THE PITTSBUHG- DISPATCH, SUN DAT, ' OOTOBEB 11, 1891. THE TAEIFF DID IT. Our Trade Largely Increased During the Past Eleven Months BY THE M'KISLEI BILL'S.ACTIOX. One Hundred Millions More Goods Were Imported Free of Duty. THE GOOD EFFECT OP RECIPROCITY "VVashixgton, Oct. 10. The Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department has mide public a report of creat Talue upon the foreign commerce of the United States for aomraratlve periods under the old and new tariSs. During the 11 months from October 1, 1890, to August 31, 1S91, under the new tariff, the total value of our foreign com merce, imports and exports combined, was $1,603,782,206, an increase of 5T4,76S,639 over the value of our foreign commerce during the prior corrcf ponding periods. The aver age animal of our foreign commerce from 1871 to 1M1, Mas $33,314,352. It will be observed the increase during the first 11 mocths under the new tariff, was nearly dutible this average annual increase. In the 11 months endins August 31. 1891. the value of our imports was S7C3,210,965, an increase ot 2o,6Sl,31G over the imports of the corresponding months of th6 prior periods. The value ot exports, iS4C,3vl,301, an increase o! S4P,CS7,323 over prior years. The value of the imports, free ot duty, dur ing 11 months ending August 31,1891, was S?64,6G,336. an increase of S112,013,081 during the first 11 months under the new tariff IXCRKASE IN FREE IMPORTS. During these 11 months, 47 58 per cent of the total imports were free of duty, lor the corresponding months of the prior year, 34.27 per cent were free, an increase ot 13.71 in tLc per centage oi free goods imported under the new tariff. The value of imports free of dutv during the fiscal year 1890 was $2G3,f6S,629 the largest in any year in the liistory of our commerce. The value of free imports for the first 11 months under the new tariff was 598,992,707 greater than for the vear 1890, and ?10S,174,253 greter than foflSSfl. It should also be considered, that sugar, a principal article of import, both in quanti ties and value, was not admitted free until April 1, 1891, and from that date the value, as well as the percentage of merchandise ad mitted free of duty, has been greatly in creased Of the value of all imports for the fire months Irom April 1 to August 31, 1891, 53.75 per cent was free of dutv. This is much the largest per cent in th-3 imports of merchandise free of duty in the entire his tory of the Government! During the corresponding five months of 1890 the value of the imports was $355,234, 66. of which only 53.27 per cent vas free. This shows an increase in the value of free merchandise of f2 012,053 or of 22.48 per cent during the five months ending August SI, 3S91, over the corresponding period of 1SS0. QUITE A NOTABLE YEAH. It may be noted that the total value of the imports for the eleven months, $703, 210,9C5, exceeded in value the imports of any year in the history of our Government, excepting the fiscal year 1890, hen their value was $789,310,409. If, however, the imports of September, 1891, equal those of August, the total imports will largely ex ceed those of 1SP0. The total leceipts from customs during the last quarter of 1889 and the three-quarters of 18!K), ending September 30, were $237,r,08.4y2 45. The customs receipts dur ing the same quarter of 1890 and 1891 were $193,302,066 9a This shows during the vear a reduction in the customs revenue of 541,396,423 49, notwithstanding the large in crease of imports. The principal article of our imports from which the duty was re moved is sucar, and by the provisions of the new tariff law the removal of this duty did not take effect until April' 1, 1891. During the two quarters since that date the reduction in customs revenue as com pared with the same period of the prior year amounted to $41,780,294 12. EXPORTS LARGELY INCREASED. The value of exports under the new tariff during the first 11 months ending August 31, 1891, sras $840,571,331, au increase of $49,0S7,323 over the exports of like mer chandise for the corresponding 11 months of the prior year while the old tariff was in force. Th'is increase was nearly 2i times greater than the aunual average increase of exports during the 20 years prior to 1891, which was $20,750,423. During the same 11 months of 1S90-91 the value of the exnorts has exceeded the value of the imports by $77,360,330. The import ance of the excess of export over imports is conspicuous when compared with the excess of exports of the fiscal year 1890, when it was $68,518,275. In 1889 the imports ex ceeded the exports $2,750,277. In 1888 the balance against ns was still larger, the im ports exceeding exports $28,022,607. The increase in value of our exports is large and gratifying. The value of our ex ports fo the 11 "months ending August 31. 1891, exceeds the value of the exports for any year in the history of our commerce, excepting the fiscal years 1S81 and 1890. The value of our exports for the 12 months ending August 31, 1891, was $909,264,438, or in round numbers, about $7,000,000 greater than any previous fiscal year. EFFECT OF RECIPROCITY. Of recinrocitv. the renort savs that "it is opening new markets and increasing the demand for our products. The vear ending June 30, 1891, showed an increase in the ex ports to Brazil of $2,146,777. The treaty with Brazil went into effect April 1, last, and it is not to be expected that the results will be verv marked jis yet During the month of Angus? lat alone,, compared with August, 1890, the increase in values of exports to Brazil was $702,903. Our trade with Bruil will doubtless con tinue to largely increase. The reciprocity treaties with "Santo Domingo and with Spain concerning trade relations with Cuba and Puerto liico did not go into effect until September 1, and as yet there are no avail able statistics to show the effects of the treaties upon our commerce. These will appewr later on and will probably show an increased demand for our products. During the year ending June 30, 1891, the value of our imports of merchandise was: From Cuba, $61,714,395; Puerto Kico, $3,- 164.110: Santo Domiueo, Sl.U10.3bO. During the same period the value of our exports to these same countries was: To Cuba, $12,224 888; Puerto Kico, $2,153,234; Santo Domingo, $1,023,731. Our imports from these islands consist principally of sugar and molasses, tobacco and manufact ures of, and fruits and nuts. The Supreme Court of the United States will open on Monday for the October term, and one of the first and foremost cases to come up will Tje the question of the consti tutionality of the McKinley tariff act, which is attacked by two firms ofimporters. Iiiko an Art Gallery. Our grand showing of clothing for the little ones resembles an art gallery in the numberless pretty styles we are now ex hibiting, much to the delight of the parents of the two cities. Scores of styles here that can be seen no where else, styles made to our order. Gusky'O. AND DON'T TOU FOUGET IT. He Captured It! lie Deserved It! He'll Get More of It, and Don't Ton Forget It. There is a good old adage, an I a true one, too, and it runs thusly: "Success to him who success deserves," and Mr. Morris B. Moses, who is well known to Pittsburgers, deserves it. Mr. Moses, who has been em ployed to manage the affairs for the New York creditors of the compelled sacrifice sale of clothing now going on in this city, on the corner of Sixth avenue and Liberty street, Ko. 646, informs the public that owing to the immense rush and the success that has been derived since the opening last Thursday, and especially yesterday's trade, the sale will not be in progress to-morrow as the large corps of salesmen will be kept busy from noon till night straightening stock. Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock the doors will again be thrown open to the public, and all those who are in need of clothing will do well to wait If they do, they will have no occasion to forget it He&vy Underwear. ITor now two weeks past we have been enjoying quite a run on our underwear de partment. But we're more than prepared for it Every weight and grade of under wear is here, and here at a price that's bound to please. Gusky's. Monday Morning;, ' Starting promptly at 8 o'clock, we place on sale a very fine line of men's suits at $9 80 each. Bead this: All our $12 and $16 double-breasted suits, made from neat cassimeres, in plaids and small effects, go Monday for . $9 80 Five lines of men's plain black chev iot and diagonal suits, sack or cut away style, worth $15, go for 9 80 300 fine silk-mixed cassimere suits, worth really $16, go for 9 80 Don't miss our $9 80 men's suit sale to morrow (Monday). It will pay you to at tend. P. C C O., Pittsburg Combination Clothing Company, corner Grant and Dia mond streets. Comfortable and Dressy. Ladies' cloth top, patent leather tipped, spring heel, button shoe, $1 93. Gcsky's. Wedding Gifts a Specialty. "We pack and ship goods to any part of the world. An immense stock of silver, pottery, cut glass lamps, tables and fancy goods no trouble to show vou. "We can suggest many things you had not thought of. E. P. Boberts & Sons, Fifth avenue and Marked street BISQUE OT1 BEEF. A LIQUID FOOD. Gives health and strength. For Dyspepsia, loss of Appettte, Physical and Mental Exhaustion and Overwork, makes pure blood and refreshing sleep. Tones the entire system. An ordinary dose of a wine-glassful equal to H ounco of nutriment. Ask druggists and take nothing but BISQUE OT BEEF. MEW lADVEKTISMEENTS $1 00 a bottle or six for $5 00. oeS-48 iiST $l&5PECrAClE5eteRTH Wear :Tbetn -and see-a&iti as, m Youth -c-. SOUTHSIDE. &Sl&&n?- - : - " CMESSMAKS bPECS.' Ms- FederalSt, Allegheny. au28-Tursn Closed To-Morrow, But open on Tuesday morning as usual. Th balance of the week will be devoted to giv ing special bargains in every department all over our entire house. Gcsky's. Visit E. 1. Roberts At Sons' Artroom. The largest and most beautifully arranged in the city. A grand collection of rare pot tery, cut glass, line lamps, Qarrara marble, cabinets, hall clocks, rich furniture and bric-a-brac Visitors welcome. Corner Fifth avenue and Market street. A Grand I.Ine Fur Capes. Thirty different styles, at Boscniaum & Co.'s. New Winter Underwear. New stock ot fall and winter underwear in merino, camel's hair, natural wool and scarlet, for ladies, gents and children, at astonishingly low prices, at " H. J. Lynch's, 438-410 Market street TUWFSU &-&M& afijivti wiFfit &T&iV3te ix.ujr'L5 ' WP- Save Tour Money. Shoe leather costs considerable in a year, but it costs those who buy of us less than thoss who deal elsewhere. "Workingnien can save 25 cents on every pair of those ex tra quality working shoes we are selling this week at $1 a pair. Guskt's. Tour WIfo Doesn't want to be left at horns to prepare for visitors. Take her and them for dinner or supper before you go to the Expo.' to Kennedy's, Sixth and Duquesne way. KAUFMANJTS' store will bs closed to morrow, and the great clothing exposition will commence Tuesday morning. Every body invited. No Joint Debate Is needed to convinoe the peopls that Gus ky's is the place to get a reliable article in shoes. Try a pair of men's fine A calf, tipped, at 1 25, and be convinced. Guskt'O. "isn $WifA ip )TrPW Wo have something the public ore pleased with and that is VOLTAIC DIAMONDS. They defy experts ! Retain their luster in wear I Brilliant and prismatlo I Every stone warranted. Set In Kings, Pins, Studs, Ear drops, etc. They aro patented. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, Sole Owner. ocll-134 65 Ftrth Avenue. ESTABLISHED 186L Eyes Examined. ITreo. Artificial Eyes Inserted. OPTICIAN, , 22 SIXTH ST. de23-TTsu J. DIAMOND, physicians. FEICK BROS., SISIXifHST. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT ESTABLISHMENT. Specialties: Scientific: fitting of TRUSSES, appliances fov DEFORMITY and ARTIFI CIAL LIMBS. Largest stock of surgical Instruments In Western Pennsylvania. Largo illustrated catalogue free to mhlS-99-TTSsu Our attractions for this week are such that will warrant your time and attention. Instructive and money-saving bargains. EXHIBIT OF CHILDREN'S GOODS. We will this week show new and novel effects in Children's Milli nery an immense assortment. Children's Cloaks in great variety; the latest fashions in make up and material. Children's ready-made Dresses and Dress Goods an im mense assortment. Many new effects wherefrom mothers can gain valuable information as to what to buy, what's serviceable, what's stylish. A GREAT MILLINERY BOOM Has our $1.65 line of Fur-Trimmed Hats proven. Only two hundred more to sell; no two trimmed alike. Don't fail to see these marvelous bargains in stylish-Millinery. UNDERWEAR. Special sale in Gents', Ladies' and Children's Goods. Children's White and Gray Merino Vests and Pants from 8c up. The greatest bargain ever offered is our line of Gents' Dollar Goods cut down to 58c -and 70c. See these by all means. Ladies' Scarlet, Gray and White Wear also at cut prices at HI'S, SOUTH THIRTEENTH 1HD GAHSQN STS. N. B. To reach our store from down town take the southbound cars on Smithfield street, which pass our door. OCll-81 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL .NOTICE. Ruben's stores will bo closed to-morrow (Monday) all day. Re open Tuesday morning. THE SWELL HAT OP THE SEASON IS RUBEN'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BEAU BRUMMEL, $2 40, $2 90, $3 40. Of all the diversified styles out this season, notonolsas pionouncedly original as Hu bert's "Beau Brummel." Its lines are at once unique and graceful, comhlning elegance with style. Ibis happy blending of beauty and tone will certainly enhance the appear ance of the weaier, a matter not to be over looked by any means. Our run on tho above shape has been simply phenomenal, and that In the face of the creat success which our two other popular shapes have met with this seaon. Come and try a "Beau Brum mel;" it'll become you. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 SMITHFIELD STREET. OCU-WTSU CANCER and TUMORS cured. No knife. Send for testimon ials. G.n.McMlchacU M.D., C3 Niagara st. Buflalo. N. V. rmhia-7i-iTssawk v Vim Will furnish you a marriage license. Then make a bee line to PICKERING'S, COR. TENTH ST. AND PENN AVE. We take special pains in helping, young mar ried people to furnish cozy homes. Two 'neat rooms fitted complete for . . S75I The number of homes we have furnished re cently is legion. Beautiful homes require beautiful Furniture and Carpets, and such you can always find at PICKERING'S. Three rooms, consisting-of Parlor, Bedroom and Kitchen, for THE GENUINE ENGLISH SEAL COLORING Which Is so greatly desired for seal gar ments, wo are prepared to supply for all patrons ordering their seal fur wraps re dyed. Wo employ experts to reshape old seal coats and sacques Into tho present fashion able shapes. Inspection of my new "Princess" Cape Is invited. ! Practical Hatter and Furrier, 707 Penn Ave., Pittsburg Mall orders promptly attended to. t 00ll-W3U GOLD SPECTACLES, $3 50. ARTIFICIAL EYES, $5 00. CARUSS & MANNION 67 FIFTH AVENUE. OC8-TUPSU WHr rtr WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH. CREDIT AT CASH PRICES. P 11 CKERIN G, THE HOUSEFURNISHER, Cor. Tenth St. and Penn Ave. HATRlFTETACE7HECK7AMSlRlNfPlRrOFlHE PERSON QUICKLY DISSOLVED AND REMOVED WITH THE NEW SOLUTION ? AOPSHS AHDTUZ OKOWTII rOKEM.Il DESTROYED WITHOUT THE LIGHTEST IJLKX US DtwrOLORATIOV OT THE WflT DELICATE WKTV DISCOVERED BT ArriDEXT. In CottPOiTNDixa.fen incomplete ruixtnre was accidentally spilled on the back of the hand, andyon washing afterward it waa discorered that the hair was completely removed. V e purchased the new discovery and named it MODENE. It Is perfectly pure, free from all injurious substances, and so simple any one can use it. It acts mildly bat surely, and yon will oe sur prised and delighted with the results. Apply for a few rntnntes and the hair disappears as if by magic. It has no resemblance whatever to any other preparation ever nsed for a like purpose, and no scientific discovery ever attained such wonderful results. IT CANNOT FAII. If the growth be light, one application will remove it permanently; the heavy growth such as the beard or hair on moles may require two or more appli cations before all the roots are destroyed, although all hair will be remored at each application, and without the slightest injury or unpleasant feeling when applied or ever afterward, -modene supeecedes ilxctro lysis. Becummtndtd til all mho hav Ustad ita mttit Uatd bit peofit of refinement- Gentlemen who do not appreciate nature's gift of a beard, will find a priceless boon in Modene, which does away with shavta?. It dissolves and dcstroTi the lifenrincicle of the hair, thereby rendering its future growth I an utter impossibility, and Is guaranteed to be as harmless as water to the ehonld nee Jlodeno to destroy its growth. Modene tent by mail. Is afetr mailinir raitpR. TmctAirA Tinid. (pecnrclr sealed from obserration) on receipt of price, 81.00 per bottle. Send money br letter, with your fall addreB written plainly. CorreBpondencs jacredly private. Postage stamps received the same as cash, alwats mzntio.i tods corariJiD this rirzE. LOCAL AND ) MODENE MANUFACTURING CO., CINCINNATI, O.. U.S.A.C CCTTHISOCT GENERAL AGENTS MANUFACTURERS OF THE HIGHEST GRADE HAIR PREPARATIONS, i A3 IT JIAT NOT WANTED. ) You can rtgltttr four Utttr at aim Pomtfici and iruurt Its waft dthotrp. t APPEAR AGAI2? WoOffM- S1.000 FOR FAILURE OR THE SLIGHTEST lltJUIT.VEBY BOTTLE GVARASTEED. aSJ74 7 1 TtPVscfifw IH Mkgt 4NiSiyy 'mm finrflhiss 'Wn'Miw qinPF p m DiyilL uLUO I EB TO-M Doors 11 Open for tlio Gnat Cling Exposition Tuesday lorning. STORE CLOSED TO-MORROW! Doors 11 Ojonoritot-CloiliiDi Exposition Tuesday ffloraii ALL THE MALE FASHIONS OF TO-DAYbqth home-made and importedFOR ADULTS AND JUVENILES. rt TmowwtiM Uncut in tho Plnthinrr Wnnlill flirmi OEM) MM Wnnfh nf (lanmniito Jlionlamirll t Qiirnt In Derail Chimin ife! )l 1IUU1UIHUU' mum in mu uiuimut uunu. u 01 IDJUU.UUU II WW Ul UllllUUllU) UWUWIUU. R U1E.UL 11U J.U1UU11 FINE FALL SUITS CHILDREN'S KILT SUITS. In our vast Clothing Exposition you will find Men's Suits made of rich, soft and dressy Clay "Worsteds, fine French Cassimeres, Enduring Scotch Homespuns, Fancy Worsteds, Wear-Resisting Cheviots, etc., in newest weaves and pat terns. BROWNS, Tuxedos, Tans, etc., for which there's such a craze; Rough-finished Worsteds, etc. We show these goods in Single or Double Breasted Sacks, made with plain or patoh pockets, Cutaway Frocks and Prince Alberts. Our finest (he finest mad) Dress Suits, $25, 28 and 30. First-class Imported Dress Suits, $15, $18 and $20. Fine, thoroughly reliable Suits, $S, 10 and $12. I ijj )V All BOYS' DOUBLE - BREASTED I BOYS' PLAIN 3-PIECE SHORT-SHORT-PANT SUITS. I PANT SUITS. 1" ro TV A bewitching, bewildering pro fusion of entirely new and pretty styles, in one, two and three-piece conceits. The prominent makes are the Zouave, the reefer, the Nassau and the separate vest styles made of same materials or in combination artistically trim med and embellished. The ma terials are homespuns, ladies' cloths, diagonals, cheviots, French cassimeres, plain cloths, French flannels, tricots, velvets, etc. We show a beautiful 2-piece kilt suit at 2.50. Finer grades at $3, $5, and up to gio. For every style shown in any other house, ten are to be found here. These very popular suits, sizes 4 to 14, in hundreds upon hundreds of different styles, made of cassi meres and cheviots, lightand dark, plain or pleated. See those we sell at 2.50. Finer ones up to 10. BOYS' FANCY VEST SHORT-PANT SUITS. These strikingly neat, natty suits, for little fellows, ages 4 to' 8, are made of plain cloths, tricots, worsteds, cheviots, homespuns and velvets, some very elaborately trim med. Prices 3.50 up to $ia. feTT? J Esaa Boys' and Children's Over coats and Ulsters. 1 A r II These suits, while made entirely plain, come in very fine imported worsteds, diagonals, Scotch chev iots and cassimeres, sizes from 10 t6 16. A fine line at 5. Finest, some with silk-lined coats, 10 to 15. Boys' Fancy Pleated Short-Pant Suits. These, the most popular of all short pant suits, sizes 4 to 14, we have in a seemingly in exhaustible variety of styles, makes, materials and patterns. Good ones as low as 1 and 1.50 at 53 and $5, Hi- Mm Fine ones Finest at $ and $&. No description "could do justice to our marvelously beautiful and extensive assortment of Children's Overcoats. Suffice it to say that we show over 300 different styles, sizes 6 to 12, and nearly 100 dif ferent and select novelties in Kilt Overcoats, sizes 2 to 6. Prices $1.50 up to $10. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S BEEFEH JACKETS. The ever-increasing popularity of these trim and comfortable little garments has caused us to lay in a very large line in meltons, kerseys, cheviots and chin chillas, made plain or fancy; sizes 4 to 16; prices $3 to gio. BIG GOVS' CLHW FALL TOP COATS E2S MANNS Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street. IMHHnaaaaaHMHMHMMniaiBBBMBMaIHHMMHHMaHIBHM0IBBBaEnRHHi 5 STORE CLOSED TO-MORROW, MONDAY. n Great Clothing Exposition Opens Tnesflay. f 1 F 'I JH A magnificent and varied stock of i Boys Long-Pant Suits, sizes 14 to 19, in all the new styles: Single and double-breasted sack suits, with patch pockets or without, and cutaway frock suits. The materials are cassimeres, ctteviots, home? spuns, worsteds, diagonals, etc., in checks, plaids, mixtures, dark stripes, solid brown colors, gray shades and blacks;' prices $ 6 to $ 20. BIG BOYS' OVERCOATS, Sizes 12 to 19, in latest box styles, fly fronts, Prince Charles, etc., meltons, kerseys, cheviots, cassi meres and chinchillas, at $4, $6, $8 and up to 18. I B0'0'?- "W Our Great Exposition of Fall Overcoats em braces all the new colors and styles of the season gay effects, solid shades, quiet hues the latest shades of tan, nut, brown, etc., predominating. Although we have the "Jim Dandies" i. e., finest English Top Coats from $ 20 to 30, and very decent overgarments at $5 to 8, we make an extraordinary spread at $10, $12 and 15, the great popular prices of the day. Dressv men, with exclusive and bright ideas, will LIKE AND WEAR THES.E SELECT GARMENTS. AUP Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street. BBBI mmnBOBmiMXEKMasiHEBaBHniMl r'jMrgaJ' fflli'JjjBg.s . '. , .. -t. VS ! Lt if Jj -fef ft- 'tjiLjbs?' ft i mi(fflMHfftn5lftM'"lHilf i - "- ' ' I &fc!b8- JSwX v -' te, - t- - I , 1, ,-, ra it,. I A, INBMiliHilB rit'iiVintfil&HiYi i-ii'iiiinMiM