59Hs2f ir W THE" PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1891. NEW ADVERTISKMENT S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CUT THIS OUT And save an extra 5 per cent. To be plain, by unnsing this "ad" lth you KAUFMAN IMS' KAUFMANNS' RUBEN "Will gi e 25 instead of 20 pei cent "off"' on all GREAT ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE. LIDfly SJLL T ANNUAL Seal Caps and Gloves The nell known change jn tho linn is rapidlv .ippioachiiiR. This compels us to cloe ont all kind of winter good-, and espe ciailv Seal Cap ind GIoee. Our stock of the latter is very heavy. m they are hooked to so no matter lion sreat txc 0$. Our offer heretofore has been 20 per cent off, but m order tohenefit there. del ot our advertisements. e'll allow an extra 5 per cent if this ".id" is presented at the time o purchase. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 SMITH FIELD STREET. dels v, fsu ff t (Trade Mark) VJ YOUR FRIEND HAS RHEUMATISM. Tril him tha- HE GAN BE CURED IWIV1EDIATELY. cadthis testimonial endorsed by one of the leading IVtsburg me-chan's A MOST WONDERFUL STORY. Mr. PAUI H. HACKE, (of:ie!,sr! IIuchus.IIacke), Vnte : " I Icnpw the facts ct forth below at rue, Ir. ratiitA Higins is m m employ. riTTSBtEG, XOV 21, l8QI. RlIEXMATirfR Co.. I ITTS't -C h, Gtn'Iemrn I as ccmpletrfi pros'mted ith Khea rnatism for live ws I suffered with it inthearm-5. hands Icijs and feet M hands became twisted out of shape, and n feet swelled cut of ill proportion, and I could not waltv W hen Mr laul Ilackt procured (-r sse a bottle oi Rheumaticura " and I had onlj taken three doses rf it before 1 could va!k as we1! ascirr Went out to the race track and exercised in hortes that 1 1-avein tram ng at this plice. Thanks to" Kheuma licur, I am nou cured and haie not an ache or pain. ourser trul). 77 Dctrich it , i6ffi Wa-d, Ij.liUi-g, l'a. RHEUMATICURA CO., 616 Pcnn Ae. Price 3cor.-r!ottl- PITTSBURG, PA For sale b all druggists. delO-TTSsu OPERA GLASSES At almost one-l.alf tho pries that other dcalei s can sell for. Pearl, worth 18, for $10. . Oxidized Silver, 18, for $11. Black Morocco, $5, for $3. l Pearl Len.ai' e G.f-esat the sime rate of discount Opera Glass Handles at same sacrifice. You could not buy a more suit able Xmas Present. CHESSKIAW OPTICAL CO., o. 42 Ttderal St., Alleghenj. del3-TUF:u J&uJfc --VT8& HOUDAY PRESENTS. GOLD SPECTACLES, GOLD tYK(. LASSES. Ol'EItA GLASSES, FIELD GLASSES, Telescopes, Jlicro-copes, Barometers Thermometer-, Locoinoties and E'ipines. The largest and line-ta-sortment at low prices. J. DIAMOND, OPTICIAN, 22bixth St., I'lttsbuig. X3Goods sold lower than any other house in this citj. del-42-sn GLASSES FOR THE MASSES. QPERA GLASSES AT COST., Gold Spectac es $5.50 and Upwirl CARUSS t MAXXIOX, Correcting Opticians, 67 Fifth avenue. del3-TTsu &2) ROBERT BRUCE WALLACE, 021 PEXX AVEXUE, Only Manufacturing Optician in the city. Evc examined free. Satisfaction assui ed. det 41-ttsu ,, MEN'S CLOTHING A Suit. Overcoat or pair of Trousers inav not be a very orna mental or glittering Christmas gift, but Mirtly a most sensible and sub stantial one. Too costly, you re mark. Not a bit, it bought at Kauf manns' Great Mark-Down Sale. 1 "tA IAS SCARFS 'S Suits & Overcoats At 58, 510, 512, 515, ?18 and 520. "Worth one-qtiarter to one-third more money. Sift Jackets j A beautiful collection at 55,S7.:9, B Sll. S15 and S-'0. A poithe sav- 8 ing guarantee1! to each puicher. Each one in a Pretty Box. Special atten tion is called to our grand va riety of light colored CREPE HOLIDAY TIES, All shapes, at CENTS. They're right up in ' style and quality to any 51 scarfs shown in this city. Si HOIS' CLOTHING sealskin k caps. IhL muiiiiH Make your (or somebody else's) boy happy with a new Suit or Overcoat. AVe have seen to it that the price won't be in the wav. KILT SUITS, SIZES 2 TO I, In scores of entirely new styles made of Velvets and fine "Woolens, at 52, 53, 54, 55, 50 and 5". Short-Pant Suits, Sizes 4 to 14, In Jerseys, Velvets and fine woolens; 500 stles to choose from, from 52.50"tn 58. Long-Pant Suit". ..Sizes 14 to 19, In all new materials single or double-breasted, from 55 to 520. OVERCOATS for Boys of all ages and at all prices. The big Holiday rush is now in full blast, and sensible people will not only think of WHAT TO BUY for their Christmas gifts, but WHERE TO BUY THEM. The many advantages to be derived from patronizing Kaufmanns' stand out in bold relief. If you want to make Christmas shop ping a matter of comfort and convenience, pleasure and profit, then follow the crowd to Kaufmanns Mammoth business block. Here, under one roof, you will find no end of Christmas Pres ents suitable for old and young, rich, and poor; everything you can think of, and many things you can't think of. And then you can make your purchases without being crowded or jostled about, for our store is so large that thousands can do their shop ping at the same time without crowding each other. An elegant gift, truly, for father or husband. If you want the best and finest Alaska Seal Caps, not pieced, but made of one piece, we have them in all shapes at 57 50, 510, 512 and Sli Pieced Sealskin Caps at 52 24 and 53 50. Imitation Sealskin Caps at 51 50. Best Coney Fur Caps at 79c. Boys Imitation Seals'n Caps. 98c Boys' Pieced Alaska Seal Caps, 75c to 53. ' Boys' (all one piece) Alaska Seal Caps," 55. A present everybody will appreciate. Ladies' or Gen tlemen's Laventine Silk Um brellas, plain or silver-mounted, natural wood handles, at 51 98. Twilled Silk Umbrellas, ox idized silver, gold plated or French horn handles, at $2 50. The thin, tight-rolling "Dude" Umbrellas at $3. Finest Silk Umbrellas from 53 50 to 525. XL iwA ' Mi Y js- vL jl MACKINTOSHES. A gift that'll make your friend think of j ou on every rainy day and oftencr. Men's black Mackin tosh Coats, with deep capes at 57. Checked or plaided ones at same price. Men's double texture Mackintoshes at 511. Ladies' Cape and Sleeve Mackintoshes, 53. Best double tex ture English Military Cape Mackintoshes, at 515. IAS" totoMs. A half dozen, in a pretty box,makesaneatgift for any body. Ladies' embroidered hand kerchiefs, 10c; silk em broidered, 19c; open-work initial, 25c Gentlemen's fancy border, hemstitched, 10c; fine, in itial, 2oc; fancy embroid ered, 25c; fine "silk, fancy border, 35c; silk, initial, 39c. if It im ft B II '"mW mSl if ill mt-f i Fur-Trimmed JACKETS. A manufacturer's en tire stock.just closed out by us for about half price, will be disposed of this week on the same basis. $10 For Clay Diagonal Jackets, with fine As trakhan or French Seal Shawl Collar, and fine Silk or Fur Ornaments; regular price 518 to ?20. $15 For finest imported Cheviot and Beaver Jackets, with collar and full facing of genuine Black Marten or Cana dian Seal; half lined with Hhadame Silk; reg ular price from 527 to 530. ALL GRAND LINE -or- Magnificent Ostrich Feather, or artisti cally painted Silk Gauze Fans, with tor toise shell or solid or carved ivory han dles, at H and 55. Beautiful Fans of 23 Ostrich Feathers; ebony handle with silk ribbon, at 53. Silk Gauze Fans, hand-painted, ivory or gilt handles, at 52.25. Handsome hand-painted Gauze or Lace Fans, with carved ivory handles, at 51. TRIMMED HATS Have been rednced to ABOUT HALFKEGULAR PKICES. 55 ill buy a beautiful Hat or Bonnet now better than any 510 hat elsewhere. ART B.OSES, suitable for evening wear, 51.50 to 52 each. 5,000 mora yards of Kuching at 5c AVe bought these goods at half price. Xew Veilings, all patterns; Veils, 5c to 10c. Fancy Feather Aigrettes, Jet and Velvet Roses marked away down. 1,000 Untnmmed Felt Hats at 48Cj 98c and 5L25 for choice. FUR CAPES! Rich Mink Capes, dark 3 brown shade; best silk lined, Worth $6o for $349 FOR Extri fine Marten Fur Capes, warranted to be A Xo. 1 quality, best silk j lining, Worth $5, Here's a dandy bargain: 1 .Liie uuiiuiirc ui uar line Canadian Seal Capes, silk lined, Worth $is, for $7.50 Muffs, Boas, Children's Fur Sets, etc., in greatest varietv. Ladies' Silk Gar ters, with oxidized or bright silver buckles and neat silk bow; regular price 51. 13 For this Child's beautiful Plush or Leather Chat elaine Bag; with oxidized silver frame and hook; regular price 50c. FINE S1LVEE Shaving Cup, Best Meriden quadruple plating, gold lined, hand somely chased and en graved on a very fine satin finish. $1.25 l FOR THIS PRETTY ANTIQUE With gold plated cigar holder, ash receiver and match box; regular price 52 00. $1.50 to $5. Fine Silver Whisky Flasks, With combination drink ing cup, in old or new silver, handsomely chased or engraved. Jewelry stores sell the Eame goods for 50 per cent more money. arTS mt: "a-" r " 'Xm ' siSr3 75c. GRAND TOILET SET For Lady or Gentleman, Consisting of rich silk-lined Plush Case con taining imitation ivory comb, brush and mir ror; regular price, 52. This is a cheap, yet beautiful Christmas gift. 1 For this Combination Pocketbook and Shop ping Bag, jn imita tion seal and pure silk top; oxidized sil ver clasp; regular price $1 75. 25 c For this hand s o m e Russet Leather Whisk Holder, includ ing broom; both being of excel lent quality; reg ular price 65c. W Hdu ncp - V Ou n p fr this fjfjC It) substantia mm -rTTrr f..'r For this very pretty hand painted Cellu loid Whisk Broom Holder, trimmed with silk ribbon, and containing a broom of the best quality, regular price,51. FOH THIS New silver cabinet photo frame, heav ily embossed, war ranted not to tar nish; regular price 50c. Leather traveling set, containing j fine hair brush, tooth brush, nail j brush and cellu- lofd comb; regular price, 51 25. t KAUFMANNS' 1 fli A i'w1 IBS OWE. WHO III IIIIIj.1 50c FOR THIS HANDSOME SILK PLUSH Combination Collar and Cuff Box, all colors; regular price, 51- IHip 11.25. Silver Back CLOTHES BRUSH Richly embossed, triple plated, best bristles; regular price, 52. Hat brushes to match, 98c GRAND GIFTS DISTRIBUTED TO PATRONS THIS WEEK $1.00 FOR FINE SILVER PLATED Pin Cushions In a large variety of de signs, some made to stand, others to hang some engraved, some chased some embossed; Cushions in all shades of velvet; regular price, jh ft For this verv fine Old Silver T i Manicure Set, consisting of M"" silver plated tray, silver nail polisher, silver file, silver nail brush, silver handle knife and steel scissors, regular price 53 50. X'-'JiiW ft C. Your choice from- a big line i of Pocket Knives, with 2, 3 or 4 fine English steel blades, brass lined, with stag, pearl or bone handles; regular price 75c. I J '' ART BRIC-A-BRAC. A beautiful variety of Royal Worcester Doulton, Royal Bonn, Dresden, Dresden Lace Figures, Iron Cross, etc., from 98c to 5225. A sure saving of 50 per cent from Jewelry Store prices. $1.75 For This Fine Silver Plated Collar or Cuff Box, in artistic relief work, warranted not to tarnish, velvet lining; regular price, 53. I? si? Men-! CD i UU S p i For this truly exquisite silver mounted, cut glass perfume bottle, trimmed with silk rib bon; regular price $2. For this highly orna mental Standing Mir ror, crescent shape, silver-plated trimmings, strong nickel stand, French plate mirror; regular price 5L For this magnificent triple folding dressing mirror; finely carved hard wood frame; pretty picture on back of outer mirror; made to stand or hang; regular price 51.50. 9jjc Jll Ji itSiiSi J r TmVB I nH Kj j I Jg3 For Fine China Coffee, Tea and After-Dinner CUPS AND SAUCERS, All styles, decorations and shapes, .very fine goods, worth 35c to 60c. $2.25 A marvelous assortment of fine Bisque Figures, 15 inches hieh, beau tifully decorated; regular price 54 50. THE DOVER' Enameled Metal 8-Day Clock. With strike and cathedral gong; large size; Ansonia Clock Co.'s make; regular price 57. ' Eenntifnl dressed Dolls with kid uody,birine head, natural ej e,liow Ina hair, cute dres, bonnet, shoe and stocking-: res. price SI. HAVE YOU SEEN'THE BIG CHRISTMAS SHOW 1 01 CORNER WINDOW? . IT'S A SIGHT Ml SEEE! ' BISQUE OF BEEF GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH. ALL DRUGGISTS. $1 A BOTTLE. no28 ! AtTD SKITHFIELD STBEBI K A U F M A NNS