Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 23, 1891, Page 10, Image 10

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The Aged Millionaire Convicted of
Assault and-Battery.
The Grand Jury Quits Until the Second
Monday of January.
David Hutchinson, the wealthy old gen
tleman of the Sixth ward, who was charged
"by Nicholas Messner with assault and bat
tery, was convicted before Judge Porter
yesterday. The story of the prosecution
tras that on October 20 Messner and another
young man named McNulty attempted to
board a Fifth avenue cable car at Stevenson
jtreet, when Hutchinson came pushing his
way out and prodded Messner in the face
with an umbrella. Mr. Hutchinson's story
was that, as he was trying to get off the car,
the young men tried to trip him. He had
been robbed at the same place some years
aco, and he feared the experiment was to be
Mr. Hutchinsonis a rather eccentric old
gentleman, and while District Attorney
Burleigh was crosexamining him he would
only make such replies as seemed to suit
him. The jorv rendered a verdict of guilty
of assault and attery. The defendant, who
is 71 years of age, will be sentenced Satur
An Adjournment Taken Tjntll the Second
Monday of January.
The grand jury adjourned yesterday until
,tbe second 3Ionday in January. They have
'been in session 11 days and have acted on
400 cases, or an averace of about 30 cases a
dav. They have had before them more Im
portant cases than any other grand Jury for
several terms. Among these were the suits
against th- city officials of Allegheny, the
Quavand Doerflimrercisex.
A true bill has been returned against H. J.
Bigaer, the attorney, charged with embez
zlement. Ho was employed by C J. Cura
rainjs to collect a claim due on :in estate be
had settled to the amount of $399 53. lie col
lected the monev, accoi dins to a receipt in
the Register's office, but, it is claimed, never
turned it over to Cumuiinps, hence the suit.
A true hill wa aIo returned vesterday in
thecaeof3L 31. Dewey, the Penn avenue
physician, charged with misdemeanor. The
cases of Joseph Walton and I. X. Bun
ton, charged with scllinc oleomargarine
at Elizabeth, were before the grand
Jury and true bills were returned. The
other true bills were: Jacob Brenkle, A. E.
McCune, assanltand battery; Joseph Blair,
and Jacob Hei-el, immorality: George
Black, Georre Holmes, James E.TyreIl. lar
ceny: Joseph 'Walton, I. X. Bunton, 31. 31.
Deviey, Fred Heil, Joseph Slattery, Charles
Strain, E J. iTnliam, misdemeanor: William
Conroy. James Kitzpatrick, Franks O'Neil,
illegal" liqnor selling: Villiers Durante, felo-nlou-
assault and battery; Walter Evans, Al
3Ieer, William Molfet. immorality: Ju
lius Knlzner, 3Iinnie Knepper, perjury;
Nicholas E. Leech, embezzlement; Iena
Lewis, kecpinsr a disorderly house: Law
rence D. Stian, Louis L.S.itler, conspiracy:
Hiram Schull. attempt to commit a serious
The ienored bills were: Arthur Alcot,
John Johnston. Harry 3Jartin, 3Iary JIc
Cull v, larceny: T. H. Cain, larceny by bailee:
C S. Cooper. A. G. McLaughlin, criminal
negligence; Emma Dennis, immoralitv: P.
Fink. John Waskirche. illejral liquor selling;
E. F. Frasher. immorality; Jane Quay,
malicious mUchief.
Divorce Suits FIId, Testimony Taken and
Decrees Entered.
Thomas 3L Marshal!, Jr., Esq., yesterday
filed the divorce suit of William L. Snod
grass against Ida 31. Snodgrass. The couple
. were married July 28, 1859. Mr. Snodgrass
alleges that his wife was guilty of infidelity
and that she deserted him on April 1, 1S90.
He also claims that his marriage with her
was not legally contracted, she having been
married tn -rears ago to Adam Roodbeck,
who is still living and from whom she was
never divorced.
The testimony taken in the divorce cae of
Julianna Slarck, of the Eleventh ward, Alle
gheny, against Anton 31arck, was filed yes
terday. Thev were married in Germany in
1S72. He left her and came to this country.
She also came here afterward, but he never
lived with her.
A divorce was granted yesterdav in the
ease of Kate Mason against William B.
Mason. Desertion was the allegation.
Trials On and Sentences Given Out in the
Criminal Court.
In Criminal Court yesterday Henry Ward
was sent to the workhouse for a month for
Ftealing turkeys from Henry May, near
Frank Mureck pleaded guilty of assault
and battery on the little hoy of Mary Frel
chofs, and was fined 6 cents.
Addison Gillon was sent to the workhouse
for two months for assault and battery on
his adopted mother.
Albert Wafkins is on trial before Judge
Ewing. charged with burglarizing the sta
tion house or the Pittsburg, McKeesportand
Toughiogheny Railroad at Buena Vista.
His accomplice, John Porter, pleaded
To-Day's Audit List.
Estate of Accountant.
Jludolph Golinar G. Golinar.
Margatet CarroichaelI. X. Patterson.
John Gottschalk George Fritz.
F. Braclfleld Thomas J. Grier.
John Wallace T. Doerflinger.
C. Kenneweg. C. T. Kcnneweg.
Lucy Oswald Safe Deposit Co.
t Jane Leonard Fidelitv Title & T. Co.
Maria Bauer. Fred. Werner.
James Weldon William Weldonetal.
Mary Scott H.W. Alexander etaL
Elizabeth Roup W. W. Fullorton.
H. B. Sinclair S.J. Sinclair.
James Swindell F. C. Osburn.
Ann Sheehan Sife Deposit & T. Co.
B. P. Hays Mary E. Hays.
To-Day's Trial Lists.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Will
lam Agnew, Amelia Carberger, Thomas
Bllulps, James E. Tyrell, Jacob Glazier.
Jacob Kabert, Andrew Bvrne, Frank Ham
ilton alias F. X. Hosack, Lizzie Jones, Zach
Taylor (2), Richard Schooley, Peter Bar
rett, LukcBarnett, Michael Rogan (2), Mich
ael Conway, Charles Whileman. O. R. Mc
Kibben, Clara Porter, J. R. Jennings. Albert
E. Wells, Mary Dunhaker, George Black, S.
Gershune, Charles Minnick, James Cargo,
George Veroskie, William Smith, George
Common Pleas Xo. 1 Argument list
Common Pleas Xo. 2 Davis vs Wester
fall; Theilig vs Cahill etal; Sharp vs Mnlli
Bee; McKeesport vs Murphy; Payne vs Car
others. Common Pleas Xo. 3 Greelv vs Federal
Street and Pleasant Vnllev Railwav Com
pany: Bobbins vs Husband: ilknlttcrvs
Slgrien Mackey vs Bovd; Bovle vs Brow
arski: Matchctt vs Guffey: Plaunknch vs
Schmidt: Davis vs Held.
E. S. Giles Slakes an Assignment.
E. S. Giles, the milliner, has made an as
signment for the benefit of creditors to J. A.
McLain. Yesterday the court approved an
agreement made by Assignee McLain with
the creditors, to allow Giles assets to be
sold at private ale instead of Sheriff's sale.
In order to receive more money than a pub
lic sale would bring. Tassavant & Co, of
Xew York, yesterdav entered suit against
Giles to recover $1,017 for goods sold.
Wants a Receiver Appointed.
A bill in equity was filed yes'erday by
George Conomos against George Poterie.
Conomos states that the two went Into part
nership in the general hoisting business in
August,-189L In Xovember, it is claimed,
Poterie ejected Conomos from the office una
would not let him return. Conomos now
claims that Poterie has fraudnlently taken
possession of the firm's property andmoney
and made no return. Ho asks for the ap
pointment of a receiver and that Poterie be
restrained from collecting money due the
D'dn't Like the "Workhouse.
A hearing was had before Judge McClung
yesterday in the habeas corpus nroceedlngs
of 'Annie Walker, brought to secure her re
lease from the workhouse. She had been ar
retted forgiving liquor to prisoners in the
workhouse while on a visit there, and on an
information for disorderlyconduct was com
mitted to the workhouse for 90 days. She
has already served 30 days and claimed that
she could not be committed for a loner pe
riod than that. Judge McClung, however,
refused to order her release, and remanded
her to serve out the balance of her time.
Conrt Proceedings Dolled Down.
Alice Sxith yesterday entered suit against
Andrew Ross for $1,000 damages for slander.
JonN D. Tnoxrsoir yesterday issued an ex
ecution against M. J. E. Moore, Fred. Wald
'schmidt and James B. Sipe, for $1,473 39.
The suit of Eliza Alexander against J. B.
Hill, executor of IsaDella Hill, to recover
wagosfornursingison trial before Judge
The suit of Dennis Haelsy against Jen
nings Bros. & Co.', Limited, for injnries
caused bv a mold falling on him, is still on
trial before Judge McClung.
The County Treasurer has received the
warrants for the money due the Alderman
and Justices of the -Peace for their costs in
collecting mercantile license fees, and they
arc ready for payment.
Aittoxie Cerutie yesterday entered suit
against Jacob Gedloke for $2,000 damages.
Cerutie alleges that on October 21tin Xorth
Fayette township, Gedlcke hit him oerthe
head and also broke his thumb.
The estate of the late John Wallace will
come up in the Orphans' Court for auditing
to-day. Theodore Doerflinger was adminis
trator of the estate, and, it was charged, em
bezzled about $9,000, the proceeds from the
sale ot property. The audit is of his account
as administrator.
Michael and Mary Joyce yesterday re
ceived a verdict for $100, and Honora Wall,
trustee, a verdict for the same amount, in
their suits against the Pittsburg Harbor
Company.Limited, for damages lor injury to
the property caused by making a boat land
ing on the shore along their land.
Tnx hearing in tho equity suits brought
by J. 31. Guffey and others against the Pitts
burg and Duquesne Traction Companies to
prevent the connection or the two lines at
Fifth and Highland avenues, has been con
tinued until Saturday. The preliminary in
junction will remain in force until then.
An inquest in lunacy was held yesterday
in the case of William Butler on the petition
of his wife Anna Butler. He has been an in
mate of Dixmont sinco 1873 and was de
clared a lunatic The proceedings were
brought in order to obtain the appointment
of a committee for Butler, so some property
in which he holds a small interest can be
Charles Botes and wife yesterday entered
suit against the Pittsburg, Virginia and
Charleston Raiiroart Company and the
Phillips Glass Company, for $10,000 damages
for alleged injury to property. They state
that the companies laid a switch from the
railroad to the glass company's works, along
the sidewalk in front of their bouse on
Josephine street, shutting off access to the
house and damaging the property.
Three Wells Showing for Good Producers
Yesterday Many Others Now on Top of
the Gordon or the Fifth Weil-Known
Oil Man Dead.
There was a very noticeable reduction in
the production of some of the big oil wells
in the McDonald-JIcCurdy field vesterday
morning. The estimated production was,
however, only 500 barrels lower than it was
the day before. This is partly accounted
for by the fact that the smaller wells
held up and several of them even
increased their output under agitation.
There is no disguising the fact that the field
as a whole is on the western side ot its
meridan, but it will be longer in reaching
tho Gordon than either the old McCurdy
field proper or Wildwood, for the reasQn
that over the greater part of the territory
it has two sands to draw from, the Gordon
and the fifth. The feeling at pres
ent seems to be that when the
fifth plas out the Gordon will still
produce, possibly for several years to come.
Unless all lines, theories and opinions fall
there will be more Gordon or third sand oil
produced south of McDouald than there
will be north of it.
The best wells have thus far been found
north of the railroad, but the lact
that the Tenture Oil Company's wild
cat on the Moorhead farm, a mile
south of McDonald station, is doing 300
barrels a day. It is at least a mile from any
other well and the indications are excellent
for big wells between It and the McDonald
developments. The well of Greenlee &
Forst, on the Gladden farm, adjoining the
Morehead, did not get into the third sand as
expected yesterday, on account of a short
age in the water supply. South of the
Rend well about half a mile the Tenture
Oil Company's well on the Woods farm was
reported last evening to be on top of the
Gordon, and will likelv be drilled in to-day.
Mercer & Co.'s venture on the Reed larm,
three miles to the southwest of McDonald,
should be in the Gordon this morning.
In the Western Limits.
The Devonian Oil Company's No. 2 on the
Elliott farm, is on top of the fifth sand and
may get the pay to-day. Hays Gartland's
No. 9 on the Miller farm is also on top of the
last stratum. Guckert & Steele's No. 7 on
the Mevey is in the fifth and showing for 50
barrels a day. Nolan A Co. drilled their
Gordon Sander a little deener yesterday.and
it increased from 15 to 30 barrels an hour.
The Royal Gas Companj'a No. 4 on the
K. McDonald farm will be drilled into tne
Gordon sand to-dav. The People's Gas
Company's No. 11 Robbins is in the Gordon,
and showing for 100 barrels a dav. Their
No. 4 McDonald heirs' and No. 6 Miller are
also in the Gordon. Greenlee A Forst's No.
2 on the Miller heirs' farm is 10 leet in the
Gordon sand with no showing of oil, and
their Xo. 3, same farm, is on top of the same
The Devonian Oil Company's No. 5. on the
Favette farm, is showing for a big well In
the fifth and. Guckert & Steele's Xo. 9
Mevevisabiggasterin the iourth sand, and
their Xo. 10, same farm, has a good showing
In tho Gordon sand. Crowlev Bros. & Co.'s
well, on the Gerald lot at Willow Grove, has
a strong flow of gas from the salt sand.
Showing for a Good Well.
Bartlett A Co.'s well on the Couch lot was
reported to be in the Gordon sand last even
ing and making five barrels an hour. It will
probably be a big-well when drilled in.
Tomlinson A Co.'s well on the Dr. Miller
farm, south of Lanrel Hill about a mile, is
down 1,200 feet. The Woodland Oil Com
pany's Xo. 4, on the Gamble farm, back of
Oakdale, is expected in the fifth sand to
day. Jennings A Galloway have started to
spud on the Kinnev property near Oakdale.
Mechlin A ShafTer's well, on the Miller
propertv, half a mile west of Oakdale, was
reported last evening to be showing for a
good well. Ilatry A Co.'s well, on the Wal
ker farm, made a number or good flows yes
tciday. W. L. Mellon A Co.'s Xo. 2,
on the Ewing, is expected in to-morrow,
and their Xo. 7 Xeeley is due Thursday.
Tho Oakdale Oil Company's Xo. 5 Wallace
should be completed In a day or two. Their
Xos. 4 and 5 on the Sturgeon heirs are in the
Gordon an t showing big. Nos. 3 and 6 on
this farm are drilling. This company's No.
1 Hutchinson is being cased to shut on" the
Gordon oil in order to drill to the fifth
sand. Drilling ar their No. 1 Gormley has
been stopped by Gordon oil. and caves.
The same companv's No. 3 on the Bnldwin
farm is down 1,800 feet and No. 4500 tcct.
Both of these are located near "the line of
tho Matthews heirs' and Susan Herron
farms. Guffey, Jennings A Co.'s No, 5 Her
ron is down ,i 00 feet and Xo. 4 Matthews
1.S0O feet.
Work at Harmony.
The Xo. 5 Stauffer or Guckert A Steele,
located northeast of Harmony, is due to get
the pay to-day. The same parties are drill
ing Xos. 6 and 7 Stauffer and Xos. 2 and 3
Schiever, and are stai ting Xo. 8 Stauffer and
Xos. I and 2 Scueale.
The Fines ISlew Oat.
The flues blew out the boiler at A. Welsh
A Co.'s drilling well, on the Cunningham
lot, near Willow Grove, yesterday. No one
was injured.
D. H. Pew, of Washington, Pa died sud
denly at his home in that place yesterday.
He was foreman of a district for the South
west Pennsylvania Pino Line, and bad been
connected with the National Transit Com
pany for almost 20 years, his first work being
done at Pleasantville. The deceased was a
native of Hamilton, Ont about 40 years of
age, and leaves a widow and two children.
He was widely known and popular among
o J men. His death was hastened by asthma
and an attack of pneumonia. Heart lailure
was the primal cause.
Causes and the Rnns.
Wells which are not making 20 barrels an
hour are not included in the following
gauges. The production of the wells mak
ing 20 barrels an hour or more yesterday
was as follows
Guffey, Jennings & Co.'s No. 1 Mathews,
1 Mathews
heirs, no: so. 1 Herron. 25:
Nos. 2 and
- Herron, 160; Xo. 2,Bell 25: Guffey. Murphy &
Galey's Xo, 3 Elliott. 20; Xos. 1 and 2 Sam
Sturgeon, 50; Oakdale Oil Company's Xo. 1
and 2 Baldwin, 90; Xos. 1 and 2 Wallace,
135: Xo. 3 Wallace, 20: No. 1 Morgan heirs,
20: No. 2 Morgan, 70, No. 3 Morgan, 35: No.
I Morgan, 00: Forest Oil Company's Xo. 1
Etta Glenn. 35; No. 1 J. 31. Glenn, 20: No. i
Herron.65; No. I Kemp, 25; Greenleo & Forst's
No. 1 Movey. 30; No. 4 Mevey, 25; No. 1 Gam
ble, 30; Woodland Oil Companv's No. 1 Gam
ble, 30; Xo. 3 Gamble, 30; Patterson & Jones'
No. 1 Kelso, 50: Xo. 3 Kelso, 20: Devonian Oil
Companv's Nos.l and 2Boyce,90:No.I Elliott,
GO: Royal Gas Companv's No. 1 M. Kobb, 40;
Guckert & Steele's No. 3 Mevey, 25. The es
timated production of the field was 47,500 bar
rels, and the stock in the field 105,000 barrels.
The runs from McDonald Monday were 46,
475.18 barrels. Outside of McDonald the
Southwest pipe line runs were 13,458.41 bar
rels, a total or 59,933.59. National Transit
rnns were 12,460.89 lmrrcls:shipments,60,947.65;
3facksbnrg runs 411.55. Eureka, shipments,
1,962.25: rnns, 9 474.40. Southern pipe lino
shipments, 21,450 CJ. Buckeye runs were
49,629.18: shipments, 36,323.43 barrels.
Yesterday's Market Features.
It was a quiet day both in business and
news. A few small orders wero filled. The
opening and highest for January was 59c,
the lowest 59c. and the finish Atejio. Refined
was quoted: New York, 6 45e; London, 5d;
Antwerp, 15f . Daily average runs, 117,371;
daily average shipments. 84,390.
Xxw York, Dec 22. Petroleum opened
steady, advanced o; then declined Jc on a
small local selling order and closed weak;
Pennsylvania oil. spot, no sales: January op
tion opened at 59c: highest, 59c: lowest,
5Sc: closing at 53c Lima oil Xo sales.
Total sales, 21.000 barrels.
Oil Citt, Dec. 22. National Transit cer
tificates opened at 59c; highest, 59-c; low
est, 58Jc: closed. 58c: sales, 13,000 barrels:
clearances. 112.000 ban els: shiuments. 107.469
barrels: runs, 127,467 barrels.
Brathtord, Dec. 22. National Transit cer
tificates opened at 59e.: highest, 59Jc: low
est, SSJJc; closed at 585c: clearances, 222,000
London Is still fog-bound.
William Henry Hurlbert is said to be in
The wheat crop in the Brazilian State of
Arreciba is a failure.
The cruisers Philadelphia and Concord
are at Port-au-Prince.
Brazilian agents are buying large quan
tities of arms in Montevideo.
Los Andes, Chile, felt a shock of earth
quake Monday, lasting half a minute.
The people of Westmoreland county,
England, are dying off with the grip.
Cigarette smoking killed Millionaire
John Richardson, near New Orleans.
The Roumanian Ministry has resigned,
owing to a defeat in the Parliament of that
Negotiations are pendlngat Butte, Mont.,
for the settlement out of court of the Davis
Governor-elect McKlnlev has recovered
sufficiently to begin work on his inaugural
Joseph Sullivan. Superintendent of the
penitentiary at Frankfort, Ky took the
grip and then disappeared.
All the chiefs of the Brazilian armv and
National Gnard have declared their allegi
ance to President Peixotto.
Oscar Harden, the Georgia alleged wife
murderer, has been pardoned bv the Gov
ernor on the ground that the killing was ac
cidental. After the 1st of Jannary all conductors
on the St. Louis and Francisco Railroad will
be obligei to give a $500 bond. The plan is
meeting bitter opposition.
Duringa hurricane at Marshalltown, la.,
yesterday, the house of Andrew Oleson was
blown over and burned. Mr. Oleson was so
badly crushed that ho will die.
Large numbers of wild ducks have been
going over Niagara Falls recently. Thev
are cither killed or stunned by the fall, anil
hunters are reaping a rich harvest.
Rev. Father Kroeger, priest of St. Vin
cent's Catholic Church, at Elkhart, Ind., has
disappeared, leaving $17,000 debts. He had
several business interests outside of Jiis
The steamer West Coast struck a reef
near Point Arena. Cat., yesterday and went
down. Nineot the eiew took to an open
boat, which was capsized, and all hands
It is suspected that the Cherokee Chief,
i"Mayes, and Assistant Chief Chambers, who
died last week, -were poisoned to.death, es
pecially as the opposition party now controls
tne uovernment.
Colonel Andrew H. Dawson, of New
Toik. is in Chicago trying to raise monev to
secure the release on "habeas coprus of Mrs.
Maybrick, the American woman recently
sentenced to life imprisonment in England.
It is now stated that the Quebec Legis
lature will not be summoned for the 29th
inst., but that the Lieutenant Governor will
immediately issue a proclamation dissolving
the Legislature and ordering a now election.
The latest religions sensation in Russia
has been created bv a man who calls himself
"The Dving Prophet." He claims, and it is
claimed for him. that he dies regularly once
a week, and that each time his soul enters
heaven, to return to his body again when It
conies back to life.
Supervisor Thomas J. Welch, of Syra
cuse, N. T.. was yesterday morning fined
$250 and sentenced to the penitentiary ror 30
days for contempt of court. Welch is the
man who took the Third Ward retnrns to
Albany when he should have given them to
tho inspectors for correction.
The Journal De St. Petenbovrg, a semi
official newspaper, savs that the omission of
the Bulgarians to act through the French
agent at Sofia, in the expulsion of M. Cha
doulne, the French journalist, from Bul
garia, and in other matters connected with
that expulsion, constitutes a flagrant in
fringement of existing treaties.
The first full carload of American tin
ever produced trom an American tin mine
was received at San Diego, Cal., yesterday,
from the Tenescal mines. The shipment
consisted oi over :i,uv ponnas or tin.
The output of the Tenescal mines is being
rapidly increased, and American tin will be
regularly put on the market in carloads.
The will of Deacon Josiah W. Cook, of
Cambridge, Mass, bequeaths various sums
to half a dozen relatives, some $7,000 to local
charities and tho remainder to be divided
equally among the following institutions:
Biptist Home Missionary Society, Atlanta
Baptist Seminary, of Atlanta, Ga.: Clinton
College, Kentucky; Worcester Academv,
Hebi ew Academy and Cam m idge Hospital.
The estate is valued at $175 000.
Judge HanTord, of the .'Seattle United
States District Court, holds that a Chinaman
who is a merchant in this country perma
nently domiciled here, nnd who is permitted
to return to the United States by the Col
lector of Customs after a visit to Victoria,
B. C-, is not liable to be arrested and ban
ished necause the Collector admitted him
without the production of a certificate as to
the fact of his being a merchant issued by
the Chinese Government.
Fresh Goods To-day.
"The best assortment of fancy goods in the
city. Store open every evening.
Jos-'Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Fifth avenue.
See .our new puff and Ascot scarfs for
Christmas presents.
'James H. Adxen & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
Gentlemen's Gold
Filled watches open faced, warranted for
20 years, with Elgin or "Waltham movement,
only $11 at the great special sale.
51G Wood street
The Purest Whisky
Is "Holmes' Best." Distilled by
The Wm. H. Holmes Compaitx-,
158 First avenue and 120 Water street.
We knew it would and it is bringing the
people. 51 25 English suitings at.65 cents.
Onyx and Marble Clocks,
Onyx candelabra and bronzes of every de
scription reduced 2 per cent during special
watch and diamond sale at Kingsbacher
Bros.", 516 Wood street.
For JLate Bayers.
We have opened a big lot of
Hat pins,
Hair pins,
Stick pins,
in bow knots. StociLall replenished by
telegraphic orders, at
Habdt & Hates',
529 Smithneld street
Openevery evening." "
Three doors from City HalL
65; No. 3." Matthews 93; Xo.
For Your Home.
f For your wife, daughter or sister. , No
better gift We have them. All kinds, all
styles, all woods, all prices. Hardman,
Krakauer, "Vose pianos. Perhaps you"can
not afford, a piano, and would lifee an organ.
Suit, you there, too. Cash or easy pay
ments, as you wish. Come and ste us.
Meilob & Hoene,
"Palace of Music," 77 Fifth avenue.
Open every evening.
Are Yon in Search
Of a piano or organ? Come and see us.
We have elegant new pianos, fully war
ranted, for $250. Beautiful new organs at
?65. Easy payments. Store open till 9
69 Fifth avenue.
We Never Sold so Many
Bicycles and baby carriages for Christmas
before. The reason, never had the follow
ing season's styles in time 1892 styles of
both shown in abundance now at James W.
Grove's. Prices lower than ever.
Portraits for Christmas Pressnta.
This month, a handsome 8x10 frame with
every doz. cabinet photos. Also genuine
crayons at special low prices.
Lies' Studio, 10 and 12 Sixth st
Prices Way Down
In men's fine alligator, seal, Bussian calf,
pebble goat and donrola kid slippers, from
f 1 to 2, at Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Alle
gheny, Pa. Open evenings till 9 o'clock.
Sabbath. Schools
Will find it to their interest to buy their
.Christmas candy from E. Maginn, 913-915
Liberty street; 80 Federal street, Alle
gheny. Ladles' Solid Gold
Hunting, stem-winding watches, with Elgin
movement, only $18, at Kingsbacher Bros.'
great special sale, 516 Wood street
Books! Books! Books!
For young and old. big and little.
B. S.. Davis & Co., 96 Fifth ave.
Elegant cape newmarkets $11, worth
$15, at Bosenbaum & Co. 's.
Refused on account of his shape.
Too fat.
Fat is a vulgar word. Too much
Adiposis or Obesity sounds better.
But fat is plainer. There are two
kinds of fats.
The unhealthy adipose tissue, re
sulting from sedentary habits or from
forcing the appetite through stimu
lants; or from impure blood, or it
may be hereditary. This is the land
that lays the possessor liable to heart
disease, apoplexy, vertigo, etc.
" Then there is the genuine, healthy,
life-giving tjssue, the result from reg
ular and moderate habits, or if irreg
ular -habits, the taking regularly
and according to directions, the
famous Carlsbad Sprudel Salts. The
salts will reduce unhealthy tissue and
build in its place that firm and solid
flesh, which is the certain sign of per
fect health. It is virtually taking the
Carlsbad treatment in your home.
Every drugstore has them. The
genuine have the signature of "Eisner
& Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New
York," on the bottle.
100 100 100 100
Last week we sold over one hundred Seal Jackets, Seal Sacques, Mink,
Marten and other fine Eur Wraps. This week we wiU'"seii
200 200 200 200
Yes, regardless of the weather cold or warm we will sell every one,
and the people will want more; but we have no more to sell. We only in
tend to sell just
200 200
These Seal Jackets, Sacques, Wraps, Mink and Marten Mantelettes we
had manufactured expressly for Xmas Gifts, and to be sold only on Xmas
.week. There will be none of them to sell a week later. Will you come?
Oo:r. "Wood. S"b and zf 1j2l. A-v-e.
Leaves a Delicate and Lastoto Odob
For sale ay all Drug and Fancy Goods Dealers or if
unable to procure this wonderful soap send
25c In stamps and receive a cake by return mail.
JAS. S. KIRK St CO., Chicago.
SPECIAI-6hanlon BellsWaltz (the popular
Society Waltz) sent FREE to anyone sending u
three wrappers ot Shandon Bells Soap.
We make more porous
plasters than all other
makers in this country
combined, because the
ublio appreciate the zner
t that exists in our goods.
BENSON'S is the only me
dicinal plaster for house
hold use, all others being
weak imitations. Get the
Genuine. '
Forge and MachineShop
And Manufacturers of
Co r.Twenty-First St. and A.VR.R.
Telephone No. 1222.
Standard Oil Co., Wheeling, W. Ya,
Standard Oil Co., Cumberland, UVL.
Standard Oil Co., Altoona, Pa.,
Capital City Oil Co., Harrisburg, Fa,
We manufacture for home trade the finest
grades of lubricating and Illuminating oils.
Our facilities are such that our statement
that we furnish all oils standard for quality
everywhere cannot be disputed.
Water White, 130.
Prime White, 130.
8tandaid White, 110.
Ohio Legal Test.
Ohio Water White Legal Tea
Carnadine,(red), ISO Test
Olite, 150 Test.
Deodorized Naptha for varnish nmkerkj
painters and printers.
Gas Napthas for gas companies.
Deodorized Stove Fluid for vapor (tor
Fluid, 71 gravity, for street lamps, burn
ers and torches.
Gasoline, 86, 83 and SO gravity for gas toa
Includes the finest brands of
Cylinder, Engine, nnd Machinery OOl
8pindle, Dynamo, 300 Mineral Seal,
Neutral Oils, Miners' Oils, Wool Stock
Parafflne Oil, Farafline Wax.
Summer and Cold Test Black Oils..
Sitmal and Car Oils.
liica Axle Grease, Kallroad and
Grease and Arctic Cud Grease.
Where It 13 more convenient, yon may
order from our Branch Offices, from whicA
points deliveries will be made.
Cor. Duquesne Way and Eighth Streeti
Trains (Ct'l Stan'd time). Leave. Arrive.
Mall, Butler, Clarion, Kane 6:40 am 11:30 am
Afcron and Erie 7:30 am 7:'5pm
Butler Accommodation.. . 9:35am 3:50pm
New Castle Accommodation 3:10 pm 9:00 am
Chicago Express (dally) 2:00 pm 12:(opm
Zellenople and Foxburg 4:Kpni 5:30am
ButlerAccommodatlon 5:45pm 7:00am
First-class fare to Chicago: S10 50. Second-class,
to 50. Pullman bnifet sleeping cars to Chicago dally.
Schedule in effect December aitli. isn.
Trains will leave' Union fetation, Pittsburg,
as follows (Eastern Standard Time):
Pennsylvania Limited of Pnllman Vestlbnle Cars
dallTSt7:lSa. m., arriving at Harris!. urr at i:si
p.m., Philadelphia at 4:45 p. m New York 7:U0
p. in.; Baltimore 4:i0 p. m.. Washington 5:55 p.m.
Keystone Express dally at 1:20 a.m., arriving at
Harrisburg 8:25 a. m., Philadelphia 11.-25 a.m.,
New Tork 2:00 p. m.
Atlantic Express dally at 3:30 a. m.. arriving at
Harrisburg 10:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 1:25 p. m..
New York 3:50 p. m.. Baltimore 1:15 p. m., Wash
ington 2:3) D. m.
Harrisbnrg Accommodation dally, except Sunday,
5:2". . m.. arriving at Harrisburg 2:50 p. m.
Day Express dallv at 8:00 a. m.. arriving at
Ilarrisbarg 3:3) p to.. Philadelphia 6:5Jp m..
New Yirk9:Sp. in., Baltimore 6:45 p.m., Wash
ington 8:15 p. in.
Mail train Sunday only, 8:40 a. m.. arrives Harrls
burg7:00p. m.. Philadelphia 10:35 p. m.
MalIExpressdailyatl:COp.in.. arriving at Har
risburg 10:30 p. m.. connecting at Harrisburg
with Philadelphia Expres.
Philadelphia Express daily at 4:30 p.m.. arriving
at Harrisburg 1 :00 a. m., Philadelphia 4:25 a. m..
and Kctt York 7:10 a. in.
Eastern Express at 7:15 P. m. dallv. arriving Har
risburg 2:25 a. m., Baltimore fi:2tr a. m., Wash
ington 7:30 a. m., Philadelphia 5:25 a. m. and
New York 8:00 a. m.
Fast Line dally, at 8:10 p. m.. arriving at Harris
burg 3:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 6:50 a. m.. New
York 9:30 a. in., Baltimore 6:20 a. m Washing
ton 7:30 a. m.
All tbrougn trains connect at Jersey CUT with
boats of "Brooklyn Annex," for Brooklyn. N.Y.,
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through
New York City.
Johnstown Accom.. except Sundar, 3:10 p. m.
GrteusburgAccom.. 11:30 p. m. week-days. 10:30
p. m. bundays. (Jreensburg Kxpress5:15p. m.,
except Sunday. Derry Expresj 11:00 a. ni ex
cept Sunday.
Wall Accom. 5:25. 8:00, 7:40, 8:35, 8:50. 9:40. 10:30.
H:(Ua.m.. 12:15, l:uo, 1:20. 2:30. 3M0. 4:0U, 4:50.
6:15. 6:00. 6:45. 7:35, :00, 10:20. 11:10 p. m.. 12:10
night, excipt Monrtav. Sunday. 8:40, 10:30 a.
m 12:25, 1:00, 2:30, 4:30, 5:30, 7:3), 930, 10:30
Wllklnsburg Accom. 6:25. 6:00. 6:15, 6:45. 7:00. 7:25,
7:40,8:10. 8:35,8:50.9:40, 10:30. 11:0J. 11:10a.m.,
12:01. 12:15, 12:3(1, 1:00, 1:20, 1:30. 2:00, 2:30, 3:15.
3:40, 4:00. 4:10, 4:25, 4:35. 4:50; 5:00:5:15.5:30.
5:45. 6:00. 6:20. 6:45. 7:20. 7:35, 8:25. 9:00; 9:45,
10:20, 11:00. 11:30. and 12:10 night, except Monday,
bunday. 5:30. 8:40, 10:30 a. m.. 12:S. 1:10, 1:30,
2:30, 4:30, 5:30, 7:20. 9:00. 9:30. li:30p. m.
Braddock-Accom., 5:25. 6:00. 6:15. 6:45. 7:00, 7:25.
7:40. 8:00, 8:10. 8:35. 8:50. 9:40. 10:30. 11:00, 11:10
a. m 12:01. 12:15. 12:30, l:uu, 1:20, 1:30. 2:00. 2:30.
3:15, 3:40, 4:00, 4:10. 4:25. 4:30. 4:33, 4:50, 5:0U. 6:15,
5:30. 5:45. 6:10. 6:20, 6:a, 7:20, 7:35. 8.-25, 9:00, 9:45.
10:20, 11:00, 11:30 p. in., and 12:10 night, except
Monday. Sunday. 5:1:0, 8:00. t:4P, 10:30 a. in..
12:25, 1:00. 1:30, 2:30, 4:30, 5:30, 120, 9:00, 9:30
iu:xj p. in.
For Unlontown 5:25 and 3:33 a. m 1:20 and 4:2
p. m. week days.
OS A5D AFTEE MAT 25th. 1891.
Tot Monongahela City. West Brownsville, and
Unlontowu 10:4J a. m. For Monongahela City
and West Brownsville 7:35 and 10:40 a. m.. and
4:50 p. m. On Sunday, 8:55 a. m.jind 1:01 p. m
For Monongahela City only, 1:01 and 5:50 p. m.
week-days. Dravosburg accom.. 6:00 a. m. and
3:20 p. m. week-days. West Elizabeth accom..
8:35 a. m., 4:15, 6:30 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40
For Springdale. week-days, 6:20, 8:25. 8:50. 10:40,
11:50 a.m., 2:25, 4:19, 5:00. 5:40. 6:10, 6:20,8:10,
10:J0 and 11:40 p. m. aundays, 12:35 and 9:30 p. m.
For Butler, week-days, 6:55, 8:50, 10:40 a. m., 3:15
and 6:10 p.m.
For Freeport, week-days, 6:55, 8:50, 10:40 a. m.,
3:15. 4:1, 5:40, 8:10, 10:JO and 11:40 p. m. Sundays,
12:35 and 9:30 p. in.
For Apollo, week-days. 10:40 a.m.. and 5:40 p. m.
For Paulton and Blairsvllle, week-UaTS, 6:55 a. m.,
3:15 and 10:3u p. m.
C&The Excelsior Baggage Express Company
will call for and check baggage trom hotel ana
residences. Time cards and lull Information can
be obtained at the ticket offices Io 110 Fifth ave
nue, corner Fourth avenue and Try street, and
Union Station.
General Manager. Gen'IPass'r Agent.
From Pittsburgh Union Station.
Trains San by Central Tune.
Pfortu west System Fort Wayne Boute
Depakt for Chicago, points intermediate and beyond:
L30 a.m., 7.10 a.m., 12.20 p.m.,.l.G0 pjn., "8.45
p. m., tll.30 pjn. Axrive from same points : 12.05
a.m., 11.15 a.m.. 6.00 a.m., &25 ajn 6 00 p.m.,
6 60 p.m.
DnrART for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond:
7,10a:m.,li20p.m.,liXJp.m.,;ilja)p.m. Arrive
from same points: f 1.15 a.m., t)J5a.m., 6.(X)p.m.,
8.50 p.m.
Defart for - Gevelard, points intermediate and
beyond: -pilO a.m., 7J0 a.m., yl2.4a pja,
ll 05p.m. Arrive from same points: o60a.m.,
filo p.m., 6.00 p.m., t7.00 p.m.
JJErAHT lor d ew castle,. .ne, Y ouagstown, Asota
bula, points intermediate 'and beyond: 17.20 a.m.,
t!2.20 p.m. Arrive from same porats: fl.25 p.m.,
f9XQ p.m. .
" Depart for New Castfe, Jamestown, Yonogstown
and'NOes, f3 45 pm. Arrive from same points:
0.10 a.m.
Depart for Youngstown, 1Z20 pjn. Arrive from
Youngstown 6-50 p.m.
South west System-Pan Handle Bon te
Dztart for Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St.
Louis, points intermediate and beyond: 1.20 a.m.,
7.00 a.m., 8.45 p.m., '11.15 p.m. Arrits troiasama
points: Z20a.m.,6.U0a.m.,5.55p.m.
Depart tor Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate.
andbeond: 1.20a.m., fl2.UDp.rn. Arrive from
same points: 20 a.m., fti6 p.m.
Defart for Washington, fQ.15 a. m., tS.35 a. m.,
fl.55p. m.,f3.S0p.m ,f4.4op.m.,f40p.m. Arrive
from Washington, f6.55 a m., f7.50 a.m., f&50 a.m.,
flOJSa. m.,fJ.S5p.m.,t8.25p.m.
Def.kt for Wheeling, f7.00 a. m., il2 05 n'n.,
f2.45 p. m., fC.10 p. m. Arrive from Wheeling,
f2 SO a.m., t8.45 a. m., fS 05 p. m., 15.55 p. m.
Pullman Sleeping Cars and Pullman Diniko
Cass run through, Kast and West, on pnncipal trains
of both Systems.
Time Tables of Through and Local Accommoda
tion Trains of either system, not menu'oned abore, can
b obtained at 110 ""lith Avenue and Union Station,
Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices of the Penn
sytTania Lines West of Pittsburgh.
Dtilr- lEx-Snudar. JEx. Saturdaj. TZx.Hoodar.
Geasnl XtiMrrr. Gr-l tisaeoger ifmt
D Schedule In effect December 3). 1S0I. Eastern
For Washington. D. C,
New York, 8:00 a. m. and
"9:1(1 p. m.
For Cumberland. f)X0,
8:00 a. tn.. il:l0. 9.-a)p. m.
For Coniiellsvllle. '6-JiO.
3:0O58:3Oi.ra.. l:10, $4:15,
O:00 and 9:a) p.m.
For Unlontown. $ft:S0.
8:00. 58:30 a m., $1:10, $1:15
and $o:C0 p. m.
riirju. rieasam.TDiauana
3:00 a. m.. $1:15. $1:15 and $i:C0 p. m.
For A
Washington, i'a 1:3) and $9:30 a.
m 4:00,
$1:45. 7:30and U:5n. m.
For Wheeling. 7:20, $2:30 a.m., 4:05, 7:30 and
111:53 p. rn.
For Cincinnati and St. Louts, 7:20a. m., 17:30
p. m.
For Cincinnati. ll:Vn. tn. faturdav onlvi.
ForColnmbus. 7:20a. m.. 17:30 and lti53 p. m.
For Newark, 7:I0a. m., 7:30and 111:55 p. m.
For Chicago. 7:20a. ni. and 7:30 p.m.
Trains arrUe from New York. riillanelphla.Bal
ttmore and Washington. d:J0 a. m $:" p. m.
From Columbus. Cincinnati and Chicago. 3:50 a.
m "8:50 p. m. From Wheeling, '8:50, '10:45 a. m.,
$4:15. 8:"i0p. m.
Parlor and sleeping can to Baltimore. Washing
ton. Cincinnati and Chicago.
Dallv. $Dally except Sunday. gSnnday only.
ISatn.dar only. IDally except Saturday.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for
and check bagragc from hotels and residences
upon orders left at
u. &. u. ticket office, cc
Fifth avenue
Wood street, or 401 and CS1
Smithfleld street.
General Manager.
Gen. Pass. Agent.
Compiliv; schedule in elTect Novcinlier 15,
JS9I. Central time. 1. & L. K. It. R.-I)epart-For
Cleveland, '8:01 a. m., 1V. 4:2'. "9:45 p.m.
ForCfti'limatt. Chicago and t. Louis. '1:V!. "S:!!
p. m. For HutraliK 8:C0 a. m.. 4:31. !:45 p. in.
For Salamanca. '3SX1 a. in.. "1: 0, !:4S p. m. Foi
Younirstoiwi ami New Castle. 6:00. 'i-SO. 3:.V.
m.. '1:50. N:C0, 9:f p. in. For Heaver Fall". 6:00,
7:00. '8:00. S-m a. m., "I:.10. 3. M-20. 5:20. : p.
m. For Cliartlcrs. Titan, h:S't. 6:00. i:Si. 7:00,
7:V, 7:50, 8:55. '!:10, i:V. 111H3 p. m.. 12:10. 1:30.
l:.Vi. 3:30. 3:45. 4:2u. 4:25, 5:10. 5:3!. '3:00. 19:45,
10:30 p. in.
Arhive From Cleveland. 6iK a. m., 12jak
5:15, 7 JI3 p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago A
bt, Louis o:JO a. m.. li:yo, 7:30 p. m. From
Iluflalo, 't:TX a. m.. 12:30, 9:30 p-m. Froro Sala
miuca. 3:14, '10:00 a. in.. "TWO p. m. From
Youngstown and New Castle, '6:30, '10:00 a. in.,
IS-aO. 5:15, 7j30, 9:71 p. in. From Beaver Falls.
.-j t:I 7:20, '10.00 a. in., '12:30, 1:20. 5115,
7:30, 9:3J p. in.
1'.. C Sc Y. trains Tor Mansfleld, 7:35 a. m..
12:10. 3:45 p. m. tor Esplen and Beechmont.
7:35 a. in., 3:45 p. nr.
1. C. Y. trains from MansDcld, 705. 11:50 a.
m 3:35 p. m. From lleeclunnpt. 7:u3, 11153 a. m.
1'., McK. 4 Y. It. K. IIkpart For New
Haves. s:J0, 3 p. m. ,For West Newton. 8sa,
3:t0. 5:25 p. m.
AKKIVE From New Haven. 9:00 a. m., 1:05 p.
m. From West Newton, 6:13, "9:C0 a, lu. '4:01
P. m.
"or. ?cKrCfsn,rtV, ENzaheth. Monongahela City
and Belle Vcnion, 6:; II 05 a. 111., 4:00 p. m.
From Belle Vernon, MonongaUela Citr. Eliza
beth and Jlckeesport. 7:40 a. m 1:20, 3:CS p. in.
Dallv. Vnnda)sonlr.
City tlc'ct office, en Sinlf hfleld st.
and after Sunday. June 23. lffn. trains wlU
lejve and arrive at Union station. Pittsburg, east
ern standard time: Buffalo express leaves at 8r2
a. m.. 3:15 p. m. (arriving at Buffalo at 6:45 p. m,
and 7:2) a. m.jtarrlvesat.ilOa. m 6:25 p. m. Oil
City and DuISols express Leaves 8:20 a. m.. Irtup.
tn.: arrives 1:00. 6:23, 10.00p.m. East Brady
Leaves at 3:55 a. m. Kltuunlng Leaves 9:01a.
m., :55. 5:30 p. m. : arrives 8:55. 10:00 a. m.. 5:53 p.
in. Braehum Leases 4: v,, a:t5p. m.;arrtv- 8:01
a. m., ,7:40 p. m.. Vallej- Camp-I.eaves 10:14 a. .,
12:05. ZA 11:30 p. m.: arrives 6:40 a. m.. 12:30, 2:15
:.. p. r. Hulton Leaves 8:00. :50. p m. : arrlvej
7:35. 11 120 p. m. Forty-third street-Arrlvea t-.U,
8:20 p. 111. Sunday trains Ituffalo express Leaves
8:3 a. m., 8:45 p. m. : arrives 7:10 a. in., 3:25 p. m.
Kmlenton Leaves 9nT5 a. m.; arrives 9:13 p.m.
K tttannlng-Leaves 12:40 p. m. : arrive 10:13 p. m.
Braebui-ii Leaves 3:50 p. m.: arrives 7:10 p.m.
Pullman parlor buffet car on day trains and Pnll
man sleeping ear on night trains between Plttsourg
and Buffalo. Ticket offlrw. No. 119 Fifth, avenu
and Union station. DAVID M'CARGO. Genori
Superintendent. JAMEd P.ANDKKSOrV Uu
In a New Humorous .Novel
It has been secured for the Sunday
Issue of THE DISPATCH, and
publication will begin
The story is founded on the fact 'that
Mark Twain's family has a sort of claim to
the Earldom oi Durham. Col. Sellers is here
the claimant to this earldom.. The younf
Lord, who is the heir recognized by English
law, is at heart a Socialist, and he comes to
America to put his theories into practice.
Bv a series of exciting incidents the lord
ship in him disappears and he becomes an
applicant for any kind of work in Wash
ington. The Old World notions or the
voung Lord, which are not nearly so x
tinct as he thinks they are, come into sharp
contact with the nraciical wofkinsrs of rude
pjemocraev, and here Mark Twain gets his
opportunity lor graphically showine; m his
picturesque manner some of the differences
between the aristocratic idea and the demo
cratic idea. Hard as he is on the monarch
ical side of the question, there are neverthe
less some things in this portion of the work
that will cause the American to think and
ask himself questions. The story ends in a
most satisfactory manner. Of course, it is
full'of humor.
A specially strong feature of this new ac
quisition for the Literary Depart
ment of THE DISPATCH are
Whom Mark Twain regards as the only
man who has really illus-
trated his ideas.
As old residents know and back flies ot
Pittsburg papers prove, is the oldest estab
lished and most prominent physician In the
city, devoting special attention to all chronia
sponsible KC nk I IQ and mental cits
persons. l L. n V U U O eases, physical' de
cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi
tion and hope, impaired memory, disordered
sight, self distrust, bushfulness, dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Impover
ished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
unfitting the person forbusiness, society and
marriage, permanently, safely and privately
eruptions, blotches, falling hair, bones, pains,
glandular swellings, ulcerations of tho
tongue, mouth, threat, ulcers, old sores, ara
cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated from 1 1 D I M A DV kidney and
the system. U 1 1 IM M 11 T j bladder de
rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal
dicharges, inflammation and other painful
symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. whittler's life-long, extensive experi
ence Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients: at a distance as carefully
treated as if here. Office hours, 9 i. iLtoS
. jc Sunday, 10 a. m. to 1p.m. only. DE.
WKIXTLKK, 3U Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa
Gray's Specific Medicine
Tons OenllilT. V eakness of Botir
maram ami uanana .uina, spermatorrnea, and
Impotency, anl all diseases that arise from over
Indulgence and self-ahuse. as Loss of Memory and
Power. Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Age.
and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or
Consumption and an early grave, writs for our
Address GRAT MEDICINE CO., Buffalo. N. T.
The Specific-Jlertlclne Is sold by alldrngglsts attt
per package, or sir packages for S3, or sent by mall
on receipt of money, lijir RIIADAMTrr
and wlf
order a cure or monev"refundea.
JOn account of counterfeits we have adopted
the Yellow Wrapper, the only genuine. Sold la
Flttsnurg by S. S. HOLLAND, cor. Smithfleld and
Liberty tu. Je2S-91-MWreosa
Manhood Restored!
the wonderful remedy.
Is sold with a written
guarantee to cure all
nerrous diseases, such
as Weak Memory.Loss
of Brain Power, Hea
ache. Wakefulness,
Lot Manhood, Night
Lassitude, all
drains and loss of pow-
er of the Generative organs in eithersex caused br
over exertion, youthfulerrors, or excessive use of
tobacco, opium or stimulants which soon lead to
Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Put up con
venient to carrv in vest Docket. 81 Dernackagebr
mall: 6 for $0. With every 85 order weulveaumtt
guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular Tree
Address Nerve Seed Co.. Chicago. III.
For sale in Fittshnrg by Jos. Flemlns fe
Son, Druggists, 410,and 412 Market st.
Wonderful Spanish
Remedy, is sold with a
Written Cuarantea
to cure all Nervous Dis
eases, such as Weak
Memory, Loss of Brain
Power, Headache,
Wakefulnes. Lost Man
hood, Nervousness, Las
situde, all drains scd
loss of power of the
Generative Organs In
either sex. caused by
Before & After Use,
Photographed from life.
over-exertion, youthful indiscretions, or the excessive
ase of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately
lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Putnp
In convenient form to carry in the vest pocket. Price
tl a package, or 6 for $5. With every 5 order we give a
written guarantee to euro or refund the
monej. Sent by mall to any address. Circular froa
in plain envelope. Mention this paper. Address.
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Branch Office for U.S. A.
353 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, IIX.
Jos. Fleming & Son, 410 Market St.
Duquesne Pharmacy, 518 Smithfleld St
A. J. Kaerchcr. 59 Federal St, Allegheny City.
SPECIALISTS In 11 cases r
auirins scientlflo and confl
entiai treatment. Dr. S. K.
,Lake, M. R. a P. S., to the old
I est and most experienced spe
cialist in the city. Consult
tlon free and strlctlw confl-
dentiat Office hours 2 tu land 7 to 87. K.;
Sundays, 3 to 4 p. M. Consult them person
silly, or write. Doctors I.tgK, cor. Perm ar.
Ud th W, PitUbnrg. Fa. J7-nwli
early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood. eKx,
1 will send a valuable treatise (valed) cntalnlng
full particulars tor home cure, FREE of charge.
A splendid medical work: : should be read by every
man wbo Is nTfom and debilitated. Address,
Proav P. C. FOWLEB, Hoodna, Cona.
del-t-D3uwk '
Buny, Quickly, Permanently KESTORED,
and all the train of evils, the results of ove-work,
sickness, worry, etc. ull strength, development!
and tone guaranteed In all cases, simple, natural
methods, lmmedlato improvement seen. Fallon
Impossible. 2.000 references. Book, explanations
and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Aduress ..
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