Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 21, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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JJishop Whitehead's Ideas for Chari
table Educational Homes.
A Tcrj Comrrehcnsive Talk on the London
Lodges and Refuges.
There is a movement on foot in the Epis
copal churches of the two cities, which, if
it materializ , a great loon to the poor and
middle classes will result. It is a strictly
English charitable idea, hut so eminently
worthy, that it will bear manifold copying.
Itishop Cortlandt "vVhitehcad.of the i'itts
burg diocese, is a keen observer, and during
his summer outing, which was spent in Ens-
land, Scotland, France and Belgium, he
thoroughly investigated the many modes of
aiding nnd encouraging the indigent and
poorer laboring classes of these countries.
His observations were very fruitful, and he
brings back with him ideas and plans
which he proposes to inaugurate in these
two cities, providing the good people who
sre able, will lend a helping hand.
There are now in existence under the aus
pices of the Layman's Missionary League
five missions, namely: In Knorrille, Tem
peranccville, Sharpsbunr, East End,and the
colored organization. They all have done
and are doing good work with the limited
amount of resources at hand, and the Bish
op 6 dealest heart wish is that the League
may be able to branch out in a more exten
sive way, because the field to work in will
abundantly warrant it.
"I am afraid," said he, "that the char
itably disposed people don't thoroughly un
derstand the workings and the resultant
good done by these organizations in Eng
land, hence thev are rather dilatory in con
tributing to the cause. In the AVhite
chapel district, London, there is Toynbee
Hall, which was named after a young Ox
ford graduate who went there instigated by
a spirit of devotion, and through his efforts
managed to cet good people interested in
the work, and now it is one of the most
successful institutions in London for the
enlightenment and help of the poor classes.
They have a larje house built for the ac
commodation of Orford graduates who care
to make it their abode and at the same time
help in the work of educating those who
wish to attend the night schools.
"There are lodging, dinine and lecture
rcoms, library, and what has recently be
come a. great feature, summer concerts.
This is a magnet wliicli draws the tired and
weary workicg people, who have entree to
all the different departments. They also
cie 'smoking conferences,' at which the
men smoke and discus labor issues of the
hour, such a? our eight-hour lair, etc.
These ha e been very successful. The Sat
urday and Sundav evening meetings are
great features. They are not of a religious
tenor, but purely secular.
''There is no discrimination as to sect, for
there you see Hebrew s, Eoman Catholics,
Presbyterians and Agnostics all mixed up
together as a common people. A Board of
Health also constitutes a part of the insti
tution, and there questions of hygienic and
ianitary import arc discussed. Athletics
are indulged in, and lately there has been
organized a Traveler's Club, which appro
priates so much money to defray expenses
tor the Toynbee students to take a tramp
through the country. This has been found
a pleasurable diversion and very healthful.
"The Salvation Army under General
Booth has also met with" much encourage
ment in the lower districts of London. The
organization has received liberal contribu
tions, and numerous "refuges" are estab
lished which are patronized by the poor. If
the applicant has a "tuppence" he can ge
a lodge or a bite to ent, or if penniless the
result is the same. The nominal little sums
are charged merely to encourage the people
to work. It is eminently successful.
'The Ritualistic party of the Chnrch of
England hivs also established a similar
ehiritsbla home at Holborn. It has sister
hoods and brotherhoods, composed of self
sacrificing people, who devote their entire
energy and time to the poor and destitute.
The Cowley Fathers' Monastery, which is
situate near Oxlord, in a very busy parish.
They have three large soboolsthere for boys
and girls, all free, with hospital attached,
in which the sistorsare nurses. Their man
nerof life is very ascetic The instructors
are devoted to dutv. Everv year some of
the brothers are sent as missionaries to In- !
dia, Africa, and other foreign countries.
"All the charitablo places I have men
tioned and their methods of doing work
have been successful in every way. The
Salvation Army reaches a difierent class of
people than Toynbee Hall and the others,
but the work is as popular.
"My idea is that we take hints from our
English co-workere, and establish institu
tions of the kind in and about the three
cities on a smaller scale at first, and
as we improved, and the "refuges"
are popularized we can build up on a
grander scale. Take lor instance a recentlv
established place in London called a
Teetotum.' One can go there and for a
penny get a cup of coflee; for a 'tuppence'
extra potatoes, and for threepence some
meat, etc This has a drawing lnflmtnm nn
the working men and boys who throw their
money away for intoxicants, etc
"I also thought that this winter the plan
of having popular lectures would be a good
and profitable scheme to raise money to go
tow ard the charity fund, and besides.I have
great hope of the liberal minded men of
w ealth who ought to contribute to this most
laudable movement. Pittsburg is rich, but
the greater proportion of her people are
poor.and I know of no other field where the
Charitable or Missionary Homes could be
used to a better advantage in elevating,ben
efitting and elightening the poor and mid
dle classes of society. I hope The Dis
patch, with its great influence, will aid us
in our new move."
Bishop Whitehead has numerous books
and statistical statements of the English
homes, and in the near future will give a
lengthy and comprehensive talk to the
clergy and Inity on the bubject.
Overcoats I'or AH.
"We have placed on tale a superb line of
English kersey and melton overcoats at the
special bargain price of S10 each. The
public never had a chance to buy such fine
garments at this low-price. The'nsual price
lor these overcoats is $18 and $20, our price
10. Remember to go to the P. C. a a for
your overcoat
Pittsburg Combination Clothing Com
pany, comer Grant and Diamond streets.
A Good Suggestion.
If you have valuables keep them where
they will be safe. The safe deposit vaults
of the Farmers Deposit National Bank, 65
Pourth avenue, ofier you security, strong
vaults, perfect ventilation, good light, spa
cious coupon rooms, separate apartments
for women. Boxes rented at ?5 and up
ward. MWF
Obliged to Close Their Doors.
Thornton Bros., the cash drygoods firm of
Allegheny, were obliged to close their store
on account of fire in the Dunlap block,
Federal street. It was a sight to see the
thousands of customers trying to gain ad
mittance to this popular cash store. Special
police were assigned to keep bac the
crowds. They will be open to-dav as usual.
Kid Glove Bargains!
Ladies and misses' 6-hook tans, 8-button
snede or kid mosquetaires; your choice 75c a
pair, selling elsewhere at 1, at Rosenbaum
& Co.'s. vp
A Qnecnstown Soldier Seeks His Lost TTlfo
In ritlsbnrc.
A tale of matrimonial woe has been given
to Register Conner in his capacity of Mar
riage License Clerk Yesterday he received
the following letter:
(Jukesstowx, Pa., Oct. 17, 1S91.
Recorder or Marriage Licenses:
Pear Sir JIv wife, Sadie Wagner, left me
noarly two years ago. She Is a large, fine
built woman, weight from 170 to 190 ponnds,
nnd 41 rears old. I seo by tho weekly Pitts
ourj; p'aper that n Mr. Theodore Cutter, of
Jennnctte, Pa., and n Sadie Wagner, of Pitts
burg, took out a license this week. Ilivo
vou any J ccol lection of tho woman? Please
Rive m'e all the fjcts yon can. What npa did
tuo woman give? and oblige an old soldier.
Yours truly, CoxnAn Waoxer,
Private Company 31, Fourteenth Pennsyl
vania Cavalry.
To oblige Mr. "Wagner a search of the
records was made. It, in conjunction with
the memory of Clerk Heiber, showed that
Mrs. Wagner, who engaged to marry Mr.
Cutter, was buxom and good looking, but
that she had only seen -- summers, blie
lived on South Eighteenth street. A reply
in accordance was sent to Mr. AVa;ner. who
therefore must look further for his lost wife.
Tl.e Linen Ship Is No More.
To-day wc will sell at half price all the
linens from onr Exposition display. Get
your choice carlv.
Jos. Hoiine & Co.'S
Penn Avenue Stores.
HOLDERS of the Pennsylvania salt Manufsc
tnrlng Compsnv will bo held at their office. No.
115 Chestnntst.' Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY,
October IS. lSi, at 12 o'clock noon, for the
election of seven directors for the ensuing year,
and such other hnslness as msv be brought lte
forc them. AUSTIN M. PUEVES, Secretary.
The members of Zcno Lodge No. 719. 1. O. O. P.,
are requested to meet at their hall, corner S.
Twentv-scvenfh and Sarah sts.. on THURSDAY.
Oct. 22, 1S31, at 1 r. si. sharp, to attend the funeral
of our deceased brother, Louls.t.Young. Mem
bers of sister lodges are respectful United to at
tend. WILL T. WAHE, N. G.
i Council. No. 110. Jr. ). U. A. SI., are re
quested to meet at their hall on Thursday, October
22. at 1:15 1, si., to attend th funeral of our de
ceased brother. I.onls.T. Young. Members of sis
ter councils are reapcctfullv invited to attend.
By order of the Council.
SMITH, Jr.. R. S. 0C3-S9
The decision bv the United States Circuit Court
for the Westrrn District of Per.nslvanla at No. 8,
November Term 1SS4. In equity of that court, or
dered a sale of the corporate property and fran
chises of the Allegheny A alley Railroad Company,
divesting the lien of the following securities and
dltributlng the proceeds of said sale among the
holders thereof In the order leIow stated:
1st: The principal of, and Interest on, the ma
tured and unpaid coupons of the 310,000,000 loan
dated March 31st. 1869. bearing Interest at the rate
of 7 per ceut per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal maturing April 1st "1910.
2d: The matured ard unpaid portion of the prln
clpil and Interest of the Commons Faith's loan
secured by mortgagss dated April 1, 1869, and Sep
tember 5. 1874.
3d: Tlie principal ana Interest or the income
bonds secured br mort? acre dated Octolwr 1st. 1874.
This sale will also, of course, terminate the inter
est of the stockholders In the corporate property
aud franchises.
An agreement embodying a plan of reorganiza
tion, to be 6lgned by such of 6aid security holders
and stockholders as raav desire to do so. has been
prepared and put In charge of the undersigned.
Copies of the said agreement for signature are at
the following places:
Room No. 31, S33bouth Fourth street, Philadel
phia. FldelltT Title andTru6t Company, No. 123Fourth
avenue, Pittsburg.
Parties signing the same must, at the Mm: ot
signing, deposit the securities and certificates ot
stock held by them with the Purchasing Commit
tee, aud will receive a receipt therefor, entitling
them to the benefits of the reorganization scheme
upon compliance with the terms thereof. All who
desire to become parties to this agreement must
sign the same and deposit their securities and cer
tificates or stock on or before Monday, the 23d day
of November, 1831.
Purchasing Committee.
llnsiness Cliancc.
The co-partnershlD heretofore existing aj the flrrn
Mevers Stocbenrr, Jr.. has this dav olisolved hy
mutual consent, Geo. btoebener.Jr., retlrin.
OC21-30 L. H MEYERS.
Lesal Notices,
LEGAL I am prepared to do work for the legal
profession, writing deeds, mortgages or tran
scribing legal or other documents; satisfaction
guaranteed: terms moderate. Mortimer btarllng.
Room 34, 108 Fourth av.
X BREWING COMPANY-rursuant to the de
cree of distribution of the Court of Common Pleas
No. 2, the receiver will pav to the creditors men
tioned In the schedule of distribution at No. 62 of
April term, 1891, the dividends to which thev are
entitled, on application at his ofilce. No. 25 St.
Nicholas building, corner Fourth avenue and
Grant street, Pittsburg.
PITTSBUKG, October 20. 1831. OC21-45
T. F NEWLIN. Attorney-at-Law,
No. 150 Fourth av.
rtf 111arinnt rtiintr- Vn JrtT TluimKKarrA ,.
I 1W0. In re. vol assignment of'j. W. Crozier. to
E. H. Lelzure. The undersigned assignee hereby
gives notice that he has filed his 11 ret and final
account In the above matter, and that the same
will be allowed by the court November 7, 1S91,
unless cause be shown to the contrary.
E. H. LEIZURE. Assignee.
J. PLICATION will be made to the Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania on the 20th day of No
vember. 1691. by J. B. Vandergrirt, J. J. Yandcr
grift, S. H. Yatidergrin, J. G. Bright aud J. I.
Buchanan, under the act of Assembly entitled
"An act to provide for the Incorporation and
regulstlon of certain corporations," approved
April 29. 1S74. and the supplements thereto, lor the
charter of an Intended corporation to be called J.
B. Vandergrlft Coal Company, the character and
object of vi iiich is the mining of and dealing In
coat, and lor these purposes to hare, possess and
enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said
act of Assembly and supplements thereto. H. A.
MILLER. Solicitor. oc21-3S-w
TEESONAL Cash naln for old srola and silver'
X Jewelry repaired: new work made to order.
Chris. Hanch. 641 Smlthfleld.
PERSONAL-Grant's Memoirs. S3 73: Mark
Twain's Huckleberry Finn. 75c; Webster's
Dictionary largo quarto, (I 25; E. I. Roe's
works, halfprice: special bargains in old and new
books. Frank Bacon & Co., 3U1 Smlthfleld st.
PERSONAL-J. C Schaefer. the Jeweler, 130
Fifth av.. has secured the services of Mr. W.
L. Trelber, the well-known optician, who will
examine your eves free of charge; a rail line of
lewelry; our (1 spectacles sre the best In the city.
PERSONAL Removal R. G. Bailey, formerly
of Alles & Bailey. 164 Fourth av.. has removed
to 152 Fourth av.; continues the real estate busi
ness, rent collecting and loans money on realty,
bond and mortgage. R. G. Bailey, No. 132 Fourth
PERSON AL When 1 was a small bov my mother
always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but
since I got to be a great blgman, Dickson, the well
known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood .t.. second
floor, has been substituted, who now does all mv
cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape.
Tel. lli.")S.
Curry Collegiate Department, Tho Best.
Curry Normal School, The Best.
Curry English Training School, Tho Best.
Curry Business College, 1 he Dcst.
Curry School of Shorthand, The Best.
Curry Conservatory of Music, The Best.
Curry School of Elocution, The Best
CunyFaculty and Discipline, The Best
Call or send for catalogue. H. M. HOWE,
President. OC20-51
Isgrowlnc; rapidly. Two large literary so
cieties, the Arcadian and the Promethean
have Just been organized. Students enter
with advantage at any time. The same
studies In both day and evening sessions.
Diamond street opposite Court House, Pitts
burg. E. M. WOOD, D. D. LLD.,
OC1346 President.
Practically taught at
XEvening Sessions.
t3!J)irp!cP advertisements one dollar per
square for one insertion. Classified real estate
advertisement on this page ten cent per lint
for each insertion, and none taken for less than
thirty rente.
Classified under the following headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
FOR EACTI INSERTION when paid for In ad
vance either at mala or branch offices.
Wanted Advertisements of aU Kindt,
Cor. Sinitlifleld nnd Diamond Streets,
Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have acoounts with THE DlSPATcn.
THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 8509 Butler street.
EMLL G. STUCKEY. !4th street and Penn avenue.
A. .T. SAERCHEH. No. 62 Federal street.
II. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny.
F. H. EGGERS&SON. Ohio and Cliestnu I streets.
THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin avenues.
G. W. nUGnES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves.
PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca anil Allegheny avc.
Malo HelD.
A RESPECTABLE, energetic gentleman wanted
at once for a light position: good money. Call
from 8 to 10 A. r. and l: to 2 p. M.. Fourth av. en
trance to the postofflce. II. V. Jones.
BAKER To work on bread and cakes: must be a
good baker; standi eg work. Apply to City
Bakery. Beaver Falls, Pa.
BARBER-A good man; 6teady. At.T. P. Flaos's,
No. 612 Market St., McKcesport, Pa.
BOY Aboutl5yeirsor age for men' furnishing
goods store; one living In East End. Auf
hammer Evans, 6103 Penn av.
BOY A strong boy to drive a grocery wagon. 18
cars old; references required. Call at 1900
Penn av.
BOY Of experience at barber trade. Apply at
C9i Rebecca st,. Allegheny.
OY with some experience to learn the barber
trade. No. 50 Fonrth are.
BOY ror office. Pittsburg Plate Co., No. 3
Sandusky St.. Allegheny.
BOY or man who understands the butchering
bnslness. 733 Forbes sL
BOOKKEEPING Books opened, adjusted and
closed, or changed from old style to voucher
system: will take charge or books where business
will not Justify bookkeeper full time. Address Ex
pert Accountant, Box 1319, cit)
COATMAKERS-Two fl'St-class men; prices 19 to
tH. S. W. StlmsonASons. Columbus. O.
COLLECTOR Experienced collector: f 1, 000 bond
required; state experience and salary expected.
Address Box 733, city.
Co., 20 Fifth av.
DRAUGHTSMAN Experienced In design or
boilers, plate Iron work, etc.; young man
preferred. Address undersigned, sriving rcxerence,
age and salary expected, William B. Pollock A Co.,
onng6town. O.
li wanted. Box C. B. A., Dispatch office.
HORSESHOERS-Fonr experienced men, two
floor, men and two firemen; union wages. 1106
Bingham St., S. S.
HORSESHOERS Four liorseshoers. 122 Franks
town av., E. E., Simpson & Co.
MAN A reliable German to take charge of farm
suitable for gardening purposes, 4 miles from
excellent market. S. L Hamilton, East Liver
pool, O.
MAN Live, energetic man to act as agent for a
line of goods that will sell at sight, nolmes
Jt Co.. 420Smlthfleld st.
"PLUMBERS Two first-class plumbers. Apply
X at ouce at John It. Sulzer Sons, 37 Ohio St.,
Allegheny City.
PLUMBER A good, sober plumber: also a steam
fitter. Address F. & L... 97 Water St., city.
SALESMAN Grocery specialty salesman by a
manufacturer, to sell the retail and wholesale
jrroeer trade of Western Pennsylvania, for a Una
of goods that are now handled on their merits by
the trade In this territory: good salary paid to an
experienced man; must give good references and
6tate monthly average sales of the goos he Is now
selling, omerwise no attention paia to appnea-
Address Grocery Specialties, Dispatch
SUPERINTENDENT For machine shop and
fouudry; one capable of making drawings and
estimates: good salarv paid to the right man. Ad
dress P. O. Box 181, Pittsburg.
TEACHER An experienced male teacher for
night school at Duquesne public school (First
ward. Pittsburg): make application berore Friday
next to M. J. McMahon, secy., 32 Fonrth are.
TEACHER For a voung German to learn En
glish. Address Mr. Llnde, 1713 Seventeenth
St., Southslde.
rpHREE 3IEN With experience In manufacture
X of bologna sausage, etc. ; good wages paid.
Apply at once at 274 Center av.
"ITT AGON BUILDERS Two nrst-ciass
Annlv 1 T men; also one Jobbing blacksmith.
Thos. Carter & Co., wagon builders, fine horse
shoeing and general blacksmlthing. Homestead,
Pa. All work done by this firm made of the finest
material: only nnlon labor employed and work
guaranteed to stand mechanically: work turned
out promptly In good shape. If not will be re
turned at firm's expense.
TTTAITER-Good waiter. Millers', 123 Fifth av.
WATCHMAKER A first-class man, references
required at No. 33 Fifth are. 2nd floor.
WOOD CARYER-Flrst-class man accustomed
to planing mill work. Apply at mill office,
Enterprise St., East End, city. Murphy & Dlebold.
"7"OUNG MEN Ten respectable young men of
X good address to solicit orders ror the finest
grade portraits In sepia crayon and water colors;
experience unnecessary; work speaks for Itself.
Union Artists' Portrait Company, first floors 708
Liberty St., 607 Wood st ; stores open till 9 p. M.
Wanted Agents.
AGENTS On salary or commission to handle
the new natent ehemieal Ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases
ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ot
paper; 200 to 600 per cent profit: one agent's sales
amounted to (520 in six days; another Kin two
honrs; we want one energetic general agent for
each State and Territory. For terms and full particu
lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La
Crosse. Wis.
AGENTS To 6ell the Plnless Clothes Line; the
only line ever invented that holds the clothes
without pins; a perfect success; patent recently
Issued: sold onlv by agents, to whom the exclu
sive right Is given: on receipt of 50 cents we
will send a sample line by mail; also circulars;
price list and terms to agents t secure your territory
at once. Address The Plnless Clothes Line Co.,
97 Hermon st, Worcester, Mass.
A GENTS (20 a day; we want a few good, wlde
J. awake men and women to act as agents for
the best business of this or any other age; (20a day
can easily be made: no experience needed; every
thing square and honorable; onlv a limited number
of agents wanted; special territory: no risk; write
to-day for particulars. Address Egyptian Drug
Company, 68 Warren St., New York.
AGENTS Alive energetic party In everyplace
to introduce onr goods; we hare a new lino
that will sell at every house, and agents can reap a
harvest between now and the holidays; wilt pay a
salary of (75 per month lr preferred andrurnlsha
team free. Address at once. Standard Silver Ware
Co.. Boston. Mass.
A GENTS Extraordinary offering; (1,000 to(6,000
J. a year assured to general agents; S4 to (3 per
day to canvassers; a permanent and convenient
business; no competition; every lady a possible
customer. Address, wltn 2c. stamp. Consolidated
Adjustable Shoe Co., Lynn, Mass.
AGENTS-"Klng's Handbook;" 2.639 illustra
tions: fil colored maps; census 1890; selling for
(250; is making a great hit: agents making money
rapidly; territory going fast; liberal terms. P.J.
Fleming A Co., lSSTlfthav., Pittsburg.
AGENTS New cigar lighter; every smoker buys;
lights In wind or rain; sample 15c, two for 25c:
P dozen, by mall; stamps taken. E. btayner & Co.,
rovidence, R. I.
A GENTS (50appointmenton30days'tlme,giiar
JX antee (130 profit In four weeks or no pay. Free
samples for stamp. D. Sboop & Co., Racine, Wis.
A GENTS To sell "Bisque of Beef," a liquid
A. rood. Call or address King's Medicine Co.,
cor. Seventh and Duquesne way, I'itUburg.
AGENT Lady or gentleman to sell pianos In
their own home: must be responsible. Address
T. M. AntlselU Matawan, N. J.
AGENTS (3 to (7 daily; experience unnecessary,
Putnam & Co., Perfumers. West Wlnstod, Ot,
Wanted Female Help.
APPRENTICES Good 6ewers and operators to
learn dressmaking and cutting. 930 Penn
-IOOK for
small family; gooa reference re-
Kj quired. Address P.
O.UOX273 nttsburg.
COOK An experienced cook at 412 Penn av.;
family small.
TVOMESTIC For general work In small family In
XJ East End: ifcomoetent will pay (1 per week
or more, according to deserts: good home and big I
wages to one thoroughly qualified; no other need
ttWV -" - jnax;uauu bw
Wanted Female Help.
FEMALE cook for restaurant, also dining room
girl; mast have reference. 2C4 Frankstown av..
East End.
CMRL Immediately, a Protestant girl to do
7 second work, mending ani" some caro of
children: wages M 50 per week. Address P. O,
Box 154. Pittsburg, Pa.
LADIES To do fancy work at their homes; wo
furnish material and pay per piece Call and
see work, or address with stamp, J. M. Lemar A
Co., No. 90 Fourth av., near Wood.
NURSE A reliable nurse forchlldrentrcferences
required. Apply at 318 Ridge av., Allegheny.
TITAISTM AKER - Experienced.
tT Broad St., E. E.
Address 6115
Wanted Male ami Female Help.
COLORED man servant, ten farm hands, team
sters, hotel cooks, dishwashers, chambermaids,
pantry girls, four waitresses. 200 house girls 30
Germans and Swedes, four colored, child's nurse.
two half grown girls. Median's Agency, 513 Grant
St. ; telephone 90.
COOKS for private families, wages (4 to K: cham
bermaids, nnrsts. laundresses, dining room
girls, 5you'ig girls. 200 house girls, kitchen, nan
trv and dining room girls for boarding houses,
hotel chambermaids, German and colored girls, 2
first-class tinners. Mrs. E. Thompson, 608 Grant
rpEACHEE Immediately; n teacher of some ex
X perlence; wages (10 per month. Address D. D.
McKelvy, Sec. of Board, Gibsonla, Allegheny co.,
Business Opportunities.
BUSINESS MANAGER-For corporation manu
facturing wire work and patented steel light.
Iron aud steel specialty with exclusive territory;
must be able to take Interest with present owners:
business already established. Apply to G., care
Carrier No. S3, 'St. Louis, Mo.
INVESTORS Wishing to learn about an outside
manufacturing enterprise can do so In strict
cotrfidence by giving real name and stating where
they can be seen or addressed. Norl, Dispatch
WANTED To right man with (S.500 to Invest
can control a splendid paying business that
will pay (3,000 yearly; no risk. Address A. A. A.,
Dispatch office.
Wanted Situations.
ACCOUNTS to collect on commission.
Collector, Box 304, Pittsburg,
POSITION as salesman In a 6tore bv a voung man
having six years' experience In the- general
store business: can give good reference; no objec
tion to the country. J. P. It., Dispatch office.
TJOSITION as a housekeeper by young widow
X experienced, refined and capable;
references exchanged. Address for
one we k,
"Ruth," Dispatch office.
POSITION Bv Swiss ladv speaking French,
German and English, a position as governess
to small children, companion or Invalid's nurse.
Q. 8 Dispatch office.
POSITION by voung man: well educated: under
stands bookkeeping: will work at low wages;
best of reference. Address C. C. C, 216 Robinson
St., Allegheny.
POSITION A young married man would like a
position as assistant cutter, trimmer, or to
work bv week In tailor store. Address A. C. T.,
Dispatch office.
POSITION By young ladv. double entry book
kteper. exferienced: best city references;
graduate High School. Address L. '.. Station B.
POSITION As saleslady; unexceptionable refer
ences. L. E W., Dispatch ofSce!
POSITION bv young lady to do typewriting and
general office woik; experience and reference.
Address Competent, Dispatch office.
POSITION As cutler by a practical tailor,
dress Cutter, Dispatch office.
POSITION Bv young lady In office.
Dispatch office.
Address L,
SITUATION By a young man, a situation as
driver, or to work In a store or warehouse; can
furnish good references. Address R. H. Ash
baugh, P. O. box 1020, Pittsburg.
SITUATION by girl to do general housework In a
small family; Catholic preferred. Address R.
31., Dispatch office.
SITUATION Photographer seeks employment:
good all-round hand. J. Trlggs, 473) Hatfield
St., Pittsburg.
SITUATION Uv experienced painter's appren
tice. Address F. P., Dispatch office.
SITUATION As male nurse; best of reference.
Address Nurse, 39 Chatham St., cltv.
Wanted Boarding;.
EOOM and board wanted by lady bookkeeper In
Bloomflcld orShadvslde; best references can
be given. E. C, Dispatch office.
Wanted Hoarders nnd Lodgers.
BOARDERS For large furnished room: private
family; near Washington av. ; electric cars.
Address X, care of Carrier 17, Allegheny, Pa.
BOARDERS For nicely furnished front and
back rooms; all conveniences. 221 Federal St.,
OCCUPANTS for nicely furnished room, with
board, near cables, E. E. Call at 78 Diamond
St., Dispatch buildlug.
OCCUPANTS For elegantly furnished room:
both gases; one door from parka. 14 Poplar
St., Allegheny.
OCCUPANTS For furnished rooms with board.
10 Sherman av., Allegheny.
Wanted Partners.
PARTNER To take an active part In an exten
sive manufacturing business, with capital
from (3,000 to (15,000; exclusive sales In United
States with Hiper cent profit: will bear closest In
vestigation. For full particulars call on or address
M. F. Hippie & Co.. 93 Fourth av.
"ltfONEY TO LOAN On country property in
XiX large and small amounts; lowest rates; no de
lay; money ready. Address Jackson & Co., oil
Exchange Bldg., Oil City, Pa.
MONEY To loan In large or small amounts on
good city or Allegheny property. Mortimer
Starling. Room 34. 108 Fourth av.
MONEY to loan on Bbort notice John
EwlngACo.. 107Fede alst.
MORTGAGES (ICO, 000 to loan ; sums (500 to (3, 000
to (20,000: expenses light; money ready. S.
J. Fleming. 132 Fifth av.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny connty prop
erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver &
Co., 92 Fourth av.
PARTIES wishing choice properties Improved
or unimproved, will do well to consult W. A.
Lincoln. 104 Fourth av.. who always has special
bargains that are not generally In the market, and
do not care to advertise.
PURCHASER A rare opportunity Is offered to
purchase a two-thirds Interest In a mine of line
Galena ore; located near railroad In Pennsylvania;
anyone wishing to see samples can do so by calling
on W. A. Rudy or A. L. Helslng, 75 Isabella street
Allegheny, in forenoon or evening, or address
Chas. Socman, attorney. Canton, Ohio.
TJEAL ESTATE brokers requiring deeds,
XV mortgages, or transcribing of any description
done wltn promptness and accuracy please call
on me; terms moderate. Mortimer Starling,
Boom 34. 103 Fourth ay.
SCHENCK & MULERT Insurance agents, 413
Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
TO LOAN (200,000 on mortgages: (100 and up
ward at 8 per cent; (500,000 at Ki percent on
residences or business property, vacant lots or
farms. S. H. Frenoh. 12o Fourth av.
A GREAT reduction We want everybody to
know that we have reduced our best 5 00 cabi
nets to (3 00. Stewart & Co., 90 and 92 Federal St.,
Allegheny, Pa.; diamond Photoettes(l 00.
A PPLES Farmers, bring your windfall apples
iV to H. J. Helm Co., 199 Main St., Allegheny,
TDtsTOMERS 43 yards boruerS cents; wau paper
V j t 2, Vi and 8 centa; gold, S-Ji cents; 100 samples,
all prices, for stamp. Reed, wall Paper Jobber,
Rochester, Pa,
EVERYBODY to know that W. C. Staving sells
the reliable Star brand butter at 20c. Stands
204, 205, 218, center Allegheny market.
GAS saved in coal cooking stoves andranges;
the Murrln system. 802 Penn av.
GUN Double breech loader for cash. See Frank,
62 Washington st, city.
HOUSEKEEPERS to see the finest line of silver
plated tableware; genuine Roger's spoons and
forks: best triple plate knives at (175 per set at
Stelnmann's, 105 Federal st. Allegheny.
VEW PATENTS from O. D. Levis. Patent At
X torney, 181 Fifth av., Pittsburg, next Leader;
established over 20 years: S. E. Bander,Saudusky,
O., curtain pole bracket; J. E. Bourn, Sommer
vllle. 0 fruit bud protector: Perry Brown. Shar
onvllle. O., car coupling; J. T. Burr, Mt Vernon,
O.. selr-lockingpulley: T. F. Crary, Middleport
O., cut-off: S.W. Dixon, Flndlay, o.. cremation
furnace; Thomas Dotterman. Allegheny. Pa.,
faucet tool: A. E. EUlnwood, Akron, O., hemp or
flax decorticating machine; Zadoc Fowler. Fowler,
W. Va fence: F. B. Harvev, Bncyrns, O., grain
meter (two patents: Joseph Ulerch, Center, O.,
flood gate.
TsATEilTS O. D. Levis (20 vearsl. KnllMtnr.
X Fifth av., next Leader, Pittsburg; no delay.
PIANO and furniture moving Shanahan Transfer
Co., Smlthfleld, corner Water.
ID ANGE Second-hand
hotel ran ore:
must be
i cheap forcasu
264 Frankstown av.
SPANISH correspondence,
translated; pupils wanted.
410 Penn av.
THE PUBLIC to know that the largest stock of
trusses, supporters, sbonlder braces, eto., are
to be found at No. 609 Penn are,, near Ninth st,
Pittsburg: all goods made to order on short notice.
TO TAKE several lessons a week In Graham's
phonography. Write M. C, Station B.
rpRUNKS hauled to and from East End for 60c. 4
x uampbeu & uwis, a seventh av. Telephone
TTSE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Magic
-" Roach Powder; contains Bo poison; roaches
banished by contract; satisfaction given or no pay.
Prepared by Geo. W. Jones, 2B Federal st, Allo
gheay. Pa. Sold by all first-class druggists
WRITING A lady who thoroughly understands
bookkeeping and has a good knowledge of
business wishes writing of any kind to do st home;
will work verv low. Address If. T... Dlsnatch
will work very Jow,
I office.
City Residences.
I T70RTY-FIFTH8T.-12 brick houses: 10'per cent
i Investment.. Morris & Fleming, 103 Fourth.
OOO for an 8-room brick house, six
s ln!mifjt w!V frnm (Tonrt Hnnxe and be-
, t ,lI5DU7 anauenirai 'xracuun lines; d. r..
with h and c water, both gases, ranges, etc ; soma
orthe rooms large enough to he divided: bargain
to early buyer, flurry Jt EdsalL Fidelity Building..
121 Fourth av. f
O 130 Liberty av. near Thirty-ninth St.. a
tiUyj new frame dwelling of 6 rooms and line
attic: street paved, good level lot 20xUO feet to a 20
foot alley: a very desirable property. (C128) Black
& Balrd. No. 93 Fourth av.
East End Residences.
Ij1 AST END Very tine residence, almost new and
J replete throughout with the most modern
appliances In every particular; a most complete
and perfect residence lacking in no essential con
venience: was hulld for a home and no expense was
6parcd in producing elegance and luxury: large lot
all around: carriage house, etc., etc., and nestling
in the midst of many of the finest East End resi
dences; immediate possession. James W. Draps
& Co., 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg.
ITOR SALE-Chean; t8.800: at Oakland, street
Improved, brick house, line appearance, nine
rooms, modern fixtures, location desirable; worth
an examination at least. (69). W. A. Herron &
Sons, 80 Fourth av.
FOR SALE A good Investment. S8.5O0 for two
good houses, eight rooms each, lot 70 feet front,
well loomed. East End. (63) W. A. Herron &
ons, 80 Fourth av.
$A 300 Lombard street, a two-story brick
UT) house of six rooms and attic, bath, range,
hot and cold water, etc. ; lot 22x115: immediate
possession. George Schmidt, 157 Fourth av.
vrORTn HIGHLAND AV.-A beautiful brick
Xi residence, nine rooms, with all modern con
veniences; price 814, 0C0. A. Gocdel, No. 109 Collins
av.. East End.
GJQ 750 Special bargain, new 2-storv mansird
J)Oj press brick dwelling, 9 rooms, hall, bath
and all conveniences; 15 minutes from Court
House. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 162 Fourth av.
Allegheny Residences.
Q1 400 Smalt pavment down, balance in
IDXj monthly installments same as rent: new
frame house of live rooms; lot 23x100 feet: Tenth
ward. Allegheny City, near electrlo cars: good
neighborhood: nice location. John E. McCrickart,
140 Fifth av. Tel. 1876.
Suburban Residences.
I TOR SALE-3.6O0-$C00 (and remainder In
. monthly-Installments If desired) agood house,
seven rooms, cor. lot, 43x134 ft., adjoining city linei
Immediate possession If desired; at Brushton.P. R.
K. (53.) W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av.
INGRAM STATION. Pittsburg and St. L. By.:
four handsome new houses; well built, seven
large rooms, reception hall, porches and natural
gas: on McKee av., opposite Presbyterian Church:
will he sold very low on loug time. Inquire on the
premises; neighborhood unexceptional.
City Lots.
T70R S ALE-8475-A level lot, 20 feet front; street
X? paved ana sewered; one square from cable
line: neighborhood good. (C7. L.) W. A. Herron
& Sons, SO Fourth avenue.
OTS Beautiful building lots forrrom 100 to (300,
I In the Eighteenth ward; long payments: easy
terms. Inquire of Chas. E. Cornelius, attorney,
405 Grant St., Pittsburg.
East End Lots.
TMFTn AV.. East End too feet, more or less,
X surrounded by beautiful stone residences, near
South Negley av. ; great bargain if taken soon.
Morris & Fleming, 103 Fonrth av.
IEMINGTON SQUARE, East End. fine 23
1 foot lots, (200 to S350 each; beautiful lots, 2
squares from Larimer av. cars, S900: others, one
square further. (600; 23-foot lots, convenient to
Citizens' and Duquesnn cars. (300; these lots de
serve your attention, and you must come at once to
get the best ones. Murry & Edsall, Fidelity Build
ing, 121 Fourth av.
LOT 120x166 feet; elegsnt building 1st, Last End,
near to cable and electric ears; one of the finest
and most desirable places In the East End: sur
rounded by fine residences; rare bargain. James
W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
OAKLAND Cheapest and best lots; level,
sewered, no hills to climb: only 12 minutes
from new postofflce. on line of electric cars, two
squares from Fifth av. cable cars with 3 cent fare;
buy Ophelia' st. lots. 25x141: only 1,500. (D 248.)
Black i, Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av.
yi 500 Oakland lots, 23x141 feet; send for plan.
Black Balrd, 93 Fourth ave.
Suburban Lots.
I FLEMING PARK LOTS-Near Chartlers, P. &
. L. E. R.R. : these lots are level, on line of pro
posed electric road; we are closing out very cheap:
price (225 each: terms, first payment (10. bal. SI per
week: no Interest; 10 per cent discount for cash. F.
L. Whltty, 67 Rebecca st,, Allegheny.
Business Opportunities.
BARBER SHOP For particulars address C.
Smith, Sallnevllle, O.
BILLIARD BOOil-FIrst-clSss-stand: only room
In city of 15,000 Inhabitants; all new tables.
Address F. II., Dispatch office.
BRICK plant, consisting orgrlndlng pan, engine,
boiler, etc.; engines. Pollers, clay and ore pans,
and brick yard supplies. Thomas Carta's sons,
Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny.
CITY DRUG STORE Location central; rare op
portunity for young man orphvslclan; will sell
at Invoice. Address "Menthol, " Dispatch office.
DRUGSTORE In good location, restaurant. Jew
elry stores, cigar stores, grocery stores, (200,
(300 to (10,000; milt route, livery stable, lumber
vard, flsh and oyster market, bakery, shoestore.
Holmes & Co.. 420 Smlthtteld st.
DRUGSTORE-Oneofthe best and finest stores
on Carson street. Southslde: doing good busi
ness: good reasons for selling: long lease; only
Earties meaning business need address Prescription,
ilspatch offloe.
GROCERY First-class city retail grocery estab
lishment: business doing of (25.000 per year;
may be readily Increased to (10.000; proprietors
have Interests elsewhere demanding their atten
tion; an excellent opening here for a grocer; we
have known the establishment during a period of
about ten years, and can rate it as a live and in
viting Investment Charles Somers A Co., 129
Fourth av.
Business PropertI-j.
BUSINESS PROPERTY-Flne three-story brick
business property on Carson st : six rooms and
storeroom; Dig bargain to quick bnrer. J. C.
Alles. Bros. & Co.. 181 Fourth av. and 1203 Carson
St., telephone 167.
FIRE BRICK WORKS At New Lisbon, O.. In
cluding buildings," kilns, machinery, fixtures
and nine acres of ground; coal and clay adjoining
works; will be sold cheap to a ready purchaser.
For terms, etc.. apply to J. E. McKelvy, 133
Fourth av., nttsburg. Pa.
HOTEL For rent or sale (nershey Honse), Lee
tunla, O.; three-storv brick building; 46
rooms; location good; the best hotel building in
the cltv. For further Information call or address
John II. Werner, Canton, O.
SALEoflandbythe United States at Pittsburg.
Pa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America fn
Congress assembled, that the Secretary of War be.
and herehv is, authorized and directed to sell and
convey to the purchaser.ornurchasers, all the right
title and Interest of the United States In and to all
that certain parcel of ground belonging to the United
States, situate In the city of Pittsburg, Pa., at the
northwest corner of Penn av. and Garrison alley.
In the Fourth ward of said city, fronting 100 feet
on the west side of Penn av, and extending north
wardly along the west line of Garrison alley, pre
serving the same width, to low water line of the
Allegheny river, subject, however, to such public
easements as exist thereon and thereover. Depot
Quartermaster's Office. Washington, D. C. Sep
tember23, 1891. Under the provisions of the above
quoted act of Congress, approved May 21, 1890, and
by direction of theSecretary of War.I will offerfor
sale at public auction on tho premises in the cltv
of Pittsburg, Pa., on Wednesday, the
28th day of October, 1881. at 11 o'clock A.M., for
cash, the property described In said act together
with such Improvements thereon as belong to the
United States, subject to the conditions set forth
In said Act and subject also to the terms and con
ditions named In the printed circular of this date,
copies of which will be furnished on application to
the undersigned or to the Acting Assistant Quarter
master at Allegheny Arsenal, where also a plat of
the irround can he seen. Therlirhtts reserved to
I reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid
or bids subject to the conditions prescribed
in me circular reierrea to, ana to require a aeposit
of 2 per centum of the purchase money at the time
of written notification of acceptance of bid; pay
ment of the full amount of the purchase money
mustDemaae upon delivery or amy executeaaeea
or deeds for the property purchased, or the prop
erty may be resold, without further notice, at the
risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser; the
cost of all conveyancing will be borne by the pur
chaser. G. B. Dandy, Deputy Quartermaster Gen
erah U. 8. Army.
Musical Instruments.
BEHR BROS. BehrBros. Behr Bros. The new
Scharwcnka Conservatory of Music, which
was recently opened In New York by Xaver Schar
wenka, was furnished throughout exclusively with
the Behr pianos. Sole agency la Pittsburg, F.
Bechtel, 70i Smlthfleld st.
1?INE Stelnway piano at a bargain. Lcchner
: Schoenberger, 69 Fifth av. ; easy payments.
TT-RANICH & BACH. Ivcrs&Pond, Emerson.
XV Jas. M. Starr Co.. pianos at Lechner A
Schoenberger's, 69 Fifth av.; old Instruments ex
changed. T ISZT" ORGAN, Mason ft Hamlin make: used
XJ very short time; good as new: bargain for
small church. W. C. Whltehlll, 132 Third av.
PIANOS AND ORGANS-We are offering at
special low prices, to close out a choice lino of
pianos and organs, some as good as new. and all la
good, serviceable condition, at prices ranging from
(50 to (200 for pianos, and from 125 to (75 for organs,
either for cash or on monthly payments; call soon
and get the choice of these bargains. Alex.Ross,l
Federal st, Allegheny.
SECOND-HAND pianos and organs from (13 nd
upward on easy payments; all instruments
warranted. Lechner ft Schoenberger, 69 Fifth av.
Horses. Vehicles, Live Stock.
BOX WAGON (second hand). 2 buggies, 1
barouohe, 1 truck, empty barrels, tanks. 2
steam pumps, etc Inquire at 199 Main st Alle
gheny BEL1VEET wagons-Delivery wagons all styles;
our own make. Wm. Beckert M0 to 311 Ohio
st, Allegheny. Telephone,. (420.
Bones. Vehicles, Live Stock.
HORSE The best lady's driving and saddle
horse In the. connty ataverr low price: will
scare at nothing. Address R. II., Dispatch office.
HORSES Heavy draft horses and marcs from
1,400 to 1.600 fos weight. Inquire Chant. Lake
lec Company, cor. Thirteenth and Pike sts.
machinery ami Metals.
AUTOMATIC h'olstlng engines Work perfeetl
rlghcand left, with single or double drum!
second-hand boilers and engines also on hand:
general machine work promptly executed; corre
spondence solicited. Combination -Engine Co.,
Lim..3140Pennave.,Pittsburg. Tel 1265.
BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes,
from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest In the market: 46
boilers and engines fn stock, stationary and porta
ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.
stc:am pumps, governor, pulleys and shaft
Jng. Telephone, 3401. 23-23 Park way. J. 3.
Young, Allegheny. Pa.
TJOILER and engine 40 h,
p. steel boiler and
ill connections com-
JJ horizontal engine with
plete; price. $350.
O. B. Arnold, Gibson House,
r reeport, jra.
GBINDSTONES-In all sizes, for all kinds of
grinding: Cralglelth, New Castle. Nova Scotia
and other grits; Iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power: mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Win. M. Klrby, 168 First
MOTOR One Eddy motor, used only three weeks ;
'one large two-horse truck, two buggies. In
quire 199 Slain st., Allegheny.
OECOND-HAND engines and boilers Two Si
S3 horse-power and two ten horse-power station
ary engines and boilers. Ono ten horse-power
portable on wheels. Thirty-live. 15, 12. ten and
eight horse-power engines, vertical and horizontal,
all good and will he sold cheap. Uarmes1 Machine
Depot. 99 First av. '
a 'HE celebrated acme automatlo safety engines
and non-explosive boilers, for gas or oil fuel,
from one to five-horse power; also the latest Im
proved ventilating fans; perfect satisfaction
guaranteed: by J. Prager, General Agent, No. 4
Fifth av., Pittsburg. Pa.
Co., 89 Water st.
hemp packing. Flocker &
ELEGANT parlor clocks 81 50. $5andS atStein
mann's. 103 Federal St.. Allegheny.
Cltv Residences.
TO LET 14 A neat brick house, six rooms (nat
ural gas If aeslrcd). bath, range, hot and cold
water: No. 107 Plymouth St.: location good. W
iierron a sons, eu fourui av.
TO LET-16-House.
yard: Brood reside?
four large rooms, large
rood residence location, one square
from cable line; No. 251 Center av.
Y . A. Herron
& Sons, to Fourth av. t
East End Residences.
DITHRIDGE ST. Nicely furnished new house of
10 rooms; low rent to right parties; also, an ele
gant new house of 13 rooms, all modern require
ments, large lot, ror sale or rent; Dlthrldge st.,
near Center av. Charles Shields. t
TO LET One of the best locations In East End;
handsome stone house 7 rooms, well finished,
modern fixtures: high and healthful; on Alpha
Terrace near Dnnuesne Traction line and Stanton
and North Highland aves. W. A. Herron
Sons,80 Fourth av. t
TO LET Near Hlland av.. In the midst of East
Liberty on paved street, location very desir
able and centra), modern brick house of eight
rooms with latest fixtures. S45 84 per month, bee
W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. t
Hazelwood Residences.
HAZELWOOD New Queen Anne houses, seve;
rooms, reception hall, bathroom and good cel
lar; oneminnte from streetcar: rent, (23 a month;
also, new four-room houses, with hall and vesti
bule, city water, sewer and good cellar; large lot
rent (17 a month. Horuberger & Co., Hazelwood
.Mleshmr Kesiaenoes.
"VTICE five-room dwelling Federal t. extension
1 inquire ot ,i. K. Jlclvee, ,U3 reuuav,
WINDSOR ST., near Allegheny ave., Alle
gheny, 2-story mansard brick, 7 rooms, hall,
bath, etc., (24. Baxter Thompson A. Co., 182 Fourth
ave. t
ROOMS For gentlemen only,
class: pasv walk from nosfnfflrp
C strictly first-class:
both gases; use of bath andaU conveniences. Ad
dress Convenience, Dispatch office. t
TJ OOMS In Allegheny; both gases, bath, line of
XV electric roads; modern conveniences: fur
nished or uufurulsbed.
Address No. 140, Dispatch
ROOM For one or two gentlemen, nicely fur
nished foont room; new honse; use of bath:
one square from parks,
7a Hemlock st,
T OOM Large, well furnished front room, both
XV gases. In East End. on cable line, suitable for
one or two gentlemen. Address G., Dispatch office.
T OOM Nicely furnished room for gentleman;
Xv electric cars pass door. 202 South av., Alle
gheny, t
fPO LET On Forbes st.
near Court House,
X large rooms with modern fixtures, natural
and illuminating gas; (23 per month
See W.
uerron is sons, gu f ourtn av,
TO LET 2S33 Jane St., 8. S . four rooms. (13 per
month, bee W, A. Herron Jt Sons, 80 Fourth
avenue. " f
Business Opportunities.
BAKERY, ground floor: large oven, stable, eto.,
on premises, at 43 Howard st, Allegheny, t
Business Slants.
SPACE In the building 75. 77. 79 Diamond St., with
power, electric light, steam heating, and eleva
tor and Janitor service: suitable for printing or any
light manu acturlng business; possession finmedi
atelr; rooms or various sizes ranging fr. m 60x103 to
16x20. Apply to John T. Sh' elds, acota floor, Dis
patch building, corner Diamond and Smltufleld sts.
TO LET A very good storeroom, new bnildlng,
on first floor, with an attractive front: No.
1230 Penn av., only (33 per month,
w.A. uerron
a cous, qu r ourin av.
Offices. Desk Room.
ONE half storeroom, for office pnrposes.
Babbitt, Eleventh St. and Penn av.
B. T.
TO LET Farm at Etna (adjoining Sharpaburg),
21 acres with ordinary farm buildings; a fine
location for dairy; (150 per year.
w . A. uerron &
aons. ou j oaren av.
PIANOS New upright pianos to rent. H. P.
Ecker & Co.. 75 Fifth ay. t
LOST Saturday plght. on Bntler st, between
Fifty-second and Fifty-fourth st3., a roll of
bills amounting to (70: Under will please return to
Charles Orcbenstln (stone mason), Lutrone alley,
near Fltty-second st. and receive reward.
The subscriber controls an option, with ayearto
run. on nearly 1.200 acres of valuable coal land on
main line of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at the
head of Monongahcla river. West Virginia (Falr
nant region.) Best quality for coking, and the
price is Just half that at which other coal lands
here have been selling. Splendid opportunity for
large profit. Will sell half Interest for (L203, to
party who will find a purchaser. Will furnish ref
erences. Address, for Information, BUSINESS
24. Dispatch office. QC21-M
For Oueenstown and LtveroooL
Royal and United States Mall steamers.
Teutonic, Oct 21.6:30 am;
Teutonic. Nov. 18, 7a-m
BrltannlcNor. 25,8:30am
Majestic, Dec. 2, (:30am
Germanic Dec.9, 11 :30 am
.Britannic, uct. a, luam
Majestic. Nov. 4.7am
Germanic Nov. 11.10 am
From White Star dock, foot of West Tenth
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon
rates, $50 nnd upward. Second cabin $33 and
$40. Excursion tickets on favorable terms.
Steorage, from or to old country, $20.
White Star drafts payable on demand in
all tho principal banks throughout Great
Britain. Apply to JOHN J. McCORMICK,639
and 401 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg, or H.MA1T
LAND KEUSEY. General Aeont,29 Broad
way, New York;. oolB-D
Steamers Leave New York Every Saturday
For Glasgow via Londonderry.
Bates for Saloon Passage (50 and upward, accord
ing to accommodation and location of room.
Second Cabin. (30. Steerage, (19,
8. S. Angha, Monday, October 12, 4 r. M. Cabin
passage. (30 to (10C.
Passengers booked at through rates to or from any
city In Great Britain or on the Continent
Drafts on London Sold at Lowest Bates.
Bok of 1 nformatlon, tours and sailing lists fur
nished on application to Agents,
Y., or J. MCCORMICK, 639 snd401 Smithfleldst;
A. D. SCORER ft SON, 415 Smlthfleld st. Pitts
burg; F. M. SEMPLE, no Federal St., Allegheny.
Glasgow to Philadelphia,
VTA. DERHY and GALWAY. The most direct
route from Scotland and Nor:h and Middle of Ire
Intermediate, (30. Steerage, (D.
LINE i sTEAiismps.
via Londonderry, every Fortnight
Oct. 15. State or California. 1 r. M.
Sct- "i?10 f Nevada, 1 r. M.
tV?JTi.?tatef Nebraska, noon.
CABIN". (3o and upward. Return. (65 and upward.
Apply to J. J. McCOEMlCK. 6 Smlthfleld street,
Pittsburg. vviuiiv-u.. oota-D
Until yon have given os an opportunity to
show yon the most promising investment to
he found anywhere. "We can offer yon, on
exceptionally favorable terms, either'a va
cant lot, one on which a house Is built, or
we will build a house to suit yon; all lot
located on streets provided- with all city
conveniences and in a locality where in
Having within its limits the plant of ths
most successful manufacturing enterprise in
BRAKE WORKS with its army of trained
mechanics, and a half mile distant
"With the great iron furnaces and steel
works of CARNEGIE BROS. & CO.,
together with the advantage of direct con
nection with every railroad entering Pitts-,
burg, should make investment in lots for
business, residence or speculation at these
points good as gold and sure to increase in
i!7 WOOD ST., Pltt3DUrr, Pa..
403 BURTON ST., Braddoclr, Pa.,
BRADDOCK AVE., Brinton, Pa.,
BANK BUILDING, Wllmerdlngr, Pa,
A new Queen Anno dwelling of 10 largo
rooms: first floor finished In hard wood.
combination chandeliers, range, laundry,"
cemented cellar; latest sanitary Improve
ments In bathroom. Convenient to Roup
station, Fifth avenue or Penn avenue cable
cars or Duquesne electric road. (A-394).
oc2l-18-w8u No. 95 Fourth avenue.
ONLY $8,000
On aspbaltum paved street In the best
part of the EAST END. $1,000 cash, bal
ance on easy mortgage. Honse Is
new, modern In evory respect, wltli
latest improvements; Is u genuine
bargain. See
61X218 FEET,
On Paved and Sewered Street,
Central location of East End. Convenient
to all the oar lines.
ocl7-41-Tuwa Penn and Shady avs., E. E.
. Fourth ar. Trustee's auction sale of
dwelling house and lot on WEDNESDAY,
October 21, 1S91, at 2 o'clock r. m., on the
premises, Bedford avenue, between Craw
ford and Mercer streets. By virtue of an
order of tho Orphans' Conrt of Allegheny
county. Issuing out of said conrt at No. 2
December term, A. D. 1SSS, in partition of tho
estate of James Hlndman, deceased, I will
offer at public sale on the premises, on the
21st day of October, A. D. 1891, at 2 o'clock P.
if., the following described property, name
ly: All that certain lot or piece of ground,
situate in the Eighth ward, city of Pittsburg,
Pa., and bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at u point on tho south side of
Bedford avenue, at the northwest corner of
lot of Edward Skoes, thence westwardly
along Bedford avenue twenty-five (25) feet
eight (8) inches to arln; thence at right
angles to said avenue one hundred and
twenty-two feet (122) six nnd one-half inches
(0) J) to Whiteside alle v, now Gllmore street,
thence along said alley northeastwardly
twenty-nine (29) feetthreo (3) inches toapin
at the line of lot of Mrs. Anna Berry; thence
at right angles to said Whiteside alley sev.
enty-nve (vol ieetntne ) incnes to a pint
thence parallel with Bedford avenue south
westwardly three (3) feet seven (7) inches to
a Din; thence at right angle to said Bedford
avenue forty-six (48) feet and six and three
elghthB (0) Inches to place of beginning.and
having thereon erected a two-story trams
dwelling house. Terms of sale One-third
cash on delivery of deed, and the balance
in two equal annnal installments, secured
by bond and mortgage with sci. fa. and In
surance clause and attorney's commission.
B.W. MILLER.Trustee, No. lit Fifth avenue.
GEO. L. LEE, Auctioneer, No. 144 Fifth av.
Elegant furniture, carpets, rugs, Decker
Bros.' upright piano forte, folding bed, bric-a-brac,
household goods, etc-, at the resi
denoo, No. 343 Ridge avenue, Allegheny, Pa..
At 10 o'clock. The entire elegant famish
ment will be sold, embracing Turkish parlor
furniture in silk and Alhambra plush, cost
$500; ebony parlor cabinet, French mirror,
Ann Decker Bros.' nprisht piano forte, cose
$750; art table in mahogany and ebony, fine
curtains and lambrequins, superior library
furnlshment, three bookcases, cloth-top
table, couch, easy chairs and rookers up
holstered In leather, rattan chairs and
rocker, handsome oil paintings and engrav
ings, marble clocks with bronze ornaments,
chamber suite in mahogany, with French
glass, and wardrobe to match, cost $750; Ann
walnut suite, with Lisbon marbles and
French glass, hair mattresses, pillows and
bedding, fine oak dining room furniture,
large oak sideboard, French bevel mirror,
finely carved extension table, dinner service,
silver and glassware, fine brlo-a-brao, leather
chairs, mirrors, chiffoniers, elegant hall
rack, folding bed, superior carpets, Oriental
and fnr rugs, refrigerator, stoves, kltohen
and laundry furniture. The goods are in ele
gant condition, and must do sold, as the
owner is leaving the olty. Parties unable to
attend the sale can leavo their bids with
auctioneer. House open after 3 o'clock morn,
lngofsale. HENEY AUCTION CO.,
oclS-120 Auctioneers.
The largest public sale of horses and mules
ever offered in Western Pennsylvania. Tho
Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester Trac
tion Company will offer at public sale to the
highest bidder 425 HORSES and 225 MULES,
at their Short Line stable, Beaver avenue,
foot of Pennsylvania avenue, Allegheny
City, week beginning
NOVEMBER 3, 1891.
This will be the best lot of stock ever of
fered by nny street railroad company In the
State Most of this stock is young, sound
and in good condition, some of whloh has
only been in service six months. Sale com
mences at 10 o'clock A. v. No postponement
on account of weather. TERMS CASH.
Any Information can be hnd bv addressing
avenue, Pittsburg, P". Don't forget the
date, commencing Monday, November 2,
189L OC17-50
Eisner building. Fifth av. and Wood st.
Sales or Jewelry and Merchandise at stores.
Furniture at residences promptly attend
ed to. OC21-26-P
For a city lot on paved street, close to cable
cars; see Herron Hill Park before buying
elsewhere; $10 down, balanoe $2 per week.
Jf o. 95 Fourth avs.