Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 07, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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, - "T; v j-r i
" Tvprrwun un--TrsrnWnv-rrr wnvrnvrniarvA-vH
A Change of Weather Which Pitts
burg People Kegrct and
Ihe First Xew Signal JIalces Observers
I)ouM Their Sight.
Pittsburg seems doomed to suffer from
be extremes of natures Hot, sultry days
rhent obody could keep cool enon;h have
ceu followed by a season of cold and
lampness when people are even
Jiore uncomfortable than during
he hot spell. Yesterday was
ne of those bloppy, sticky, slm erv days
vhith paralyze business and act a a damper
in nil human joys. Its results will hardly
nd "imply in making people growL Such
i condition of the atmosphere is decidedly
onduche to -various kinds of sickness and
icncfits nobody but pin siciins and tinder
akers. It is expected th.it this week's death
ate will be considerably ahead of previous
The sudden chanre to cold 'Heather has
erred to imprei'S on people's minds the
isagrecable features of a scarcitv of natu-
al pa. Fires were needed everywhere,
ut in some places they could not be had.
The public school at Helletue had
i be clo-ed all day on account
f the lack of eas. The rooms nere
cold tor oocupany without fire. The
icrcury strucled up to the 56 mark
hortlv after noon, but did not remain there
ing. 'Shortly after dark it fell to 42.
.bout G o'clock the clouds that had hov
red over the chillv citv all day began to let
iwn a slow, drizzling ram which oon
nued at intenals during the night. Ooni
arativclj few persons ventured down town,
he streets had a deserted appearance and
icaters and otlier places of amusement
iflcred conidcrablv. Tlie rain had the
'cot of dispelling all fears of a frost last
The signal stcm has arain been put info
-o by the AVeather Bureau. The first flag
as hung out yesterday morning. Those
ho saw it were pleased at the
ew mo e, but w ere rntiier startled at the
mat. It was a large white flag indicating
ar and fair weather. Jlanj persons won
rod whether they were color blind when
ie s.iwthe lowering clouds late in the
A second look still showed the white flag,
hicli fluttered at the top of the Schmidt
mldins. in defiance of all the indications
r a spced downpour of rain. It was
naliv changed. The old stvle of signils
c to be usi d They are as follows:
Xo. 1, white flae, indicating clear or fair
oather, Xo 2, blue flag, rain or snow; Xo.
white and blue flagparallel bars, local
ins or showers, but not crenel al: Xo. 4.
!. triangular flag, denoting temperature
wncn piateu above l, 2 and 3, indicating
irmcr weather, and when placed below,
oler. Xo. .1, white flag w ith black center,
sndden and decided fall ot temperature.
esterdirv ram, while somewhat un-eh-omc
in the city, was hailed with joy
irourhout the conntrv districts where the
, parclied ground has sadlv delived the
naers' operations. Xow the fall plow
soanbe commenced, and unless there is
sndden chance to dr weather again, can
completed w ithout delat The prospects
r 'Mla are for more showers and slighily
-mcr weather.
The Itctlicsda Home Needs Jlonev.
The monthly meeting of the Allegheny
mnty "Women's Clinstian Temperance
mon was held yfterdiv afternoon in the
nahfield Strict 3L 11 Church. There
s little, if any, specnl business transacted,
rs J Ak I'orttr presided and made an
ipeal to the Lnion for aid in supporting
e Bethesda Home, and the Allegheny
Xurscry. JIr AV" Peoples aUo asked
A in supporting a Iav Xursery in Alle
ien which hasjust hetn opened" forcolored
lldrcn. The committee appointed to look
to the matter of Sabbath obsenance at
e AVorhl r.iir reported that they had
nt several pititions and had already se
red 105S signers. Tlie representation
m the A croua AV C T 17. reported th.it
lire racnibtri had joined that Union.
Work of llo Humane Society.
Mrs. Kdward C llcineman, 3Irs. George
ememan and Mrs. diaries AV. Killer were
ected members of the Humane Society
rterday at the regular meeting of the
iard of Managers. Secretary Davidson
ported the iollowing contributions:
lonvmous, SiO Mrs. George Black, 55,
iss Mav Scott, ?1. Miss Sidney Scott. 51;
rs. It L. IJaird. 62, Miss I. X Patterson.
Mrs. M 15. Patterson, 52, Mrs. Edward
Iteiucman, ?1 Mri Georgo Iteineman,
Airs. Charles V. Billcr, Si; Mrs. John
AValther. 51 Mrs. Charles H. Dappcy,
Mrs. Adam Iteineman, Si; Adam Iteme-
in, 55; Georcce AV. Hell, accnt at Erie,
t , 541; .Tohn McGarvcy, agent at Oil Citi ,
X Total, 5105.
Opening or tlie Tnrtle Creek Road.
The Turtle Creek Valley Bailroad was
-morally opened jc:trday. Special
jns carried hundreds of visitors from
ttsburg and Grecnslmrg to Murrayst illc,
id of the line Addresses were made
Congressman Huff, r.henfl Guffy, AV. D.
lore, .ludec Kirkpatrickand others. The
nlc Creek road was started six jcars ago
George AVcstin"house and Mr! btewart
d is six and a half miles Ions. In lbS8 it
sold to the Pennsylvania Compiny.
Threw Stonrs at a Street Car.
Tohn Huntrey was lodged in the Alle
eny lockup -yesterday afternoon on a
irgc of disorderly conduct It was
rged that Jluntrey got into a dispute
h the conductor of a Pittsburg, Alle
ay and Manchester car on Superior ave
f about his f.ire and was ejected from the
In retaliation, it is charged, he threw
tone through the window of the car. He
s arrested bv Officer Livingstone.
Returns Like a Monte Cristo.
iVstcrday Miss Mary Pollock, of Hazel
od, received a picsent from her uncle,
ank Anderson, in the shape of a draft for
,M). Tor vears he has b"cn mourned as
id. but now turns up in California enor
uslj wealtln. He-went AVest in 1819 and
do a fortune. The next time he returned
s in 187(5 He was then a poor man.
in that time until yesterday he had not
n heard from, and it was generally be
i ed he was dead.
k PKorLrrs stoke fifth atestje.
VHI Continue To-Day and To-Morrow
r grand opening in cloak and millinery
artmentR. All our Paris importations
being displajed.
Campeel, & Dick.
R. A. R.
JflO hundred Italian silk slumber robes,
25 each. Blanket depnrtment.
Bogcs & Bern.
Fire, Tire, Fire.
,000lo7en corsets to be closed out, J.
& lt Sommttte, go at $1.
E. S. Giles, Allegheny.
iDBROyD's patent underwear in white,
mralsind cadet blue; very nobby fittinc.
Ha::nAi:h, 30 Sixtfi street."
The Imperial Council of That Order Opens
Its Annual Session in rjttsbnrg Officers
Chosen for the Coming Year Rig Sleet
ing at Carnegie Hall.
The Imperial Council of the Order of
Tnitcd Friends opened its annual session
in the Monongahela House yesterday. The
morning session was taken up in enrolling
delegates who were present from all the
Eastern States. There is a mem
bership of 1,500 in this locality and
there are councils in 18 "States.
Nothing of great importance was trans
acted at the afternoon "session other than
the election of officers. Thomas S. Stout
was elected Imperial Councilor; Hon.
George S. Merrill, Imperial Alee Councilor;
O. M7 Shuld, Imperial Kecorder; H. A.
Lanipney. Iranerial Treasurer; Rev. It. L.
Howard, Imperial Prelate; Dr. X. B.
Beebe, Imperial Medical Examiner; I
P. French, Imperial Marshal; S. N.
Proctor, Imperial Guardian; M. G. Pren
tiss, Imperial Sentinel; Dr. Frank Fislier,
H. G. Jones, George H. Johnson, Imperial
Trustees; E. A. Schallcross, Jr., S. Lt Mal
colm, It. H. Burnham. Committee on Laws;
Isaac B Barrett, A. AY. Kearsing and H. O.
Case, Commtttce on Finance.
A soug by the Beethoven Quartet fol
lowed. An address on the "Aims and Ob
jects of the Order" was next made by AVill
lam C Crowcll, Grand Councillor of" Penn
sylvania. A iolin solo, by Fritz Tocrge, and a bass
solo bv G. M. Murphv. were the next nuni-
J "?''''
A song b tlie Allentown Double
Quartet, composed of members of the order,
concluded the first part ot the programme.
The second part consisted of an address
bj the Hon. George S. Merrill, Insurance
Commissioner of Massachusetts, on the
"Stability of Fraternal Beneficial Socie
ties," an address on "Good AVork Done by
Fraternal Societies," by the ltev. Iticliard
Jj. HoWaid, Imperial Prelate, and musical
selections by Prof. George Frey, the
Btethoven Quartet, the Double Quartet,
Mr. Charles Cooper and Mr. Thomas S.
The entertainment at Carnecric Hall last
night was well attended. It opened with
an organ prelude by Prof. George Frey.
The opening address was made by B. AVahl,
Chairman ot the Eecutie Committee, who
introduced P. G. C. Thomas S. Stout, who
made a short address. Addresses of w el
come were to hae been made by Majors
Gourley and AVa man, but in theJr absence
the order was w elconied by Prof. J. P. An
German Aire Greeted A ith Applanse at the
Exposition l.ast -Mglit.
Yesterday was German day at the Expo
sition. A programme of German music was
rendered by Cappa's Band, and it was lis
tened to by one of the largest audiences of
the series. After the entertainment the
Musical Union Protective Association, to
the number of about 200, escorted the band
to Turner Hall, Forbes street, where a ban
quet was given in honor of the visitors.
The associatioa played a military march on
the wat from the Exposition to Turner
Hall '
The "Battle of Gettysburg" will be given
again to-nicht and on Thursday. The popu
larity ot this place of music, with its ac
companiments of guns and other effects by
Battery B, seems neer to fade. The audi
ence last night listened to it with rapt at
tention, and the wild burst, of applause at
the end was most inspiring.
It should be remembered that there are
only nine more days of the Exposition, and
then it will he closed for nearly a year
again. The crowds of stranger? in the city
every day is proof of how much interest is
felt in the great show outside the city.
There have been dozens of excursions, and
e erv one is attended by hundreds of peo
ple who would neer see Pittsburg under
any other circumstances. The advantage
thfs is to business in Pittsburg is obvious,
and it is no wonder that merchants say they
would like to see the Exposition last 80
days instead of 40.
New Duqnesne Cars Running
The Duquesne Traction Company had
four of its new cars on the road yesterday.
Twenty of them are now on hand and at
least 35 more will be ready in a few days.
They are equipped woth double motors and
make fast time on the steepest portions of
the line.
HOI.IlKKsor the rennsilvantasalt M-mutac-lurltig
Company will 1k held at their office. No.
IIS hcstnul st . riiUarlrlpliia. on H)MDA,
Octolier is. 111, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the
eleition ot so rn directors for the enduing rear,
and such other business an lunv he broueht lie
fore them. AUSTIN 31 rUKVl, secretary
Legal Notices.
TFGAL I am prcp-ired to do work for the legal
j profession, wntlnjr deds, mortgages or tran
scribing ligal or otlur documents: satisfaction
f'uiranteed: terms moderate. Mortimer btariing,
:oom 34, Kfo Fourth av.
""OTICE AU persons are hereby warned not to
gire credit to my wife on raj account.
JA the tiovtrnorof Feniisvlania for a charter
of incorporation for the .1. C. Russell Miorel Com
pan on THUlfsDAA". October 1 1851. under the
general corporation act of April SJ, 1S74. and the
biipplements thereto, h Albert C. etlengel,
Alt xandcr Jlorrlsou. .lames C ltutclL John J.
McKecandJs.lt. MivUer. The object of the pro
pobtd corporation i the manufacture of Iron or
t-teclorlHith, oran) other metal, or of any article
of commerce from metal or wood or both. A M.
NEU'LK, Solicitor fur Applicants. si23-67-w
1A uan c
uan of l'ort View brldire over Youehioehi uv
river near -McKccbOort
r .... ...tj. .." .".
twin necioseun ousiruc-
lions required in rectlou ot llu bridge superstruc
ture on ana aurr irciouer j, iciii.
6027-97-23, 29. oco, 6,7, 8
riTTsnrBO, Octobers, 1891. )
GIILN Y counts : In pursuance of a resolution
adopted by the above rommtttcc upon isaturdvj,
tlioi;tlida of-tptembir. 3S3I primary elections
will be hold in the several election districts
throughout tin county of Allegheny on Saturday.
OUoImt IP, IsJl, Ijctween the iiours of 4 and 7
o'clock r. m., then and there to elect delegates to
1- ortv-freeond Senatorial District Convention,
1 ort) -third s natorial District Convention,
Forty fourth senatorial District Com i ntion.
rort-nrth Senatorial District Com cntlon,
baid cou cntlous to be con eued upon the Tues
day follow ing. Iz. October 13. 1891, at sucli time
and place as shall be hcrcafierdesigiiited and nom
inate two (2) persons as Kepnbllcun nominees for
election as delegates to the Constitutional Conven
tion. By order.
JOHN GRD?r. Chairman.
GI.O. VT. JIII.T.rU, Secretary. oc6-4TuWFS
1 he urelslou b Hie rnited Mates Circuit Court
for tlieAt extern lllstrh t of Iri.nsvlvinla at No. 9.
Noiembcr Ierm IBM, in eqult or thatcourt. or
dered a inle or the orpcntc property and fran
chises of the Allcghcm Valley Railroad Company,
dli sting the lien of the following seeuritles and
distributing tlie proceeds of taid sale among the
holders thereof in the order below stated:
1st: The principal of, and Interest on, tliema
. . ,'in'1 .UIpafd lounous or the 110,000,000 loan
dated March 31st, 18G9. bearing interest at the rate
or. percent er annum, payable seml-annuaUy,
principal maturing April 1st. 1910.
2d: llic matured and unpaid portion of the prin
cipal and interest or the Commonwealths loan
secured b mortgages dated April 1. 1669. and Sep
tember 5. 1S74.
3d: Tlie principal and interest of tlie income
bonds secured)) mortgnge dated Oetobcrlsr. 1S74.
rhiss-alc wlllal-u ot cour-(. terminate the inter
est of tlie stockholders in the corporate property
and franeliiM-s
An agreement embodiing a plan of reorganiza
tion, to be signed bj such or said security holders
and stockholders as mav desire to do so. lias been
prepared and put In chirgeof the undersigned.
Copies or the said agreement for siguature are at
tlie-following places:
Room No. Al, 233 boutli Fourth street. Tblladcl
phla. ridellty Title and Trust Company, No. 123Fourth
aicnue, Pittsburg.
l'arties signing tlie same must, at the time of
signing, deposit the tecuritiis and certificates of
slock neld by them with the Purchasing Commit
tee, and will receive a receipt therefor? entitling
them to tlu'bcncflts of the reorganization scheme
upon compliance with the terms thereof. All who
disirc to become parties to-tlils agreement must
sign the same and deposit their securities and cer
titieatcs or tock on or before Monday, the 23d day
or November, 1S91. ' "--"""J
R. I). BARt LAV.
Purchasing Committee.
t5?iip?iy advertisements one dollar per
square for one insertion. Classified real estate
j adicrhsemenis on this page ten cents per line
for each insertion, and none taken for Jest than
thirty cents.
Classified under the followine headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
FOn FACH INSERTION -when paid for In ad
vance cither at main or branch offices.
Wanted Adtertisemenls of aU .Kinds,
Cor. Smltlifield antl Diamond Streets,
Adcrtisementi should be prepaid unless adver
tisers already ha e accounts with The DiSPATcn.
THOMAS McC VFI REV, a09 Butler street.
EJIIL G. S1UCKEY. 24h street and Tenn avenue.
A. .T. KAERCHER. No. 82 Federal street.
H. J. MrriRIDE. Market House, Allegheny.
F. II. ECiGERs Jt SON, Ohio and Chestnut streets.
THOMAS MdlKXRY, Western and Irwin avenues.
G. V . HLGHEs. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves.
PERRY M. GI.EIM. Rebecca and Alleslicnv ave.
lllale Help.
ASSITT Immedlatelv; second venrmedieal
student as assistant, in country place; oppor
tunity for studv : with1 practical work and good
salary. Address Physician, Lock Box 37, Florence,
BARIir R-Good man. immediately: wages J12.
Apil attiust. bchiffliauer's, lot, Frankstown
av., E. E-. Pittsburg, Pa.
AKBFR-A good barber, immediately, at W.
H. Frier's, East Liverpool. O.
BOI Bright boy about 18 years old, of good
address; call before o'clock. Cochran's
Shoe House, Fourth ay. aud Market st.
tlOAC'IIMAN, farm hands, dairymen, coalmln
- era, man cook, two laundresses, chambermaids,
dishwashers, fourdlning room girls forsamehotel,
famllv rooks, maids, waitresses, hotel cooks; 200
girts will be supplied this week free of charge;
call at once. Median's. 545Grantst.
rlOCHMAN A steady single man: must come
with good reference from former employer.
Applv 324 Ridge ay., Allegheny.
COATMaKFR A first-class man: best ofwages
and stead work guaranteed: only rellahle
men wanted. Inquire of Jas. A. McN'ally. 809
Liberty st., Pittsburg.
DRIVER oher. industrious man as driver for
private family. F 3. Dispatch office.
DRl'G CLERK Registered as qualitied assist
ant. K. M. Mctz, Etna, Pa.
XPERIFNCED woodworker at 2103 Carson st ,
J? II. Keech, 923 Penn ay citr.
Apply to W.
IABORPRS Accu-toraed to working about
j foundry. Call at Room 512. Lewis block.
MAN with puh wanted in each city and towmto
Introduce our new Paste btove Polish among
housekeepers and stores; no labor: no brush dust
orsmell: sell on 6lght: pays S3 50 per day. Ad
dress with stamp Champion Company, 40 North
Fourth st , Philadelphia, Pa.
MEN Five bright young men to enter prh ate
shorthand class, beginning October 13 at 7
p, M.: circulars fre bv addressing Private Short
band Institute, 41o Smithfleld st., Pittsburg. Pa.
"A TAN Good,
honest man to distribute bills;
ill. must brin reference.
Apply 201 Franklin st
Allegheny, i'a.
MEN 8 stout colored men Inqulri at 719 Lib
ert St. betw een 8 and 9 o'clock.
fvtIICE CLERK Youn? man
hand: one with some know ledge of law and stenog-
rapnv prcierrea: salary to commence wiin, wu per
lnouih. Address Manufacturer, Dispatch office.
PACKER-An experience! packer and shipper;
state salary expected and give references.
Address Packer, Dispatch office.
PATTERN MAKER-Call at office, Leechburg
Foundrv and Machine Co., Lewis Block.
SALESMEN Firt clothing salcsmT. at bankrupt
sale, m and 721 Liberty st head of 'Hoodst.
Inquire AA ednsedav morning at S o'clock.
SALESLADY A flrst-clasi
Parisian Cloak and Suit Co.
cloak saleslady.
STEAM FITTER-First-clasa steam fitter. En
ping. Carpenter & Co , Llm.
QTONECU1TEK lmmcdlatclT: a good man.
O ply to Erbeck Bros., Homestead, Pa.
W 1REM AN An experienced Inside wircman and
bell hanger at F. J. Brady's, COW 1'enn av.,
"lX7'ORKERs Active workers everywhere for
l f Shcpp's Pliotographs of the World, produced
at an outlay of S100.O00, tremendous success; Mr.
.1. 31. Marshall, Dexter Ind.. cleared ?503 In 4 days;
Rev. Henry fisher Pialnfleld. Mass., !187 in 6
hours; Ml H. H. Harris, Garfield. Pa 14 in 30
minutes; mammoth illustrated circulars and terms
fr c; books on credit; freight paid' beautiful ont
tltonljil. Address Globe Bible Publishing Co.,
705 Chestnut sU, Philadelphia, Pa.
VOUNG MAN About 18, to tend butcher shop.
A Apply 2d4 Webster av., city.
527 A MONTH and expenses for salesmen in
t&lU every county in the IJ. S.; samples and
outfit free: no experience necessary; j early con
tracts made: finest and easiest selling goods man
ufactured, bend stamps for fnll particulars, .
Converse, 24 licrmon st., Worcester, Mass.
Wanted Atrenrs.
AGENTS On saLary or commission to handle
the new patent ehemlcat ink erasing pencil:
the greatest selling novelty ever producea; erases
ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ot
paper: 200 to W0 per cent profit: one agent's sales
amounted to (620 in six days; another f 32 in two
hours: wc want one energetic general agent for
each State and Terri ton. lor terms and full particu
lars, address 'the Monroo Eraser Mfg. Co., La
Crosse. W is.
AGENTs-To sell the Pinless Clothes Line, the
only line ee invented that holds the clothes
without pins; a perfect success; patent recently
Issued: sold only by agents, to whom the exclu
sive right is git en: on receipt of 50 cents we
will send a sample line hy mall; also circulars;
price list and terms to agents: secure) our territorj
at ome. Address The Plnles. Clothes Line Co.,
7 Henncn st., A orcesicr, Mass.
AGENTS Cowan's free hand portraits in crayon
and w ater cotois to be the best in the citv; six
skilled irtistswork in windows: latest designs ill
frames and moldings; order now ami paj for
Christmas, store- open till 9 r. M. First floor,
703 Libert) St., !7oodst.
AGENTS "King's Handbook:" 2.633 Illustra
tions. 51 colored maps; census 1890: selling for
1250 Is makings great hit: agents making money
rapidly; erritory going fast: liberal terms. 1'. J.
Fleming S, Co.. 1& Filth av., Pittsburg.
AGENT General agent for Allegheny and sur
rounding counties for best selling special tyj in
the market: no competition: sells for itself; profits
large. Address X. l . Z., Dispatch office.
AGENT A reliable, energetic agent at fair sal
ary, to devote a part or all or time to local so
liciting: state rrfi rences. Rhodus Brothers, Bank
ers, M. Louis, Mo.
AGENTSNew cigar lighter; c ery smoker buys;
lights in wind or rain; sample 15c, two for 25c;
Jl dozen, b) mall; stamps taken. R. Stayncr &Co,,
Providence, R. I.
AGENTS S3 to $7 dally; experience unnecessary.
Putnam & Co.. Perfumers, West Winsted, Ct.
Wanted Female Help.
CHAMBERMAID 1 til house Craig, between Fifth
and Center.
COOK for a small family; goon reference re
quired. Address P. O. Box 273 Pittsburg.
GIRLS To bin line dress goods and jackets of J.
Dwyer. Room 4, McCance Block, cor, seventh
av. and Smltlifield. Open also evenings.
GIRL tor housework, and middle aged woman
for cook and dishwasher. U0 Robinson St.,
GIRL Good girl for housework.
Dinwiddle st., Lockhard row.
Apply at 253
GIRL for general housework,
lcw a., opp. Memmftc.
Inquire at Grand-
GIRL To do cooking. Apply 387 Eprlng Garden
ay., Allegheny City.
GIRL For general housework, at 23 Marlon ay
GIRLS to fold circulars,
patch office.
Address Rapid, Dls-
LAD1 BOOKKEEPER-Competent to take
charge of books, act as bill clerk and do gen
eral office work; salary $a per month. Address,
with rcfercuccs. Cartoon, Dispatch office.
X ADIES Three briehtvoune ladies to enter nri.
XJ vate shorthand class, beginning October H, at
7 P. 11
w.; circulars free bv addressing PriateShort-
I Institute, 415 binltnueia st.. A'lltsDurg, t'a.
LADIES To do fancy work at their homes; we
furnish material and pay per piece. Call and
see work, or address with stamp, J. M. LemariS
Co., No. 0 Fourth av. near ood.
"vrURSE Experienced nurse for one child. Apply
Xi to Mrs. J. n. btewart. Homewood av., E. E.
PANTSMAKERS Two good panUmakers Sud
two aestmakers to work In store. Apply
Topping, the Tailor, 17 Anderson st , Alleghen),
WAIsT MAKER An experienced waist maker.
Apply at once, 55 Robinson St.. Allegheny,
Wanted Slate and leinale Help.
COOKS, chambennalds, laundresses, dining
room girls, nurses, dish washers, pantry girls,
kitchen girls, cooks, dining room girls for hotels
and boarding honsis, 6e young girls, 200 house
girls, German and colored girls, 50 laborers, team
sters, farm hands. Mrs. E. Thompson, CCS Grant st.
-rOUNG MEN and ladles to attend day or night
X school at the Actual Business College, No. 5
sixth av.: bookkeeping taught hy actuaf huslncss
practice; penmanship, arithmetic. English tr lin
ing by the month, "; shorthand; private instruc
tion a specialty: eleenth tear. M. J. Couner,
President: J. M. Phillips, Expert Accountant.
Wanted Sltnanons.
PERMANENT POSITION-By a stenographer
with three )ears' experience: owns machine;
unexcelled references. Address Remington, Dis
patch office.
POSITION by experienced watchmaker and jew
eler: speaks German. English and French; un
derstands his trade thoroughly and is able to act as
salesman; can bring best of citv references.
uress A. jtrcusci, .4-t ujiiu , At.cgucii..
POSITION in famllv or institution by roan and
wife; can undertake work in general. Inside
and outside; furulsh good references. Median's,
545 Grant st. Telephone 90.
POSITION Bv a will recommended white man
of 22)ears: can keep books: willing to hustle:
high wages not so much an object. Peregriuo,
phone, 1SG0.
POSITION A side line to sell on commission In
Reading, Pa.: 70 000 inhabitants. Call.itVC
Liberty st , or address C. D Dispatch office, ritts
burg. Pa.
POSITION For first-class colored driver, also a
houseman; both justarrled and hae the
best of references. Peregrino, 159 Fourth av.
POSITION As caterer or Stewart at hotel or
clubhouse; can gle reference. Address
Caterer, Dispatch office.
TJiOSITION In business house: hardware pre
I ferred: citv reference and experience. M.J.,
Dispatch office.
POSITION As bookkeeper; double or single
intry; good references. Address II. II. 11.,
Dispatch office.
Wanted Boarders and Lodgers.
OCCUPANTS For second tory front, furnished
for two or three gentlemen, or as an office.
154 Fourth av.
Wanted Rooms.
ROOM Centrally located, comfortably furnished
with or without board by a gentleman. Ad
dress R. C. L., Dispatch office.
Wanted Tteal Estate.
PROPERTY To purchase improved property;
honse about nine rooms,on P , Ft. W. A C. Ry.,
within four miles of city. Address Buyer, Dis
patch office.
nOITSE To rent, five or 'six-roomed house, lo
cated within ten minutes' walk of the Court
House; no children. Address D. II. H , Dispatch
Business Opportunities.
BUSINESS MANAGER-For corporation manu
facturing wire work and patented steel light,
iron aud steel specialty with exclusive territory;
must be able to take interest with present owners:
business already established. Apply to G., care
Carrier No. 9, St. Louis, Mo.
MONEY To loan in large or small amounts on
good city or Allegheny property. Mortimer
Starling, Room 31, 10S Fourth av.
ONE to loan on short notice.
John K
Ewlng & Co.. 107 Federal st.
MORTGAGES J10O.O0O to loan; sums 8500 to 3,000
to?20,0O0: expenses light; money ready, b.
J. Fleming. 152 Fifth av.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop
ert) at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaicr &
Co., 82 Fourth av.
QUICK loan of not over ?2,500; highest interest
paid; real estate security. Address Loan,
Dispatch office.
REAL ESTATE brokers requiring deeds,
mortgages, or transcribing of auv description
done with promptness and accuracy please call
on me: terms moderate. Mortimer Starling,
Room 34, 108 Fourth av.
TO LOAN $200,000 on mortgages: 8100 and up
ward at G per cent: ?500,OCOat Hi percent on
residences or business property, vacant lots or
farms. S. II. French, 12o Fourth av.
A GREAT reduction W e want everybody to
know that wc have reduced our best &5 00 cabi
nets to S3 00. btewart & Co , 90 and 92 Federal St.,
Allegheny, Pa.; diamond Photoettcstl 00.
HORSES to board for the winter in the country;
good care. Apply for terms to C. Scully, Jr.,
P. O. Box No. 814, cit) .
"VTATURAL GAS Consumers of natural eas will
la find it to their advantage to call on James
Owen, of No. 109 Fourth ay., and have their
stoves and grates arranged for the saving of gas,
as this is the only way to get ahead ot the gas com
panies. PATENTS O. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor, 131
.Fifth av., nex: Leader. Pittsburg.
PIANO and furniture moving Shanahan Transfer
Co., Smithfleld, corner Water.
SPANISH correspondence, documents, etc.,
translated; pupiu wanted. 410 Penn ay.
rpRUNKi hauled to and from East End for 60c.
X. Campb-lt S. Davis, 12 seventh av. Telephone
USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzcr Tones' Magic
Roach Powder: contains n- poison; roaches
banished by contrac; satlsfactionglven or no pay.
Prepared by Geo. W. Jones, 222 Federal st,, Alle
ghen) . Pa. Sold by all first-class druggists.
City Residences.
BRICK DWFLLINGS 3 new 2-story mansard
press brick dwellings; 8 rooms, ball, vestibule,
etc.. with every modern convenience: only min
utes' walk from Court Housctow ncr must sell; will
rent for $1,2(50 per vear and pay 10 per cent net.
Baxter, Thompson & Co , 162 Fourth a .
brick residence. No. tSB Butler St.. lot 20x100
ft . containing hall, vestibule and ten large rooms;
supplied with e cry modern convenience; prop
erty cost over 113. COO: on account of bad health of
the owner and having to leaie for California at
once, the property win be sold away below cost,
and at terms to suit purchaser; possession gh en
at once; this is an excellent location for a doctor.
Particulars of Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler St.
I70R SALE At a low price, a very good (corner)
brick house, six rooms and attic, well finished,
modern fixtures, location good and very conven
ient. (99). W. A. Herroni. Sons, 80 Fourth av.
HOUSF Of sir rooms, laundry, finished attic,
hall and open stairway, well-finished
throughout: cheap If sold at once; terms easy. In-
? nl re on premises, 127 Meridan st , Duquesne
300 Cor. Tliirtv-fourth and Charlotte sts ,
lot 25x44. witli new three-story brick dwell
ing of nine rooms, hall, etc.: rents for S456; ex
cellent location for renting: at terms to suit.
Thos. McCaflrcy, SjOO Butler st.
100 Lovely homo on Mt. Washington; flte
rooms, ball, nantrv. porches, citv w.ater.
etc: small cash payment. Baltcnsperger & Wil
liam, 143 Fourth av.
Q"1 OOO CASn Two live-room houses, near
aj5J. Twcnt)-eighthst.:rent lor 530 per month;
leasehold, but a bargain. Baltcnsperger & Will
iams, 143 Fourth av.
East End Residence.
I70R PALE-Cheap: (6,800: at Oakland, street
Improved, brick house, line appearance, nine
rooms, modern fixtures, location desirable; worth
an examination at least. (C9). W. A. Uerron &
Sons, 80 Fourth av.
FOR SALE A good investment, $8,500 Tor two
good houses, eight rooms each, lot 70 feet front
well located. East End. (G3) W. A. Hcrron &
Sons, 80 Fourth av.
ffijff SOO Shadyslde, complete new modern 9
IDU) room frame dwelling, bath, range, slate
mantels, tile hearths, both gases. Inside shutters,
laundry, etc. ; lot 3iM0, on 50-foot street, one
square from electric cars or P. R. R.; very easy
terms. M. F. Hippie & Co., 98 Fourth av.
loo With navmene nrtlnn ..ash .and h,1,mii
monthlv. will buv2-sLnrr frame Zmmna
with lot 21x100, close to electrlo road. Baxter!
Thompson Co . 102 Fourth av.
.Allegheny- Residences.
A HANDSOME brick house for sale on asphait
nm paved street in central location of East
End, liand to all the rapid transit lines; has 12
rooms and is modern throughout, nicely papered;
fine large lot and location strictly first class ; wc
have a low price on this and can arrange very fa
aorablc tcims. S. A. Dickie & Co., Penn and
Shady avs.. East End. 3033.
3 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny, above the parks, a
. good brick dwelling, eight rooms, bath, nat
ural gas, etc. James W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood
street. Pittsburg.
HOUSE AND LOT -119 Irwin avenue, Secoud
ward, Allegheny; lot 20x138, with brick house
five rooms, attic and bath; will be sold at auction
at the Real Estato Auction Board, 99 Fourth
avenue, on Thursday, October 8, at 3 o'clock. Git
key for inspection from A. Leggatc & Sou, Auc
tioneers, 108 Fourth av.
double lot, 40 8-12x120, with comfortable
brick dwelling of 9 rooms; pleasant and convenient
situation: look at the exterior, then come and we
will show you the interior. A. Leggatc S, bon, 108
Fourth av.
Cgl 400 Small pavment down, balance In
E)Xj monthly Installments same as rent; new
frame house of five rooms; lot 23x100 feet; Tenth
ward. Allegheny City, near electric cars: good
neighborhood : nice location, John E. McCrickart.
llOllfthat. Tel. 1076.
S2Q ffl wlu l)n3r a frame house or six rooms, hall,
HSVOlJ and attic: only two doors from Alle-
fhenv Market House; rents for 8360 per annum:
sche nlev lease). See John K. Ewlug &. Co., 107
Federal st.
FARM For sale or exchange, a large farm of
over 200 acres: close to railroad station, church,
school, postofflce, stores and convenient to the new
town of Kensington on tlie A. V, R, R. ; dwelling,
outbuildings, orchard, coal, water, ctc.;would ex
change for a house and lot in either citv in part
Jiayment. James W. Drape i. Co., 313 Wood St.,
i . t i i i
City Lots.
BUILDING SITE A grand site downtown on fi
main avenue, 11x1121 1. ; two fullstreet frontages;
as a location for a snail hotel, warehuiiiic or busi
ness establishment ofany kind It cannot be dupli
cated at the prico or S450 per foot (1-12-77).
Charles Somcrs i. Co., 12U Fourth av.
FOR SALE-SI75-A level lot 20 feet fi out; street
paved and sewered; one square from cable
line: neighborhood good. (67. L.) AV. A. Uerron
&, Sons, 80 Fourth a enue.
LOTS-Beautlful building lots rorfrom 100 to JTOO,
In tlie Eighteenth ward, long pa)mcnts;casy
terms. Inquire or Clias. E. Cornelius, attorney,
408 Grant St.. Pittsburg.
East End Lots.
ALLFQUIPPA FLACE-Flan No. 2; choicest
lots In Oakland only $330 to$.)50each: terms
teryeasy: these beautilul lots are situate on Rob
inson St., onl a Tew minutes' walk from cither the
rifthav. or Cc literal, lines, and they areoffired
at very low prlies and terms to suit you; agent on
the ground ci cr) afternoon. J. L. Glass, 138 Fifth
I70R SALE Penn ave.. East Liberty-Lots 200
' feet deep, at $lS!pcr front foot: surroundings
of the best character: unquestionably the choice
spot of the avenue. (118.) W. A. Herron & Sons,
So. 80 Fourtli av.
AUeslieny Lots.
PERRYSVILLE AV.-Fonr lots. 22xT. near the
I'nUersltvon the hillside, onposite Clayton
n.. Suonil ward, Alhgliem; will be sold attlie
Real Estnti Am Hon Board, 9 rourth av., Thurs
day. Octobers, at3o'elock. AU information by A.
Leggatc & bon. Auctioneer?, 103 I ourth av
rALESr. Lot CO ft et, andl38fieton Rolla si.,
X Second ward, Allegheny, will be sold at tho
Real Fstale Auction Board, f) Fourth av , on
Thursday, Octobers, at 3 o'clock. Full particulars
bv A. Leggate S. Son, Auctioneers, 108 Fourtli
OOO Sherman av. ; lot 20x110: near Mont-
ffomerv av.. onnnslte the rtnrk rreen-
lionses: choice lot for fine reldeuce. A. Leggate
& Son, 108 Fourth av. ,
Snbnrban Lots.
riDGEWOOD, P. R. R. Large level lot, with
Xj sh iile trees, on Maple st,, within seven uiin-
utes or station : 100300; price
gain. Hoffman Baldrldge,
: ? 7ou: mis is a uur
, Wllklnsburg, oppo-
site aepoi.
PALMER PLACE lots .at Swlssvale. P. R. R..
2 minutes rroin station; come andtecthemot
desirable anil cheapest lots in the m irket; they will
make voua belli r investment than a savings bank.
Hoffman Baldrldge, A llkinsburg, opposite de
pot. Slisceilaneons.
COVL TROPFRTY The undersigned has for
sale 2.800 acres of good gas steam aud coking
coal (Pittsburg seam), situated on line of B. AO.
R. R , can be opened and operated with i drift
mine; for full particulars e ill on or write. Hutch
inson Coal and Coke Co., Fairmont. Y. Va.2,
COALLAVD-SIx fiet river vein, 180 acres, fac
ing on Miugo Run, Carroll township, Wash
ington county, one mile from Mouongahela river:
terms eas). Ad tress Owner, 335 Last Wheeling
st , Washington, I'a.
3 200 acres choice timber land. Timber estimate:
5 Poplar and ush, 12,000 000 feet: wild cherry,
600,000 feet; besides other timber. On good float
ing stream, two miles from rallroad:prlce$24 -000;
a bargain, J. II. Brlstor, Martlnsburg, W.
Business Opportunities.
BARBFR SHOP Good stand in a good location;
for further information, address F. F. K.,
Dispatch office.
TjBUG STORE Well located in one of the best
XJ towns of Ceutral Ohio; a splendid chance.
Address P. O. Box 82, Cleveland, f).
I)ESTAURANT Fine, in central part of city;
l Jewelry stores, good-paving cigar store,
grocery 6tores, $200, $o00, $1,000 to tlu.OOO, milk
route, liven stable, lumber yard, fish and ovster
market, ba"kcrv. shoestore. good country store.
Holmes & Co . 420 Smithfleld st.
SALOON A licensed saloon in Harrlsburg, Pa
centrally located, doing a good business; an
elegant chance for the right part). Address Lock
Box 317. Harrlsburg, Pa.
(JtJQ 300 A reliable man with $3, W0 can manage
jJ j
a navln? business that will nav him S2.500 a
Address Box 123, Dispatch office
Business Properties. ,
AT WILKINSBURG Business property in the
most central and rapidly growing business lo
cation In Wilkinsburg: a new press brick front
store building, with 7 dwelling rooms, bath, nat.
gas. electric light, city water, side entrance; well
built and in excellent condition; lot 1x120 ft. to
allev: removal of owner cause of sale: onl) $5,400.
Hoffman & Baldrldge, 1 llkinsburg, opposite sta
tion. FIRE BRICK WORKS-At New Lisbon, O.. in
cluding buildings, kilns, machinery, fixtures
and nine acres of ground; coal and clay adjoining
works; will be sold cheap to a ready purchaser.
For terms, etc.. applv to J. E. McKelvy, UU
Fourth av rlttsbnrg. Pa.
SALEoflandbythe United States at Pittsburg,
Pa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, that the Secretary of War be.
and hereby is, authorized and directed to sell and
convey to the purchaser, or purchasers, all the right,
title and interest of the United States in and to all
that certain parcel otground belonging to the United
States, situate In the city of Pittsburg, Pa., at the
northwest corner of Penn av. and Garrison alley,
in the Fourth ward of said citv, fronting ICO feet
on the west side or Penn ay. and extending north
wardlv along the west line ot Garrison alley, pre
serving the same width, to low water lino of the
Allegheny river, subject however, to such public
casements as exist thereon and thereover. Depot
Quartermaster's Office, Washington, D. C. Sep
tember 1891. Under the provisions of the above
quoted act of Congress, approved May 21. 1890, and
bv direction of the Secretary of War, I will offer for
sale at nubile auction on the premises in the citv
of Pittsburg, Pa., on Wednesday, the
28th day of October, 1891, at 11 o'cloikA. jr., for
cash, the property described in said act together
with such improvements thereon as belong to the
United States, subject to the conditions set forth
in said Act and subject also to the terms and con
ditions named in the printed circular of this date,
copies of w hich will be furnished on application tq
tho undersigned or to the Acting Assistant Quarter
master at Allegheny Arsenal, w here also a plat of
the ground can be seen. The right Is reserved to
reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid
or bids subject to the conditions prescribed
in the circular referred to. and to require a deposit
of 2 per centum of the purchase moucy at the time
of written notification of acceptance of bid; pay
ment of the full amount or tho purchase money
must be made upon delivery or duly executed deed
or deeds for the property purchased, or the prop
erty may be resold, without further notice, at the
risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser; the
cost ofall conveyancing will be borne by the pur
chaser. G.B. Dandy, Deputy Quartermaster Gen
eral. U. S. Arm)
Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock.
CtARRIAGES-Two carriages, one a largo family
J carriage the other a Brewster brougham. Can
be seen 321RIdge avenue. Allegheny.
EL1VERY wagons Delivery wagons aU styles:
' our own make. Wm. Beckert 340 to 344 Ohio
si., Aiiegncny. 'iciepnone, &3i.
I FAMILY BAROUCHE-35. Inquire at 315 Sec
; ond av.
GELDINGS Team of bright bay geldings 13.2,
weighing 1,000 pounds each; perfect cobs,
aery stviish and good movers: would makeaper
fect team for park driving or coupe. Address 817
Lewis block, Pittsburg, Pa.
HORSES 2 ver) fine horses, one can pace very
fast tlie oth r is a perfect family horse for
buggy or saddle; either can be driven by lady: will
scare at nothing. Address II. 11., Dispatch office.
nORSES Business and driving horses; have a
carloadjustarrlved; can be seen at P. Mur
ray's sales stables. Duquesne way, below Sixth st.
bridge, cit). II. II. Cunningham, Marlon, O.
HORSE A bay driving and riding marc: hand
some, fast and perfectly gentle; will be sold
cheap for want of use. Address Horse, P. O. Box
No. 1000.
Afacnlnery and Metals.
AUTOMATIC hoisting engines Work perfecm;
right and left, with singlo or double dru
second-hand boilers and engines also on hand;
general machine work promptly executed: corre
spondence solicited. Combination Engine Co.,
Llm.,3140 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Tel LBS.
BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes,
from 4 to 100 li. p : cheapest In the market; 4b
boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta
ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.
ste;am pumps, governor, pulleys and shaft
mg. Telephone, .HOI. 23-3 Park way. J. b.
Young, Allegheny, Pa.
SECOND-HAND ingines and boilers-Two 35
horse-powei ind two ten horse-power stitlon
arv engines and boilers. One ten horse-power
portable on wheel. Thlrtv-llve, 15. 12. ten and
eight horse-power engines, vertical ana horizontal,
nil good and will be sold cheap. Harmcs' Machine
Depot 99 First av.
Fl'IIE celebrated acme automatic safety engines
X and non-explosive hollers, lor gas or oil fuel,
rrom one to five -horse power; also the latest im
proved ventilating tans; perrect satisfaction
UHramee-u; ui u. i rager, ucavnu ilgeni, no. -1
11th av , Pittsburg, Pa.
riiYPEWRITERS-lieadquarters for the world;
X all makes; great reduction; don't pay man
ufacturers' exorbitant pnees; vveshlp to any part
of the United States for thorough examination
b fore accepting; absolutely first-class condition
guaranteed; Instruction book Irce; Smiths,
t'allgraplis, Hammonds. Crandalls, Yosts, Nation
als. Internationals and all smaller machines at
about or less than half price: Remingtons rei ted to
anv section :iargithou-o In the world, two urge
floors dv oted exclu-lv ely to t) pewrlters; see com
mercial rating for our responsibility; illustrated
catalogues and specimens or work free on applica
tion. Tvpowrller Headquarters, 31 Broadway,
jxvn iui,-w h uuumi ur., unicago.
UPRIGHT ENGINES 5 to 10 horse power, with
or without boilers. Henry Faruan, 98 Lacock
St., Allegheny.
APPLE ORCHARD: choice fruit; terms reason
able. D. L. Lrliman, Baden, Pa.
BUILDING and Loan Association charter and
complete new set of books; will sell cheap.
Address II. aud L Dispatch office.
AS FIXTURES Xi to M noAnl F. .Wlnff
X out. Rcinecke & Co., 309 wood st. '
MAPS of MoCurdy. McDonald and Southwest
ern oil fields. U. P. McFarland. 93 Fourth
avenue. I
.1 i
SECOND-IIAND windows, frames and sash and
doors. In excellent condition, attlie new Cath
olic school building at Sharpsburg. Apply to the
foreman on the premises.
TOOLS One set tinners' tool?, nearlv new: latest
pattern; will be sold cheap. Address ilcnnl
ken A I.Tiiii. Uniontowu. Pa. "
Citv Residences.
TO LET Fine new house. Just finished. East
End. eight rooms, all modern llxtnr" (Includ
ing heater of improved stvle), large - corner
Sheridan and Rodman it., $.10 per month. , . A.
Herron A Sons, 80 Fourth av. t
rpO LET $14 per month: neat brick honse; six
X rooms: In good order: hot and cold water,
bath, range alio hall vestibule: location good: 167
PI) mouth st. W. A. Herron S. Sons, 80 1 ourth
avenue. t
East End Residences.
"VTEAR ELLSWORTH AV. Shadyslde. two-story
Xa and attic brlck.10 rooms aud reception hall: all
conveniences: moderate rent. Baxter, Thompson
& Co., 162 Fourth av. t
T) FSIDFNCE Furnished 8 rooms and laundry:
b modern improvements; on South Negle) av.,
iiearHfthav., East Lnd, for rent from Novem
ber 1 to April 1 to small rainlly. Apply to Van
Gonler &. Lloyd, 6218 Penn av. t
TO LET On paved St. Eist Fnd (near South
Ntgly and rifthav s.) new nonse just finished 9
rooms, modern bxturcs. W. A. Herron Sons, 80
1 ourth av. t
TO LET $15. neat new house, five rooms, on
Wilkin", not far from Flftn av. cable line.
W. A. Hcrron A Sons. 63 Fourth ay t
&1 r per mo.. Carbon st. near Ledlle st. and
(pXO not far from Wylle av , two new brick
houses, 6 looms each, both gases, w. c. and water
In houe. Black S. Balrd, to i ourth av. t
Allegheny Residences.
L Of GST ST. Near Manhattan st . elegant
pressed brick dwelling 8 rooms, bathroom,
range, front norch and verv large hall; location is
good: JW. Black & Balrd. M t ourth av. t
TICE five-room dwelling Federal st. extension.
XN Inquire Of J. R. McKee, 703 Penn av.. Room
611. t
TO LET Small houses in Allegheny: Park st.
near Alleghen v av . : rooms $18; also 3 rooms.
No. no Taggart st. Send for list. W. A. Herron i
Sons, 80 i ourth av. t
I7TVE rooms at corner Forbes av. and Boyd St.,
. cit). Inquire at No 315 Second av. t
I BURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; both gases:
' useofbath. 238 Dinwiddle st. t
ROOM -Finely tumished room on Fremontst.,
Allegheny: best location and handy to street
cars. Address N. 31., Dispatch office. t
OOMS RENTED-Furnlshed or imrurnlshed.
Agency. 130 Robinsons:., Allegheny. f
rpWO R003IS Hear 176 River ave., Allegheny.
Business Stands.
BRICK plant, consisting of grlndlngpan. engine,
boiler, etc.: engines. Dollers. clav and ore pans,
and brick ) ard supplies. Thomas (Jarlln's sons,
Lacock aud Sandusky st&,, Alleghen.
"T7"ARFIIOUSE Three-story warehouse, with
T f good cellar and elevator; rent low. Charles
Somert & Co., 129 Fourth av. t
PIANOS New upright pianos to rent. H. P
Ecker Co.. 75 Ffffh av. t
PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silver;
jewelry repaired: new work made to order.
Chris. Hauch. 541 Smithfleld.
PERSONAL Art Goods! Art Goodsl Archi
tects' and engineers' materials at less than
half price; also special bargains in old and new
books. Frank Bacon & Co., 301 Smithfleld st.
Open ev erv evening.
PERSONAL-J. C. Schaefer. the Jeweler, 150
Fifth av., has secured the services or Mr. W.
L. Treiber, the well-known optician, who will
examine your eyes free of charge: a full line of
lewelry; our$l spectacles are the best in the city.
PERSONAL When 1 was a small boy my mother
alw ays repaired lny breeches and jacket but
since I got to be a great blgman, Dickson, tlie well
known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood at., 6Ccond
fioor, has been snbstltutcd, who now does all my
cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape.
Tel. l.3.
POUND You can buy Flobert rifles at $2. K.
Smlt 932 and 934 Liberty st. and 703, 705. 707
FOUND A place, at J. Dwyer's. to buy line
iliess goods and Jackets on easy pavments;
ves; cash or credit Room 4, McCance Block, cor.
Seventh av. and Smithfleld. Open also evenings.
PERSONAL Go to J. Dwyer's Credit Parlors for
line dress goods and Jackets on easy pav ments;
yes, cash or credit. Room 4, McCance Block, cor.
Seventh ay. and Smithfleld. Open also evenings.
LOST Money, between Pennsylvania National
hank and the office of Carnegie, Phlpns Co ,
'Ihlrtv-third st, a roll or money containing $85.
Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning
same to C. T. Arter, cor. Thirty-third and Mnl
berry alle) .
STRAYED or stolen, September 30, young bay
mare, without shoes when lost; white hind
feet and star on forehead. Address John Welsh,
Box 333. Mansfield Valley. Pa.
Cnestei, Pa., 30th vear, cpe" Sept. 16.
Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Architect
Tire, Arts. A preparatory course of one year.
Circulars of Mr. i G. Paulson, 41 Wood St.,
city. COL. CIIAS. E. HYATT, President.
Ji elocution and dramatic culturo removed to
University Building, Diamond st. opposite Conrt
House. Byron AV. King, manager; James 31.
Wisman. associate manager. Class and private
lessons, literature, French and German, Delsarte,
old school and modern systems. Send for pros
pectus. aull-59-Mwr
A new management. Increased attend
ance. The best discipline. The best In
struction. English Training School for boys
and gills. Ten higher courses of study.
Thirty experienced teacheis. Students ad
mitted daily. Tuitions reasonable. Day
and Evening sessions. Send for catalogue.
II. JL ROWE, Prest. se24-D
Special classes in MECHANICAL, ARCHI
MATHEMATICS; also classes In GKEEK,
ING, SHORTHAND and English branches,
E. 21. WOOD, D. V., LL. D., President
Practically taught at
JI'Evening Sessions.
aul242 w
At the lesidonce: furniture, carpets,
line office dost, etc , WEDNESDAY 3IORN
ING, October 7, at 10 o'clock, it tho resi
dence, 4401 Butler street, Pittsbmg. Cham
ber suite, w.inlrobes, bureaus, wash
stands, bcilsteads,book.cises, nne office desk,
hnir cloth parlor furniture, M. T. tables,
pictures, clocks, curtains, brussols and
ingrain cvrpets ou rooms, hall and stairs,
Bidebond extension tabic, chairs and
lockers, fenders and coil vases, cur
tain stretchers, dishes, stoves, kitchen
and laundry furniture, sale positive;
goods on exhibition alter 8 o'clock morn
ing of sale.
oci 151 Auctioneers.
Sclicnley View Place lots are undoubtedly the best and cheapest in the mar
ket. "Wide streets, convenient to cable cars, centrally located, all city advan
tages. Prices range from 5325 to 5450; payable S10 cash at time of sale, balance
monthly in payments of 57 to 59, with no interest on deferred" payments, or 10 per
cent off for all cash at any time. These lots lay nicely; several houses are al
ready built and more in course of erection.
Call at office for plans and all particulars, and buy early before it is too late.
0cr two hundred of these lots sold in one month.
78 Diamond Street, First
It is quite easy to prove to you, if you
will give us an opportunity, that the best
and cheapest property now in the market
Having within its limits the plant of tho
most successful manufacturing enterprise in
BRAKE WORKS with its army of trained
mechanics, and a half mile distant
With the great iron furnaces and steel
works of CARNEGIE BROS. & CO.,
together with the advantage of direct con
nection with every railroad entering Pltts
bttrjr, should make investment in lots for
businesi, residence or speculation at thesa
points good as gold and sure to increase in
value. Our property i3 fully developed
and prices exceedingly reasonable.
417 WOOD ST., Plttsbursr, Pa
402 BURTON ST., Braddock, Pa.,
BRADDOCK AVE., Brinton, Pa., '
BANK BUILDING, Wilmerding, Pa.
Is what you will receive by buy
ing one of those
AU modern Improvements, asphaltumed
streets and pavements, frbrrt and rear yard3
and porches, commandinga fine view of
And within easy walking distance of CAR
NEGIE LIBRARY. No more delightful lo
cation in the city, and bound to
Piice 5,750 on Easy Terms.
oc3-40-TUWThrsu 99 Fourth ave.
Come antl see us. We are offer
ing aplan of East End Lots which
present nnusnal advantages. Lots
$250 to 91,600, according to size
and location. Terms to suit pur-
34 Fidelity Building.
On thetgrnunds. Laurel station,
P4 F. W. & C R. R.
Five and one-half mile3 and 20 minutes' ride
from thecity:26 train3 daily each way. These
lots are 40x120 etich, and are of very easy ac
cess from Laurol station,and command a fine
vie w of river and valley. Monthly tickets.
$3 SO. An electric line will pass this proper
ty within a vear. Terms, one-fourth cash,
balance to suit. Each purchaser will be pre
sented with a M-trip commutation ticket,
good for one year.
Trains leave thelFt. VT. depot. Federal st,
Allegheny, at 2.15J -and 3 30 r.H., city time.
For plans see
No. 90 Fourtli ave.
P. S. Should raird interfere, the salo will
be held tho following day at the same hour.
ng Irwin Avenue, Allegheny,
On THURSDAY, October 8, at 3 o'clock;
At the Real Estate Auction Board. 99 Fourth
av., will be sold the property, 119 Irwin av.,
near Jackson St., Alleghtoiy;lot 20x138; brick
house, five rooms, attic, bath, porch, vesti
bule, slate roof, pleasant neighborhood, con
venient situation: a snug" little home. Im
mediate possession. Key ot our office. In
spect the property before the sale.
Terms Half cash.
A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers,
08 Fourth av.
Every Ache and Paai
Manufactured hy
Nos. 46 and 48 Seventh Avenu
- - I
Contractors for
Paving Sidewalks With Cement, Brick (and
Fire Brick, Concreting Cellars- N
Cntbs'tonelurnishedandset. aull-74-D
Floor, Dispatch. Building.
.. ,g-'