y THE' PITTSBtnRG DISPATCH, SATURDA JANTJART "2,' '! 1892 i? J .4 ' - &(TCROWDHJG THERE. How the Street Cars Are Operated in the Citv of Glasgow. PITTSBUKG COULD FIND POINTS Of Great Advantage in Ecnuy Scotland, According to .. Leggate. MANNER OF SrCURIXG PURE WATER A. Legate thinks that PittsburR's model government could set a few valuable points from the municipality of Glasgow, Scot i land. 3Ir. Leggate is a Scotchman, "and naturally sees the best in his native land. The attempt to get better street car service in Pittsburg brought up the subject of mu nicipal government, and the statement from Mr. Leggate that Glasgow lias de termined to take charge of its street rail ways. They lease franchises there and do not give them away for nothing, he explained. The first line was built in 18G9-70. George Francis Train and other Americans at tempted to get control of the streets, but were refused, and finally a compromise was made whereby the cily was to build the lines and then lease them. They were all horse lines and on account of the city beinc compact, it only required 31 miles to reach the important points. The cost was $1,700,000. all of which was furnished by the city. How the Lines Are Operated. The lines were then leased to corpora tions until 1891. The terms were that a rental of 5750 per mile should be paid; that a j earl-sinking fund should be created that would cover the entire cost of the roads (51,700,000) at the end of lease, and that annual interest should be paid the city on its investment. In no case Mas ' over 1 penny per mile to be charged on the street carsand for workingmen, morning and evening, halfpenny per mile. The very important requirement was also made that enough cars should be provided to accommodate the public, and so well has it been complied with that it is very seldom a passenger is required to stand. The street car straps arc as good as new al though they have been used over 20 years, and in that time the people have never had cause to grumble. Profitable to All Concerned. The terms of the lease were such that only the boldest capital would take them and until 1880 it took close financiering to pay the city and leave a bonus. Since that time big dividends have been paid and the citv rnlers, with a vi-w always to advancing the interests of the municipality have determ ined to reap the harvest, and after the ex piration of the present lease, operate the Etreet car lines themselves. They will cut down fares and attempt onito pay expenses. A continuation of the good service is guaranteed and the em ployes have been promised, that regardless of party affiliations, they will be kept in service as long as they give good satisfac tion. "This is true in all departments," Mr. XiCggate said. "Politics does not enter into the tity government, and there is yet to be an accusation of dishonesty against the city officials. Taxes are low and the public is satisfied." Glasgow Has Faro 'Water, Too. Another thing which Sir. Leggate thought Pittsburg might copy was the manner of getting the water bupply in Glasgow. It was formerly piped from the Clyde by a corporation, but the city wanted better water and at cheaper rates, so thev con cluded to bring it from Loch Katrine in the Highlands. The cost was great, but it is iiow self-sustaining. The water is as pure as from a spring, and the.pressure is so great that it is sel dom necessary to bring out engines to put out a fire. Sir. Leggate thinks it would be a good plan to follow Glasgow's lead by brincing water from either Lake Chautau qua or Lake Conneaut. The undertakine, he thinks, is feasible, and the water supply that would be secured would be as good as there is in any city in the world. Investigating the Infantile Debanch. Contractor Gallagher, in whose wagon yard the little Logne and Thompson boys were found drunk, proposes to thoroughly investigate the matter himself and have those responsible fer the lads' condition ar rested, if possible. He has a 0-foot fence around the lot, and docs not propose to have his place made a rendezvous by the wilder youths of the neighborhood. A Statement. A few days since an account appeared in the papers of the citv of a suit Drought bv L. 51". Morris against C.A. Balph for 23,000 for materials furnished on the Times build ing. "We are now informed by Mr. Balph that the only amount in dispute between the parties was $470, the dispute being as to the true meaning ot the contract between the parties. Mr. Balph had offered and was anxious to pay all moneys claimed by Mr. Morris except the sum in dispute, while Mr. Morris refused to accept anything except the whole amount of his claim, including the disputed items. Yesterday the parties met with their attorneys, and Mr. Morris agreed to accept lrom Mr. Balph all of his claim except the small amount in dispute, and this, it was agreed, should stand until the court should construe the contract. Those who intend witnessing the "big spectacular production of "Sinbad," at the Duquesne Theater to-night, should remem ber that the curtain ascends promptly at 7:30 to-night. Directly after the perlorm aiice the company will leave on a special train for Boston, but Manager Henderson has determined, on account of thousands of people being unable to witness the spectacle this week, to come with it again to this city the week of February 22. "lie anticipates that if he has no other attendance on the re turn than those who were turned awav dur ing the present week, the house will be packed nightly. However, there are few who have -witnessed "Sinbad" that will not be eager to see it again. iTo the Saloon and Private Trade. As the season is now at hand for ale and porter, the Straub Brewing Company take pleasure in announcing to the saloon and private trade that they are prepared to fill all orders promptly. "We also claim that our celebrated brands of "Pilsener" and "Munich" lacerbeer cannot be excelled hv any brewers of the States. ATe guarantee our beer to be four and one-half months old and all our goods are made of the very best quality of hops and malt Ask the saloon trade for it or telephone No. 5038. Tin: Straub Brewing Co. Corner Main street and Liberty avenue, COAL, anthracite and bituminous, coke, best Panhandle and Youghiogheny family coal, all sizes, at lowest rates, consistent with square dealing. "We handle no river coal. Our stove and range coal cheapest fuel in the market. Railroad yards onlv. Fourth avenue and Try street. Liberty avenue and Thirtieth street Telephones 226 and 14G5-3. Latimer, MEYEr.s & Co. DON'T let that congh continue. Stop it at once with Piso's Cure for Consumption. It never fails. 25 cents. All druggists. TUS Be sure and use Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrup for your children while teething. 23c. TTSWk For every kintl of good help, for domestic and other "purposes, see Peregrino, 159 , Fonrth avenue, telephone 1860. BrECiAL bargains in Mnfflon and Astrakhan-trimmed' reefers to-day at Kosenbanm &Co.'. . bxs MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Meetings. TTEBKEW BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Thc regular annual meeting of the Hebrew Tieneynlent inelptv will lu liel1 t flip yf.try room of tlic Eighth" street S iiaKOguc, JANUARY" 3. 1812, at 10:30 A. si. Member arc iirrcntly rc- qneMca to attend. LUUls 1. aaiiu.n. PittsBuug, January" ISC secretary. ja:-a COLUMBIA OH, COMPANY THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of the Columbia Oil Company, for the election of directors and other business, will be held on THURSDAY, Jan nary H. 189i at 11 o'clock A. Jr.. atthc office of the company. No. S14 Market st. A. P. McRREW, Secretary. dc3M OTOCCUOI.DEP.S, MEETING Tiie annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mnnnnrahcia Navigation Company will lie held on. THURSDAY, January 11. 1892." at 2 o'clock F. M., at the office of said company. No. 8 'Wood street. Pittsburg, for the election of officers and managers of Said companv and olhcr business. dcH-13-D A . BAKEWELL, secretary. TUB MOXOXCAllELA COVJfECTISO RA1LUOAD Company. PlTTStWRO. Dec. as, 18"ll. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of this company will be held at its irencral oGlce. corner Third nteiine and Trv street. Plttsburjr. on MONDA.T. January 11. ltP2. at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the election of a president and Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for transacting such other business as maybe brought before the meeting. dc2r-2r-MWs BENJAMIN TAGF, Secrctary. "VTOTICK TO STOCKHOLDER'S CEVTRAL l .Maontc Hall Association or PltUburg The annual meeting of the stockholders of Central Ma sonic Hall Association or Pittsbure will be held nt Centml Masonic Hall. Collins sr MONDAY. January -1. IM2. convening at 7:30 o'clock p. x.. at whteh time the election of a "board of nine direc tors to serve until the first Monday after the first dav in January. IS93. will take "place, and such other business as mar he presented. A. K. HENDERSON, Secretary. dc30-34-D Elections. TIIF. FRKKnOLP IiANTC. ) Pittseuro. Pa.. Dee. 2S, 1891. T7LKCTION-Tlin ANNUAL ELECTION FOR J Directors of this bank will be held at thebauk inshonseoti MONDAY, January 4, 1892, between me noiirs 01 . ana 4 r. x del 7-10 J. F. STEEL, Cashier. tiie ABSO-AL Bamc or PnrsnDnc, I Dec. 31. 18'J1. I J?LECTION-TIir. ANNUAL ELECTION FOR j Directors of this bank to serve for the en suing year will tie held at the banking bouse, cor ner Butler and Fortv-tliird sts.. on "WEDNES DAY, January 13, 1892, between the hours of HA. M. and 1 r. M. W. S. WILLIAMS, jal-3-p Cashier. Tnir.n Natiovai, Baxk. Pittsbctig. I ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR j nine directors of this Innk. to serve for the ensning rear, will be held at the banking house,523 and 528 Wood St.. on TUESDAY. January 12, 1892, betncci the hours of 11 A. M. and 1 r. M. AY. STEINMEYER, Cashier. December 12. 1891. dei5-t2 trmsr National Bank of Pittsburg. Pa.. 1 PlTTSBUKO, Dec. 12, 1891. I I ELECTION TnE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR j nine directors forthts hank, to serveforthe ensuing ear, will be held at the banklne house, corner Wood St. and Fifth ay.. TUESDAY, Jan uary 12. 1892, between the hours of 10 A.M. and 2 r. si. J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. dei:-31 OrncE or AVesterx Pennsylvania Exposition society. PiTTsnrno. Decemlier.'iO. 1831. I7LFCTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF li this society tor the election of 13 directors to serve for the ensuing year, and fort the transaction of such other business as ma be brought up, will be held in the United States Court Room (old lo.t,)fficc building). Fifth av. and Smithlleld St., TUESDAY. Januarys. 1892. at 3 o'clock r. M. de30-C2-D A. P. BURCHFIELD. Secretary. Mebcantile Libraby Halt. Company, PiTTsnrno. Dec. 24. 1891. T""LFCTION-THE ANNUAL MELTING OF I l the stockholders of this rnmninv for the dec. tlon of directors and the consideration of any otherbusinesstb.it inav properly come before it will be held on MONDAY. January 4. 18D2, between the hours of 3 r. M. and 4 P.M.. at the office of Messrs. Whitney A Stephenson. No. 54 Fourth av. dc24-19 G. W. CRAWFORD. Secretary. Easiness Changes. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 lirmofHolmcs. Rowlcn, BrlggsJfeCo. has this day been dlssotyed. Mr. P. C. Rowlen having withdrawn. The business will be continued at the old stand under the firm name of William Holmes & Co. Ja2-32 THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX ISTING between Solomon Oppenhelmer and Joseph S. Kaufman, doing business as Oppen helmer t Kaufman, l'as this dav been dissolved by limitation. SOLOMON OPPENHKIMER, JOSEPH S. KAUFMAN. riTTsnunG. Pa January 1, 1892. Jal-48-2,4.11 VTOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT iA the Coon Oil Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent of its members, and all outstanding ac- couuts due by it haying been assumed by Rudolph Sehmitt, No. 89 James st. Allegheny, and Henry Kleiman. No. 83 James St.. Allegheny, upon their presentation will be by them paid. THE COON OIL COMPANY. del9-16-s no Water stbket. FiTTFBURG, Pa.. Dec 31, 191. 1 -VTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION THE PARTNER i SHIP heretofore existing between the under signed, doing business under the firm name of Frauklm Oil Works Co., expires this date by lim itation. Thos. J. Iilcksler retiring from said firm. All debts due the firm must he paid to the remain ing partners, who will pay all debts contracted for use and benefit or the firm. J. H. CAIN, .T. AV. REAMER, If. CORR, Jal-05 THOS. J. BICKSLER. Dividends. City Savings Bank, ) or Pittsburg, Pa., I Sixth avenue and Smitiifielu street, f December 31, 1891. I T-vrVIDEND-TIIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF U this bank have this day declared a dividend of FOUR (4) PER CENT on the capital block, payable forthwith out of the earnings of the past six months. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Cashier. Jal-75 Pittsburg National Bank op Commerce. dividend-the directors of this Dank have this day declared a dividend of SIX (6) PER CENT on the capital stock out of me earnings or me past six months, payable rorth Mith free of tax. CI. WADE." December 31. 1891. Cashier. Ja2-54 Duqct.sne National bank, ) PITTSBURG, Pa.. Dec. 31. 1891. f TYIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF XJ this bank have this day declared a dividend of FOUR (4) PER CENTUM, free of tax, on demand. jal-65 A. H. PATTERSON. Cashier. f ibst National hank Pittsburg, Pa. l Pittsburg, Dec. 31, 1891. ( DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS bank have this dav declared a quarterly divi dend of TWO PER CENT on the capital stock, payable on demand free ortax. Jal-17 J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. TnE Freehold Hank, J PlTTSBUBR, Pa., Dec 3L 1891. J DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THTS bant have declared a dividend or THREE PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, parable rorthwlth. J Jl-2 JOHN F. STEEL, Cashier. MASONIC Pank. 531 Smilhlleld street I Pittsburg. Dec. 31, 1831. f -ryiYIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF XJ this hank have this day declared a dividend of TUPVP I3 PPT? f'VVr a. .K .!...... r ,.. last six months. Parable on demand. Jal-24-D W. It CHRISTIAN. Cashier. Central Bank. Pittsburg, Pa.. Dec a, 1891, TrvTDEND-THE BOARD OF DIttECTDRS 5 OF XJ this bank has this dav declared a quarterly dividend or ONE AND ONE-HALF (1)) PER CENT outolthc earnings or the past three months. pijiuicai uit imuuu( uuuur, o,4 r Fifth ay. Jal-1 C. C DAVIS, Cashier. ARSENAL BANE. ) Dec 31. 1891. J -raVIDF.ND-TIIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF XJ this bank ha-s this dav declared a dividend of FOUR (4) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable forthwith. Jal-2-D W. S. WILLIAMS. Cashier. Notices. VTOTIOE-CAItD OF THANKS THE SOUTn 1 SIDE offlce for the Improvement of the Poor wish to return thanks to the teachers and scholars of the public schools who, together with manu facturers and business men. assisted them in reliev ing the wants aud bringing Christmas cheer to many poor but deserving families. Ia2-B Office National Transit Company, j Oil CITV. PA.. January 2, 1892. VTOTICE-THE PATRONS OF THE NATIONAL X Transit Company arc hereby notified that-all credit balances upon the boots of the National Transit Company at the close of business. December 80. 1891, and all outstanding acceptances Issued on or prior to that date are subject to an assessment oTonc quarter W) per cent ort .nda half (2) bar rels on a thousand In plpeage paid oil, on account of loss bv file on the murnlug of December 31, 183t or tank united registered number IS15. located at Osborn Hollow. Colesvlllc township. Brown county. New York. . , Signed: DANIEL O'DAY, Ja2-33-D General Manager. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK. Until the reconstruction or our building, corner Wood and Diamond streets, which wc expect to oc cupy again bv March. 1S92, we arc temporarily lo cated at No. 7 Sixth avenue rorncr of Wood street Depositors or One Dollar and upward received ana interest paid thereon, commcnclngonthe First and Fifteenth of cacli Month, and payable semi annually on the first davs of.lnnusry ami July. If not drawn the interest Is added to the principal CHAS. MEYRAN, President JOS. ABEL, Vice President A. K. NIEMANN, Secretary. H. W. WILKER, Treasurer. GEO. W. GUTHRIE, Solicitor. Open dally from 9 A. w. to 4 r. M., and on Satur davs from A. . to c p. m. ocl-46-TTS LOST. T OST Chemical diamonds. IOST Call and examine our solid 14-kt gold j watches, -with American movements, at (20. K. Smit 32 and 934 Liberty aUd 703, 705, 707 Smith field. J- J . JK3"Dhpla! advertisement me dollar per square or one insertion. -Clarified real estate advertisements on this page ten cents per line for each insertion, and none taken or less than thirty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified uuder the following headings will be ac cented at the rate of ONE CEXT PER WORD FOE EACH INSERTION when paid for in ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted -ddwrtjemenj cf all Kindt, SUCH AS SITUATIONS, ROOMS, MALE HELP, BOARDING, FEMALE HELP, HOARDERS. AGENTS MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONAL, TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smithfleld antl Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS, WHERE WANT, FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTIIKtt TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. H. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements shonld be prepaid unless adver tisers already hare accounts with TITE Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY, NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE 3021. FOR TIIE SOUTnSIDE, NO. 1412 CARSON STREET, TELEPHONE NO. 6022. FOR THEEAaTEND, J. W. WALLACE. OS PENNAV. PrrTSBURG ADDITIONAL. IHOM AS MCCAFFREY". 35C9 Butler street. EMU. G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITIONAL. F. H. EGGERS & SON, Ohio and Cnestnnt street. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin avenues. PERRY M. ULEIM, Rebecca and Allegheny an. WASTED. Male Help. RMATURE -winders: first-class men: L Monday morning nt947Libcrty st. apply T) ARBE1I for Saturday. No. 58 Seventh av. BOY about 14 ears of age: mu-.t have exrellent recommendations. Jeweler, Dispatch office. BOY A 6tont colored bov. ab-mt 15 years old; in quire at 9:30. Dr. Yates, 802 Penn av. BOY Aftronr. bright bov. about 18. Apply to II. Ij. Itccse, Printer. 145 Fourth ay. B' OY Office boy. Call at 903 Penn av. between S and 9 o'clock. BUGGY WASHER None but sober and experi enced need apply, T. B. Morcland. GlOOPcnn G 100K A good white male cook. Apply 84 Fifth aenuc. MAN Competent man to take full charge of clothing store In good country town; only re liable person with best of reference need answer. M. C. D., Dispatch office. QALESMAN First-class city salesman: must be O oer 30 years of age: one acquainted with gro cery trade preferred: good salar : steady employ ment. Inquire National Cash Register Co., cor. Fifth av. and Wood, under B. & O. ticket ofllce. QALESMAN WANTED .Salary and expenses O from start; permanent place; good opening. Ap ply, with references. Brown Bros. Co., Nursery men, Rochester, N. Y. C ALESMEN To sell stores O'Keefe's O. IC. shoe O blacking, the finest In the world: good com missions. O'Kecfe & Co., 70S Smlthfield st, PltU burg. Pa. "fTTATuIIMAN An indoor night watchman and II to clean up the premises; best of references and bond required. Address Box 305. Pittsburg. Agents "Wanted. AGENTS On salary or commission to handle the new tiatent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ot parer: 200 to fco per cent profit: one agent's Bales amounted to (620 in six days; another (S2intwo hours: we want one energetic general agent for each State andTerritory. Forterms and fullparticu Jars, address The Monroe Eraser Mlg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. (N10). A GENTS To sell the PInless Clothes Line; the only line ever invented that holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success: patent recently issued: sold only by agents, to whom the exclu sive right is given: on receipt of 50 cents we will send a sample line by mail; also circulars; price list and terms to agents: secure your territory at once. Address The Pinles, Clothes Line Co., 97 Hermon st, Worcester, Mass. AGENTS By a well established business: a few eneigetlc men to travel and appoint local agents; steady salary; position permanent. P. B. Co.. Box 731, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Mineral Ismpwicks; never burn out: nosmoke.no soot no trimming: light equal to gas; 3 samples 10c. assorted dozen, 25c. Stayner Co., Providence, R. I. AGENTS Wanted to write for free samples for the best seller on earth. Frank MTg Co., 767 Sixty-third st, Chicago. AGENT J3 to $7 daily: experience unnecessary, Putnam &. Co., Perfumers, West Winstcd.Ct Male and Female Help Wanted. HELP Cooks, chambermaids, dining room girls, laundresses, nurses, housegirls for families kitchen, pantry, and chambermaids for hotels, cooks and dishwashers for restaurants and board ing houses, waiters, farm hands, white and colored male help supplied oil short notice. Mrs. E. Thompson, COS Grant st HELP At once, male cook. 2 waiters, butcher, farm hands, coal miners, boy to assist on a farm, hotel cooks, dishwashers, chambermaids, 2 dining room girls (4 per week, 200 house girls. lamiiy cooks ana cnamDermaius. . eoiorea girls, rhlM's nurse, laundress- Mpphdti'q SIS. fjrnnr et child's nurse, laundress. Meehan's, 545 Grant st. Telephone, 90. LABORERS 1(0 railroad laborers, 300 coal miners, house girls, male and female cooks. butchers, bakers, waiters and teamsters: three grocery clerks. Keystone Employment Agency, 010 Grant st - Female Help Wanted. piIRL Good reliable girl for general housework; A gooa wages. Inauire next door to Bellefield Club. Neville st. East End. "!IRT, Kitchen girl; good wages; applyrat once. J 303 Western av., Allegheny. GIRL Strong, for general housework atNo. 11 Pennsylvania av., Allegheny; to good girl best wages will be paid. GIRL A good nurse girl at 33 Beech st, Alle gheny. GIRL for general housework. city. 21 Congress st. STARCHER and girl who understands collar and cuff finishing. Ed's laundry, 444 Liberty st Situations "Wanted. SITUATION by a young married man: experi enced bookkeeper, shipping clerk and telegraph operator; has tilled position of ticket auditor on a railroad division six years, and has a thorough knowledge of all the railroad routes; a liberal educa tion and not afraid or hard work. X. X. A., Dis patch ofllce. SITUATION as colored school teacher (three years' experience) or to travel witli Iidy. Ad dress. Teacher. 120 Zainc st. Wheeling, W. Va. OITUATION as watch maker and jeweler; 12 O years' experience. Address S. Frank. No. 51 Gibbon st, Pittsburg. SITUATION At home: copying or other writing wanted by a person with spare hours. Address K 125, Dispatch office. SITUATION "As drug clerk; registered as man ager. Address H. H. ShaunoD, Beaver Falls, Pa. Instruction. CUTTERS WANTED-Many men of great talent are uusuccesslul because thev go throngh the world with their eves snut Those" who use the A. D. Rude New Mctnod of Cutting are successful. Taught only at Cleveland Cutting School, Clevc and, Ohio. PEOPLE To know that Mrs. Barta's Private and Kindergarten School. No. 00 Arch St., Al legheny, will open Monday, Jan. 4. at 9 A. M..and also, that there is a department for older pupils. STUDENTS-Smart's Private College. 12 Federal st., Allegheny: best systems in bookkeeping, shorthand, ieumaushlp, etc. : open day and even ing; positions for all competent students. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED To represent a Pittsburg concern In New York by a gentleman of the highest reputation and business ability, now trarellugbut anxious to di-continue: salary' moderate; card in serted by a lricnd of the applicant who would bo glad to arrange an Interview. AddressG.G., Dis patch office. BUYER wanted for carriages, coupes aud har ness or fine of the best appointed private stables lu the city. Address J. T., No. 170 Rebecca st., Allegheny. TJoolikceping Accounts, Etc, Wanted. AUDITING and accounting I attend to any thing in the hue or intricate accounting, auditing the books of corporations, manufactur ers, merchants, hotcld'&ud others. A. F. bawblli, 187 Federal St.. Allegneuy, Pa. Fire Insurance Wanted. B ENSW ANGER & ZAIIN Fire Insurance, Fourth av. MONONGAnELA INSURANCE CO. John II. Clancy, Sec'y., AV. A. Caldwell, Pres't; 98 Fourth av. Real Estate Wanted. WANTED To rent a house with all the modern Improvements, ten rooms or more, for one or two years, located between Oakland and Alkrn av.. East End; one with stable or carriage house prercrred : will pay liberal rent ror desired location. Address 627 and 629 Penn av., city. WANTED no uses to rent In all parts of the two cities. A. D. Wilson, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. Partner Wanted. PARTNERS Three partners to manage light uianufacturliig business; one to Invest 8500, one to Invest $1,000. aud one to, invest (2.000. Clllat Chambers' Business Agency, 102 Fourth av., BooinG. WANTED. Room-, Wanted. TtTANTED-Room A refined gentleman of 35 IT wishes a neatly furnished room with a small fumlly'or widowed lady; home comforts; must be refined and no other roomers or boarders; location central. Address AV., Dispatch office. Financial IVanten. B' ONUS stocks, mortgages and other securities. LU Wlttlsli. 4I0tilnntst., 1'lttsiinrg. MONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortgage; no delay, liecd B. Coylc Co., cor. Fourth av. and Grant st. MONEY to loan on mortgage: no delay; lowest iutercst. Howard Brown, 11 Fourtli ay. MONEY to loan on mortgages: lowest interest no delay. Black & Balrd, a". Fourth av. MORTGAGES Money to loan in sums to snltat . ." and G per cent. Robert G. Bailey, 132 Fourth ay. Telephone 1391. MORTGAGES on citv or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A, Weaver & Co.. 92 Fourth av. TPO LOAN .SO.fcCO on mortgages: 5100 and up X ward at fi per cent; $500. 000 at 4li per cent on residences or buslniss property, vacant lots or larins. h. H. French. 123 Fonrth av. MIscellaneons Wanted. 1 EVERYONE to know $3 will hnv a pood second ly hand sewing machine at the Light Running New Home office: or. if you want a new Hewing machine that if, sure to give rou satisfaction, buy a Light Running New Home at II. Carter's, 19 Sixth St.. two doors below the Bijou. FORGE Second-hand portable rr et Torge. dress Forge. Dispatch office. Ad- C1KOCEKS and dealers to buy Boneless Boiled THams. sausage, pork, sparerlbs. lard, all kinds smoked meat cheap. E. A. licincman, 1(1 Pitts. Market. I)ATENTS U. S. and foreign: fees pavablp on success. J.H.Stevensoii.sollcitor. 100 Fifth av. 1JATENT.S O. 1). Levis (20 years). Solicitor. 131 Fifth av., ncxtLender, Plttshurg: no delay. riiRUNKs Inuied to and from East End tor 3Ce. 1 Campbell & Davis, 12 eventh av. .telephone "f"7" ANTED Information of one Daniel Llnder 1 f mer (a boy of 18). who left his home on the 1st of this month:Iwlll not be responsible for any ilehts that he may contract. William Lindermer (nis father), Castle Shannon Postoflice, Allegheny county. Pa. "IT7ANTED- Everybody to know that Pickering. the house furnisher, will sell 110 worth of 1 goods on credit for 51 down aud 50c a week. Pick ering, comer Tenth and Penn av. "17"ANTED To sell American Mechanic. Odd V Fellow. Masonic or Knights of Pythias solid goldrlnjrsat?3 50. K. Smlt, 932 and 934 Liberty and 703. 705 and 707 Sralthficld. "TTT ANTED Everybody to call and examine our elegant line of Isdles' solid gold It kt Ameri can watches at $20. K. Smlt 032 and 931 Liberty and 703. 703. 707 Smithlleld. W TED To rent a smill farm with small house and barn, within 30 miles of Pittsburg: give location and terms to Box 1434. Bradford, Pa. WANTED To sell ladles' fob chains and charms atfl. K. Smlt. "TrA.NTED-To sell roll plate vest chains at SI 30, V atTv. Smit's. WEARERS of spectacles to buy the best It steel and? I 00 gold spectacles and eje glasses yet offered or W. L. Trleber. Practical Optician, at Sthaeter's Jewelry Store. iW Fifth ay. FOB SALE-ailSCKLLANEOUS. Musical Instruments. -Old violin and bow cheap. Address, Dispatch ofllce. "TTIOLIN V Viollu, Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock For Sale. pjELlVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles: XJ our own make. Wm. Beckcrt, 3-10 to 344 Ohio st, Allegheny. Telcohonc, 343). HARNESS Blankets, saddles, covers. Grants', Fourth av. aud Ferry st. HORSES Just arrived, a carload draught and business horses, ranging in weight from 1.300 to 1.500 lbs: can be seen at P. Murray's Boarding and Sale Stables Duquesne way. II. II. Cunning ham, Marlon. O. HORSE One good work horse, S"0; one good doctor's buggy, $40: one set donhle work harness. S2j, W. A. Hadfield, 253 Federal st, Al- legheny. Machinery and Metals For Sale. BOILERS and engines, second-hand: all sires, from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest in the market: 43 boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc; steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 3401, 23-23 Park way, J. S. Young. Allegheny, Pa. 370R SALE-Cheap.good second-hand engines, 12 . x20inch. 12x10 Inch. 11x14 inch, 10x12 inch, and many smaller sizes: new engines aud boilers, all sizes and stvles; saw mills and wooa working ma chinery. Harnies' Machine Depot 93 First av., Pittsburg. SECOND-HAND engines and boilers; engine 18x 48. boilers 41 inchesx20 feet: two flues, fixtures complete; all in first-class condition : will sell cheap. E. M. Sims, corner Fifth st, and Duquesne way, city. MIscellaneons For Sale. eOFr'EE. URNS, water Alter ah(J.7copler.. desk's, 6how cases, fire and burglar proof safes, type, writer, store, office and bar fixtures; all second hand. 90 Diamond st. CORDAGE Twine. Co., 89 Water st. hemp packing. Flocker & FOR SALE Genuine diamond es,r drops, white and perfect, from $12 50 tip. K. Smlt 932 and 834 Liberty and 7C3, 703, 707 Smlthfield. TX)R SALE Genuine diamond rings from $3 up. I' K. Smit 932 aud934 Liberty St., and 703, 705 and 707 Smlthfield. I70R SALE Genuine diamond studs rrom $6 un. ' K. Smlt 932 and 934 Liberty and 703, 705 and 707 Smlthfield. ED BRICK In large or small quantities. Witt mer Brick Co., Lim., 12 Federal st, Alle gheny, Pa. SEND Tor a for sale list eral st.. Allegheny. A. D. Wilson, 55 Fed- FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. BUSINESS OPENING-In an old-established Jobbing house in the city is available to one or two good men who can lurnlsh from $10,000 Iof20. 000 capital and produce undoubted testimonials of business integrity, acquaintance and ability. Par ticulars can be learned confidentially at the" ofllce of Jas. W. Drape it Co., 313 Wood st. BUTCHER SHOP-In good location, doing a good business. 79 Fifteenth St., wheeling, TV. Va. Selling out on account of sickness. CIOAL LANDS at a bargain I have for sale 500 acres first pool coal land on two railroads within ten miles of citv; will be sold at a bargain. J. II. Ilillman, No. 8 Wood it. COMMISSION HOUSE-Commlssion butter, eggs and cheese house, well established and doing a prosperous business: sickness the only reason for selling; will be at a bargain if sold soon. J. W. Holmes & Co., 420 Smlthfield St. CONFECTIONERY STORE -A Kj place: good reason for selling. Twelfth bt Southsldc. good business Iuquire.at 137 DRUGSTORE-In a thriving manuracturlng town on line or railroad; fine opening; busi ness in a prosperous condition and everything lu prime order. Jas. W. Drape iCo,, 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. "TXiR SALE Fine merchant tailoring and gents' JC furnishing, notion and wall paper: restan rant, grocery stores, S200 to tl0,000: cigar store, bakery, milk depot: fish and oyster market. butcher shop. Jewelry store with large repair trade: good hotel. Holmes & Co., 420 Smithlleld street- I7IOR SALE A first-class liquor store doing a : good business on a principal street in Cleve land: ill health the reason for selling. Apply to J. L. Rice Co., 238 Superior st, room 4, Cleveland, FOUNDRT BUSINESS A successful business on line of railroad and river at an immense bar gain; excellent situation to command the city aud railroad trade; full and complete equipment and everything in full running order: will be sold at halfless than value: this Is a splendid opening: sat isfactory reasons ror selling. Jas, W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood at. Pittsburg. GROCERY At a great sacrifice: grocery store ror !, worth SI, 200; come iuick rorlt must be sold soon, luqulro A. Goeddel, 109 Collins av., East End. PAYING newspaper business: no opposition; good reasons for selllug. Outlook, McDonald, PEANUT stand, with patent roaster; reasonable to cash buyer; best in city. Address C, Dis patch office. SHOESTOKE-In good location; good reasons for selling. Address Shoes, Dispatch office. Iinslness Properties Tor Sale. 3?OR SALE-$3,5CO; Carson st. corner Fifth ? S. S.. store and dwelling; a good busl stand (104-cj. W. A. Herron Sons, so Fourtl St.. business rth av. HOUSES and lota on 1 L. E. R. R. Inquire ofC. H.Stctcnson. Coraopolis, Pa. TALUABLE opera house properly, with three stores and dwelling, situate in the best busi ness part of a prosperous manufacturing town, on line of railroad and river: will sell at a decided bargain, very much less than actual aluc. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood st,, Pittsburg. YALUABLE property for sale: the property of the First Lutheran Church, Allooua, Pa,, fronting 100 reet on Eleventh av.. between Four teenth aud Fifteenth sis., having thereon erected a large to-story bilck church building, 40xJCO feet; also a two-story brick parsonage; botli or these buildings can be converted Into business houses at little cost; a good opportunity for a good Invest ment. For further information inquire of or ad dress W. F. Taylor. Altoona, Pa. FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE East End Residences For Sale. VfEAR Penn and Highland avs., lot 100x219, J. fronting on two streets, one paved; lo. cov ered with flue shade trees and good nine-room brick house: will sell for the low price of S1G.0C0 lor all or will divide to suit; this Is a bargain and well worth looking arter. Kelly A Rogers, 6216 Penn av.. East End. T ESIDENCE and lot lu the East End, one square JAi from South Highland av.. at a great bargain; eight rooms, small room. bath, etc,, etc.. and lot about 80X120 reet to anallevtaprompl purchaser can secure this property at (5,230; the best value in the East End, See Jos. IV. Drape & Co., 311 Wood St, Pittsburg, "''Vf..- - ' - V FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL .ESTATE Citr Residences. TSESIRABLE Fourth av. property, near Market U St.: lot 24 feet, fronting on Fourth av.: must be sold to settle an estate. Geo. Johnston, Agent, C2 Fourth av. DESIRABLE Penn t. property, Geo. Johnston. Agent. 6J Fcm Fourth ward. urtli av. Allegheny Residences For Sale. ALLFGHENY Avery neat dwelling, contigu ous to the parks; e'cjtt rooms, including spacious double parlors, hath, lavatory. laundrv, furnace, etc.. etc., and In prime order throughout; would exchange in part lor property in the vuhurbs. the East End or Wllkliisliurg. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood st Pittsburg. ALLEGHENY A nice dwelling Jf square above the parks and electric cars: 7 rooms, with hath, lavatory aud everything resplendent with beautv and comfort: a bargain can hp obtained by a quick buyer, astheowucrls poincW est: immediate pos session. Jas. AV. Drape ,1 Co., 313 Wood St., I'll ts bnrjr. A 10 PER CKMT INVESTMENT-TWO small dwelling houses in Allegheny, Third ward, contiguous to Ohio st. and MadUonav.: rent?372 annually: will sdl for 3.S00rashor short pay ments. Jas. W. Drape Sc Co., 313 Wood St., Pitts burg. TYWF.LLINGS- Three nice brie dwellings al ii Second ward. Allegheny, on XJ most new in Second ward. line oi electric ears. They were taken for a debt by a bank and we are instructed to make prompt and positive sale aud are therefore in shape to give a bargain: will sell the houses together or separately. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood street, Pittsburg. "7"ESTEItN AV. Allegheny, an excellent brick it dwelling with two lot', about one square from the parks: ten line rooms, including double parlors and replete throughout with the desirable modern conveniences: small payment will be taken down and the residue on long time; immediate possession git en. Jas. W. Drape &. Co., 313 Wood St.. Plttshurg. 2"I 400 Small payment down, balance in U?J ? monthly Installments same as rent: new frame house of five rooms: lot 23x100 feet: Tenth ward. Allegheny City, near electric cars; good neighborhood: nice location. John E. McCrickart, 140 Filth av. Tel. 1676. Suburban Residences For Sale. I70RSALE At Sharpsburg. well located on Main ; st., very fine residence, 13 rooms, gas. water, modern conveniences, large lot, Mable, icehouse, etc. ; price only 18,000. 154). See W. A. Hcrrou ,t Sons, SO Fourth av. HOUSE Of 4 rooms, halls, large cellar, spring water and cistern; R. R. fare, 5 cents: easy payments, also 6-room house. J100 down, 12 per month, new, and new 3-room house to rent; nice lots from SOO to $130. J. B. Zimmerman . 141 Fourth av., Pittsburg. HOUSES and lots In Curaopolls, P. JfcL. E. R. It.; easy terms. Inquire of G. B. Hart, Cora opolls. M5CLINTOCK AV.. Second ward. Allegheny At a bargain, elegant suburban home; frainu house, two stories and mansard: contains parlor, dining room, reception hall and library; eight chambers, laundry, bath, etc. carriage house and stable. Call and see about this: want to sell quick. A. D. Wilson, 65 Federal st, Allegheny, TV7ILKINSBURG New and commodious frame 1 T house, slate roof, five rooms on first floor, five rooms on second floor: all modern fixture-,: sewered: hard wood and cabinet mantels: city water; electric light chandeliers: lot 52x120 to alley; in good location; eastern exposure: to be sold on account of removal of owner at.t bargain; only 6,500. Hoffman & Baldridge, WHklnsburg, opposite depot Telephone, 7243. "YTriLKINSBUKG-ChoIcc lots in one of the best M locations in WHklnsburg. 50x120 to alley, street sewered and stone sidewaiks; to anyone who will Improve will sell at a bargain : one square of electric linrsand . minutes from P. R. IC. depot. Hoffman & Baldridge, Wilklusburg, opposite depot. Telephone 7248. rOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. A T a bargain, several very fine building lots 1- fronting on Duff, Chauncev. Webster and Bedford avs.. Thirteenth ward: must be sold at once regardless of cost. Geo, Johnston, 62 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE-Sl,600-Lot22 ft front Erin St., which Is paved, by 115 feet to Trent st., ne3r Wylle av.. Eleventh ward. (122.) AV. A. Herron Sons, 80 Fourth av. Fast End Lots For Sale. PINE lot 50x120 on Stanton av.. 200 feet from Highland, and only $50 per foot; finest loca tion In the East End: street paved aud stone side walk : all paid, see Kelly Rogers, C216 Penn av.. East End. RIGHT-fn the heart of East Liberty, 1.600 feet frontage on No. 1 streets close to High land av.; will retail at a large profit: don't fail to see this. Kelly & Rogers, 6215 Penn av.. East End. 800 Centrally located In East Liberty. i convenient to street car lines. new frame house of 0 rooms, attic bath, range, and all modern conveniences: terms, one-half cash. Dennlston, Elderkln & Co., Lim., 0232 Penn aye., E. E. Telephone 5327. Allegheny Lots For Sale. FAYETTE ST., Allegheny, fine bnlldlng lots. A, D. Wilson. 55 Federal st, Allegheny. AT A SACRIFICE In Allegheny. 11 lots, located as follows: Four lots, 20xlc5 each, fronting on Pennsylvania av., extending back to a 12-foot alley; four lots, 21x100 feet each, fronting on Fre mont st. and extending to a .2-foot alley: thrco lots. 20x105 leet each, fronting on Jackson stand ex tending back to a l.-foot alley; the above lots will be sold at a bargain: terms one-third cash, balance in two and three years. Geo. Johnston, Agent, G2 Fourth av., Pittsburg. Suburban Lots For Sale. SUBURBAN LOTS at Chartlers Fine building lots 300 to t SCO. according to size and location, within sight of the Court House: Chartlers Is the most accessible of any suburb of Plttshurg. being reached bv the P. & L. E. R. In 12 minutes, bv Chartlers packets In 25 minutes and by electric cars, which arc to take the place of the present horse car line next spring, in 25 minutes; these lots front on line oreiectrie road. For further particu lars, T. II. Dickson, 98 Fourth av.. Room 39. Farms For Sale. A good farm about 100 acres, near the onlv one mile from railroad station: T7ARM- X city: churches, schools, etc, etc; excellent d veiling. outbuildings, large orchard, water, etc., etc; one of the best farms In the county, and for stock or dairy purposes has no equal. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood st, Pittsburg. OHIO farm for sale; 80 acres. Si 500: two and one half miles from Summltvillc, Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad, good house, barn, orchard, well water. Call or address C. A. Muihcln, Sum mltville, O. Manufacturing Sites For Sale. A FEW desirable n.annfacturlng sites on Alle gheny Valley Railroad: river and railroad front; locations fine. Geo. Johnston, 02 Fourth av. ANUFACTURING OR BUILDING SITE Fronting 310 reet on Pennsylvania av., Alle gheny, cor. Sedgwick St.. 130 reeth in depth: pared street in rear: suitable ror building storerooms or dwellings in front and small dwellings in rear, or for manufacturing site, T. II. Dickson, 98 Fourth av., room 39. MANUFACTURING SITE Desirable site, fronting 340 feet on Preble av.. Allegheny City, extending to Ohio river and containing S acres, wim d. a j. sua jrennsyivama n. n. con nections: 20 minutes from foot of Firth av. by electric cars. T. H. Dickson, 98 Fourth av., room 33. MANUFACTURING SITD-Frontlng 2S7 feet on Preble av.. Allegheny, containing one acre: all Pennsylvania R. R. sstem connections, with siding; 20 minutes from foot of Filth av. by elec tric cars. T. H. Dickson, 96 Fourth av room 09. MANUFACTURING SITE-On West Market St. Allegheny, containing acre or ground: ail Pennsylvania R. R. system connections with sid ing; 20 minutes rrom root or Fifth av. by electric cars. T. II. Dickson, 98 Fourth av., room 39. MANUFACTURING SITE-375 reet on Ohio av Allegheny. 150 ftet in width to Ohio river. containing 1V acres: Plttsburr andWestern (B. O.) siding. T. H. Dickson, 96 Fourth av., room MANUFACTURING SITE-At Chartlers, con taining 30 acres, on P. & L. E. R. It ; coal by rail or river and convenient to natural gas lines. T. II . Dickson, 06 Fourth av., room 39. TO LET Manuracturlng property, 144 feet front on Washington av.. Allegheny: 130 feet deep to paved back street, with brick and frame build ings on the Washington av. front and large vacant ground In rear for storage; buildings will be placed in orderlo suit tenant. Apply to Bcnj. F. Jen nings, West Penn Steel Works, Preble av Alle gheny. PERSONAL. ERSON AL-Chemical diamonds. PERSONAL Ask for Dusenberry s pies; ask for Dusenberry's pics. PERSON AL-Solld gold rings ror ladles rrom il 21 up at K. Smit's. 932 and 931 Liberty St.. and 703, 705 and 707 Smithlleld. 3JERSONAL Cash paid lor old gold and silver . watches and jewelry repaired : new work made to order. L'hrls. Hauch. 541 smlthfield. PERSONAL Wall paper, rrom 5 cents up to finest grades. We lumlsh estimates ror one room, house, or row of houses; make contracts for completed work. Shldle's, 403 Smithfleld st. PERSONAL Dr. X. Stone, M. D., is a doctor. If yon have throat or lung trouble or any kind; use his Bronchial Wafers, 25c a box at druggists; special rate to preachers, teachers, vocalists. For samples send lu cents to stone Med. Co., Chicago, PERSONAL Have you subscribed ror your magazines and periodicals for '92? If not come aDd see us before doing so; itwlhpavyou; also, new and old hooks at reduced prices. F.rank Bacon & Co., 301 Smlthfield st. Open every even ing. PERSONAL When I was a smalt boy my mother always repaired lnv breeches and jacket but since I got to be a great big man, Dickson, the v ell known tailor, 65 Firth av., cor. Wood t, second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. Tel. 1553. 5TENGILS, STEEL STAMPS, ' IITJBBEE. STAMPS, SEAL ENLxRAIN&. W. A. Bunting(20 Fifth Ave -Jal-ns TO LET. City Residences. MODERN HOUSE 12 rooms, about an acre of ground: located in Twenty-third ward; rent clicap. PeterShlelds, 531 Grant St. t ON Wylleay.. between Duff nndCnannccr sts.. new brick house of six rooms and mansard, with bathroom, hot and cold water In kitchen: low rent to desirable tenant. Geo. Johnston, 02 Fourth arcnue. t Allegheny Residences To Let. TO LET Nice five-room dwelllnr Federal st. extension. Inquire of ,1. K. McKce. 70S Penn av.. Room RU. Kooidi To Let. IIOOMS Two, neatly furnished, for light house b keeping, in good location, within ten minutes walk of postoflice. Address Sinclair, Dispatch of fice. aO LET Finely furnished front room forgentle . man only. Inquire John E. Born, Kll spring alley, Pittsburg. rPO LET Furnls'ied flat, 2 bedrooms, bath. etc. JL 8 Wylte av. rpO LET Nicely furnished rooms. JL av. 195 Fourth Offices and Desk I'.oom To Let. OFFICE Half an office on Fifth av.. wllh heat and fnrnlture, at S3 per month. Economy. Dispatch office. f TPO LUT Office rooms, third floors, snitahle for A attorneys or real estate business; light and heat famished. Apply to Dispatch Business Office, corner Smlthfield and Diamond sts. rpo LET-ffi) Fourth av.. two fine, large connee Dor. with vault. W. A. J. tlon offices on second floor, with vault. Herron 3c bong; 80 Fourth av. Rasiness Stands To Let. TO LET In Fergnson block, the finest fire nroof office building In the city. located on Third avenue. Just below the new postoflice. having also Fonrth avenue entrance; choice storerooms and offices, witli all modern conveniences, hign sped elevators, steam heat, electric light and Janitor's services rree: rent lower than others are getting in old and inconvenient buildings: possession about January 1: rent free until April 1: send for Illus trated hook. Black & Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av. rpo LET Office in building 73. 77 and 79 Diamond X St.. with electric light, steam heating. Janitor and elevator servlcetrent $300 per year:also rooms of arIousslzes with power: possession Immediately. Apolvto John T. shields, second floor. Dispatch building, corner SmlthSeld and Diamond streets. TO LET Separate storerooms with railroad track: all receiving, handling, shinning and delivering facilities; also office room. Inquire of W. A. lloeveler. Storage, Pike and Tweirih sts., nttsburg. Pa. TO LET The three-story doublebrlck warehouse. 45x47. Boss st., now occupied bv S. Keighley as a malleable Iron cornice works. Fo particulars inquire of John A. Wilson, Room 805, Hamilton building. a 10 LET Storeroom and basement fronting on . Penn and Frankstown avs. at the East End. in the very best part of the East hnd for any kind of mercantile business. C. If. Love. 93 Fourth av. TO LET Desirable storeroom. Diamond st. in new Dispatch building: light and heat fur nished. Apply to Business Ofllce. Tl.e Dispatch, corner Smithlleld and Diamond sts. FlO LET Warehouse 117 Water St.. running X through to First av.. with immediate posses sion. C. II. Love, 93 Fourth ay. Farms To Lor. TO LET Garden and dairy farm of 80 acres, seven miles from city: railroad station on farm; immediate possession: rent free till April 1. 1?J2. Apply to William A. Slpe. 93 Diamond st, Pitts burg. MIscellaneons To Lets. HALL One of the finest 30x56 fitted np meeting halls In the city. Call at A. Edlls, 502 Liberty st, nttsburg. rpo LET You know we have the largest line of X diamonds, watches aud Jewelry in the city suitable fur holiday gifts, if. Smit 932 and 934 Liberty and 703. 705 and 707 Smithlleld. TO LET For Allegheny houses, see A. D. Wll son, 55 Federal st.. Allegheny. FOUND. Tj'OUND-Chemical diamonds. "TTOUND Solid gold eardrops Jl and up at K. X Smit's. 932 and 931 Liberty st, and 703, 705 and 707 Smithlleld. I70UND Reliable portrait artists in crayon. : sepia and water colors: finest grades only; all work done in windows in presence of the public to prove that no bromide prints are used; order now and pav for Christmas; stores open till 9 P. if.: satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Union Artists' Portrait Co., first floors. 70S Liberty at, 607 Wood st. PROPOSALS. Urns or Controller op op J NIA, 31. J Allegheny Countt, Pennsylvania, I'ittsecrg, pa., Dec. 31, 1S3I, NOTICE TO BAKERS AND BUTCHERS Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 9 o'clock a. m., SATURDAY, Jan nary 2. lfcM, for supplying Allegheny County Jail with bread and meat from the 15th day of January, 1S92, tolhe 16th day of Jnlv, 1892, bread to be good quality wheat bread: pro posals for meat to be, first, good quality boiling beef; not to contain more than 2.1 per cent bone; second, to be free from bone and fat and be accompanied with such an amount of soup bone as tho Warden may direct. The board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. For further informa tion inquire at the county jail. JAMES A. GRIER, County Controller. jal-91 WINTER RESORTS. Thomasville, Ga. PINEY WOODS HOTEL NOW OPEN. 51. A. BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, etc., address WM. E. DAVIES, OC.31-17-TTS Manager, Thomasville. Ga. liDCCATlONAL. THE SHORTLIDGE MEDIA SCHOOL For Young Men and Boys. SWITHIN C. SHORTLTDGE. A. B. A A. M. (Graduate of Exeter and Harvard). MEDIA, PA. (14 miles from 13 road at. station, PhlU.) del2 TEW RAPID PHONOGRAPHY" AND -IA typewriting and complete business course taught at Park Institute, 204 North ave., Allegheny. New term opens Novem ber 9. Evening sessions. Catalogues and innrnn.1 tn sinv nddrnss free. au20-TTS LEVI LUDDEN, A. M., PrincipaU "MARTIN'S SHORTHAlF" SW00L7 Tills institution, devoted exclusively to Instruc tion In shorthand and typewriting, is now in its eighth year. The conductor has had an experience of 2i years as official stenographer for courts and legislative bodies. Fifty typewriters are for the nse of students. Three floors are devoted entirely to the use of the school. The Instruction is thor ough and practical. Sessions are held day and evening. For full particulars and catalogue call on or address A. M. MARTIN, 412 Wood street del2-TTS DUQUESNE COLLEGE, DIAMOND ST.. opposite Court House. Pittsburg. Next term begins January 4, 1892; full collegiate courses; superior instruction in shorthand and typewriting, bookkeeping and penman ship; the best opportunities for mechanical drawing, music, elocution; night school classes, leading to graduation diplomas and degress. E. 11. WOOD, D. D. LLD., de27 President SHADYSIDE ACADEMY. Corner Ellsworth and Morewood aves. Winter term begins 2WI03VIA.Y, JAXS. -3E. Prepares for any college or scientifia school. All branches. Eight in structors. W. R. CP.ABBE, Ja2-9-D Principal. CURRY DIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET. CURRY Collesia to Department, The Best CURRY Normal School, The TJest CURRY English TrainingSehool, The Best CURRY Bnsincss College, The Best CURRx" School of Shorthand. The Best- CURRY Conservatory of Music, The Best CURRY" School of Elocution. The Best CURRY Faculty and Discipline, TheBcst Gill or send lor catalogue. 11. M. ROWE, President. ocil.5I The Most Effective Tonic in la 3-:r,i::f:f:ei IS DUCRO'S ALIMENTARY ELIXIR. This pieparation strikes at the seat of the evil by restoring quickly and effectually the nutritive functions of the debilitated system. Sold by All Druggists. E. FOUGERA & CO., Agents for U. S., !SG, 38 and 30 North William st.N. Y. JaSitThS .TAILORING. Correct Winter Suitings and Overcoatings H. & C. V. AHLERS, Merchant Tailors, 420 Smithfleld st no2S-54-TTS3u CHOICE PROPERTIES. UNION AVENUE, ALLEGHENY Fronting the Parks. A Good Residence. 0 Rooms. Modern Fixtures. Lot 00x110 feet, PKICE VEP.Y REASONABLE. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 60 Fonrth Avenue. Jc2-15-3 PROPERTY RENTED nVS remittances made promptly. TflYCC and assessments IMAtO and paid. looked after Established 1S6T. VV. A. HERRON & SONS, SO FOURTH AVENUE. Ja2--2,S,15,22,23, fe5,12,19,2 EOMEWOOD LOTS PAIINESTOCK PLACE PLAN lying between Penn avenne and Penn sylvania Railroad offers to intendins pur chasers the very finest lot of property in this really delightful neighborhood where tlie society, schools, chnrclies. etc are the best. Duquosne Electric and Pennsylvania, Railroad curs furnish tapid transit every few minutes. Each lot in this plan lies well and has frnit and shado tree. Tho prices are low and termi easv. Don't buy at Shadvside where prices are out of sight un til after yon seetheso lots. For plans and prices see LIGGETT BROS., 71 Diamond-st. . de29-58 AUCTION SALES. W. J. BAF.TON, Attorney, No. 1 Wylio avenue. I EXECUTORS' SALE BY VIRTUE OF AN It order of the Orphans' Court, the under signed, executors of Martin McGanley, de ceased, will spII at pnblic sale on the prem ises on SATUEDAY, January 16, 1892. at 2 o'clock p. st., that certain lot frontins SI feet4incneson Locnst st, Allegheny City. Pa., and extending back 65 feet, upon which are erected two two-story frame dwellings, known as Nos. 142 and 1U" Locust st. Terms $100 down, one-third balance on delivery of deed. Remainder ia one and two years. GEORGE S. GRACE, W. K JOHNSTON, JOHN FEDERKEIL, Executors' Auctioneer. de27-3i-de23-ja2,9,15 LEASE AND FIXTURES -AT- AUCTION. The lease bavins two years to ran, from April 1. 1S92, antl fixtures, at SCO and bOi Lib erty avenne: second and third floors, occu pied by Oppenhcimer & Kaufman, will be offered at public sale on Saturday next, Jan uary 2, at 10 o'clock a. it., on the premises. jal-47 STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO AND FROM all parts of Europe, drafts, money or ders, cable transfers and foreign coin at low est New York rates. MAX SCHAMCEUG CO., No. 527 Smlthfield st, Pittsburg, Pa. Es tablished in 186S. sclO-rra AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations lor an classes unsurpassed. AicKets som to ana from Great Britain and Ireland, Nor way, Sweden, Denmarir, etc. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO., General agents, 203 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Full ir.format.ion can be had of J. J. MC CORMICK, Fonrth avenne and Smithfleld street. LOUIS MOESEK, 616 Smithfleld street. mhS44-TT3 TI7"mTE STAR LINE- I V For Oneenstown and Liverpool. Royal and United States 3Iail steamers. 'Adriatic '" 13. 2 p m ICermanic. Feb. 10. 2 p m "Tentonic, Jan 2a lOiiaam 'Teutonic Feb. 17. 9 am Britannic, Jan. 27. Z p m Britannic, Feb. 21. 2 p m 3tajestic. Feb. 3. 10 a m ('Majestic, Mar.2. 8:30 am From White Star dock, foot or West Tenth st.. New York. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, f 50 and upward. Second cabin !33 and 110. Excur sion tickets on ravorablc terms. Steerage, from or to old country. $20. White Star drafts payable on demand in allt'ia prlncln.il banks throughout Great Britain. Apply to JOHN J. aicCOKMICK. 639 and 401 Smithliela St.. Pittsburg, orll. MAITLAND KElBEY.Gen eral Agent 29 Broadway, New York. ja2-D C1UNARD LINE-NEW YORK AND LIVER. J POOL VIA iUEENSTOWN-From Pier 40, North Itiyer: Fast express mail service. Aurania, Jan. 2.6:30a.m. Etruria.Jan.30, 3:30a.m. Bothnia. Jan. 9. 1 p. m. Aurania. Feb. A. I p. m. Umbria, Jan. 18. 7 a. m. Bothnia. Feb. 10. 2 p. m. Gallia. Jan. 23. 1:30 p.m. Umbria. Feb. 13.5:30a.m. Cabin passage 00 and upward, according to lo cation: second cabin f3Tn Sterage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at verv low rates. For f retght and passage apply to the company's offlce. 4 Bowling Green. New York. VERNON "II. BROWN & CO.. General Agents, or CHARLES P. SMITH. Third av. and Wood St., Agent for Pitts burg, Pa. de23-D ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. GLASGOW TO PHILADELPHIA, Via Deny and Galway. The most direct ronte from Scotland and North and Middle of Ireland. ACCO3IM0DATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, $19. CTflTrl Service of LINE i STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. Via London every Fortnight. . Jnn. 7, State of California, 9 a.m. Jnn. 28, State of Nebraska. 8 a. it. CABIN, $10. Second class. $30. Steerage, $19. Apply to J. ,T. McCORMICK, 639 Smithfleld street, Pittsburg. no2.33-D Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamship Company. Fast Line ot Exnress steamers. New York to Southampton (London), Bremen. SPRING SAILINGS, lo92. Elder. Sat, April 2 Elbe. Wed., May H Havel, Tues., April 5 Aller. Sat.. May 21 Ems, Sat. April 9 rrave. Tues., May 24 Latin, Tues., April 12 Elder. Sit., May 24 Sa-ile. Sat.. April 16 Havel, Tues., May 31 Spree, Tues., April 19 Ems. Sat.. June 4 Elbe. Wed., April 20 Lahn, Tues.. June 7 Allcr. Sat. April 23 Saale, Sat, June 11 Trave, Tues., April 2S Spree. Tnes., June II Eider. Sat.. April 30 Elbe. Wed., June 1 Havel, Tues., May 3 Allcr, Sat, June H Ems, Sat. May 7 Trave, Tues., June 21 Lahn, Tues., May 10 Elder, Sat, Jnne 2S Saale, Sat. May 14 Havel. Tues., June 24 Spree, Tues.. May 17 Ems. Sat, July 1 Time from New York to Southamnton. 7K dars. From Southampton to Bremen.24or30 hours. From Southampton to London, by Southwestern Railway Co.. za hours. Trains every hour In the summer season. Railway carriages for London await pas sengers in Southampton Docks on arrival of ex press steamers from New York. These steamers are well known fortheir speed, comfort and excellent cuisine. MAX SCHAMBERG & CO.. 527 Smlthfield st. LOUIS MOSER. 616 Smithfleld st. Agents for Pittsburg. de23-50-D RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Expenses Included. A Grand Tour by THROUGH EUROPE. The party will leave New York bv FRENCH LINE STKAMEK "LA IIOUKGOGNE," Sat urday, February 20, and be absent HI days. 90 days ill Europe, with visits to Marseilles, 'ice, Monte Carlo, Mentonc. Genoa, Pisa, Naples, Rome, Florence, the Italian Lakes, Lucerne, the Righi, Milan, Venice, Triest, Grottoes of Adelsbunr, Ruda-Pcsth, Con stantinople (10 days), Sofia. Belgrade, Vien na, Munich, Nuremberg, Dresden, Berlin,. Frankfort, the Rhine, Cologne, Amsterdam, tho Hague, Rotterdam, Antwern, Brussels, London nnd Pari. Tho Special Train (to be at the service or the party throughout the railway journey) will iuclude American Sleepinotars, a Dining-Car, and other luxuries previously un tnown m European travel. The Rest Hotels and nnmerous Carriage Rides everywhere. Everything thoronghiv rirst-clas. Party limited in numbers. Send for descriptive circular. Raymond & wmrcoaiB, 111 South Ninth St. (nnder Continental Ho tel), Philadelphia, Pa. ja2-30-jrw3 S500 TO 8500,000TcmLmoArtl gages, city or country property, at lowest . rates. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 313 Wood st, Pittsburg. Telephone, No. 97S. JaI-62-D v ' -.' ----'. u