- f I fWMBHMniMffilfWM11TBMBB'Iilliilllliiililiit llli w Hm M ' ii HHmMm iii i nhWliMWMi I'M mmmmtmmi,,Tm. ,.,, in in. ., , in iiihi iimhiii mil iiimimhiiiwhii 1 1 ' i ' I ' . III I - III III III I I II lT. . ., .1 .. . ' - .-. -! W - I II I I I. I ! I I ., . . .1 1 . MJ r . 8 ' -i'---1.-- -j- . . ... . .j i - - , in n . . .a-.. v-T-fc HATE FOE AMERKMSJ Exhibited in Cliile Even Before the Affair at Valparaiso. A LETTER FROM ADMIRAL BROWN Goes to Show That There Was No Low Lost larly in September. EGAS AXD HIS BON T7ESE DENOUNCED Sax Fbancisco, Oct 31. A letter from Valparaiso, Chile, written under date of September IS, two weeks subsequent to the downfall of Balmaceda's Government, re counts that at that time a feeling of great bitterness was being exhibited toward United States Minister Egan and the Amer ican naval forces. Newspapers which be gan pnblication after the success of the Congressionalists continued to reiterate that Minister Egan had favored Balmaceda, but it was also conceded that he had protected a number of Congressional adherents when Balmaceda was in power. "When the con flict closed the fact that he had afforded pro tection to adherents ot Ualmaceda was urged against him, as showing his sympathy with the downfallen administration! An intimation that a son of the United States Minister was interested in a railway enterprise was also cited as a reason tor the opposition to the Minister, and the claim was also made that the latter intended em barking in a commercial enterprise in Chile when hi' term of office expired, if Balmaceda succeeded. It was acknowl edged that no evidence was given in proof ot these allegations, but they were printed, and added to the feeling of animosity in the popular mind against the American em bassy. Attacks on Uncle Sam' Naval Force. The papers also made attacks on the American naval force, owing to the chase of the Itata, and the statement was repeatedly made in Valparaiso and Santiago papers to the effect that Admiral Brown, in his flag ship San Francisco, had given warning of the landing of Congressionalists at Quin- teros isay to tfaimacedas officers, even going to the point of stating that he had on board of his flacrship an officer or representa tive of the Balmacedan armv. This was called to the attention of Admiral Brown in a note from Minister Egan, and the former replied in the following letter, which was printed in the principal Valparaiso and Santiago papers: My Dear Mr. Fpin: I am in receipt of vour note of yesterday, in regard to slanderous articles whicti ap pear in several newspapers in relation to my proms: in this ship to the vicinity of Quinteros in the afternoon of the 20th ult. I have to say that under ordinary circum stances I would consider it beneath my cignity as an officer of the United States 2Cavy to notice, even in this unofficial way, such charges as are made. However, I will Five, in a brief way, a statement of the events of the day. As was my usual custom I went on shoio in citizens dress, for a walk, at about fl.30 a. ji., and meeting a Gov ernment officer who spoke English, I acted him if there were any troops near, lie re plied at once- "Ye, the opposition have made a landing; at Quintcros." Tlie German Admiral' statement. In order to verify his btatement or dis prove it, I went at onco to the office of Ad miral Viol, and he gave me particulars of tlielindinjr. He said at early daylight are port reached him by telephone from Val paraiso lighthouse that a large number of ships were entering Qninteros Bay, and at 7 jl. x. he received a telegram from Qninteros, reporting that the opposition were there and were making a Undine. " This telegram gave the names of the men-of-war and stated that there were five transports and three or foar small steamers In the expedition. This was not held as secret, for everyone on the streets of Valparaiso knew it as soon as 1. Admiral Viel told me that the advance of the opposition would be contested by a large force of Government troops, and that a battle would be fought near QulnteniS. I came afloat and informed the German Ad miral, Valois, and the senior British officer, Captain St. Clair, of mv intention of going to Quinteros, and at the same time said I would take an officer from their vessels, if they desired to send one. Admiral Valois did so. I reached Qninteros Bay at about 3.30 T.n., and, seeing no evidence of a battle,came back to this port, where we anchored at about 5 r. it. 1 sent an officer on shore with a cablegram which he had to take to the Intendencia to be approved. My message to the Secretary of the Navy was in code, so no one knew its rmroart. The officer wbo went on shore told me that every one knew the opposition had reached the Aconcagus river. In fact, he obtalnedmore information than I had. All I knew waB that a landing had been made, and that no lighting had taken place within sight of the ships. The News Given Out by Brown. No information was Riven by mo of what 1 had observed, and the crew of the boat which went on shore wero cautioned no to answer any questions. On the afternoon of the 20tli ultimo I called in uniform on Ad miral Montt and Colonel Jlerley, and re newed an acquaintance with them which had been made at Iquiqite. I was cordially received by both of the gentlemen. At that time I explained to Senor Montt all the facts connected with my visit to Quinteros. So this I say officially, that -no one except the German officer, other than those belonging to my ship, ere on board at the time. Yours very truly, George Brows, Rear Admiral, TT.S.N. United States Flagship San Francisco, Val paraiso, Chile, September 8. Even after the publication of Admiral Brown's letter the statements originally made were reiterated, and the fact that the Vicuna and other officials of the late Gov ernment were given protection on board American warships was cited as further proof of American hostility, although the same course was pursued by the German Admiral. It was stated that the English and French ships would not receive any of the fleeing officials on board. Owing to these repeated statements a distinct feeling of hostility was created in the public mind against all Americans in Chile. KXW ADVXSTOHEKENTa. Jf o Fire Here, Our low prices give customers an idea we have a fire sale on. Get this off your mind. The fire was several doors away." "We have more regular trade than we can wait on and don't enjoy being crowded for standing room by customers looking for fire goods. "We were obliged to close our doors several times last week to keep back the crowd. Thornton Bros.' Cash Drygoods Store, Allegheny. Over 55,000 Emerson Pianos Have been made and sold, warranted for seven years. Sole agents Lechner&Schoen berger, 69 Fifth avenue. Easy terms. Household goods packed for shipment, sn Haugh & Keekak, 33 "Water street ar CARUSS OCS-TUFSU GOLD SPECTACLES $3 50. ARTIFICIAL EYES, $5 00. &, MANNION 67 FIFTHAi.UE. SOUTHSIDE. WE ABE DELIGHTED At the success of our Cloak Department, but why wouldn't we meet with suc cess when our styles are cor rect our fit most perfect; our assortment large, our gar ments seasonable and our prices io to 15 per cent lower than the same goods are offered for elsewhere? How can we do it? Why, be cause our expenses, rent; etc., are 15 per cent less than those of downtown houses; that's as plain, you'll agree, as daylight; it doesn't require a bookkeeper to figure that the smaller a firm's expenses are the closer and cheaper they can sell. You're safe on the price; if we've got the style to suit you, we are entitled to your patronage. (Call to see about that.) The other day we put on sale a number of new styles, having sold a great many of the styles we showed at our opening. If you will call you will get most courteous treatment, whether you wish to buy or not, feeling assured that when you are ready to buy we will get your patronage. We have an exceptionally strong assortment of Ladies' Coats from 4 to 15; a fair assortment above that. BEBUBD I j SOUTH THIRTEENTH AND CARSON STS. noi-117 NEW ADVKKT1BKMKNTS BISQUE OF BEEF. Aliauld Food for Dyspepsia, loss of Ap petite and General Debility that contains more nutriment than any other prepara tion; it possesses the vital principles of pure fresh beef, extracted by our improved process, and Insures Health and Strength, Pure blood, refreshing sleep, restores the appetite and Tones the entire system. Having derived so muoh benefit from "Bisque of Beef," being overworked from business pressure, permit me to say it does all yon claim for it and deserves nnbonnded popularity. F. P. Hakbauqh, St. James Hotel, Pittsburg. At druggists, or stind $1 by mail and we will deliver to von (cxpressage paid by us) a bottle of "Bisque of Beef." KING'S MKDIC1NE CO., Cor. Seventh st. and Duquesne way, Pen. ooSO KKW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' $t STTSI5S Wear-"them and -see-again " - tlO, -III TTJ U, I - jn VrH--v -fen- T-pyfJk 2&ksyS - i. - - Cmessman55"5pecs. re- TederalSt, Allegheny. Send 2-cent stamp to Chessman Optical Co., 42 Federal St., Allegheny, for our new system of fitting yourselves with glasses, by mall. nu28-TUFS DON'T BE A MOM Call and see those Cents' Solid Gold Initial Kings, "et with 6 genuine diamonds, for $6 75. Solid Gold Band Emblem Kings, for all orders and societies, $3 SO and $6 60. Fat sale only by B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, nol 65 Fifth Avenue. BUT TOUE SPECTACLES AT The Relidtolo Optician, Eyes Examined Free. gg n.n Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. DIAMOND, Mk OC30-TT8U A "SWELL" HAT, INDEED, IS RUBEN'S POPULARYOUNG GENTS'' DERBY, JBgcT 11 ;38Wl The Beau Brummel, 92 40, $2 90, 83 40. This unique and stylish hat has caught the yonnjf men's fancy from the very start. ItB merits are such that no rival now in the field can compare with it. Rare elegance, combined with correctness of style, are the chief points of this jaunty bat, and these qualifications confer upon the wearer an air of graceful ease not attained by any other shape now before the public. We have them in black and the new shade of brown so pop ular this season. Come and see them. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421-and 423 SMITHFIELD STREET. nol-wrsu YOUR OLD SEALSAGQUES Can be speedily transformed intoa fashion able garment if left with us, and for a very moderate price. Kindly inspect the beauti ful new "Princess" Cape. Those desiring Seal Wraps redyed can have the genuine English Seal Coloring supplied by us. Practical Hatter and Farrier, 707 Penn Ave., Pittsburg. Mail orders promptly attended to. nol-wsu -n - -3k if- T' 9r"&. H1SW ADVEBT1SEMENTS. .! fcX. - 7 i WOULD NOT GO TO w Without the advice of a lawyer, or take drugs without the prescription of a physician. You do not buy a piano without experienced advice, and why should you enter a first-class Furniture Store and- trust to your own judgment? We are as much interested in the success of your purchases, when they are made with us, as you are. We want to see you derive every advantage from wise . ' selection, and to this end we offer our patrons the benefit of consultation with our expert salesmen. 5 3sWe take pleasure to-day in notifying the public-that-we have awarded the ONYX ETAGEEE OF EXPOSITION FAME, TO OF MERIDEN STREET, DUQUESNEsHEIGHTS,. I A PUPIL OP BOOM SXTJCKET'SCHOOIi, She having the Largest Correct List of Words. We are having printed and will mail to each contestanttby Wednesdaynext, a com plete list of all contestants with the number of words sent; also number or words al lowed each by correction. N. B, We bave'also ordered and they are in process of manufacturing a very Ele gant Present which we will send when complete to each contestant. HIGH AT PRICES AWAY QOWN! CLASS GOODS fhis is the kind we sell! This is the -kind we buy. "Auction Goods," made years ago and thrown on the market with other "stickers," can't find a place in our store. As the readers of our notices will bear witness, we are always careful to state ex actly what can be purchased of us. We may not make much of a stir or bother in the papers, but you can depend on it that a lot "of hustling goes on in our establishment every day in the week. Everybody well informed will testify to the fact that we -handle the lowest-priced goods in the city. This fact conceded leaves only the question of prices. The only way to settle the price question is by personal investigation. Make it at once ! Make it among our Parlor Fur niture, make it among our wonderfully great stock of Drawing Room,. Dining Room, Bedroom and Library Furniture; make it among our Carpets; make it before you spend a single dollar' for Household Goods-of any kind. Make it thoroughly. PIOITEBBS .OF LOW EEIOES, HOPRER BROS. & CO. 307 WOOD STREET. iiiiiP.irr-.-TMiiiipB il muiir miMm MEN'S OVERCOATS. Our gigantic stock embraces all the new styles and fabrics Kerseys, Meltons, Cheviots, Worsteds, Home spuns, Beavers, Elysians, Friezes, Montagnacs, Chin chillas, etc The materials come in the different-new Brown Shades, such as Chestnut, Wood, Tobacco, Coffee, Tan and Pearl, Slate, Smoke, Stone, Steel, Drab, Olive, Oxford Mixed. These garments are made up, trimmed and finished with the same degree of care and excellence as the most expensive custom made garments, and yet your tailor would ask you from two to three, times our prices without giving you one twentieth the variety to choose from. Then, too, we carry a full line of extra sizes ("stouts" and "slims") which fact enables us to fit every form and figure to perfection. GOOD OVERCOATS, $6, $8 and Sio. FINE OVERCOATS, . . . . . . $12, 15 and $18. FINEST OVERCOATS, 2o, 25 and $30. KAUFMANNS' . yiSrr"0 - I P 8rt klvx St -Zr It I W ' hJjSml til 18B& 7 I ! HI" " yT fflfj J (1 Li "Jr ' 1 F-ffllffl myff! I I VJu t I BOYS' CLOTHING. Said a lady a few days ago: "No use talking, I had to come back, although I've been everywhere else, nearly. I find your prices lower, your goods better and your styles newer and handsomer. I'll take that kilt suit which I liked best." Such and simi lar remarks are heard frequently. They're the straws that show which way the wind blows. We are now exhibiting a mammoth stock of Chil dren's Kilt Suits, Boys' Knee and Long-Pant Suits, as well as thousands of Boys' Overcoats and Reefers. The great diversity of the materials, styles, patterns, colors, etc., makes a description impossible. Suffice it to say that anything and everything the most particu lar or economical mother can desire is here. KILT SUITS, $2, $3, $5, $6 and 8. SHORT-PANT SUITS, 1.50, $3, $5, $7, io and $12.00. LONG-PANT SUITS, $4, $ 6, $ 1 o, $ 1 2, $ 1 5 and $ 20. OVERCOATS, $1.50, $3, $5, $S, 10 and $15. KAUFMANNS' Ai& 1 ll 11 V V J&M m 11 II IW M I If 1 lS lL KV i I J 1 ill jl 1 JLaIj MEN'S SUITS. Although we devotejmore-space to our Men's Suit Department than anyhouse in Pittsburg, we neverthe less are compelled to make the piles far higher than you see them elsewhere. But, then, it is an indisputed fact that our stock is fully double as-extensive, as that of any other local concern. And in this colossal assortment can be found anything and everything that is reliable and stylish. Single and Double-Breasted Sack Suits, Patch Pocket Suits, One and Three-Button Cutaway Frock Suits, Prince Alberts, etc. The materials and patterns and colors are limited only by the world's productions. There are Cassimeres, Cheviots, Homespuns, Thibet Cloths, Worsteds, Diagonals, Broad Wales, West of England Cloths, Tweeds, etc., in a thousand and one of different shades, colors, mixtures, plaids, checks, etc. GOOD SUITS,t6, 7, $9 and $10. FINE SUITS, $12 $14, $16 and 18. FINEST SUITS, 20,23, $2$ and $27. KAUFMANNS' HE : SPECIAL : BARGAINS : BELOW : WILL : BE : OFFERED : TO-MORROW, : MONDAY, : 0NLY.I SPECIAL MONDAY SALE -OF- Lais' Lnportefl Jackets anil Wraps. About two weeks ago we bought of a large New York importing house about 900 new, fine and fashionable cloaks, consisting principally of ver fine Reefers and Jackets in blue, black, tan, etc. Rich and beautiful fur-trimmed Jackets and Swellish English Top Coats at exactly 40 per cent less than market prices. To-morrow (that one day only) we shall show these garments to the ladies of Pittsburg and Allegheny at unheard of low prices. To facilitate matters we have assorted the gar ments (according to quality) in 3 lots, and have placed each lot on a separate table, as follows: TABLE No. 1. Fine and fashionable Jackets and Eeof er, in choice imported materials, tailor made and perfect fittintr. They're worth from $S to $10, but we Uill give you choice Tor S4: 98. TABLE No. 2. Extra flne Cheviot and Chevron Jack ets, cut long, with genuine Astrakhan Fur full Shawl Collar and wide facing all way down; half silk lined; really worth $15, for only S9 25. TABLE No. 3. Blch nd elegant Satln-IAned Jackets, trimmed with genuine Astrakhan, Mink. Beaver, Fox. Coney, etc The regular prices of these lovely garments are J25 to $30, 1.... w vfll rlncn thpTn nnt t,n-Tn nrrnir f ryr I S15 OO. We will also put in the great $15 lot a few regular $30 and $35 garments which we had especially made for our exhibit at the Pittsburg Exposi tion, and which received so many compliments from refined and cultured women who appreciate "real nice things." SPECIAL MOW SEE. Ladies' Fine Millinery. To-morrow, Monday, wo will offer chqlco from 96 Tine Hats, in large and small shapes, stylishly and expensively trim med, regular prices 6 J7, $8 and $9, AT $4 50. As there are notwoallke.it willhehoove you to be on hand as early as possible and thus secure the pick or the fnll as sortment. .Everyone of these Hats is the copy of some beautiful French Pattern Hat Imported by ourselves, and Just such headgear ns Ladies who appreciate nice and exquisite things will admire and desire. 43Stoj- at our Bargain Counter of Taney Feathers, Aigrettes, Wings and Quill effects, from 5o to 75c. See our handsome line of Felt Hats (all colors) at U9c. SPECIAL MONDAY SALE. AumluK kiWWWWiiiWiitf LADIES' HEAVY UNDERWEAR Ladies' white merino, Jersey ribbed vests and drawers, at 35c. Ladies' white merino vests and drawers, ribbed bottom, Trench neck, at 39c. Ladies' grey, Jersey-ribbed vests or drawers, at 44c. Ladies' extra quality white Jersey-ribbed, Egyptian cotton vests or drawers, at 50c. Ladies' white and natural mix ed vests and drawers, at 89c. Ladies' union or combination suits (rests and drawers in one piece), nat ural mixed or white, non-shrinking, ribbed, at 11 50. Ladies' finest, all-wool-Jersev-ribbed onion suits, white, grey or black, at ?2 75. Ladies' heavy underskirts, .warm and durable, neatly braided, at 60c. Ladies' white Jersey underskirts,-fieece-lined, 3-inch braided hem, at 76c. Ladies' fast black wool stockings at 19c. Ladies' extra quality, grey mixed or black, all-wool stockings, at 35a SPECIAL MONDAY SALE. fir MEN'S fcl FALL FINE Sl HATS. Worth $2, $2 50 and $3. We enjoy the reputation of the "."Record Breaking Hatters" of Pittsburg. Our special sale to morrow, however, will be the prondest feather In our cap yet $EAD AND SEE Precise ly at 8 o'clock to-morrow morn ing we will place on sale 800 Men's fine, satin lined, (2, f 2 50 and $3 Genuine For Der bys, with fine silk bands, bind ings, etc., AT$i. These Hats come in black and new brown shades.and are with out doubt the best bargains ever offered by any Hat house anywhere. Remember, only one Hat to any one customer, and Bale for Monday (to-mor- . row) only. SPECIAL MONDAY SALE 03P LADES' FIE SIMPLE SHOES! It is a well-known fact that shoe manufacturers use great care in selecting the materials that go into sample shoes to be shown to the trade. They don't go through a dozen kid skins and select the POOR EST one for the uppers, and extra pains are taken in each department of the factory to see that samples get the very best attention. ' In short; sample shoes are the best, and when they can be bought for about half the regular price, it's a pretty good time to buy fine shoes. To-morrow morning (8 o'dock) we will place on sale 750 pairs Ladies' Fine Sample Shoes from one of the finest factories in Phila delphia. " They come in French Kid, Straight Goat, Dongola Kid and Pebble Goat, 'in maqhine sewed, Goodyear welts, extension soles and hand-turned. The sizes are 2., 3 and 31, only, all widths, from A to D. We haye divided them into three lots, as follows: LOT NO. 1, I .9(1, npur Mb $3. LOT NO. 2, $2.50, RBffnlar Price $4. . LOT NO. 3, $2.98, Replar Erin $5. PAn UETN I In addition to the above we will offer for to-morrow, Monday, only lUn 111 EL ft 2 more Pa'rs f those extra quality, welt, cork sole shoes, guaran teed waterproof, and to be worth every cent of Five Dollars, for only $3. Letter carriers and policemen who want the best and most durable street shoe in the world, should try these. KAUFMANNS FIFTH AyE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. OUR 120 PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS, ON APPLICATION. KAUFMANNS 3 3! 1-