Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 11, 1891, Page 15, Image 15

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Career of One of the Most Kemark
able Congressmen of War Times.
"Wanted Lincoln to Confiscate the Landed
Estates of the Sonth.
No history of the Houfe of Representa
tives duriug the period of which I -write
would be complete without some notice of
George "W. Julian. Julian belonged to a
class who have always been regarded op
prohriously as "fanatics." There is a cer
tain philosophy in fanaticism which has not
been generally recognized. Fanaticism has
its use and purpose in the world, which in
deed could hardly get along without it. It
Is the fanatic who makes things move. The
only trouble with him is that he is always
in advance of his times. The world rarelv
comes up abreast with him, and yet without
him would make little, if any, progress at
all along the line of reform. Fanaticism is
the fuel of the engine, needed to put it in
motion, though perhaps not altogether a
safe conductor to trust with the running of
the train.
Julian had no sympathy with conservat
ism, lie was a born radical, and had in
herited an aversion to wrong in all its forms
through a long line of Quaker ancestors.
As Burdette says in his humorous biography
of William 1'enn, "lie was a man of peace,
and determined to have it if it took a life
time of contention aud dispute to get it."
This was Julian's fatu. Like many others,
he was the creature of heredity and circum
stance, which he wai powerless to control.
He was carried forward on the path of life
by a momentum that he did not create and
was unable to resist, even if" he had de
Julian was bom in Centerville, Iud., May
5. 1817; received a good common school
educ&tinr, spent three years in teaching,
studied law and waa admitted to the bar in
1840- was a member of the Indiana Legis
lature aud a representative in Congress
from 1MO to issi; was re-elected to the
Thirtv-sevcnth, Thirty-eighth, Thirtv-ninth
ana i-ortietli uongrescs, during which time
he sened as a member of the Committee on
the Conduct of the War a rather fctrango
assignment for a Quaker. Julian'spolitical
carter was an exceptional one. He was one
of the original Free Soil and Anti-Slavery
men at a time and in the midst of influences
that were not onlv not in svmuathv. but
fierueiy antagonistic to his views, and "it is a I
tribute to tne remartaDl: character ot the
man that, almost single-handed, he was able
to convert the majontv of the people of his
district to his wav of thinkig and to secure
their support in his repeated canvasses for
Hccarriedonthewar agalnstslaveryat the
risk of his life. He had not only to en
counter the opposition of his political ene
mies but also that of members of his own
party, among whom was Governor Morton,
an acknowledged power in Indiana. Xo
man was ever ninre bittcrlr denounced than
Julian. The Indianapolis Journal declared
that he had "the temper of a hedge-hog;
the adhesiveness of a barnacle; the vindict
iveners of a Corsican, the vanity of a pea
cock; the hypocrisy of Aminadab Sleek, and
the duplicity of the devil. 'i This was cer
tainly not a verv flatterinc picture. Julian
took it all with unperturbed serenity, and
seemed rather to enjov it "Xothine sue-
cetis use success. Ana with success
crowning every political contest he conld
"veil afford to laugh at the impotent rage and
harmles-s vituperation of his enemies, and
was well repaid for his labors in seeing the
principles for which he so zealously and he
roically contended at last become the settled
policy of the whole country, and imbedded
la its fundamental law.
nis potjlio iat LAW.
But opposition to slavery was not his
only hobby. He not only believed in free
men and fr soil but also in free homes for
free men. His attention was early directed
to the pnblio land system of the "United
Btates of whiA he acquired a more com
plete knowledge perhaps than any man of
his time. Appointed by Speaker Colfax to
the Chairman shipof the Committee of Pub
lic Lands of the House he entered upon a
congenial field of labor, and addressed him
self with his usual energy and zeal to the
improvement of the public land system, and
especially to the securing of the enactment
of the homestead law, which had, after a
lng contct, been enacted in a previous
Congress but had been vetoed by Mr.
Buchanan, because as was believed, "it was
distasieful to his southern friends, and
which finally became a law, by the
approval of President Lincoln on
Iav 20, 1SG2. The Homestead bill as
iported by Julian's committee was much
mutilated in its passage through Congress,
end shorn of a carefully guarded provision
Intended to prevent the public land from
passir into the hands of speculators and
corporations, and to preserve them exclu
fcivelv for home- for American citizens.
This aiutUation Julian greatly deplored but
Tas powerless to prevent, and the result ho
antiotoated and predicted has come about In
the wistofnl squandering of empires of land
by Congress.
Julin. as I havo before Indicated, was a
radical of the supreme type. He believed in
rutting down the tree instead of manuring
It and digging about it and trying it a little
1 onger ta seo if It would produce good fruit.
He wsj Yrvntient of Mr. Lincoln's conser
vatism in dealing with the rebellion, and
thought it required more drastic treatment.
He favored the confiscation of the landed
estates of rebels as well as the abolition of
Blavery, believing that tho former was the
foundation and buttress of the latter, and
reported a bill to confiscate such estates
and then survey them in sections and sub
divisions in accordance with the general
land system, and brijg them under the pro
vision of the homestead law for the benefit
of thelandla-u poor of tho South. In the
advocacy of this measure he was partici
pant In a rather remarkable scene. Mal
lory, of Kentucky, in the course of some
remarks on tho bill, said: "Tne census re
ports establish tho fact that SG per ocnt. of
the colored population of tio free states
have white blood In their veins, while onlv
one-ninth of the slave population show
white blood.,'
Julian replied: "1 have not examined the
census tables as to the lact stated by the
gentleman. It may be true, for I believe
mulattos more generally come Into the"
Xcf thci?i St-itos than those of the darker
color, and of course thoir Increase will he
mulattos. The gentleman is not at all re
lieved, however, by the white blood In the
veinsof these negroes in theXorth, forthey
have emigrated from the South, bringing
with tbeni, perhaps, the blood of the gentle
man from Kentucky and other distin
guished leader of his party."
The next dav, on tho report of the debate
appearing in the Congressional Globe. Mallory
iwe on a question ot personal privilege ana
claimed that the allusion to him personally
by Julian, as reported, was Jiot made by
Julian in his speech, but had been interpo
lated by him in his revision of the reporter's
notes prior to thoir being printed, and called
a number of his fellow-Democrats, who
stated unequivocally that they had given
cloe attention to "Julian's remarks, aud
wcro quite suro that he had not used the
-n olds.
JDUAj; rnovED ms ponra.
Julian replied that he had spoken in de
bate the exact words complained of, and
called a nnmber of his ltepublican Iriends to
corroborate him. This left the matter in
grave doubt, though tl.e preponderance was
in Julian's favor, being positive as opposed
to negative testimony. Julian, however,
was not satisfied until he looked up the re
porter s notes, w hich, Jortunately lor him.
contained the very words in question. This
settled It, and Mallory "took the water" as
gracefully as was possible for a Kentuckian,
though it Is probable that "it astonished bis
ftomach mightily," ana made the amplest
apology for his misteken accusation.
Clistox Llottx.
Baby Cleveland Now Enjoys
The luxury of a gold "Fort Pitt" spoon.
The ex-President returns many thanks to E.
P. Roberts & Sons..
Encyclopaedia Britanxica was the original,
and is the model -which all others have essayed
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portance and the desirability of a more com
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the literary world, it has appeared in NINE
editions, with several Supplements, as follows:
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Third Edition; in Eighteen Volumes, 1788-
170?. bupplement; in iwo volumes,
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Fifth Edition; in Twenty Volumes, 18 r7;
Supplement; in Six Volumes, 1816-1824.
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Seventh Edition; in Twenty Volumes, 1830
1S42. Eighth Edition; in Twenty-one Volumes in
cluding Index, I8S3-I80I.
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Thirty Volumes; 1875-1891.
The completion of the last edition enabled
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The following is a partial list of buyers of the Encyclopedia Britannica in Pittsburg and vicinity, among which will be found names prominent in
every vocation. And we have no hesitation in declaring that ALL will substantiate the testimony of one who writes us: I would not be without this
grand work for its weight in gold.
Pittsburg Library.
The Chronicle Telegraph.
Allegheny Library.
The Leader.
The Methodist Recorder.
The Alieghentan. (
The East End Journal.
The Sonntagsbote.
The School Review.
West End News.
Allegheny High Sonool.
Springfield School.
Prof. T. C. Blaisdale, Allegheny High
Eighth Ward School, Allegheny.
William McCallin, ex-Mayor of Pittsburg.
District Attorney B. H. Johnston.
George Elphinstone, attorney.
S. C Fszrar. Allegheny High School.
R. B. Scaudrett, attorney.
James Bredln, Esq., attorney.
Jtfhn S. Ferguson, attorney.
Alex. Gilflllan, attorney.
Joseph A. Langfitt, attorney.
Edebum & Cooper, civil engineers.
John S. Lambie, Esq... President City Count
ell and attorney.
John M. Robb, attorney.
H. L. McGrady, attorney.
Keenan & Forsythe attorneys.
Henry L. King, attorney.
W. A. Holman, attorney.
James P. Elphinstone, broker.
A. J. Edwards, Assistant Postmaster.
O. S. Richardson, attorney.
G. TV. Acklin, attorney.
C. A. Chipley, Division Freight Ageat
Pennsylvania Railroad.
J. Boyd Duff, attorney.
J. H. Harrison, attorney.
diaries Scoville, attorney.
John Musgrave, Secretary and Treasurer
T. & A. Coke Co.
, R. Mayo, Jr., General Freight Agent B.
W. S. Xesbltt, attorney.
Hon. J. F. Richards, Deputy Sheriff.
J. E. Schwab, Manager Carnegie, Thipps &
W. D. Updegraff, Secretary Philadelphia
Robert 'Watchorn, Pennsylvania Btate
Factory Inspector.
R. J. Anderson, Anderson, DePuy & Co.
U. P. Bookroom.
H. Burgwin, attorney.
Dr. James C Cooper.
TV. L. Cromlisb, General Freight Agent P.
TV. A. Collingwood. Insurance.
Samuel M. Clark, clerk. City Han.
Percy G. Digby, law librarian.
W. H. Duffell, Treasurer P. &. Ytf . R. B.
J. H. Drury, Paymaster P. B, B.
A. E. Durkbam, Pennsylvania building.
Dr. Leopold Depuy.
J. H. Eppelsheuner, Agent B. & O. B. R.
Joseph T. Emy, Cashier Germania Sav
ings and Deposit Bank.
Dr. J. R. Fife.
B. S. Fahnestock, President Fahnestock
White Lead Company.
6. G. Moore, M. D.
Isaac Vance.
a P. Seip, M. D.
Bev. a E. Feltcn, D. D.
John B. Jackson, Esq.
J. G. Tcmpleton, D. D. S.
B. F. Dake, M. D.
B. P. Wells, M. D.
J. H. McClelland, M. D.
Darcey E. Boulton.
W. H. Barnes Esq.
Colonel John Ewing.
Charles E. Diclil, D. D. S.
Albert J. Harnish.
H. Graham Brown.
James McCann, M. D.
H. M. Graham.
R. C. Emery.
Porter a Friend.
James Means.
S. B. Lizgett.
Dr. H. Morrison.
James E. Torter.
Charles H. Bradley.
L I. Toung.
Francis Langer.
Rev. A. H. Miller.
Henry A. Breed.
Edwin L. Porter, Esq.
George B. Sterritt.
S. C. Walker.
Frank Herron.
A. A. Frauenheim, Iron City Brewing Com
pany. I. Vllsaek, Iron City Brewing Company.
Mrs. Harriet Kemp, teacher.
Frank Patterson, Esq., civil engineer.
M. Kobcnbaum, merchant.
Dr. W. W. Roup.
W. O. Russell, glass engraver.
Dr. Jobn L. Robertson.
Dr. J. A. Shlllito.
G. W. Schmidt, wholesale liquor dealer.
Dr. Jane Vincent,
Dr. Mary E. Smith.
Dr. John T. Schafer.
F. P. Thomas, merchant.
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Dr. John L. Davis.
Rer. Joseph Horneiw
Drs. Copeland & Blair.
Xavier Wlttmer, Wlttmer Brick Com
Cliarles-D. Weigold, merchant. '
A. Ware, merchant.
Dr. B, T. White.
J. M. Young, Toiler-Second National Bank.
Dr. M. F. Aisbitt
James W.Bown, clerk Pennsylvania Gas-
Bev. J. Ballantyne,
J. Berger, merchant.
Adolph Beck, druggist.
Dr. A. J. Soncek.
Harris Buchanan, Secretary-Natural Gas
Company of West Virginia.
Dr. F. Gaertner.
Dr. D. A. Hengst.
William D. Uartnpee, mechanical en
gineer. W. E. Woodwell, merchant.
Thomas D. Hunter, clerk. County Clerk's-
J. M. Hoffman, mnslo deals?.
M. H. Danziger, merchant.
Prof. J. C. Williams, CnrryTJnlTerslty.
Dr. J. A. Haupt, dentist.
Heinz Bros. & Co.
Dr. J). C. Jacoby.
William P. Johnstoxvcontractor New Post--office.
W. R. Johnston, attorney.
J. L. Kirk, Auditor, P. & W. depot.
A. i. Leggate, real estate.
H. CLuebbe, wholesale grocer.
F. H. Leslie, Alderman.
Dr. J. A. Llbby, dentist.
A. Mamaux, awning manufacturer.
C. OUendorf, Jeweler.
J. B. Murray, bill poster.
George T. McConnell, real -estate.
T. C. McKee, architect
Dr. P. McGough.
Thomas Pickering, merchant.
Mrs. William Fickersglll. Allegheny.
H. E. Billington, Secretary and Treasurer
Pittsburg Transfer Company,
H. J. Berg, clerk, Penn National Bank.
William C. Burtt, insurance Agent.
Dr. Price.
W. 0"Hara Scnlry. ,
Hepburn Walker.
John Walker.
James Park, Jr.
Major John Hancock.
C. D. Armstrong.
A. J. Armstrong.
William H. Pfoll.
F. X. Staub, M. D.
W. P. Hansell, M. D.
Peter Bell.
Rev. H. Clay Peoples.
John W. Vandevoort.
William L. Abbott.
William Clarke.
T. R. Evans, M. D.
P. A. Bier, M. D.
B. B. Peterson.
Rev. J. D. Sands.
Bev. J. D. Turner.
Prof. S. F. Patterson.
Rev. J. S. McConnell.
W. H. Boardman, M. D.
John E. Davidson, Esq.
J. C. Dunn, M. D.
E. W. Dean. M. D.
Mis. Joanna Spring.
Thomas N. Millet
A. O. Bosworth.
Charles H. Klomatu
A. C. Kloman.
C. H. Hoffman, M. D.
E. B. Mahood.
George W. Wilson.
Jacob H. Lohn.
William J. Martin.
Dr. J. W. Sykes.
Rev. Crone.
R. F. Cathcart, engineer and draughtsman.
Dr. J. S. Cleeland.
Dr. J. H. Christie.
Charles Davis, Connty Engineer.
E. H.Dermitt,Manager X. E. Mut. Life Ins.
John Dunwoody, Asst. Cash. I. & G. Dol.
Sav. Bank.
E. P." Ebbetts.
Twenty-sixth Ward School.
Louis Emanuel, druggist.
William Freund, roller.
Dr. C O. Goulding.
Charles Goehringer.
H. D. Graham, Clerk, Recorder's office.
C. Hemingway, insurance.
Rev. C. P. Harrah.
Rev. McKenna.
Dr. W. S. Hlxenbaugh, druggist.
D. A. Hassler, druggist.
Rev. George B. Irwin.
M. X. Jacobs, Cash Register Manuractur'g.
John E. Joos, editor.
George E. Johnston, Sec Odd Fellows'
End. Association.
C D. Carter, music.
B. W. Kennedy, machinist
Dr. J. R. Keaggy.
Dr. A. H. Kerr.
Dr. X. L.Larimer.
Michigan Furniture Company.
Harry C. Merto, druggist
John B. McXair.
Samuel McCrunn.
P. B. MoWilliam.
Dt. J. A. Potts.
Dr. L. G. Rosslan.
Dr. G. B. Sweeney.
Prof. John M. Stephens.
a S. UpstilL
8ixth Ward School.
N. A. Voegtly, merchant
X. H. Voegtly, Kopp & Voegtly.
Jacob Kopp,-Kopp A Voegtly.
Harry M. Willis.
H. A. Tanner.
Robert H. Graham.
Wm. Bayne, Ass. Warden of Penitentiary,
W. J. Zahnlzercontraotor.
G. W. Haines.
J. B. Hyndman, police-magtsrrats.
Harry Heok.
Samuel H. Gas, draughtsman.
Dr. J. S. Goshorn.
James S. Felker.
W. H. Guteltus, Managing Editor Times,
H, A. Guepncr, bookkeeper. Third Nafcl
H. C Fass, clerk.
Dr. Fltzpatrick.
W. A. Dunlap, Dunlap Si-Oo.
H. C. Dilworth, fcroker.
Samuel Toung, Pittsburg.
John T. Dennlston, Pittsburg.
George J. Little, Pittsburg.
.A. E. Succop, Pittsburg.
S. P. Harbison, Pittsbirg.
W. J. Estop, M. D., Pittsburg.
George H. Alexander, Pittsburg.
0. J. Barclay, Pittsburg.
Martin Shuler, Pittsburg.
Dr. David Hostetter, Pittsburg.
W. L. McClintock, Pittsburg.
Henry Holdship, Pittsburg.
George E. Chester, Pittsburg.
W. F. Hoffman, Pittsburg.
Robert G. Lauglilin, Pittsburg.
Henry L. Ebbert, Pittsburg.
D. P. Chapman, Pittsburg.
Robert McMillan, Pittsburg.
W. A. Shaw, Tittsburg.
T. B. Rea, Pittsburg.
J. M. Wallace, Pittsburg.
A. E. WeUs, Pittsburg.
W. A. McXulty, Pittsonrg.
Rev. John R. Wightman, Pittsburg.
Georgo A. Kelly, Pittsburg.
J. H. Ricketson, Pittsburg.
A. G. Barnett, Pfttsburg.
William Holmes. Pittsburg.
W. P. Wooldridge, Pittsburg.
Hon. John Dalzell, Pittsburg.
John H. Hampton, Esq., Pittsburg.
Lewis W. Dalzell, Pittsburg.
John E. Haines, Pittsburg.
C C. Mellor, Pittsburg.
J. R. Henrtcks, Pittsburg.
John Bradley, Pittsburg.
R. B. Brown, PlttsDurg.
Wm. L. St ne. M. D., Pittsburg.
Richard Floyd, Pittsburg.
D.B. Oliver, Pittsburg.
W. H. Singer, Pittsburg.
E. L. Dunbar, Pittsburg. ,
J. M. Byers, Pittsburg.
George H. Christy, Esq., Pittsburg.
Thomas J. Ford, Esq., Pittsburg.
K T. Lnsk, Pittsburg.
John W. Kreps, Pittsburg.
General James S. Xegley, Pittsburg.
W. A. Ferguson, Pittsburg.
Thomas A. Spence, Esq., Pittsburg.
James B. Scott, Pittsburg.
D. McK. Lloyd, Pittsburg.
H. C. Frick, Pittsburg.
H. W. Armstrong, Pittsburg.
W. S. Bissell, Pittsburg.
J. W. Paul, Pittsburg.
G. B. Bosworth, Pittsbuig.
M. Bosworth, Pittsburg.
Hon. J. C. Xewmyer, Pittsburg.
Levi Bird Duff, Esq., Pittsburg.
Jacob H. Miller, Esq., Pittsburg.
W. 6. Porter, Esq., Pittsburg.
Joel L. Bigham, Esq., Pittsburg.
Hon. J. O. Brown, Pittsburg.
Rev. S. B. Frazier, Pittsburg.
William Bakewell, Esq., Pittsburg.
W. A. Dunshoo, Esq., Pittsbuig.
W. D. Moore, Esq., Pittsburg.
M. Swartzwelder, Esq., Pittsburg.
James H. Reed, Esq., Pittsburg.
Thomas C. Lazear, Esq., Pittsburg.
J. J. Wallace, Pittsburg.
John W. Dalzell, Pittaburg.
A. X. Sutton, Esq., Pittsburg, .
James M. Campbell, Esq.,
William Dice, druggist.
C. A. Dally, Sec Wheeling Gas Co.
X. J. Boehmer, commission merchant
William Collins.
Rev. J. G. Cameron.
A. S. Mundorff, lumber dealer.
McBride ffGray, architects.
F. Egllsdorf, file manufacturer.
F. J. Osterllng, architect
John Stnlen, contractor.
J. H. Phillips, rubber goods.
A. J. Emptage, Agent Met Life Ins. Co.
The Triumphs of American
and Enterprise
Mm G. MM CO.
ENCYCLOPEDIAS at one-fourth
of the orieinal.
0, 11 M m Per Mn.
For-Circulars, etc., address the Henry G. Allen Co.,
68 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburg.
B. E. Axons, jeweler.
Dr. W. D. Rankin.
Dr. R. E. Warner.
William Peoples, stalrbullder.
E. J. Carter, veterinary surgeon.
X. L. Henderson, Asst Editor Am.-Mfg. &
Iron World.
C. W. Gernert, merchant.
Prof. A. H. Gilobrlst
John G. Frazior, architect.
George W. Connor.
A. F. Sawhill, druggist
Abr. J. DeEoy, Jeweler.
E. T. Daunne, salesman.
Ed M. Bohen, real estate,
J. K. Campbell, salesman.
B. A. Caldwell, teacher.
John W. Carle.
M. J. Beale.
J. B. Bell, merchant,
William Bradly, clerk.
John S. Boyd, lumber.
C. Breltwelser, liquor dealer.
Hamilton Brunt Teller Fourth-Eat Bank..
H. W. Banard, chemist
Matt Blum, Point brldgetolbooIleeteT.
W. H. Black.
John Benz.
F. P. lams, attorneys
E. S. Kennedy, liquor-detden
H. Kreusler, builder and oontraotoz.
Charles Lloyd.
H. C. Lipplncott,.glasa broker.
A. H. Lane.
R. C Mulhattenolyfl engineer.
Georgo Munn.
Dr. W. X. Miller.
E. T. Munn, restaurant
Fred Kugle, liquors.
Miss Pauline M. Mohn.-tcaflb.or.
Mi's. J. L. Mohn, Mohn Bro.
M. D. McWhinney.
H. X. McDonald.
Thomas M. McKee, HoKee 4 Bros.
W. E. McXabb.
Dr.M. L. Xardya.
J. J. Xorrls. ,
X. S. O'Brien, decoracox.
Charles Oschenhirt
John Patterson, glass manufacturer.
S.Pflamm, iron broker.
Einil Poestel, cigar manufacturer.
Austin Pcarce, Union Central Life Ins. Co.
J. A. Perley, Pittsburg Paper Company.
A. S. Patterson, coal merchant
C. G.Potter, Jeweler.
W. E. Gymnasium Club.
John X. Patterson, attorney.
II. X. Reisinger, eleotrlolan.
A. R. Runnetto, merchant
8. 8. Robertson, clerk.
H. P. Slotterbeck, contractor.
H. J. Schneider, editorof 8. S.J7ewa.
J. L. Sheppard, clerk.
C. A. Smiley, merchant
John P. Soder, plumber.'
G. H. Stengle, attorney.
W. R. Sowell, attorney.
D. C. Stewart, train dispatcher P. R. R.
James Stewart, chief Xo. 12 engine-house.
George Scheel, civil engineer.
John Rogers, notion dealer.
Samuel B. Rheam.
F. C. Reed, produce.
J. C. Robinson, manager Argoltne-Co.
Rev. Carl Spanuth.
S. F. W. Silvus.
F. W. Slemon, agent ofPhlladoIphla Co.
R. H. Thomas.
Marion M. Tygard.
Peter Yocum, restaurant
Charles Tillman.
C. C. Wolf, asst. seo. Philadelphia Co.
JreaA.Shefiler, asst man. of Westing-
nouse .ciectric co.
Robert R. Smith, managed
Mrs. X. C. Schrimplin.
W. C. Stillwagon, attorney.
Rudolph Schmidt, grocer.
W. A. Pratt, conductor.
William Proctor.
Daniel Better.
J. W. Ruhlandt
William Magee.
Edgar A. Holmes.
William Hughes', druggist
William C. Hamary, roller.
E. A. Hersman, carpenter.
Charles J. Gotthart
C. L. Gist, train dispatcher P. 4 L. E. B. R.
Wm. T. Jenkins, stenographer.
IL C. Knapp, publisher.
George A. Loukert
John A. Martin, asst. edr. Commoner and
E. A. Maxwell.
Eugene Ingolds, agt. Ft. Wayne Electrio
Thomas O'Shell.
J. D. McCaffrey.
A. K. Sharpe.-County Recorder's otHce.
H. G. O'Brien, superintendent of Solar
Wm. L. Pierce, attorney.
David Page, roller.
Thqs. E. Plnkerton, painter.
J. W. Koch, manager.
J. B. Speelman, glassworker.
the price
Phineas Stone, roller.
John T. Suckling, blaoksmlth.
J. H. Stadelman, agt. P, V. & C. E. B.
A. R. Slack, salesman.
C. F. Seidell.
A. Berryhlll, Esq., Pittsburg.
W. A. Schmidt, Esq., Pittsburg.
R. A. Balph, Esq., Pittsburg.
Magnus Pflaum, Esq., Pittsburg.
George W. De Camp, Esq., Pittsburg.
John W. Wiley, Esq., Pittsburg'
M. A. Woodward, Esq., Pittsburg.
C. C. Taylor, Esq., Pittsburg.
Wm. Scott, Esq., Pittsburg.
A. C. Patterson, Esq., Flttstrarg.
George T. Oliver, Esq., Pittsburg.
F. F. Sneathen, Esq., Pittsburg.
Richard A. Kennedy, Esq., Pittsburg.
W. B. Vates, Esq., Pittsburg:
Charles F. McKenna, Esq, PitUburg.
B. L. Wood, Pittsburg.
Wm. E. Fulton, Pittsburg
Bev. J. B. Kerfoot, D. D., Pittsburg.
Rer. H. G. Mendenall, Pittsburg.
H. H. McCormlck, Pittsburg.
George W. Jope, Pittsburg.
C. R. Dallas, Pittsburg.
D. L. Brown, Pittsburg.
T. A. Rex, M. D., Pittsburg.
Rev. J. Franklin Core. D. D., Pittsburg. .
W. F. Armstrong, Pittsburg.
T. & Christy, M. D., Pittsburg.
Val Erhardt, Pittsburg.
J. Willetts, Pittsburg.
Rev. Samuel W. Douglass, Pittsburg. '
Rev. W. B. WatWns, D. D Pittsburg.
W. J. McCracken, Pittsburg.
Pennsylvania Female' College, Pittsburg.
Rot. W. T. Beatty, D. D., PRtsbnrg.
Bev. R. B. Ewing, D. D., Pittsburg.
Rer. Boyd Vincent, D.D., Pittsburg.
T. J. Mav, Pittsburg.
D. Cowloy, M. D., Pittsburg.
Bev George W. Chalfant-D. D., Pittsburg.
H. E. Collins, Pittsburg.
Louis Kable, Pittsburg.
Robert R. Singer, Wllkinstrarg.
Rer. W. J. Holland, D-D., Pittsburg.
Joseph Ingham, Etna.
Mildred Blakey, Etna.
John J. Kiel, Sbarpsburg.
James Scott, Snarpsburg.
Bev. George S. Grace, Sharpsburg.
Thomas H. Gallagher, Sharpsburg.
James J. Hayes, Sharpsburg.
Adam Shaefer, Sharpsburg.
Alexander Martin, Sharpsburg,
John L. Robertson, Sharpsburg.
Andrew McConnell, Pittsburg.
F. E, Strage, Allegheny.
Prof. John Morrow, Allegheny.
Rer. John W. Sproull, D. D., Allegheny.
Prof. Langloy, Allegheny.
B. McCracken, Allegheny.
Xlcolaus Scher.kol, M. D., Allegheny.
Rer. Theo. F. Ebbert, Allegheny.
Her. A. E. Luty, Allegheny.
E. B. Ucckel, Allegheny.
Thomas Rodd, Allegheny.
J. Hnntor, M. D Allegheny.
Her. T. J. Leak, D. D Allegheny.
Hon. Felix E. Bruno, Allegheny.
Prof. A. E. Frost, Allegheny
W. R. Kirkpatrick, Pittsburg.
W. J.Johnson, Pittsburg.
W. A. Hope, Pittsburg.
G. McLaughlin, Pittsburg.
W. B. Urling, merchant tailor.
Reuben Banman, clerk.
E. C. Carter, electrician.
Louis Alt, contractor.
Dr. C. A. 8peer.
Charles A. Phillips, lumber.
J. C. Golden, attorney.
John P. Reienecko, plumber.
John P. Hamilton, clerk Union Line.
Louis Lorch, sec. Erie Mfg. Co.
A. W. Cole, clerk B. & O. R. It
John Voskamp, wholesale grocer.
E. Agnew, insurance.
Dr. Robert B. Wallace.
C. Caopel, sec Xovelty Candy Co. ,
F. Hunnings, civil engineer.
H. A. Katzenmyor, drugs.
W. P. Greer, merchant
Bertha Kaltenbacb, teacher.
Dr. W. X. Marshall.
L. L. Ferguson, clerk.
Thomas W. Baker, supt Bureau of Health,
E. T. Cassiday, attorney.
Dr. J. C. McQulston.
Stewart Munn, cashier B. AO. .
Dr. M. L. Kardyz.
William J. Boston.
G. A. Cochrane.
Miss S. A. Snowden.
Rev. J. V. Stevenson.
Rev. E. S. Farrand.
Rer. Charles A. Clark.
Rer. J. 8. Phillips.
Rer. W. W. Logan,
James Burke.
Her. J. B. Koehne.
Rer. J. H. Martin.
E. E. Crocker.
Rer. W. E. Paxton.
Rer. D.C. Martin.
Her. A. M. Hills. -Jas.
P. Scott, D. D.
Rer. F. a. Kerns.
following comparison of amounts of type re
quired, and prices of other great works, is by
Prof. A. P. Lyon, of New York, in the "Elec
trotype Journal" :
The Bible contains 3,500,000 "ems" of type.
Webster's Dictionary, 20,000,000 ems.
Chamber's Cyclopedia, 48,000,000 ems.
Johnson's Cyclopedia, 56,000,000 ems.
Appleton's Cyclopedia, 60,000,000 ems.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, i 40, 00, 000 ems.
other has spent one-third as much money on
literary labor as the Britannica. Not one has
given $10,000 for a single article, or $600 a
page for written matter, as it has given. The
Ninth Edition cost over one million and five
hundred thousand dollars, and represents the
labors of over 2,000 specialties and contains
25,000 subjects with 250,000 indexed refer
ences. This work is pre-eminently the Encyclopae
dia for our country and generation. Everyone
that reads, everyone that mingles in society, is
constantly meeting with allusions to subjects
on which he needs and desires further informa
tion, while few have the time to grope among
a hundred different works for the requisite
knowledge, and, moreover, in a country like ours,
where the humblest may be called to positions
of trust, requiring intelligence and general in
formation, the value of such a work cannot be
Rer. E. E. Douglas.
J. W. Axtell.
Rer. Jas. S. Freeman.
John Madden, attorney.
A. K. Henderson, druggist
J. M. McXeill, bookkeeper.
J. Y. McFarland, broker.
Geo. Addy, plumber.
August Loch, jeweler.
Henry Landgraff, contractor.
J. G. Wrenn, contractor.
W. J. Adams, prop, hotel.
Jno. Ommert, merchant tailor.
S. A. Wentworth, bookkeeper.
H. D. Kldd, engineer.
D. H. Roberts, clerk.
J. A. Jackson, merchant
J. D. McCaffrey, clerk.
Harry Girding, law student
W. A. Giren, Pittsburg.
Mrs. Geo. Lyle, Pittsburg.
Bev. Saml McBride, Pittsburg.
SamI S. Brown, Pittsburg.
Alexander Martin, Pittsburg.
W. H. Hays, Pittsburg.
Walton Ferguson, Pittsburg.
Wm. W. Miller, Pittsburg.
David Emerie, Pittsburg.
X. E. a Whitney, Pittsburg.
Rer. Xerin Woodside. Pittsburg.
Thos. J. Kisner. Pittsburg.
Darid M. Evans, Pittsburg.
a P. Smith, Pittsburg.
Rev. Joseph King, Allegheny.
J. P, Cooper, M. D., Allegheny.
John Kirker, M. D., Allegheny.
David W. Bemple, Allegheny.
Eer. E. 8. McKlttrick, Allegheny.
L. H. Willard, M. D., Allegheny.
D. X. Rankin, M. D., Allegheny.
Rer. J. L. Milllgan, Allegheny.
Rer. S. J. Wilson, D. D., Allegheny,
Rer. W. H. Jeffers, D. D. Allegheny.
Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny.
James McCutcheon, Allegheny.
Park Fainter. Allegheny.
Calvin Wells, Allegheny.
Rev. R. B. Warfleld, D. D., Allegheny.
Rer. F. R. Ferrand, Allegheny.
James J. Donnel, Allegheny.
Andrew Long, Allegheny.
Eer. Robert Meech, Allegheny.
Henry Phipps, Jr., Allegheny.
Rer. W. R. Mackey, Allegheny.
W. B. Scaife, Allegheny.
J. Campbell, M. D. Allegheny.
Charles L. Cole, Allegheny.
Rer. W. P. Braddock.
Rer. J. F. Patterson.
Cbas. Mills.
Rer. Jno. Whitehead.
Wm. Howat
Eer. A. L. Petty, D. D.
C. A. Holmes, Jr.
Thos. Chester.
Rer. P. S. Jennings.
Dr. A. D. Johnston.
E. W. Hahn.
Edwin Reiber.
Rer. T. H. Woodring.
Wm. H. Mackenson.
Rev. Edgar F. Johnston.
Edward O'Xelll.
Dr. T. R. Van Kirk.
M. E. Dethless.
Ber. J. U. Sohneider..
F. A. Relsker.
C. Garrett Smith.
Wm. Duncan.
J. W. Kreps.
C M. Ward.
Theo. Towmle.
Rer. A. J. Douthett
Fr. Lincke.
Ber. W. W. Caruthers.
E. G. Patterson.
Re v. Bob t O. Boyle.
Ber. John M. Ross.
Rer. W. S. Cummlngs.
Rer. T. E. Holllday.
C. B. Eahn.
Frank D. Tross.
Henry Ersklne.
G. W. Fisbering.
J. F. Grimes.
P. C. Duncan.
Henry Freese.
Joseph Campbell.
Cbas. Hertel.
T. F. Straub.
Wm. Eberhart
Francis H. Torrens.,
Frank a Harper.
D. Armstrong.
Jno Fetter.
Jesse 8. Harris,
Geo. Hardy.
J. E. McCrickart
J. W. Patterson.
Geo. D. McMoran.
Chas. R. Fendricks.
Prof. Cbas. W. Deane.
Jno. O.Slemmons.
U. P. Seminary, Allezheny.
J. Ablett, Allegheny.
E. M. Smith, Allegheny,
W. H. Cain, Allegheny.
8. L. Fleishman, Allegheny.
Thomaantton, Allegheny.
The Encyclopaedia
Britannica Appeals
to AIL
To the parent, because upon them more
than upon all others is placed the responsibility
of surrounding the young mind with the right
kind of influences; they can, by a little per
sonal effort, inculcate in their children a de
sire for more extended knowledge of the nat
ural sciences, and by an occasional reading to
them from the Britannica, incite in them an
inclination to know more of it, and thus lead
them toward a real practical education mors
practical often than they will obtain at their
regular studies.
To thestudent it appeals, for at no time in life is it
so essential that the impressions made upon the mind
and character shall be the most correct and of the high
est order as. durins student life.
To the teacher it appeals, for in tho thousands of
perplexing questions which present themselves, re
quiring research, the Britannica will render it easy to
obtain all the information required, besides offering
something new and -valuable at every turn of the page.
To the artisan it appeals, for every trade there is
stored within the Britannica a very mine of valuable
information. Every artisan will make himself mors
valuable and every mechanic will command better
waees by using his spare time in the study of these
books. He will obtain ideas that will be of constant
assistance to him.
To the professional man, the literary man, we would
say if there is a man among you who does not realiza
the great importance of possessing the Britannica, per
mit us to send you a volume of the work for your ex
amination, and we feel confident that your name will
appear among the thousands of your professional
brethren buyers of the Britannica.
Ber. T. J. Barkley, Allegheny.
Dr. R. Eoth, Allegheny.
Wm. Hughes, Allegheny.
H. . Taylor, Allegheny-
D. A. Stewart, Allegheny.
Bobt McAfee, Allegheny.
W. F. Armstrong, Allegheny.
James M. Melony.
Eer. A. M. Milllgan, D. D., Allegheny.
J. M. Cummins, M. D Allegheny.
H. H. Westlnghouse, Allegheny.
John Caldwell, Allegheny.
Benton Patterson, Allegheny.
James W. Stewart, Allegheny.
A. M. Voight, Pittsburg.
John McCurdy, Allegheny.
H. Samson, Allegheny.
Jno. L. George, Allegheny.
6. F. Shannon, M. D-, Allegheny.
Ber. Clark W. Marshall, Allegheny.
W. S. Boose, Allegheny,
Charles A. Miller, Allegheny.
Geo. Westlnghouse, Jr., Pittsburg.
Rer. Thos. D. Butler. Pittsburg:
Thomas Boyd, Pittsburg.
Prof. W. P. Montgomery, Pittsburg.
A. D. Brewster, M. D, Pittsburg.
A. C Draro, Pittsburg.
Eer. A. E. Linn, Pittsburg. '
W. J. Martin, M. D Pittsburg.
F. C Dean.
8. L. Rodgera.
Isaao Rosser.
F. W. Rudelmesgr. Iron & Glass Dollar
Savings Bank.
L. F. McGrath, grocer.
Dr. W. B. Conner.
Dr. Potts.
Herman Laube, civil engineer.
Austin Lucas.
Albert H. Moeser, attorney.
P. Metschon, merchant
Thomas R. Morris, druggist
Alber t Sorg, grocer.
Milton Swift, locomotive engineer.
C. H. Warren.
George E. Gua.
John Goodwin, druggist
Eer. E. S. Hassler.
Georgo Hulmes.
J. F. Uackett, architect
Carl Hartwlg, druggist
John Franz.
Louis Gerber, grocer.
C. M. Garrison, metal broker.
H. F. Gransebaugh.
W. L. Enos.
Jacob Eyrick.
George S. Freund, roller.
John G. Freund, merchant.
H. L. Falkenhagen, wall paper.
H. E. Fowhl, traveling salesman.
WlUiam Felton.
Henry A. Dittman.
David Emery.
G. W. Dean.
William Euden,
Franz Engstrom, Asst Engr. Penna. Co.
J. H. Ellerbrock, teacher.
Albert Donges.
W. B. Chambers, druggist '
Nathan Crone, merchant
H. P. Callow.
E. M. Bates.
Miss Lizzie J. Boal, teacher.
S. 6. Amberson.
J. W. Hamilton, contractor.
W. R. Stoughton.
Theo. M. Hopke.
Dr. J. W. Omstatt
G. W. McClelland.
John A. Irwin, bookbinder.
John Insley.
Evan John, contractor and manufacturer
George Kirk.
John KudolDh.
M. Slebert furniture manufacturer.
Dr. P. J. Stouffer.
F. Schnelderlochner, roU turner.
Thomas E. Unks.
Albert Vierheller, livery and exchange
Frank D.Thompson, artist .
A. K. Scandrett
X. S. Williams, attorney.
A. M. D. Taylor,
H. P. Simpson.
A. B. Starr, Supt of P., Ft. W. & C Depot -Dr.
William H. Hart '
Dr. 6. Kirkpatrick.
Fred Konle.
William Klemm.
James P. McKelrey.
C. J. O'Connor, purchasing agent-S T."'
Works Co.
Louis Heilfg. $
T. J. Hlckey, roller. ., .
Henry Mosely. "
Peter Aldred, Plttstmrg. ' '
Harvey Chess, Pittsburg. ''
E. A. Wood, M. D Pittsburg. f '
M. A. Arnholt, M. D, Pittsburg. j
E. W. Relneke.
E. A. Mundorff, M. D., Pittsburg. ' j ".
A. H. Helsey, Pittaburg.
Jos. K. Aikens, Pittsburg. " ' "
J. M. Byers, Pittsburg. "
A. M. Bacon, Pittsburg.
iVUllam a-Gray, Pittsburgh
i . JM-i-lfit-M11. .'.,,.,;, ', ,.,,.' ,. . .