V: THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH. THURSDAY OCTOBER 15, -1891. 11 I i A BETTER AYERAGE. The Quality of Cattle on Sale at Lib erty an Improvement. GOOD BEF.YES STEADY ASD WANTED White Common and Low Grade Stock Begging for Buyers. Goes DOGS DICL1XIXG AXD SHEEP FIRM Orricr of PirrsErro Dispatch, j WuaisDAT, Oct. H Total receipts of cattl.c this week at East Xibcrty yards for local trade were 120 car loaiU, against 120 loads last week. 'With the increased lull, markets opened on Mon day at about last week's prices, and all de sirable grades found ready buyers. Thcro hare been no prime heavy beeves on sale ai Hast Liberty in carload lots formonths past, and there appears to be no demand for this grade. The few butchers who must have this grade cannot obtain their supplies this side of Chicago. The kind most wanted for our local trade are light, smooth beeves, weighing from 1100 to 1300 lbs. Of this kind there is never un over supply. Supplv of good feeders and stockers tall below demand for weeks past. Of the common and low grades, there are always more than enough at the East .Libert wards. While poor stock is com 3,700 head: shipments 1.200 head; market lower; fair to e-stra, 4 504 65: mixed, $3 60 4 50; light fair to extra, $4 304 00 Sheep ltecelpts, 1,700 head: shipments. 500 head; market strong: fair to good, $3 40Q4 70. Xnr York Beevei Receipts, 2,127 head, including C5 cars for sale; market firm; native steers, $3 655 $5 ner 303 pounds; Toxans and Colorados, $3 203 85: bulls and cows, $1 402 40; dressed beet steady nt 8 Sc per pound; shipments to-day, 427 beeves and 6.4S0 quarters of boef. Calves KecoiDts, !87 head: market1 per pound higher: veals. $5 .rj0gS 50 per 300 pounds: srrassers, 12 C2 2 73; buttermilk calves $3 003 23. Sheen Receipts, 13,302 head: s-hcep stendr; lambs Ho per pftund hhrhcr: sheep. $3 003 25 per 100 pounds: lambs $5 506 75: dresed mutton steadv at"K69c per pound; dressed lambs Aim atPlglojc. Hogs Receipts, 10,837 head, Inclndini-Scirs tor sale; market steady at $3 005 63 per 100 pounds. HiilFtlo Cattlo Bcceints. 134 loads through, 1 for sale: nothing doing; prospects poor lor common (trades. Hojrs Receipts. 44 loads throtisrh, 45 for sale: steady for all but heavy grades, and quality of these poor; Fi2 strong heavy cranes corn fed, $4 85? !; Rood weights, com fed, $4 N4 90. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 6 loads through, 20 lor sale; steady for sheep and Western lambs, Canada dull and weak; sheep, extra Inner. $4 655 00: srood to choice, $4 404 50; fair to good, $4 254 40: lambs, good to cnoiec natives, S4 756 00: common to fair do, ?4 73g3 50; Canada common to extra, $3t30Oa Omnlis Cattle Receipts, i,coo head: mar ket unchanged: butchers' stuff stronz; prime beeves sold at $5 75; good grassers sold nt?4G3: common to fanr-v eteers, $2 73?5 73; Westerns, $3 005 00; Texans, $2 25S 00. Hoc Receints. x ooo Head: market onencd slow and 10c lower; closed weak at the de cline: licht. J4 20fii4 30: heavy. $4 23(34 00: mired, $4 204 33. Sheep Receipts, 275 head; market Arm. Kansas Cltv Cattle Recejpts. 30,030 head; shipments, 3,820 head: market dull, steady to lower; steers, $3 255 63: cows, $1 252 70; stockers and feeders, $2 003 65. Hogs Rc- The close was ljc below yesterday; 2No. 2 rod, cash, 95-V9jXc; October. 03We, closing at 9-Jo bid: December. 9899o, closing at MJfc bid; Mav.Jl Oljigl Oii. closing nt $t 01 bid. Corn No. 2 cash. 5555c: October, closed at 52e: year, 3SJ39c, closing; at 39Kb; May, 3940c, closing at 39Jf?397c. Oats firm; Ko.2, cash, 2Jc: October 2ic; No vember, 27Kc bid; May, 31c bid. Rye firmer in demand No. 2. cjsxS4c. uaney s"Ji Nebraska, 40s; Iowa,.6562c; Wisconsin, 71c. Butter firm and unchanged. Eggs quiet, steady and unchanged. Provisions very un settled and declining. Pork, $10 50. Lard, $6 303 40. 'BALTIMORE Wheat No. 2 red weak; Fpot nnd October. $1 041 0ii; December; $1 07il 07J: May. $1 331 34; steamer No. 2 red. 99Kfii 00 Corn Mixed, steady; spot. CSc asked; roar, 51J'51e; Janunrj". 51K ClJe: February, 31Jc; March, Blc. Oats steady to flrm;No. 2 whito Western, tC36fc: No. 2 mixed do, 33034c. Rye firm and burlier; No. 2. 9G9CKc Hay lower: Rood to choico timothy. $13 S014 50. Provisions firm nnd unchanged. Butter firm; unchanged- Eggs, active: 23c A DOWN TOWN DEAL. The Old Pension Office on Third Av enue Changes Hands. i!-. t ;.. r w ;,.,. iflv P!-aaisP""l?""?aa-m.ar- r ,1 - wo" "vb"'o "'".'--" "--i ." j Ketjwyiuciower; oniK, if io i: nil graaes, e;i-iuiuiii:u oi-cves sen iiiciuacivcs twin- i x'i .w &x out the least trouble. Our local stock yards furnish ample illustrations eery week that it Is best for the fanner to rais-e good stock and bring them to market in good condition. The highest price paid at Liberty this week wa S5.12VJ per cwt. Sheep There have ben all told about 25 double deck loads on sale this week against 30 loads last week. Supply of choice was Dot up to demand and prices moved up higher. Top price of sheep this week was f 5 25, and lambs C34c with a few fancy lambs selling at 6c per pound. Hogs Re ceipts large and markets heavy at a decline of 20c per cwt. Total receipts for the week hae been close to 70 car loads, against less than half this number last week. The top of the market tbi. morning was fo 15, and Buffalo prices were 15c below these gnre.s A Lire Stock Firm's Review. The following is thi report of the week's work by Holmes, Bonl, Briggs & Co.: 120 loads of cattle on sal Monday and Tuesday, made up of 40 loads common Chicago cattle and the others from Ohio, Indiana and West Virginir, The quality better than has been for som months past, but no prime heavy beeves were offered. Good medium grades were more pi t.ty, and on account of Eastern markets being re- Sorted better, such grades were in a better emaud at a shade stronger prices, while common and rouch grades were very dull and had to be sold at very low prices. Good 1,000 to 1.100 feeders were also in demand at strong prices. We quote good 1,300 to 1,400 at $5 005 25; good 1.100 to 1.200, ?4 004 25: good, 900 to 1,000, ?3 25(a3 C5, mixed rough and thin, iWO to 1,200, $2 75(5.3 50; bulls, cows and stags, 23c; good feeders 3.000 to 3,100, 3'-ife4c; stockers, 700 to 909 2(s3c; fresh cows and springers, 520 00(S,45 00 per head. Hogs Beceipts are liberal and prices lower; we quote select tops, 65 155 25; best Yorkers, H 754 'M: common Yorkers $4 50GJ.4 05: pigs f3 50(3.4 25; rouirlu ?3 50fe4 50. Re ceipts of sheep and hmh a."-; light and sell ing strong to 25c liigK- - good lambs; we quote 00 to 100 lbs. sheep at 45c- 80 to SiO, S4 254 CO- 70 to 80 lbs., 3fe-lc, culls, 2j(i3c. Lambs 54 50(jt5 75; veal calves, 0 (27c; grass and heavy calves, S3 004 00. Some of the Sales Reported. S. M. Lnfferty A Bro : Catt'e 22 head. 23,470 Ibs,53 50;37bcad,42.CSClbs.4 20: 14 head. 17.XO lbs ?4 75; 17 head, 22,630 lbs, $1 t-9head: 11.1M U ft (: 8 calves, 1,250 lbs $C CC Sheep -35 head, 3,359 lbs, J4 2i 42 head, 2.850 lbs, tfi 75: 25 bond. 2 33 lbs 01: 73 head. 5 780 lbs, $3 eO. IloC 33 head. 10 50 lbs, $5 10; 4G head. 7,7!!0 lb-, H 63: 110 head, 20.7CO Ilu. $5 15 K. Mct:all A t o.: Cattle 23 head, 23,770 lbs, S3 60: IS head, 21,310 lbs $3 30- 16 bend, 38,000 11.-, 85; 22 hi-Hd. 22,840 lbs $3 33, 21 head. 22,u40 lh, f I 50; 10 head, 37.760 lbs, 4 00; 28 head. 23,S1 lbs $3 35; 17 bead, 21,200 lbs, 4 43; 23 bead. i5,E70 lbs 3 40: 32 cal e. 1.050 los, Sil :i0. Shcpp 216 head, 20.770 lbs 4 25. IIo"S 72 head, 17.500 lbs 5 45: 74 head. 35 301 lbs J533: 94 head, 23,500 lbs, $3 45; 53 head, 9,700 lbs. J5 15. Drum, Dyer A Co.: Cattle2i head, 33,110 11-, 4 00: 50 head, 39,600 lb-, 50 3 head, 23, 590 His, 82 23: 34 head. 15,280 lbs, $3 55; 39 bead, 22 000 lbs $3 85: 21 bead, 21,850 lbs $3 40: 19 liead. 21,970 lbs. 3 75; 26 head. 20.73C lbs, $2 75; 17 head, lb.i-00 lb-, $3 20: 7 calve-, 8SC lbs, $0 75. Micep 113 head, 10.010 lb- $4 75; 52 head, 3265 lbs, $5 03; 54 head, 3,450 lbs, $3 50: 6i head, 5.500 lb-,'4 40. Hors 78 head. 11,630 lbs jj 15.74 head. UZ'O lbs, $5 00; 104 head, 19,500 lbf, $3 35; iuz ncna,xu,tu ids, i 12:11!) head, 20,7C'J lbs, f3 13: 87 bend, 25.620 lbs. $5 40. Itcnekc'-, Linkliorn & Co Cattle 12 head. 33 810 lbs. $4 00: 19 head, 19.SS0 lb-, $3 63: to head. 20,110 l'i-, 83 50. 21 head. 38,110 lbs. $3 30; 15 head. 16,840 lb-, $3 70: 20 lirad, 23.6J0 lb-, J4 0.1; JO bead. 17,7t0 lbs, 83 s-5; 20 head. 16,680 lbs S3 00: 31 heud. 20,900 lbs, $4 00 Sheen 116 bead, 9,350 lbs $3 25: 44 head, 2,r00 lbs. $4 60; 45 bead, 3,320 lbs, $4 50. Hors 362 head, 30 3C0 lbs, $4 90: CO head, 11.310 lbs, $4 95: 45 head ft3r 0 lbs. $3 (15; 32 head. 5.2C0 lbs, $i 95; 75 head, 11,010 lbs, 4 r5: 26 head, 8,110 lbs. $5 35; 102 liend, 0 050 lbs, $5 12 Vi Holmes Rowlen, itliesrs A Co : Cattle 23 Shcerj ReceiDts. 4.430 head: sbin- ments, 4,330 bead; market steady. DECLINES IN CEREALS. Tlio Early Strength In Wheat Doesn't Last Long A Heavy Lou In October Corn, and Slight Concessions In tbo Other rctnres Oats Quiet CHICAGO The wheat market opened strong and higher this morning, but soon weakened and scored a decided decline. There was a halt In the downward progress for a time, but the weakness was renewed, and the closing prices were the lowe-t of the day and about 3o under yesterday's last figures. Tho market opened higher on the renewed reports of serious damage to the unthroslied grain in the fields ot North Dakota and on indefinite reports about the prohibition of wheat exports by Russia, but tho latter proved to have no better foundation than previous reports of a similar tenor, and the Weather Bureau reporting the weather clear ing in the Northwest. The crowds improved the opportunity offered by the advance to load up te people who had buying orders at the start December opened at $1 00 acatnst 99Jfc at tho close yesterday. It declined without any 1 caction to speak of in tue course of the first two hours to 99Ja There was a halt on the down turn due to buying against the puts, but that was overcome by the superior weigh of the offerings, and from 99Jc to :-jc me uecunj was rapiu. for a time there was liberal buying by New Yoik on Northwestern account; the local shorts cov ered freely, and the locnl bulls were good buyer-; but it soon became evident that there was plenty of wheat for sale and the buyers became less greedy. Then New York nnd the Northwest began to weaken, and word came that importers there wero reselling. A rumor that Jfrad street's reportedan enormous Increase in the available supply helped the down turn very materially. Firm closing cables caused a rally to 99c, but weakness I ol lowed and there was another recession, this time to 9Sc, at which the market closed. Corn declined the most of the day and shows a loss at the close of2c In October, J4O in November nnd Ho In May. Thore was no news to weaken the market, except that the weather wasfavorable for thematuringof the crop The short Interest In October seems to have been pretty well covered.and the lack of support from this contingent seems to have been the main factor in the exceptional weakness in that future. Otherwise It should have been strong, as the receipts continue extremely lteht. For the rest the weakness was probably in sympathy with wheat. Oc tober opened at 57c, broke to B5)c. rallied slightly, weakened, sold on" to 54c nnd closed at 5ic, against 5G3Jc at the close yes terday. Oats were quiet and steady to firm. Thereeelptsof bogs were lieavy.-with prices lower, and the liquidation in hog products continued. Tho resnlt was that provisions wero weak in the early dealings, Dnt there was a rallv later and the close showed no significant changes, except in ribs, which are 520c Iowe.r. The leading rntures ranged as follows as cor rected br John M Oakley & Co., 4 Sixth street, member of the Chicago Board of Trade: CINCINNATI Flour steady. Wheat scarce and firm; No. 2 red, $1 00. Corn s!eadv;No. 2 mixed, 59c. Oats firm; No. 2 mixed, 31c. Rye in fair demand: No. 2. 90e. Pork easier at t6 50. Lnrd dull nt $6 23. Bulk meats quiet at $7 0CjS7 32. Butter scarce and higher: f.mcy Elgin crcamory, 32 33c: Ohio, 3132c: choico dairy 18c. Eggs strong nt 37c. Cheese strong. MILWAUKEK Wheat easy: No. 2 spring, on track, cash, 9293c; December. 93J.JC; No. 1 Northern, 9Sc. Corn firm: No, 3, 011 track, cash, 58c Oats steady: No.2 white, on track, 31c. Barley firm; October, 61J4c Ryo firm; No. 1, in store, 88c. Provisions easy. Pork January, $11 60. Lard January, 5" 52 DULUTH Wheat-Ontnlier nnd November wheat, 97c: declined steadily to the close nt OSJo bid: December opened at 97Vc, closing at 93c; May close-l at $1 03; October, No. 1 imiu. uiipseu at sc; ieopmoer, asc; may, $1 05: cash. No. 1 bard, 97c: No. 1 North ern, 96Kc: No. 2 Northern, OIJc. KANSAS CITY Wheat firm: No.2 hard, cash and October. 85o bid:"No. 2 red, casb,89e bid. Corn firm: No. 2, cash, 50c bid: Oc tober, 47c. Oats steady; No. 2, cash 26c bid; October, 26c. Eggs firm at 17a MINNEAPOLIS Wheat No. 1 hard on track, 9Kffi95c; No. 1 Northern. 92c: De cember, 93c; May. $1 0 on track, 93UC No.,2 Northern, on track, 9091c; curb, 93Jc. TOLEDO Wheat lower: cash nnd Octo ber, 99c: December, $1 01K: May,$l OS. Corn dull; cash, C5c. Oats dull; cash, 29c; Eye active; cash, 880. IT WILL BE USED FOR BUSINESS. local Pride Combining TOth Abundant Capital to Beautifj the City. ship .was picked up ot the figure named, above. " ' Bids and asking pricey at each call are bi.cii in ine suDjoine a inuie, FEATURES OF MONEY AND SPECULATION Coffee Markets. N ew TonK, Oct. 14. Coffee Options opened steadv at 3020 points down, and closed steady at 525 down: sales, 30,"51 oass, in cluding October, ll.80ll.85c-: November, ll)H.10c: December, 30.e5fi0.95e: January, 10.75(S10fi5c: February. 30.75 10.85c; Starch, 30.7510.90c: May, 30.7510.85c. Spot Kio quiet, easy; No. 7, 12c. Baltimobe Oct. 14. Coffee dull; Rio car goes fal". 36Kc; No. 7, 33Jic. New Obleaxs. Oct. 14- Coffee, Rio, ordi nary to lair, 15J17Jc. Drycoods Markets. New York. Oct. 14 Theri was a better feeling in tho drygoods mnrkct to-day and more business. The market was unchanged in tone, prices continuing firm. Print cloths were especially dull, but unohanged. The outlook for spring inspires confidence. Turpentine Markets. New Toiik Rosin quiet and easy; strained, common to good, $1 311 37. Turpentine dull and weak at 3737c. Hi-. $3 50; -21 head. 22.330 lbs. f3 40: 17 head. 21, 050 lbs. 44 30; 14 bead, 33,870 lbs, A 2.V 19 head, 22.C10 lbs, 23. Sheep 11" bead, 10,330 lbs 84 50. 51 head, 3,030 lb, $3 75: 41 head, 4 350 lbs! $4 50; 102 bead. 8.620 lb-, ?4 25. HoSs 56 head! 7,340 h 14 &i; 61 head, 11,060 lbs, $5 15. 201 lif ad, 39.23J lbs S3 00: 137 head, 20 349 lbs, $4 60 74 head, 14.240 lb-, 20; 121 head, 21,400 lbs. $3 03; 53 bead, 31,400 lbs, " 35. JobuHe-ket A Co.: Cattle 20 head, 21,033 lbs.. $3 17JJ: l'i head, 23,570 lb-., ?4 40; 39 heart. 21.880 lbs. f3 90; 21 head, 22,910 lbs.. $3 73- 20 bead, 22,401 lbs.. $3 70; !" bead, 15380 lbs S3 50: 24 head. 23.300 lbs., 40; 0 hed "1 "30 ib-.. $3 37K: 23 heifers, 21,5-0 lbs., S3 15 'phi-en 344 head. 10.750 lb-.. H 40; 44 Dead. 2,300 lbs $5 10: 71 liead. 4,130 lbs., js 50. CO bend 4 130 lbs., $3 71; 44 head, 4.510 u,s., $5 30; SO head 7,000 lbs., $3 Ml. Hoes 79 head, 13 730 lbs' $1 83: CO head, 32,260 lbs.. $4 93; 7S head 13 410 lb:-.. $5 00; 50 head, 31,320 lbs. $3 25- 07 head 13,150 lbs.. $3 20, 74 head, 10,140 lbs., tl z- 71 head, 34 40J lb-.. $3 35. S. 11. Hedges A Co.- Cattle 13 bead, 19 000 lbs, 83 GO; iO bead, 36,750 lbs, $3 00; 19 bend 22,390 lbs. 40; IS bend, 3S,370 lbs, 53 70- 8 bead, 10,503 lbs. $4 40: 7 calves. SIO lbs, $G 50 Sheep 27head, 22 730 lbs, $300. 193 head" 32 M0 lbs. J5 23; 10S head, 8,900 lbs, $1 80- 70 liead, 4,89J lbs, 85 73; 109 head, 7,560 lbs, $5 75 78 heart. 6,580 lbs, $4 40. Hogs 125 head. 20 640 3bs, i5 00: 88 head, 35,730 lbs. Si fO: 19 bend' 7 -200 lbs, 85 30: 69 head, 34,450 3bs, $5 10; 93 head 10.240 lb-, $4 70. Open- High- Low- Clos- Airna.ES. in. est. est. lug. Wheat No. 2. 1 October S 93 ? SS S tf,i $ 96 Deeember 1 O0J 1 COVi MS 88S Jiay 106 105 1 04'i 1 04 Conv NO. 2. October 57 57 54 54V November SO SOS 49'j 41K May ..... 42M 42V 42 M Oats No. 2. October 27 27T, . 275 27TI Jvovember 23 2SV( is ?&u Mav SlJi Z z',i SljJ Mess Pobk. Deeember R C7K 8 75 8 57 8 75 January 11 60 11 G7Sf 1153 11 C2' Lard. November S 3T4 0 S7f 6 32 6 33 December 6 42 6 42, 6 40 64; Januarr 6 52( 6 52 6 50 6 524 snonT Ribs. October 6I7 6 27J$ 6 10 6 25 November 6 15 6 15 6 02'i 6 10 Jannary 6 00 6 63 6 00 6 03 Metal Markets. New York, Oct. 14. Pig Iron quiet: an, sw 0UM13 ou. uopper steady; ber and November, $12 10. easier; aomestic, j 37k. and steady; Straits, $20 10. Ameri- lake. Octo- I-ead dull and Tin quiet and Wool Markets. St. Lotns-Wool Receipts, 40,700 pounds; shipments 71,800 pounds; steady, but quiet and unchanged. The Price of Bar Silver. New York. Oct, 14 Imperial. Bar silver In Ixmdon 44d per ounce; New York deal ers' price for silver, 97?gC per ounce. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. nun, iiazciwooa.vimiioir: Cattle 25 head 23,940 lbs. S3 W; 21 head. 4t;,crx) lbs, $3 37: 39 bead, 22.O0J lbs. ?3 75- 23 head, 2,9"0 lb-, 83 95 49 head. 67,270 lbs, fS 12: 21 head. 1G.190 lbs! 82 S3: 18 hend. 24.0:0 lbs il 59; 37 head. 39.010 lbs. $4 00; C heifers, 5,440 lbs, $3 25 30 calves 3,000 lbs, 3 40. Sheep 69 head, 6,270!bs, $1 IS 94 he.id, 6010 ll-s. 85 45; 137 be.id, 11.30 lbi $5 CO: 41 bead, .1.230 lbs, $6 00; f4 bend, 7,.V01bs, JS 40- 01 head. 3.OT0 lbs, 85 CO; 15 head,2,700 lbs TO 00. Hoes-7f head, 9,031 lbs. $1 70: 63 head, 33,120 lbs,"$5 i"3; 60 head. 14,010 lbs, 5 40: 70 liead, 1523) ibs. $5 33: 72 head, 13,360 lbs, 84 95: 82 head, 36,110 lbs, 5 05. Ily Telegraph. Chicago Cattlo Receipts, 21,030 head; market slow; natives lower: other steadv, prime to extra natives, S5 756 25: good to choice $5 O05 25; others, 3 I04 75; Texaus, ti 153 10: ringers. S3 004 70: stockers, 52 253 i.0: butchers' co.-, 82 25g3 00. Hogs Receipts, 33.000 head: sniproents, 30,000 bend: ir.aikct slow, loner; rough and common, $4 004 25; mixed and paokers, 84 354 45: pnme, hcnvj-nml butchers' weights, ft 50 4 7u: pitinc light, J4 43)4 ft): second class, $1 23g4 33. Sheep Receipts, 9,000 head; ship ments, 4,0.0 head: market active, natives lower, others slcady; native ewe5. 83 23 4 33: wetbeis ar.rt Yearlings, 85 005 10; Westerns, $4 COl 65; lambs $3 "55 50. ClnrlnnMi !Iogs lower; common and light, 53 234 50: iwckingand butchers'. $4 251 80; receipt. 7,200 head; shipments, 2,000 head. Catt.'e in laii demand and steady; fair to choico butcher grades $2 50g'4 23; prime to choice shippers, $1 005 25; receipts, 1,700 head; shipments, 630 head. Sheep steady: common to choice, $2 254 50: extra fat wethers andyenilings, $4 b3t 73: receipts, L60U head; thlpments, COO head. Lambs in bett-r demand and higher; common to cho:ce, $3 755 25. St. Louis - Cattle Receipts, 5,700 hoad: sblpments, 4,000 bend: lnntket lowerf good to choice natives. S5 0005 90; fair to good do. S2 905 00; Texan ami Indian steers, $2 30 3 10; canners, Jl 3C2 25. Hogs-Receipts, Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged. No.2 spring wheat, 96tf 396e; No. 3 spring wheat, 8890c: No. 2 red, 97Ke. No. 2 com, 54c. No. 2 oats, 27Jc; No.2 white.29K30c: No.3 white.28V29kc. No. 2 rye. STiic. No. 2 barler. C0.61c; No. 3, f. o. 1).. 426ic; So. 4, f. o. h., 3943e, No. 1 flax seed, 9Gje Prime timothy seed, $1 13. Mess nork. per bbl., $S C3KS 7i. Lard, per 300 lis, $0 35637K- Short rib sides, loose. 6 256 50; dry salted shoulders. boxd.$615if?i25. short clear sides, boxed, $7 107 20. Whisky, dis tillers' finished goods, per gal., $1 18. Sugars uncnangeu. On the Produce Exchnnge to-day tho but ter market was Ann and unchanged. Eggs. 1920c. NEW YOKK Flour moderately active, wca3c Wheat Spot market lower, mod erately active: No. 2 red, $1 041 05 in store and elovator; $1 C65il OS1:; afloat; $1 061 OS- f. o. b.: No. 3 ted, $1 02; un graded red, 93c$l 05: No. 1 Northern, $1 07J1 07; No. 1 hard. $1 CS; options advanced lie, declined IffBllic reacted io. and closed steady &lc under yesterday; No. 2 red October. $1 OoKlfBl 05, closing Si 05K; November, $1 C6Jil"o7, closing at 81 0: December. SI Uteil 09. closing at $1 VS; January, $1 091 10-K closing at $1 09: February, $1 11K1 11. closing at $1 11: March, $1 13J.J, closing at $1 UV: Apul, $1 UBl 15, closing at $i 34k: Jiay, $1 141 1 closing nt $1 14J-a'; June, $1 34gl 15k closing nt $1 14J. Rvo higher and dull: Western, 9CfJ9SKc Barley quiet: No. 2 Milwaukee, 7071c Corn Spot market o- ened firmer, and closed easier and dull: No.2, C'.J63c in elevator, C2;63c afloat: ungraded mixed, 61C3Jc: options advanced 'g3c, declined 3Uc on November; others lifiiic down, and closed Jffllc under yestcrdm : October, ClJc; November, 6lf C3c. closing at CIc; Ducember, 5457;ic, closing at 54c; January, a2J?52 9-lOc, closing at blo; February. 51i3iHc, closing at 52Hc; May, 5IW31c, clos ing at 51ic Oats Spot market higher nnd fairlv active: options stronger and quiet: October. 34K3tJJc: clos ing at 34Jc; November, 34eWsC. closing at 4Je: Deeember. 34'S5c. closing at 35ic:May, 37Uc: spot No. 2 w hlte,S0;: mixed rsti-rn, 33i36Xc: white do, S510c: No. 2 Chiiago, 33i435c. Hay quiet and easy. Hops easy and quiet. Tallow dull and easy, l.ggs Fancy firm; Western, 21K22Kc. Pork dull and weak;old mes, $10 Wh tiewmess, $11 00: extra prime, $10 50J11 00. Cntmeats dull; middles dull nnd went. Lard dull and easier, Western steam. 72Je bid: op tions, October. $6 70; November, 86 72 bid; December. ?6 736 76, closing at $0 75 bid; January. $6 846 Si, closing $S 85 bid; Febru ary, $6 96 bid. Butter in good demand, !?."' Nestern daily, ll23c; do creamery, lOffiJIc Cheese quiet and steady: Western, C38jc: part skims. 47,Xc. PIIILADKLPIIIA Flour firm. Whent opened firm, subsequently reacted and de ?."neAl.,,c,Io,tIns wak; No. 2 red, October, $1 0101 MVf; November, $1 O5V01 06; Decem ber, $1 071 07: January, $1 091 09k. Corn firm, with a good Inquiry for export, chiefly for January clearance, but littlo or no spec ulative trading nnd demand forlocal carlots ligut: No. 2 mixed, in grain depot, C5c: No 2 mlvod and high mixed regular, in cmin depot, 63c: No. 2 mixed October.' 63 64c; November, 575Sc; DecemberM51K52c; Jannarj-. ulji52c. Oats-Local carlots firm firm and in good demand; Pennsylvania creamery extra, 30c. Eggs active and firm; ST. LOCI? Flour baroly steady. Wheat Mary McLaughlin walked offaNew York Central Railroad train while asleep and was killed. A corporal of the Palace Gnard at Uru guay attempted to assassinate President Sa cassa Tuesday. The culprit will be court martialed. Tlnee French Cnnadian boys at Man chester, N. H., buried a 4-year-old playmate in sand, and the little fellow when liberated was dead. Spreading rails wrecked a Missouri Pa- Tuesday. Express Messenger Johnson was severely injured. No attempt has been made on Premier Mercier's life. He sent for tho officers to prevent a charivari at the house of an old widow who had Just remarried. Lord Salisbury has politoly Informed the Porte that if vessels of the Russian volnn teer fleet are allowed to pas s the Dardanelles, Great Britain claims tho same right for er "volunteer vessels." General N. P. Banks is to institute a suit against the United Stntes Government for $3,000. which he claims it has owed him since ne rourea irom tueomcoot united states Marshall, in 1889, at Boston. The Turkish Government has ordered the Governor of Scutari to disarm the Al banians The Governor says it is well nigh impossible, and would require 30 battalions of troops and result In revolution. September 14 the bark Archus, of Now Chwnng, laden with beans, was totally w recked while in a typlioon at tho entrance of Nngaski harbor. All on board perished. The crew were Chinese, except the captain and officers. Major Charles B. Throckmorton, U. 8. A., commnndant at Fort Schuyhjr, N. Y has been placed under arrest and relieved of his command, pending investigation of charges of issuing worthless checks and duplicating his pay voucners. The remains of John Whnlen, who has been missing since August 29, and for whose disappearance William Coy, with whom Whalen lived, was held responsible and wns anested on snspicion of having murdered liim, were lound buried on the mountain side, near Coy's shanty, nt Plnsfleld, Mass. Louisiana lottery and anti-lottery Demo crats seem to be about evenly matchod. At a meeting of the Stato Central Demo cratic Committee, a motion providing for the construction of the Committee of Cre dentials was carried by a vote of 39 lottery to 38 anti-lottery votes. Chairman Lanier, anti-lottery, not voting. Vltchowmade a speech at a mass meet ing of tho Freisinigge electors Tuesday evening, in the course of which ho said: "Though Germany is now united, it is capa ble of a still closer union than that based upon treaties between German princes. Though German freedom has become a com mon oxuression, it is not yet in its full reality a freedom." r Next Monday a representation will be made to tho Chicago Election Commission era that the petition on which it is proposed to print the labor ticket for municipal officers with tho regular party tickets.under the new Australian ballot law, is fraudulent in part, and that there arc not enough gen uine petitioners to entitlo the party to official recognition. Tho figures In the Indianapolis election are as follows: Sullivan wns re-elcoted Mayor over Herod (Rep.) by a majority of 2,723. Abrains (Dem.), for City Clerk, has an estimated majority of 937. Busklrk (Dem.) is elected rolice Judge over Wright (Rep.) by a majority of 1,303. The Democrats elect Oof tho Councilman at large and 9 of the 15 ward Councilmen. The Prohibitionists polled about 200 votes. The explosion of a boiler in Coleman's heading factory at Tipton, Ind., Tuesday, totally demolished the building nnd scat tered machinery all over the yards. Tho boiler was hurlod 50 feet into tho air nnd blow n into a hundred pieces. There were 50 men and boys engaged at work in the fac tory, n number ot whom were more or less injured. The plant, valued at about $15 000 is almost a total wreck. ' At Vladivostock. Siberia, September 34, 16 Russian convicts working on the new rail way attempted to escape. Two wore shot down but 14 got away. These killed threo inmates of a farm house to obtain clothing. A French oflicer was killed for the same reason, and a Rnsstan bandmaster returning from the luneral of the officer, was also killed and his body stripped. At the latest account none of the convicts had been cap tured. Canadian Cabinet Changes. Toronto, Oct. 14. It Is stated on good authority that the Minister of Bailways and Canals has been selected; that Hon. J. A. Chapleau gets the vacant position, and that Hon. J. A. QuimetJ late Speaker of the House of Commons, succeeds him as Secretary of State. Lieutenant Governor! Angers, of'Quebec, wjll enter the Cabinet at the close of his term in .October, 1892, and Sir Adolphe Caron will succeed him as Lieutenant Governor. Interest in the new postoffice district was further emphasized yesterday by a deal on Third avenue. Mr. Edward Bahm sold his property, 154, almost opposite the southern entrance to the big building, to a well known East Ender, who makes a business of operating iu real estate, and is consid ered an excellent judge of values, for 87,000, The lot is 20x110 feet to Hog alley. The building is a good three-story brick. It was occupied by Pension Agent Barclay during his term of office, and by Mr. Ben goujh until his removal to his present quar ters on Diamond street. The Interior will be remodeled and a new front will be put in to adapt it to business purposes. Tho New Departure. Until within a few years Pittsburgers al leged as a reason for the neglect of their surroundings that they were too deeply im mersed in business to look after anything else. This reasoning was considered good enough at the time, but facts show that it was untenable. Pittsburg has never been so burdened with busines as during the lastatwo or three years, and yet, at the same time,it has been found entirely practicable to adorn the city with magnificent business houses and the suburbs with beautiful homes. There is no city In the country that has improved more rapidly in this respect than Pittsburg. What the cul mination of this movement will be is be yond human power to foresee. That it will be worthy of the ancient fame of the city and in keeping with the (esthetic spirit of the age can be predicted with the utmost precision. Capitalists have contracted a love for lands and houses, and are putting their money into them in un stinted measure. This is seen in the growth of the principal streets, but more especially in the costly and elaborate improvements in the exclusively residence quarters, which are confessedly unequaled in America. AH classes of people are benefited. A fine house is an object lesson. It spurs the man of moderate means to greater effort to im prove bis condition, and stimulates all to acquire homes of their own. Not Enough Cars. Some Idea of the volume of railroad traf fic may be had from the fact that an average increase of about 7,000 freight cars a year in the last three years on the Pennsylvania system is now inadequate for the prompt handling of current business. . Business Nctvs snd Gossip. The Soho district would be the better for flagstone pavements. There is talk of the Johnson property at Wilkinsburg changing ownership. Wayne county, O., has voted by a large majority to issue county bonds to the amount of $85,000. Coal stocks arc bracing up in anticipation of a severe winter. New York money brokers report an in creased disposition to put out funds on time loans. Paris advices indicate the comparative failure of the new Bussian loan. Morris & Aisbitt report active sales of lots in Scheuley View Place. This proper ty is within convenient distance from 81 large manufacturing establishments. Railroad earnings for the first week of October, so far as reported, show nearly uniform and gratifying increases. Anthracite coal companies are busier than they were this time last year and many large contracts are iu view. An advance in prices is predicted. Considerable of the preferred stock of the Electric and Manufacturing Company was subscribed for yesterday. Pittsburg and Western Bailroad earnings for the first jweek In October show a de crease of $9,965. London prices yesterday showed an im provement of ' per cent. Hew York was irregular, with best prices not sustained. James E. Walker has sold to James Wal lace a farm in North Fayette township for 54,750. Movements In Realty. The inquiry and search for sites In the business districts continue, and a majority of the men one meets have a scheme of some of some sort to buy or lease. Advices from the new industrial settlements around the city are all favorable. They are prospering finely. New activities are coming in with gratifying regularity and none languish. Black & Baird sold the property 344 Cedar street, Bloomfield, being a two-story frame dwelling of six rooms and a small frame house in the rear, with lot 40x125 feet to an alley, for $3,200 cash. A. Z. Byers & Co. sold another lot for the Bidgeview Land Company to George F. Young, being No. 155 in their plan on the line of tho California avenue electric road, Eleventh ward, Allegheny City, in size 24x110 to an alley, for $575 cash. They re port quite an active market for lots in this plan. John K. Swing & Co. sold for Thomas Mcllwain to John Wnrdock a vacant lot, 20x100, on James street, Third ward, Alle gheny, for Sl,150.cash, Also sold two lots in the P. G. Bohrkaste sub division, on Grant avenue, to John Linhart, for $550 cash. Baxter, Thompson & Co. sold lot No. 12 Buch Place plan, fronting 22 feet on Kirk patrick street and extending back 125 feet to a 20-foot alley, for $300; also, lot No. 522 in Butler Place plan, Eighteenth ward, fronting 20 feet on View street and extend ing back 100 feet to a 20-foot alley, for $200 cash. An Off Day for Builders. The only important building permit taken ont yesterday was issued to N. Seibert for a brick two-story dwelling on Pairmount street, to cost $6,000. Three others were granted for small improvements of a total estimated value of $2,470. FIRST " SECOND THIRD EXCHANGE CALL. CALL. CALL. STOCK. B A B A B A P'g Pet.S.AM.E. 390 395 873 400 Arsenal Hank.... 715,.... 7LS'.... 71K.... Alle. Nat.Bank 63 .... 03 ...': 63 LtbertTNat.Hank 103'J- '. MasonlcBank 59 Met. Nat. flk 110 Mon.Nat.Bank 133 Third Nat.Bank 110 Birmingham Ins 43 .... Germanlns go llnmboldtlns 10 Man. 4 Mer. Ins 50 Tentonlelns 62 Western Ins. Co 50 Allegheny II. Co 75 Char. V.Gas Co 6 5 6 Fis'he?:: 11 m m- m " Central Traction, mi 21 '.'.'.'. ','". "" "21 Citizens' Tract... 59 61 59 61 Pittsburg Tract.. 42 42 4: .... Aiic'9?nvVRl2" W4 aj SM aH a a p., v. & a..'..." "33 "46 ;;;: .":; "a o P.. Y. & A. pfd.. 50 - Pitts. Cas. Shan "" ". s P. &V. B.R. Co 9 9 ...I " ...! P. W.pfd...... 18 19M . .... Mans. C.AC.Co 31 N.Y.&C.G.C.CO. 33 39K.... RedCloudM. Co 3U "" La Norla M. Co jb & ii?5'""'" 1J 12 12$ ilKi I2 S West'honse Elcc nJ Mop. Water Co.. 27Ji 17 Zlii 23 27i....' Union Storage Co 52 UnlonS.&Slg.Col 9 9 .... io g 9 ntshert by Whltnev and Stephenson, broicrs. No.57 Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex- cnauge. WALL STREET'S REVIEW. THE BEAR ELEMENT IN COMPLETE CONTROL OF STOCKS. Pennsylvania Railroad Reading Railroad Buffalo, N. N. Al'lilla Lehigh Valley Northern Pacific Northern Pacific, preferred., Lehigh Navigation , Bid. , 20 1-14 . 8 . 503 . 23 . T3H , 49 Asked. 54S 20 9 SI 3 74 49.1 Mining Stock Quotations. New York, Oct. 14. A'llce. 130; Aspen, 300; Best and Belcher. 250; Chollnr, 120; Crown Point, ISO: Consolidated California and Vir ginia, 525: Deadwood T, 200; Eureka Consol idated, 150; Gould ft Cnrry, 170; Homestake, 3053; Horn Sliver, 340; Iron Silver. 340; Mex ican. 225; Ontario, 3800; Ophir, 323; Plymouth, 225; Savage; 272; Sierra Nevada, 220; Standard, 340; Union Consolidated, 220; l ellow Jacket, 150. THE TBEHD 01? MONEY. All Coalers and Reading Buoyant for a Time, But Soon Join the Downward ', Proces sion No Exceptions to the Rale of Declines Bonds Active. New York, -Oct. 14. The stock market was again completely under tho control of the bearish trading element to-day, and with the exception of a few outside buying or ders and some trading by London on both sides of tbo account there was nothing but professional transactions throughout the entire day, and while there were a few spurts of activity in a few shares, like Lackawanna, Louisville, Union Pacific and Atchison, the dealings were on a small scale, the general market being narrower than for some time past. The short interest n the market was, if anything, further in creased by the day's operations and is growing Into very large proportions. The ODening or the market was steadv nnd quiet, but while tho Coalers resumed their upward movement of yesterday, nnd Lack awanna rose 1 per cent, and Reading , the rest of the list drooped from the outset, and the first drive was made at Louisville, which was depressed i per cent.. Northern Pa cific preferred following. Later in the day the Coalers received attention and lost not only their early advance but fractions in ad dition, and later Union Pacific was knocked down to 39K. Considerable pressure was d Irected against Atchison, but little Impression was made upon It, and Missouri Pacific also resisted nil effort to got it down. Tho general list was dull and as a rule featureless, but sym pathized with the leaders and prices slowly bnt steadily melted away throughout the day. One of the most important declines was In Lake Shore, which was driven down 1 per cent in the iast hour, on compara tively high transactions. The market reached the lowest point In tho last hour and covering again caused a rally toward the close, but while Lake Snore rose to 123 the general list finally closed quiet and heavy to weak at or near the lowest figures of the day. The final changes are all declines, and Union Pacific lost 1, Louisville and Nashville 1, and C, C, C. & St. L. 1 per cent. Railroad bonds were more animated and showed none of the weakness existing in stocks except in the Atchison Incomes late in the day. The dealings were $1,039,000. The anal changes are generally advances. Atchison Inc.. (HVf RMf Fours 82V& 82M AandP Inc.. 14a 14 llCRtN lsts 93J4& 98H VU1IB. ........ ev VJf Bur. Deb 10OiaiOO Neb 86 86 Neb. Convt...l08H3108 Iowa BaMw!; CStLSPlst.lOl (ainoV Ccn.Ohlo4Ks.lO) O103 CJt O66 101W&101X R A lsts 7l3iS71)i CCO&SLdiv85 85 Can Son Ids... 97M SIX CoiMid4s 70 eos csrsr ....va wis Cl.t Can lsts. 89. (S 88 D.tRG 4s.... 79Ji7H V LtX W ltAHS.jau (OilAJ Kriprd eons. ..105 laiOo C & Eric lsts.. 94(4 i K T 11 Alt V . 1CJ IUU I IU., Lex. 1st 81 (A 81 nisraiidv lsts Si a 81 Ft W & D lstsl01U101!f Jl'F valos S3 (i si Interna'12ds.. 7? &" IC lsts 86Via85V KIT i7!)i Knox&O lsts 102 (3102 Ky Cen 4s 80 8034 I,, St L & T Is 83HW 85 LA N G 51 6s.ll3H(ail3M M C Cons 122 &m MLSi W CXlOO W100 Mo.Par. col.t. 79 (31 79 Mil AN 1910. .110 fiillO N.P.5S KTilSiiZH on a .n l-ts... TJWtti 7'4 Montana ini,101V NCA St L 4s. . 93V 93V S J C5s CS..109!ifiai09)? Reg 108)i108K NO A St L69.12 mv, Jtrres ;oi( X YCenex5s.I02 N.'ndebnew.lMJSi NOntAWls..lll rives .. 7w. Orelmplst...l00!i Flves.-i. 63 i Ores L 6s.. .,.101 (S101 l-cnns 105 (3105 RI5scnn lto raino Readlng'43.... 81KY3 81 Conditions Extremely Favorable and Calls Met Wlthont Inconvenience. There were no now features in the local money market yesterday. Bankers were somewhat critical as to the paper they were offered, and accepted nono bnt the best. This reasonable and necessary precaution was not tho result of apprehensions of a stringency, for thero was no lack of funds, but was in line with the well-settled policy to protect customers and established inter ests. Rates were unchanged at 607 per cent. Clearings were $2,386,280 6, and balances $363,04303. The Financial Chronicle remarks: "The condition of Newlork banks is extremely favorable. While there are heavy lenders to other sections, last week's exhibit showed that they are receiving from Europe and and other sources mnch more than they are paying out. Yet the movement of gold has hardly begun. While last year our banks at this period were striving to save their sur plus, this year their condition betokens that bv conservative management they will be able to meet demands without tho slightest inconvenience." At New York yesterday money on call was easy, ranging from 3 to 4 per cent.; last loan, 3; closed offered at 3; prime mercantile paper,5-K7K: sterling exchange qniet and steady at 480 for 60-day bills and 4S3Ji for demand. Closing- Bond Quotations. U.S. 4s re? 116S Q015 COUp IlOJf UO ZS ..........1UU do4.Sscoap. Pacific 6s of '95 Ill Louisiana stamped 4s 8Si Missouri 6s Tenu. new set. 6s. ...104 do do Ss 101 do do Ss 69 Canada So. 2ds 93 Cen. Pacific lsts 106H Den. A R. G. lsts.. ..117 do do 4s 791 Den. AR.G. West lsts KrleJUs 104K M. K. A T. Gen. 6s.. 77s do do 53 43l Mutual Union 6s 105 N. S. C. Int. Cert...imK Northern Pac. lsts..U5K do do 2nds ..lCffllf Nortbw'rn Consols. .135 do debentures 5s. .105 Oregon A Trans. 6s. . St. L. A Iron M. Gen. . 85i Casdles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, per set. 8,4c; parafflne. Hl2c. Bile Head Carolina, BftQTJse: choice. 6M6s'c: Louisiana, 53fl36c. Starch Pearl. 4c; corn starch, 66Kc; gloss starch. C37c. FOBEtoi? Fruit Layer raisins. K00; London laVers. 82 25: Muscatels, 41 75; California Musca tel?, tl 6031 75; Valencia. r5!4c; Ondara Valencia. 66Mc; sultana. 10l5c; currants, KiS'ict Turkey prunes, G6lc; French prunes. 89)jc: Salnnlca prunes. In 21b packages 9c: cocoanuts, 3 100. $6 00: almonds, Lan $lb, )c:doIrlca. 17c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts. Nap.. ll14c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs. llMc: new dates, IHiSAc: Brull nuts, 10c; pec-ins. 1410c; citron. ? ID, 1718ct lemon peel. 12c "fr lb: orange peel. 12c. Dried Frcits Apples, sliced, lie B: apples, evaporated, 1214r;neaehes. evaporated, pared. 20 (ffi21c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared. 13 18c: cherries, pitted. 15c: cherries, unpltted. 8c: raspberries, evaporated, 2324c; blackberries, 6H 7c: huckleberries. 8c. Sugars Cubes. 4Sc; powdered, 5c: granulated. ic;cnniecuoners- a. 4kc:soii winir. i-wapc; yellow, choice. -t0c; yellow, good. 3iiic; yel low, fair. 3Hffi31c. PICKLES Medium. bbIs(I,2C0); S3 00; medium, half hbls (6001. ft 00. Salt No. 1 9 bbl. $1 00; No. I. extra. W bbl, tl 10; dalrv. 31 bbl. 81 3): coarse, crystal, ft bbl. t 3): Illgglns' Eurrka. 4-bn sacks, S2 SO; Ulgglns Eureka. IS 14-lb pickets, S3 00. Ca.n-.ved Goods standard peaches. II 90$2 00; 2ds. $1 50(31 60; extra peaches. 2 202 30: pie peaches. DOJ-OSc: finest corn. Si ivai 50; Hfd Co. corn. II Cuat 13; red cherries, tl 2031 30; Lima beans. ?1 3i: soaked, do. 80c; string do, 633oc; marrow fat peas, tl iot 25; soaked peas, GS370c; pineapples. ?1 5C1 60; Bahama do. (2 25: damson plums. (1 10: greengages. 1 50; egg plums, ft 90; California apricots, tl 902 10: California pears, $2 2Vft2 40: do greengages, tl 10: do egg plums. tl 90;extrawhltecherrles.S2 85: raspberries, tl ova 1 :0; strawlicrrles. njciasi 10: gooseberries. $1 003 I 0: tomatoes. S")95c: salmon. l-!t. tl 3031 80: blackberries. 80c; succotash. 2-tb cans soaked. 90c; do green. 2-lb cans, tl 2nABl 50: corn beef, 2-lbcans, ?1 8S1 90; I-lb cans tl 39: baked beans. tl40l M; lobsters. 1-Ib cans. 2 25; mackerel. 1-Ih cans, boiled, ti 50: sardines, domestic Ms I3S.Y34 00: )s t50; sardines. Imported Ms til 5012 50; sar dines. Imported Ks 11800; sardines mustard, S3 30; sardines, spiced. 3 50. Fisn-Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel; (30 00 bbl; extra No. I do mess, $28 So; No. 2 shore mackerel, 820 00: No. 2 large mackerel. J18 00: No.3 large mackerel, fl4 00: No. 3 small mackerel. $10 00. Herrlng-dnllt. $650: lake. $325 ?( 100-lb bbl. White fish. $475 100-lb half bbl. bake trout, $5 50 1 half bbl. Finnan haddles, 10c a lb. Iceland hat llbut. 12c 9 lb. Pickerel, half bbl. $4 00: quarter bbl, l 60. Holland herring. 75c. Walkoil herring. Oatmeal f5 506 00 $ bbL 6s St. L. A San. Fran Gen. SI 10S! St. Paul Consols 124& St. Paul, Chi. A Pac. lsts 114 Tex. Pac. L. G. Tr. Rets 81 Tex. Pac. R. G. TT. llcts 32 Union Pac. lsts 107 West Shore 101 Jf Bank Clearings. St. Loms Clearings, $4,109,648: balances, $462,791. Money, 7S per cent. Exchange on New York, 25c discount. Chicago New Yoik exchange, par. Money, 6 per cent. Clearings, JI5,660,000. Memphis New York exchange selling at 1 premium. Clearings, 8483,912; balances, $135, 608. New Orleans Clearings, $1,361,448. Philadelphia Clearings, $11,610,225; bal ances, $1,751,602. Money, 4 per cent. Baltimore Clearings, $2,317,262; balances, $199,543. Rate, 6 per cent. New York Clearings, $125,655,410; balances, $5,565,272. Boston Clearings. $16,851,123: balances. 41.- 637.63L Money, 4K5 per cent. Exchange on New York, 815c discount. Grain, Flour and Feed. There were no sales on call at the Grain Exchange to-day. Beceipts as bulletined, 31 cars, of which 15 were by Pittsburg, Tt. Wayne and Chicago Railway, as follows: 3 cars of oats, 2 of barley, S of flour, 1 of wheat, 1 of middlings, 1 of feed, 1 of bran. By Pitts burg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars of oats, lofhay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 8 cars of rye, 1 of barley. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of hay, 1 of leed. Cereal markets are steady all along the line, and choice hay continues firm at quotations. Following quotations are for carload lots oa track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices from store. Wheat-No. 2 red. Jl Oliai 02. Corn No. 1 vellow shelf. 65a65Kc: No. 2 vellow low shell. 64,6'c; high mixed shell. 6j4(!34c: mixed shell. sMSKVic: No. 2 yellow ear. 6ma69Sc: high mixed ear."63ae3.Kc: mixed car, 6667c; new yellow ear corn. 50c. OATS No. 1 oats. 3536c: No. 2 white. iilffi35ic; extra. No. 3 oats. 3431',c; mixed oats. 33a334c. RYX No. I Pennsylvania and Ohio. I092c. BARLEY-6S375C. DAIRY PRODUCTS FIRM. CHOICE CREAMERY UUTTER NOT IN SUPPLY EQUAL TO DEMAND. VlHt. Seconds . R A W Pt 6 TrSs KOW Is., . 674(S eix , 494,(3 49H , 83X 85 .55-0155 , 76HIS 76 St PMAM 2ds.U3kf3113J4 StL S 1st RlSim 69 S Vis 75Hia75 St Paul (! I enAUlilHHM'i mi 51 It 101 .iaioi $ Sllnn 113 (S113 TSLi KClst MH(a MH Texas P lsts.. 84 (3 84 Seconds 32 32 TAOCenlsts.104 (3ir4 Union l-s r.-IOaJSCSICSX Va SIIdA G M. SI S 80 Wabash lsts..l01,aiol uenemurcs 47 (a 47 do 2ds 78 H&7S1 WScoun 101ffll0iV ill IMS oo.'ttg oo;si.m,K ivi,-a(3iiuui The totnl sales of stocks to-dav were 233, 923 shares including Atchison, 21,652: Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western, 16,530; Chi ago Gas, 3,965; Erie, 13,290; Louisville and Nashville, 24,830; Missouri Pacific, 8,693; Northern Pacific preferred, 15,535; Reading, 11,800; St. Paul, 18,525; Union Pacific, 3a,200. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New l'ork Exchange yesterday. Corrected dally for TnE Dispatch by Wiiitsbt A Stepiien-sov, oldest Pittsburg members of New York Stock Exchange, of 57 Fourth t venue: HOME SECURITIES. BEARS MAKE A RAID ON VALUES, BUT DAVE POOR SUCCESS. Memberships Used as a Decoy to Excite Interest A Weak reeling But No Breaks Features of the Unlisted De partmentsBusiness and Flgares. Yesterday was a dull day in the stock market. Speculators-Tin the bear side did their utmost to depress quotations, but re sults wero hardly worth tho trouble. A few concessions wero mtdo, but none of them were important or significant. Some one, presumably hard np or wanting money to invest in real estate, let a mem bership go at $375. They were tossed about quite lively at the last call, but when cornered np those offering them away down took water. These maneuvers were some what mysterous, but were probably in tended to inject a little lifo 'Into the pro ceedings. At the last call Birmingham bonds were offered at 97, with 93 bid. There was no bid for-Liucoln school district bonds. Electric scrip was wanted at 70 and offered at 75. Electric was weak, but nobody wanted to sell it. Subscriptions wero taken hero, in Boston and New York for tho preferred stock. For Birmingham Traction stock 16Ji were bid. Dnqucsne was steady around 12. Siles wero few and scattering. At the first call 3C0 chares or Luster changed hands at 12. This was the event of the imy. The only sale at second call was that of ten shares of the same stock at 12J Tho third call was a failure, but after call a member- American Cotton Oil American Cotton Oil, pfd Am. Surar Refininsr Co Am. S. Refining Co., pfd.. Atcn.. Top. & s. r Canadian Pacific Canada Southern Central of New Jersey Central Pacific Chesapeake A Ohio u. &u., isi pia C. A O.. 2d pfd Cblrago OasTrust C, Bur. AQufncy C, Mil. ft St. Paul ('., Mil. ft St. Paul, prd.... C, Rock I. A P a, St. P. II. A O C., St. P. M. A O.. pfd .... C. A Northwestern C CCA I Col. Coal A Iron Col. A Hocking Val Del , Lack. A West Del. & Hndssn Den. A Rio Granda 32. T.. Va. A Ga Lake Erie A West Lnfce Erie A West., pfd.... Lake Shore A 31. S Louisville A Nashville,.... Michigan Central Mobile A Ohio Missouri Pacific National Cordage Co National Cordage Co., pfd. National Lead Trust....... New York Central N. Y C. A St. L N. Y., C. A St. L., 1st pfd. N. Y.. C. ft St. L.. 5d nfd. N. Y., L. E. A W ' ... N. Y.. L. E. A W.. pfd.., N.Y.AN. E .. N.Y.. O.AW , Norfolk A Western , Norfolk A Western, pfd.. North American Co Northern Pacific , Northern Pacific, pfd , Oregon Improvement Pacific Mafi , Peo., Dec. A Evaus Philadelphia A Reading... P., Cin., Chi. ASt.L...... Pullman Paloce Car Richmond A W. P. T Richmond A W. P. T. pfd. St. Paul A Dulufli pfa:.... St. Paul. Minn, ft Man.... Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash Wabash nfd Western Union Wheeling L.E Wheeling A L. E. pfd DIs. A Cattle Feed. Trust. 5S 8214 33 92Jj 115 72 V j 33H 112'4 2V.i 6S m High Low. est. est. 100)4 100 59 94K 101 16 22X 193V 13 "97 109 14' 404 13'," 80' 82' 78 52H 82!,' 92H 115X 72 3S!4 3V4 143J4 21 'i C654 124 59 Do 101 30) 22,'f 47H 30 69! 39H 20k '53i Wit van 0 "ss" 4l)i 13X 109M 41 1.V, 30' 82Ji 37 5 73 62H Boston Stock Closing Prices. Huron... Grapes in Plenty and Active Steady Cereal Markets All Along the Line, and Hay Strong Lumber Is Qniet and Un changed. Oma of Pittsburg Dispatch, i Wednesday. Oct. 14. f Country Produce Jobbing Prices Markets in dairy product lines are still active and prices are firm at the advance noted yesterday. Leading jobbers report that they are unable to supply demand for choice grades of creamery butter. While there is a sufficiency of common and low grades, markets are well nigh bare of first class stock. New York cheese is also firm, with a tendency to higher prices. Potatoes have been coming in more freely the past few days, and our markets are now well supplied with good stock. Sweet potatoes are slow at prices quoted. In fruit lines grapes have the call. Receipts are large, but demand is good, and markets show a nrmer reeling since tne weeic opened. Bptter Creamery. Elgin, 3l35c; Ohio brands, 3031u; common country butter, 20 22c; choice country rolls. 3c31c. Beans Newlork and Michigan pea. S235Q240; marrow, 2 502 6C; Lima Deans, 4J44Jc lb. BESWAX-3235c S Id for choice: low irrade. 22 25c. Buckwheat Flour 44Ko ? lb. Cider Sand refined, tl o07 10; common, 13 0 4 00; elder vinegar. 1213c. Cheese Ohlocheese. 9410e; New York cheese, lOfflllKc: Llmburger,12312ic; Wisconsin Sweitzer. full cream. MHWi Tmnorted Sweitzer, 2728c. Chestnuts f2 503 CO? bushel. Eggs 2222J.sc for strictly fresh nearby stock! Southern and Western eggs, 20g21c. Feathers Extra live geese, 57J8c; No. t, 4S 60c ? lb: mixed lots, 3P40c. Fruits Apples x350c per bushel, $1 f 032 CO per barrel: peaches. 75r$l 00 per basket, $2 25(32 50 per bushel: pears. 75cl 00 per basket; ti 502 CO per bushel: Concord grapes. 10-pound basket. 1820c; Delaware grapes. 3C35c a basket. Cranberries Jerseys $1 25 per box. Cape Cods, ?2 50 per box. Honkt New crop white clover, 183200; Cali fornia honey. 1215c lb. Maple STRUP-7Maoc ? gallon. M -LD Sugar 10c ?s ft. POULTRY Alive Chickens ej73caoalr. large; 3050c. medinm. Live turkeys 10c ? lb. Dressed chickens. 1214c t lb. Potatoes Carload lots, tl 30O1 35 a barrel: from store. o055c a bushel: Southern sweets. $1 251 50 a cerrei: .jerseys vz -jtuz ui. Quinces Si coG 00 barrel. Seeds Western reckoned medium clover Job bing at 85 39; mammoth. $3 55: timothy. $145 for prime and tl 50 for choicest; blue grass. $2 632 80: orchard grass, tl 75: millet, tl 10: German, tl 23; Hungarian. St 1G: fine lawn, 25c lb; seed buck wheat. $1 40MI 60 Tallow Conntrv. 4c: cltv rendered.-5c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, $5 M!l CO: fancy. $ 036 50; Jamaica oranges, (6 50(37 50 a barrel; Callrorntapcachcs.fl40150abox:Callfornla pears. t3 C04 00 a box; banan.19.81 01 75 firsts. ?1 MXS1 23 goodsecondsperbnnch; Tokar grapes $4 50.,00a crat; Malaga grapes (5 005 50 a naif barret; Ja maica plncanpies 15c apiece. Vegetables Cabbage. 4045c a bushel basket; Yellow Denver onions. 2 25(92 50 a barrel: toma toes, 7S0c per bushel; cucumbers, 5G(60c per bushel; celery. 25030c per dozen; egg plant. tl25 a bushel basket; roasting ears, 6075c a bushel b&Aet; cabbage, 3040c: turnips, 1 iol 23 a bar rel. Groceries. Tne movement in this department of trade is quiet. Wholesale grocers report business not so brisk this week as last. Prices re main unchanged. Green CorrEE-Fancy. 2222Sc; choice Rio, 20.J52Ic; prime Rio, 20c: low grade Rio,3819c: Old Government Java. 27H29c; Maracalbo, 2223c; Mocha, 2S21c: Santos. 1923c; Caracas 23&2tc; LaGuavra, 2223c. Roasted (lu papers) Standard brands. 21c: high grades, 2427r: Old Government Java, bulk, 29J(3 3t,Sc; Maracalbo, 23'()24c; &antos,20M2l$c; pea berrv, 26c; choice Kio. 21 He; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio. 20Hc: ordinary. 381$l;c. Spices (whole)-Cloves, 33l5c: allspice, I0e; cas sia. 6c: pepper. He; nutmeg, 75S0c. Petroleum (Jobbers' prlces)-llO test, 6Mc; Ohio, 120J, 7Jjc: headlight. 150, 7hc; water white, aSWc; globe, 1414Kc: elalne. 15c:carnadlnc, lie; royallne, 14c; red oil, 10MHc; purity, 14c; olelne. 14c. Miners' Oil No. 1 -n Inter, strained. 4244c $ gallon; summer, 3337c: lard oil, 5558c. SYRUP Corn svrun. "Si532c: choice sugar svrniv 3730c; prime sugar syrup, 3l35c; strictly prime, 3537c. S. O. Molasses Fancy new crop, 43c; choice, 42gH3c; medium. 3840c: mixed, 35f3ac. boda Bl-carb. In kegs. 3"s3Me: bl-carb, in H 55c; bl-carb, assorted packages, SX6c; salsoda, In kegs, Ujc; do granulated. 2c. ftnrlno $5 255 50: clear winter. t4 7.y&3 CO: straight XXXX Dawers- w ,n CO. Kye nour. S3 0UB5 25. SIILLTEED-No. 1 white middlings 530023 50? ton: No.2 white middlings $21 U)21 50: brown, middlings. $18 00(319 00: winter wheat bran, $15 50 15 75: chop feed. t22 O02l 00- Hay Baled timothy, choice. tl2 7513 CO: No. 1 $11 C011 50: No. 2 do. $10 0010.50: clover hav. $9 00 9 50: loosefrom wagon. $11 0013 00, according.to quality: packing hav. $7 C07 50. STBAW-Oats. $5 736 00; wheat and rye. S3 50 5 75. Provisions. Sngar cured hams large $ Sugar cured bams, medium Sngar cured hams, small Sugar cured California hams sugar cured n. bacon Sugar cured skinned hams, large Sugar enred skinned hams, medium.... Sugar cured shoulders Sugar cured boneless shoulders Bacon shoulders Dry salt shoulders Sugar cured d. beef, rounds Sugar cured d. beef, sets Bugar cured d. beers, flats Bacon, clear sides Bacon, clear nellies ,.... Dry salt clear sides, 10-ft average Drv salt clear sides. 20-lb averase Mess pork, heavy not) jues pom, lamuv 13 00 Lard, refined, in tierces 6 Lard, refined. In half barrels 6S Lard, refined. 60-lb tubs 6 Lard, refined. 20-lb palls 7" j.nu, viiaeu, ov-10 tin cans...... 6' L.aro, rennen. 3-lb tin palls Lard, refined. 5-th tin nails .Lard, refined, 10-0 tin palls 7 13 10 8 10 23 10 25 M ai? .I Lumoer. The situation in this line is practically as it was a week ago. The movement is fairly active, bnt less so than at this time a year ago. Prices are unchanged and are as fol lows: PINE UNPLANED YARD QUOTATIONS. Clear boards, per 51 $52 0C55 00 Select common boards, per 51 30 00 Common boards per M ' 20 00 Sheathing 18 00 Pine frame lumber per M 22 C027 CO oningies, no. i, lain, per Jl. ...... ...... 4 7a shingles. No. 2, 18 In. per SI 3 50 Lath 300 HARD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Ash. 1 to 4 la Black walnut, green, lug run , Black walnut, dry, log run Cherry , Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In.. .., Dry white oak plank. 2to4 In , Dry white oak boards, 1 In , West Va. yellow pine, lln West Va. yellow pine, 1H in West Va. yellow poplar, W to 1 In.. Hickory, fKto3ln Hemlock building lumber, per M... Hunk rails , Boat studding Coal car plank PLANED. . Clear boards, peril Surface boards Clear, -tncli beaded ceiling Partition hoards, perM Flooring. No. 1 Flooring, No-. 2 Yellow Dine floorlnr Weather-boarding, molded, Weathcr-boarflinir. innhlpd. Weather-boardlng. ji-lnch.. hahd woods jobbing price?. Ash .. J30 OttJWi 00 vi atuut lug run, Krcen... ......., Walnut log run. dry White oak plank, green ,., White oak plank, drv White oak boards, dry West Virginia yellow pine, 1 In.. WestVa. yellow pine, X in...., Yellow poplar Hickory, in to 3 In Hemlock Bunk rails. No. 1 . No.2. .$10 01355 00 . 4.5 00-350 00 . CO 00375 00 . 40 0O-S8O00 . 20 00323 00 . 22 oor&s 00 . 20 003.23 00 . 2O002S0O . 25 00330 00 . 13 00(325 00 . 18 002SCO . 13 50014 00 14 00 14 00 13 00 60 00 . 30 0C35CO 26C0 3500 3000 2500 , 20CO&I0 00 30 CO 23 00 2000 Boatstuddlni Coal car plan nk 1 UIIHJUU 33 00330 00 17 O0CS19 00 20 00322 00 18 00323 03 19 00321 00 20 00323 00 M0O32O0 20 00325 03 10O010 5O 14 00 14 00 15 00 SICK HEADACHE. '-Carter's Little Liver Plus. SICK HEADACHECarter, , UMe Liver P1DJ. SICK HEADACnE.fjy.jLujjgjjjpjjj BICK H114J)ACHECartcr,sLjtteLlTerpinj, UBOKEKS-MNANCZAL, Whitney cc Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. ap39-33 8AV1NGS BANE. 81 FOURTH AVENUE, 'amtoT. $300,000. Surplus $51,670 29. D. McK. LLOYD. EDWARD E. DUFP. J President. Asst. Sec Treas. T per cent interest allowed on time de BOSita. OC1540-O i JohnM. Oakley,& Co, BANKEBS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds. Grata-Petroleum. Private wire to New York and CWcagCa 45 SIXTH ST.. Pittsburg. Atch. A Ton. Boston A Albauv.. Boston ASIalne.'... Chl.BurftQulucy., Fltchhurglt.R..... Flint ft I'ereM,... Mass. Central Mex. Cen. com N. Y. A N. F.ng. N.Y.AN. Eng. uiu juivn 42X 202 174 97.1S .... ii .... 2ti 17 .... 22-ji .... 33k 7s. 119 5nv IRS AllouczMlnConcw. 2U Atlantic 13 Boston A llont 44U Calumet A Uecla. ...2H WILL Kcarsage 14 Osceola. 3i 8antaFe Copper..... 40 Tamarack 1"0 nnlsou Land Co.... 35 San olego Land Co.. 19 West End Land Co.. IS Bell Telephone 182 Lamsom Stores 18 Water Power Ja Cent. Mining........ J N. E. Tele. A Telep 49!i Butto ft Boston cop. 16)4 Electric Stock Quotations. Boston, Oct. 14. fipecia!. Tho electric dutch, quuiations are: Eastern Electric Cablo Co, pref Thomson-Houston Electric Co Thomson-Houston E. Co nref M. Wayne Electric Co ' P Westlngliouso Trust Rrceliits T. H. if. Co. (series D).!. European Welding Co.......'.','.".".".' Bid. ,t4f)"cb 26 25 13 S7K 13 73 750 50 00 Asked. $S2 874 48 25 28 tO 13 50 14 00 igjf,;1. t Eft fr.-'SrNl ES" u7 ca i-sms ?9ctssv4Jir!sa 9S1 Ji1- grtJTSrr.-JLJwJJr-tiJg &i??es:?&Jaa4 s &rsti s mi&m sSSaaMKI 63 B K m IhrJ & avs wssax mm PURIFY-BLOOD CLEAB, THE COMPLEXION, BEIGHTEN THE EYES, SWEETEN THE BREATH, TONE THE STOMACH, HEGTJXATE THE LITER. AND BOWELS. and BUILD UP THE WHOLE SYSTEM TO PERFECT HEALTH. efftcttvecinsoHoofland's Podephytiin Pills Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Follde;phla ttoclu, far. J -OU-cS-Th DR. WILLIAMS' INDIAN PILE OINTMENT will cere Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs, the tumors, allays the Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Prepared only for Piles and Itching oil the private parts. Every box is warranted. Judge Coons, of Jlaysville, K. T., says: "Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint ment cured me after years of suffering." Bold by druggists sent by mail on receipt of price. CO cents and L00 per box SOLD BY JOS. FLEMING &SON, 410 and 412 Market Street, Pittsburg. 1 ijjJrjEjr" ft&fHrfr:4rii HiimiiWimfii iffy t&yJuHKUjUQuHKPffi iJMHPmMHBMMBBHH Jgpejmgemfagj& SSJW.yff-8rS5?ni3BMSB?!B TPIJSSmtiTiBStrnt1 m TrTSBBSywJSIjr m 1 1 .i.! ! i iii i jT3issssiii1i