P7wWMIIffIBF $7s?evi!; v??tfpf - ev THE PnTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER. 8, 1891. 20 NEW AOVERTISEMKNTS SEW ADTEKT1SEBEENTS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kgm '' ' - ' "" ' ' ' . T-T'-PS??? --' ppr- r-?-- beshe:extra PITTSBURG'S LEADING THEATER DAVID HEXDERvj .t.IOHX W.XOBTON man.:i:ks. FOR O.St, WEEK, Commencing, Monday, Nov. 16 huqolph mm OPERA COMPANY TLOM THE NEW YORK CASINO, In a jrranddoiiblolull at crery performance. The latest Opera Comiquo Success! THE JOLLY STUDENTS And Pictra Mascagni's Grand Opera, CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA, In Kngl'sn. First time here of the original eeore and orchestration. OOUBLK COMPANY. Pauline L'Allemand, Lnnisr Beacdet, KcidinandSctiuetr., Villa Knox, llonry Leoni, Eva Jt-tvennort. Edgar Smitli. Clara C Tidray, Max Fisman, A. W. ilallin, Cnarles Kenwicfc, JeJ'erson De Angelis. Sale of Srats Begins Thursday, Tfov. 12. noS-U7 SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W...ii... ' I. .n... .'' ...ii,.'.....!... ... i '' Every Woman Owes It to Herself to Be as Beautiful as Possible. BEAM'S DANCING ACADEMY, 63, 65 and 07 Fourth av. (2nd lloor). Three beginner' classes. Two adTanced claea. Tuition (one quarter) $3. iio5-33 -CHRISTY'S DANCING ACADEMY 1013 V Pcnn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. Prof. Christy has opened his Dnncing Academy this season with six competent instructors, which will enable him to advance pupil- in one term. There is a special private class for gentlemen, in which they may receive les ions in vtaltzincnitliout the embarrassing nresenco of ladies. Classes everv evening. Privato Icsons every day from 1 to 4 r. si. Children's class taturdav afternoon. Prof. T. S. Cinty Is formine clase for becinners on Monday evening, October 26. Terms, $3. noS-53 Additional Amusement Ad vertisements will be found on Twelfth page of this paper. Are Ton troubled with any discoloration or disease of the skin, or is your complexion not entirely satisiaclory? If so, thon use FACE BLEACH. IT WILL CURE YOU. If you have no blemish it will Improve and preserve vour complexion. Madame Ruppcrt's Face Bleach tells at $2 per single bottle, which will always show lUlfUUVCIUrUl, U( IIIICO kulucd, u?i.ii.j .-- quired to clear the complexion perfectly, $3. Beware of imitations. The original and onlv cenuine Face Bleach always bears sig nature and photograph of Madame A. Hup pert, the originator, on label. Call or send scents postage for book, "How to Be Beau tiful." ML A. RUPPERT, 203 Hamilton Building, 93 Fifth Are., PITTSBURG, 1A. no8-au BIJOU THEATER, TO-XIGHT. J. CHARLES HARRISON, 1L D., Eminent Specialise LECTURE TO MEN ONLY. Last lecture next Sunday night, November 13, at B p St. Macnificent dissolving views of anatomy, art and travel. Admission free. noS-93 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. NOVEMBER 16. Mr. E. D. Wilt Proprietoi and Manager. FIRST GRAND ENGLISH OPERA OPTHE SEASON. THE EVENT OF - IE YEAR. The Largest English Opera Jr lization in the World. flu, Emma Juc! M EigM Opera Co. INCORPORATED. CHARLES E. LOCKE, DIRECTOR. Fun, Laughter, Merriment Jofit. Sweet Singing. Graceful Dancing. Witty Sayings. Ludicrous Situations. Clean Cut Comedy. Always Original. Everything New. ALVIN THEATER CHARLES L. DAVIS, . . Owner and Manager. ALL THIS WEEK. "Yours Form, ii MATINEES IWED.&SAT. THE ADMIRABLE BARRY AND COMEDY COMPANY, In the Humorous Play McKENNA'S FLIRTATION. The Greatest Duel Scene Ever seen on any stage at any stage. Headed by That Perennial a. Mirth -Provoker, H I. The Most Unctuous Comedian on the American Stage. 175 Nights at tho Park Theater, New York. THE GREATEST FUN IN TOWN. Nov. 1 6 The Madison Square Theater Success, JANE. noS-l HAM MLMS ACADEMY. Monday Even'g, Nov. 9. MATINEES: . Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 40-TEE EMMA JDG6 GRAND DRGHESTRA OF SELECTED IKTBOHEBTAUSTS-4-0 50-THE EMHI JOCO GRAND CBOBBS OF TR1E0 1CES-50 REPERTOIRE Mondav, November 16. Tannhnuser. Tuesday, November 17. Faust. Wednesday. November 18, Lohengrin. Thursday, November 19. Romeo and Juliet. Friday, November M, Cavalleria Rustieanna. Saturday, November 21, II Trovatore. Saturday, November SI, The Bohemian Girl. The box office will open tor the advance sale of seats Monday. November 9, at 8 a. it. PRICES, 25c, 50c, $1, $1 50 and $2. noS-U ROSE HILL'S ENGLISH FOLLY AND BURLESQUE Bice and Barton, Bryant and Saville, Mullen and Dunn, Tonerand Froble, Frank Gunnerson, Miss Grace Milburn, Miss Marie Rostello, Miss Vede Mansfield and Twenty Handsome Ladies, In the New Burlesque called The Mountebank Monday, Nov. 18 The famous Eentz-Sant-ley Novelty Company. no8 11 HARRIS' THEATER. Mrs. P. Harris, R. L. Britton, T. F. Dean, Proprietors and Managers. Popular Prices Always Prevail at Harris' Theater, 10, 15 and 25 Cents! Week Commencing MONDAY, NOV. 9. EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. DUQUESNE PITTSBURG'S LEADING THEATER, David Henderson and John W. Norton Managers. COMMENCING MONDAY, MOV Q SIX NIGHTS. IN W V . WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. Musical Event of the Season. Special Engagement of the TUNIANS KARL, MACDONALD & BARNABEE, Proprietors. GREATEST OPERA COMPANY IN AMERICA. GRAND DOUBLE CAST TO.U HAUL, EDWIN W. HOFF, IV. II. JIACnOXAI.D, KUGEXE COnXES, IIEXRY CLAY HARXAREE, GEORGE FROTHIXGIIAJX, PETER LANG, LIST OF THE ARTISTS : JESSIE RARTLETT DAVIS, CAROLINE HAMILTON, FLORA FOSfLAYSOX, JOSEPHINE RARTLETT, LEA VAN DYKE. AIDEN BENEDICT'S Romantic Spectacular Drama, FABIO ROMAN!, Presented by a Powerful Dramatic Com pany, headed by the talented actor, WALTER LAWRENCE And the Emotional Actress, MISS FRANCES FIELD. ThrIIlin..and Interesting Earthquake Effeot, simultaneous with an Eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Illumination of the Bav of Naples. Forming the most Magnificent Spectacular xauieau ever attempted on any stage. Week Nov. 16 Dowllngand Hasson in "The Red Spider" and "Nobody's Claim." noS-13 Sixty People! Grand Scenery! Magnificent Stage Effects! Huge Orchestra! Pretty Music! Lots of Laughter! This grand organization will be heard in the great New York Success, ROBIN HOOD Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Matinee and Saturday Night, DOROTHY Tuesday, Wednesday Matinee and Friday. THE GREATEST LIGHT OPERAS EVER WRITTEN, Popular Matinee Wednesday Best Seats, 50c. THEATRE POPULAR WITH THE PEOPLE. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF R. M. GDLICK & CO. WEEK NOV. 9. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. BARM CAMPBELL'S Famous Drama, "THE Six li ml Oi Matin. COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16. IT M E" Week of Nov. 17 Aronson's Opera Co. from the Casino, New York. B09-84 HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK, ARMS OR ANY PART OF THE PERSON QUICKLY DISSOLVED AND REMOVED WITH THE NEW SOLUTION ? nOPSHS AND THE UKflHTH niukVLk UKPTKU1 ED WITHOUT THK SLIGHTEST INJUST UK PlSrOl.QRATION or THE MOT DELICATE SKIM. DIBCOVKBED BT ACCIPEKT, In Compounding, an incomplete mixtnre was accidentally spilled on tb back of the hand, and un washing afterward it was discovered that thebair was completely removed. We purchased the new discover; and named it MODKNK. It is perfectly pure, free (rn.n all Injurious substances, and so simple any one can use It. It acts mildly but surely, and you will lie sur prised and delighted ith the results. Apply for a few minutes and the hair disappears as if by magic. It has no resemblauca whatever to any other preparation ever used for a like purpose, and no scientific discovery ever attained sucb wonderful results. IT CANNOT FAIL. If the growth be light, one application will remove it permanently; the heavy growth such as the beard or hair on molra may require two or more appli cations before all ihe roots aredestmyed. although all hair will be removed at each application, and without Ihe slightest injury or unpleasant feeling when applied or ever afterward. hodknc supeecedes iiECTaOLrsis. Tecomimndsd by ell icho ham Htttd It, awite lnd ey awe's nfimmnt ' Gentlemen who do not appreciate nature's gift of a beard, will find a priceless loon In Bladen, which doe away with shaving. It dissolves and destroys the lire principle of ili hair, thereby rendering its future growth an utter impossibility, and Is guaranteed to be as harmless as water to tn skin. Young persons who find an embarrassing growth of hair coming, should use Jlodene to de.troy Its growth Moden sent by mail. In safety m. Mine ... iwi.tncr. nuM f.pctir.lv sealed frutn observation) Oil reeelDt cfprice, 1 .00 pe- bottle. Send money lit letter, with ynnr full address written plainly. Correepondeoe sacredly private. Pouagestamps received theeameascai-b. Ai.wTsiNTio!iT"racouNTTiNtTHisrPi, LOMLAND MODPNE MANUFACTURING CO.. CINCINNATI, O., U.S. A. CCTTHI30UT GENERAL AGENTS MANUFACTURIRS Of THE HIGHEST 0RADE HAIR rREPARATIOJS. i AS ir AT HO WANTED. 1 Ycu can nalattr uour htt.r t amt PaMt-qffic, ami Insitr. It taf. ddivm. I A rPBAR AOAltf Wo om S1.000 FDR IAI10RE OR THE SUOHTEST IRJORT. EVERV BOTTLE GUARANTEED. IClta P Under the Management of MR. H. C. KENNEDY. A Orel And the Wonderful Eiim of M ffater! RESERVED SEATS MW PW MB JTovemher 16 DeWolf Hopper Opera Com pany in "WANG." A GBAffl ATTRACTION. DEWOLF HOPPER And His Company, PKESENTINOTHE MERRIEST OF AUj COMIC OPEEAS, WANG Written by J. Cheever Goodwin, Composed by Woolson Mors. As Originally Produced 150T1ES150 At the Broadway Theater, Sew York City. Magnificent Stage Settings! I Brilliant Costumes ! Sparkling Music ! A Large and Powerful Chorus! The sale of seats opens on Thnrsdar, Xo rcmber 13, at 9 A. si. .9-Parties at a distance can secure seats hv mail or telegram upon application to K. ST. Gulick & Co. no8-7 NOW COMES THE WINNER!"! WfiNmPL G AN D OPERA HOUSE! TO-MORROW NIGHT! IAND : THE : BALANCE : OF : THE : WEEK, : INCLUDING : WEDNESDAY : AND : SATURDAY : MATINEES GOOD MORNING! THE CARES OF THE WEEK ARE OVER. TO-MORROW MORNING'S SUN WILL DAWN ON THE ENGAGEMENT . . OF . . J. K. EMM ET AT THE 41- tt GRAND u AN WILL roiT7 SEE OPERA HOUSE WHERE FRITZ" D HIS PERFECT COMPANY PRESENT ON A SUMPTUOUS SCALE THE EVERGREEN SUCCESS, R III I 1 THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY! THE REALISTIC EFFECTS! HCT A D The Four Infant Choristers! LLrVn The Mammoth Church Organ! Matinees will be held WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Monday, Nov. 16 Juch Opera Company. FRllTZ sUIsb MMatlffal J3e X IN IRELAND c 11- -II- nos-90 THE MANTLE OF AN ILLUSTRIOUS SIRE FALLS ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE LEGITIMATE SUCCESSOR AND IS WORN WITH GRACE AND DIGNITY. WaTBalkmMk "JflltSsBBBBBBBBWM WaRBllaWaBW'yBPSmiBS (' 'i, 1ifVix,"'iV. ieLSj. JElSi. fr&iZ-i&S'e'k' WSKm!MmWWfmi?7mSSmiMil.SE 4