Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 15, 1891, Image 7

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Is tlio Incentivo That Influ
ences the "Western "Water
"Ways Association.
Committees Chosen and the Lake Erie
Ship Canal Indorsed
Hon. Jonn L Dravo Speaks About the Work
to Be Accomplished.
XvAXSVHxr, Ixn., Oct. 14. The con
vention of the "Western "Water-ways Asso
ciation m't in this city to-day and its de
liberations promise to be of a highly inter
esting nature to all the cities situated on
the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri rivers.
Hon. BurrisWood, of Pittsburg, called the
convention to order at 11 o'clock this morn
ing, and made a short address, in which he
defined the work to be done, and advised
perfect harmony in all the matters coming
up for consideration.
Mayor X. M. Goodlctt delivered the ad
dress of welcome on the part of the city of
Evansville, and Dr. 1. G. Keley, Presi
dent of the Business Men's Association,
through whoe effort the convention was
secured to this city, added afurtherwclcome
to the guests. The temporary organization
resulted in the choice of ex-Governor
Charles Anderson, of Kentucky, as chair
man, and Theodore W. Venneman, of
Indiana, as secretary.
James A. Henderson, of Pittsbnrg, moved
that the different committees be appointed,
and that they be composed of one member
from each State, and that each State be
allowed to select its own committeemen.
The motion carried, although there was con
siderable disagreement and squabbling as to
the different committees. The committees
chosen are as follows:
Committee on Credentials J. F. Broshear,
Indiana:.Tanies A. Henaerson.Pcnnsylvanla ;
John S. Itoser, Illinois; M. Grimes. Minne
sota; J. M. Whitchill, Arkansas: K. W. Wise,
Ohio- J. F. Rifsnyder, Missouri; C. G. Peik
ins. Kentuckv: E. C. Carroll. Mississippi: J
II. Latawo, Louisiana; K. M. Blakelv, lona.
J. S. Roper. Illinois; T M. Meyer, Tennessee.
Committee on Order or Business W. .r.
"Sonnsr, Iown: T M. Gallagher, Tennessee;
S. L. Thonvs. Mississippi; Isaac 1. Lusk,
Missouri; F A Kothair Ohio; W. L. Mat
well, Louisiana: J. C. Con. Kentucky. G. W.
Self Indiana; Captain George Laroont. Illi
nois; X. Stnuib, Arkansas; R, I). Russell,
Minnesota. R. L Wood, Jr., Pennsylvania.
Committee on Resolutions J T Wymsn,
Minnesota; Maloi W I.. Marks, Tennesses;
J I Dravo, l'ennsvlxania; A. J. Mossec,
Uliio: I'atrick llenr. Arkansas, Thomas W.
.Shield-, Illinoi-: V "A. Woods, Louisiana: G.
W Shanklin Indiana; A. T. Gtlmore, Kcii
tnrkv: .1 a. IcJeelv, Mississippi; Henry C
llnarstick, Missouri; J. 11. Oberly. Wash' g
lon Citv.
Committee on Permanent, Organization
Michael McManne-. Missouri: I. II. Gooa
ukrlii, Keutuekr. George It Hewitt, Illinois;
1-H. -ears loa: Allen G. Hall, Tennessee;
IL G K an. Minnesota; L. It Keck, Ohio; J.
M. U lmeliill, ArKansis: Samuel S. Brown,
l'onnsrlrania: n IS. Sneumaker, Indiana; It.
T. I.m-ner, Mississippi; William Kouson
Quite a ripple of excitement was caused
bv one member asking that Mr. J. II.
Oberlv, of Washington City, be admitted as
n delegate, and be given a place on the
Committee on Resolution. One gentleman
from Ohio evidently thought Mr. Oberly
laid some sinister design in mind, and lie
cautioned the convention to go slow in the
matter of admitting delegates from States
or sections of the country not included in
the confines of the "Western water ways.
It was ascertained, however, that Mr.
Oberly is the Washington agent of the
Mississippi Transportation Company, and
that his interest and affiliations are with
the Con-cntion, and he was therefore ad
mitted a a delegate, and placed on the
Committee on Resolutions. After the
selection of the committees, the convention
jidjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow morn
ing. In his bpeeeh Dr Kclscy spoke in favor
of the Lake Krie Ship Canal, and his re
marks on the subject elicited rounds of ap
plause. Hon. John L. Dravo, of Pittsburg,
looked upon as one of the brightest lights
in the delegation. Faid to-day "to Thb Dis
patch correspondent: "The improvement
of water ways has become a question of na
tional importance In the past, legislation
has been solicited and appropriations sought
for various kinds of improvement, and in
the zeal and clamor of individual localities
to secure that aid which seemed to revert to
their especial benefit jealousies were engen
dered, controversies started, and the sequel
to such rivalries was disastrous to every
body concerned Appropriations wcie
eithert no forthcoming, or if secured were
curtailed by strong opposition, and made so
small that thev were utterly inadequate to
accomplish the object for which they were
"But the jealousies and local interests are
1H more. Time has proven that whatever is
beneficial ato the fresh-water tar at Pitts
burg is of equal value to the one following
the same avocation at Evansville, Cairo or
New Orleans What aids the one benefits
the other, and what proves detrimental to
the other is sure to work injury to both.
With a full knowledge and a common senti
ment on this subject, the water ways con
vention has gone into session in Evansville
with the avowed intention of unity of
action. There must and shall be no clash of
delegates. Not the slightest suspicion of
discord has vet shown in the horizon, and
the probabilities are 'most favorable to a
continuance of perfect harmony and accord.
"The concensus of opinion is that the
Water Ways Association shall make as
Ftrongan appeal to the National Govern
ment tor needed legislation and appropria
tions as possible," and shall apply all
moneys set aside for such purposes with
reference to the relative importance of the
Improunicnt sought to be gained. AVith
this view in mind and the continued influ
ence ot the river interests of the Central
United States enthusiastically at work, it is
absolutely certain that great things can be
Mr. Draio will to-morrow address the
convention on the feasibility of the Lake
Krie Ship Canal.
Mr. Kelsey, in referring to the meager
nsorrier appropriations by Congress,
aid in his speech. "The improvement of
our water ways is a question of National
importance, ami this convention should
make its influence felt in the halls of
Congress by the River and Harbor Com
mute and by the Executive, to the end
that the appropriations for this work shall
not be mis-apportioned.
'Think of it, out of nn appropriation of
over $13,000,000, the paltry sum of 5101,000
was set apart for the Ohio river, upon whose
Lanks there are more manufactories than on
any other river on the globe. So much
money has been wasted in the improvement
of valueless fctriauis, to the neglect of the
Ohio riser, which to-day is impassably
(hoaleil bv faulty dykes, while river com
rai reels utterly paraljzed. These dimin
utive local interests should not be permitted
to take away from the greater interest of
fill, and this greater interest demands first.
Wt.y - S - .g
12 months' boating stage in the Ohio river
from Pittsburg to Cairo.
"Evansville asks this convention not to
consider any local Interest, although there
are conditions in this immediate vicinity
that really demand attention. But we do
ask that the Ohio river, from source to
mouth, shall receive such recognition at the
hands of the General Government as the
importance of this great river and the in
terests of the people of the valley country
"We do not ask this to the exclusion of
any other river. AVe will applaud your ef
forts should you be successful ia multiply
ing the Government appropriation for rivers
five fold, to be placed in the hands of men
loyal to river interests, nntil every real
navigable stream shall be cleared of imped
iments and until they fulfill their natural
design by bearing to the world the abund
ant products which God has designed for
the prosperity of the entire nation."
Their Report to Be Presented to tho lesr
Islatnre Erie the Next Meetlnc Place
or the Poor Directors Malor Ilnuker
Chosen Recording Secretary.
Heading, Oct. 14. Special.' At the
State Convention of Directors of the Poor
to-day, the Executive Committee recom
mended Erie as the next place of meeting,
the time to be decided bv the convention.
This was adopted. The Committee on Offi
cers reported the following, who were
elected: President, L. C. Colburn, Somer
set; Vice-President, John R, Jones, Lacka
wana; Henry Dunn, Erie; George M.
Shallcross, Philadelphia; E. H. Hershey,
Lancaster; Mrs. Bell IC. Kichards, Tenango;
Recording Secretary, W. P. Hunker, Alle
gheny: Treasurer, John a Hope, Chester;
Committee on Programme, R. D. Mc
Gonigle, Allegheuv; Charles Lawrence,
Philadelphia; Mrs." Shepard, Schuylkill
conntv Mrs. Richards, Oil City; Mrs. Wal
len, Chester; E. P. Gould, Erie.
E. P. Gould, of Erie, in submitting his
report of the Poor Law Commission, says:
"The necessity of a uniform system of sup
porting the poor and dependent and the dis
tribution ot poor funds arising trom taxa
tion has for a long time been a subject
which has engrossed the attention of those
to whom it was intrusted by law. For years
this has been a topic of earnest discussion
in the conventions of the directors of the
poor and it was considered so necessary and
important that the convention of 1888 in
structed its legislative committee to secure
if possible the passage of an act of the Gen
eral Assemble authorizing the appointment
of a commission to revise and codify the
poor laws of the State.
The discussion on the proposed law was
quite lengthly. It was suggested by Mr.
Gallagher that the proposed change in the
law should be taken up by a committs of
seven, who are to submit their work to the
contention and finally to the Legislature.
The suggestion was adoptei. It recom
mends the appointment of e committes of
seven to revise and codLy the poor laws of
lh State, the expenses of said committee
not to exceed S50X
Tho American Medical Association Making
Arrangements for It.
St. Louis, Oct. 14. The Committee on
Permanent Organization appointed at the
last convention of the American Medical
AssocUti.-n held in Washington, met at the
Lindell HoUl this afternoon. It was de
cided to cha-g5 tli3 nam? oi the association
from the "Inter Contiac-.tal American
Congress" to "The Pan-Americaa Con
gress," and to hold the convention in Wash
ington the first Tuesday in October, in 1893.
A partial election of officer resulted in
the selection of Dr. W. Peppe-rf Philadel
phia, President of the Univeritf of 1'enu
svlvnnia, as Preside , and Dr. Beed as
Secretary Genera?. The further election of
officers was postponed until to-morrow.
Communications were read from Bio Ja
neiro, Havana, City of Mexico, theBtatesof
Venezuela, Porto Bico and Salvador, prom
ising the hearty co-operation of the medical
fraternitv in those countries.
The Management of the Ortan of the
Brotherhood Vested in Grand Officers.
Galesburo, III., Oct 14. The conven
tion of the Brotherhood of Railway Train
men has made to-day some important
changes in its constitution. One of these
new provisions virtually deprives the
Grand Master of the power to discharge a
Grand Lodge officer, and creates an Execu
tive Board to consist of three members to
serve as a judiciary in trials.
The grand office of editor of the 3Vai"
men's Journal was abolished, and the Grand
Master was given supervision over the jour
nal, while the financial management of the
printing plant was vested in the Grand Sec
retary and Treasurer. The Board of Trade
of Indianapolis desired to be considered a
bidder for the headquarters of the Brother
hood. The accounts and books of Grand
Secretary Sheahan were reported correct,
and approved.
Scurvy Increasing the Suffering of
Starving Feaaants of Rasila.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 14. Medical
conncils have been summoned in the dis
tressed provinces of the Empire. Scurvy
and typhus are raging in the wake of the
famine. The famine prevails in 13 differ
ent governments of the country, and 14,
000,000 persons are in urgent need of succor.
The Government is purchasing corn for
the purpose of feeding the famishing peas
ants of the stricken districts during tho
winter months. The sufferers in the Volga
district will be the firstto receive assistance,
as it is considered absolutelv necessary to
succor them before the Volga is frozen over.
Twenty pounds of wheat will be given to
each person. The Government is negotiat
ing for the purchase of large quantities of
breadstuff's in the United States.
Hired to Barn a Court Boose.
Washington, Ind., Oct. 14. Detec
tives have been at work on the Court House
fire, and up to this hour have arrested four
persons supposed to be connected with it.
Samuel Harbine, a day laborer, was arrest
ed last night charged with complicity in the
burning of the records. After Deing arrest
ed Harbine confessed the crime and im
plicated several prominent people, and as a
result Auditor James C. Lavelle and A. B.
Havtes, a prominent citizen of Steele town
ship, were arrested this morning and placed
in jail; also a man named Basil Ledger
wood. The officers are now out alter
Michael Lavelle, a brother of the Anditor.
A World's, Congress of Brewers.
St. Louis, Oct 14. The Master Brew
ers' Association began the last session of
their convention this morning. The report
of the special committee recommending the
discontinuance of the death benefit payment
was adopted. The suggestion of President
Frisch that, no convention be held next
vear, but instead a grand international con
vention in Chicago during the World's,Eair
in 1893, wasadopted. Tlie new Executive
Committee was authorized to make arrange
ments. More Karthqnakes in California.
San Francisco, Oct 14. A shock of
earthquake, timilar in intensity to that of
last Sunday night, occurred here about 5
o'clock this morning. No damage is re
por'ed, A dispatch from Petulama, Cal.,
says: Another lively earthquake shook
was felt here this morning about 4:30
o'clock, and a much lighter one about .7.
The vibrations were north to south.
- - SfrA... -WfcjMI
By the Ohio Democratic leaders as
a Campaign Koorback.
A Big Reception Awaiting the Uajor at
the Dayton Meeting.
Cleveland, Oct 14. Senator Quay
can't be downed even in Ohio. This morn
ing a story was afloat in the city that
the Senator had come here to locate for the
balance of the campaign and assist in the
management. 'The Democrats were jubi
lant, but the Republicans promply denied
the report. In the last election in Chicago
a similar rumor was started, but it was ne'v er
To those acquainted with the situation in
Pennsylvania and posted on Buckeye poli
ties, the statement was ridiculous. Why
Quay should leave his own State at present,
where the Republican outlook is consider
ed critical and come into Ohio, where the
party of protection is sure to win, was
more than the McKinley people can under
stand. "Senator Quay is certainly here under
cover," said Cass H. Hatch, one of the sec
retaries of the Democratic County Commit
tee, "to help the Republicans. It shows
how badly they are scared in Ohio when a
politician like the Senator must be im
ported to give them pointers." This is how
the Democrats talked, and it was apparent
they intended to work this inference for all
it w as worth.
AX expected roorback.
"I expected the Democrats would start
this roorback in a few days," said ex-Congressman
Burton. "I understand Quay is
here on a social visit to Frank Robinson,
who is married to one of his relatives. I
assure you there is nothing in this report.
The Ohio Republicans are able to take care
of themselves. We have the Democrats on
the run, and we propose to keep them mov
ing until after the election."
Colonel Louis Smithnight, Chairman of
the Republican Conntv Committee, is not
in the city, but D. E. Christian, who repre
sents him in his absence, said he didn't
know anything about it and was sure the
story was not trne. Secretary Crowl also
added his denial. As nearly as I could
learn the rumor grew out of Quay's visit or
intended visit to his relative,Mr. Robinsou.
The Democrats here have a wholesome fear
of the Senator, and they are quick to make
capital out of anything tliat will help their
On my way to Dayton I stopped over at
Columbus to se'! Chairman Hahn. He
laughed at the report, and said he guessed
the Ohio Republicans were able to manatre
their own campaign, though they do not ob
ject to outside assistance.
INTERESTED IN our senate.
The leaders in both parties hero are
greatly interested in the outcome of the
extra session of the Senate in Pennsylvania.
While in Cleveland this moraine I visited
j tne Republican and Democratic head
quarters. The Republicans have just com
pleted a house-to-house canvas of the countv.
They had a force of 30 men engaged to do
the work since the campaign opened, and a
few days ago 24 of them were discharged.
The normal Republican majority of
Cuyahoga county is about 2,200. Mr.
Christian had a large roll of figures, but he
declined to give them oui. He says the
county majority this vear will be more than
2,200, and he thought it would go up as
high as 5,000. Chairman Hahn remarked
when he heard this estimate that it was far
too high. Mr. Christian U betting that
McKinley will have f-om2j,000 to 30,000
of a majority in the Stat?.
"There is'an element with us in the fight
this year that never voted the Republican
ticket before," contined Mr. Christian.
They are the Poles and Hungarians, and
there are a good many in the city. I don't
know why they are changing their votes,
but this is what our careful canvass de
veloped. pretty sure op success.
"All the Republicans have to do in this
county is to get out their vote. When we
do this we sweep everything. The Demo
crats sometimes gain a few points when we
get careless. To show the interest taken in
the coming election, fully 6,000 more Re
publicans registered this year on the
first day than ever did before. As for the
legislative ticket, we have nominated good
fellows and I think every one will be
"Under the new apportionment Cleve
land will have eight members in the House
and three Senators. We are interested in
electing these men, and allowing the fight
between Foraker and Sherman to take care
of itself. That will be disposed of at the
proper time."
It is generally understood that the Cleve
land nominees are pledged to Sherman.
Secretary Hatch said he knew of one Re
publican legislative candidate in the city
who would vote for Foraker, if elected.
Secretary Crowl, of the Republican Com
mittee, says all the legislative candidates
will stand by Sherman. Foraker's strength
is with the young men in the southern part
of tho State, where the Democrats divide
honors with the Republican in electing
Representatives and Senators. Sherman is
solid with the people in the Western Re
serve, and they usually are successful with
their legislative ticket.
On the other hand the Democrats are
making strong claims in Cleveland. Mr.
Hatch says they expect to carry the county
ticket, reduce "the Republican majority for
Governor to 1,G00 votes and elect at least
four out of the eight Representatives and
one of the three Senators. He is a hopeful
voung man and no doubt a hard worker, as
he was very busy sending out campaign
material. He believed Campbell will be
re-elected, and without mentioning names
cited three Republican manufacturers in
Cleveland, one of whom makes light tin
ware, who intended to vote the Democrat!
He claimed McKinley had turned against
him many English voters by his constant
reference to the pauper laborer of the
British isles. He added that these men are
Republican and always have been. One
thing I noticed that is comman to both
parties in Cleveland, they don't like the
new" kangaroo" system of voting, and, in
deed, it is hard to find a man in Ohio who
will speak a good word for the law. It is
feared generally thata number of votes will
be mangled and it is hard to say what the
outcome will be.
The Cleveland people are making great
preparations for the mass meeting October
24. The Americus Club, of Pittsbugh, has
chartered a train and will join in the parade
in the afternoon with their red, white and
blue umbrellas. Music Hall will hold
10,000 people, but so many visiting-delegations
arc coming in that Mr. Christian is
afraid they won't be able to provide seats
for them.
So much for Cuyahoga politics. Major
McKinley went to "Ravenna this morning
from Burton. He spoke in the afternoon
to a good sized crowd. The weather was
threatening and kept some away. He de
livered practically the Painesville speech of
the day before. It was a complete elucida
tion of the tariff and silver questions. At
the opening of his address he called atten
tion to the importance of electing a Repub
lican Legislature to correct the gerryman
der and look after the United States Sena
torship. He concluded his remarks by
knocking out many of Governor Campbell's
strong statements about the tin industry.
Immediately after the mectine the Mninr
started for Dayton, where the largest roeet-
j ing oi me campaign up to uaie win occur.
:r. :&fc''L. . -gfe
If the rain doesn't prevent. There will be
plenty of roast beef to eat, and with For
aker, Sherman and McKinley for speakers,
oratory will not be lacking. On the way to
Dayton I saw Chairman Hahn for a few
"There is no question abont McKinlev's
election," he said. "It is settled beyond a
peradventure that he will have a good, safe
majority. But the election of the head of
the ticket is not all there is in this fight.
The Legislature is very important If the
House should be Democratic, then we
couldn't repeal the odious gerrymander,
and they would continue to have 10 Con
gressmen for the next two years. The
Democrats concede Campbell's "defeat, and
they are turning all their efforts to the
"There are too many knives out for the
Governor in his party, and the Democrats
who made threats before he was nominated
will have to carry them out to prove their
predictions. While McKinley is drawing
large crowds, they do not insure the elec
tion of the Legislature. We might have
10,000 of a majority in a city, but it wouldn't
give us one additional member in the House
or Senate. I think the cities will go
strongly Republican, but the Republicans
should remember there are 20 doubtful
counties out of the 88 in the State. That
means so many members of the Legislature.
"I have been calling in the County Chair
men, a few at a time, to instruct them to
watch the legislative ticket McKinley
from this time out will almost be able Jto
take care of himself. Another week will
tell the tale. Then a number of things that
are doubtful now will be cleared up, and I
will know just where we stand. The vet
eran Republican organization in Hamilton
county will help the State ticket, but 1 am
afraid it will injure the county nominees.
The fight in Ashtabula county over the re
moval of the Court House will help us, as
both candidates are Republican, and the
rivalry will bring out a fuller vote.
"I expect to see Ashtabula roll up more
ballots than she ever did. People ontside
of the State think we are all right, and so
we are, but I tell you the fight is on the
Legislature, and nothing else. It will have
to be watched closely. Taylor will surely
be elected in Guernsey county, hut about
two weeks ago I was afraid the People's
party man would pull through."
McKinley will be in Columbus Saturday
evening. Among the features of the demon
stration will be the exhibition of a lot of
canned tomatoes. The tin plate was
made at Demmler. The cans were turned
out and filled by the Xenia Canning Com
pany. The object is to show what the tariff
will" no for home production. Mr. Hahn is
determined to make the Columbus meeting
a big success. Chairman Hahn has received
a letter from J. W. Gates, President of the
Braddock Wire Company, which explains
itself. Jt is thin:
Please say to Major McKinley that since
tho McKinley bill took eflect in July, 1800,
the price of wire nails has declined fully
from $10 to $12 per ton and wire nails can ho
purchased to-day at Salem, Findlay, Cleve
land and Pittsburp at IJi cents per pound.
This is a lower price on wire nails than Is to
day made in England. Barbed fence wlro,
which, before the McKinley hill took effect,
was selling at 3 cents per pound for painted
and 3 cents for galvanized, Is now sellinsr
for 2 cents for painted and 3 cents for gal
vanized; and to-day barbed wire can he pur
chased lower in Ohio and Pennsylvania, than
In any other portion of the known world,
notwithstanding free trade England.
Say to him that we are selling thousands
of tons of barbed wire In Africa, England,
feouth America and Australia in competition
with all makers, both of Continental Europe
and the British Isles, and are able to get
from $ I 00 to $5 00 moro per ton for our
product in competition with foreign makers
than we can get for it in competition with
American manufacturers. Israel.
General St Clair's Defeat by the Indians
Observed at Fort Recovery.
Toledo, Oct. 14. One hundred years ago
General Arthur St. Clair was disastrously
defeated by the Indians at Fort Recovery,
near the north border of Drake county.
The peopls to-day began the memorial ob
servance of his defeat. The principal
streets are gaily decorated with flags, bunt
ing and portrai's of pioneer celebretiej.
Governor Campbell arrive! on the noon
train, and was escorted to the Wavne House
by a delegation of 2,000 citizens. This after
noon he delivered an appropriate address of
an hour's duration, in which he urged the
citizens and the Monumental Association.to
put forth strenuous efforts to secure an ap
propriation from Congress to ereir. a suit
able monument to mark the spot where rest
the bones of the fallen heroes of the conflict
of 1891. Governor Campbell was followed
by General E. B. Finley, of Buoyrus, who
was Adjutant General of Ohio under Gov
ernor Hoadley. The General was the or
iginator of the idea pf a centennial memor
ial celebration at this place. The relics of
the battle are on exhibition. To-morrow
fully 20,000 visitors are expected, Hon.
John Sherman and General AV. H. Gibson to
be the principal speakers.
Senator Allison at Mansfield.
Mansfield, O., Oct. 14. Special
Senator William B. Allison, of Iowa, ad
dressed an audience of about 1,500 voters in
the Memorial Opera House in this city to
night upon the political issues of the day.
In his opening remarks the distinguished
Iowan made complimentary reference to our
eminent townsman, Senator John Sherman,
and favored his re-election to the United
States Senate.
Her Husband Never Before Named In Con
nection With Snell's Marder.
Chicago, Oct 14. Ira J. Ordway, the
father of A. K. Ordway, furnishes the fol
lowing statement for publication: "The
statement of Mrs. A. K. Ordway, who wa3
taken to the Bayview asylum yes
terday, is my first intimation that my son,
Albert K. Ordway, who died in Baltimore
last March, had any connection with the
Snell murder. The statement has no
weight with me, nor will it be credited by
those who are in a position to know the
facts, whether the woman who makes them
be sane or insane."
This is the first association of the name of
young Ordway with murder, and the story
Is generally descredited. Young Ordway
was associated with his father in the tailor
ing business in this city at one time, and
the firm made Tascott's clothes; but it does
not appear that young Ordway ever had
other than business relations with the sup
posed murderer. The woman who tells the
story was a Mrs. Beachman and was married
to young Ordway after the latter was di
vorced trom his wife. His death in Balti
more in last March is supposed to have been
a case of suicide.
He Threatens to Give Some Haitian Cor
respondence to the World.
Washi mgton, Oct 14. Frederick Doug
lass, ex-Minister to Haiti, delivered a lec
ture on Haiti last night at the Metropolitan
African Methodist Church. .Mr. Douglass
replied with feeling to the criticisms of his
policy in the Mole St Nicholas affair, and
made the suggestive announcement that if
driven to the wall he had it in his power to
put before the whole world all the corres
pondence about the affair in a different light,
and a light some gentlemen would not like
to see. He described the Mole as the Gibral
tar of the Caribbean Sea, and said that the
nation that would hold this stronghold
would be mistress of the sea.
Mr. Douglass denied that Hippolyte was
a tyrant, and he also defended the character
of President Harrison. Tremendous cheers
followed the announcement by Mr. Doug
lass that he was for Harrison for the next
State German, Society Meeting.
HarkisbCbg, Oct 14. The annual meet-
ing o: tne i-cnnsyivania tierman society is dock this morning. She was 24 hours over
bejngJtiefd .here. All the present officers due. The record of the log shows one of
were re-elected. the rouchest trin3 ever inade by th shin.
M.-n I j
OCTOBER . 15, 1891
Which Caused Great Excitement in
Shipping' Circles.
Tliouijli Another Ship With a Similar Name
Slay Be in Trouble.
St. Jotin, JT. F., Oct 14. A man named
John Brennen, belonging to Sligo, Ireland,
arrived at Trepassey this morning from
Peters river. He says he is the only sur
vivor of the crew of 43 men on the steamer
City of Rome, which became a total wreck
on Monday night at the marine cove, St.
Mary's bay. He says that the Captain and
crew and officers were all drunk and unable
to save themselves. He was thrown upon
the cliff and was rescued by a man named
Dundrigan on Tuesday. The City of Rome
has on board 575 head of cattle, a quantity
of flour in sacks and Indian coru. The
man tells a most pitiful tale about the
struggle the crew had among the bullockB,
trying to save themselves. The steamer
was commanded by Captain Nelly and left
Montreal October 7 bound for Dundee.
A dispatch .from New York says:
When the dispatches lroin St John gave
the meager statement that the "City of
Rome" had foundered, it was immediately
believed that the ocean racer which left
here on Saturday last had been caught in un
usually strong hurricanes.and had either run
ashore or gone down with passengers and
crew. The excitement was intense through
out the city and Brooklyn. Those who en
tertained fears as to the safety were
greatly relieved about an hour later, when
a private dispatch from St. John stated
definitely that it was not the well-known
"City of Rome," but a tramp steamer of the
same name. At tho office ot the Hender
son Brothers, agents for the Anchor Line
steamships, nothing definite could be ob
tained for some time. It was at first given
out that the vessel ashore was the "Citta
DiRoma." This steamer sailed on the 23d
from New Orleans for Bordeaux. On the
30th of September she left Norfolk, Va.
She is a vessel of 1,380 tons net, 2,232 tons
gross. She hails from Genoa, Italy.
Finally Mr. Conley, of Henderson Bros.,
stated that he had received a private cable
from St. John which put the matter at rest
so far as the Anchor liner was concerned.
The cable stated the vessel ashore on St.
Shotts was a cattle steamer from Montreal.
It was a tramp steamship having no regis
ter at Lloyds, but was named the "City of
The mystery is deepened, however, by the
following from Montreal: No such steamer
as the City of Rome sailed from here Oc
tober 7, or since, as reported by the St.
John dispatch detailing the loss of a steam
er of that name.
A cablegram from Dundee, Scotland, says:
In reply to many telegrams concerning the
City of Rome said to have been wrecked off
the coast of Newfoundland while on a
voyage to this port, it is proper to state that
there is no record here of any such vessel.
In answer to the inquiry, Messrs. Hender
son Bros., agents in New York of the
Anchor Line, have received the following
from Cape Race, N. F.: "Your City of
Rome passed east Tuesday afternoon, all
Pedestrians Cannot Walk the Streets of
Dover in Safety The Gale at Glasgow
the Worst Since the Great Toy Disaster
Many Shipwrecks.
LONDON, Oct. 14. The St James Gazette
this afternoon says: "Not within recent,
memory has such a terrific storm raged in
England, and a terrible catalogue of disas
ter at sea is expected. Great damage has
been done in many parts of the country,
and were it not that the houses are substan
tial, we might have to lament a disaster as
terrible as that which attends an American
cyclone." The trees in Richmond Park,
Bushey Park, St James Park and Victoria
Park have been greatly damaged.
At Dover, Kent, the hurricane is worse
than the first fearfnl weather experienced
during the blizzard of March. The Ostend
boat has been unable to approach near the
shelter pier of Dover and has been driven
out to sea again. Since that time the boat
has not been heard of, but it is thought that
she has been able to make some place of
The greatest danger is experienced by
pedestrians .who are compelled to pass
through the streets of Dover, owing to fall
ing tiles, slates and bricks from chimneys
which have been toppled over by the wind.
As it is a number oi more or less serious
injuries from such aocidents have been re
ported. The military camp at Shorencliffe,
near Folkestone, not far from Dover, also
suffered from the storm, buildings being
partly or entirely unroofed.
This afternoon the gale in the channel was
increasing in fury instead of decreasing, and
all steamers at sea are being forced to make
some harbor. A telegram from Folkestone
says a steamer flying signals of distress has
been sighted off that port, and seems to be
in danger of becoming a total wreck. The
local lifeboat has repeatedly but unsuccess
fully attempted to put out to her assistance.
Additional reports from Glasgow say that
at that point the storm is undoubtedly the
most severe Bince tho terrible Tay bridge
The list of vessels which have foundered
during the gale is only beginning to be
made out Two coasting vessels it is known
have foundered in Loch Long, a branch of
the Firth of Clyde, and six men of their
crews were drowned. The new ship Helen
Brewer capsized at Glasgow, and over a
dozen yachts, a number of coasting vessels
and many lighters are ashore in the Clyde,
The steamship Anchoria, of the Inman line,
grounded at Greenock but has since been
Fifty Honrs In a Gale, With Sir Men
Jared by a Gas Explosion.
Delaware Breakwater, Dei, Oct.
14. The United States steamsfhip Atlanta,
which left New York on Sunday to go to
the assistance of the stranded Government
steamer Despatch, has arrived here short
of coal. The Atlanta had CO hours of a heavy
gale, during which a hawser pipe split.
A violent explosion of gas. occurred, by
which six men were injured. Two of the
injured men are in a critical condition. The
Atlanta is now engaged in reparing en
gines. Waves 30 Feet High at Rockaway.
New York, Oct 14. The fearful storm
which has raged in this vicinity since Sun
day has wrought immense d imago along the
Long Island coast. Waves nearly 30 feet
high are lathing Rockaway Beach, plowing
far into the sand and washing dwellings
and boats out to tea. Many pleasure boats
have been missing since Sunday, and it is
feared that they have been lost with all
on board.
1 lie haale lias a Stormv Vovasc
KEW y0BK. Oct 14 The Knale of the
North German Llovd T.ine arrived at her
.... ...-
None of her passengers were injured, and
the ship rode without damage, but the force
of the waves was shown by the coating of
bait on the smokestacks.
Great Britain, France, Belgium and Switz
erland Enjoying the Privilege Press
Cablegrams Protected the Same as
Books The System Is Working Splen
didly. Washington, Oct 14. Special Near
ly three months have elapsed since the
President proclaimed that the act of Con
gress approved March 3, 1891, as to copy
right entry in this country by for
eign authors was in effect The
benefits of this act were con
fined to citizens of such nations
as granted to citizens of the United States
the benefit of copyright on the same basis
as its own citizens. Under this ruling,
Great Britain,France;BeIgium and Switzer
land are the only nations which have en
joyed the privilege.
Mr. Spofford, Librarian of Congress, said
that during the three months the number of
copyrights, both for this country and
for residents of foreign nations, had
increased largely. In July the
increase was but slight, but
there was a considerable advance in August,
and there has been a greater this month for
books, music, engravings and other produc
tions covered by copyright. This advance
had been confined almost exclusively to
Great Britain and France, as Belgium and
Switzerland had not yet availed themselves
of the privileges.
He said that the cable and rapid mails
offered such facilities for communication
that foreign authors and the countries named
could readily, directly or through their
agents orpartners, secure copyright in this
country simultaneously with that obtained
in Great Britain, France, Belgium,
and Switzerland, and many persons were
availing themselves of tbe opportunity.
Mr. Spofford said that the principles of
copyright for books applied to the cable
grams published under copyright in papers
or by the great press associations of the
country. These copyrights were good for 28
years and were secured in the same way as
copyrights for books.
Minneapolis Mills Are Crowded With Or
ders From Europe.
Chicago, Oct. 14. Advices from the
other side of the Atlantic are almost uni
formly bullish with regard to the future
value of wheat. A feature of the trade
here which does not usually appear in the
daily reviews of the market is the extraor
dinary demand from England, and even
from France, for American flour. It does
does not fully show in the immediate ex
ports, for the reason that those take no note
of the immense purchases of flour which
have been made by foreigners for future
AtJMinnapolis Ithe buying of patents to
go abroad in anything approaching the
present volume, was never before exper
ienced. A Paris flour merchant, writing
under date of October 1, says that American
flour is preferred there by bakers,and can be
laid down there at such rates that it does
not pay to import the wheat for milling.
The result has been that wheat bought in this
country for future delivery has been resold.
The writtcr expects higher prices for wheat,
even if Russia does not prohibit exports,
though the latter is anticipated.
The System of Tobacco Stemming at Louis
ville Severely Criticised.
St. Louis, Oct. 14. The seventeenth an
nual conference of the Mississippi Medical
Association convened this morning, over
150 delegates being present Dr. W. Gar
roll Chipman, ot Louisville, read a paper
on "The Toxic Effects or Tobacco Vapor."
Dr. Chipman cited several cases of chil
dren tobacco stemmers whom ho had
treated. Dr. Culbertson voiced the senti
ments of the convention when he said to
bacco factories should be subject to constant
surveilance and that child labor should be
absolutely abolished.
At the afternoon session Dr. Robert C.
Kenner, of Louisville, read an essay on
"The Treatment of Typhoid Fever," which
was discussed at considerable length, the
general sentiment being in favor of cold
water remedies. Davis Shooth, of Bell
ville, wound up with a paper on "Some
Monstrosities After Birth." Dr. 8. S. Say
age, of Nashville, is here for the purpose of
organizing a new Opthalmogicaf Associa
One Faction Reinstates Rev. Mr. Hahn, Ex
pelled for Trying the Bishop.
Philadelphia, Oct. 14. At to-day's
session of the General Conference of the
Evangelical Association the appeal of Rev.
George Hann,of the Wisconsin Conference,
who was disposed from the ministry and
expelled from the church for having been a
member of the trial conference that sus
pended Bishop Bowman, was considered,
and it was decided that the action of the
Wisconsin conference was illegal and con
trary to the law of the church contained in
the "Book of Discipline. The action was,
therefore, annulled, and Rev. Mr. Hann
was restored to the fnll functions of the
Christian ministry.
The committee in the case of Rev. J. C.
Miller decided that the actiou of the East
Pennsylvania Conference be affirmed. Key.
D. B. Byers, of Naperville, 111., was elected
Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary
Society. The conference voted in favor of
labor representation in the general and an
nual conferences.
Julia Ward Howe Presiding Over an In
teresting Convention in Michigan.
Geand Rapids, Micil, Oct. 14. The
nineteenth annual congress of the Associa
tion for the Advancement of Women opened
this morning with an executive session,
from which men were strictly excluded.
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe is presiding, and
the attendance is about 150. The congress
will continue until Saturday.
In the afternoon and early evening the
ladies were entertained at the ladies' Lit
erary Club Boom, which was elegantly
decorated for the occasion. In the evening
Mrs. Charlotte Emerson Browne read a
paper on the "Condition for Success of
Women," and Miss Mary A. Ripley, of
Buffalo, spoke eloquently on the wise
economy of time and strength as a part of
Marlatt's Oiler of Comoromlie Refused.
Yotjncstown, Oct 14. Special Prior
to me presentation ot testimony to-aay in
the case of Ira Marlatt, charged with the
murder of Barak Ashton, counsel for the
Ssate agreed to accept a ple3 of guilty of
murder and submit to Judge Johnston the
question of fixing the degree of the crime.
The court refused to accept the responsibility.
Louis Bell, who was with Ashton when he
was shot was the first witness, and was on
the stand the entire day.
New Mexico Rerommended for Statehood.
Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 14. The Gov
ernor's annual report to the Interior was
fiulshed to-day and started by mail this
evening for Washington. Among other
recommendations is the admission of New
Mexico as a State, the survey and mark
ing of the boundary line on the Texas side,
the rcoccupation of Fort Mary, the imme
diate donation to school lands and the
amendment of land courts so as to protect
small owners.
,vW - a.
The Crew of a Government Prison
Ship Strike for Fresh Meat;
A Threat to Put Them Ashore Brings the
Malcontents to Terms.
San Fp.ancisco, Oct 14. The steamer
Al-Ki, Captain Pluminer, arrived from
Ounalaska to-day after a passage of nine
days. The Al-Ki has been stationed at
Ounalaska as prison ship, chartered by the
United States Government The steamer
brought down Commander Meade, U. S.
N.; Captain Cochrane, U. S. M. C; Dr.
Page, U. S. N.; Lieutenants Turner and
Pendleton, U. S. M. C, and United States
District Judge Tarley.
Captain Plummer states that the Thetis
sailed from Ounalaska for this port on the
4th inst, but was compelled to return on
account of bad weather. She intended to
make another start as soon as the gale mod
erate. The Mohican intended sailing from
Ounalaska on the 10th inst The Al-Ki
had good weather on tbe trip down, but
while in port there was plenty of rain, wind
and snow.
Captain Plummer sailed from San,Fran
cisco, June 22, and made the run to Ouna
laska in ten days. She served 33 days as a
prison ship for seized sealers, and in that
time had on board three sealers' crews, be
longing to the English schooner E. B. Mar
vin and the American schooners Laninfa
and Ethel. "On August 4," said the Cap
tain, "we sailed for Sitka with the Ethel
and Laninfa in tow, and arrived there Au
gust 10 at noon with no mishaps."
August 11 the crew of the Al-Ki refused
to perform their duty, and the firemen and
coal passers also refused. I put six of the
crew in jail. Next day they were taken out
and put on board the Mohican. I managed
to get a crew from a sailing schooner, La
Ninta, and put them on board, but the fire
men and coal passers refused to let them
work and would not work themselves. It
was nothing more or less than mutiny. The
men expected to live on fresh meat, which
was almost impossible to get in these
waters. Some concessions were made, and
I sailed from Sitka August 15 and arrived
at Ounalaska Angust 20.
"While lying in Ounalaska, there were at
times as many as fifteen ships in port, and
during the summer as many as 54 ships have
been in the Ounalaska harbor. The sealers
had quite a hard time to dodge so many war
ships, for there were nine of them English
and American cruising.
"On July 4, while at Ounalaska, the crew
refused to obey some necessary order issued
by the First Officer. I found it necessary to
call on Captian Cochrane, of the Marine
Corps, and he informed me that the next
time the crew revolted to put every one of
.them on shore, and he would give whatever
'assistance was desired to get the ship back
to San Francisco. As soon as the crew
heard this the matter changed and no fur
ther difficulty arose."
Probably Apocryphal Accounts of Eating
That Still Live in Literature.
The "glutton of Kent," whom Fuller
places among his worthies, devoured at a
single meal, "fourscore rabbits and 18 black
puddings,London measure." Coming down
to more recent times there is the probably
apocryphal story of a Scotchman who ate a
solan goose by way of a whet tor dinner;
and of a Welsh nobleman who devoured a
covey of partridges for breakfast every
morning. There is also a well-known legend,
which fonnd its way into Punch, of a certain
eminent politician who entered an eating
house near the Old Bailey,and after putting
away seven pounds and a half of cold boiled
beef, observed cheerfnlly to the landlord,
"Capital beef this! One may cut and come
again here."
On the Derby day, a few years ago, a
well-known man of business let'ns call
him Mr. X went down to Epsom with the
rest of tbe world, and, after the great race
was over, bethought himself of lunch. It
was then 4 o'clock, and he was ravenously
hungry. Seeing no friendly coach or car
riage at hand he entered one of the refresh
ment booths, where a three-and-sixpenny
meal was provided for all comers. He at
tacked some ribs of beef and soon cleared
them to the bone; then he "went for" a
chicken, which also disappeared; finally he
espied a pigeon pie at tne other end of the
table, which had not yet been touched, and
ordered the waiter to bring it to him. But
the waiter, after a whispered conference
with an individual in black, who had been
observing Mr. X'a performances with sus
picion and alarm, came and said confiden
tially, "if you please, sir, the governor says
as how he won't charge you nothing for
anything if you'll go away at once."
The Judicial Deadlock Unbroken.
Bedford, Oct. 14. Special The Re
publican Judicial Conference of the Six
teenth Judicial district, composed of Somer
set and Bedford counties, which has been in
deadlock for the past 60 days, met here to
night, and after five ballots, in which tho
three conferees from Somerset voted for
Kooser and Bedford's conferees voted for
Longnecker, the conference adjourned until
to-morrow morning. The Democrats, who
nominated Hon. John M. Reynolds last
week, have already instituted a lively cam
paign while the Republicans are no nearer
a nomination than they were CO days ago.
Plttsbnrgers In New Tork.
New York, Oct 14. Special The
following Pittsburgers are registered at
the principal hotels: G. B, Lawrence,
Everett; J. Roney, Grand Central; T. H.
Bakewell, Grand; E. M. Bigelow, West
minster; J. W. Black, Sturtevant Hotel;
T. P. Graham, Sweeney's; W. Hamilton,
Westminster; G. N. Jones, St Dennis
Hotel; H. Mackin, Astor House; W. Mc
Clellan, Hoffman House; T. M. Penner,
St. Dennis; C. Sellers, Sweeney's Hotel.
Contesting a Millionaire's Will.
Cincinnati, O., Oct 14. Herman
Marckworth, an attorney of this city, has
undertaken to contest the will of the late
John Manson, of San Francisco, whereby
his millions went into the hands of John T.
Hill, who 'now lives near San Jose, CaL
The contestants live near Piqna, O., and are
Mr!. Lida Patterson, Mrs. Sarah and Agnes
Miller and Edward Schmede, all of whom
claim to be descendants and legitimate heirs
of John Manson.
The Precocious Pnpll.
Kate Field's Washington.
Teacher What are draft riots ?
Pupil Quarrels caused by people not
shutting tbe door.
Why Us Lost.
Good News. J
Jinks How did you come to lose so much
money on the race?
Winks Got too many tips before I
They're Always Successful.
Boston Transcript.
It is noticeable that people who search
for a gas leak with a ca.Tlle invariably
find it.
Steamship Arrivals.
8te.imer. Where from. Destination.
Majestic .. .New York..... London.
Europe New York .....London.
Anohorla NewYor Movllle.
Ethiopia (llajjrow New York.
llarei. New York Htraim.
rerslan Monarch. .London New York.
i,anaon jnevr IOIS."
- - 'j rJ