectators applauded, and everybody was happy and satisfied with the success of the dinner. The bill of tare included turkey, chicken, fish, roast beef, ovsters, vegetables bread, cakes, pic and all kinds of fruit The bovs were more orderly than usual, although the waiter who started at one end of a table with a basket of fruit ora platter of cake did not get far before he was relieved unless he was well guarded. There was verv little throwing of pie this year, but the boys kept up their old time method of pouudin; on their plate A little colored boy in the extreme corner of the hali from the kitchen, got tired waiting to be served and began to hammer on his plats with a knife. It was caught up by all the other lads, and in an instant there was a deafening racket all ove the hall and throughout the dinner, when the bovs called the waiters in this manner. OPENING OF THE ELECIKIC CLC3. Pittsburg Electrician Open tlie Home of Electricity on Prnn Aienue. The Pittsburg XHectric Club opened its home at S02 Penn avenue yesteiday. The opening commenced at 12 a. si. on Xcw Year's and lasted well, to "umph" next day. The club house is a beauty in itself, and, notwithstanding courts, spiritual inspiration was not m anting. It is a house of 12 rooms, well furnished. On the first floor are the parlor assembly room and cafe. The sec ond floor is given up to billiards and loung ing rooms '"bile on the third are sleeping apartments for those who miss the last car. It is. or rather will be, the home of elec tricity, for every convenience known to the electric world will be found in that build ing. Kaeh of the great electric companies have contributed something to tlie make up of the house. The great feature yet to come is a door mat that will come to meet one on tlie threshold und dry his feet before he enters. Morris W. Mead, tlie President, was mas ter of ceremonies yesterday, and he was ably assisted by Secretary J." E. Hall and .Ernest II. Hcinrichs, of the "Westinghouse Company. The great electric feature of the day was an enormous bowl of punch of the "voltage" of '67. Music for the occasion was furnished by an excellent orchestra under the leadership of Einil Heinrichs. The club starts off with a membership of 100, and Pittsburg having such a large representation of all the electrical indus tries, its success is assured. BAILBOATJ KEN'S RECEPTION. Krjoyable Time at tlie Rooms of the Younc Men's Christian Association. The Xew Year's reception to the Fort "Wayne railroad employes was given yester day afternoon under the auspices of the Pcansyltania Company Employes Christian Association, at the rooms, 125 and 127 Sedg wick street, Allegheny. The rooms were gaiiy dcorated and the" utmost cheerfulness prevailed. The early part of the afternoon was de voted to music and recitation. Among those who participated were Jliss Xvdia Hathaway, Mis Mamie Loveliss, Jliss Harris, Jliss Sourbacb, Mr. O. A. Butler and Mr. Taylor. Mrs. ri. a Small had charge of the dinner, and with her assist ants sercd about 500 guests with many delicacies. Mr. .T. "IV. Vickcrman had Mipervision over the general arrangements and carried out everything to a happy finish. A Reunion on ew Vear's Day. About 35 members of the McClelland family held a cry pleasant reunion yes terday at the residence of Mrs. Lewis El cesser, No. 70 Western avenue, Allegheny-. Among those present were: J. Yr. Kepper and taniilx-, of Iiigonier: II. It. Kepper and family, Derry; Alexander Eicher and fam ily, Greensburg; Charles Richardson and sister, ,n:swortli; Joseph McClelland, Sharon, and "W. F. and Robert F. McClel land, Allegheny. Joseph McClelland acted as master ot ceremonies. A Ouiet w Year's at tho ITotcli. "ev Year's day was spent very qniety at the hotels. There were few travelers, but many local people took advantage of the extra dinners offered by all the houses. The menu of the Andersons lacked nothing that the appetite could crave at this time of the year. The ilouongahela also served a fine dinner. The Duquesne had a big bowl of punch and an extra lunch in the bar. MARK ItVAIX'S "American Claimant" Is nono other than tho original Colonel BlulbriTy Seller. He comes to life again in THE DISPATCH to-morrow. Additions to Guatemala's Free List. Guatemala, Jan. 1. It has been de creed that rice, beans, peas, corn, hay and all kinds of vegetables may be imported iree of duty. The duty on imports of cat J tle lias also been removed. A SMALL FLOUB OUTPUT. The Northwestern Miller's Weekly Keport of Minneapolis' Big Industry. Minneapolis, Jan. 1. The' Northwestern JliHer says: The flour ontpnt last week was tho small est since September. This was duo to all the mills being shut down for Christmas, and some of them also on Saturday. At the same time the production is much heavier than a j-ear ago. Tho output last week was 149,080 barrels-avcraging 21,817 barrels dailj-. azainst 201,790 barrels tho previous week; 102,950 barrels for tlie corresponding time In 18D0, end 103,830 barrels in 18S9. The mills aro running strong again, but it will not con tinue through tho week. There were 18 in operation to-day, and they were running at the rate of about 30,000 barrels per 24 hours. About 8,000 barrels of this will be cut off to dav bv live mills sUuttlnc down for the rest of the week. Millers sjiy that there lias been an im provement in the supply of cars. The flour mat ket for a week back is reported to have been without much life. The downward tendency of wheat, together with the effect of tlie holidays, has caused buying to be re stricted to small limits. Foreign business Is light. Low grades continue to be most difficult kind to sell, and bakers' are only a trifle better. Domestic trade seems to be it little better than foreign, though very little can be said in favor of either. Some millers claim that a good deal of needless cutting in prices is being done. rORE water from Lake Conneant is not an impossibility for Pittsburg. An illus trated article on similar prcjects in THE DISPATCH to-morrow. Guatemala Electing a President. Guatemala, Jan. 1. The Presidcntal elections are taking place to-day. It is ex pected that they will pass off quietly. President Barrillas has requested that a de nial be made of the reports that he is trying to incite a rebellion in San Salvador, and that lie intends to declare himself dictator of Guatamala. ON FIRE WITH ECZEMA Terrlblo Enfferings of Little Baby. Seven Doctors and Two Hospitals I'.lil. Cured by Cuticura. Mr babv boy, 5 months old, broke out with ec rema. The itclilnr and burning was intense; the eczema spread to his limbs, breast, face, and head, until he was nearir co c.ed: his torturing agonies wtre pitiable to behold: he had no peace and but mue rest mgnt or day. He was undertreatment at different times at two hos pitals and by seven doc tors in tills citv without the least benefit: everv prescription of thedoctort was faithfully tried, but he crew worse all the time, t'or months I expended about S3 per week for med icines, and was entirely discouraged. I purchased CUTICURA, CUTICCBA Soap and Ccnrmu ltF.- f- i solvent and followed the y directions to the letter. Relief was Immediate. Ills sufferings were eased, and rest and sleep per mitted. He steadily Improved and in nine weeks was entirely cured, and lias now as clear a skin and is as lair a boy as any mother could wish to see. I recommend c cry mother to use it for c en" Baby Ilumur. MRS. If. FKRGTIPOX, S6 W. Brooklinest.. Boston. Cuticura Remedies The greatest skin cures. Wood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times, instantlv relieve the most aconlzlng ronns of eczema and psoriasis, andspeedilj, iennancntlv, economically, and In fallibly cure every specicsof torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimplj diseases and humors of the skin, scalp and lili-od. with loss of hair, lrom infancy to age, whether tlr.iple scrofulous, or hereditary, when all other lnellioos and best phyUcUns fAlL Sold everywhere. Prire. CtrrrcrnA. .We. : "o AP. !3c. REvolvf.vt. SI. Prepared by the PoTTEa Dr.cc ami CiitMICAL Cokpouatiox. Boston. 6Seiul for "How to Cure Skin Diseases, "8i pages, ."i0 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. nijyjl'I.ES, blackhcails. red. rough, chapped, and II ll! oily skia cured by Cuticuka bOAP. OLD FOLKS' PAINS. Full of comfort for all Pains, Inflam mation, and Weakness of the Aged Is the cnnCURA AMI-1'AIS PLASTER, the flrst and only paln kUllng htrengthcuing nlaster. Xpw. instantaneous, and Infallible. wssu OPTICIANS? Certainly, the Best In the City. No Charge for Examining the Eyes. S W. E. STIBRBN, 544 Smithfield St. jal-TTS Nearly 2,000 styles of goods. We're not going to let any impedi ment stand in the way of get- tins: your trade. We'll prove ourselves worthy of it by the finest qualities and best workmanship. The bugbear of getting cloth ing made to your measure is the steep prices. The bill you have to pay takes away the pleasure you get out of the goods. The new force at our store which is brought to bear on the finest tailoring in the city is the low prices. Are you interested? Of course you are. & 39 SIXTH ST. Hotel Anderson Block. de3I BERNARD E, ARONS, Jeweler, SotX OWSER VOLTAIC DIAMONDS, OS TEPittrL Ave. dear iQi Jgj if) i ynS y ,',C,,T (535'ji'SS 5fu2 issol swjVNfis MADE MEASURE. VThis TOk I mlf'N W( sdl'1,000 Babies' l F Solid Gold Rings II mJ5c EACH. ) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Leading Drygoods House. JOS. HORN PENN AVENUE STORES. OUR. ANNUAL JANUARY SALES WILL BEGIN FOR THE YEAR 1892 MDnfDAY NEXT, AT 8 o'clock It will be the biggest sale we have ever made, on account of the fact that our stocks are heavier than they ever were before at this season of the year; and for this reason, also, PRICES WILL BE LOWER Than ever before, the important and interesting, feature to you. $75,000 COLORED SILKS. $25,000 WORTH OF BLACK SILKS. $100,000 WORTH OF BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS. We present these figures to give our readers some idea of the enormous stocks of goods included in this Bargain Jamiary Sale in the above-named departments. Further down in this advertisement you will find some line of items, every one of which will be shown you when you come to this sale. And, as you well know, those who come first will have the largest choice of bar gains. Besides, for the bargains in these departments, it will pay every nouseiceeper to attena mis saie ior ine onerings we will make m TABLE LINENS, LACE CURTAINS, BLANKETS and COMFORTS, COTTON WASH GOODS, WINTER FLANNELS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, CLOAKS and SU ITS. Read our "ads" every day but, better still, come to the store every day, for thousands of good things must go unnoticed. THESE ARE NOW READY. READ: Colored Silks. A lot of embroidered and striped bilk: (j nuzes in ligiit snaues at aoc a yard; reduced fiom$l. A lot of 46-inch Chenille Striped Gauzes at 75c a yard; reduced from $2. A lot of short lengths fine Paris Xovelties, Grenadine and Lace Stripe of iects, all reduced to less than half price. A lot of Lace Striped and Em broidered Crepo de CUcno at ?i a yard; reduced from $5. A lot of short lengths in Lyons Brocaded Silks, rich colorings nnd de signs, at $2 a yard; reduced from SO and . A lot of Satin Regence, in even in? shades, at 50c a yard; reduced f 10m $123. A lot (about 25) short pieces of Mill-class Brocaded Satins and Velvets, extreme novelties, to be closed out at J5 a yard. Some of them cost tluee times this pi ice. A few elegant Pompadour Robes, embroidered satin, at $23 each; re duced fi 0111 $50. A lot (about 50) rich and elegant novelties in Brocaded Satins in lengths from 1J4 to 5 yai d, will be sold at about half former piiccs. Black Silks. A lot of Black Silk and Wool Beugnlines, in variety of newpatterug.at $2 a yard; teduced fiom $2 50. A lot of Black Pekin Stripe Satin and Tekin Strine Armuros at $1 23a yaid; reduced from $2. A lot of Black Pekin Stripe Ar- murcs at $1 25 a yard; reduced trom $1 SO. A lot of Black Damasse Ar- murcs at 75c a yard; reduced fiom $1 23. A lot of Fancy Black Pekin Stripe Satin, heavy nnd lustrous, at $1 a yard; 1 educed from $1 50. A lot of Black Pekin Stripe Ar- mure Silks at tl a Tard: reduced from $1 75 and $2. A lot of Black Damasse Silks at (2 a yard; reduced from $3 50 and $5. A lot of Black Fancy Twisted Silk Grenadines, Brochet and Embroid ery effects, at $1 25 a vard; reduced from $2 50 and $3. A lot of 24-inch Black Pure SilkSurahs at 75c1iyard; reduced from $1. A lot of extra wide and heavy Black Silks (24-inch), Failles, Satin Rhart ames and Groi Grains, at 85c a yard; usual $1 and $1 23 quality. J, JUL 4, i HORNE&C Pittsburg, Pa. Saturday, Jan. 2, 1892. E k COS -OC WORTH OF Colored Dress Goods. A lot of 40-inch Fancy Colored Cheviots at $1; reduced from $1 23. A lot of 42-inch Angora Stripe Cheviots at 75c a yard; reduced lrom $L A lot of 46-inch genuine French Camel's Hair Suitings at 75c a yard: re dnccd from $1 23. A lot of 42 and 46-inch genuine Scotch Cheviot Suitings at 73c a yard; rc- uubuuiiuuifl o. A lot of 42-inch Printed Cream Ground Cnallies, with polka dots and figures, at 50c a yard; worth $1. A lot (16 pieces) of All-Wool Tufted Spot Suitings at 50c a yard: re duced fiom73c. A lot of 44-inch Plaid Suitings, choice styles nnd colors, at 50cayaid; reduced from $1 25. A lot of fine French Broad-. cloths, full line of colors, at 50c a yaid; less than the cost to land in this country. A lot of Cassimeres for Men's and Boys' wear at COc a duccd liom 73o and $1 a yard. yard; re- A lot of choice style 50-inch Suitings at 73c a vard: re- American duccd from $1. A lot of best American make 42-inch, 50-cent Suitings, to be closed out at 23c a yard. A lot of 46-inch All-Wool Fancy Chcvcron Suitings at 73c a yard; re duccd from $1 23. A lot of Scotch Cheviot Suit ings at 75c a yard; reduced from $L A lot of Scotch Cheviot Suits (plaids) at $1 a yard; 1 educed from $1 73. A lot of Scotch Novelty Suit ings at $1; reduced from $2 50. A lot of 50-inch Genuine En- plish Suitings at SI a yard; reduced from $150. IMPORTED ROBES, All rich and elegant in colorings, de sign and perfect combinations, the choicest collection shown in these cities, all now reduced. Now at $9 that were $15 and $20. Now at $10 that were $25 to $10. Now at $15 that wore $25 to $60. Now at $20 that w ero $30 to $60. Now at $25 that wero $50 to $73. As this is only a beginning to tell of the great bargains to . be found here, we urge every reader to come at once don't put off a day, and you will feel how well repaid those are who heed our special announcements. irwsar II7-HI PENN AVENUE. i f - m - wuVHv tn j t -f - 1 - -wA f ai f f -fi II NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ELOT nNwpOI lull wJ'- TAILORING, To leave your order with a tailor for suit, overcoat or trousers requires confidence. Your tailor can please or dis please you. He can give you full value or haltv Your own in terest prompts you to come to 954 and 956 Liberty St. de2D-36-TT3 HAPPY IF YEAR To all our friends and custom ers, and many thanks for their kind patronage during the past year. IRE'S do NEWS FOR NEW YEAR'S WEEK! To show our appreciation to our patrons we make the fol lowing generous offer: 20 Per Cent Discount In cash will be returned to every customer. After your purchase has been made 20 per cent of the amount of sale will be returned to you. JOFFER GOOD THIS WEEK ONLY. SNkXTM Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, Cor. Smithfield and Diamond Sis. de29-TT8 cfc J. T. LITTLE, 511 PENN AVENUE. Correcting defectivs vision a specialty, pectaclea and Eyo Glasses furnished. no20-50-TT3 WHY STTFIFIEIR FROM RHEUMATISM WHEN THERE 15 XV Read the Testimony of one SulTereR , Pittsburg, Ken-. 21, 1891. 5RS01.TTTR pittseurg, pa, nUUUUUlU Gentlemen. I was compleu.y pros ""trated with Rheumatism for five weeks. I suffered with it in my arms, hands, legs and feet. My lianas became twist mm ed out of shape, and my feet swelled out VATTD a'' Proportion, and I could not walk. lUUlt W-en r l'31'- Ilacke procured for me a uvuic 01 iucuiHiiitujd. x naa uiuy taken three doses of it before I could walk as well ascer. Went out to the race track and exercised my horses that I h.-u e in training at this place. 1 hanks to RheumatiCLra," I an: now cured of the Rheumatism, and have not an ache or pain. Yours ery truly, Patrick Hicgin;, 77 Detrich St , 14th Ward, Pittsburg:, Pa. Mr. Patrick Higgins is in my employ Fi t t Q and I knuwr the facts set forth in the a 1 li 0, aboe are true. Paul H Hacke, mobkcu f Hugus & Hacke, Pittsburg. One bottle will do it. RHEUMATICURA CO., 616 Penn Ave., Price, 53 00 prr bottle. PITTSBURG, PA. T?or sale by all druggists. de29-TTS9Tj rflhis pie delicious JytomamaderfinZOiiialKp ss i i rrsMM jm uise mjsfe& 3 in paper ooxes; enougn for two larf.e pies, J Always ready; easily prepared. 1 TUB nDlOIUAl r r - - and only Complete and Satisfactory J J Condensed Mince Meat in the Market. J J Cheap Substitutes and Crude Imitations J J are offered with the aim to profit by the J j popularity of the New England. J m Do not be deceived but always insist on t J the New England Brand. The best made. J J SOXD BY ALL GROCERS. dclS-ws DRUNKENNESS Surely, Safely And Speedily Cured by CHLORIOGOLD UUMj The wonderfnlnoTTBpedfle. tho onlycertaln.harro less and radical cure. Prepared as a powder, and can be given without tho patient's knowledge. In tea. cof fee, lemonade.beer.llquoror food. No matter whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or a rum-besotted wreck, the cure will bo rapid, complete and perma nent. It destroys all desire or crarinff for alcoholic drinks. Is tasteless and causes no inconvenience while using. Has been tested In thousands of cases with ab solute success. One package will cure any ordinary case, two packages will euro the most obstinate And .0-(rT-.vfi.trl fMJiA- Will also en re tha Tobacco or Clzar- ette Habit. Price t2 per package, two packages for ATfiL fl.nd forfreabook. All correspondence sacredly confidential. Chlorloooid van: it he nn be find f mir ncrents .rwntvostpaldbTB. MAIHMII CHF.MICALCO. (MtPi.prl.tori for tbo U. 8- 8 Drarbara 8S-, CUute, 111. 1-OK SALE IN F1TTSBUKGH, PA., BY Tot. Fleminc & Son, 410 Market St. Duauesno Pharmacv. 18 Smithfield A. J. Kaercher, 59 Federal St, Allegheny City, rl8lM! CURE at" DOOR, IT HEVER gga- . OM"usi n siirfomm .-j&tfs NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO START 1892 WITH t BOOM KAUFMANNS Will offer the following desirable goods at SPECIAL REDUCTIONS TO-DAY. MEN'S OVERCOATS. 392 Men's Overcoats and Ulsters, durable materials, good make and trimmings, Reduced from $10 to $6. 470 Men's Overcoats in latest box and half-box styles, in Kerseys and Meitons, all new shades, Reduced from $16 to $10. 345 Men s fine Overcoats, made of imported Kerseys, Meltons, Chin chillas and Fur Beavers, Reduced from $20 to $13. 1,000 FINE HATS, WOITU ll, 52.25 Mil SUO, AT 98 This surprising Hat Sale is for this day only. Come in before 10 o'clock to-night and take your choice from 1,000 fine Derbys, new shapes, thoroughly reliable quality, at 98c. The cheapest one in the lot is worth $2; many, 2.25; lots, $2.50. This sale will crowd our Hat Department to-day. LOOK Beautiful Four-in-Hands, Tecks TO-DAY KAUFMANNS' Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street. AMTJSEZttENTb. DUQUESNE. Pittsburg's Leading Theater. FAREWELL PERFORMANCES This Afternoon At 2, BE IN YOUR SEAT EARLY. In order that the sorgeous spectacular pioduction may he given in Its entirety, THE CURTAIN Will rise this erenins AT 7:30 O'CLOCK. By taking heed of this reminder, and belnjr seated promptly on tho hour, you will be ahle to fully appreciate the myriad of bean ties incidental to the most superb spectacle over seen on any stage. Next weak Carroll Johnson in "Tho Gos soon." jaM7 SECOND TEjreAT. 'S 63, 65 and 67 Fourth Av. (SECOND FLOOR.) BEGINNERS' CLASSES Tuesday, Wednesday- and Thursday evenings. ADVANCED CLASSES Monday and Frl dav evenings. CHILDREN'S CLASSES (Advanced and Beginners) Saturday afternoon, 1 to 5 o'clock. Thipp teachers in each class. TUITION One quarter, 10 lessons, $3 00. Ja240 ALVIN THEATER. CHARLES L. DAVIS, Owner and Manager. Last two performances of MR. RICHARD MANSFIELD. Matinee at 2. BEAU BRUMJIELL. To-night at 8, DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. Nest week A. M. Palmer's Company, in Alabama. Ja2 iUTD. A -TSTTT O 3? E RA MOUSE. TO-NIGHT. MATINEE TO-DAY. BIRDS OF Chai. Bowcr,Marie Sailer, Frank McN'lsIi and a great companv. Prices. 15. 25. 00. 75. Jl.00. A FEATHER. Next n eeK Bryton and Delmore in "For given." Ja2 PBDF- J1MES P. BHODK'S (Member of the American boclety of Profes sors of Dancing, New York.) DANCING ACADEMY, Liberty av. and Sixth st. Second term for misses and masters will begin Saturday, January 2, at 3 o'clock p. m. For ladies and gentlemen, Monday, January 4, at 8 o'clock r. . Call for circulars at music stores. , de27-61 TTAItUY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-Niglit and Matinee To-Day. SAM DEVERE'S BIG BOOM VAUDEVILLE CO. Monday Next The French Folly and Bur lesuueCo. 7 -. ,Ja2-27 -OF- SHUT MEN'S SUITS. 246 Men's nobby Cassimere. and Cheviot Suits, sack and frock styles, Reduced from $13 to $8. 325 Men's fine Ail-Wool Cheviot, Cassimere and Worsted Suits, latest styles, Reduced from $20 to $12. 246 Men's extra fine imported Cheviot and Cassimere Dress Suits, all new styles, Reduced from $24 to $15. Equally great bargains in BOYS' CLOTHINa. TO-DAY j ON DE.RBYS' iL m -imrr25l 3,000 FINE FRENCH CREPE TIES 25c AT and Puffs, Worth 50c and 75c. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE to-xigiit, harry lacy -IX- JACK ROYAL OF THE IHD. Matinees Wednesday, Xew Year's Day and Saturday. Jan. The 12 Temptations. de2S-I3 NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. WALTER DAJIROSCII, Director. With tho Musical Association of Allegheny. TWO GRAXD CONCERTS. Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, JANUARY 5 and 6, 1892, at GYGLDMMA AUDITORIUM, ALLEGHENY, Corner of Irwin avenue and Beech street. Sale of tickets now going on at jrellor A Hoene'o, No. 77 Fifth avenue, and Alex. Ross'.No. US Federal street. de30-ll-MWS HARRIS' THETER-Mrs. P. Harris, R. L. ISritton, T. F. Dean. Proprietors and Managers. Every afternoon and evenins. LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY. Week Jan. 4 Devoyand Smiley's Inter national Comiques. de29-8-TTS Demonstrated the fact that we have goods that please the people. tho E THEY iE, Just as pure snd fine as ever. Fleming's Eight-Year-Old Export, full quarts $1, or six for $3. Fleming's Ten-Year-Old Gibson, full quarts $150, or six for $7 50. Floming's Jine old Finch's Golden Wed dinsr, full quarts SI 31. or six for SG 00.- Fleming'sprivate stock, full quarts$2each. And our line of Imported Scotch and Irish W1iikles that gave such universal satisfac tion to all those who wanted something for eign for the holidays, embrace all of tlie best brands made in other countries. For prices see our new price list. All orders for any of the above goods shall receive our personal and immediate atten tion. JOS. FLEMING & SON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 412 Market SI, Cor. Diamond, Pittsburg', Pa. de27-TT33D BUY YOUR SPECTACLES AT Tlie I2elltle Optloian. r.yes -trammed Free. Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. diamond; OPTICIAN. 22 SIXTH ST. dc29-TTSu M. MAY, SONS & CO., FINE DYEING AND CLEANING. 60 Sixth Avenue, M9-68.Tarlii , -Pittsbura-Pfc u Onr HoMay Trade .k.