Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 04, 1891, Page 11, Image 11

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    . 11 . "i
Northern Iron Dealers Continue to
ain of Birmingham,
The Market No Livelier Than It lias Been
and Xo Better Prospects.
Kew Yoek, Dec 3. The Iron Age re
view ol the week's metal markets, to appear
to-morrow, is as iollous:
American Pi Complaints contiruc to be
heard of low offei Ins- of Southern Irons, ono
of the leadiii! companies in the Birmlne;.
liam dl-trict beinc uieniionod as a leader in
this movement. Tlio market, on tho whole,
is very quiet, and seller-? generally do not
look forward to much additional business
during the current month. We quote
Northern brands $10 751 00 for Xo. 1. $10 00
I8 50 for Xo. 2, and $14 0JI4 50 for sray
lorso. Southern iron sells at $16 2."17 00 for
Xa 1, $15 Ki16 00 for Xo. 2, $11 Soglt 73 lor
Xo. S foundry, and $14 23i4 50 for gray
Spicpelciscn and Fcrro-inangane.e In
spiegelei'en the market lias been disturbed
by reports of -lery low oflerines of domestic
20 per cent gplcgcl, the figure mentioned
being $23 dcli ered at buyer's mill. In ferro
manirancsp importers claim that foreign
makers have advanced prices materially,
owing to the scarcity and the cost of ore.
Still, it is reported that there havo been
offered to a mill in the Ohio Valley,
peer;il hundred tons of F0 per cent fcrro,
$62 delivered, for foreign. This would bo
equivalent to less than $C0 at tidewater.
Thcrehac been reports that the mine which
furnishes the principal source of supply of
one of the leading domestic makers is ap
proaching exhaustion.
rittsliurc the Billet and Rod Center.
Billets and Rods Pittsburg continues to
be the storm center, the low figures made in
ti.at market having ajbtrong influence in
this section. IVe note the sale of 2,000 tons
of foreign billets, March April and May de
livery, lor re-ernort, at private terms.
Open hearth stock has been offered at low
figures lately, $23 deli ered beinc mentioned
for this class of material, which, however,
brings as much as $40 per ton to works of es
tablished imputation Wo quote: Domestic
billets, $20 50(327 oo delivered: foreign billets
notninnltv $31 003l 59, and domestic rods,
$30 3037 50 tidewater.
Steel Kails Xo ales of any consequence are
reported bv Eastern mills for tho w eek past.
and the market is quiet but steady at $30 at.
mill. A meeting ot the rail manufacturers
Is to be held ncTt w eek. Tho mills ln e been
asked to report whit quantities havo 116011
sold by them for 1892 delivery. It is belie ed
that the quantity w ill prove to be quite
large. Attention is called to one feature
which clnracteuzcs t!ie trade this jcar.
Quite a good many sales have been made
w ith an option to the bu cr to increase the
order at any time up to thocloso of tho rear.
It is believed that mtny will avail them
selves of these options.
Manufactured Iron and Steel Asyetnono
of the orders for plates for the ships which
are to be built in accordance with contracts
closed with the postal authorities have been
placed. The quantity in the aggregate
should he large, 30,000 tons being mentioned
as the figure probably required. In other
grades of plates the market continues in a
demoralized condition. In structuial ma
teriil, two contracts, aggregating about
1000 tons of bcims, hae been placed during
the week, and it is leported that the Dela
ware and LarUauanna building has also
been taken. Theie are some other largo
orders in the muket which will probably
be placed at an oa,l date. Theie is no
lonndaticn for the rumors that irregulari
ties have occurred in Amejican beams.
Not n Had llrid.c Dullness.
Bridge makei s report a a cry good i olume
of orders Irom railroads for moderate size
spans, but complain bittcrlvof the very low
figuresat which work of this kind is taken.
We quote: Angles, 1 WM5il0e; sheared plates,
l.f52 25: tee, 2 402.73c, and beams and
channels, 3 lc on dock. Steel plates are 1 9ffl
2.1c Iortank:2IfiS:2 30c lor shell: 2 4"2 6c
for ftange:2 60132 75 lor marine, and 3J.25c
for lire box 011 dock. Bars arc 17U)c on
dock. Scrap axles are quntabl- at 3 132 20c
delivered, tcel axles 2.1VJ2 25, and links
nnd pins 2.!5i.2uc; steel hoops, 22.5c de
li vered.
Track Material We quote 2 15Q2.25" tor
epikes. 1.701 :i0c for fish plates and 2.S0"tc
for bolts, delivered.
Merchant Steel We quote hot rolled
slnftinj 22.10c. machinery, 2.10f?2 25c: tire,
2 152 2"c, anU toe calk, U.202o0c, deliv
ercl Old Matcrrl Bids are being asked for old
Iron rails, without. howeei, drawing out
buvcrs. whoai-e indifferent. Xohusinessof
nnv consequence is being done in old 'tel
rails. In scrap iron we note the sale of one
lot of 403 tons at $11 2i -Torsev City, and one
lot 01 -.00 tons at $is 5019 00, dclncred on
lighter, both for Xo. 1
The foreign m irkcts size up as follows:
Scotch warrants h.ive bean neglected, and
price h is receded to 47s. Cleveland eased
off to 3s 4Jd and hematites to 47s 7Kd, but
at the decline there has been a very fair
business Stocks m warrant stores show
little change .-scotch Increased 52 tons and
Cleveland 271 tons last week. There are
now 77 Scotch furnaces 111 blast.
Prices of Tin Have Receded.
Pig tin has been dull and pi ices have re
ceded. Smjllncss of stocks hero and appar
ent supplies for near future deliver' fail to
attract outside speculatn e orders. Demand
for consumption is moderate
Speculation in copner has been small, nnd
puces for merchant bar promptly receded
to 44s lOd, subsequently rccoveung part of
the loss. It Is stated that copper formerly
held by outsiders is now in the hands of
dealers Consume! sale bin ing more freely,
present prices being attractive. The prop
erties of the "-ociete Do-Mctaux reported
M)lu to the Credit Industriale at a small ad
nnce on upset price.
Buship-s 111 tin plate is still light. Home
demand is extrcmel light. There is more
Inquiry from America, but not much busi
ness has resulted thus tar. Owing tolon
nc of prices offered manv makers rmvn rln.
cidedto close vhcir works for one month,
f-om the middle of December, but there is
no general movement in that direction.
Several large makers arc opposed to com
bined action to reduce the output, consider
ing this course not warranted.
A Hetter Domestic Than Foreign Market
for Wheat Poor Results of Inspection
Raise the Trice of Corn Oats Higher
Provisions Rather Weak.
CHICAGO Trading in wheat hero to-day
was largely of a professional character. The
market seems to have fallen into a rut, and
thepuDlic have ceased to take much in
terest in It. As a consequence commission
houses aieha ing a light run of orders. It
is only when a boom is on and there are
prospects of higher prices, that tho outside
public dabbles in grain or pro islons.
Just now the situation, both at home and
nbtoad. is bearish, and but for the purchases
of prolessionals, who are buying to cover
slioi ts or for im estments on the theory that
prices have got low enough and that they
arc due tondance, values would probably
have gone lowei to-day. With a -ery quiet
market and a run of bearish news, there was
an undertone of strength throughout most
or tho session, resulting in an adance of
nearly 1 cent In prices. There was less llnnl.
dation than at yesterday's session, during
w hieh most of the tired longs got rid of their
burdens, while the decisive "break of the past
few daj s stimulated coenng by shorts to
realize'their profits.
Cables were weak and lower. Domestic
markets are holding up very well in face of
the weak situation abroad. May opened at
S7c, sold at OSJbC then went up quietly and
slowly to STJee: weakened to 97Jc on Brad
f reef report that the available stocks in
creased 3,8)0,003 bushels last week: giew
strong on renew ed buying during tho last
hour, advancing to 97c, and closing firm at
oorn displayed a good deal of strength
early, 3 car opening J-ic higher than it closed
yesterdav and selling up Jc more. The
firmness wasdue to free coverings byshorts,
who w ere soraew hat alarmed at the poor in
spection. Pear or manipulation owing to
their difficulty in getting track corn, started
brisk bumg. But when the most urgent
shorts had covered the bujing became slack
and theie was a drop from 47Jfo to47c
Later, the wet weather reported all 01 or the
West, tending to lower the grade, caused re
newed buying and an advance to 4Sc, the
market closing a lower. The fluctuations
in the iore deferi ed futures were confined
to a J4JgC range.
Oats, were i cry dull, but strong, closing
with an advance of v for December and
c for May.
Provisions were weak In the early part of
the session, on ncconnt of the continued
heavy run of hogs. There were nearly 103,
000 head in the yards and on the sidetracks
adjoining this morning, and the prediction
Is made that the aggregate receipts of tho
week will be the largest lit tho history of
the trade. The decline in the price of prod
ucts was moderate, however, and during the
afternoon theie was a reaction in sympathy
with the strength in grains, which left
prices at Insignificant changes from yester
day's last flgmes.
The leading futures ranted as follows, as cor
rected tir John M. Oakley 4 Co . 43 Sixth street,
members of the Chicago Board of Trade:
Open- High- Low- CIos-
Ahticles. ing. est. est. ing.
WnEAT. Jo. 2.
December t SO'i $ BOX MT " KV
January Sl.si KH 111 92H
May 97 97S, 9G! 97
ton Xo. 2.
Deccaiher. 47 48 47 473!
Jannarj 42 y UK 42!i
Mav 42, 43! 42T 43,
O ITS. XO. 2.
December 31 32 3m 31Si
Mnv SZTf 33 32H 325
Mess l'OKK.
Drcmbcr 8 10 8 20 8 a 8 20
Jamiarj 11 on. 11 10 10 xi 11 ory
Mar u 4; 11 55 u 35 II 52M
Deremlier S 10 5 KM 5 87! 5 92i
lanuarr 0 0." 0 10 6 05 6 in
Mar GiV 6 47, 6 40 6 47
biroRT Bins.
ntcrjilUT S35 5 42' 8 35 S 42s
Janildrj 5 4rt 5 47 "4 S 37f 5 47,4
May S75 5 t3 5 72 5 85
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
weiker: Xo. 2 spring pitcnts, $4 G54 90;
n Intel straight, $4 C5S4 45. Xo. 2 spring
wheat. 90ii?9o?c: Xo. S spiing wheat. 81
S2c; So. 2 red, UOJia Xo. 2 corn. 473ic Xo. 2
oats, SlJc: Xo. 2 white, 33v4c: Xo. 3
while. 3l32Jc. Xo. 2 rve, SS'c. Xo. 2 bar
lev. 59!00c:No 3, 42GOc: No 4, f. o. b., 40
40c No. 1 flaxseed. SijiiCc. Prime tlni
othv spoil. $12218123 Me-s pork, peroai
rel. $S 20S 25. Lard, per 100 lbs., $5 07M
0 00. Short ribs sides (Ioose).s5 a')S5 60 Dry
salted shoulders (boxed). $4 12Xi?i 25 Shot t
clear sides (boxed), $5 705 75. Whisk v,
distillers' finished goods, per gallon, $1 IS.
Sugars nnchinged.
On tho Produce Lxchnnge to-day thebutter
maiket was lowei: fancy ereamerv. 2GSJ27C;
flno Wes'ern, 24fJ25e: ordinary, 2023r: se
lected dairies, 2(26e; ordinary, lS22c.
Eggs, 2425c.
XKW YORK Flour more active and
steady. Cornmcal steady and more active.
Wheat Spot market highet and moderately
active and Arm: Xo. 2 red. $1 04'il 05;
stoic and elevator: $1 0"1 05 afloat:
$1 051 07 f. o. b.: Xo.3 led, $1 00; ungraded
red. 9.c$l09,K: Xo. 1 X01 thern, $1 06
1 03J: Xo l'haiil, $1 1 11; Xo. 1
Xoithem, $1 C2J. OX'-: options strong
and tending upward, clojing at l)lfc above
last night; Xo. 2 red, December,
$1 03V1 0 closing at $1 04
January, $1 05g)l 00, closing at $1 06;
February. $1 0T,gl 07M, closing at
$1 07,' : March. $1 098l OS's;, closing at $1 0S&;
April. $1 0HI 09Ji, closing at $1 00Ji: May,
$1 07S1 OSJi. closing at $1 OSi": June,
$10107?i closing at $107. JUe
dull and irrcgulan Western. $1 05
1 004 Barley firmer and quiet: So. 2 Mil
waukee, 7t74c Com Snot market lower,
weak and moderately active; Xo. 2, C!)iffi72c
elevator: 70071c afloat: ungraded mixed, 5.1
Tic: Xo 3. 00c: steamer mixed, 6166Se: op
tions advanced ?i2c: Jaiuinrv. o4Ji55JJc,
closing at iw?i: fenuiarv, && 4C clos
ing at 5lc: Much, 53KS)c, closing nt
53JJc: Ma . Sli6blMc. closing at Kjfc. Oats
Spot uniiket higner and quiet:
options dull and firm: December, 39
40Kc, closing at 40c: January, 4949c,
closirg at3)Jj;c; May. 39Jc: spot Xo.2white,
401K49c: mixed Western, "5iK12c: white do,
40J4c; Xo. 2 Chicago, 41J1C. Hay quiet
nnd firm. Hops in fair demand and firm.
Egg Choice, firm; Western. 2GVf23c. Pork
active and steady; old mcs. $D 50": newmess,
$9 7510 75; extra prime, $9 50. Middles firm
and quiet; Cut meats steady and dull. Lard
opened weik and closed film; Western
ste im, $0 37K: options, December. $6 33 bid;
.Tanuarj, $fi 4hC 43, closingat$fi 44 bid: Feb
ruary. "$8 50b 51 closing at $6 51; Match,
K 01, closing at $0 64: April, 6 71, closing nt
$G 72 bid: May. $S 74. closing at $6 77 bid.
Butter qutet and stead v: Western dairv, 1C
23c: do creamery, 20Q3Oc; Elgin. 30c. Cheese
quiet and firm; p-iit skims,.4J9c.
ST. LOUIS Flour steadv and unchanged.
Wheat dull, closing ll?j;e off esterdav:
Xo. 2 red cash, MftiiSJie: December, 93
94Jc. closing at Uc: Januarv. 97K9Xc,
closing at 9S-c. Corn strong, closing clc
nicncr than vestoiday: Ao. 2 cash, ViK$
41Jc: vear. 4r4ffKc. closing at 400; Jnnu-ai-v,
39KWc. clo"singat395ibid: May, 40J.i
40e, closing at 40Jc bid. Oats quiet- Xo. 2
cash. 32c; December closed at 32c and nom
inal: Maj.Slifo and nominal. Rye higher;
Xo. 2 f. o. b , 92c Barley very quiet; Iowa,
55c: Minnesota. 62c Butter steady and un
changed. Eggs firm and higher at 22J
23c. Provisions quiet and a shade easier.
Pork Old, $9 CO, new, $11 25. Lard, $6 00.
im' ORLKAXs Sugar active and very
strong; open kettle, strictly prime, 2fc:
pilme, 2?c; fair to fully fair, 2J2 9-16c;
common to good common, 1i⁣ centrif
ugals, ott plantation, granulated, 3 3-6
3 5-lCc: choice white, 3c; off w hite, 33c:
Tnvdo. 3J3 716-: choice vellow, claiifled,
3 7-163Kc; prime do. 3 5-lG3: off do, 3"
3 5 lbc: seconds, 2J42 3-16c,. Molasses sted :
open kettle, strictly prime, 3031c: good
prime, 2829c; good fair to prime, 2527c;
do common to fair, 2I23c: centrifugals,
strictly prime, 21c; prime to good prime,
15()i6c; common to good fair, S10c; interior
to common, 56c; syrup, 2128c
1'Hir.ADKLPHIA Floursteadybutouiet.
Wheat strone nnd higher: Xo. 2 red. Decem
ber. $1 021 03i January. $1 UK&l 0P,ii
Febmarv, $1 05JfI 06: March, $1 01 07.
Corn Options higher; local car lotsauiet hut
steadv: new Xo. 3 mixed, in grain depot,
53c; No. 2 in do, 76c: ungraded mixed in do,
7'lc: new Xo. 2 mixed in do, 60c: Xo. 2 mixed,
December, 5605JKc: Januarv, 54'54c:
February. 533i54c:" March, 53K54fc. Oats
Arm: local trade dennna more active, but
nothing doing in futuies; Xo. 3 white, 38c:
Xo. 2 whito, 4040ic.
BALTIMORE Wheat firm: Xo.2red, spot
and December, $1 01'ffiUOlK: Januaiy, $1 03
1 03": Febmarv. $1 ftI Ojjrf: May, $1 0SU
1 0SJ: steamer Xo. 2 led, OGV&OGKc. Com
strong: mixed spot, 62c: year, 56c; January.
S4'i54Kc- Fcbrnarv. 5454!-j;c: March, 53Kc:
steamer, mixed, 555i,ic. Oats strong and
fanly active: Xo.2 w lute Western, 40c asked;
Xo. 2 mixed Western, 3Sc bid. Rye dull
nnd easy: Xo. 2, 9Sc. Hay Arm: good to
choice timothy, $13 00!14 00. Provisions
SIILWADKKE Flour quiet. Wheat firm;
Mnv, flJXc Xo. 2 spring, WJc; Xo. 1 Xoi th
em, pic." Com quiet: Xo. 3, 43Jc. Oats
quiet: Xo. 2 white, 34c: Xo. 3 do, 32J433c
Bailev quiet: No. 2,5;c; sample on track,
3963Kc Re quiet; "Ko. 1. 89c. Provis
ions quiet. Pork January, $11 02J4. Lard
January, $S 10.
MIXXEArOLIS Wheat Xo. 1 Xorthern
85c to-day, vesterday 84c: May opened 91c;
highest, 92Jc, lowest, 91c; closing to-day,
92c; jesterday, 91c; Jiinnnry, closing to
dav, tBKc: yesterday, SiJc; on track, X'o. 1
hard, fcoc: X'o. 1 Xorthern, 84c; Xo. 2
Xorthcm'" Sl82c.
CINCINNA.TI Flour easy. Wheat quiet;
Xo. 2 red, 95c Corn active; mixed ear, 42
44c Oatsqniet; Xo. 2 mixed, 35c Rn easy:
Xo. 2, W!)5c Pork dull at $9 O0Q12 50.
Lard strong at $5 85. Bulk meats easy at
$5 40ji5 50. Bacon firm at $7 50. Butter firmer.
Eggs easier at 22c Cheese firm.
KAXSAS CITV Wheat quiet and steadv;
Xo. 2 cash, 7SJ4C; December 7Sc bid. 80c asked.
Corn quiet and a shade lower: Xo. 2 cash,
36Kc bid, 38c asked: December, 35c bid, 37c
asked. Oats steady; Xo. 2 cash, 23c; De
cember, 29Jc Eggs steady at 22c
DDLTJTH Wheat Xo. 1 hard, cish. 88c;
December. bSc: May. S6c; No. 1 Xorthern,
cash. 87c: December, 87c bid: May, Olc sell
ers: No. 2 Xorthern, cash, 81c; No. J, 7bc; re
jected, CCc.
TOLEDO Wheat dull and firm: no. 2 cash
and December. 94ic: May, $1 01. Corn
steadv; Xo. 2 cash, 46c Oats quiet;
33c" Bye dull and steady; cash, 94c.
Coffee "Markets.
New York, Dec. 3. Coffee Options steady
and unchanged to 10 points down; closed
firm 10 np to 10 down: sales, 18,500 bags. In
cluding December, 12.1512.25c; January,ll.C5
mi 70c; February, II.15lI.S0r: Unroll, 11.10
11.50c; May, 11.30; spot Rio quiet steady, No.
7 i:v
Baltimore, Dec. 3. Coffee steady; Rio fair,
17c; No. 7, 13c
The Dryeoods Market.
New Yore. Dec a The drygoods market
displajed a bette'r feeling and there was an
improved demand for standard and three
yard sheetings and such light weight fabrics
as arc adapted to the wants of customers.
The general market however remained with
out much new development.
Tho Price of Bar Silver.
New York, Dec 3. Special. Bar silver
in iionaonyia nignerat i4aperounce;
York dealers' price for silver, 95cperoi
The Metal Markets.
New York, Dec 3. Pig Iron dull and un
changed. Copper firm; lake, December,
$11 00. Ix-ad dull and steady; domestic, $4 25.
Tin quiet and firmer; straits, $19 90.
Wool Markets.
St. Louis Wool Receipts, 9,)00 pounds;
shipment, 14,900 pounds. Market quiet at
unchanged figures. .
B. & B.
Another lot of 32-inch art silks. Hand
some styles for drapery and fancy work, CO
cents. Boogs & Buhl.
Likely to Distarb the Standard of
Valne on Penn Ayenne.
The Campbell Glass Company Atont Beady
to Sink a Gas Well at Blair.
The pending sale of Government land on
Penn avenue and Garrison alley is awaited
with great interest by at least one broker.
He has an offer for a large piece of property
on that avenue but cannot induce the
owner to close until after the Government
sale. He thinks this event will somewhat
change the standard of value in that local
ity. Forraerbids were lower than had been
anticipated, and their rejection caused no
surprise. It is known that there will be
several new bidders on the 12th, and there
is good reason for saying that the property
will be rated at a considerably higher level
than on the former occasion. The owner in
question, as well as some others, therefore
holds back so as to be in. a position to reap
the benefit of any boom which Penn avenue
property may receive from Uncle Sam's
Business Situation and Ontlook.
As the end of the year approaches inter
est increases in the business ontlook for
1802. So far as can be discerned there is no
cause for anxiety, or even complaint. As a
general thing the feeling is hopeful and
even buoyant. It will be a miracle if the
big crops do not stimulate progress beyond
precedent. Trade conditions, as reflected
in caretully prepared reports from all sec
tions of the country, are in the highest de
gree encouraging, and give promise of ac
ti e markets after the turn of the year. It
would be too much to hope that the change
will be free from disasters, but the sharp
est vision is t nable to detect anything
ahead to cause apprehension.
Building is of primary importance in all
growing communities. It is of command
ing interest in Pittsburg. Everything points
to great activity in this line next year. A
great many houses which were postponed
last spring on account of the strike will be
erected, in addition to new work. There
are schemes on paper involving several
hundred dwellings in blocks ranging from
10 to 150. The East End is full of building
projects, and if one-half of the plans talked
of are carried out, the number of new build
ings that will go up out there in 1893 will
break all previous records. Allegheny
promises to surpass all former efforts in this
direction, while the Soutiiside, under the
influence of the multiplicity of rapid transit
projects, will put greater energy and en
thusiasm into the work of covering the hill
tops with pleasant homes.
A business forecast without taking real
estate into consideration would be incom
plete. The strong position of the market is
the best evidence of inherent strength. It
is quiet but not weak.'' It is a good market
for investors but not for speculators. Croak
ers have about ceased predicting a reaction.
In its solid features the market is satisfac
tory. Environed by such conditions and
influences, and sustained by a good demand,
it is fair to asume an active movement
after the turn of the year. This view is re
inforced by the fact that for a year or two
capitalists have been putting considerable
money into realty, and the prospect is that
this movement will gain force the coming
Ready to Drill for Gns.
The T. Campbell Glass Company has put
up a derrick and is about ready to drill for
gas for its new plant at Blair station. Mr.
W. A. Snee made the company a proposi
tion to drill a well and guarantee So pounds
pressure a minute, or make no charge, so
confident was he of findinggas; but the con
tract having been let, this offer could not be
Business News and Gossip.
The Vestinghonse group of stocks is
slated for an advance
George Sell has sold to Elizabeth "Will
iams 28 acres in Shaler towniship for $4,250.
It is stated on creditable authority that
the American District Messenger Company
is about to absorb its rival, the Mutual Dis
trict Messenger Company.
Interest and divided payments this month
amount to $38,108,791 against $25,021,180
in 1890; ?22,520,2GG in 1889; $21,201,182 in
1888, and 520,149,558 in December, 1887.
Two building permits were issued yester
day one to the Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Company for a brick boiler
house, on Garrison alley, Fourth ward, to
cost $3,000, and the other to "William Burns
for a brick two-story dwelling, on Forty
fifth street, Seventeenth ward, to cost
A charter was granted at Harrisburg yes
terday to the Smoky City Building and
Loan Association, of Pittsburg; capital
stock $1,000,000. Also to the iollowing:
The Hastings "Water Company, of Cambria
county; capital stock, $5,000. The Home
Elcctrie Company, of Beaver county; capi
tal stock, $10,000.
Hail road reports received yesterday
showed increased earnings, almost without
It was stated yesterday that interest due
on Electric scrip would be paid about the
first of the year.
The Switch and Signal Company has re
leased its claim to the Garrison alley prop
erty of the Westinghouse Electric Compa
ny, which is now in full possession.
Statement of shipments of anthracite coal
for the week ending November 28, shows a
total increase of 93,489 tons.
At the last call yesterday, 18 was bid
for Birmingham Traction stock. For Elec
tric scrip 77 was bid.
One year ago 30 was bid for Philadelphia
Gas, 25 lor Wheeling, 33 for Central
Traction, 49 for Pittsburg Traction, 22 for
Pleasant Valley, 13for Luster, and 47
for Electric Switch and Signal was offered
at 18X-
Grandview avenue is being further im
proved by an iron railing along the bluff
above the incline.
Movements In Realty.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a residence
property in the Fourth ward, Allegheny,
near the East Park, at a pi ice very close to
$30,000. The lot is 1C0x2S0 and the house a
modern two-story and mansard brick. The
purchaser, a Northsido business man, will
mako the place his future home
Black & Baird sold to John Nusner forT
A. Gillespie, two lots, Nos. 17 and 18, in Her
ron Hill plan, fronting on Webster avenue,
for $850 cash.
W. A Herron & Sons sold lot 20x100 feet to
an alley, on Butler, beyond Fifty-seventh
street, in the IL H. Forseythe plan, for $1,000.
The purchaser will improve same soon.
S. A. Dickie & Co. sold for J. W. Pollins to
Mrs S. Conn, a lot on Susquehanna stieot,
25x105 feet, lor $775. Mrs. Conn is erecting a
two-story and attic frame dwelling on the
The Bnrrell Improvement
Comnanv to.
port tbe following saleol lots iHKent,lngton:v
William a. nmct, xnrentuni, 101 it, diock 8,
for $b00 cash: Mrs. Minnie McElhaney, Alle
gheny, lot 185, block 4, with house, for $1,250;
Joseph J. Weener, Pittsburg, lot 146, block 3,
for $630; Charles Bergeson, Pittsburg, lot 11,
block 7, for $701 25; John H. Downing, Jeau
nettelot 28, block 7, for $787 ISO cash; Owen
J. McKenna, Pittsburg, lot 25, bloet 7, for
$893 50: Mrs. Kate Korta, Pittsburg, lot 86,
block 6, for $825 cash: S. J. Kinley, Clearfield,
lot 94, block 6, for $815 cash.
Some Improvement in tbe Call From the
Best Sources.
There was considerable activity In local
monetary circles yesterday. Some of the
bankers reported Improvement In the de
mand for funds. It came almost entirely
from manufacturing and mercantile sources,
showing a broadening tendency in those In
terests. The regular 6 per cent rate -was
observed. Bank clearings were $2,521,507 70
and balances $441,783 31.
The total amount of Government 4Js re
deemed up to yesterday was $21,630,450, leav
ing outstanding $3,674,260. The redemption
of these bonds has resulted in a decrease of
nearly $1,000,000 In the bonded debt since
November I. During the same period there
has been nn inciease of nearly $3,000,000 In
the Treasurv cash available for the leduc
tion of the debt.
At New York yesterday money on call was
easy, ranging from 2 to 3 per cent; last loan,
3; closed offered nt 2 per cent. Prime mer
cantile paper, 56 per cent. Sterling ex
change quiet and steady at $4 81 for 60-day
bills and $4 84 demana.
Closing Bond Quotations.
IT. S. 4s rcg.
do 4s coup.
Mutual Union 6 10
X. J. C. Int. Certs..vr
Northern Pac. lsts.. 117
do du 2os.. m
XorthWrn Consols.l37'
do debentures 5S.. 103
no4ss conp
Pacific 6s of MB 108H
Loulsttnastnmped49 87
Missouri (is
Tlud., new set, s...lC4
do do Ss.MCU
flo do 3s... Kty,
Canada So 2d 88)3
'en. Piriflc lsts 107
Den. &E. G. lsts,...IH
do do 4s. ... 791,'
Den. A H. G. West
Erle2a 10)
M. K. AT. Gcn.Cs.. 78
uo do 5s.. 41
Oregon Trans. 6s..
t L. AlronM.Gen.
5s &
St. L. & San. Fran.
Gen. M '"i
St. Paul Consols 127.
st.P.CA racists ..no
Tex. Pac. L. G. Tr.
Ttcts 82'
Tex. Pac. R. G. Tr.
Rets .30
Union PiclOo lsts.. .108
West Snore 102)4
Bank Clearings.
New Orieaj.8 Clearings, $2,000,05.
St. Locis Clearings, $4,518,381; balances,
$350 759; money, 78 per cent; exchange on
New York 25e discount.
Chicago Sow York exchange par to 25c
discount: monev steady at C per cent; bank
clearings. $19,033 m
JlEMrHis New York exchange selling at
par: clearings, SC37.350; balances, $100,25).
New York Bank clearings, $13,0S0'8O4; bal
ances, $5 733 84r.
Boston Bank clearings, $120,272,123; bal
ances, $2 823 922; rate for monev 2 per cent;
exchange on New York, 5t10c discount.
PniLADrLrHiA Bnpk clearings, $13,302,998;
balances, $2 201.05S: money, 1 per cent.
BALTIMOHE-Bank clearings, $3,233,100; bal
ances, $793,234; rate, 6 per cent.
It Holds Advanced Ground, and May Go
Higher The Tractions Slow as the Re
sult or b Waiting FqIIcj No Significant
Price Changes.
The market was strong yesterday as a
rule, hut trading was light. Philadelphia
Gas maintained its position as the leading
feature. Thcio was talk of a dividend in
Although the tractions gave out no special
signs of weakness, thero was less than the.
usual inquiry. They seem to be poised be
tween two influences, one based on theprob
abilty of adancement sooner or later and
the other on the policy of holding on" to
force a decline. As holders seem to be hard
to spare, buyers occupying the waiting posi
tion will probably get the worst of it.
There were no important features in any
part of the list. Citizens' and Pittsburg
Ti actions impioved a small fraction each,
as did People's Pipeage, Luster ana Air
brake submitted to slight concessions.
Pennsylvania Wuter Company, common,
was otfeied down to 19.
Sales at the first call were 250 shares of
Philadelphia Gas at Y and S3 Chartiers Gns
nt6. Second call, 1 sharo of Airbrake at 99,
40 Philadelphia Gafl at 13 and 100 Birming
ham Traction at 1S Third call, 5 shares ot
Philadelphia Gas at 13.
According to a Piiilndelpia report, in two
months more the Beading preference inter
est will be paid, nnd people have settled
down to the conclusion, unwarranted, how
ever, bv anj official statement, that 5 per
cent will be'paid upon the first preferences
nnd2fon the seconds. If this should turu
out to be correct theie is over 4 per cent ac
cumulated inteiest on the first preference
bonds, which would make tnem stand ex
interest at about 65.
Bids and asking prices at each call are
given in tne louowing taDie:
P. P. S A M. Ex. 333 411 "
Citizens' N.B S5f
FxihangeN. B 8r.iJ
German N. B SX SS
taYe Deposit Co 65
Chartiers V. Gas h.... 6 ....
Ma'iurnct'rsGas 2GI
P. X. G.AP.Co. TV 8'i 7.... 8 9
Phlla. Co 13 13V VIH 13V 13f lTtf
Wheeling Has.... 22 23)j .... 234 .... 23"j
FisherOHCo CO .... 68 .... 66 ....
Ft. Pitt Incline 20
Central Traction. 20)4' 21 SOIJ 21 20....
citizens' Tract... 61 62 61 62 6I'5 615f
PlttsburgTract.. 4li! 50 46U 50 4fi'J JO
Pleasant Vallev.. 22)4 23 22)1 22 22!....
Allegheny Valley 10
Pitts., Y. A A... a
P..Y. A A.,nref. 50
Pitts. Jnnc.R.K 20 25
P.V.ACB.B.Co. 42
Pitts. A W est. prd 17)3 13 17H 18'4
N.V.AC.G.CCo .... 45
Hidalgo Mining. 5
LaNoriaMin.... 26 35 2S 30
Luster Mining... UK 11)$ 11 11)4 11 114
Fed Cloud Mln. . 2 3
Westinghouse E. 12)$ 13)$ 12,"$....
Monon.Nar. Co 70
Monon.Water.... 26 27H
Unions. A if 10 9'$....
Wcst'houseA.B. 98!s V'A .... 99 93 90
West. B. Co. lira 70 .... 70
Pa. Water, coin 20 .... 19
Pa. Water.pref. 50 f.. 50
RAILRO d bonds now more inter
Both Are Strong, bnt While Shares Are
Dull, Bonds Are Widening Oat Grang
ers, Especially Unrllnjton, Resume
Their Lead In Stocks Steady Advances.
Netv York, Dec. 3 The stock market to
day was as dull as those preceding it for the
last two ieeks, but there was a change In
the character of the trading, the local trad
ing element having less to do In the making
of quotations, while there was a marked in
crease in the number of purchases for in
vestment account of both stocks and bonds.
The market, it maybe said, was principally
an investors' market, and, lolieved of the
usual pressure of sales for the short account,
there was a slow but steady improvement In
values all alone tho line, with a few marked
movements here and there.
The Grangers once more resumed theirold
prominence in the market, and Burlington,
wnicn attracted most attention, was tho
only stock -n hieh finally scored a material
gain among the usually active list. The
trading ira', however, monotonous in tho
extreme, and the upward movement met
with no chock, but was slow and at times
almost imperceptible.
The traders were sellers to a limited extent
in the forenoon, but changed front later in
tho day, which had the effect of taking all
tho vim out of the market, but gave a more
decided strength to the tone of the dealings.
Burlington was the leader in both1 strength
and actlvitv. and while it is the only stock
which could be called active, it fairly led the
upward movemont.
The opening was rather hesitating, and
showed none of tho activity nnd strength of
yesterday's final dealings, but a firm tone
was soon developed. The lack of feature
was very pronounced, and the market finally
closed dull, but firm to strong at about the
top figures of tho day.
The most interesting part of the market
wnuthn trading in railroad bomln trhlnli
showed not only an Impiovement in temper,
but a widening of the most positive char
acter. Tlienumoeronssiie8 traded in was
largely increased, and while only two bonds
Atchison Incomes with $05,000, .ind Dakota
and Great Southern firsts, with $109,000
showed any marked animation, tho total
transactions reached $1,797,000. As in the
share list', however, there was no marked
strength, but a wider demand was seen, and
while it met a full supplyaflrm tone marked
tho trading throughout. The highest and
closing quotations were:
Atchinson in. 64W(a 64 4
do 4s on ra
do 4s HW wi
Afl ln. In 114(al 14'l
C StP MAO L.1171f(3ll7 Jf
( levA Can 1st. 86 (3 86
Cnl A E 1st.... 9SMI3 5M
do Inc.! 39 a3l
Can So 1st 107)slo7!$
Ch A I roal lot S6 (3 96
Den A R G 4s. 79l3 79V
l)u bo Sho 5s.. 95)i(3 05W
DesMA FtD 1. 70 (3 70
III cen 1934 AS iTA as
do 4s 73(a73M
B C B A N 1st. 98ift 98"$
Bur Convt... .liomiiu '
ChesAO 5s. ..102 (3102
Reg 1st 72), 723
BurAN5s..l02 (am
Col Mid lst....K7'$(ffiI07
l.plf. fn1 nn.lO4U(3I04'
1st con 134)$ai34)i
K. PADen...ll0 110
do cons 106 0106
Kan A Tex 4s. 78 (3 78
do 2d 45i$a4.5
KanC A P 1st. 72), 72)$
LANlTJni.... 80XI)OX
Kxst less-.... i m bi
Ft WAD 1st.. 97V 97?i
EtW A R O 1st Tiag 72)j
Han A StJ conll654I161
II Vllev5s.... 8S'4(S Sbi
doGs I0M)
Internat lst...lls 11',,
Iowa Cen 1st.. 84)$ 84)$
LANAACconslOl 101
LEAW 1st.. 109 109
MAKcon 115 (3115
doEHAN.lll (3111
doPAA loft faAUA
L, N, OAT 1st 85)$(3 85'.
do O H .v v nut
in- I 1-....117X
SLS 97
MC cons 121 (2121
N YClst op..I26'i
do ex t os 101 )$i
31 A Ohio 43... D7 "
Mo Pac 3s 112 (3112
do:cons 103 103
Mutual U S F.104 (3104
ai Pn, lt 117 (3117
uuueo SS....11V
do deb rpff.-.lOT
N J 05s op....l03V(3'I0)j
iiO'W deh 1909.103 QlaLltaU
doSs 7X79'$
do PSSl im.U,7'.M107
N Y, L AW 5stI0S'4(Miua'$
OAM Cons.. .111 (3111 ,
Ognlmp5s.... 64 &63To
OgnNavTT5s W 86.
Pgh of West Is 79 V3 JO-'b
rcoria A E is; 80 (3 80
dolnc 27S(3 27H
PC AT is 110H&1U1H
R15sch 101 (3101
Aloden 93 (3 95
RAWP Tr6s 51 (3 51
do 64 JC1 (3 83
KloGWcstls. 78V 78X
Reading 4s .... 81!$ 81'$
StP MAM 4s. 84H84)$
Ftp A M lst...l20V3ia))$
St L AAT U 2dl02)$102'$
St L S'W lit.. . 67)i 67)$
M 30X(
UPac97 ltt'H
doDG bo.. .100 (31C0
notes ., hi
doMIn T....102S,iai0,.:5l
UP V Gist... 71
"ocons 1:7 fsi
do CAM R.101V((S101!4
do Term laBftZblOoli
TStL&KClst. DlfciSiHIi
Tex Pac 1st... 821.(5) 82)4
VaMldG M
Wabash 1st..
2ds 79(a
W Union ss...J0J4(
"ds 31
W Shore en. -.102!
reg 102)41
The total sales of stocks to-dav were 182,863
shares, including: Atchison, 8,010; Chicago
Gas, 8.115; Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern, 6 728; Erie, 10,885; Lake Shore, 3,640: Louis
ville and Nashville, 5.800; Missouri Pa-cific,
8,295; Northwestern, 10,893: New York Cen
tral, 5,335; Xorthern Pacific preferred. 7,040;
Beading, 3,520; lilchmond and West Point,
6.860; St. Taul, 14.6G0
The following table shows the prices or active
stocks on the New York Stock Kxctanngc eterday.
Corrected daily for Tiir Dispatch by wniTvrv &
Stkphesbov. oldest'Plttiburg members of New
York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue.
ing bid.
gcioto Vallst. 77Jf77K
100 J
(a) ws
(fU lAf
(3 31
Open HlKh Low
lnfr. est. est.
"ivi "w'i "53!
SI3 873. 87
"Iv'i "41 "ii"
88S SS's 83
Gl?a 61H 61J4
"24" "iiH "24"
"iiVi "&i" "m'h
JtB's 103'i 102
76 1U 77 7tH
1I9X 12M 113S,
84 '4 li'i Wi
37 "!., 37
13', KO'S OTV
1173a HSH 117'
TIM 71S 70S,
34W 3IM 'M4
27 28 27i
1174 iilH 137W
122 IM 121 H
'ioi" 'icV' "ids"
20 20X 20
m 6ii4 60
12V.J 131 lr.'i
78H 7B 78S
107 107r 107f
" 5sj "59U "sjv
92Ja 92.'a 92)
"h4 "lVs "ii
U5Jl 116'j 115S
American Colt in Oil
American Cotton Oil pfrt.
Am, Suftar Refining Co ..
Am. ougir Kcr Co. pref,
Atch.. Top. iS.F
Canadian Pacific
Canada southern
CentralotXcw Jersey
Central Pacific
Chesjpeake A Ohio
f. A O. in prd
C. AO.Mpfd
Chlingo Gas Trrst
C, Hur. A Qulncy.
C., Mil. ASC Prill
C , Mil. A St. Paul prd...
O., Itockl. AP
C St. P. M. AO
C.. St. P. M. AO. pfd....
U. A Northwestern.......
C., C.C.A I
C. C..C.A 1., pfd
Col. Coal A Iron
Col. A Hocking Val. ......
Del., Lack. A West.......
Del. A Iludoon
Den. A ltlo Grande
lui. A ISIo hrcndc, prd..
T.. T...Va. A Ga ....
Illinois Centril
LakcKrieA West
Like Erie A West. pfd....
Like hliore A M. S
Louisville A Nashville....
Mlchlga-i fentral
Missouri Pacific
xsatlonal Pnrdai, f!n
43 ?
ci '4
125 $
63 H
National Cordage Co.
National Lead Trust,
.New York Central
X. Y., C. A St. L
X. Y.. C. A St. L. 1st prd.
X. Y..C. A St. L .2d pfd.
201-, 2014 20M
"36" 3i'( "jo"
CU'i 69' f,n
3S 33' 3SX
19)a 19 19H
"ivi "iv'i 'ik'i
25(i 25. 25
70'S 70)4 70
21 21 3
"JA'h "MM "37 ?i
"si'i "3s ii "is
23 ax 23
i7f.;i 'm''i "i'flji
ii nil 9
50 50 48
41V 41V UK
"ii'i "iis "iiii
4l4 41'$ 41H
n 13K n
27V 27 27
82 '2 81V
38'$ 3f$ 30
70 78'$ 76
59!, 59'4 58V
X. Y L-. E. AW., pfd...
... 1.. r ,v
1. l.tV. 1j
N. Y. O, AW
Norton; A Western
Norfolk A Westem.prd....
2orth American Co
Nonhcrn Pacific
Northern Pacific, pfd
Oregon Improvement
Pacific alall
Pen , Dec. A Evms
Philadelphia A Beading...
P., C, C A St. L
P.. C. C. A St. L.. prd....
Pnllintn Palace Car
Richmond A W. P. T
Richmond A W.P. T. pref.
St. Panl A Dllluth
St. Piul A Dtutith, pfd....
St. Paul. Minn. A Man....
Texas Pacific
Union PaciGc
A abash
Wabash, pfd
Western Union
AV heeling A L. E
Wheeling A L. I. , pfd....
Dis.A Cattle F. Trust
Boston Stocks Closing Prices.
Atch. A Ton 43V Atlantic
liosion A. Ainany....j02
Boston A Maine I64
Chi. Bur. A QulnCT.KHW
Katern It. 11. 6s 121)$
Htchburjr K. It 71
K.C.St. J. A C.B.751I9
Little Bock A Ft. S.. 90
Mass. Cent 15
Mex. Cen. com 2I$
N. Y. A N. J-n 37
N.Ti. AN.Eng. 7S..II9
old Colonv 1S3
Rutland, pref 68
Wis. Cen. com 17V
AIIoulz 31. Co. new. 13J
Boston A Mont 31
Calumet A IIecla....2"8
Franklin 15
Kearsajre 12
Osceola 2
Hnta Fe Copper.... 10
Tamarack 1"2
S in Diego Land Co.. 16
West End Land Co.. IB
Bell Telephone 190
Water Power 2atf
Centennial Mining.. 11'$
K. K. Telcjc. ATelcp 49V
B. AB. Copper 15'$
Electric Stocks.
Boston, Dec. 3 Special. The latest elec
tric stock quotations to-day were:
$54 87)$
49 00
Eastern Flectric Cable Co , nref....$ ...
Thomson-Houston Elertrln Ci
43 75
Thomson-Houston E Co., pref....,
Ft. Wayne Flertrir Co ,
WestlnRhouse Trust Receipts
Detroit Tlectrlca! Co
Thomson-nouston Sec. (Series D).
26 00
28 Si
12 12 12 m
13 12' 13 23
9 62'i
9 75
7 W
Phllm Iclphla Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A stephenon. brokers. No. 57
Fourth armue, members of the New York Stock
Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad ! 64
Heading Railroad 19H 19 5-16
Buffalo, N. Y. A Phlla 8
Lehltrh Valley 49) 49$
Northern Pa-lflc 21 '4
Northern PiclOc preferred 70M( 705$
Lehigh Navigation 43)$ 43)j(
Mining Stock Quotations.
New Yohk, Dec. 3. Alice, 125; Best and
Belcher, 200; Chollar, 123; Crown Point, 100;
Consolidated California nnd Virginia, 415;
Dcadwood, 185; Eureki Consolidated, 200;
Hale and Noi cross, 120; Homeatake, 10 50:
Horn Silver. 395: Iron Silver, 135; Mexican,
200; lavage, ISO; Sierra Nevnda, 210; Standard,
105: Union Consolidated, 175; Yellow Jacket,
120. '
Receipts at East Liberty and All Other
Stock Yards.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,
Wednesday, December 3.
Cattle Beceipts, 1.C29 head; shipments,
746 head; market nothing doing; all through
shipments. No cattlo shipped to New York
Hogs Beceipts, 4,600 head: shipments, 3,300
head; market slow; Pbiladelphias, $3 853 90;
mixed, $3 753 80: best Yorkers, $3 553 65;
light, $3 453 55: pigs. $3 (XMJ3 59. Seven cars
of hogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts 800 head: shipments, 1,000
head; mai ket steady at unchanged prices.
By Telegraph.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 16,000 head;
shipments, 5,000 head; market fairlv active,
steadv to weaker; prime natives, $5 00S 00;
good to choice, $4 251 85: others. $2 353 65;
Texans, $2 453 00. stockers,$2 202 90; cows,
$1 1C2 40. Hogs Beceipts, 01.000 headtship
ments, 10,000 head; market slow to 10c lower;
rough and common, $3 403 50; packers nnd
mixed, $3 60(S3 65: prime hcnvvnnd butchers'
weights. $3 703 75; light, $3 203 40. Sheep
Receipts, 7,0u0 head; shipments, 2,000 head:
market steady to weaker; nativo owes, $2 50
(ii 25; mixed, $4 251 50; wethers. $4 254 75;
Texnns, $4 75; Westerns. $4 004 85; yearlings,
$5 005 50: lambs, $4 005 23.
llafftlo Cattle Beceipts, 78 loads
through. G sale held over: market 525o
lower. Hogs Receipts, 37 loads througii: 47
sale; market 510c lower; heavy grades
cornfed, $3 954 05; medium weights corn
fed, $3 83Q3 90. Sheep nnd lambs Re
ceipts. 1 load through, 44 sale; market 10
15c lower: receipts of Canada lambs for tho
past 36 hours, 55 cars. Sheep Exfra fancy,
$4 504 90: irood to choice, $4 004 50; ralr
to good, $3 804 00. Lambs Good' to choice
natives, $5 155 50; common to fair do, $4 75
5 00; common to extra, J5 255 59.
New 1 ork Beeves Receipts, 840 head,
all for exporters and slaughters; no trading,
feeling firm; dressed beef steady nt 791$o
per lb: shipment; to-dav, 56.1 beeves and 40
sheep. Calves Receipts, 595 head: market
lowei; veals,$5 005 80 per 100 lbs; grassers,
$2 232 50: Westerns, $3 253 51. Sheep Re
ceipts, 10,330 head: sheep i 005 12J per 100
lbs: lambs. $5 000)6 10: dressed mutton steadv
at 7c per lb; dressed lambs dull at 7K
9e. Hogs Receipts. 10 690 head consigned
direct: maiket nominally steady at $3 CO
4 00 per 100 lbs.
Cincinnati lions in good demand: common
ana light, $3 003 55; picking and butchers,
$3 403 75: receipts. 7,020 lieadj shipments,
2.110 head. Cattle easier; fair to choice butcli
er grades, $2 C04 00: prime to choice ship
pers, $3 504 73; receipts. 880 head; shipments,
45 head, sheep heavy: common to choice,
$2 504 25: extra fat wethers and yearlings,
$4 254 60; receipts, 1,300 head; shipments,
none. Lambs lower; common to choice, $3 25
4 75 per 100 pounds.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, l,500head; ship
ments, 2,000 head: market steadv; good to
prime natives, $4 905 60; fair to good do,
$2 755 00; Texan and Indian steers, $2 00
3 00. Hogs Receipts, -6 500 head; shipments,
2,400 head: market unchanged; fair to best
heavy, $2 C53 CO; mixed, $3 103 70: light,
fair to choice, $3 254 25 Sbeep Receipts,
200 head: shipments, none; market firm;
lair to choice, $2 504 60.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 5,025 head:
shipments. 3,920 head; market steady;
steers, $3 506 00; cows, $3 403 65; stockers
and feeders, $2 30Q3 90. Hogs Receipts,
3,785 head: shipments, 3,400 head: market
opened strong and closed weak; bulk, $3 10
3 80: all grades, $2 7C2 80. Sheep Receipts,
410 head: shipments. 220 head; market steady
and unchanged.
The Turpentine Markets.
New York Rosin quiet and steady,
pentine dull and lower at 3334634a.
Have the Call at the Expense of Beg-
ular Lines of Trade.
Corn and Oats Are Easier, and Choice Hay
on the idrance.
Office of PtTTSEur.o Dispatch, )
TnunsDT. Dec. 3.
Country Produce (Jobbing Prices)
Santa Clans goods appear to have thecal! at
this time, and other lines of trade suffer
more or less for tbis reason. Certain it is
that for some cause the trade in country
produce lines has been very quiet since
Thanksgiving. Dairy products are movine
very slowly, and the advance of lc in Elgin
creamery butter has not been justified by
events. Demand declines as prices rise,
and it is almost all that jobbers can do to
secure last week's prices. Sales at 33c per
pound are exceptional. Country butter is
a drng, and only the choicest finds cus
tomers. Poultry and game are in bountiful
supply and markets are quiet with a gen
eral drift toward lower prices. Florida
oranges have not been so dull for many
seasons as they are at present. Bananas are
not so abundant as they have been of late,
nnd choice stock finds " ready sale at out
side prices. Fancy lemons and choice
Malaga grapes arc also in actiro demand
and Arm.
BOTTFn Crcamerv Elgin. 31(332c
Ohio brands.
SSffLTc: common countrr butter. 2C(J5
cr.untrt roll- VHittr finev 5.vafictlb
22c: choice
Bea:S New York and Michigan pea. Jl 905S2 00;
marrow. $2 17S12 23: Lima b-ans, Mfri'Ac H lb:
hand-picked medlnm. $1 902 00.
Beeswax Choice, 3235c ? lb; low grades, 223
Buckwheat Flour New. 2M2'$c a lb.
Cheese Ohio cheese. iKBilSe: New York
cheese. HVl2c:Limhiir(rer. ll(311'$c: isconsln,
Sweit7cr. lull cream, 12"$13$c; imported Swelt
er. 2G327c.
ciDEn country elder. $3 505 00 ? barrel: sand
refined. (6 507 00.
Cbave nnirs Per box. $2 232 T.
I CGS-titrictlr fresh nLarby stock. 2fV527e:
cand'ed effgs, 246H?5c; cold storage esrgs. 2'Si:c.
FEATOEns i xtra lire peese, 57ia',sc; Ao. 1. 4S(3
EOc ? lb; mixed lots, kkskoc.
Fhuits Apples. 4a.ri0c per bushel. $1 50TS2 001?
barrel; pears, 75C&SI10 & basket, 41 X2 00 $
Dhied Fplits Peaches, halves, C'$c: evap
orated apples. 8!)cj apricots. SKloc: blackberries.
6.1)4c: raspberries, 1717)$c; dried grapes, 4)s
4c: huckleberries. 7KSSlc.
Game Wild turkeys. 1 5n2 00 each: mallard
ducks. t aS3 CO per dozen: teal ducks. 52 773 00
per doen: nheasants. S3 7.V3T 00:iiall, $1 231 50;
eqnlrrels. SI omffil 50: rabbits. 2n32"c per pair;
whole deer. l315c per IB: saddles. 18f20c jier lb.
HoxEY hew crop white "clover, 13c; California
honey. ir15c ? lb.
Maple syrup TVaooc per gallon.
Maple sugaii 10c B Hi.
Pocltry Alive Chickens. 60i!i3.c a pair, large:
3"350c medium ; live turkeys, lOWItciji lb-ducks. 50
(SOnc a pair- dreseil chickens, lirnUlc ? lb: aresscd
turkev, 17315c ? lb.
l'OTATOFS Carlo id lots. 3.VS40C on track: from
store, 404."c a buyiel: Sonthcm sweets, $1 501 75
a barrel: Jerseys. S3 OOffiW 23.
Seeds Western recleaned medium clover lob
bing at $' 20: mammoth. (5 55: thnothv. SI 4 for
prime and 51 51 for choicest: bine grass. 2 d502 80:
orchard gra-s, $1 75: mllkt, SI 0.1: German, fl 15;
Hungarian. 91 10: fine lawn. 23c per.Ib; seed buck
wheat SI WfdA. 50.
Tallow Country. 4c: city rendered, c.
Tropical Fruits Lemons, si 7V54 ."0: Florida
oranges. 52 0C2 Via box: c alifomla pears. S3 CO
(?4 00: ban inas. $1 76(2 00 firsts, tl lySil 50 good
seconds, per bunch: Malaga grapes. S3 50I0 00 a
half barrel: new layer figs. 141Sc per lb.
Vegetables Cabbage. Si (OBI CO a hundred;
yellow Danver onions. S2 002 25 a barrel; toma
toes. $2 00 per bushel: celery, 2330c per dozen; tur
nips, 90c?l CO a barrel.
There is no longer the firmness In sugar
lines there was Iastweek, and any piospects
of a riso have disappeared. Coffeo options
wore np n few points yosterday, but, like
sugar, coffee laiis to answer to theexpecta
tions of a rise. The movement of general
groceries is not so fieo this week as last.
Greev COFTEE Fancv. 212Cc; choice Rio. 20
20'$c: prime Rio. l'$c; low Erade Bio. 17I$18Kc:
OKlGovcrnmeiit Java, 27)c2c: Mnncalbo, 21)$
22Sc: Mocha. 27($28'5c: Santos. H"$22)jc: Cara
cas, 22'$23'$c;La Gnayra. 2I'$22,$c
BOASTEn (In papers) -Standard brands.a)c: high
grades. 23'26Ijc: Old Government Java. bulk.
2913.11c: Maracalbo. ZZ.S24"$c: Santos. W4324SC:
peaherry, Sfic; choice Bio, !y4c: prime Bio, 20c;
good Rio. 19)$c:ordlnarv. tflS'ic.
Spices (whole) Clovei, lJlv;: allspice, 10c;
cassis. 8c: pepper lie; nutmeg, 7C((?S0c.
Pftroi.eitm (.lohhers' prices) 110 test. 6!c;
Ohio. 120 7)$c: headlight. 130. 7"$c; water white,
0(39'$c; vlobe, 14imc: elalne, 15c; carnadlne. lie;
royallne. 14c; red oil, 10hllc; purity. 14c;olcine.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter, strained. 4244c per
gallon: summer, XV337c: lard oil. 5t('o8c.
Syrup Corn syrup, 2630c: choice sugar svrup,
34336c; prime sugar s) rup, 3j32c: strictly prime,
N. O. Molasses Fancr new crop, 40(3 12c:
choice. 4041c; old crop, 263Sc; N. O. syrup, 44
Soda Bl-carb, In kegs, 3'$(331ic: bl-earb. In Ms,
51c: bl-earb, assorted packages, oli6; sal soda.
In krsrs. l'ic: do irrannlated. 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stcarlnc, per
set. 84c: piraffinc ll12c.
Bice Lead arollna, OXOOc; cho'ce. 5)iCc:
Loitlslina. 5ll(33t.Jc.
Starch Pearl, 4c; corn starch, 68)$c; gloss
starch, 6f37c.
TOKEIGV Fruits Layer raisins, $2 00: London
lavers. $2 23: Muscatels. 175; California Muscatels.
$1 6(1(31 73: Valencia. 77)$c: Ondara Valem la, 8
8!4c: bult ina. 10315c: currants, 4'.(35c; Turkev
prnnis, 66'4c: French prunes, 8g9)$c: Salonlca
prunes. In I lb packages. 9c: cocoanuts. 100. $6 00;
almonds. Lan., fl lb, 29c: do, Ivica. 17c: do shelled.
40c; Walnuts, Nap., 1314c: Sicily filberts, lie:
Smyrna flg3, 1314c; new dates. 5W6c; Brazil
nuts. 7c; pecans. 1517c: citron, t lb, 2324c;
lemon peel. 12c ? lb: orange peel, 12c.
Drild Fruits Apple, sliced. 6'$(33)$c: apples.
evaiorated. 99)$c: peaches, evaporotcd, parel, 20
(7121c: peaches. California, evaporated, unpared, 13
(3ll,c; Lherrks. pitted, 15c: cherries, unpittid. 8c;
raspberries, evaporated, lb19c; blackberries, 6J$
c: huckelberrles. 8c
Suoars Cubes, 4c:powdered.4iiIc: granulated,
4Mc: confectioners'. 4l$(34'Ici soft white, 44Xe:
jellow, cholre. 31,lc; jellow, good. 3$3'c; ) el
low, fair. 3y33fciC.
Pickles Medium, bbls. (I.2C0), $4 75; medium,
half bbls. (600), $2&.
SALT No. 1 V bbU $1 20: No. 1 extra. S bbl,
Jl 10; dairv. bbl. $1 20; coar.e. cryttal. V bbl.
11 20: Uiggins' Enrika. 4-bn sacks, $2 80; Higglns'
lureka. 161J-lb packets, $3 00.
Cavned (loons Standanl peaches. II 9032 00;
2ds, $1 5031 (fl; extra peaches, 2 VZ TO- pic
peaches. 90,395c: finest corn. $1 2Tail 50: Hfd Co.
corn, 11 0"i u: rcil cherries, $1 20(31 30: Lima
beans, 1 Ii; soaked do. 8.1c: stringed do, 6-V370C;
marrowfat peas SI 10(31 23- soaked peas. 65(370c:
pineapples. $1 501 60: Bahama do, $2 23; damson
plums. $1 10; greengages. $1 50. eg plums $1 00;
California apricots. $1 902 10: Caltlornla pears,
$2 232 40: do greengazcs.$l 10; do egz plnms. II 90;
extra white cherrle, $2 83: raspberries. $1 03(31 10;
strawberries. 13051 10; gooseberries. $1 00(31 05;
tomatoes. 8595c: salmon, 1 lb, $1 3031 80; black
berries. 8nc; succotash. 2-lb cans, soaked 90c; do
irreen. 2-Ih cans. II 25(31 50: corn beef. 2-Ib cans.
jl Sjl 90: l-lb cans, (5 30: baked beans, $1 401 53;
lobsters. 1-Ib cans. $1 25; mackerel, l-lb cans,
boiled, $1 59; sardlues. domestic, Hs. S3 8534 00:
)-s, $6 50: sardines, imported. Ms. $il 5012 50: sar
dines, imported, )$s, 118 00; sardines, mustard. 43 30;
sardines, spiced. $1 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $24 00 per
bbl: extra No. 1 do mess. $20 00: No. 2 shore mack
erel. $1S 00; No. 2 large mackerel. $16 50: No. 1
large mrckerel, $14 00: ISO. 3 smalt mackerel, $10 00.
Herring Split SO 50: lake. S3 05 per 100-lb bbl.
White fish. $4 75 per 100-lb half bbl. Lake trout.
$3 50 per half bbl. Finnan baddies. 10c per lb. Ice
and halibut, 12( per lb. Pickerel, half bbl. $4 00:
quarter bbl., $1 60. Holland herring. 75c WalkofT
herring. 90c.
OATMEAL $5 00(35 25 per bbl.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Sales on call at the Grain Exchange: 2 cars
sample shell corn, 51c, 5 days; 1 car sample
oats, 33c, 6 days. Receipts, as bulletined. 29
cars, as follows: By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne
and Chicago Ball w ay: 1 car of ear corn, 3 of
oats, 3 of hay, 1 of Dran, 1 of straw, 4 of flour.
By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Lonis: 5
cars of corn, 1 of oats. 1 of hay. By Balti
more and Ohio: 1 car of flour. By Pitts
burg and Lake Erie: 1 car of middlings, 1 of
flour. By PlttsDurg and Western: 2cars of
hay, 1 of oats, 3 of wheat. Corn and oats
are n shade easier than they have been fora
week or two past. Flour is reported lirmer '
at sources 01 supply, uut maricets neio are
without change, lluy of choice grade is
President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer
Pure Ice made from distilled water for sale at wholesale only.
Transfer Agent, General, Cold, Bonded and Yard Storage.
r- ..nr..ni.' ACRES YARD STORAGE. r
5 WAREHOUSES, containing 2,300,000 cubic feet of storage space.
Railroad siding to each warehouse. Brick warehouse for exclusive storage of
oil. Separate rooms for storage of household goods. Lowest insurance rates.
nc.tive.ftnd firm and onr quotations re aoV
Tranced in accordanco with sales. 1
Tollowlnjc quotations are for carload lots ott 1
track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices 1
from store: '
WlIEAT-No. 2 red. SI 00(31 01: No. 3red. W&7C.
CORV No. 2 yellow ear. 50ia.51e: niprh mixed ear,
fy&TBe; mixed ear. 47ffiH8-: So. 2 yellow shelled, I
52S3c: mixed shelled, Vnasie.
OATS No. 1 oals. Myamc: No. 2 white. 38r3
SSSc: extra No. 3 oat3. 37)i.1Sc; mixed oats, 3S$a
37c. r
Bye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 9693c; No,
1 Western. VS96e.
BAntEY 68a73c.
fT-nrTI? -THl.tn ...Imam Ts...m. .,.. ...a......
j; nncy
bakers'. S4 75(35 00. Ilvn flnnr. S3 2Ta3 .VI
M1I.LFEED No. lwblte middlings. 2 5023 00 J
ton: No. 2 white middlings. S3) oa21 W: brown
middlings. $18 00519 on- ninterwheat. bran, $17 50
18 00; chop feed. $21 00025 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. I2 05)11 00: No. L
$12 C0S12 25: No. 2 do. $10 7511 00: clover hsv,
$10 00(310 50; looe from wagon, $12 003)14 00, ac
corulngtoqualltv: prcking hay. JS 509 00. i
STBAW-Oats, $7 502)3 00; wheat and rye, SS 75
7 25.
Provisions. t
The movement in this line is slow, and, .
with the heavy receipts of hoss nt live stoclj
centers, prices incline downward.
Sugar cured hams, larjrc .. $
Sngar cured hams, medium
Sugar cured hams, small
Sugar cured California hams
Sugar cured breakfast bacon
Sugar cured skinned hams, large
Sugar cured skinned hams medium
Sngar -u red shoulders
Sugar cured boneless shoulders
Sugar cured bacon
Sugar enred dry salt shoulders
Sugar cured dry beef rounds
Sugar en red drv beef setts
Sugar cured dry beef fiats
llrcon clear sides. 30-Ibs av
Bacon clear bellies, 20-fts av
Dry salt clear sides, in-lhs av
Dry salt clear sides. 3l-ffi nv
: -.
. 104
. 10'J '
. 7
7 I
6 V
. 10
8 I
8 -8X;
7 1
. 12 01 t
, 12 0J
Mess pork, hcavv.
Me6S pork, family
Lard, refined in tierces
Lard, refined In bbs
Lard, refined in 60-Jh tubs
Lard, refined In 2Mb palls
Lard, refined In 50-ro tin nns
Lard, refined In T-fb tin palls
Lard, refined In 5-lbtln palls
Lard, refined In 10-a tin palls
Chicago schools are short of coal.
TIip cruiser Boston has arrived at Monte
video, Urucmay.
A long lost gold mine is said to have),
been found in the Choctaw Nation.
Germany will take steps to deal with tho
irregularities on the Produce Exchange.
Baptists In large numbers are emigrating
from Russia, owing to religious restrictions, )
Gosclien's new financial scheme is favor
ably received by the London Stock Ex,
The German Court will promote Mzaars
and concerts forthe relief of famine strickea
Russians. .
Low tariff and a number of big failure
have caused a panic in Australia's metropo;
lis, Melbourne.
Ruddln & Hairston, large reil estate)
dealers In Danville, Va , have failed, owing
$60,000; assets, $50,000.
A wholesale slaughter of English spar
rows for the sake of tho bounty offered by
the new law has begun in Illinois. ;
Tho United States steamer Jamestown,
which grounded in Hampton Roads Wednes-'
day, has been pulled off without damage. '
The French steamer Delta has foundered
near the Island of Hainan, which separates
the Gnirof Tonquin from the China Sea. No
lives were lost.
Tho British Government has awarded
compensation to tho families of tho fisher
men killed by the recent gun practice, and I
also 22400 pounds to the owners of the sunken.'
boats, the Sumnerand the Alphonso.
D'Oyley Carte, whose attempt to estab-'
llsh genuine ua'ional opera at the Royal
English Opera House, in London, resulted'
recently In a heavy financial loss, is about to
make an effort to retrieve his fortune with,'
American singers.
Tyndale Palmer, formerly engaged In),
newspaper work in Pittsburg and now lo
cnted in London, securing investments in
this country for English capitalists, has just
closed a sale of the property of the Etowah,
Iron Company, located in Bartow and Cher-
okee counties, Georgia. .1
The report of tho Petitions Committee)
of the French Senate insists upon absolvinjjl
the Government from anv sort of resnonsi-'
bilitv for the disaster of the Panama Canal!
shareholders, but urges the Sentte to show
sympathy with the shareholders by indue-'
ing Finance Minister Rouvierto make un
official efforts to assist any possible rehabili-i
tation of the scheme. )
Warden Brown, of Sing Singprison, ha3'
everything in readiness for the execution, j
noxt week, of Jlartin D. Loppy.the murderer?,
who has been awaiting death in Sing Sing-l
fora month. Very little preparation had
to be done, as the machinery ot death has
been kept In the same condition as it was
left after the fatal work in executing Smiler,
Slocum, Wood and Jugiro last July. j
By a strange mistake a jury's verdict was
rendered in the United Suites District Coura
at Indianapolis, Wednesday; acquitting M.
F. McLoud on tho charge of counterfeiting,,
when it was the Intention to declare him,
guilty. Tile astounded jury at once pro-
tested that the verdict was not the one'
agreed on, and after a little investigation is
was found that the foreman had simply
made a mistake. '
The estimates of the damage done by the)
Japan earthquakes give the number of dead
at 7,560 and injured at 10120, with 89,630)
buildirgs wholly and23,625 partly destroyed.
Over 440,000 people have been rendered,
homeless and destitute. Many enrions
freaks of the earthquake have been noticed.
In one place a flssnre swallowed four per
sons, who have lemaincd visible, but whosoj
rescue proved to bi Impossible.
At tho inaugural dinner of the London
Shipping Exchange Wednesday evening the)
Chairman proposed a toast to President Har,
lison in the following words: "ThePresi-J
dent of the United States rules overapow.'
crful and energetic people over more En-J
giish speaking people than are ruled over by.
Queen Victoria. We have always received!
Irom tho United States and from American
Consuls every attention to our interests.!
We must lovo our dear cousins across the'
water, and should stand shoulder to shoul-.
derand whip creation." i
'Carter's Little Liver Pills.
;-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
SICK HEADACHECarter,, rjttle Liver Full.
Whitney x cditephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
nrnnir'c savings bank,
Capital. $300,000. Surplus, $31,670 29.
4 President. Asst. Sec Treas,
per cent inteiest allowed on time da
posits. OC24-61-D
John M. Oakley & Co,
Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago
45 SIXTH ST.. Pittsburg.
if i
J "