mmmmmm f$V4I .sy 5 v V -s. X - THE- - PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, -WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 23. .189L &iimm THE CANADA MUDDLE May Yet Hate Great Britain Step in to Settle It Arbitrarily. THE AIR FILLED WITH BUMORS. Downfall of the idrainistration Expected at the Elections. CABINET IS COUXCHi AT MONTREAL x- c rsrrciAi. TEircrAMTo thkp'icwcii.i Ottawa, Dec. 22. The political atmos phere is full of rumors to-Jar, and if one half of them materialize, within a very short time Canada will be in such a politi cal muddle that the intervention of the British Government alone can prevent the breaking up of the federation of the British Iforth American provinces. Such wai the opinion given expression to to-day by one of the most active party men, who, during his lifetime, followed Sir John Macdonald, but who ranks among the dis aflected ones since the disclosures of last session and "subsequent revelation. The irtri;ues of Premier Abbott, he said, to secure the dismissnl of Premier Mercicr are vithout parallel in the annals of constitu tional government, and have already alien ated some of it strongest supporters from the Conservative party now led by Mr. Abbott. A Deathblow to th Administration. The success of Premier Mercier in the ap proachine elections which will be necessi tated by 'he dismissal of his Government, which," supported bv a large majority in the Legislature, would be the deathblow to the Abbott administration at Ottawa, so closely has Premier Abbott identified him self to secure the downfall of the late Gov ernment of Quebec. It requires no deep penetration into the future to see that the Abbott administra tion, as it now exists, has but a short time to live. Some bold step alone will avert its overthrow. It therefore becomes important that Premier Abbott must at all hazards se cure the election of a Conservative govern ment at Quebec, and the only chance of ac complishing this and strengthening his own partv in thatprovince is to dissolve the i ed aral Parliament and go to the country for re-election at the same time the Quebec elections are held. Cabinet In Council at T.tontreal. A special from Montreal says: The new Cabinet formed by De Boucherville is looked upon bvall classes here as one of the strongest and cleanest the pro ince has had since the c-nfederation. The members are expected to arrive here to-night, and a council will be held to-morrow. One of the first acts will be to raise 52,000,000 to pay the interest on floating debts and other pressing obligations, the treasury being almost empty. It is stated that the new Govern mentwill immediately ask the Lieutenant Governor to appoint another royal commis sion to investigate all the transactions en tered into by the Mercier Government since its entry into power. The Conservatives claim that Sl.250,000 in plunder has been obtained bv the Mercierites. One Good Trait In the German Character (Xot that it is the only one) Is, they generally take wife and children along when out of a Sunday or holidav. If he gets beer they all get beer and so on. Like Christiana in Pilgrims' Progress when she started for theCelestial City she took the little ones along (Christian had gone alone). .Now herein the good-natured, family-loving Teuton and Christiana are just like the man who buys a Decker Bros, or Fischer piano or celestial voiced Estey organ. Thev are sure to attract all the familv to them, can t help it; all are irre sistibly drawn to them by the charm' of their rich, beautiful tones, and chaste beauty of exterior. Xothiug could be more symmetrical in design and artistic in ornament-finish and choice of woods. In every suitable qnalitv of hard woods, from the satin Trood to the mahogany, and Circas sian walnut, even- conceivable style, you will find at Hamilton's for holidav trade. This house may be relied upon for prices and terms of payment to suit all tastes, pocketbooks and salaries. Indeed, so easy for even he finest goods that any well-to3o lady might pay for a piano, in monthlv payments, out of her pin money and scarce miss it. Call in or write for card of prices and terms; also Swiss music boxes, accordeons, violins, guitars, man dolins. Every musical instrument will be found at Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth ave nue, Pittsburg. Presents In the Children's Denartment. Outfits for infants, outfits for girls, out fits for boys, outfits for misses. Every thing new and pretty and stylish. JOS. HOUSE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Bow-Knot Tins. Late orders just opened, so we have a complete collection again in Stick pim, Hair pins, Brooches, Pendants, in silver and gold, at Hakdt & Hates', Jewelers, 629 Smithfield street Three doors from City Hall. Open every evening till Christmas. Mnfls for Christmas. Hare from $1 up. French seal, S2, $3 and 54. Monkey fur, ?3 50. Unusual price. Jos. Horjse&Cqs Penn Avenue Stores. Diamond Pendants, Diamond lace pins, diamond brooches, dia mond stick pins at prices never before heard of at the great special sale. KKJGSBACHER BKOS., 516 "Wood street Table Linens for Christmas. 27ew hemstitch sets (1 cloth and 12 nap kins ready for use) ?5 per set Finer to finest up "to $40. JOS. HOEITE & CO.'S, Penn Avenue Stores. If Ton Dont Know TThat to Buy Babv for Christmas we would suggest a handsome baby carnage. 1892 styles now on exhibition at James "VF. Grove's, Fifth avenue. Eighty styles jnst received by ex press. Mackintoshes for Men, Tf omen and Chil dren. JOS. HORNE & CO.S Penn Avenue Stores. B.AB. Children's books One lot 50 cent books at 20c One lot 35 cent books at 15c. Specials for to-dav. Boggs & Buhl. A NEtr f 5 tan mackintosh for ladies. Jos. Horjce & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Best assortment of kid gloves at Kosen barrm & Co.'e, Market street Xmas Gifts at the Notion Counter. Gold and silver thimbles, scissors cases, sets of scissors; hair brushes (50c and up), and many other very acceptable articles. Jos. Hobne&Cos .Penn Avenue Stores. -A. surprise to anybody will be one of our fine umbrellas. Smiley & Co. -Taeis lamp shades now 55snd up. Jes. Hojixe & Co. 'a Penn Avenne Stores. FINELT DECORATED ),Is Jacob Craig's Stand at Diamond Market., Christmas is near. That Jacob Craig and his popular assistants, Henrv Dornberger, George Oaks and Charles C. "Kunberger, realize this fact is made evident Tjy the grand display which they are making at Mr. Craig's stands, Xos. 75 and 92 Diamond Market Their large stock of meat is taste fully exhibited and artistically decorated with laurel wreath flowers aud evergreen in a manner which reflects much credit upon the above named gentlemen. One of the most novel sights presented is the recumbent forms of eight little pigs on a swinging sjielf above the center of the stands. Their eari have been scalloped, while just back the skin has been so ar ranged that it forms a perfect resemblance to a seashelL In the mouth of each has been placed an ear of Indian corn. The re sult is one of the oddest andmost interesting sights imaginable. Mr. Craig personally makes it a point to appear neat and tasty, and he exacts the same of his employes." The result is he has a class of customers who stay with him the same as they did with his father before him, and if a clean stand, close attention to busi ness, and a general desire to please make a success, Mr. Craig is bound to get along. To his old patrons it is not necessary to say anything in his praise, but to the general public it need only be said, pay him a visit, and you will be made to feel heartily wel come. Umbrellas for Xmas Gifts, f Umbrellas for men. Umbrellas for women. Umbrellas for children. All the best makes at extremely low prices. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. THE GREATEST SEXTET IN THE WORLD Can Be Heard During the Holidays at Hen ri ckn' Mnsic Co., -Ltd. If you wish to enjoy a musical treat go to 101 and 103 Fifth avenue, where you can hear the celebrated sextet, composed of Weber, Lindeman, "Wheelock and Stuyve sant pianos, assisted by the famous Palace and Kimball organs. Any of the above in struments would make a suitable present for Christmas, and as our wareroom is not large enough and our new building is not ready, we will sell at prices so low and terms so easy as to enable you to buy now. Come aud make your selection from the finest in the country. Remember the ad dress, Hexsicks Music Co., Limited. 101 aud 103 Fifth avenue. A CHOICE assortment of canes at Jos. Hobne & Ca's Penn Avenue Stores. A SPECIAE HOLIDAY B4BGAIN. Fine Upright Piano, S173. , A magnificent 7J-octave npright piano, with latest improvements, full iron frame, excellent tone, splendid action and hand somelv carved case, will be sold, fully war ranted, for 51"5, including fine plush cover and stool. A special holiday bargain at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smithfield street, Agents for the celebrated Sohmer pianos, Colby pianos and Schnbert pianos. BEST and most fashionable London and HewTork neckwear. Jos. Horke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. fITTSBUKG AND LAKE ROAD CO. ERIE BAIL- Hollday Excursion Rates. On December 24, 25 and 31, 1891, and Jan nary 1, 1892, round-trip tickets will be sold between all stations, also on December 23, 20, 27, 28, 29 and 30 between all stations on the P., McK. & Y.'and Bellevernon divis ions. Excusion tickets will also be cold to Cleveland. Erie and principal points on the Lake Shore and IT. Y., P. & O. Railroads. All excursion tickets will be good for re turn until Januarv 4 inclusive. Beautiful fans 51 to 590 each. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fresh Goods To-daj". The best assortment of fancy goods in the city. Store open every evening. JOS. ElCHBAUM & CO., 48 Fifth avenue. Marriage Licenses Issued Yesterday. Name. Residence. J Louis H. tVatt nttsbunc 1 1.innleC. Stevenson .?. PnnH J William Schmidt Apollo i Amelia Horn Sharpburg 5 Mexamler Dnwle INttsburg ( Annie B. Miller. Pittsburg (T. L. Plnlliam McKccport H.illleS Hitehlns McKcosport j Charles N. Frederick Allegheny i Sfltna Drchcr Allegheny E AV. Olson rittsbn-R Anna M Henderson Pittsburg James I. Tons Washington I Ella Pease Allegheny J "William A. Jelson North Favette township (Sarah J. Allen Collier township j Joseph Votfe Pittsburg Babetta Ambergcr Pittsburg ( William H. Scllhorst Bellevue ) Anna I.. Iluckle Kos township J Nicholas Miyer MfCan'lless township (Ten Rlrtghlser. McCandless township J John Keiser Walls station ) Hannah J. Fulton. rittsburg J Thomas Sihults Kittanning I Matlle Ream Kittanning J George Dlnquled Pittsburg (Jennie Lee Pittsburg 5 B. S. Irish Wllmerdlng I Amelia L. Schwartz Wllmerdlng (John Walsh Pittsburg Bridget Kilcy Allegheny J A. F. C. Steinway Allegheny I Catharine 3Iullcr Allegheny J John W. Paris Allegheny Margaret Reagan Pittsburg ( Peter Ronsch , Allegheny I Ida K. Mueller Allegheny (J. Luther Long Freeport J Belle 31. Craig v FncDort DIED. AHLBORX' On Tuesday, December 22, 1S9I, at 3 o'clock a. n., Elizabeth B. Ahl boks, widow of the late A. H. the "1st year of her age. Funeral from the residence or her daugh ter, Louisa C Hoerr, 3523 Charlotto street, at 2 o'clock, Thursday aftehkoow, December 24. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 A1ED On Tnesday, December 22, 1891, at 7X0 A. M ., ASDREW AlRD. Fnneral this (Wednesday) aftersooit, at 2 30, from the residence of Robert 8eymour, 2004 Penn avenue. BARK Satnrdav, December 19, 10 30 P. v , Mrs. Sadie C. Bakr, daughter of Mrs. M. B. Burt, at her residence, 318 Larimer avenue. BARRON On Mondav, December 21, 189L at 12 05 a. it., JonAK a Ryan, v. Ife of Patrick Barron, aped .32 j ears, 2 months and 15 dajs. xtract NATURAL FRUITFIAVORS. Vanilla O' perfect purity. kMnon -I Of great strength. Afeiond If nomytatheIriBe Rose etc?) F'avor a3 delicately and dollclously&s the fresh frus MMWe rf puicrv y DELICIOUS FlaYoriM BERGER On Monday, December 21, 1891, Louts Beroer, In his 61st year. "" Funeral takes place from his late resi dence. No. 102 Plus street. Twenty-seventh ward, Southside, on Wedsisdat, December 23, 1891. at. 8.30. Services at St. Jonn'S Church, South Fourteenth Btreet, at 9 a. v. Friends or the family are respectfully In vited to attend. " CALL On Tnesday, December 23, 1891, at 11 A., x, Jkkkik, daughter or Keil F. and Elizabeth Call, aged 10 years 2 months. Funeral on Thursday, December 24, 1891, at 2 p. m., Jrom parents' residenoe, Ohio street, off Hazelwood avenue, Hazelwood. 2 DAHLEM On Monday, December 31, 1891, at 1 r. k., Georoe B., oldest son ot Jacob H. and Mary E. Dahlem, aged 15 years and 2 months. DRHEW On Tnesday, December 22, 1891, at 9-30 A. x., Ireke Jahe, youngest child of John and Hattie Drhew, aged 8 months and 23 days. Interment private. DEJIPSTER On Tuesday, December 22, 1S91, at 2 45 r. h., Alexander Demi-ster, Jr., in bis ISth 3 err. Funeral servicest the family residence, corner Stanton and Euclid avenues, East End, on Thursday, 24th Inst., at 2 T. H. In terment private. 2 FISHER On Tnedav, December 23, at 5 30 p. '31., Amanda .T. Fisher, wife of John H. Sprague, aged 42 years. Funeral will take place from her late resi dence, 164 McClure avenue, Allegheny, on Thursday, December 24, at 3 p. it. Inter ment private. Lancaster City papers please copy. FLYNN On Tuesdav. December 22, 1891, at 7.30 a. M . Kate Fli sj fnee Ferns), wife of 3Iichael Flynn, in her 27tb year. Funeral from her lato residence, Penn street, Verona, on Thursday morning, De cember 24, 183L Requiem mass at St. Joseph's Church at 9 A. sr. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 3 ' HUGHES On Tnesday, December 22, 1891, at his residence, 3119 Penn avenue, at 5 p. M., Christopher Hughes, in the 81th -year of his ge. Notice of fnneral hereafter. JONES On Tnesday, December 22, 1691, at 6 a.m., John L. Jones, formerly of Brady's Bend, in the 60th year of his age. Funeral serviees at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Isaac Reese, 4414 Bntler street, on Wednesday, December 23, 1891, at 7.30 p. it. Interment Thursday iiornino at Taren- tum. Friends or the family are respectfully Invited to attend. KEHOE On Monday, DeoemberSl, 1891, at 6 SO a. ir., Anna Elizabeth Kzhoe, aged 58 years. Funeral from the residenoe of Mr. E. K. Collins, Mornlngside, Eighteenth ward. In- terment private. Baltimore and Johnstown papers please copy. 2 KOLLER On Monday, December 31,1891. at 2 30 a. hi., John Holler, In the 24th year of his age. MILLER On Tuesday, December 22, 1891, at S 15 a. it., Robert Miller, in his 64th year. Funeral services at his late residence. No. 253 Bedford avenue, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Friends or the family are re spectfully Invited to attend. MILLER On Tuesday, December 22, 1891, at 9 45 a. it., Mrs. Mary Miller, In the 58th year of her age. Funeral services rrom the residence or S. P. Beltzhoover, Castle Shannon, Pa., on Wednesday, DecemDer 23, 1891, at 1 p. m. JIcCLELLAND On Monday. December 21, 1891, John SIcClelland. in his 6th year. Funeral from the residence of Samuel Rath, No. 17 Seventh street, McKeeport, on Wednesday, December 23, 1591, at 1 p. m. Friends of tbe family are respectfully in vited to attend. Buffalo papers please copy. McCUNJIISKI On Mondav. December 21. at 6 p. at., at Fot t Pitts, Pa., Mishasl McCun- JtltKI. Notice of funeral later. NEWTON On Sunday, December 20, 1S91, at 1J30 p. x., at her residence, 244 Juniata street, Allegheny, Charlotta, wife of John Newton. Funeral from Emanuel Church, North and Allegheny avenues, on Wednesday after noon at2 30. Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. 2 RA31AGE On Monday, December 21, 1891, at 4 a. at . Jean R.. youngest daughter of B. F. and H. M. Bamage, aged 1 year, 2 months and 20 days. Funeral from parentV residence, near Homestead, on Wedesday, December 23, 1891, ntj 12 o'clock noon. Carriages will leave Union depot on tbe arrival or the 2 o'clock train. 2 SCHWAN At the parents' residence, Mar garetta street. Nineteenth ward, on Mondav, December 21, 1S91. at 8 30 p. v., Lawrence B., youngest son of Charles and the late Annie J. Sell wan, aged 2 years and 4 months. Fnneral on Wednesday, December 23, 1891, at 2 p. 3t. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. SHEEDY On Tuesday, December 22, 1891, at 10 30 a. m., Mary, oldest daughter of J. D. and Catharine Sheedy, aged 21 ytars 4 months. Funeral rrom the parents res!dence,corner McClure and Fleming avenues,Allegheny,on Thursday, December 24, at 8 30 a.m. Friends or the family are respectfully invited to at tend. SHOTTS On Tuesday, December 22, 1891, at 1 TO a. M , Louis, son of John and Margar etta Sl.otts, aged 22 years and 4 months. Funeral from his late residence. Ridge street, near Thirty-third street, Pittsburg, on Thursday, December 24, 1891, at 2 p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. STERRIT In New York, suddenly, Tnes dnv morning, December 22, 1S9L Georoe Bryan Sterrit, aged 43 years. Notice of funeral hereaftei. THIEKEN On Sunday, Frederiox Thie xen, aged 55 years 3 months 28 days. Funeral takes place from his late resi dence, No. 36 Gregory street, Twenty-seventh ward, Southside, Pittsburg, on Wednes day, December 23, at 9 a. x. High mass at St. Michael's Church. Friends or the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 WALLACE Tuesday, at 4 30 a. m., Eliza beth Hamilton, beloved wife of Dr. T. C Wallace. Funeral service at residence, 11 Pennsyl vania avenue, Allegheny, Wednesday at 8 p. x. Interment private. WILLIAMS At 11 o'clock A. x., Mondav, December 21. Mrs. Ellen Barclay, widow or the late William H. Williams, aged 79 years. Funeral services at the residence or her son-in-law, A. Filson Dalzell, 37 Plymouth street, Dnquesne Heights, nt 2 p. x. Wednes day, Deccmbor 23. Interment private. AATIiOXY 1IEYEK, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold & Co , Lta-l UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB. Office and residence, 1131 Penn avenue. Telephone connootion. mvlS-34-iiwTsu JAMES M. PULLERTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, Offices: No. 6 Seventh Street ajcd 6231 PEifN AvEiui, East End. Telephone 1153. niylO-126-WFSn The Choicest Carnations can always bo had at A. M. & J. B. MURDOCH, 510 Smithfield street. Tel. 429 Ue23-MWF HOLIDAY FLOWERS. Our stock is superb and complete. All ordors will receive careful attention. JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, 50S SMITHFIELD ST. Telephone 239. de23 -SOW OPE3T The Pittsburg Wall Paper Co., Leading Decorators, 821 Peun avenuo. Opposite Westinghouse Office Building. del672-MWF pEPRESENTEU IN PITTSBURG 1N1S01 -Absets - - - $9,071,696 33. INSURANCE CO. OF IORTII AJ1ERICA. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L, JONES. M Fourth avenue. jy!9-101D URLING BROS., r DENTISTS No. 42J4 SIXTH ST., Cor. PENN. Set of teeth .....$5 00 and upward Gold fillings. , 1 OOnnd upward Alloy filling SO and upward Gas or vitalized air, 60c; extracting, 15c. Teeth inserted without a plat. - MKWO-wia NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Merry Christmas, With its expectations and realizations, near at hand. "Preparations all com plete for the final rush. , ' Delinquent Purchasers Come And see us. We may have Something To please you. "Furniture Gifts Useful as well as Ornamental." m 7Ml&S!fft de2J-swn D. I A.BER. . D. S., Makes a specialty or the treatment, bleach ing, filling and crowning of the natural teecb, and guarantees satisfaction. Prices more reasonable than, elsewhere. Office 210 Smithfield St., Pittsburg. del6-73-3tws .'fS!' IN A BLAZE OF GLORY. No matter what other gifts take your fancy, you can do nothing wiser than to invest in a pair of Slippers. We can give you the assortments to select from; made of the finest and choicest selections of seal skin3 and Russia leathers, in varied colors, and, no matter how stout or how slender the foot is, we can fit you out. Come at once to FOOT-FORM .VERNER!S. Fifth Ave: and Market St.' $3.00 Shoes -1 , Going. y deli-irwy- SLIPPERS SELLING FREELY. Lots More to Sell in a Styles and prices are such that buy ers don't have to decide cither way. The remaining days before Christ mas nnd us crowded to the highest pitch. "We, therefore, urge the earlv part of the day the most con . venient. "We not alone promise bargains, but will give them for a sample. Men's rich Embroidered Slipper, SO CTS. "Worth double. Men's Goatskin Slipper, 75 OTS. Very great bargain. uwmeyy cj sons LT S1.25, Fine Goatskin, Opera or French toe. Same kind, SATIN LINED, Sl-50. Note the colors in the very finest grades, Maroon, Tan, Pearl, Chest nut, Oak, Vine, ranging in price from $2 to $3. In the Ladies' Department the handsomest Toilet Slippers are seen. FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS' The display keeps pace with the others. STORM KING RUBBER BOOTS Are an acceptable present. "We can give you the dull or tbe bright finish. HOUSE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS. '5 , 430436 MARKET ST. BRADDOCK HOUSE, 916 BRADDOCK AVENUE. tM-mit nnviiviLi niun w ""- .-M IK NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UP THE- Holiday Season! Our store is open for the trans action of business From 7:45 in the Morning Until 9 0'Clock in the Evening. . THE EVENING BEFORE CHRISTMAS WE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL ' 10:30 or 11 O'Clock. Among the many desirable articles which we have suitable for Christmas presents we desire to direct yur attention to tbe follow ing: Gentlemen's Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Lined Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Smoking Jackets, Dressing Gowns and Bath Robes. Xadies' Kid Gloves, Boys' Kid Gloves, Misses' Kid Gloves, suitable for every oc casion. Fur Shoulder Capes, Muffs, Mink Neck Tippets, Children's "White Fur Sets, Mili tary Capes, Sealskin Jackets. "We guar antee the quality of seal to be the BEST ONLY, and the prices as low as the same goods are sold for anywhere in the United States. Ostrich Feather Fans, Gauze Fans, Port- monnates and Card Cases, Com Purses, Shonninc Baps. Ladies' and Children's Pocket Handker chiefs, Beefer Scarfs, Silk 'Kerchiefs for the neck, Aprons. Some entirely new things In our Art Em broidery Department in the way of Em broidered Denim Table Covers, irom 1 yard to 1 yards square. All our "Wood Frame Screens closing out at greatly reduced prices. Table Cloths and Napkins in Sets to match. Fine Towels. Down Quilts, best thing in the world, for 55. "Umbrellas. Such values as we are giving onr customers have, never before been offered at a holiday sale. Fine Silk Stockings and Underwear. Hundreds of Novelties in Sterling-Silver and Plated Novelties, including Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Shaving Mugs, Shell Goods; and what not? We will offer these the last days of the Holiday business VERY MANX BARGAINS. A great many articles in all departments we will mark at" SPECIAL CLOSING-OUT PRICES, and such Holiday goods as we do not wish to carry over will be SOLD CHEAP. A word to the wise is sufficient HORN EDWARD, 41 Fifth Avenue, deM-rf- QUANTITIES Are at their wits' ends to know what to give the men Of the family for Xmas. "We will help you out of the dif ficulty by selling you one of our double text ure waterproof Mackin tosh uoats we nave in all the fashionable English checks and solid colors. No man "We are selling quantities will refuse one. of them. Umbrella Talk. Some time ago we discovered that by making our own umbrellas we could sell the best and strongest umbrella at a very low figure and warrant it at the same time to stand hard usage. Also, that particular people could select a handle and material irom our stock and we can make the um brella in a day; and, also, that we could re tail them at manutacturers' prices, saving just so much to the purchaser. Prices From 75c to $15. ENDLESS VARIETY. Umbrellas re-covered in one day from 75c to 54.50. Small repairs while you wait. PAULSON BROS., 441 Wood Street. PITTSBURG. dell-uw VINCENT & SCOTT, 6023 Penn Ave., have the finest display of Holiday Goods ever shown in the East End. FANCY ROCKERS, ONYX-TABLES, : EASELS, : LAMP STANDS, BLACKING CASES, Etc v"IITOEs,I, & SCOTT, CARPETS AND UPHCISTERY, ' 6023 PENN AVENUE. EAST END. de2xw "j .fihis pie delicious Ptommamade d in20wdesr' 2 In paper boxes; en ongh for two Urge pies. AlWdL9 1CAUJT, Cd&UJ (JlcyaiU! THE ORIGINAL and only Complete and Satisfactory Condensed Mince Meat in the Market. Cheap Substitutes and Crude Imitations are offered with the aim to profit by the popularity of tbe New England, uo not be deceived bat always insist on tne Hew England Brans, l ne nest maae. SULU xix Afaii unuuniu teifrva IN m J'.Hfe- N- rCHSTv IK SOP Plglp KEY? ADVERTISEMENTS. Our store is now just like an bargains sparkling on every sprig. and if you'll visit us. now you will MEN'S SUITS. No matter which style you wish a single or a double breasted Sack, a Cutaway or a Prince Albert, a nobby brown or plain black, or any color between these, a $5 quality or a J30 one we'll serve you better than you'll look for. The grades we are selling at 8, Sio, 12 and $15 are better than you ever had at $2 to 5 more. r ' - J!?) I MN A great line of attractive things nevertheless down they go. The ones we now show at io to S18 are simply gems among them those swell blue and black Kerseys and Meltons and those generous length Ulsters. If you don't know our Overcoats you don't know the best. BOYS' SUITS UNO OVERCOATS, 13 T0 19 YEARS. At these ages the boys want their clothes "just so," but parents must often oppose them on account of the cost of the "just so" Suits and OvercoatsT In this sale, though, parents will be greatly pleased with the prices. See the Suits now selling at $4 to 12 and the Overcoats at $3.50 to $10. SOYS' ITS UNO OVERCOATS, TO 414 YEARS. Bright, attractive styles, durable stuffs and economical prices, $1 for a dark, neatly-made .Suit, $2 50 for a double breasted darkplaid Suit, $3 for elegant Cheviots and S4.50 for all-wool double-breasted Suits. These are merely a suggestion will show you more than you will take time to look at. Competition doesn't touch our Boys' Plaid Cape Overcoatsat 2.50, $3.50 and $4, because they are worth $4, $5 and $6. USEFUL PRESENTS. Smoking Jackets. $5 to $16. Mackintoshes, Double Texture, $9 to $18. Umbrellas, $1 up. Gloves Cloth, Kid and Fur, 25c to $12. Neckwear, Suspenders, Dress Shirts, Night Shirts, Mufflers, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Hosiery, Collars and Cuffs, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, etc. 8l2r1Ra.O ri IT WILL PAY YOU WELL CLOTHIERS, TAILORS AND HATTERS, 161-163 Federal Street, Allegheny, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. DECULIAR PRICES. Our prices for Tailoring-to-order are meant to fetch a big trade, just as our goods are meant to fetch the brightest of buyers. Put our work under 1,000 candle light, if you like, for quality and price; the com parison will result to our advantage. We're stirring up the trade in this truce-time of business activity and pushing for headship in best tailoring. The clew to our generous, trade is clear enough; the utmost variety of fine goods, wise -tailoring and prices. Profit can wait awhile. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Hotel Anderson Block. PRIES CUT F R From now till Clirfotmai Kecch has decided, in order to close out all Holiday goods, to CUT THE PRICES EVEN LOWEE THAX BEFORE! Big Drive in Children's Books. Keech Is selling nt 15c each, or 45e for set of three, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS BOOKS for children. Other dealers charge from 73o to $1 a setl Compare them. Only about 3C0 seta remain. Great bargains in EASELS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, LAMPS, SHAVING STANDS, DRESS. ERS, CUTLERY, CHEYAL MIRRORS, BLACKING CASES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL KINDS. KEEG'H, CASH 823, 925, 927 PENN AVE., OPEN EVENINGS PERFECTLY PURE. cHowfeti is specially commended to or Weak Stomach. Delicate and Nutritious. Liebig Company's Extract of Beef. BEST Purest BEEF TEA cheaPest INVALUABLE la the Kitchen for Soaps, Sauces aad Maae Dishes. L.L.1 immense Christmas tree, with matchles, We are clearing up before taking stocks save enough to make many additional gifts. 3 EFI THE BOYS This fine Nickel-plated Harmonica with every SUIT AND OVERCOAT. TO ATTEND THISSALE. del9-wssa -39 SIXTH STREET. den CREDIT NEAR NINTH STREET. TILL 9 O'CLOCK. de21-inr coa sufferers from Indigestion, ook's cones boot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physleltn. Soccessfallr tiscd monthly by tliontandsofladles. Istheunly perfectly safe and reliable meolclne lUcoTred. .Beware ct mmrinelnled drn. gists who offer inferior nerti cines in nlace of this. A.t for Cook's - Root comtoxttd. take no substi tute, or inclose fl and 8 cents In postage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladles only. SsUmps. Address POND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Mich. Sold in Pitt.barg by JOS. KLIMISO SOX. 412 Market street. del7-31 CANCER ana TUMOES cored. X knife. Send for testlraon l.U. G.H.itcMlchael, M.D m itlanra n, Bttgjale. N . T. nuns fZirffJSy Tim j I f 1 aV mm "V? CHRISTMAS BUYERS C& m mpk i S-j ' Ms, feVAfarta &&&& 'sMrTB"Wr-,rT"