Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 01, 1892, Image 3

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. -3S3i
Proposed by Indignant Citizens of
the Thirty-First Yard.
First Ear nf the Strike on the
Avenue Electric Line.
The new Thirty-first ivanl schoolhouse is
approaching completion, but before it is oc
cupied by the young iJea there is likely to
be -war to the knife between the School Di
rectors and the citiren of the ward. The
latter emphatically object to the non-union
labor eiuplojed on the new structure and
s-everal other features. A political scalp
raitinp ami uniijnc boycott is likely to en
mic. A cor of years ago, when the hill
district lacine; the Mononsahela on the
Southsidc. were folded within the loving
embrace of J'ittsburg by consolidation, the
districts referred to were considered sub
urban. At that time the present Thirty
fiTst ward was called Allcntowm The
name clinss to it yet, and it is belter known
to the residents than the ward number.
The new district had hardly entered into
mnnicip.il grace when it was discovered
that a new schoolhouse was badly nee".ed.
The borouch house was not larjre enough to
accommodate the throng of youngsters then
attending, and day by dav increasine in
numbers. So a new building, a frame
-tniciure of richt rooms, was erected on
AVashincton avenue. Tse rooms were large,
pd it was thought the building would be
capacious enough lor many years to come.
Ttut the district crew rapidly, and it was
only a few years until the attendance fairly
bulged out of the doors and windows, and
more accommodation had to be provided.
A piece of property was bought on Allen
avenue, a short distance above "Washing
ton, and a brick buildin; of four rooms
built thereon. The architecture of the new
structure was neither Corinthian, Doric or
Gothic. A citizen ratlier vamely termed it
a sort of '"here and there" building.
Plenty of School Children There.
Nevertheless, the children who had not
arrived at a critical aire crowded in, and it
was not lone; until it was as full and flowine
over as the other one. Then rooms in the
i. A It- building on Arlington avenue were
rented, and still later more rooms were
acquired in Director Charles ilagle's house.
And still additional pupils kept coming,
and the capacity of the four different build
ings -was not nearly adequate to the de
mand made upon them. The school directors-of
the district then took the matter in
hand, finallv decided to erect a structure to
crjt about J40,0(i0, and selected their Allen
ar?nne property as the location.
Then the lun'began. Alien avenue at the
point adjoining the school property is a
veritable tobogrr.n, so far as the grade is
concerned. It is not paved and during the
winter season a bridge would be required to
rros it. Then to get at the foundation, the
upper end had to be dug out nearly 20 feet
in depth and a heavy wall of the same
heiht placed at the lower side to even
matters. It took a large force of men three
months to do .the grading.
Everything cut on briskly enough. The
builders kept risht at work and the con
tractors promised its completion several
laonths bef ocr the time specified. The stone
masons came. They.were all right. Then
the carpenters. They were all risht. Then,
the bricklayers. They were "all wrong,"
to ue the phrase of an indignant worker of
that craft.
"When the time came for operations to
fcegin a number ol uncle lavcrs wlio reside in
tIic ward union men who have been on a
itrike since the sprinsr, applied for work
on the building. It is claimed their appli
cations were refused, and howls of wrath
wrre heard. To use the language of a .Mr.
Elcock. a citizen and uniou bricklayer, who
W2" met with yesterday:
"Here I am. a property owner and a tax
payer. I am ase-setl to pay for that build
ing, and am not allowed to work on it,
-wliile men from Philadelphia, Johnstown
and oth- r points are brought on here to do
work. I shall consider the matter before I
-will consent to pay a single cent of tribute
toward paving for it I am plainly a vic
tim of a conspiracy against my rights. I
nl'O voice the sentiments of a large number
mi different eralisnien in the matter. With
them I shall not send my children to a
school built in such a manner. I shall find
means to pay for mv children's tuition at
some ether institution, but go they shall
oi to a schcol held within w alls built by
'iscab labor."
Mntvr of the ame Opinion.
A number of others were spoken to con
cemii:g the m-it:cr. Not one felt kindlv
toward the pon-union laborers employed.
Tlir Disp tch reporter uas given to un
derstard that a preconcerted mo.cinent
would Je made at the coming election to re-
mov- l'e directors ulio nau caused tne new
Irtnldir. lo be pm where it is or permitted
ttieiuploymcntof non-union workmen. The
interest i! it part of the matter is that every
oneol tde direc ors belong to labor organ
izations, tin- President being none other
than 51. M. Garland, First Assistant Presi
dent of tii" Amalgamated Association of
Iron and Steel Workers. Mr. Garland and
Sir. ObarV- Magli's terms end the comiug
Tear. liujh Ime hitherto been very popu
lar in the wan1 The labor issue has al
rcadr been rai-cd. The bricklayers of the
district will make a strong fight, according
lo their assertions. Thev will ask outside
organization to aid iliem.
jlr. Garland was called upon in reference
to the trouble. He refused to believe that
the dissatisfaction amounted to much. He
knew that it existed, but had not worried
Jiimseli concerning it, as he was confident
he board h.id acted properlv in the matter.
Effort had becii made 10 gain the consent
of the oonrr-ie'ors to emplov only union
jneii before the contract v.as let. The re
quest mps coic-ded in every case, eicept
5ng that of the bricklayers. The attoruey
for the board uas consulted, and he de
rided tiiat they could not legally stipulate
in the contracts for union workmanship.
Such an action would be exceeding their
sntlmiitv .-.s :i 'act ionics body elected by
tlw people. Anv attempt at coeicion would
reudcr them amenable to legal proceedings.
It was onlv then the contracts were given
ut, and that with reluctance.
:v of the oddest lcatures of the affair
is the determination which a number have
arrived at to bocotthe building. If cx-
preMons of opinion can be accepted there
i- not the slightest doubt but that this
will be done. Some hold such pronounced
vim that they will uot, under any
cii-- .instances, permit their children to
le nlunited within its walls. It there
ahnnM be anv unauimitv in this opinion it
5s poi ii,t,. jhe school board of the Thirty
iirst v-ird will have some improved
propertv to dispose of in the near iuture.
Ten Kyi. lu ih Trades School Compe
tent Hricklaycrs.
Tho trades s-bool of the Builders' Ki
cb'tge.don u n Seventh street, was a much
visited place yestcrdaj. The stream of vis
itors pcurcd Soto the building to view
the -nork dane bv the graduating class
in the lrici-laviP? department. Three
Tconths ago t-n i.oys, whose ages range
from J5 to 20 Years, started in as green
hands at the business and to-day there are
several creditable samples of their work on
exhibition. Their work lm all been in the
lire of building miniature house fronts,
and tLc curves, ornamentations, etc., are as
well done as veterans in the business
could da
To-day the Builders Exchange will give
X ilBRarr ?. v.. y ! . . . i-.v - . tc ""sT-?j
them dinlomas and formallv graduate thei
The Exchange las secured "them work with
me ue contractors in me cit. m.i jh
'now start another class. The contractors
have agreed to give all graduates of the
school f 1 per dav for the first year, 51 50
for the second and for the third ?2. The
three months spent in the school will be
taken off the three years apprenticeship.
The public is invited to visit the school
and inspect the work.
The Company Sovs There Is No Trouble,
but the Strikers Tell a Different Story A
Boycott Declared The Now Men Are
The Second Avenue Electric Street Hail
way Company is in the heart of a full
fledged strike and boycott, but notatie,up.
Yesterday morning about '20 conductors and
motormen, in accordance with the decision
arrived at the meeting earlier in fhe morn
ing, refused to go to work. The company
was ready for such an emergency and
drafted in enough men to operate five cars.
Tn the afternoon a Dispatch reporter
found Superintendent Burns out at the car
sheds, and concerning the strike said:
Not Considered a Strike.
"I don't consider this a strike. The fact
of the matter is only one man quit work
to-day. We have a number of
new men on to-day, but that
is necessary, as we are constantly increas
ing the number of cars. Yesterday we had
but seven cars running, but this afternoon
we have 10. This is the largest number that
has been in operation since our car stables
liurneu aown. x no noi anticipate any
trouble. I do not care to say why the nine
men were discharged. As I have said be
lorc, every employer has a right to employ
and dismiss who ever he wants to."
All along Second avenue the new con
ductors and motormen were hooted and
called ''scabs," but with this exception the
crowd was orderly. One of the new con
ductors told a Dispatch repofter that he
had not be molested yet. He said the com
pany had taken every precaution to protect
its men.and an officer in citizen's dress would
be on duty in every night car as long as tne
strike lasted.
A Striker Tells His Side.
One of the most prominent of the strikers
had this to say: "All the union men on
the road but four came out this morning.
One of this number is Dennis Friel, a well
known labor man and a motorman
on the road, who said he
would quit work, but this morning when
our committee waited on him, he
said: 'I'll take my car out if
I am the only man on the road.'
Nenton Casby and C. D. Myers, both
officers in our assembly, are alleged to
have given the minutes of the meetings to
Superintendent Burns. They are working
to-day. Michael Brady alo claimed to be
with us, but he is working to-day.
"Our committee posted notices tip in
Moorhead's mills and all the works along
the line, telling the men no t to patronize
the road. To-night we will post up circu
lars all over town, asking the people not
to travel on the road until the strike is de
clared off."
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad officials
were seen, and they said that no extra ac
commodation trains would be put on. In
case that the boycott against the road was
effective they will put on extra cars be
tween Pittsburg and Hazelwood. The road
issues a monthly ticket that makes the fare
about 10' 3' cents for the round trie
A Kind Act of the Citizens' Traction Keller
There was a special meeting of the Citi
zens" Traction Relief Association held in
the East Liberty car barns last night. The
meeting was called to take action concern
ing the recent death of two of their number,
George Clark, night dispatcher at East
Liberty, and Frank Corry, conductor of
car 'o. 22" of the Pcnn avenue branch.
The relief association of this road was or
ganized November 1", 1891. By a
resolution passed at that time,
no member coulc obtain any
benefit from the association until after
.lanuary 1, 1S92. By the resolution also
51.T0 was to be paid to the family at the
death of one of their number, and 537 50
lor the death of a child of one of their
Neither Clark nor Corry were members
of the Association, but had applied for
membership, and would have been in
stalled to-day. The meeting was called
to reconsider the resolution concerning the
time of payment. The resolution was con
sidered, and it was decided, on
account of the destitute condition of
the deceased men's fanrlies to pay the full
amount 5130, to each of the deceased men's
wives. It was also decided to pay to R,
J. Caldwell, who recently lost a child
37 50. To each of these sums John G.
Holmes added 510.
The Birmingham aud Second Avenne Trac
tion Companis Heading; That Way.
Tiro through electric roads from Pittsburg
to 3IcTCeesport are on Pittsburg's possibil
ity slate. One of them at least
seems to be a certainty. It is
well known that both the
Pittsburg and Birmingham and the Sec
ond Avenue Traction Companies are going
to run lines to Homestead. The Birming
ham has already received the right of
way to run through the town
and the Second Avenue Company will in a
few days. It was reported yesterday that
both companies would eventually get
through lines to HcKeesport. H. Sellers
JIcKee, of the Birmingham Company, was
asked whether the report was true, and he
said: "It is too soon to talk about it yet,"
but added with a significant look,"it's
cooking, and I can tell you more about it
Superintendent Burns, of the Second
Avenue line, verified the report to the ex
tent that his company had been out looking
over the ground, and he thought it would
eventually get a line to JIcKeesport.
Largest Chimney Works in the 'World.
Theodore Langenbecker, manager of
George A. Macbeth & Co.'s Ell wood chim
ney house, who has spent the week among
former Southside friends, will return to
Ellwood to-day. He says the factory has1
been closed dow n for the holidays but wilf
resume operations on Monday. Some im
provements in the shape of a new furnace
are talked of, and when they are made Mac
beth & Co. will have the "largest chimney
establishment in the world.
The Trice or Airbrakes Tnmbles.
The "VVestinghouse Airbrake Company
has reduced the price of its airbrakes for
locomotives and freights. The principal
reduction was in the quick-acting brakes
for freight cars, tbey having fallen from
45 to 40 per set. The reduction is due to
the new machinery and increased facilities
of the Wilmerding works.
TJse Ilorsforcl's Acid Fhopliate.
Tir. W. K- Crane. Mitcliell. Dak., savs:
Inn nroven almost a specific for this dis
order: it checks the vomiting, restores the
appetite, and, at the tame time allays the
fear or Impending dissolution, that Is o
common to heavy drinkers."
Before Ton Bay
Candr, oranges or raisins visit my estab
lishments: The prices are low.
E. MAGiinr,
913, 915 Liberty street, 80 Federal street,
1891 Gone 1892 Here.
VTe will have the newest goods. Always.
Keixing & "WiLriS, 710 Penn avenue.
Suns made to order from ?25 np, at
Schauer's, 407 Wood street. HOT
ja(a'p8V"i&-.Ejt' 'r'VH?!'!l5iJI
The Injuries Caused by a Crush Uhe
Basis of a Damage Case.
A Man fleeted From a Train After the
Fennsyltania Company.
James E. Kiley yesterday entered suit
against the Citizens' Traction Company for
52,500 damages. Riley states that on De
cember C, 1S91, he got on a car at Fcrty
first street to go to town. The car was
crowded with more passengers than seats-
could be provided for, aud Kiley had to
stand. At Thirty-ninth street, as the car
was turning a corner with .great speed, it is
alleged, Riley was thrown off and into the
gutter. His spine was injured and he was
otherwise severely hurt.
Charles Read yesterday entered suit
against the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany for 52,000 damages. Read states that
on December 17 he was engaged by Michael-
Wolf &Son, of Baltimore, to go with a car
load of horses and mules shipped from
Pittsburg to Baltimore. The car was shipped
that day and Read went in the car, having
been authorized by the railroad company to
do bo. He reached Marysville all
right, but crews were changed there
and the conductor put him off the train. He
only had 20 cents when put off the train.
He walked 15 miles through the rain, when
he was enabled to get on a freight train and
ride to Altoona.
There he was near getting arrested as a
tramp. He then footed it from Altoona to
Pittsburg, arriving here on Christmas night.
He was sick from exposure and a cold had
settled on his lungs from which he believes
he will never recover.
The Reports of Viewers.
The reports of viewers on the assessments
tor the construction of a number of sewers
were filed yesterday. They were confirmed
nisi to become absolute in 20 days unless
exceptions are filed. The sewers in ques
tion are those on Ann and Marion streets,
Webster avenue and Kirkpatrick street,
Hemans and Kirkpatrick streets and Center
avenue, Henry street, Kirkpatrick street,
Wright's alley, Shipton street, Spring
alley, Boquet street and Craig and Forbes
Next Week's Criminal Trial List.
Monday Criminal Court Commonwealth
vs Henry Iluser, William J. Crott, Barney
Huser, Mollie Camp. Theresa Teets, alUs
Killen, Frank Hamilton alias Hosack, Lizzie
Jones, Richard Sehooley, O. E. McKibben,
Clara Porter, J. K. Jenniucs.SIary Dunbaker,
S. Gcrliune. James Cargo, George Veroskie,
John T. O'Neill, Philip Anshutz, Alphonso
ISnck, J. H. Currell, Edward Nau, Jr.,
Timothy O'Leary, Ansust llabinger.
Tuesdav Joseph Miller, Arthur Olcott,
Georco Northey, William Carney, Hiram
Wedncstlav .Tames N. Tavlor, Henry Iud
inger, David F. Biood, Joseph Mattery, A. E.
McCnne, William Moffatf. Alplionzo Meyer,
Patrick J. Clifford, John W. GiDson.
Thursday J. S Dan son, Charles Heed,
Andv Johnson, Lena Lew is, James Blair,
Maggie Kellv, Marian Knau'e, Charles D.
Little. Georjte W. Sparks, Mary Couners,
Ellis Merriman.
Friday Walter Eans, Jnliits Kutzner,
Minnie Knepppr, John J. Ceylan, Jacob
Brenckle, Clmiles Krcdel, Mary Sligman,
John Sligman, August Danner.
Briefs of the Courts.
Bovard & Setpaito yesterday issued an
execution against Coogan & Couley for $G2fi.
The arguments in the case of S. F. Barr
against the Pittsburs Plate Glass Company,
were concluded in the United States Circuit
Court Yesterday. Mr. Sclioyer. in benalf of
the plaintiff, finished at noon, and the Court
took the papers. No compromise has been
W. W. WniTEfaELi. entered suit yesterday
in behalf of William Howard against Jarvis
Ma'-on, trustee, and A. A. Heiner, constable,
for $2tC00damaResfor the sale of a house
and lot on a landlord's warrant. It is
claimed that the defendants had no right to
sell real estate wLen there were iroods
enough in the houso to satisfy the claim,
which was only $100.
The articles of association for the Con
tractor Publishing Company, limited, was
tiled yesterday in the Kecot der's Office. Tho
purpose of the company is to publish a news
paper devoted to the contracting business of
all branches. Tiie capital stock is $5,000 The
membeis o. the company aie Francis X.
Burns, William W. Murray and Samuel T.
Remove the causes that? make your hair
lifeless and gray with Parker's Hair Balsam.
Parker's Ginger ToNiccuiesinwnidpains.
Out of Sorts
Describes a feeling peciliarto persons of
dyspeptic tendency, or caused by change of
climate, season or life. The stomach is out of
order, the head aches or does not feel right.
The Nerves
seemed strained to their utmost, tho mind is
confused and i ritable. This condition finds
an excellent corrective in nood's Sarsa
parilla, which, by its regulating and toning
powers, soon cures
restores harmony to the system, gives
strength of mind, nerves and body, while it
also purifies the blood and removes all trace
of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, etc.
Sick Headache
"Hood's Sarsaparilla has jrivenmegood sat
isfaction. I have been troubled at times with
indigestion accompanied by sick headache.
It always affords immediate lelief.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
certainly does all tha t is claimed for it." W
D. BucK.Tic.ket Broker, Portland, Me.
PERSONAL Ask for Dusenberry's pies; ask for
Du&euberry's pies.
PERSONAL novelty rrintlngCo.. 77 uiamond
St.; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest
PERSONAL We make special contract for poul
try, game, limits, etc. Address Allegheny
Produce Co.
I PERSONAL cash paid lor old gola and sliver
. watches and jewelry repaired: new work made
to order. Chris. Hauch. 541 smithfield.
1 PERSONAL Ta-va-zon. 7-MInute Cough Syrup;
a sure cure for la grippe, coughs, colds: 25c,
.Vic and SI: try It, that's alt. Griffith. 301 Grant st.
(Coi3 right.)
PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc.. on ladles' races
permanently destrojed by the electric needle
without palu or scar; consultation free. Miss
btrtng, office 421 Peun av.
PERSONAL When 1 was a snail hov mvmother
always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but
since 1 got to be a great big man. Dickson, the well
known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood ot., second
floor, has been substituted, who now does all my
cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape.
TcL 155S.
Have jou subscribed tor 5 our
J. magazine and
neriodicaU for "92 If not-
come and sec us before doing so; itwili pavou;
alto, new and old books at reduced prices. Frank
if aeon & uo., 3ui Kuiitnticia st. open every even
ing. .
Allegheny Couxtv, Pf.xxstlyaxia,
f ITTSBUBO, VA., Dec. 31, 1831.
Sealed proposals will be received at this
office nntit9 o'clock a. m.,' SATURDAY, Jan
uarv 2. lfcM, for supplying Allegheny County
Jail w itll hi ead ana meat from the 15th Any of
January, 132, to the 16th day of July, 1832,
bi ead to be good quality wheat bread: pro-poe-ils
for meat to be, first, good quality
boilinjr beef; not to contain mote than 23 per
cent bone; second, to be free from bone and
fut and beaccompanied with such an amount
of s,oup hone as the AVatden may direct.
The board reserves 'the right to accept or
reject any or all bids. For further iniorma
tiou inquire at the countv jail.
JAMES A. GRIER, County Controller.
jnl-91 .
TW tfiM Tnjf j.
i&cjz.'i-zzLBrwt( wy
' J3f vou -wish to purchase one or a'hundred1
,narreis oi wnissy innona or jx pam m
Jany of the well-known Monqngahela Vnl
'leyryes or Kentucky bourBons or fine
blended goods,- call on the "William H.
Holmes Company, 158 First avenue and 120
Water street, distillers of "Holmes' Best"
and "Holmes' Old Economy." WFSn
-No. 12. Daughters of St. Georpe. are re
quested to meet at thHr hnl!, comer Forty-third
and Butler sts.. on SATURDAY at 1 r. M. sharp,
to attend the nmeral or our late sister, Emily May
burr. Br order of
rirtl-TO TT. V. V.
meetlnpof the stockholders of the Columbia
Oil Comnany, for the election of directors and
other business, will be held on THURSDAY, .lan
uary 14. ISC at 11 o'clock A. M.. otthe office of the
company. No. 514 Market st. A. 1. McGREW,
secretary. dc31-l
Thc annual meeting of the stockholders of the
Monon.ihcia Navigation Company will be held on
THURSDAY, January 14. 1890. at 2 oVIock
r. M.. at the office of said company. No. S AVood
ttrect. rittsbur. for the election of officers and
managers of said companv and other business.
deM-13-D W. BAKEWELL, secretary.
i Masonic Hall Association of 1'lttsburg The
annual meeting of the stockholders of Central Ma
sonic Hall Association of Pittsburg wlllbcln'ldt
Central Masonic Hall Collin- av.. MONDAY,
Jmiarv4, JK92, convening at 7:30 o'clock r. M.. at
which Ime the election of a hoard ofninedlrec
toi s tn serve until the first Mondav after the first
day in January. 1803. will take place, and such
other business as mav he presented.
A. K. HENDERSON, Secreta-y.
S Elections. "
TnE Frkkiiom) baxk. )
PiTTsr.URO. Pa.. Dec. 2, 1891.
J Directors of this bank -will be held at thebank
Ing house oil MONDAY, January 4, 189i between
the hours of 2 and 4 P. M.
de!7-40 J. F. STEEL. Cashier.
The afsexal Bavk or Pittfbueg,
Dec. 31. 1891. (
j Directors of this bank to serve for the en
suing Year will he held at the banking nouse. cor
ner Buller and Fortv-thlrd sts.. on WEDNES
DAY, J nuary 13. 1XX, between the hours of 11 A.
M. and 1 .-. 31. W. S. WILLIAMS.
jal-5-D Cashier.
Thirp Natioxai. Bank. Pittsbcro.
li nine directors of this bank, to serve for the
ensuing rear, will be held at the banking house.523
and 528 Wood St.. on TUESDAY. January 12, 1892,
between the hours of 11 A. m. and 1 p. M.
W. STEI3IEYER, Cashier.
December 12. 1891. deis-42
first Natiojtaj. Bank or Pittsburg. Pa.
PlTTfinnna. Dec. 12. 1891.
nine directors for thi bank, to serve for the
ensuing Year, will be held at the banking house,
corner Wood st. and Fifth av.. TUESDAY'. Jan
uary 12, 1892, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2
p. jr. J. D. fcCULLY. Cashier.
Office of Western Pennsylvania
Exposition bociETY.
PTTTKBtmr;. December 30. 1891.
this socletv for the election or 13 directors to
serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction
of sucli other business as mav be brought up, will
he held in the United States Court Room (old
PosMfflce building). Firth a and smitnneia st
TUESDAY, Januarys. 1892. at 3 o'clock p. M.
de30-62-D A, P. BURCHFIELD. Secretary.
Mercantile Library Hall Company, J
PlTTSBrRG. Dee. 24. 1891. t
the stockholders of this company for the elec
tion of directors and the consideration of anv
other huMness that mav proptrlv come before It
will he held on MONDAY, January 4. 1892. between
the hours of 3 r. si. and 4 P. M,, at the office of
Messrs. Whitney & Stephenson, No. 54 Fourth av.
de24-19 G. W. CRAWFORD, secretary.
ITnsiness Changes.
The firm of Stokelv & Geissenhalner has tilts
day dissolved, the undersigned halng withdrawn
from the firm.
Pittsburg, DecembcrSI, 1891. Jal-73
no Water street. j
Pittsburg, Pa.. Dec. 31. l"il. (
i SHIP heretofore existing between the under
signed, doing business under the firm name of
Fianklln Oil Works Co., expires this date by lim
itation. Thos. J. Bicksler retiring from said firm.
All debts due the firm must be paid to the remain
ing partners, who will pay all debts contracted for
use and benefit of the firm.
.1. W. REAMER,
Airy and Beuvnest. Ky. Co. ,
Alleghenv M. Ry. Co.
Central Traction Co.
Cannonsburglrou and St. Co,
Dtiquesne Traction Co.
Equitable (as Co.
H. C. Frick Coke Co.
Fed. St. and Pleas. Valley Pass. By.
McKeesport and B. V. R. R. Co.
N. Y. and Cleveland Gas Coal Co.
Pg. and West End Pass. Ry.
Pg. and AH'y Bridge Co.
Perry St. Ry. Co.
Troy Hill Pass. Rv. Co.
Turtle Creek Vallev Water Co.
Wllliarasport Brldga Co.
Wheeling Bridge Co.
WilMnsburc EVcc. Co.
Will be paid on and after JANUARY 2. 1892. hv the
121 and 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Ott Savings bank,
op PiTTsnrno, Pa..
Sixth avenue and Smithfield street,
Dpppmhpr a! Itpll
U this bank have this dav declared a dividend of
FOUR (4) PER CENT on the capital stock, payable
forthwith out of the earnings of the past six
months. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Cashier.
duqoesot National bank, )
Fittsbubg. Pa.. Dec. 31. 1891. (
this bank have this day declared a dividend of
FOUR (4) PEE CENTUM, free of tax, on demand.
Jal-65 A. H. PATTERSON. Cashier.
First National Haxk Pittsburg. Va.
PtTTRBUHG. Dec. 31. 1S91.
bank have this day declared a quarterly divi
dend orTWO PER CENT on the capital 'stock,
payable on demand free of tax.
Jal-17 J. D. SCULLY, Cashier.
TnE FREEnoLTi bank, J
Pittsdukg. P Dee. 31, 1891. I
bank have declared a dividend of THREE
PER CENT out cf the earnings of the last six
mouths, payable forthwith.
jal-29 JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
MASONIC Bank. 531 Smlthfleld street, I
Pittsburg. Dec 31. 1811. (
XJ this bank have this day declared a dividend or
THREE (3) PER CENT out or the earnings or the
last six months. Payable on demand.
jal-24-D W. R. CHRISTIAN, Cashier.
Central Bank.
Sit. J
Pittsburg, Pa.. Dee. 29. lSIl,
XJ this Dauic has tins day declared a quarterly
dividend or ONE AND ONE-HALF (IJs) PER
CENT out of the earnings ot the past three months,
payable at the banking house, N o. 47 Fifth av.
jal-t C. C. DAVIS, Cashier.
Dec. 31. 1891. (
J this bank has this da declared a dlvidendor
FOUR (4) PER CENT out or the earnings of the
last six months, payable forthwith.
Jal-2-D W. S. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
v Notices.
of the Northslde Bridge Co.. due JANUARY
1. 1892. will bn paid on and after that date on pre
sentation at the office of3Iessrs. Robinson Bros.,
No. 415 Wood st. B. L. ORR.
de30-32 Treasurer.
i on the 4 per cent bonds or the PIttshurg and
"Western Railway Company will be paid on and
after January 1, 1892, at the office of Drexel, Mor
gan & Co., No. 26 Wall St.. New York City. N. Y.
de27-69 W. II. DUFFELL, Treasurer.
McKeesport. Pa.. December "4. 1891. t
Water Bonds (lsue of 18811. Notice
Is hereby given that the Sinking Fund
Commissioners of the Citv of McKeesDort nronose
to purchase the following "Water Bouds Issued by
the Borough of McKeesport. vli: Nos. 1,2,3, 4, 5. 6,
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 14 aud 15 for f 1.000 each; lio.
41 for (oOO. and IS os. 81 and 82 for f 100 each in sixty
days from thia date, after which time interest on
bame will cease. (K II. IIERWICK,
de25-27-TuF Secretary.
Legal Notices.
H. yuinn. of the city of Newark. Essex
count, N. J., has this day made an assignment to
the subscriber of his estate for the equal Denefitof
Ids creditors, and that the said creditors must ex
hibit their respective claims, under oath or affirma
tion, to the subscriber at his store.No. 98 Highs t.,
NewarK. N. J. Dated December 29, 1891.
J-S6-F DENNIS J. RYAN. Assignee.
JOHN H. KERR, 89 Diamond street,
CEASED. Executrix's Notice Notice Is
hereby given that letters testamentary on the es
tate ol Sarah B. Riblnson. late or the city of Pitts
burg. In the county or Allegheny and State of
Pennsylvania, deceased, have been graAted to the
undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make Immediate payment,
aud those haviug claims or demands against the
same will make them known, without deist, to
jal-20-Th' Fortieth street, Pittsburg, Pa,
'tqudreydr one nteftiori. dcutfled'reat' ertate
advertUementi on Viii page ten jents per line for
each insertion, and none taken for leu than
thirty cents.
Classified uuder the following headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
FOB EACH INSERTION when pali for In ad
vancc either at main or branch offices.
Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds,
Cor. Smlthfleld and Diamond Streets,
Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have accounts with The Dispatch.
THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler street.
EMIL G. STUCK EY. 24th street and Penn avenue.
F. H. EGGERS SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets.
THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin avenues.
FERRY M. ULEIM, Bebecca and Allegheny ar.
Stale Help.
ARMATURE -winders: first-class men:
Monday morning at 947 Liberty st.
BOOKKEEPER Competent bookkeeper to take
charge of set of D. K. hooks: one acquainted
with newspaper work preferred. Address D. E.
Books, Dispatch office.
BUGGY WASHER None but sober and exnerl
enced need apply. T. B. Moreland, 6100 Tenn
MAN A pushing business man. 23 to 40 years or
age. Ut assist in establishing a branch tn a
grod-parlng business at Dinvllle, III.: one for
Lvnchburg. Va. : a capital of $600 required; business
thoroughly legitimate and will bear close Investiga
tion; will yleldsi,800to $2,200 per year: more If
properlv pushed: onlv those who mean business
and having the required capital need apply. Call or
address, irlving age and occupation. Rooms 45, 43
and 47, Eisner building.
MAN A single man to scrnh and make himself
useful about a house. Iuqulre at West Penn
Hospital, Twenty-eighth 6t.
MEN A few active, hustling solicitors to com
mence the new year with us on a new line;
easv work and big p-iv: call soon first come get the
snap. -ind hold it for the jear '92. E. GatelyA
Co., 25 Federal St., Allegheny.
MEN Two draper and shade men : must be com
petent and experienced In city work. Apply
to E. Groetzlnger. 627 and 629 Penn av. .
SALESMEN To sell stores 0'Kefe's O. K. shoe
blacking, the finest In the world: good com
missions. O'Keefe & Co., 708 Smlthfleld St., Pitts
burg. Pa.
SALESMEN Three first-class car-Tet salesmen;
those onlv with citv einerience need apply.
E Groetzlnger. 627 and 629 Penn av.
"ITITATcHMAN An indoor night watchman and
H to clean up the premises: best of references
and bond required. Address Box 595, Pittsburg.
Agents "Wanted.
AGENTS On salary or commission to handle
the new patent fbemlcal Ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling noveltv ever producM: erases
Ink thoroughly In two seconds; no abrasion oi
rarer: 200 to NO per centprofit: one agent's sales
amounted to 620 in six dajs: another J SI In two
hours: we want one energetic general agent for
each State and Territory. Forterms and full particu
lars, address rl he Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La
Crosse. Wis. (X1C).
AGENTS Mineral lampwlc'is: never burn out:
no smoke, no soot, no trimming: light equal
togas; 3 samples 10c assorted dozen, 25c. Stayner
& Co., Providence, B. I.
AGENT wanted for noveltv of great ntllltv: big
commissions. P. P. P. Co., 1JS S. Fourth St.,
Philadelphia. Pa.
AGENT 3 to 57 dally: experience unnecessary.
Putnam Co.. Ferfumers, West Wiusted. Ct.
Male and Female Help Wanted. ,
HELP Cooks, chambermaids, dining room girls,
laundresses, nurses, housegirl for families
kitchen, pantry, and chambermaids for hotels,
rooks and dishwashers for restaurants and board-
Ing,t)ouscs, waiters, farm hands, white and colored
' malei help supplied on short notice. Mrs. E.
Thompson, 608 Grant St.
HELP At once, male cook. 2 waiters, butcher,
farm hands, coal miners, bov to assist on a
farm, hotel cooks, dishwashers, chambermaids. 2
dining room girls (1 per week. 200 house girls,
family cooks aud chambermaids. 2 colored girls,
child's nurse, laundress. Meehau's, 545 Grant st.
Telephone, 90.
ABORERS 1(0 railroad laborers, 300i coal
miners, house girls, male and female cooks,
butchers, bakers, waiters and teamsters: three
grocerj- clerks. Keystone,Employment Agency, 610
Grant st.
Female Help Wanted.
Strong, for general housework at No. 11
VT Pcnnsyhanla av,
Allegheny; to good girl
best wages will be paid.
(iIRL With good reference,
X work. Apply 624 Penn av.
for general house-
GIRL A good nurse girl at 38 Beech St., Alle
gheny. LADIES To do fancy work at their homes; we
turnish material and pavper piece. Call and
see work, or address with stamp, J. M. Lemar &
Co.1, No. 90 Fourth av., near Wood,
STABCHER and girl who understands collar and
cuff finishing Ed's laundry, 441 Liberty st.
Situations Wanted.
rOSITTON In office or store, or as ass'stant hook
keeper: by competent and reliable young man.
Address J. M. E.. Dispatch office.
POSITION By young lady bookkeeper or cash
ier; had experience and excellent training.
Address A. B. C., Box 916. Pittsburg.
POSITION As bookkeeper or cashier in a busi
ness where lean Invest from S2.500 to 5,000.
Address Mfg., Dispatch office.
1 POSITION Barber wants position; 14 years' ex
. penence. Address In l ear C3J9 Penn av., Pitts
burg, Pa.
SITUATION as watch maker ami jeweler; 12
5 ears' experience. Address 8. Frank, No. 51
Gibbon St., Pittsburg.
SITUATION-At bome: copying or other writing
wanted nv a person with spare hours. Address
K 12.5, Dispatch office.
SITUATION By a young man In store or office;
low waees to start. Address K., Dispatch
office. Allegheny.
SITUATION As drur clerk; registered as man
ager. Address H. H. Sltaunon, Heaver Falls,
SITUATION January 1, by practical accountant.
Books. Dispatch otnee.
CUTTKRS WANTED-Manymcn or great talent
areuusuccesslul because they go throngh the
world with their eves snut. Those who use the A.
D. Rude New jHetnod or Cutting are successful.
Taught only at Cleveland Cutting School, Clee
aud, Ohio.
PUPILS To learn bookkeeping, penmanship or
shorthand during leisure hours at home; In
struction by mail : satisfaction guaranteed ; scholar
ship i. pavable at completion or course. Address,
stating references. Prolessor, Dispatch office.
Business Opportunities Wanted.
TAX TED To represent a Pittsburg concern In
IT New York by a gentleman or the highest
reputation and business ability, now traveling hut
antlons to discontinue; salary moderate; card iu
serted by a friend ot the applicant who would be
glad to arrange auintervicw. Address G. G., Dis
patch office.
Rookkeeping Accounts, Etc., tl auted .
AUDITING and accounting I attend to any
thing in the hue or Intricate accounting,
auditing the books er corporations; manufactur
ers, merchants, hotel aud others. A. F. bawhiU,
187 Federal St., Allegncuy, Pa.
Fire Insurance Wanted.
BENSWANGEB & ZAHN Fire Insurance,
Fourth av.
Claney, scc'y., AV. A. Caldwell, Pres't; 98
Fourth av.
Hoarders and Lodger AVanted.
BOARDERS For nicely furnished second floor
front room. 221 Federal st., Allegheny.
OCCUPANTS for two furnished or unfurnished
rooms on first floor. Apply 107 Ross st. and
Fifth av.
Real Estate AVanted.
TyANTED To rent a house with all the modern
A? Improvements, ten rooms or more, for one
or two years, located between Oaklaudand AiPMi
av.. EaEt End: one with stable or carriage house
prefeired: will pay lllieral rent for desired location.
Address 6.27 and 629 Feunav., cln.
WANTED-Honses to rent In
two cities. A. D, Wilson,
all parts of the
65 Federal St.,
'Farmer AVanted.
PARTNERS Three partners to manage light
manufacturing business; one to Invest 8500, one
to Invest ?!,000 and one to Invest J2.U0O. Call at
Chambers' Business Agency, 102 Fourth ay..
Room 6,
y&ywiivi '"xtz.
Financial Wanton;
BOND, ffoeks. mortgages and other securities.
Ed Wltttshy 410 Gi ant St., Pi tubnrg. -
MONEY to loan at lowest rate 6( Interest: loans
granted promptly, no delay: have a large
amount ou hand at the present time: bring your
dert with you, will guarantee proiuptloan or no
charge. .I.E. McCrlckart, 140 Firth av.. Tele
phone 1676.
MORTGAGES on citv or Allegheny connty prop
erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver &
Co.. 92Fonrth av.
TO LOAN J20n.Cfn on mortgages: T100 and up
ward atOper cent: fJOO. COO t'4H percenton
residences or business property, vacant lots or
farms. t H. French. 125 Fonrth av.
Miscellaneous TTanfetl-
BICYCLE In good condition: state make and
price. .Address B. M., Dispatch office.
(1 ItOCERS and dealers to bnv Boneless Rolled
T Hams, sausage, pork, sparrlbj. lard, all kinds
smoked meat cheap. E. A.' Bcinctnau. 16 Pitts.
PATENTS O. D. Levis (20 vears). Sollrltor. 131
Fifth av.. ne-ct Leader. Pittsburg: no delay.
M-RUNlv lnuien o and from East End for 50c.
L Campbell Davis, 12 Seventh av. Telephone
"XTfANTED-Informatlon or one Daniel Llnder
1 1 mcr (a boy of 18). who left his home on the 1st
of this month:IwilI not be responsible for any
debts that he mav contract. William Lindermer
(his rather). Castle Shannon Postoffice, Allegheny
county. Pa. .
"WT'A.NTED White oak standing timber, large or
? T 'small tracts, situated acce-sslblv to the Penn
svlvanli. Baltimore and Ohio or Chesapeake and
Ohio Railroad-. Address, with full particulars.
Oak, Dispatch office.
WANTED Evcrvbodv to know that Pickering,
the hon'.e furnisher,'" will sell 910 worth of
goods on credit for$l down and 50c a week. Pick
ering, corner lentil and Penn av.
TTTANTED-To rent a small farm -with small
house and b-rn. within 30 mllei of Pitt-burg;
give location and terms to Box 1494, Bradford. P.i.
WANTED-ronltrv and game of all kinds. Ad
dress Allegheny Produce Co.. 53 South Dia
mond, Allegheny.
USE Jones' Bedbug Faraly7cr Jones' Maele
"toach Powder: contains no poison: roaches
banisned bv contract; satisfaction given or no pav.
Prepjrcdby Geo. W. .Ione. 222 Federal it., Alle
gheuy. Pa. Sold bvallfii-st-elassdniggists.
Horses. Vehicles, Live Stock For Sale.
HORSE One good
-doctor's buggy,
harness, "25. W. A.
work horse, STiO; one good
S40: one set double -ork
Hadfleld, 253 Federal St., Al-
HORSE Styll-h bay horse: good and quiet
driver: weight 1,150; at a bargain. P. J.,
Dispatch office.
HORSE AND BUGGY-If sold before ""aUirdav
evening only ?G0. Address Buggy, Dispatch
Machinery and Meta's For Sle.
ACME Automatic Safetv Engine and non-explosive
holler, built from one to five horse
power, natural gan or common carbon oil as fuel.
no engineer renuirea. penecuy saie ana rename.
economy in luet ana
durability a special feature.
No. 4 Fifth av.
J. Prager. General Agent.
OILERS and engines, second-hand; all size.
from 4 to lOOh. n.: cheapest in the market: 46
boilers and engine- In stock, stationary and porta-
pie, upngni Doners, mounted larm engine, eie.;
steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.
Telephone 3101, 23-J5 Park way, J. S. Voung.
Allegheny. Pa.
I ENGINES and boilew of every description: brick
j yard subpRcs; contractors. and rolling mill ma
chinery. Thomas Carlin's bons, Lacock and San
dusky sts.. Allegheny.
FOBOE ''ecind-hand portable rivet forge. Ad
dress Forge. Dispatch office.
I?()R SALE-Cheap.goofl second-hand engines. 12
1 xDlnch I2-18 inch. 11x14 inch, 10x12 inch, and
manv smaller sizes: new engines and boilers, all
sizes and styles: saw mills and wcoa working ma
chinery. Hannes' Machine Depot, yp First av.,
RINDSTON"E3-In all sizes, for all kinds of
grinding: Craigleith, Newcastle. Nova Scotia
and other grits: Iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power: mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Kirby, 13i First
SECOND-HAND engines and boilers; engine 18x
48. hollers 44 Inchesx20 feet; two flues, fixtures
comnlete: all in first-class condition: will sell chean.
E.M.Sims, corner Fifth st. and Duqnesne way,
SECOND-HAND planing mill machinery:
double surf-fcers: two single surfacers:
sincrlc surfacer and matcher; one new 1'2-lucli hand
jointer: wood and iron pulleys and hangers. Butler
& Gardner, Short and Liberty streets.
Coal For Sale.
COAL Anthracite aud bltnminous coal and
crushed coke lor domestic purposes: general
hauling. Latimer. Mvers .t Co., Fourth and Try
sts. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts.
CIOAL Bnv vourliimp coal, nut and slack at Mc-
Elwaiu's, 'Seventh and Duqnesne way. Tele
phone 1117.
Miscellaneous. For Sale.
Co.. 89 Water St.
hemp packlug. Flocker &
TX)R SALE Poultry, game, butter, eggs, apples
J. potatoes, etc. Address Allegheny Produce Co.
1") ED BRICK In-large or small quantities. Witt
X mcr Brick Co.. Llm., 12 Federal St., Alle
gheny, Pa.
SEND for a for sale list.
eral st.. Allegheny.
A D. Wilson, 55 Fed-
Business Opportunities.
BUSINESS OPENING-In an old-estalished
lobbing houe in the city Is araUahle to one or
two good men who can furnish from SI0.000to20.
000 capital and produce undoubted testimonials of
business integrity, acquaintance and ability. Par
ticulars can be learned confidentially at the' office of
Jas. W. Drape &. Co., 313 Wood st.
BUTCHER SHOP-In good location, doing a
good business. 79 Fifteenth st , Wheeling,
W. Va. Selling out on account of sickuess.
COAL LANDS FOR SALE-I have for sale the
following coal Lands: 25 i acres of regular Con
nellsvllle coking roal near Sewlckley branch of
the Southwest Railroad; tenement houses, farm
house and store building: 800 acres fully devel
oped and equipped readv for operation on the
IMonongahcla river and P. V. A C. U. R.; capicity
20,000 bushels dailv; 330 acres with several thou
sand acres behind which can be leased, on the
Panhandle Railroad. 30 miles from Pittsburg.
3.250 acres of cokintr coal land on tlie B. O. R. It.
In West Virginia, cheap. I also have some well
equipped mines for lease that can be put In opera
tion wnnin a lew nays, r or particulars can on
J. II. HUlman, No. 8 i ood st.
good business
Inquire at 137
nlace: good reason for selllnz.
Twelfth sU. Southside.
DRUGSTORE In a thriving manufacturing
town on line of railroad; fine opening: busi
ness in a prosperous condition and everx thing In
frime order. Jas. W. Drape X Co., 313 Wood St.,
I70R SALE Allegheny hoarding house, finest
: street, facing parks, elegant IO-room brick,
rents;H)perYear:a select thoroughly established
business. 20 to SO boarders: table board S5: single
room, second floor front, for onecouDle brines S75
per month: 11 roomers give income of 8320 per
month. a-Me from mealers: wc offer this business
and complete furnishings of house throughout (ex
cept piano) for $1,000; this is a choice opening.
Burtt & Sweeny, 110 Fourth av.
TOR SALE Fine merchant tailoring and gents'
furnishing, notion and wall paper: restau
rant, grocerv stores. KOO'to SIO.CO0: cigar store.
bafcerv. milk depot: fish aud ster market,
butcher shop, jewelry store, wltit large repair
trade; good hotel. Holmes & Co., 420 bmithtield
I TOR SALE-'A first-class liquor store doing a
. good business on a principal street In Cleve
land; ill health the reaeon ror selling. Applv lo J.
L. Rice & Co., 235 superior St., room 4, Clevelaud,
I FOUNDRY BUS1NES-A successrnl busineson
; line of railroad audrier at an immenscbar
gain: excellent situation to roinmand the city and
railroad tra.le: full and complete equipment and
everything In full running order: n ill bescldat
hairless than alue: this is-a splendid opening: sat
isfactory reasons for selling. Jas. W. Drape
Co., 313 Wood st.. Fltftdurg.
GROCERV At a great sacrifice: grocery store
for 300, n orth S1.-200; come quick forit must
be sold soon. Inquire A. Goeddel, ICO Collins av..
East End.
MACHINE and blacksmith shop: will sell all or
part: easy terms. Inquire at Smather3 &
I.auglilin's Boiler Shop, Evan City, Pa.
Y)AKTY Engaged in manufacturing specialties
L for the drug and grocery trade, on account or
iusufllcleiit capital, desires to sell all orpartinter
estln same: busluesa successful; profits large. Ad
dress SpcclaI..Dlapatch office.'
1" JLUMBING SHOP-Flrst-cIass: gooil location;
doing good business; good reasons for selllug.
J. I!., Dispatch office.
rAA'ING- newspsper business: no opposition:
good reasons for selling. Outlook, McDouald,
SIIUESTORE In good location: good reasons for
selling. Address Shoes, Dispitch office.
STOUI.S of every clasincity and country towns;
burtness chances of every description: partner
ships, bonds and mortgage&and stocks at Chambers'
Busiuess Agency, 102 Fourth av., room 6.
Business Fiouerties For Sale.
T7ALUABLE opera house property, with three
A stores and dwelllngsitnate iu the best busi
ness part of u prosperous manufacturing town, on
Hue or railrocd aud river: will sell at a decided
hargal'i. very much less than actual value, Jas.
W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood st,. Pittsburg.
YALUABLE property fur sale; the property of
the First Lutheran Church, Altoona. Pa.,
fronting 100 feet on Elevcutl. av.. between Four
teenth and FlfteCntlists., haA Ing thereon erected a
large two-storr brick church building. 4SxlOO leet;
also a two-story brick parsonage; hoth of these
buildings can he converted Into business houses! at
llltlecust;a good opportunity for a good invest
ment. For further Information inquire of or ad
dress AV. F. Tavlor. Altoona. Pa.
City Resiuenca. '
TNESIRABLE Fourth av. property, near Market
U st.: lot 24 feet, frouting on Fourth av.: must
be sold to settle an estate. teo Johnston, Agent,
62 Fourth v.
-- . JJS...W-SIS?S
r -sw-
Penn st-.nr.
TESIRABLE Penn stpr.
XJ Geo. Johnston, Agent.' R.
Enst End 'Residences
j!i a home In East End with lm
sion we have a bargain at 3,800: a
with modern conveniences on a
street that is pared and sewered: ce,
can be honght on easy terms. S. A. j
Penu and Shady ars.. East End.
FIFTH AV.. Oakland, a modern built
residence, between Craft av. and Mt
coutaining-nine rooms, with all the mr.
provements for less than value to a prompt
0. II. Loyf . S3 Fourth av.
IjESIDENCEandlocln the East End. ones.
W Tram South Highland av.. at a great ban,
eight rooms, small room. bath. etc.. etc.. anr.
about 30x120 feet to an allev: a prompt purchai
can secure this pronertvat S5.250: the best valne
the East End. See Jas. 'W- Drape & Co.. 313 Woo.
St.. Pittsburg.
CJJfT 500 for a new and complete nine-roomed i
iibJi frame honse In a splendid location, conven
ient to all tl eranid trauslt lines. Including Penn
sylvania Railroad: huuse has every modem con
venience, and street Is paved and sewered; lot 30x
110: ravorjble terms: an inspection will convince
you that this Is a bargain, s. A. Dickie J& Co.,
Penn and Shady ays.. East End.
Allecheny Residences For Sale.
ALLFGHEVY Avery neat dwelling, contigu
ous to the parks: eght rooms. Including
spacious double parlors, bath. lavatory, laundrr.
furnace, etc.. etc.. and in prime order throughout:
would exchange In part lor property in the
suburbs, the East End or Wllklusburg. Jas. W.
Drape & Co.. 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
A LLEHENY A nice dwelling V square above
the parks and electric, cars: 7 rooms, with bath,
lavatory and everything resplendent with beauty
and comfort: a bargain can lie obtained by a quick
buyer, as the owner Is going West: immediate pos
session. Jas. W. Drape 4 Co.. 313 Wood St., Pitts
burg. A io per cent investment-two small
dwelling houses in Allegheny. Third ward,
contiguous to Ohio st. and Madlsou ay : rent $372
annually: will sfll ror fl.300cashor short pay
ments. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pitts
burg. TOWELLINGS Three nice brlcK dwellings
As most new in Secoud ward. Allegheny.
line oi electric ears. They were taken for a
debt by a bank and we are instructed to make
prompt and positive sale and are therefore In shape
to give a bargain: will sell the houses together or
soparately. Jas. W. Drape Jt Co., 313 Wood street,
TTTESTERN AV. Allegheny, an excellent brick
VV dwelling with two lots, about one square
fiomthe parks: ten One rooms. Including double
parlors and replete throughout with the desirable
modern conveniences; small payment will betaken
down and the residue on long time; Immediate
possession given. Jas. W. Drape Co.. 311 Wood
St.. Pittsburg.
Snbnrhan Residences For Sale.
HOUSES and lots In Coraopolis, I'.iUE. R. R. ;
easy terms. Inquire of G. B. Hart, Cora
opolis. M3CLINTOCKAV.,Second ward. Allegheny At
a bargain, elegant suburban home; frame
house, two stories and mansard: contains parlor,
dining room, reception hall and library; eight
chambers, laundry, bath. etc.. carriage house and
stable. Call and ee about this: want to sell quick.
A. D. Wilson, 55 Federal St., Allegheny,
TT7TLKINSBURG New and commodious rrame
i V house, slate roof, five rooms on first floor,
five rooms on second floor: all modern fixtures;
sewered: hard wood and cabinet mantels: city
water: electric light, chandeliers: lot -52x120 to
alley; In good location; eastern exposure: to be
sold on account of removal or owner at a bargain;
only f.500. Hoffman Baldrldge, Wilklnsburg,
opposite depot. Telephone, 7248.
Vn-KINSBURGCholce lota in one of the best
t locations In Wilkimbnrg. 50x120 to alley,
street sewered and stone sidewalks: to anyone who
will improve wilt sell at a bargain : one square ot
electric lin'sand 5 minutes from P. R. R. depot.
Hoffman & Baldrldge, Wilklnsburg, opposite
depot. Telephone 7243.
City Lots.
AT a bargain, several very fine hnildlng lots
fronting on Duff. Channcey. Webster and
Bedford ays.. Thirteenth ward: must be sold at
once regardless of cost. Geo. Johnston. 62 Fourth
Fast End Lots For Sale.
"iHOICE LOT. 31x190 feet: Terrace street. Oak
j land; fine view with southern exposure: .cloe
to Fifth aye.: good stable on rear; price low. M.
F. Hippie & Co., 36 Fourth avenue.
FINE lot 56x120 on Stanton ar.. 2TO feet from
Highland, and onlrOO per foot: finest loca
tion in the East End: street paved and stone side
walk: all paid, bee Kelly Kogers, 6.116 Penn ar..
Allegheny L-ots For Sa1.
3AVmTE ST.. Allegheny, fine nnildlnj? lots. A.
. 1). "Wilson, 55 Federal St., Allegheny,
Arch st.. Second ward, Allegheny, lot 20x100 ft,
to another st.prlce only f4."00.
"A . A. Ilerron & tons, 80 Fonrth ar.
AT A SACRIFICE In Allegheny 11 lots, locited
as follows: Four lots. 2QxlC5 each, fronting
on 1'ennsTlvania ar.. extending bacK to a 12-foot
allev; four lots. 21x100 feet each, fiontlngnn Fre
mont st. and extending to a li-foot alley; three
lots. 20t1C5 feet each, fronting on Jackson st.and ex
tending back to a 12-foot alley; the above lots will
he sold at a bargain: term? one-third cash, balance
in two and three vears. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62
Fourth av., Pittsburg.
Suburban JLots For Sale.
QUBURBAN LOTS at Chartlers-FIne nnllding
O lots $300 to $600. according to size and location,
within sight of the Court House: Chartlers is the
most accessible of anv suburb of Pittsburg, belnff
reached bv the P. & t,. E. K. in 12 minutes, bv
Chartlers packets In 25 minute: and by electric
cars, which are to take the place of the present
horse car line next spring. In 25 minutes; these lots
front on line of eicctrlc road. For further particu
lars, T. H. Dickson, 0T Fourth av.. Room 39.
Farms For Sale.
I7ARM A good farm about ICO acre's, near the
. city; only one mile from railroad station;
churches, schools, etc.. etc.: excellent d -veiling,
outbuildings, large orchard, water, etc., etc.; one
or the hest farms In the connty, and for stock or
dairy purposes has no equal. Jas. W. Drape &
Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
Manafacturinc; ites For Sale.
A FEW desirable n anufacturlng sites on Alle
gheny Valley Railroad: river and railroad
front; locations tine. Geo. Johnston. 62 Fonrth av.
City Residence.
ON Wylie av.. between Dnn and Channcey sts..
new brick house of six rooms and mansard,
with bathroom, hot and cold water In kitchen; low
rent to desirable tenant. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fourth
avenue. t
aOLET House of6 rooms and finished attic on
Crawford St., n-ar Reed; water in house:
natural gas ir desired; good yard and rent cheap to
April 1. J. E. McCrlckart, 140 Fifth ave.
Allegheny Residences To Let.
TO LET No. lJSRldgc ave.. Allegheny. $30 per
month; three-story brick house, eight rooms,
bath, cemented laundrv, both gases: immediate
possession. Applv to W. AV. Lawrence & Co.,
Water St., below Penn ave., Pittsburg;
Rooms To Let.
ROOM NIcelv rurnished front room; both
gase'Mise bath: 15 minutes' 'valk from court
honse. 240 Dinwiddle st.
TO LET Finely furnished frnn;room ror gentle
man only. Inquire John E. Born, 1611 spring
alley, Pittsburg.
rpo LET Furnished flat, 2 bedrooms, bath, etc.
X 8 Wylie av.
-Nicely furnished rooms. 196 Fourth
Offices and Desk Room To Tver.
TO LKT Office rooms, third floors, suitable for
attorneys or real estate business; light and
heat furnished. Apply to Dispatch Business Office,
corner smlthfleld and Diamond sts.
mo LET-
Desk room in our main office, with use
X o
of desk, etc.: also a private room, newly rur
nished with desk, chairs, carpets, etc. C. H. Love.
93 Fourth av.
Business Stand.! To Let.
TO LET In Ferguson block, the finest fireproof
office building in the city, located on Third
avenue, just below the new postoffice. having also
Fourth avenue entrance: choice storerooms and
offices, with all modern conveniences, high speed
elevators, steam heat, electric light and janitor's
services tree: rent lower than others are getting in
old and inconvenient buildings: possession altout
Jannarv 2: rent free until April 1: send for Illus
trated book. Black Baird, No. 5 Fourth av.
aO LET-Oflice In bntldlng 75. 77 anil 71 Diamond
. St., with electric light, steam heating. Janitor
and elevator service:rcnt ?3t0 per year:aIso rooms of
various sizes with power: possession Immediately.
Apply to John T. Shields, second floor. Dispatch
building, corner Smltheld and Diamoud streets.
TO LET Separate
track; alf receii
storerooms with railroad
receiving hand liner. shlDDin&r and
97. hand line, si
nellverlnir facilities: also office room, innn
facilities; also office room.
.... " '- i -.'
innnjrc oi
M . A. liooveler, Storage, like and Twelfth sts.
rittsbnrg. To.
TO t.KT Storeroom and liasement fronting on
Penn and Frankstown are. at the East End, tn
the very best part of the East laid for anv kind of
mercantile business, C H. iove. 93 Fourth ar.
rpO LET Desirable storeroom. Diamo id at. In
Jl new Dispatch building: light and heat fur
nished. Apply to Kuslness Ofllcu The Dispatch,
cornergraltlitield and Diamond &U. ,
ONE-HALF store. No. 70S Smlthfleld st. : Imme
diate possession; the most desirable location in
the city; suitable for any branch or busiuess. In
quire on premises.
a0 LEI Warehouse 117 Vi'ater St.. running
. thronsh to First ar.. with immediate posses
sion. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth ar.
TO LET-SmlthUcld St. Good store: one ortn
best locations on the street. C. H. Love. S3.
Fourth av.
TO fcET-HotMJn this city, centrally located.
H. Love, to Fourth av.
Farms To Lei.
TO-LET Garden and dalrr farm or 85 acres,
seven miles from city: railroad station on farm ;
Immediate possession: rent free till April 1. fiirt.
Apprr to William A. Slpe. 93 Diamond St., Fltts-bars.
Of 12 rooms in i.
borhood. Street
sidewalk; conveniei
lines. Lot43.tll4.4.
Less than the cost or the b,
Penn Avenue Prope.
First jvard, well located, for storage!
manufacturing-. Large three-
story buildinjr. Alley
at side.
lying between Penn avenue and' Pent
svlvania Railroad offers to intending bu
chasers the very finest lot of property!!
this reilly delightful neighborhood whe
the society, schools, cli arches, etc areitii
best. Duquesne Electric and Pennsylvan
Railroad cars furnish rapid transit eve
few minutes. Each lot in this) plan lie w
and has fruit and shado trees. The prKf
aro low and terms easy. Don't uuy
Shadvside where prices are ont of sight d
til after von see these Iota. For plans a;
prices see L1G UETT BROS., 71 Diamond st
Nine room", handsomelv finished, mod
fixture-; stable and man's riom; fine appe
ance; immediate possession ir desired;
near Stanton and N. HfehlaVid aves. W. I
Herron & Sons, SO Fourth av. Jal-68-j
$13,500 OALANi
On asphalt paved antl sewered S". ffi.
new 2-room Queen Anno style brick .dwej
In, hall, bath, range, laundry, slate nia
tels, tile hearth?, both gasjes inside shuttel
etc. Very complete, a cdnier propertyal
very desirable location. -3)
M. T, IliPPLE & CO-Z
jal 53-wFsn ftjyourtb avenira
On 60-foot residence stret S
and cable cars, fine new modeii-oty.
Anne brick dwellmir. 11 rooms. recenKf
l.all, hardwood finish and mantels.fA,
hearths, etc., laundry, stationary tubs,.vej
complete bathroom. In fact, the dwellM
was built for ne or present owner, ancll
substantial and complete. Lot SO 6r lOOti
A barzain. 11. F. HIPPLE & COl
de20 1-TiiwF 93 Fonrth ar,
Tho lease havinsr two years to run, fn
Anril 1. 1S32. and fixtures, at SOOandbtSl
ertv avenne: second and third floors, oo
pied by Oppenheimer & Kaufman, wiM3
offered at public sale on Saturday nexCJa
uarv 2. at 10 o'clock A. jr.. on the DremBu
Owing to Friday being a holiday; oor.salaj
fnrniture, carpets, etc., at Our room3,2y
Ninth street, will he postponed until Tti
d.iy, January 5, IKE. HEXIIY AUCT
CO., Auctioneers. de31-
Eisner building. Fifth av. andt Woodlj
Sales of Jewelry aud Merchandise at stoxj
Fnrniture at residences prordptly attel)
ed to. de3-3-
For VounAfen and Boys.
(Graduate or Exeter and Harvard).- Mfcl
PA. 114 miles troin liroau st. station, 1-nua.)
I 7 opposite Court llcn-e
term begins January 4,1802: fnlleolIesrS
course': snpenor iustrnction InwortM
and typewriting, bookkeeping andepor
shin; the best opportunities for meet
drawing, music, elocution; nigntiA
classes leading to graduation diploma
degress. . i
E. M. AVOOD, Ti. T. IXt
de27 Presid
CURBY Collegiate Department, TtTeB
CURRY Normal School, Th
CURRY EnclishTraininsSchool, Theft
CURRY Business College, TheJS
CURRY School of Shorthand, The B
CURRY Conservatory ofilusie, ,TIieE!
CURRY School of Elocution. TheH
CURRY Faculty and Discipline,, -" TIie'B
Call or send, for catalo-ue. H, M..R01
President. , oo-Jf.
R. G. Dun & m
AYestinghouse Buildinjr, corner PennM
and Ninth St., Pittsburg, PajyjfSj
i ins estaunsnnieni supplies au nee
information as to tho standimr. resno
ity, etc., of business men througboutu
. America, u is tne outesr. anu uviaj
f most complete and extensive system's
,- organized lor the accommodation oflJM
I inir and Mercantile Interests and the Geni
Promotion, and Protection of Trader. .iSSaj
jjeotH louccteu anu j.egaL .Business'
tended to tliroushout the North; Ame(j
' Continent, -i'3Bf-'i
DR. E. W. DEAftH
diseases or TaE
Ears,Nose,Hiroat and Chest
Office hours 9 A. jr. to t Ti
031 Penn avc.Pittsburi
:,. "
sixth xvwtivSitr' a
S500 TO S500;0(&S
gases, city or country property!. at h
rates. as. . uUii.'iijct;o., SB. we
Pittsburg. Telephone, No. 95, A' a
I '
i ' r .iTwiifiii wwiiiif
arSiliwjp-iig iUfSt"