mm lWTOp v-r 12 THE PnTSBTTEG DISPATCH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 189L IIIWIWlWfflwB Titii ii V N SLOPE UM BOOMS. How Cities Are laid Out Twenty Years Ahead of Their Time. A REACTION HAS SET M And the West's Land Boom Is Over for the Present. l BIG PBOPITS OP LAND SHARKS. Prospectuses to Show How Thej Tut It on the Eastern Eje. ART AND MASTERY OP TOWN S1TEIXG WRITTEN- FOR THE DISrATCIt. The scene painter who wants to get a per fect picture of "Still life" with all its dull Flemish hues should visit the Pacific coast these calm Koi emher days. The quiet ness after ilie various "booms" have sub sided is almost oppressive and as pictur esque in its weird "stillness" as anything on Shasta's snowy top. Evidences mul tiply on even- side that the town lot and acreage "booms" at least arc over in the Sound cities, and that the reactionary period has set in. This is manifest in the eager desire to "unload" and to cut prices and in the throngs of stranded toilers, and stranded capitalists in the larger cities in the thou sands of anxious "Go "Westers" who want to join the Go East club some waiting for buyers at shaded prices and some waiting lor Eastern remittances to enable them to get home "once again." A visitoc uncon sciously compares the languor and lassitude and dreamy stupor observable everywhere in the "boom" districts, to the condition of a. strong man who is Taking an Unforced Host atter a protracted well, not exactlvpree but a period of over exertion and exhilara tion. This part of the country doubtless lias a great future, but a great future like a great bank account, must not be dr.nn upon too heavily. The pressing need now ! of this country is rest rest from the specu lator and "syndic" Let the natural order of things prevail and the incessant "chin" of the land boomer take a rest for awhile. The country is rich enough in wealth and resources to . have the truth told about it, and the Quaker truth is that the flowery and alluring and lying "prospectus" of "Western "town siters" has injured the country. The "boom" business has been fearfully over done. "Values have been pushed up ont of all reason and a tumble was simply inevit able. Admitting nearly everything that has been claimed tor the country in the way of crops, soil, minerals, "harbors" and what not. Still it does not follow that land on which the Indian footprints are still-fresh is worth more than the well-cultivated farms and improved frontage near the rich markets of the East. A point in the game of imposition is reached where our credulity refuses longer to be played upon, and the common sense of the multitude re spectfully asks to be excused. Values and Boomers Tumbling. Therefore values and boomers have taken a tumble, or an enforced rest On the coast there are no stocks to speculate in, so the average man out here gambles in land. He bousht acreage yesterday at 500 and sells itasa "snap" to Eastern "suckers' to-day at S5(0, and when the $500 victim wants to unload it at a $1,000, the wheel simplv refuses to go around and the jig is up. The Good Book says there is an end of all things, and there is an end to mch things as these sure enough, and it is all the better, I take it, for legitimate interests, that it is so. The immediate result is idleness, money stagnation and more or less Miflering and pecuniary hardship among thee who happen to be caught on the short end and all this in a naturally rich country, with an exceptionally wide field of activ ities. Instead of producers the country.has been overrun with Xtmblejugslers Who deceive the eye. Xine-teuths ofthe emigration to the coast lor many years consisted of land boomers and real estate fakirs. The country was crowded overcrowded with men hunting locations," and having "located," the next thing was to find purchasers or victims. The Kastern market was systematically lea on misinformation, and lying, and misleading advertisements. It is said there are 1,500 less real estate agents on the coast now than there wa a" ear ago. and this shows plainly enough that'the "bait" has lost its catching pow cr, and that figs, as of yore, refuse to grow on thistles. Space will not permit a lengthy reference to the very many quite "cute," curious and questionable methods employed by the local boomer to put top-notch values on the Eastern "eye." At present when values have "sagged" Eomewhat and a weak holder of city lots in the coast cities is disposed to cut prices and meet the market as best he can, the other and larger "boomers" in the vicin age, instead of permitting the seller to dispose of his earth at a lair rate that n ould attract buyers, club together and buy out the weak brother rather than permit a lower scale of prices which might mean a cut of 25 per cent and take the gilt edge oft their holdings. Pres ently another weak holder will have to be taken care of In the same way. Thus there is a persistent "doctoring" of land values an efiort to keep up a condition of affairs that is unnatural, that is sure to play itself out and finally work a greater in jury to the community and to the holders. Artificiality That Cannot JLast. This artificial condition of things cannot last. "When the normal buyer is not in the market the holders of these manufactured valuations grow more numerous, and in time, as they cannot feed on this artificial diet, the inevitable break comes often with a flood. Another peculiar method of establishing unnatural valuations is akin to th;s: A., R and C. own respectively 20 lots on a certain street The Ints would sell readily at $500 each. But this would not give a Pacific slope profit. Accordingly A. and B. enter into an agreement with C. to purchase one of his lots, often under an assumed name, agreeing to pay therefore $1,500. Possibly 20 cash consideration 77ej Have Time to Rest Sine. executed and re lots in sub-divsion have bjeri old at 51,500. All of the owners are under agreement to pay their share of the extra tax assessment merely nominal on the $1,500 lot which j was sold (V) to establish a value. This is about the condition ofthe game when a lot buyer generally an Eastern man, looking for "snaps" conies along. He asks the price, and istold $1,500 to $1,G00 per lot. He opens i'is eyes in astonishment. At this point he is taken in hand by the other disinterested agents of the various sub divisions, and shown by the indisputable "record" and by "fiecers" which cannot lie because thev are "official" that $1,500 has been paid fbr the worst lot in this plat, and that those now offering are dirt-cheap at $1,500. The Agent and the Innocent. In fact, thev will give him every assur ance short of 'a bond that these lots will bring $3,000 next year, and a long atrav of sale quotations from nreiious years will be pushed at the defenseless victim in support of this claim. Forced to Shell Ont "What can a defenseless man thus "cor nered" in astrnnge country by the "record" do but surrender aud buj? Accordingly he burs. His purchase accomplishes a two-fold purpose. It puts $1,500 into the syndicate's coffers for a $500 lot and it "es tablishes a value" for the next dupe that comes along. This is somewhat similar tn the wash sales in Eastern stock markets The ghoulish glee with which the fakirs go around the corner and "chuckle, "after they have thus ".-kinned" an Eastern speculator, is a sight for angels and fools But large as are the profits in lots they are verv modest compared with the "cream" for the speculators in big acreage and "town siteing." ' The latter are not content with such small profits as 100 or 500 per cent Their gains, until the crop of Eastern fools recently failed, were simply enormous One real estate agent in the principal city on Puget Sound made $17,000 cash last year and had 10, 15 and 35 acre plots remaining for his share as agent ofthe lariouslaud "syndics" iraniere agent made such profits what must the principals haie made! I was told of an attorney who has been seven ears on the coast, aud who was glad to make $000 a year the first fi e years out there, and w ho now shows a b.iiik account of $240,000, made in this wav. In makin? out legal papers for the laud companies, insead of taking his fee as he went along, he asked for a small "slice" of the venture as his compensation, and in fie years it amounted to $240,000. How Town Sites Are laid Out Before entering into details as to land deals, a few observations may be in order as to the mode of laying out town sites and town booming generally. Usually a select few. generallv a "Co.," organize to buy a few thousand acres at a low figure and get an option on 10,000 or 100,000 acres in the vicinity Jsext, ex-omce Hol ders and hank" clerks and business men aud railroad directors are enlisted in this scheme. Having thus rigged up an arrangement and paid fco.UOO or flO.OW, sometimes a mere trifle on account, they i "passes" and a deed is corded, showing that 4k n'Mlx ALWAYS SELL THE GOODS AT THE PRICES ADVERTISED. w- w Wf -l! BfeSufeyTT .adMllBEJgHtigiiT' l$5vi t nL fe'&jl 'ui.''ili. See if you can buy this fine Ebony Qfnvac $0 t( CQ 417 "g'KM'IB lWgy JiSL Ipf Bt WSS ? Clock from the jewelers forless than OlOVeS, $j.M, W, $1 -Wm irwl'!' sfi.rT&feiS S, PS. r fn1!" i?u.r pf ?9'7T m nnmniiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii!iii tWPScsL Th ft SiSSBM"" - ftjffUlJgstjjiW tllls. BlislilsirefffilL I X inches high, 16 inches wide, gold '"MimimimmimiiiiMyiiiiaB V- :S " 'Tt''S --? l-LZSgl iP I QPnOTQ dial," bronze ''trimmings, half-hour g g """" fk,-V:rn'''JfJ diI.pjy-iJK,g JCIm UGH UOllJa strike guaranteed to keep correct 3s$8o888o888 i m" S "f Bl II ggli -M iliMI W fWWI - We've onlv a few of them. 1 R8&&&&&&&&8& I MS BEDROOM FURNISHED COMPLETE AS HOWN, $54.50 Bedstead, Dresser, Washstand, Towel Rack, Spring, Mattress, Chairs, Rocker, China Set, Comforts, IF YOU NEED.A BED LOUNGE OUR STOCK WILL PLEASE YOU. cash or credit appoint a printing committee with power to act and work everybody, with in structions to advertise .in 100 Eastern papers, and get out circular's and pros pectuses showing the average Eastern man now to get rich in 3, C or 12 months. The home papers are kept in line by a judicious distribution of advertising steak The business men are ordiuarilv the merest dummies, and are only used lor revenue. The railroad director is used as a special sort of "referee" for statements showing that the So and So Railroad line from So where to Kowhere will shortly strike this particular point and thus give an assurance of a "terminal" and its accompanying traffic. The Boomers Press the Button. Some cannery or ironworks, generally a blacksmith shop or sash and blind factory with a good deal of "blind" and very little "sash," is quoted assure to locate at this point. Nature has provided the spot with a good "land locked" harbor, of course. "In fact a town out here without a "harbor" an nexaspart of the prospective boom would be as rare as a white crow. The landscape is thrown in gratis, but the harbor comes in for big "water-front" prices. The surveyor having done his part and plotted the town, the boomers now sit down on the site of the Future Great press a button and ask the unsuspecting investing public to "Behold the future great city." Under the pressure of the Syndic button one may see in imagination maeio cities growing tip faster than the founders of Chi cago or Xew Amsterdam ever dreamed of. The advertisements are usually "deftly worueu money traps. The land is sure to make every investor quickly rich, "no jtime fixed." Compared to this "Wash ington or Oregon land, Ed-n, in all its pre Adamite glory, all its enchanting land scapes, are as jungles and quagmires In this way hundreds of the Sound cities like Everett and Ancortes are "sited." Jay Cooke, George A. Train, "Plunger" Hill or some pioneer boomer is usually quoted on the quiet as behind the scheme, but this must not be given away, you know. In nnd Around Tacoma. As to the lot profits in the new mush room towns here is the way they figure it out for you in advance. "Well shaken before taken; teaspoonful ever hour:" Deiumr WHEN AXD HOW TO MAKE A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. A Small Amount of Money Each Month or Year bared, and Judiciously invested In Real Estate In or .Near Tacoma Will Make "Em JSfrA" In a 'Fno 1'nrs," or at Least Will Make a Substantial Addition tm Your Present Resources. This Has Been the Experience of Many "Within the Past Tin Years, and It will be Your Experience, If You do not Delay. In answer to inquiries which are continually made by correspondents iu all parU of the country respecting the chances for profitable real estate iu e&tmi'uts here, the following statement is pre- f wired showing the average increase or values in ots in the blocks aud on the tteerS named since 1330: strept ni vtinct Value Value Value Street ana Block ,u , ,n (90 in ,85 Pacific avenue Lots In hloik TOi t500 00 $5,000 00 . 000 00 Lots In Mock 1,301... 2T5 00 3,000 00 22,500 00 Riilroad street Lots in block 905 I200CO 1.500 00 Jn.OTO 00 Lots in block 1,305... 100 J 1,000 00 18,000 00 C street Lots In block BOS ttiOOO 800 00 J15.000 00 Lots ill block 1, JOG... 130 00 800 00 10,000 00 D street Lots in block 90S 100 00 8 TiO 00 ? 6,000 00 i.otsinbioik 1,303... lixioo to) no; 5,000 00 Tacoma aven te l j Lots In block 012 8 75 00 J 2K 00 S 6,000 00 Lots In block 1,312... 75 00 2J0 00 5,00000 Yakima avenue Lots ill block 916 7")00 f 200 00 8 4,000 00 Lots 111 block 1.316... 75 00 100 00 1 3.500 DO You ask: Will prices for ten lears to coin continue to advance as during the pat ten years.'" "Weansncr, 'Yes1' for the conclusle -reason that the same causes which have produced present prices ill not only continue, hut be augmented. Then conies the invitation to walk in and lake something: Should you have a Tew thousand, or a few hun dred, or one hundred dollars, either Idle or loaned out at a low rate or Interest, and wish to a all jonseltofan opportunity to Investwherelt will be certain to double In value Iu the next few years, we suggest, etc., etc. Here Is Another "Two-for-FIve." FIRST PIG IRON Between the Missouri river and Cascade Mountains, EDMUNDSON FORTY PIECES, INCLUDING Sheets, Pillow Cases, Feather Pillows, Feather Bolster, Pictures, Lace Curtains, Shades, Curtain Pieces, 20 Yards Carpets, i Rug. THIS FINE Tapestry Covered COUCH, $1 5.00. I 635 & 637 SMITHFIELD STREET 635 & 637 cashorcredit recently m&ds at the benntirol city, EUeneburgh. Immediate construction pig iron furnace guaran teed, irnotyou Ket?10 State Normal' and 150 "Iron Annex" lots free. Act promptly or nus prlre. Title perfect. Rapid Increases apre. Agents wanted. .auaress tetters ana remittances to A tint. Ellentburgh, Wash. These invariably wind up with a request for a remittance. A Mild Invitation to Take Something. BEFORE PURCHASING, INVESTORS ARE lniited to call on the PUGET SOUND COMPANY. We have a full list or Agricultural and Timber lands in desirable localities, and nroh&hlv tlin most complete list of PORT GARDNER PROP ERTY. Wc keep an engineering and sun eying department In connection with our business. Of fice upstairs, nearly opposite hotel. As a quiet accessory to all this the news paper end is worked in this guarded way: "John D. Kockefeller is the heaviest stock holder in the American' Steel Parge Com pany, as weu as tne otner corporations mat are now being linked with tlie business of constructing the whalebacks. Cantain Thomas "Wilson, of Cleveland, is said to own ,0ne-eigth of the stock of the company, in addition to the advantage derived from management of the boats, and, although it is not generally known, Mr. Samuel Mather, one ofthe members ofthe firm of Pickands, Mather & Co., of Cleveland, who also holds close relations with the management ofthe Minnesota Iron Company and Illinois Steel Company, was one of the first to subscribe for stock." A Chance to Clear 815,000. A Tacoma agent tells you how to get in out ofthe rain thus: 1(1 A f!RT(IR-tl0,O00; suitable for platting; lotsin IU .tl.ult.UU addition adjoining selling for $300. Tills is really a great bargain, only three Hooks irom street car line. l.ays signuy ana win mane 100 lots, showing a chance to clearat least$15.000. Don't wait until too late to get iu on this, llalf cash; balance to suit. Another Sample. (PORT OAI1DN-EP. "LIMITED.") THE BOOM OPENS I Lots plackd ox sale at Port Uahdner. Five-Acre Tracts, in the Vicinity of -PORT GARDNER! No trouble to place these lands under cultivation, as there are no stumps to be blown out. A Limited N Ukdek Of these Tracts are now on the Market, and will be Sold in tracts of five acres or more. Full particulars call unou 1 . More of the Same Sort. PORT CRESCENT, On uan de Fuca straits, 4; miles from the ocean and lo miles from Vancouver Island, has a natural harbor protected by projecting headlands, and w hlch is now being improved by tile construc tion of an immense breakwater: 65,000 tons of rock displaced atone shot ha e enabled the work to be already advabced 150 feet Into deep water. This will go on continually and will forma harbor as good as the best on Puget Sound, " In the opinion of a lending official of the .Northern Pacific Com pany. . The 2forthern Pacific Railroad Comnanr will tnnlce this its ocean terminus and w 11! ferry their trains to Port Beecher, through to Victoria, B. C. The ratl road from Ceutralla to Grays Harbor Is approach ing completion; southward from Port Ciesent the first section of right of way is being cleared. This line will be completed by the end of 1891, traversing a neif country abounding in millions of aens or grand timber, and giving an outlet to the Quillayute and other fertile vallc s rapidly settling up. Coal, iron aud other minerals exist and must come to Port Cresent for shipment, in addition to the Northern Pacific's general traffic lrom the East forward. The eXDenditure of the Port Crescent Imnrove- ment Company has reached $JO,000 a month in learing ton nslte, grading streets, constructing wharf and loads aud building first-class hotel. Mores, school, boarding houses and residences have been erected on the townslte, which will shortly be extended In all directions. Like 2hcvnui, In the hands ofthe same powerful railroad company to det eiop and market its Inex haustible resources, fine lmrbor accommodations and the water front reserved lor railroad purposes. Port Crescent Is a necessity, and must become lor this part of Western Washington what Tacoma has been for the btate, namely, the priuclpal city and port and the best field for capital seeking ln icstinents that will repay a thousandfold, home choice lots are now on sale, as well as acreage nearby. Maps and full Information Will be sup. plied on application. , Broker, Port Crescent, Wash. PUGET SOU.ND, The HIGHWAT op the World, An NisQuallt City its central Citt. Here's another bait for nibblers: Dear Sir I still have tills property for sale. The price now Is $930 per acre, where it wa9 formerly $1,000, and the terms half cash and the balance one year nt 8 per cent per annum, if desired. His reasons for reducing the price on it are to force a sale in tho next few days, as he THIS IS A PICTURE OF OUR- $32 PLUSH PARLOR SUIT. If you want to spend more money look at our 40, S55, S65, $72 and $80 Suits, made in plush and tapestry. They are exceptional values. t v-'i.Tj-fcjtxjwjr-sxir-xio vfyxtyssAsis m t r w Tr- iimii umii i ai h i s u ' -v x x y-v -v -v v-v rj w vr x &Q2SS3g MATTRESSES JSSJ gS BLANKETS gMo0?: BED SPRINGS g$ JJ82: wants', when the land company pnt their property on the market at Everett, to buy some bnsinesslots on the principal business street and put up a brick block In the center of the city. I have tried to persuade htm to ulatitand put it on the maiket himself In lots and make, I think, a great deal more tbnn ho can ever make ont of a brick block, but he has a different idea and is deter mined, if possible, to sell before the land company puts Its property on the' market, which, I understand, will be very soon now. The Great Northern Hailio&d Company, which has already built Vhatlsknownas tne eeatiie ana jiontana roaa, iroiuoKium north along tho Sound through Port Gnrd nor or Everett and on to Westminster, con necting with the Canadian Pacific, and which is now building an overland road from its present terminus at Great Falls, Mont., to this coast, lias recently filed its plat of its western terminus and about SO miles: of the western end of Its line, at the Seattle United States land office, showing the starting point, orpoinfrof intersection, with the Seattle nnd Montana to be In the northwest quartor of this same section, 30 township 29 north, range 3 E., and running thence tip the Snohomish river to the junc tion of the Skykomish river, shotewg. beyond n iltniht.. that thev are iroinir to ctoss the Cascade Mountains through the Stevens pass, at tho head of tho Skykomish on MAP fettmtu Behold the Magic City! this side and the Wcnatchee river on the Other side. If they do thts they will first touch tide-water on Port Gardner and no matter what point they make their favorite sliirping thlnsis certain, that they will break bulk on all fi eight for transship ment to or from tho water at this place, for it will never pay them to haul heavy freight 30 miles to Seattle or GO miles to Fairhaven for transshipment mciely for the purpose of making either of those points a shipping point, aud beside all this Port Gardner is the neatest noint to the straits on the east side of the Sound. If any thing is to be done with this property I am assured it mnst be done very soon, as he is determined to make a turn in time for the land company's tale of business property. Therelore, if you wish, to do any business on it, I would advise you to come nt once to see the property, nnd come prepared to close on it promptly; also to wire me on receipt of tnis so that I can tie il iijj iui yim il pitsiuii: iu uu so. I consider this the best investment In the country in real estate to-day, East or "West, for it will plat and sell on the market right to-day at bur profits. They are going to build auirr,ecny mere sure, ana tins is tne nnest residence propertv there, and will be Rood property to buy to hiJdfor big prices. Severaipa. ties are flcuringon this property, but are waiting, hoping to get it cheaper and one thing and another, but some of them are soing to be sadly disappointedwhen It is gone. Yours respectfully. Walk Into the Parlor. And once more for the oigars: Real estate doubles in value on Puget Sound, because cities double in size. The growing importance of Pnget Sound and its wondeiful mctease in business has Caused the transcontinental railroads to build into this section in order to secure a share of the trade. Before the railroads were built a town nt this point was impracticable. Now, with the Northern Pacific completed, and work progressing on the Union Paciflo, Nis qually Cltv will have the benefit of comoetl tive fieight rates on tno transcontinental lines of railway, as also on Puget Sound, the idad that leads to all nntions. In order to build up the town and Ihcrease the value of its holdings, the company has adopted the following plan: Liberal bonuses will be given to secuie the location of smelt ers, rolling mills, leduction works, machine &rL (T ... - I UyltL m I yJS lllllll3Efr TnnA7 :n n - o You'll not cet them arrain. i SsJvvKooOoSoSSooSfl' I iRKA yards of ALL-WOOL EXTRA j .sssnr 1 1 f ITH 'SS? SUPER INGRAIN CARPET W .Jlk I 1 We could not begin to tell you here how many sorts we have of Jackets, Coats, Reefers, Newmarkets. Let a few words tell you volumes: We have a stock that is equaled by no other in Pittsburg PLUSH COATS, 813, 915, 818, 821. CLOTH COATS, 83, 85, S 50, 88, 812, 815. Worth y2 more elsewhere; and if you can't pay all Cash at time of purchase we will Trust you. shops, sash and door factories, tnb and bucket factories, and industrial and manu facturing enterprises of all kinds. Valuable property will be given for the location of colleaes sominaries, training schools, uni versities, etc Iree lots will be given to those who build. To appreciate this propo sition, remember that the company reserves from sale each alternate block, from the snlo of which it expects to make Its profits, as prices will bo advanced proportionate to tuu cuy s growiu. TITLE PERFECT, U. 8. PATENT. There is a common saying to the effect that "if our forestght Is as good as our hindsight, wo would all be rich." This simply means that had wo only possesod jndgme'it enough to kpow that it is the universal rnio for cities to grow, wo cpnldallof us have' gotten rich out of real estate investments in Chicago, Kansas Citv. Denver. Tacoma and a host ot other cities. Just burnish up jowr foresight by remember ing this faet: The United States census reports show that our population has been increasing right along for a good many j enrsnt the rate of 1,000,000 a ye-ir. During the past ten years it mci eased l,zw,ow each year. All ot tins immense nrmy must find new homes, nndthey natiirally seek such States as are apt to fur nish thom with the best nnd most likely meahs of support. The State or Washington is becoming known throughout the Uhion as THE PENNSYLVANIA OF THE WEST. It is more like England, possessing as it does nil tho natural resources that have inado Englnnd the foremost nation ofthe -world. England with nn area or 53,000 square miles supports a population of 35,000,003. Washington, with an area greater by 12,000 square miles can sustain eqliallv as dense u population. These are facts made apparent by Investigation. The lesult is, Washington la growing more rapidly than any State in the Union, and real estate in her cities doubles in value oftener. The history or Tacoma, Seattle and other successful towns on Puget Sound will be re- Seated at Nlsqnally City. It Is a giant at iith. Its future is as bright as love's young dream, and it is certain of becoming a prom inent city. GET IN THE SWIM, Washington has the coal and lrnn of a Pennsylvania, the gold and silver of a Colo rado, the timber of a Micbiean, the wheat of a Minnesota, the fruit lands of a California, the hor) farms ofthe world, more and better harbors than England, and a climate so mild that flowers bloom outdoors every month in the year. England, because of its coal, iron and har bors, has become the manufacturing center of the world, and supports a population of 33 000,000 on 53,000 square miles of territory. AVasliington, Englahd's Counterpart, pos sessing all the natural advantages which hnve made England's wealth and power, with an area 12,000 square miles greater than England', has ft population of but 330,000. It can sustain as dense a population as can England, and is as certain of doing so as historv is of re peating itself. England has Increased its population 9,000,000 in ten vears. Jhe United btates has increased 12,500 000 in ten years. The census of Germany shows itB increase to be equally as great. The censns of all civilized countries shows the same results. We can study the census reports of tho dif ferent countries to our advantage. They show us that all civilized countries are in creasing in population, nnd that the increase is confined principally to cities. They show that the rapid growth of American cities is a condition not peculiar to this country alone, but that such is the case in all coun tries, many Euiopean cities even exceeding our own cities in the rapidity of their growth, as for instance! Berlin gained 260, C00 in five vears' time: Hamburg, witli its W suburb Altona. Increased from 400,000 In 1883 to 700,000 in 1S90, a gain of over 300,000 in Ave years, while Leipsic gained over 100 per cent in five years, growing from a population of 170,000 in 18S3 to 333,000 in 1890. The enflre list of Euiopean cities show the same marvel ous increase. It is the universal rule, the law of the oge emblazoned on the pages of history, empha sized by each succeeding census, so he who runs may read. It points the road to wealth. Every five years, every ten years. It pounds the stubborn fact into onr dull brains that real estate doubles in value because cities double in size. That ground floor invest ments of n few years ago are fortune-makers now, una if we were half as wise as we think ourselves we would know that gronnd floor investments made in choice real estate to day means homes of bur own, and wealth and luxuries a few vears hence. Now for the application of the facts. No rfatter how rapidly real estate increases in value, if you do not own some, the advance will do you no good. You will never get rich ont of real estate unless you buy it. We have jdone business on Puget Sound for eight years. During the past year we paid out to investors and shareholders profits amounting to $500,000. Prospects for future PER HI IE C-rtCENTS ifO illMM$Mlm m o7 . AflEBi ikshH Worth 75c all over the land. , Also 2,600 yards COTTON CHAIN Extra Super Ingrain Carpet Regular" 65c quality at y Q CENTS. 200 ALL-WOOL C3Q BY B0 SMYRNA RUGS $2.30. $4 has been considered cheap. fronts are bettor than ever before, because he State Is better known. We control City, and about 3,000 adjoining acres additional. We have no hesitation in recommending this as the very best opportunity for proflt- auie investment on tne mames. aiuuy me map, investigate its advantages, and you will nppreeiate the merits of City. Send moneyby P. O. order, draft, registered letter, or express at our risk. Reference: Every bank in'T . Purchasers ordering by mail.will receive exnfctly ns good a selection ns If present in oiir.offlce. Address, s.c. All this beats the "2fo trnnble to show goodssystem clear out of sight. ' More nn-1 Sloru at the Same Tiling. THE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Piild up capital. $12i.o00 Undivided profits, $73000. Tacova, Wash., Aug. IK. 1S9L Dear tn We ure in receipt of your iavor of the 17tn inst. uddresse I to box Ke- -plying, the property ndvortised is situated in Citv, a. new town recently platted about Hair wav between Tnconla and OImpin. Tho newlv constructed Ta coina.Olympin nnd Grays Harbor Railroad is just completed through the town, the Union Pacific is nenrlv nil graded, sntno tnree blocks dKtant, and the survey of the third railroad is made up tho valley or the Nisqually river to tap tho iron, coal copper, timber and agricultural resources of this section, nil of which is tributary to City, nic town site is partly prairie nnd nnrtlv- timbereil. inostlV 'R level, smooth tract of ground with no gulches. Lots are 30 feet by 100 feet in depth. Streets are 60 leet wide; alloys back or .ill lots. We se cured an interest In this property before it was plotted, nnd long before railroads across it Were thought of. Ashe president of this company has brovaht out the interest of the other motnbors, who were the active real estate men or the company, it is onr intention to hereafter conduct only strict lv business, hence we are offering all our real estate for tale, and at prices that will soonest dispose of it. We prefer selling the entire number of.lots advertised to oneper saiul close out the deal two will, ftotreiw.sellas lewas201ots to one purchaser. Title nerfect. Send draft or monry order for as many lots as you wish to purchase, and we will rorward full warranty deed by re turn mail. The railroad has just been built and the proposition is new; there is, how ever, a school with S3 pupils, a store, post offlCe with 40 signers of the petition is being established, and prospects art bright for a good growth. Tncomn, with its present population of 50,000, had only 7W people seven years ago, and the. same growth has taken place and is continuing m all our cities and towns. The country islllmg up (?) rapidly, and a rapid growth or trade centers is a natural consequence. Awaiting your or ders. Yours truly, And Here's Some More of It. THE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Paid up capital, $125,000. Undivided profits, $75,000. Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 11, 1S9L Deaii Sir We incio3e a ciicular plat of the town site of City, on which is marked the price at which we are selling the propeity, which tins overlooked in the former plat sent yon. A strong Eastern syndi cate is negotiating for llie entile town site, and If the sale is consummated it will clean up our interests there nnd put thousands of dollars into the development of the town. Should yon desire any of the property at tho present low prices, you may make your se lection from the plat, giving the number of the block in which, you ish to purchase, and place yonr money in j our nearest bank to deliver to on receipt of full warranty deed for the property desired. Title is per fect. No extra expenses of any nature, the price on the pint being total cost. Not less than $23 worth will be sold in one deal at these prices, no extri cost for comers, but they must adjoin other lots bought in same deal. An niting your orders. Yours truly, Presdt. And when, In addition to this, and to much more like it which could be given, con servative bodies like the Chambers of Com merce in the Sound cities issue such proc lamations as this With the vast and undeveloped trade of the Orient within reach of its merchants, it is no rash prediction to say tuat within the first decade or the twentieth century Wash ington will be numbered among the fore most States of the American Union. It is no rash prediction to say that the shore or Puget Sound will be lined with commercia and manufacturing cities, ail growing, all THIS BRASS TRAY, THIS TRIPLEt PLATiP SIZE 14 INCHES, 7 ki TABLECKSTER IS CENTS. $2.19. prosperous, all exchanging the fabrics of the Westrfor the products of the East, all vieing with one another In the great work or ma king Pnget Sound a great maritime and commercial mart, a greater and grander Adriatic. is it anv wonder, with all this golden col oring, that thousands of sober people caught the fever and migrated to the Slope to pick np some of these "snaps" which nature and the philanthropic "syndics" kindly placed with a bountiful hand within easy reach of every man 'who has the nerve to pnt a nickel in the "Pacific coast slot." In a future letter I shall indicate the dif ference, as Bob Ingersoll would say, "be tween the record and the prospectus." James V. Breest. Disagreeable sensations resulting from cough vanish before Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The Sanitary Commission Of Berlin, during the last prevalence of La Grippe, highly recommended the Soden Mineral Pastilles as a very convenient and active preventative and cure to be used by all persons predisposed to colds and coughs. These Pastilles (troches) will cure the most obstinate catarrh, cold in the head, cough, hoarseness, sore throat, etc. Beware of imitations. The genuine im ported must have the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co.," Sole Agents, Xew York, aronnd each box. a $AGS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs 13 taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Boweb, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Fig3 is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its acti6n and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs i3 for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. IOWSV1UE, KY. . HEW WBK, .f. THIS BRASS TRAY 16c Size 14x18 inches 16c THIS KITCHEN KNIFE, 9c This Griddle Greaser, 9c. This Egg Beater, 5c. 3 1 - ..i k i m v- i(mAAm:iMA i gSBEfi5SSBggZBSS&rea KMiKHiWSHMyBBSHHKHSffiSls