Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 07, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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What the Sew County Mson Ad
ministration Das Done.
Hauled Avar, and the Entire Institution
Ji'oit Spick and Sran.
Since John McAleese became "Warden of
the county jail many notable changes liave
been made in that institution. In the few
v.eeks he has had charge he has made tome
quick tranuforniatious which the most care
lert observer could scarcely fail to realize
and appreciate. Tlie county prison has
been given a taste of that same spirit of dis
cipline which the ex-Inspector infused into
the First police district in the days when he
reigned there. ,
Xo person can be better aware of the im
proved condition of affairs than the en
forced guests of the "Warden. "While Ins
work has resulted directly in lnakins the
place more presentable in appearance, it
has aUo bettered the condition of the pris
oners in inauy Mays.
"When Warden JlcAlcese assumed control
he found there wns plenty to do. The first
thing was to get the cells in order. From ji
look into a few of these the "Warden came
to the conclusion that a general cleaning up
was nccesary. The result was a surprise.
Mis Tilled "With Kabbl!,li.
From the 310 cells two big wagon loads
of rubbish were taken out There were old
baskets and bottles, piles of old clothes and
a thousand diflereut tilings belonging any
where but in a prison cell. Several articles
were found that had been left by the me
chanics when the institution was built. In
almost every cell was a piece of rope.strung
across from one side to the other. Alto
gether there was enough of this to reach
from the Court House to the Point. After
two days' work all the stufl was gotten out
of the way.
Then the warden spread consternation in
"vagrant's row" bv drafting 15 tramps into
active service. This class ot individuals,
never so well oiFas when in jail, was chosen
to keep things in order. The gang was put
to work and for four weeks scrubbed and
scoured until the big prison lairly shown.
One at a time the cells were opened and
scalded out with hot water from a hose.
Vermin vanished like magic. The cure was
followed by a preventative in the shape of
liberal coats of whitewash. In the kitchen
and laundry pans, kettles and pipes were
deprived of their masks of dirt and grease,
and windows once again admitted light;
As soon as the whole place was gone over
the work was started again at the becinning
and will be kept up in that way. The men
are kept at work from 8 o'clock in the
morning until locking-up time at 4 P. M.
In spite of the fact that the majority ol
them have never been known to labor while
at liberty at all, the men seem to enjoy
the work."
Even a professional loafer prefers scrub
bing windows to the solitary confinement of
a cell. Those who work are given a little
extra feed in the evening. After getting
the cleaning-up project well under way the
warden turned his attention to the kitchen,
where he lound quite a field for work.
The King of the Kitchen.
The cooking is done at present bv a big
colored man, serving a six months' term.
Ilavinc presided over the culinary depart
ment of several restaurants he is right at
home. One man is detailed to assist him.
The moraine and evemnc meals are not
vcrv elaborate, conistingof nothing but 1
bread and water. At noon hot edibles are
terved. After a few days in the
ffiice the warden concluded that
without any extra expense he could make
ihe dinner considerably more palatable than
before and made up the menus for each
v.eek about as follows:
Sunday Tea and bread. Monday Meat
and potatoes. Tuesday Meat and cabbage.
Wednesday Meat, potatoes and turnips.
Thursday Hash. Friday Meat and pea
soup. Saturday Beans and hominy.
Each man is allowed about three-fourths
of a pound of meat per day. He also gets a
quart measure of whatever vegetables are
crved and a quart of coffee. Every morn
ing he gets a big loaf of bread. The warden
superintends the purchae of everything.
As there are on an average 200 prisoners
the amount of food required is large. As an
example, it takes five bushels of potatoes
for one meal.
In order to keep out vermin it is neces
sary to use rigid measures with newly ar
rived prisoners, some of whom are decidedly
filthy. These are hustled off to the bath
rooni, while their clothes are treated with
boiling water and steam. They don't like
it, but have no alternative. Prisoners are
shaved and given a bath once a week. The
Warden hus put a stop to unnecessary visit
ing, and only in rare cases does he allow
meals to be sent in bv friends.
Our Christmas Drss Tattern Sal9
Goes on this week. The lowest prices you
ever paid for fine all-wool dress goods. Come
and t-ee. Blackand eolored,plain andfancy.
Jos. HOKSfE & Co.'s
I'cnn Avenue Stores.
Don't Think
That Simen can be undersold on men's
fancy slippers Positive bargains at 30c,
75c, SI and 61 2.", m velvets at 78 Ohio
Etreet, Allegheny, l'a.'
The rarmers' Deposit National Bank
Invite the pnulic to call and examine their
new j-afe deposit vaults. Information con
cerning the renting of boxes and deposit of
valuables cheerfully given. nwp
Ion Will Sae S3 to S20 in Onr Cloak
And at the same time hav; the best assort
ment to choose from. Come and see, this
week. Jos. Hokxe& Co.'s
Penu Avenue Stores.
Die deduction in Jackets.
SSandSlO black cloth jackets at S3; all
Star trimmed tan cheviot jackets at nearly
SrAt price. Come quick.
I.anies Delight
In Simen's flannel-lined cloth slippers at
50c. Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny,
l'a. -'
3Iore Fancy Holiday Goods To-Day.
Stock more complete than ever before, no
foncy prices. Come this week before the
fcig rasn conies. Jos. Homri:& Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
GnxTS mackintoshes for presents.
Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue.
Tun latest invention, "Chemical Dia
monds." "Who has them?
Fun rugs, robes and gloves.
Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue.
eighth wonder,
' Who has them?
'Chemical Dia-
"MCFFS to match fur capes.
Smiley & Co., 23 Fifth avenue.
"Chemical Diamonds."
(ttscy? "Watch for them.
"What are
Ladies' sable capct
28 Fifth avenue.
Great Holiday i?alo of Fnr Capes
TJegias to-day special low prices.
n07-T.21 Ponn avcim'.
The Relations of the Hasband and Wife to
the Understanding and Religion The
Third or Kcv. John "Whitehead's Dis
course! TJpon Marriage.
Kev. John "Whitehead, of the New
Church, Allegheny, preached his third
sermon on marriage Sunday morning, lte
ferring to the previous sermons, he said
that the male is born to be intellectual, be
ing the love of knowing, understanding and
growing wise, and the male intellect is of
such a nature that it can rise in the light of
truth and see it abstractly, thus separate
from the will; but woman- is born to be
voluntary or a form of the will, and
from her love she acquires wisdom
through the male understanding,
she being the love of the wisdom of the
man. It is of true order that the truth
should come through the male understand
ing, and he should be in the love of the
truth for its own sake; acquiring truth by
the exercise of his intellectual faculties, but
rejecting lalsity. But woman, being led
more by her affections, cannot so see and
understand truth, but nevertheless from her
love of her husband she sees truth from
him, and the two, co-operating together,
think, will and act together in a true mar
riage. On the other hand, if the will with its
affections, inclinations and desires, leads
and governs, the life will eventually be led
away from the truth and depart into evils
and falsities of all kinds, and thus the
heavenly union between the will and under
standing, and between man and wife, will
be destroved.
The divine truth should rule and govern
men, and this is seen only through the un
derstanding. There are two ways one
leading to all wisdom and happiness, and
the other leading to all folly and insanity.
The one is to learn from the Lord that which
is true and right, and stladfastly obeyit;
and the other is to follow one's own im
pulses and desires. The latter results in
the destruction of the real man.
Kev. II. C. Applecarth Talks Upon tho Duties
of the Christian.
Rev. If. C. Applegarth, of the Fourth
Avenue Baptist Church, took for his subject
last evening. "Tested and Accepted." The
text was the- First Epistle to the Thes
salonians, v., 21, "Prove all things; hold
fast that which is good." During his dis
course the minister said: "There are two
things that the Christian must watch and
work for, God and soul. A man who pro
fesses Christianity must follow its teach
ings. If I were an antheist or theristand
did not believe in God or heaven, or was
what the world knows as a worldly man.
I would stand up for mv beliefs. The
Christian should be just as firm.
"I would call the man a fool who would
cat a cake made of ashes when he could get
one one of wheat, or he that would climb
over rocks and cliffs exposed to the weather
without sufficient covering, or walk over
thorns in his bare feet when he had $1,000,
000 in the bank. Such things do not add
anything to a Christian life."
Rev. J. Crocker White Gives a Sketch on
the Life of Moses.
Eev. J. Crocker "White, of St. Andrew's
P. E. Church, took his text last evening
from Acts, Hi., 22. His subject was "The
Precursors of Christ Moses." He said the
life of Moses was a most dramatic one from
his birth to his death. His call to the lead
ership of the Israelites on Mt. Horeb and
the long struggle for the freedom of his
people being instances of this.
Then again his meeting with God on lit.
Sinai and Mt. 2Cebo typified the birth of
lehem, the : baptism on the Jordan and
the sermon on Calvarv.
All through this wonderful life we find
him meek and humble, teaching his people
the word of God and finally his death of
which we know so little was a fitting close
to such a life.
Kev. J. T. Satchell Instructs His Congrega
tion Along Their Line.
Kev. J. T. Satchell, of the North Avenue
M. E. Church, Allegheny, preached a strik
ing sermon on "Philanthrophy," taking
his text from Hebrews, x., 24. He spoke
of the philanthropic works of man, and
showed how they would be fruitless of
good results unless they were followed up
bv love. He also argued that many chances
for such work were unimproved.
Many illustrations were used to show his
views. He took up some of the so-called
philanthropic acts ot the present day and
agreed that they were unworthy of that
All claims not consistent with the high
character of Syrup of Figs are purposely
avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup Company.
It acts Rently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, cleansing the system effectually,
but it is not a cure-all and makes no pre
tensions that every bottle will not sub
stantiate. Give a dress pattern From the great
stocks of woolen dress goods now selline at
such low prices or from the special holiday
cotton dress goods. A street or house
dress will be appreciated by any member of
the household. Jos. Hokje & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Styles tho Best.
Men's genuine alligator slippers at 52
worth S2 ."0 prices way down at Simen's,
78 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa.
The Farmers Deposit National JSank
Invite the public to call and examine their
new safe deposit vaults. Information con
cerning the renting of boxes and deposit of
valuables cheerfully siven. jiwf
I'rett y Coats for Children for Christmas
And at bargain prices also a large stock of
infants' cloaks, dresses and slips. Comeand
examine before buying.
Jos. Horke & Co.,
G07-C21 Penn avenue.
Portraits forChristmas Presents.
This month, a handsome 8x10 frame with
every doz. cabinet photos. Also genuine
crayons at special low prices.
Lies' Studio, 10 and 12 Sixth st.
Unexpected Cut
In men's fancy velvet slippers at SO and 7oe
at Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa.
Xovelties in fur cape's.
Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue.
Give From the 1,001 articles on the
fancv goods counters plated or solid silver,
wood, leather or whatever you can surely
select mauy appropriate and pleasing gifts.
Come and see. Come in the morning.
Jos. Horse & Co.'s
Penu Avenue Stores.
"WAxen for the
"Who has them?
"Chemical Diamonds.'
Ladies' military capes.
Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue.
"Watch for the "Chemical Diamonds. "
"Wonderful gems.
Ladies' and gentlemen's seal gloves.
SMILEY' & Co., 28 Fifth avenue.
"CnEMlCAL Diamonds."
they? Wonderful gems.
What are
Childres's furs.
Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue.
"Chemical Diamonds"
The eighth wonder.
defy experts.
Ladies' military capes.
- -v '? " ' . "' Fifth prn-i-.
A Big Struggle for the Control of the
United Mine Workers,
Many of the leaders Not Anxious to Have
the Coders in the Order.
national Secretary McBryde, of the
United Mine Workers, has issued a circular
to local assemblies and unions calling at
tention to the provision inserted in the con
stitution at the last -annual convention, re
quiring nominations for officers to be for
warded to the Secretary at least one month
before the convention. All nominations
must be sent in not later than January 9.
Then the Secretary has two weeks in which
to make out a list of the nominations and
return them to the locals.
Nominations are to be made for presi
dent, vice president, "secretary and four
members of the executive board. Under
the new plan there will no doubt be a host
of candidates, but the returns made to the
Secretary will determine to a large extent
the men who are favored by the miners,
and it will give those who want to be
officials and cannot get the votes oppor
tunity to withdraw without the humiliation
of a defeat in convention.
A Third Term Jot Probable.
There is no doubt that the majority of the
miners are dissatisfied witn- the present
administration, although the officials all
have a greater or less following. President
Bae has served two terms and hence, ac
cording to an established precedent "3 not a
logical candidate. There are many aspirants
for this position, the most conspicuous be
ing P. H. Penna, the present Vice Presi
dent, and John P. Jones, President of the
Ohio miners. Penna is popular with the
miners in almost every district, but he will
not have an easy thing if Jones is in the
contest. There has been talk of other very
likely candidates, but their names have not
been mentioned.
As for Secretary-Treasurer, Patrick Mc
Bryde, the present incumbent, has been
quoted as saying that he did not want the
office another term. In this event, W.B.
Wilson, senior member of the Executive
Board, would be the logical candidate.
However, there are other aspirants for the
place and a contest is likely to occur. At
the last convention a scheme was laid by
the several officers of the K. of L. to elect
a Knieht to this position, and it came very
near being carried through.
To Capture the "Whole Outfit.
Now it is intimated by the Knights that
a scheme has been hatched by the old Pro
gressive Union men to capture the whole
outfit. It is the general impression that
the entire ,xecntive Board will be over
hauled. Some changes are certain. The
forthcoming convention will not be so large
as the last one, which was the biggest ever
held. There were 323 votes in that con
vention. In the next there will be a loss of about
50 voles from the coke region, fl from Ala
bama, 5 from Iowa, about 20 from Ohio, and
no doubt a scattering loss from other dis
tricts. The membership in the coke region
is not regarded by manv of the leaders as
desirable, as they say it is an uncontrollable
element and likely to involve the crganiza
tion at any time. At the last convention
the coke contingent had a big representa
tion, and secured the indorsement of the
coke strike against the best judgment of the
national officers.
The Feeling Between the li. of L. and M.
ST. P. U. More Biticr.
Fifteen musicians left the IC of L at the
regular meeting of the Musicians' Assem
bly vesterday afternoon. This was caubed
by the present trouble between the IC of B.
and the M. M. P. U. The Knights claim
the men are mostly non-professional and
their loss will really strengthen the order.
The men, as soon as they had secured
their release from the K. of L, had their
fines remitted in the M. M. P. TJ.. and were
taken back into membership in that union.
It was reported Testerday that the musi
cians in several of the other theaters would
leave the IC of L and join the M. M. P. U.
The Musical Mutual Protective Union
elected the following officers: President, C
H. William Ituhc; Vice President, L M.
Allen; Secretary, John Hebert; Treasurer,
Louis P. Ycager; Trustees, Thomas Grif
fiths, P. Stierheim and James Hally;
Executive Board, Charles Houser, C F.
Bingham, Henry Black, Peter Daunhardt,
Henry Houser, and Spencer Hunnell;
Delegates to the National League. L M.
Allen, C. H. W. Euhe and Charles W.
Meetings- x
. stockholders of the Pittsburg and Allegheny
Drove Yard Company will be held at the offlce of
the company, U. & O. R. K. station. co-Tier Smith
lield and Water streets, Pittsburg. Pa..MOKDAY.
December 14,1(01, at 11 A. M. C. S. WIG.1T.
no29-78 1 Secretary.
th-) stockholders of thi! Pittsburg and Falr
portTenninal Company will be held at the office of
the company. Baltimore and Onto Railroad station,
corner bmltlifield and Water streets.. Pittsburg,
Pa.. MONDAY, Dece mber H. 1891. at 2 V. JI.
del-tiS C. S. WIGHT. Secretary.
PlTTSBDHG. PA.. Oct. 3, 1891.
X or Directors of this coinpauv has called a
special meeting of the stockholders, to be held at
the office of the company, corner Tenth and Muriel
streets. Pittsburg. l'a.. on theStli day of December,
1(91, at2:30 o'clock r. jr., for the purpose of voting
fcr or against a proposition to Increase the capital
stock of tho coinpauy from SI. (3)0. GOO to 52. 000. 000.
QC5-2-M JASlEb SMITH. Secretary.
IFeC. 4, 13J1.
Notice to Stockholders.
ii spicial meeting of the stockholders of the
PHt'burg Traction Company will be held at the
company's office. No. 310 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg.
Pa., on THURSDAY SIOKNLNG. December 17
isol, at 10:30 o'clock, to con&laerandjjass upon a
question of approving or disapproving a nroposad
opsratlngcontract between the Pittsburg Traction
Coinpauy and the railway companies whose rail
ways are operated by It and the Dunuesne Traction
Company and the railway companies whose rail
ways are operated by it. In relation to the operation
ofrll of said railways and such other business in
connection therewith as may come before the meet
ing. The stock books of the compauv for purposes
of transfer will be closed rom December 13, 1S91, to
December 17, 1831, Inclusive. By order of the
Board of Directors.
G. W. ELKINS. President.
de5-81-D J. G. TKAGGAliDII, Secretary.
liiAiir riiKr.j'.r,
PiTTSUur.G. Dec. 4, 1831,
1.1 meeting of the stockholders of the Dnquesnc
Traction Company will beheld at the office of the
company. Craig street, Pittsbnrg. Pa., on THURS
DAY SIOKNINti. December 17. IS91. at 10:30
o'clock, to consider and pass upon a question of
approving or disapproving a proposed operating
contract between the Duquesue Traction Company
and the railway companies whose railways are
operated by It and the 1'Ittsbnrg Traction Company
and the railway companies whose railway are
operated by it, in relation to the operation of'all of
said railways, and buch other business in connec
tion therewith as may come before the meeting.
The stock books of tho company, for purposes of
transfer, will be closed frum December 13, 1891, to
December 17. 1S91, Inclusive. By order of the
Board of Directors.
Ilnsiness Chancres.
1 partnership lately existing between J. II.
Rise and W. J. Irwin, "under the linn name of RUe
& Irwin, has beerf dlstolvcd by mutual consent.
J. II. RISE, (by permission) AV. J. IRWIN. de7-g
-!' partnership lately mbslsting between R. L.
McCully, Sclwyn SI. Taylor and L. G. Woods, all
of Pittsburg. Pa., under the firm n.imj of SIc
Cully, Taylor .t Woods, has tills day licen dissolved
by mutual agreement; it has also been agreed that
R. L. SicCully khall have sole power to wind up
the business of said partnership; all debts owing
said firm arc to be paid said R. L. SlcCully and all
demands on said firm are to be presented to him
for payment.
t&-Display advertisements one doUar per
square for one insertion. Classified real estate
advertisements on this page ten cents per line for
each insertion, and none taken for less than
thirty cents.
distilled under the following headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
FOE EACH INSERTION when pail for in ad
vance cither at main -or branch offices.
Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds,
Cor. Smlthfield and Diamond Streets,
Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have accounts with TUB DISPATCH.
THOMAS 31CCAFFREY, 33C9 Butler street.
EMIL G. STUCK15Y, 24th street and Penn avenue.
F. H. EGGERS & SON. Ohio and Cnestnut treeta.
THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin avenues.
PERRY SI. ULE1M, Rebecca and Allegheny art.
Sfale Heir.
BARBER A good barber: voting, steady man, at
J. P Flan's. C12Marketst., JtcKeesport..
Aurly at the
JJ Sharon Holier orss. Lim.
Sharon, Pa.
BOY salesmen. 16 years of age. O'Keefc 4 Co.,
703 Smlthflcld St.
COOK Experienced man cook for hotel. 1G9
First a v.
C COPYHOLDER For morning dally: young man
J only; must have good education and read all
kinds of manuscript readily. Apply at Dispatch
mailing room to-day at 1 o'clock.
ENTRY CLERK-A first-class entry clerk: must
have had experience in a wholesale dry goods
store. Jos. Home & Co.
SALESMAN Experienced shoe salesman. Ad
dress, stating experience, naming last place
worked, and salary expected, W. E. Warner,
Youngstown, O.
SALESMEN Five first-class sewing machine
men. salarv or commission. Wheeler &W11
son M'fg Co.. 6 Sixth street.
TRAVELING 3IAN Experienced traveling man ;
single man preferred. Address In own hand
writing. J. W. James & Co.. Pittsburg, Pa. ; manu
facturers James' Preparations.
YOUNG man for 6cale clerk; must be accurate
and quick and good penman: give age and
reference. Address D. S., Dispatch office.
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS On salary or commission to handle
the new patent ehemlcarlnk erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases
ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ot
paper; 3)0 to SCO per cent profit: one agent's sales
amounted to (620 In six davs; another iS2intwo
hours; we want one energetic general agent for
each State and Territory. For terms and full particu
lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La
Crosse. Wis.
AUlsNTS We furnish team free to agents who
sell our goods; our new line will sell at every
house, and agents can reap a harvest In a few
weeks; will pay a salary of $75 per month. If pre
ferred. Address at once Standard Silverware Co.,
Boston, Slass.
AGENTS Installment agents for books, bibles
and albums for the holiday trade. P. J. Flem
ing & Co.. 1S5 Fifth ay.
AGENTS Few good agents: salary or commis
sion. Wheeler & Wikon Mfg. Co,, No. 8
Sixth st.
GENTS WANTED-Fivetotendollarsperday;
Inclose stamp tor circular. Home Protective
Association, 174 Grl9wold street, Detroit, Mich.
GENTS To sell stores O'Keefe's o. K. Shoe
Blacking: Quest In the world: good commis
sions. O'Keefe & Co., 703 Sraithfleld st.
AGENT $3 to (7 dally: experience unnecessary.
Putnam & Co., Perfumers, West Winsted, Ct.
Female Help TPantert.
IRL to cook and do general housework in family
vji oi inree. Apply atjirs.
Heaslet's house. Clav-
ton av., otf Perrysville ay.,
GIRL Good girl for housework. Mackenzie.
Superior av., Allegheny, 'Pleasant Valley
GIRL Good girl for general housework.
102 Buena Vista St., Allegheny.
LADIES to do fancy work at their homes: we
furnish material and pay per piece. Call and
see work or addrens'wlth stamp. J. SI. Lemar&
Co., No. 80 Fourth av., near Wood.
Five ladies of good address: good posl-
JLi tions; reference required,
Aaaress is. a., dis-
paicn omce.
WOSIAN To do general housework middle
aged; German preferred. Address No. 812
Penn ayeuue.
"VTOUNG GIRL At once, for general housework,
X 031 Penn av.
Male and Female Help Wanted.
AMATEUR actors and actresses possessing abil
ity and modern wardrobe can secure positions
with high class traveling dramatic company. Ad
dress, stating full particulars, experience, refer
ence, George A. Henderson, Hotel Grand, East
Liverpool. O.
AMATEUR actors and actresses possessing abil
ity and modern wardrobe can secure positions
with high class traveling dramatic company. Ad
dress, stating full particulars, experience, refer
ence, George A. Henderson, Hotel Grand, East
Liverpool, O.
HELP Man and wife for Hairy rarm, children
no objection; hotel and restaurant cooks. SS
per week: night cook, dlshwashcrs.chambermalds.
dining room girls, 4 per week; laundress. 200
house girls, three voting girls for light work.
SIcchan's Agencv, S45 Grant St. Tel. 90.
VTURSES, chambermaids, dining room girls.
1 laundresses for families; 200 house girls:
German girls, kitchen, pantry and chambermaids
for hotels: conks and dishwashers for restaurants
and boarding houses; waiters, drivers, farm hands;
white and colored male help supplied on short
notice. Sirs. E. Thompson, 608 Grant st.
Situations Wanted.
POSITION as saleslady: permanent; bv a bright,
energetic, educated lady of good address; un
derstands German; inexperienced, but compcteut:
reference. Address Homeless Orphan, Dispatch
POSITION At anything by young man of good
address and education; can furnish references
as to character and bond if necessary. Address Box
2C0, Rochester, l'a.
"POSITION By an experienced stenographer ana
a typewriter: rapid anu accurate; ramluarwith
office work; moderate salary.
Address P. A. G.,
Box cm, city.
POSITION Engineer, sober and competent,
wants position, do all repairs, willing to help
around: reference. Address Engineer, Dispatch
POSITION By young lady with knowledge of
bookkeeping and typewriting. Address Com
petejit. Dispatch office.
POSITION Bv an experienced bookkeeper, from
January 1, 1892; best of reference. Address W,
A., Dispatch office.
SITUATION as traveling salesman by man who
has had five years experience on the road: can
give best of references. Address P., Box 4, South
New Lyme, Ohio. '
SITUATION as bookkeeper: best cltv references
given. Address D, Dispatch office.
OJTUATION January 1, by practical accountant.
tv? isot
Books, Dispatch ollice.
Bookkeeping Acctmnts, Etc., Wanted.
AUDITING and accounting I attend to any
thing In the Hue of Intricate accounting.
auditing the books ol corporations, manufactur-J
ers, mercuanis, muciauuu outers, a. j. aawniii,
137 Federal St., Allegneiiy. Pa.
Boarders and Lodtrcrs Wanted.
BOARDER A well furnished front room with
board: pleasantly located on Union av.. Alle
gheny: terms reasonable. L. X.. Dispatch office.
BOARDERS Good board and room, with gas,
electric lights, bath, etc; convenient to cars;
56 per week. 6302 Penn av.
OCCUPANTS For furnished front room with or
without hoard, corner South Highland and
Walnut St.. East Eud.
OCCUPANTS for desirable front rooms, large
size, well furnished, and with board. 216
Shady av.
OCCUPANTS for nicely fuml'died room with
boarding; use of bath. 393J Forbes av.
Rooms Wanted.
I7" ANTED Two furnished rooms: light house
M keeping: low rent; man and wife only. J.
H. Slink, G Sixth st.
"i7"ANTED Rooms for light housekeeping.
I Room Renting, 130 Robinson st., Allegheny.
Business Opportunities Wanted.
WANTED An educated business man. about 28
years of age, to assist In establishing a
branch of good-paying business in Memphis,
Tenn.: one for Peoria, III., and other points West;
a capital of S50O required; an excellent chance to
the right man: if desired a salary of S70 to S90 will
be guaranteed; tills is no schemr. liut a straight,
legitimate business; from?l,7C0 to filOO per year
can be realized: only those meaning business and
having required capital need applv. Call or ad
dreco. trlvhi? rpe ntr occup-itlon, Iloom ! Eisner
. '.'!, . . I .-( ' ?
Fire Insurance Wanted.
BENSWANGER 4 ZAHN Fire Insurance,
Fourth av.
Claney, hec'y., W.. Caldwell Prcs't; 93
Fourth av.
Partner Wanted.
TJARTNER Enerzctic young man of good
1- dros for half interest In an established office
business; $1,000 cash necessary; security given, and
first-class references required. To an acceptable
Earn- a ursi-ciass cnance IS onerea. nui on
harles Somers, 12!) Fourth av., Pittsburg, for fur
ther particulars.
Financial Wanton.
BONDS, stocks, mortgages and other securities.
Ed Wittish, 410 Giant St., Pittsburg.
MONEY to loan immediately; ?r, 000 has been
left with us to place this week in sums to
suit applicants: tills is a splendid opportunity to
parties wanting money at once. Morris . Flem
ing. 10S Fourth av.
MONEY to loan on mortgage: no delay; lowest
interest. Howard Brown, 151 Fourth av.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop
erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver &
Co.. 92 Fourth av.
rpO LOAN 3)0,000 on mortgages: 8100 and up
X wardatfiper cent; $-"j00. COO at A)i per cent on
residences or business property, vacant lots or
farms, s. II. French, lMFonrth av.
WANTED We nave monev to loan In large or
small amounts on mortgages: all applica
tions will receive prompt attention. W. A. Ilerron
Sons. 80 Fourth av.
Miscellaneous Wanted.
BUYERS To know the Pittsburg Produce Com
mission Compan3F. 813 Liberty st., is head
quarters for Florida fruits and bananas; Florida
oranges, ?2 to 82 25 box; give us atrial.
I7VERYBODY NOTICE -Great reduction e
J want everybody to know that we have re
duced our best " CO cabinets to $3 00. Stewart &
Co.. 90and 92 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa.s dia
mond riiotoettes tl 00.
"t HOCERS and dealers to buy Boneless Boiled
a Hams, sausage, pork, sparcrtbs. lard,
all kinds
smoked meat cheap.
E. A.
Reineman, 16 Pitts.
OLD seal garments purchased for cash, or ex
changed for new garments. Paulson Bros.,
441 Wood st.
PARTIES wishing choice properties improved
i or unimproved, will do well to consult w. A.
Lincoln, 101 Fourth av., who always has special
bargains that are not generally in the market, and
do not care to advertise. ,
Levis (10 years). Solicitor, 131
X Fifth av., next Leader, Pittsburg; no delay.
PROMINENT firms to know that cards and calen
dars for 1832 should be ordered immediately for
shipment during December, as we have orders for
thousands from leading business firms, manufactur
ers and bankers,and cannot otherwise fill orders un
til January. Penn Printing and Novelty Co.. print
ers, 77 Diamond St.. telephone 1133; representing
American, English and German house3. '
'pRUNES hauled to and from East End Tor 50c.
A Campbell & Davit, 12 Seventh av. Telephone
USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyser Jones' Magic
Roach Powder: contains no poison: roaches
banished by contract; satisfactionglven or no pay.
Prepared by Geo. W. Jones, 222 Federal St., Alle
gheny, Pa. bold bv all first-class druggists.
WANTED Manufacturing site for large chemi
cal works with good railroad facilities, about
fivcacres of ground handy to gas and coal, and
plenty of salt water: address how mnch salt water
can be had and full particulars. Slanufacturing
Chemist, Dispatch office.
TTTEARERS or spectacles to buv the best SI
t V steel and S3 50 gold spectacles . and eye
glasses yet offered of W. L. Trleber, Practical Op
tician, at Schacfcr's Jewelry Store, 150 Fifth av.
WANTED-Evervbodv to know that Pickering,
the house furnisher, will sell J10 worth of
goods on credit for SI down and 50c a week. Pick
ering, corner Tenth and Penn av.
Horses, Vehicles. Live Stock For Sale.
(WW'S-25 No. 1 fresh milk cows, on Slonday. De
J cember 7, and Tuesday, December 8, at M.
Slarx's, 45 First St., Allegheny.
TEL1VERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles;
XJ our own make. Wm. Beckert, 310 to 344 Ohio
6t., Allegheny. Telephone, 3420.
T7"AGON One good baker's wagon cheap.
1 1 Viercck, 2323 Carson st.
Machinery and Metals For Sale.
ACME Automatic Safety Engine and non-explosive
boiler, built from one to five horse
power, natural gas or common carbon oil as fuel,
no engineer required, perfectly safe and reliable,
economy in fuel and durability a special feature.
No. 4 Fifth av. J. Prager. General Agent.
A UTOSIATIC hoisting engines Work perfectly
right and left, with single or double drum;
second-hand boilers and engines also on hand:
general machine work promptly executed; corre
spondence solicited. Combination Engine Co,,
Llm.,3140 Penn aye., Pittsburg. Tel 12S5.
BARNES SAFE Nearly new. 27x36; can be
bought cheap. Address Rooms 308-9 Standard
building. 531 Wood st.
OILERS and engines, second-hand: all sizes.
from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest in the market: 43
ooiiers anu engines in siock. stationary anu porta
ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc;
steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.
Telephone 3101, 23-25 Park way, J. S. Young.
Allegheny, Ta.
., . . i. i -.
(GALVANIZED gas fitting and pipe 2 to X inch.
T W. A. Lloyd, McDonald, Washington county.
GRINDSTONES-In all sizes, for all kinds of
grinding; Craigleith, Newcastle, Nova Scotia
and other grits; iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power: mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. SI. Klrby, 133 First
(JECOND-1IAND engines and boilers Two 35
O horse-power and two ten horse-power station
ary engines and boilers. One ten horse-power
portable on wheels. Thirty-five, 15, 12. ten and
eight horse-power engines, vertical and horizontal.
an gooa ana wiu oe soiu cueap.
Depot, 99 First ay.
Harmes' Machine
Coal Fnr Sale.
CIOAL-Saw Mill Run Coal is the best; order it
J of Gilchrist, Hartley & Henderson? John
Dipple. The above are the onlypartles handllugour
coal In Allegheny. Hartley A Marshal, Saw Mill
Run Coal Co., miners and shippers.
COAL Anthracite and bituminous coal and
crushed coke for domestic purposes: general
hauling. Latimer, SIvers & Co., Fourth and Try
sts. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts.
CIOAL Buv yocr lump coal, nut and slack at SIc
J Elwain's, Seventh and Duquesne way. Tele
phone 1117.
Miscellaneous For Sale. t
CORDAGE Twine, hemp packing. Flocker &
Co., 89 Water st. I
T ED BRICK In large or small quantities, Witt
XV mer Brick Co., Lim., 12 Federal st., Alle
gheny, Pa.
JMALL showcases. 221 Federal St., Allegheny.
Business Opportunities.
BARBER SHOP Corner Boggs and Wyoming
sts.. Sit. Washington.
BRICK plant, consisting orgrlndingpan, engine,
boiler, etc.: engines, boilers, clay and ore pans,
and brick yard supplies. Thomas Carlin's bons,
Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny.
"TvRUG STORE-Clean and fresh stock of drugs:'
j-r invoice aDout (i.mu; in live iowu; eicctnc
light, water and electric street railway; good coun
try and coke trade; good reasons tor selliug.
Pepsin, Dispatch office.
ONE-HALF interest in an established Pittsburg
real estate business; an opportunity for a
young man: not much cash required. Address
Real Estate Business, Dispatch office.
PAPER ROUTE FOR SALE-Maklng0 per week
gross; in'towu near Pittsburg. Address Route,
Dispatch office.
RESTAURANT in good town near the city, with
fine pro&pects tor license: notion and wall
paper store, grocery stores 5200. $500 to S10.0O0,
good cigar stores, bakeries, milk depot and route,
fish and oj'stcr market, butcher shop, general
country store, merchant tailoring and gents' fur
nishing store Sl.fOO, Jewelry store, with line repair
trade. Holmes & Co., 420 Smlthfield st.
I) ESTAURANT In good location and doing good
b business; bargain for cash buyer. Call at No.
928 Penn ay
SHOESTORE for sale, with nice clean stock of
about (6.000: doing a business of over 333,000:
or would sell half Interest to a good man. Address
Business, Dispatch office.
CJJO 700- profit in 17 months Pittsburg paper
u)3 route and news stand; immediate cash
price. $750. Address F. Louis, Dispatch office.
Business Properties For Sals.
CALEoflandDytne United States at Pittsburg,
U Pa. Be it exacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States or America in
Congress assembled. That the Secretary of War be,
and hereby Is. authorized and directed to sell and
convey to the purchaser or purchasers, alt the I
rigiu, ,iue aim interest or tne united states, in
aud to all that certain parcel of ground, belonging to
the United states, situate In the cltv or Pittsburg.
Pennsylvania, at the northwest corner of Penn
avenue and Garrison alley. In the Fourth ward of
said city, fronting 100 feet on west side of Penn
avenue and extending northwardly along the west
line of Garrison alley, prcservingthe same width, to
low water line of the Allegheny river.subjcct how
ever, to such public easements as exist thereon and
thereover.Depot Quartermaster's Office. Washing
ton, D. C. November 7. 1891. Under the pro
visions or the above quoted Act of Congress, ap
proved May 21, 1890, and by direction of the Secre
tary or War, I will offer for sale at public auciion
at the Stock Exchange in the city of Pittsburg, 1-a..
on Saturday, the 12th day or December, 1891. at 3
o'clock r. ji.. for cash, the property described in
said act. together with such Improvements thereon
as belong to the United states, subject to the con
ditions set forth lu said act, and subject also to the
terms and conditions named In the printed circu
lar of tills date, copies of which will be furnished
on application to the undersigned or to the Acting
Assistant Quartermaster at Allegheny Arsenal,
where also a plat of the ground can he seen. Tho
right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to ac
cept any bid or bids subject to the conditions pre
scribed In the circular referred to. and to require a
deposit of 5 per centum of the pifrehaw money at
the tlino of notification of acceptance of bid. Pay
ment of the full amount of the purchase money
must be made upon delivery of duly executed deed
or deeds Tor the property pnrcliatod, or the
property may he resold, without further notice, at
the risk and costof the defaulting purchaser. The
cost or conveyancing will be bome bythepur
eliwr. (irmr II. '.Vo-ki Hrpntr OuartermnH"-
Business Properties For Sale.
BUSINESS PROPERTY A large business prop
erty in one of the best and most central loca
tions in the city; would be an elegant purchase for
a permanent investment. Jas. W. Drape & Co.,
313 Wood St., Pittsburg. .
manufacturing properties, with and without
buildings and machinery, on lines of railroads and
rivers. T. H. Dickson. 96 Fourth av.
City Residences.
tnviHitinent. "Mr
12 orick houses 1(1 per cent
Morris & Fleming. 103 Fourth
Jg'T 700 A house of 11 rooms, bathroom, laun
tH)lj dry, pantry, china closet, both gases, hot
and cold water, chandeliers, range, furnace, front
and rear porches: lot 50x100. Slurry Jb Edsall, Fi
delity building. 121 Fourth av.
East End Residences For Sale.
DITHRIDGE ST.. near Center av.. for sale or
will rent, elegant new brick' house of 12
rooms; first class In every particular, with all
modern requirements; sheltered southeast exjpos
ure commanding finest view of Liberty Valley.
Charlei Shields, Allegheny P. O.
OOO Nice, new. eight-room house, slate
' manieis. me nearxns. siium? doors, range.
bath, inside w. c, front and rear stairs, porches,
pantry, excellent cellar, all street Improvements
made: In fact, complete in every respect: good
neighborhood, close to P. R. R., and convenient
to street cars. Kelly Jc Rogers, G21S Penn ay.. E. E.
G2f 500 New nine-room brick house, within
uU, three squares of East JAberty station and
all the street railways: slate mantels, tile hearth,
sliding doors, bay windows, combination gas fix
tures, furnace and all the modern conveniences:
lot 25x120 to alley: come soon if you want a bar
gain. Kelly & Rogers, G216 Penn av.
Allegheny Residences For Sale.
LOCUST ST.. Allegheny, at a sacrifice if pur
chased within 30 davs, corner lot. 40 feet front
on Locust St.. with good brick dwellingcontalnlng
nine rooms, bath. hall, porches and all conven
ience": this desirable home can be bought for S7.C00.
Inquire or George R. Bothwcll. No. 104 Franklin
St.. Allegheny.
OOO Sheffield St.. Allegheny, Pa., fine three-
4 story mansard Dries nonse. n rooms. Dam.
toilet room t stationary washstand). fine cemented
cellar, large rumace. hot air pipes, registers, etc. ;
both gases, slate mantels, numerous closets through
out house; newly papered and everything in fine
conuiuou; tnis is a cneap property a
spection. Sloan & Co., 127 Fourth av,
property and worth in-
Suburban Residences For Sale
5 ACRES half mile from Quaker Valley or Edge
worth, P., F. W. & C. R. R.: frame house.
unfailing spring, good fruit orchard
og. good rruitorcnara; oniv 5--.1WU.
premises near residence of Sir. Ellas
Appiy ou in
or by mail to John Huffman, Sewickley,
East End Lots For Sale.
FFTH AV East End loo feet, more or less,
surrounded by beautlfBlstone residences, near
South Ncgley av. : great bargain if taken soon.
Slorris & Fleming. 108 Fourth av.
Suburban -Lots For Sale.
BRUSHTON Nice level lots 25x80, only S400: one
minute from Brushton station and five min
utes from Duquesne cars, on Penn av. (K 78).
Black&Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av.
East End Residences To Let.
ALMOST a new house of six rooms, finished
attic, nicely papered. 209 Boquet St., five
doors from Forbes av.; rent low. t
FIFTH AV.. Shadyslde, term of three or five
years, that desirable and beautifully located
ten-room house, bath, v. c. both gases, stable,
acre or land with choice fruit: Immediate posses
sion. Inquire ofHcnry Wlederich, Wilkinsav. t
Allezheny Residences To Let.
"YJICE five-room dwelllpg Federal st. extension.
J.1 inquire or ,1
, B. McKee, 708 Fenn-av.,
rVO LET Small houses In Allegheny.
S 10 Sturgeon, near Rebecca St., 0 rooms; location
10 Craig St., First ward, location central, 3
$16 Terrace 6t.. Second ward, 5 rooms (in fine or
der), inside w. c.
S32 Hemlock St.. Third ward, near parks, 6 rooms,
modern fixtures.
Send for list. W. A. Herron Jb Sons, 80 Fourth
TO LET In Allegheny, furnished house: a hand
somely furnished house of eight rooms, near
the park. Apply to W. N.Kerr, 53 Ninth St.,
Pittsburg, or on the' premises, 40 Buena Vista St.,
Allegheny City.
1400 Small payment down, balance In
4 monthly installments same as rent: new
rame house of five rooms:'lot 25x100 feet: Tenth
ward. Allegheny City, near electric cars: good
neighborhood : nice location. John E. McCrickart,
140 Firth av. Tel. 1678.
Rooms To Let.
A NICELY furnished room with all conveniences
suitable for one or two gentlemen. 634 Fifth
FURNISHED ROOSIS-Second floor. 12 Smith
field St., opposite Slonongahela House.
FURNISHED rooms, with
Logan st.,ncar Wylie.
kitchen, etc. 41
He av.
2 bedrooms, bath, etc. 8 Wy-
HANDSOMELY furnished second story front
room. 315 South inland av.
apartments, old Central Hotel, Library Square,
Allegheny: remodeled, with steam heat. Incan
descent lights, bath for each suito and general
dining room. .Charles Shields. Allegheny P. O.
T OOMS Well furnished room and board
JLt trie light,
gas. bath, etc.: convenient to cars:
SG per week.
6362 Penn av.
"DOOSIS Five rooms on Shady avenue suitable
Xz for light housekeeping. SI. F. Hippie & Co,,
96 Fourth av.
Offices and Desk Room To Let.
THIRD FLOOR-Standard building, two offices,
one front; possession Jannary l:verv accom
modating terms. Address Rooms 303-9, 531 Wood
street. t
Business Stands To Let.
10 LET In Ferguson block, the finest fire proof
. office building in the city, located on Third
avenue. Just below the new postoffice, having also
Fourth avenue entrance: choice storerooms and
offices, with all modern conveniences, high speed
elevators, steam heat, electric light and janitor's
services free: rent lower than others are getting in
old and inconvenient buildings: possession about
January 1: rent free until April 1: send for illus
trated book. Black & Baird, So, 95 Fourth av.
TO LET-Offire in building 75. 77 and 79 Diamond
St., with electric light, steam heating, janitor
and elevator scrvlce:rcnt $300 per year:also rooms of
various sizes with power: possession Immediately.
Apply to John T. Shields, second floor. Dispatch
building, corner Smithceld and Diamond streets.
TO LET Separate storerooms with railroad
track; all receiving, handling, shipping and
delivering facilities; also office rooih. Inquire of
W. A. Iloeveler, Storagef Pike and Twelfth sts.,
Pittsburg. Pa.
TO LET Space with power Cor. Penn and Third
av.: three floors; 20.0GO feet space: abundant
power; good light: splendid location: every con
venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 3) Fifth av.
TOLET-The five-story building 401 Smlthflcld
st. W L. Sloan.
70UXD-Cheinical diamonds.
FOUND You can sell or exchange your old seal
sacqucs at Panlson Bros.', -Ml Wood st.
FOUN D Reliable portrait artists in crayon,
sepia and water colors: finest grades onlv; all
work done in windows in presence of the public to
prove that no bromide prints are used: order now
and pay for Christmas; stores open tllior. jr.:
satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Union
Artists' Portrait Co., first floors. 708 Liberty st.,
GOT Wood st. "
t OST Chemical diamonds.
IOST Gold necklace with heart. Suitable re
i ward to flnder leaving at Dispatch ofiice,
care L. R.
LOST Money lost ny keeping old seal garments:
we pay casli for such, or exchange them for
new ones. Paulson Bros., 441 Wood St.
'f OST Your chance to get fine holiday presents
XJ In line of fine diamonds, watches, clocks
and silverware, etc., cash or credit, unless you see
Sam F. Slpe. Dispatch building. Open every nlqht.
CEIVED for erection of 'schoolhouse at
North Homestead subdistrict Colfax School,
Twenty-second ward, Pitt9burg, until Dec.
17, 1S91, at noon: Diana and vpecifications can
bo seen ut office of F. Saner, architect, cor.
r ST..... n.( ft...... !-.. All kt.l. ... f... ...1 !
xiiuuiLj .tun oiiiu: ?l?. ..:&ii uma iu uo uu-
dressed to K. P. LOUGEAY. SInrrav av.,
Twenty-oecond ward. G. W. WILSON, 'Prest.
K. P. LOUGEAY. Sect, de5-
Ears,Nose,Tliroat and Chest Exclusively.
Office hours 9 A. n. to 4 p. jr.
- 931 Penn ave.,Pittsburg, Pa
r n011-53.jtp
121 and 123 Fourth are.
Capital, $1,000,000. Insures titles to real
estate. Acts as executor, administrator,
guardian, etc. Trustee for corporation
tnortsrnjrno. gnfo deposit vault boxes from
' -';. ' oc.J-'t
ERSONAL Chemical diamonds.
PERSONAL Novelty Printing Co.. 77 uiamond
st.; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest
PERSONAL J. r. Dowdle, plumber ana dealer
iu fine gas and electric-light fixtures, 204
Wood st.
PERS-ONai Frederick Lane, onlv teacner of
old Italian method of voice building, 225 Dln
wlddif st.
PERSONAL-Cah paid for old sealskin gar
ments, or will exchange them for new ones.
Panl'on Bros., 441 Wood st-
PEKb4.V AJ Cash paid for old-gold and sliver
watches and Jewelry repaired: new work made
to order. Chris. Haucii. 541 braithfield.
PERSONAL Marriage paper containing hun
dreds of advertisements of marriageable peo
plerich and poor from ail sections mailed free.
Gunnel's Monthly, Toledo, O.
PERSON AL Everett Club News The pianos de
livered to the clubs this week areClubA.. No.
94, Mr. Frank Hughes. Wliklns av.. Allegheny.
Pa.; Club B. No. 317. Mrs. SIcKnlght. Slurtland
av.. E. E., Pittsburg.
PERSONAL Amateur actors and actresses pos
sessing ability and modern wardrobe can se
cure positions with high class traveling dramatic
company. Address, stating full particulars, expe
rience, reference. George A. Henderson,' Hotel
Grand, East Liverpool. O.
PERSONAL When I irai a small boy my mother
always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but
since I got to be a great big man. Dickson, the weU
known tailor, 05 Fifth av., cor. Wood st.. second
floor, has been substltnted. who now does ail my
cleanlng.'pressing and renovating In great shape.
Tel. 1558.
PERSONAL Holiday present?, diamonds, rings,
earrings, studs, pins, pendants, lockeu.
bracelets, collar buttons, enff buttons, etc., etc.
at prices to snlt both rich and poor; terms cash or
credit: open every night until alter the holidays.
Sam F. Slpe. Rooms 5 and 8, Dispatch building,
Smlthfield and Diamond sts.
PERSONAL Thackeray's works, complete,
10 vols J3 00
Dickens' works, complete 2 90
Shakspeare's works, complete 1 30
Eliot's works, complete 2 CO
Prescott'g Mexico, 3 vols., gilt top I 35
Huckleberry Finn 75
FRANK BACON & CO.. 301 Smlthfield st.
STRAYED-From Homewood Driving Park last
Sunday, a dark red cow with halter on. John
East End Houses.
Larimer ave.; now liouso 6
rooms', attic; modern fixtures:
lot 35x109 feet; street im
proved. (79)
Rural ave.; new house6rooms
and attic; modern fixtures;
lotStxlOOfeet; street improve
ments made. (79)
Edwin St.: nev house 9 rooms:
modern fixtures; lot 30x120
feet. (79)
Claybonrne St., near Aiken
avo.; 9 rooms; modern fix
tures; lot 35x93 feet. (73)
Emerson St.: handsome new
brick house 9 rooms; modern
fixtures; lot 30x123 feet. (77)
S. Nesley, near Fifth ave.:
modern house 10 rooms; lot 34
liuu ieet. (,)
Investors, take notice, as enhancement in
value is certain.
Of such sized blocfcs of ground on a
Is admitted try well informed men to he
unusual. For particulars call on
and 7 Sixth av., corner Wood st. The
most liberal offer in the history of our col
lege. From now until after the holidays we
will sell life scholarships in the bookkeeping
department for $30 (regular price $30), and
life scholarships in the shorthand and type
writinfr department for $25 (regular price
$-10). To parents: Now is the time to
give your boys and girls a legacy that will
last as long as lifo endures a practical busi
ness education in either bookkeeping or
shorthand and typewriting. Bookkeeping
tangnt by actual business practice. Day
find nicrht school now onen. 11th venr. M.
J. CONNER, President; J. M. PHILLIPS, Ex
pert Accountant,
UUnni sixth street.
CURRY Collegiate Department, The Best.
CUKRY Normal School, Tho Rest.
CURKY English Training School, The Best.
CURRY Business College, The Best.
CURRT School of Shorthand, The Best.
CUKRY Conservatory of Music, The-Best.
CURRY" School of Elocution, The Best.
CUKRY Faculty and Discipline, The Best
Call or send lor catalogue. H. II. EOWE,
President. OC24-51
For young men and boys. Fine buildings, single
or double rooms, heated by steam, lighted by the
electric light, carpeted and completely furnished.
Ample grounds (20 acres) for football, baseball and
other athletic sports. .Bathrooms, gymnasium
with Swimming .bath regulated by steam, steam
laundry, excellent table. All teachers and students
reside and board In the school buildlngi. Careful
supervision day and night. Teachers graduates of
Harvard. Yale, Princeton. Cornell, Lcipsic. etc.
A department of the Shortlidge Jleclla School for
voung boys, 7 to H. is called St. Andrew's School.
Rev. Ilenrv Dixon Jones, Rector. The college
titling department of the Shortlidge School has no
superior. Fits 'for any college. There is also a
commercial on English, a laboratory aud an en
gineering course for young men. For circulars
A. M. (graduate of Exeter ami Harvard). Media.
Pa. (Fourteen miles from Philadelphia.) The
first man In class '91 Princeton fitted at the Short
lidge Media School. The winner of the Cnilds'
prize, 1800. for the best entrance examination
passed at Philadelphia, fitted at the Shortlidge
iledia School. deG-149
In that portion of the new city above
the railroad. These lots were specially
reserved and made ready for dwellings.
An investment in this section will double
itself in twelve months.
Free tickets given there and return.
Salesmen always on the ground.
For further information applyat office
of the
Rooms 30, 32 and 34,
No. 96 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
AT "
Nos. 43, 46 and 47 W. Diamond st, Allegheny,
WEDNESDAY, DEC 9, 1891, AT 10 A. SlT
On account of the building having to be
taken down to rebnild, we are going to sell
our entire stock out to the highest bidders,
consisting of the following articles:
Three good matched carriage teams, 1 very
fine pacing horse, can pace 2:30 gatt, vervstyl
isli. One brown pacins horse that never was
handled and can naco very fast; this horse
would make a mcehore with a little hand
ling; 2 very fine saddlo horses, 16 single
buggy horses, 4 good carriase teams,3Berlui
coaches, 2 six-passenser coaches, 16 buggies
phaeton and Brewstersquare boxes 5 sets
coach harness. 16 sets bnggv harness, with
robes, blankets, whins, saddles, bridles and
stable equipments, ofiice fnrnitnre, etc., etc.
Nopostoonemcnt on account of weather.
JonX WILSON & BROS., Proprietors.
J. A. McKELVY. Auctioneer. deG-73
real estate Etato or Alexander A.
Cruiksliank, deceased. By virtue of a de
cree of the Orphans' Court or Allegheny
county at No. 6, June term, 1H)L In partition,
I will offer for sale, ntpnblicontcrv. on the
premises, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22,
1891, at 2 o'clock p. jr.. three lots or ground
situate in the second ward of the city of Al
legheny Pa., belonging to the above estate
and described as follows: 1. A lot beginning
on the northeast corner of Arch and Samp
son streets; thence along Arch street north
ward 33 feet; thence extending of the width
of 32 feet along Sampson street eastward 78
feet, having a 2-storied brick- store and
dwelling thereon. 2. Also that other lot be
ginning on the northwest corner of Sampson
street and Friendship alley, thence along
Sampson street westward 31 'feet; thence ex
tending of the width of 31-feet,alongthe said
alloy northward abont 31 feet 7 inches, hav
ing a brick Uweilinr of two stories ana man
sard thereon. 3. Also that other lot, being
part or lot 23 in Robert Ashworth's plm. sit
uate in the bend of the Pcrrysvillo planlc
road and bounded on tne north, east and
west by the said road, and on the south by
lot of Rceso Tannchill, running about 58 feec
along Tnnnehill's line and extending north
ward from the samenbout41 feet. Terms ot
sale: One-third of the price to be paid in
cash, of which 10 per cent is to be paid on
the day of sale; and the balance in two equal
annual installments, with interest, to be so.
cured by bond and tiaht morteage on the
premises. HARVEY HENDERSON, Attor
nev. 4f6 Grant street, Pittsburg. MARY A.
CKUIKSHANK, Trustee" no2D-125-it
Twenty-First Ward,
At 3 o'clock, on the premises will be sold the
property now occupied bv Mrs. Kelthel on
Kelly St., 40 yards from Fifth av. extension,
between Frankstown av. and Point Breeze,
consisting of a line lot to feet wide and 133
feet deep, witli a double brick house ot 13
rooms, in good condition. The house being
situated on the rear of the lot permits of tha
erection of other buildings on the front, so
that this may be made a very profitable in
vestment. Twoline3 of street cars andTorrens sta
tion of the P. ILR-are in the immediate
This is an attractive sale. Do not miss it.
Terms One-fourtn ca3h, balance five yearly
A. LEGGATE & SON. Auctioneers
de2-l-D 103 FOURTH AVE.
Our tenth annual sale will take place at onr
rooms, 21 and 26 N'nth st., TUES
DAY, Dec. 8, at 11 o'clock.
Special sale of fine roc. ers and eas7
chairs, upholstered in brocattlle and plnsh,
leather couches and easy chai.s, bookcases,
desks, pictnres, handsome parlo.- suits, fancy
tables, mantel cabinets, clocks, etc: dining;
room furniture, sideboards in oat and wal
nut, leather chairs, ext. tables, chamber
furniturp in walnut and oak, with French,
mirrors, line mirror door wardrobes! chif
foniers, hair and husk mattresses, bedding,
etc.; also a large line of velvets, brnSaels
and ingrain carpets for rooms and halls.
This sale offers great inducements to holli
day purchasers.
deG-171 Auctioneers.
Eisner building, Fifth av. and Wood st.
Sales of Jewelry and Merchandise at stores.
Furniture at residences promptly attend
ed to. de3-20-r
25 Cents Per Bottle.
GIVE IT A TRIAL It will give satisfaction
in all cases. For sale by retail druggists
generally, and at wholesale by
Nos. 46 and 48 Seventh Avenuj, f
nol9-o PITTSBURG. P-A.
M Eslate aid Mortgages,
SIXTH AVENUE. nol6-arw