irnarwmm -if tr v '. i- THE .PJTTSBUBG ' DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1891. eraHU Kinv ADVERTISEMENTS. ON FIRE WiTH ECZEMA Terrible Sufferings of Utile Baby. Seven Doctors and Two Hospitals Fall. Cured by Cuticura. MTbahrbov, 5 months old, broke out Tilth ec zema. The itchlnjr and burning was Intense: the ecreraa spread to hl limbs, breast, face, and head, until lie x as nearlr co ered bis torturing agonies were pitiable to behold: he had no peace and but iiiuc rest nigm or aay. lie iras undertrcatment at different tiroes at two hos pitals and br scien doc tors in this citr without the least benefit; every prescription of the doctors was faithfully tried, but he frew worse all the time, or months 1 expended ' about $3 pc r week for med icines, and was entirely discouraged. 1 purchised CUTICCKA. CUTICURA. Soap ann CunctntA, Rf S0L knt and fo'lowed tlie directions to the letter. Itelief nas immediate his sufferings were eased, and rest and sleep tier mined. He steaollr improi ed and In nine weeks t as entlrelv cured, and has now as clear a skin and is a fair a bov as any mother could wish tn see. I recommend every mother to use it for every Baby llunior. JIRv. 51. FFISGUSON, 86 'W . Urookllne tt.. Boston. Cuticura Remedies Tlie Rreatit skin cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies ofniodern times, lntantlv relieve the most agonizing forms of eczema and psoriasis, imiKpeedlh. iHrmanenth. economically, and in- 1 lllibh CUreeeri httrriesnf tnrtnrintr rtU1itrn-lti0- itching, Imrnliig. bleeding, calv, crusted, and r1 iii Miiiiut ni-iMsauu Humors 01 ineskin scalp ana llMd Willi IOS Of hair. JrnrtT Infmipv tn iim vhether blmph, scrofulous, or hereditary, when all other incthous and last physicians lail. old everywhere. Trice. Cuticura, sic: "otP. 2c. Kiwh ft. Jl. Prrmred by the POTTKr. Dkic and Chemical Cohpobatiov. lloston. .CS-tend for "How to Cure Sklr Disease," 31 pag-s. M Illustrations and 100 testi-nontals. CI SjjPLKa. blackhead" red. rough, chapped, and II III "oilj kin cured by Ct ticOra Al OLD FOLKS' PAINS. Full of comfort lur all Pains, Inflam mation and T eakness of the Aged Is the (ITTICUKA AMI-PAIN PLASTER, the first and onh naln- kllling strengthening plaster. Jew, lnsianlamou. and Infallible wssu MEsSiAH Ilt the MOZART CLUB, AT OLD CITY HALL, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23. Ticket" on sale at Mellor & Hocne's, 77 Filth a- eniie. del649-D v 2 TJ M Open This Evening Till 8:30. Open Christmas EveTill 11. Closed All Day ChristmasT 500 Employes Ready to Serve Buyers Promptly. I GREATEST I FUR TRIMMED JACKETS Closed Out Below Cost. AT $7 75 EACH 200 ladies' fine French Chevron Jackets, tvith full sbawl collar and facing of natural opossum; former prices $12 to $15. AT $15 EACII-325 ladies' tailor made, light colored Jackets, all celebrated ma terials and shades, trimmed with Mouf flon, Giey Krlmmcr. Astrakhan, Fox. Lynx, Mink and TiencU Seal; former price, $30 AT $1J! EACH 120 ladies' EnRli9li Seal Plnsh Jackets, lined with satin, seal, olives or loops, vest front or reefer styles- former price $25 AT $7 95 EACH 400 tannine Black Mar ten Astrakhan and French Seal Capes, latest styles. lull lens:tn: former price $16, mulTs to match, $1 55. value, $3. For the celebrated Derby, Meridcn and Roger Miter Shs, in Mngs, handsomely embossed, gold lined: monogram engraved gratis. $3 to $5 QQn iillt2i In. ' SiifiliSi& I ,, BEHH ILkm Handsome Bronze and Silver-finished Smoking Set, well worth $1 50. AMUSEMENTS. THE ALVIN THEATER CHARLES L. DAVIS Owner and Manager JEFFERSON COMEDY COMPANY. Positively Lnst Performance TO NIGHT, HEIR-AT-LAW. de23 ALVIN THEATER. Three Xiehts, CommenSing Thursday, Deo 24. Special Christmas and oaturaay juatmees. IS IT A BIG JOHN C. RICE. TfliitrriincpRiirw.S'??! A KNOTTY AFFAIR. near tne audience laugh Just once and j ou win join witn us in saying YESI New Year's repertoire. week Richard Mansfield in de21-40 (1EAKD OPERA HOUSK T ALL CHRISTJIAS WEEK. Matinees Christmas and Saturday, NAT C. GOODWIN In the laughing lurore THE NOMINEE. Prices 25c. 50e, 75c. $1 reserved. Next week Birds of a Feather. de20-55 THEATRE Jo-nlgnt and all of this week THE LITTLEMAYERICK. Matinees Wednesday, Xmas D'yr and Sat urday. Dec. 23, Harry Lacy in "Jack Royal of the 92d." de22-J5 DUQUESNE Pittsburg's Leading Theater. NEXT rkC"" f)Q Matinees New MON., J- !-.-. ZOj Year's & Saturday American Extravaganza Company in -SINBAD- Or, "The Maid of Balsora." Successor to the Crystal Slipper. C(- IN THE CHORUS C.f OU IN THE BALLET 0J 3 carloads of gorgeous scenery, costumes, and properties, and the cleverest company in Amer ica. de2&89 CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AND FURS AT GHEATLY EEDUCED PKICES. AT $1 50 EACH 150 fancy Walking Coats, -srith velvet collars and Cuffs, ages 1, 2, 3 and 4: formerly $2 75 -AT $4 50 EACH 321 fine imported Walk lne Coats, plain or rancy, ages J, 2, 3 and 4; foi mcrl $7 and $8 AT 98c EACH 500 children's Reefers, sizes 4 nnd C; formerly $2 50 AT $2 P5 Vii misses' tiilor-made Jack ets, sizes 12 to 18; formerly $6 CHILDREN'S FUR SETS. 5D0 sets (Muff with collar or cape) In Moufflon. Thibet, Angon, Grecian, Chin chilla. Persian, Tiger, White Bear, etc, from $1 up. x SO For a Bronze unique, For handsome, fine sil-vei-plated Collar Box; veUet-lined cuff box, same price JjJD ' wm iferaKMjraMTkaMaiHV "wwa iwria'"--'' i u aiv m . sn msz: qi AMUSEMENTS. TUQUESNE U Pittsburg's Leading Theater : This : To-Night, ; Afternoon at 2,: Last Performance : Popular Price : of : Matinee. : SHE STOOPS ; ...i, TO CONQUER. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings, Xmas and Saturday Matinees, "THE .HENRIETTA." Next -week, "bin bad, or the Maid of Balsora." Ue23-SS HARRY WILLIAMS' ' CADEMT To-NIght, Jlattneeb Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Holiday Matinee Christmas Day. Night prices. H. W. WILLIAMS' OWN SPECIALTY COMPANY. de20-7 OKft cwv WHY ONIX TBl?! I OFFER YOU AS BEAUTIFUL AND BRIL LIANT STONES AS MONEY CAN BUY. VOLTAIC DIAMONDS Are not expensive and make an elegant Christmas present. What lady -would not n ear them? What gentleman would not de sk e them? Mounted in solid gold. Rings $4 80 to $18; Eardrops. $3 75 to $15: Studs, $2 50 to $12, Pins, $2 to $9 50, Pendants, $8 to $20: Brooches, $4 50 to $25, Sizes from K to 5 karats. Bring your genuine diamonds with you nnd compare them. I have no agents in the United States BERNARD E. ARONS, Jeweler, Sole Owmer. G& Plrtii Avet de2Q Al Q) .en 1 Tb-ccnsld BARGAIN DAYS SlaMLliiHilteliiets, Thousands sold each day; thousands still for sale. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. Plain white, hemstitched, 5c, 10c, 12o and 19c Plain white, all linen, hemstitched, 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c. White embroidered Swiss goods, 10c, 15e, 19e, 25c and 35c. White hand embroidered, line linen, 50c, 65c and 75c Finest embroidered linen, $1, $1 50, $2 and $2 50 each one in a box. Silkombioiderod, scalloped, white or fancy, 19c, 25e, 35c to $L Silk, initial, 25c Linen, initial, open work, 25c. GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. Hemstitched, fancy border or plain, 10c to 19c Silk, fancy border. 39c, 3 for $L 811k, plain white, 30c to $1 50 Silk, initial, open work, 39c to $1. Linen, initial, 25c beautiful imitation Double Ink Stand of ornamental design. 75 OEIsTTS For handsome Plush Case containing fine comb and brush set; worth $1 50 Finer Plush Cases (several hundred of them are still left) will go at half actual prices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . NO FINER HOLIDAY GIFT Than One of RUBEN'S GLOSSY SILK TILES. 7! THE BROADWAY BLOCK, $3, $4, $5, $6. Silk Hats are now generally recognized as positively indispensable to a gentleman's wardrobe. Consequently, the popularity of this style of headgear is increasing from season to season. In. looking about for a suitable present for husband, brother or lover; you cannot possibly go astray if vou were to select one of Ruben's Latest Silk Hats. We carry three different heights and width of brims, enabling us to suit the young, the middle-aged and elderly. If size is inconect, we'll gladly exchange after the holidays. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 SMITHFIELD STREET. NOTE Our store will be open every even ing until Christmas. deZO-wrsu GIVE YOUR BOYS A USEFUL PRESENT. Press anfl Ontflts $1.75,2.50,5.00 7.50, 10.00, 21.00 to 31.00. Send 5c for Catalogue W.A. BUNTING QO OtOfcL ..-ve. PITTSBURGH, PA. HOLIDAY SEAS S Men's velvet, embroidered, all styles, COe, 50c, 75e, $1 and $2 Men's imitation and genuine alligator, 75c, $1, $2 and $2 50 Men's coat, patent leather trimmed, at $1, $1 25 and $1 50 Ladies' velv ot or plush, plain, embossed or emoroidered, 50c, 75c, $1 and $1 25. Ladies' Mikado slippers, 25c Misses' Mikado Slippers, 21c. Children's Mikado Slippers, 17c. HOLIDAY NECKWEAR. K(n Tor choice from a beautiful line of UUU Tecks, Puffs and Fonr-in-Hands, worth 75c and $1. d Foi choice from Keys &Loelcwood's,Fisk, s Clark A Flags and other celebrated makes of finest ties, worth $1 50 and $2. Solid Leather Collnr and Cuff Box; very neat and durable; teg ular price $2. KNOW ME BY MY WORKS, Catarrh, Parasites and Cancers a specialty and all chronic diseases treated -with success. I can show more sound well cures of the so-called Incurable ail ments than all others. Evidence that cannot be denied. March. 1S91, Z was cilled in haste to the npposed death bedside of Dennis Burjroon, of Cor sica, Jefferson county. Fa., tman nearS0yarsof age. His affliction, althoujch properly diagnosed by the best skill, yet pronounced Incurable, and not the slightest hope or chance for his recovery. I took the ctse. as I have taken hundreds of others, and there he is to-day, Dennis Burgoon, my father, living In Brookvillc, Jefferson rountv, la.. a liv ing monument of what Dr. Burgoons System Renovator will do, for it was bvstem Kenovator that did it. And the case of a child of Mr. Krebs, of xrubols, Clearfleld county. Pa , given up by five or six doctors as incurable, it is well. Burgoon's System Renovator cured it And still another near Meadville, Pa., a child 7 years old, had been lck for two and one-half years. The disease baflled all the physicians until they pronounced her incurable and said she could not get well. It was cured with System Renovator. Ana still another, a lady in Franklin, Pa , a most rfmarnaoie case. Alter ene naa spent mousanas of dollars the verdict of the leading physicians of her town and of those in Pittsmirg. New York, Buffalo and a number of other cities was, you can not get well, bhc came to me as a last resort and was cured. Her name is Catherine Lvncli and she will substantiate all that we say and will tell you that Burgoon's System Renovator It a life saver. owf good people, there is not space in this paper to mention all such cases that Renovator has cured. System Renovator is a compound of 19 different roots and herbs hat work in harmonr on the human system, the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels, Nerves and Blood, it has worked wonders, it is working wonders, it has no equal, I defy the world to beat it. it is a life saver. Go to your drugstore and get it. It will save you money, save you sufferings, and save your life Grippe is coming, prepare for it I cured four cases last week, and of the several hundred cases that I had last year I did not lose one. To all you that cannot come to my office. If you send me 81 00 I will send vou a Printed Prescription. If used ac cording to directions, I warrant it to enre grippe In all its forms. Call at my office. No. 47 Ohio street, Allegheny, and see living evidences of the good work done. Testimonials of representative eltlzens from all parts of the country are on file and open for your inspection. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 9 F. M. Hours for consultation, 8 A. M. to 2 r. M. Sunday office hours and for consultation, 8 A. Jr. to 12 if. 5F"Send stamps for Information and circular. Telephone No. 3o93. DR. J. A. BURQOON, deft 47 Ohio st . Allegheny City, Pa. MEN'S GLOVES. Extra fine English Tape Seam, every pair warranted, at $1. Eeal French Kid, finest quality, $1 50. Perrine's, Dent's, Fowne's and Fisk, Clark and Flagg's Gloves (best made) at $1 75. LADIES' GLOVES! 5-Hook, Kid, warranted, at $1. 8 Button Mousquetiires, all shades andblacfc, 98c 8-Button Glaze Mousquetaires, all shades, newest embroidery, $1 50. Satin Suspenders, pink, white, red, blue or black, at 75c. Silk Embroidered Sus penders, all shades and black, $1. Finest Silk and Satiiv Hand-Embroidered and Hand-Painted Suspenders, $1 75 to $3. EACH PAIR OF SUSPENDERS IN A PRETTT CHRISTMAS BOX OlfMYMD-lMHV JPO.OU lJq.OU. verbaoked Toilet Brushes, -Derby, Meriden or Ro;eis makes positively the best quadruple silver good: made. Cheaper grades at $1 25. NBW- ADVERTISEMENTS. r OUR FINE GLORIA SILK UMBRELLA With every Man's Suit or Overcoat or or more. These Umbrellas are worth KAUFMANNS' Fifth Ave. and Smithfield St. s i Open This Evening Till 8:30. Open Christmas Eve Till 1L Closed All Day Christmas. 500 Employes Ready to Serve Buyers Promptly. Holiday Umbrellas. Despite the unprecedentedlv heavy sale of the past few days we still have a full variety to choose fiom all grades of silks, all sorts of handles. $1 25 buys fine Gloria Silk Umbrellas with neat gold and silver-plated handles. $1 75 buys finest Levantine Silk Um brellas, with silver-mounted handles. $2 50 buys the celebrated Como Silk Umbrellas, with sterling silver trimmed handles. $3 buys the popular, close rolling "Toothpick" Umbiellas in line silk. $3 75 buys the durable Berlin Silk Um brellas, gold or silver-mounted handles. $5 buj s extra fine French Silk Umbrellas, with gold or silver-mounted, ivorv or pearl handles regular $7 and $8 Um brellas. Mackintosh Coats for ladies, gentlemen and children, in greatest variety. OCn Fine Silver-trimmed Leather .Dj. Ficketbooks; alt sizes and shapes. c For Genuine Seal Poeket OUC. books, leather-lined, patent riveted Irauie. FREE! TO-DAY ANN TO-MORROW A large brass drum, with sling and sticks, or a handsome pictorial book or game will be given away with every Boy's Suit or Overcoat; the last mentioned two presents will also be given with every girl's cloak or jacket bought at KIllS GRATIS Lady's Cloak or Jacket costing gio $2.50, if they're worth a cent. de23-53 SMOKING JACKETS! HOUSE COATS I DRESSING GOWNS ! The balance of our stock (about 200 garments) most go before the Christmas chimes are ringing. Former $12 Smoking Jackets are $7 now. Former $15 Smoking Jackets are $9 now. Former $20 Smoking Jackets are $11 now. Former $25 Smoking Jackets are $lt now. A lot of Bath Robes will go at half reg ular prices. $1- Ladies' beautiful shop ping Bag, with pocket book attached, fine sil ver trimmed. Fine Chat elamc Bags, same price. LlliiiJy iflilllii IIP 111 H WMa M ! FIFTH AVENUE J -AND' SMITHFIELD STREET. M