the iture. J years ass. lie in 1877, . fierniany. . the Koyal After return- i charge of the .rtnicnl nt- Hoe rre Haute, In.!., then he has hecn ineas. When asl.el JtvrcnforttTs oxneri- .id:" lot c-iuve rain to fall, jws thi. An explosion mediate in its effects. It .lie lironazation of a sound traveling at an immense but an instantaneous action through hich it jiasses and in adtially fritter away into heat. jraturc and density in the air re- ss than a second. Consequently, ral Dyrenforth's heavy explosions a fall of rain, it should have poured almost instantaneously, hich it did do, as the rain came hours after the plosion. No ItHin for flours After Explosions. "Another evidence given of the concus ion theory is that rains frequently follow the icavy cannonading in battle and the explo ions of the Fourth ol July. But these ains do not come for hours afterward ometimes not until the next dav Then here is the thunder ttorm. The fact that a iphtninj; flash and its thunder are usually ollowed by a sudden increase in the down KHir of rain has been frequently attributed o the discharge of electricity in the clouds. lit you notice that this increase and the lash occur almost simultaneously. So the 'rons of rain inu-t have started from the loads previous to the flash in order to each the ground at so nearly the same true. The same evidence precludes the hundcras well as the lightning, as the auvc. It seems to me that all the proof is ainst throimd theory." " 'You it the effect in General Dvren- oithr i experiments, iu the cannon- dinsr and on the Fourth of July adf nder storm, but j ou deny the at cause, then, do vou ascribe rainfall?" lucts of the explosives. In llorth's experiments minute .s of silica and carbon were he explosions of the dynamite k. My thcorv is that this fine n? into the upper air lajers, uclei about which the moisture condenses, and tinallv forms rain reps, a'he lain could not fall until this ad taken place. Very small particles of nt mar form the nuclei of raindrops, and 1c sudden prcsenec of fine powder in the iper strata ol air will lead to condensation sufficient moisture be present. This is roven by the v ell known fact that hail ones, which are products of vapor conden ition, often fchovc a nucleus of a particle of ustandin volcauic legions of a granule of dies. Tie center of condensation in these iseswfisa-dust particle. Dust Causes Moisture to Fall. "In recently making some laboratory ex- criments with an air pump to determine ay relative difference in the properties of iflerent dusts as regards their power for indentation. I corroborated the conclusion tade years ago by John Aitken, that it the ir in the receiver be first filtered through vtton wool, so as to be free lrom dust, no indentation will take place. There must e some solid nucleus, as dust, present. I Kind further that, with different powders itroduced, the amount of apparent con- ensation varied. Carbon, silica, sulphur id common salts are particularly capable ( prccipitatinc the moisture, while the itrning of sulphur or gunpowder gives eavy visible clouds of vapor. "OC-course the experiments I have made ihe laboratory are only suggestive of hat may take place in nature. Yet it ems a lecitimate conclusion that the finest ist introduced artificially into the higher sions of the astmosphere will furnish nters for condensation, and by gradual rlomeration of moisture induce rainfall. n, under everv atmospheric condition mfall conld not be expected, tor there ust lie sullicien water vapor in the atnios- lere above to gradually collect upon the 1st." "How do you account for the many in ances where dust or olcanic ashes have en superabundant, even in the upper air, id no increase of rainfall was noticed?" Cheap Tire Ilalloons Made to Answer. "It is simply a case ol too much of a good ing. If the number of dust particles is eessive, the amount of the moisture in e air, alwavF -iimiicd will be divided f: :Mng so uimiv that the ajrglommerntion g so uimiv that the on each will not be sufficient to cause it fall aa rain drop " UJ4w w ould you propose to carry your j ' orv into nractire'."' ! I would suggest the use of the compara bly cheap fire balloons, doing away with expensive and cumbersome apparatus ea by General Dyrenforth. By sending several of these a mile or so apart there uld be carried into the upper air a quan y of impaljinble powders, which could be attered by an feasible means. The burn g of sulphur or of gunpowder by means of ses timed for the proper heicht of the Hoons might silso be tried. 11" this dnst eory be true the amount of powder borne jft and exploded from the balloons need t be bevond the limits of" practicable ex limenting, and, if successful, artificial in, could be produced at a cost which neral IJyrcnionli s explosive bombard- :ntscaunot approximate." A Kitoler and Candy His Lntreagp. RosoreV Iiallaglia, an Italian rbout 20 irsot Age, was arrested at tlife Baltimore d()hiodepot last night as he got ofl a in by fyetectives Robinson and Ivelly. Uaglia was arrested on a telegram re ved from Sheriff J. S. Smith, of Bir ughani, Ala., where he is wanted on a arge of larceny. Ballaglia had with him pounds of candy, a huge 44-caliber Smith Wesson revolver and $41 In cash. The -ticalars of the case are not known. He locked up in Central station and Sherifl ith notified of Ms arrest. His Vrf Was Illegal. There was s hearing iu the cases of F. 1 ng against cx-AIdennan David Doughty night to iw-owt on an action for 54 for ftssioni.t services rendered. The hear wa before Alderman Donovan. Lang .Tr,LXifs nf ttio 1'a.mi if ltnKsl.-A,i T .-... ,.. ..... ,. ....., ..,. ivinhw profesionaf wnrk lie came iu con t.J5tn Doughty at the workhouse Eeveral ies. Douchty instructed Ing to trans agmc little business, (or him. Lsfcis: per mcdtlie services, and then sent in a bill 107. This Doughty refused to par. Jlicfiearing, on lookins up jhe services formed and regul.iting it witli the official I ipUiatQLang barT only .shiservices. ' xSWS IN BRIEF. .obuled the Volcanic Islands, from the Caroline group, onal Congress of India ad i enthusiastic cheers for their ueen A'ictoria. camphors' strike on the Southern stem has ended with si substantial .or the operators. ' leral services over the remains of Sir in Wliltn, British Ambassador to Tur .ouk place in Berlin yesterday President Barillas oPGnateinala, Is said be up to his old tricks of htlrriiitr up tev utionary plots in neigh borins States. The raeetins or the Tin Plate Manu .acturers" -Association, which was to be held in January, has been postponed until some time in tlio spring. Rev. Samuel A. Eliot-, son of President Eliot, of Harvard College, will probably suc ceed Bev. Brooke Hereford. a pastor of Arlington Street L'nlttiiian Church in Bos ton. Contribution are pouring intoGovernor Thayer from sill parts or Nebraska for the train load of corn which is to be sent to the Biissian famine snfferrrs. Nebraska Brain and Minnesota Hour will probably make a ship load. The United States steamer Albatross, 'which ha- been Mirx eyinsr n route for a fiimnnnno cable from ibis country to the -andwic'i I-!uiuK has returned from Honolulu to sail francisco. An aliened Nihilist plot to blow up the Parliament buildincs in Paris has been dis cos ered. Mnce France fell in love with Ku sia, a sliort time aao, she has been very active in spyin-r out the Nihilists fine looking man, a wanderer who ac cepted the hospitality of a saloon keeper at Klkton, JM., Tncs(l.n, confided to his host that he was Gideon Marsh, tho fnjdtivo banker. In the mornins he resumed his tramp. A. C Jutte S. Co., or Pittsburg, have bought out tho Kanawha and Yonitliioslicny Coal Company, or Cincinnati. This makes two elevators owned there by this firrn. Thcieare now but three companies there uncontrolled by Tittsburg firms. Joseph Ashforth. formerly eecretarv and Treasurer of the Royal Ai-c-inum Building and Lon Association, of Brooklyn, who was ai rested at Liverpool November 19 on tho charge of embezzling nearly $20,000 lrom the association, was extradited yesteiday. Hon. J. A. Chapleau tho troublesome Tory, from Quebec, has given hi ultimntnm to Premier Abbott, of the Dominion. Ho de mands that Lieutenant Governor Angers bo kept out or the Cabinet: that Minister of Militia Caron be dismissed, and that Chap leau be given the portfolio or Railways and Canals. The Executive Committee of tho Indiana Tariff Reform Association mapped out its plans for the coining campaign in a resolu tion adopted at its annua! meeting Theies olution declares that the great work of tariff reform i the predominating issuo ard mnst not be subordinated to any other, but must be prosecuted with renewed courage and energy in the Fifty-second Congress. A haigard-lookinc man. flourishing a pistol, created a sensation yesterday morn ing in the vicinity or the Parliament Build ing in London, by announcing ho would make an assault upon it at the bead of a riand or follow ers. He fired several shots in the air, and was promptly arrested. He de clared in court he was an Anarchist and merely wanted to show his contempt for Parliament. In regard to the Northwestern Bureau of .Education, whose affairs have been un der investigation by the United States Grand Jury for some Hays, indictments have been found at Boise City, Idaho against Mc Ew an.Treasurei of the board, and Prnl. Fred I.uca .-quires ex-President or the Boise City public schools. Sqnii-es is supposed to be in New Orleans and McEwan is s-omew here iu Honolulu It is probable that both parties w ill ba arrested and brought back fcr trial. FAEMEES AND MECHANICS' DIVIDEND. Its Stockholders Gets Twelve and One-Half Per Cent Payment. .T. H. Sorc,assignee for the defunct Farm ers and Mechanics Bank on the Southside has a New Year's cift for the depositors. Next week he will file his third report as assignee, and if found by an auditor to be correct a distribution of 1214 per cent will be made When this has been done more than ."0 per cent will have been paid on the deposits, and it is expected that at least 2j per cent will yet be paid, making a total of about 80 pet cent. This is better than was expected when the bank closed its doors. ISut ac cording to the provision of the charter, the stockholders were liable for double the amount of their stock, and on this it is ex pected that 100.000 will be collected. The reason the third report has been de layed so Ions, was the fact that a 3,000 mortgage falls due to-morrow, which was wanted to be included in the report. Mayor M'y man's December ATork. The report of the business transacted in the Allegheny Mayor's office for the month ending December 31, shows Sl,0!)7 10 re ceipts Of this amount $429 15 was from disorderly conduct cases, $103 GO police fees, S5j 50 to jail commitments, $250, for amusement licenses, ?197 45 Mayor's costs There were 30G arrests, among which 149 were disorderly, 83 drunkenness, 2K vagrancy, 15 larceny, 1 gambling, 1 bur glary. Thirty of the cases were sent to the workhouse, 54 to jail, ( to the reform school, 0 to court, !3 paid fines and 111 were discharged and withdrawn cases A Charge or; S300. Iii default of $1,003 bail, Harry Gaskell was remanded to jail by Alderman Jlcilas f ers yesterday to await a hearing on Satur day. The charge against Gaskell is embez 7lcment,and was preferred by Matilda Gerst. Mrs. Gerst lives at 97 Sandusky street, Al legheny, where she owns a livery stable. Gaskell was employed by run the stable. She put bills in his hands the 1st of December aggregating $300 for collec tion. Gaskell collected the money, and, it is alleged, failed to give it up. The Encineer IVown Up. The enjine on the Beck's Euu Railroad, belonging to the Hays estate, and used in transporting coal from the mines up the run to the tipple at the river, exploded yester day while standing on the track near the tipple. The cab was turned over and Alex ander Love, who was in it at the time, was riadly cut about the head, face and back. The engine has been in use about 15 years. Dr. Dufi attended the injured rnati, w'ho is not fatally hurt. A Thiers Narrow Kr cane Prom Drowning. A thief has been stealing coal by the wholesale from James Armaud, a grocer at Duqnesue. He laid for the thief and caught him yesterday morning dumping the stolen coal into a boat The thief saw him coming and pushed his boat off into the river, but a steam tug came along and the waves caused the thief's boat to sink. The feliow swam the river and escaped on a wagon which a pal had in waiting. He Tried to Canse a Panic. Morris Salisbury is in jail for a hearing before Squire Miles Bryan, of McKee's Rocks, to answer a charge of malicious mischief, preferred by George A. Davis The defendant, it is affirmed, tied a tin can to the tail of a dog and drove the animal into a schoolhouse, an act that nearly pre cipitated a panic among Ihcchildreu. I'attison at the Press Clnb Banquet. "William H. Davis. "W. C. Connelly, Jr., and William A Doak. a committee from the Pittsburg Press Club, waited upon Gov ernor Pattison yesterday at Harrisburg to extend to him n invitation to the club banquet on January 28. Tt is probable that the Governor will attend and make -an ad dress DIED. ! SCIIAFER At the family residence. Lrft street. Uarrtwood, on Thursday, Decemblr i:jj,.i 11 f. ., jclia, wile ot John Vha ler, aged 4K yeai r. Xotice of fnlicral hereafter. DUEL HOME'iIREM. The Tew Tear Festivities Interfere With the Commission Trade. I5IG RECEIPTS BEDUCE TRICES. Quotations of Cereals Compared With Those of a Tear ajto. THE . LEATHER BDSIXBSS PICKING, UP Office of The Dispatch, J PlTTsucito, December 31. j CftUXTKV Produce Jobbing prices Supply of poultry and eggs exceeds demand, and markets are weak and slow. Cold storage eggs that are not first-class have only a nominal value. Best storage stock is selling at 22c, and fresh eggs are not ac tive at 2fc per dozen. Dairy products con tinue quiet. Country butter is still a drug. TheXew Year's turkey brought better prices than the Christmas turkey, weather being more favorable now than then. There is'no glut now as there was last week, neither is there a boom. Tropical fruits are in better demand, and Florida oranges are a shade higher than the!- have been the past few weeks. As compared with this time last year, all garden products are lower by more than one-half. Last vear at this time pota toes were active at 51 50 per bushel, .now they are slow at 50c per bushel. Apples c.iri ,-.,, owrt nt mnrn thHii flonble mesent prices. Dairy product;, vary little fn price J trom what they were a yearago. Cheese 1 ranges about le above last year's prices, utner aairy prouucis are about the same now as then. ArPLF.s SI VKL2C0 per barrel. IirTTEK-Creainerv Elgin. 31IB2c: Ohio brands. S'lasoc: common country Imttcr, 16I7c; choke country roll. ls5?2Zc. UKANS New York and Michigan pea, St 90(12 01; marronrat, S2 15t2 25: Lima beans KgJ-ic f ft: hand picked medium, l 902 00. Bf.esWax Choice, 32;rc1 lb; low grades, 2JS 25c BnCKAVHEAT FLOl'B New, 2'21sClll. ClirESE-Ohlo choice. IKauCc; New York cheese, lUsiaiic: I.tinburger. I2(ai3!-sc AViscon sin, Sweitzer, full cream, lS'jUcOnipoitedSwelt zer. 2iMt2Sc. . , CIDER-Countl-v cider, $3 505 00 $ barrel: sand refined. fi soft? CO. CKANT.F.RniES-'er hox, f2 O02 SO; per barrel, 7 0.X2S TO. Er.os-striclH fresh nearby stock, CKSSic: can dled cegs. 2l22c: cold storage eggs 2C2lc. Ffatiieks Kxtra Hegcesc. 575Sc; So. I, 4S SOr & lb: mixed lots. KXrMuc. Diiild FBUITS-Pcaclies, halves 6"ic: evapor ated apples. saoc;arrlcots. IKEIOi-: blackberries. B (3)6Mc: raspberries. 1717.S-:;dricd grapes. ViQWc, huckleberries. 7."iSc. Game Wild turkevs, 150(82 00 each: mallard durks SI 00(315 00 per "dozen : teal ducks J2 7VS3 TO perdojtn; plieants J 7!Vafi 00; quail. 1 25l 50. squirrels. 51 00OI 50: rabbits S0S5c per pair; whole deer. llSc? lb: saddles 1820c ? lb. 1 Honey New crop w hlte clover, ISc; California nonev. 1301-10 r ro. Ma ple syncr Taanc B gallon. Maplk Sugar I0c f lb 1'oci.Titv Alive -Chickens, eoWBc a parr large; aoiiUOc inedlum:livc turkevs laaiacli Wf ducks SOBKlOi- a pair; dressed chlckcus Hlic ? tb; dressed turkeys 1316c lb; dressed ducks, Hl:ic fllb. Potatofs Carload lots VitOc on track; rrom store, 4aSricalmsliel:Sontheru sweets ?l 501 75 a barrel: JeieAS, 3 00(3.1 25. speeds VestL-rn rerleancd medium clover Job bing at $5 20; mammoth. 555: timothy. !l 45 for prime, and SI SO fur choicest: blue grass, $2 KVS'2 SO; orchard grass fl 75; jnllleU fl 00: (Krnian: (I 15. Hungarian Jl 10; line lawn, 25c per lb; ed buck wheat Jl 400150. Tallow Country, 4c: rcnderetL 5-. Tiiopical FRi-ITfe -Lemons, ft VX&t 50: Florid oranges: S2 25.'S2 50a box: bananas. ?1 75(ffi2 00 firsts, $1 2r t 0 good "conds icr bunch: Malaga grapes, Si.VKaiOOO a half barrel; new layer flgs 1416c liertb. VF.fJI-TAnLF.s-rabbagc $3 00(4 CO a hundred; yellow Dtinrcr onions t- tO'Si 25 a hand; toma toes $2 00p'r bushel: celery, 25M0c pc dozen; turnips 901 00 a barrel. . Groceries. The movement in this line is quiet, as It uniformly is at the close of tho year. Deal ers are busily engased Liking stock and do not hanker for orders. Sugars are firm, and coffees quiet. Green coffee is lelatively higher than the roasted article, the latter having declined lc per pound in the week p-st. tSnEEX Toffee Fancy, 2Ka22c; choice Rio. axa 20's.c: prune. 19)c; low grade itto. 17"s(Slls,c: old Cnveriiini'iit.Iai'v 272K:: Jlaracallio. 2lS22Vc; Mochi. 27,s(oidsic: s,antos 18)$ c: Caracas, 22lsiilc: f.a ti na) ra. 21 v.22S!C. ICoAsrKIi (in jiapers); high grades S25s,c; old (iovernnient Jaa, hulk, 2s.ffisic:3laracaibo. 21(ai23sjc: Santos. lsHiaiSl'.c: pcabcrry,25c, choice Rio. liic; prime ltlo, lye; good lhii 1SU.i lr.liiiMt-Y IfiiTilTt-tv it trices wuoici s-iocs, i.t5iic: allspice, 10c; cjissii. hc:iieDiK'r. lie: nutmeg. TOfosOc. I'ETBOLECM (Johiwrs' prfc) 110 test. 6c; Ohio, 120, 7'jc; headlight, 150. 7,Ic: water white. Ssc: globe, 14f3l4,sc: elaine, 15c: camadlnc, lie; rovallne, 14c; reifoll, Wigiic: purity, 14c; oleinc, lie. Miners' Oil So. 1 winter, strained, 42(344cper gal ; summer. 3537c: lard oil, 5Wifee. r.ui' Cornsrup, 26,'30c: hoite sugar syrup, 34"3ac; prime Migarsjrup, 30(3.t2c; strictlv prime, 28.-3.t9c. X. O. 3IOLASSF.S Fancv new crop. 4042c: choice, 40341c;old croi, 3S3Sc: X. o. sjnift 44 5 c. sOPA lll-carb, in kegs. 3Uf331jc: hi-carb, in Ms, 5c; bl-carb. assorted packages, 56c; sal soua, iu kegs. PUc; do granulated. 2c. CANDLES star, rull weight, Dc; stearlne, per set, 8tc;pa-amne, ll12c. Hick Head Carolina, bji6'fc; choice, 55f(3Tic: J.inls ina, 5'4'j1sc. STARCII-Pcarl, 4c; corn starch, 66!$c; gloss starch, G37C. Foreign Fruits Laver raisins, 2 00; London Each Spoonful has done its Perfect Work, Is the verdict of every woman who has used ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Other baking powders soon deteriorate and lose their strength, owing to the use of inferior ingredients, but 1 Royal Baking Powder Is so carefully and accurately compounded from the purest materials that it retains its strength for' any length of time, and the last spoonful in the can is as good as the first, which is not true of anv other balcing powder. Brandreth's Pills were introduced in the United States in 1835, and since that time over 100,000,000 boxes have been used. They are now and always have been the Pill of the People; they are safe in their action and thoroughly reliable. They cleanse the system of all disease producing matter," and by this means not only cure our ills, but when taken occasionally, in moderate doses, insure us against attacks' The same dose .will always produce the same effect, no mat ter how long continued, and for this reason, a pill taken ever' night will thoroughly cure constipation and many forms of dyspepsia and indigestion arising therefrom. Sold both 'sugar-coated and plain. The sugar-coated pill is especially adapted to women and children. In small doses Jhcy are a wonderful complexion pill. ,( , , t5C JfSc: nrnnes. etai&Uci French nruneg. txalOHc: Salontca. prunes, in 2-Ib packages, 0e; cocoanuts. 5U0O. M 00, atinonds. Lin., 5 lb, 20c: do Ivtca. 17c: do shelled siOc: walnuts. ap., 1314: Sicily albert. I3c; Smyrna ngs, I3fi4c; new daies-atc: ru7ii nuis, ;c; pecans, lotgiuc: enrnn. ft to. MQlI4c; lemon peel. 12c lb; orange peel, ISC. ijkikd r Burrs a pples. sliced. G4&Jc; apples. cvaDosnted. fta9"sc: reaches, evanorated. Dared axa-llt: peaches. California, evaporated, unnared 13,'$lGc: cherries, pittcd,15c: cherriea,unpltted, Sc; raspDcrrlcs. evaporated, lsglSc; blackberries, 6'-, 7c: huckleberries, 8c. SmAns Cubes. 4!c: powdered, Hie; granu lated. i'4c: conlectloners'. 4(SH',c; soft white, 40Jc; yellow, choice. 3a3138c: vellqvr, good, Vihc: vcllow. fair, .1-S,sCc Vicklks Medium, bills (l.'i'OJ (i "i; medium, hnlf bbls (000). K si. SALT No. 1 bnl, 1 SO: No. 1 extra, ? libl.l 10; daln. V bbl. ft 20; coarse crvstat. hhl, SI 20; HlgKtns' Kureka. 4-bu sacks, J2 00; HlKKln9 Eu n'Vx. ir 14-m iiackets. $3 03. Cankd Goods Standard pejelies. II TSt 90; 2t. fl loSl 35; extra psacbes. f2 02 10; nle peaches, svawjc; finest corn, 51 25(ail 50; Hfd. Co. corn, Bicfttl w: nil cherries, fl 00(?1 10: I.luia lieans, V 10; soaked "do. ss: trlnjcert do, ij.X3.7iv; marrowfat peas. $1 0W?1 15: soakcl pcaf. r.Vf70L-; pineapples. i iol 3): Bahama do, f2 00: damson plums. (1 00r greengages.. 11 2T: eirg plums. St CO California apm-nts.?I 73(3)1 !X):Calltornlaiiears.f2io 225;dorreengages.l s5;do egg plums, SI s.i:extra white cherries. $275; raspberries, SI 0V21 10; strawlierrles. HMSH 10: eouseberrks. ft IttSil (h: tomatoes, SVKBc; salmon, J-lt cans, ?1 30M fO; blackberrlert. 80c; surcoiasn, l'-Iucans, soskci. :nic; 3s. I SO: sardines Imported. s. Sli 505512 5u:aar- dines, imported. !s SIS 00; sirillues mustard, 3 30; sardines, sjiked, 3 50. Fish-KxtraJo. t bloalcx mackerel. 24 00 per bbl: evtra No. 1 do mess. 20 03: No. 2shore mack erel. $1S 00; No. 2 large mackerel. 16 50: No. 3 large mackerel, I4 00; No. 3 small mackerel. 310 CO; Herrlng-tpllt. 5; so; lake, 3 05 per 100-lb bbl. White flh. t 75 per 100-lb hair bbl. Lake trout. $ 50 per half bbl. Finnan baddies, 10c per lb. Ice land halibut, 12c per lb. Pickerel, hair bbl. tl TO: quarter bbl, 1 b0. Hollauii herring, 75c. Walton" herring, noc. OATMEAL I 905 00. Grain, Flour and Feed. There was but one sale on call at the Grain Exchange to-day, namely, a car of Xo 2 timj othy hay, $10, spot." Receipts as bulletined, 27 cars, as follows: Br Pittsburg, Ft. Wnyno and Chicago Railway 1 car of corn, 2 of hay, 2 of oats,3 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis J cars of oats, 1 of bran, 1 of meal, 3 of corn. By Baltimore and Ohio 1 car of corn, 2 of hay, 1 of oats. By Pittshnm and Lake Erie 1 cav of malt, 1 of flour. By Pittsbunr and Western 3 cars of oats, 1 of wheat. There are no changes worthy of noto in cereal lines, but markets are generally weak at present prices. Accoidinir to latest statistical repoi ts, receipts of erain and lriy for the year 1S91 have uvemzed 54 cars daily. Largest receipts for any ono w eek w ere In tho middle of December, when there wereSS7 carloads bulletined. As compared with prices of a year ago, prices are uenerally lower. At tho close ot last year shell com sold at 55c and ear corn nt 62c per bushel. Oats wei e selling then at 50c per bushel, and bran at ?2i per ton. and flour weio a shade higher last year than this, but the difference was slight. Following quotations are for carloads lots on track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices from store: AVHEAT No. 2 red. ?I 00(31 01; Xo 2 red. IsVlsc. CORN No. 2 yellow ear. 4S(3Hssc; high mixed ear, -rsMSilSv: mixed ear. 4S'34sc: No. 2 vellow shelled. 47(&47'c: high mixed shelled, 4640'sc; mixed shelled 44fa45c. OATS No. 1 oats, 3SUC51.-OC-. o. 2 white. S!S Wic; extra No. 3 oats, 37&-7Ic: mixed oats, 35(01 36c. KE No. lPennsU.-ania and Ohio, a3Sc; No. 1 Western, 04 Be. Barley iisa75c. Flol'k Jobliiug prices Fancy spring patents. $5 5a?i5 75: laucy winter patciii i.5 21(3).i 50: fancj straight winter, fi 00(35 2i: fancv straight spring. I? 25:3550: clear w Inter. 45V35 00: straight XXXX h ikers". fl 755 00. Kc flour, J5 255 50 Millfeed No. 1 white middlings. t2J(O2250't ton: No. 2 while middlings, 819 50320 00: brown middlings, $17 OOfflls 00: winter wheat bran. 17 50 1S 00: chop reed. ?21 O025 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, J12 SO'ffi 75: No. 1. fll 2511 50; Xo. 2, J10 2310 50: cloer h.lV. ?10 00 ftilO 50: loose rrom wagon. $11 001314 00. aciordlng to quality; packing hav. SI 01X39 50. Straw Oats, V C7 50; wheat, ?6 00S 25; rvc, ?0 2-i 50. 1 " -w Proiisions. Sugar cured hams, large $ 9 fcngarcured hams, medium O's Sugar cured hnms, small 934 Sugarcurod California liauis ' hugar cured b. bacon 7Js bugar cured skinned hams .large 19 ' Sugar cured skinned hams, medium 10 Sugar cured shonlders 0 Migir cured bontlessshoulders Blf angarcureii Skinneu suouioers. Sugar cured b icon should! rs .., Sugar cured dry salt shoulders , Sugarcurcdd. Iieef lonnds..... Sugar cured d. heersclts , Sugarcured d. beef fl its ilnron clear shies, 3jId 7i , IB' ( 2 9 7 7H r,v ,20 12 00 5' 5J 51, 0', 5Ji 61. GS, 6H llacon clear bellies, 20 lbs.... Dry salt clear sides 30lb3.ic'g llrysaltilearsldcs, 20 lbs aerg 5fesSKirk, heavy Mess pork, family Lard, relined In tierces I.ard, retined in one-half bbls Lard, lefined InOO-lhtuhs I.ard, refined In 20-lb iuIU Lard, refined In 50-lb cans Lard, refined ill 3-lb tin pills Lard, relined lll5-lh tin pails Lard, refined In 10-lb tiu pajls Harness Leather. Tho tone of tmdo in this lino shows im provement the past week. Heavy and medium-weight leather has been Koinjr out us fast as produced all along, and now lisht weights begin to move more freely. Tho worst is evidently over, and after the turn or the year there is little doubt that our tan ners will have a good demand for all their products. Follow ing are theprices of harne:s leather as established by the Allegheny tanners; No. 1 trace, ZSc per ft; B trace. 3(!cperft; Xo. 1 extra heavy, 100 fts and over, Sic per R; B extra heavy, 31c per ft; Xo. 2 extra heavy, 29c per ft; Xo. 1 heavy, IJ0 to IG0 fts, 32c per ft; B heavy, 30o per ft; Xo. 2 heavy, l f 28c per ft: dIrcI? liiit?c per ftTlfo.'l oak c iar leather; collar leatneruc Oalc sole and beltinc. leather lh as tt was week ago. Prices are as follows: Oak belting butts..nrlmc quality.. 35e X.ovcrwclghts, 20 lbs and up 23c A overweights, 21 lbs and up.. 1 2tc B overweights, 20thsand up...... .-24c C overweights. 20ftsandun '... 22o Middle weights, is to 19?4 lbs,lc less tlisa above. Hides and Calfskins. Heavy steer hides are, -off .fc in tho past wcclr, a lact duo to lower quality of offer ings. (Lonz-haired stock now begins to como In freely, and the accumulation of dirt in this (trade is eqnal to the drop or Jio por pound. HufTtand calfskfns are in good de mand and steady at quotations. Following is tho revised list of prices which dealers and tanners pay for stock de livered here: Xow 1 prccn salted steers, fiO lbs and over. ft o, 1 green alted cowt H wel srhts (" o.lee salted hide. 40 to (if) lb) 4 Xo. 1 jcreen saltml hides 35to461bd 43x So, 1 jrreen malted bull , 134 No. lfjreen salted elfthln b No. 1 green halted eal klp. apiece Xo.'l pnen suited runner kips 1 Sheepskins ldte take oil, apiece 70$i Tullow, prime 4 Uetluction forXo. 2 itock, cent per lb on sieer mid Hjht hides; lcent on bull and I cents on cnlfsuins. THE WEATHER. For Western Tmnylvam nia and Oldo: Threat enhir 'Weather and Rain, Inrreamvj South WiwU; Warmer Friday, Colder Saturday. tor Hat i rgma : Threatening Weather and Jiain: South Windt; irarmrr Friday and a Cold Ware TF.MrFmTIIUE AND IHINTALL. riTTSnrRG, I)ec.3l.--Thc United htates Weather Tlnreau officer iu this city furnishes the following: SA. M.. 12 M 21'.H,. 5P. M.. b V. M. , ... 3l3faximum temp .. 37 Minimum temp .. 42Mean temn .. 44Kauge .. I2,rrcc FLAX XO BE HADE IN AMERICA. Successful Experiments Induce a Chicago Company to Make the Venture. Chicago, Dec. 31 An eitensive company, backed by Eastern capital, has been organ ized in Chicago for the manufacture of American flax. A license of incorporation was issued to it nndci the name of the United States Linen Manufacturing Comnanj- The capital stock is Dinted at $3,000,000. Speaking for tho new company, G. AV. Cooke, an attorney, said: "At present nearly all the flax used in this country is iuipotted. This company has experimented to its own satfslaction. and found that It can manu facture the American article much cheaper than it can bo im orted and at the same timtt furnish as good an article as that made in foreign countries." Big, but bad the old-fashioned pilL Bad to take, and bad to have taken. Inefficient, too. It's only temporary relief you can get from it Try something better. With Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the benefit is last ing. They clean&e and regulate the liver, stomach and bowels. Taken in time, they prwnt.trouble. In any case, they cure it And they rare it easily ; they're mild and gentle, but thorough anil effective. There's no disturbance to the system, diet or occupa tion. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Sick and Bilious Headacho, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and nil derangements ot the Iher, stomach and bowel are promptly re lieved and permanently cured. They're purely vegetable, perfectly harm less, the smallest, ana the easiest to take but besides that, they're the cheapest pill you can buy, for they're fruarcmOed to give satis faction, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get This is true only of Dr. Pierce's medicines. WITH A SPECIAL MILLINERY SALEI A Fresh New Assortment Even at the End of the Season. In looking over our stock a short time ago we discovered that the most desirable shapes and shades of Felt Hats were nearly all gone. We had many calls for such hats, and de cided to take advantage of a golden opportunity offered us by an Eastern dealer who had a fine assortment which he wanted to dispose of. We Secured 100 Dozen Of the choicest colored French Fur Felt Hats at our own figures a qual ity that sold "all over" this season at S1.25 our'price now, 38c each. Also 20 dozen nicely trimmed Toques, all ready to wear, choice colors and stylish shapes, at 50'c; regular price, $2. Balance of our Stanley Caps at 15c each. 500 pieces pure Silk Gros Grain Ribbon, No. 22. in pink, medium and light brown, tan, drab, beige, black, cream, light blue, etc., at 18c; regular price, 35c a great bargain. New Flowers for dress tiimming, millinery or decorating. J'pIf you want rare values in Millinery Goods you should see what this populardepartment offers to quick buyers for the next few days. 510-518 Market St. 9m ',ati'-rA.a. WMmFt&m nF$m Saturday. nm & co. fl fiiailiiiiisiJL jal-D .-ifesl -W-S'mh 5rPfl5RlWPp - Tftlw'Trft,, iii ! n n. i p.i iiiii i i m i in ,m , - n - n i ri i p w . aa-JJ rf- . U m 1, u -i -I Ml J j" a1 a --1 Uhl -I.Sl isJi-m BAMK.4a. . ta . 1 . J - - u iraTTj ociencei MEDICAL SCIENCE? has achieved a J the production of BEECHAMS PILLS which will cere Sleds , Headache and all ' SIUods and Jfer- J I 4 s vou iiiiordorii arising from Impaired Slzeatlon, Con ' J ittpatloa and SUarderod X.lTr and J ! S f her will quickly restore women to complete i ' health. Of ; 11 druggists. 2B cents a box. ' ! Ww Vnftr nit a- rn' c ' . rctvir'e& Vile cod-liver, oil has lost its vileness in Scott!s Emul sion and gained a good deal in efficiency. It is broken up into tiny drops which are covered with glycerine, just as quinine in pills is .coated with .sugar or gelatine. You do not get the taste at all. The hypophosphites oh lime and soda add their tonic effect to that of the half-digested cod -liver oil. Let us send you a bookoa CAREFUL LIVING free. Scott & Bowns, Chemists, X33 South cth Aveaue, New York. Your druggtst keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. ft, 3 A Happy New Year to all. Max Klein presents complimentspf the season to his numerous patrons and desires to inform them that his stock of choice wines and liquors is more varied and extensive than ever. Come and see rare old brands that no other house in the State can show you. Select something fine for your friends on New Year's. MAX KLEIN, 82 FEDEKAIi ST., ALLEGnEXY. dc23 STEAMERS ASD EXCURSIONS. lUNAKI) UNE-NEW YORK A1) I.IVER J TOOL VIA QUEE.VSTOWN-Froin I'ier 40. Xortli filver: Fast i'pre mall ervlcc. Ah rania, Jan. 2.6:30a. m.lEtruris, Jan. 30, StTDa.m. rtotlml.1. Jan. V, I r. m.lAuranla, Feb. ft. I p. m. Tfmnria, Jan. 14. 7a. m.lHothnla. Feb. 10. 2 p. m. Ciallia. Jan. 23. 1:30p.m. Uinbria, Fcl).l.T.5-30a.m. Cabin passage SfcOand upward, according to lo cation: second rabln 9ti. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at erv low rales. For freight and naQsagpapplv to the rompanv's ofllce. 4 Bowling Oreen. New York. VERNON ll. BUOWN .. CO., (iencral Agents, or CHAKLES V. blllTH. Third av.lmd Wood St., Agent for Pitts burg, Pa. deS-D WJ111F. STAK I.I.NE For Qucenstown and Liverpool. Royal and United States Mall bti-araers. Germanic, Jan. G. 11 a iu MaJcstlc, Feb. 3.10 am Adriatic Jan. Z,Zv in itir-nnanic, Feb. lo,,upni "Tentonlc. J m io 10:T0am 'Teutonic, Feb. 17, 9 am Britannic. Jan. 27. lam Britanntc, Feb. J4. 2p m From White star (loci;, loot of West Tenth St.. New York. Second cabin on theso steamers. Saloon rates, (SO and upu aril. Second cabin 35 and MO. Excur sion tickets ou favorable terms, btcerage, from or to old country. 5J0. tVhltcStar'drafts payable on demand In all tli9 principal hanks throughout Great Britain. Apply to JOHN J. McCOiOIICK. 639 and 401 Smlthtielit et.. Pittsburg, or II. MAITLANll KEIWEYiGeu- eral Agent, "Zt Bro idwny. Mew lork. de'J-D ANCHOR LINE Strainers Leavo Setr York Every Satarday For Glasgow via Londonderry. Itates for Saloon Paswge SS0 arid, upward, accord ing to accommodation and location of room. Ssecond Cibln. fiO. Steerage, fl9. Jl KOlTEltKAMCA .N !!( V lUKt SEW YORK TO KIHRALTAB AND SArLES: b. S. Doth la. Wednesday. Dec. 23, 3 r. Jl. Cabin passage. 80 to ?100. Passengers booked at through rates to or from any city in Great Britain or on the Continent. Drafts on London Sold at Lowest Rates. Book of Information, tour and sailing lists fur nished on application to Agents. HEXDEKmON BUO THERS, 7 BonTlng Green, S. y.. or j. Mccormick, i.n.inii 401 smnimeid st.: A. I). SCOKEIt & SOS. 415 Smlthfleld St., Pitts bure: F. Jl. hE5IPi,E, 110 Federal St., Allegheny. nolH-n-MWif ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. GLASGOW TO PHILADELPHIA. Via Derry and Galway. The most direct lontc from Scotland and Sorth ai.d Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, $J0. Steerage", $19. CTnTr ) pPl-vtcO Of LINE . STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK ASD GLASGOW. Via London every Fortnight. Jan. 7, State of California, 9 a. m. Jan. 23, State or Nebraska. 8 a. m. CABIN. $40. Speond class, $30. Steeraze, $19. Apply to J. J. McCOKMICK, 639 Smltlifleld street. Tittsburg. t no25-33-D i! J GREETING Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamship Company. Fast Line nt Express Steamers. New York to Southampton (London), firemen. SPRING SAILINGS, 1692. rider. Sat.. April 2Elbe. Wed., Mar 18 Havel, Tues., April 5 Allcr. Sat., May 2t Ems. Sat.. April 9 Trave, Tues., May :i Lahu, Tues., April 12l Elder. bat.. Mav 23 haalc. Sat.. April 16!Iael, Tues., " Miy 31 Spree, Tile., April 19 Ems, Sit.. June 4 Kibe, Wed., April 20iLahn, Tues., June 7 Allcr, fat.. April 23'Saale, Sat., June It Trave, Tues., April 28,Vrc-e, Tue., June 14 Eider. Sat.. Aprils) Elbe. Wed., June 15 Havel, Tues., Mav 3IAIIer. 'Sat., June 11 Ems. Sat.. May 7Trave, Tues., June 21 Latin, Tues., Mav lOiE'der. Sat.. June 25 Saale, Sat., May It Haiti, lues., June 2S Spree, Tups.. Mav 17,Em. Sit., July 2 Tlmn from Vpw YnrV to Southamnton. 7Z dars. From soutnamptou to Itremen.24or30 hours. From S-outhamntou to London, br Southwestern ltallway Co.. 1 fionrs. Tralus every hour In thesummer season, ltallway carrl-ijccs lor London await pas sengers in Southampton Docks on arrival of ex press steamers lrom New York. These 6teamcrs are well known forthcir speed, comfort and excellent cuisine. MAX SCHASIBEliO H CO.. 527 Smltlifleld St.. LOUIS MOsER. H6 Smlttineld St., Agents for rittsburje. aeS-vO-v RAILROADS. TlITTSIIUKti AMI I.AKE p.llli: ItAILIIOAD J. Companv: schedule in ellect Niivtinber 15,, 0;'l, iCII1IMI I1JIIV. 1 . X. I,. r.m J,. IV. TTj-l fc Forflcvcland "8:00 a. m., "l-V, 4:2i. "9:45 p. m. ForCiii'-ininti. Chicago and St. Louis, l:Vi. "9:41 p.m. For Butfaln. 8:00 a. in.. 4:20. "9:45 p. m. For Salamanca, "8:00 a. in.. "I:i0. "9: p. . For Youngstown and New Castle, 0:00, "8:00. 9:55 a. m.. "1 :50. "4:70, "9:45 p. in. For Beaver Falls, 6:00, 7r0a "8:00. VX a. in., 1:50, 3W0. 4-2a 5:20. 9:4i p. in. For Chartlers. l&ift, -5:35. 6:C0, 6:55. 7:00, 7:35. "7:30 8:5.5. 9:ia 9;V, H1:4T. n. In.. 12:10. 1:30. U55. 3:30. 3:43. 14:20. '4:25, 5:10. 5:20, S:00. 19:45,' iu: p. in. Aruive From Cleveland. Bs30 a. in., 'KHO, 6:15, "7 30 p.m. From Cincinnati. Chicago St St. Louis. "S:jo a.m.. 'liiao, "7:30p.m. From Buffalo, "ii:?oa. in., 12:30, 9:30 p.. m. From Sala manca, "CtStf, "10:00 a. m.. "7fl0 p. m. From Yoimestowii and Nflir Castle. ri:30. "10.00 a. m.. Ifcsa S:IS. - . - - -.. r. .. :. 9:30 n. X rom weaver p ui I SB. "6:15. 7:20, "10.03 a. m.. "12:30, 1:20. .li. 7:30, 9:30 p. 111. P.. C k y. trains for Mansfield, 7:35 a. n '2:10. i:45 p. m. For Esplcn and Bcechmont. ?:35 a. iu., 3:45 p. m. P.. CAY. trains from Jlansfleld, 7t05. 11:59 a. in.. 3:35 p. in. From Bceclnnopt. 7:05, 1U39 a. m. P., McK. S. Y. Id K. DEl'ABT For New Haveni :). 3 p. m. For West Newtoa. 8r!0, 3:ft). 3:23 p. m. ABBiVE-From New Hvcn. "9:00 a.m., 'txap. a. From West Newton. 6:15, "9:l a. m. 4:0I p. in. For McKecsport. Ellzaneth, Monongahela Oty and Belle Vernon. 0:45, tl 05 a. m.. 4aV0p. m. From Belle Vernon, Mdnungahela City. Ellia beth and MuKresport, "7:40a. in.. 1:20. "3:13 p. in. Dallv, ISundaiaonly. City ticket office. CJ9 Smlthfictd at. f rr' t?u -- ' VITUT T.. .-. ...--.,sfc-TWJ - s?WHF ' s -" L -r" "' -ig. II STARTLING ' CAUSED BT TIE ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. THE PUBLIC EXCITED Ever since1 the startling announcement was made to the public that we would make a Reduction From the caused DEATH OF OUR The Final Decision is That MORE WILL BE TAKEN OFF The price' of every article in Men's, Youths', Boys' and Chil dren's Clothing, as the heirs of our late partner demand an im mediate settlement Here's, a Goiden Harvest! THE AD7IC3 IS, PATRONIZE THE UNION CLOTHING CORNER,' EISNER & PHILLIPS, FIFTH AVENUE AND WOOD RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in ei-fect Dkckmheii 20th. lsai. Trains will leave Union Station, Fittsbarg as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN I.1NU EATtVAltD. Fennsylvanla Limited of Pullman Ystlbule Cars dallvat7:15a.m.. arrlvliiKat Uarrlsliurj: at !: p.m., Phlladeli) New York 7:0U p. m Baltimore 4:40 p. m., Kevstone Express dalfyat lr3) a. m., arriini;at lfarrisbnrg d:25 a.m., Philadelphia 11:25 a. m.. New York 2:00 p. ra. Atlantic Etpres-4 dally at 3:30 a. m.. arriving at Harrlsburjc 10:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 1:25 p. m.. yew York 3:00 p. m.. Baltimore 1:15 p. 111., Wash ington 2:20 p. m: Harrisburg Accommodation dally, except Sunday. 5:25a. m.. arriving at HarrUburg20n. m. Day Exnres dallv at S:K1 a. in., arriving at Jiarriunre 3:20. n ro I'hilade nhla G:.y n New Yrk9:3p.m., Baltimore 6:Ij p. c6:lop. m., ash- ingioiifl:in. m. Mall train Sunday onlv, 8:41a. m.. arrives Harris burg 7:00 p. in.. Philadelphia 10:5 p. :n. Mail Expressdailyatl:C0p. m.. arriving at Har rishurg 0:V p. m.. connecting at Harrisburg wfih Phtuiilelplita Exprcse.. Phllailelphl 1 Express dally it 400p.m.. arriving at Harrisburg 1M0 a. m., i'iiiiaucipnia-i:a. m.. and New York 7:10 a. in. Eastern Express aK115 p. m.dallr. arriving Har rtsburg 2:i a. m.. Baltimore B:20 a. in.. Wash ington 7: a. in.. Philadelphia 5:25 a. in. and New York S:09 a. 111. Fast Line dally, at 8:10p. m.. arriving at Harris burg i3:30 a. m.. PlilfadelphU 6t50 a. m.. New York 9:30 a. in.. Baltimore 6:20 a. m., Washing ton 7:30 a. m. All through trains connect a Jersey Cltr with boats of "Brooklyn Allnex., for Brooklyn. N.Y.. avoiding double ferriage and Journey throug.i New York City. Johnstown Accom.. except Snndav. 3:40 p. in. Grieusburg Accom.. 11:30 p. ri. week-lavs, 10:10 p. m.s-nndars. (!reensbnrg Express 5:15 p.m.. except Sundav. DerrjrExpress 11:00 a.m., ex cept Sunday. afl Accom. 5:25. C:00. 7:40. 8:S5. 8:50. 9:40, 10:30. 11:00a. m.. 12:15. 1:0a 1:20. 2:5). 3:'0. 4:00, 4:50. 5:15. 8:C0. 0:45. 7:55. 9:00. 10:20. Il:ro p. m.. 12:10 night, exctpt ilondav. snndav. 8:10, 10:30a. m.. 12:23, 1:00, 2:30, 4:30. 5:30, 7ri), :. 10:30 p.m. Wllkinsburir Accom. 5:25. (1:00. 0:li 6:43. 7:00. 7:23, 7:4a 8:10. 8:35:8:50.9:40. 10:30.11:03. 11:10 a. 111.. 12:01. 12:15. 12:3J. I:t0. f:20. 1:30.2:00.200.3:15. 3:40, 4MT1. 4:10, 4:r. 4-JTi. 4150; 50:5:15.3:10. 5:45. 6:00. B:20. 6:45. 7:2a 7:33. ; 9:00; 9:45. 10:20. 11:00. 11:30. and 12:10 night, except 3Ioud.iv. Sunday. 5:10. 8:40, 10:30 n. m.. 12:S. l:ro, 1:30, 2:30, 4:10, 5:10. 7:20. 9:00. 9:30. 10:30 p. 111. Braddock Accom.. 5:23. 6:00. 6:15. 6:45, 7:00. 7:25. 7:40. 8:00. 8:10. 8:35. 8:50. 9:40. 10:30. U:i. 11:10 a. 111.. 12:01. 12:15. IMO, 1:00, 1:2a 1:30. 2:00. 2:.m. 3:15. 3:40. 4:00. 4:10. 4:23.,4:30. 4:35, 4:50. 5:00...5:15. .5:30. 5:13. 6:10. 6:20. 6:I5j 7:2a 7:35. 8:23. S.OO. 9:45. 10:20, 11:00, 11:30 p. in., and 12:10 night, except Mondav. Sunday, 3:C0, 8:0a 8:10, 10:30 a. ni 10: J) p. m. fOUTn-WEST PENN KILTVAY. F01 Uniontown 3:23 and S:35 a. m 1:20 and4:M week days. MONONGAflEU DTYISION. 2:23. 1:00. 1:30. 2:30.4:30. :.-ax. 70. 9:00.9.030. ON' ASH AFTKKMAT25th. l-Ol. For Monongaheli City. Weit Brownsville, anil Uniontown 10:40 a. m. For Monongahcla Cltv ami West Brownsville 7:15 and 10:40 a. in., and 4:50 p. m. On Sundav, 8:55 a. m. and 1 :01 p. m For Monongahcla City only. 1:01 and 3:50 p. m. week-days. DrAvosburg-accom.. 6aJa. m. and 3:20 p. iu. wcek-dars. Wet Elizabeth accom.. 8:33 a. m.. 4:15, 6:30 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, !:40 p. m. - i WEVT-TESIfSYLYANIA DIYfSION. Ox ash AFTnt Nqvejiiter ICtli, ISM. From FEDERAL STREET STATION. Mleghenv Cltr For-Springdalc. week-davs. 6:20. 8:25. 8,50. W-AX 11:50 a.m.. 2:25, 4:19. 53XX. 5:4). 6:!U. 6:3'. 3:10, 10:30 and 11:40 p. m. Sundays. 12:35 and 9 p. ni. , 2:15 rwi imn;i. iM-ud,3, UkJ, O.UU, Ul.wm ana o:iup. ni. For FreCport, week-davs. 4:5. a0, 10:40 a. m.. 8:15. 4:19.5:4a 8:10, 10:30 and 11:40 p. in. Sundays. 12:35 and 9.30 p. in. For Apollo, week-da vs. 10:40a. m.. and 5:40 p. nt. For Paulton and Blufrsrlile, week-davs, 653 a. m.. 3:15 and 10:30 p. in. -CESrhe ExceUlor Baggage Express Company will call for aud check baggage from hotels an-l residences. Time card and rull Information cau be obtained at the ticket offlc-No 110 Fifth ave nue, corner Fourth avtmiin and Trv street, ana , Union Station. Manager. Gcn'l Pass'r Agent. BflS fji"i"t nr 6 SDV& .FREE rn'vi UlsSll leJOHNC.i ?HAYN5ao, Id"1 Ptnrrrnu' MA33. del-MS WEAK MEN Snlfertng from Ti Power. erva4 te Mlllj . TrfMl Manhxxl. We will send voa a valuable book'fsealed r free of charge, eontalnlngfnllrartlcnlars for tn-e-iy and Dernianenteure. Adlriu:M.iJit.i' SW OUve rjtreet, S t. Louis. Mo. U 20-133 Wh '1 fflRTpTsl MmK1 0.D.LEVIS SOLICITOR. 5TH.AVE. HrTXT.LEADER PITT5. SENSATION Lowest Marked Price, bv the MR. PHILLIPS. STREET. de3VtvT RAILROADS. From Pittsburgh Union Station. ennsiylvania Lines. Trains Kun by Central Time. Kwnu went System FortWayneKouta Defart for Chicago, points intermediate and beyootfc L30 a.m., 7.10 .m., fZ20 p.m., 1.00 p.m., "S.45 p. m., Jll 30 p.m. Arkivk trom same points : 105 ajn.,1.15 ajn..6.00a.m.,6UVi aji., 6COp.m., ti.oOp.m. Depart for Toledo, points intermediate andbeyend: 7J0a m.,la)p.m.,-'1.0ijp.m.,ill.a)p.m. AxHirs from same points:, (i-Jia.m., 8UXlp.m., 60 p.m. Depart for Cfevelaod, points intermediate and beyond: fo.10 a.m., 7J0 a.m., 12.45 piu, li.05p.m. Arrive from same points: o50a.mI, fi.15 p.m., 6.00 p.m., f7.00 p.m. Depart for New Castle, Erie, Youngstown, Ashta. fcula, points mtermediate and beyond: 17.2) an v flX20 pun. Arkivx from same pomts: fl 'Jo p.m tO.OO p.m. Depart for New Castle, Jamestown, Yonngstow and NUes, f3.45 p.m. Akkivi from same points : ta.10a.rn. Dbfart for Ycungstown, 120 pjn. Arriv from Youngstown fi0 p.m. bonthwestSyiiteni-Pnu HamlleRonta Depart for Columbus, Cincmnau, Indianapolis, St. Louis, points intermediate and beond: 1.2) a.m.. 7.00a.m.,S.45pj2u,ll.I5p.m. Arrive froissama points: 2.a)a.m.,G.W)a.m.,SAJpjn. Depart lor Columbus, Chicago, pomu mtermediata snei beyond: 10a m., fiibop.m. Arrtvi frora ume points: 'ZM a m ,fJ.(Bp.m. Depart for Wash.Dgton, f8-15 a. m., f85 a. m., ti J5p. m.,-fi20p.m ,,t40p.m. Arriyi from Washington, VJ a.m., 7,50 a.m., f&50 a.m., tlOSa. m.,t2 ifi P " ,-6.p.m. Depart for Wheeling, t7.C0 a. m., f!2 fto n'n., f2.45 p. m., t6 10 p. m. Arrive from Wheeling, t2J3J a.m., f8-45 a m, 3 05 p. m., t5-55 p. m. PtTLLMAH SLEtn-w- CARS AND PuiXMAN DlNTNO Cars run throush. East and West, on principal train of both Svstcms Tims Tables of Through and Local Accommoda tion 'i ra.ns of either system.not mentioned above, can be obtained at 110 Fifth Avenue aod Union Station, Pittsburgh, and at principal ticlcet offices of the Penn sylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh. DxllT. tEx. Sunday. iKx. Saturday. HEx.Moadax. JOSKPH WOOD, E. A. FORD, BALTIMOHE AMI OHIO RAILROAD. tclicuule iu effect December 20. 1891. Eastern lime or wisnington. i. v.. Baltlmore.PhiiadelDhla ani "Vew York, 8rfW a. m. and "9:20 p. m. For Cumberland. 6:50. 8:00. a ra.. Jl:ia9:20n.m. For Connellsvllle-. S50, 8:0O. 58:31 a.m Jl:in. $1:13. $5r00 and "9:20 p. m. For Uniontown. $6:30. 8:0a WSOa. in.. 1:10. 1:15 and $5:00 p. m. ForJIUPIcasant. i650anI M-noa. m.. Jl:15. 1:15 and t5:0Oi m. For Washington. Pa.. "7:20 and 9:30 a. m.. 40, 4:45. -7:TJanil lli:.p. m. f..- tt.'!. linn- .?!, n- M t , "4:03, "7:30 and 7:20 a. m.. 1739 11:55 li, For Cincinnati and St. Louis, p. III. For Cincinnati. ll:55n. ra. (atnrdavonlv).- ' ForlViIumbus. "7:20a. m.. 17:30 and 111:55 p. m. For Newark. "7r20a. in.. " and ',ll:-55p. m. For Chicago. "7:.0a. m. and "75) p. m. 'J rains arrive f nun New York. Philadelphia, Bal-. timnrrand Washington. "6:20 a. m.. :30 n. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati ami Chicago. "3:501 a m.. "8:30 p. m. From Iieelinc, "srj, 10:45 a.ra.. 4:15. "8t50p. m. Parlor and sleeping cars t Baltimore, TV ashing- r ton. Cincinnati and Chicago. "Dally. Haily except snndav. SSnnday only. IS iturday only. IDallyexceptsaturday. The Pittsburg Transfer Company wilPcall for ard check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders lift at B. & O. ticket office, corner. Fifth avenne and Wood street, or 401 and 63 SmlthStld street. J. T. )I)EI.U CHAS. O. SCULL. Ocueral 31anager. Ucn. Pass. Agent. I.LFGHENY VALLEY ISATLKOAD OT J. and after Sundiv. June 23. lfflu trains wilt leave and arrive at Union station. Pittsburg, east ern standard time: Buffalo express leaves it 8: a. m., 8:45 p.m. (arriving at BufTato at 5:43 p. m, and 7:20 a. m.): arrives at 7:10a. m.. fi-i p. m. Oil City and DuBols express Leaves 8r20 a.m.. liSO p. rn.: arrives 1:00. 6:23. 10:00 p.m. East Brady Leaves at 6-Zi a. in. Kittannlng Leaves 9:0fS. m., 3A5. 5:30 p. ni. : arrives 8-5. 10:00 a. m.. 5:iJ p. IK. Eraeburn Lcves4A5, 6:15p. m-sarrlves 8:0 a. a.. 7:40 p. m. Valley Camp-l-eates 10:15 a. rn.. 12:03. Ir25. i 1:30 p. m.: arrives 6:40 a.m.. 12:30. StM ;.. p. pi. Hdlton Leaves 8:00. 9:30. pm.: arrive 7uJ5. Hr3)p. ni. Forty-third street Arrives 3J. 8:20 p. in. Sunday trains BufTafo express Leaves 8:20 a. ni., 8:45 p.m.: arrives 7:10 a. m.. 8r25 p. m. Enilenton Leaves 9:05 a. m.: arrives 9:1A p m Kittannlng Leaves 12:40 p. m. : arrives 10:15 p. m. Eraeburn Leaves 9:50 p. m.; arrives 7:10 p- m. Pullman parlor buffet car on dav trains and Pull man sleeplngcaron night tralns'between rittsourj and Buffalo. Ticket offlees. No. 110 Fifth arrenua and Union station. DAVID JfCAKUt'. tienera buperintendent. JAMES P. ANDLIiiOf. iiii fT'.-iet Agenr THTTSBUKG AND WESTEKV RAILWAY j. lnunsiLl lsiairatlme). Leave. ; Arrive. Mall. Butler, 4 larion, , Kane.. 8:41 am. 11:30 m 7, 7;iSpra 9:t a m' 3:50 pra 3.10pm' 9:00ara, 2.-00 p m. 12:14 p m. . 1:25pm, 5:3Q am 5:15 p ml 7:00 am AKronand . Butler Arccmmodatlon. New Castle-Accommodarion., Chicago. Express (dally)... ... ylleiiopie amt Foxbnrg Butler Accommodation ; Flrst.elasft tarfl tnphltvn. tin SO. tUcond-Clatl U 5o. Pullman buffet sleeping cars to Chicago daU-, 4-. IVJ J?- c Se v 4 . frr tt l-i , 7 - -Or -fe