MtfrJiS; TSt- pSv "tw? '- -TPSr- TfHf w. -, ?iti?ssrs-rr3ijtE -J.Tifl' -,' ?r,'- -5' ' t r. j-sf js'" - '-a r- r THE PITTSBTIRG DISPATCH TEEDNESDAI, DECEMBER 23, 189L 8 fmwmWW THE KAILWAYS BEPLT To Protests of the Glass Shippers on - - the .New Classification. FINE WARE BILLED AS BOTTLES. Charges lhat Undue Advantage Was Taken of the Low IJales. ALL SOW PLACED OS THE SAME LEVEL? The railroad freight scents have a differ ent story to tell about the change in the classification of green bottles, as a result of which a higher rate is charged. The problem comes up every few years, and the lines usually adopt the same tactics to bring shippers to time. The railroad men claim they had to advance the bottle rate in self defense, as the glassmakers were shipping the finest cut-glass, chimney founts for lamps and other articles under the he3d of green bottles. A joint agent has been located in Pitts burg for several years to examine' freights and correct the false weights and under classifications. "While the railroad agents express sympa thy for the honest glass shipper, and the bottle men in particular, they insist -that putting slassnare in general in the same classification removes all incentive for cheating. This decision is rough on the green bottle men, and the old classification of third class in less than carloads will probably be restored after awhile. The roads discovered that the glass shippers were making no discriminations in their wares, and the most costly glass was marked as bottles to take the third class rate. The Trouble 1 ith the Shippers. A freight aient, in discussing the subject yesterday. aid: "Everybody knows there is a difference in price between a cnt-glas bottle and a common green one. What is paid for the first will buy a case of the second. Green bottles are heavv and cheap, and tor this reason they took a low rate. Shippers were not content, however, and it made no difference how fine the glass was. some of the mann inctnrer marked their shipments in the lowe-t glas classification. "It iv a ticklish subject to handle, and the railroads don't like to jump on their patrons when they do not carrv out all the requirements. It is a case where the honest must mffer with the dishonest. The bottle men have good crounds to raise objections, hut the railroads must protect themselves. Under the present management glass ship pers will have no object in trying to cheat the railroads. Thev couldn't'do it if they would. Dynamite as Iron Bolts. "The freight inspecting bureau since its estahlishmnnt by the trunk lines has done good work in Pittsburg. Shippers like it, for they know that a rivals' ingenuity and clastic conscience will not secure a low rate tor his products. Why I remember when a Cleveland firm used to ship dynamite as iron bolts. If a wreck had occurred, or the stuff had been handled carelessly, no one knows what the result micht have" been. It is a great trick for some shippers to furnish false weights, while others never Hesitate to use the lowest classification. Eecently we adopted the plan of weighing shipments on our own scales. We found that some manufacturers were strictly honest, and their representations were always correct. 'Others furnished underweights. The majority of them we discovered had de ducted the weight of the packages. In some instances the coverincs were heavy, but that didn't make anv difference to them as long as thev could saddle the extra bur den on the railroad. As long as shippers will not act honestly, they can't blame agents for being suspicious or adopting se- ere measures at times. As for the charge that the local bottle men are discriminated against in favor of the makers in Ohio, Illi nois and West Virginia, this is not true and the manufacturers here knowit. The bottle rates in the Central Traffic Association ter ritory were advanced in the same ratio, and no place escaped or has a better rate than it had before in proportion." A Tonnal Protest Filed. The Pittsburg Committee of Freight Agents met in the Lake Shore office yester day. Tiie protest of the creen bottle men against the higher classification was filed and referred to the Glass Committee of the Central Traffic Association. Under the present traffic agreements the local roads have no authority to do anything, and the question has been put into the hands of men who are not interested in the least in Pitts burg. The same complaint was made by the pig iron men last week without avail. Pitts burg has always paid more than its share of freight rates in proportion to .New York and Chicago. The grain rates to the seaboard are very low in comparison to wnat local manufacturers have to pay on shipments for long or short distances. " The coke rates from the region to Pittsburg and the Mahoning and Shenango valleys are too high, but the re quest for a reduction last winter was re futed. The pig iron men have received no encouragement from Chicago, but they want to know soon what the railroads in tend to do about their demand for a 50-cent rate from the valleys. The agents were" in session the greater part of the day changing the green bottle rates to correspond to the new basis. The balance of the work was of a routine character. Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the California Fig Syrup Com pany. It acts gently on the fcidneys, liver and bowels, cleansinir the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no pre tensions that every bottle will not substan tiate We have many surprises for you in ladies' fnrs, muffs, capes, collars, wraps, seal sacques, etc. In fur robes, rugs, foot muffs, seal gloves and caps. In the finest assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's umbrellas. In gentlemen's hats special holiday goods. C A. Smilet & Co.. 28 Fifth avenue. Diamond Studs. A beautiful collection from ?5 to 5100; just mounted at Haedt & Hates', Jewelers, 529 Smithfield street. Three doors from City HalL Open every evening. Away Tney Go! One thousand pairs of men's fancy em broidered velvet slippers at 75c, at Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa. Open till 9 o'clock nights. Beautiful Christmas Goods. E. S. Davis & Co., 96 Fifth ave. Ei erybody Is looking for something nice to purchase for a friend, and the place to find it is at the jewelry house of Henry Terheyden, 530 Smithfield street Look at this partial list: f Gents' gold, ?35 to 5250. Watches 1 Ladies' gold, 520 to $100. C Silver, 54 to 525. IIu rings, 55 to 5250. Stickpins, 55 to 550. Studs, $13 to 5200. Earrings, 525 to 5600. Lockets, S10 to 550. Onyx CIocks-516 to $100. ( Chain bracelets, i Hairpins, Fine Jewelry Lockets, lace pins, I Stickpins, bib pins, (.Children's buttons. Open every night. Two Days Before Xmas, During which time we will sell 1,500 boys' short pants suits, sizes 4 to 14. All the , brichtest and newest patterns at $2, 53 and S3 50. Elegant presents to every boy. P. C C C.', Pittsburg Combination Cloth ing Company, corner Grant-and Diamond streets, opposite the Court House. Open . evenings. Spoons. A marvelous collection in all the latest ifads at Hardy & Hates', Jewelers, 529 Smithfield street Three doors from City HalL Open every evening. B.AB. Late buyers will find here larger and better assortments of fancy goods for selection than elsewhere. Desirable ar ticles at very popular prices. Boggs & Bom LADIES solid silver chatelaine watches, good time-keepers. 53 50 nt the great special sale. Kingsbacher Bros., 516 Wood street. Bieyclesv Baby Carriages. Velocipedes, tricycles, waeons, sleds, etc., in abundance at James W. Grove's. All new for the holiday trade. Prices always the lowest. Initiat. handkerchiefs, silk handker chiefs,. silk mufflers. Best goods and lowest prices. Bosenbauji & Co. Diamond Studs, From J-lrarat up to 3-karat stones, cheaper' than ever known, at Kingsbacher Bros.' special sale, 516 Wood street. Kranlcli & Bach, Emerson, James JT. Starr & Co. pianos only at LECHNER & SCHOENBERGEB'S, Easy payments. 69 Fifth avenue. Economize Bv pnrchasing your candy at E. "tfaginn's, 913-916 Liberty street; '80 Federal street, Allegheny. Jflcs Diamond RInirs, White and perfect, from 57 50 up. at Klngs bicher Bros.' special diamond sale, 516 Wood street. Silk umbrellas, great variety for Christ mas presents at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth avenue. We'll surprise you with onr display of umbrellas. Smiley & Co. MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Business Chances. TYISSOLUTION NOTICE THE PARTNERSHIP U existing lietwecn Boardman ,t Patterson is dissolved bv mutual consent. J.L. Bosrdmsn retir ing. All business affairs of the Ann will be settled bv Albert C Patterson, at No. 155 Ohio st . Alleghe ny. Pa. J. L. BOARDMAN, A. C. PATTERSON. AX.I.EGIIEXT, Dec a, 1831. dc23-3l "VOTICE Is hereby given that I have this day taken Into partnership with me my son, John ,T. Vctter. The arm will continue the same business, horsefchoers and farriers. Cherry alley, near Llberty.Plttsburg, Pa., under the Arm name of S. A. Vetter&Son. S. A. VETTER. December n, 1891. deS2-70 X70TICEISr HEREBY GIVEN THAT-TirE Is partnership heretofore exMtng between W. W. Morris and Charles H. Humbert, known as the "Chuddy Manufaeturlng Company.11 has tills day tieen difrsohed by mutual consent, Charles II. Humbert having purc!i3ed the entire business of the said "Cluiddv Manufacturing Comnanv." All persons hatingefaims against said firm will pre sent them to the said Charles H. Humbert, and all nersons Indebted to said arm will make pavinent to him. The bnstnesg of the Chnddv Manufacturing Coinnanv will be continued by Charles H. Hum bert in the same location. Diamond Bank building, corner Fifth avenue and Llbertv street. Pltt-burg, ra, CHARLES H. HUMBERT. WILLIAM W. MORR1-. PlTTSBnito. Dec. Z!, 1831. Ue3-19 Elections. Tnntn Natwjtai. hatk. PrrrsBCno. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR nine directors of this bank, to frcrvc for the ensuing rear, will be held at the banking house.S2s and SM Wood St.. on TUESDAY. January 12, 1892, between the hours of U A. v. ana 1 P. M. V. STEIXMEYER, Cashier. December i:. 1S9I. dels-4: FIRST ATIOXAL BANK OF PITTSBUFG. FA., PiTTSBCiin, Dec, li 18fll, f ELECTION-TnE ANNUAL ELHCTION FOR nine directors for this hank, to serve for the ensuing vear, wll1 he held at the hanking house, corner Wood st. and Fifth av.. TUESDAY. Jan uary 15, ISM, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 P. M. J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. deU-31 Eepal Not! res. LEGAL I am prepared to do worK for the legal profession, writing deeds, mortgages or tran scribing legal or other documents: satisfaction guaranteed: terms moderate. Mortimer Starling, Room 34, 1CS Fourth av. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT LETTERS testamentarv on estate of Franklin McGowin, late of thecitv of Pittsburg, comity of Allegheny, and fctatc of PennsyU aula, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted lo said estate arc requested to make immediate pay ment, and those haIng claims or deinauds against the same will make them known without delay. THE SaFE DEFOSIT AND TRUST CO.. of Pitts burg, Executor, No. S3 Fourth av., Pittsburg. Pa. BQ25-13-W ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-TAKE NOTICE that letters of administration upon the estate ir Willi im II. Klrkpatrlck. late of Allegheny City, deceased, have been issued by the Register of Alle gheny county, Pennsylvania, to C. V. Robb, of Pittsburg, Pa.; all persons Indebted to said estate will please call and settle and those haying claims against said estate are requested to present the 6ame. properlv probated, at the office of the Admin istrator in M.N icholas Law Building, No. 170 Fourth av., Pittsburg, Room No. 12. C. W. ROUB, Administrator. Pittsburg, December 15, 1891. del8--w VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LETTERS Xl testamentary on the estate of John N. Straub, deceased, late of Reserve township. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to 6ald estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those halng claims or demands agafust the same -will make known without delay. THEO. F. STRAUB, HERMAN STKaUB. noSS-M-w ALEX. E. GOSS, Attorney at Law, No. 401 Grant st. -VTOTICE-APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO Xs the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 4th day of January. ISM, bv .Toslah Pearce. John W. Mc Klm. Alex. J. McKira. J. A. TrclfalL. II. J. Beacham, under the act of Assembly entitled: "An act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations,1 approved April 23, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation, to be called The RanklnTen CeniBulldingaud Loan Association, the character and object or which Is the accumulating a fund by the periodical contributions of the members thereof and of safely investing the same, to meet at Ran kin, Pa., and for thee purposes to hae and en Joy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act ofAssembly and the supplements thereto. LEX. E.GOSS, deS-:-w Solicit ir for Applicants. PERSONAL. ERiONAL Chemical diamonds. PERSONAL Novelty Printing Co., 77 mamond St.; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest prices. PERSONAL We can save vou 25 per cent on watches and Christmas gilts, wllson'sjew eliy store. 61 Fourth av. IjERSONAi,-casli paid for old gola and silver . watches and Jewelry repaired : new work made loonier. Chris. Hauch. 541 smithfield. TERSONAL-Ladlcs. the Borden (patent) bang Is a wonderful Invention, unique and beautiful. For 6ale only at Room 204, Hamilton building, second floor. 81 Fifth ay. PERSONAL Direct irom Paris A large con signment of opera glasses; latest novelties at rock bottom prices; gold spectacles from f3 50. Carnss & Mannlon, Opticians, 67 Fifth av. PERSONAL When 1 was a small bov my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a great blgman. Dickson, the w ell known tailor, ft lfth ay., cor. Wood t., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape. Tel. 155&. PERSON AL-Thackcray's worts, complete, 10 vols rtOO Dickens' worts, complete jso Shakspeare's works, complete i 50 Eliot's works, complete 00 Prescott's Mexico, a vols., gilt top 1 35 Huckleberry Finn 75 FRANK BACON & CO.. an Smlthfleld st. LOST. T OST Chemical diamonds. LOST Roman gold bracelet of enameled forget-me-nots; liberal reward. L. A., Dispatch LOST Money If you buyXmas gilts elsewhere: 3 per cent saving on watches, diamonds and Jewelry, at Wilson's, 61 Fourth ay. LOST A small black and tan bitch, about 8 months old, weight about SH pounds, slightly uudershot. Liberal reward given for anv infor mation leading to the return of sat&c to B. V. Wet don, 134 Forty-first street. M9 Display advertttemenn me dollar ptr tquare or one intertion. Clcu-tfied teal estate advertisement! on this page ten tentt per line for each intertion, and none taken for leu thati thirty cent. ' UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE distilled under the following headings will be ac cepted at the rate of ONE CENT PER WORD FOE EACH INSERTION when pail for la ad. Tince either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kindt, BUCHAS SITUATIONS, MALE HELP, FEMALE HELP, AGKNTS, ROOMS, BOARDING, BOARDERS, MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONAL, TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FORSALES,LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smithfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS, WHERE WANT, FOR SALE, TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WIXL BE RECEIVED UP TO P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements should he prepaid unless adver tisers already hare accounts with THE Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 107 FEDERAL ST.. TELEPHONE 3621. N FOR THE SOUTHS1DE, NO. 1412 CARSON STREET, TELEPHONE NO. 6022. FOR THE EAST END. J.W.WALLACE, OH PENN AV. PnTSBURG-ADDrnONAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3309 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Fenn ayenue. ""ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL. F. H. EGGERS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS McIIEN RY, Western and Irwin avenues. PERRY II. GLEIM, Rebecca and Allegheny ays. WANTED. I Male HelD. BANK CLERK An experienced man: none other need apply: state previous position: best of references required. Address P. O. Box 015. B ARBER First-class man at 52 North Diamond St., Allegheny. BOY About 14 years old, ror office work : position permanent, IT satisfactory. Address G. I.. Dispatch office, statiug age, experience and salary expected. BOY For night work on morning paper. Apply at Dispatch mailing room at 2:30 this aftcr- BOY Good, stout errand boy: come at once and bring references. Fleishman & Co., 504, 506 and 503 Market st. BOY with some experience to learn the barber trade. 50 Fourth av. COATM AKERS-f2) atl7 Anderson St., Allegheny City; good wages; take work home. HUSTLER To work np laundry trade; good opening for right partv. Inquire Paris Laundry, Hemlock and Esplanade sts., Allcgheuy. MEN Are you a Catholic? Are you unem ployed? "Will vou work for 18 'per week? Write to me at once. J. R. Gay, 194 Madison eU, Chicago. SALESMEN Experienced traveling salesmen for Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio to sell gents1 furnishing specialties. Address, stating experience and references, S. S., Dispatch office. SALESMAN With an established grocery trade, city and surroundings, to handle agency; well Xnown specialties: with reference and full particu lars. Address P. O. Box 580. Plitburg. SALESMEN To sell stores O'Keefe's O. K. shoe O blacking, the finest In the world: good com missions. O'Eeefe & Co., 703 Smithfield St., Pitts burg, Pa. QIGN PAINTER-A first-class man. Inquire of KJ U. . O' 1Brlen, 2)2 Fifth av. SOLICITORS First-class at once; steady em ployment. Robert K. McCormlck, General Manager, 135 Fifth av. TEACHER An experienced teacher for boys in public institution outside the city; tingle man and a thorough disciplinarian: must come well recommended: wages 40 per month, with board. Mashing and lodging. Address, immediately. Gates, Dispatch office. "T7"A1TER A first-class German waiter for a It clubhouse: young married man preferred; good wages. Address G. W., Dispatch office. WANTED-Coal solicitors to call at the Pitts burg Coal Company's, 401 Smithfield st. 70UNG MEN To learn mechanical drawing at X the Actual Business Night School. Nos. 5 and 7 Sixth av.; three months1 Instruction for 110: ar range now; next term begins January 4, 1892: Prof. Currv, who has been engaged by ns, will have charge of this class: bookkeeping, penmanship, shorthand and typewriting thoroughly taught. M, J. Conner, President; J. M. Phillips, Expert Ac countant. Agents Wanted. AGENTS On salary or commission to bandlo the new patent ehemlcal Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases ink thoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion oi paper: 200 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to f620 in six days; another (321ntwo hours: we want one energetic general agent for each btate and Territory. For terms and full particu lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mtg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. (X10). AGENTS To sell the Pinless Clothes Line; the only line ever invented that holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently Issued; sold only by agents, to whom the exclu sive right Is given: on receipt of 50 cents we will send a sample line by jnall; also circulars; price list and terms to agents : secure yonr territory at once. Address The Pinless Clothes Line Co., 97 Hennon st., AVorcester, Mass. AGKNT S3 to 87 dally: experience unnecessary. Putnam & Co., Perfumers, West Winstcd.Ct. Male and Female Help Wanted. AT ONCE colored man to assist In housework, butcher, short order cook, night cook, dish .washers, dining room girls, ft per week; child's nurse, laundress, family cooks and chambermaids. 2C0 house, 4 colored. Meehau's Employment and Business Agency, 545 Grant st. Telephone, 90, HELP Cooks, chambermaids, dining room girls, laundresses, nurses, houseglrls for families kitchen, pantry, and chambermaids for hotels, cooks and dishwashers for restaurants and board ing houses, waiters, farm hands, white and colored male help supplied on short notice. Mrs. E. Thompson, 60S Grant St. LABORERS 100 railroad laborers. 300 coal miners, house girls, male and female cooks, hatchers, bakers, waiters and teamsters: three grocery clerks. Keystone Employment Agency, 610 Grant st. Female Help Wanted. GIRL for general housework In 6mall family; must he neat and tidy. Inquire Center av.t second house east of Craig st. GIRL For general housawork In small family; no washing: reference required. Inquire 55 Chestnut St., Allegheny. GIRL Good white girl for general housework: small family; must be good cook. Apply 6212 Howe St., E. E. GIRL for general housework, small family. Locust sU, Pittsburg. GIRLS Some good scrub girls. Charles Hotel Inquire at St. TVTURSE GIRL. 16 to 18 vcars of age. Inquire 1 4205 Fifth ay., Oakland Terrace. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED To represent a Pittsburg concern In New York by a gentleman of the highest reputation and business ability, now trarelingbut anxious to discontinue: salary moderate; card in serted by a friend or the applicant who would be glad to arrange an Interview. Address G. G., Dis patch office. "ITTANTED A man to take an office and repre l sent a manufacturer; f50 per week; small rapltal required. Address, with stamp. Manu facturer, Box 70, West Acton, Mass. Situations Wanted. JANITOlt-Position as church Janitor. A. B., 103 Howard St., Allegheny. Address POSITION Two young men want a position be tween the hours of 7F. M. and 2 a. m. 4 or 5 nights a eek; can manage or do anything which would require a business education: can give bond In any amount if necessary. Address 5 days, Bond, D ispatcli ofiice. IJOS1TION By roan of 26 years, as manager of general store in country town, or of depart ment In general store in city: wholesale or retail; have large experience; best reference from present employer. Address P. O. Box 47, New Haven, Pa. POSI1ION By a graduate as cutter, or coatmak er and cutter. Address 703 Him rod av., Youagstown, O. POSITION By an experienced ladv stenogra pher. Address M., 03, Dispatch office. POSITION As Janitor, a church janitor, dress A B 1C3 Howard St., Allegheny. Ad- SITUATION By male stenographer. Box 645. Meadville, Pa. Address Fire insurance Wanted. BENSWANGER ZAHN-Flre Insurance, Fourth av. - MONONGAHELA INSURANCE CO.-JohnH. Clancy, bec'y., W. A. Caldwell, FresU; 88 Fourth av. Booms Wanted. WANTED Rooms At once, two communi cating rooms and good table board for gen tleman, wile and daughter on main line of street cars and terms reasonable. Address Buslness,Dis patcli ofiice. WANTED Room bv gentleman of good habits and good standing: pleasant room. 7:45 breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner, with private family In Bellevue. Address nabltt. Dispatch office. Partner Wanted. , PARTNER In light manufacturing business, understanding the care of the trade; state where interview can be had. Address C. W Dis patch oQce. PARTNER for machine business with from 500 to l,O0O cash; trade established. Address Trade, Dispatch office. WANTED. Instruction. PUPILS to learn bookkeeping, penmanship or shorthand during leisure hours at home: In struction by mail; satisfaction guaranteed; schol arship;, payable at completion of course. Aa dress, stating references, Proftssor. Dispatch office. PUPILS for French by natural method: good op portunity -for intending tourists. Paris, Dis patch office. PUPILS for 8panl3b-lntendlng tourists and set tlers In Mexico, note this. Expana, Dispatch office. Uookkeeplnc Accunnts, Etc, Wanted. AUDITING and accounting I attend to any thing in the liuevf intricate accounting, auditing the books ox corporations, manufactur ers, merchants, hotels and others. A. F. Sawhlll, 1S7 Federal tU, Allcgneay, Pa. Hoarders and lodsrers Wanted. BOARDERS 4 gentlemen board Address Men, Dispatch office. boarders at Crafton. LODGERS-At Anchor Hotel, 327 Liberty St., cor. Fonrtn; lodging per night, 25c, 35c, 60c; per week, (1 25, ?1 75, fi. S3. Financial TVantea. BONDS, stocks, mortgages and other securities. Ed Wlttish, 410 Giant St., Plttsbnrg. MONEY To loan in large or small amounts on good city or Allegheny property. Mortimer btariing. Room 34. 103 Fourth av. MONEY to loan on mortgage; no delay; lowest Interest. Howard Brown, 151 Fourth av. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny connty prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver & Co., 82 Fourth av. REAL ESTATE brokers requiring deeds, mortgages, or transcribing of any description done with promptness and accuracy please call on me; terms moderate. Mortimer btariing. Boom 34, 103 Fourth av. TO LOAN S200.0CO on mortgages: 8100 and up ward at 6 per cent; 500, COO at i per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms, s. H. French. 125 Fourth av. "7"ANTED Mortgages We have money to loan if on mortgagesln large or small amounts at lowest market rates. W. A. Herron Sons, 0 Fourth av. Miscellaneous Wanted. BUYERS For fruits: we have the celebrated St. Francis Florida oranges, grown bv Dr. L. H. Harris, superior in' color and sweetness: 2.000 boxes for the holiday trade; have, alio, two cars fancy lemons, 1,000 bags of peanuts, 500 boxes best dates, anv quantity of figs and nuts, 500 barrels ot Malaga grapes, Spanish onions. California pears: headquarters for bananas; lowest prices; come and see us. Saitta t Fugasal, 535 Liberty St. CHRISTMAS TREAT-A pound box or French cream candvwith every pair of leather shoes at the big closing out shoe sale: men's good calf dress shoes for tl 25; a ladles' handsome button shoe for 75 rents; SO and 40 per cent off regular prices on everything; nothing like it iu the country; must close out try January 1: don't forget the box of candy from now until Christmas. Public Shoe Store, No. 56 Federal St., Allegheny City. DRESSMAKING-Second floor, 12 Smithfield st. : party dresses a specialty. EVERYONE to knowSS will buy a good second hand sewing machine at the Light Running New Home office: or, if yon wantanew sewing machine that is sure to give yon satisfaction, buy a Light Running New Home at II. Carter's, 19 Sixth St.. two doors below the Bijou. OiROCERS and dealers to buy Boneless Boiled T Hams, sausage, pork, sparerlbs, lard, all kinds smoked meat cheap. E. A. Relneman, IS Pitts. Market. LODGERS At Anchor Hotel, 327 Liberty St., cor. Fourth; lodging per night, 25c, 35c, 50c: per week, SI 25, St 75, $2, $3. PATENTS O. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor, 131 Fifth av., next Leader, Pittsburg: no delay. QUIT NOTICES-Serred free of charge by A. Z. Byers & Co.. 93 Federal St., Allegheny. rpRUNKs named to and from East End ror 60c. X Campbell & Davis, 12 seventh av. Telephone USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Magic Roach Powder: contains no poison; roaches hanlsned by contract; satlsfactionglven or no pay. Prepared hy Geo. W. Jones, 222 Federal St., Alle gheny, Pa. Sold bv all Urst-class druggists. WANTED-Evervbodv to know that Pickering, the house furnisher, wilt sell (10 worth of goods on credit for tl down and 50c a week. Pick ering, corner Te-ith and Penn av. "fxTEARERS of spectacles to buy the best 1 steel and S3 50 gold spectacles and eye glasses yet offered of V. L. Trleber. Practical Optician, at Schaefer's Jewelry Store. 150 Fifth av. Special. MARY, the Queen of the nouse of David, daybook. Read it. Holi- MARY, the Queen of the House of David, daybook? Read it. MARY, the Queen or the Honse of David. Holi day book? Read It. MARY, the Queen of the Honse of David. Holl daybook? Read It. MARY, 'the Queen of the House 'ot David. Hol iday booir read It. -" MARY, the Queen of the Honse of David. Holt;, day book; read it. MARY, the Queen of the House or David. Holi day book; readlt. MARY; the Queen of the House of David. Holl-, daybook; readlt. MARY, the Queen of the House of David, Is a narrative of absorbing interest. Horatio Alger. MARY, the Queen of the House or David, Is a re markable and beautiful book. Noel Temple Moore, Jerusalem. MARY, the Queen of the House of David, I have read with grcat"delight. Mrs. Dr. Newman. MARY, the Queen of the Honse of David, no one can begin without reading through. Reuben Jeffrey. MARY, the Queen of the House of David, rivals Ben Hur. Mrs. LUcrraore. MARY, the Queen of the House of David, has a fascination on every page. Losslng. MARY, the Queen of the House of David, con tains 626 pages, beautifully Illustrated, Is a magnificent book, and sells at (2 50 In cloth bind ing, and at f4 50 in seal; is owned and published exclusively by A. b. Gray & Co.. Eisner & Phillips building. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Dorses. Vehicles, Livo Stock For Sale. "TELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles; XJ our own make. Wm. Beckert, 340 to 344 Ohio St., Allegheny. Telephone, 3420. HORSE Very fine pacing horse: 6 vcars old: can pace better than 2:40: an elegant gentleman's driving horse: will sell cheap If sold at ouce. H. II,, Dispatch office. Machinery and Metals For Sale. ACME Automatic Safety Engine and non-explosive boiler, built from one to five horse power, natnral gas or common carbon oil as fuel, no engineer required, perfectly safe and reliable, economy In fuel and durability a special feature. No. 4 Fifth av. J. Piagcr. General Agent. BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest In the market: 43 boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.; steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone x!401, 23-25 Park way, J. S. 1'oung, Allegheny, Pa. BOILER One 24-horse power upright boiler, one small engine, shafting, pulleys, etc.: lard kettles, and one fine large safe. Inquire of W. A. Hoeveler, Storage, pike and Twelfth sts.. Pitts burg, Fa. 1 ENGINES and boilers of every description: brick j yard supplies; contractors, and rolling mill ma chinery. Thomas Carllu's Sons, Lacock and San dusky sts., Allegheny. GHINDSTONES-In all sizes, ror all kinds of grinding: Cralgleith, New Castle. Nova Scotia and other grits; Iron frames and fixtures for hand, foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emery wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Klrby, 133 First avenue. PRESS For Sale Good No. 1 monumental lever Job printing press, with allfurnlturc and fixtures complete, including a good assortment of type, three chases and cablntts; press, type andeterj thlnglngood order; as owner has no further use for it he will sell cheap: look at this before buying your son any other kind of a Christinas present. L. Blattner, Agt., S3 Franklin St., Allegheny City, Pa. ' SECOND-HAND engines snd boilers Two 85 horse-power and two ten horse-power station ary engines and boilers. One ten horse-power portable on wheels. Thlrty-flvc. 15, 12. ten and eight horse-power engines, verucaiana norizontai. an gooa ana wm uc &uiu cucuy. Depot, 99 First av. Harmes' Machine SECOND-HAND planing mill machinery: two double surfacers; two single surfacers; one single surfacer and matcher: one new 12-Inch hand Jointer; wood and iron pnllevs and hangers. Butler & Gardner, Short and Liberty streets, lUnstcal Instruments. TTPRIGHT PIANO Almost new, big bargain for U cash: must be sold quick; excellent make. 105 Pennsylvania av.. Allegheny. Miscellaneous For Sale. COIRISTMAS MEAT All lovers of good meat i should take auvnntage of the opportunity to see the flue display of cattle to-day at the stfil of G. W. Evans, No. 113 Plttsbnrg Market: tills dls- ilav consists of Imported English mutton and anibs and of thoroughbred Durham cattle; the sheep are Imported by Stone & Harrison, of Stonevllle, 111., largest breeders and importers or sheep In the country; these sheep were exhibited at the Fat Stock Show. Chicago, and took first firlze; two of the sheen weigh 640 pounds gloss; lieyare undoubtedly the largest sheep ever Im ported to this country: they dressed 185 pounds and 180 net respectively; the beef Is of the celebrated Durham breed of cattle, which Is known to be the finest quality of cattle slaughtered. The steer on exhibition weighed oyer 2,000 pounds alUc, and dressed 1,235 pounds; he Imported them from England In order to test the difference 'In the feed ing qualities of the bomeandfbreign stock. CORDAGE Twine, hemp packing. Co., SDWaterst. Flocker i RED BRICK In large or small quantities, Witt mer Brick Co., Llm., 12 Federal St., Alle gheny, Pa. ' SIDEBOARD-Good as new; cost (SO; .will take (40. Apply 621 Penn ay.' Dr. C. B. Scott. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Coal For Sale. COAL Anthracite and bituminous coal and crushed coke for domestic purposes; general hauling. Latimer; Myers A Co., Fourth and Try its, and Thirtieth and Liberty sts. "lOAL Buy your lump coal, nut and slack at Mc J Elwalu's, Seventh and Duquesne way. Tele phone 1117. VOUGIUOGHENY COAL The cheapest coal for X family use lu Allegheny City. Order of C. J n tte & Co.: float foot of Walnut St., Allegheny; telephone350S. FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. BAKERY At a bargain: expenses light: smalt capital required. Address Loughry Bros.. Greensourg, Pa. BUSINESS An old established wholesale and retail business, situated In the center of tills city; location flrst class; none better anywhere; have had in retail department a trade of over 1'00. 000 a ear. and with wholesale have reached a busi ness of 130, COO a year; tnls Is a rare opening for one or two active young men, as for satisfactory reasons I will sell at a bargain; think of it. the next 60 days1 retail sales should pay for the entire sk lng price for this fully equipped store; full particu lars will he furnished anyone who means business. Address Opportunity, Dispatch office. OAL LANDS FOR SALE-1 have for sale the followlug coal lands: 256 acres of regular Con nellsvllle coking coal near Sevrickley branch of the Southwest Railroad; tenement houses, farm house and store building; 800 acres fully devel oped and equipped readv for operation on the Monongahela river and P. V. A C. It. R.; capacity 20,000 bushels datlv; 339 acres with several thou sand acres behind which can be leased, on the Panhandle Railroad. 30 miles from Pittsburg. 3,250 acres of coking coal land on the B. St. O. R. B. In West Vlrginl-i, cheap. I also have some well equipped mines for lease that can be put In opera tion within a few days. For particulars call on J. II. Hlllman. No. 8 Wood st. POR SALE Fine merchant tailoring and gents' furnishing, notion and wall paper: restau rant, grocery stores. S200 to (10,000: cigar store, baker?-, milk depot; fish and ojster market, butcher shop. Jewelry store, with large repair trade: good hotel. Holmes A Co., 420 Smithfield street. DRUG STORE First-class drug store on corner of one of the best streets In Allegheny. Bee John K. Ewlug & Co., 107 Federal street. STORE One of the finest and best paving cloth ing and furnishing stores in Western Pa., carrying a stock of S7.0CO to 810.C0O and doing good business: store situated in brick hotel block. 100x22 ft., electric light, gas for fuel, street cars in the city: best of nasons given for selling: nothing but spot cash can buy it: good opportunity for light man. Address Lock Box 156. Du Bols, Pa. WHOLESALE COMMISSION HOUSE, with lease for two ears and three months: also, team. Address 100. Dispatch office. FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. , CHATHAM ST., nearWylleav.: fine three-story brick; 13 rooms: all conveniences; can be read ily changed Into an apartment house at small cost: lot 20x96 to asphaltum paved alley: room to build another house on alley: fine Investment; a most desirable downtown property; will be sold cheap. Baxter, Thompson &. Co., 162 Fourth av. FISK ST. No. 215-New brick dwelling house, eight rooms and modern conveniences; desira bly located: price low and terms easy. Inquire of W. S. Williams, Arsenal Bank. " East End Residences For Sale. FOR SALE 15.000 On paved street. East End: location convenient and desirable: house fine appearance, eight rooms, modern fixtures. (7) W. A, Herron Jk Sons, 80 Fourth av. Allegheny Lots For Sale. 400 Small payment down, balance In SI: j monthly installments same as rent: new frame house o'f five rooms: lot 25x100 feet: Tenth ward. Allegheny City, near electric cars: good iielghlwrhood : nice location. John E. McCrickart, 140 Fifth av. Tel. 1G76. Suburban Residences To Let. C1HICAGO Lots, only 125; terms easy. J McN air. 93 Fourth av. David rOR SALE Wllkinsburg; $6.250: newhrlck house of seven rooms, attic, bath, w. c, both gases, electric lights, furnace; one of the best locations on South st. See W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth avenue. FOR SAXE LOTS. East End Lots For Sale. FORSALE-OnIy75 for a level building lot on grade st., paved and sewered (and paid for) 20 feet front, one square from line of rapid transit; 15 minutes1 ride from P. O.; a bargain. (67.) W. A. Herron & Sous, 80 Fourth av. Suburban. Lots For Sale. BRUSHTON Nice level lots 25x80, only (400: one minute fromllrushton station and five min utes from Duquesne cars, on Penn av. (K78). Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av. SUBURBAN LOTS at Chartiers Fine building lots$300to8C0vaceordlngto6lze and location, within sight of the Court House: Chartiers Is the most accessible of any suburb of Pittsburg, being reached by the P. & L. E. R. In 12 minutes, by Chartiers packets in 25 minutes and hy electric cars, which are to take the place .of the present horse car line next spring. In 25 minutes; these lots front on line of electric road. For further particu lars, T. H. Dickson, 96 Fourth av.. Room 33. Farms For Sale. SUBURBAN FARM$2.200-4 acres with neat4 rooin frame dwelling, stable and outbuildings; 8 minutes from R. R. station; 30 minutes from P. O. : on Castle Shannon R. R.: fare 4 cents; rich, nice lying ground: surrounding property laid out in building lots: terms. (503 cash, balance as de sired. Burtt & Sweeny, 110 Fourth av. Manufacturing Sites For Sale. Manufacturing' siTES-severai oesirawe manufacturing properties, with and without buildings and machinery, on lines of railroads and rivers. T. H. Dickson. 90 Fourth av. steamers and excursions; C1UNARD LINE-NEW YORK AND LIVER- POOL VIA QUEENSTOWN-From Pier 40 Vnvtti TMita Vaat uvtivada mall eaFvfjva ASI VI I,S1 Xil VS A. UOv tfjJ lsh)4J SU Ul.1 V AVC Etrurla, Dec. 25, 2 p.m. Auranla, Jan. 2, 6:30a.m. Bothnia. Jan. 9, 1 p. m. Urabria, Jan. 16, 7 a. m. Gallia. Jan.23. 1:30 p.m. Etrurla. Jan. 30,5:30 a.m. Auranla, Keb. 6. 1 p.m. umDria,reD.j4,a:,jua.m. Cabin passage -860 and upward, according to lo cation; second cabin, (jo. bteerage tickets to and from all parts of Enrope at very low rates. For freight and passage apply to the company's office. 4 Bowling Green. New York. VERNON 71. BROWN CO.. General Agents, or CHARLES P. SMITH. Third av. and Wood St., Agent for Pitts burg, Pa. . de2l-D w HUE STAR LINE For Ouecnstown and Llvemool. Royal and United States Mall steamers. Malestlc Dec. 30. 3 Din Britannic, Jan. 27, 2 p m 31ajestic Feb. 3. 10 a m Germanic, Feb. 10, 2p ra Teutonic Feb. 17, 9 am Germanic, Jan. 6. 11 a m Adriatic, Jan. 13,2pm Tenton!c,Jan 20.10:30am From White Star dock, foot of West Tenth St.. New York. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, (50 and upward. Second cabin (35 and 10. Excur sion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, from or to old country, (20. White Star drafts payable on demand In all the principal banks throughout Great Britain. Apply to JOHN J. MCCOKMICK. CJ9 and 401 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, or II. MAITLAND KERSEY.Gen erat Agent, 29 Broadway. New York. de9-D ALLAK IvXTCE; royal mail steamships. glasgow to philadelphia, Via Derry and Gal way. The most direct route from Scotland and North and Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, $19. 5T4TF) Service of LllMlv J STEAMSHIPS. NEW YOHK AND GLASGOW. Via London every Fortnight, Jnn. 7, State of California, 9 a.m. Jan. 23, State of Nebraska. 8 a. m. CABIN, (10. Second clas. $30. Steerase, $19. Apply to J. J. McCORMICK, 039 Smithfield street, Pittsburg. no25-33-D ANCHOR LINE Steamers Leavo New York Every Saturday For Glasgow via Londonderry. Rates for Saloon JiO and upward, accord ing to accommodation and location of room, fctcoud CJhin. KS0. St"erage, (in. MEDITERKANEAN hEUVICE: NEW YORK TO GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES: S. S. Bolivia, Wednesday. Dec. 23, 3 r. M. Cabin passage, (30 to (10 j. Passengers booked at through rates to or from any city in Great Britain or on the Continent. Drafts on London Sold at Lowest Kates. Book of Information, tonri and sailing lists fur nished on application to Agents. HENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 Bowling Green, N. Y., or J. MCCORMICK, 031 and 401 Smithfield St.; A. 1). SCORER & SON, 415 bmithfleld st., Pitts burg; F. M. SEMPLE, 110 Federal St., Allegheny. nol6-tt-jtwp Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamship Company. Fast Line ol Express Steamers. New York to Southampton (London), Bremen. siuuniu A1I.1JUS, IKE. Elder, Havel, Kms. Lahu, Saale, Spree, Kibe, Aller, Trav e. Elder, Havel, Ems Lahn, Sank'. Sat., April 2FJhe. Wed., Mav 18 May 21 M.iy 24 Mav 23 May 31 June 4 June 7 June 11 June 14 June IS June 18 June 21 June 5 June 28 July 3 Tues., April 5 Sat.. April o Tues., April 12 bat.. April 16 Tues.. Anrillll Aller. Sat.. Tra e. Tues., sat., Tues., .bat., Tues., Sat., Tues., Wed.. Sat., 'J'ucs., Sat.. Tues., iMaer. Havel, Ems, Wed.. Anrllai Lahn, Sat., April 23 saale, Tues., April 20'spree, e-at., April aurjune, Tues., May 3, Aller. cat., juay v Tues., May 10 bat.. May Hi Tues.. May 171 Trave, Eider. -Havel, Spree jems, b-h.. Time from New York tn HnnfhAmntan 7U days. From Southampton to Bremen,24or30 hours. From Southampton to London, hy Southwestern Railway Co.. m hours. Trains every honr in the summer season. Railway carriages for London await pas sengers In Southampton Docks on arrival of ex press steamers from Hew York. . These steamers are well known for their speed, comlort and excellent cuisine. MAX bCHAMBERG CO., 527 SmlUifleld St., LOUIS MOSEB, 616 Smithfield it., A genu for Pittsburg. deza-eO-xr TOIBT. City Residences. no let- No. 225 Pcnn av., brick house, five rooms and attic. (20 per month. Penuav., near Twenty-eighth St., house of six rooms. 115 per month, ,...- On Jones ay., near Twenty-eighth St., nouse of four rooms, 10 per month. Pennav.. nearTwelrth St.. three largo rooms with modern nxtures. 13 per month. See W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth ay. TO LET Wylle av., between Duff and Chauncey sts., new brick house of six rooms and man sard; bathroom: hot and cold water in kitchen; rent, (S5 per month. G eo. Johnston, 62 Fourth av. TO LET No. 330 Second ay., seven itKiras and storeroom. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 02 Fourth av rpo LET No. 8 Grant St.. 8 rooms and store X room. Geo. Johnston. Agent, 62 Fourth ar. East End Residences To Let. 7 -ROOM HOUSE, East Liberty: all conveniences; 2square from electric line; large lot; rent low. Thomas E. Wilson, 75 Frankstown ave. . t Alleeheny Residences To Let. TO LET Frame house, nine rooms; good cellar: spring of good water at door: 21 acres of fine land; mostly fruit of choicest variety; ten minutes' walk to Evergreen Hamht station; 30 mlnntes' drlteto Allegheny P. O. : can have immediate possession. Inquire of Stewart, Meivin & Co., l.lin., 62 s'econd av., city. TO LET Corner Irwin av, and Braddock St., Allegheny, 3 new houses, presscd-brick front, containing 8 rooms each; all modern Improve ments, such as bathroom, laundry; Inside closets, etc.; good rear yard to each house: rent, (35 per month. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth av., Plttsbnrg. , rpo LET Ridge av., Allegheny, fronting the X parks. Very Handsome House. Ten rooms, modern lmprovements,stib! and car riage house. W. A. Herron & Sons, to Fourth ay. TO LET Nice five-room dwelling-Federal st. extension. Inquire of J. It. McKee, 703 Teim ay., Room Gil. Rooms To Let. ROOMS Large elegantly furnished parlor with folding bed, and two pleasant second-story rooms In handsome house in fashionable neigh borhood: references. 315 South Highland av. R OOMS For four gentlemen, opposite Mononga- ueia nouse, lzomunneiu St. WYLIE AV. No. 201. furnished rooms by day. week or month; also boarding If desired, at Zalkind Honse. Offices and Desk Knom To Let. OFFICE Front room, heated bv steam, good light. Possession at once. Mcllon's bans: building, 512 Smithfield street.; t TO LOT Office rooms third floors, suitable for attorneys or real estate business; light and heat furnished. Apply to Dispatch Business Office, comer Smithfield and Diamond sts. Business Stands To Let. TO LET In Ferguson block, the finest fire proof office building In the city, located on Third avenue. Just below the new postofflce. having also Fourth avenue entrance; choice storerooms and offices, with all modern conveniences, high speed elevators, steam heat, electric light and janitor's services free; rent lower than others are getting in old-and inconvenient buildings: possession about January 1: rent free until April: send for Illus trated book. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth av. TO LET Office in building 75. 77 and 79 Diamond St.. with electric light, steam heating. Janitor and elevator servicetrent S3C0 per year:also rooms of various sizes with power: possession immediately. Apply to John T. Shields, second floor. Dispatch building, corner rimlthfleld and Diamond streets. TO LET Separate storerooms with railroad track: all receiving, handling, shipping and delivering facilities; also office room. Inquire of TV. A. Hoeveler, Storage, Pike and Twelfth sts., Pittsburg. Pa. rpo LET Feed and chop mill and house of nine L rooms at Hlto's station, TV. P. K. B. : house Is well calculated for boarding house, inquire of J. II. Chambers, 102 Fourth av,, roomG. TO LET Space with power Cor. FcnnandThlrd av.; three floors; 20.0(0 feet space; abundant power; good light: 6plcndid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros.. 20 Fifth av. TO LET Four-storv brick business house, plate glass front. No. 208 Smithfield st.. near post office: possession given at once. Apply at M. Op penhelmer's. Pcnn av., near Nfnth st. TO LET Desirable ftoreroom. Diamond st. in new Dl'pa'ch building: light and heat fur nished. Apply to Business Ofiice The Dispatch, corner Smith Ltmem ai 1 and Diamond sts. TO LET Store Immediate possession: store No. 708 Smithfield St.: the most desirable location In the city; suitable for any branch of business.. Inquire on premises. FOUND. p IfND Chemical diamonds. ?OUND The place to save 25 per cent on Xroas . gifts, Wilson's Jewelry store. 61 Fourth av. FOUND Optra glasses w'e can offer you the best assortment and lowest prlceB In the city; gold spectacles from fi CO. Caruss & Mannlon, Optician. 67 Flfih av. FOUN D Bellahle portrait artlsls In crayon, stpla and water colors: finest grades onlv; all work done in windows in presence of the public to prove thatno bromide prints are used; order now and pav for Christmas; stores open till 9 P. jr.: satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Union Artists' Portrait Co., first floors, 708 Liberty st., 607 Wood st. PROPOSALS. Office of CosTnoLLEn of ) Allkouest Couktt. Pa., Pittsbukq, PA-, Deo. 22, 1S9L j Notice to Cabinet Makers and Fur niture Dealers. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by the Connty Commissioner until Saturday, December 20, 1891, at 12 o'clock noon lor six dozen Jury chairs. All information can be obtained by calling; on County Commissioners. The County Commissioners reserve the right to leject any or nil bids. JAMES A. GRIER, de23-91-wrhs Connty Controller. OFFICIAL GLENFIELD. ORDINANCE NO. 24 AN ORDINANCE granting the "Philadelphia Company" the right to erect telegraph poles. Be It ordained and enacted by the Borough of Glenfield. Pa., in Conucll assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same. Section 1st That the privilege be and Is hereby granted the "Philadelphia Company" to erect tel egraph poles on the streets of the Borough of GlenneM as may be necessary to conduct a tele graph wire through the Borough of Glenfield. Section 2d That in the constructing of said tele graph line the said company shall not in any man ner Interfere with existing lines of telegraph. Section 3d That all pules placed within the bor ough llmltsshall be straight and of a uniform height and high enough to not interfere with the free and uninterrupted business on the streets, and to be placed where the Street Committee of the Borough Council may direct. Section 4th That the Borough Council authori ties shall have the prl liege If desired to use said poles for the purpose of placing lamps and lights thereon, and for the free use ot transmitting mes sages through and over said wires and the com pany's telephones. Ordained and enacted into a law in Council as sembled this, the 21st dav of December. A. D. IsOl. GEORGE II. WELCH, Attest: Burgess. T. M. SHOLES, Clerk of Council. dex3-52 THE NEW CITY OF KEZLTSIOTOZLnT Up the A. V. R. R., 18 miles from Unioa sta tion, is a surprise to all who visit it ' THE LARGE NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ERECTED. ITS BUSINESS ACTIVITY. ITS GROWING POPULATION. ITS NATURAL LOCATION AND BEAUTIFUL STREETS. IN Property is becoming more valuable there daily. Handsome profits can be realized in a short time by securing lots at present prices. Free railroad tickets given there and return. THE BURRELL IMPROVEMENT" CO., NO. 96 FOURTH AVE., PITTSBURG, PA. . de21-22orw CHOICE PROPERTIES. FOR SALE-OAKLAND. C7 f"TljO Modern brick house 9 ,JJJ room?. (62.) Ij"7 TV BrlcK: fine appearance; 8 p 1 1 I JJ rooms. (83.) 1J1 C fWi' Very handsome Qneen !DfJJJ Anne house; 10 rooms; re-; ception nan. (slj $6,800 Brick; fine appearance; 9 rooms. (7L) $5 500 S rooms; large lot. (39.) , 1!11 "Vifi Modern brick honse 8 pll,VAAJ rooms. (51) These have modern fixtures location! the best. W. A. HERRON & SONS, de!9 6-19,23,2S 80 FOURTH AVE. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID And the general care of, properties iu both cities and suburbs. ESTABLISHED 1SS8. W. A. HERRON & SONS, t0 FOURTH AVENUE. de9-54-W TO LET. STORE, 546 WOOD STREET. Immediate possession. Fifty-aero farm near McKeeport. Two offices wltb large vault. Apply ROOM 209, Bissell Block. de22-61 AUCTION SALES. Auction salo nt the Citizens' Traction Company's xtables, corner Plumber and Fortv-sewnih ctreefs. Lawrenceville, on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY", December 29 and 0. 150 STREET CAR HORSES, Woteliin'r from 1.000 to 1.253 nonjids. Tlio above horses are all sound, yonng and serviceable, and good color and all good workers. Anybody In need of horse of this kind would do well to attend this pale, as (key are going to be sold to the highest bidder, ac count of electric cars taking their place; also a latere lot of harness and stable fix tures, etc. No postponement on acconnt of the weather. J. E. SUGG, J. A. SIcKELVY. Superintendent. Auctioneer. de22-U AUCTION. AUCTION. HOLIDAY GOODS, Thursday. December 24, nt 10 o'clock, at the rooms 24 anil 2ft Ninth street. A large con signment of silverware, clocks, bronzes,fine vnes, handsome tables, fine music box, cost $175. pictures, etc. Also fine furniture, fancy rockers, tables, chairs, leather couch, desks, parlor suites, chamber suites, sideboards, extension tables, leather chairs, rockers, etc Carpets, rugs, toiletware, dishes and glassware. Snln positive, to close the account. IIEA'KY AUCTIOX CO., Auctioneers. de'23-90 HB. SMITIISON, REAL ESTATE AND . GENERAL AUCTIONEER, Room 58, Eisner building, Fifth av. and Wood st. Sales of Jewelry and Merchandise at stores. Furniture at residences promptly attend ed to. de3-20-D EDUCATIONAL. T"vU Q U ESNE COLLEGE-N EXT TERM BEGINS XJ January 4. Latin, Greek. German, French, mathematics and sciences, shorthand, bookkeep ing, music, elocution, mechanical drawing. Night school. K. M. WOOD. D.D.. LL.D.. President. Classes leading to graduation, diplomas and de grees. de21-14-D TAB SHORTLIDGE MEDIA SCHOOL. For Young Men and Bov. SW1TIIIN C. SHORTLIDGE. A. B. A A. M. (Graduate of Exeter and Harvard). MEDIA PA. (11 miles from Broad it. Station, Fhila.) d12 ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Nos. 5 and 7 Sixth ay., corner Wood st. Tiie most liberal offer in the history of our college. From now nn til after the holidays we will sell life scholarships in the book keeping department tor J30 (regular price $59), and Hie scholarships in the shorthand ami typewriting department for $25 (regular price $40). Bookkeeping taught by actual business practice. Day and night school now open. Eleventh year. M. J. CONNER. President. J. M PHILLIPS, Expert Accountant. de2342-5twsu PIIDDV CTMVJEKSITY, UUnni SIXTH STREET. CURRY Colleziate Department, The Best CURRY Normal School, The Best CUKKY English Training School, The Best CURKY iliisinesi College. The Best CUKRY School of Shorthand, ' The Best CUKKY Conservatory of Musio, The Best CUKRY School of Elocution, The Best CUKKY Faculty and Discipline, The Best Call or send lor catalogue. H. at. HOWE, President. OC24-51 KIDD'S COUGH SYRUP, 25 Cents Per Bottle. GIVE IT A TRIAL It will give satisfaction , in all casei For sale lj retail druggist generally, and at wholesale by L. H. HARRIS DRUG CO., Nos. 46 and 48 Seventh. Avanru, nol'J-D PITTSBURG. PA. ORES v ' - . i .rv 1. ' I "i-i :.f -r . r; i : ?., ,-L. ft l. 5-Sfe