JSr THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1891. DOWN E A TIN MINE. Adventures of an Alaskan Exploier at "Work on a New 'Assignment, HE VISITS AMERICA'S CORNWALL, .And Finds the Jlino Wasn't Salted far Political Purposes. rKOEPECTS ARC GOOD FOE THE FUTURE IFTECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCItl Cincinnati, Oct 24. Some time ago a new spaper of this city sent E. H. "Wells, the Alaskan explorer, to California to get the exact facts rcgardine tin. Below is a summary of his first report, under date of San llernadino, Octoher 14: The Temescal tin mine contains tin. It is American tin. The hole has not been "salted" with Cornwall ore by the Repub lican campaign committee lor tlie purpose of bolstering the McKinley tariffbiU. Tor a small hole in the ground it has certainly been maligned, praised, vilified, exalted and romanced about in the newspapers in a truly astonishing manner. Xeither Repub lican nor Democratic editors ha e told the truth concerning it, owing, it is presumed, to a lack of correct information. In view cf these facts I intend to present a concise statement of truths. TESTIMONY OP AS EYEWITNESS. I ha e this day been down the Temescal shalt, 20 mile9 from San Bernadino, have walked about 150 feet below the earth's sur face, and, candle in hand, have examined the lode, haie seen the tin ore mined by blast and then carried outside; have fol lowed it to the stamp mill, where ore and rock were crashed; have watched "concen trators" at woik separating the oxide of tin from the "tailings," and, lastly, stood bv the smelting furnace liquefying the tin and the puddler pouring the metal into molds. The foreman of the mine, a Cornishraan, said to me: "The lead on which we are now .working will probably be exhausted within sir w eeks. "We are boring for new deposits, nd expect to strike them. As to whether (or not the deeper lodes will be richer than those we have already mined remains to be (seen. There arc some 40 seams ot ore out- jcropping on our property. 3Io;t of these "liae not ex en been prospected, but they ap- jpcarto be rich. We are sinking several 'new shalts to try and find fresh paying de- 'posits." THE OHE IUCHEE THAN COISNTVALls. "Do ou consider the ore here to be as good as that of Cornwall?" I asked. "It is four times as rich, but it costs more to mine .t here than in Cornwall. I could 'get a good miner there for ."ill cent', and here 1 pay 52 for the same man " Mr. AVel's sajs of the surroundings at Temescal "The buildings some dozen in number were large, painted, of tasteful architecture, and constructed principally of corrugated iron, which certaiuly is not otten used by mine experimenters in building camp9. Had I observed a collection of ephemeral pine shanties, things would have looked moie natural. It was the eiidcnt permanent character of the 'structures, including the stamp mill, and power house, that looked odd. I after ward learned that the English company op erating the mine had expended some $750, 000 for land, machinery and building-!, showing that the investors, at least, had considerable confidence in the future of the mine. In the main power bouse I found a fine engine ot ,550 horse-power operating "lifts" m the shaft and other machinery. On a hill close by stood another large en gine, evidently new, which was running a huge double automatic stamp of English make, and the only one of its kind yet brought to America. THE MACHINEEY NOW AT WOHK. In the same building were operating four large shakers, called concentrators, which separate the tin and rock through the agency of water. In another building I found a five stamp mill grinding away, All of the machinery was of the finest order, and undoubtedly cost a large sum of money. The smelting furnace, located just beneath the power house, was not a very large nf fair. Theie arc at present 110 men em ployed in various capacities about the mine and" works. 3Iy investigations in the mine revealed a tin ore lode hve feet in width of unknown height and depth, the blasting not having reached its limits. In places the ore was poor, but in many spots it showed up rich, and on the whole, appeared to be of a high grade. It was mostly of the red variety, few streaks of white ore being observable. From the size of the mine corridors it was evident that many thousand tons of rock and ore had been taken out, although but little practical work had beeu done prior to three months ago. I have been specific in stating details, so that Democrats may be convinced that the mine is not a phantasm and de lusion altogether. The mine is not yet pajing, and the out put not so great as has been proclaimed, owing to insufficient machinery, which is being supplied as rapidly as possible. S"WAEMIHG WITH CHUTAMEH. NEW ADVEBTISEStEajTS, Only the Presence of Military Prevents Blots In British Columbia. Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 24. Advices from British Columbia are to the effect that great excitement exists there among the white laborers over the refusal of the Dominion Government last session to adopt legislation restricting the immigration of Chinese la borers. Chinese arrive in hundreds by every steamer from Hongkong, and al though hundreds make their escape across the boundary line into the United States a considerable number remain in the Pacific provipces. The presence of a battery at Victoria and the militia on the main land are said to have prevented riots which otherw ise would have occurred within the last few months. A bill is now before the British Columbian Legislature making it illegal to employ a Chinaman in coal minesj A dispatch from Chicago says: Treasury Agent Scanlan to-day says he'has received advices from his inspectors who are now watching the Canadian border, to the effect that there arelO.OOO Celestials in Vancouver and along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railroad who are suffering for the want of food. "Chinamen in unprecedented num bers are being landed at Vancouver," said Mr. Scanlan, "and they were nnable to ob tain employment or food. The vast num ber of arrivals, I believe, is the result of a notice spread among the Chinese by an in fluental Chinamen returned home, that it is very easy to get into the United States. I believe, also, the Canadian Government is assisting Celestials intothe country in order to get the 550 per head they are compelled to pay. The Government,! believe, is also expecting some exclusion legislation next winter and now desires to get in all China men its possibly can. TAMPEEING WITH A JUDGE. An excellent Stock of Custom-Made Cloth lng to lie Sold at Hair Values. Thursday. October 15, the P. C. C. C. Co. bought at the peremptory nudum sale of the entire fall and winter stock of fine clothing of the well-known firm of Messrs. Fechhcimer, Goodkind & Co., of 748 and 750 Bioadway, Xew York City, through the auction firm of Messrs. AVilmerding, Morris tc Mitchell, at 64 and (M "White street, Hew York City, 550,000 w orth of the finest grades of clothing. "We did not need thee goods, but they were so ridicilously cheap, and of such fine quality and excellent make, we could not resist the opportunity. "Wo bought for net cash, and only paid abont one-quarter manufacturing cost of the goods. It was a forced sale, and we have them now ready for our patrons, for whose benefit we arrange this special three days' sale, Mon day, Tuesday and "Wednesday, that they may have the benefit of our fortunate pur chase. These garments are well worth 540 and 545 of any man's money. The overcoats l in this bargain array are the finest shown in tne citv. J.ney are tnmmeu witn silt, satin and serge, and their texture is the finest and swellest that could be secured from foreign markets. These suits are the finest grade of cassimeres. meltons and cheviots. Imported chinchilla overcoats, silk or satin lined; manufactuiern prices, 522, 525 and 528, during these three days, 512. English kersey oercoats, silk, satin or cassimere lined; manufacturers' prices, 523, 5 25 and 530, during these three days' sale at 515. Men's imported cassimere and cheviot suits; manufacturers' prices, 520 and 25, during these three days at 512. Men's imported corkscrew and worsted suits; manufacturers' prices, 522, 525 and 528, during this sale at 515. Men's elegant dress suits, cassimeres and worsteds; manu facturers' prices, 532, 535 and 538, during this sale at 520. This offer continues for -r 3 m 1 J iit-j .1 i .w-T" J-ue5ua-aIU "eunesuay oniy, as t "ladies' shoes for 51 25. in that time our stock w ill be equalized and i ' a most cltective advertisement secured. P. C. C. C, Pittsburg Combination Cloth ing Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets. ' Mjitcry Surrounding Proceedings Against Wisconsin's State Treasurer. MADIS02T, "Wis., Oct- 24. A sensation was created here to-day by the sudden an nouncement by Judge Slebecker that he would not try the interest suits against the State Treasurer for certain reasons which he refuses to make public at this time. The inference is that the Judge nas Been ap proached, but whether in the way of a straight bribe or through political channels, is a umuer oi speculation. Attorney General O'Connor is astounded and is loud in his denunciation of the party or parties who have made it impossible for an upright judge to try the treasury suits. Judge Siebecker states that if he made known his reasons for withdrawing it would be impossible to get a fair and im partial trial of the cases in the State ot Wisconsin. He promises developments hereafter. Bastin's Cough and Consumption Cure cures the most severe cases of coughs and colds. 25c, at druggists. The Unlucky Number Thirteen Made lucky lor you this week in 13 special shoe oflerings in which you'll find shoes to suit every member of the family. For a sample see the elegant grain leather, but- tiUSKY'& Down at the Heel Is a most suggestive savins. A man that's down at the heel is never the equal of the man well shod. Our special prices on shoes of all kinds this week make it easy for everybody to wear good and stvlish foot wear. Gusky's. Kranich Bach, Emerson, "Ivers & Pond," "James M. Starr & Co." pianos, "Miller" organs. Easy payments. EECHNEK & SCHOENBERGEK, 09 fifth avenue. Stylish Saltings, ' Trouserings and overcoatings, and moder ate prices, at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street Bastin's Kidney and Ijiver Tea is a pos itive cure for constipation and sick head ache. 25c, at druggists. 77Z ABTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER 16 SIXTH STEEET. Cabinets, $2 to $4 per dozen; petites, $1 r dozen. Telephone 1751. aDS-73-2?wpao THE SOUTHSIDE L GUIDE FOR MEN: This advertisem&it is one. It will lead you into the cheap est Hat and Furnishing De partment in this city. Many men know of it, but hundreds do not To demonstrate to the public at large that our prices ARE the lowest in this town, we want you to give us a trial. As an inducement to do this we will present each purchaser of $3 worth of Furnishing Goods, including one stiff hat, a fine Nickel plated Spittoon. A costly advertisement you'll agree, but what does it amount to? If we sell you one bill you're sure to come again. That s where we gain a point Our line of Stiff Hats at $1.33, $1.83, $2.13 and $2.83 are great values. If you see our Underwear at 70c, 85c and $1.14 you'll agree you never did so well. BBR1ABD I SOUTH THIRTEENTH AND CMSDI STS. The electric cars from the city proper pass our door. Only 10 min utes to get here from downtown. NEW ADVERTISEMEJiTS. WE ALL ENJOY A RING! And I have thousands of Solid Gold Rinirs for babies and children for 23 50c, 73c up. For ladles, $1, $150, $2 25, $8 75 up. Gents, $2 50, $3 73. $1 50 up. Initial" Rings, with six genuine diamonds, $0 73. Also, the only VOLTAIC DIAMONDS. Warranted for brilliancy. No other Jeweler has them. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, oc23 65 Fifth Avenue. mST $IS 3PECrAOE5 EARTH Wear -"them-and see-a&un as, in Youth EW ADVERTISEMENTS HANDSOMER THAN EVER, U nuBtra LATEST FLAT-TOP DERBY, The Mew Union Square, ;. $2.40, $2.90, $3.40. 2&ticT- ? L . - U4ESSMANS OPECS.- FederalSt. Allegheny. Send 2 cenr stamp to Chessman Optical Co , ta Federal St., Allegheny, for our new system of fitting yourselves with glasses, by mall. an'28-TUFSU BUY YOUK SPECTACLES AT .ties .examined tree. It is an indisputable fact that the Saunre Crown Hat has come to slay. It needs only the ingenuity of the manufacturers to adop't some slight changes from season to season to make it a standard shape. Our new square crown this fall is a beauty and specially adapted to stout and middle-aged gentlemen. It goes splendidly with an over coat, ana wn?re an objection exists to wear ing a silk hat daily our square crown takes its placebeing considered a semi-dress hat for all purposes. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 SMITHFIELD STREET. oc25-wr3u Artlflnlnl Kw? Tncnff-o1 J. DIAMOND, g& OC29-TTSU CANCER and TUMOKS cared. No knife, fceml for testimon ials. G.H.McMichael, JI.D.. 63 Niagara st. Buffalo. N. Y. mlil3-71-TTSSuwk Hnflfei WmMm M $ever Known to Fail. Tarrant's Extract of Cubebs and Copalbn, the best remedy for all diseases of the nrlnary organs. Its portable form, freedom from taste and speedyactlon (ficquently cnrlng In tuieooriour uays nna .tin ays in less time than any other preparation), ir.ako "Tarrant's Ex tract" the most desir able remedy ever man ufactured. All genuine has red strip across face of label, with signature of Tarrant & Co.. New York, nnon it. Price. SL Sold br all druggists. oc25-103-au HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK, ARMS OR ANY PART OF THE PERSON QUICKLY DISSOLVED AND REMOVED WITH THE NEW SOLUTION W 7a rjviww IS AXDT11E GROWTH 10HEV& DESTKOXED WITHOUT THE LIGHTEST 1XJLRY ua msmroRATiov or the mot prucATt skin nigcoTrain Br accidest. In CoairocNDlvo, an Incomplete mixture wag accidentally tpilled on tlis back of the hand, and on washing afterward it was discorered that the hair wan completely removed. We purchased the new discovery and named it IlODENt. It is perfectly pnre, free from all injurious substances, and so simple any ono can use it. It acts mildly but surely, and you will be sur- Erised and delighted with the results. Apply for a few minutes and the air disappears as if by magic. It ha no resemblance wbitever to any other preparation ever used for a like purpose, and no scientific discovery ever attained snch wonderful results. IT CANNOT FAIL. If the growth ba light, one application will remove it permanently; the heavy growth such as the beard or hair or moles may require two or more appli cations before all the roots are destroyed, although all hair will be removed at each application, and without the sligbttst injury or unpleasant feeling when applied or ever afterward. modes e supercedes electroltsis. i Raintnm.nr1.f1 in nil imhtv Aivii t.mt.rt it. m..it.ll.ft ha B.OdI. of rmftntttltnt. Centleman urhn An nnt Annrecmta nature!, eift of a beard, will find a priceless boon in Modene, which does away with shaving. It dissolves and destroys the life principle of the hair, thereby rendering its future growth an utter impossibility, and is guaranteed to be as harmless as water to the skin. Young persons who find an embarrassing growth of hair coming, should uso Modene to destroy its growth- Modene sent by mail. In safety mailing raa. nnntnrrft tiawK ferurp!v sealed from observation) on receipt of price, S 1.00 per bottle. Send money by letter, with your full address written plainly. Correspondence sacredly private. Postage etampa received the same as cash, alw ays mention your countT a d this paper. LOCAL AND ) MODENE MANUFACTURING CO., CINCINNATI, O., U.S. A.( CCTTHISOCT GENERAL AGENTS MANUFACTURERS OF THE HIGHEST GRADE HAIR PREPARATIONS. A3 IT If AT NOT WANTED. J You can witter four IMtr at ana htt-offcm and Imurt rt Baft dtlnnrt. I APPEAR AGAIN We OITw 91,000 FOR FAILURE OR THE SLIGHTEST IHJUST. EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. KETV ADVERTISEMENTS. FECIAL NOTICE! Somen flat Win Merest Eveiy Lafly Beaier. Ladies, we have prepared a charming line ot UfiLKA JLUyUHb and UUJNiNlirS for the grand opera at the Duquesne this week. They are in delicate and' dark shades, combined with light colors, and it's no exag geration when we say that this display of head wear is the prettiest, most stylish and artistic ever shown in the city of Pittsburg. If our judgment is off on this point we want to be corrected. Come and render your verdict Prices are extrem ely reasonable considering the fine quality of the goods. OPERA GLOVES. We show a complete and faultless line of light and new fancy shades of Suede Gloves from $i to $2 a pair, suitable for evening- wear; also, light-colored Silk Mitts in extra length. You want, a fan for the opera, of course. Look at the beautiful collection which we offer at prices that are right Every day brings us fresh goods by express. We have just opened very stylish Jackets trimmed in Mink, Astrakhan, Krimmer, Raccoon, Muf flon and other furs, ranging from $6,95 to $35. They are the prettiest and most perfectly made 'goods we ever had the pleasure to show. Ele gant new Long Capes, richly trimmed with Feathers, Jets, eta Military Cape Newmarkets, with detachable capes, in black and light shades, . at exceedingly low prices. Also, a fine line of New Seal Plush Jackets and Sacques and Real Fur Capes, with Muffs to match. JNew Tea Gowns and Wrappers in greatest variety. All our Ladies' Suits at reduced prices. Before buying elsewhere see what we can do for you. I i 1! II STYLISH JACKETS MAPS CAPES. eibavm 510-518 MARKET STREET. OC25-TT3SU !S8P3SH.- --v GOLD SPECTACLES $3 50. ARTIFICIAL EYES, $5 00. CARUSS & MANNION 67 FiriUAi.NUE. OC8-TUTSU I physicians. FEiCK BROS.. 21 SIXTH ST. SUEQICAL INSTRUMENT ESTABLISHMENT. Specialties: Scientific fitting or TRUSSES, appliances for DEFORMITY and ARTIFI CIAL LIMBS. Largest stock of surgical Instruments In Western Pennsylvania. Largs illustrated catalogue free to mhlS-99-Trssa BISQUE OF BEEF. A LIQUID FOOD- Tliat contains more nutriment than any other preparation; it possesses the vital principles of pure fresh beef, extracted by our improved process and Insures Health and Strength, Pnre blood, refreshing sleep, restores th appetite and Tones the entire system. I suffered greatly from dyspepsia accom. panied -with constant headache. One bottls of "Bisque of Beef" relieved me and restored my appetite: the second bottle effected a perfect cure. I have gained seven pound in the last month. As a tonic it certainly produces health and qtrenztb. JOSEPH TELFORD, !95 Fifth ave., PittsDunr. King's Med. Co., Pittsburg. OC23 3 NG LIKE NS' CLOTHING You. may visit hundreds of clothing stores and see many millions of dollars' worth of Clothing, but you'll not find another stock like Kaufmanns'. No, not another. True, you may find equally large stocks, equally fine stocks or equally fashionable stocks, but there's not to be found in this great, glorious country another collection of clothing so uniformly per fectperfect in quality, style, variety and most perfect and matchless of all in Low Prices. The constantly increasing popularity of our clothing shows how well this intelligent community appreciates the superior inducements we offer. Samples of our present matchless offerings will be found below. They commend themselves: ;:::::: M Ah kfH r m pa r SMe-Breastd Sack Suits. Over 500 different and distinct styles of these to choose from checks, plaid?, mixtures, Eolid colors, plain blacks, etc., in cheviots, home spuns, tweeds, cassimeres, worsteds, etc, -with or without patch pockets. ATS6 Good, well-made suits in checks and interwoven plaids; would cost vou.510 eltewhere. AT'SIO Fine all-wool cheviot and cassimere suits, in latest pat terns; iaultless make and per iod nt. AT $15 Extra fine cheviot, cassimero and broad-wale suits, made equal to custom work; worth AT $18 Choice imported suils, all different materials and patterns; u ould cost 535 if made to order. 5 S J r ysi (JL - fl Jjyi Double-Breasted Sack Suits. These suits are more popular this Fall and Win ter than at anv previous sea son. Our stock is, of course, correspondingly large. It em braces 200 new and novel styles in all kinds of materials. Prices of these suits as follows: AT $12 First-class black cheviot tailor-made suits, marked 13 in other houses. AT $16 Exquisite combination wors ted, cassimere and cheviot suits in solid tan colors; worth 522. . AT $18 Fine imported ttn and black cheviot suits; would cost 535 to be made to order. . AT $22 Fjnest imported cheviot and cassimere suits; latest designs; equal to best custom work. C0TMY FSOCK SUITS. These staple styles are as popular as ever with business and professional men. Our -variety is more extensive than ever. "We can show you six hundred different styles all new patterns, shades, colors or mixtures. Their prices range as follows: AT $8 Splendid eas!imeresuits,well made and trimmed; good wear ers; regular price, 51L AT $12 Fine, genteel blue and black wursiea suns, neatly made and trimmed; other dealers' price, AT $18 Verv fine F.nirliul, rliomr,l worsted and corkscrew suits! black or blue; perfect in every respect . AT $25 Finest clay worsted and diag onal suits, equal to best custom- ' iruuucea in jrittsDurg. K?- 9 IV 1 u FRIIIGE AUEBTSeiTS We show the sedate Prince Albert in the finer materials only clay worsteds, clay diagonals and English corkscrews, in rich black and blue shades. Fine Prince Albert Smts,$15. Very fine Prince Albert Suits, $18. Imported Suits, ?20. Prince Alber't Finest Prince Albert Suits, 525. ' SINGLE-BREASTED, STRAIGHT FROCK SOTTS in same materials as Prince Alberts, at equally low prices. SINGLE-BREASTED. STRAIGHT FROCK COATS for ministers, Knight Templars. Knights of Pythias, etc. CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT. r Mm ' ft j 5- If' fSimt THE FINE, FAULTLESS AND PERFECT FITTING GARMENTS WE MAKE TO ORDER. Are the delight of the most fashionable and econ omical gentlemen. No tailor in Pittsburg makes (can make) finer garments than ours; and as to prices we simply undersell every merchant tailor in town at least 25 per cent frequently more. Our cutters are the best money can procure, our i tailors pride themselves of being the most experienced journeymen of their trade. Then we use none but the best trimmings, and guarantee each garment not merely to fit but to fit perfectly. As for our stock of piece goods, it is complete in all the word implies. We show an immense variety of latest imported suitings, trouserings and over coatings, including all the extreme, and ultra fash ionable designs and colors. Suits to order 25, $30, 35, $40, $45 and S50. Trousers to order $6, $7, $8, $9, gio, $12 and 15. Overcoats to order $2$, 30, 35, $40, 45 and 50. English Box Overcoats. Two-thirds of the sty lish dressers of Pittsburg and Allegheny will wear the popular box and sack overcoats this season. Our stock of these garments is simply beyond com parison. Your inspection is solicited. Read our prices: AT $10 Nobby box overcoats, good quality cassimeres, cheviots and meltons in brown, tan, nut, wood, coffee, tobacco, slate, steel, smoke and black; sold elsewhere at 513. AT $15 Fine box overcoats made of finest American cheviots and meltons, in all different shades, custom fit and finish, worth 520. AT $18 Fine imported box overcoats, in meltons.kersfivs and cheviots. all colors and shades; regular price, 524. AT $25 Finest imported box overcoats 111 all materials anu snaaes, equal to anv 540 niade-to-oider garments. Fly Front Overcoats. For elderly gentlemen the fly front will be the leading style this season. They are made of medium and heavy beavers, chev iots, meltons, cassimeres, in quiet shades. Here are the prices: AT $5 Good, well-made grey cassi mere overcoats, warm 5iud dura ble, will cost 58 in any other store. AT $7 First-class grey cassimere and melton overcoats, with or without silk facing, cannot be matched elsewhere below 510. AT $9 Fine grey melton, cheviot and dark "beaver overcoats, first-class garments, really worth S13. AT $12 Extra fine, heavy melton overcoats, in light and dark shades; regular price, fcltJ. Double-Breasted Overcoats. These very nobby and fashionable garments are shown by us in fine im ported materials exclu sively, such as Carr's Mel tons and best English Ker seys in select and stylish colors and shades. Am m M '1 1 1 h 1 1 Vim if 7 11 I I 1 I H English Cape Overcoats. These are principally for the cold weather, and are made of medium and heavy materials, mostly cheviots and cassimeres in checjjs and plaids. First-class cape garments at $17 and S20. Ordering Goods By Mail. Out-of-town residents can share the benefits of our unequaled low prices alike with the citizens of Pitts burg and Allegheny. The way to do it fs to write for 120-page Illustrated Fashion Catalogue (sent free to any address). By means of this book you can do your shopping by mail as well as if you were here in per son. You can order not only clothing, but cloaks, shoes, millinery, hats, furnishing goods, crockery, etc. In each of these lines we lead the trade in Pitts burg, and can save you money. Try it. Write for catalogue. $SOF BOYS' CLOTH I NG we shali speak some other day. Suffice it to say for to-day that the facilities we enjoy, the inducements and attractions we offer in Men's Clothing find their counterpart in our Boys' Department. h