Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 09, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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The T. M. C. A., of Pittsburg, Cele
brates Its Quarto-Centennial.
Ledgers ire the Bibles of Entirelj Too
Many Pittshnrffera.
Chairs would have commanded a we
. mium had admission fee been charged at
the First Presbyterian Church last night.
It was the occasion of the twenty-fifth anni
versary of the Y. M. C. A. in
the two cities, and the large audi
torium and galleries were overcrowded.
The programme was interesting, and after
appropriate music and prayer, reading of
the annual report by J. T. llobinson, Kew
Theodore I Cuyler, D. P., an eminent
divine of Brooklyn, delivered an address."
It was the ef ent of the evening. Dr. Cuy
ler is nn eloquent and forcible talker, and
his 35 years of Christian work fitted him
admirably for the nddres on the
birth, growth and progress of the
Y. Jr. a A. in Pittsburg. He begun:
"Pittsburg ought to be proud of its organ
ization, as it is one ot the most prosperous
in the country. Its 23 years of succesfnl
growth is attcted to by the beautiful mon
ument in its name erected at Penn avenue
and Seventh street. After bearing the an
nual report read, I cannot but help congrat
ulate you on having in your midst such an
association, at the head of which are un
doubtedly men of sterling worth and char
acter. A "Work That Is Cn1"mlted.
"There is no organization on earth which is
so generally recognized throughout the civ
ilized world. Its good work has gone forth
everywhere, from the icv fields of the far
"North to the burning soil of South Africa.
To carry on this institution it tikes money,
and it is the duty of every sincere Christian
who is able to contribute toward its keep
ing. Unloose your purse strings. Iriend":;
you cannot give to a more laudable
cause. There are lots of members
of churches who contribute quiteliberally to
Christian causes, but they don't work "for
the advancement of morality as they go
along in their daily walks. "We always
have time for some little act which will do
pood. Look at the greatest man of Europe
to-day "William Gladstone. A friend of
his told him that a great admirer of the
Premier was sick in his humble
shanty in one of the most wretched
localities in London and wished to
spc him. Gladstone threw aside
diplomatic questions of importance and
went to the home of his unknown friend.
The latterjWas a poor chimney sweep. Glad
stone entered the room, and "the man raised
ins eyes m gladness at seeing the good great
man. The latter talked with protracted
fervor, and after giving him encouragement,
kneeled down on the carpetless floor and
prayed for him. I think that "nas the aot
of a magnificent and noble man.
-V .Field for 11 erj body.
' ""We all can do some act, no matter how
i infiutesimal it may be, which will go toward
doing good, and making the world and our
selves happier by doing it."
The Doctor talked to the young men
present, telling them to interest themselves
in Christian endeavor. "It is the young men
n ho are the important factors of the world
to-dav. They are full of push, energy,
ptreneth, health, and are the very ones wlio
facilitate worldly affairs. Why not the
same in Christian affairs?"
He illustrated some portions of his talk
with one great characteristic of Abraham
Lincoln, tliat was he always dared to do
risht. His peroration was a beautiful tri
bute to the Y. X. C. A. of the country, anil
he concluded with the ivy ine which grew
into a great free, "as illustrative of the or
ganization from its inception until now,
when it stands a living monument to
modern Christianity. Some interesting
statistics were read, among which was the
lact that 472 new members were admitted
during the past rear, making a total mem
bership of 2,729. The Association needs
SG.OOO, and a very liberal contribution was
made last night by the large congregation.
Ilumlllty, Gentleness and Patience Dis
cussed by Ker. .7. Launitz.
About 400 people filled the pretty chapel
of the First Presbyterian Church yesterday
afternoon at the reopening service of the
French Mission for this winter. The audi
ence was composed principally of the vig
orously crowing element which considers
the French toneue one of the necessities of
a polite education,' while members of the
French colony in Pittsburg formed the re
mainder. The musical part of the service
was unusrally good. Supplemental to the
regular hymns of praise were snered songs
lir E, JIacPorrington and ..L Saperstein.
The organ'st was Carl Jtittcr. The lesson
was taken from the third chapter of St.
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians, teaching
pietv and domestic duty. Following this
was the sermon preached by Ilev.
T. Launitz lroin the first three
'.erses of the fourth chapter of
St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. The
preacher laid stress on the three virtues of
humility, gentleness and patience. The
first he characterizes as among the most
difficult of attainment and the most beauti
Jul. Ife compared it to the violet, which
flourished in hidden plaws, but stiil made
its presence felt by its perfume Jlr.
Launitz drew from the life of Christ, the
history of David and the career cf St. .John,
the Baptist, lor notable illustrations of the
virtue of humility in perfection. Gentle
ness the speaker described as being always
victorous over force, illustrating this by a
simile. The windand the sun once entered in
toa contest as to which would makeatravcl
er throw off his cloak. The wind failed to
Wow it off, for the man only drew the man
tle closer around him, but the sun soon
caused him to discard it.
The mission opened Tery successfully
Prof. Henri Ilollin Parker, its secretary,
rxpeets to aid Mr. Launitz in preaching
hereafter. They w ill officiate by turns.
Spy. K. It. Donehoo Shows "Where the
Daiiper Line Lies.
Tier. E. P.. Donehoo, of the Eighth Pres
byterian Church, "West End, took for his
subject last evening "Sowiug "Wild Oats."
He said:
"They that plow iniquity and sow wicked
ness reap the same. He taid there is a
cnsnniou cxprpsiion that is verv often used
but not applied properly. "When a young
man Is a little bit wild arid inclined to ran
around and drink it is remarked that he is
only Mining his wild oats, he will be all
right after awhile. .lust there is where the
imsinkc is made. The wild oats sown in
youili will spring up when least expected.
Jli re is a certain species of graiu called
ild oats that never loses its vitalitv; it will
lav on the ground for years, tfirougliThcat and
cold, rain or shine, but when in the course
of oicnth it is turned over by the plow, it
will take root and grow andspread so fast
as Jo choke the good grain. Just so with
the young man in sowing the so-called wild
oats. A lew of the seeds may fall and lay
dormant for years and when "least expected
take root and grow. Then is when he reaps
the fruits of his early indiscretion, and he
begius to understand" the expression, 'Sow
ins his wild oats.' Be warned in time, lor
who can tell, if vou sow ever so little, it
will increase fourlold in the end."
Yesterday Jail Services.
"Religions services were held as usual at
the jail yesterday and conducted by Mr.
Rose. He was assisted by Mr. McClelland,
an Englishman, who spent many years In
India as a missionary. In a short talk with
the prisoners he told them many interesting
features of his work abroad.
Great Crowds of "Women and Cripple
Gather A boat Dr. Dowle Prayers
Made frr Many, but Jfone Were Made
Stronc Explains the Lord's Prayer.
Rev. John Alex. Dowie, the President of
the International Divine Healing Associa
tion, held two meetings in Carnegie Hall,
Allegheny, yesterday afternoon and as
usual during the past week, the hall was
crowded to suffocation, many ladies being
compelled to leave before the services were
over. Ladies, it has been observed, have
composed more than two-thirds or the a'udi
ences lately, but their interest seems to be,
in a majority of cases, of the proverbially
curious kind.
At the afternoon meeting Dr. Dowie
used as his subject .the sentence from the
Lord's Prayer: "Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven." In a discussion of the
subject the preacher declared that but few
persons repeated this sentence properly.
They failed to express its meaning. Most
people in repeating the Lord's Prayer, when
they reach that sentence say: "Thy will be
done, in earth, as it is in heaven." He
said there should be no pause after "done,"
but a very slight pause after "earth," to
get the propermeaning or the sentence. In
following his theme of divine healing, the
doctor said the power of healing was not
in him but in God, and any man who was
sick could be cured throutrh faith in God.
But before faith he must have teaching, eo
that he would fully understand and believe
in God with a faith that could only come
from teaching. He said lie was not a healer
but a teacher.
After the regular morning service Dr.
Dowie requested those who had presented
requests for prayers or who had signified
their desire of becoming members of the
association to remain for a special service.
Upwards of 108 persons remained, mostly
women, including about 50 persons who
were either crippled, blind or diseased, and
who were desirous of being cured. The
doctor talked to the assemblage, telling
them of the hard work lie had been doing
and the money he spent in his work. On
Saturday he devoted the whole day to pray
ing witli and healing the sick. In the evening
he followed up with the same kind of work,
continuing until 4 o'clock Sunday morning,
and only sleeping four hours between Fri
day night and last night. While in this
city he had spent $700 for printing tracts
and circulars, but had been only partially
reimbursed. He hoped that those who
came for relief from sickness would be as
liberal in their contributions as possible.
After half an hour of talk and singing,
the doctor took 15 persons, with whom he
had previously engaged, to a side room and
the balance of the audience was dismissed.
He prayed with them for half an hour and
then left them to wait in the hall for the
evening service at 7:30 o'clock.
Dr. Dowie promises to produce the testi
mony of a number of people who have been
healed through his efforts at the farewell
meeting in Carnegie Hall to-night.
Last night the crowd was the largest he
has addressed since he opened his mission
in the city, and it was made up of many of
the best people of Allegheny. Mr. Dowie
took forhis subject "Leaveso'fHcalingFrom
the Book of Life." He was followed by
his wife, who spoke on "Blessed Are They
That "Wash Their Robes." Both delivered
quite interesting talks, and as Mrs. Dowie
finished her remarks she reqnested all
who had been healed and were now being
treated to stand up. Over 100 rose, and
while they stood Mr. Dowie had them re
peat an oolieation.
To-morrow evening will be the closing
service of the mission, and the evening will
be principally devoted to hearing testi
monials from those who have been cured.
Kev. S. "W. McCorkle Tolls "What a. Trait In
Christ Means.
Two bright discourses were delivered by
Rev. S. "W. McCorkle at the First Congrega
tional Church yesterday morning and even
ing. Large congregations attended both serv
ices. The first sermon was based upon a text
taken from Bomans: "I am persuaded that
nothing can separate us from the love of God
in Christ Jesus." Paul uttered this, and it
applies to every Christian who lives in the
faith. The reverend gentleman showed the
services of persuasion, which was the key
note of his talk.
"There are three features in this connec
tion," said he. "First, the testimony of
others, who have been persuaded through
the love and faith in Christ; second, the ex
perience and consciousness of every Chris
tian; third, the direct authoritative word
of God."
He proceeded to illustrate and give
thoughts on each ieature. These were very
interesting and at the conclusion he asked
Ac question:
""What is the love of Christ about whjch
we say so much?"
"It cannot he analyzed," he continued,
"any more than we can satisfactorily ex
plain the duty of a flower; give a reason for
a splendid .Tune morning, or a magnificent
sunset. It is a grand, momentous and awful
question whicli we cannot understand, just
like the other wonderful works of God and
Xatnre. However, there are some elements
of the subject which we can explain or have
a know ledge of. First, we know of Christ's
activity and persuasive powers in rescuing
the sinner. His love-is not passive toward
us, hut active aud constant. He sees danger
ahead for us, and works npon our being to
avert it. Secondly, His wonderful sacri
fices in the effort to save the sinner are so
earnest and sincere that they stop at noth
inc not death itself.
"Again, His determination and vigilance
in the rescue are not to be defeated by any
thing; He is determined to saveall who will
accept Him in this there is no uncertainty.
His will-power instilled into our beings can
battle against all cla-sitied forces, and pro
tect us arainst all possible conditions of life
and death. !No persecution, govermental
force or authority, like in the time of the
Ca-sars, when the Christian was hunted to
death for advocating God's principles, can
He concluded by saying that it was in
everyone's power to be saved, the invita
tion'bciug open always; ask and you will
Mr. McCorkle, in his evening's discourse,
chose for his text, "And Orbah kissed her
mother-in-law, hut Ruth cleave to her." A
peculiar text indeed. It, however, was
skillfully handled and was quite impressive.
"What is needed," said he, "is not mere
sentiment about religion, but a deliberate
choice of it. To the sinner who wishes to
be reclaimed, he must forsake his old
haunts." He specified the gambling room
and the saloon, and incidentally brought to
notice other places of vice "When one
determines to reform he must choose God
as against allrhals." The Ten Command
ments were cited and expiated upon at
McCorkle spoke of his gratification
at the good progress of his church and spoke
of the increase of membership in the past
year. Sixty new members were taken in,
27 of which joined the church last Sunday.
Dr. Izer Warns His Hearers .Against Living:
a Donble lAtr.
Rev. Dr. Izer, oi Christ M. EL Church,
preached to his congregation in the Du
quesne Theater last evening oa the "Cham
bers of Image." He took for his text the
vision pf Ezekicl, who saw hideous pictures
through a hole in the wall. The
doctor said many people appeared
to be religious on Sunday who worshiped
Mammon during the week. The ledger is
their Bible and devotion to gain their God.
These are the hidden pictures of the sonl
that nobody but the individual sees. Men
frequently are guilty of sins which they
cover up-for rears, but nt some nnexnecte"!
moment they suddenly come to the surface.
.People who are trusted often turn out to be
base betrayers of their trust For years
they have been engaged in fraudulent
transactions which they only knew about.
When the revelations come they are mined.
The doctor warned his hearers to avoid
this double life. He said it was a mistaken
philosophy for ministers to hire detectives
and go through the slums. Often persons
see things that will persist in coming up in
the mind and rendering the whole life mis
erable. These are to be compared to the
hideous pictures that Ezekiel saw.
An Old Hotel Man Quite 111.
J. K. Lanahan, the proprietor of the St
James Hotel, nas been til for the last two
weeks. He was worse yesterday, but mem
bers of his family were not apprehensive
about the ontcome. Mr. Lanahan is one of
the oldest hotel men in Pittsburg. He is
well and favorably known, and his many
friends hope he will soon recover. He is
suffering from inflammation of the stomach.
The Farmers' Deposit National Bank
Invite the public to call and examine their
new safe deposit vaults. Information con
cerning the renting of boxes and deposit of
valuables cheerfully given. uwf
Are yon coming to-day? Choicest and
handsomest dress goods of the season
moderate prices. Boc.os & Buhl.
be interested in our "ad" this
Jos. Hobne & Co. '3
Penn Avenue Stores.
1 stockholders of the rittsnurR Traction Com
pany will be held at the company's office. 310 Fifth
avenue, on MONDAY. November IS. 1691, at 11 A.
M., for the election of directors for the ensuing
vear. and for such other business as may be
brought before the meeting. Transfer boob will
be closed from the 4th to the 17lb Inst.
no4-3-D J. O. TRAGGAEDII, Secretary.
IO. O. F.
The members of Birmingham Lodge No. 43, 1. O.
O. F.. are requested to attend the funeral services
of our late brother. P. G. J. J. Jordan, at the fam
ily residence, Crafton. P., C. & St. I.. K. R.. on
MONDAY EVENING. November 0, at 8 o'clock.
Interment at Washlnfrton, Pa., on Tuesday, No-
ember 10. to leave Crafton at 9:45 a. 31. Members
of sister lodges Invited to participate.
BvorderoftheN. G.
1 no9-37 T, A. SMITH, Secretary.
Office op tot Otrvitn Ieoji and Stjcel Co., )
Pittsbuiio, Pa Oct. s, 1831. j
1 of Directors of this company has called a
special meeting of the stockholders, to be held at
the office of the coinpanv, corner Tenth and Muriel
streets. Pittsburg. Pa..onthe8thday of December,
1891, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., for the purposo of voting
fGroragaIn6taproposition to increase the capital
stock of the company from tl.600.roo to 1 000, 000.
ocB-2-M JAMES SMITH, Secretary.
By order of the Board of Directors of the BIo
Keesport Light Company, a stockholders meeting
will be held on
to consider the proposed amended change in Article
2, Section 4. of the by-laws, which now reads:
The holders of two-thirds of the number of shares
of the capital stock shall be represented either In
Eerson or by proxy at all meetings of the stock -olders
In order to constitute a quorum."
Proposed amendment to read as follows:
The majority of all stock issued, represented
cither by person or proxy, shall be a quorum at all
meetings of the stockholders."
no7-M-D Frcsldont.
Exchange Nation-al Bank. )
Pittsbuho, Nov. 3. 1891. (
XJ this hank haie declared a dividend of FOUR
(4) TEH CENT, payable forthwith.
no4-19 A. LONG, Cashier.
Fibrt National Baxk op Alleghevt. Pa.
XJ this hank have this day declared a dividend of
FOUR (4) PER CENT on the capital stock outof
theprohtsof the last six months, payable on de
mand, free of tax. E. H. KRAMER.
OCTOBER 31. Cashier.
St. Lodis Railwat Compact.
Pittsburg. Pa . October 30. lstl
1 PANY have this day declared a dividend of
TWO (2) PER CENT, clear of taxes, upon the pre
ferred stock for the six months ending June SO.
189L. ont of the net profits, payable in cash on and
after November 20. 1891. at the office of the Farm
ers' Loan and TruBt Company. New York, to the
preferrea stockholders or their legal representa
tives, as they may stand registered npon the books
of the company at 3 o'clock P. U.November 10,
The transfer books will close November 10 and
open on November 20, 1891.
Dividends may be collected by sight draft on the
Farmers' Loan and Trn6t Company, No. 22 Will
lam street. New York City.
t. ii. b. McKNianrr.
OC31 -65-31, n 02. 3, 4. 5, G, 7, 0, 10, 12. M, 17, 19
Bnalness Changes.
J.1 ofLowry. VanGorderft Co. has this day been
dissolved byjnutual consent, Jesse L. VanGorder
retiring. The firm will be continued under the
name of Armstrong Lowry. who will collect all
bills and pay all ontstadlng debts.
1A this day entered Into a limited partnership,
agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed the
21st day of March, 183S. entitled "An Act Relative
toLimitrd Partnerships," and we do hereby certi
fy thit the name of the firm under which said firm
is to be enndncted Is n. F. Blggam & Company;
that the general nature of the business to be trans
acted is the building of englncs,dolng steam fitting,
machine hlacksmltlilng and general repairing; that
that the proposed place of business Is at No. 220
Hehccca street, Allegheny. Pa.; that the name of
the general p-xrtner In said firm Is Harry F. Big
gam, of No. 13 North Canal street, Allegheny,Pa.,
and the spcclil partner Is Walter Sheets, of No. 3G"
Rebecca street, Allegheny, Pa.; that the capital
contributed by the said "Walter Sheets, special
partner, is (200 In cash; that the period at which
said partneremp is to commencp is ovemoerz,
18"i. and that it 111 terminate at the expiration of
five vears from that date. HARRY F. K1GGAM,
General Partner; WALTER SHEETS, Special
Partner. OC25-177-BI
Thecal Notice.
In the Court of Common Pleas No. 1 of Allegheny
i PLICATION wiUucmadetotheaboTenamed
conrton Wednesday, the Sothdav of November. A.
1. 1891, atlOo'dock A. ii.. under' the 'Corporation
Act of one thousand eight hundred and beventy
fmr. and Its supplements for the allowance and
approval of a cei tain amendment to the charter
ot the Barbers' Protective and Beneficial Associa
tion or Allegheny County as set forth in certificate
filed m "said Court." MOXTOOTII BUOS..
nol-lOI-M ; Solicitors.
PERSONAL ttih paid for old goto and silver
watches: jewclrv repaired: new work made
to order. Chris. Hauch. Ml bniithueld.
PER-ONAL Sam r. Slpc, fine diamonds and
watclic: terms cash or credit. Dispatch Build
ing, cor. hinltbtield and Diamond sts.; open Satur
day nights.
"PERSONAL The Everett Piano Clnb; new
J pianos delivered this week are Club A, 341,
Messrs. Headland. Powell & Co., Freedom, Pa.:
Club B, 199, Alex Buch in, Frauk. Pa.
PERSONAL Grant's Memoirs, S3 7T; Mark
Twain's Huckleberry Finn, 75c; Webster's
Dictionary, large quarto, SI 25: E. P. Roe's
worts, half price; special bargains In old and new
books. Frank Bacon Co., 3U1 Smltlifitld st.
PERSONA1, When 1 was a small hoy my mother
always repaired mv breeches and Jacket, but
since I got to be a great bigman, Dickson, the well
known tailor, 65 Fifth av,, cor. Wood et., second
floor, has been substituted, who now does all my
cleaning, pressing anil renovating In great shape,
Tel. 1K.
PERSONAL Mnnekln's price list of dyeing and
cleaning ladies' and gents' garments:
.... 1 SO
.... 1 2i
.... 100
Heavy overcoats..
Light overcoats....
Full suit dyed for 2 50
Cleaning and repairing done in best possible man
ner at lowest rates.
Single shawls 75
Double shawls , $1 25
Piaio covers ?1 01 to 1 25
Portieres 2 00 to 5 00
Table covers 50 to 1 00
Jackets 1 CO to 2 00
Dresses 1 O) to 5 00
Ribbons 5cad. and up
Kid slippers, black only 50c pair
Kid gloves, black only 25c pair
Ostrich plumes cleaned or dved black, JOc to 50c.
Ostrich tips, djed to match samples, COe per
Lace curtains cleaned or tinted any shade, 50c.
Ladies' straw or felt hats dyed any shade and
shape-1 in the latest style.. Dry cleaning our
specialty. E. J. Llnnekin Co., 174 Federal st,
Allegheny, and 638 Fran av.. l'lttsbiirg.
LOST A good diamond or watch If you don't see
Sam F. Slpe, rooms J and 6, Dispatch Building,
and pay your weekly savings on a good diamond or
watch ; open Saturday nights,
LOST Cape On Ililaml or Penn ares., a child's
pray cloth capo trimmed with krimroer; tinder
will please return to Wallace's Stationery Store,
Kant jnd.
IST'Dltplay advertisement! one ddSar per
tquare for one buertton. Classified real estate
advertisemenU on this page ten cents per line
for each insertion, and none taken for leu than
thirty cents.
Classified under the following headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
FOB EACH INSERTION when palfi Vor In ad
vance either at main or branch offices.
Wanted Advertisements of aJX Sinds,
Mali: help, boardino,
female help, boardeks,
agents, miscellaneous,
tersonal, to let rooms,
miscellaneous for sales, lost and
Cor. Smlthfleld and Diamond Streets,
Advertisements shonld be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have accounts with TnE Dispatch.
THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3309 Butler street.
EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn avenue.
V A. .T. XAERCITEH. No. 02 Federal street.
II. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny.
F. H. EGGERS&SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets.
THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin avenues.
G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves.
PERRY II. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ave.
aialo HelD.
AN experienced man who understands building
furnace and rolling and tempering spring
steel. Apply to B.. Merchants' Hotel, this city,
within next ten days, after 7 r. M.
BOY About 15 or HI vears of age to, learn the
barber trade. Call at 504 Forbes st city.
BOY Good earnest boy. Call at 05 Fifth avenue.
Room one.
T RIVER-Apply for three days at 361 Fifth av.
TYRUG GIST Registered druggist at or.ce to taka
XJ charge of store. Inquire, with reference, J.
B. Specr, 918 Main St., Sharpsbnrg, Pa.
GLAZIERS Immediately: two lead glaziers;
steady work. Address Cleveland Stained
Glass Works. Cleveland, O.
IMMEDIATELY At Emlenton, Fa., on Alle
gheny Vallev R. R.. caulkers, riveters and all
hands for general iron tank building, Nilcs Boiler
MAN A man to take an oElce and represent a
manufacturer; (50 per week; small capital
required. Address, with stamp. Manufacturer,
Box 70. West Afton. Mass.
MAN Experienced man to drive wagon to Eell
pork and smoked meat and groceries and
produce. 537 Fifth av.
AN to take orders: experience not necessary.
Simmons, 41 Logan St., Cty.
MEN 15 good men on tongs. Report Chartlers
station, P. &L. E. R., R., 7 o'clock Monday
morning; wages, (2 25 per day. McCormlck &
PRACTICAL TINNERS-Squires Roofing & Sup
ply Company, 6200 Penn av., Pittsburg, .
SALESMAN A first-class boot and shoo sales
man for Western Pennsylvania and Eastern
Ohio; must have experience and acquaintance on
the territory; none other need apply. Address
Chllds, QraltftCo.. Cleveland, o.
SALESMAN A traveling salesman by a whole
sale grocery house, for Western Pennsylvania
and Eastern Ohio. Address, stating age and ex
perience, with reference. Sambo, Dispatch office.
SALESMEN At once; 3 good salesmen; can
makj 5 a day. Call at 12 Federal st,., Alle
gheny, room 21.
SALESMAN Experienced shoe salesman; give
reference, age, etc Addressllodus, Dispatch
SHIPPING CLERK Experienced shipping clerk.
Address A. F. B., Dispatch office. State age
aud references.
YOUNG MEN Ten respectable young men of
good address to solicit orders lorthe finest
grade portraits In sepia crayon and water colors;
experience unnecessary; work speaks lor Itself.
Union Artists' Portrait Company, first floors 70S
Liberty St., GOT Wood st. ; stores open till 9 P. M.
.Agents "Wanted.
AGENTS On salary or commission to handle
the new patent chemical ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases
ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ot
paper; 200 to 600 per cent profit: one agent's sales
amounted to 620 In six days; another 321ntwo
hours: we want one energetic general agent for
each State and Territory. For terms and full particu
lars, addri-ss The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La
Crosse. Wis.
AGENTS We furnish team free to agents who
sellourgoods: our new line will sell at every
house, and agents can rein a harest In a few
weeks; will pay a salary of 73per month. If pre
ferred. Address at onco Standard Silverware Co.,
Boston, Mass.
GEN TS 83 to 87 dally: experience unnecessary.
Putnam Jfc Co., Perfumers, West Winsted,' Ct.
Female Help "Wanted.
COOK for a small family: goon reference re
quired. Address P. O. Box 273 Pittsburg.
COOKS, girls for housework. 130 Robinson St.,
GIRLS Dining room girls and dlshwasher;wagea
915 per mouth. Hotel Riverside, Cambridge
boro. Pa.
GIRL Gooi girl for general housework; wages
S3. 145 Fulton st.
IRL For general housework at 179 Center nv.t
uear rrin &u
IRL Tot general housework; small family.
yus -rem! av.
LADY to net as general agent; one who can leave
city. Call ami prt terms not later tli.in Tncs
lr. ISelson, Durr Hotel, Fourth a v. andMarkct
AID Kefiponslhle maid, eapiblc of taking care
uuicgin. Acurrss i;. y., jugpaicnomce.
Halo and Female Help Wanted.
COOKS, chambermaids, nurses, dining room
girl?, laundresses, 5 yomig girls, 200 houe-e
girls, kitchen, pantry and dining room girU for
boanllng houes, chambermaid1 and cleaning girls
lor hotels, German and colored girls, white and
colored waiters,? colored boys. Mrs. E. Thompson,
HELP rarm hands, dairymen, "errand boy.
housekeeper, serving girl, holel cook and
laundress, hotel chambermaids, dishwashers, col
ored girls, S00 house girls: highest wages paid here.
Meehan's Agency, 045 Grant st.; telephone 00.
M experienced dining room girl; also one good
ocii ooy, ai3i-si iiiuiuona square, city.
Situations "Wanted.
I EVENING work of any Mndby ayoungman;
j can operate typewrit t: also a good penman.
Address C. F., Dispatch office.
POSITIOK Young man 24 years of age; married ;
position as bookkeeper and stenographer, or
either; can give best of references from present and
past empiojers; Iron and steel business preferred;
seven ytare' experience as stenographer and hook
kceier. Address Phonography, Dispatch office.
POSITION By lidy; bookkeeping, office work or
cashier; experienced ; references; security. Ad
dress O. O., Dispatch office.
POSITION as bookkeeper by young man -si Ith ex
perience; good reference. Address S. S., Dis-
paien omce.
POSITION Astlevatorman; best or reference.
Address Elevator, Dispatch office.
SITUATION By glasshouse blacksmith, cither In
prescription or bottle glasshouse: best of refer
ences; long experience. Address Glass, Dispatch
SITUATION Coachman wants situation: Has 18
j ears' experience, nine years last place; Irish
man. M. M. C, 39J Coal St., Johnstown.
SITUATION As foreman pattern maker hy an
A 1 practical man of good reference. Address
Pattern, Dispatch office.
Hoarding Wanted.
EOARDING-A respectable young lady working
In city wants boarding in private family;
give rates and reference. Address M. W. II., Dis
patch office.
Financial Wanted.
BENSWANGER & ZAHN-Fire insurance, 60
Fourth av.
MONEY to loan Immediately; J30.000 has been
left with us to place this week In sums lo
suit applicants; this is a splendid opportuultv to
parties wanting money at once. Morris Flcni-
iu, no r uunii av.
ONEV to loan on short notice Jonn K.
tfwinir .C- Pn 107 lVde alst.
MORTGAGES-flCO.000 to loan ; sums oo to $5,000
to 20,000: expenses light; money ready. S.
J. Fleming. 152 Fifth av.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny conntv prop
erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver &
Co., K Fourth av.
ATORWICH Union Fire Insurance Society: or
i ganlzed 1737: assets. 1,800,000. Schcnck A
Mulert, resident agents, 413 Wood st.
TO LOAi J20D.01IO on mortgages: 100 and up
ward at 6 per cent: JoO0,0(uai 4U percent on
residences or business property, vacant lots or
farms. S. II. French. 12 Fourth av.
"TTTANTED Wc nave money to loan in large or
TV small amounts on mortgages: all annllca-
tious will receive prompt attention. W. A. jfterron i
,e S-.n. n Fourth av. '
Boarders and Lodcers Wanted.
C1ENTI.EMEN occupants for two nicely fnr
T nished, connecting rooms. 154 Meyran av.,
CCUPANTS for furnished room; private Lun-
iij. oanermanay., Aiiegncpy.
YOUNG MEN and women who wish to thor
oughly qualify themselves as stenographers
and typewriters; 1 have constant calls for persons
who have learned shorthand and typewriting thor
oughly to fill good positions; my school occupies
three entire floors: there are four instructors and
50 typewriters arc used; the conductor has had an
experience of over a quarter of a century as official
verbatim stenographer for courts aud State Legls
tures; nothing else Is taught in my school to de
tract attention. For fnll particulars and catalogue
call on or address A. M. Martin, 412 Wood St.
Miscellaneous Wanted.
A GREAT reflection TVe want everybody to
know that we have reduced our best f 00 cabi
nets to f3 00. Stewart & Co. , 90 and M Federal St..
Allegheny. Pa.; diamond PhotoettesSl 00.
EVERYBODY to know that W. C. Staving sells
the reliable Star brand butler at 20c. Stands
IM, 205. 218. center Allegheny market.
IVEltYBODY to know I sell line diamonds and
Jj wr.tches; cash or credit. Sam F. Sipe, Dis
patch Building.
(1 KOCERS and dealers to buy Boneless Boiled
7 Hams, sansage. pork, sparerlbs, lard, all kinds
smoked meat cheap. E. A. Relneman, IS Pitts.
GUN To buy a second-hand breech-loader gun;
state price; must be In good condition. Ad
dress G. F Dispatch office.
MEMBERS of the Western Pennsylvania Indus
trial Co-operatl re Association whoso names
may have been omitted from onr October malting
list to call or send postal for new trade circular.
No. 12 Federal St., Allegheny.
PARTIES wishing choice properties Improved
or unimproved, will do well to consult W. A.
Lincoln, 104 Fourth av., who always has special
bargains that are not generally in the market, and
do not care to advertise.
pATENTS-O. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor, 131
i- "Firth av next Leader, Pittsburg; no delay.
IAN O and furniture moving Shanahan Transrer
Co., Smlthfleld, corner Water.
rflRUNKS Hauled to and from East End for SCc
J Campbell & Davli, 12 Seventh av. Telephone
TTSE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Maglo
J Roach Powder: contains no poison; roaches
banished by contract; satlstactionglven or no pay.
Prepared by Geo. W. Jones, 223 Federal St., Alle
gheny. Pa. Sold bv all first-cias3 druggists
City Residences.
POR SALE $3,000, on a desirable residence street,
only a short walk from the Court House, one
square from cable line, modern brick house. 8
rooms, finished attic, hath, range, city sewerage;
lot 20x100 feet (15) W. A. Herron & Sons, 80
Fourth av.
ITiORTY-FIFTH ST.-12 oriole houses: 10 per cent
. investment. Morris & Fleming, 103 Fourth
East End "Residences For Sale.
EMERSON ST. Hie four houses and lots and
vacant lot on Carron St.. between Shady and
So. Hlland avenues. East End, ot the estate of
John W. Plttock.deceased, will be exposed to pub
lic sale by order of the Court of Common Pleas of
Allegheny county, on Tuesday, November 24. at 10
o'clock A. Jr., in the real estate salesroom of Jas.
W. Drnne Co., Agents and Auctioneers, 313
Wood St., Pittsburg. Fnll particulars given on
band bills which can be obtained at above office or
sent by mall If desired.
FOR SALE 4.500-Good, modern house; six
rooms; attic and bath room; laun
dry; stationary tubs: both gases, front
and back porches; shade treesand shrub
bprv; on street paved and sewered: near
Fifth ay. and Duqnesnc Traction lines. Shadysldo,
(74) See W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth av.
SOUTH HILAND AV.-Verv desirable brick
residence. 10 rooms; all modern conveniences;
in perfect order: possession In 30 days; lot 43x134.
Henry A. Breed, 516 Market st.
"I ( 000 A highly desirable homo on Aiken
tID-LUj av.; house has ten rooms, b. r., laundry.
Imported gas-saving stoves: all conveniences: lot
nearly 100 ft. front: good stable and wagon house,
with apartment for hostler. Murry & Edsail,
Fidelity building, 121 Fourth av.
Allegheny Ilesldcnccs For Sale,
A NEAT, tidy dwelling close to the parks In Al
legheny, one-half square from electric cars;
eight cozy rooms with bath, gas and water, etc.,
and everything in trim and prime order: an ex
ceedingly pleasant place for a home; price only
K.rco. Particulars from Jas. W. Drapo & Co., 313
Wood St.. nttsbnrg.
PERRYSVILLE AV., Allegheny, overlooking
tho city, fronting on two streets and facing
Western University grounds, new 9-room 0,neen
Anne frame dwelling, reception hall. bath, tile
hearths and slate mantels, closets and cupboards: a
complete house in every detail: see it and he con
vinced; price low. M. F. Hippie & Co., 80 Fourth
(1J1 -100 Small pavment down, balance In
tipJLj inonthlv Installments same as rent; new
frame house of flvo rooms; lot 25x100 feet: Tenth
ward, Allegheny City, near electric cars: good
neighborhood : nice location. John E. McCrickart,
110 Fifth a"v. Tel. 1670.
Suburban "Residences For Sale.
I7DGEWOOD-P. R. R., new frame house of ten
j rooms, reception hall, back and front stairs,
slate mantels, tile hearths, large pantry, finished
laundry, with tubs, city water, bath, w. c wash
stand, slate roof: lot 72x192: G minutes from station;
only $5,800. Hotlman & Baldridge, Wllkinsnurg.
Telephone 724S.
WILKINSBURG-6-room frame dwelling, mod
ern Improvements: close to P. R. R. station
aud electric cars: price, 13,300; a bargain. W. K.
HamnettiCo.. Wilklnsburg. Pa.
City Lots.
IOTS Beantlful building lots forrrom J100 to J300,
1 in the Eighteenth ward; log payments: easy
terms. Inquire of Chas. E. Cornelius, attorney,
406 Grant st., Pittsburg.
East End Lots For Sale.
I71AST END An acre of ground fronting on three
j prominent streets, between inland and Neg
ley ayes. M. P. Howley & Son, 127 Fourth av.
I?AST KMD A rare bargain: 6 acres, near the
"j electric line; 100 per cent investment. See 31.
P. Howicy & Son. 127 Fourth av.
1FTII AV., East End-100 feet, more or Ies,
surrounded by beautlfi.1 stone residences, near
South Negley av. ; great bargain if taken soon.
Morris & Fleming. 103 Fourth av.
MELLON ST. A bargain: lot 133x120, alsolotl28
xltl on Euclid av.. and one corner St. Clair
and Jackson: all are choice pieces of property and
cheap. See M. P. Howley i Son, 127 Fourth av.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
PALMER PLACE-Swlssvalc, P. R. B.. excellent
level lots: a good investment for future en
hancement; only 2 minutes from station: a number
of residences will be built at once. Hoffman &
BalelrWge, WilMnsburg. Telephone 7243.
SWIS-5VALE LOTS. 40x120: 2 minutes from sta
tion: price $550: the cheapest lot by S200 In this
town. W. E. f Iamnett & Co., Wilklnsburg, Pa.
Farms For Sale.
P ARM 20 acres; good 5-room house, barn and
orchard: one mile to town; price 8I.CC0: pay
ments 5500 down and $150 a year: send for biggest
farm aud exchange list with description of your
property. If vou want to buy or trade for farm.
N. F. Hurst, Real Estate Agent, Rochester, Pa.
IJiARM A fine grain and stock farm In the great
: com belt ol the West, near Council Bluffs,
Iowa: terms easy. Address Owner, 554 Preble av.,
Allegheny. Ta.
Business Opportunities.
A GOOD country barber shop: must be sold at
once. Apply to A. Edlis & Co., 502 Liberty
st city.
AUIiER SHOP Doing goodhusiness; old standi
wiiibcucueap. uauvrj until av.
best location in live town eastof city. Address
Bargain, Dispatch office.
DRUG STORE-tlnc of the best drng stores In
McKeesport: doing a large and paiingbnsi
ness; satisfactory reasons for selling. Particulars
from Wm. M. Bell. McKeesport, Pa.
TRUG STOKE At Invoice, or registered clerk as
XJ partner: bmall capital required. Address
Pharmacist, Dispatch office.
T?OR SALE-Flrst c'ass clothing establishment in
X the best tonn of 15,000 Inhabitants in the State:
this Is a rare chance to get in an old established and
paying business; groceries, bakeries, cigar store,
drug store. Holmes Co.. 420bmlthflrld st.
(1ROCERY for sale or exchange: good location:
J cash business. Address Exchange, Dispatch
PAPER ROUTE rORSALE-.Haklngf20perweek
gross; in town near Pittsburg. Address Route.
Dispatch office.
STEAM LAUNDUY-Dolng a first-class business.
Call on or address K. K. McDowell, Bcaycr
Falls, Pa.
STOCK-100 shares United States Glass Company
common stock. Inquire of Rlnehart & Tatum.
Stock Brokers. Wheeling, W. Va.
Business Properties For fale.
IMRF, BRICK WORKS-At New Lisbon, O.. In
cluding buildings, kilns, machinery, fixtures
and nine acres of ground: coal and clay adjoining
works: will be sold cheap to a ready purchaser.
For terms, etc.. apply to J. E. McKclvy, 153
Fourth av., Pittsburg, Pa.
rPHE bouses and lots known as No. 144 West
L Carson St.. Southslde. city, with lot 25 feet 8
Inches in front and extending back to a low water
mark, excepting and reserving right of way of P.
A L. E. It. It. across the rearlot:oneof the houses
has a storeroom aud three dwelling rooms, and the
other one lias four dwelling rooms: sales peremp
tory to close up an estate on account orhelrs;tu be
sold nt public sale on Tuesday. November 10, l 2
o'clock on the promises. Particulars from Jas.
U. Drape & i.e.. Agents and Auctioneers, 313
Wood St.. Pittsburg.
Manufacturing Sites For Sale.
manufacturing properties, with and without
buildings and machinery, on lines of railroads ana
r'rers, T. It. rxcsjsf,. '(! T"trti or.
Musical Instruments.
GUITARS, mandolins. Danjos, violins and mn
slcal goods of every description. Kappel's,
534 Smlthfleld St.
T ISZT" ORGAN, Mason Hamlin make: nsed
Li very short time: good as new: bargain for
small church. W. C. Whiten"!. 152 Third ay.
BRASS at 20, $.Ji, $30. V. Echols A Caswell
Co., lamnea. no. nii eucrai si., Aiiegiieny.
PIANOS -We arc offering wonderful bargains In
new upright pianos that must ho sold at once
to make room for our fall and holiday stock; call
soon and seenre first choice. Echols & Caswell Co.,
Limited, 14S Federal St., Allegheny.
PIANOS AND OROANS-Ofbest makes atrea
sonableprlres and easy terms at Hoffmann's.
537 Smlthficid street.
TTPRIGIIT PIANOS-From l" to TOO: square
U pianos $30. $75. $123 and $175. Echols A Cas
well Co., Limited, IK) Federal st,. Allegheny.
Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock For Sale.
DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles;
our own make. Wm. Bcrkcrt, 310 to 344 Ohio
St.. Allegheny. Telephone, 3420.
"Machinery and Metals For Sale.
AUTOMATIC hoisting engines Work perfectly
tight and left, with single or double drum;
second-hand boilers and engines also on hand:
general machine work promptly executed: corre
spondence solicited. Combination Engine Co,,
Llm3140Pcnnare..Pittsburg. Tel 1203.
BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes,
from 4 to 100 h. p. ; cheapest In the market: 40
boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta
ble, unrlffht boilers, mounted farm endue, etc.
steam pumps. gocrnnr. pulleys and shafting.
Telephone 3101, 23-25 Park way, J. S. Young.
Allegheny, Pa.
BRICK plant, consisting orgrlnillngpan. engine,
boiler, etc.: engines, boilers, clayanrl ore pans,
and brick yard supplies. Thomas Carllu's sons,
Laeock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny.
GRINDSTOXES-In all sizes, for all kinds of
grinding; Cralgielth. New Castle, Nova Scotia
and other grits: iron frames and flxtnres for hand,
foot or power: mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Kirbv, 133 Flr3t
SJECOND-HAND engines and Boilers Two .5
k"5 horse-power and two ten horse-power station
ary engines and boilers. One ten horse-power
portable on wheels. Thirty-flue, 15, 12, ten and
eight horse-power engines, vertical and horizontal,
all good and will be sold cheap. Harmes' Machine
Depot. 99 First ay.
rjiIIE celebrated acme automatic safety engines
X and non-explosive boilers, for gas or oil fnel,
from one to five-horse power; also the latest im
proved ventilating fans; perfect satisfaction
guaranteed: bv J. Prager, General Agent, No. 4
Fifth av., Pittsburg, Pa.
"MisccUaneons For Sale.
ANTHRACITE and bituminous coal and crushed
coke for domestic purposes; general hauling.
Latimer. Meyers & Co., Fourth and Trysts, and
Thirtieth and Liberty sts. "
BILLIARD and pool tables, bar fixtures, store
counters, hard coal stoves. 90 Diamond st.
"10RDAOE Twine, hemp packing. Flockcr &
s- .o., vi water si,
RED BRICK Capacity CO, 000 dally. Address
WIttmer Brlcfc Co.. Llm., 12 Federal St.. Alle
gheny. Pa.
City Residences.
TO LET Brick house, fonr rooms in good order;
only $9 a month ; on Twentieth St., Southslde.
W. A. Herron & ;ons. No. 80 Fourth av. t
East End Residences To Let.
TO LET At reduced renfe, good houses, as fol
lows: One of six rooms, bath, range, hot and cold
water, Plymouth St. ; $13 per month.
One of seven rooms, largo lot, at Brushton, ad-
iolnlng city line: convenient to the Duquesne
Electric line and P. R. R. ; $13 per month.
Also another, six rooms, city water. location
good, Susquehanna St., near Murfland av. and
Dnquesne Traction line and P. it. R. ; $13 50 per
Also Park av.. which is paved, near East Liberty
station and Dnquesne Electric line, seven rooms;
$20amonth: also others: send for printed list. W.
A. Herron & Sons, No. 80 Fourth av. t
TO LET Forces St., short walk from the Post
office; brick house, fine appearance, five large
rooms, modern fixtures. $25 a month. See W. A.
Herron A Sons, No. 80 Fourth av. t
rpo LET $15 a month, new house of six rooms on
X Wllkins, near S. Negley av. and Fifth av.
cable line. W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. t
Allegheny Residences To Let.
NICE five-room dwelling Federal st. extension.
Inquire or ,1. K. McKce, 703 Pennav., Room
611. t
Rooms To Let.
FOUR small communicating rooms on second
floor, unfurnished, for light housekeeping. 120
Wylle av.
rURNISHED front and back room for gentlemen
only. 187 Wylle av.
HANDS031ELY furnished front room, two
minutes from Postoffice: both gases and
bath. Address A. M. E., Dispatch othce.
"VriCELY furnished front room with alcove, only
ll $19; with or without board. 142 Webster av.
I) OOM Second floor front room, unfurnished,
L with board. 205 .North av., Allegheny.
Business Stands To Let.
NE-HALF of 6torc 708 Smlthfleld st. Inquire of
.BiacK x jiairu, u r ourin ar. t
SPACE In the building 75. 77. 71 Diamond St., with
power, electric light, steam heating, and eleva
tor and Janitor service: suitable lor printing or any
light manufacturing business: possession immedi
ately; rooms of various sires ranging frr m 00x100 to
13x20. Apply to John T. Shields, second floor. Dis
patch building, corner Diamond and Smlthfleld sts.
SPACE with p-iwer Cor. Penn and Third av. ;
three floors: 20.000 feet space; abundant power:
good light; splendid location: every convenience.
Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fifth av. t
TO LET Business house and dwelling. Fifth av.,
near Washington St.; rent only $650 per year.
See W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. t
Miscellaneous To Lets.
CYCLOBAMA AUDITORIUM for lectures, con
certs, parties, etc. Apply toThos. McIIcnry,
63 Irwin av., Allegheny.
given that Frederick S. Wait, Assineo,
under deed of voluntary assignment for tho
benefit of creditors of Jesse H. Lipplncott,
will offer for sale on WEDNESDAY. Novem
ber 11, 1S9L at 10 o'clock a. m., nt 051 Liberty
avomie, Pittsburg, Pa., ail the right, title and
interest of said Jesse II. Llppincott In the
Banner Baking Powder Company, including
stock on band, manufactured material in
cans and in bulk: material not manufactured,
box lumber In shoofcs, empty cans, can and
box labels, printed matter, flxtuics and
office furniture and trade mark.
EDWIN W. SMITH. Assignee,
Attorney at law. New York.
No. 110 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Fa.
J. W. DRAPE & CO., Auctioneers.
of the Light House Engincor, Third dis
trict, Tompkinsville, N. Y.. November 2,
1891. Scaled proposals will be received nt
this office until 12 o'clock noon of TUESDAY,
the 24th day of November, 1891, for furnish-,
ing tho materials and labor of all kinds
necessary tor the completion, deliery and
erection at the site of the metal work of the
Wtiackanck, Light Ilom-e, Now Jersey. Plans,
specifications, forms of proposals and other
Information mav be obtained on application
to this office. The right is reserved to reject
anv or all bids, and to waive anv defects.
D. P. HEAP, Major of Engineers, U. S. A.. L.
II. Engineer. Third district. no7-67
CURRY Collegiate Department, The Best.
CURRY Normal School, The Best.
CURRY English Training School, The Best.
CURRY Business College, The Best.
CURRY School of Shorthand, The Best.
CURRY Conservatory of JIu3lo, The Best.
CURRY School of Eli cution, Tho Best
CURRY Faculty and Discipline), The Best.
Call or (.cud lor catalogue. II. M. ROWE,
President. ' ocil-Sl
Is growing rapidly. Two lnrgo literary so
cieties, tho Aicadian and the Promethean
have just been organized. Students enter
with advantage at any time. Tho sanio
studies in both day and evening sessions.
Diamond street, opposite Court House, Pitts
burg. K. M. WOOD, D. D. LLD.,
OCI5-IG Pi evident.
Have removed to Xos. 46 and 43
Seventh avenue, opposite Ifew
Grant street, but a short distanco
from the Union depot.
They will be glad Jo bee their old
friends and make many new ones.
Orders by mail receive prompt
and careful attention.
Kc3. 46 and 48 Seventh Arenas,
oc17-o PITTSBURd. PA.
1600 :-: FEET :-: FRONT
Right in the hcart.of
This Is a Tare chance for making hlg money.
MUST BE SOLD on or before
THURSDAY, November 12.
If sold at this price,
$10,0.0 TO "flSOCO CASH WILL
Don't miss seeing this. It Is no bluff I See
Dwelling House Projert?.
iseS3re'r2IS!K" "7"
M "" - -
'i, g f t f : s Z "' -:
ii at zu gigi g -
r t'ii i
'(j0l 689St-S2 I
3AV n-
IMS & ELEfflu,
n 06-33
Abont ton acrea of nlco level ground a
short distance from tho city, on the Monon
catiela river, with a large new ironclad
building and side tracks from main line of
railroad on same. Will be sold at a bargain.
Plttaburff, r.
121 and 123 Fourth ave.
Capital, $1,000,000. Insures titles to real
estate. Acts as executor, administrator,
guardian, eto. Trustee for corporation
mortgages. Safe deposit vault boxes from
$3 to $200. ocll-it
- A.1
TORIES IN THE WORLD, occupying 48 ACRES of
ground and giving employment to 1,800 PEOPLE. The
erection of these works will be commenced at once, and
pushed to completion without delay. With the-additioifc-of
this enormous plant
May truly be called the manufacturing-city of nhis-vicmityi
Now is the opportunity of a lifetime to make money. Buy
lots now while you have the chance at present prices and
can be suited in location. Any kind of business that you,
may wish to engage in will pay there. Building houses
now. either to rent or sell, will pay there. Don't put ont
buying, as property is steadily increasing in value and tha
coming of the Chambers Glass Company will make such a
demand for lots to supply homes for the thousands that
must live there, that they will soon be taken and present
prices advanced. No advance in prices will be madeafc
present by the company. To those who have visited
And have made a selection of a lot without-buyingiWQ
would advise to close the transaction immediately if they,
wish to secure it The property lying above, the railroad is(
now graded and for sale. It was the intention not to place ,
this section on the market before spring, but the large de-j
mand and sale of lots in the lower part of the city necesst-j
tated it This is the most beautiful part of Kensington foff
homes. There never was a better prospect to make money
than putting it in property in this new city. Come to outf
office and get FREE TICKETS.
Salesmen always on the ground. For other-informa-i
tion apply at office of
No. 96 Fourth Avenue,
PITTSBURG.-PA,- .. , -';
Penn Avenue
Penn Avenue
Wood Street
Fourth Avenue
Penn Avenue
Penn Avenue
Smithfield St.
Lot 24x110 Feet.
Lot 50x100 Feet,
Lot 55x90 Feet.
Lot 23x110 Feet.
Lot 57x110 Feet.
Lot 40x100 Feet
Lot 20x110 Feet.
Also properties on LIBERTY STREET
and on other leading streets and avenues in
the city. We are ready to negotiate for any
piece of property in the city in the interesO
of cither buyer or seller, and have arrange-,
ments perfected to conduct all negotiations
JAS. W. DRAPE & CO,, Agents,
313 WOOD STREET, - - Pittsburg.
TUESDAY MORNING, November 10, at 10
o'clock, at tlie rooms of tho Henry Auction,
Co., 24 nnd 26 Ninth St. Fine chamber furnl.
tnre in oak and iralnnt, handsome parlor
suites, wardrobe, bookcases, desks, exten.
sion tables sideboard, chair and rocker,
couches, dl-hes and tableware, brussels and
ingrain carpets, rugx, etc., drygood3 and.
notions, hats and caps. Also, at 2 o'clock, I
bngiry and '- buck wagons almost new, to bo
sold for account of whom it may concern.
Terms cash. Sale positive.
HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers.
-Aixcboza- Sale,
On Account of the Heirs of the Lata Jans
Young, Deceased, of
Houses nnd Lots, known as No. lit West
Carson street, Southslde, city, with lot 25
feet 8 inches in front nnd extending back to
a watermark, exceptingand reervmgrighs
of way of nttsburg and Lake Erie Railroad
across the rear of lot: one of the bouses liasa
storeroom and three dwelling rooms, and.
tho other house has four dwelling rooms.
Sale peremptory, to close up the estate, oa
account of the heirs of aid decedent. Toba
sold at pnblie sale, on TUESDAY. November
10, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Particulars
from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.,
Agents and Auctioneers, 313 Wood street,
Pittsburg no7-71-7,9,10
The Coumian'a Collection.
A very large stock of magnificent oriental
rugs, carpet., portieres, etc., will be dis
posed by public auction at the storerooms
of Henry Auction Co., on Ninth st., near
Penn av.
On Monday. Tnestlay and Wednesday,
Novembers. 10 and II, at 10 a. jr. and2r. Jr.
each day. Exhibition on Snturday, Novem.
noO-37 Auctioneers.
No. 21 Federal St., Allegheny, will commenea
to sell out their entire stock consisting of a
fine assortment of merchant tailoring gooda
at public sale, commencing this
SATURDAY, at 3 P. it.,
And will continue every afternoon until
their entire stock is disposed of. no7-26-D
Ei3nor building. Fifth av. and Wood st!
Sales of Jewelry and Merchandise at stores
Furniture at residences promptly attend
ea to. ocji-ze-D
Contractors for
Paving Sidewalks With Cement, Brick an4
Fire Brick, Concreting Cellars.
Curbstone furnished and set. aull-Tt-a
- -