Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 02, 1891, Page 11, Image 11

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This City Xow a Leading Source of
Supply, East and West, in
Prices Lower Thnn last Tear, and the
Demand Terjr Active.
OrriCB of rnrsntino DisrATCH, 1
Tuesd.it, December L s
There are five firms in this city, or ratheH
Allegheny, engaged in the manufacture of
pickles, catsup, preserves, fruit butters, etc
Trade in these lines has been unusually ac
tive this fall, and prices are lower than they
have been for a season or two past Last
seaon the cost of materials was high through
out this section. This season there vere
abundant fruit and garden crops, and op
portunities for laying in supplies at low
prices were never better. "With reduced
prices comes larger demand for goods. The
trade in this line is nojv approaching its
best time of the year, as the season for
domestic fruits and garden stuff is practical
ly over.
So long as stuff could be gathered from
rrden and orchard, which was the situa
tion up till within a few weeks past, de
mand for pickles and preserves was slow.
Xow, that winter is here demand has very
mueh increased. Pittsburg has of late
years become a center for this clas of
goods as well as for heavy weight products.
A Large Quantity Exported.
The amount going out from this city to
the different parts of the country is simply
immense. A representative of one of our
principal firms had tins to say: "Our ship
ments of pickles, preserves and mincemeat
the past week or two are equal to five or
six carloads daily. Our goods go princi
pally to the far "'West, as far as to the Pa
cific coast. But the Eastern markets are
nUo cxtersively supplied from this source.
"Within the past week we have shipped a
half dozen caUcads to the Eastern cities
and a number of cars to the far South.
There have recently come to us as a result
of displays at Atlanta and Augusta
fairs four gold meilals. Chicago" is
the leading competitor in our
line of goods, and, that we are making in
roads on Chicago's territory is proved by
tne lset that Irom that source lieay com
plaints have come of late against the rail
roads of the country on account of the low
freight rates granted to our and other East
ern firms." It is well known that in such
heavy weight goods as iron, steel, coal and
coke Pittsburg leads all American cities in
volume of trade, but the fact that over 40
car loads of pickles, preserves, mincemeat,
etc, are going out from our city weekly to
the world's markets is not so well known.
Pittsburg is proverbially modest in assert
ing its claims as a center for the manufact
ure of light-weight goods.
The Coffee Situation.
The following is the latest report of the
outlook, from the Boston Herald, which is
authority on this question:
There lias been a good movement in coffee
in.w Yoifcof late, and that market is tele
graphed as firm. Trade here has also been
good, the principal roasters and grinders
working to their lull capacity. At present
the market is firm, but as to the future of
the market there is a wide diversity of
opinion. One prominent coffee meichant in
Xew Toik advises his correspondents here
in the strongest terms as to the extiemelv
firm outlook of the market, from the fact of
theexceedinglv small crop and supply of
mild coffees. He claims that the idea of
Santos taking the place of these mild coffees
is simply absurd, and that there must be a
great shortage of mild goods. He goes
lurther, and claims that the outlook for
even Tlio coffees is very firm, and that im
mediately on anv improvement In business
pi ices are bound to advance.
But in the -.ime mail as the above advices,
a leading coffee house here Eets :i letter
from one of the most caieful houses in Xew
lork, and a house noted for itsconserra-ti-m:
the letter advisine caution, and claim
i ni t hat as boon as the great crop of Uio and
Santos coffees begins to again movefieely
there cannot otherwise than be a decline in
prices. It even goes on to Miow that pros
pects for the nest crop of both Kio and
tantos coffees an mot brilliant, and that
easier prices arc bound to result, as soon :is
the untrainmelcd movement of coffees from
the war-clouded -outh American States
shall again be established.
Saturday's Xew York market was reported
strong, with 10 to 15 points advance. The
daily Bio cable gave, that maiket strong,
with" teceipts of 11,000 bags in Kio and of
21,000 bags m antos. The total Kio stock is
cabled at 22,O0O bags; same time r. year ago,
221 000 bags.
The further statistical features are shown
in tbe w eekly Kio cable to be a steady mar
Vet, with exchange up to 12,d. The daily
average of teceipts for the w cek was 10,019
bng shipments to Lurope, 24,030 bags: to
the United Stales, fifi.000 bags. The total
visible sunplv i now 404,600 basis: same timo
lastjear,32S,CS3bags: tame time in 1SS3, 416.
247 bags. The total receipts at Kio on the
crop, up to November 27, had been 1.849,000
bag: same time last vear;l,li9,000 bags; sainc
time in ISSfl, .6l,000 bags.
Two and One-Halt Million Less Than It Was
on the First Day of November.
Washington. Dec L The public debt
statement issued this afternoon shows that
the net decrease of tlis interest and non
interest bearing debt dnrin the monU of
November was SiSTO.W 50. Total cash in
the Tre&Miiy, $71i!UJ,750 lti.
N"OV."!0,1651. Oct. 31, 1SS1.
Interest liraringdebt
Bunds at 4S cop.
tinned at 2
-ent f
Tttiifls at 1 per eei.t.
K"lKnitint -ertln-
ratr at 4 per cent
25.3SI.S0.1 on
559,573,t50 W)
25.3M.501 00
....$ 555,025,570 00
Debt m wnicli In
terest has ceased
ince maturity ..?
Debt l"caringlioin-Urest-
Aggregate of In
terc si anl nen-in-
5,:79.770f0 ?
S7.4TJ,HG 00
6,2P9,2S0 00
3S9.074,2a 00
1.640,670 00
ten-t learing
S 977,733.?S6 CO ! 9S0,3!S,n76 00
J,rri'e 2,570,139 00
Certificate:. a n rt
Treasury notes ofT-
m1! by an equtl
ainonut of csh
In the Treasury... 5 569,221,703 00 SGi.JTT'lO 00
Aggregate of 1pht
8.S42.219 tO
iiielmling eer4iil
caieantlTreaiiiry , note. I.M6,961,695 00 tl,540,C81.356 00
a.n 111 ineirtaMin
Grild coin............
svn. 412,00 oi
Silver dollars
., v,iH VI
- ? 271,843,193 CO
3..111.920 00
14,IS9.51 00
4".7'4,301 (O
5 S34 00
Milwdiary com
Bar ..
Trade dollar bars. .
1'aprV. legal tenrttr
iotefM issue).. $
Treasury notes, or
fioll rertlllcale....
SIHereertliicates. .
Currency certltl
:ate.I... National banknotes
Other bonds, inter
est and coupons
raid awaiting re
imbursement S
Minor coin and frac
tional currency....
Deposits in N'nal
cneral aconnt....5
Disbursing oflieers'
412. 818, 340 CO
13,316.706 00
I.S73.366 01
11. 202, 170 CO
3,J0I.:H 0J
370. 000 00
4.M1.754 00
41,10, 305 CO
33.639 00
324.202 CO
1,879 00
J 20.503.910 CO
Aggregate. ...........
Dt-mand liabilities
Gold cerllHrates....$
Mb it certificates...
Currency certifi
cates...... .,
Trrasiin notes of
For redemption of
uneurrtnt nation
al bdlik notes.. ....J
Outstanding cliecLs
-Dlsmirdng o(cers,
lhllaliccs.... .
Agencv accounts,
P48, 355.750 CO
161,852.139 00
324,274,918 00
10,135.000 CO
72,959,05: CO
f 569,921,700 00
5,560,510 CO
S.747.G3 00
6.015,109 00 I
I 40.COs,r23OO I
Gold reserve I 1CK1.000.000 00
Net cash balances... 39. 1M, 917 00
? 1S9.1S8.917 00
$ 748,336,750 00
Cash balance in tbe
Treasury Oct. 31.
Cash balance in the
Treasury ov. ju.
J 130,125,917 00
Decrease dnrinp; the
515,002 00
It Is Strong and Advancing Until Late
Unfavorable Cable News Strikes It
Disappointed Corn Operators Close Oat
Their Deals Provisions Easy and De
clining. CHICAGO Wheat was strong and advanc
ing during the forenoon, but later it grew
weak and made a decided slump, closing
materially lower. The influences which
governed its movements were chiefly local.
The early news was chiefly of a bearish
character. Then, too, the fear of December
liquidation, which has been a depressing
factor for some time, lost Its influence after
the deliveries to-day, and this, with the
steady decline which has been going on for
some time, led to some buyingby the friends
of wheat, while the selling furore was some
what checked.
The result of it all was a steady advance.
December opened cent lower at 91 cents,
and steadily advanced to 92 cents. Then
tho lower closing cables, together with in
creased stocks at Liverpool, created weak
ness. A dispatch was also received claim
ing that Beerbohmmado tho world's wheat
supply 50,000.000 bushels larger than 18S0, but
whv this comparison should have affected
the" market it is difficult to say. There was,
no doubt, a good deal of wheat thrown upon
the market, .some on long account bouzht
carly.and some shortwheat. Prices tumbled
shortly before the close. December dropped
In the last hour to DOJc, and closed at wxc.
Corn was strong early on covering by
shorts who had miscalculated the effect of
the November deal. They had sold short
on the theory there would bo a reaction
after the deal was closed out. Finding that
they were mistaken this morning, they be
gan to buy in their shorts. December, which
opened at AOc. was bid up to 47c, but
broke w ith wheat at 46Jc, at which it closed.
Oats followed corn and were without inde
pendent feature.
Hog products opened easier, owing to the
free deliveries and the continued enormous
receipts and lower prices for hogs. There
was rather free coveringby shortshowever,
and prices rallied tome after a time. Then
there was another recession and the close
w as at or near tho bottom, and at moderate
declines from yesterday's close.
The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor
rected bv John M. Oakley & Co.. 45 Sixth street,
n-.einlers of the Chicago Hoard of Trade:
Open- High- Low- Clos-
Articles, lag. est, est. lng.
Wheat. No. 2.
December $ 91! f 92 I 90S I 90,'
January. S:s SM S2 92
May 9Si 93;; 97.1 97k'
ORN", NO. 2.
Dcec-nhir 40',' 47S iVi 4e
January 4:i t tl'.i 424
May 4C, 43"i 42t 4ih
OAT. No. 2.
December 31f .T2V 3IV 31S
Slav 32S 32.1 32 SSi
Mess Pork.
December 8 15 8 2 I 8 05 8 03
Jnnuary II IS II 22,'i Jl 10 11 live
May 1135 11 ftyji 11 50 1152,'
December 6 00 6 00 S 90 5 S2)i
January 1H 6 20 6 10 6 12
May 6 50 6 52M 6 42K 6
short Kids.
Dcc.mbcr 5 52 & 57'j S 45 a V
January 5 35 S 60 5 50 5 52J-'
May 5 87 5 92'r' 5 82,'- 5 82U.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
nnchanged: Xo. 2 spring wheat. OOKSSOJk":
Xo. 3spiing wheat, M81c; Xo. 2 reU,90k
90-c. Xo. 2 corn, 46;$c. Xo. 2 oats, 31Jjc;
Xo. 2 white, 3ii0:3Syi:c: Xo. 3 white. 3132c.
Xo.2rye, 90c "Xo. 2 barley, 59j60c;o. 3
f. o. b 44eioD: Xo. 4, f. o. b 45c. Xo. 1
flaxseed. 95g9Gc. Trime timothy seed. $1 22
"I 23. Jless pork, per barrel, $S 05S 10.
Lard, per 100 lbs., $5 90. Short ribs sides
(loose), $5 4fla3 50. Drv salted shoulders
(boxed), $4 12K4 23. Short clear sides
(boxed), $5 855 90. Whisky, distillers, fin
ished goods, per gallon, $1 IS. Sugars un
changed On the Troduce Exchange Mwlavthebutter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 2425?.
SHIV Tur.K-Flour less active, irregular,
closing easy. Cornmeal steady and quiet;
yellow Western, $J 153 00. Wheat Spol
market unsettled, closing lower, moderately
active: Xo. 2 red. $1 04WS1 04?i. store and
elevator: $1 03V1 07J afloat; $1 05J1 08
f. o. !.: Xo. 3 red. 93Kc$l 00; nngr&ucd red.
SntfctfSI 09i: Xo. 1 Xorthern, $1 07KI 07?
Xo. 1 l.i
$1 091 my;-. Xo. 2 Xorthern,
-Jl CSJigl 03X: options declined. VJc, ad'
Tillioni ; ,Kfe
declined 2lxc and
closed lica vi at 5i?llic under yesterday:
Xo. 2 red, December, $1 0l'Xl 05, closing
at SI 01i: January, $1 03J;1 07, closing
at 1 OS: February," $1 07"21 0S, closing
at i!l 07J: Slaich. 1 0SJil 10, closing at
;l Oi: Aptil.Sl 0S1 10'i, closing at $1 09: May.
$1 01 !&!(.. closing at $1 0S: June, $1 07
6)1 OsJi. closing at $1 07JX- live Arm and
quiet: Western, $1 0351 07. Barley quiet;
Xo. 2 Milwaukee, 72g74e. Corn Spot market
unsettled, lower and quiet; Xo. 2, 71i6!75s
elevator; TSc'afloat; ungraded mixed. 5S76c;
Xo. 3. fiOS3c: steamer mixed, 6S69c: op
tions advanced y.V.c, declined 2c De
cember, 3961c, closing at 39c: January, 54?j
Mc, closing at 31'i; February. K?2
gKe, closing at 53;c: 3tay, 52J j52c;
closing at 32Vc: steamer mixed, December,
Sj?IS3,!.,c. closing at 55Jic Oats Spot mar
ket lower and fairly active: options mod
erately active and easier; December. 40
G40;c, closing at 40c: January. 3!
39Jc, closing at 39)c: May, 3939Jgc,
closing at S9KC: spot Xo. 2 white, 10
40'ic: mixed "Western, 39)41c; Xo. 2 Chi
cigo,4i;41Jfc. Hay quiet and Arm. Hops
fairly active and Arm. Tallow quiet and
steady. Eggn quiet and barely steady; West
ern, 2T27J.Je. Tork quiet; old mess, $9 50;
new ine-s, $9 7310 73; extra prime. $9 50.
Cutmeats quiet and easy; pickled bellies,
S-'Vfc; do shoulders, 5?c; do hams. Spsjc.
Sliddles dull and weak; short clear, $C 30
40. Iird w cak and quiet; Western steam,
$0 37JJ bid: $G 40G 42J: options, December
$0 33 closing, $0 34 asked; January, $6 46
31, closing at $C 56: February. $G 5(i; March,
$S fili; 3Iay. $S 82. llutter quiet; fancy firm:
Western dairy. l&8$23e: do creamery, 20
SOc; do factory. 14Ji3s. Cheesa in moder
ate demand and Arm: part skims. 4Jg9c.
rHILADELITlIA Floursteadybutquiet.
Wheat opened e lower, under weaker
cables, but afterw ard recovered, and closed
Arm: steamer Xo. 2 red, in export ele
vator, 99c; Xo. 2 red. in do, $1 04: io. 2 red.
December, $1 04I 04: January, $1 05U
I 06: February, $1 07Jil 07J: March. $1 Osji
5;i mi. Corn Optionmarket Arm; advanced
VifeKc: car lots for local trade scarce, and
aoout lc higher; new Xo. 3 mixed, on track
and in grain depot, 54c; Xo. 2, in elevator.
uary.51o4'ic:Fcbruar-,535JJic: March,
l'i?'J-4l: viuijii; -o. o iiiir, ooyc;
', Dec
ber. 4040c: January 4040Kc; February,
40fi)40't:; March. 4040c. llutter Arm and
i higher; Pennsylvania creamery extra, 29e;
do prints, extra, 3lc iggsnrm; Pennsyl
vania flrsts, 29c.
ST. tori's Fiour firm; family, $3 303 40:
choice, $3 50p CO: fancy, $3 904 00: extra
fancy. $4 20t CO; p-itents. $4 454 60.
AVheat Xo.2 red cash, MkgSIc; Dccemher,
OiH94Kc, closed 93Kc bid. May, 9SK92c,
closiug at 9S933ic asked. Corn stronger;
Xo. 2 cash, 40442iic; year, 39J40Xc, clos
ing at 39Jec: Jnnnary 3SJi39c. closing at
38J; Mav, 40J.J40ic, clot-ing at 40Jc asked.
O.its neglected: Xo. 2 cash, 3232Je; Decem
ber closed at 32s nominal: Mav, 3:c, closing
j at 3$c Kve hlghen Xo. 2, 89c. Barley
ncgiecicil. j.uner iiigner; cnrainer3, :(ryz:ic:
dairy, 23i5c. Kggs firm at 22c. Froviaions
quie't, with very little doing. Tork, $9 25.
I.ard. $0 00.
RAI.TI.MORK Wheat steadv:Xo. 2 spot,
$1 0291 02ii: Januarv, $1 04Jgl C4i; Feb
rii.ivy, $1 0SJ(1 OfPi; May, $1 10; steamer Xo.
2 red, 97c. Corn Arm; mixed spot. 61c asked;
year. 5t,' tfj5Gc: January, 54543fc-February,
3J53J;c: May. 53Jc. U.it- strong: Xo. 2
white Western,. 40c asked; Xo. 2 mixed.
Western. 38Kc bid. Rye quiet and easy; Xo.
2, $1 Olfi'l Oi " Hav Arm; good to choice tim
othy, .13 014 00. Provisions active and
unchanged. Butter flrm and unchanged.
Eggs steady at 272Sc.
MIL1VAUKKK Flour quiet. Wheat
eay: May, ilSJ-jc: Xo. 2 spring. 90c: Xo. 1
Xoithern, ICJCc. Corn quiet: "Xo. 3, 43c.
Oats dull: Xo.2 white, 333c; Xo.Swhlfe.
32W33c Barley quiet; sample on track, 43
43c. Kye Arm; Xo. 1. 92Kc. 1'iovisious
easv. Fork, ilay, $11 12J. Lard, Januarv-,
$6 52):.
Xl-.W OltLKAX? Snsur active and Arm;
open kettle, prime, 2c: lair to good to
fair, 2Jc; common to good common, 2K62Jc;
eentriiugal choice white, 3Jc; off do, 3 7.,6
SJJc; gray, 3 5-16 : choice yellow, clarifledr
3c; prime, do. Sf,i3 5-16; off do, 3WQ3Jic;
seconds, 22 3-lbc
CINCINNATI Flour b3rely steady. Wheat
steadv: No. 2 red. 96c. Corn weaker; mixed
ear, 44;,45Kc. Oats In fair demand: Xo. 2
mixed. 3434c Kye easier: Xo. 2, 83ic.
Provisions steady and quiet. Eggs steady
at 22c. Cheese stiong.
KANSAS CITY Wheat steady with slnrht
upward tendency: No. 2 cash,79e bid: Decem
ber, nothing doing. Com quiet and lower;
Xo. 2 cash, &c: December, 3.5Uc. Oats
flrm; Xo. 2 cash, 30c: December, 29-JJc. Eggs
steady at 22023c
TOLKDO Wheat active and lower: No. S
cash, 93c: December. 94J6c: Januarv, 97Jic;
May. $1 02. Com dull and steady; cash,
8c; .uecemuer, w. vfd siuici, casii, cnjc;
Work to Begin This Week on the
Schenley Park Branch of the
A lofty Jump in the Price of Fifth Avenue
Property Spoils a Sale.
The contract for the construction of the
Greenfield avenue branch of the Second
Avenue Passenger Railway was let yester
day, and work will begin this week. It
is expected that cars will be running to
Schenley Park over this route within 30
Although the district which will thus be
brought into easy communication with other
parts of the city and the entire East Liberty
Valley is comparatively new, it has not been
overlooked in the rush of improvement.
Jlany fine homes have been erected and a
number of others are in course of construc
tion. That it is attracting the attention of
home seekers is shown by a good inquiry
for building sites. Peter Shields has dis
posed ot 520,000 worth of lots within the
last few weeks. Sales amounting to as
much or more have been made by other
agents. The introduction of rapid transit
will, it is safe to sav, give it a fresh impetus.
In connection with the above, it may be
noted as a matter of public interest that the
bridge from Greenfield avenue to Schenley
Park has been completed and opened to the
public. It terminates at the menagerie
building and other points of interest, and
will save visitors both time and money.
Too Much of a Bulfe.
Sometimes owners of real estate "kill
the goose that lays the golden eggs."
Thinking they can get their-own prices
they put them so high as to discourage
buyers Here is a case in point: An agent
sold a piece of property on Fifth avenue
about a year ago for 19,000, but for some
reason the deal fell through. Negotiations
were resumed a few days ago, and the price
put on it was 527,000. "This figure was con
sidered exorbitant, and the deal stopped
there and then.
There is no doubt that rroperty values
arc enhancing in that (neighborhood, bnt a
jump of nearly 100 per cent in a year with
out any special reason is entirely too much
of a good thing and defeats its own object.
This is not the way to encourage business.
Dullness at Denver.
The condition of the real estate market at
Denver, where there are many Pittsburgers,
is thus described by a broker who was there
recently on business: "From such observ
ation as I was able to make the market
seemed to possess considerable strength. I
was informed that there was a good invest
ment demand, particularly for business
properties. Dwellings were in active de
mand and rents were stiff. During the week
that I was there 27 building permits were
taken out, aggregating 571,000."
Business News and Gossip.
A good sale in the Seventh ward is hung
up on a difference of less than 51,000.
Many think the improvement in local
stocks "has come to stay. Had it been de
ferred until after the holidays it would
have been better.
Henry Witz has sold to John Reichle a
residence property in the Twenty-ninth
ward for $5,300.
Agents think there will be no material
advance in rents next spring, except per
haps for business stands on account of their
The only important building permit is
sued yesterday was to C. G. Hnssey for a
brick addition fifth story business house on
Fifth avenue, Tenth ward, to cost 55,000.
a. wo others were taken out aggregating
f o, 1UU.
The following persons were yesterday
chosen directors of the Monongahela In
surance Company: "William A. Caldwell,
George A. Berry, George "W. Dilworth,
Charles Atwel 1, James A. McDevitt, Charl es
H. Spang, J. "V Dalzell, John G. Stephen
son, "William Thaw, Jr., Charles H. Shinkle,
A. D. Smith, Nathaniel Holmes, H. I
Mason, John Caldwell, Jr., andB. S. Smith.
Although Philadelphia Gas finished a
little off yesterday, there are enough orders
for it to prevent a material decline, if not to
put it np to a still higher point.
At the last call yesterday 77J was bid for
Electric scrip, offered at 80.
The Fort Pitt National Bank yesterday
changed quarters in the Hostetter'building.
The move was manifestly a good one.
One of Pittsburg's millionaires com
menced his business career by peddling no
tions from a one-horse wagon.
Negotiations are pending for 20 acres on
the Southside for subdivision.
Julius F. Stark sold $5,000 Birmingham
Traction bords at 9i.
After call yesterday 50 shares of Phila
delphia Gas changed bands at 13.
Movements in Realty.
A. J. Pentecost sold a lot 60x120, at Char
tiers, with three two-story frame dwellings,
for the Edward Dawny estate, for $2,568.
8. A. Dickie Co. sold for George S. Fnl
mer. to J. P. Fleminsr. a lot on Lincoln aire. I
nue, 23x139 feet, for $1,500.
J. C. Eeilly sold through, the agency of
Denniston, Elderkin & Co., for James Mc
Millen, to C. F. Warden, or Greensburg,
three lots, 25x100 each, on Bcljefonte street,
for $3,300.
Black & Baird sold through A. Z. Bycre &
Co.. for Mrs. Margaret T. McMaster. the
property lb5 Arcn street, Allegheny, with a
two-.tory brick dwelling and also a small
frame house on the rear, with lot 20x103 feet,
for $4,450 cash. The purchaser was Mr.
Mori o w.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold lot Xo. 1 in Wil
ktns estate, third plan, at Wilkinsbure, sizo
50x120 feet, for $750.
George A. Murdock sold for B. Haggi a
three-room house and a lot 80x90 1-6, for
$2,600 cash.
&. J. Fleming sold the A. Hastings prop
erty, corner ot Webster avenue, Logan and
Wilson streets. 81 feet on Webster and Wil
son streets, and 91.37 on Logan street, with
six two-story brick houses and four frame
houses, now renting for about $1,900 per
year, to Samuel W. Black for $20 000. He
also sold for S. W. Black to J. E. Glass, Ave
acres of ground on Flowers avenue, Twentv
third ward, back of Hazelwood, for $12 000.
Mr. Glass will improve the same by sub
dividing into lots and building houses for
They Eldently Think the Market Is Mov
ing Their Way Considerable Rnsiness
With No Itndical Price Changes Phila
delphia Gas Goes Off a Little.
While there was no specinl inspiration in
any or the speculative maikcts yesterday,
there were no depressing influences to un
settle confidence. The latest Xew York
trouble, it is now known, was brought about
by reckless ventures and gross mismanage
ment. Legitimate business conditions had
nothing to do with it. It was reported that
Pool & Son's bank, at Irwin, will reopen to
day. On the local board business was fair and
and tho tone liealthy. Holders maintained
their attltndo of independence on the belief
that the drift was in their favor, and urged
in justification or their position the gener
ally bullish sentiment throughont the coun
try, revival of activity and higher prices for
many shares as compared with a month ago.
There is no market in the country where
bears are at a greater disadvantage thnn in
Pittsburg. The prosperity of the city is
against them. ,
The features or the day were slight de
clines in Philadelphia Gas, Citizens' Trac
tion, Chartiers Gas and Airbrake, and a cor
responding improvement in Wheeling Gas.
Manufacturers and Merchants' Insurance
was offered down to 45 at the Inst call. The
unlisted tractions showed no material
change, but Duquesne bonds were bid np
to 91.
Sales at the first call were 172 Philadelphia
Gas at 13; 85 nt 13J-f. 40 Chartiers Gas at 6, 20
Duquesne at 11. Second call, 700 La Noria
at 30c, S Airbrake at 103. Third call, 5 Phiia-
delphia Gas at 13. Before call, 50 Airbrake
1 Bids and asking prices at each call are
given in the following table:
P. P. S.AM. Ex. 383 ....
BankofPlttsburg 93i
Citizens N.B 65
Exchange N. B 83,s4
Freehold Bank 70
German N. B 327 327
IronCltvN. B... 82 85 82 84
Marine N. B 108 ,,
Mer.&M.Nat.B 61H
Metropolltan.V.B 110
Monon. Nat. Bk, 131 ..
O. F. Sav. Bk.. 70
Peonies' N. B.... 180
Third Nat. B.... 126
Second Nat. B 260
M. .AM. Ins 47 45
Weaternlns 41 49
4'hartiers V. Gas. 5K 5,a .... 6 5 6
Valley Gas . 19
Manufact'rs Gas 25 27
P. N.G.&P.Co. V,4.... V4 .,
Phlla. Co 1ZH 13X ISh 13K 13! 13H
Wheeling Gas.... 21&.... 22 23 22 ....
FlsnerOUCo 66 .... 6 ....
Ft. Pitt Incline 20 .... 20
Central Traction. 20H 20V 20"4.... 20)4....
Citizens' Tract... ClVj 62 61 62 61 62
Pittsburg Tract.. 4SV. 48 43
PleasantValley.. 22X 21 22J 23 22! 23
Allegheny Vslfcv .... 12
P.AW.R. K.nrcf 17) 1S
Hand St. Bridge 45 4.1
Hidalgo Mining 5 .... Hi-
LaNorlaMin 30 35 30 ....
Luster Mining... 11J.... HJ,.... H....
RedCloudMln 3
Westlnghouse E. 12J 13Jf 12j'....
Unlono. AS 9.... 1'4.. 9'A 10M
West'houseA.B. 99a 100 99H 100 99X 103
West. B. Co. lira 65 70
Pa. Water, com 20 20
Pa. Water.pref. 50 ..., 50
BIcb.mond.and West Folnt the Lowest In Its
History Missouri Paeiflc and the Coal
Stocks Also Depressed Good Morning
Bnylne of O. & M.
New York, Dec. 1. Tho stock market to
day was still very dull, but there was a little
life given to it in the afternoon by a renewal
of the bear raids, with the effect of de
pressing a few stocks materially and the
general list slightly. The bears were again
active in the market. Their attacks were
directed chiefly against Bichmond and West
Point, Missouri Paeiflc and tho Coal stocks,
and they sold the whole list.
Their operations were aided at one time
by the report of the death of Cyrus W.
Field, but It became quickly known that Mr.
Field has no large interests in the stock
The pressure on the market, which made
the special feature of the afternoon's trad
ing, was also helped by the circulation of
rumors in regard to the company's floating
debt. In the forenoon Ohio and Mississippi
was the one featnre, developing great
strength under the purchases of one house
and rising from 23 to 26', but the upward
movement stopped there and tbe activity in
the stock ceased.
Tne market opened this morning with a
flrm tone, notwithstanding the dullness, and
the limited demand which appeared was
sufficient, as long as prices were allowed to
take their natural course, to advance quota
tions further small fractions. With the
culmination of tho rise in Ohio and fiissis
sippi, the bears became aggressive and
prices dropped all over thelist, and the early
advances in the general list were soon wiped
out, while Missouti Paeiflc dropped from 6W
to 58. Heading from 39 to 37? and Richmond
and West Point from 11 to 9J, the lowest
point at which it has ever sold. Delaware
and Hudson also joined the procession, fail
ing from 123 to 12
The pressure wan maintained right up to
the last sales, and the market closed quiet
to dull but heavy, at the lowest prices oi the
day, though the great majority of stocks
were only slightly lower than the ODening
figures. "Missouri Pacific, however, scored a
net loss of 2 percent; Richmond and West
Point, 1, and Delaware and Hudson 1J
Railroad bonds were dull, notwithstand
ing that the business still continues to be
verv widely distributed, but there was very
little activity outside of tbe Reading issues,
and the active bonds show the usual insig
nificant changes this evening. A flrm tone
was prevalent during most of the time, and
some marked gains were made, but the
Richmond and West Point bonds were
specially weak. The highest and closing
quotations were
Atchison inc.
63X 63V
, 83'?fc 83Ji
80 80
, S7Ji 87
M (Si Vk
4s ,
Bur Neb
Col Mid 1st..
C CCAIS F...115
,1 SM,?
DnluthSSSs.. 95)i
B C R A N 1st.
B A O Keg 105i105
C A O S W....104410Oa
K A 15t 72'iffll72
"2d1 cOn. .".TllMr.i
FtWAOlst.. 97J.I
Harlem 1st en. 121 i
5s 101iSI01j
Can Son 1st 107 (3107
lnternat lst...H5's115f
Im 2d lasvffiior.'i
K AT4s 78 78
2d 45?F'45V
N P 6s fcO'i 79'
C StLAN05scpll3'i&113,'j1
Tlftr II? All!'
C A T. 1st 95, 95K
li. 1" uen iw eu
L F. A W lst...lO8K108K
CAN P 73 78
T Valley 101 (niioi
LEAStLlst. 83 IS 83
L N AACcns.ICO 100
do lsts 108 (108
do flrsts 117 117
N W S F 6 S..lu7.,107.'j
N Y G Ex 5s. .101 tyjUOl'i
Deb 4s V9V 99V
St. L AT 1st.. 83a 83's
First cp 126 12S
Deb 6s losiaioev
N J Cen 5s cp.iogxffiios;,
svnts 1st., '.iiu Riu
Mien cent ra ($121
M L SAWAEx 99"- 99K
MAU4S !)7'4(67
Mo Pac 3d 112.H(ait2't
Mahoning 5s.. 109 109
M A S I A imail3h.
,x I UO.M isi.iij (aula
Uvea 93 (0 93
OhloSouth'n.108 (3 108
SM.th Cons.120 rD120
O.AM. S lOSfcffiUO&'i
Ore. Imp lst..lC0 100
S Valley 1st... 77f 77,
Ore. St. P. 63.102;-;ffiIC2Ji
PA Elst 80 80
PAW 1st 79Ji(S79
southwest 1st. 67 (oi 7
2nd 30 (3 30
St P Sowl H3tf113M
P D A E 2nd.. 69 (fl 69
Pa4"is reg....!06 105
8tI,ATII21Inc.l02 102
Reading 4s.
ROW 1st..
Tex Pac 2nds. 30 29V
LSt I, K 1st. 90ra 90
U tr 4$S W (UtH)
urutu ISt. 71 ( 7t
VaMldGM... 75 74
Wabash lsl...lMV8U01S
2nd 794M79J
West S cp 102i10254
RAWFTros. 54
6s 8i
KCKUiar Iir.;,(,5iic;s
1 W A ouons.iiu (ffliw
The total sales of stocks to-day were l 1,507
shares, including: Atchison, 5,010; Chicago
Gas, 9,720; Erie, 4,700: Louisville and Xash
ille, 4,545: Xorthern Pacific preferred, 17,405;
Ohio and MIssissinpi, 10,250; Beading, 7,000;
Richmond and Wet Point, 16,500; St. Paul,
9,300; Union Pacific, 3,750.
The following table shows tne prices or active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday.
Corrected dally for TnB Dispatch by w hitxf.y A
Stephexsov. oldest Pittsburg members of New
York stock Exchange. 57 Fourth avenue.
ing bid.
Amerlcan Cotton Oil
American Cotton Oil pfd.
Am. Kup&r Refinlnff Co...
Am. sugar Bef. Co. pref..
Atcli.. Top. jc .
Canadian Pacific
Canada Soiitb"rn
Central of New Jersey
Central Pacific
Chesapeake A Ohio
r. A O.lst pfd
C. A 0. 2d pfd
Chicago Gas Trust
C, Bur. & Qulncv
C, Mil, A St. Prul
C, Mil. A St. Paul ptd....
C.Kockl, A P
C, St. P. M. AO
C. St. P. M. A O. pfd
C. A Northwestern
C, C. C. A I
Col. Coal A Iron
Col. A Hocking Val
Del., Lack. A West
Del. A Hudson
Den. A Hlo Grande
Den. A Rio Grande, 'pfd...
E.T., Va. AGa
Illinois Central
Lake Erie A West
Lake Erie A West, pfd
Lake Shore A M. S
Louls tile A Xashlllc...i.
61 H
31 '4
61 "4
60 V
76 K
36 k.
19' j
137 Sf,
66 !
125 V
Michigan central
Mobile A Ohio..
Missouri Pacific
National Cordage Co
National Cardagc Co., pfd.
National Lead Trust
Sew York central
N. Y C. A St. r ,
N.Y., L. E. AW
N. V., L. E. AW., pfd..
N. Y. AN. E
N.Y., O. AW
Nortolk A Western ,
Norfolk A Western.pfd...,
North American Co
Nonbcrn Pacific
Northern Paeiflc. pfd
Oregon Improvement
Pacific Mail
l'eo., Dec. A Evans
Philadelphia A Reading...
P., C, !. A St. I......
P.. C. C. A St. L.. pfd....
Pullman Palace Car ,
Richmond A W. P. T
Richmond A W.P. T. pref.
St. Paul A Dnmth
St. Paul A Duiuth, pfd....
St. Paul, Minn. A Man....
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific ... i
Wabash ,
Wabash, pfd'.
Western Union
Wheeling A L. E
Wheeling L. I... ptd....
Dis.A Cattle F. Tru:
50 ij
38 W.
25 Hi
25 H
48 S,
IV i
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 67
Fourth avenue, members of the Xew York Stock
95 9)
MV 83V
70 (A 69J
filU 51
37M 37'
7SI 78J
Pennsylvania Railroad.; 54k;
Reading Railroad.... in
Buffalo" N.Y.&PhUa 7-V
Lehigh Valley 49H
19 1-16
Northern Pacific 2SW
Northern P icltlc preferred 69,'
Lehigh Navigation 48
Hoston Stocks Closing Prices.
Atch. A Ton 42V
Boston A Albany....202
BpstonA Maine 164
Chi, Bur. A Quincy.l01(
Eastern K. It? 6s.. .-..120
lltchburgK. K 74
Little Hock A Ft. S.. SOX
Mass. Cent 15
Mex. Ceil, com 205
N. Y. x. Eng 38!
N.1 AN.Eng.7s..l20.
Old Colony im
Kutland, pref. 68
Wis. Cen. com 18
n is. Cen. pfd 42
Allouez M. Co. new. 13M
. 11
. 37
. 143
Boston A Mont..
Calumet A Hecla
Osceola 26
Santa Ke Copper 30
Tamarack 150
SanDlcgoLandCo.. 16
West End Land Co.. 16H
Hell Telephone 200
Water Power 2H
Centennial 3Ilnlng.. 174J
N. E. Tclcg. ATelep 9!4
B. AB. Copper 14
Electric Stocks.
Boston, Dec. 1. ISpecial. The latest elec
tric stock quotations to-day were:
Fastern Electric Cable Co., prof.. ..8 ....
Thomson-Hoaston Electric Co 49 50
Thomson-Houston E. Co., pref 26 25
Ft. Wayne Electric Co 12 12
Wcstlnghonse Trust Receipts 12 75
Llectric Welding Co 18 00
Detroit Electrical Co 9 75
Thomson-Houston Sec. ISeries D).. 7 06'
$54 50
49 75
13 00
25 00
9 87"i
Mining- Stock Quotations.
New York, Dec. 1. Alice, 125; -Best and
Belcher, 200; Chollar, 120; Cronn Point, 100;
Deadwood, 180; Eureka Consolidated, 200;
Gotild and Curry. 110: Hale and Xorcross,
110; Homestake, 10.50; Horn Silver, 395: Iron
Silver, 125: Mexican, 200: Savage, 110: Sierra
Nevada. 220; Standard, 105: Union Consoli
dated, 175; Yellow Jacket, 120; Plymouth, 225.
A Good Commercial Demand, With Some
Improvement In Collections.
There was a rather better mercantile de
mand for money yesterday than usual of
late, but the market was easy at the regular
6 per cent, rate for nearly all loans. Deposit
ing was good, showing healthy influences in
regular trade lines. Reports from the West
noted improvement in collections. The big
crops are beginning to react on the market.
Prosperous farmers make prosperous trad
ers. Bank clearings aggregated $2,114,634 90
and balances $353,262 82. "Business was well
In regard to silver, a Xew York authority
says: "While fluctuations in the price of bar
silverare of it fractional character, the mar
ket appears to have gained in steadiness of
late. Prices, in fact, aro governed entirely
by commercial considerations, the most en
couraging feature or the situation being the
appearance of a fairly large demand for
shipment to the East, although the London
market is kept well supplied by shipments
from this country and Mexico, the exports
from the latter quarter, both of bars and
dollars, being remarkably latgo."
At Xew York yesterday money on call was
easv, ranging from 3 to 4 per C6nt; last loan,
3: closed offered at 2 percent. Prime mer
cantile paper, 56 per cent. Sterling ex
change quiet and Arm at $1 81 for faO-day
bills and $4 4 demand.
Closing Bond Qnotationl.
IT. S. 4s rcg..
do 4s coup.,
do 2s
Mutual Union 6s 103
N. J. C. Int. Certs..l09
Northern Pac. lsts.. 117
do d., ?ds.. ill
do 4s coup
Pae!nc6sor 95 108
NorfhWrn Consols.l.T.
LouIsianastamped4s b'li
do dehenturea5s..l07M
juissouri us
Tenn., new set, 6s. ..105
do do 5s. ..ion
do do 3s... 05
Canada So 2d 98
Cen. Paeiflc lsts 107
Den. AR. G. lsts,. ..115
do do 4s 78
Den. A R. G. West
Erle2as 104
M. K. A T. Gen. 6s. 78
do do 5s.. 45
Ex. Interest.
Oregon A Trans. 6s..
bt.L. A Iron M. Gen.
5s 85
St. L. A San. Fran.
Gen. M 107 4
St. Paul Consols 120
Tex. Pac. L. G. Tr.
Tex. Pac. K. G. Tr.
Kcts 29V
Uuion Pacific lsts.. .103
WestSuore IK'i
Hank Clearings.
Xew Yop.k Bank clearings, $148,107,051; bal
ances, $6,796,410.
Bostos Bank clearings, $16,807,033; bal
ances, $2,184,456; rate for money, 1$ per cent;
exchange on Xew York, 10 to 17 cents pre
mium. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,321,456;
balances, $2,134,719: money, 4 per cent.
Baltimore Bank clearings, $6085,760; bal
ances, 1 585,618: rate, 6 per cent.
Xkw Orleans Clearings, $3,043,610.
Heilfhis Xew York exchange Relling at
par. Clearings, $672 621; Balance', $137,313.
St. Louis Clearings, $3,951,726; balances,
$380,355; money, 78 per cent; exchange on
Xew York sold at par.
Chicago Money, 6 per cent. Bank clear
ings, $17,372,000. New York exchange 25c
Receipts at East Liberty and All Other
Stock Yards.
Office Pittsbukq Dispatch. )
Tuesday, December 1.
Cattle Receipts, 400 head; shipments,
320 head; market slow and unchanged from
yesterday's prices. Xo cattle shipped to
New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts, 1,600 head: shipments, 1,600
head; market Arm; Philadelphias, $3 90t 00;
good mixed, $3 753 85: Yorkers, $3 603 75:
pigs, $3 003 55. Ten cars of hogs shipped
to Xew York to-day.
Sheep Receipts 1.900 head; shipments, 1.000
head; market steady at yesterday's prices.
By Telegraph.
Omaha Cattle-Receipts, 1,850 head; the
demand was good and the market strong on
desirable grades, but other giades were
steady; good cons Arm and common slow
and weak to 10c lower; common to fancy
steers, $2 5055 50: Westerns, $2 K03 7.5:
Texans, $1 003 00. Hogs Receipts, 16500
head; buyers started in 10c lower: good
heavy hogs sold largely at $3 5003 60; light
and light mixed, $3 453 50; market weak
ened as the morning advanced and closedlO
15c lower than yesterday, with 4 or 5 loadi
unsold: bulk of sales $3 453 53, against $3 Si
3 65 yesterday; light, $3 103 20; heavy,
J3 453 63: mixed, !p3 453 50. Sheep Re
ceipts, 200 head: the demand continued
good with prices Arm.
llnffilo Cattle Receipts, 21 loads
through, 10 sale: market slow and lower for
all but good handy butcher stock and fat
cows and heifers: sales, good, $3 503 70.
Hogs Receipts, 6 loads through; shade
easier for good to choice: pigs steady: heavy
grades cornfed, $4 004'10; medium weights
comfed, $3 8M3 90. Mieep and Iambs Re
ceipts, 2 load through, 13 sale: market
steady for sheep: good lambs strong. Sheep
Extra fancy, $4 635 00: good to choice,
$4 25Q4 60; fair to good, $4 004 25. Lambs
Good to choice natives, $ 5CQ5 75; com
mon to fair do, $4 753 25; Canada?, com
mon to extra, S3 505 75.
4Nw 1 ork Beeves Receipt', 1,471 head,
all for exporters and slaughterers: no trad
ing; feeling Arm: dressed beef steady at 7
9.c por lb.; shipments to-day, 576 beeves;
fnorrow, 5,623 quarters of beef. Calves Re
ceipts, 310 head: market steady; veals, $3 00
ES 60 per 100 lbs: grassers. $3 123 25.
fcheep Receipts, 5,352 head: sheep steady;
lambs, c per lb. lower: sheep, $4 oogi 00
per 100 lbs.; lambs, $5 256 25; dressed mut
ton steadv, at 7.iC per Ib; dressed lambs
weak at 79e. Hogs Receipts, 7,980 head,
including t cars for sale; markot steady at
$3 604 00 per 100 lbs.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 9,000 head;
shipments, 3,000 head; market active and
steady; prime steers, $3 405 00; others,
$2 3505 25: Texan'. $1 902 40: stockers.
$2 202 80: cows, $1 102 65. Hogs Re
ceipts, CO.COO head: shipments, 9,000 head;
market slow and lower: rough and common,
$3 603 65: packers, $3 703 75; prime heavy
and mitchcrs' weights. $3 S03 85; light,
$3 403 05. Sheep Receipts, 4,000 head;
shipments, 2,000 head; market active an'l
higher: native ewes, $2504 25; wethers.
H 50; Texans, $4 504 75: Westerns, $4 50j?
i 85; yeai lings, $5 005 50: lambs, $3 005 25.
Cincinnati Hogs lower; common ana
light, $3 0053 60; packing and butchers, $3 53
i 83: receipts. 8,150 head: shipments, 2.100
head. Cattle stronger: fair to choice butcher
grades, $2 cogt 00: prime to choice shippers,
J3 505 50; receipts, C30 head; shipments, 410
head. Sheep steady: common to choice, $2 50
100 pounds.
St, Lonl Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head: ship
men ts,l,200head:market higher; fair to prime
natives, $4 30 70; fair to good natives, $2 80
2 90. Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head; shipments,
2,20j head: market lower; fair to choice
beavy, i 703 95; mixed, J3 203 70; light,
fair to choice, $3 303 60. Sheep Receipts,
700 head: shipments. iOO head; market strong;
lairt o choice, $2 404 90.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 4,363 head:
shipments, 2,620 head; matket steady and
stronger: cows strong to lOo higher; steers,
T306 00: cows, $2 403 65: stockers and
leeders, $2 303 90. Hogs Receipts, 9,800
head: shipments, none; market steady.
The Metal markets.
NEwYor.K, Dec. 1. Pig iron dull and nn
changed. Copper nominal; lake, Decembor,
$10 90. Lead dull and easier; domestic, $4 25.
Tin dull but steady; straits, 819 90.
The Turpentine Markets.
New York Kosln quiet and steady,
pontine dull and weak at 3ic
A Slight Advance in Creamery, and
Choice Gheese Is Firm.
Wheat, Corn and Oats Fairly Steady and
Millfeed Higher.
Optice oy Pittsbcro Dispatch, )
Tuesday, Dec. 1.
Country Produce (Jobbing Prices)
At the Monday sales of Creamery butter at
Elgin an advance of lc per pound was
maintained. The rise will be due here fa.
Friday. So far markets here are quiet,
both for creamery and country butter.
All along country produce lines markets
are slow since Thanksgiving. Poultry is
particularly slow. Receipts of Florida
oranges are very heavy of late and
prices have found a still lower level, as our
quotations will disclose. Fancy lemons
and choice bananas are very firm at prices
quoted. Vegetables are weak and slow.
Potatoes, cabbage and turnips are in bounti
ful supply and markets are in favor ot the
buyer. Strictly fresh eggs are in very scant
supply and the" few offered are promptly
taken at outside quotations. Cold storage
stock is in fair demand nt onr quotations.
Cheese continues Arm at quotations.
Butter Creamery Elgin. 3l32c: Ohio brands,
2331c: common country butrer, 2(i22c: choice
country roll. 2225c: fancy. 2325c if lb.
BeaXS NewTork and Michigan pea. 1 902 00;
marrow. ;2 152 23; Lima beans, oH;4c tf lb:
hand-picked medium. $1 !W2 00.
BEESWAX-Cuolce, 3235c V lb; low grades, 22
Buckwheat Flour New. 2542!ae f ib.
Cheese Ohio cheese. lK&ll'ic: New Tork
cheese. llMl2;Limlrarger. llHMc: Wisconsin,
Sweltzer, lull cream, 12'13Jc; imported Sweit
zer, 2G27c.
CiDEit-Countrv cider. $3 505 CO ? barrel; sand
refined. (6 50S7 00.
Cranberhies Perbox, $2 2j2 75.
Er.r.s Strictly fresh nearby stock. 2627c;
candled eggs, 24I5c; cold storage eggs, 2122c
FEATHERSExtra live (teese, 5753c; Jo. 1. 43
60c $ lb; mixed lots, 3940c.
FnuiTS Apples, 4060c ner bushel, $1 502 CO j.
barrel; pears, TScStl CO ? basket, $1 502 00 1
Dried Fruits Peaches, halves, Slc; evap
orated apples, Sigsc; apricot3. 910c; blackberries.
66Jc: raspberries, 1717c; dried grapes, 4;
4Jic: huckleberries. 78e.
Game Wild turkeys. $1 502 00 .each: mallard
ducks. 51 005 CO per dozen: teal ducks. $2 753 00
per dozen,: Dbeasants. fti OCg-0 50: quail. $1 5C1 75;
squirrels $1 00OI 50: rabbits. 30.15c per pair;
whole deer. 1315e per lb: saddles. lS20cperlb.
Honey New crop white clover, ljc; California
honey, 1215c f, Ry.
Maple syrup 75T0c per gallon.
Maple sugar lOe f! tb.
Poultry Alive Chickens. 60&SSC a pair, large:
3i50c medium; live turkeys, :ollc? tb: ducks, SO
6oe a pair: dressed chickens, I2l4e '$ a: dressed
turkey, 1516e "$ lb.
Potatoes Carload lots. 3340c on track: from
store. 4045c a bushel: Southern sweets, ?l 501 75
a barrel; Jerseys. $3 033 25.
Seeds Western reclcaned medium clover Job
blngat$5 20: mammoth, f5 55: timothy, ?l 45 for
prime and ?l Si for choicest: bine grass $2 632 80:
orchard grass, $1 75: millet. !1 00: German, $1 15;
Hnngarlan. $1 10: fine lawn. 25c per lb; seed buck
wheat. $1 401 50.
Tallow Country. 4c: city rendered, 5c.
Tropical Fruits Lemons, $.1 754 CO: Florida
oranges. ?2 CC2 25 a Dot: Jamaica oranges. $5 0C
5 SOperbarrel: Calltbrnla pears, $3 ctf?4 CO: ban
anas. ?1 75(32 00 firsts. (1 251 50 good seconds, per
bunch: Malaga grapes. $" 50I0 00 a half barrel:
new layer llgs 1431tc per lb.
Vegetables Cabbage. 3 C04 CO a hundred :
yellow Danvcr onions, $2 0C2 25 a barrel: toma
toes. S2 00 per bushel; celery, Si30e per dozen; tur
nips, 90c$l Co a barrel.
Advices from Xew Orleans indicate that
the yield of fancy molasses is several thou
sand barrels short or last year's yield at this
time. Prices can hardly go much lower
than our quotations. The expected advance
of sugars has failed to show up. Markets,
however, are steady to flrm. Coffee is
barely steady. The movement of general
groceries is slow and volume of business is
hardly up to last week.
Greek Copfee Fancy. 2122c; choice Rio. 20
2Uc; prime mo, ljc; row grauc iuo. i,;.(tyiac;
uiauovernmeni .lava, -i(giH:; aiaracaioo,
. 21
-iwc: Jiocna. -.5(0.svic; samo-. is's(q, ;c
:(fli23Hc; La uuayra. zi qj;,'c.
Koistkd fin Darjeral Standard brand3.20c: high
grades, 23k2Skc; Old Government Java. bulk.
29Tlc:Maracaibo. 22kW24,kc: Santos I
pcaberry, 2tc; choice Rio, iOkc: prime
Santos 19524Sc:
te Kio, 20c;
Spices (whole) Cloves. lJ15c: allspice.
cassia, ac: pepper lie; nutmeg, iwoaoc.
Petroleum (Jobbers' pnpcs) 110 test. 6'4c;
Ohio. 120 7,kc: headlight. YfP. 7J;c: water white.
9(29)sc: globe. Unlike: elalne,-15c;rarnadlne. lie;
royallnc. 14c; red oil, 10)4llc; purity, lie; olelne.
Mixers' Oil No. 1 winter, strained. 4244c per
gallon: summer, 35(37c: lard olL 5558c.
Syrup Corn syrup, 2fl30c: choice sugar syrnp,
3-tf3fic; prime sugar syrup, 3C32c; strictly prime,
N. O. Molasses Fancv new crop, 4042c:
choice, 40flc; old crop, 363Sc; X. O. svrup, 44
Soda Bi-carb, In kegs. 3k3Vc: bi-earb. in Vs,
5Vc: bt-carb. assorted packages, 5V6: sal&oua,
in kegs. IVc: dogrannlated. 2c.
C.O.DLES Star, full weight, 9c; stearinc. per
set. Skc: parafline. 1112c.
RICE Head Carolina, 6)46)c: cboce, 5Jf6c:
Louisiana, St&k.c.
Starch Pearl, 4c; corn starch, eiS!c; gloss
starch, 6(?,7c.
Foueiuv Fruits Layer raisins, $2 03: London
lavers. f2 25: Muscatels. 3175; CalifornlaMuscatels.
jrbCl 73; Valencia. 77c: Ondara Valencia, 6
Sue; Sultana. 10rSl5c: currants, 4k(a5c; Turkey
prunes, 66'ic: French prunes, SgO'ic: Salonlca
prunes, in 2 Id packages, 9c;cocoauuts. U0O. $6 CO;
almonds, Lan., ,3 lb, 29c: do. Ivica, 17c: do shelled,
40c; Walnuts. ap.. 13314c; Sicily filberts. ISc:
Smyrna figs, 13Hc: new dates, 5k5c; Brazil
nuts 7c; pecans. lo17c: citron, f lb, 2324c;
lemon peek 12c t. lb; orange peel, 12c-
Dkied Fruits Annies, sliced. 6k8!.'c: anpl.
elaborated, 9(il9I2C: peaches, evaporated, pared, 20
21c: peaches, California, evaporated, uunarcd, 13
16c; cherries, pitted, 15c; cherries, nnplited. 8c;
raspberries, evaporated, lt19c; blackberries, 6)i
c: nnckelberrles, 8c.
sugars Cubes, 4'4c:powdcred.4i;c: granulated.
4i4e: confectioners'. 4JS(SH,4c: soft white. 4't(34'sc:
yellow, choice. 34(Mc; jellow, good. 3,4J)4c; jcl
low. fair. 3)..ra35c.'
Pickles .Medium, bbls. (1,200), 54 73; medium,
half bills. (600), S2 85.
Sir.T-Xo; 1 a -bbl. ?1 20: No. 1 extra, iS hbl,
Jl 10; dairv, 1 bbl. $1 3): coarse, crystal. ? hbl.
f I 20: Hlgglns Eureka, 4-hu sacks, 2 80; Higglns'
Eureka, lb 14-lb packets, 1 CO.
Cax-ved (Joous Standard ncaches. SI 90(12 00:
2ds, St soai 60; extra peaches. 2 2TJ32 30; pic
peaches. 90u95r: finest corn. $1 25I 50: Hfd Co.
corn, ?1 001 15: red cherries. (1 2031 30: Lima
beans, 1 35; soaked do. 80c; stringed" do, 65fr&70e:
marrowfat peas. 81 lOfriil 25; soaked peas, 6570c;
pineapples. 1 501 60: Bahama do, f2 25; damson
plums, $1 10: greengages. $1 50. egg plums, SI 00;
California anrlcots. SI 90(32 10: California Dears.
2 252 40: do greengages.?! 10: do egg plums. $1 90;
extra white cherries, 52 85: raspberries, $1 05(ai 10:
strawberries. 95fll 10; gooseberries. $1 CC(51 05;
tomatoes. 8595c; salmon, 1 lb, SI 301 80; black
berries, mic; succotash. 2-lb cans, soaked. 90c: do
green. 2-Ib cans, ft 25(ffil 50; corn beef, 2-lb cans,
$1 851 90: 1-Ib cans, $530; baked beans, ?1 4C1 55;
lobsters. 1-lb cans SI 25; mackerel, 1-Ib cans,
boiled, $1 59: sardines, domestic, ii. 13 8.VSH CO:
s J6 50: sardines. Imported. Js. 11 JOS12 50: sar
dines, imported, ks, SIS 00;sardines,mutard,S3 30;
sardines, spiced, JJJ 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 124 00 per
bbl: extra No. I do mess. $20 00: o. 2 shore mack
erel. SIS CO: No. 2 large mackerel. $16 50: Xo. t
large mackerel, 114 00: o. 3 small mackerel, f 10 00.
Herring Split. S6 50: lake. $3 05 per 100-lb bbl.
White tlsh. 4 75 per 100-lb half bbl. Lake trout.
S5 50 per half bbl. Finnan baddies, 10c per lb. Ice
ami naunut, i.c per lb.
rirkerel. half bbl. M CO:
$1 60. Holland herring. 75c. WalkoB
herrlnsr. 0c.
Oatjie al 5 00S 25 per bbl,
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Sales on call at the Grain Exchange: 1 car
Ho. 2 y. e. corn, 51c, spot; 1 car winter wheat
bran, $11 75, spot; 5 cars Xo. 2 white cats,
37K December delivery. Receipts, as bul
letined: By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chi
cago Railway: 2 cars of oats, 1 of bran, 1
of straw, 1 of enr com, 1 or rye, 3 or flour,
4 o' hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St.
Louis: 6 cars or corn, 2 or hay, 1 or reed, 1
of oats. By Pittsburg and Western: 1 car
of middlings, 3 of hay, lor bran, 8 or wheat.
Jly Pittsburg and Lake Krie: 1 car or oats,
1 or flour. Milirecd is flrm, with an up
ward tendency to prices. Corn, oats and
wheat are latrly steady, and hay is quiet.
Pure Ice made from distilled water for sale at wholesale only.
Transfer Agent, General, Cold, Bonded and Yard Storage.
5 WAREHOUSES, containing 2,300,000 cubic feet of storage space.
Railroad siding to each warehouse. Brick warehouse for exclusive storage of
oil. Separate rooms for storage of household goods. Lowest insurance rates.
Receipts of hay are heavy of late and priees
are a shade lower since the week began.
Following quotations are for carload lots on
track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices
from store:
WHEAT No. 2 red. $1 OMI 01: No. red. 96i97e.
Corn No. 2 yellow ear. ioiasic: high mixed ear,
49ffl50c; mixed ear. 47ac: No. 2 yellow shelled,
5253c: mixed shelled. 5051c.
OATS No. 1 oats. 33a39c: No. 2 white. 38(3
SSHc: extra No. 3 oats, 3738c; mixed oats, 26k3
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania ana Ohio, 9GS8c; No.
1 Western. ftKEOdc.
Flour Jobbing prices Cancy spring patent.
S5 5C5 75: fancy winter patents. 5 25fa5 50: fjney
straight winter. $5 001S15 25; fancv straight spring.
$5 255 50: clear winter. $4 es.". 00: straightXXXX
bakers'. S4 75-5 CO. Rve flour. $5 255 5a
Millfeed Xo. 1 white middlings. S22 5023 00 H
tonrNo. 2 white middlings. S20 C021 00: brown,
middlings, SID C05519 00: winter wheat, bran, S17 5a
18 00; chop feed, J21 00(325 00.
ItvY Baled tlmolhv. choice. 112 503513 00; No. 1,
SlfTfl(31l M: No. 2 do. 10 2510 50; clover hav,
tin oo10 50: loos: from wagon. 112 C14 CO, ac
cording to Mualltv: packing hay. J8 008 50.
Straw Oats. S7 C07 50; wheat and rye. SS 50
6 75.
Sugar cured hams, large I 9'4
Sugar cared hams, medium 10
Sugar cured hams, small 10'i
Sugar cured California haras 74
Sugar cured breakfast bacon 10
Sugar cured skinned hams, large 10'i
Sugar cured skinned hams, medium J0'
Sugar cured shoulders 7
Sugarcured boneless shoulders 8'
Sugar cured bacon 7
Sugar cured dry salt shoulders 6'
Sugar cured dry beef rounds 13
hugar cured dry beef setts 10
Sugar cured dry beer fiats a
Brcon clear sides. 30-lb4 av 8
Bacon clear bellies. 20-tbs av pf
Dry salt clear sldes,'30-lb3 av 7
Dry salt clear sides. 20-!bs ar 8
Mess pork, heavv 12 01
Mess park, family 12 00
Lard, refined in tierces , 54
Lard, refined In kbbl : 6
Lard, refined in 6b-lb tubs 6'
Lard, refined In 20-16 palls "
Lard, refined in 50-lb tin cans 6
Lard, refined In 3-Ib tin palls 6f
Lard, refined In .Vlb tin palls '
Lard, refined In 10-ID tin palls )
Wool Markets.
ST. Louis Wool Receipts, 19,400 pounds;
shipments, 9,900 pounds.
Market quiet ami
Philadelphia Wool quiet; prices nomi
nal. Xew York Wool quiet and steady; dome'
tic fleeces, C036c; pulled, 2C33c; Texas, 169
Bostojt The demand for wool has been,
steady: sales are to a very good extent.
Prices are about the same as a week ago,
bnt on large lines concessions are made by
dealers. Good Ohio sells at 2SJr829c: XX and
XX and above at S031c; NoT 1 at 35jJ36c;
Michigan X at 26K27c; Xo. 1, 3135e; fine
delaine sells at 34c tor Ohio and 3233c for
Michigan; Xo. 1 combing wools are dull at 37
3Sc; unwashed combing wools are in de
mand at 2729c for three-eighths and 2426c
for one-quarter: territory wools, on the
sconred basis of S860e for fine; 5659c for
fine medium, and 5055c for medium; Texas.
Gulf and Oregon wools aro quiet; pulled
wools aro quiet and steady; choice supers
sell at 40343c; fair to good supers at 3038c,
and extra at 2230c; Australian wools aro
firm; carpet wools aro qniet and easy.
Coffee Markets.
XewYork-, Dec L Coffee Options opened
steady and nnchanged to 10 points np, and
closed Ann at 1520 points up; sales, 18.75J
bags, including December, 12.0513.I3c;
January, !L6ogiI.75c; March. 11.4011.53c;
May, 1L351L45c; June. 11.40c: spot Rio
quiet and steady; No. 7, 13J13Jc.
Baltimore. Dec. 1. Coffee firm; rio car
goes, fair, 17c; Xo. 7, 13Jc.
The Drygooda Market.
Xew York. Dec. 1. Business in drygoods
to-day was active; 100,000 pieces were sold
near "delivery. Tho market is so well situ
ated that this movement was felt to be of
possible significance.
(fbmili Doctor.)
Take an hour of exercise to every pound
of food.
We are not nourished by what we eat, but
by what wc digest.
Dyspepsia is a poor pedestrian. Walk at
the rate of four miles an hour and you will
soon leave it behind.
Ifvour stomach is out or order, your di
gestion weak, or you feel chilly at any time, j
bear in mind that you need a stimulant.
Do not bedeceivedin regard tostrmulantq;
there aro many, but there is only one known
to tho world to-day, which combines pure
medicinal qualities, with the best cfllciency.
That is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
You can well all'ord to remember this care
fully and act upon it constantly, as It may
mean to you, as It has meant to so many
others, health, happiness, strength and a.
long lease of life.
Remember always that when any dealer
tries to sell you something in the place ot
what you call for, he has .an interested mo
tive and is seeking to impose upon you for
his own ends.
! Koetilefs iDstallmentHouse,
m W SlXth St. 2d Floor,
(Beady-Hade & to Order. )
Ladies' Cloaks & Jackets j
Watches & Jewelry,
Cash Prices-Without Security
TERMStOns-thirdoftheamoTintTn TJtaM
must bo paid down; the balance in small!
weekly or monthly payments. Business a
transacted nricuy conuaenuai. Openl
uiiuy, uDm on. au uu v jr. ax- eatur-
aaysrmui II r.xu.
Whitney cl Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
Drnnir-c savings bane,
capit.il. $300,000. Burplus, $51,670 29.
4 President. Asst. Sec Treat,
per cent interest allowed on time de
posits. QC24-64-P
John M. Oakley & Co,
Stocks, Bonds, GraimPetroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chlcag
IS SIXTH ST.. Pittsburg.
Vice President.
Secretary and Treasurer