"4 -- T ' 7 TOO MUCH PRODUCE Gluts the Markets and Cuts Down the - Profits of Producers. CONSUMERS ARE STRICTLY IK IT, Though the Middlemen Are Jnst Now Out side the Breastworks. POIKTS ON COFFEE AXD LEATHER OrncE or PrrrsBtrra Dispatch, ) Tuesday, Dec. 2i According to the uniform testimony of produce commission merchants, trade has been unsatisfactory since the garden and farm products of 1891 were gathered. The reason given has been the great yield in ail lines. The previous year was one of scarcity throughout the land, and nowhere else, was there a greater shortage of crops and fruits than in the region of which Pittsburg is the trade center. The year 1891, on the other hand, proved to be one of the most prolific on record. And Western Pennsylvania en joyed to the full extent the benefit of the increase. A jear ago at this time produce commission men were happy over liijr urices and quick demand for all ituffof-fc-ecl. Their labors were light and profits benvv. The seaon now drawing near its end pre sents exactly the reverse pictuic Of late Muff la plenty Mid demand very slow, with iroflt i-'duccd to a minimum. The pro ducer rnd merchant alike complain over the present Mutation, but the consumer has no enne for complaint, ns lie .can lav in his household supplies at less" than one-half tlielrcota car aso. The one item or po tatoes will show tbc 'twist now and then. A a ear ago potatoes weie very active at $150 per bushel. Xow they are 50c per bushel. The sanin dtflcience is seen all alons vegetable and fruit lines. To largo families the difference in prices means not less than $3 to $3 each week. Hie Coffee Sitnition. It will be een by reference to our home rnatket column tlintpackapo coffee lias been reduced Jr per pound. T. Is was one of the unexpected tilings that occasionally hap pens. At latest reports from sources of sup ply, markets weie reported active and ftronz, and our dealers have been looking tor an advance rather than a drop. The fol low in? from Monday' issue of the Boston Herald indicated strong markets: "Satur dat "s Rio cable reports receipts at that point of T.fOO uas. with receipts at fcantos of 11, COJ bat's. The total stock is now reported at 252,000 bass: last year 192.0 0 bags. The weeklvKio cable reports the market firm, with e'xcliance at 12cL The dailv average ot receipts for the week were !),0-'0 bags: ship ments to Europe, 50,000 bags; to the United States. 1S.O00 bugs -The New York total visible supply of cof fee is now figured at 10,050 bags; same time a vrarago, 313.123 bags; Mime1 time In 18S9. 419, 2bfibacs. The total receipts on the ctop at mo, unto lieccmucr i, una iwcn ws, bags; same time last year. 1,311,000 bags; same time in 18S3, 1,003 000 bags. "Late reports make the Rio coffee market strong and stead v in Xcw York, ith assort ments poor and desirable coffees hard tofind. ThoM.irac.iibo market, outside or the fear that the President mav proclaim the dntv on it of 3c a, is steady. The nest steamer, due on the 23d, has about 10.C03 bags. Good cof fees of this cla&s, in lact, all good Central American coffees, are scarce and very hard to find. The entire stock of Maracaibo in first hands Is now but L310 bags, and nil un desirable coffees. There are no washed Bucks, Bogotas nor Guatcmalas in first hands. "Spot stock of Java coffees are somewhat reduced, and prices are some JJc higher this week. All the fancy coffees are verv firmly held." Heavy Exports or Leather. There lias been no year in our history, when the amount and value of leather sent out from the United States to lands beyond the seas were as largo as they have been this year. 169L Statistics show a steady increase for the past three years. Accoiding to the report of the Secretary r the Treasury just issued, the value of exports of Irather and manufactures of leather was, for the 12 months ending June 30 of each of the lollowinc "years: "1S91. 13,27S,M7: 1890. $12.133.817: 1889, $10,717,710. The imports of hide and tkins other than furs during the year ending June SO, 1891. as com pared with 1890,shows an increase of $0,048,873. HOLIDAY DULLNESS. Grain Operators Closing Up Their Deals Be fore the Christmas Vacation, TVhlch I-asts Until Monday All Grains freak Provisions Start Well, but Sag Oft CHICAGO Dullness and weakness were the leading features of the trading in all the pits to-day. The near approach of tho holi days and the disinclination on the part of operators to do more than even up the lines which they alteady had out, were responsi ble for this state of affairs. This is intensi fied by the fact that at the close of business Thursday the board w 111 adjourn until the following Monday, and operators deem it imprudent to have out unprotected trades in the meantime, either short or long. Wheat w as dull and weak almost Irom the opening till the close. Xearlv all of the news favored the bears, and the extreme narrowness of the market tended to depres sion. The opening cables were d. lower for Liverpool and all domestic markets showed a downward tendency, Xew York taking the lead. Longs were more discour aged than ever and sold freely, while the buying was slow and cautious, concessions being necessary in order to attract buyers. The Mark Lane Express, in its review of the British grain trade, however, gave thebears some comfort. It said that the re duction of Sd. in the price of wheat during the past week, was due to tho inferior quality of the receipts and that there was a shortage of 16,000,000 bushels In the supply owing to the cutting off of Rus sian wheat, but that America was ex pected to make this up. There were some attempts to check the weakness by the cir culation of crop damage reports, out they had little or no effect. May opened at OS'jjJc, against 97c at the close yesterday: touched 95Jc a moment, sagged off without material reaction to 96c, leacted slightly and closed steady nt Ofiic The receipts of corn were about 200 car loads in excess of the estimates, and the late improvement in the grading was continued. Tins, together with the weakness which ruled in the other pits, caused depression. Longs were disappointed at the failnre of the anticipated squeeze in December, and threw their holdings over, while short selling was also free and at times aggressive. The weakness increased as the session pro. pressed, under increased liquidation by longs, and the close was about at the bottom figures of the daji December shows a loss or2J.c, January aloss or lc, and May a loss of He Oats dull and without feature. The light receipts of hogs, together with higher piices at the yards, lent a temporary nppearance or strength to tho market for hog products at the opening, and lard bad the additional stimulus of an advance of 3d In Liverpool; but packers offered freely, and the grain markets turning wenk provisions followed and slowly sagged off during the remainder of the session, closing at about the lowest prices of the day. The leading futures ranged hs follows, as cor rected by John M Oakley & Co.. 45 Mrtli street, members of the Chicago Board of Trade. IOpcn- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. December 90U SO DO ( no1' January WJ, fll'6 SOJi 90, JIUy 96sl 96Jj S6 96'i COHJ No. 2. December 43 43 4H 4ty January -' - ' Mr., ! KM 4Ii 41fc Oats. o. 2. December 32 32 32 22 .lanusrr 31f SIS SIS SIS May 3iif 32H 32 UH Mess Tork. December... 7 73 7 75 7 70 7 78 Jluuarj- 10 73 10 77H 10 52 10 521$ May. 11 30 1130 1105 1105 LABI). Drccmlper 6 00 6 CO 5 35 S 9 Jannarr 6 !$ SIS Oft". 6 U7S Mav 6 SO 6 50 6 42J, 6 -BJj tnoitT Ribs. Decemler 5 17V 5 ITS 5 00 .100 January. S- b 33 ST'S 5 22J May 6 75 5 75 5 62 S 62 C Cash Quotations were as follows: Flour easier but not quotably lower. Xo. 2 spring wheat. SOJcrXo. 3 spring whcat,82f2c; Xo. 2 red, DOJc: Xo. 2 corn.llc; Xo. 2 oats,32c; Xo.2 white. 33K33J:jC; Xo. 3 white, 3232c; Xo. 2 rye. 86c; Xo. 2 barter. 39c; No. 3, t. o. b.. 45 58c; Xo. 4, f. o. b- 33i5c: Xo. 1 flaxseed, 94Jc; prime timothy seen. $1 231 21. Mess poik, per barrel, $7 7007 80. Laid, per 100 lbs, $6 05 G 07K. Short rib sldes(loose), $5 055 15; dry totlted shoulders (boxed). $4 371 50; short clear sides (boxed), $5 455 50. Whisky, dis tillers' finished goods, per gallon, (1 18. Sugars unchanged. On the Produce Exchange trulay the but ter market was quiet andjc higher for best. Eggs, 23621c. KETV YORK Flour less active and heavy. Cornmeal dull and lower: yellow Western. $3 COgS 50. Wheat Spot market lower, free sellers, moderately active; Xo. 2 1 ed. $1 C5V 1" 05V. In store and elevator: $1 071 07 afloat; $1 06V 1 0Si f. o. b.; Xo. 3 red, 1 01? ai nn '.: -7i-. i OS1 1I1'.-V. 1 1Ci. vt; uui;iucil ,c". .wvufi V5 ' a.vi ti; 99ifc$l $l U0i$iU3?fe,ciu:iiJKiii 5i vj-fo. innaarr,9i u.'a l ObJ, closing at$l 05: FeDmarv, MXMQ 1 U7J, uloslug at $1 Wv'; March, $1 Of &! tSk, closing at $1 OS; April, closing at 1 0&yi; Mav, SI 073-10l 07X, closing nt $1 07K: June, $1 05H1 05. closing nt $1 05. live dull and lower: Western, $1 001 OX Barley dull and heavy; Xo. 2 Milwaukee, 727ic. Corn Spot market lower, irregular and latrlv ac tive: Xo. 2. 53455-j;c, elevator; 5637c afloat; ungraded mixed. 4753c; Xo. 3, 50c; steamer mixed, SSJjgSSc: options Decem ber. 5555.c, closing at 55Je; January, 53 53Ko. closing at 53c; February, 3232?c, clos ing at 52Vc; Mai ch, 52c. closing at 52c; May, 50e51c closing at file. Oats Spot mar ket lower and quiet; options moderatelv ac tive and weaker; December, ."iOJfOUc, closing- nt 39c; Jannarr, 33XSyl May. 3sJ39Ke, dosing at S9Jc: Xo. 2, white, 40Ji10Xc: mixed Western, SWgllKc: '""ite do, 10Ql3yc; Xo. 2 Chicago, ligilc Hay firm and in fair demand. Hops lairlv active and firm. Tallow aa dv. Eggs quiet; fancy steady; Western 2627c. Pork In moderate demand and steady. Old mess, $9 23: do mess. $9 75SI0 23; extra prime, $9 50. Cut meats dull and casv: pickled shoulders. 5i3c. Middles dull and steady. Lard opened strong and closed weak: Western steam, $fi 10 bid. Options December, $6 35; January. $s 420 45, closing at $6 42; Febru ary $ 52; March, $6 62: May, S5 75, closing at" $6 74. Butter quiet: fancy steady: West ern dairy, lD5)22e- do creamery, 1930c; do factory, H20c, Elgin, 29g30c. Cheese in fair demand and steady; part skims, 59c. PHILADELPHIA Flour nominally un changed. Wheat weak and lower: Xo. 2 red, December, $1 09'I: January. $1 02K; Feb ruary, $1 031 M; March, $1 01 06. Corn J4Kc lower; Xo. 4 mixed, in grain depot. 4c: steamer, in export eicvaicr. aztc; no. a mixed and yellow, ror local trade, 5oc; Xo. 2, in export elevator, 53c; Xo. 2 mixed. De cember. 5455c; January, 52)j3c; Febru ary, 5PK52c: March, 51Ji52c. Oats quiet; Xo.2 white, 42c; clipped, 43c; Xo. 2 white, December, 40441c: January. February and March, 4040Wc. Provisions fairly active at steady price-, Tork Mess, new, $11 51 12 00: family $14 00; smoked hams, 9illc Butter firm and in fair demand: Pennsyl vania print, extra, 333Gc. Eggs scarce and firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 27c. ST. LOUIS Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat Xo. 2 red. cash. 92c; December. 92693c, closing at 92J92Ko asked; Mav, closing at 9Ge bid. Com ho.2cash,33)g 3Sc: year 37Mff3Sc, closing at 37Jbc hid; January. 36'437c, closing at 36Kc asked; Mav. 3SJ63J!4c, closing nt 38e, Oats active but lower: Xo. 2 cash, 303J?c; May, 32Jg32Kc, closing at Slc. Kj e quiet; Xo. 3. 78c: Xo. 2, 85c bid. Barley quiet; Xorthern Iowa, 59c Butter dull, unchanged. Eggs unchanged Provisions dnll and a shade lower. Pork, old, $9 00; new, III 00. Lard, $5 805 85. XEW ORLEANS Sugar fairly active for open kettle; strictlv prime, 2 H-lCc; fully fair to prime, 2V2 9-16e; good, com mon to good fair, 2K2 7-16c: centritngal, 3 5-16c: clioice vellow clarified, 3K63 7-16c; prime do, 3 3-16Q3 5-I6c: off do, 3 1-163 3-16c; seconds, 2Jfc Molasses Open kettle strong: stnctlv prime, 30c; good prime, 2S 29c; prime, 2027c; good common to good fair, 2225c; fermenting, 35 under thess prices; centrifugal steady: strictly prime, 18 19c; good prime, 1517c; fair to prime, 10 lie: common to good common, G9c. Syrup, 2429c U LTlMORE Wheat firmer: Xo. 2 red spot and December, $1 0351 03; January, $t 03?il 03J; February, $1 05Jil 05K; May. $1 071 08. Corn weak: mixed spot and vear. 64J(c: January, 52i53Kci February 5131Jic; March, 51Vc; steamer mixed, 31c Oats easy: Xo. 2 white Western, 40Uc: Xo. 2 mixed, do 39c asked. Rye steady; Xo. 2, 92 93c; stock, 161,451. Hay steady, good to choice timothy, $12 50014 00. Provisions firm. Butter steady. Eggs steady at 2526c MILWAUKEE Flour quiet. Wheat lower; May, 91Jc; Xo. 2 spnng,86Jc:Xo. 1 Xorthern, 92c Cora easy; Xo. 3, SSUc Oats quiet; Xo. 2 white, 333Kc: Xo. 3 wnlte, 3132Vc, Barley easy: No. 2, 86Uc; sample on track, 33C2c. R e lower; Xo. 1, 88J4C. Provisions eay. Pork January, $10 55. Lard Jana-arj-, $6 07JJ. CIXCIXXATI Flour in light demand. Wheat dull and lower; Xo. 2 red, 9:&fc Corn lower; Xo. 2 mixed, 43c Oats dull. Xo. 2 mixed, SIKc. Rye scarce: Xo. 2, 94 95c. Provisions dull and easier. Butter easv. Eggs steady at 2122c Cheese in light de mand and steady. K4XSAS CITT Wheat-Xothlng doing. Corn about steady; Xo. 2 cash, S5c bid: 36o asked: January, 36c asked. Oats higher. Xo. 2 cash and December, 30c bid: 30c asked; Jan uary, SOc bid: SOVjJc asked; February, SSc bid; May. 32c bid; 32Jc asked. Butter and eggs unchanged. ailNlsEAPOLK Wheat December clos ing at 8fic; May opening at 92c; highest, 92c; lowest.91c, closing 91jkc: January closing at 85c; on track Xo. 1 hard, 88Uc: Xo. 1 Xorthern, 87c; Xo. 2 Xorthern, 818ic. DULUTH Wheat Xo. lhardcash,88c; De cember,8c:May.94Jo sellers:Xo.l Xorthern cash, 87c: December, 87Jc; May, 93Ko bid; Xo. 2 X'orthern cash, 81jc; Xo. 3, 77c; re jected, 67c. TOLEDO-Wheat weak; Xo. 2 cash and December, 95c; Mav, $1 01. Corn January, 41c: Xo. 3, 40c; Xo. 4, 37c; Xo. 3 yellow. 41c. Oats quiet; cash, 33fc Rye dull; cash, 90c The Coffee Markets. Xew York, Dec 22. Coffee options opened steady,10 points up to B down; closed steady, 5 up to 15 down; Miles 27.500 bags, including December, 12.95jJ13.10: January, 12.6012.70: February. 12 30012 50; March, 12.10 12.25; May, 1L9012.00; June, 11.85; Jnlv, 11.V0; Sep tember, 11.751I.85: October, 11 701L75: spot Rio quiet and steady: Xo. 7, 13JJ13Jgc Baltimore, Dec. 22. Coffee cteady; Rio cargoes, fair, 17c; Xo. 7, 13Ji13c The Drygoods Market. Xew Tore, Dec 22. Business in drygoods was about as yesterday. Bleached goods continue to be distributed under the stimu lus of lately revised prices, though there were indications that the movement was nearly exhausted. General demand covered a wide variety of goods but in moderate quantities. There was a somewhat firmer tone. Print cloths hav.i an upward look. Onyx Clocks. Rich new designs just received, from S15 upward. Noble specimens Onyx pieces that are marvels of beauty, at Hardy & Hayes' Art Eooms, up stairs. Hardy & Hates, Jewelers, 529 Smithfield street Three doors from City Hall. Open every evening. Unequaled Bargains! The very nicest of plush embroidered fancv men's slippers at 1 50 that are worth 52, at SI 50, at Stmen's, 78 Ohio street,AUe gheny, Pa. Open evenings. Sabbath Schools Will find it to their interest to buy their Christmas candy from E. Maginn, 913-915 Liberty street; 80 federal street, Alle gheny. B. & B. Surprising how many people are buying of the new all wool French challis for Christmas 150 styles for selection.) Boggs & Buhl. Lravo Tour Orde! 9 For pure wine or liquors for the holidays now and avoid the rush. The Tx H. Holmes Compant, 158 First avenue and 120 "Water street. Great Reduction in Cloaks. Allmarked down. Immense assortment fur-trimmed and plush jackets, at Bosen baum & Co.'s. Mkk'S smoking jackets for Christmas. Jos. Horke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Albums! Fancy Goodsl Toilet Sets! Christmas goods in great variety. n. b. jjavis & Co., 96 Fifth ave. Henry Terheyden, The manufacturing jeweler, 630 Smithfield street, and his corps ot genial clerks, are waiting to make you happy while yon pur chase some nice article for the one you love best. Look at the partial list from which you can make vour selections: "Watches. Onyx tables, Gold and silver; Onyx clocks, Clocks, Onyx lamps, Iron, -wood and mar- Royal Worcester ble; ware, Diamonds, Royal Hungar'n ware, Fine jewelry, Bonn ware and other Silverware, fine makes, Stick pins, Sleeve buttons, Bronzes, , Carrara marble. .A .very complete, rich and rare.stock. Open every evening; . THE PnTSBtTRG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY," ! THE TREND OF TRADE. Greenfield ATenue Railway Almost Beady for the Cars. A ROW OP HOUSES IN NEHTHANDS. Colonade Eow Will Give Place to a Business Block Instead of a Hotel. MANY NEW BNTKRPEISBS STARTED The Greenfield avenue branch of the Sec ond Avenue Passenger Railway is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Fifty men are now at work on it. It will be completed and wired next week, and be ready for operation early in January. This extension of the rapid transit facilities has already imparted a stronger tone to the property in that locality. A Landmark Doomed. It ba been stated in this column that Colonade Row on Federal street, Alle gheny, would be demolished. It has been decided to begin this work early next sea son, and also that a fine business block will be erected in its stead. It was intimated some time ago that a hotel would be put on the site, but this project has been aban doned. The property was originally owned by the late General Robinson, by whom the house was built. The present owner is Mrs. I). C. Martin. It was a very aristocratic place in its prime. Enterprise In Full Swing. Encouraged by the easy position of the money market enterprise is active and ag gressive. For thj week ending December 11 290 corporations were established in the United States, aggregating $110,561,900, distributed as follows: Mercantile and manufacturing companies, 113, $23,275,500; banks (not national) and investment com panies, 6, 5760,000; national banks (to De cember 2), 4, 5330,000; gold, silver and other mining and smelting companies, 29, 544,416,000; coal and iron companies, 6, 5465,000; light, heat, power and transporta tion companies, 15, 519,460,000; building and loan associations, 7, 55,500,000; irriga tion companies, 3, 516,000; miscellaneous companies, 107, $16,289,400. Sale of a Row of Houses. J. B. Larkin & Co. yesterday practically closed a deal for a row of nouses in the Fifth ward involving nearly $20,000. They were not in a position to give particulars. To Compete With Pittsburg. The Konova bridge of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, which is the first crossing the Ohio river above Cincin nati, was opened for traffic last week. This road will open a new direct route from the Northwest to the Atlantic seaboard at Nor folk, and Konova will immediately com pete with Pittsburg for her share of the Southern coal traffic. Extensive coal tip ples have been erected on the Ohio river, and 50 miles of railroad penetrating the newly opened West Virginia coal fields, will be operated. HeaTy Railroad Contracts. The Pennsylvania railroad has let 5,000 new freight cars, to be equipped with air brakes and Janney couplers. One thousand of the cars will be built at the Altoona shops, and the balance of the order has been distributed in 500-car lots among various railway equipment concerns. The cars are to be delivered as fast as it is' possible to build them. Business News and Gossip. Flans are underway for several fine stone houses to be erected on Perrysvillo avenue next season. It is estimated that dividend and interest disbursements next month will, aggregate $100,000,000. " The question of closing the Exchange from 3 p. m. Thursday until Monday morn ing will be settledno doubt affirmatively to-morrow. There will be a public sale of gravestones at Wheeling on the 28th. Business is busi ness. A building lot would be an acceptable Christmas gift from a husband to his wife. A light and power company has been in corporated at Point Pleasant, W. Va. The Methodist Protestant Church prop erty, on Rebecca street. Allegheny, has been sold for $10,000. It will be improved for busi ness purposes. It is quite likely that the Investment Com pany, of Philadelphia, and the Finance Com pany, of Pennsylvania, will be consolidated. Wharton Barker is engineering the deal. Four permits for the erection of new buildings were issued .yesterday, aggregat ing $3,055. The Tennessee Coal and Iron Company has declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 5er cent on the prelerred stock, payable anuary 15. Th rain yesterday had no perceptible effect on Christmas shopping. The streets were as full of business as ever. Citizens' Traction 5's were wanted yester day at 10 offered at 107. At the last call 185 was bid for Birmingham Traction. Mustln pumped considerable life into the proceedings at the afternoon stock board. Ue is in advance of the market. The decline in Distillers and Cattle Feeders' Trust is Slid to be due to the sell ing by a Western director, who concluded he bad more than he wanted. Movements in Realty. Peter Shields sold two houses and lots in Senator Flinn's Greenfleid avenue plan, one for $2,100 and tho other for $3,703. The lots are 30 and 36 feet front by 90 In depth. Black & Baiid sold for L. C. Phipps a leasehold property consisting of two frame dwellings adjoining the West Penn Hos pital, with lot 40x93 fegt, renting for $18 per month, for $200. A. Z. Bvers & Co. sold for W. A. Black, Esq., to Mrs-Nan Emerich lot No. 62 in his plan, Tenth ward, Allegheny City, having a frontage of 20 feet 011 Virginia avenue and extending through 230 feet to Sheridan ave nue, for $550. The Burrell ImprovementCompany report the following sale of lot at Kensington: Henry B. Kustk, lot 115, blocks. $332 50: Will iam H. Whitzell, lot 59, block a JSSO, Roberu N. Block and John A. Painter, lot HI, block 6, $575; James Goldman, lot 45, block 3, $680; John Wainer, 10 teet north of 78 and 10 icet feouth of lot 79, block 8, $325 81: Andrew Wainer, 20 feet north side of lot 79, block 8, $325 4; Ruben J. Davis, east soutii half lot 19, block 8, $350 63: Mrs. Mary M. Rowland, north half lot 12, block9, $371 S3: John Paske vitch and Andrew Paskevitcb, south half lot J7, block 8, $350 63.1 MONETARY SIIUATI0H.- A Better Call for Discounts No Prospect or Higher Rates. With some increase in the demand for funds from commercial sources, the position of the local money market yesterday was that of ease and confidence. Holiday trad ing was active, ai shown by the beavy de positing. There ws little deviation from the customary 6 per cent interest rate. Bank clearings weie $2,049,919 10 and bal ances, $(08,537 20. A ca'hiersaid this: "There is nothing in sight to cause apprehension of a change in the tendency of the market for some time. There will no doubt be more activity at the end of the year, but funds are so abundant that anything like a squeeze Is impossible. The banks have a large reserve, and it is well distributed. With these conditions there is no prospect of higher rates in the near future." At New York yesterday money on call was easy, ranging from 2U to 4 per cent;lnst loan, 3: closed offered at 21f per cent. Prime mer- fcantile paper, 4JJ6. sterling exebango quiet anu steady at $ si4 ror w-aay Dills and,$t 84 lor demand. Closinx Bond Quotations. U. S. 4s reg... do 4s coup... do 2s reg ... ...llfiV ...IWi .. 100 N.J.Cent.Int.Certs.lIOJf aorthem Pae. lsts. 118 do do 2ds.ll2H Northwest. Consols137)4 do debentures As.lOl uoas , Pacific 6s nr 'ns IC9 L ODlslana stamped 4s87M Orecon Trcutb. Ss miNuuiiD, Tenn. new set, 6s.. .105 do do ts. .101 do do 3s. 70 Canada So. 2d 100W St. L. & Iron M. Gen. St, M St. L. & ban. Fran. (ien.M '1(17 St, Paul Consols 128U t.P. V. A Pic. lsts116), Tex. Pac. L. G. Tr. Cen. Pacific lsts 108t uen. ca. u.sls....iio do do 4s 81 Den. R. G. West lsts Erie 2d ......103 M. K. AT. Gen. 4s. 79! do do 6s 45h Mutual Union ...101 Kcts 83W Tex. Pac. R. G. Tr. KCtS. SOU Union Pac. lsts....1084 West Shore 103M B. G. West 79V "Bank Clearing. . ... - St.. Loris Clearing, $l,l&0.045; balance, (566,976. Money 78 per cent. Exchange on New York sold to oar. Chicago New York Exchange 12K d,s count. Money 6 per cent. Bank clearings, $14,954,33L MEMrnis New York Exchange selling at par. Clearings, $612,829; balance". $153,216. .New Orleahs Clearings, $2..40,121. -NEW.YORK-Bank clearings.15J,419,S78; bal ances, $7.41U44 BoSTpir Bank clearings, $16,097,443: bal ances, $2,105,209. Rate for monef34 per cent. Exchange on New York, 510o dis count. - PniLAPZLFRiA Bank clearings, $12,412,916; balances, $1,641,034. Money 4 per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,465,251: bal ances, $401,059; rate 6 per cent. HOME SECURITIES. BUSINESS AND VALUES ON A STRICTLY CHRISTMAS 'BASIS. Little Disposition to Trade With a Lone Holiday In Sight Philadelphia Was and Luster Lead the Procession Allegheny Valley Railroad In Disfavor. Business nt the Stock Exchange yesterday was as good as could be expected, with the Christmas holiday in sight. There was nothing to complain of except the difficulty of filling orders, showing that holders are not demoralized. There were few price changes, and none possessed importar-co or significance. Phil adelphia Gas firmed up a little, but tho general tone of the tractions was weaker. Duquesno was offered down to VM at the last call. Allegheny Valley Railway dropped back to 10 cents. Common stock is in bad repute. Lusrer advanced a fraction. Switch and Signal and Alrbiake were steady. At the first call Electric scilp brought 90. Sales at the second call were 300 Allegheny Vallov Railroad at 10c. 50 Philadelphia Uas at 13, and 40 Luster at 9. Third call, 150 Philadelphia Gas at 13, and 200 Luster at 9. Before call 50 sharps of Philadelphia Gas were picked up at 13. Bids and offers were: PIBST 1 SECOSD THIBD EXCnANOE CALL. CALL. CALL. STOCKS. B A B A B A German N. B 325 Second N. B 247 250 Armenia Ins 87 Char. V. G. Co.. 6 8 7 7 7 1 People's N.G.iP :. 7 8 Phlfa. Co 13J4 n 13!i 13 13 UH Ft. Pitt In. P. Co 20 Central Traction. iOH.... 20H Citizens1 Trct'n 60 ''eoJi MX 60Sj .... 60l Pltt. Traction.. V 4K .... 49U .... 43 PleasantVslley 23 SH 3 .... 3 Allegheny Valley .... 10 10 .... 10 .... Chartlers Ry..... S3 Pltts.JtW.. pref. 18 LsNorlaM. Co.. 28 30 2S 30 28 30 Luster M. Co.... 9U 0ft 0,H 9H 9X 9K KedCload M. Co .... 3 E. E. Electric 50 Westlng.Elect'c. UH MX :... 12 Mon.AVatcrCo 26X.... $.... Union S. & S. Co 10H 10V 10K 1034 10K 10M West. Air B. Co 101 101 West. B.Co.,Llm 70 Standard U.C.Co 60 THE GOULDS TURN BULLS. MISSOURI PACIFIC LEADS IN A STRONG SHARE MARKET. Every Stock but Richmond and West Point Buoyant Monday's Realizing Sales Retard the Advance in the Morn ing Vanderbllts, Grangers and Special ties Join In. New York, Dec. 22. The stock market was again, decidedly strong to-day. While tho amount of business done was main tained at the largest figures, the result of the day's operations being to lift the entire list, many of the active shares and several of the less prominent stocks -were advanced heavily. The day was marked by a renewal of the late buying for inside ac count in many of the leading groups of stocks, the Goulds being specially conspicu ous for strength, the effect was enhanced by their late sluggishness in the face of the general strength of the market. The parties who are in control of those pioporties were credited with en tertaining a much more bullish feeling on .the market than of late, and rumors of ne gotiations looking- to the sale of the Treas ury assets of the Missouri Pacific in order to wipe out the floating debt and so open the way for a resumption of dividends were cir culated with some effect yesterday. Tile realizing. sales of yesterday, had their effect this morning in- sales apparently largely for European account, bnt this move ment was of comparatively short duration and the offerings were quickly absorbed, -when the whole market gathered strength and the upward movementthehinaugnrated lasted till the closo ot business. There was fresh bullish talk from the Grand Central depot and New York Central for a time led the advance, w hen it reached nearly to the best price of the year. The buying by the West was mos; noticeable, and the Grangers were again very promi nent in the dealings, and among the low priced shares Omaha was theleader in point of advance. The Richmond and West Point securities weie more or less prominent in the inarke'. than for a few days past, but the common stock and the bonds were active. while the stock showed some weakness after its substantial position of yesterday. The Cotton Oil stocks were again strong and reached the best prices since the reorganiza tion, notwithstanding the denial of the rumor of a dividend on the preferred at an early date. The general list opened down on the heavy pressure to sell, and while most stacks yielded small fractions, Delaware and Hud son lost 1 per cent. The market was held well, however, and evidences of support in tho leading shares early became apparent. Tho whole list gradually gatheied strength, and before noon. the upward movement was In full swing, with Missouri Pacific easily the leader. The Vanderhilts, Grangers and specialties Joined in, and the last to show the effects of the new buying were the Vill- ards. Northern Pacific preferred becoming tne special feature 01 tne marKet in tue last hour. Everything but Richmond and West Point shared in the movement, and the marke; finally closed active and strong at the high est prices of the day. The final gains are generally for substantial amounts, and Missouri Pacific is up 3j: Chicago Gas. Northern Pacific preterred. 1; Burlington, ll Cotton Oil, VS, and New England and Union Pacific, each 1 per cent. The total sales of stocks to-day were 385, 068 snares, including: Atchison, 17,180; Chi cago Gas, 1,055, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 8,350: Erie, 10,810; Louisville and Nashville, 3,500; Missouri-Pacific, 43,930; Northwestern, 4,185; North American, 6,771: New York Central, 3,580: Northern Pacific, preferred, 27,430; Reading, 5 825; Richmond and West Point, 25,561; St. .Paul, 39,509; 8t. Paul and Omaha, 9 380; Union Pacific, 11,235; Western Union, 4,991. Railroad bonds were still largely traded in at advancing prices, but the upward move ment was not quite so pronounced as that of yesterday. Tne marked gains were many and substantial. The sales reached $3,014,000, out of which $315,000 were in Richmond and West Point 6s, $215,000 in Northern Pacific 5s, and $167,000 in Atchison incomes. Chicago and East Illinois 6s rose 2 to 122. The following table shows the prices of active ttsrtra en the Mew York Stock Exchange vesterdav. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whitney '& bTEPHES60JT, oldest Pittsburg members of the Jew York Stock Excnangc, 67 Fourth avenue. Open High est. Low est. Clos- Si ing. American Cotton Oil....... American Cotton Oil pfd.. Am. Sugar Keilnlng Co.... Am. Sugar Reflnlnp Co. pfd 32J4 6154 Wi 32J4 34 63 833, 91 S" 44, 90' 6JJ4 112 33 265 ma 33 673f 108X 81), KZM S9 U'A IIS 1155, l4iW 7054 3 IK 30 "4 13SJ4 tail 17 45 tVi U4 so t MS 44 id MM 6.1H 84 MX At cli.. Top. . r Canadian Pacific Canadian Southern Centralor .New Jersey.... Central Pacific..! A.. Chesapeake and Ohio C. & O., lit pfd C. & O.. Sd pfd Chicago Gas Trust C, Bur. Ji: Qttincy. C MIL St. Paul........ C.! MIL St. Paul. prd... CI Kock. IP C. bt. P.M. AD.......... C, bt. P. M. O.. pfd... C. Northwestern C. Northwestern, pfd.. C, C, C. A I...... C. C C. L. pfd Col. Coal and Iron Col. Hocking Val Del.. Lack. AWest....7 Del. Hudson Den. A Rio Grande , Den. & Rio Grande, pfd... E. T., Va. Ga E. T., Va. A Ga.. 2d pfd.., Illinois Central Lake Krid West.......... Lake Erie West pfd... ' Lakebhore A M. S LonlsTllle & Nashville..... Michigan Central Mobile A Ohio Missouri Pacific... , National Cordage C0..1... Nationat Lead Trust , New York Central ,.., N.-Y.. C. ASt. L........... N.Y..C. &St. L., lstpfd., N. Y.. C St. L. 2d pffl.. N.Y..X.E.& W.......... N..Y., L. E. AW., pfd...l N.Y, AN. K ..... n.y.. o. a w; Norfolk A Wettern Norfolk Western, pfd.:. North American Co.'....-.'., 44 O0H GLii, 113 113 li .UK 213 60 Ji JOH 67 103K 8I 26'ij: 53 Ji K1J4 39 66 107 K53 1U7 80 80M "S3 mi 107H "89 43 108 40t 107?i 11W IIoS 1407s 7i; 115J4 !, 140JJ 7U 7U stH "341, 31 :m!4 1384 31h 1.J8K 135 VZSH I7K 17 45 46 'it 108 46 103S4 21?, COS 1:4:4 82Ji '43Si 107!,' 21 S4 09 1.-4H 81 103U 21 693? 124 SUi 108 43 m 034 18 1173, if 79 43 324 73X 39 20V 17 5214 18 ,3Vi ii $ 8l "ii 'Ji ltt 68K 93 W llfi 2o; -3!j 18' 18 118!, 116H M'A .TJ'4 rai 7V4 40 20V SSU 73 7S K S3K 20 ; u4 'KM Aortnern raciac. MH 25 24M DECEMBER "23, 1891. NorthernPaclflc pfd i iregon- Improvement. ... , Pacific Mall , Pco Dec., Evans Philadelphia A Heading., P., C, C. ASt. L P.. C. C. AStL.. pfd.. Pullman Palace Car Richmond & W. P. T.... fS TOM 68), MS TOM 2H 314 37 H 2ij4 aw nH 38)4 33 38 "i "'bYh "si lSo'4 18i!4 185 13H UH 13!, M' 57 MM 48 45X 'iivi 'iu'i 'iivi Kh 12 12S 41 4I! 4 14X UH 14 Stii 31 M 30 81 'li 82M 36M 3SS4 354 7tH 76 76 SSlq 59), 68 Richmond A W. P. T. pfrt sl. f aui s. iiuiuin St. Paul A Duluth, pfd St. Pan I. Minn. A Man.... Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash , Wabash, POL; Western Union Wheeling A L. E Wheeling &L. E.. pfd Dls. A-CattleF. Trust..".... Boston Stocks Closing Prices. Atch. A Top 44X Boston A Albany.. .,1839, Boston A Maine 1F3V Chi., Bur.A Qnlncy.lOsK Pitchburg R. It 80 Flint PereM 27J4 Flint PereM. pfd 87 K.C. St. J. AC.B7J.120 Little Bock & Ft. S. 90 Maas. Central 16 Atlxntlc 10 Boston A Mont 37 Calnmet llecla 2S0X Franklin 14 10 Kcarsarce Osceola , Santa Fe Copper..., Tamarack Annlston Land Co sail Diego Land Co .-.25 . 25 .155 . 30 . 18 . 17 .201 17 . ,'. io2 Mex. Cen. com H M. Y. AN. E. 40 N. Y. A N. E. 7s.. ..ia Old Colony 167 Bntland pref. 70 Wis. Central, com.. 18U west .na L,ana uo Bell Telephone...... Lamson btore S...., water rower f'entennialMln. Co., N.E. Telep. ATeleg, U. AB. ConDer 51 15 SOX Wis. Central nrcf.... 40 Allouez Mln.. new.. Hi Thomson-Honston .. Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nlshedby Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 87 Fourth avenue, members of the New York Stock Exchange: Bid. Asked. PennsjWania Railroad HH MV Reading Ballroad 19H 19 7-16 Buffalo, N. Y. and Phlla 9 Lehigh Valley 4HH 60 Northern Pacific 254 2594 Northern Pacific, preferred 70H 7044 Lehigh Navigation 49), Electric Stocks. Bostojt, Dec. 22. SpectoZ. The latest elec tric stock quotations I o-day weie: Bid. Asked. Thomson-Houston Electric Co 60 Zl $50 62 Thomson-Houston E. Co., pref. 26 00 26 25 Ft. Wayne Electric Co 12 2 12 37M Thomson-Houston Sec. (Series D)... 7 00 7 25 West'honse Assented Trust Receipts 12 62! 13 00 Detroit Electrical Works 9 37i 9 50 Mining Stock Quotation. New Yokk. Dec. 22. Alice, 130: Best and Belcher, 185; Consolidated California and Virginia, 380: Deadwood, 185: Horn Buyer, 3S0; Homestake. 10.73; Iron Silver, 150; Mexi can, 165: Ontario. 42.00; Ophir. 250; Plymouth, 250; Savage, 130; Sierra Nevada, 150; Stand ard. 320; Union Consolidated, 130; Yellow Jacket, 190. Bar Silver Quotations. New York. Dec. 22. ISpecial. 'Bar silver in London, 43a per onnce: New York deal ers' price for silvor, 0495c per ounce. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Becelpts, Shipments and Prices at East Liberty and All Other Stock Yards. Orncs or Pittsburg Dispatch, 1 Tuesday; Dec 22. Cattle Receipts, 160 head; shipments. 110 head; market, fairly active at yesterday's advance; no cattle shipped to New York to day. Hogs Receipts, 1,450 head; shipments. 1.400 head; market fair: Philadelphia!!. $3 95 4 00: best Yorkers and mixed, $3 803 90; common to fair Yoiters, $3 633 75; three cars hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head: shipments, 600 head; market strong at yesterday's prices. By Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts, 1,330 head, all for exporters and slaughterers; no trades; feeling dull: dressed beef steady at 69c per pound: shipments to-day. 770 beeves; to morrow, 1,018 beeves and 2,300 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts, 57S head; choice veals firmer; veals, $6 00S 50 per 100 pounds; grassers, $2 503 25; Western calves, $2 5003 00. Sheep Receipts, 1.730 head: market steady; sheep. $3 255 75 per 100 pounds; lambs. $5 506 50: dressed mutton steady at 7Scper pound: dressed lambs firm at 869c. Hogs Receipts, 10,480 head, consigned direct; market nominally steady at $3 604 00 per 100 pounds. Chicago Cattle Receipts, 7,500 head: ship ments, 2,500 head; market strong to high er; common and medium natives, $3 751 75; dthers,$2 203 60; stockers.$2 002 65; Texans, $2 80; cows, $.!2 8.Hoe-, Receipts,35,000 head: shipments, 81,000 head; market active and 10c higher, closing steady; rough and com mon, $3 653 75; good mixed, $3 80(23 85; prime heavy, $3 904 05; light. $i 603 80. Sheep ReceiptS4,000 head; shipments, 2.000 head market active: best -grades 10.'0c higher; other grades steady: native ewes, $3 0OJ8 4 23; mixed., $4 254 75; wethers, $5 005 65; Westerns, $4 004 85; lambs, $4 006 00. liiilrklo Cattle Receipts, 31 loads through, 15 sale; maiket dull and 1520c lowerforheavv:heavv export steers, $4 65 4 75; light, $3 253 40. Hogs Receipts, 26 loads througo, 11 sale: dull and lower; heavy grades. $3 954 00; good medium weights. $3 S53 90. sheep and lambs Re ceipts, 2 loads through, 15 sale: fully 23c lower for top grades; sheep, Christmas, $5 25 5 50; extra fancy, $4 855 10: good to choice, $4 50t 75; Iambs, good to extra na tive, $5 555 65; common to fair, 4)5 255 50. Omaha Cattle Receipts, 1.S00 head; the general cattle market was weak at vetcr- uays aeenne: common to fancy, $2 755 75: westerns, $2 B03 50. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; business opened up brisk, with prices 510o higher than yesterdav there was practically no shipping demand; local houses bought freely and the pens were cleared: the bulk sold at $3 553 60, against $3 453 50 yesterday: light, $3 453 55; heavy, $3 55 3 70; mixed, $3 553 60. Sheep Receipts, 1,400 head;good stuff sold readily atsteady prices; natives, $3 755 00: Westerns, $3 504 75. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 3.C00 head: shipments, 7,800 head; market strong; good Steer. $4 7505 25: lancv, $5 505 75: cows, $3 453 65; stockers and feedeis, $2 2503 25. Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head: shipments, 600" head; market active and 510c up, closing medium: bulk. $3 55fB3 75: all irrades. $3 00.3) 3 85. Sheep Receipts, 800 head; shipments, none; market unchanged. St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 1,555 head; market steady to strong; good handv natives, $i5: fair to good butchers', $2 90 4 00; corn ted Texans, $3 0003 75. Hogs Re ceipts, 33,765 head; market 5o higher; fair to fancy heavy, $3 703 85: mixed, $3 303 75; light fair to best, $3 453 65. Sheep Re ceipts, 1,550 bend; market strong; fair to choice, $3 505 15. Cincinnati Hog in fair demand and firm: common and light, $3 153 65; packing and butchers', $3 603.85; receipts, 5,618 head; shipments, 1,100 head. Cattle firm; receipts, 300 head; shipments, 240 head. Sheep strong; receipts, S80 head; shipments, 460 head. Lambs in good demand and higher; common to choice, $4 005 25 per 100 pounds. Wool Markets. Philadelphia Wool is in improved de mand and prices unchanged. New York Wool quiet and easy; do mestic fleece, 3033c; pulled, 2633c; Texas, I624c. St.' Louis Wool Receipts, 300 pounds; shipments, 8,400pounds; market quiet,steady and unchanged. Boston The demand for wool has been steady and the sales liavo been up to lair proportions, although mostly in small lots. Good Ohio X 'ells at 2S28Xc; X and above at 29c; XX and XX and above at 30ffl31c: No 1 at 3535c: Michigan X sells at 2627c; No1 1 at 3135c; combing and delaine fleeces have been quiet at previous prices: un washed combing wools have been steady at 2526c for one-quarter blood and 2728o for ttneeeights blood; territory wools have been in,tair demand, fine selling at 5960c; fine medium, 555Sc; melium, 5051e. There has "been no business of consequence in Texas, Calilornia or Oregon wools. Pulled wools have been in steady demand; sales of clioice super at 4042c; fair to good supei-s at augiioc; xexas ana Australian wools cava been firm and in steady demand; foreign carpet wooUfhave been dull. The Metal Markets. New Yoke, Dec 22. Pig Iron in moderate demand and unchanged. Copper dull; lake, December, 810 25. Lead nominal: domestic, $4 30. Tin quiet and steady; straits, $19 85. Turpcntino and Itosim "New York Rosin quiet and steady. Tur- pentine quiecana nrtn ac tuio. WiLiiKGTOir Snirits of turpentine firm at 30c. Rosin Arm; strained. $1 20; good strained, 1 25. Tnr steady at $1 23. Crude turpentine firm; hard, $1 00; yellow dip.81 90; virgin, $1 DO. Savassah Turpentine firm at 310 hid. Rosin Arm at $1 251 30. Charlestow Turpentine steady at 31c. Rosin Arm; good strained, $1 22K- Db. Bull's Cough Syrup is sold every where, and it always cures coughs and colds. 25c. SICK HEADACHECarter,, UMe LlrtT pnlg. SICK HEADACHECarttr,gIutreLlTerPUU SICK HEADACHECarttr,JltUe Liver PlUi. SICK HJSDACHECtrUr,f Tjttie Liver Pills. THE MARKETS. QUIET. Country Produce lsJLbundant, but the Movement Is Slow. POULTRY ALONE SHOWS STRENGTH large Receipts of Cereals, and the Usual Holiday Dullness. A REDUCTION IN BOASTED COFFEE Omci ot PrrrsBuno Dispatch, ) Tetbdat, Dec. 22. Country Produce (Jobbing Prices) The steady drizzling rains of Tuesday proved adverse to trade in this line. Markets are amply supplied with everything' in fruit and vegetable lines, with the exception of poultry. Of the latter there is plenty pointed in this direction, and there are no fears of a famine. In the meantime prices are a shade higher, as our quotations will disclose. At the Monday sales at Elgin prices of last week were maintained. Coun try butter continues to be a drug on the market, and prices of -low grade stuff are merely nominal. There is still a plethora of Florida oranges, with markets in favor of the bnyer. Other tropical fruits are fairly steady, and choice bananas are very firm. ArFI.ES 1 5C2 00 per barrel. 1IUTTER Creamery Elgin. 3132c: Ohio branas. 2830c; common country butter, 13'J0c: choice countrr roll. 2022c. BEANS New York and Michigan pea. fl 801 00; marrowfat. $2 152 25: Lima beans, 44$c 1d; hand picked medium, 51 a02 00. BEESWAX-Choice. 323oc? lb; low grades, 233 25e. Buckwheat Flour New, ru23i fb. Cheese Ohio cheese. lilH-c: .New York cheese. llKl2c:Llmbnrger.l2UMc: Wisconsin. Sweltzer, fall cream, 13Vllc; imported bweltzer. 23264c. CmEK-Conntry elder. $3 505 00 ? barrel; sand rettned. (6 S07 00. Craxbesbies Per box, fi 002 10; per barrel. 7 Kl8 CO. Egos Strictly fresh nearby stock, 273c; can dled eggs. 212Sc: cold storage eggs. 2122c. FEATUEBS-Extra live geese, 575Sc; No. 1, 48 50c ? IB; mixed lots, J9K0c. Dried FBDiTSPcaenes. halves, 6'c: evapor ated apples, 8Sc; apricots. r10c: blickberrles. 6 06).c: raspberries. 1717Hc; ariedgrapes.4!-Hfc; uncklcberrles. 7M8c- Game Wild tnrkevs. S1502 00 each: mallard ducks, ft 00(35 CO per dozen: till duels, t2 7SS3 00 per dozen: pheasants, $ 73(8y 00: quail, II 251 50: squlrrcls,31 coai 50: rabblU.3tva.rv-per pair: whole deer, 13(3loc ?llb: saddles, isaaoc? IX Hoxey !eiTrrop white clover, 18c J California boney. IlS)!5c ft lb. Maple bYiicr 75!X)e gallon. SlAPLE SUOAB 10c f( lb. Popltbt Allve-Chlckens. 60C5e apalr. large: 301350c, medium: live tnrkevs, 1213c?(1d: (locks. 6060c a pair; dressed chickens. 1415c 9 lb: dressed turkey, 1617c ?! lb; dressed ducks, 1415c ?ib. Potatoes Carload lots, 3'xSHOc on track: from store. 4345c a bushel: Southern sweets, 91 5C173 a barrel; Jerseys, 3 00.! 25. Seeds Western recleaned medium clover Job bing at 5 20: mammoth, ": timothy, 81 5 for prime, and (I 50 for choicest; blue grass, 92 65280; orchard grass, $1 75: millet, 91 CO: German, 91 l'i; Hungarian. 81 10; fine lawn. 25c per lb; seed buck wheat 81 4xai 50. TALLOW Countnr, 4e; city rendered. 5c. Tbofical Fruits Lemons, 91 0034 50: Florida oranges. 81 7o2 00 a box; bananas.l 75(32 00 firsts. 81 Sil 50 good seconds, per bunch: Malaga grapes. S5 5010C0 a half barrel; new layer tigs, 1416c per lb. Vegetables Cabbage. 83 00(3100 a hundred; yellow Danvcr onions. 82 002 25 a barrel; toma toes, $2 00 per bushel; celery, 2530c per dozen: turnips, 0Cc$l to a barrel. Groceries. Contrary to general prognostications, package coffee has followed sugarinadown ward movement. Our' quotations are re duced K uer pound. Sugars are qniet at the reduction already noted. Obeex Coffee Fancy. 2l22c: choice Bio. 20 50.c; prime. WKc: low grade Rio. 17;418c: old Government Jiva. 27J0c: 31aiacalbo, 21S !2.!ic: Mocha, 27M2S,'c; Santos! 18M22)4c: Cara cas. 25ia23)c: I.a Guavra. 21j22'.c. Roasted (in papers) stancUrrt brands. 19Uc: high grades; 23325c: old Government Java. bulk. 23g(330Kc; Maracaibo, 122c: bantos. I921c: pcalierry, 25)4c; choice Rio. 20c; prime Klo, 19,Sc; good Rio, 19c; ordinary, 1718c. Sfice (whole)-Clovcs. waiic: allspice, 10c; cassia. 8c: pepper, lie: nutmeg. 70(3SOc. PETP.0LECM (Jobbers' prices) "H0 test. 6'-4c; Ohio. 120. 7,Sc: headlight. 150. 7'ic: water white, 09)?e: globe, l-KftH'ic: elalne. 15c; earnadlnc. lie: royaline, 14c; red oil, 10,llc; purity, 14c; olelue, lie. MISEBS Oil No. 1 winter, strained, 4244e per gal.: summer, 3V337c; Ian! oil, 3558c. Sybct Corn syrup. 2630c: choice sugar syrup, 3C33Sc; prime sugar syrup, 30332c; strictly prime. S. O. Molasses Fancv new crop. llo42e: choice, 40Uc; old crop, 363Sc: N. O. syrup; 44 SOc. Soda Bl-carb. In kegs. 3Sf3.Tc: bl-carb, in Js, 53c: bt-carb, assorted packages, 5j6c; sal soda. In kegs, lfc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; etearlne, per set. 8Kc: parafflne. Ul2c. RICE-Head Carolina, 6J4Sc; choice, 536c; Louisiana, 5V(5c. Starch -Pearl, 4c; corn starch, 66&c: gloss starch. a37e. FoBEiONFBUirs LaTer raisins. $2 00: London layers. 82 25: Muscatels. 81 To: California Muscatel'. 81 60(31 75; Valencli. 77Jc: Ondan Valencia. 8 8Jc; Sultana, lfSl'jc; currants, 4!35c; Turkey prunes, 66'e: French prunes, 89,'$r: Salonlca prunes. In 2-15 packages, 9e; cocoanuts. f ICO. Jfi 00, almonds, Lan.. t lb, 20c: do Itlca. 17c: do shelled, SOc; walnuts. Nap. 1314c: SIcIIt Alberts, 13c; Smyrna figs. 13&14c: new dates, 54asc; Brazil nuts, 7c: pecans, 15l7c; citron. $ lb, 23:c: lemon peel, 12e V lb: orange peel, 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced. 6."s3Mc: apples, evaporated, OtSOc: peaches, evaporated, pared, 20 (321c: peaches. California, evaporated, una red. 13 (316c: cherries, pitted. 15c: cherries, unpittcd. 8c: raspberries, evaporated, lS19c; blackberries, 6 7c; huckleberries. 8c. sugars Cubes. 4?j'c: powdered. 43fc: granu latel. 4J4c: conrectloners'. 434Se: soft white, MSHHc: yellow, choice. ZHGajiai yellow, good, 3iHe: yellow, fair. 333)c. Pickles Medium, bblo (1,200), 84 75c: medium, half bbls (600), S2 85. SALT No. 1 a bbl. 91 20: No. 1 extra. nhl. SI 10; dairy. $ bbl. 91 20; coarse crystal. ? bbl. 8120: lllg glns' F.nreka. 4-tra sacks, $2 80; Higgins Eureka, 16 14-lb packets. 83 CO. Canned Goods Standard peaches. II 75(31 90; 2ds. 81 2C(31 3i; extra peache. f2 OX!f2 10; plo peaches. !)0c; finest corn. S12VSl50:'Ilrd. Co. corn,85c(351 00; red cherries, 91 1 0'Sl 10; Lima beans, 91 10; soaked do. 83c: stringed do. S5S70r; marrow fat pea. 91 OCK51 15; sulked peas, 6,1;03; pineap ples. 91 2X31 30; Bahama do. 82 00; damson plums. 81 00: greengages. 81 25: egg plums. 81 00: California apricots, 8175(3190; California pears, 821032 23; do creengaecs. 81 80: do egg plums, 91 8J; extra white cherries. 82 75: raspberries,9l 051 10:straw. berries, 95r(3Jl 10: gooseberries. 91 00(31 05: tomatoes. 83-t,c; salmon. 1-lb cans, 81 30(31 89; blackberries. 8(c: succotash. 2-Ibcans. soaked. 90c; do green. 2-lb cans, $1 25'31 SOteorn beef, 2-lb cans. 81 65(31 70: 1-lb cans. $1 30: baked beans 91 40' 1 55; lobsters, 1-lb cans. 91 25: mackerel. I-lb cans, boiled. 91 50: sardines, domestic. Ms. 83 8o(34 CO: 4s. 93 50: sardines. Imported. J4S. $l 50(312 50: sar dines. Imported. Us. 818 00: sardines,' mustard, 83 30: sardines, spiced, 83 50. FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 824 00 per bbl; extra No. 1 do mtfi, 820 00: No. 2 shore mack erel, ,818 00: No. 2 large mackerel. SIS 60; No. 3 large mackerel, 914 00; No. Ssraall mackerel. 91000. Herring-Spilt. 88 50: lake. 83 05 per loO-lb bbL White fish, 84 75 per 100 lb half bbl. Lake trout, 85 SO per half bbl. Finnan baddies. 10c per lb. Ice land halibut. 12c per lb. Pickerel.- half bbl. 84 00: Suarter bbl. 81 60. Holland herring, 75c. Walkoff erring. 90c OATMEAL $4 905 00. Grain, Flour and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain Exchange; One car No. 2 red wheat, $1, 5 days; 1 car No. 2 timothy hay, $10 59, 5 days: 1 car wheat straw, $6, 10 days; 1 car 3 y. e. corn, 49c, 10 days. Re ceipts as bulletined, 39 cars, as follows: By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, 1 car of wheat, 4 of corn, 3 or feed. 7 of oats, 8 of flour, 1 of straw, 2 of hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Lonis, 7 cars of corn, 3 of hay, 1 of middlings, 2 of millfeed. The situa tion in cereal lines has undergone little 'or no change since our last report. Markets nre characterized by, weakness, and little improvement can be expected until the holiday season is over. This is always a quiet season for the trade, and as receipts have been very large tho past weet, the qmetness is more pronounced than in ordi nary years. Following quotations are for carloid lots on track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices from store: Wheat No. 2 red. 81 00(31 01: No. 3 red. 9Si397c CORN . . I. . " .AA.-t - '.- -. 7, io. i yeiiow ear. nq;w;c; nign mixea ear, 48,SOc:ml ixea ear, 48tSMc; xo.l shi hell corn. JAS. M. SCHOONMAKEB, President. JA& McCTJTCHEON, Vice President. UNION ICE M'F'6 COMPANY. Pure Ice made from distilled water for sale at wholesale only. UNION STORAGE COMPANY, Transfer Agent, General, Cold, Bonded and Yard Storage. 3H ACRES YARD STORAGE. 5 WAREHOUSES, containing 2,300,000 cubic feet of storage space. Railroad siding to each warehouse. Brick warehouse for exclusive storage of oil. Separate rooms for storage of household goods. Lowest insurance rates. PRINCIPAL OFFICES Corner SECOND and 11 Sl-iWc: No. 2 yellow shelled. 52K33c: high mixed shelled. 51Sj52c; mixed shelled. 5i5Ic Oats No. 1 oats. 39J4(340c: No. 3 white. 39 394c; extra No. 3 oats, 3333c; mixed oats, 33 36c. Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania ahd Ohio. 9537c; No. 1 Western, 94aa,5c. HABLEY-6W.J75C. i Flour Jobbing prices Fancy soring patent. ' W91 - . A. . . -.... s mr in. r .m it -xW if, laiiur snrtng. ralrhtXXXX Dakers'. 84 755 00. Kye Hour, 85 355 50. Millfeed-No. 1 wbite middlings. 922 5Cf323 00 V ton; No. 2 white middlings. 820 00(321 00: brown middlings. 918 00(319 CO: winter wheat bran, 918 80 (318 5U; chop feed. s:i OOffitr. CO. HAY Baled timothy, choice. 912 50(313 00; No. 1. 911 73(512 00; No. 2. 810 5010 75: clover hay. 910 CO (310 5u: loose from wagon. 912 00(315 00. according; to quality; packing hav, 910 00(310 25. Straw Oats, Sa 60(38 75: wheat, 86 00(33 S;rrs, 3 00(38 50. Provisions. Sugar cured hams, large f 9 Sugar cured hams, medium 954J Sugar cured hams, small 9V bugar cured California hams 7'i Suzarcuredb. bacon . 9 Sugar ctirensklnued hams, larg Sugar cured skinned hams, meal e...., lnm., Sugar cured shoulders 614 Sugar cured boneless shoulders 8f4 Sugar cured Bklnned shoulders 7H Sugar cured bacon shoulders 6)4 Sugar cured dry salt shoulders H Sugar cured d. beef rounds 1- Sug.tr cured d. beef setts 5 bugarcuredd. beef flats..... OHO Bacon clear sides, 30 IBs 6 0i Bacon clear bellies, ailbs o Dry salt clear sides, 30 lbs ave'g Wi Dry salt clear sides. 10 tbs ave'g H Mespork. heavy 12 Me?spurk, family 12 6754 Lard, reflued In tierces 44 Lard, refined In one-half bbls ..M 74 ura, renitca tn goiq mos., Lard, refined In 20-!b palls. , 674 Lard, refined In 50-tb cans.. Lard, refined In 3-R tlu pills.. Lard, refined in 5-tb tin pails., Lard, refined In 10-lb tin palls., 6'4 Evektbody likes "Squeezers" playing cards. Ask for Triton brand, double enam eled. All dealers. Teck and four-in-hand scarfs for Christ mas presents at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fiith avenue. BKOKEKS FINANCIAL- Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. apawa DCflDIC'C SAVINGS BANK, itUrLt D 81 FOURTH AVENUE. capital, $300,000. Surplus, $31,670 29. " D. McK. LLOYD. EDWARD E. DUPF. 4 President. Asst, Sec. Treas. per cent Interest allowed on time de posits. oc24-6t-D John M. OaMey & Co, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New Tork and ChicagY ii 8IXT1I ST.. Pittsburz. There is nothing in a phy sician's life that gives him more satisfaction than seeing the prompt effect of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil in bringing back plumpness and color to thin and pale chil dren. "Poor baby!" Everybody sees the sad picture. No one but the physician appreciates .it He knows what dangers threaten thin children. Let us send you a book about thinness. Scott & Bownx, Chemists, 13 j South 5th Arenas, New York. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-lmr oil all druggists everywhere do. $:. U t HORSE BLANKET IS THE STRONGEST. Hone Genuine without Horse stamped inside. Price of6 lb. Shaped Blanket, $4.50 " 8 lb. - 5.50 lik to see the 100 other eVa styles at prices to salt everybody. Sold by all dealers. WM.AYRES&SONS.PH1LADF' -'" se-643-w I Koelilers JusMinientHonse, m W SlXth St. 2d Floor, I I BEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING ON-CREDIT, (Ready-Mado & to Order. ) Ladies7 Cloaks & Jackets Watches & Jewelry, ON INSTALLMENTS. AT Cash Prices-Without Security TERMS: On s-third of the amount purchased must do paid down; tne oaiance in small weeKlr or mental; payments, ijusiuess transacted strictlv eoirfidenti.iT. Orw V-.rriLT- o i (r -T7 v v- -r uiuy, irom o a. itu uu v r. xo- catur- lusui 11 p.m. SH :aa,'',t ti itB i n.n.LPVIS SOLICITOR. M3I-5TH.AVE. WEXT.LEADER PITTS. SAJITJEL BAILEY, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer LIBERTY AVENUES. J-U-UWt