mmmmm SSIiS '"3 -. THE PITTSBTJGr DISPATCH 'MONDAY, NOVEMBER' 23, 189L L ki!te'5?HSS TRDOITSHEWEECIOE Eev. A. w, Arundel Assumes the Charge of That Famous Church. MCHAEDSOU TALKS ON THE TEUTH. Itev. C. T. Wilson Says Sorrowful Workers Are a Bead Weight M'CROKI AGAIN DENOUNCES DANCING Rev. A. "W. Arnndel, the new rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, made his first appearance yesterday. A member of the rangresation c speaking of the gentleman said tliat they were all favorably im pressed with him. He seemed to be very pleasing both in conversation and manner, and also gave the impression that he would not be a figurehead, so to speak, in the work of the church. At the morning service a lar?e congrega tion was present, including all the members vf the vestry, which has not happened for some time. One of the departures from the regular line of the service was the reading of the litany from a table at the head of the center aisle, the minister having his back to the congregation, instead oMrom the lec mrn. The music yesterday was well rend- red, the choir having made extra efforts on account of it being the first appearance of the rector. "Warren's "Tc Deum" was rend ered with cfi'ect. His subject last evening was "Human Happiness." His test was, "We should follow in His steps." Said he: "What was the coming of the Lord to the huniai. race? The relations of the Lord to tlie world are manifold. His ministry on rarh was one of transcendent good and supreme happiness. Let us look at the niUsion which meant so much more to us ttian we are capable of understanding, li has shed such a radiance on great ques tions tor us. Xever a man spoke as this man, the world's deliverer, but it cannot be explained how. What is one great need felt bv men? The need of becoming better than they now are. Have you ever stopped people to cross question them and find their needs. Some people want one thing and some another. The poor want riches. Others are in bad health and think if they could only be well. Others have domestic troubles and think they are on the verge of ruin. If things were all right again they would be so happy. Yet these are not moral wants. "I hear someone say, 'I am eo happy.' "What is it? You cannot furnish it like a j cent piece or a 510 bill. It affects one's be ing just so far. "Happiness is harmonv and a fixture on feme object, and what is that but moral im provement. Set before you in the heavens is your guide. To forget this is to forget the Lord. The man or woman who has no great enthusiasm except for themselves is dead. To look nowhere beyond one's self is to be paralyzed. If you would be a musi cian, painter, poet or" orator you must use the implements of the calling, hut if you want to be a manly man you must take the life of .Tesus Christ and study it and follow it teachings and guidance." "WAKTS TO HAVE BBIGHT CHEISTIAKS. IteT. C. V. Wilson Says Sorrowful Men Are a Dead Weight. Hev. C. V. Wilson, of the Emory M. E. Church, East End, last night lectured his congregation on "Unbelief and Testimony." The subject was taken from the denuncia tion of Gabriel to Zacharias, the latter's unbelief causing the angel to say; "Thou rhalt be dumb and not able to speak because thou believest not my word." "The eflect of unbelief," said the minis ter, "is to close the lips. Unbelief and dumbness is as cause and effect, as fountain and stream. Zacharias was dumb because he did not believe God's word; it shut his mouth. The eflect of unbelief on the Chris tian is dumbness. It closes his mouth to prayer, because prayer is absolutely de pendent on faith. Destroy faith and the Christian is dumb. Unbelief has the same effect on praise, the natural outflow of belief in God's word. "The world is after the best religion, and it must be shown that the religion of Jesus is the best if it is accepted. Kothing so 1 recommends it as tne attitude, manner and spirit of those who profess to believe it. A melancholv and unhappy Christian is a Ftignia on his religion. A happy, praiseful Christian is always a recommendation. Unbelief destroys Christian testimony and renders him dumb. Through testi mony faith is to be established, but unbelief closes the mouth of the witness, who is thereby rendered unable to testify and is useless in propagating the re ligion of Christ Unbelief destroys Chris tian intercourse. A backslidersoon neglects his church, no longer delights in Christian fellowship, is dumb to Christian relations, and i unable to speak because he believes not in God's word. Faith in God's word renders prayerful, fills the soul with praise, gives clear testimony, and keeps close in its intimacy with holiness." A TIME TO DANCE. Itev. J. T. McCiory Talks on the Terpsi chorean Art. In the Third U. V. Chnrch last night Bev. J. T. McCrory talked on "A Time to j Dance. According to Mr. McCrory s ideas there is never a time when it is proper to engage iu the Terpsichorean art. He gave many illustrations of ballroom occur rences, which showed up the sinful side. "Why do ladies always prefer male partners?" he asked. "That is proof enough in itself that dancinc is sin ful. I have not always been a minister and ran Epeak Jrom experience. There was a time when I was perfectly fascinated with the waltz, but I socn learned that you could not be a Christian and dance, in a ball room a lady and gentleman often meet for the first time, and on the strength of that lihort acquaintance wiU lock themselves in each other's embrace while they whirl through the giddy maizes of the waltz. Let thtia do this on the street and the police will promptly arrest them. "Did anj-one ever hear of religion enter ing a ballroom? Xo, nor you never will. Could a person just after a dance have a conscience clear enough to allow himself to get down and piay? It would be just the same to ask your partner in a game of cards to prav after he had won. His answer would be 'I am not trusting in God in this game." So it would be in the dance." THE PEKVEESI0S OF P0WEB. An Interesting Talk About the Rock Which Moses Smote. "Moses Smiting the Bock" was Dr. George T. Purves subject last pight at the Xirst Presbyterian Church, and it was indeed a bright and instructive talk. "It will be remembered," said he, "that Moses was directed by God to stand before the rock, speak to it and water would come. Moses did not do this, however, for he smote the rock instead, being desirous of cablishing his authority as leader of the Israelites, and leaving them with the im liression that it was not entirely God's poner. The teaching in this instance i-Uows the contrast of right and wrong as between God and Meses. God always gives us truth to act upon and man per torts. He works, ot course, through human agencies in performing his wonders. God established the Church, and it is too often the case where the Church hides the Christ" Dr. Purvis continued his discourse in showing the IcEson God intends for man in i 4 the subject. He said the rock is smitten by Him every dav from which gushes forth the water of life for the great and glorious good of mankind. Incidentally the gentleman told of the discovery of the identical rocky mound which was smitten by Moses. Dr. Trumbell. of Philadelphia, has located it .at Kadesh, in Barnet, in tSouthern Pales tine. It was a deligntui discourse, and the inclement weather did not deter & large congregation from listening and 'profiting by it. HEED MISSIONARIES EIGHT HEBE. Rev. Dr. Manton Prophesies Great Things for the Iron City. "Pittsburg as a Missionary Eield," was the subject lor his morning sermon at the Shady Avenue Baptist Church, faking as his text: "Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." "This was Christ's last command to Hrs disciples," said the minister" "It tells thein what to do, where to begin, stop. Evory church has its Jerusalem. Its own parish is the center of a scries of concentric circles. The outer one must include the world. Christ's disciples chose great cities a their strategic points. Christianity to-day must not do otherwise. History shows that the greatest cities are not on the seacoast. London is greater than Liverpool, Paris than Havre, Berlin than Bremen. Dublin than Quecnstown. To-day Xcw York and Philadelphia are greater than Chicago and Pittsburg, but the growth of our country is infernal and ineusive, and the child is already born who will see Chicago greater than Hew York and Pittsburg greater than Philadelphia. These things being true, it is of the utmost im Tjortance that we rjlan wiselv and trenerous- ly for the future in the religious work of our inland cities. "Pittsburg Baptists have the missionary spirit, but it has not always been in ways to do the greatest good. "My plan is not less for foreign but more for city missionaries." After giving some inter esting figures showing the relative strength of the Baprist with the Methodist and Presbyterian denominations in the United States, showing that while the ratio at large is one Baptist to 22. persons, though only one in 100 in the two cities, he closed by saving: "The time has come for us to do more at home, even though it result in a temporary restriction on what we do abroad. Wo must make our churches the means to an end instead of regardins them as an end in themselves. The church's mission is not simply for itself, but to others." THOUGHTS OF PE&YEE. Iter. J. W. Spronll Thinks Religion Should Be Mixed With Business. Rev. J. W. Sproull preached a sermon of considerable interest yesterday afternoon in the Central Reformed Presbyterian Church, Allegheny. The text was based upon the story, "'Jesus of Xazareth passefh by," and the willingness of Him to help sinners if they will only ask. The blind man who was restored to sight was cited as an in stance of those who have faith. "Men ought always to pray,"said thegen tleman. "I don't mean that they should be in a continual praving attitude, but their minds should at all times, even in business hours, have a thought of things divine. Without the power of God we cannot suc ceed in anything. Prayer should not be in the form of special petition, but general in its thought." Mr. Sproule also talked to parents on the importance of bringing the children to Jesus, and rear them in the proper way in so that they will profit in the future, and be blessed by divine power. The Effect of the Truth. The Itev. W. F. Richardson, pastor of the First Christian Church, Allegheny, preached an interesting sermon last night on "The Savior of Life and Death." He said that no man could be the same after he has heard the Truth that he had been before. He might either be a better man or a worse man, but he could not be the same. "If he heeds the Truth and accepts Christ and His laws, he will be better," said the speaker, "but if he does not follow the Truth he will descend farther into wicked ness, just like the rain falling on the earth. If it is received the soil be comes mellow, but if the ground is hard ened .and will not receive the rain it is beaten until it becomes like adamantine. So it is with men's hearts. If they heed the word of the gospel they become better men, , but if they become hardened and cast aside the Truth they become worse." The Jr. O. 17. A. 31. at Divine Service. Yesterday was designated by the National and Several State Councilors of the Jr. O. U. M. as the day upon which the subor dinate councils should attend divine serv ices. Most of the local councils attended church in a body, either in the morning or evening. In Allegheny, Pride of the West, Lorena, Plymouth and Reliable Councils, aggregating nearly 1.000 members, congre gated at Carnegie Hall last night, where Kev. David S. Kennedy, of tlje First Pres byterian Church preached to them. TheLaw rcnceville councils met at the Butler Street M. E. Church; the lower city councils at tended the Fourth Avenue Baptist and First Presbyterian Churches informally. Its Excellent Qualities Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit lemedy Svrnp of Fijs. It is pleading to the eye, and to the taste, and by centlv acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. It cleanses tlie system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. EVERYBODY SHOULD BEK The Elegant Furs at Smiley's Military Capes, Shnnlder Capes, Muffs, Etc., at Greatly Rednced Prices. A FEW FIX E FUE CAFES. In seal at $40 00 If atural beaver at 38 00 Marten at 38 00 Sableat 58 00 Bussian beaver at 15 00 French seal at 12 00 Labrador seal at 13 50 Military long capes at 512 00 to 40 00 Muffs, boas, rugs, Tobes, etc, at corre spondingly low prices. These bargains will last but a few days. It will pay you to go to C A. Smiley & Co.'s, 28 Fifth avenue. A Preventive for Cronp. We want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the cnild ap pears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarseness from the start. After that a peculiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first be comes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to fail. 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by druggists. The Farmers' Deposit National Bank Invite the public to call and examine their new safe deposit vaults. Information con cerning the renting of boxes and deposit of valuablesicheerfully given. MWF 1,200 Fur Trimmed Jackets Jnst received. Latest styles at prices which defy competition. Long jackets at B 93, 55 75, 57 45, SS 95, 59 95, $11 75, all richly trimmed and perfect fitting. Com pare prices. Rosesuauji & Co. Portraits for Christmas Presents. This month, a handsome 8x10 frame with every dot cabinet photos. Also genuine crayons at special low prices. Lies' Studio, 10 and 12 Sixth st. MWSU B. & B.. Our "ad," this paper, all about iackets Boggs & Buhl. IN THE TOILS AGAIN. Pittsburg Police Once More Descend Upon the Speak-Easies. TWO OLD-TIMERS ARE PICKED UP. Famous Florence Donaldson Was One of the Many Victims. GREEK F0KEE PLATERS ARE PULLED 1$ The police yesterday started anew the raid on speak-easies, capturing two old timers at their old tricks and incidentally picking up a gambling party. Several weeks having passed without a raid being made, the speak-easy people began to think they were not to be molested further, and began to conduct their business eo openly as to attract business as well as the suspicions of the police. A number of the bold ones were notified a few days ago to stop and they complied with the order, while others changed their methods and admitted only the regular customers who were acquainted with the secret signals which gained ad mission. Amoug these were Mrs. Freese and Margaret Becker, who were captured yesterday. Informations for keeping a disorderly house had been entered against both by Superintendent Weir. Hauled in tlio Family This Time. Mrs. Freese owns the property, Xo. 202 Market street, where she has been doing business. She has been arrested for keep ing a speak-easy numerous times, and has served one term of nine months in the work house. She has two daughters, one of 17 and one 19 years old, and a son of about 21. Previously, when she was arrested, the young girls were allowed to remain at home to take care of the house, but the police hae learned that the girls conducted thfc business just tlie same when their mother was amy, and even when she was in the workhouse they kept the house going all the time. The police always had difficulty in gaining entrance to the house because of a signal system in use among the frequenters, with out which the door would not be opened. Entrance was gained by Captain Denniston and Detectives Bendel and McTighe last night by stepping past Mrs. Freese's 19-year-old daughter, who was standing at the door. She objected and deojared she was the only person in the house, but when the officers got inside they found two other young girls and tour men. Florence Donaldson Caught Again. One of the girls was Florence Donaldson, who figured prominently in the abduction ot May bulltvan two .years ago. Miss Donaldson first came to public notice about seven years ago, when she was accused of poisoning the coffee taken at supper by her own family, from which one of the children died. She was tried and acquitted of the crime at Wellsvillc, O. She was then about 10 years of aire. Since the May Sul livan afiair she has been arrested on a couple of other charges, but got off easy. The use of opium and her dissolute habits have changed her from a young girl to a prematurely old woman. Lizzie Miller, a handsome, diamond-bedecked young woman capturjd in the raid, is a nurse for a sick woman whom she lett, expecting to return in a few moments. The sick woman, hearing of the girl's arrest, got up out of her bed and limped up to Central station, where she left a forfeit for the girl's appearance at the hearing this morning. Mrs. Freese pretended to be sick in bed, as she always does when raided, and was taken to the patrol wagon wrapped in a blanket. The house was left in charge of her son and a police officer. jurs. .Margaret iiecKer naa male visitors at her house, No. 135 Second avenue, when the officers entered, and all were taken. Mrs. Becker has had the speak-easy charge against her several times at various houses, but always heretofore got off by payiug a fine. She will probably be sent to court this time. She had a large stock of liquor on hand. Andrew Antonio, a Greek, has been con ducting a gambling joint at 34 and 36 Third avenue, for some time, but the police were kept in ignorance of it until Saturday night when a man claimed hehad.bcen fleeced out of 5900 by Antonio and a couple of others. The officers found the proprietor with four other Greeks at a poker game when they called last night and arrested the whole party. Liberal forfeits were demanded and paid by each of the prisoners. FREE TRAINS TO-MORROW To and From the New Town of Blaine. Get tickets, maps, price lists of lots and full particulars at 129 Fourth ave. The Blaine Land Improvesient Co. MTUWThFSU rreo Thanksgiving Dav. To accommodate those who cannot come any other time, Prof Little will meet a limited number of persons having eye trouble and needing glasses at his office, 511 Penn avenue, Thursday, November 2G, 9 A. m. till 2 p. m. Consultation free. En gagements by mail. MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Meetings. OFFICE OF THE OLIVER IRON AND STEEL CO., Pittsburg, Pa Oct. 3, 1S31. ( "VTOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS-THE BOARD L of Directors of tills company has called a special meeting of the stockholders, to be held at the oflice of the company, corner Tenth and Muriel streets, Pittsburg. Pa.. on the 8th day of December, 1891, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of otivg for or against a proposition to increase the capital siocn. OI U1U UUJJUIJilliy 11U11I 91.OUU.IUUTO B.UOO,UUU. OCO-2-5I JAMES SMITH, Secretary. Notices. CPECIAL NOTTCE- Thc strike of tho job printers and pressmen is still on. Forty offices have signed the scale and 25 have refused. See circulars. E. J. ADAMS. President T. U. No. 7. J. A. WARDEN, President P. U. No. 13. H021-C5 Easiness Changes. "VOTICE- Noticc Is hereby given to the public that Yee Lim Douentout launarv no. is reaeraist.. Aiiee-iienv. of Joe Lee, Yee Lim having paid all his debt. YEE LIM, JOE LEE. PARTNERSHIP NOT1CE-TIIE FIRM HERE TOFORE doing Dusluess under the name of Uraebii g. Lvon & Co. was dissolved on the. 31st dav 'of October, 1891, by the withdrawing of N. W. i;namufrs. ine Dusincss win uc continued bv the remaining partners. John Graeblng, Jr., "and Henry C. Lyon, under the firm name of Graeblng JtLyon. JOHN GRABBING. JlU no 15-154-M HEN RY C. LYON. NOTICE-WE. THE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVE this day entered into a limited partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed the Slstday of March, 1830, entitled "An Act Relative to Limited Partnerships, " and we do hereby certi fy that the name of the firm under which said firm Is to be conducted is H. F. Biggam & Company; that the general nature of the business to be trans acted is the building of engines, doing steam fitting, machine blacksmlthing and general repairing; that that tho proposed place of business is at No. 220 Rebecca street, Allegheny, Pa. ; that the name of tlie general partner in said firm is Harry F. Big gam, of No. 13 North Canal street. Alleglienv,Pa.. and the special partner Is Walter Sheets, of So. 305 Rebecca street, Allegheny. Pa.; that the capital contributed bv the tald Walter Sheets, special partner. Is S200 In cash; that the period at which said partnership is to commence is November 2, 1891. and that it will terminate at the expiration of five - ears from that date. HARRY F.- BIGGAM. General Partner; WALTER SHEETS, Special Partner. . OC25-177-M Elections. Office or MosojtGAirEi.A Iit subaxce Co., 1 va xuuktii AVJsnuiii, T7LECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING FOR JkJ tne election 01 uireciora w wire ior me en suing year will be held at the officeof the company, 93 Fourth av- on TUESDAY, December 1, 1891, between the hours of IS X. and 1 r. M. nol9-S2 - JOHN H. CLANEY, Secretary. LOST MoneyTost by keeping old teal garments; we pay cash for 'such, or exchange them for new ones. Paulson Bros., 441 Wood st. T OST Early on Sunday morning a memorandum ju dook, witn letter ann oeiwrcn -i sua s.. Anj one returning the same to G. S, Walker, 5 Grant St., will be liberally rewarded, SDisplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified real estate advertisements on Oils page ten cents per line for each insertion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. UNTIL FURTHEE NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings ill be ac cepted at the rate of OXE CENT PER WORD TOB EACH INSERTION when pali for In ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds, SUCH AS SITUATIONS, ROOMS, MALE HELP, BOARDING, FEMALE HELP, BOARDERS, AGENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONAL, TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smithfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WANT, FOR SALE, TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements shonld be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with Tiie DISPATCH. FOR ALLEGHENY, NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE 362t. FOR TOE SOUTHS1DE, NO. 1113 CARSON STREET, TELEPHONE NO. 6022. FOR THEEAbTEND, J. W. WALLACE. Oa PENN AV. PITTSBURG-ADDITIONAL. 6 THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 5509 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, :14th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL, r. H. EGGERS & SON. Ohio and Cnestnut streets. THOMAS McHENRY. Western and Irwin avenues. PERRY M. ULEIM, Rebecca and Allegheny ars. WASTED. Male HcId. BLACKSMITH for a bottle house. Queen City Glass Co. Apply to CtLARINET PLAYER wanted; must be sober, re- liable aud a good reader ;voung man preferred. Address, stating ape, occupation and full particu lars. A. R. Prather, Music Dealer and Jeweler, TitnsTille, Pa. C1LKRK Invoice and order clerk by Ironmanu i facturer. Applv in own handwriting with salary expected, D. II. & Co., Dispatch office. BOY .SALESMEN In city and eery country town. O'lteefe k Co., 703 Smithfield St., Pittsburg. INSTALMENT book agents to examine our new line of rapid-selling hpols. Bibles and albums, specially adapted for the holiday trade: highest commission paid. 1". J. Fleming ' Co., 135 Fifth avenue. , MAN to cony music on cyclostyle or mimeo graph. Address William. Dispatch oflice. ORGANIST Familiar with the music of the Episcopal Church as rendered by vested choirs. Address Layman, Dispatch ofiice. PRACTICAL MAN who understands thoroughlv how to manage crucible and open hearth ste'l plant with rolling mill and forge, where coal is cheap and advantages tlie best, to take an Interest to the amount of 510.000 to J2O.0O0, to receive liberal salary and percentage of profits: no other than ex- ferlenced man need answer. Address Uriah Rob nson. Hotel Anderson; state what time an inter view can be had, and where, on either the 23d or 2tth. PLUMBEK st., S. S. -A good plumber. Call at 1809 Carson SALESMEN Three traveling salesmen to handlo the finest and best selling specialty In school supplies eermanufactured: no book canvassing; tills is straight business; wrilo for our S100 proposi tion for trial month. O. W. Close, 315 Wabash av., Chicago, III. SALESMEN wanted to sell line of cigars; $100 per month and expenses oald. Address, with stamp, Sumatra Cigar CDmpany, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN Five first-class sewing machine men, salary or commission. Wheeler & Wil son SITE Co., 6 Sixth street. SOI.ICITORS-Experienced Fifth av. tea solicitors. TEA AGENTS everywhere. Store, 208 Market st. Our Favorite Tea TWO good canvassers for laundry wagons. Palace Laundry, Stevenson and Ann sts. TV fAiLr.n a. waiter in at can speah. ucrmau, jutiiitrH resuiuruLu- oiAiuav. w AITER First-class; colored. 38 Diamond st. Agents Wanted. AGENTS On 6alary or commission to handle tlie new patent chemical ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases Ink thoroughlv in two seconds; no abrasion ot paper; 200 tto 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to f620 In six days; another ;32intwo hours; wo want one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and full particu lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mlg, Co., La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS We furnish team free to agents who 6Cll our goods: our new line will sell at every house, and agents can rcan a harvest in a few "weeks; will pay a salary of STSper month, if pre ferred. Address at once Standard Silverware Co., Boston, Mass. AGENTS for a much-improved "Life of Par nelL " the great Irish leader, to which is addca a biography of the Rt. Hon. Win. Ewart Glad stone: pricefl 25;outfit30cents. F. J. Flemings Co.. 135 Fifth av., Pittsburg. AGENTS for a household article, the finest of its kind: sellson sight; none but bustlers answer this ad. Address with stamp, Bjx 73, Allegheny, Pa. AGENTS Few good agents; Ealary or commis sion. Wheeler & AVilson Mfg. Co., No. 6 AGENTS S3 to $7 dally; experience unnecessary. Putnam & Co.. Perfumers. West Winstcd, Ct. AGENTS-Inqulre at Boom 411, Penn building, 708 Penn av. Female Help Wanted. COOK Small family. Apply Center av.. house from Craig st. COOKS GirU for housework. Allegheny. 133 Robinson St., GIRL To assist with housework. S3 Sheffield St., Allegheny. 01 OOD GIRL For general housework: -must be X good cook and ironer. Apply at 21 Church av., Allegheny. GOOD GIKL for general housework, street. , 143 Fulton LADY BOOKKEEPER-Readv to keep the books of a -coal compinv at the general oflice. t5 miles from Pittsburg, in one of the plea&antest towns in "Western Pennsylvania: applicant must be a thor ough bookkeeper in all its branches, including voucher system; must write a good hand and be an expert in figures; state 6alary expected. Address President of Coal Co., Dispatch office. Male and Female Help Wanted. I7AMILYCOOKS. chambermaids, dining room . girls, nurses, laundresses, 200 house girls, kitchen, pantry and chambermaids for hotel and boarding houses. German and colored girls, colored male cook for restaurant, waiters, drivers, farm hands, 3 colored men. Mrs. E. Thompson, 603 Grant St. HELP 50 coal miners, butler, 10 farm hands, hotel cooks, night cook, dishwashers, 4 din ing room girls, store room girl, family cooks, chambermaids. $1 to $5 per week; 200 house girls, 30 Germans, Swedes, colored girls, waitress. Mee han's Agency, 543 Grant St., Tel. 90. LADIES and gentlemen to solicit; one of the greatest Inducements of the day; good work ers can make big money. Call from 10 A. sr. until 0 p. M. at room No. 50, 108 Fourth av.. Shannon building, Pittsburg. Pa. -- A VT1 "WTtPtr tn An nil wnrV fn. ....11 .m ill lly in country; good wages to thoroughly competent people. Address A. Z. I., Dispatch omce YOUNG MAN or woman understanding book keeping and typewriting. Address the Bir mingham Mfg. Co. 100 ITALIANS for railroad -work, grading and mining: 3X)Klrls, cooks, dishwashers. fanners, coal miners, drivers, nurses, laundresses, railroad and river miners. Venter Cook, 610 Grant st. Situations "Wanted. POSITION By an cipcrienccd mine manager, as superintendent or mine boss: have all neces sary certificates; 25 J ears' experience; understand mine surveying aud construction of mine ma chinery: willing to go Sonth or West; best of refer ences. Address Mine Manager, Dispatch office. POSITION as steel works superintendent, fore man or mechanical engineer: highest refer ences. Address Engineer, Dispatch office. POSITION As housekeeper in smalt family out side of city preferred. Address E. II. C, Dis patch oflice. POSITION By a practical accountant, also ac quainted with mute language. Books, Dis patch office. POSITION By experienced lady stenographer. Address G., Dispatch oflice. POSITION as housekeeper by Sirs. Y., Dispatch office. a lady. Address PEACTICAL ENGINEER wants situation; good references. B., Dispatch office. SITUATION by a respectable man in warenousc or store. Address J. H., Dispatch office. Instruction. LADIES AND GENTLEMEX-Eight away, to get three month6' instruction in shorthand and typewritingor 10 at the Actual Business College. N os. 5 and 7 Sixth av. Day and night school now open ; eleventh j ear. VOUNG MEN and ladies to attend dayornight J. school at the Actual Business College. No. 5 Sixth av. : bookkeeping taught by actual bdsiness practice; penmanship, arithmetic, English train ing by the month; $; shorthand; private instruc tion a "specialty: leventh -ear. M.J. Conner, President; 'J.'JI. Phillips, Expert Accountant. WANTED. Rnslness Opportunities Wanted. WANTED-Man to manage branch Jobbing house; ?25weeklv salary and expenses: ?2o0 or $300 cash ne.ccs3ary to cover part stock, get sit uation and receive share of profits for Investment. Address 48 Broad St., room 17, New York. TITANTED To buy outright or manufacture for t royalty, light iron or steel specialties. Ad- dress Iron and bteel. Dispatch oflice. YOUNG MAN of business experience wishes to Invest (3.000 to $10,000 in a manufacturing business with a view of taking an active part. Ad dressK. R., Dispatch office. Boarders and Lodgers Wanted. OCCUPANTS For two unfurnished room, suitable for housekeeping or doctor's offices. 107 Ross, and Fifth av. OCCCPANTS-Forfurnislied rooms, with board; also table boarders. 43 Anderson st. OCCUPANTS-For a suite of rooms. South HI land and Walnut Ets., E. E., city. OCCUPANT for furnhhed room; private family. 8 Sherman av., Allegheny. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Large room or suite of rooms suit able for library or meeting place for associa tion of about 70 members: rent must be low. Address Trustee, Dispatch oflice. Bookkeeping Accounts, Etc, Wanted. AUDITING and accounting I attend to any thing in the line of intricate accounting, auditing flic books of corporations, manufactur ers, mei chants, hotels ana others. A. F. Sawhlll, 187 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. Fire Insurance Wanted. BENSWANGER & ZAHN Fire Insurance, 60 Fourth av. MONONGAHELA INSURANCE CO.-John H. Claney, bec'y., W. A. Caldwell, Prcs't; 93 Fourth av. Financial Wanted. I FINANCIAL An incorporated manufacturing : firm desires to sell $5. too of treasury stock to extend business: this is a good, safe Investment: stock will pav a satisfactory dividend and increase in value; books and business open to inspection. Address P. O. Box 747. MONEY to loan Immediately: 830.000 has been left with us to place this week In sums to Milt applicants: this is a splendid opportunity to parties wanting mouey at once. Morris & Flem ing, 10S Fourth av. MORTGAGES on city or A lleghcnv county prop erty at lowest rates. Htnry A. Weaver & Co.. 92 Fourth av. "VfEW MEMBERS to join the Eastern Building ll and Loan Association; it now has 10, 000 mem bershoIding50,OCO shares of stock, and it has loans on estate aggregating $300,000; call or tend for particulars. Andrew Marshall, Manager, 102 Fourth av., Pittsburg. Pa. T'O LOAN ?20O, 000 on mortgages; S100 and up- -a. .tutu ... v V K .-.-..., fsv. uw an . 3 ).. . l v.. resiliences or ousiness property, farms S. II. French, 12o Fonrtli a vacant lots or "Y7"ANTED Wc nave money to loan m large or v r small amounts on mortgages all ptica erron tions will receive prompt attention. W.A. e sons, bv a ounu av. Miscellaneous. A GREAT reduction -e want evcrvbody to know that we have reduced our best $3 00 cabi nets to S3 00. Stewart & Co.. 90 and 92 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. ; diamond Photoettes SI 00. CI KOCERS and dealers to buv Boneless Boiled X Hams. saus3ge, pork, spareribs, lard, all Kinds smoked meat cheap. 12. A. Reineman, 1G Pitts. Market. MOTHERS to know that Aufrecht. the photog rapher, 77 Fifth av., will make the finest cabinet size photos of children for CO cents until December, 91; all welcome. OLD seal garments purchased for cash, or ex changed for new garments. Paulson Bros., 441 Wooil st. PARTIES wishing choice properties Improved or unimproved, ivill do well to consult W. A. Lincoln, 104 Fourth av., who always has special bargains that are not generally in the market, and do not care to advertise. PATENTS O. I). Lev Is (20 years). Solicitor, 131 Fifth av., next Leader, Pittsburgno delay. rposell Thanksgiving week- lO.000 boxes oranges JL and 5, 000 bunches ba ananas: also 20 tons of poul try; we are neaaquaners: come ano see us oeiore purchasing elsewhere. Pittsburg Produce Com mission Co., Myers & Tate, prop's, 813 Liberty st. rpEUNK.S hauled to and from East End for 60c. Campbell & Davit, 12 Seventh av. Telephone USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Magic Roach Powder; contains no poison: roaches banished by contract; satisfaction given or no pay. Prepared by Geo. W. Jones, 222 Federal St., Alle gheny, Pa. fcold bv all nrst-class druggists. "I A OOtJ dealers To buy oranges and bananas; we X5 arc the largest receivers of all kindsof fruits in this market; give us a caU, and wc will guaran tee you lowest prices of any house in tho trade. Pittsburg Produce Commission Co., Myers & Tate, prop's. 813 Liberty St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles, live Stock For Sale. TYEL1VERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles; l our own make. Wm. Beckcrt, 340 to 311 Ohio st., Allegheny. Telephone, 3420. TTORSES -Seventh grand combination sale at XX Iron City Sale stables, rear 623 and 625 Penn av.. Pittsburg. Pa., on Friday. November 27. at 10 A. M. ; 50 head horses, among the number J. B. Donaldson, with record 2:41 over one-half mile track, can trot 2:35 sure; 7 years old. sound, per fectlv quiet; also several other good gentle horses: English cart horse and harness, handsome, quiet for lady to drive; one ponyB years old, harness and cart, suitable for children; doctors' horses, Shet land ponies, draft and saddle horses: parties need ing stock can save money by purchasing here as I am here to build up a trade and will guarantee satis faction;ale positive rain or shine. George R.Wat terson, proprietor; J. A. McKelvey, auctioneer. Machinery and Metals For Sale. AUTOMATIC hoisting engines Work perfectly right and left, with single or double drum : second-hand boilers and engines also on hand; general machine work promptly executed: corre spondence solicited. Combination Engine Co,, Lim.,3140 Penn ave.. Pittsburg. Tel 1205. TJOILERS and engines second-hand; all sizes. -Ls irom 4 to iuu 11. boilers and engines from 4 to 100 h. p. ; cheapest in the market: 46 in stock, stationary and porta- ble. upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc. steam pumps governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 4101, 23-25 Park way, J. S. Young, Allegheny, Pa. BOILERS Pair boilers and smoke stacks: in good condition; will sell cheap Phcenlx Brewing Co., Twenty-fourth and Smallman sts., Pittsburg. RINDSTONES-In all sizes, for all kinds of grinding; Cralgleith, New Castle, Nova Scotia and other grits; Iron frames and fixtures for hand, foot or power: mounted stone, oil stone, emery wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Kirby, 133 First avennc. MILL For saleor exchange for two good work horses, one 12-inch French burr mill, one half hone power Sprague motor and one Acme en gine and boiler, all In good condition. Inquire at 245 Second av. or No. 4 Fifth av. OECOND-HAND engines and boilers Two 33 O horse-power and two ten horse-power station ary engines and boilers. One ten horse-power portable on wheels. Thirty-five, 15. 12, ten and eight horse-power engines, vertical and horizontal, all good and will be sold cheap. Harmes' Machine Depot, S9 First av. SECOND-HAND planing mill machinery; two double surfjeera; two single surfacers; one single surfacer and matcher: one new 12-inch hand jointer; wood and iron pulleys and hangers. Butler & Gardner, Short and Liberty streets. STEASI TJSEUS Do you want to save fuel, labor and boiler repairs? Do you want to keep your boilers free from scale? Do you want to increase the steam-makhie capacity of your boilers? If so, it can be done by the use of Bprrvmairs Feed "Water Heater and Purifier. For particulars apply Berryman, Seventh Avenue Hotel. Miscellaneous For Sale ANTHRACITE and bituminous coal and crushed coke for domestic purposes; general hauling. Latimer, Meyers & Co., Fourth and Trysts, and Thirtieth and Liberty sts. B1LLIAKD and pool tables, store counters, shelv ing. No. 90 Diamond st. iOAL 200 aere3 Youehloehenr coal, convenient Vy to Pemickey Railroad. Address Blythedalc, Allegheny county. Pa. z. scott. CORDAGE Twine, Co., 89AVaterst. hemp packing. Flockcr & EED BRICK Capacity 60,000 daily. Address tVittracr Brick Co., Lim., 12 Federal St., Alle glienv. Pa. FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Opportunities For Sale. BRICKYARD For 6ale or rent, one or the most central 6ites in the citv for brickyard at Oak land, in tlie erv midst of building operations: ac cessible by paved streets, and having enough clay ot good quality to last for years; possession at anv time. Address or call on John T. Shields, second floor front, over Dispatch business office, Pitts burg, Pa. BRICK plant, consisting or grlndlngpan. engine, boiler, etc.: engines, boilers, clavand ore pans, and brick yard supplies. Thomas Carlln's sons, Lacock and sandnsky sts., Allegheny. TMSUGSTORF. In Allegheny; done last year over -L 50,000 business; ill health. Auurcss jumure. Dispatch office. I FOUNDRY A successful foundry business In the city In full running order; complete equip ment and everything in good condition; business last j ear fico.000; this is a rare opening; liberal terms will be given: satisfactory reasons, forselling. lull particulars confidentially from Jas. Vi. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. rjROCEEY STOHE-In Allegheny: good location: VJ best reasons for selling. For particulars ad dress D. E. W., Dispatch office. HOTEL A licensed hotel, doing a good business ,,, in a live town in Ohio: also a restaurant on Diamond st., Pittsburg, with a long lea:;, doing a gooa busluess. For particulars see Liggett Bros., 71 Diamond st. PAPER RO UTK TOR S ALE-3Iakf ne K0 per week grois; In town near Pittsburg. Address Route, Dispatch oflice. I ESTAURANT and saloon for sale. Jli Superior , t St., opposite postoffice and city hall, J-leve- square. Room 5. I OTORE9, partnerships, business interests, bonds, I " ilSM stocks and all kinds of bulncss chances at I 0,j penn P tfshnrcr Pa ' - "nrM Chambers' Uusiues, Agency, 10 Toorth ui) JV Wnn.aVft, nttSbUIftKL j . SM FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. QflA-SPECIAL BARGAIN if taken before JpOUU the 1st of next month. Book, notion and wall store, grocery stores $200 to JlO.OOO. cigar stores $3C0 to 1 1,200, bakerv, milk depot and route, fish and oyster market, butcher shop, good gen eral store. Holmes & Co., fiOSmlthilcld st. Ql1 OOO CASH will control well-established pay-flPJ-j ing business; will guarantee S2.C0O a Year; satisfactory reasons for selling. Address ZYX. Dispatch office. Business Properties For Sale. MANUFACTURING SITES Several deIrable manufacturing properties, with and without buildings and machinery, on lines of railroads and rivers. T. II. Dickson. 06 Fourth av. SALE of land by the "United States at Pittsburg. Pa. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America la Congress assembled. That the Secretary of War be, and hereby Is authorized and directed to sell and convey to the purcliaser or purchasers, all the right, title and interest of the United States, in and to all that certain parcel of gronnd. belonging to the United States, situate in the.c!tyof Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, at the northwest corner of Penn avenue and Garrison allev. In the Fourth ward of said city, fronting 100 feet on west side of Penn avenue and extending northwardly along the west line of Garrison alley, prcservingthe same width, to low water line of the Allegheny river.subject how ever, to such public easements as exist thereon and thereover.Denot Quartermaster's Oflice. Washing ton, D. C. November 7. 1811. Under the pro visions of the above quoted Act of Congress, rp pro cd May 21, 1890, and by direction of the Secre tarvofWar. I will offer for sale at public auction at the Stock Exchange in the city of Pittsburg, l'a.. on Saturdav. the 12th day of December. 18fl. at 3 o'clock Y. 31".. for cash, the property described In said act, together with such improvements thereon as belong to the United States, subject to the con ditions set forth In said act. and subject also to the tennrf and conditions named in the printed circu lar of this date, coplesof which will be furnished on application to the undersigned or to the Acting Assistant Quartermaster at Allegheny Arsenal, where also a plat of the ground can lie seen. The right is resen ed to reject any or all bids, or to ac cept anv bid or bids subject to the conditions pre scribed in the circular referred to, and to require a deposit of 5 per centum of the purchase money at the time of .notification of acceptance of bid. Pay ment of the full amount of the purchase mouey must be made upon delivery of duly executed deed or deed for tlie propertv purchased, or the property may be resold, without further notice, at the risk and costof the defaulting purchaser. The cost of conveyancing will be borne bv the pur chaser. George H. Weeks. Deputy Quartermaster General. U. S. A. (JO OOO ONLY No. 3329 Penn av: No. 1 Ioca 30) tion for hotel or anv other kind of business; lot 20x103; 3-story brick store and dwelling of 9 rooms; stable on rearof lot: has been occupied as saloon for over 20 years: at terms to suit puroiiaser; ifnotsoldby January 1, it will be for rent for a term of vparq vprv rpasonahlv to a first-class man. who wilt stand an excellent chance to get a hotel" license. See Thomas McCaffrey. 3oQ3 Jtnuer st. - FOR SALE 131 PROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. FORTY-FIFTH ST. 12 orlck houses: 10 per cent Investment. Morris & Fleming, 103 Fourth avenue. East End Residences For Sale. EMERSON ST. Tho four houses and lots and vacant lot on Carron St.. between Shady and South lllland avs.. East End. on the estate of John W. Plttock. deceased, will be exposed to public sale by order of the Court of Common Pleas nf Allpfflipnv pnnnfr. nn Tuesday. November 24. at 10 o'clock A. M.. in the real estate salesroom of Jas. W. Drape & Co., Agents and Auctioneers, 313 vvooom.. I'lltsDurg. ijuu particulars gnen on band bills, which can be obtained at above oflice or sent by mail if desired. Allegheny Residences For Sale. 1 BLOCK of six brick dwellings, in Allegheny, IX. on thecornerof agood street, and lu me cinity of the electric cars: within a short distance of the parks ; excellent property for a sare and per manent investment: would net the owner 6 per cent: dwellings areconmaratlvelvnewand have fine lmproeinents. Pittsburg. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., NEAT dwelling house in Allegheny, within one half square of the parks and electric cars; eight rooms, b-tth and lavatory, stationary wash stands, hot and cold water, etc. ; rooms and hall all newly papered and painted throughout and every thing, therefore, bright and theerful. Particulars from Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood st., Pitts burg. "YITESTERN AV.. Allegheny, a good residence tV and 2 lots near the parks; modern conven iences throughout in the residence and all in good order: terms of payment can be extended over a B;riod of years: immediate possession. Jas. W. rape & Co., 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. QI"I 400 Small payment down, balance In tlpXj monthly installments same as rent: new frame house of five rooms; lot lixtoofeet: Tenth ward, Allegheny City, near electric cars: good neighborhood : nice location. John E. McCrickart. HQFiflh av. Tel. 1676. Suburhan Residences For Sale. "f "f7TLKIN8BURG New brick house of six rooms. recention hail, finished attic, range, bath. w. c, washstand. city water, slate mantels, slate roof, large closets, back and front Btalrs, ceilings ten leei. nign on nrsi anu second uuurs; pauiry Sapered throughout, electric light, nat. gas. com inatlon chandeliers; was not built to sell; lot 43x 120 to alley: three minutes from depot and one square from electric line; if you want a modern and convenient home examine this house: price, S3,50O. Hoffman &Baldride, Wllkinsburg, opposite depot. xeiepnonc uvj. FOE SALE LOTS East End Lots For Safe. lAlFTH AV.. East End 10O feet, more or less. JU surrounded by bcantlfulstone residences, near South Neglcy av. ; great bargain if taken soon. Morris & Fleming, 103 Fourth av. Farms For Sale. I7ARM A fine grain and stock farm in the great . corn belt ot the "West, near Council BlufTs, Iowa: terms easy. Address Owner, &1 Preble av., Allegheny. Pa. PERSONAL. PERSONAL Novelty Printing Co.. 77 Diamond st. ; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest prices. PERSONAL J. F. Dowdle. plumber and dealer in fine gas and electric-light fixtures, 3)4 Wood st. PERSONAL-Cash paid for old sealskin gar ments, or will exchange them for new ones. Paulson Bros.. 441 Wood st. PERSONAL Cash paid for old sola and silver watches and jewelry repaired: new work made to order. Chris. Uuucb. 541 bmithtleld. PERSONAL Et erett Club News The pianos this week are club A. No. 293. Miss Mary Flynne. 39 Thirtieth St.. Pittsburg; club B., No. 208, J. M. Klefer, Beaver Falls, Pa. PERSONAL nlwnvi r When 1 was a small bov mv mother always repaired my breeches and jacket, but since I pot to be a firreatbifirman. Dfckon. the well known tailor, G5 Fifth av., cor. Wood Bt., second floor, has been substituted, wiio now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. Tel. 1553. TJERSONAL Thackeray's works, complete, X lOvols ft 00 Dickens1 worts, comnlete 2M Shakspeare's works, complete 1 bto Eliot's works, complete 2 CO Prescotfs Mexico, 3 vols., gilt top 1 35 HuckleuprrvFinn 75 FKA'NK BACON & CO., 301 bmlthfleld st. PERSONAL Thorn, the New York man dress maker,, will make a reduction of $120 as a holiday present to the first 2-1 scholars that com mence. This Is a Jo discount from the regular price to each puDll. This extraordinary ofler is good lor the first 24 that call and get their names on the book. Flrst come first served. As Mr, Thorp, the inventor of this system, has no agent in Pittsburg, hpwlll personally, with the assist ance of Mrs. Thorp, teach these scholars. The above Is a sufficient guarantee that it is a bona fide offer. They will also make a specialty or teaching finishing.' This Is something new educating ladles' fingers to execute the finest work equal to the finishing In the Paris dressmaking estabhsh xnents. Schoolroom 913 Penn av.. near Ninth st. FOUND. FOUND Yon can sell or exchange your old seal sacques at Paulson Bros.. 441 wood st. FOUND Reliable portrait artists in crayon, sepia and water colors; finest grades only; all work done In windows In presence of the public to prove tidtno bromide prints are used; order now anu pay for Christmas; stores open tills p. m.: satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Union Artists' Portrait Co., first floors, 703 Liberty st., 607 Wood st. KIDD'S COUGH SYRUR 26 Cents Per Bottle. GIVE IT A TRIAL It will giva satisfaction in all cases. For sale by retail druggists generally, and-at wholesale by L K. HARRIS DRUG CO., Nos. 46 and 48 Seventh Avenna, D019-D PITTSBURG, PA. DR. E. W. DEAN, DISEASES OF THE Ears,Npse,Throat and ChestExclusivelj. ( Oflice hours 9 a. k. to I p. it. 931 Penn, ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ." k noll-iS-Jtr TO LET. Cltv Residences. mn T.VT A HywUmnipTmAm, S?0 Tier TflO. to I a nrii itipa thprpaftpr. nn a desirable residence street: location Tcry central. See W. A. Herrou & Sons, 80 Fourth av. East End Residences To Let. FIFTH AV.. Sliadyside. term of three or flv years, that desirable and beautifully located ten-room house, bath, w. c. beth gaes. stable, acre or land with choice frnitMmmediateposses sion. Inquireof Henry Wlederlch, Wllklnsav. t TO LET House 7 rooms; 20 minutes from Court House: IS 50 monthly: Immediate possession. J. W. Lowry, Kigde St., near Thirty-third, Thir teenth ward, Pittsburg a Allegheny Residences To Let. "fcTICE five-room dwelling Federal st. extension. i Inquire of J. E. McKee, 70S Penii av.. Room 611. t Rooms To Let. ELEGANT furnished rooms; both gas and bath room. 322 Penn av. IOOM Well furnished, with or wtthont board; 1 convenient to cable and electric cars; gas, electric light and bath. Inquire C3K Penn av., E. E. It OOMS Two unfnrnlf hed rooms for light honse j keeping: parties without children. 24 River av., Allegheny. I) OOMS For light housekeeping. Room Rent Vi Ing. 130 Robinson St., Allegheny. Rnslness Stands To Let. TO LET Oflice in building 75. 77 and 73 Diamond "St.. with electric light steam heating. Janitor and elevator service;rent J3C0 per year:also rooms of various sizes with power: possession immediately. Apolv to John T. Shields, second floor. Dispatch building, corner Smithfield and Diamond streets. TO LET Good new store room and cellar on Penn av.. nearTwelfth St., onlv?30 a mouth to April 1 : long lease can be had from that time at a very, reasonable rent. W. A. Herron ,Sons, 80 Fourth av. t TO LET Space with power Cor. Penn and Third av.;' three floors: 20.000 feet space: abundant power: g'ood light: splendid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros.. 20 Fifth av. Sliscellaneotis .To Lets. -1YCLOBAMA AUDITORIUM for lectnre. con- yj certs, parties, etc. Apply to Thos. McUenry, 63 Irwin av., Allegheny. STABLE Suitable for three horses; very COn venlent. Apply No. 19 Seventh av. t ELECTRIC LIGHTING -FOE Dwellings, Stores, Churches, AND Public Buildings of All Kinds. Thovcrybesteffecisin CEILING FREIZE CHANDELIER, ELECTr.O-COMBINATION CHANDELIERS and BRACKETS accom plished by us. Every thine that 13 new, that will cive satisfactory results, can be found only in our stock. You will find it to your interest to figttra with us, as we can tell you a jrreat deal you ought to know about elec tric lighting. Our whole time and attention, backed by many years or experience, is given solely to thisiusiness. The very best workmen to bo found in this country, espe cially skilled in this work, only employed. Special designs furnished at any time. - Gas' Chandeliers altered into Straight Electric or Combination-Electric Fixtures at small cost with very best results. GEO. CYAN KIRK & CO., 31-533 WOOD ST. BOOMS 508,509, 310, 312. 0C2M3 CHARLES SOMERS, I 129 FOURTH AVE., OPPOSITE NEW POSTOFFICE. no22-133-D NEW YORK'S LATEST CP.AZE, LAMBS Iff WE PIT. ' D02242 BOSTON NOVELTY STORE. $500. TO 8500,000 TO LOAN alFWW UUUIUlli gaaes, city or country property, at lowest rates. J as. vv . uiiAr r; s, uu, 313 Wood street, Pittsburg. Telephone No. 973. uo2(MS-d O. D.LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 131 Iifth ave., above Smithfield, next Leader office. No delay. Established?! years. oc2-6l ' SPECIAL TO - AND - PRUDENT The marvelous growth in IK IE :lt S I3STO- T OUST Caused by families moving into their own houses; those engaged in busin.ess, and the starting of some of its man ufactories have so overcrowded the 300 houses already built that it is imperative that hundreds of dwellings should be erected at ONCE. Dwellings can be rented or sold as soon as finished. We have numerous inquirers FOR them daily. No quicker returns or better results can be made in placing money for investments than in DWELLINGS, HOTELS, BOARDING HOUSES or STOREROOMS at KHEHSTSIZLNTGi-T OUST. Buy lots and commence building now, and they will be ready for occupancy when the numerous works located there are in operation. We will make' special 'induce ments to those who buy lots and build at once. It is an object to us, and we will give all benefits to those building immediately.. The most desirable part of Kensington was reserved for dwellings and is now graded, streets opened and ready for the builder. It is situated on the upper side of the R. R. and' commands a delightful view of the entire new city and surroundings. We would be pleased to confer with those who are looking for a good investment. None better can be made than in the erection of houses in this fast growing city. Visit it and be convinced. Free tickets given there and return. For further information apply at office of THE BUIELL IMPROVEMENT GO., sM - No. 96 Fourth Ave.. PiftiW. Pa. 7' '" TWM s AUCTION SAXES. Administrator's Sale! A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers. Fidelity Title & Trust Company, Administrator of Daniel C. Hamilton, de ceased, will sell at public auction, THCR". DAY MORNING, December Z. at ID o'clock, on the premises, No. 27 Ohio street, Alle gheny, the entire stock of druns, showcase, storo fixtures, lease of the drug store, be longing to tho late Daniel C Hamilton. Fixtures and stock may bo inspected on. the morninjrs of December land 2 from 9 to 11 o'clockat the above-named store, nold-21 EXECUTOR'S SALE. A. Leggatc Jb Son, Auctioneers. Fidelity Titlo and Trust Company, Ex ecutor ot Washington Beck, deceased, will sell at public auction MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1&, At 2 o'clock r. jr., on tho premises. No. 60 South Sixteenth" street, Sonthside. the fol lowing described property: 3 lots, SOxSO feet. No. CO South Sixteenth street, having erected thereon a two-story frame building, being' the machine shop of the late WASHINGTON BECK. Also all tho machinery, tools, belting, sbaftins, holler, enjtine, etc., etc., contained in said building. Property can bo seen on Friday and Saturday, November 27 and'-28. from 0 to 11 o'clock, or on application to the) administrator, No. 123 Fourth avenue. nol8-23 AUCTION SALE. Fine Furniture, Carpets, Piano, Etc., TUESDAY MORNING, NOT. 24, at 10 oclockv at tho rooms of the Henry Auction Co., 21 and 2S Ninth street. The furnishment of a residence moved to tho store for sale. Hanasomo chamber suites in walnut, oak and maple, fine parlor? suites in tapestry, hrocatelle and plnshis, piano forte. Domestic sewing machine al most now, lino dining room furniture, in 'walnut, leather upholstered, book case, wardrobes, bnreaus, washstand, lountces, chairs, rockers, mattresses, springs and bed ding, brussels and ingrain carpet for rooms hal Is and stairs, dishes and glassware.kitchea and laundry furniture: sale pooittve. iit.-vi.v t:rTinv rn no23-lo3 Auctioneers. "CURST-CLASS MACHINE SHOP AND Jt? brass foundry at public sale,-SATU1J-D AY, November 23, 1K11, at 2:30 r. n. The un dersigned will offer at pnblic sale, on thn premises, at Bissell station, B. & G. K. K-, about two (2) acres of land, fronting B. & O. It. K. and the Youghioghenv river, upon, which there i erected a machino shop 203 feet long and SO feet wide; also a brasa foun dry ahout lfixSO feet, tocther with compietw outfit of lathes, planers, grinders, "drill presses, boiler, engine and electric light; plant, all of the latest improved and bec manufacture, new and in good order. Term of sale fifteen (15) per cent cash on day of sale and halance on delivery of deed and hill of sale. Train leaves 15. O. depot at Pittsburg at 1:10 p. ar., arriving at Bissell in time to examing the plant and machinery hefore the kale. For further information ad dress JAMES L. DeLOXG, McKcesport, l'a. no21-12 E-SMlTHsON, REAL KSTATE AND . GENERAL AUCTIONEER, Room 5 Eisner tmilidng, Fifth av. and Wood st Sale" of Jewelry and Merchandise at stores Furniture at residences promptly attend, ed to. oc2l-26-r cnoick PROPERTIES. MANUFACTURING SITE IJFOtt SALE. About ten acres of nico level ground nt short distance from tho city, on the Monon gahcla river, with a large new ironclad building and side tracks from main lineo railroad on same. Will bo sold at a bargain. Address POSTOFFICE BOX 25t, oc3C-19-n Pittsburg. Pa. laJCCATlONAL. PIIDDV CAIVERSITY. bUnnl SIXTH STKEKT. CUKRT Collegiate Department, ThoBest. CURRY Normal School, Tlie Rest. CURRY English Training School, Tho Best. CURRY Business College, The Best. CURRY School of Shorthand, The Rest. CURRY Conservatory of ilusic, Tlie Best. CURRY School of Elocution. The Bet. CURRY Faculty and Discipline, Tho Best. Call or send for catalogue. II. M. KOWE, President. oc2t-31 FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth ave. Capital, $1,000,000. Insures titles to real estate. Acts as executor, administrator, guardian, etc. Trustee for corporation mortgages. Safe deposit vault boxes from $3 to $200. oc 11-51 BUILDERS INVESTORS. population of the new city of 1 i m i I ,'JSm